Rays of Hope Journal


Rays of Hope Journal
February 2016
Reaching Out to Grow Hope-Filled Followers of Jesus
Volume 34, Issue 2
From the Pastor’s Desk:
A Call to Leadership
“Although I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given to me to bring to the gentiles the
news of the boundless riches of Christ, and to make everyone see what is the plan of the mystery
hidden for ages in God who created all things; so that through the church the wisdom of God in its
rich variety might now be made known.” Ephesians 3:8-10
Different seasons of
our life bring different
calls to opportunities
and activities in which
to participate. As our
Church Administrator,
Linda Willoughby,
reflected on last
month, Carolyn Bye
has completed her
volunteer role on staff
(last titled Council
Liaison). Cross of
Hope Lutheran Church
and Schools is
appropriately grateful
for her years of service
in this ministry and is
thankful for her
continued ministry as
council member.
We are also grateful to
those whose
leadership on Church
Council has ended:
Geoff Bokan, Curtis
Case, Ruth Hinkel,
Daniel Marcum, Chris
Morgan, and Cris Fritz
(who stepped down
early to pursue a
degree). I am excited
to see how God works
in their lives in new
ways through the
ministry of Cross of
Along with
thanksgiving at
transitions, we also are
excited to welcome to
Council leadership:
Nancy Lacher (who is
completing Cris’s term)
and newly elected
Johanna Ruddy and
Francine Sedillo. I am
excited to discern
God’s call for Cross of
Hope with these new
leaders. At eight
leaders, the group is
smaller than in the
past. This is an
intentional decision
based on discerned
interest and potential
new models of
leadership moving
forward. It was
articulated as such at
the November meeting
of the congregation.
As we acknowledge
work in ministry
faithfully done and
work in ministry to
come, I ask some
things of you:
Pray. Continue to
pray for your
leaders. Council,
Boards, Staff, and
people throughout
the ministries of
Cross of Hope who
faithfully give their
time, talents, and
treasures in
ministry here.
Dialog. Be in
conversation with
your leaders. The
Council and boards
are working
together to
understand and
communicate our
structure and will
engage the
congregation in
mission/vision work
as we move into
the future together.
Participate. Be
present in worship
and at ministry
events that will offer
an opportunity to
discern together
God’s call for this
season of ministry
at Cross of Hope.
You are important!
Pray. Pray
continually in
discernment of your
own call to
leadership in
ministry at Cross of
Hope. We will
need new board
members for both
school ministries.
We will need new
Council leaders.
As new ministries
are offered, there
will be new
opportunities. How
are you being
called to serve?
Thank you for your
continued prayer and
presence, energy and
conversation as we
gather in worship,
study, fellowship and
meeting. Together we
are truly doing God’s
work in ministry. It is a
R. Adam Berndt
Lead Pastor
Rev. R. Adam Berndt
Lead Pastor
February 2016
Page 2
Council Corner
Cross of Hope Lutheran Church
6104 Taylor Ranch Road NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Phone Number: (505) 897-0047
E-mail: [email protected]
On the web at: www.crossofhope.org
New: [email protected]
The newsletter of Cross of Hope Lutheran
Church is published each month for the
enrichment of the mission (“Reaching Out
to Grow Hope-Filled Followers of Jesus”),
for the life of the people of God at Cross of
Hope and our community.
Lead Pastor:
Rev. R. Adam Berndt
Rev. Matt Powell
Editorial Staff:
Evelyn Osborne
Nancy Morrison
Carol Russell
Forrest Uppendahl
Linda Willoughby
Patty Westerfield
Kathy Albin
Solomon’s Desk
Carol Russell
Council Communication:
Nancy Lacher, President
Deadline is 10th of the month for the
following month’s edition. E-mail articles
to [email protected] or deliver to
church office.
