- Thisis Skirlaugh
- Thisis Skirlaugh
June 2013 the newsletter FREE to 2000 households serving the people of Skirlaugh, Riston, Ellerby, Rise, Coniston, Arnold, Swine, Catwick, Sigglesthorne, Seaton & Bewholme voluntary annual subscription Skirlaugh Organist Retires after 31 years You can download the news pages of the Newsletter by logging on to http://www.thisisskirlaugh.co.uk EDITORIAL 2 | BENEFICE NEWS 3| GENERAL NEWS 4 | PLANNER 6 SKIRLAUGH NEWS 7 & 8 | SKIRLAUGH PARISH COUNCIL | CHURCH SERVICES 5 | SKIRLAUGH CHURCH 9, 10 & 11 RISTON CHURCH & NEWS 13, 14, 15 & 16 | SIGGLESTHORNE, SEATON & BEWHOLME NEWS 20 CATWICK CHURCH & NEWS 19 | SWINE, RISE, CONISTON & ELLERBY CHURCHES & NEWS 17 & 18 the newsletter PUBLISHED AND PRINTED BY St Augustine’s Church, Skirlaugh as a service to the community EDITOR Dr. David Hodges 01964 562658 5 Cawood Close, HU11 5EP, Skirlaugh email: [email protected] ADVERTISING MANAGER Mrs. Julie Wight Answer Phone 01964 564919 Preferably by e-mail [email protected] Or leave a note at Church Cottage DESIGN ANDREW BOOTH © 1999 PRINTED BY BOOTYMAN PRINTERS HU3 4UW 01482 323784 DISTRIBUTION TO DISTRIBUTORS SKIRLAUGH Mr. John Benstead 01964 562778 LONG RISTON / ARNOLD Mrs Wendy Pettinger 01964 500236 Mr Roger Hobson 07838 671912 CONISTON SWINE Mrs Brenda Wyles 01482 813855 Miss Gillian Dann 01964 503972 Mr Peter Jamieson 01964 562883 John Hallaway 01964 562975 CATWICK OLD ELLERBY NEW ELLERBY ADDITIONAL HELP BY Keith Sumner, Kath Whitehead, Frances Armitage, Judy Fletcher DEADLINES FOR July / August issue ADVERTS & COPY 10th June 2 From the Vicar Hello All The picture you see opposite is from when Michelle and I spent some time in Dhaka in Bangladesh with the Church there in 2004. As I write this for the newsletter I am reminded of our trip there because we have recently had the news of over 1000 deaths in Dhaka following the collapse of the garment factory and the miraculous rescue after 2 weeks of someone found still alive. There is such a lot of suffering in this world and not just in third world countries and not just down to greed or mistakes or the bad people we often come across in our newspapers and on our T.V. screens. We lose loved ones before their time because of illness or accident; people lose their lives because of natural disasters or for want basic needs. So I do understand it when people wonder how I and others can believe in an all powerful and all loving God. If God is all loving, they say, He cannot be all powerful if he allows such terrible things to happen to good people or equally, if God is all loving then He must be unable to do anything about the pain and suffering we face. This is indeed a dilemma and there are no easy answers although many have tried to come up with them, from the early Greek philosophers, through theologians from most of the world’s religions to the nihilism of current atheist and humanist thinkers. For me, one the things that stands out about Christianity, is that the God we worship is not a distant God, but is a God who became human in the person of Jesus and lived and worked and loved and lost, just as we do. And not only that but Jesus suffers alongside us in our suffering and strove for justice for those who were suffering on the margins of society and he complained at God for the evil we find in this world and when faced with his own suffering and death he didn’t just accept it as many people think he did, but he resisted it, by loving and forgiving those who persecuted him, in the ultimate act of non-violent resistance. This gives me hope that not only does God know about our suffering and is with us in that suffering, but that through following Christ we too can be freed from the fear of both evil and death. I know that this is a big stumbling block for many who might come to faith and I don’t claim to have all the answers but I would love to explore this and other issues with you if you wanted. We are touching on issues such as this at our Engage services and will also be doing so as part of the confirmation course which will take place on the evenings 17th & 24th June and the 15th July in preparation for the Confirmation by the Archbishop of York at Leven on the 21st July. If you are interested in confirmation please do contact me. We also hope to run a course which explores Christianity in more depth after the summer, so watch this space. Also watch out for the change in some Church service times this month: are these better or worse for you? Your feedback is welcome, honest! Yours in Christ. Revd Andy Simpson ADVERTISING The prices for advertising in the Newsletter are 1/4 page (portrait) £10.00/issue 1/2 page £17.50/issue All enquiries to Mrs Julie Wight Answer Phone on 01964 564919 PLEASE leave a message email [email protected] or leave a note at Church Cottage. Deadline for Submissions & Payment is the 10th of the previous month PLEASE MENTION THE NEWSLETTER WHEN CONTACTING THEM Benefice matters the newsletter Dates in June Sat 8th June Auction of Promises and Wine & Savoury Evening at Benningholme Hall St Augustine’s Skirlaugh Sun 9th June Archery Festival St Margaret’s Long Riston Sat 15th June The Rocking Reverend : Steve Caprice sings Elvis St Mary’s, Swine Sat 15th June Sigglesthorne School Fair 11am Sat 15th June ”Help for Heroes” Charity Weekend Sun 16th June Lambwath Villas, Skirlaugh Fri 21st June Supper Party at Rise Park All Saints, Rise Sat 22nd June Skirlaugh PTFA Gala Skirlaugh School Sun 30th June Thankful Village Service Catwick Save the Date Sat 6th July Sat 6th July Sat 13th July Sat 20th July Sigglesthorne / Seaton “Garage Sale” Paul Day Guitarist Coniston Village Hall Riston Gala Long Riston Gala Committee Music for a Summer Evening with East Riding Brass Band and Village Voices St Augustine’s Sat 20th July Church Fair Catwick Village Hall Fri 2nd Aug British Legion Thankful Village Motorcycle Run Catwick Village Hall Sat 10th Aug St Mary’s Church Swine OPEN DAY Sun 18th Aug Open Air Service at Nunkeeling Priory Mon 26th Aug Railway Teas at Ellerby Gatehouse St Augustine’s, Skirlaugh Sun 1st Sep Horse Blessing Ceremony Catwick Fri 18th Oct Pie & Pea Supper with Quiz Seaton Village Hall st Thu 21 Nov Christmas Cookery Demonstration St Augustine’s, Skirlaugh Fri 22nd Nov Christmas Cooking Demonstration Seaton Village Hall Thu 19th Dec A Concert of Christmas