gbt tztr` ant) 2irtatit - Dwight Historical Society
gbt tztr` ant) 2irtatit - Dwight Historical Society
.gbt tztr' ant) 2irtatit VOLUME XLVIII LIVINGSTON COUNTY. ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 25, 1913 W. F. N. S. „z,c),S5--/ The Hamilton Watch The Railroad Timekeeper of America Designed by the best watch talent in existence. Built of the finest material possible to obtain in the world. W D. ROEDER C. & A. Watch Inspector ,2 _ DWIGHT dent and Vice President from Here. (From the Dwight Star and Herald) Resolutions passed thanking Mrs. Ens. N. Fisher, pee Artie F. Pollard, for her valuable services as organist for many years. The DeClercq family move to Chicago. The judges of election appointed are: 1st precinct—R. H. Mills, W. 13. Brown, Johu Geis; 2nd precinct—Levi Reeder, G. N. Flagler and B. A. Buck. Republican League Club elected J. C. Lewis president and Wm. G. Dustin, secretary. Ed Reed, candidate for sheriff, visits The annual meeting of the Pontiac district of the above society at Wenona last week was very interesting indeed and one of the best held heretofore. The attendance was large and the papers and discussions practical and to the point. The following officers were elected: President—Mrs. R. H. Mills, Dwight. First vice president—Mrs. Orville Brown, Dwight. Second vice president—Belle Shur, Ey Paso. David McWilliams gives $10,000 to Third vice president — Mrs. A. J. the church extension fund. .lolly, El Paso. Sons of Veterans give their annual Recording secretary—Mrs. C. A. ball and the W. R. C. gives annual,' dinner. B. M. Chubb and Win. Wright visit state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilmott visit in Kansas. Jas. Kyle quits the restaurant business. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jet Weller returned from Kansas. Frank Ford attended state meeting of Masons in Chicago. The 129th regiment holds reunion here. W. H. Bradbury, an old resident, X visits here from Kansas. E. 'Suprtendent of retirement fund— i Rev. C. W. Ayling strongly endorses + =,Mrs. P.W. Held, Varna. the Keeley Cure. T 1 Superintendent of new missionary , Dr. J. E. Blaine addresses the KeeT, fund—Mrs. J. A. Northrup, Streator. ley League. i. The convention will meet nxt yea Liggitt & Liggitt sell out their stock at Normal. preparatory to moving. F. H. Howe runs city tank line. When a Man Feels Like Thirty Cents is when he doesn't present his fiancee with a suitable engagement ring. There is nothing a lady is so proud to exhibit to her friends as her engagement ring, and you can procure one that she is certain to be proud of from Distrc organizer—Mrs.GeorgeL. t nona. EVERETT B. LEWIS Superintedntofliteraue—Mrs. ZBigelow,Pontiac. ; SPECIAL SALE ON Treasure—Nlis PearlHeflin,We- , Beach, Pontiac. Corespondigsecrtay—Mrs.E L. Gul , El Paso. ILLINOIS Dwight Honored by Election or Presi- NUMBER 43 Dwight 23 Years Ago This Week. Superint dentofmiteboxes—Mrs. ;C.W.Lovingfos ,Pontiac. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th Tickets on the S50 Contest Given With Every $5 Cash Purchase MISS E. CASS, Milliner Phone 306 I I I I Don't Forget that our shop is on East Mazon Avenue and we are prepared to do all kinds of work in the line of PLUMBING AND HEATINO promptly and satisfactorily. We also do all kinds of repair work in this line. Calls, either city or country, promptly attended to. Agents for Rawleigh Gasoline Engines HORNBERGER & FAUSER STATE LICENSED PLUMBERS Dwight, Illinois Shop Phone 103 The First National Bank of Dwight UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE OLDEST INCORPORATED THE GREATEST IN RESOURCES Those Who Succeed---SAVE There are three kinds of people in the world---the cant's, the wont's and the will's. The first fail at everything. The second oppose everything. The third succeed at everything. Another group might also be added---the don't try's. The group that you belong to depends largely on yourself. The savings habit is the badge of the "wills" and the "will try's" Often the whole difference between those who succeed and those who do not is the resolution to save or the willingness to be shown how to save. Resolve to save and " MAKE THIS YOUR BANKING HOME " CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ 8 0,0 0 O. 0 0 Three Per Cent Interest on Savings Deposits PRANK L. SMITH, President CURTIS J. .TUDD, Vice Preset JOHN J. DOHERTY, Cashier JOHN R. (MURTON, Vice Pres't E. M. HOFFMAN, Assistant Cashier Dir•otor• CURTIS J. JUDD JOE MILLER FRANK L. SMITH C. J. AMMAN WILLIAM WYLLIE R. H. MILLS a. B. LEWIS Heater- They are famous for their quality. Dependable, durable and satisfying. Always ready, A safe, clean and labor-saving, insuring warmth and comfort with convenience and economy. Nommensen - Davis Nuptials. The following is clipped from a San daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beis- Benito, Texas, paper and will be of wanger, to Mr. Victor Mickelson, at Interest to . our readers as the bride the Congregational parsonage, Rev. F. has frequently visited here, being the ! F. Farrington performing the service, cousinfMr.WTR,omely the ring ceremony being used. 'Miss Clara Walso: "A marriage of two well known The bride wore a pretty white silk net gown over white messaline with a. young people occurred in San Benito, 1: • wite veil. She was attended by Mrs. Texas, last Sunday afternoon when + Elmer Michelson, who also wore a Miss Lillie Nommensen, daughter of hite lace dress. The groom was at- Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Nommensen, was • tended by his brother, Mr. Elmer united in matrimony to Homer Davis, T. Mickelson. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davis. All X Immediately after the ceremony the of these parties are residents of San y wedding party went to the bride's Benito. The nuptial event was con- t. home where' a sumptuous wedding din- summated about three o'clock Sunday her awaited them and their guests, afternoon at the home of the bride's parents and the ceremony was per which numbered about seventy. by Rev. Thornton A. Payne, Both young people are well and fav'rably known and their many friends pastor of the Baptist Church. "Temporarily Mr. and Mrs. Davis are iixtend best wishes. The young couple left yesterday for domiciled at the Nommensen home, s ■ mthern Minnesota, where they will although it is probable that they will leave in the near future for another engage in farming. part of the state to reside. "Both the bride and the groom have Pactory Location. in this city numerous friends who The American Cineomatograph Co., have during the past few days been uf Chicago, is seeking a location a'ong extending congratulations and best he line of the C. & A. railroad. A wishes." ti letter received here by Roy Baker was referred to A. S. Holbrook, president Choir Entertained. of the Commercial Club, and replied Friday evening of last week the to immediately, giving information as choir of the Congregational Church to location, 'etc. It was found that Mr. was charmingly entertained by Mrs. Kepplinger would rent his store build- Hazer Smith at the home of her parings and the building erected for a ents, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Barr, on garage. The Company wants 5,000 Mazon avenue. The affair was in hon-square feet of floor room, and the Rep- or of Miss Zella Bartholic, a member ',linger rooms have about 5,500. of the choir, who will be married next Brumbach & Boyer Bros. also offered Tuesday to Mr. Clarence Clover, of s raise their new garage another Bloomington. ,iory and furnish the required space, The evening was spent with music. hich would be fine. conversation and a geneeal good time, Of course the C. & A. have appealed and at an opportune moment, Mrs. s all the suitable places along their Smit, in behalf of the choir, Presentme, but there is no place advertised ed Miss Bartholic with a beautiful set as much as-Dwight and it would be of water and lemonade glasses. an easy matter to make any business During the evening very delectable ,,nown from here. refreshments were served by the The Company propose to start with hostess. At a late hour the guests dewenty-five men and expect to increase parted, all having spent a delights seventy-five in a few months. ful evening. You cannot carry a coal stove from your dining room to your bed room, but you can easily move a Barler Ideal Heater to any room. Don't endure chilly hours T. while waiting for a coal lire to burn to the point of radiating x heat. Use a Barler Ideal. x Thornton K. Prime Marries. Announcements were received here Thursday morning of the marriage of Thornton Kemeys Prime to Miss Elsa Louise Anderes, which occurred at the home of the bride in Chicago on the 22nd inst. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the families of the two contracting parties, after which the happy couple left for the East where they will spend their honeymoon. They will be at home to their friends after December 1st at Kimbark avenue, Chicago. The bride is an accomplished young woman, popular in North .Side circles. The groom is in the employ of The Peabody Coal Company; lie is well know in Dwight, this having been his boyhood home. Mr. Prime's many friends here join the Star and Herald in wishing him and his bride a long and happy life. Barler Ideal Oil Heaters are without exception the cheapest oil heaters to buy, because they give the best service. Beiswanger - Mickelson. = On Wednesday, Oct. 22, occurred the Over Miller Bros. & Sons .. marriage of MIss Lillie Beiswanger, I 1 Ili ar?_er's Ideal mrs.T M. acCalum,Streator. tSuperintedntofchildren'swork— Z—Mis LuraVery,Pontiac. Superintedntofstandr bear s JohnRender,ElPaso. 2 HATS 1, 11 I A I Jeweler and Silversmith EUGENE FLAGLER Dwight The Basis of all Wealth is Land Money simply represents the things which come out of the "HAVE SOME land. If you have money to invest BUY GOOD FARM OR TIMBER LAND. Itztr • „2 ‘417,61. No man ever bought good land at the prevailing market price and lost money continually. Buy land in Northwestern Ohio. It is not a speculation, but an investment. ORR & BOYER REAL ESTATE, Dwight LAW AND INSURANCE Illinois Wesley Hospital Pratt Offering. The Methodist Sunday School members are collecting canned fruit to ship to Wesley Hospital for use in the Free Bed Department of said hospital and will ship same the last of next! week. Collectors will call on you this afternoon and exchange empty jars for your full ones, if you will telephone me you have fruit for us, or ir YOU prefer bring your offering to M. Baker & Sou's Furniture Store. Roy M. Baker. S. of V. Meeting. The Sons of Veterans and Auxiliary will hold a business meeting at Opera House Hall next Wednesday evening, Oct. 29, at which time arrangements will be made for regular meetings during the year. After the business meeting, there will be a social time and lunch will be served to which the members of the Grand Army and Woman's Relief Corps are cordially invited to be present. Oh, the leaves are falling, falling; 'Tis their regular autumn game, i And 'twould be so nice if coal, in Keep your eye on the sales of Frank price, I,. Smith. He has a good one in the Would only do the same.—Monitor. process of completion.—Adv. Illinois Obey that urge! Do it now! Get a Ford! It's the one "hunch" on which you can't go wrong. More than 325,000 owners will vouch for Ford merit—Ford simplicity— Ford serviceability and Ford economy. Obey that urge! Do it now! dollars is the price of the Ford runabout; the tenting car is live fifty; the town car seven fifty—all f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equiment. Get catalog and particulars from Ferguson & Naffeiger, Agents, Dwight, Illinois. 10 1Ve hundred ti ti ti