
Cariboo Road Christian Fellowship
7200 Cariboo Road, Burnaby BC
Thursday, May 15, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.”
Psalm 2:8
Table of Contents
List of the Board of Directors and Board of Reference ......................................................3
List of Sponsoring Churches .................................................................................................4
Report of the Executive Director ..........................................................................................6
Report of the Chair of the Board........................................................................................10
Greeting from the Appointed Executive Director .............................................................11
Letter from Fairholm & Co. (Auditor) ..............................................................................12
2014 Statement of Financial Position .................................................................................14
2014 Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances ........................................15
2014 Statement of Cash Flows ............................................................................................16
2014 Statement of Schedules ...............................................................................................17
Auditor’s Comments (Material Weaknesses in Internal Control) ...................................18
2015 Proposed Budget .........................................................................................................19
Report and Motion of the Nominating Committee ...........................................................20
2015 Missions Fest Theme and Speakers ...........................................................................24
Board of Directors (2013/2014)
Board of Reference
Jan Boer
Allen Cazes
Ward Gasque
Ann Green, Vice-Chair
Nelson Huang
Daniel Louie
Bruce Mills, Chair
Joanne Pepper
Al Vetter, Treasurer
Calvin Weber, Secretary
Bryan Born
David Bornman
Bill Chu
Richard Dodding
Dolphe Hoffman
Ed Hird
John Isaac
Jeffrey Lowe
Vern Middleton
Gary Roosma
Ken Shigematsu
Betty Tiede
Bruce Waine
Tom Wright
2014 Sponsoring Churches
19th Ave. Christian Fellowship
Bakerview Church
Basel Hakka Lutheran Church
Bethany Baptist Church
Bethel International Church
Blue Mountain Baptist Church
Bridge Community Fellowship
(North Vancouver)
Brighouse United Church
Broadmoor Baptist Church
Broadway Church
Brookswood Baptist Church
Burnaby Chinese EV Free Church
Burnaby North Baptist Church
Burnaby Pacific Grace Church
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Christian Church
Calvary Worship Centre
(New Westminster)
Canyon Heights Church
(North Vancouver)
Capilano Christian Community
(North Vancouver)
Cariboo Road Christian Fellowship
Cascade Gospel Chapel
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Cedar Valley Mennonite Church
Central Christian Assembly
Central Height MB Church
Central Pentecostal Assembly
Centre Church Metrotown
Christian Life Assembly
Church of the Good Shepherd -ANIC (Vancouver)
Church on the Way
City Life Church / Glad Tidings
Clearbrook MB Church
Cloverdale Baptist Church
Coastal Church
Collingwood Baptist Church
Connaught Heights Pentecostal
Assembly (New Westminster)
Coquitlam Alliance Church
Coquitlam Presbyterian Church
Courtney Fellowship Baptist
Church (Courtney)
Culloden MB Church
Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Emmanuel Christian Community
Eternity Club Fellowship
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church
Faith Fellowship Baptist Church
Fellowship Baptist Church
(White Rock)
Fellowship Deaconry Assoc. /
Canaan Church (Vancouver)
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
First Christian Reformed Church
Franklin Chinese Gospel Chapel
Garden Village Apostolic Church
Glad Tidings Church
God’s Light Christian Fellowship
Gordon Presbyterian Church
Grace Community Church
Grace Evangelical Bible Church
Grace International Baptist Church
Gracepoint Community Church
Grandview Calvary Baptist Church
Granville Chapel
Greendale MB Church
Hillcrest Chapel
(Bellingham, WA)
Hillside Community Church
Hindi Punjabi Gospel Chapel
Hope Reformed Church
Immanuel Baptist Church
Immanuel Fellowship Baptist Church
Johnston Heights Evangelical Free Church
Joy Fellowship
Kelly Creek Community Church
(Powell River)