Music and Carols by The Roos Choir St Augustine’s Note For adverts & News Next Month’s Newsletter covers both July & August Deadline 10th June 3 For ALL the Villages the newsletter Skirlaugh Young Farmers Skirlaugh Young Farmers have been busy getting ready for the County Rally which takes place on 1st June at Kilnwick. The Rally is a big competitions day where Young Farmers from all 15 clubs in the county compete together in various competitions including tractor handling and singing. We have been doing a range of activities lately including a trip around Hornsea Inshore Rescue Centre, a craft evening and car handling. Upcoming events include a games night, clay pigeon shooting and a talk from an ex county organiser. We are also well on the way with organising our foam party which takes place on Saturday 20th July, at Benningholme Grange, for which tickets are now on sale. If you are interested in joining Skirlaugh Young Farmers contact our chairman Rob Hosdell on:- 07791739909 or search Skirlaugh Young Farmers on Facebook and `like’ our page. CATWICK, A Doubly Thankful Village Catwick is a "Thankful Village" because it welcomed all its men back home from both the First and Second World Wars. The British Legion Thankful Villages Motorcycle Run The British Legion "Thankful Villages Motorcycle Run" has exploded on the internet and is now almost bigger than the Olympic Torch!! It is now expected to be anything between 30-50 motorcyclists together with camera crews, newspapers, magazines etc. They are due in to Catwick at about 9am on FRIDAY 2nd AUGUST and we are hoping to give them breakfast at the Village Hall!! We will say prayers remembering those who died in WW1 & 2 and, of course, Catwick`s men who returned home. There will be various presentations, and we will have a big collection for the British Legion. 4 Jean Hawkett Catwick Parish Council the newsletter Benefice Services etc SUNDAY SERVICES IN JUNE 2013 Please note there are a number of changes to services and times. Sunday 2nd June : First Sunday after Trinity 9.15am St Mary’s, Swine Morning Prayer 9.15am St Margaret’s, Long Riston Morning Prayer 9.30 am St Lawrence’s, Sigglesthorne Holy Communion 9.30amSt Michael’s, Catwick Morning Prayer (BCP) 9.30pm St Augustine’s, Skirlaugh Methodist Service 11.00am All Saints, Rise Holy Communion Miss Helen Wastling Mrs Audrey Ashcroft Rev Andy Simpson Mr Malcolm Head Mr A Barraclough Rev Andy Simpson Sunday 9th June : second Sunday after Trinity 9.00am St Michael’s, Catwick Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am St Augustine’s, Skirlaugh All Age Worship 9.30 am St Jame’s Ellerby Morning Prayer 10.00am St John the Baptist, Bewholme Holy Communion 10.15am St Margaret’s, Long Riston Archers Communion Rev Andy Simpson Worship Leaders Mr Malcolm Head Fr Lawrence Trender Rev Andy Simpson Sunday 16th June : Third Sunday after Trinity 9.15am St Mary’s, Swine Morning Prayer 9.30am St Augustine’s, Skirlaugh Sung Eucharist 10.00am St Margaret’s, Long Riston Together@10 (All Age) 11.00 am St Lawrence’s, Sigglesthorne Holy Communion 6.30pm St Michael’s, Catwick Evening Prayer (BCP) Mrs Catherine Drake Rev Andy Simpson Mrs Paula Evans Rev Andy Simpson Mr Malcolm Head Sunday 23rd June : Fourth Sunday after Trinity 9.30am St Mary’s, Swine Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am St Michael’s, Catwick Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am St Augustine’s, Skirlaugh Methodist Service 11.00am St Margaret’s, Long Riston Holy Communion 11.00am St John the Baptist, Bewholme Holy Communion Rev Andy Simpson Rev Canon Cyril Dawson Rev Keith Himsworth Rev Andy Simpson Fr Lawrence Trender Sunday 30th June : Fifth Sunday after Trinity 10.45am St Michael’s, Catwick Benefice Communion (BCP) Rev Andy Simpson (Thankful Village Service) 4:30pm Long Riston Village Hall Engage Rev Andy Simpson & Team ALL ARE WELCOME AT THESE SERVICES Skirlaugh School PTFA Summer GALA at Skirlaugh School 22nd June 12 noon — 4pm Fire brigade Young farmers tug of war & obstacle race Bouncy Castle Face Painting etc Bar 5 the newsletter Planner Jun 4 5 6 8 9 11 15 15 & 16 18 21 22 23 25 26 30 M Tue Schools re-open after Half Term Cornerstone Coffee Shop St Augustine's 9.30am Police Community Support Officer at above 10am Wed Skirlaugh Parish Council Village Hall 7.30pm Riston Parish Council Village Hall 7pm Thu Long Riston W I Village Hall 7.30 pm Sat Auction of Promises Evening Benningholme Hall 7pm Sun Archery Festival St Margaret's Long Riston 10am Tue Cornerstone Coffee Shop St Augustine's 9.30am Skirlaugh JCC Church Cottage 7.30pm Sat "The Rocking Reverend" St Mary's Swine 7pm Barn Dance Densholme Farm Great Hatfield 7.30pm Charity Fete The Bay Horse Arnold 12 noon St Margaret's Coffee Morning Long Riston 10.30am Sigglesthorne School Summer Fair 11am W E "Help for Heroes" Charity W E Lambwath Villas Skirlaugh Tue Cornerstone Coffee Shop St Augustine's 9.30am Fri Supper Party at Rise Park All Saints Rise Sat Skirlaugh PTFA Gala Skirlaugh School Sun JUBILLEE WOOD Open Day Skirlaugh 10am Tue Cornerstone Coffee Shop St Augustine's 9.30am Wed St Mary's Wives Group Coniston Village Hall 7.30pm Sun "ENGAGE" at Long Riston Village Hall 4.30pm "Thankful Village" Service St Michael's Catwick 10.45am July 6 Sat 9 13 17 18 20 Tue Sat Wed Thu Sat 22 Mon Sigglesthorne Garage Sale St Lawrence 10 am Paul Day plays & sings Coniston Village Hall Cream Tea for Pensioners Skirlaugh School 2.30pm Riston GALA Village Hall 1pm Catwick Parish Council Village Hall 7.15pm "Summer Supper in the Garden" Dowthorpe Hall 7pm "Music for a Summer Evening" St Augustine's 7pm St Michael's Catwick Church Fair Village Hall 2.30pm Skirlaugh JCC Church Cottage 7.30pm T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WEDNESDAY GROUP POPLAR CLOSE MEETING ROOM First Wednesday of the month 2pm We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month at Poplar Close Community Room at 2.00pm. The cost is £2.00 to include a raffle ticket and light refreshments. At our last meeting, Mrs Olga Coates gave a very moving account, tracing her family roots behind The Iron Curtain. We hope to read a publication of her journey in the near future. Thank you Olga for a brave, interesting and touching story. June 5th. Our guest speaker, Margaret Booker has entitled her talk "In a pickle". You will receive a warm welcome if you would like to join us. Deirdre 562800 Note Next Month’s Newsletter covers both EDITORIAL POLICY July / August If you submit it, we’ll print it. All we ask is that articles are clear and concise (and not libellous!), and accessible for the casual reader, as well as your members or associates. Send them to your nearest news gatherer or The Editor. Items sent by email are much appreciated. Deadline June 10th PLEASE SEND Pictures of the Villages and Local Events for the Newsletter Please email to me as jpg files ( direct from cameras ) or send photos to me or leave at Church Cottage with a return address. 