Murrells Inlet Messenger
Murrells Inlet Messenger
Murrells Inlet Messenger The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach APRIL VOL. 3 NO. 3 WWW.MURRELLSINLETMESSENGER.COM FREE What’s Inside We are calling this 27th issue of the monthly Murrells Inlet Messenger our book issue. We didn’t plan it that way – it just happened. We were contacted by the South Carolina Academy of Authors with a big story about the inlet’s Mickey Spillane. A local author let us know she won a book award. The Murrells Inlet History Project’s provided a story on the Wayside Restaurant, which will – someday be part of another book by Murrells Inlet native Steve Strickland. And, Claude Bachand, a Murrells Inlet man, sent us a story about his authoring a book about living with a loved one with Parkinson’s. Then there are book themes: You can read the MI 2020 update, and our community events pages and briefs, and fill up your date book with upcoming events. And, want some help with your own financial books? Edward Jones and Wells Fargo financial advisors offer some good tips inside. I’m running out of ways to connect everything in the April edition to books. So, enjoy this 27th issue of the local monthly newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach that encourages, informs and inspires the community: the Murrells Inlet Messenger. -Tim Callahan Editor/Publisher Print edition and more stories available online at: Also, join us on Facebook Academy honors inlet icon Mickey Spillane The South Carolina Academy of Authors will celebrate writers Franklin Burroughs, Marian Wright Edelman, Charles W. Joyner and the late Mickey Spillane, inducting the four into the state’s literary hall of fame on April 21 at the Atkins Field House on the Coastal Carolina University campus. The event has already sold out but there are many other events surrounding these authors and their works taking place in the community this month. Founded at Anderson College in 1986, the S.C. Academy of Authors identifies and recognizes the state’s distinguished writers, living and deceased. Its board of governors considers writers whose works have been judged culturally important because of scholarly attention or historical prominence. Serving as the induction committee for 2012 are SCAA governors from Horry and Georgetown counties: Libby Bernardin, Veronica Davis GerContinued on page 9 MI History Project: The Wayside Restaurant By Steve Strickland The Wayside Restaurant was located in the same building as the Hot Fish Club. It was constructed in the early 1940’s by Jamel Lokey’s family (he was married to Pat Morse, Clarence “Beau” Morse’s sister). Jamel Lokey was from the Greenville, S.C., area and moved here after graduating high school. Clarence and his family had their house and oyster roast beside Lokey’s, where Morse Park is located. George “Son” Morse and his wife, May Wesley Morse, lived in a three-story house located on the site of Russell’s Seafood Grill. Lokey’s stayed open for several years and was operated by Ruby and Esau Lazarowitz and by Ida Pearl Lee (of Lee’s Inlet Kitchen) during the early 1950’s. The restaurant survived Hurricane Hazel in 1954 with minimal damage, having no water enter the building during the storm surge due to its location on the crest of a small hill. Jim and Lucy Vereen Bailey bought the building after Hurricane Hazel and opened it initially as the Angler’s Club (a bar and grill) but changed the name to the Wayside Grill, and the menu to traditional Murrells Inlet seafood. Lucy Vereen was one of Sam Permenter Vereen’s daughters (her sisters included Francis Vereen, who married Judge H. K. Wilson, and Teeny, who married Mac Oliver). The Vereen’s of Murrells Inlet descended from John Fletcher Vereen, a Civil War veteran who owned the Ark Plantation (we know this area as Surfside and Garden City). Jim and Lucy Vereen Bailey operated the Wayside Restaurant for about eight years. The Wayside was kept in the Vereen family when they sold it in 1963 to Lucy’s nephew, Sam Vereen, who ran it for another 20 years. Wayside was run as a family operation, with in-laws and children involved in keeping the Continued on page 10 The Bachands: life, love and Parkinson’s What would you do if your wife was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease? Claude Bachand found out, starting in 1998. In 2008, his wife, Dotty, died. In 2012, he published “Please Stop,” a memoir about their lives, their enduring love, and how they coped with Parkinson’s. About half of the memoir is set in South Carolina, primarily in Murrells Inlet, where the couple lived during the years Dotty was afflicted with Parkinson’s. Claude, 76, still lives in Wachesaw East. A former journalist and public relations and marketing man, Claude describes their pasts growing up in a small mill town, their meeting and marriage and life before Parkinson’s, and how they dealt with problems related to her mobility, balance, eating and drinking: They adapted. For example, at the movies, they’d sit in the back row, in case Dotty’s dyskinesia began; they asked waitresses to bring Dotty’s iced tea with a lid and straw, in case she knocked the drink over; Claude Bachand, memoir writer and inlet resident and Claude carried four handkerchiefs with him at all times, handing one to Dotty if she began drooling. He also rushed her to the emergency room at Waccamaw Hospital twice after serious falls. Dotty was diagnosed and treated originally by Continued on page 10 2/Murrells Inlet Messenger/April 2012 Hospital System’s April calendar of events Weekly health screenings: Tuesdays, mall area of Georgetown Memorial Hospital; Thursdays, Waccamaw Community Hospital. Screenings offered: finger stick lipid profiles with blood sugar for $20 (8-10 hour fast required); diabetes screening-hemoglobin A1C for $15 (no fasting required); blood sugar levels for $3 (2 hour fast required); and free blood pressure screenings, from 7:30 a.m. - noon. For more information, call 546-0623. (Many of the classes below can be signed up for online, Also, some of the classes are held at the Wachesaw Conference Center, 4367 Riverwood Drive, Suite 160, in Murrells Inlet, across from Waccamaw Community Hospital.) April 5: OB TOUR - MURRELLS INLET. Tour of Labor & Delivery, Postpartum Unit and Nursery, Waccamaw Community Hospital, 6 p.m. Registration required; call 520-8490. April 6: RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE – GEORGETOWN. Private dining room, 10 a.m-4 p.m. Call 527-7173 for information. April 9: CANCER SUPPORT GROUP. Education Center, Georgetown Memorial Hospital, 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Call 520-8062. April 11 & 25: ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP - MURRELLS INLET. 