Killarney Park MB Church
Kingsway Foursquare Church
Ladner Baptist Church
Ladner Christian Fellowship
Living Waters Assembly
Lord's Grace Church
Maple Ridge Community Church
(Maple Ridge)
Maranatha Baptist Church
Marpole Baptist Church
Mountainview Alliance Church
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
Nelson Avenue Community
Church (Burnaby)
New Hope Christian Church
New Life Community Church
New Life Community Fellowship
New West Community Church
(New Westminster)
New Westminster Evangelical
Free Church (Burnaby)
Nordel Fellowship Baptist Church
North Shore Aliance Church
(North Vancouver)
Northside Community Church
Northwest Langley Baptist Church
Oakridge Baptist Church
Olivet Baptist Church
(New Westminster)
Pacific Grace MB Church
Parkland Fellowship Baptist
Church (Surrey)
Peace Portal Alliance Church
Peoples Church
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Pipeline Church / Pacific Rim
Alliance Church (Victoria)
Point Grey Community Church
Port Moody Pacific Grace MB
Church (Port Moody)
Redeemed Christian Church of
God (New Westminster)
Richmond Baptist Church
Richmond Bethel MB Church
Richmond Chinese Alliance
Church (Richmond)
Richmond Chinese Baptist Church
Rose of Sharon Baptist Church
Ross Road Community Church
Salvation Army - Cariboo Hill
Salvation Army - Ocean Crest
(Campbell River)
Sevenoaks Alliance Church
Shalom House
(Maple Ridge)
Sonrise Full Gospel Church
South Delta Baptist Church
South Langley MB Church
South Vancouver Pacific Grace
MB Church (Vancouver)
St. Alban’s Anglican Church
St Andrew’s Anglican Church
St. Andrew’s & St. Stephen’s
Presbyterian Church (N.Van.)
St. David's Anglican Church
St. John's Vancouver Church
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran
Church (Vancouver)
St Simon's Church - ACIC
(North Vancouver)
Sutherland Church
(North Vancouver)
Symphony Church
Tenth Church
The Bridge
Trinity Baptist Church
University Chapel
Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church
Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Free Church
Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church
Vancouver Chinese MB Church
Vancouver Eastside Vineyard
Vancouver Japanese Gospel Chapel
Ward Memorial Baptist Church
West Coast Christian Fellowship
West Point Grey Baptist Church
West Vancouver Baptist Church
(West Vancouver)
Westminster Bible Chapel
Westpointe Christian Church
Westwood Alliance Church
White Rock Baptist Church
Willingdon Church
Zion Messianic Fellowship
Annual Report – Missions Fest 2014
Dwayne Buhler – Executive Director
This is my last opportunity to address the members of Missions Fest at an Annual General Meeting.
After this evening a new chapter will begin, under the leadership of John Hall, the appointed
Executive Director. I welcome John, his wife Wei, and family, as they take part in a ministry which
reflects the heart of God to reach all people of all nations
Reflections on MFV-2014
The theme for Missions Fest 2014 was Hidden in Plain Sight, with a focus on people groups that
need to be reached with the transformative message of the Gospel. Mark Buchanan (Canada)
reminded us of the First Nations as a people that are often neglected by the Church. Beth
Guckenberger (Mexico) spoke on behalf of the 163,000,000 abandoned or forgotten children of the
world. Josh McDowell (USA) shared from his personal testimony as a skeptic, to share about the
need to reach the thousands of international university students that attend North American schools.
And Glenn Smith spoke about Quebec, known as one of the most secular and least churched regions
in the Americas. All of these people groups are part of the unfinished task of “going into all the
world” to fulfill the Great Commission.
Missions Fest 2014 celebrated the 31st anniversary of the
movement, which began in 1984. The aggregate attendance of
38,878 people over the three-day weekend was the third highest
attendance we have on record. The conference had an incredible
slate of speakers, seminars, films, and all of the possible 270 booth
spaces in the exhibition hall were taken. The Convention Centre
staff commented that the move-in and move-out were the best
orchestrated movement of people and exhibitors that they had ever
seen. There was a good sense of God’s presence and many people
commented on how they connected with an agency, heard a
message that impacted them, or were impacted by the weekend.