December 2015 Attendance
Total Attendance:
Average Attendance:
Christmas Eve/Day
another and continue the
process of leadership
together. Cross of Hope
Church and Schools is in a
unique position to fulfill our
vision because of the
Nancy Lacher
partnerships with the
Council President
schools and church. This
will be the first time all three
Cross of Hope
boards will meet together to
Congregational Council is
look at our vision and reflect
pleased to start up the 2016 on how we can work
year with a new Executive
together so we all will truly
Board. Congratulations and be “Reaching out to grow
thanks to our new board
hope-filled followers of
members. Serving as
President is Nancy Lacher.
As spring approaches, we
Our new Vice President is
look forward to spending
Johanna Ruddy. We
welcome back Carolyn Bye time together in hearing,
reading and learning about
as our interim Secretary,
and thanks to Todd Bramley God’s word through our
Lenten devotionals and
who will be our Treasurer.
services. We encourage
The Council will be meeting you and your family to take
on January 30 in a retreat
time for reflection on the
format with our Elementary great gift God has given us
School Board and our
in His Son, Jesus.
Preschool Board. The
Please check the Cross of
gathering will be at the
Madonna Center on the St. Hope website as well as
Hope-Filled Happenings for
Pius Campus. We are
dates and time of special
excited to have some
services. And don’t forget
extended time to get to
to pick up our Lenten
know one another and to
Devotionals written by our
spend some time really
looking at our church and its very own members. Join us
in our journey to the cross.
various ways to serve the
community through mission
and outreach. We want to Blessings and Peace to
thank all who have agreed each of you,
On Behalf of the Executive
to give up a Saturday for
this purpose.
Nancy Lacher, Johanna
The leadership gathering or Ruddy, Carolyn Bye, Todd
retreat is an opportunity for Bramley, Pastor Adam, and
all three boards to develop Pastor Matt.
relationships with one
Year to Date
Year to Date
Expenses net of Depr
Debt Reduction
Cash Flow
February 2016
Page 3
Jordan Garcia
Erin Myers
Jordan Singleton
Leann Zillich
Gini Murphy
Megan Bye-Jahn
Mike Sakelaris
Becky Stewart
Erv Baumgart
Aiden Fritz
Eric Boglarski
Karen Wilson
Chris Frazer
Carrol`l Werling
Lisa Jones
John Goewey
Beth Spaulding
Robert Phillips
LeeAnn Savela
Corbin Bencomo
Leeon Carrico
Connie Frank
Mitchell Frazer
Leof Strand
Lydia Alba
David Albin
Morgan Case
Julie Potter
Andy & Lisa Shay
Dan Zillich & Jennifer Tripp-Zillich
Sam & Amanda Fischer
Kevin & Deney Perkins
Chuck & Martha Montano
Bruce & Linda Molde
Steve & Julie Potter
18 years
23 years
5 years
7 years
14 years
50 years
22 years
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Rudy’s Barbecue
10136 Coors NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Meets at—1:00 P.M.
Heart Strings
Members of COH unable to worship on a regular
basis. Send a card or call.
Betty Banks
c/o Chip and Pat Davis
300 Camino Siete SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Mary Jane Brown
2229 Ana Court NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Marie Cannoles
Palmilla Senior Assisted
Living, Room 240
10301 Golf Course Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Ken Harrington
2400 Stockbridge Rd.
Apt 2110
Denton, TX 76208
Barb Ostby
4043 Rayado NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Karen Reiten
4841 Shin Avenue NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Arline Skindelien
Beehive Home of Taylor
Ranch, Room 9
6004 Whiteman Dr NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
(cards/visits/no phone)
Jo Threewitt
Palmilla Senior Living
10301 Golf Course Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Lunch Bunch Coordinator:
Stan Socha—839-7416
W³Walking in the Way
“Walking with Mark”
Wednesdays at 5:30 P.M.
February 3, 17 & 24, 2016
*No meeting on February 10 (Ash Wednesday)*
Dinner website: theperfectpotluck.org
Coordinator = Hielkema
Password = mmddyy (enter date of meeting)
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
February 2016
Page 4
History of Cross of Hope from 2006 through 2015
Compiled by Carol Russell
February 2006. "IT'S
THAT JAZZ! This year
will be better than ever,
with entertainment by
the Manzano High
School Jazz Band...and
a Cuban-Cajun Feast
prepared by our own
Greg and Nancy
Our church community
here at Cross of Hope
truly recognizes how
vital the youth ministry
is .... so in gratitude, the
Senior High Youth
would like to show their
appreciation by
presenting a 'Silver
Valentines Dinner’ for
our Silver Citizens."