10 a.m. Belin Church, Murrells Inlet. Information, 651-9711. STROKE SUPPORT GROUP. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4th floor dining room, 3 p.m. Call 652-1875 for information. April 11: I CAN COPE EDUCATION SERIES. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m. Program for people facing cancer. Free; preregistration is required; call 652-1640. Information, 652-1640. April 12: PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP. Timber Lake Baptist Church, Rte. 707, 650-8756. April 16: HEART FAILURE EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP – MURRELLS INLET. CAR SEAT SAFETY CLASS – MURRELLS INLET. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Offers instruction to parents and infant caregivers on general safety guidelines for car seats. Free; pre-registration required, call 520-8490. April 17: HANDLE WITH CARE – GEORGETOWN. Education Center on the Georgetown Memorial Hospital campus, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Free; pre-registration required; call 520-8490. April 18: AMPUTEE SUPPORT GROUP. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4th floor dining room, 1 p.m. Information, 652-1839. April 19: PEDIATRIC FIRST AID – MURRELLS INLET. Valuable basic information for the community and specifically for those caring for others such as day care workers. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. $20; pre-registration required, call 5208490. April 21: SIBLING PREPARATION CLASS MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Community Hospital 1st floor classroom, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Pre-registration required; call 520-8490. BREASTFEEDING CLASS - MURRELLS INLET. Taught by a Certified Lactation Consultant. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free; pre-registration required, call 520-8490. April 23: BOSOM BUDDIES SUPPORT GROUP. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.-7 p.m. Call 237-8787. April 26: DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP – MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Community Hospital 1st floor classroom, 1:30 p.m. Information, 652-1281 or 652-1638. April 26: FRIENDS & FAMILY CPR – MUR- Murrells Inlet Messenger The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach Editor/Publisher: Tim Callahan [email protected] Contributor: Debbie Callahan Freelance designer: Nathan Kirk [email protected] Circulation: 4,000 copies available at stores in Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach. Next edition: May 2 P.O. Box 612 Murrells Inlet, S.C. 29576 843-344-3197 843-979-0982 No subscriptions at this time. The Murrells Inlet Messenger, LLC, is a monthly newspaper serving the communities of Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach, S.C. RELLS INLET. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m -8 p.m. Adult CPR is covered but emphasis is on pediatric CPR. $10.00/couple or $5/individual. Pre-registration required; call 520-8490. April 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/3 MI races are a success, more fun to come By Sue Sledz Executive director Murrells Inlet 2020 The skies cleared and a beautiful sunrise appeared over the marsh for the 2012 South Atlantic Bank Race for the Inlet on March 24, as 450 runners and walkers, from all corners of South Carolina, ten states and Canada took to the beautiful oak-lined streets to complete the 5K and 8K courses. And, the following morning, 123 cyclists whirled off from the Grand Strand Bicycle Shop at Woodside Village to participate in the 2012 Inaugural Ride for The Inlet event. Cyclists had their choice of an 8-mile, 26-mile or 65-mile route that took them through the backroads of Georgetown and Horry counties. Murrells Inlet 2020 sincerely thanks our sponsors and donors, our army of volunteers, the Georgetown County and Horry County Sheriff’s Offices, Murrells Inlet/Garden City Fire District, and the Grand Strand Bicycles Cycling Club/Racing Team for all their help in making these events huge successes. As for future events, keep in mind... On Saturday, April 7, MI 2020 is hosting the Marshwalk Masters, so put on your knickers and putt yourself through the marshwalk and stop at restaurants along the way. Lowest individual score winner receives $500 cash, with additional 2nd and 3rd place and best dressed golfer prizes. Cost is $20 per player (over 12) and $15 per player (under 12). Visit the Events page at www. to download a registration form and get more details. It’s guaranteed a fun time for all! On April 22, MI 2020 invites every Murrells Inlet resident to spend a morning giving back to the inlet we all love. Please join our community at the 21st Annual Spring Tide, South Carolina’s longest running community clean up day. The “Day for the Inlet” is that one day in spring when hundreds of volunteers gather together to comb the creeks and streets of Murrells Inlet to pick up litter. Volunteers should meet at Morse Parking Landing on Hwy. 17 in Murrells Inlet at 9:45 a.m. to get their clean-up assignments. Bring boots, boats, bug spray and gloves. The clean-up continues until 1 p.m., when all the workers are invited back to the Hot Fish Club for live music and some light-hearted festivities. Dozens of restaurants will compete in the “Best Damn Chowder Cook-Off” during the afternoon to feed the volunteers. If you have never participated, then this is your year to catch the fever! And if you helped out in previous years, we know you’ll be back … because you care. Contact Murrells Inlet 2020 at 843-357-2007, or visit for more information. Dead Dog employee benefit raises $33,000 thanks to community Dead Dog Saloon owner, Charlie Campbell, reported that the employee relief benefit held on March 25 at On the Half Shell and Island Green Country Club raised $33,000. The money raised is to be split between all the employees currently out of work due to the fire in March. Living with grief program On April 24, Tidelands Community Hospice will host the Hospice Foundation of America’s 19th annual Living With Grief Program entitled “End-of-Life Ethics.” Event from 1:30 p.m.4:30 p.m., Georgetown Memorial Hospital Education Center. Contact Harrison Grey, Tidelands Community Hospice, Inc., (843) 546-3410. Daniel Harrell 2050 Corporate Centre Drive, Suite 120 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 [email protected] Direct (843) 445-2002 Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured NO Bank Guarantee MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2010 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0910-3528 [74018-v2] A1287 Up To $5,000 Available to every South Carolina Homeowner The SC Safe Home Program has issued over 1,700 