Once again, Christians from the Lower Mainland united around the
purposes of God and were blessed, just by being together.
The conference opened for exhibitors on Friday with a 6:30 a.m. movein, followed by a special time when Mark Buchanan spoke at the
exhibitor’s meeting. This was followed by our Leadership Luncheon,
with 220 people in attendance to hear Josh McDowell.
The weekend had something for every member of the family. Both the
children’s and pre-school children’s programs had intercultural
presentations and were well attended. Our Friday Field Trip for
Christian schools was well attended, just nearly missing the record, with
1,150 students and teacher in attendance. The 100+ seminars presented
for adults and youth were well-attended. There were 244 mission agency
displays in the main exhibit hall and the 5th annual Film Festival featured
the screenings of Undaunted: The Josh McDowell Story and Return to
the Hiding Place.
Music at Missions Fest 2014 followed the Board’s directive
to have representation from three distinct groups: traditional,
contemporary, and ethnic music. Theo Bessem (Calvary
Worship Centre) led worship on Friday evening. Phil
Spoelstra (Broadway Church) and band led on Saturday
morning and evening. Wes & Kim Janzen, together with
100+ members of TWU choirs, led worship on Sunday. The
special presentations of the Celebration Dancers
(Cambodia), Russ Rosen, and the Trinity Western Choir
were the Prelude of Praise features over the weekend.
The Youth and Young Adult rallies featured the music of Tim Neufeld and band. Club 67 and our
Family Night were led by Capernwray students, who helped with music and all aspects of the Friday
and Saturday gatherings.
The Special Project for 2014 was called “Bundles of Hope,” with Action International Ministries
(AIM) serving as the agency that delivered hundreds of bundles to the Shalom Birthing Center in the
Philippines. Pami Ellis, the founder of the centre, attended Missions Fest and shared with the Friday
morning field trip, a seminar, and at a “Window on the World” on Saturday afternoon.
Once again, we are thankful for our management
team leaders, who coordinated and recruited hundreds
of volunteers that worked together to make this all
happen. I am thankful for each leader and their team
of workers as they displayed what can happen when
we set aside our differences and work with each
other. Groups of students from Capernwray Bible
School, Pacific Life Bible College, and Summit
Pacific College came to help during the weekend.
The “Gideon’s Army” of volunteers once again
served with graciousness and a Christ-like attitude.
All of these groups, from different denominations, cultures, and generations, are an incredible
testimony to the Convention Centre staff and those who come into the facility.
Missions Fest is indebted to the dedication and hard work of the staff, as well as to volunteers that
come in during the year to help out. Sharon, Carol, and Claudia often go beyond the call of duty as
they work with our exhibitors and volunteers throughout the year. Marianne Mendgen joined the staff
for the months of November to April, focusing on our communications via social media and other
outlets. Many others (too many to list here) come in during the year to add their smile, as well as help
out in very practical ways. Thank you to you all!
2014 Finances
The financial reports that are included with this report show a balanced budget, with a very slight,
negative balance of $356. This is a good sign, as the increase in booth costs to exhibitors and a high
attendance mean that our bills were paid, and our expense projections were accurate.
However, the fact that we did not lower the operating deficit is cause for concern. It should be noted
that both our conference and non-conference donations were lower than expected, and key factors in
explaining why we did not have surplus funds. The operating deficit of $38,502 is the reason that the
auditor lists a note of “going concern,” reminding the Board and members of the society that they
need to pay attention to the deficit and turn this around.
Some important financial items to note are:
• Our number of Sponsoring Churches went down slightly, as the
7 new churches did not make up the difference of 11 churches
that were taken off of our list.
• 41 of the 144 sponsoring churches did not contribute towards
the 2014 conference
• Booth sales and agency registrations were up this year, and
continue to show strong signs for the 2015 conference.
Activities during the Year
Missions Fest is more than a once a year event, as there are several
ministry opportunities that we promote or partner with during the year.