6 All submitted photographs are published on the understanding that all necessary permissions have been given in advance for their use. 3 the newsletter Skirlaugh School & Village Hall Skirlaugh School At the time of writing, we are looking forward to a joint RE day We continue to participate in a variety of sporting activities within the South Holderness Cluster. At a recent with Riston School, when the tag rugby event many of the pupils in Years 5 and 6 were children will be involved in workshops such as music, craft, keen to take part and their spirits were not dampened on reflection and prayer, linked to the night as they battled against the wind and rain! The Pentecost. This is a new venture Year 1 pupils joined in a multi skills event and Year 6 and an exciting opportunity to pupils participated in a kwik cricket tournament. As the work together. Rev Andy and end of June approaches the pupils in Year 6 are looking Mrs Desborough who regularly forward to their residential visit to Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire, when they will be taking part in outdoor and lead worship in both schools will be joining in the activities. adventurous activities. Diary Dates Members of the PTFA are busy preparing for the Gala on nd School re-opens for pupils on Saturday 22 June, when we are hoping for the sun to Tuesday 4 June shine and for members of the community to come along Saturday 22 June and join in the fun of the day. Recently the PTFA have Gala, 12 noon – 4pm given money to be spent on playground games and equipment and the children are pleased with the goal posts and space hoppers that have been purchased. Skirlaugh Village Hall For Bookings contact Helen Walker 01964 500356 information Skirlaugh CE Primary Dorset Avenue Skirlaugh East Riding of Yorkshire HU11 5EB 01964 562454 HEADTEACHER Mrs Janet Forth SCHOOL BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs Philippa Slaughter CHAIR OF GOVERNORS Mrs Pat Porter CHAIR OF PTFA Miss Joanne Briggs All other matters contact NICK WALKER 01964 500356 Chairman of Skirlaugh Village Hall Committee REGULAR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Available for local residents in Skirlaugh and surrounding villages. If you are interested in joining any of the above activities, please ring the named contact for more information SESSION Dance Classes Play Session WHEN Saturday/Monday (Check class times) Monday – 10.00am – 11.30am CONTACT Michelle Kent TEL 07738 425974 Skirlaugh Children’s Centre 01482 392281 01262 481699 Beeford Children’s Centre Debbie Foster 01964 500059 Parent/Toddler Group Indoor Bowls Tuesday 10.00 - 11.30 am Ener-G-Box Tuesday 5.30 – 6.30pm Please feel free to turn up at the session for more information Joy Peacock 01482 811415 Zumba Fitness Sessions Weightwatchers Tuesday – 6.45 – 7.30 pm Lisa Marie Cannell Wednesday – 6.00 – 7.20 pm Village Voices Alternative Wednesdays 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm Thursday 7.00 – 8.00 p.m Friday 5.00-5.50pm Junior Jedi 6.00-7.00 pm Skirlaugh Scorpions Please feel free to turn up at the session for more information [email protected] Tai Chi Classes Kick Boxing Classes Tuesday – 2.30 – 3.30 p.m Ricky Robson Joy Peacock 07776 138857 01430 810536 01482 811415 POLICE TELEPHONE NUMBER 101 emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone When to call 101? You should call 101 to report crime suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life and other concerns that do not require an emergency re- or when violence is being used or threatened sponse. You should continue to call 999 when it is an To contact the police for any other reason, call 101. . Police Community Support Officer A member of the Neighbourhood Policing Team, will be holding Drop-in Surgeries on Tuesday Mornings. If you have any problems or concerns about local policing issues, please call in and discuss them with the PCSO in the 10.00 - 11.00am Cornerstone Coffee Shop at St Augustine’s 4 June 7 10.00 - 11.00am 9 July the newsletter Local Government, etc Skirlaugh Parish Council Meeting of Skirlaugh Parish Council held on 1ST MAY 2013 Visit our website: www.thisisskirlaugh. co.uk 1. It was agreed that Terry Frost is re-elected Chairman and Edward Atkinson reelected Vice Chairman. 2. Committee representatives are as follows: Joint Burial Committee Queries and Beaumont, Berry, comments to Glynn, Ginnelly, Terry Frost Wilkinson Chairman 562467 Village Hall Glynn Playing Field Large FFP Atkinson, Clark, Frost Planning Atkinson, Wilkinson Public Rights of Way Clark Langdale Charity Frost Meetings, literature Glynn Internal audit Olsen Website Corden Grounds maintenance Ginnelly Environmental Atkinson, Corden Severe weather co-ordinator Corden Emergency plan Atkinson Christmas Tree Frost Closed churchyard Berry Streetscene Ginnelly, Olsen 3. The clock had stopped and has been repaired by ERYC. 4. Hillfield Drive is not yet an adopted road, but arrangements are in hand to complete repairs to the path. 5. Cllr. Frost met with ERYC to discuss the condition of the grass verges, which are being damaged by parked cars. 6. The internal audit has been completed by Mr. D. Walker. The accounts for the year ending 31st March 2013 were approved and the annual return signed. All points on the annual governance statement were agreed with a ‘yes’ response and signed. 7. Dog fouling stencils will be applied to the footpaths around the village 8. Cllr. Wilkinson will attend the ERYC Parish Council liaison meeting to be held in Skirlaugh on 15th May. 9. ERYC has contacted the parish council to ask if an item relating to emergency planning in the parish can be included in the next issue of Your East Riding. There will be a photograph of Cllrs. Frost, Atkinson and Corden; Cllr. Atkinson will write a short comment for the article. 