grants to homeowners just like you to help make their homes more hurricane resistant. Now accepting applications for 2012 funds Now is the time to apply for a grant under the program. This is not a loan! It is a grant issued by the SC Department Of Insurance. The money must be used exclusively to replace your roof, install new windows, doors or a window protection system. Call today for more information The Alliance For Safe Homes, your local representative, will help guide you through the application process. Call the number below today as these funds are released on a first come first serve basis. Counseling Center Of Georgetown JOSEPH E. SCANLON, L.P.C. FELLOW, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PAIN MANAGEMENT JAMES F. GRAHAM, JR., MD MEDICAL DIRECTOR • Individual Counseling • Marriage and Family Counseling • Adolescent Counseling • Outpatient Alcohol & Drug Counseling • Outpatient Psychiatric Care • Pain Management B/C & BS & MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED 527-8118 906 PRINCE ST • GEORGETOWN, SC 10-6 M-Sat 1-5 Sun 843-457-2661 237-3475 Not Available For Mobile Homes GRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP Grace Church Waccamaw Located On Hwy. 17, Pawleys Island Between North Litchfield & Willbrook Blvd. Next Door To Applewood Restaurant We are a community of Christ followers being changed by God to serve the world. We believe God is alive, powerful and worth worshipping, so it is our desire to make God’s word make sense in a way that allows you to find hope and encouragement. Service 10:15 a.m. • Sunday School 9 a.m. Casual Attire Encouraged 843.235.6400 Visit the State Website Pawleys Pawleys Island Island Mercantile Mercantile Home Home of of The The Candy Candy Cottage Cottage Located in the Hammock Shops Village Pawleys Island • 843-235-0507 GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. Groups meet Monday at 10:00 AM, beginning April 16 at Inlet Oasis 4440 Hwy 17 ByPass, Suite A3 Murrells Inlet, SC 29585 Call 843-833-2102 for more information. 4/Murrells Inlet Messenger/April 2012 Estate investment planning is not just for the Rich and Famous Everything you need for backyard birding plus decorative yard items 843.651.6599 5200 Hwy 17 S. on the Bypass Murrells Inlet, SC 2 miles north of Brookgreen gardens Tues - Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Closed Sun and Mon. BE ST RA TE Yankee Klipper Lawn Service S Moving • Pressure Washing Gutter Cleaning • Maintenance Commercial & Residential Dependable, reliable, and senior discounts 843-450-1488 Call 24/7 If you’re like most people, you think estate investment planning is only for the wealthy. The truth is that everyone — regardless of how much money they have — needs an estate investment plan. Here are a few frequently asked questions about estate investment planning, along with the answers that may help you better understand this subject: What is an estate plan? An estate investment plan is a program for the management and distribution of your assets upon your death, as well as instructions for handling your affairs should you become unable to do so while you are still alive. Your estate investment plan should include a will and/or a revocable living trust as well as updated beneficiary designations for your 401(k), Individual Retirement Account, savings bonds and life insurance policies. Both a durable power of attorney and a health care power of attorney should also be created. Your Financial Advisor can help you work out the details of your plan and can also help keep it up-to-date. Why do you need an estate investment plan? An estate investment plan can not only potentially reduce the taxes your heirs must pay on assets they receive from your estate, but can also ensure that your accumulated wealth will go to the individuals that you intend to receive it. In addition, an estate investment plan can help avoid probate proceedings, an often long and expensive process that can open your financial matters to the public. What is the difference between a will and a revocable living trust? Basically, a will is a legal document that directs how your assets will be distributed among family members, charities or others upon your death. It is important to update a will periodically to reflect any material or personal changes in your life. A revocable living trust (RLT) is an entity, like a corporation, that holds and owns your assets, while you are alive and continues to hold your assets after your death. Like a will, the RLT directs how your assets will be distributed at your death, but because ownership does not change at your death, it can do so without the expense, delay or publicity of probate court. A revocable living trust gives a trustee the right to make decisions for you if you become incapacitated while a will has no effect until your death. What is a durable power of attorney? Whether you create a simple will or a revocable living trust, it is important to have a durable power of attorney. A durable power of attorney is a document that designates a person who can sign on your behalf and handle your financial matters in the event of your incapacity. A durable power of attorney becomes void at death. Having a basic estate investment plan can help ease stresses on your family, especially during a difficult time. Your Financial Advisor, with the help of your tax and legal advisors, can help you take necessary steps today to ensure that your wishes are carried out and that you and your loved ones have the peace of mind you would want them to have. * Wells Fargo Advisors / Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network is not a legal or tax advisor. Trust services available through banking and trust affiliates in addition to non-affiliated companies of Wells Fargo Advisors. Wells Fargo Advisors and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Any estate plan should be reviewed by an attorney who specializes in estate planning and is licensed to practice law in your state. This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Daniel E. Harrell, Financial Advisor in Myrtle Beach at 843-4452002 or toll free at 800-678-3232.Investments in securities and insurance products are: NOT FDIC-INSURED/NOT BANK-GUARANTEED/ MAY LOSE VALUE Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. Burning Feet? Electric Shocks? Pain & Numbness? Pins & Needles? Creepy Crawlies? You might have Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects nearly 20 million Americans. It usually begins in the feet and lower legs, but over time, can advance to the hands and fingers. Until now, the only treatment for this terrible condition has been oral medications and injections. And in many cases, these