Chadbourne Elementary School Newsletter
Chadbourne Elementary School Newsletter
Chadbourne Elementary School Newsletter 801 Plymouth Avenue Fremont, CA 94539 Tel: (510) 656-5242 Fax: (510) 656-6026 Anette Raichbart, Principal Volume 1, Number 1 Bobbie Platt, Secretary Principal’s News Welcome to the Chadbourne Elementary School Family! I would like to extend a Remember! Early Dismissal Every Wednesday at 1:15 PM First 3 Days of School Dismissal at 1:15 for Grades 1 - 6 Inside this issue: warm welcome to a new school year. The staff and I are looking forward to working with you and your children this year. The beginning of each school year brings a measure of excitement and anticipation. This will be my first year at Chadbourne Elementary as your Principal. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. We begin the year with fresh ideas, focused plans and great expectations. We want to renew our commitment to excellence and to giving every child an opportunity to receive the highest quality education. We can only achieve this by working with you as partners. We look forward to another exceptionally successful learning year. This year we introduce the newly adopted Curriculum “California Treasures”. This new program was adopted by the Fremont Unified School District. It promises to provide students with rigorous, challenging and exciting information. Every year we have the opportunity to introduce you to new staff and teachers at our school. This introduction will take place this year during our Back to School Night on September 18th at 6:00p.m. we hope to see all our Chadbourne families. Until then, please join me on Friday, September 7th @ 7:50a.m. – 8:20a.m. for an informal meet and greet in the Multi-Purpose room. I look forward to an enjoyable and successful school year, Anette Raichbart Principal Newsletter On Line 1 CFFA General Mtg. 1 Back to School Night 2 Safety Patrol Needs You 2 Join the Yahoo Group 2 Pioneer Pledge 2 Cell Phone 2 After School Band 2 Overload Students 3 Medication Policy 3 Closed Campus 3 Msg. from Pupil Serv. 3 Absences 3 Please click on “News”. We will NO LONGER be sending home a paper copy starting next week. There will be a few paper copies in the office if you would like to pick one up. If you cannot access the newsletter on line, do not have a computer, or prefer a hard copy, please notify the office. Mark your belongings 4 Attendance/Visitors 4 STAR Results 4 Nut Safe School 4 Supervision 4 FUSD Pre School 4 Safety 4 Bicycle Rule 4 Bullying 5 School Lunches 5-6 Calendar 6-7 Newsletter is now available on-line We are pleased to announce that you can find our newsletter on line. Look for it every two weeks CFFA Meeting (Chadbourne Family and Faculty Association) Kathy Lee, the president of CFFA for the 2012-2013 school year, invites all new and returning Chadbourne parents to the first CFFA meeting, Monday, September 10th at 7:00 p.m. in Room 1. CFFA, which stands for "Chadbourne Family and Faculty Association", is a great way to keep informed about school activities and to get involved in your child's school family. Please come and meet the board members, teacher liaisons and Principal as we embark upon the new school year. All are welcome. Chadbourne Elementary School Newsletter Cont. Join The Chadbourne Yahoo Group In an effort to communicate with the Chadbourne community as efficiently as possible, you can now join the Chadbourne Group at Yahoo. Membership is open to all and is used by the Chadbourne Office and CFFA to communicate with parents. More information may be found at the website which is: Back to School Night Sa ve the Da te! Save the Date! Tuesday, September 18th for our "Back-to- School Night". It will be an opportunity to meet the principal, hear about our plans for the year and meet your child's teacher. 6:00 – 6:20 General Meeting in the Multi-Purpose Room 6:20 – 7:10 Classroom Meetings Safety Patrol Needs You We need some additional parents to help with Safety Patrol this year. Parents volunteer just 30 minutes per week, either morning or afternoon to help supervise our 5th and 6th grade Safety Patrol student and help make sure that Chadbourne students get to and from school safely. There are also a few openings for 5th and 6th grade students. First priority will be given to students whose parents volunteer. If you're interested, please contact us at [email protected]. Pioneer Pledge This year is Chadbourne’s 12th annual Pioneer Pledge. Please look for the Pledge Form on September 18th, Back To School Night. Please contribute if you are able. Funds raised will pay for our Art and Music Program and fund classroom and instructional supplies for the teachers. For a complete list of all activities and projects funded by your Pioneer Pledge, please go to our website. This will be our only fundraiser so we must meet our goals. Thank you for your support. Cell Phone Agreement Forms If your child brings a cell phone to school, you will need to have a Cell Phone Agreement form signed on file in the office. Pick up a form in the office if you need one. This must be renewed every year. After School Band Program Enrollment in the After-School Band for Beginning and Intermediateǁ‖ level students at Chadbourne starts on September 5th. The After-School Band program is open to all 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students, and eventually leads into the Hopkins JHS and Mission San Jose HS Bands. Beginning Band and Intermediate Band classes are held once per week at Chadbourne Elementary. There is a small enrollment fee and students will need to provide their own instrument. For more information refer to the registration form in your First Day Packet or visit the Hopkins JHS Music Department website and the Fremont Education Foundation website www.fremont- If you have any questions about the Band program at any level, please contact Greg Conway, the Director of Instrumental Music at Hopkins JHS [email protected]. 