Altec Lg-Format Driver Diaphragm Replacement Instructions
Altec Lg-Format Driver Diaphragm Replacement Instructions
7127 N. W. Third Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127 (405) 789-0221 ALTEC® 288A through E, & 291A Series H.F. Drivers TM D IA P H R A G M /V O IC E C O IL AS SE M B L Y R E P LA C E M E N T F O R A LT EC L AN S IN G ® 2 88 , 2 9 0 , 2 9 1, & 2 9 9 S E R IE S H . F . C O M P R E SS IO N D R IV E R S ALTEC® 288K-L, 291K, & 299A Series H.F. Drivers ALTEC® 288G-H, & 291B Series H.F. Drivers ALTEC® 290A-E Series H.F. Drivers D IA P H R A G M /V O IC E C O IL A S SE M B L Y R E PL AC E M E N T F O R A LT EC L AN S IN G ® 2 88 , 2 9 0 , 2 9 1, & 2 9 9 S E R IE S H . F . C O M P R E SS IO N D R IV E R S 2. As appropriate to the installation, remove driver loudspeaker and/or horn from enclosure or mounting, and take removed H.F. compression driver assembly to the prepared work area. The diaphragm and voice coil assembly in H.F. compression drivers is extremely delicate and must be handled with care. Prior to starting the replacement procedure, select a work area that is clean and free from iron dust or chips. Cover the surface with a few layers of clean paper. The area must be free from drafts to prevent iron dust particles in the air from being magnetically attracted to and lodged in the voice coil gap of the H.F. compression driver. Replace the diaphragm and voice coil assembly in accordance with the following procedures. 3. Remove screws securing driver cover (see Figure 1). 4. Carefully lift the cover from the driver and access the interior, as shown in Figure 1. For the Altec Model 290-series drivers, note that there is a transformer mounting plate which covers the diaphragm/voice coil assembly. 5. For Models 288, 291, and 299, disconnect the two leads from their internal binding posts; set cover aside (see Figure 1). For the Model 290, disconnect the leads that are attached to the two large internal binding posts, remove the four screws that secure the transformer mounting plate to the body of the driver, then lift off the transformer cover plate. Set aside. 1. For Models 288, 291, and 299, remove leads from the external binding posts. Note electrical phasing (polarity) as leads are removed. For the Model 290 driver, disconnect cable. COVER CA UT IO N! The diaph ragm is extre me ly delica te. U se ca re to pre ven t dam age. A void physical contact with diaphragm. Keep screwdriver away, as strong magnetic field may a ttr ac t s cr ew d riv er in to dia ph ra gm . INTERNAL BINDING POST ALTEC® 290K-L Series H.F. Drivers CAUTION! The diaphragm is extremely delicate. Use care to prevent damage. Avoid physical contact with diaphragm. Keep screwdriver away, as strong magnetic field may attract screwdriver into diaphragm. 6. Remove the six mounting screws that secure the diaphragm/voice coil assembly to the body of the driver. Carefully work diaphragm and voice coil assembly free. Remove assembly (see Figure 2). 7. Clean foreign material from voice coil gap with a short strip of one-inch wide masking tape. Fold tape back to form a strip with adhesive exposed on both sides. Insert edges of the folded tape into voice coil gap to full depth, and wipe clean completely around circular perimeter of phasing plug and top plate (see Figure 3). Repeat cleaning procedure several times with fresh tape until tape is clean when withdrawn. Visually inspect magnetic gap to make sure that it is free from all foreign matter; repeat cleaning procedure, as required. MOUNTING SCREW (Typical of 6) CLAMP RING GASKET Figure 1. Typical Altec® 288/291/299 Driver with Cover Open P L E A S E N O TE : Where eas y access to th e driver is available, the replacement procedure may be completed without removing the H.F. compression driver loudspeaker and/or horn. DIAPHRAGM/VOICE COIL ASSEMBLY Figure 2. Typical Altec® 288/291/299 Driver with Diaphragm/Voice Coil Assembly Installed Figure 3. Cleaning The Voice Coil Gap 8. LOOSEN the securing screw of each of the two adjustable dowel locating pins until the pins move freely (see Figure 4). vertical side of the top plate. 11. With the new diaphragm/voice coil assembly fully inserted into position, tighten the securing screws on the two dowel locating pins. This correctly centers the entire assembly. PHASING PLUG 12. Carefully remove the diaphragm/voice coil assembly. 