DEPARTMENT OF IÑUPIAT HISTORY, LANGUAGE AND CULTURE I. MISSION The mission of the Department of Iñupiat History, Language and Culture is to document, preserve and perpetuate the history, language and culture of the North Slope Region. Drawing upon this reservoir of knowledge, the museums assume an active and supportive role in local and Borough wide cultural awareness, enrichment and educational programs. The Department accomplishes this mission by: The Department’s actions help fulfill the North Slope Borough’s founding commitment to document, preserve and perpetuate its Iñupiaq heritage. Leading Iñupiaq language revitalization efforts; Collecting and documenting cultural information; Publishing material pertaining to Iñupiat history, language and culture; Making culturally relevant materials more easily and widely available; Provide translation services to North Slope Borough departments as needed; Researching and developing educational, historical and cultural materials for enrichment of classroom use by working in close cooperation with all stakeholders; Utilizing the Iñupiat Heritage Center and the Simon Paneak Memorial Museum as dynamic repositories and conveyors of traditional cultural knowledge, values and skills; Collecting, recording, preserving, documenting, displaying and interpreting artifacts and other associated materials relating to the history, culture and traditions of the Iñupiat people; II. DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES The Department is responsible for the efficient administration of the duties and responsibilities of the Iñupiat History, Language and Culture (IHLC) Commission as outlined in North Slope Borough Municipal Code (NSBMC) Chapter 2.16. A. Central Office The Central Office is responsible for the overall administration, management and direction of the Department, in accordance with the IHLC Commission’s vision and strategic plan. Central Office staff performs day-to-day administrative tasks and is the first contact with the public and other departments. G-1 The Central Office also provides administrative support to the North Slope Borough Commission on Iñupiat History, Language and Culture. The Heritage Center provides a place for cultural revitalization efforts, provides space for public meetings and serves the various departments of the North Slope Borough through its services. B. Cultural Resources D. This program documents, preserves and perpetuates the region’s rich cultural heritage in all North Slope communities. By working closely with regional educational institutions and each community, the goal of this program is to help make IHLC collections more easily and readily available to all stakeholders. The mission of the Simon Paneak Memorial Museum is to serve the people of the North Slope Region as dynamic repositories and conveyors of traditional cultural knowledge, values and skills by collecting, recording, preserving, documenting, displaying and interpreting artifacts and other associated materials relating to the history, culture and traditions of the Inupiat people. Oral history collections include traditional land use studies, historical accounts, stories, legends and life histories. C. Simon Paneak Memorial Museum (SPMM) The purpose of the Museum is to collect, preserve and