February 2007. "LENT
Cross of Hope
publishes a Lenten
devotional, with
meditations for each
day of Lent and Holy
Week, written by
members of Cross of
Hope. It is distributed
shortly before Ash
February 2008.
AGAIN. A new, larger
worship area,
classrooms, kitchen
and youth space are
among the needs of
Cross of Hope for its
ministry. The Building
Task Force...meets
regularly to understand
our wants, needs and
musts for ministry
We (this Koinonia)
anticipate meeting in
members' homes that
are kid-friendly and
where the kids can be
active with one another.
Contact Deborah
Rivera or Richard
February 2010.
YOU by Bev Fry. It
may seem like a small Guiney has been
act of charity to give a
volunteer Director of
gift at Christmas, but it's Worship at Cross of
not. Such acts of
Hope since summer of
kindness are often a
2006. She has been
powerful channel of
pertinent to the ministry
God's love. And, just
at COH staff on
maybe, this one that
Wednesdays to plan
you found and gave a
the worship services
gift to, they or a parent and on Thursdays for
will be the one whose
staff meetings."
life will be changed."
February 2009.
February 3. The next
'Come to God's Table'
class begins on
LOGOS/TNT uses four February 3rd. All
key components—
baptized youth in 5th
recreation time, worship grade or older are
time, family time and
invited to attend. A part
Bible study. We
of the W 3 Wednesday
currently have 55 youth evening program, the
class meets ... with
involved, including
several who are not
Doug Perry leading."
currently members of
Cross of Hope and 27
February 2011.
adult volunteers each
Hughes, Navajo
Mission Coordinator.
More than fifty years
ago, Lutheran
missionaries arrived in
Rock Point, AZ, a
remote isolated village
near the Four Corners
on the Navajo Nation.
Cross of Hope's support
for the Navajo Mission
is primarily through
donations of Campbell
soup UPC labels and
Box Tops for
SEMESTER by Sharon
Halstead, Principal.
Cross of Hope
Elementary School's
mission is to excel at
education that helps
children develop their
intellectual, physical,
emotional, social and
spiritual gifts to the
glory of God and
service to others."
February 2012. "JUST
Slagle. Please - value
each other, hug each
other often and thank
God for each new day.
On September 29, I
was told I had Stage 4
Lung Cancer! I'm not
having any treatment,
as I want to spend as
much quality time as
possible in the time I
have left. But, MOST
Continued on page 5
February 2016
Page 5
History of Cross of Hope
continued from page 4
February 2013.
Pastor Russ
Sorensen. These are
the days when we want
things to matter, to
make a difference in
the world. This season
of Lenten preparation
for Easter at Cross of
Hope will be a time to
practice the skills for
making a difference in
life each day."
MINISTRY. "Befriender
Ministry is rooted in the
Christian's baptismal
call to ministry. Lay
ministers embody the
caring presence of God
and of the faith
February 2014.
Pastor Russ
Sorensen. These are
exciting times for
rediscovering God's
mission and vision for
Cross of Hope! In this
next chapter of the
journey we ask for your
prayers and
encouragement as the
Call Committee and
Church Council begin
their cooperative work
of discernment for
pastoral leadership
candidates for Cross of
February 2015.
FAMILY. We are
excited to welcome the
Reverend R. Adam
Berndt as Cross of
Hope's next full-time
Lead Pastor! Laura
(his wife) is currently
staying at home to
spend time with their
daughter Addison, who
just turned one year old
in December."
