KEYED NOTES: 1 A-10 5 4 7 A-8 3 A-7 A-11 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 3 5 4.01 Horizontal Masonry reinf. @ 16" o.c. vert. 4.02 Veneer anchor @ 16" o.c. vert. and horiz., 1 per every 1.8 s.f. of wall area. 4.04 Masonry control joint 4.05 Masonry expansion joint 4.21 4" , 6", or 8" smooth face cmu at Contractor's option 4.23 8" CMU, see plan for required rating 4.24 10" CMU, see plan for required rating 4.25 12" CMU, see plan for required rating 4.26 Bond bm., fill w/ concrete height as shown, See Struct. dwgs for req'd reinforcing 4.41 8" H X 8" X 16" Split Face CMU w/ Dryblk Additive see schedules 4.42 4" H X 8" X 16" Split Face CMU w/ Dryblk Additive see schedules A-8 A-8 5.08 5.09 5.11 5.12 5.21 5.31 5.34 5.35 5.36 6 08 07 10 14 15 09 5 REAR ELEVATION A-9 3 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 7 4 A-2 3 4 1 A-9 A-9 A-9 2 6.01 6.03 6.05 6.06 6.11 6.12 6.14 6.15 F.T. fire retardent treated wood blocking, size as noted P.T. pressure treated, fire retardant treated wd. blocking, size as noted F.T. fire retardent treated Wood framing, size as noted. F.T. fire retardent treated Wood blocking, size as noted. Fire retardant treated exterior plywood sheathing, size as noted Fire redardant treated AC grade plywood, paint 5/8 " Dens-Glass gold firestop sheathing, type X by Georgia Pacific Fire redardant treated 1/4 " Exterior Grade Gypsum Sheathing w/ Type C firecore. Use multiple layers to conform to curve surfaces at curved roofs. 6.16 1/4 " Exterior Grade Plywood Sheathing. Use multiple layers to conform to curve surfaces at curved roofs. 6.42 Smooth finish wd. trim, size noted, paint. 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 A-11 7.09 7.10 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 13 12 7.19 7.20 7.24 7.32 7.33 7.35 7.39 7.42 7.43 02 11 7.46 7.47 7.48 1 LEFT ELEVATION 7.51 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 7.52 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 A-9 A-9 A-9 A-9 A-9 A-9 A-9 7.61 7.71 8 2 4 A-2 A-11 9 5 A-9 04 03 06 05 2 11 RIGHT ELEVATION 7 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 A-12 A-9 1 2 4 3 A-11 A-10 A-10 A-10 DETL-PIPE GUARD SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" Stl. col., see Struct. dwgs., paint exposed surfaces Stl. beam or joist girder, see Struct. dwgs., paint exposed surfaces Stl. joist see Struct. dwgs, paint where indicated on the upfit drawings. Stl. angle or bent plate, see Struct. dwgs., paint surfaces exposed to view Stl. plate, see Struct. dwgs., paint exposed surfaces Stl. framing, see Struct. dwgs. Metal roof deck, paint exposed surfaces where indicated on the upfit Drawings Metal corrugated floor deck, See Struct. 3 58"x 16" oc mtl framing, see struct. for gage. See plans for size location. 6" x 16" oc mtl. framing, see struct. for gage. See plans for size location. 8" x 16" oc mtl. framing, see struct. for gage. See plans for size location. Stl. pipe handrail, 1-1/2" dia. U.N.O., paint w/ expanded steel mesh Anchor bolt, see Struct. dwgs. 1/4 " dia. headed studs welded to channel w/ large washer (countersunk) in wood blocking 1/4 " dia. anchor bolt at 32" o.c. w/ large washer (countersunk) in wood blocking Powder coated aluminum handrail. Color to match storefront. 