display artifacts, objects and associated materials such as photographs, written documents, audio and video recordings and other information relating to the history, culture and lifestyle, both past and present, of the Nunamiut Inupiat. This is accomplished by the presentation, dissemination and interpretation of these materials through public exhibitions, educational programs and continuing research. Iñupiat Heritage Center The Iñupiat Heritage Center (IHC) brings people together to promote and perpetuate Iñupiat history, language and culture. This dynamic interaction between the Iñupiat and their environment fosters the awareness, understanding and appreciation of the Iñupiat way of life from generation to generation. The primary goal of SPMM is to reinforce and support our sense of cultural identity and awareness by serving as a resource and focal point for the elders and educators of the community to pass on traditional knowledge, skills and values to our young people. The Heritage Center promotes tourism and supports Iñupiat artists by providing a place in which to work on and showcase arts and crafts. It also serves to support the whaling traditions of the Iñupiat by making available the Traditional Room for traditional whaling boat construction and repair. Another important goal is to become the primary resource center and clearing house for information that G-2 has been gathered by visiting scientists concerning the Nunamiut Iñupiat. GOAL 2: CONTINUE HISTORIC PRESERVATION EFFORTS IN THE REGION An additional goal is to serve as an informational and educational resource for visitors who are unfamiliar with the Brooks Range environment, or the historical and culture traditions of the Nunamiut. Obj. 2.1: Update nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. III. Obj. 2.2: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL 1: CONTINUOUS REVITALIZATION OF THE INUPIAQ LANGUAGE Obj. 2.3: Assist with requirements of archaeological clearances for North Slope Borough development permit application process in order to protect culturally sensitive archaeological sites within the North Slope Borough. Obj. 1.1: Review Iñupiaq Language Strategic Plans with all stakeholders through an Iñupiaq Language Summit. Obj. 2.4: Incorporate, updated data, information and traditional knowledge into the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey data system and the traditional Land Use Inventory. Obj. 1.2: Assist, promote and support the NSBSD and Ilisagvik College with Iñupiaq language learning efforts. Obj. 1.3: Disseminate to the general public information on Iñupiaq language revitalization efforts. Obj. 1.4: Utilize current and new technologies promote Inupiaq language learning. Obj. 2.5: to Obj. 1.5: Support and reinforce efforts for the development of Iñupiaq language teachers. Obj.1.6: Assist to create site-specific cultural reports and maps as may be required by the North Slope Borough. Coordinate Iñupiaq Language Implementation Plans. G-3 Provide updates of archaeological sites, ice cellars, camp sites and graves to the borough’s geographic information system. GOAL 3: MAINTAIN CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DATABASES CONTAINING DOCUMENTATION OF TRADITIONAL LAND USE, ORAL HISTORIES, AUDIO, VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONS language teachers and teachers of traditional knowledge. Obj. 3.1: Maintain continuous updates to the PastPerfect database. GOAL 5: DEVELOP, COMPLETE, PUBLISH, ARCHIVE AND DISTRIBUTE HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE LAND, PEOPLE, AND COMMUNITIES OF THE NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Obj. 3.2: Maintain continuous staff training and technical resource enhancements in order to keep databases technologically updated and accessible. Obj. 5.1: Continuous review of traditional land use place names with community members and the Planning Department to create bilingual area maps. Obj.3.3: Ensure that pertinent NSB departments and organizations have access to databases. Obj. 5.2: Continuous efforts to create place name maps based on the Traditional Land Use Inventory information gathered from elders & knowledgeable community members. GOAL 4: INCREASE THE USE OF THE MUSEUMS AS LANGUAGE LEARNING INSTITUTIONS AND CONVEYORS OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE THROUGH COMMUNITY OUTREACH Obj. 5.3: Continuous development of new publications and exhibits using artifact collections, oral histories and photographs. Obj. 4.1: Conduct, promote and support activities, programs and functions that perpetuate Iñupiat history, language and culture in each North Slope Borough community. Obj. 5.4: Continuous documentation of traditional land use sites by North Slope Borough community. Obj. 5.5: Continuous update of data, information and traditional knowledge of land use publications for inclusion in North Slope Borough community development plans. Obj. 4.2: Conduct, promote and support elders and youth conferences in each North Slope Borough community. Obj. 4.3: Promote and reinforce efforts of Ilisagvik College and NSBSD to recruit and train Iñupiaq G-4 North Slope Borough Department of Iñupiat History, Language & Culture North Slope Borough Commission on Iñupiat History, Language & Culture Director Production Central Administration Museums G-5 Cultural Resources INUPIAT HISTORY,LANG &CULTURE FY 2016-2017 Operating Budget Summary 13 12 2,042,498 1,467,166 608,497 31,250 20,000 0 2,126,913 Change from Prior Year 84,415 2805 - IHLC COMM 0 0 86,964 38,539 70,832 1,250 0 0 110,621 23,657 2805 - IHLC GFTS 0 0 59,399 0 16,703 50,000 0 0 66,703 7,304 12 % 2805 - IHLC IHCC 9 15 1,076,838 1,377,685 123,823 52,200 500 0 1,554,208 477,370 44 % 2805 - IHLC SPMM Business Unit and Division Subsidiary 2805 - IHLC Grand Total FTE 16 FTE 17 2 2 24 29 FY15-16 Total Budget Personal Services Contractual Services Supplies Equipment Other FY16-17 Total Budget % Change 4% 27 % 278,383 245,296 29,512 7,350 0 0 282,158 3,775 1% 3,544,082 3,128,686 849,367 142,050 20,500 0 4,140,603 596,521 17 % G-6 INUPIAT HISTORY,LANG &CULTURE Department Total Expenditure Type 6100 Personal Services Actual Year 2013-2014 0.00 Total Permanent Wages 0 Total Permanent Overtime Wages 0 Total Temporary Wages 0 Total Temporary Overtime Wages 0 Total Benefits Total Personal Services 6200 Contractual Services Actual Year 2014-2015 Actual 6 months 2015-2016 Final Budget 2015-2016 0.00 436,072 0.00 0.00 % Change 0.00 Budget 2016-2017 0.00 1,718,344 0 14.5 % 1,967,142 344 0 0 0.0 % 0 31,908 0 0 0.0 % 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 