Chris Jagger Biography


Chris Jagger Biography
Courtesy of
Chris Jagger Biography, May 2011
Whilst he hasn’t perhaps achieved the same level of notoriety for his body of
work as Rolling Stone brother Mick Jagger, at the tender age of 63 and the
younger ‘Jagger’ brother, Chris is none the less equally a veteran and elder
statesman of the music scene and perhaps somewhat overlooked by the British
music scene for his association to ‘older’ brother Mick.
His most recent album ‘The Ridge’ features an all star cast and some fine session
musicians including the likes of Danny Thompson on double bass, John
Etheridge on guitar, Malcolm Mortimore on drums, John ‘Rabbit’ Bundrick
on keyboards and saxophonist Andy Sheppard. His song writing stands tall
with beautifully crafted and poignant lyrics that leave a lasting impression,
peppered with musical vignettes reminiscent of Van Morrison, Dylan, REM and
Willy Nelson. Mixed by long time associate and record producer Chris Kimsey, the
record is both contemporary and traditional with a blend of country tunes, soulful
ballads, bluesy clouds and poetical tales that make for repeated listening.
Whilst Chris would be the first to say that
“musical taste is very much a personal thing”
‘THE RIDGE” is well worth a good listen as an
accomplished record by a British artist.
Musically he has also worked with some of
the greatest artists of our generation
including The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd’s
Dave Gilmour and Dave Stewart of the
Eurythmics. Whether performing with his
band Atcha, or a boogie woogie session with
the likes of Jools Holland and Rolling Stone
drummer Charlie Watts or contributing as a
songwriter to such seminal albums as The
Rolling Stones acclaimed albums “Dirty
Work” and “Steel Wheels” Chris Jagger
is a musical purist through and through, an
artist who lives for music and the art form of
song writing.
Chris is currently recording a new album with
his band Atcha! to be released later this year
and produced by rising star and fellow band member Jim Mortimore. The songs
are mostly written by Chris and Charlie Hart.
Jagger’s career, unlike brother Mick, has also spanned many fields in the artistic
spectrum, from clothes design and theatre to journalism. He has appeared in
repertory at The Citizen’s Theatre in Glasgow (his first play there was with one
Pierce Brosnan), Nottingham Playhouse and the ICA in London as well as in TV
and film. Chris has written for various magazines and newspapers including The
Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, the Mail on Sunday and Rolling Stone.
Most recently Chris wrote and presented a three part series for BBC Radio on
Alexis Korner, the pioneering blues musician and broadcaster. He has also
finished a film for SKY ARTS all about the blues in Austin Texas, with guest
contributions from some of the finest and most respected blues musicians
including Muddy Waters pianist Pine Top Perkins, Hubert Sumlin who
worked with blues singer Howlin’ Wolf and guitarist Jimmy Vaughan. The film
saw Chris catch up with ninety three year old “Pinetop” as he visits with brother
Courtesy of
Mick and Chuck Leavell backstage at a Rolling Stones show in Austin Texas
and reveal stories from the heydays of Chicago blues. The film was a direct result
of a radio show that Chris co-hosts from Austin, Texas ‘The Blueseum Of Fine
GM GML 1003
Asylum 7E 1009
Sequel NEXCD 258
HYCD 298 176
Viceroy 54189-2
Latent Talent 1
Latent Talent 2
Something New/Joy of the Ride (1973)
You know the name but not the face (1973)
The adventures of Valentine Vox (1974)
Atcha !(1994)
From Lhasa to Lewisham (1996)
Knights of the Blues Table (1997) contribution only
Channel Fever (2001)
Act of Faith (2006)
The Ridge (2001)
Contact Details
[email protected]