10. The next parish council meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th June 2013 at 7.30 in the village hall. Sara Towne, Clerk JUBILEE WOOD The Jubilee Wood will be open to the public for one day, on SUNDAY 23RD JUNE from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. All residents are welcome to visit the new wood on this day. Access is from the main gate at the end of Hillfield Drive PARKING ON GRASS VERGES The parish council wishes to draw the attention of residents to the damage being caused to grass verges by parked cars. During wet weather the verge becomes damaged and rutted. In dry weather the grass becomes worn, leaving bare patches. At any time the grass cutters are unable to cut where there is a parked car, leaving long and unsightly areas of uncut grass. The verges should not be regarded as a parking place and the parish council will appreciate your co-operation by parking your car off the verges. 8 Skirlaugh Church the newsletter SKIRLAUGH CHURCH NOTES WEDNESDAY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP will be meeting in Church Cottage at 2pm on 26th June. Due to the number of meetings we have had to cancel over the past year because of dwindling numbers, we have decided to cut down to only one meeting per month which will usually be on the 4th Wednesday in the month. We will review the situation in the autumn and decide whether or not to continue through winter. All welcome. Remember - Please call me if you think you might like to join us any time. We are currently so small in number that we usually ring round to make sure we have a quorum before turning out! Margaret Pilgrim (564822) FLOWER ROTA : Please contact if you are interested Shelley Richardson tel.500011. You don’t have to attend church or be an expert arranger to be involved! The Church is open from about 9am to about 4pm. CHURCH WEBSITE There is a website for St Augustine’s at www.skirlaughchurch.org.uk SkYNs Skirlaugh Youth Nights For Ages 13 - 18 Wednesdays 7:30 – 9:15 Church Cottage, Church Lane, Skirlaugh Just Turn Up or phone the Vicarage 01964 564634 for Hot Chocolate, DVD’s Wii games, Homemade Buns, Chill and Chat From the registers Funerals: information St Augustine’s Church Church of England/ Methodist Church Lane Skirlaugh HU11 5EU Open 9am - 4pm app VICAR Rev Andy Simpson 01964 564634 MINISTER Rev Keith Himsworth 01964 535709 A WELCOME TO YOU ALL The people of Skirlaugh Church welcome you to join them for Sunday worship. See page 18 CHURCH WARDENS Keith Sumner 562246 Denise Thompson 562044 CHURCH STEWARD Wednesday 24 April John Lison Pauline Ogram 562293 Friday VERGER/CARETAKER 3 May Dorothy Evans Joyce Clark 562161 Open every Tuesday morning 9.30 -11.30a.m. In St Augustine’s Half of our profits between January and June will go to Hornsea Inshore Rescue. Fresh coffee and tea, home made cakes, drinks and toys for the children . We are a Fairtrade Church A warm welcome awaits you in St Augustine’s Church Requests for baptisms, weddings and funerals should be as follows:Members of the Church of England should apply to Rev Andy Simpson on 01964 564634 Members of the Methodist Church should apply to the Rev. Keith Himsworth 01964 535709 9 the newsletter Skirlaugh Church News A Big Thank You The two recent events held in Skirlaugh Church have been a great success. Despite a last-minute hitch, the Concert on 19th April was a huge success when a capacity audience enjoyed the singing of Martin Jackson and a young girl, Jodie, who was a most welcome last minute replacement for Mark Andrews who had suffered a heart attack. A profit of £923 was made and we send our best wished to Mark for a full recovery. The May Bank Holiday weekend saw an Exhibition of Crafts in church and in an adjoining marquee. The wonderful needlecrafts and artwork came mainly from the Holderness Ladies Craft Club, along with some local talent from the village. Approximately 250 people enjoyed the event and many stayed for refreshments in the cafe which was open throughout the weekend in the tent . The event resulted in a profit of just over £700. The profit from these two events together will just about pay the final instalment for the new sound system in church. Many thanks to everyone who supported these events in any way. Judy Stott Retirement of Skirlaugh's organist after 31 years On 28th April the congregation of St Augustine's Church said goodbye to Glynne Jarratt, who has been the organist for 31 years at Skirlaugh and at times at other churches in the benefice. In addition, for many years he was also an excellent choirmaster. When the church celebrated its 600th Anniversary in 2004, Glynne published a book entitled "The Life of Walter Skirlaw", which he spent six years researching and writing. Walter Skirlaw was born in Skirlaugh and took his surname from the village name and later became Prince Bishop of Durham, but never forgot his home village and had the present church built, which was completed two years before he died in 1406. As a token of our appreciation he was presented with an engraved silver bookmark in the shape of a cross and a cheque His wife Christine, who has been a regular member of the congregation throughout those years, and a member of the church council and social committee, was presented with a bouquet of flowers to thank her for her contribution to church life. After his final service, Glynne and Christine joined the congregation for a buffet lunch in church We wish them both a long and happy retirement. HELP FOR HEROES CHARITY COFFEE DAY/GARDEN PARTY SATURDAY 15th JUNE / SUNDAY 16th JUNE 10am until 4pm 11am until 3pm At the home of Nan Watling 4 Lambwath Villas, Skirlaugh, HU11 5DS CAKE STALL, RAFFLE, TOMBOLA, BOTTLE STALL BRIC A BRACK, BOOKS, CHANCE YOUR LUCK, BAT THE RAT CHILDRENS STALL, PLANTS ETC REFRESHMENTS ALL DAY ICE CREAM CHIPS and MUSHY PEAS 11am-2pm Everyone welcome Please come along and have a nice day whilst supporting this worthy cause 10 Skirlaugh Church News the newsletter St Augustine’s Church, Skirlaugh invites you to a Supper Party and Auction of Promises on Saturday 8th June from 7pm at Benningholme Hall, Skirlaugh by kind permission of Andrée and Tony Nolan Tickets £12 including Buffet Supper and first