Thank You for the Music
I have been in music my entire life until I had a throat surgery 15 years ago which
pretty much ended all my singing. I have been in almost perfect concert choirs in
college days when I was minoring in voice. I was in church choirs that were
wonderful and fulfilling. I know what a good choir sounds like and even directed
one for several years in one church. I know what it is to sing with all my heart and
This Christmas when I heard our very own Voices of Hope singing to God and for
our Christmas celebration, I was so moved by their sound, their joy and their love
for God and the music they were singing. I know that comes from an awesome
hard-working director, accompanist and many hours of committed choir members.
I could not let time go by without thanking you, Richard, and all of you members in
our choir for moving our hearts with your music. You have such good sound and
blend and I was impressed to tears. You brought me right in to the music and
made my heart sing along with you. It was magical for me and I would think that it
was for the congregation as I looked around at the faces that showed their joy.
You truly all "make a joyful noise".
Susan McWilliam
The Voices of Hope would love to invite anyone interested to come and join us in lifting
our voices in worship to God! We rehearse each Thursday at 6:30 P.M. and sing in the 8:30
A.M. worship 2-3 times each month. No previous vocal training or singing experience is
needed, just a desire to add your voice to a choir of wonderful people who love to sing and
Contact Richard at [email protected] or just show up any Thursday at
6:30 P.M.!
February 2016
Page 6
Numbers Bible Study
Wednesdays in Lent, 10:00 A.M. and 6:30 P.M., beginning February 17
Numbers, Books of Faith Series (Learner Session Guide), Augsburg Fortress
Carla Thompson and Darryl Thompson Powell
On Wednesdays during the Season of Lent, Pastor Adam and Pastor Matt will lead an encounter
with the book of Numbers from the Old Testament. The book of Numbers tells the story of the
people of God wandering through the wilderness from slavery and oppression in Egypt to God’s
promised future in a new land. We will explore several themes using the Books of Faith study
on Numbers organized around four chapters - “Where is God in our ‘wilderness times’?”, “Is this
what God wants?”, “Is there any help for us?”, and “Who can speak to God?”
The church office has pre-ordered 20 copies of this resource and you can purchase one for $7
by contacting the church office, or you can also purchase this online at either Amazon.com or
Augsburgfortress.org. Scholarships are available, so please talk with Pastor Adam or Pastor
Matt. Bring your questions, insights and your own story … and bring a friend to join the
Financial Peace University (FPU)
Classes starting Wednesday, February 17, 6:30 P.M.
FPU is a 9-week biblically-based personal finance
program and will be offered at 6:30 P.M. on
Wednesdays during W 3,,beginning February 17.
Classes are available to new members and former
members who want a refresher.
For more information, please contact Hans Zimmer
at [email protected].
Enrich Your Relationship
Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend
March 18-20, 2016
Glen Eyrie Conference Center, Colorado Springs, CO
Apply at GodLovesMarriage.org
Contact Bud & Cindy Amack: [email protected] or 303-796-9119 for more information.
February 2016
Page 7
MESS - Men Eating and Studying on Saturday
MESS (a men's Bible study): Meets at 8:00 A.M. on Saturdays at Twisters, 528 and Ridge Rock
Road, Rio Rancho. If you love the Bible, Christian Fellowship, and a low-cal (?) breakfast, please
come join us.
For more information, contact the group’s Facilitator, Richard Brunson: 505-349-4129 or
[email protected].
Men Eating and
Studying on
Front row: David Wilson, George Wright, Richard Brunson, Andy Anderson, JE Ballew, Geoff Bokan
Second row: Gunther Krumlinde, Willard Dunlap, Joel Anspach, Walt Fink, John McWilliam, Tom Jagusch
News from the Church Office
New Voicemail at Cross of Hope Church and Schools
Good news! If you call the church or schools you can dial the extension of
the person you are trying to reach and either talk with them or leave a
voicemail on their extension. If your call is directly answered by a person
during office hours, you can ask to be transferred to your requesting person’s
extension. We thank Carolyn Bye for arranging to have this setup
February 2016
Page 8
A Long History of Service:
From Charter to Present
elementary school was
John and Susan McWilliam
John and Susan have
been active at Cross of
Hope since its
inception. Susan was a
charter member, and
after their marriage (the
second wedding for this
newly formed Lutheran
church), John became
active several years
later, after he retired
from the military in
1988. The two had
moved to Washington
D.C. for five years for
John to complete his
military duty.