13. Remove the spider shim from the voice coil gap. SECURING SCREW 14. Carefully reinstall the diaphragm/voice coil assembly; and, using an aluminum or DOWEL LOCATING stainless steel screwdriver, install the six PIN mounting screws removed in Step 6. NOTE: If you are installing a new-style diaphragm/voice coil assembly in your older 288 or 291 Altec® driver, proceed to Step 15 before you install any mounting screws. Exercise caution when accomplishing this procedure in order to prevent damage to the diaphragm/voice coil assembly. To make certain that the voice coil does not bind in the gap, apply uniform pressure to each screw, tightening them in a diagonal pattern until the mounting clamp is secure. Figure 4. Adjustable Dowel Locating Pin 9. Insert the spider shim that was shipped with the new diaphragm/voice coil into the voice coil gap, as shown in Figure 5. SPIDER SHIM 15. If the old diaphragm you replaced on your Altec® 288 or 291 series driver utilized screw terminals to attach the leads, you will need a 288-291 Series Leadwire Kit to convert your H.F. compression driver to the new-style push-on terminals used on all diaphragms manufactured since 1983. To replace the old spade-lug type leads with the new, push-on leads provided in the kit, follow these steps: VOICE COIL GAP PHASING PLUG Figure 5. Spider Shim Installed Into Voice Coil Gap 10. Carefully place the new diaphragm/voice coil assembly onto the dowel locating pins. DO NOT install the diaphragm holddown screws at this time. The shim sets the voice coil into the precise position necessary for proper sound reproduction, while the free locating pins move to accommodate the slight adjustment needed to properly align the entire assembly. Use care to avoid damaging the edge and sides of the voice coil while inserting it into the voice coil gap - it can get caught between the shim and the A. For the old-style nickel plated screwdown terminals (used on all Altec® Models 288A-E, and 291A series drivers), open the binding post by unscrewing its top, then insert a small screwdriver into the opening where the speaker wire usually goes. Using a pair of small needlenose pliers, turn the nut inside that secures the binding post to the rear cover while applying pressure with the screwdriver in the opposite direction. Take care not to damage the small fibre washers that insulate the binding post from the rear cover. Repeat this process for the second binding post. B. Install the new lead wires on your Altec® driver by connecting the red wire to the L2 external binding post, and the black wire to the L1 external binding post. Tighten the nuts securely by using the method given above in Section A. PLEASE NOTE: Be sure to align the eyelets of the lead wires onto the binding posts so that they will be parallel to the top plate of driver when the cover is fastened down to it. If this is not done, they might come in contact with the metal surface of the driver and short out when the cover is reinstalled. C. Take the six mounting screws that come with the 288-291 Series Leadwire Kit and, using an aluminum or stainless steel screwdriver, secure the diaphragm/voice coil assembly to the top plate of the H.F. driver. Exercise caution when accomplishing this procedure in order to prevent damage to the diaphragm/voice coil assembly. To make certain that the voice coil does not bind in the gap, apply uniform pressure to each screw, tightening them in a diagonal pattern until the mounting clamp is secure D. Connect the push-on connector of the red lead to the terminal marked “+” on the diaphragm mounting ring, then connect the push-on connector of the black lead to the terminal marked “-” on the diaphragm mounting ring. You may now proceed to Step 17. 16. For Models 288, 292, and 299, connect the push-on connector of the red lead to the terminal marked “+” on the diaphragm mounting ring, then connect the push-on connector of the black lead to the terminal marked “-” on the diaphragm mounting ring. 17. Install cover of H.F. driver, securing it with the screws removed in Step 3. For the Model 290 drivers, position the transformer/cover plate assembly onto the driver with the four screws removed in Step 5; then connect the cable wire leads to the internal binding posts, with the black wire to terminal L1, and the white wire to terminal L2. 18. Return driver to service; connect external leads to binding posts. Take care to maintain electrical phasing (polarity) as originally wired. M A D E A N D P R I N T E D IN T H E U N I T E D ST A T E S O F A M E R I C A B Y - 712 7 N . W . Th ird S treet Oklahoma C ity, Okla. 73127 Telephone: (405) 789-0221 www Great Plains Audio is a trademark of Great Plains Audio, Inc. Altec and Altec Lansing are registered trademarks of Altec Lansing Technologies, Inc. TM 42-02-035036 10/06/03