simply didn’t work. We’ve utilized a completely NEW TREATMENT that may take away most, if not all, of your pain. It’s safe and highly effective for most people...even diabetics. It’s covered by many insurance plans. Call now to schedule a FREE conference with one of our doctors. Call 843-652-5678 FDA Cleared • Safe & Effective Inlet Physical Medicine Convenient Appointments: • Daytime • Afternoon • Evening April 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/5 ‘Onion Made Goodness’ Pawleys Island Specialty Foods, the creators of Palmetto Cheese who were featured recently in USA Today, announced the newest addition to their product lineup: OMG! Onion Made Goodness, a caramelized onion dip with a kick. The dip, created by Pawleys Island natives Laura Tiller and Kelli Blair, is loaded with real onions and big on flavor. It was created out of their love for food and entertaining. Laura, as a single mom of three boys, started a business making dinners for friends and families out of her home kitchen. Kelli gave her a recipe for a caramelized onion dip as a potential menu item. The caramelized onion dip became a regular offering and quickly became a favorite amongst friends and locals. Based on this demand, the two friends decided to offer the dip to local markets. In June 2011, OMG! became available at Get Carried Away Southern Takeout, a new business in Pawleys Island. This outlet features many local products, and OMG! became one of the best selling items during the busy tourist season. In order to keep up with demand, Laura and Kelli began to produce OMG! in the kitchen of Get Carried Away after hours. In an effort to expand OMG’s distribution, Laura and Kelli turned to Brian and Sassy Henry, owners of Get Carried Away Southern Takeout and Pawleys Island Specialty Foods, a wholesale food producer based in Pawleys Island and the creators and marketers of a popular brand of pimento cheese called Palmetto Cheese, The Pimento Cheese with Soul. They were interested in the marketing expertise, production resources, and distribution channels established by the Henrys through the successful growth of Palmetto Cheese. Consequently, Pawleys Island Specialty Foods acquired an ownership interest of OMG in March. OMG! will be marketed, distributed, and sold under the banner of Pawleys Island Specialty Foods and offered to grocery stores throughout the Southeast, including all Piggly Wiggly stores. Founded in 2006, Pawleys Island Specialty Foods continues to market current, and identify new, products and assist them by offering production resources, distribution channels, sales relationships, and brand marketing expertise. Visit for more information. ANDERSON LAW, LLC (843) 545-6001 For CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’S! See US first for the LOWEST price and the LARGEST selection! One Price Event! • All season • 55,000 mile warranty • ANY size from 14” to 17” $ • Most passenger/ performance vehicles Our very own Doral SDL is an all season premium tire available in over 30 sizes, priced right for you! 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DIRECT CONNECT! 1-800 NEW TIRE COMPANY CAR? WE SERVICE MOST NATIONAL ACCOUNTS! 651-4816 843249-9959 843 Career Need a Tune Up? Visit Any location or Apply On-Line @ .com * Prices listed are effective at all participating locations upon presentation of this ad. Tire prices do not include local state new tire fee and/or tire disposal fees (see store for details). Tire related products and services are optional if desired. Some tires may be temporarily out of stock. Rain checks available. Please call for availability. No Dealers. No Carry Outs. Plus a 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price will be added to all service work to cover environmental disposal fees and miscellaneous shop supplies not to exceed $35. Tread design may vary. Sale prices not valid with special orders. Editorial/Opinion: something to think about this Easter By Tim Callahan Editor/Publisher It’s time to celebrate the Easter story. But, is it fact or fiction? Here are some things to consider to help you decide if Jesus Christ was the main character in a story designed to fool the masses into joining a religious cult, or truly the Son of God: A Jewish carpenter from a cult has a special day for him 20 centuries after He died? Why did Jesus not save himself from torture and execution and back down from his claims as the Son of God and that He needed die to repair man’s broken relationship with God? Why would He die horribly for a lie? Why would 12 men, His disciples, allow themselves to be tortured and die for a con? How did 12 uneducated and stubborn men run with a made up story and turn a Roman world upside down in a matter of a few years? Why have more than 5,000 full or partial copies of Scripture been found spanning 2,000 years and yet they still tell the same stories. Why not embellish? Take out or put in? Why not spice it up? Why not downplay the bad parts? If you were writing a book to con the masses would you include Jesus’s agony in the garden? Peter’s denial? Thomas’s doubt? Judas’s betrayal? The disciples’ fear, hiding in closed rooms after Christ’s death? The disciples thick-headedness that caused them to only really believe after they saw the resurrected Christ. (He had been telling and showing them who He was for the previous three years). Why would Paul run with a lie and subject him- self to being beaten, whipped, stoned and left for dead, chased through towns, jailed several times, tortured and killed? Why does anybody need a Savior? People are basically good with a few bad apples thrown in, right? (Well, have you’ve kept all the ten commandments? I haven’t.) Why does anyone have to follow commandments? Think of your town, your state, your country, your world without laws. Maybe they are for our own protection and good, not to spoil the fun. Was the world created out of nothing? A creation without a creator? If we are all here because gases exploded in a big bang, where did the gases come from? Who made the gases? If man is ever evolving, getting bigger and stronger and smarter, why haven’t we seen drastic physical changes in man over the last several thousand years. And why have there been more deaths in wars in the last century than in all of history combined? Is that evolving? Finally, why is Christianity the one religion where God came down to man, and man doesn’t have to work his way to God and paradise and heaven? Jesus did the work for us on the cross. Remember the story of the thief on the cross recorded in Luke 23:39-41? Jesus told him, “Today you will be in paradise” because the dying man believed Jesus was who He said He was. The thief had nothing to commend himself