glass of wine from Cathy Crumpton (562885), Judy Stott (563137) and other church members - Bar available St. Augustine’s Church Supper Party and Auction of Promises This is a new venture for us and we hope you will give it your support. We are grateful to Andree and Tony Nolan for allowing us to use Benningholme Hall for this event. Everyone is invited to attend - please see block advert for details of ticket purchase. The Auction of Promises will be held during the evening, when those there will be able to bid for the promises – those unable to attend will be able to bid by proxy. The Auction Catalogue will be published before the event and on the evening they are auctioned and sold to the highest bidder and the money goes to Church. The winner and the offerer can then arrange at their mutual convenience. We have already been promised a pillion ride to Hornsea on the back of the Vicar’s scooter, baby sitting, ironing, afternoon tea and a garden tour, a homemade cake a week for 3 weeks, six painting lessons and a brand new picnic hamper. At time of writing we have almost 30 promises including Art and Music lessons, shopping trip to a supermarket, family vouchers for Burton Constable Hall and Grounds, a flower arrangement, rides in a pony and trap, the Vicar's Vespa 200 scooter and in a 42-year old MGB Roadster. See last months Newsletter for other ideas. If you would like to make a promise we would be very grateful to you. Please let me know so I can let you have a form to detail your promise. We look forward to your support to help us to make this an enjoyable and successful evening. Judy Stott (01964 563137) COME HOLY SPIRIT THE PRAYING NOW DONE! STRIKE THE GONG! LET LOVE RESOUND! LIKE THUNDEROUS ECHOES IN THE CANYONS OF OUR GOD GIVEN MINDS. LIFT US UP LORD SO TO FEEL YOUR MIGHTY POSITIVITY EVEN IN A NEGATIVE YOU ARE THERE LORD, IF ONLY WE WOULD BE PAUSED, AND ASK FOR YOUR GRACE. NOW YOUR HAND ONLY ON THE BUTTON, TEACH US TO LISTEN SO WE MIGHT KNOW YOUR WILL FOR OUR LIVES. COME HOLY SPIRIT COME HERE WE ARE LORD LIKE TENDER SAPLINGS IN YOUR HANDS, FOR WHOM YOU HAVE GREAT AND WONDROUS PLANS. LET YOUR CHURCHES GROW LIKE -- OLIVE TREES, WITH A HEAVY YIELD -- PLANTED IN YOUR HOLY SOIL WATERED FREELY WITH YOUR TEARS OF JOY AS WE OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS NOT LOOKING LEFT OR RIGHT, BUT ONLY UP AT YOU. COME HOLY SPIRIT COME GUARD OUR TONGUES, SO WE MAY ONLY UTTER AT YOUR PROMPTING WILL. AT SUCH A TIME OF YOUR CHOOSING, THAT WHICH YOU IMPART ON OUR HEARTS, CAUSING NO OFFENCE. ONLY PATIENCE, LOVE AND JOY, FORGIVENESS TOO. THEN BESTOW ON US THE ESSENCE OF WHICH OUR LORD JESUS LEFT BEHIND UNTIL HIS RETURN -- LOVE, HEALING, HOPE, JOY. COME HOLY SPIRIT COME JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY, TAKE ONE STEP HIS WAY. REACH OUT YOUR HANDS, HE WILL HEAR YOU, JUST PRAY. RECEIVE HIM THIS DAY, AND NEVER LOOK BACK ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN, KNOCK AND THE DOOR TO UNDERSTANDING WILL BE OPEN -YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME -- "IF" YOU WILL BUT GIVE GOD THE REIGNS, ENJOY THE RIDE. WRITTEN BY A LADY, JUST PASSING THIS WAY AFTER REV. ANDY SIMPSON’S SERMON IN THE TENT AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, SKIRLAUGH. NAME, ADDRESS., SUPPLIED. 11 Local Services the newsletter Work Club For more details, either come along to one of the free workshops at Hornsea Adult Education Centre (Tues 9.30-12.30) and South Holderness Adult Education Centre (Fri 9.30-12.00) or contact Jayne Wilcock 01964 533942 [email protected] Children’s Centre Contact Tel: 01482 392281 / 01262 481699 SKIRLAUGH READING ROOMS Come and play Snooker in our warm and friendly club on some of the best tables in the East Riding. Membership is now welcome @ £17.00 of which £5 is a one off payment for an entry card. Open every day 1pm till 10pm For more membership details contact N.Kinsley on 01964-563294. SKIRLAUGH PARENT & TODDLER SESSION NOW RUNS ON A TUESDAY MORNING 10.00AM TO 11.30AM Term Time Only WELCOMING NEW & OLD MEMBERS SKIRLAUGH VILLAGE HALL, BENINGHOLME LANE CONTACT: 01964 500059 12 Riston News the newsletter RISTON PARISH COUNCIL agreed to object to the St Margaret’s Church proposal as it would conCatwick Lane, flict with the Regional The annual meeting of the Council took Long Riston, Hull Spatial Strategy and the place on the 1st May with all members Joint Structure Plan with St Margaret’s people welcome present. Cllr Miss J Richardson was rethe Draft Local Plan also elected as Chair for the ensuing year and you to Sunday worship indicating that no allocaNEWS FROM Cllr E Atkinson re-elected as Vice ChairVICAR tions for development are YOUR PARISH man with Cllr I Nursey continuing as Rev Andy Simpson being made in Long Riston COUNCIL Treasurer for the same period. and further that quite a 01964 564634 Chairperson: It was agreed that the annual litter pick number of houses are/ Mrs. Julie take place on the 28th September and Cllr CHURCH WARDENS have been for sale for a Richardson Mrs Lloyd was thanked for marking the 562272 considerable period of Mrs Paula Evans 01964 562671 footpaths in Long Riston with the dog "pick time without selling and in 07834 220438 it up" stencil. view of this it is [email protected] Replies from ERYC in relation to damage ered that there is not a caused to grass verges informed the Council that the ruts requirement for further Mrs Jane White 01964 562753 on the A165 adjacent to the telephone and gas cabinets housing development in were probably caused by hgv's or agricultural vehicles the village for the foreseerather than cars or vans visiting the cabinets and that the able future. site would be monitored in the near future. In respect of A further planning application was also received issues at Dancing Lane, ERYC suspect that the offending for comment upon in respect of the erection of a single motorist(s) live nearby and that any further information wind turbine with associated works and infrastructure at supplied by way of photographs or vehicle registration(s) land west of Arnold Grange Arnold Lane West Arnold and would then be acted on accordingly by that Authority. it was agreed to inform ERYC that whilst in principle the The Chair reported that the Playing Fields committee AGM Council does not object to the siting of a wind turbine had recently