CHADBOURNE ELEMENTARY Anette Raichbart, Principal September 1, 2015 801 Plymouth Ave. Fremont, CA 94539 T: 510-656-5242 F: 510-656-6026 Trudy Wentworth, School Secretary Megan Parker, Attendance Dear Parents/Guardians, UPCOMING EVENTS… Welcome back to school! I hope each of you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. It has been wonderful seeing all of your children ready for the beginning of our 2015/2016 school year. I’d like to give a special welcome to all of our new students. We are so happy that you have joined our Chadbourne family! Sept 1st - 6:00pm Student Site Council Meeting – Room 1 We have some incredible new teachers joining our staff this year. Please welcome 5th Grade teacher - Shelby Aldinger, Computer Prep teacher - Shaina Khan, and Music Prep teacher - Sandy Shimkus. Tonight at 7pm in Room 1 is our first CFFA (Chadbourne Family Faculty Assoc.) meeting of the school year. CFFA is our parent teacher group – similar to a PTA organization. As you know, highly rated schools have involved parents. We are very lucky to have the active support of our parents and it shows! Please come to our CFFA meeting tonight. We look forward to your input and influence. Parents – PLEASE join us! Chadbourne’s Back To School Night is Tuesday, September 15th 6:30pm - 6:45pm you will meet with me in the Multi-Use Room for important updates and information about this school year. From 6:45- 7:30 you will meet with your child’s teacher in their classrooms. Your child’s teacher will share their expectations for your child’s grade level, and give you important information regarding curriculum, report cards/grading, testing, and class activities. You will find out about various ways to be an active participant in your child’s education at Chadbourne. Back to School Night is a very important event at our school. This event is for parents only. Don’t miss it! Are you interested in after school activities for your child? We have MANY after school groups to choose from at Chadbourne. Activities will begin towards the end of September/beginning of October. The various after school groups will have tables set up outside of the multiuse room for you to visit at Back To School night so that you can learn more about them and pick up a flyer for how to register with their various programs. Their tables will be set up by 6PM that evening so that you have time to check them out. They will stay set up after Back To School night as well in case you need more time. Sept 1st - 7:00pm CFFA Meeting (This is our parent/teacher group.) – Room 1 Meetings on the first Tuesday of every month Sept 11th – Patriot Day (School Spirit Day) Sept 15th – Back To School Night 6:30pm: Meet with Principal in MUR 6:45pm-7:30pm: Meet with your child’s teacher in their classroom Sept 25th – Pioneer Day (School Spirit Day) Sept 29th – Fall School Pictures (Lifetouch) Our first School Spirit Day is Patriot Day on September 11th. Students please wear Red White and Blue. On Sept 25th our Student Council Page 1 of 8 voted for Pioneer Day. Please wear Chadbourne colors and/or school logo clothing on that day. Our newsletter is available online at: Keep informed! Join our Yahoo Group for ongoing school updates! Happy September, Anette Raichbart - Principal OUR NEWSLETTER IS NOW AVAILABLE ON-LINE We are pleased to announce that you can find our newsletter on line: Volunteers at School If you are interested in Volunteering in your child’s classroom or at the school, please log on to: for additional information. We really appreciate all of our volunteers! J IMPORTANT: Parking in the Bus Zone and Staff Parking Please do not park in the Yellow Zone in front of our school. This area is reserved for school busses that transport Chadbourne student to and from school. The Fremont Police department will be monitoring this area regularly. Also, please do not park in parking slots that are labeled STAFF – even in the middle of the school day. We have very limited parking here at Chadbourne and we need to make sure our staff has a space to park. Often our teachers will leave for a meeting or lunch and return to find no spaces available in our staff lots. The parking lots are for staff and disabled parking only. Chadbourne Band After School Band ATTENTION ALL 4th, 5th, & 6th GRADERS JOIN THE BAND! Join the After School Band program this year and learn how to play a band instrument. (Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion) No experience is necessary. Classes meet once a week after school right here on campus. Registration is online. Go to to register and for more information on the After School Band program. Questions about Hopkins Band Program? Contact [email protected]. Page 2 of 8 1st Day