to God but Jesus. Didn’t Jesus simply say, as recorded in John 3:16: “He who believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life”? What if the story is true? What if Jesus was who He said He was? What if he was fully man and fully God, died for our sins, and rose from the dead? I’ve left you something to think about this Easter. And, maybe, after Easter. (This article appeared in the April 2010 issue.) Messenger wins state press awards The Murrells Inlet Messenger won third place for best newspaper publication in 2011 among associate and individual members of the South Carolina Press Association. The Messenger’s first published book, “Murrells Inlet: Memories, Memoirs and Miracles,” won first place for best innovative concept. Designer Nathan Kirk’s beautiful cover helped garner that award, along with 70 stories from the past pages of the Messenger, including 22 local business stories. The local businesses featured also made the book idea a success as they preordered 20 copies apiece. The Messenger came away with four awards, matching 2010’s award totals, in a highly competitive environment as associate and individual members have far fewer awards to compete for than weekly and daily newspapers. Editor/Publisher Tim Callahan also won third place for best editorial/op ed, “What is the Burgess Community?” and third place for best feature story, an article on the Christian Counseling Center’s Johnny DeLoache chance meeting with basketball legend Pete Maravich. View our NEW Menu Online Community Events Calendar Fundraiser for animal shelter On Tues., April 24, the animals at Coastal Animal Rescue in Murrells Inlet will benefit by a fundraiser held at Bob Evans Restaurant on Route 544, off Hwy.17 Bypass in Myrtle Beach. From 5 p.m. - 8 p.m., the restaurant will donate 15 percent of sales to the shelter. Coastal Animal Rescue is 100 percent volunteer and a no-kill shelter. Any questions, please call Paula 713-0046. Lupus support group On April 16 at 6 p.m., a Lupus support group will be held at the fellowship hall of the Grand Strand Church of Christ on Glenns Bay Road in Surfside Beach. The Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) support groups are intended to provide a warm and caring environment where people with lupus, their family members, caregivers and loved ones, can share their experiences, methods of coping and insights into living with chronic illness. The support group also offers community resource information. Elks Lodge parade of flags The Elks Lodge #2797 of Murrells Inlet an- For directions and more information, call Roma, nounced there will be a “Parade of American 201-362-6504 or 843-651-2984 Flags,” with 125 American flags lining Hwy. 17 Bus. in Murrells Inlet, starting May 26. Singing in the sun Brookgreen summer camps This summer Camp Brookgreen 2012 will host one-week sessions of fun and educational enrichment for children and adults that will include activities at Brookgreen Gardens and Huntington Beach State Park. Activities include storytelling, arts and crafts, native plant and animal interactive programs, and a boat ride along freshwater creeks and rivers. Two-day arts camps and a oneday Camp Brookgreen for Adults will also be held. Registration begins March 19 for members and March 26 for non-members. Call 235-6049 or visit and click on the calendar of events for more information. Tues., April 17 through Sat., April 21 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, many of Southern Gospel music’s most popular and talented recording artists will be featured at Singing in the Sun, which will be celebrating its 14th year. For more information, call 1-888-2386858 or visit April Moveable Feast April 13 ~ Charles Martin (Thunder and Rain) at Inlet Affairs. Third generation Texas Ranger Tyler Steele is the last of a dying breed ~ a modern day cowboy hero living in a world that doesn’t quite understand his powerful sense of right and wrong and instinct to defend those Create the Jewelry of your Dreams On the Water... Along the Beautiful Murrells Inlet Marshwalk 843.651.2044 4031 Hwy 17, Business Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Low Country Boil in a Bucket Casseroles & Sides Savory Pies Dips & Appetizers Sandwiches & Salad Plates Gourmet Spreads Desserts 843-314-3493 10126 Ocean Hwy. Suite 5B • Pawleys Island, SC 29585 One FREE OMG! Dip or Palmetto Cheese with a purchase of $40 or more. Expires April 30, 2012. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Must present AD at time of purchase. Computer Repair ~ Computer Training New & Used Computer Sales ~ Laptop Repair Web Design ~ Networking Graphic Design On-Site Service Available Serving Georgetown through Myrtle Beach Strand ’s Ol de st R esta u rant- O u r 64th Ye a r! Full service jewelry work including repair, sizing, stone setting, casting & design. Darden Jewelers Let Darden’s create a one-of-a-kind piece using your gold, silver and gems including broken chains or old jewelry. Over 71 years serving Horry & Georgetown Counties 12078C Hwy 17 Bypass • Murrells Inlet (Across from Inlet Square Mall) 843-651-5067 • 843.235.9600 THE MOVEABLE FEAST Fridays, 11 am ~ 1 pm, $25 each April 6 ~ Brad Crowther (The Ninth Man) at Capt. Dave’s Dockside April 13 ~ Charles Martin (Thunder and Rain) at Inlet Affairs April 20 ~ Taylor Polites (The Rebel Wife) at Nosh April 27 ~ Mark Sloan & Josephine Humphreys (Palmetto Portraits Project) at Kimbel’s May 4 ~ Jim Harrison (Palmetto & Its South Carolina Home) at Carefree Catering May 11 ~ Ron Rash (The Cove MONDAY, May 14 ~ Mary Alice Monroe (Beach House Memories) at Pawleys Plantation May 18 ~ O’Neal Smalls (Blessed Be the Ties that Bind) at Ocean One May 25 ~ Wiley Cash (A Land More Kind than Home) at Kimbel’s June 1 ~ Michel Stone (The Iguana Tree) at Pastaria 811 June 8 ~ Jeff Shaara (A Blaze of Glory) at Inlet Affairs TUESDAY, June 12 ~ Dorothea Benton Frank (Porch Lights) at Ocean One June 15 ~ Maryann McFadden (The Book Lover) at Capt. Dave’s Dockside Follow us on Facebook! Children’s and Senior Menus Happy Hour Everyday Reduced drinks (bar area only) and reduced appetizers always (bar area only, some exclusions apply, must be accompanied by alchoholic beverage purchase) Since 1948 Early Lite Menu 4:30-6pm $10.50-$13.50 Top Ten Reasons to Dine at Lee’s 1. The oldest restaurant on the Grand Strand, still owned & operated by the original family for 64 years. 2. Chosen #1 for Lowcountry Cuisine on the Grand Strand by and Beach TV 3. Voted 1st runner up: Grand Strand Seafood Showdown contest from Calabash to Georgetown 4. 