John McWilliam
Out of the military, John
needed a job and the
church needed a
janitor, so he applied
and got the job. His
second function with
the church was to be on
Pastor Dale's Call
Committee. After that,
he served two turns on
the Church Council.
His next work was on
the building committee
for the second addition
to the church. It was
during this time that the
Hunter's school needs
and transportation. He
stays with them
Monday through
John went on to
facilitate, and continues Friday.)
to facilitate, Bible
studies at the church.
John also does data
For three years he also entry twice a month for
has been a group
the attendance at
leader for Bible Study
church services. He
Fellowship, as part of
assists school
his nine year
personnel with physical
attendance in the
labor - for instance,
group. This is a
sweeping leaves and
snow out of the entry
worldwide organization doorways, and carrying
for men and women
boxes, as needed. He
which meets outside of also helps Linda
Cross of Hope. John
Willoughby, Church
was also on the Call
Administrator, or the
Committee for Pastor
school with small
janitorial issues as well,
Adam Berndt.
and helps to take out
the recyclables.
Currently, besides
leading Bible study,
John is a volunteer
Susan McWilliam
receptionist at the front Susan, as a charter
entry of the church on
member of Cross of
Mondays and
Hope, was part of the
Wednesdays. While
group assembling to
being the receptionist, start the church in
he puts together church 1980. One of her first
directories and booklets jobs was painting the
for the church office.
walls of the church
John brings Hunter,
during the second
their grandson, to the
phase of the Mission
church elementary
Builders building
school and stays after project. She owned a
on Wednesdays with
decorating service
him, helping him with
during this time and
homework, and setting was able to collaborate
up the tables for the
in numerous decisions
evening's W 3 (Walking in regarding paint colors,
the Way, Wednesday)
tile and carpet surfaces
gatherings. (Susan
in the offices and the
also is involved with
classrooms and in the
By Carol Russell
church as a whole.
Once the building was
in use, she was
involved in stewardship
of Time, Talents and
Treasure in the homes
of the members. She
was also involved in
Search, a weekly Bible
Susan and John were
part of the first Koinonia
group called Alpha.
New people would start
in the Followers Class
and at the end of those
classes they would be
partnered with existing
members. This was a
very active group where
the experienced
members would be
involved in meeting all
manner of needs
toward helping new
members meet other
church members and
getting settled in the
church, and even in
their homes if they were
new to Albuquerque.
Susan became
Coordinator of the
Koinonias, and as part
of Koinonia Outreach,
she worked closely with
Pastor Dale.
She was in the choir
singing soprano and
playing flute until the
year 2001, when she
had thyroid throat
surgery. She lost much
of her voice used for
Continued on page 9
February 2016
Page 9
A Long History of Service
continued from page 8
singing and flute
playing after the
surgery and had to give
them both up. In spite
of this, Susan was a
MOPS (Mothers of
Preschoolers) mentor
for thirteen years. She
said she found this very and makes quilts for
baptisms and
graduating high school
Currently she belongs seniors. She is also
working in the church’s
to Banner Babes, a
coffee shop, Hebrews,
group which holds a
between services on
Friendship Tea
fundraiser each year
We thank you, John
and Susan, for your
many years of giving
of yourselves and
your talents to Cross
of Hope.
Living Each Moment In God’s Presence
Patty Westerfield,
Imagine you were able
to carry out your
normal, every day
activities and be aware
of God’s presence at
the same time. How
would living in God’s
love moment-bymoment change today,
and the focus of your
Three men, over the
past five centuries, are
famous for their
“Practice of the
Presence of God”, and
serve as guides for the
rest of us.
Brother Lawrence, a
simple and humble
monk in the 16th
century, learned the
secret of remaining in
God’s presence
continually. His job as
dishwasher at the
monastery was one he
despised until he turned
it into an act of service
to the Lord. It changed
him in such a profound
way that all those
around him could feel
God’s presence and
love when they were
with him.