Spring is a time that I am involved in teaching, both at the Perspectives course and in local churches.
These classes are an opportunity to serve churches and the Christian community. Similar teaching
opportunities occurred during the fall, including a 3-credit class on the topic of Cultural Anthropology
and Intelligence at Pacific Life Bible College.
In October Missions Fest hosted two days of seminars for pastors and church leaders. Local pastors,
including Ken Shigematsu, David Koop, Sam Owusu, David Carson and Giulio Gabeli, spoke on the
“Disciplines of a Ministry Life.” Over 160 leaders attended. Plans are underway for a similar set of
leadership and pastor’s seminars for September 16th and 17th.
Our Missions Fest seminars for local church missions committees was held on April 26th with a focus
on strategic partnerships that strengthen the local church’s global and local outreach. This was also
followed by a two-day training session of the “I am Filmmaker” seminar, held at the A Rocha campus
in South Surrey / Langley.
2015 Update – Across the Street: Around the World
Plans for the January 30 – February 01, 2015 conference are well under way. Confirmed and invited
speakers are listed on the back of the 2014 AGM Report.
There will be a significant challenge for setting up the 2015 conference, as the Convention Centre
informed us that the conference the precedes Missions Fest will now be ending on Thursday night at
6:00 p.m. This is a full day later than their normal pattern and will result in a late-night move-in and
some adjustments to our available space. John and I have met with the working teams affected by
this change to work on a solution. The office will keep you updated as we have more details.
Beyond Missions Fest: A Personal Note
As I look back over seven years of working with the great people, there are a number of highlights
that come to mind:
Meeting some of my missionary heroes and role models, being able to sit down and talk with
people like Bruce Olson, Josh McDowell, Luis Palau and Viv Grigg.
Full accreditation of Missions Fest with the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.
The Film Festival; offering a voice and a venue to local filmmakers, as well as having an
opportunity for young people to rub shoulders with others who are sharing God’s story
through film.
Working to reach the next generation, including younger men and women on the board, and
having leadership that is representative of the Church and the community that we live in.
As Rhonda and I step into the next chapter of our lives we will cherish the memories and friendships
that we have developed. We have truly experienced the koinonia of God with God’s people. This
word, which is often translated “fellowship,” goes far beyond a pot-luck in a church basement, but
reflects the joy of working at something that builds the Kingdom of God. Thank you to each one who
has invested into our lives through your gifts of friendship as we labored together.
Final words and Challenge
I am grateful for the women and men who have served on the Board over this year (listed on page 3),
and especially would like to thank Al Cazes, Bruce Mills, Joanne Pepper and Al Vetter for their years
of service. I want to thank each board member for their faithful service over the years.
Missions Fest thanks the members of the Board of Reference for their participation. They are also
listed with our Directors on page 3. This non-governing body meets once a year to speak into the
ministry of Missions Fest and is comprised of pastors, mission leaders, and lay leaders with a history
of involvement in the conference.
Thank you for praying for the board as we worked together during a year of transition. Part of the our
task was to prayerfully determine who God would bring as a leader and what He would have
Missions Fest to focus on in the next years. The process was both prayer-filled and purposeful, and I
thank Jamie MacDonald for his leadership as he led us through a benchmarking exercise that helped
clarify the qualities needed, and identified the candidate with the qualifications we were looking for.
I’ve been delighted to work with John Hall over the last six weeks and see how his gifts and
experience compliment the foundation that God has laid through the years. Pray for him, support him,
and give him the tools and cooperation that he needs as he leads Missions Fest over the next chapter
in its history. As you do this I know that God will multiply this work and bless it, working through a
small but powerful “Gideon’s Army” to call the Church in Vancouver to focus on the mission of God
to reach a lost and needy world.