0 0 466,865 1,051,351 0 10.5 % 1,161,544 0 935,189 2,769,695 0 13.0 % 3,128,686 0.00 0.00 Total Communications 0 2,037 Total Contributions & Municipal Support 0 Total Maintenance Services 0 Total Professional Services 0 75,215 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.9 % 0.00 13,660 0 14,460 0 0 0 0.0 % 0 1,702 1,000 0 2,649.8 % 27,498 77,000 0 293.5 % 303,000 Total Rents and Utilities 0 36,703 163,500 0 0.0 % 163,500 Total Travel and Lodging 0 40,235 297,252 0 8.1 % 321,204 Total Other Services & Expenses Total Contractual Services 6500 Supplies 0 2,941 14,910 0 32.2 % 19,705 0 158,833 567,322 0 49.7 % 849,367 0.00 Total Fuel 0 Total Supplies-Buildings & Grounds Total Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds Total Supplies 6700 Equipment & Replacement Parts Total New Equipment Under $5,000 Total Equipment & Parts Under $5,000 Total Equipment & Parts Over $5,000 Total Equipment & Replacement Parts Grand Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,422 4,465 0 16.5 % 0 2,546 14,500 0 17.2 % 17,000 0 22,621 99,600 0 20.3 % 119,850 0 26,590 118,565 0 19.8 % 142,050 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 10,547 0 0 10,547 1,131,158 0.00 19,000 500 69,000 88,500 3,544,082 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 5.3 % 0.0 % (100.0)% (76.8)% 0 16.8 % 5,200 0.00 20,000 500 0 20,500 4,140,603 IHLC Total G-7 Inupiat History, Language, Culture Inupiat History Language Culture 2805 6100 Personal Services FTE FTE Position Budget Budget Change % 16 17 Range # Months 2015/2016 2016/2017 Amount Director of IHLC 1 1 42 12 174,708 181,819 7,111 Change 4.1% Division Manager 1 1 32 12 89,631 93,705 4,074 4.5% IHLC Manager 0 1 31 12 0 85,360 85,360 100.0% Principal Accounting Specialist 1 1 26 12 63,701 75,154 11,453 18.0% Commission Clerk 1 1 23 12 57,778 68,167 10,389 18.0% Oral Historian 8 7 23 12 468,699 412,774 (55,925) (11.9%) Deputy Director of IHLC 1 0 12 120,111 0 (120,111) (100.0%) 13 12 974,628 916,979 (57,649) (5.9%) 974,628 916,979 (57,649) (5.9%) 604,269 550,187 (54,082) (8.9%) 604,269 550,187 (54,082) (8.9%) 1,578,897 1,467,166 (111,731) (7.1%) 6110 Permanent Wages 6111 Regular Wages Total Permanent Wages 6130 Benefits 6131 Permanent Employee Benefits - 60% Total Benefits Total Personal Services 2805 G-8 IHLC 2805. Object Account Budget FY 2015-2016 Budget FY 2016-2017 Budget Year Variance Budget Year Variance % 6100 Personal Services 1,578,897.00 1,467,166.00 (111,731) (7.1) 6110 Permanent Wages 974,628.00 916,979.00 (57,649) (5.9) 974,628 916,979 (57,649) (5.9) 974,628 916,979 (57,649) (5.9) 604,269.00 550,187.00 (54,082) (8.9) 604,269 550,187 (54,082) (8.9) 604,269 550,187 (54,082) (8.9) 6111 - REGULAR WAGES-PERMANENT Total Permanent Wages 6130 Benefits 6131 - BENEFITS-PERMANENT Total Benefits Total Personal Services 6200 Contractual Services 1,578,897 1,467,166 (111,731) (7.1) 361,336.00 608,497.00 247,161 68.4 6210 Communications 3,000.00 3,500.00 500 16.7 6215 - AIRLINE EXPRESS 1,000 1,500 500 50.0 6225 - POSTAGE 2,000 2,000 0 0.0 Total Communications 6250 Maintenance Services 6260 - COMPUTERS & PC MAINT 6265 - COPIER MAINTENANCE 3,000 3,500 500 16.7 1,000.00 15,498.00 14,498 1,449.8 0 10,000 10,000 0.0 1,000 5,498 4,498 449.8 Total Maintenance Services 1,000 