Frank Laubach, a
missionary in the
Philippines in the
1920’s, made it a
“game” to try to
remember Jesus was
with him throughout the
day. He started by
trying to remember Him
once every half hour,
and then at shorter and
shorter intervals. Frank
believed that poverty,
injustice and illiteracy
are barriers to peace in
the world. He
developed a simple
reading program that
has been used to teach
about 60 million people
to read in their own
And finally, Jean-Pierre
de Caussade, a French
Jesuit Priest who died
in 1751, focused on
what it means to be
obedient to God in the
present moment. Your
heart, he said, if it is
totally surrendered to
God, becomes a place
where God reigns, and
the true treasure that
we seek.
cut me off instead of
curse them. I say
prayers for those
standing at the bus stop
in the cold. And when
Pastor Adam’s closing
words at the church
service last Sunday
were, “Go out and feed
the poor,” I found
myself at McDonald’s
buying $5 gift
certificates to hand out
to individuals standing
While it may seem that at my stop lights in the
only “holy” men living in coming weeks.
a different century
could accomplish living Small and insignificant
in God’s presence,
acts, I know. But like
that’s just not true.
anything new it takes
Gregory A. Boyd has
practice and
written an excellent
perseverance. The
book on this subject
best part is Jesus is
entitled “Present
ready and willing to
Perfect”. In it he
help me, and you,
outlines the teachings
walking beside us and
of these three men, and cheering us on.
includes simple
exercises for you and I So why not invite God
to use today.
to be present with you
right now? He longs to
So, what’s it been like
share His wisdom with
for me trying to live with you to guide your
Jesus beside me? I
thoughts, and share His
find I talk to Him more love to guide your
throughout the day.
When driving, I try to
bless the drivers that
February 2016
Page 10
COH Schools - Registration Information
Cross of Hope Preschool
Contact Mary Sue Hale, Director
February 8-17, 2016
Registration for COH Church Members.
Please call Preschool to arrange an
February 18, 2016, 9:00 - 11:00 A.M.
Registration for current students to
register for 4-year-old program.
February 19, 2016, 9:00 - 11:00 A.M.
Registration for siblings of current and
past students.
February 20, 2016, 8:00 - 10:00 A.M.
Public Registration in the Preschool
Thank you for your donations of pajamas
and books to benefit New Mexico children in
need. Our collection totaled 30 pairs of new
pajamas and 30 new books! They were
delivered to Peanut Butter & Jelly Family
Services, and were received with much
With gratitude from Mrs. McClain’s and
Ms. TJ’s Kindergarten Class
Cross of Hope
Elementary School
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Contact Elementary School Office, 897-1832
Harriet Crawford, Principal
Kay Hendrickson, Office Manager
February 20, 2016, 9:00 - 11:00 A.M.
Registration in the Church Great Hall.
February 2016
Page 11
Cross of Hope Preschool
Registration for 2016-2017
Programs for 3 and 4 year old children
February 8-17: Cross of Hope Church Members Registration, current and new.
Please call the preschool to arrange a registration appointment time.
Thursday, February 18: Current preschool children registering for the four-year old
programs. 9:00-11:00 A.M. in the Great Hall of the church.
Friday, February 19: Sibling Registration. 9:00-11:00 A.M. in the Great Hall of the church.
Open to anyone who has previously had a sibling at Cross of Hope Preschool or has a sibling at
Cross of Hope Elementary School.
Saturday, February 20: Public Registration for all children registering in the 3 or 4-year old
programs. 8:00-10:00 A.M. in the COH Preschool.
* $125 Registration and Supply Fee (non-refundable) due at registration.*
Classes and Tuition
Children, age 3 before September 1, 2016 (toilet-trained):
• Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-11:30 A.M. or 12:30-3:30 P.M
$1,450/year or $145/month for 10 months
Children, age 4 before September 1, 2016:
• Tuesday & Thursday Lunchbox, 8:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
$1,650/year or $165/month for 10 months
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Lunchbox, 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.
$2,450/year or $245/month for 10 months
Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. (Enriched Pre-K Program)
$3,600/year or $360/month for 10 months.