6 time winner Murrells Inlet Chowder Cook Off: Famous She Crab Soup 5. Hand-cut Black Angus chargrilled steaks 6. Fresh East Coast Seafood only: No Imports 7. We peel our own South Carolina shrimp 8. Fresh fish off local boats 9. Recommended by Southern Living 10. Famous Lee family recipes: Shrimp salad, shrimp creole, onion rings, clam chowder, oyster stew, hushpuppies and honey butter, tartar and cocktail sauce. Best Seafood R e comme nd e d by S ou ther n Liv ing M a g a zin e 6 Tim e Wi n ner M ur re l l s I nl e t C howde r Co o k O ff Restaurant & Lounge Fill up your Picnic Basket at GCA! (843)485-0873 843-651-2881 by Located directly across Hwy. 17 from Pawleys Wine & Spirits who can’t defend themselves. Despite his strong moral compass, Ty has trouble seeing his greatest weakness. Will Ty confront his weaknesses and become the man he needs to be? April 20 ~ Taylor Polites (The Rebel Wife) at Nosh. Brimming with atmosphere and edgy suspense, this debut novel presents a young widow trying to survive in the violent world of Reconstruction Alabama. April 27 ~ Mark Sloan & Josephine Humphreys (Palmetto Portraits Project) at Kimbel’s, Wachesaw. A rich compendium of portraits from two dozen photographers depicting everyday South Carolinians at the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century. Call 235-9600 or visit www.classatpawleys. com for more information. Monday-Saturday, Open at 4:30pm Custom Jewelry Design A taste of Pawleys in every bite! April 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/7 Vote d #1 for Lowco untr y Cu i si ne by B e a chT V an d Tr i p sma r te! 6/Murrells Inlet Messenger/April 2012 8/Murrells Inlet Messenger/April 2012 April 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/9 S.C. Academy of Authors inductees...continued from page 1 Edward Jones: Earth Day lessons can apply to investors, too April 22 is Earth Day. Started in 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day is designed to create awareness of the Earth’s environment and to encourage conservation efforts. If you and your family participate in Earth Day events, such as helping clean up a local park or taking materials to a recycling center, you know the benefits of doing your part to improve your surroundings. But are you doing everything you can to upgrade your environment for investing? Actually, as an investor, you can learn a lot from the lessons of Earth Day. Here are just a few ideas: Dennis H. Smith ATTORNEYS AT LAW General Litigation Auto Accidents Distracted Driving Accidents Medical & Legal Malpractice Drunk Driving Accidents Servicios en Espanol para su comodidad WORKER’S COMPENSATION Jonathan J. Shanks Attorney at Law 238-2694 Conveniently Located in Surfside Beach Serving the Grand Strand since 1982 Diversify. If you’re familiar with Earth Day, you know that it involves multiple activities, including educational programs and do-it-now action steps. This variety is necessary because protecting our environment is a complex challenge. Meeting your short- and long-term investment goals can be challenging, too, but you’ll have a better chance of success by diversifying your investment dollars across a range of vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, government securities and certificates of deposit (CDs). Diversification can help reduce the impact of volatility on your portfolio — and high volatility can be an obstacle for some people trying to follow an investment strategy. (Keep in mind, though, that diversification, by itself, cannot guarantee a profit or protect against loss.) Seek growth opportunities. Some people plant trees on Earth Day, hoping to watch them grow over the years. As an investor, you, too, need to plant “seeds” today in the hopes of growth in the future. That means, among other things, that when you purchase growth-oriented investments for the long term, you need to try to stick with them and not “uproot” them after short-term declines in price. Develop good habits. If you attend an Earth Day program, you will learn about many ecofriendly habits you can develop, from using energy-efficient light bulbs to recycling old computers and other electronic devices. To invest successfully, it’s important to develop good habits, such as staying invested in all types of markets, seeking tax-advantaged investments and reviewing your portfolio regularly to make sure it’s still appropriate for your risk tolerance, time horizon and long-term objectives. Avoid “toxins.” At some Earth Day events, you can learn about “green” substitutes for toxic chemicals in common household cleaners. When you invest, you may also want to avoid “toxins” — or at least “toxic” behaviors, such as chasing after “hot” stocks that are inappropriate for your needs or trading so frequently that you run up big fees, commissions and taxes. Think long term. Above all else, Earth Day is a reminder to us that we all want to leave a healthy planet to future generations — which means we need to make moves that are beneficial for the environment over the long term. When you invest, you also need to focus on the future. That means following a long-term investment strategy and not getting sidetracked by short-term events, such as political crises and economic downturns. Earth Day comes once a year, but its lessons can have a lasting impact on our environment. When you apply these same lessons to your own investment environment, you may be able to achieve some healthy results. (This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Brenda J Varnum, 651-9473). ald, Sally Z. Hare and Linda Ketron. The 2012 SCAA Inductees are: Frank Morrison “Mickey” Spillane attained mythical status in the annals of popular fiction. Considered the king of the pulp novelists in the post-WW II period, he sold an estimated 200 million copies worldwide. By 1980, Spillane was the author of seven of the top 15 all-time bestselling fiction books in the U.S. Despite critical condemnation, Spillane explained the extraordinary appeal of his novels with typical frankness: “I’m a writer, not an author. The difference is a writer makes money.” Born in Brooklyn in 1918, Spillane moved to Murrells Inlet in 1954. From 1983 until his death in 2006, Spillane shared his waterfront home with his third wife, Jane Rogers Johnson. The house was destroyed by Hurricane Hugo in 1989 but was rebuilt. After service in the Army Air Corps during WWII, Spillane wrote “I, the Jury” in 19 days. The novel sold 6.5 million copies in the United States alone, and introduced Spillane’s most famous character, hardboiled detective Mike Hammer. Although tame by current standards, his novels featured more sex than competing titles, and the violence was more overt than the usual detective story. The Hammer novels spawned two television series and multiple movies. He re- ceived an Edgar Allan Poe Grand Master Award in 1995. After