Sticky Cinquefoil - Potentilla glandulosa Coastal Miterwort


Sticky Cinquefoil - Potentilla glandulosa Coastal Miterwort
Sticky Cinquefoil - Potentilla glandulosa
• Yellow flower
• Blooms late spring
• Height: Widely varied ... 4-30”
• Full sun to partial shade.
Photo by: Walter Siegmund
Wikipedia user: Wsiegmund
• Requires moderate water in partial
shade and regular watering in full
Coastal Miterwort - Mitella ovalis
• 12-16” plant
• Found in moist woods, stream
margins, wet banks
• Small, greenish flower
• Blooms March-July
• Likes shade
• Try it in your shady rain garden
Vanilla Leaf - Achlys triphylla
• Height: 8-12”
• Long white stamens that form
single erect spikes
• Blooms May through June
• Sun/Shade: Partial to Full Shade
• Habitat: Moist, deep woods to
open parks and forest edges;
common along streams
Photo by: Walter Siegmund
Wikipedia user: Wsiegmund
• Dried plants are strongly aromatic
and smell of vanilla
Chocolate lily - Fritillaria affinis
• Flowers brown mottled with yellow
• Blooms Feb-June
• 12-36” perennial – grows from bulb
• Grows among shrubs and trees and
in cool and moist meadows
• Soil types: Forest and meadow
Photo by: Franco Folini
Wikipedia user: Folini
• Likes partial shade
Shooting Star - Dodecatheon hendersonii
• Flower is magenta to deep
lavender to white
• Blooms in late Spring/Early
• Life Cycle: Perennial
• Habitat: Open woodlands
• Soil types: Forest and meadow
• Sun/Shade: Sun to partial shade
Photo by: Eric in SF
Wikipedia user: Eric in SF
Fine-leaved desert parsley - Lomatium utriculatum
• One of the longest-blooming natives
• Flower: Small, bright yellow
• Blooms: Early Spring - Mid Summer
• Height: 18”
• Life Cycle: Deciduous perennial
• Habitat: Meadows, woodlands, open and
often rocky places
• Soil types: From loam to clay
• Sun/Shade: Full sun
• Herbaceous perennial
• Purple flower
• Grows in low to mid-level
hillsides and grasslands
• Blooms: Early Summer
• Height: 3--10 inches
• Soil: clay, gravely alkaline
Photo by: Walter Siegmund
Wikipedia user: Wsiegmund
• Perennial evergreen
• Small, fragrant, yellow flowers
• Blooms late spring, early summer
• Small purple fruit
• Attracts birds
• Good groundcover, 6”-12” high
• Prefers part shade
Photo: Michael G. Alder
• Likes rich soil from dry to moist
• Valuable wildlife plant
Dwarf blueberry - Vaccinium caespitosum
• 4-10” Deciduous perennial
• Tiny urn-shaped light pink
• Blooms: Early spring
• Prefers partial to full sun in
cool, moist area
Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,
• Good ornamental providing
sweet berries for birds and
PEAFRUIT ROSE – Rosa pisocarpa
Pink-petaled rose
Likes moist habitat
Grows to 7’ tall
Large (1/2”), clustered decorative
• Reddish hips provide colorful
contrast to yellow leaves in the
Photo by: Stan Krebs
In Wikipedia
WOOD’S ROSE – Rosa woodsii
Flowers May-July
Fragrant flowers
Prefer moist habitat
Grows to 9’ tall
Can form thickets
Photo by: Doug Waylett
In Wikipedia
GOLDEN EYED GRASS – Sisyrinchium californica
• A perennial grass
• Grows 1’-3’
• Likes sun and moist soil – can
grow in a marsh
• Reseeds readily
• Yellow blooms May-June
Photo by: Stan Shebs
In Wikipedia
CANADIAN GOLDENROD – Solidago canadensis
• Herbaceous perennial
• Forms erect colonies of plants up
to 3’-6’ in height
• Golden burst of color late in
• Not shade tolerant
• Likes neither very wet nor very
dry soils
Photo by: Jeevan Jose, Kerala, India
In Wikipedia
RED HUCKLEBERRY - Vaccinium parvifolium
• Deciduous shrub
• Grows to 12’
• Likes edges and gaps of forest
• Needs acidic soil – ground
enriched with decaying wood
• Birds love the berries
• Pink blossoms and red berries
• Good to eat - try ‘em in cookies!
