Litchfield Beach Access


Litchfield Beach Access
North Litchfield
Emergency Beach Access
Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
The project consisted of the design and permitting of an access way over the beach dunes that would
allow for vehicles of the Midway Fire and Rescue Squad to reach the beach in the event of an emergency. An additional requirement was to employ a traffic control system to prohibit other vehicles
from using the access while still allowing pedestrians and the physically challenged free movement.
The access was designed at a ADA accessible slope that did not compromise the integrity of the protective function of the dune system for the adjacent residences. The ten foot width of the existing
easement required the design of timber retaining walls to make the transition to the existing dune
profile. A finely crushed oyster shell was utilized as the top coat to retain the natural look of the
surrounding area and to allow for easy movement of wheelchairs and strollers. The access was constructed by employees of the Georgetown County Public Services Department.
Georgetown County Public Services
Engineering Design
Permitting Consultant