taken place and informed the Council of the at the site they concur with the observations of a number of composition of the committee for the coming year and that residents of Arnold that the turbine should be smaller in the toddler area was earmarked for improvement works in size and that ERYC should appropriately condition a reducthe near future. tion in size of the proposed turbine. It was reported that two new heaters were now in situ in the village hall and it was agreed that the back of the notice board in Arnold be repaired as soon as possible as it had become warped. Cllr Mulkern provided a summary of crimes committed in the parish during the last twelve months he had from a Police website. A planning application received for comment upon from ERYC for the erection of an extension and refurbishment of The Barn and construction of two new dwellings at The Barn Main Street Long Riston was considered and it was Memories of Mark It was agreed that the Chair and Cllr Nursey attend a planning liaison meeting organised by ERYC for 15th May 2013 at Skirlaugh Council Offices commencing at 6pm and notification was received from ERYC of three deletions to the register of electors. Barry Lee Clerk to the Council The next meeting of the council will be on Wednesday 5th June in the Village Hall at 7pm. If you can not attend but would like an issue raising please contact Julie on 01964 562272 play guitar and formed a trio with us, performing on many open mic nights at various locations. When Mark became ill he still bravely came along to many acoustic nights treating his audience to his own brand of wickedly humorous music in a solo performance. He will always have a special place in our hearts for being such a true and loyal friend. I imagine that wherever he is now, he is probably fixing some leaky tap whilst giving his inimitable rendition of 'Streets of Skirlaugh, Riston or perhaps heaven. We first met Mark Crompton several years ago both through minor DIY disasters, he advertised himself as ' Man We will miss him very, very much and that heavens gain is with tools' next thing we knew a scruffy looking guy with a very much our loss lumberjack shirt turned up, he did a fabulous job and we By Howard Drennan & Mark Johnson instantly became friends. Mark hated modern cars and modern technology loved listening to radio 4 whilst drinking his favourite drink 'a mug of tea' 12 13 His greatest joy in later life was his music, he learned to Riston News the newsletter information Riston CE Primary Main Street Long Riston East Riding of Yorkshire HU11 5JF 01964 562422 HEADTEACHER T Chambers Joan Hearsey A Tribute Riston CE Primary School Wednesday 5 June Tuesday 11th June Friday 5th July Thursday 18th July Tennis coaching begins Book Fair Week Curriculum Day Swimming Gala (PTFA) th LONG RISTON WI LONG RISTON WI THURSDAY 6TH JUNE VILLAGE HALL 7.30PM THURSDAY 2ND JULY NEW THEATRE HULL - 7.30PM Soap Carving Demonstration by Alan Hugman Competition: A Wooden Ornament Hostesses: Margaret and Tina Raffle: Eileen To See: Midnight Tango. Further details will be given out at our June meeting From the time Joan and David arrived in the village until her illness Joan took part in so many organisations in the village. She was a long-time member of the WI and was President many times. She was a very enthusiastic member and encouraged other members in taking part in so many aspects of the organisation including quizzes and Group Rallies. There is a lovely photograph of Joan in a WI album as she was setting off for London to a special WI meeting when everyone was expected to wear a hat and Joan looked wonderful. We were invited to her home for WI Christmas parties and birthday celebrations. Many remember enjoying the Keep Fit classes Joan organised and instructed in the Village Hall and she also served on the village hall committee for several years. Joan was very dedicated to St Margaret’s Church being a member of the PCC, a sidesperson and the one who organised the rota for the flowers in church and brass cleaning. Joan and David also held events at their home to raise money for the church. When Revd. David Perry began the newsletter Joan was the newsgatherer for Long Riston. At Christmas- time Joan sang with the ‘instant choir’ at the special Carol Services. She enjoyed all aspects of village life and helped in so many ways in the village. Joan will be remembered with great affection by all who knew her and worked with her and we give thanks for her warm friendship and everything she did for our village so gladly and willingly. Riston Playing Field Committee AGM vandalism and it has been agreed to appoint two young people on to the committee. Last month the Playing Field Committee held their AGM. Julie Richardson was proposed and seconded as Chair for the coming year. Tina Hammond proposed and seconded as Vice Chair (although not present at the meeting has said she will continue this role for another year). Mike Armstrong again carries on the role of Treasurer and Megan Hamnett continues as Secretary. Resigning from the committee were Lenny Taylor and Jonthan Preston. We welcome on to the committee Anne White, Julie Taylor and Shane Hicks. PC Will Stephenson gave us a detailed talk about preventing If you are aged between 13 and 17 and use the field / facilities on a regular basis and would like a say on the facilities you use. If you have ideas on things that should be on the field or ideas for fundraising. Please contact Julie 01954-562272. Weather permitting the Toddler area will be getting a much needed make over hopefully this will have started by the time the newsletter goes out. If you have any issues regarding the Playing Field please contact Julie on the above number. RISTON PLAYING FIELD NOTICE NO DOGS NO SMOKING ON ALL AREAS OF THE FIELD TENNIS ONLY ON TENNIS COURTS NO UNAUTHORISED VEHICLES NO PARKING IN FRONT OF GATES NO GOLF 14 The Playing Field Committee operate Zero Tolerance to anti social behaviour and vandalism and will prosecute. If you use any of the facilities on the field you do so at your own risk. LONG RISTON VILLAGE HALL Available to Hire. Contact Jane Billing 01964-500298 Riston News the newsletter RISTON GALA NEWS RISTON GALA SATURDAY 13th JULY Riston Gala is now only a month away. Please if you have any Books or items for the ladies stall (costume