15,498 14,498 1,449.8 6330 Professional Services 57,000.00 283,000.00 226,000 396.5 57,000 283,000 226,000 396.5 57,000 283,000 226,000 396.5 84,000.00 84,000.00 0 0.0 84,000 84,000 0 0.0 84,000 84,000 0 0.0 6359 - OTHER SERVICES Total Professional Services 6360 Rents & Utilities 6389 - OTHER RENTS & UTILITIES Total Rents and Utilities 6400 Travel & Lodging 215,486.00 214,354.00 6401 - AIRFARE ON-SLOPE 52,640 52,920 (1,132) 6402 - AIRFARE IN-STATE 25,092 22,560 (2,532) 6403 - AIRFARE OUT-OF-STATE 4,000 7,600 3,600 6410 - GROUND TRANSPORTATION 2,032 1,492 280 (0.5) 0.5 (10.1) 90.0 (540) (26.6) 6415 - PER DIEM 34,060 33,410 (650) (1.9) 6420 - LODGING 97,662 95,872 (1,790) (1.8) 0 500 215,486 214,354 6428 - EXCESS BAGS(not freight) Total Travel and Lodging 500 (1,132) 0.0 (0.5) 2805 G-9 IHLC 2805. Object Account Budget FY 2015-2016 6450 Other Services & Expenses 8,145.00 7,295 858.2 1,000 1,000 0.0 850 7,050 6,200 729.4 0 95 95 0.0 850 8,145 7,295 858.2 361,336 608,497 247,161 68.4 14,265.00 31,250.00 16,985 119.1 1,765.00 2,500.00 735 41.6 1,765 2,500 735 41.6 1,765 2,500 735 41.6 6490 - MEMBERSHIPS DUES/SUBS Total Other Services & Expenses 6510 Fuel 6530 - VEHICLE FUEL Total Fuel 6600 Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds Budget Year Variance % 0 6485 - TRAIN/TUITION/CONFERENCE 6500 Supplies Budget Year Variance 850.00 6455 - ADVERTISING & PRINTING Total Contractual Services Budget FY 2016-2017 12,500.00 28,750.00 16,250 130.0 6610 - EDUC/TRAINING SUPPLIES 2,500 18,000 15,500 620.0 6615 - FOOD/WATER/COFFEE/CATER 1,000 1,000 0 0.0 250 250 0 0.0 6620 - HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 6645 - SOFTWARE FOR PC'S 7,000 7,000 0 0.0 6650 - UNIFORMS/PROTECTIVE ITEMS 1,000 1,000 0 0.0 6699 - OTHER NON-BLDG SUPPLIES 750 1,500 750 100.0 Total Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds 12,500 28,750 16,250 130.0 16,985 119.1 (68,000) 1,000 (77.3) 5.3 Total Supplies 14,265 31,250 88,000.00 19,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 6730 - FRNTR & FRNSHGS < $5000 14,000 14,000 0 0.0 6750 - OFFICE MACHINES < $5000 5,000 6,000 1,000 20.0 19,000 20,000 69,000.00 0.00 6700 Equipment & Replacement Parts 6710 New Equipment Under $5,000 Total New Equipment Under $5,000 6830 Equipment & Parts Over $5,000 1,000 5.3 (69,000) (100.0) (100.0) 6860 - OFFICE EQUIP > $5000 15,000 0 (15,000) 6870 - VEHICLE/SNOWMACH >$5000 54,000 0 (54,000) (100.0) Total Equipment & Parts Over $5,000 69,000 0 (69,000) (100.0) Total Equipment & Replacement Parts 88,000 20,000 (68,000) (77.3) 2,042,498 2,126,913 84,415 4.1 Grand Total 2805 G - 10 Inupiat History, Language, Culture IHLC Commission 2805.COMM 6100 Personal Services FTE FTE 16 17 Position Range # Months Budget Budget Change 2015/2016 2016/2017 Amount % Change No Personnel 6110 Permanent Wages 6112 Honorariums Total Permanent Wages 25,800 35,800 10,000 38.8% 25,800 35,800 10,000 38.8% 1,974 2,739 765 38.8% 1,974 2,739 765 38.8% 27,774 38,539 10,765 38.8% 6130 Benefits 6132 Honorarium Benefits-7.65% Total Benefits Total Personal Services 2805.COMM G - 11 IHLC 2805.COMM Object Account Budget FY 2015-2016 Budget FY 2016-2017 Budget Year Variance Budget Year Variance % 6100 Personal Services 27,774.00 38,539.00 10,765 38.8 6110 Permanent Wages 25,800.00 35,800.00 10,000 38.8 