As Missions Fest looks ahead to the challenges of 2015
and beyond, I remind you that it is God who works in you
and through you. I pray that you will sense the wind of
His Spirit as you work together and plan for the 2015
conference. I pray that you find new ways to provide
training for local churches and serve as an inspiration to
the next generation. I ask God for His continued blessing
as you send out people from your midst. One day we will
all be able to celebrate all that the Lord has done.
Respectfully submitted,
Dwayne K. Buhler
Executive Director
(July 1, 2007 – May 15, 2014)
Report of the Board Chair
It’s been a busy year. At this time last year, the board
was still just coming to grips with the fact that
Dwayne would be leaving us some time after the
2014 conference. While that didn’t come as a
complete shock to many of us, the news started a
chain of events that gave us a busy year. We formed a
search committee, updated the old job description,
advertised the position and at the end of the process,
hired John. While paring it down to the essential
elements of the job makes it seem like it wasn’t much
work, the search committee put in many a long
evening getting the job done.
The 2014 conference was a great success. Attendance was at near record levels, the speakers
were great, there was lots of traffic through the exhibit hall and the exhibitors generally felt
that the contacts they made were good. The film festival was well attended and even created
traffic jams in the main hallway. Finally, the seminars were well attended with a wide variety
of topics presented. The only down side was that donations were not sufficient to bring down
the debt.
These next few years will be exciting. Not only do we have a new executive director, but
most of the directors are either new or relatively new. They will have new ideas and vision
which will be required to keep Missions Fest relevant through the rest of this decade and
beyond. Please give them your full support as they work, not only through the many
challenges coming down the pike such as the new Anti Spam legislation, but work to make
the organization relevant to some of the demographics we are missing today.
This is my last year as board chair and I would again like to first of
all say that it has been a pleasure to serve you, both as part of the
board as well as board chair and to take this opportunity to thank
each of you for all the hard work you put in to make Missions Fest
a success. As I have said before and will say again, I am
continuously amazed that a conference this size can be put on by
such a small core group of volunteers and staff. Thanks again and
may the Lord continue to bless you as you labour in His Vineyard.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Mills, Board Chair
Greeting from the New Executive Director
Missions Fest combines two of my favorite topics. The first is mission or
the work of Christ loving the world through the Church. The second is love
manifested as unity in the body, by which Jesus said that the world would
know that we are his disciples. Both mission and unity reflect the heart and
character of God. It will be my joy to continue to facilitate a deep
participation in Christ's mission in the GVRD through the unifying activity
of Missions Fest. The foundation that has been laid by Richard, Dwayne,
the staff, many board members and volunteers is invaluable. Their servant
hearts have opened up the doors for God's rich blessings.
Starting in the next few months practical plans should begin to emerge from seeds planted in the
previous generation of leadership at MFV. It will be our job as new leaders, Executive Director and
Board, to bring to maturity this new growth. We need to continue to explore what it means to do the
mission of Missions Fest three hundred and sixty-five days a year. We need to fan into flame passion
in the people of God for the mission of God. This work needs to be undergirded with a technological
infrastructure that will enable us to foster engagement and relationship. Finally, our roots in the local
church need to be strengthened and broadened.
Transitions are a time where we become more acutely aware of our frailty. When faced with a
transition we can enter into a deeper dependency on God or greater reliance on ourselves. The first
leads to life and joy, the second to weariness and disappointment. It is my priority in this transition
that we press in to hear the heartbeat of Jesus and rest in him.
John Hall
Executive Director (May 15, 2014)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Meet John Hall:
John Hall is a man with a passion for mission; he views mission not just as an activity but as a
primary characteristic of God. John holds a Master’s degree from Regent College (Master of
Theology with a concentration in Spiritual Theology), as well as a BA from the University of
Waterloo, with concentrated studies in business, leadership training, and program planning.
John spent time in Singapore as a manager of a large sports club, responsible for operations and risk
management. Back in Canada he was a founding partner in Eco Outdoor Sports, a chain of three
specialty outdoor stores in the Greater Vancouver area. In 2003 he sold his business and worked as a
private contractor. He served as a volunteer with homeless inner-city youth, led short-term mission
trips to Africa, and was involved in various ministries (Iris Ministries, Impact Nations, Rise Up BC).