Jewellery/ unused cosmetics handbags etc). Also unopened items for the Tombola stall. Please contact Julie on 01964 562272. The Gala can not run without helpers. Please, please if you can spare an hour on the evening before the gala, to help set up the hall or carry tables or any time on the gala day itself helping on a gala stall (ice cream, Tuck Shop, Book Stall, Ladies Stall) Please contact Julie on the above number or Tina on 01964 563204 RISTON GALA CAR BOOT / TABLE TOP Saturday 13 July 1pm - 5pm Set up from 12 noon Pre booked only. Limited spaces inside or out No Food/drink or Tombola's To Book. Please contact Julie 01964-562272 Tina 01964-563202 £7 per car outside /per table inside DOGS FOULING IN LONG RISTON CHURCHYARD Long Riston PCC is aware of a public footpath crossing the churchyard. However the church grounds are consecrated land and, as such, should be treated with respect. Please will ALL dog owners act responsibly, keeping their dogs on a lead at all times and ensure all dog waste is bagged and taken away with you. Thank you for your co-operation. St Margaret’s Church Coffee Morning Our coffee morning is on Saturday 15th June, 10.30 - 12.30, Long Riston Village Hall. Bacon Butties, Hot Dogs, Soup and a bread roll, hot drinks, cakes, various stalls... FREE FOOTBALL TASTER SESSIONS Long Riston Juniors AFC are looking for boys and girls aged 5+ to come and try football and have fun! We train on Saturday morning at Long Riston playing fields. 15 the newsletter Riston News Long Riston Archery Festival 9th June 2013 at St Margaret’s Church Long Riston The Archers Eucharist 10.00am – Led by The Revd Andy Simpson (to include free bacon butties!) Archery Registration from 11.00 Archery competition starts 11.30 £10 entry fee to include 3 arrows at each of the five archery stands, Badges, certificates, food and drink. To raise funds jointly for Marie Curie and St Margaret’s Church. Advanced Registration Contact Paula Evans 562671, Ian Nursey 500229 or James Britton 07967326434 DISCLAIMER The Skirlaugh Newsletter takes no responsibility for statements made in any advert/insert nor from any matter arising whatsoever. Readers should be aware that the Skirlaugh Newsletter is not in a position to investigate the goods or services offered by the adverts/inserts included herein. The inclusion of adverts/inserts is not to be taken as an endorsement by the Skirlaugh Newsletter of the goods and services advertised nor should the inclusion of any adverts/inserts be taken as an indication that the goods or services have been investigated or approved. Furthermore, responsibility for the failure of any advertiser to fulfil his or her obligations to customers gained by/from an advert/insert within cannot & will not be accepted by the Skirlaugh Newsletter. The Skirlaugh Newsletter team makes every effort to ensure accuracy but there are occasions when mistakes, whether due to time constraints or other reasons, may occur. We will do our best to correct any errors, within reason, in the following issue, but will not make a financial payment in respect of delayed Newsletter distribution, any omissions or for any other reason whatsoever. 16 Ellerby News the newsletter St. Mary’s, Swine & St. James, Old Ellerby VICAR Rev Andy Simpson 01964 564634 CHURCH WARDENS John Holtby 01964 562265 Su Yu 01482 811489 VERGER Pam Porter 01482 812070 All Saints’ Church, Rise VICAR Rev Andy Simpson 01964 564634 CHURCH WARDEN Mr Hugh Bethell 01964 562435 New Ellerby Methodist Church Meeting of Ellerby Parish Council held on 13th May 2013 1. Cllr. Peter Fairfield was re-elected Chairman. Main Street, New Ellerby Hull HU11 5AP 2. Committee representatives were re-elected as follows: Joint Burial Committee: Mike Fink & Diane Lock Footpaths: Karen Parker Planning, Old Ellerby Pete Jamieson Planning, New Ellerby Pete Fairfield Allotments Pete Fairfield Withernwick Community Wind Farm Fund Karen Parker, Pete Fairfield MINISTER Rev Keith Himsworth 01964 535709 STEWARDS John Jackson 01482 897512 3. It was noted that Crabtree Lane through Old Ellerby has been used by a large lorry to access the site near West Newton. This will be reported to the liaison committee. 4. ERYC will be asked to removed flood signs which have been left near the gas terminal on Crabtree Lane, Old Ellerby. BOOKING EVENTS If you wish to book the Chapel for an event, please contact Colin Neal 564327 5. It was noted that the ditch along Lambwath Lane is filled with debris and litter. ERYC will be asked to contact the landowner to ask that it is cleared out. 6. The balance of funding remaining from the severe weather grant will be set aside for use in case of future severe weather events. The possibility of providing a salt bin near Mulberry Lane will be considered. 7. It was agreed that the parish council will support Burton Constable parish council in its request to ERYC to have the road between New Ellerby and Sproatley treated regularly during winter weather. 8. The accounts for the year ending 31.3.2013 have been checked by the internal auditor. It was agreed that the accounts are approved and the annual return signed. Sara Towne Clerk JOHN & CAROLINE HOLTBY INVITE YOU TO A SUMMER SUPPER IN THE GARDEN AT DOWTHORPE HALL ON THURSDAY 18TH JULY 2013 7 - 10PM TICKETS £15.00 FOR SWINE & ELLERBY CHURCH (GLASS OF WINE INCLUDED) 01964 562235 R.S.V.P 17 Swine News the newsletter STEVE CAPRICE THE ‘ROCKING REVEREND’ Saturday 6 July 2013 Coniston Village Hall Returns by popular demand Paul Day Tribute to Elvis Concert Sensational 60s/70s Guitarist/Vocalist to be held on Saturday 15th June 2013 at 7.00pm Bar Pie and Pea Supper Come and Enjoy In St. Mary’s Church, Swine Tickets £10 includes refreshment and glass of wine or soft drink Tickets available from: Sharon Porter: 01482 812144 RDS Training Ltd: 01482 228113 Pat Porter : 07500 482254 Enquiries Yvonne 01482 811523 MARQUEE HIRE 2 MARQUEES ARE AVAILABLE TO HIRE EACH MARQUEE IS 10 X 4 METRES CAN BE JOINED TOGETHER TO MAKE 20 X 8 METRES EASY TO ASSEMBLE WITH DETACHABLE SIDES 1 MARQUEE £40 - 2 MARQUEES FOR £60 CONTACT JANE MACKERETH ON 01482 813879 (ALL PROCEEDS GO TO SWINE FAYRE / ST. MARYS CHURCH, SWINE) The St. Mary's Wives Group meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Coniston Village Hall. We enjoy a friendly get-together and a variety of speakers and outings. Come and join us. On June 26th, Tony Featherstone will give a talk entitled "Trash or Treasure?" 