25,800 35,800 10,000 38.8 25,800 35,800 10,000 38.8 1,974.00 2,739.00 765 38.8 1,974 2,739 765 38.8 1,974 2,739 765 38.8 6112 - REGULAR WAGES-HONORARIUMS Total Permanent Wages 6130 Benefits 6132 - BENEFITS-HONORARIUM Total Benefits Total Personal Services 27,774 38,539 10,765 38.8 57,940.00 70,832.00 12,892 22.3 52,940.00 65,832.00 12,892 24.4 6401 - AIRFARE ON-SLOPE 16,450 16,450 0 0.0 6402 - AIRFARE IN-STATE 9,110 11,556 2,446 26.8 6200 Contractual Services 6400 Travel & Lodging 6415 - PER DIEM 7,800 10,530 2,730 35.0 6420 - LODGING 19,080 26,796 7,716 40.4 500 500 0 0.0 52,940 65,832 12,892 24.4 6429 - OTHER TRAVEL AND LODGING Total Travel and Lodging 6450 Other Services & Expenses 5,000.00 5,000.00 0 0.0 6455 - ADVERTISING & PRINTING 2,500 2,500 0 0.0 6485 - TRAIN/TUITION/CONFERENCE 2,500 2,500 0 0.0 5,000 5,000 0 0.0 57,940 70,832 12,892 22.3 1,250.00 1,250.00 0 0.0 1,250.00 1,250.00 0 0.0 1,250 1,250 0 0.0 1,250 1,250 0 0.0 1,250 1,250 0 0.0 86,964 110,621 23,657 27.2 Total Other Services & Expenses Total Contractual Services 6500 Supplies 6600 Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds 6615 - FOOD/WATER/COFFEE/CATER Total Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds Total Supplies Grand Total 2805.COMM G - 12 IHLC 2805.GFTS Object Account 6200 Contractual Services Budget FY 2015-2016 Budget FY 2016-2017 Budget Year Variance Budget Year Variance % 9,399.00 16,703.00 7,304 9,144.00 16,448.00 7,304 79.9 830 4,888 4,058 488.9 6402 - AIRFARE IN-STATE 1,462 1,520 58 4.0 6403 - AIRFARE OUT-OF-STATE 1,898 1,859 (39) (2.1) 6400 Travel & Lodging 6401 - AIRFARE ON-SLOPE 6410 - GROUND TRANSPORTATION 77.7 412 615 203 49.3 6415 - PER DIEM 1,040 1,885 845 81.3 6420 - LODGING 3,402 5,581 2,179 64.1 100 100 0 0.0 9,144 16,448 7,304 79.9 255.00 255.00 0 0.0 255 255 0 0.0 255 255 0 0.0 9,399 16,703 7,304 77.7 50,000.00 50,000.00 0 0.0 50,000.00 50,000.00 0 0.0 50,000 50,000 0 0.0 50,000 50,000 0 0.0 50,000 50,000 0 0.0 59,399 66,703 7,304 12.3 6429 - OTHER TRAVEL AND LODGING Total Travel and Lodging 6450 Other Services & Expenses 6490 - MEMBERSHIPS DUES/SUBS Total Other Services & Expenses Total Contractual Services 6500 Supplies 6600 Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds 6625 - ITEMS FOR RESALE Total Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds Total Supplies Grand Total 2805.GFTS G - 13 Inupiat History, Language, Culture Inupiat Heritage Cultural Center 2805.IHCC 6100 Personal Services FTE FTE Position # Months Budget Budget Change 2015/2016 2016/2017 % 16 17 Range Amount Change IHLC Web & Media Administrator 0 1 30 12 0 83,736 83,736 100.0% Production Specialist 1 1 26 12 69,923 63,879 (6,044) (8.6%) Exhibit & Education Coordinator 1 1 24 12 79,417 66,207 (13,210) (16.6%) Gift Shop Manager 1 1 24 12 81,625 85,777 4,152 5.1% IHC Collection Management Technician 2 2 24 12 138,743 139,173 430 0.3% Office Specialist 1 1 21 12 60,028 62,812 2,784 4.6% Museum Intern 1 1 20 12 49,910 56,548 49,910 100.0% Sales Clerk 1 1 20 12 50,363 51,872 1,509 3.0% Maintenance/Custodian 0 1 16 12 0 42,290 42,290 100.0% Security Guard 0 4 16 12 0 169,160 169,160 100.0% Traditional Room Custodian 1 1 16 12 38,820 39,599 779 2.0% 9 15 568,829 861,053 292,224 51.4% 568,829 861,053 292,224 51.4% 6110 Permanent Wages 6111 Regular Wages