Recovering from Summer Storms Fall Is Fantastic For
Recovering from Summer Storms Fall Is Fantastic For
PO Box 20011-Pioneer Park, Kitchener ON N2P 2B4 Fall Is Fantastic For Deep-Root Fertilization In their natural woodland habitat, trees and shrubs are free to absorb all the nutrients they need from the rich, organic forest soil. In your landscape, however, it’s a different story entirely. The roots of your trees and shrubs are forced to compete with grass roots for valuable nutrients. Plus, we regularly remove fallen leaves and other organic matter from our yards, taking away our plants’ natural nutrient supply. Dear Friends, Welcome to the Fall 2013 issue of Growing Together! Recovering from Summer Storms Summer storms can do serious damage to your valuable landscape trees. Broken limbs, shredded foliage and stripped bark are all common storm injuries that can leave your trees looking like there’s no hope. But in many cases, trees can be saved with a little help from Davey. Let Us Evaluate the Damage If your trees are showing signs of storm damage, we recommend that you allow us to come out and perform an inspection this fall. We’ll check for the following: Is the tree healthy and vigorous (other than storm damage)? Have major limbs been lost or broken? Is the leader (the main upward-trending branch) badly damaged or destroyed? Are at least 50% of the branches and leaves still intact? Where branches have been broken or bark has been damaged, how big are the wounds? Of the remaining branches, how many are capable of forming a new branch structure? Depending on the information we gather, we can help you make an informed decision on the next steps to take. In cases where damage is relatively light, pruning and repair of torn bark or rough edges are often all that’s needed. In borderline cases, we may recommend the same VWHSV ZLWK D IROORZXS LQVSHFWLRQ $ ÀQDO decision can then be made based on how well the tree has recovered. Keep in mind that pruning now can lessen the chances of winter storm damage. Don’t Forget the Arbor Green®! 3URSHUIHUWLOL]DWLRQJRHVDORQJZD\WRZDUGVSUHYHQWLQJVWRUPGDPDJHLQWKHÀUVWSODFH and fall is a great time to have it done. A deep-root injection of Davey’s patented, slowrelease Arbor Green fertilizer will strengthen your trees and help them resist the effects of severe weather. This will also help improve color, growth, vigor and overall health. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQVWRUPGDPDJHUHFRYHU\DQGWKHEHQHÀWVRI$UERU*UHHQJLYHXV a call today. Your trees are a valuable investment that’s worth protecting! To Davey Tree Expert Co. of Canada, Limited Name: Without obligation, please arrange for an inspection and analysis of my property. I am particularly interested in: Address: Making Up the Difference With the arrival of fall, top growth slows down, and plants shift their energy from foliage production to root expansion. The more nutrients your trees and shrubs can absorb, the more extensive their root systems will be, making them much better prepared for cold winter weather and new growth next spring. A deep-root application of Davey’s Arbor Green PRO® slow-release fertilizer will provide your trees and shrubs with the nutrients they need. Simply spreading fertilizer on the ground won’t really do your trees and shrubs any good, since your grass will end up receiving most of the benHÀWV DV SURYHQ LQ D UHFHQW Davey study). Deep-root fertilization, on the other hand, is DQH[WUHPHO\HIÀFLHQWPHWKRG of delivering nutrients to your landscape plants. Injecting Arbor Green PRO® below the soil surface under high pressure