6 Mil vapor barrier Dampproofing, cont. over all CMU surfaces to receive brick veneer Tyvek commercial vapor barrier 15# Asphalt felt underlayment Exterior sealant, cont. Interior caulking, cont. Joint backer Exterior Insulation and Finish System (E.I.F.S.) Insulation, thickness as noted Equal to Dryvit MDS- Moisture Drainage System Membrane waterproofing, see Floor Plans for locations. Vertically occurs from finished grade or sidewalk to bottom of Foundation. Reynobond Metal Panel Dry Joint System. Foam-in-place masonry insulation Perimeter insulation, 1" thick typ. U.N.O. Rigid or semi-rigid insulation between furring R-15 batt insulation, faced R-21 batt insulation, faced Roof insul. meeting UL 1256 and FM 4450. R-23.6, Thickness 4" Tapered roof insulation meeting UL 1256 and FM 4450, min. 1/4 " per 12" slope or to achieve slope indicated. Firestopping insulation Sound attenuation insulation Mechanically fastened Flexible sheet TPO Roof Color to be White Roof walk-way system Roof system protection pad (under mechanical condensing units) Roofing termination bar, per manuf. requirements Roof Drains: size as shown. 10" W X 8" H Aluminum gutter with baked enamel finish. 5" X 5" Aluminum downspout with baked enamel finish and 3 strap anchors (prefinished) per downspout. Alum. flashing with baked enamel finish. Prefin. Galv. metal flashing Galv. metal roof piping access hatch, paint, furnished and installed by Contractor. Preformed, prefinished aluminum coping with cont. hold down clips at front and neoprene grommetted fasteners at back. Preformed, prefinished aluminum Gravel Stop with cont. hold down clips at front . Thru-wall flashing with weeps at 2'-0" o.c. Pre-engineered, Premanuf. Metal Bldg, complete with struct., siding, S.S. metal roof, Insulation, and all associated flashing and trim 8.01 8.02 8.13 8.23 8.31 8.32 8.33 8.34 8.47 8.48 8.51 Hollow metal door, paint. Metal frame with metal rain drip, paint. Access door, paint, provide as shown in canopy soffit area. Solid core wd. door, paint U.N.O. Alum. and glass door, finish to be Black anodized. Alum. storefront 4 1/2 " x 2", typ. U.N.O., finish to be Black anodized. Alum. storefront 6 3/4" X 2" typ. U.N.O., finish to be Black anodized. Brake mtl. alum., finish to be Black anodized. 1" clear insulating glass. 1" clear insulating glass, tempered. Alum. threshold, set in full bed of mastic 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.10 9.11 9.13 9.14 5/8 " Exterior Grade Gypsum Ceiling Board, paint exposed surfaces 5/8 " MR GWB w/type "C" firecore, paint exposed surfaces U.N.O. 5/8 " GWB, paint exposed surfaces U.N.O. 5/8 " GWB w/ type "C" firecore, paint exposed surfaces U.N.O. 5/8 " moisture resistant GWB, paint exposed surfaces 1" 'Z' type Metal furring 2-1/2" x 25 ga. mtl. studs at 16" o.c. 3-5/8" x 25 ga. mtl. studs at 16" o.c. 6" x 25 ga. mtl. studs at 16" o.c. 3 5/8 " x 20 ga. mtl. studs at 16" o.c.. U.N.O. See struct. for manuf. 6" x 20 ga. mtl. studs at 16" o.c. See struct. for manuf. CLip angle by lt. ga supplier, spaced at no greater than 8'-0" o.c. vertically and 4'-0" o.c. horizontally See struct. for manuf. 1 5/8 " x 25 ga mtl. studs at 16" o.c. Brace to structure 4'-0" o.c. 7/8 " furring channels @ 16"o.c. horiz. Lay-in acoustical clg. tile. See Finish Schedule. Resilient floor tile See Finish Schedule 4" high resilient base See Finish Schedule Paint See Finish Schedule Semi-transparent stain See Finish Schedule Opaque stain See Finish Schedule Special coating w/ block fill type primer Match prefinished system 6" diameter preformed soffit vent with 5.2 sq. in. free area 9.15 9.16 9.20 9.21 9.35 9.36 9.51 9.52 9.53 9.54 9.55 9.56 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 3.04 Concrete footing, see Struct. dwgs. 3.05 Concrete slab w/W.W.F., thickness as noted, see Struct. for all reinforcing. 3.08 Control joint 3.09 Stl. reinf., see Struct. dwgs. 3.31 Fill with concrete 3.32 Fill with grout FOARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 3 FOR: Maintenance requirements. All light fixtures that are required to be shielded shall be installed and maintained in such a manner that the shielding is effective as required. Anything other than routine servicing and same-type lamp replacement of any exterior lighting shall require town approval prior to installation. Any damaged, broken or malfunctioning light fixture or pole, which results in failure to meet any part of this ordinance, shall be repaired or replaced immediately. 