Total Permanent Wages 6130 Benefits 6131 Permanent Employee Benefits - 60% Total Benefits Total Personal Services 352,674 516,632 163,958 46.5% 352,674 516,632 163,958 46.5% 921,503 1,377,685 456,182 49.5% 2805.IHCC G - 14 IHLC 2805.IHCC Object Account Budget FY 2015-2016 Budget FY 2016-2017 Budget Year Variance Budget Year Variance % 6100 Personal Services 921,503.00 1,377,685.00 456,182 49.5 6110 Permanent Wages 568,829.00 861,053.00 292,224 51.4 568,829 861,053 292,224 51.4 568,829 861,053 292,224 51.4 352,674.00 516,632.00 163,958 46.5 352,674 516,632 163,958 46.5 352,674 516,632 163,958 46.5 6111 - REGULAR WAGES-PERMANENT Total Permanent Wages 6130 Benefits 6131 - BENEFITS-PERMANENT Total Benefits Total Personal Services 6200 Contractual Services 6210 Communications 921,503 1,377,685 456,182 49.5 109,135.00 123,823.00 14,688 13.5 7,200.00 7,500.00 300 4.2 6,700 6,700 0 0.0 500 800 300 60.0 6220 - PHONE/FAX/MODEM 6225 - POSTAGE Total Communications 6250 Maintenance Services 6260 - COMPUTERS & PC MAINT 7,200 7,500 300 4.2 0.00 12,000.00 12,000 0.0 0 12,000 12,000 0.0 Total Maintenance Services 0 12,000 12,000 0.0 6330 Professional Services 10,000.00 10,000.00 0 0.0 10,000 10,000 0 0.0 10,000 10,000 0 0.0 70,000.00 70,000.00 0 0.0 50,000 50,000 0 0.0 6376 - NATURAL GAS 6,000 6,000 0 0.0 6380 - WATER/SEWER 14,000 14,000 0 0.0 6359 - OTHER SERVICES Total Professional Services 6360 Rents & Utilities 6375 - UTIL-ELECTRICITY Total Rents and Utilities 6400 Travel & Lodging 70,000 70,000 0 0.0 14,630.00 19,518.00 4,888 33.4 6401 - AIRFARE ON-SLOPE 1,320 1,320 0 0.0 6402 - AIRFARE IN-STATE 5,664 7,984 2,320 41.0 101.7 6410 - GROUND TRANSPORTATION 590 1,190 600 6415 - PER DIEM 1,950 2,730 780 40.0 6420 - LODGING 5,106 6,294 1,188 23.3 14,630 19,518 4,888 33.4 Total Travel and Lodging 2805.IHCC G - 15 IHLC 2805.IHCC Object Account 6450 Other Services & Expenses Budget FY 2015-2016 Budget FY 2016-2017 Budget Year Variance Budget Year Variance % 7,305.00 4,805.00 (2,500) (34.2) 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.0) 250.0 6455 - ADVERTISING & PRINTING 6485 - TRAIN/TUITION/CONFERENCE 1,000 3,500 2,500 6490 - MEMBERSHIPS DUES/SUBS 1,305 1,305 0 7,305 4,805 109,135 123,823 14,688 13.5 45,700.00 52,200.00 6,500 14.2 2,700.00 2,700.00 0 0.0 2,700 2,700 0 0.0 2,700 2,700 0 0.0 Total Other Services & Expenses Total Contractual Services 6500 Supplies 6510 Fuel 6530 - VEHICLE FUEL Total Fuel 6540 Supplies-Buildings & Grounds (2,500) 0.0 (34.2) 14,000.00 16,500.00 2,500 17.9 6550 - HEATING & ELEC SUPPLIES 9,000 10,500 1,500 16.7 6555 - PLUMBING SUPPLIES 1,000 1,000 0 0.0 6565 - SMALL TOOLS 4,000 5,000 1,000 25.0 Total Supplies-Buildings & Grounds 14,000 16,500 2,500 17.9 29,000.00 33,000.00 4,000 13.8 6610 - EDUC/TRAINING SUPPLIES 5,000 5,000 0 0.0 6615 - FOOD/WATER/COFFEE/CATER 5,000 9,000 4,000 80.0 10,000 10,000 0 0.0 500 500 0 0.0 6600 Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds 6620 - HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 6630 - MEDICAL SUPPLIES 6650 - UNIFORMS/PROTECTIVE ITEMS 1,500 1,500 0 0.0 6699 - OTHER NON-BLDG SUPPLIES 7,000 7,000 0 0.0 29,000 33,000 4,000 13.8 Total Supplies Total Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds 45,700 52,200 6,500 14.2 6700 Equipment & Replacement Parts 500.00 500.00 