places nutrients right where they need to be - in the feeder root zone of your trees and shrubs. The synthesized organic nitrogen, food-grade phosphorus DQG SRWDVVLXP LQ $UERU *UHHQ 352 DUH IRUWLÀHG ZLWK a polyamino acid for improved nutrient availability and microbial activity in the soil. This promotes an increase in root mass and root branching. With a deep-root application of Arbor Green PRO® this fall, your trees and shrubs will be stronger going into the cold months ahead. Their ability to store water will be improved. They will be less susceptible to damage from diseases, insects and stressful weather. Plus, you’ll be treated to better blooming and enhanced vitality next spring! Tree and Shrub Fertilization Pruning Pest Management Tree and Shrub Removal Cabling of heavy or weak branches Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) 6SHFLÀc Concerns: City : Province: Postal Code: Home Phone: Work Phone: E-mail: Pre-paid postage. Simply detach the completed form and mail! 3351 Why Care For Your Trees? YOUR TREES AND SHRUBS ARE VALUABLE, ADDING BOTH TO THE VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY AND THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. TO LIVE LONG AND HEALTHY LIVES, THEY NEED PROPER CARE. Davey Tree offers a variety of plant health care services to maximize the vitality and beauty of your trees and shrubs. They include: TrHH6KUXE3UXQLQJ Insect and Disease Management )HUWLOL]DWLRQDQG1XWULHQW0DQDJHPHQW3URJUDPV &DEOLQJDQG%UDFLQJ 3ODQWLQJDQG7UHH5HSODFHPHQW /LJKWQLQJ3URWHFWLRQ 7UHH3UHVHUYDWLRQ/DQG5HVWRUDWLRQ 7UHHDQG6WXPS5HPRYDO 7UHH5LVN$VVHVVPHQW 7UHH3URWHFWLRQGXULQJ&RQVWUXFWLRQ Mulching 6SHDNHUVIRU*DUGHQ&OXEVRU*URXS0HHWLQJV +RXU(PHUJHQF\6HUYLFH Did You Know? Trees provide shade, shelter and windbreaks reducing yearly heating & cooling costs. Trees also cut down noise pollution by DFWLQJDVVRXQGEDUULHUV6RXUFH&LW\RI7KXQGHU%D\ Several recent nationwide surveys show that mature trees in a ZHOOODQGVFDSHG \DUG FDQ LQFUHDVH WKH YDOXH RI D KRXVH E\ percent to 19 percent. Source: HGTV /DQGVFDSLQJ FDQ EULQJ D UHFRYHU\ YDOXH RI DW VHOOLQJ WLPH .LWFKHQ UHPRGHOLQJ EULQJV D UHFRYHU\ UDWH EDWKURRP UHPRGHOLQJ D UHFRYHU\ UDWH DQG WKH DGGLWLRQ RI D VZLPPLQJ SRRO D SHUFHQW UHFRYHU\ UDWH Source: Money Magazine. $ VWXG\ IRXQG WKDW WUHHV VDYHG KRPHRZQHUV N:K LQ HQHUJ\RYHUD\HDUSHULRG6RXUFH3URIHVVRU$QGUHZ0LOOZDUG FRDXWKRURI5\HUVRQ8QLYHUVLW\ In one year, a single tree can absorb as much carbon as is produced E\DFDUGULYHQNLORPHWUHV 6RXUFH&LW\RI7KXQGHU%D\ One mature tree produces QHDUO\ SRXQGV RI R[\JHQ HDFK \HDU HQRXJK IRU SHRSOH 6RXUFH&LW\RI7KXQGHU%D\ Why Choose Us To Care For Your Trees? 0DQ\ RI RXU FOLHQWV KDYH EHHQ ZLWK XV IRU GHFDGHV 7KH\ DUH WHVWLPRQ\ WR WKH IDFW WKDW LQ DGGLWLRQ WR SURYLGLQJ WKH EHVW WUHH care, we are committed to providing the best client care, too. From consulting on your trees’ needs, to scheduling the work, to arriving on time and cleaning up when the job is complete, Davey Tree is serious DERXWHQVXULQJ\RXUFRPSOHWHVDWLVIDFWLRQ Davey Tree Expert Co. of Canada, Limited PO Box 20011 RPO Pioneer Park Kitchener, ON N2P 2B4 519-570-9341 Kitchener 519-824-5293 Guelph [email protected] Meet your local Davey team of Experts! Call on us to handle any of your tree care needs. At Davey, not only are we committed to keeping your trees healthy, but we’re also dedicated to protecting and preserving our environment. The materials used to produce this newsletter are FSC®FHUWLÀHG)6&FHUWLÀFDWLRQJXDUDQWHHVWKDWSURGXFWVFRPHIURPZHOOPDQDJHGIRUHVWVDQG other responsible sources. Scan the QR code (above) to request a FREE estimate.