* Preschool + Elementary = $50 discount in preschool registration fee *
For more information, contact:
Mary Sue Hale, Preschool Director
Mary Sue Hale
Preschool Director
February 2016
Page 12
Fabulous Fifth Grade
The 2015-2016 Fifth Grade class is the largest class to ever complete 5th grade at Cross of Hope
Elementary School. To honor the 5th graders, we are going to feature two of the students each
month. This month we are featuring Emilio Reynolds and Evie Haag. They have written a
paragraph about themselves to let you get to know them better.
About Emilio
In this article you will read about me, Emilio, and I’m in 5th grade. The sport I
like to play and watch the most is football. What I like to do in my free time is
play video games with my friends. How I like my stuff to be is organized and
not messy. I love my 2 dogs, Cocopuffs and George. Thanks for reading
about me.
About Evie
This report is brought to you by Evie, a maybe not so normal 5th grader. Here
are a few things you need to know about her. (Aka me!!) One of my dearest and
most favorite passions is writing. Also, every Sunday I ride horses at a horse
farm. Speaking of animals, I have a 14 year-old black lab mix named Belle. She
is deaf and going blind, but that does not hinder her from acting like a two yearold puppy! We also have a turtle, Juno; she is loving and is cute! My family also
owns a Cessna small plane. My style is another thing … even in summer, I love
to wear long socks, even if they are striped, polka dotted or printed. I even
sometimes mismatch my clothes, but my mom always keeps me in check!
Thanks for listening.
Cross of Hope Science Fair
was held January 25 - 27
Students from Kindergarten through 5th Grade developed
their own science experiment. They all used the scientific
method to purpose their hypothesis, test their hypothesis,
and then draw their conclusion. They then presented their
projects. Projects were on display in the Great Hall from
January 25-27. Parents were also invited to come view the
February 2016
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Reflections on the Way
Better Priorities
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough
trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6: 33-34)
lives and at least
attempt to make
needed changes. And
of course we don’t have
to wait until the
beginning of a new year
to do so; but there is
just something about a
new year that feels
promising, bringing
extra strength,
motivation, and a fresh,
new perspective. So
why not ride that wave
while we can? It’s
better than not trying at
all. And, who knows,
what you promise to
try—again—just might
take this year!
under my control. Now,
intellectually and
spiritually I really don’t
believe that. It’s just
not necessarily what I
can all be too much,
leaving us feeling
overwhelmed and
scattered. And giving
way to such a state of
mind can actually
become a bad habit,
pushing God—who also
I’m trying to develop
wants our attention—
perspective by
evaluating what truly is right out of the way.
Therefore, consciously
a priority and actually
achievable in any given making time to be still
Kathy Albin
moment, day, or week. and present for God is
Licensed Counselor
Sometimes the priority the only way we can be
liberated from the
is just to take a break
The new year is well
for a short while simply pressures we put on
under way when many
ourselves and that
to recharge so I am
of us promise to make
which the world
better able to
healthier choices, get
imposes on us. What
reevaluate and
organized, quit a bad
prioritize. Taking time better way to spend our
habit, learn something
to stop and breathe and energy, our time, and
new. Recently one of
indeed our very life?
As for me, I’m
just be present in the
my clients reported that attempting this year to moment—different than
she successfully kept at better prioritize what
zoning out on some
God gave us free will,
least three of her
gets my time and
mindless activity that
which to me means I
resolutions from last
attention. My tendency nonetheless takes
can choose where I
year, and she was very is to overwhelm myself attention—helps to
place my attention and
specific. I was
with everything that I
calm the mind and
energy, even if the
impressed. Many of us need to do, want to do, central nervous system. world gives the
have difficulty keeping and anything else that And being still gets me opposite message.
these for very long,
can steal away my
back in touch with God, Though I cannot control
much less remember
attention (I bet
my life, I can at any
the real director.
what we resolved to do somebody out there
given moment
a year ago. How about can relate to this).