0 0.0 6760 Replacement Parts Under $5,000 500.00 500.00 0 0.0 6770 - BOILERS/FURNACE < $5000 500 500 0 0.0 Total Equipment & Parts Under $5,000 500 500 0 0.0 Total Equipment & Replacement Parts 500 500 0 0.0 1,076,838 1,554,208 477,370 44.3 Grand Total 2805.IHCC G - 16 Inupiat History, Language, Culture Simon Paneak Memorial Museum 2805.SPMM 6100 Personal Services FTE FTE Position # Months Budget Budget Change 2015/2016 % 16 17 Range 2016/2017 Amount Museum Curator 1 1 31 12 99,677 102,390 2,713 Change 2.7% Museum Intern 1 1 20 12 49,410 50,920 1,510 3.1% 2 2 6110 Permanent Wages 6111 Regular Wages Total Permanent Wages 149,087 153,310 4,223 2.8% 149,087 153,310 4,223 2.8% 92,434 91,986 (448) (0.5%) 92,434 91,986 (448) (0.5%) 241,521 245,296 6130 Benefits 6131 Permanent Employee Benefits - 60% Total Benefits Total Personal Services 3,775 1.6% 2805.SPMM G - 17 IHLC 2805.SPMM Object Account Budget FY 2015-2016 Budget FY 2016-2017 Budget Year Variance Budget Year Variance % 6100 Personal Services 241,521.00 245,296.00 3,775 1.6 6110 Permanent Wages 149,087.00 153,310.00 4,223 2.8 149,087 153,310 4,223 2.8 149,087 153,310 4,223 2.8 92,434.00 91,986.00 (448) 92,434 91,986 (448) (0.5) 92,434 91,986 (448) (0.5) 6111 - REGULAR WAGES-PERMANENT Total Permanent Wages 6130 Benefits 6131 - BENEFITS-PERMANENT Total Benefits Total Personal Services 6200 Contractual Services 241,521 245,296 3,775 1.6 29,512.00 29,512.00 0 0.0 3,460.00 3,460.00 0 0.0 3,360 3,360 0 0.0 100 100 0 0.0 6210 Communications 6220 - PHONE/FAX/MODEM 6225 - POSTAGE Total Communications 6330 Professional Services (0.5) 3,460 3,460 0 0.0 10,000.00 10,000.00 0 0.0 10,000 10,000 0 0.0 10,000 10,000 0 0.0 9,500.00 9,500.00 0 0.0 6,500 6,500 0 0.0 500 500 0 0.0 2,000 2,000 0 0.0 500 500 0 0.0 9,500 9,500 0 0.0 5,052.00 5,052.00 0 0.0 6359 - OTHER SERVICES Total Professional Services 6360 Rents & Utilities 6375 - UTIL-ELECTRICITY 6376 - NATURAL GAS 6380 - WATER/SEWER 6389 - OTHER RENTS & UTILITIES Total Rents and Utilities 6400 Travel & Lodging 2,020 2,020 0 0.0 6410 - GROUND TRANSPORTATION 6402 - AIRFARE IN-STATE 110 110 0 0.0 6415 - PER DIEM 390 390 0 0.0 6420 - LODGING 2,532 2,532 0 0.0 5,052 5,052 0 0.0 Total Travel and Lodging 2805.SPMM G - 18 IHLC 2805.SPMM Object Account Budget FY 2015-2016 6450 Other Services & Expenses 6455 - ADVERTISING & PRINTING 6490 - MEMBERSHIPS DUES/SUBS Total Other Services & Expenses Total Contractual Services 6500 Supplies Budget FY 2016-2017 Budget Year Variance Budget Year Variance % 1,500.00 1,500.00 0 0.0 566 566 0 0.0 934 934 0 0.0 1,500 1,500 0 0.0 29,512 29,512 0 0.0 7,350.00 7,350.00 0 0.0 500.00 500.00 0 0.0 6540 Supplies-Buildings & Grounds 6550 - HEATING & ELEC SUPPLIES Total Supplies-Buildings & Grounds 6600 Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds 500 500 0 0.0 500 500 0 0.0 6,850.00 6,850.00 0 0.0 6615 - FOOD/WATER/COFFEE/CATER 500 500 0 0.0 6620 - HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 550 550 0 0.0 6625 - ITEMS FOR RESALE 5,000 5,000 0 0.0 6630 - MEDICAL SUPPLIES 300 300 0 0.0 6699 - OTHER NON-BLDG SUPPLIES 500 500 0 0.0 Total Supplies-Non-Buildings & Grounds 6,850 6,850 0 0.0 7,350 7,350 0 0.0 278,383 282,158 3,775 1.4 Total Supplies Grand Total 2805.SPMM G - 19
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