Photo: Walter Siegmund
In Wikipedia
SUBALPINE SPIREA – Spiraea densiflora
• Lovely dense pink flowers
• Medium size shrub – 1-3’ high
and 1-3’ wide
• Full to partial sun
• Prefers moist, well-drained soil
• Blooms all summer
Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,
This photo is in the public domain
OVAL LEAFED VIBURNUM – Viburnum ellipticum
Photo: Walter Siegmund
In Wikipedia
• Perennial shrub
• Many small, white flowers
in late spring early summer
• Will grow to 12’
• Can be pruned
• Likes dry, sunny spot
• Tolerates some shade and
moist soil
• Colorful red berries in fall
along with striking red
PRAIRIE VIOLET – Viola adunca
• Pansy-like bluish-violet flowers
• 1”-3” in height
• Blooms Apr-Aug
• Larval host and nectar source for
some butterflies and moths
• Edible – high in vitamin C and more
vitamin A than spinach!
• Likes shade
Photo: Thegreenj
In Wikipedia
• Will tolerate moist or dry soil
FRINGECUP – Tellima grandifolia
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Forbs/ Ground
Grass Cover
This herbaceous perennial grows 16” – 40” tall
Tellima grandifolia
© Starflower Foundation 2006
WESTERN STARFLOWER – Trientalis latifolia
Western Starflower
Trientalis latifolia
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Leaves persist
well into winter.
Seed capsules are tiny and
split into 5 parts when dry.
© Starflower Foundation 2006
Forbs/ Ground
Grass Cover
Wetland Prairie Forest
Riperian Meadow
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Star-shaped, pink to white
flowers with 5-9 petals on long
slender stalks.
Four to eight pointed,
egg- shaped leaves are
arranged in whorls on
slender stems.
Photo by Heidi Bohan
This herbaceous perennial grows 4”-8” tall from tiny tubers
White to pinkish cup-shaped
flowers are fringed with 5-10
fine, frilly petals.
Wetland Prairie Forest
Riperian Meadow
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Leaves are
hairy lobes.
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Plants grow in basal clumps.
WOOD SORREL – Oxalis oregana
Oxalis oregana
SWORD FERN – Polystichum munitum
© Starflower Foundation 2006
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Sword Fern
Polystichum munitum
© Starflower Foundation 2006
Wetland Prairie Forest
Riperian Meadow
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Leaflets have a
thumb where they
attach to the stem.
Round sori are arranged in two lines
on the back of the
leaflets, turning
brown in fall
Forbs/ Ground
Grass Cover
Photo by Heidi Bohan
This evergreen fern grows in clumps reaching 5’ tall and 6’ wide.
Wood Sorrel
The leaves consist of three heartshaped leaflets that fold back
under stress such as heat or rain.
Wetland Prairie Forest
Riperian Meadow
Flowers can be white to pale
pink and may have reddish veins.
Forbs/ Ground
Grass Cover
This evergreen perennial groundcover forms colonies 6”-12” tall
WESTERN TRILLIUM– Trillium ovatum
Western Trillium
Trillium ovatum
© Starflower Foundation 2006
Wetland Prairie Forest
Riperian Meadow
Three-sided seed
capsule sits above
three sepals, and
into numerous seeds.
Three-petaled flowers
change from white to
purple as they age.
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Triangular, smooth
leaves are arranged in
whorls of three
(sometimes five) and
grow to 7” long.
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Photo by Heidi Bohan
Forbs/ Ground
Grass Cover
This herbaceous perennial grows up to 16” tall and occurs singly from a fleshy rhizome.
COASTAL SILK TASSEL – Garrya elliptica
Evergreen shrub
7’-16’ in height
Tough leathery leaves
Showy gray-green catkins (tassles)
Deer resistant
Plant in protected area
Prefers well-drained soil
Photo by: Wikipedia user: Syp