So much can draw our consciously choose to
Then I begin to worry
practice my faith (rather
attention at any given
and even develop
than my bad habit) and
time: needs of family,
Yet I am not cynical
resentment that I just
re-focus my attention
employers and others
about starting a new
can’t get to it all; but I’m to whom we are
on the One who will
year with good
the only one, really,
always help me
obligated, the latest
intentions knowing they putting myself in that
news, advertisements, prioritize.
can be difficult to keep. position by the
social and other media
I think it is still a good
perspective I’m taking. prompting us to
practice to evaluate our That is, that my life is
respond. Sometimes it
February 2016
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Join Us at “Theology on Tap”
“Theology on Tap” is
where a group of
people meet in a
casual environment to
talk about their faith,
explore Biblical and
theological issues, and
ask questions relating
to God.
If this sounds
interesting or fun to
you, please plan to
join folks from St.
Timothy’s Lutheran
Church (the
congregation where
my wife Rachael
serves as pastor) and
Cross of Hope on
February 17, at
6:00 P.M. at Kelly’s
Brew Pub (3222
Central Ave. SE) for
an exciting evening of
“Theology on Tap!”
Come alone or bring
your family and/or
friends. Come for
something to eat, a
beverage, or simply for
the conversation.
These evenings are
especially designed for
you to invite a family
member, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc.
who might not feel as
comfortable gathering
at a church, to engage
in mutual faith
If you have any
questions, please feel
free to contact me.
Blessings to you
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
Annual Bishop's Legislative Luncheon - February 4
The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Bishop's Legislative Luncheon will be Thursday, February 4.
Make plans to attend and be sure to make your reservation (or a reservation for a group from
your congregation!) to attend this annual gathering which will begin at 12:30 P.M. at the
La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe. Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop Jim Gonia will speak at the
luncheon and will also share a message with us during the Issues Briefing in the morning prior to
the luncheon. The day will begin at 9:00 A.M. at the United Church (1804 Arroyo Chamiso please note this change in location!) with registration, fellowship and an opportunity to learn
more about the issues that Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM will be advocating in 2016.
The cost of the luncheon is $35/person ($30 per person when 4 or more people from a
congregation or organization make reservations together). If you are only attending the morning
issues briefing, the cost is $10.
For Cross of Hope members who are interested in attending, please contact the office 897-0047
or send an email to [email protected].
Lutheran Family Services is especially busy this winter
placing new refugee families into Albuquerque communities.
In our standard apartment set ups, we are currently in need of
new or gently used pots and pans. We also are asking for
professional clothing for client interviews and employment.
Please have clothing clean, pressed and on a hanger.
Contact Donations Coordinator Sandi Bertholomey 505-933-7014 or
[email protected] to schedule delivery times, pick-ups or for questions.
Address: Lutheran Family Services, 3612 Campus Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
February 2016
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When you need these services, please think of Rays of Hope sponsors.
We thank them for their continued support in offsetting the costs (by $10 per month)
associated with producing Rays of Hope each month.
Sheri Phillips is a State of New Mexico
appointed Notary Public
Telephone: 505 - 839 - 4290
[email protected]
Cross of Hope Preschool
Nationally Accredited
Mary Sue Hale, Director
6104 Taylor Ranch Rd NW
Cross of Hope Elementary School
Harriet M. Crawford
Albuquerque, NM 87120-2639
6104 Taylor Ranch Road, NW
(505) 897-1832
(505) 897-9455
[email protected]
email: [email protected]
website: www.crossofhope.org
6104 Taylor Ranch Road NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Reaching Out to Grow
Followers of Jesus
Rev. R. Adam Berndt, Lead Pastor
Rev. Matt Powell, Pastor
505-897-0047 • [email protected]
Facebook Page: Cross of Hope Church
Worship Times:
Sunday Worship: 8:30 and 10:45 A.M.
Education Hour: 9:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship: 7:30 P.M.
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Upcoming Events
February 2
Groundhog Day
February 10
Ash Wednesday Service, 7:00 P.M
Worship with Imposition of Ashes
February 14
Valentine’s Day
February 15
President’s Day
February 2016