18 For more details contact Josy Sinclair 01964 562342 or Joyce Howard 01964 500028. Swine Neighbourhood Watch Contacts Maureen Wastling John and Jill Swift Doris Oliver Gail Bloom John Mackereth Other useful Contacts Police non-emergency ERYC ERYC Call Centre 01482-811364 01482-814318 01482-811240 07971 690260 01482-813879 0845 60 60 222 01482-887700 01482-393939 Catwick News the newsletter St. Michael’s, Catwick While I’m thinking of dates, on 23rd May Rev Canon Chris Simmons (previous vicar) and his wife, DoroWell done to our two churchwardens! They led our Morning Prayer on 5th May when our Reader, Mr Malcolm thy, left the area for a new life in Northumberland. Chris was known Head, was away on holiday, and they did very well. The for his Good News sermons – as well service rota is under review at present as Rev Andy as many other things! We hope that balances his commitments to 8 villages, so watch this life treats them kindly in the future. space and also the notice board in the churchyard and at no.12, Main Road, Catwick. Several events are hopefully Be sure that you’ve marked Sat. 20th already on your calendar:July in your diaries as it’s our annual 2nd June 9.30am The theme for Morning Prayer Church Fair. 2.30 – 4.30 at the will be the Diamond Coronation celebration. Village Hall. NEW 9th June 9.00am This is a ‘one-of’ early time for Holy Communion. It should give Rev Andy a chance of I feel that summer’s arriving once the arriving at Long Riston in time for their special service for Evening Prayer service comes into Archers at the start of their exciting Archery event. our monthly rota (third Sunday) and 30th June 10.45am is our turn for the Benefice then, of course, we’ve had bursts of service, when the church is filled by all of the congregations from the area. This will be a commemorative service superb sunshine which brighten eveas a way of marking Catwick as a “Doubly Thankful” ryone. Long may the feeling last! village. (All of the men returned from both World Wars) Everyone is welcome to refreshments afterwards at the Gillian Dann, PCC Secretary Village Hall. CATWICK PARISH COUNCIL St. Michael’s Church, Church Lane, Catwick, Beverley VICAR Rev Andy Simpson 01964 564634 CHURCH WARDENS Mrs Clover Todd 01964 533840 Mrs P. Brumpton 01964 542128 READER Mr Malcolm Head 01964 532917 * Public consultations for proposed Dogger Bank Windfarms . Chair: Janice McLeavy 01964 543679. * Clerk to write to ERYC Highways Dep`t re. damage inflicted on Rise Road, following the diversion of traffic along this narrow single-lane track when Hornsea Road was closed because of flooding. Catwick Parish Council met on Wednesday 17th April 2013. Topics covered included: * Fly-tipping in the lay-by. Clerk to contact ERYC. * The recent Litter Pick along Main Street. 15 sacks of rubbish were collected. * Approval of the Annual Accounts for 2012-13. * Catwick Grange proposed Wind Turbine Appeal. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Wednesday 17th JULY 2013, 7.15pm in the Village Hall. NOTE date change Jean Hawkett, Clerk. 01964 543626. "THANKFUL VILLAGE" COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE ST MICHAEL`S CHURCH, CATWICK SUNDAY 30th JUNE, 10.45am. Refreshments in the Village Hall. 19 the newsletter Sigglesthorne, Seaton & Bewholme News St. Lawrence’s Church, Sigglesthorne St Lawrence Church, Sigglesthorne invite you to be part of their annual VICAR Rev Andy Simpson 01964 564634 CHURCH WARDEN Mrs Nancy Davis 01964 536885 Sigglesthorne C of E Primary School Main Street Sigglesthorne HU11 5QA Grand Garage Sale Saturday, 6 July 2013 10am – 3pm Limited tabletop space will be available at the church on a “first come” basis Fee for Garage/tabletop will be £5 and will include all advertising and maps available to the public showing locations St. John the Baptist’s Church, Bewholme VICAR Rev Andy Simpson 01964 564634 CHURCH WARDEN Mrs Joanne White 01964 545939 VERGER Patricia Trender 01964 533020 Tel: 01964 533770 Headteacher: Mrs Rosie Fisher Administrative Officer: Mrs Jane Conlon Chair of Governors: Mr Paul Evans If you would like to be part of the sale please contact Nancy Davis by 16 June 2013 01964 536885 or Email on: [email protected] St Lawrence - Sigglesthorne Remember the Village Cookbook. Please send your recipes by the 30th of April along with your name and contact details to: Friends of St Lawrence Recipes, Common Farm, Common Lane, Seaton, HU11 5SL or email: [email protected] Chair of PTFA: Mrs Emma Caley If anyone would like to join the Friends of St Lawrence (FOSL’s) and help with the fundraising side of the church please contact Nancy Davis on 01964 536885. St Lawrence Youth Club – all kids from Year 6 to 17 years of age are welcome at the Schoolroom behind the Church Club is from 7-8.30pm. on Fridays: objects to the initiative will have opportunity at this stage, and again later, to do so but we very much hope for 100% support from the Village. Church Extension One way support can be shown is by people in the We were delighted that there was a most positive and helpful response to our appeal for help in progressing Village and the wider Benefice saying how they would use the plan to extend St John the Baptist Church by building the church as a community centre once the extension has on a kitchen and toilet and we are truly grateful to the per- been completed. We cannot over-emphasise the imporson who came forward. tance of this and so do, please, put your thinking caps on We have submitted a draft plan to the ERYC Planand let Father Lawrence (as Parochial Church Council secning Department and it has accepted it. We now have to retary) know your ideas. The more ideas the merrier! 20 get what is called a ‘faculty’ from the Diocese and an architect’s drawing. Anyone in Bewholme who BEWHOLME NEWS Presentation to Glynne Jarratt on his retirement as St Augustine’s Organist after 31 years Andy Simpson Auctioneer and Ian Nursey, St Margaret 's chuch auction Exhibition of Crafts Bank Holiday Week End at St Augustine’s Jane White and Audrey Ashcroft sampling the cakes at St Mary’s Church coffee morning
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- Thisis Skirlaugh
“Good, good,” said the vicar, and moved on to greet the next guest.