2 13307 STATESVILLE ROAD HUNTERSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28078 Prohibited Lighting and Fixtures Drop lenses and similar lighting fixtures are prohibited. Floodlights are not permitted for illumination in non-residential districts unless expressly permitted by this ordinance. In all applications, lighting shall be directed downward. Floodlights in residential districts shall not shine directly onto an adjacent property or public rights-of-way. Canopies and awnings used for building accents shall not be internally illuminated. Flashing, colored or obtrusive lighting is prohibited. The use of laser source light or any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment is prohibited. The operation of searchlights for advertising purposes is prohibited. Black lights and neon lights (including argon and similar rare gas fixtures), except for signage, are prohibited. All items are to be furnished, installed, and connected by the Contractor unless otherwise noted. 2.01 Asphalt paving, see Civil dwgs 2.02 Concrete paving w/reinf., see Civil dwgs. 2.03 6" Concrete curb, see Civil dwgs. 2.04 Concrete curb and gutter, see Civil dwgs. 2.05 Concrete dumpster pad, w/6x6-w1.4xw1.4 w.w.f. thickness as noted 2.07 Pipe bollard,, paint traffic yellow, size as noted 2.08 Stone base, thickness 4" U.N.O. 2.13 4" thick concrete walk 2.15 Planted area, fill w/min. 12" topsoil 2.16 Premolded joint filler 2.31 Concrete splashblock, size as noted KEFFER MAZDA DEALERSHIP General Requirements To prevent glare on off-site locations, all outdoor lighting fixtures shall be full cut-off. Where necessary to prevent light trespass or glare, accessories such as hoods and shields shall be used on fixtures. No source of glare shall be visible from any adjacent property or street. Light trespass shall be prevented by employing lighting shields, hoods, walls, or fences, which control light projection. In no case shall the spillover light level from site lighting onto adjacent property or a public road exceed 0.1 footcandle measured at ground level 10’ into the adjacent property or street from any orientation of the measuring device. Security lighting (floodlights, where permitted, wall packs, and etc.) shall be shielded and directed at a downward angle no higher than 45 degrees above straight down (half-way between straight down and straight to the side) measured perpendicular from the pole or mounting wall. Unless otherwise specified by this ordinance, uniformity ratios shall not exceed 4:1. Uniformity shall be based on average illuminance. Uniformity ratios shall only be measured for developed areas of the site for parcels greater than one acre. Parking lot lighting shall not exceed an initial maximum output of ten foot-candles as measured at ground level from any orientation of the measuring device. An as-built/installed lighting certification sealed by a registered engineer stating that all site lighting is installed according to an approved site plan shall be required prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for all nonresidential projects. Decorative lighting shall be focused toward the ground, be designed and installed to prevent light trespass and unnecessary glare, and only be used to highlight significant architectural or natural features. Outdoor lighting not necessary for security purposes shall be turned off during non-operating hours. SEALS REVISIONS 1 3 DATE 5-1-15 SHEET NAME 5 A-9 Plan Sheet Is Part Of The Overall Approval As Of The Following Date 07/13/2015 SHEET NUMBER 01 4 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 3