of School IMPORTANT Policy Change – PLEASE READ ANNOUNCEMENT FROM FUSD Change to BP/AR 5113.1 – Students Must Be Present the First Day of School All students must be in class on the first day of school, August 26, 2015. Students who are not in school on the first day of school will not be guaranteed a seat at their School and may have to be overloaded to another school effective the second day of school if classrooms at their School are filled. The only exception will be students who are absent due to illness. If a student is absent the first day due to illness, parents/guardians must notify the school every day the student is absent. Seats will NOT be held for students on extended vacations or other optional activities, whether or not the school is notified. FUSD on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube!! Stay up to date with all the news and happenings throughout the Fremont Unified School District. Visit and like FUSD's official Facebook page at Fremont Usd, follow the District on Twitter at @USDFremont, and subscribe for the latest videos on YouTube at Fremont Unified School District. Updated daily, FUSD's Social Media pages are the best resources for the latest information and photos from all 42 schools, District Departments -‐ even news from around the Fremont community. From the District Office - Posting of Emergency Information Reminder to families that information regarding Emergency situations around FUSD will be posted on the District website at From the homepage under 'Quick Links' or under the 'Resources & Contacts' tab, click 'Emergency Info.' Information will also be posted on the District Facebook page at Fremont USD and Twitter page at @USDFremont. Individual schools will also contact families via their respective communication systems as soon as it is safe to do so. FUSD Proposed Core Novels The FREMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT announces a list of proposed core novels for use in literature courses in grades 7-12 for the 2015-16 school year. These books are available for review by the public in the district's Curriculum and Instruction office before becoming a part of the curriculum. Please take the time to review the video and comment on the vimeo link. Medicine for Students If your student is required to take medications at school, you must complete the Medications At School FORM D. You may find this form on the FUSD website. Departments - Student Support Services - Misc. Forms - medication at school. Page 3 of 8 Join the Chadbourne Yahoo! Group In an effort to communicate with the Chadbourne community as efficiently as possible, you can now join the Chadbourne Group at Yahoo. Please join! This is one of the best methods for our parents to stay informed about what is happening at school. Membership is open to all and is used by the Chadbourne Office and CFFA to communicate with parents. More information may be found at the website which is: Cell Phone Agreement Forms If your child brings a cell phone to school, you will need to have a Cell Phone Agreement form signed on file in the office. Forms are available in the office. Please note: This agreement must be renewed every year. Visitors on Campus A volunteer on campus is an individual who is here to help a teacher or a program on our campus. When you come on campus, ALL volunteers must check in at the office and sign-in. There you will receive a sticker admitting you on campus. Our staff is diligent about the safety of our students. If you see someone without a sticker, send him or her to the office or contact a staff member immediately. This is for your student’s safety! No visitors are allowed on campus during the school day. Please drop students off in the front of the school. Attendance Daily school attendance is very important to assure your child’s maximum progress in school. If your child is absent, please call the school office at 510-656-5242 that morning. Megan, our school attendance clerk, will clear your child’s absence. The office must verify all absences. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. All homework requests must be made before 10am. Please remember that if your student is tardy it becomes a part of their attendance record. To avoid having your child marked as Tardy – always make certain that your student arrives to school in time to be sitting in his/her seat by the final bell. Tardy students are required to obtain a Tardy Pass from the school office before they go to their classrooms. Page 4 of 8 School Lunch Checks for school lunches must be made out to Chadbourne CNS and contain the name of the child and the child's room number. Lunches may be prepaid in the following amounts: 1 week: $15.00 2 weeks: $30.00 3 weeks: $45.00 4 weeks: $60.00 Cost: $3.00 (which includes milk) Milk only: 50¢ The check may be sent to the office in advance and placed in the Child Nutrition Services basket on the front counter. Information About After School Activities at Chadbourne The office is continually receiving information on community activities and other programs/information you may find useful. Different organizations also provide us with printed information, and we are happy to make them available to you. We do this as a public service, not as an endorsement of any program. On September 15, 2015, before and after Back To School Night, our scheduled after school groups will be passing out flyers about their various programs. These will have information tables set up near the Multi Use Room that evening. Please visit their tables before (6pm – 6:30pm) or after (7:30pm -8:00pm) you meet with our Principal and your child’s teacher that evening. OUR 2015 – 2016 AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Bay Area Debate Club Invent-a-bot Learning Center Bricks 4 Kidz Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Euro School of Tennis Math & Science Olympiad Hindi Language Class Mad Science Girl Scouts Science Matters Foundation Speak Debate Success Chess School Challenge Island French Language Class Page 5 of 8 Mommy and Me Classes at Fremont Adult School The Parent Education Department at Fremont Adult School offers classes for parents to attend with their toddlers and/or preschoolers. Each parent will participate with his/her child in activities provided in a preschool setting to help children develop skills in the following areas: creative art, pre-math, reading readiness, science and sensory exploration, circle time story and songs. Classes are offered Monday-Thursdays. For registration information please call 510793-6465 or SCHOOL BUS FARES SCHOOL YEAR 2015-2016 PASS TYPE FARES *ANNUAL ROUND TRIP $654.00 *ANNUAL ONE WAY $370.00 SEMESTER ROUND TRIP $370.00 SEMESTER ONE WAY $209.00 *Annual passes can be paid for on a 10-month payment plan using a debit or credit card. Annual Round Trip = $67.00 per month Annual One Way = $39.00 per month FUSD bus passes for the 2015-2016 School Year will be sold at the Transportation Department beginning: Transportation Department Office 43770 S Grimmer Blvd Fremont, CA 94538 (510) 657-1450 Monday through Friday 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM General information for 2015-2016 FUSD bus passes is posted on the FUSD website under TRANSPORTATION. Page 6 of 8 ~ SEPT 2015 ~ ◄ Apr 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 ► Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 6:00pm SSC Meeting 7:00pm CFFA Meeting 6 7 8 Labor Day Holiday (No School) 13 14 Patriot Day 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 Back to School Night: 6:30 - 6:45 – MUR meet with Principal 6:45 – 7:30 Meet with your child’s teacher in classroom. 6- 6:30 & 7:30 – 8 Chadbourne After School Groups passing out flyers 20 21 22 Pioneer Day 27 28 29 30 Fall Picture Day Fremont Unified School District Special Education Department Page 7 of 8 CHILD FIND Do you know a child with special needs? We want to be sure that every child who has a disability receives the help he or she needs. We want to be sure that no child is overlooked. Everyone in the community who is concerned with the welfare of children may participate in the Child Find Process. The district actively seeks out and accepts referrals to assess children who may have a disability. This assessment is provided at no cost to the parent. A referral to Child Find may be made by a parent or by any person concerned about a child. Parent involvement and agreement is obtained prior to any further action. Information is confidential and the privacy of child and parents is protected. If you know of a child who has one or more of the following disabilities (or you suspect a child has a disability), please let us know. We're here to help. Autism Blindness or vision impairment Deafness or hearing impairment Developmental disability (Intellectual Disability) Learning disability Physical or orthopedic disability Speech/Language difficulties or delays For more information or to let us know about the student, please see the recommended contacts. For Children Ages Birth to Five: Contact the Glankler Early Learning Center at 510-651-1190 For Students in K-12 Programs: Contact the administrator at the school your child attends For students attending Private Schools in Fremont, please contact the Special Education Department of the Fremont Unified School District Office directly at (510) 657-2569. 7-21-15bp Page 8 of 8
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