2 Chadbourne Elementary School Newsletter Cont. Overload Information Sometimes more students wish to attend a school than there is space available. (Class sizes are limited to 30 in grades K–3 and 30 in grades 4-6). When this happens, we place our overflow status students in a designated overload school. Every reasonable effort is made to place students as quickly as possible at a school close to their home school or attendance area. Overflow meetings between principals will continue until every student is placed. As soon as the placements have been determined, parents of overflow students will be notified of their child’s new school. Overflow students will hopefully begin attending their new school on Monday, September 17th. Date and time of registration (seniority) and grade level determine a student’s overload priority and call back status. We appreciate your patience and support and will make every effort to keep you informed of enrollment information. This is a district policy (BP 5113.1 & AR 5113.1) and is followed at all Fremont schools. Medication Policy There are State and District policies that specifically regulate the dispensing of medication to students at school. If your child is required to take any type of medication during school hours, including inhalers for asthma, you must obtain a form from the office to be filled out by your doctor that gives us directions and authorization to administer the medication. This includes any over-the-counter products as well. If this pertains to your child, please take care of this matter before school begins. Closed Campus Chadbourne School has a closed campus policy. Students may not leave the campus before the end of the school day without permission from home and from the office. Please discuss this with your child. Students may not go home for lunch without a note from their parent on file in the office. One note is sufficient to cover the 2012-2013 school year, if it so states. If you need to take your child out of school before the end of the day for an appointment, please come to the office to sign your child out. The office will call the classroom for your child. All parents and visitors are required to check in at the office, sign in and out, and wear a visitor badge while on campus. DO NOT go directly to your child's classroom. This is for the safety of all students. Mark Your Belongings Please write your child's name on jackets, sweaters and sweats or other personal belongings so that we may easily identify lost items. Each year we accumulate many unclaimed items that are donated to charity. Last year we donated over 15 large bags of unlabeled items. Please make sure your child's name is marked on bag lunches or lunch boxes as well. Our Lost and Found area is located outside the Multi-Use room by the Safety Patrol room door. Please check it several times during the year to reclaim those lost articles! Attendance Daily school attendance is very important to assure your child’s maximum progress in school. If your child is absent, please call the school office at 656-5242 that morning. Megan, the attendance clerk will clear your child’s absence. The office must verify all absences. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. A Message from the Office of Pupil Services This policy (BP6158) applies to all students at the beginning of and throughout the school year. When a student is absent for an extended period (more than 10 continuous school days) for reasons other than illness, and an independent study contract has not been executed, his/her seat may be given to another student. Upon return, the student who was absent for an extended period will be transferred to another school or alternative program if classrooms at the school or original enrollment are filled. Also, notice to parents about this policy and procedure relating to reassignment of students will be sent in writing to parents at the beginning of the school year in the annual "Parent Handbook and Notice of Rights." Parents of new enrollees will receive a copy of this notice at the time of enrollment anytime during the school year. 3 4 Chadbourne Elementary School Newsletter Cont. Chadbourne is a Nut Safe School Many of our students have food allergies. The most severe is the allergy to nuts. Instruct your child not to share lunch or snacks with classmates to avoid accidentally triggering an allergic reaction. When bringing treats for your child’s class, please do not bring home- cooked food. If you bring store bought items the teachers can check the list of ingredients to see if nuts have been used in the making of the food. Also, at lunchtime we have a “Nut Safe” table specifically designated for students with nut allergies. Supervision on Campus Since we have two starting times, please observe the following: INTERMEDIATE GRADES 4-6 Students are NOT allowed on school grounds until 8:15a.m. at which time there is teacher supervision. Please make arrangements so that your child does not arrive early. They are late if not lined up by their door at 8:30a.m. PRIMARY GRADES 1-3 Students are NOT allowed on school grounds until 8:30a.m. at which time there is supervision. If your primary grade child has an upper grade sibling, they may come on the playground with their sibling at 8:15a.m. Otherwise, those who come early must wait at the front of the school until 8:30. They are late if they are not on the blacktop when the bell rings at 8:45a.m. FUSD Pre-School Do you have a 3 or 4 year-old at home? Give your child the gift of a quality preschool experience and preparation for kindergarten and beyond. Fremont Unified School District offers two excellent programs: one is tuition based and the other is a free one for income-eligible families. Please call the FUSD Preschool Office at 659-2579 for more information or come to the district office, 4210 Technology Drive, room 209 and pick up an application. Information is also available at STAR Testing Results Each year, California’s STAR Program measures the progress of students in meeting California’s Content Standards, which describe what all students should know and be able to do in grades 2–6. I am very proud of our students’ performance this year. You will be receiving a copy of your child’s scores at your home; the District Office mails them to you. You can also use this web address to find complete STAR results: and Chadbourne’s Accountability Report Card at How can you help your child? § Review this report with your child and your child’s teacher. § Provide your child with a quiet place to study each day. § Show an interest in your child’s progress throughout the school year. Bicycles, Rollerblades and Scooters There will be no skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, or roller shoes allowed on school grounds. Children should not ride skateboards or scooters to school or wear roller shoes / roller blades. If your child rides a bike to school, the following rules must be followed: • Bikes are brought to school at your own risk • Bikes must be dismounted on the city sidewalk and walked to the bike racks • Bikes may NOT be left on campus overnight or on weekends • HELMENTS MUST BE WORK Visitors on Campus When you come on campus, ALL visitors and volunteers must check in at the office and sign in. There you will receive a sticker admitting you on campus. Our staff is diligent in the safety of our students. If you see someone without a sticker, send him or her to the office or contact a staff member immediately. Thank you. Chadbourne Elementary School Newsletter Cont. Safety in the Parking Lot and Drop Off Zones All visitor and parent parking must be on the street. Between 8:00 a.m. and 3:15 p.m., the parking lots are closed to all traffic except staff and cars displaying handicapped placards. The white zone is used to queue up to enter the parking lot to drop off or pick up your child. Please DO NOT leave your car in a white zone. The small parking lot is for staff and handicapped only. DO NOT ENTER THIS PARKING LOT. Traffic should be eased in the morning as long as intermediate students are dropped off from 8:15 - 8:28. The late bell is at 8:30. Then, if primary students are dropped off after 8:30 for an 8:45 late bell, congestion should be greatly reduced. These parking lot safety rules will be strictly enforced pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 21113 A. YOUR CHILD'S SAFETY IS CRITICAL! Please comply with these regulations so that all students are safely dropped off and picked up. A Statement About Bullying “Bullying is very much an education priority that goes to the heart of school performance and school culture. Schools can have an enormous impact on reducing bullying. Ideally, all schools should have a code of conduct that sends a message to the students, staff, and community that it has high expectations for them and little tolerance for cruelty and disrespect.” Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education Effective July 1, 2012, the California Education Code defined Bullying as “any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act.” Electronic act includes the transmission of a communication not limited to a message, text, sound, or image or posting on a social network Internet Web site. FUSD is committed to the prevention and the elimination of bullying in all of our schools. Therefore, FUSD is facilitating an anti-bullying student poster contest, song contest, parent education night, all staff anti-bullying training and all student anti-bullying training. It is the commitment of FUSD to take all forms of bullying seriously, with each occurrence of bullying being investigated and appropriate action being taken by the site's administration. If you are aware of bullying occurring on any FUSD campus, please report the bullying incident to the school's principal as soon as possible. With your help, FUSD will become the first district with no bullying. If you have any questions regarding the FUSD's commitment to no bullying on our campuses, please contact the appropriate site principal. But most of all, remember that eliminating bullying on FUSD campuses is the responsibility of the entire school community. School Lunch Cost: $2.75 (which includes milk) Milk only: 50¢ Checks for school lunches must be made out to Chadbourne CNS and contain the name of the child and the child's room number. Lunches may be prepaid in the following amounts: 1 2 3 4 week: weeks: weeks: weeks: $13.75 $27.50 $41.52 $55.00 5 The check may be sent to the office in advance. Your child simply tells the lunch supervisor his/her name and room number and the supervisor marks off a lunch. Your child will be given a reminder when he/she is almost out of lunch money so you may again prepay. The money remains "on the books" throughout the school year until all of the prepaid lunches are purchased. At the end of the school year, if a balance remains, you may request a refund of the balance; otherwise, the balance is applied to the following school year. Please see that your child has a lunch or lunch money daily. For families with more than one child, you can write one check for all students. The money will be divided equally between the students unless you specify otherwise. Be sure to write all of the names and room numbers on the check. The District also has an on-line meal prepayment service now available to you. To access this service simply go to the district website at Look in the Quick Links section on the Home Page for “MyNutrikids“ Online Meal Payment and click on the link. At this site, you will create your account and add money to your child(ren)’s school meal account. On this site in the upper right corner is the FAQ’s that can answer many of your questions. If you cannot find the answer to your questions on the website’s FAQs or if you have trouble with the website, contact Child Nutrition at 659-2587. Child Nutrition Applications (English and Spanish) for the free/reduced lunch program are now available on our website at To apply for free or reduced lunch, click on the District & Community page then click on Child Nutrition under Departments/Letter to Household about the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for 2012-2013. Click on Letter: English Version / Letter: Spanish Version. Application for Free and ReducedPriced Meals or Free Milk for the 2012-2013 school year. This is the application. Fill it out and return to Child Nutrition or the school office. ~ September 2012 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 Early Dismissal 17 SSC Mtg. 7:00PM 23 24 18 Back to School Night @ 6:00 PM 25 19 Early Dismissal 7 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM Meet and Greet w/Principal in the MPR at 7:50 AM 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM 1:15 PM 26 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM 30 6 1:15 PM CFFA Mtg. 7:00PM 16 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM First Day of School 6 7 ~ October 2012 ~ Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Early Dismissal Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 1:15 PM 7 8 9 14 15 16 22 17 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM SSC Mtg. 7:00PM 21 10 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM CFFA Mtg. 7:00PM 23 24 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM 28 29 30 31 Early Dismissal 1:15 PM
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