ABOUT THE NFuelN Local CARD The NFuelNLocal.com/Fleet One


ABOUT THE NFuelN Local CARD The NFuelNLocal.com/Fleet One
The NFuelNLocal.com/Fleet One card can be used at most fuel location with the Fleet One logo on the pump. Fleet One
has two cards, a “Local” card and an “Over The Road OTR”. This card is the “Local” card which has nationwide
acceptability. A list of locations are available on our website, or using the NRHA website and clicking on
NFuelNLocal.com icon. These locations are for the best “repricing” which represents the wholesale cost of fuel, plus $.11
cents or retail less $.02 whichever is greater at the “cash” price. All other “Fleet One Local Card” locations where you see
the Fleet One logo you can use the card at the “cash price” only (most truckstops add $.04-.06 a gallon using a credit card
so with NFuelNLocal.com you already save versus a credit card ). A “Local Card” list is available on Fleet One’s website
(Do not review the OTR locations, there is some overlap, but there are some which will not accept the “Local” card).
Currently there is no set up fee through September 2014. After that time, there is a $40 fee assessed by Fleet One on the
first invoice.
Is the card a credit card issued by NFuelNLocal.com?
The card is qualified, issued, maintained, and managed daily directly by Fleet One. NFuelNLocal.com is the managed
buying group which, once approved, you now become part of that large bulk buying group. It is a fuel charge card with a
credit limit.
Who is Fleet One?
Fleet One is one of the largest fuel card providers in the US, serving a multitude of major companies with large fleets,
primarily related to trucking.
So why do I need NFuelNLocal.com versus just applying directly to Fleet One?
When you click on “Apply Now” you’re automatically routed to Fleet One’s application process. We don’t see any
proprietary information, ever. Their internal IT process then indentifies the application as part of the NFuelNLocal.com
buying group, which collectively manages over 50,000,000 gallons of fuel for companies nationwide. Once approved, you
get the discounts based on the historical aggregate volume of fuel NFuelN represents.
What is the difference between NFuelN and NFuelNLocal.com?
NFuelN is designed for use primarily in the trucking industry and is diesel only. NFuelNLocal.com is a subsidiary of
NFuelN and is designed for small business, both gas and diesel, in the horse industry.
I own a business, or manage a business, where I could use this card. How can I get them enrolled?
That’s easy! The process is the same. We are happy to help you set it up click on “Email Us” on the home page!
How do a use the card?
Most truckstop locations, the card can be used directly at the pump either in the Truck Lane or the Auto Lane without
going to the fuel desk. Remember once you swipe your card you will need your driver number (PIN#) associated to the
card and your odometer mileage. The pump will take you through a series of questions which you will either answer yes,
no or skip. Then it will electronically link to Fleet One for authorization. As long as your account is current and not
delinquent or over the card credit limit, it will approve and begin fueling.
What if my card is declined?
If your transaction is declined you will need to call Fleet One Customer Service at 800-359-7587 to resolve any card
I have had my card declined, and I’m using the correct Driver ID (PIN#)?
Using the Fleet One website, go to update menu, click on “card maintenance”. Make sure that your card is “activated”
(check marked upper right corner), check that the appropriate fuel usage for the vehicle that the card belongs to is proper.
Example; card was activated for DIESEL ONLY, and your attempting to fill a GASOLENE vehicle. If problems persist
contact Fleet One Customer Support.
Why do I need a Driver ID (PIN#)
The fuel card is highly secure. No person can use the card unless they knowingly have the driver ID(PIN#). For this
reason, you can leave the card in each vehicle in a convenient place when you need to fuel.
Will I get my discounts at the pump?
The discounts are “repriced” through Fleet One. The repricing department associates the card and your account number as
part of the NFuelNLocal.com buying group. Your discounts will be on your weekly or monthly invoice, by date of
transaction. If you see no discounts contact NFuelNLocal.com under the email us tab.
Can I purchase DEF?
Yes, for convenience most large truckstops have DEF available at the pump in the “truck lanes”.
Do I need to keep my receipts?
At most locations you can “Fuel and Go”. We strongly advise keeping your receipts and comparing to the invoice which
Fleet One will email depending on which billing cycle you designated. Note, at most truckstops fueling from the “truck
lanes” you will need to go to the fuel desk to get your receipt. If fueling from the “auto lanes” some will print at the pump.
When will I receive an invoice?
If you are on a “Monthly” billing cycle, your monthly invoice will come on generally the day of the month your account
was created and ACH debited from your checking account. You can review, and pay your invoices weekly by using the
Fleet One online payment system as Fleet One already has your debit information.
I received my monthly invoice and I don’t see any discounts or pricing?
Go to the NFuelNLocal.com website, click on “email us”
I have more questions.
You can field the questions to us (as answered above) or go to Fleet One’s website at www.fleetone.com, click “About
Us”, and then click “Frequently Asked”.
It’s easy! Click the “Apply Now” on the home page of our website (www.nfuelnlocal.com). You will need a couple items
before you apply;
• Your social security number or Fed ID#. If your small business has limited credit or signing up as an individual,
use your social security number and under Type of Business click on proprietorship.
• Bank account information – routing and account# (All accounts are ACH Debit)
• Bank branch address info
The cards are issued as small business. When applying, the fields marked in red are required. One of the fields required is
business name. If your applying individually, (example: John Doe) you would place in the company name field John Doe
Performance Horses or whatever dba and click on “Proprietorship” under “Type of Business”
When applying a couple tips when you get to the Vehicle and Driver ID section.
• Remember your security ID# - this will be needed activate the card, access on line your transactions, make
payments or change any profiles on the card(s).
• Remember your driver ID (PIN#) for each vehicle.
• If applying for multiple vehicles, remember which vehicle is number 1, 2, 3 etc
• Keep these in a secure location and easily accessed.
• Indentify fuel type used for vehicles Diesel, Gas or Gas/Diesel.
Applications are generally approved within 48 hours, your cards will be sent out. If your application is denied (examplecredit score), contact customer service and asked if a deposit can be set up for approval.
When you receive your card(s), you will also receive a packet of valued information to review. Please review all
information and determine if any changes need to be made to cards. You will then contact customer service at the number
provided on the envelope. At this time you’ll need your “Account#” listed in the information packet and the “Security#”
you designated when applying to activate the card(s).
Once your activated it’s time to $tart $aving!