In 2010 he returned to Regent to complete his studies. He and his wife planned to return to SE Asia
and were missionary appointees with OMF, but did not leave Canada due to health reasons.
John then took his business and marketing experience in a new direction when he assumed the
position of International Recruitment and Admissions Manager at Regent College. Utilizing his
entrepreneurial experience, social science background, and firsthand experience of international
cultures he created an effective International Recruitment Plan for the college.
We welcome John as he gives leadership to the Board and to Missions Fest Vancouver.
*Information taken from audited statements by Fairholm & Company. Full reports are
available upon request.
*Information taken from audited statements by Fairholm & Company. Full reports are
available upon request.
*Information taken from audited statements by Fairholm & Company. Full reports are
available upon request.
*Information taken from audited statements by Fairholm & Company. Full reports are
available upon request.
2015 Proposed Budget – Approved at May 12, 2014 Board Meeting
(with 4-year Comparison)
Cost of Conference*
Salaries and Benefits
Advertising / Printing
Office Expenses
Office Rent
Communic. & Web Dev. 5,772
Bank Charges
Computer / Off. Equip.
Non-Conf. Sp. Events
Professional Fees
MF International Assoc. 2,100
Total= 385,856
Net =
Conf. Revenue
Conf. Donations
Non-Conf. Donations
Church Sponsorship
Advertising Sales
A/V Sales
Gov’t Student Grant
Special Events
Bank / Interest
Total =
Conference Revenue includes agency booth space & furniture rental, luncheons, youth and
children’s ticketed events, commission on book sales, and school field trip registrations.
Conference Expenses includes audio / lighting rentals, sound & DVD production, décor &
graphics, facilities rental, furnishings (show services), moving expenses, luncheon costs, parking
shuttle costs, film festival costs, speaker travel & food, and speaker honorariums.
Office Expenses includes office operating, insurance, photocopier lease, etc.
Professional Fees includes Audit, Legal, and Fundraiser fees.
Report of the 2014 Nominating Committee
to the Annual General Meeting
of Missions Fest Vancouver
May 15th, 2014
How would you answer this question: “What is Missions Fest? Is it something which is
very small or something that is very large?”
I suppose that your answer would depend upon your personal perspective. But in reality
Missions Fest is both.
From one point of reference, Missions Fest Vancouver is small, very small! After all it has a
staff of only four, and two of these are part-time. And yet, from another angle of reference
Missions Fest Vancouver is extremely large. Our annual three day conference can draw over
35,000 visits in one weekend; MFV has birthed similar daughter conferences in many other
cities on three continents; and has over the years MFV has developed a team of skilled
volunteers whose abilities have been put into play by many other organizations, both Christian
and non-Christian, in our region. Yet even that is not the whole story.
For you see, looking through the magnifying glass of Holy Scripture, Missions Fest
Vancouver is almost like a vibrant illustration of how the Apostle Paul (in 1 Corinthians 12)
describes the church; as a body of many believers each with a variety of gifts, talents, and
skills all in mutual need of each other to undertake the tasks which God has asked us to
accomplish, all under the headship of Our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. Both the greater
church and Missions Fest Vancouver could be pictured, diagrammatically, as a pyramid.
But is it an upright pyramid with Christ at the top, as true Head, with the various other
members being the ever widening structure below? Or an inverted pyramid with Christ, at the
pointed end, being that foundation upon which all others are supported and thus have an ever
widening impact for God's Kingdom upon this sinful world. I favour this second perspective
whenever I consider the work of Missions Fest Vancouver.
But how does that impact this report?
As Paul tells us in Romans, chapter 12, we each have a vital role to participate in God's plan
of salvation for his fallen creation.
