Geological and Exploratory Potencial of the Block 192
Geological and Exploratory Potencial of the Block 192
Licitación Pública Internacional para otorgar Contrato de Licencia para la Explotación de Hidrocarburos en el Lote 192 Potencial Geológico y Exploratorio del Lote 192, Cuenca Marañón, Perú Gerencia de Exploración Mayo, 2015 Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location and Data Base Geological and Structural Setting Petroleum System Production and Reserves Summary Block 192 - Location and Regional Framework The Block 192 is located within of the prolific hydrocarbon trends of the western margin of South America, the called “Sub-Andean Megatrend”, to the East of the Andes, in the Marañón basin foreland. 1. Light oil areas in Western Marañon Basin. 2. Heavy oil areas in Eastern Marañon Basin 3. Hydrocarbons Occurrence in Ucayali Basin. 4. Giant Camisea and adjacent gas and condensate fields. 5. Light oil areas in Tumbes and Talara Basins. 2 5 1 3 4 Block 192 Summary 192 Area: 512,347.241 ha Wells. Total: 245. Active: 116 Production fields: 17 Access way: airway and fluvial Rivers: Pastaza,Corrientes,Tigre BRASIL OLEODUCTO PERUANO Block 192 – Hydrocarbon Occurences A´ Dorado 1X Accum. Prod. 724 MM bls Actually Prod. 18 M bls Buena Vista1X Arabela 1X San Jacinto field Bartra field 192 Situche N 4X Situche C 2X Jibarito field Dorissa field Tambo field Andoas 1X Yañez 1X Huasaga 1X Chapuli 1X Huitoyacu1X Caterpiza 1X Piuntza 1X A Block 64: Light Oil Situche Central 2X well: 2400 bopd, 35 API Block 67, Perenco from 2008. 3 fields under development. Pavayacu 1X Heavy Oil Commercial. Capirona 1X Reserve: 220 MM bls Block 39, Repsol, 2005-2007 3 fields discovered Heavy Oil under evaluation Valencia 1X The Block 192 shows three oil families, from light oil (25°to 35° API), medium oil (18° to 25° API), and heavy oil (10° to 18° API). The traps are anticlines structures of low relief, axes mainly oriented NE-SW and N-S. The structural closures varies from 4 to 20ms. wells pipeline seismic Block under bidding Blocks under contract The two main reservoirs are Vivian Formation and Chonta Basal Sand Member: • Structural traps with lateral stratigraphic variations and early structural evolution • 85% Production & Reserves: Vivian Reservoir. • Vivian: Poros 14-21%; Permeab 20-5000md, Chonta: Poros 12-19%; Permeab 5-1000md. • Vivian: strong water drive • Almost al reservoirs are filled to the spill point. Block 192 – Technical Data and Facilities ECUADOR WELLS 2D SEISMIC 3D SEISMIC BLOCKS IN CONTRACT BLOCK 192 PROPOSED Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location and Data Base Geological Setting Petroleum System Production and Reserves Summary Block 192 – Structural Trends The western zone: more subsidence and thicker sequence for Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic and Paleozoic rocks. A Central zone: The Marañón basin Hinge-Line is oriented NNE-SSW, and many Pre-Cretaceous rock units pinch-out against H-L. The eastern zone: Structural platform with low slope and reduced sedimentary thickness. San Jacinto, Bartra, Forestal, Shiviyacu, Jibaro, and Jibarito oil fields. Regional Cross Section North Marañón Basin Block 192 Santiago Basin Marañon Basin Iquitos Arch Light Oil Ungumayo 1X Medium Oil Tigrillo 1X Guyana Field Heavy Oil Paiche Otorongo 2X 1X W Line E pK-2002 pK2010 gty-73-6 gty-73-34 Ungumayo 1X Tigrillo 1X Capirona 2X Otorongo 1X Line N 3300 3300 Stratigraphic Cross Section Block 192 3000 3400 SW Capahuari Sur 2X 3400 3400 Tambo 1X 0 0 0 0 GR API SP mV CALI IN 200 3500 0ILD 3500 150 0.20 100 0.20 ohmm 0 SN ohmm GR GAPI CALI IN RHOB 2000SP 2 gr/cc mV NPHI San Jacinto 1X