his death, his friend and literary executor, Max Allan Collins, began the task of editing and completing new books and reprints. Franklin Burroughs (b.1942, Conway, S.C.), is the Harrison King McCann Research Professor of the English Language Emeritus at Bowdoin College where he has taught for 30 years. A graduate of the University of the South, he earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at Harvard. Burroughs writes eloquently about the natural history of his childhood home in Horry County and his adult home in Maine. His work has been honored with a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, an Editor’s Prize from the Sewannee Review, and the Cecil Woods, Jr. Award for creative nonfiction. He lives in Maine. Marian Wright Edelman (b.1939, Bennettsville, S.C.) is the founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). She has received numerous awards, including the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Prize, the Heinz Award, a MacArthur Foundation Prize Fellowship, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Robert F. Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award for her writings. Charles W. Joyner (b.1934, Myrtle Beach, S.C.) is Distinguished Professor of Southern History and Culture Emeritus at Coastal Carolina University. He also taught at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Mississippi and the University of Alabama. He was an associate of the DuBois Center at Harvard Edward Jones Financial Advisor Brenda Varnum Attends Women's Leadership Forum Brenda J Varnum, AAMS®,CRPC® 4764 Hwy 17 South Bypass Ste E Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-651-9473 TIP Complete Interior & Exterior Repair & Remodel • Decks and pergolas • Bathroom remodels • Screen rooms • Metal & rubber roofing • Patio enclosures • Windows • Custom tile showers • Ceramic tile & laminate • Siding, eaves & overhangs • Patio & Entrance doors Licensed - Insured – Bonded Serving South Carolina for 15 years Over 30 years experience FREE ESTIMATES 843-855-6480 Call or visit your local financial advisor today. . 843-357-9175 Open daily at 4 p.m. Wed - Sun: Restaurant Wed - Sat: Gazebo Nightly Live Music 4911 Hwy. 17 Bus. • Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Christian Counseling Clinic Brenda Varnum, an Edward Jones financial advisor in Murrells Inlet, recently attended the Edward Jones' "Women's Leadership Forum" at the firm's headquarters in St. Louis. The leadership forum, held to recognize successful female Edward Jones financial advisors, provided Varnum with advanced training and networking opportunities in which she shared business-building strategies with her colleagues. "I found this forum extremely beneficial, particularly when we heard from firm leadership about how important it is that Edward Jones be an inclusive firm and meet the needs of the diverse communities we serve," said Varnum. "This forum gave us the opportunity to learn best practices, business-building ideas and strategies that have helped these financial advisors achieve a certain level of success and better serve their clients," said Amy Williams, a former Edward Jones financial advisor who now is responsible for the Women's Leadership Forum. "We can now document these ideas and use them to support other financial advisors as they provide excellent client service." Firm leadership found the forum beneficial for both clients and associates. Edward Jones provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm's business, from the types of investment options offered to the location of branch offices, is designed to cater to individual investors in the communities in which they live and work. The firm's 12,000-plus financial advisors work directly with nearly 7 million clients to understand their personal goals -- from college savings to retirement -- and create long-term investment solutions that emphasize a well-balanced portfolio and a buy-and-hold strategy. Edward Jones embraces the importance of building long-term, face-to-face relationships with clients, helping them to understand and make sense of the investment options available today. Edward Jones, which ranked No. 5 on FORTUNE magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" in 2012, is headquartered in St. Louis. The Edward Jones website is located at, and its recruiting website is Member SIPC. Financial Advisor University in 1989-90. Joyner is perhaps best known for his book “Down by the Riverside: A South Carolina Slave Community” (University of Illinois Press, 1984). It won the National University Press Book Award and has been called “the finest work ever written on American slavery.” Among his many awards, he won the South Carolina Humanities Council Governor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Humanities. In addition to his writing and teaching, Joyner has produced award-winning films and television and radio programs about the South. Most recently, he co-edited (with Vernon Burton) Gale’s new “Slavery & Anti-Slavery Transnational Archive,” an acclaimed four-part digital series. (The event is sold out but there is plenty more going on in the community surrounding these authors and their works. See page 11) Member SIPC • Full service lawn care • Landscaping • Property cleanup • Pressure washing and more FREE ESTIMATES Tip for reducing symptoms of anxiety, worry, and depression: A research-proven way to reduce anxiety, worry, depression and to raise self-esteem and to experience a closer relationship with God is do the following for 21 days in a row: Read Psalm 23 three times a day placing emphasis on a different word each time you recite it. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.” (Isaiah 26:3-4 NIV) Johnny DeLoache, LPC, NCC, M.