[Rom 12:4-8 ESV] 4 For as in one body we have many
members, and the members do not all have the same function,
5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually
members one of another. 6 Having gifts that differ according to
the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in
proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who
teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his
exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one
who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with
Missions Fest Vancouver has many parts, some visible and others invisible, and much like
our human bodies consists of elements (or members to use Paul's description) which work
together to accomplish the whole. With Christ as the foundation on which all else rests, MFV
• The Executive Director;
• Three office staff;
• An Eleven Member Board of Directors;
• Planning groups of varying size, gathered around areas of focus;
• Three Planning Meetings each Fall, which draw about 50 to 60 volunteers; and
• An Annual Conference that is run by over 850 volunteers.
And with these servants, MFV runs not just the annual conference, but organizes a range of
training and support sessions throughout the year to help members of the churches and
Christian community of British Columbia to equip people to better serve in God's plans.
Is it any wonder why so many of our volunteers have stuck to this organized chaos for so
long? I came to my first Planning Meeting in 1990 and some of you here today were already
MFV veterans by then.
And so, now to the work at hand:
One of those parts of the body of Missions Fest Vancouver is the group which I chair, that is,
the Nominating Committee. Consisting of six members (3 from sponsoring churches who are
elected from the membership to a three year term; 2 appointed annually from the Board of
Directors and the Executive Director) our mandate each year is to seek out and interview
candidates from among the sponsoring churches and make recommendations to the
membership as to which of those interviewed are best able to bring their skills, talents,
experience and wisdom to the Missions Fest Board for the coming term.
Board members are asked to commit to a two year term; and can be eligible to be re-elected
for no more than 3 consecutive terms (total 6 years). Our work is also defined by several
other guidelines established by previous Boards and the changing circumstances of the
current boards. One requirement is that, at any time, only one person from a sponsoring
church can sit as a Board member.
Thus it is that each year, the nominating committee tries (not always successfully) to recruit
candidates to stand who will create a board that has:
• A balance of representation from a wide age range;
• A balance of genders; and
• A balance of skills and experience in the areas of ministry, business and missions.
For this Annual Meeting, with God's guidance and discernment as our foundation, I think we
have been successful in bringing to the membership candidates who fulfill all these desires.
A brief biographical profile of each candidate can be found in your meeting handout.
On behalf of the members of the Nominating Committee, I present for election to serve a two
year term on the Board of Missions Fest Vancouver;
Jan Boer,
First Christian Reformed Church,
(to his second 2-year term)
Victor Folorunso Redeemed Christian Church of God,
(to his first 2-year term)
Yvonne Jones, Ward Memorial Baptist Church,
(to her first 2-year term)
Angela Lee,
Cascade Gospel Chapel,
(to her first 2-year term)
West Coast Christian Fellowship
Tony Sanz,
(to his first 2-year term)
Brent White,
Peace Portal Alliance Church
(to his first 2-year term)
Prince George
That this slate of candidates presented be elected to serve
as Directors of Missions Fest Vancouver, for a two year
term, commencing as of this date.
Lord willing, this will be my last year as chair and so I want to thank Dwayne and all those
with whom I have worked on this committee for their diligence, patience and dedication over
the past four years. And to those continuing to serve on the nominations committee; to the
newly elected candidates and all who are active with Missions Fest Vancouver in whatever
volunteer role you sense God have asked you to take I leave with you this encouragement
from the Apostle Paul:
[Rom 12:1-2, 8 ESV] 1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers [and
sisters], by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a
living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your
spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you
may discern what is the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect.
May God continue to bless you as you seek to serve him with your hearts, hands and minds.
Bob Quicke
Chair, MFV Nominating Committee
New Directors (Nominated to serve their first term on the Board of Missions Fest)
Victor Folorunso is the pastor of RCCG, Faith Chapel, in Prince George,
BC. He volunteers as a chaplain of UNBC and New Caledonia College. In
Nigeria he oversaw seventeen churches, served as province administrator
for one hundred and sixty-six churches, established eight churches, and
was involved in establishing over eighty churches. He has post-graduate
diplomas in theology, public relations, mass communications, and
certificates in desktop publishing and discipleship. Victor also served as
zonal pastor in the volatile northern Nigeria for a year before moving to
Canada. He is married to Toyin and they have a son Moses.