Dorissa 1X 200 100 0.20 33500 150 DT 0.20 2000 0.45 %-0.15 140 us/ft 40 RS ohmm 0RD ohmm 0 0 CALI IN 2000 SP mV GR 2000 GAPI 3100 0 100 RHOB 150 2 gr/cc 200 SFLU 0.20 DT ohmm ILD 3 524.80 us/m 131.20 0.20 ohmm 0 2000 0 2000 SPBL mV GR NPHI 0.45GAPI v/v-0.15 CALI RHOB IN 2 gr/cc 3 NE 150 200 0.20 DT 100 140 us/ft 0.20 40 SFLU ohmm ILD ohmm 3200 3600 Vivian Vivian VIVIAN 3598.7 3600 Vivian 3600 Vivian 2400 CHONTA 3665.8 3300 3700 3700 3700 Chonta Chonta Chonta 2500 Chonta 3400 3800 3800 3800 2600 3852.8 CHONTAMKCH LMST 3854.4 3500 CHONTA SD 3899.4 3900 3900 3900 AGUA CALIENTE 3923.9 Agua Caliente Agua Caliente 4000 4000 4000 Raya RAYA 4071.2 Raya 4100 4100 4100 CUSHABATAY 4139.2 Cushabatay Cushabatay 4200 4200 4200 CALI (IN) 0 SN (ohmm) 100 0.2 SP (mV) 0 Sarayaquillo NPHI (v/v) DT (us/ft) 2000 0.45 -0.15 140 40 ILD (ohmm) 150 0.2 RHOB (gr/cc) 2000 2 3 Agua Caliente RHOB gr/cc 3 NPHI DT 2000 0.45 %-0.15 140 us/ft 2000 2 Structural Traps in the Block 192 Huayuri S. Dorissa Shiviyacu Stratigraphic Column & Main Reservoirs Block 192 Stratigraphic Play in Tambo & Ceci Area Stratigraphic Play: Seismic Anomalies Type “Patch Reef” (Modified from Guevara, 2007) Stratigraphic Play in Tambo & Ceci Area Tambo area is located in the SW border of Block 192. Using the 3D seismic data from the Tambo area it was possible to detect seismic amplitude anomalies which could represent a new stratigraphic play concept in the Maranon Basin. Seismic Amplitud Anomalies TWT Chonta Limestone map showing the Pastaza and Tambo structure Pre-Cretaceous Folding in the Pastaza-Tambo Area Pastaza-Tambo 3D seismic Xline 6284 Pastaza-Tambo 3D seismic Inline 2367 DBK DBK Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location and Data Base Geological Setting Petroleum System Production and Reserves Summary Source Rock in the Marañón Basin Petroleum Systems in Maranon Basin, with source rock´s influence, structural trends and location of Block 192. (Talismán, 2011) 192 Summary of Source Rock in the Marañón basin (Talismán, 2011) Petroleum Systems in Block 192 C Petroleum Systems Elements in the Northern Marañón Chont Gravity Oil in the Block 192 Block 192, Vivian Reservoir, Crude Oil API Gravity Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location and Data Base Geological Setting Petroleum System Production and Reserves Summary Cumulative Production Block 1AB, Dec 2014 180.0 168.3 Cumulative Production: 725 MM STB 160.0 138.0 Million barrels 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 74.2 73.1 72.0 61.6 60.0 40.0 35.4 30.7 29.1 21.0 14.1 20.0 3.6 0.0 Oil fields Source: Pluspetrol, Dec. 2014 2.9 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 Reserves and Resources Block 1AB, Dec 2013 99,509 100,000 80,000 74,436 70,881 M STB 64,436 60,000 46,638 40,000 20,000 0 Develp Proven Reserves Non Develp Proven Reserves Source: MINEM-DGH, Reserves Book Dec. 2013 Probb Reserves Possib Reserves Resources Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location and Data Base Geological Setting Petroleum System Resources and Reserves Summary Summary Block 192 1. Area: 512,347 ha; 245 Wells, 116 Active; 17 Oilfields. 2. Two Petroleum Systems: Chonta-Vivian responsible for 85% of oil produced to date; and Chonta-Chonta. 3. There are several Prospects and Leads, structural and stratigraphic, Cretaceous and Pre-Cretaceous in age, for additional exploration. 4. Production and Reserves: Cum. Production: 725 MMSTB (Dec. 2014) Proven Reserves: 139 MMSTB (Dec. 2013) Probb&Poss Reserv: 170 MMSTB (Dec. 2013) Daily Production: 13 MBOPD (Dec. 2014) 5. Accessibility and production facilities in very good condition. Thank you very much for your attention