-Div Christian Counseling Clinic, LLC 10126 Ocean Hwy, Suite 2 Pawley's Island, SC 29585 843.314.3578 Fax: 843.314.3579 [email protected] 10/Murrells Inlet Messenger/April 2012 restaurant running smoothly. Jim and Lucy had a little house built behind the restaurant around 1958 that they lived in for a while. After Sam bought the restaurant, he and his wife and children (Karen, Russell and Steve Vereen) lived in the house. Sam’s brother-in-law, Ray Abbott, started working at Wayside with Sam around 1967 and he went on to open the Ship’s Log Restaurant with Mike Strickland in Garden City in 1980. The kitchen was usually staffed with eight to nine people on busy days, including a fry cook, a broiler cook, a couple prep folks, a couple dishwashers, a breader, and a salad girl. Some of the kitchen help included Joe Pickett, Mary Herriott, Viney Judge, Betty Jo Holmes, Vermell Sands, Daisy Grate, Viola Carr, Ellen Carr, Sarah Gary, Mary Lena Sparkman and Debbie Sparkman. Some of the waitresses and busboys included Florence Altman, Agnes Ammons, Sue Spears, Beulah Smith, Sandra Ammons, Glenda Hughes, Clifton Haselden’s wife, Becky Cameron, Nancy Altman, Jessie Byo Johnson, Mike Strickland, Wayne Ammons, Clebe McClary, Jimmy Strickland and Glenn Ammons. A menu from the Wayside Restaurant in the early 1960’s included a Deluxe Shore Dinner (clam chowder, shrimp cocktail, fried fish, scallops, oysters, shrimp, deviled crab, lobster tail, cole slaw, French fries, ice cream, and tea or coffee) for the princely sum of $3, or the smaller Seafood Platter for $1.50. A large bowl of oyster stew was $1.20 and a T-Bone steak dinner was $3.75. Those days are gone forever, but the memories will live forever in Murrells Inlet history. © 2012 by Steve Strickland. Used with author’s permission. (Steve Strickland is a Murrells Inlet native and owner of the Earthworks Group.) Bachands...continued from page 1 local physicians, but the couple also traveled 500 miles, twice a year, up to Baltimore to visit with a noted Parkinson’s specialist. The book describes some of those sessions in detail. The memoir first takes the reader back to the 1940’s and 1950’s in Southbridge, Mass. The Great Depression had just ended, but money was still scarce and their fathers – unfortunately drank away much of their paychecks. Dotty was well behaved and watched over closely by her mother. In contrast, Claude, the last of eight children, had relatively free rein and was a bit of a scamp, he said, having behavioral problems at home and school, and in the Air Force. Through the Korean GI Bill, he studied journalism at Louisiana Tech University, where he was editor of the school newspaper. He graduated summa cum laude, and was awarded an assistantship for graduate study at the University of Illinois. Claude and Dotty met after his graduation from Illinois, married, and raised three children, all of whom live in or near South Carolina. Claude worked briefly as a reporter for a daily newspaper and United Press International, but spent most of his working life in public relations and marketing. The couple moved to Murrells Inlet upon his retirement in 1998. Dotty passed away 10 years later. (“Please Stop” by Claude Bachand is available at and Kindle.) Community events surrounding artists and wordsmiths Learn Gullah songs “Down by the Riverside” and other spirituals at Brookgreen Gardens is offered every Wednesday at 1 p.m. through May 23. Sing along with Ron Daise, Brookgreen’s vice-president for creative education, and learn Gullah songs that shaped the culture. Information from Charles Joyner’s groundbreaking book, “Down by the Riverside: A South Carolina Slave Community,”and Daise’s books and personal insight will be featured. Free with garden admission. Call 843-235-6000 or visit for more information. See Barry Moser illustrations “I Can Make a Difference: Illustrations by Barry Moser from the book by Marian Wright Edelman” at Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum through April 22. Moser has illustrated 200 books for children and adults. Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Free, for information, call 843-238-2510 or visit www. Attend a Burrough’s poetry workshop Poetry Workshop: “The Making of River Poems” will be held at CCU/OLLI’s Waccamaw Higher Education Center on April 12. Libby Bernardin will use quotations from Franklin Burroughs “The River Home,” Charles Joyner’s “Down By the Riverside,” and Marian Wright Edelman’s writings about the river. If possible, bring a photo of your favorite river spot. Prompts and poems about rivers will be provided from which ideas will be drawn. Materials provided. Thursday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., $25. For more information, call 843-349-6485 or [email protected]/olli. See a Chandler play Watch a Spillane movie “The Girl Hunters” (1:30 p.m.) and “Kiss Me, “When I Just Can Remember,” Tara Theatre, Deadly” (4:30 p.m.) will be held at the Strand Litchfield Beach & Golf Resort on April 22 at Cinema, Georgetown, on April 14. Introduced 2 p.m. Coastal Carolina University professors by Jane Spillane, with a reception between films, Veronica Davis Gerald, Preston McKever-Floyd Strand Cinema members pay $5/film. General and Sandra L. Shackelford perform a play based admission, $7/film or $10 for both. Call 843- on the local interviews by Genevieve Wilcox Chandler during the 1930s. Free with ticket 527-2924 or visit (available at CCU’s Waccamaw Higher EducaSee Edelman tribute The Life Work of Marian Wright Edelman at tion Center), 843-349-6485. CCU’s Waccamaw Higher Education Center on April 19. Her life and body of work will be honored in this tribute by Tracy Swinton Bailey. Thursday, 10 a.m.- noon, free, 843349-6485 or info@ Discuss Burroughs’ Franklin Burroughs’ “The River Home, ” profoundly moving love letter to the rivers of South Carolina, 310 Prince Creek Parkway will be discussed by Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Tom Johnson at CCU’s Waccamaw Higher Education Center on April 19, from 1 p.m.Worship 10:30 a.m. Sundays 3 p.m. Free. Info, "Connecting people to Jesus Christ, to one another call 843-349-6485 or [email protected]/olli. and to God's work in the world" Join Us at Christ Church 843-357-6184 Broken Hearts Mended - Families Brought Together Preventive • Restorative • Cosmetic TMJ Treatment • CEREC® The One Visit Crown Now Accepting New Patients. Call 235-7580 Today! Faith Strengthened - Decisions for Christ Comprehensive Dental Care For Your Entire Family Marriages Restored - Relationships Healed The Wayside Restaurant...continued from page 1 April 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/11 71C Da Gullah Way, Pawleys Island Call the Prayer Line: 800-849-8930 Business Ministry Partner: 864-630-6694 12/Murrells Inlet Messenger/April 2012 Your good health is the reason we continue to build. As the needs of our community grow, we continue expanding to meet every single one of them. And with the opening of our new medical office building next to Waccamaw Community Hospital, we’ve done just that. This beautiful, state-of-the-art facility is the new home | of NextStep Rehabilitation Services, NextStep Neurological Rehabilitation Center and NextStep Pain Management Center, with many more impressive services to come in the near future. For us, this is just another important step in helping you get better. 4 0 4 0 H I G H WAY 1 7 B Y B A S S , M U R R E L L S I N L E T | NextStep Rehabilitation Services 843 652 8240 • NextStep Neurological Rehabiltation Center 843 652 8250 NextStep Pain Management Center 843 652 8260 • GHS8627_WCM_10x15_BW.indd 1 3/22/12 1:38 PM
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