Yvonne M. Jones has been a servant in the market place, with intertwining
backgrounds in Food, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Community Education.
Her missionary heart is to see young people mentored and empowered to
be positive change agents, both locally and globally. To this end she has
served in diverse capacities: participating / leading some short-term
mission project teams, and founding / directing after-school tutoring and
summer camp projects in Vancouver’s inner city. She attends Ward
Memorial Baptist Church and has served as a volunteer behind the scenes
with Mission Fest for more than twenty five years.
Angela Lee brings a professional background that spans 14 years in journalism,
public relations, corporate communications and advertising. She capped the last
year-and-a-half of a 7-year sojourn in Japan as an English instructor with a
mission organization. Angela is an experienced Bible study facilitator and is
invited to serve her first term on the Missions Fest Board. She is excited to help
provide access to, and inspiration from, the global community's most respected
and relevant speakers and missions organizations. Angela attends Cascade Gospel
Antonio (Tony) Sanz was born and raised in Switzerland in a Christian
home. He studied electrical engineering and works as a project manager for
an engineering firm in Richmond. Tony made a personal commitment to
follow Christ in 1973, married Verena in 1980, and moved to Vancouver in
1981. They have four adult children and attend West Coast Christian
Fellowship (WCCF). Missions is part of their family life and they are longterm supporters of Missions Fest through prayer and financial support.
Tony serves as an elder at WCCF and looks forward to working together
with such a great team of dedicated believers.
Brent White is a member of Peace Portal Alliance Church and has
been there for 12 years now. He and his wife, Rianne, are actively
involved in local and global missions. Over the last number of years
Brent has served as a youth sponsor at Peace Portal, and has been a
speaker’s personal assistant at Missions Fest. Brent and Rianne’s
desire is to see lives holistically transformed to reflect the character
of our living God.
Missions Fest 2015: Across the Street: Around the World
January 30 – February 1, 2015
Micah Bournes is a poet, musician, poverty advocate and resident of
Long Beach, CA. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and is not
afraid to address the difficult topics of justice and the incongruity of
what Christ-followers believe and how they live. He strives to be a voice
for the voiceless, calling people to be true to their faith, reaching to
widows and orphans – ministering to the people that we meet each day
as we walk the streets of our cities.
Ede Clarke grew up in Buffalo, NY. Ede serves people who are
enslaved, forgotten, and without a voice. In 2003 she answered this call
in China, where she works to help women trapped in slavery in brothels,
and men coming out of prison or off the streets. Ede formed the nonprofit organization Gotta Go to manage, grow and sustain this work.
Four speakers have been invited to participate at Missions Fest, but have yet to confirm their
participation. They are:
Heidi Baker, featured in the film Father of Lights, works in Mozambique with IRIS Global,
a ministry that she founded with her husband Rolland. Their ministry focuses on both social
need and evangelistic ministries, with reports of miracles and the planting of 5,000 churches.
She is a fearless evangelist and proclaims God’s love in both word and deed.
Francis Chan is a well-known author, speaker, and former pastor of Cornerstone
Community Church in Simi Valley, CA. He is the founder of Eternity Bible College and his
books Crazy Love and Forgotten God are best-sellers. Francis’ focus is on discipleship and
the development of a new, mission-minded generation of leaders.
Bruce Olson was born in Minnesota and left for South America in response to God’s call upon his
life. He has invested his life in the Motilone-Bari people of the jungles of Colombia and Venezuela.
He introduced the Gospel through the stories and customs of the people he serves. Bruce is the author
of Bruchko, his autobiography. He is a speaker, professor of anthropology and missionary legend.
Chad Veach is a leading voice to this generation, traveling both nationally and
internationally. He has devoted his life to loving God, loving people, and building the local
church. Chad and his wife Julia currently serve at The City Church in Seattle, WA.