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Chica ....0
Po ice Star
promotes 19
Officers praised
for tire rescues
MARCH -APRIL 198C Traffic Institute
-It isn't easy
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Deputy Superintendent
Bureau of Community Services
Public and Internal Information Division
3 Department changes announced
5 Northwestern Traffic Institute
7 In Memoriam
9 The Blue Light
Law 'n' Laughter
16 Department Commendations
18 Friend Indeed
19 Pol ice Officer of the Month
Recent Retirements
20 Puzzle
Editor; Photos by Graphic Arts Section Photoe­
raphers. Unit reporters are listed in the Blue Lieht
The Chicago Police Star is published
bimonthly by the Chicago Police De·
partment and is the official department
publication. The Star is distributed
without charge to active and retired
Department members. No one is author­
ized to solicit or accept payment for
advertising or subscriptions to the
Star. Perm ission to reprint articles
must be received in writing from the
Director of Public and Internal Inform­
ation Division, Chicago Police Depart·
ment, 1121 South State Street, Ch icago,
Illinois 60605.
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Officers praised for fire rescues They were there.
Police officers distinguished them­
selves during the recent strike by the
Chicago Fire Department fire fighters.
Superintendent Richard J. Brzeczek
praised and thanked Department mem­
bers "for their dedication and outstand­
ing performance during the long, te­
dious hours of work during the 24-day
"A special note of thanks and recogni­
tion must be given to those officers who
distinguished themselves with acts of
bravery when they disregarded their
own personal safety to rescue numerous
fire victims from burning buildings,
saving many lives.
"The citizens of Chicago have good
reason to be proud of their police De­
partment. This was an emotionally as
well as physically tiring assignment.
But, as always in the past, our officers
responded to all challenges with dedica­
tion, personal courage and professional­
ism, demonstrating once again that
they have those unique qualities which
are necessary to adapt to any situation
where police presence is required."
Officers Robert J ance and Leroy
Burke, of the 1st District, rescued a man
from his automobile. The officers saw
the victim slumped over the wheel and
his vehicle was engulfed in flames. Af­
ter requesting fire equipment, both
officers disregarded their own safety
and pulled the victim out of the car. The
fire was caused by the careless use of
smoking materials. It was later discov­
ered that the man was wanted by sub­
urban police on a traffic warrant.
In the 3rd District, Officers Willie
Jemerson and James E. Edwards
effected the rescue of six persons from a
burning apartment building on 71st
Street and Merrill Avenue.
The front stairway was ablaze and
filled with smoke when the officers ar­
rived. One man jumped from the second
floor before the officers came on the
scene. J emerson and Edwards, however,
requested assistance of onlookers and
formed a human net with which to
cushion the fall of a husband and wife
and a woman with three young sons,
who jumped from the second floor to
Officer James Simmons and Sergeant
John J. Bulger of the 5th District re­
sponded to a call of an explosion at a
house on 109th Place, where five per­
sons were injured, two of the victims
with burns over 100 per cent of their
bodies. The officers rushed the victims
to a nearby hospital. A faulty gas con­
nection to a heater and an open flame
from a stove set off the explosion.
Two children playing with matches
set a diaper on fire, which spread in
their parent's apartment on the fourth
floor of an apartment building on East
124th Place.
Officers from the 5th District re­
sponding to the call were Sergeant Toby
Burton and Officers Ronald Smith, Cor­
nel! Brooks, James McNally, James
Cassidy, Patrick Sheahan, John Rosi, R.
W. Ostrowski, Lawrence Dunn, Gary
Walker, D. D. Franklin and Sergeant
Paul Anasewicz.
After assisting residents out of the
building, the officers were told of a para­
lyzed woman who was alone and unable
to get out of her third floor apartment.
Rossi and McNally went to the apart­
ment and found a woman who was a
double amputee. She was carried from
the building by the two officers.
Officers reporting to a fire in a tavern
at 75th and Halsted Streets had to con­
(continued on page 8)
Officer William Bryant of Canine Unit watches as his dog Brutus shares cookie
with Beat Representative Coordinator Les Fissinger of 8th District, while Ray and
Katie McCann look on.
Photos for this issue by Roman Zabicki and Steve Herbert, Graphic Arts Section.
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Four new Deputy Superintendent's join 1st Deputy Superintendent James Riordan (right) after their promotions by Superin­
tendent Richard Brzeczek. They are, from left, Dennis Nowicki, Bureau of Administrative Services; Ira Harris, Bureau of
Community Services; Matt Rodriguez, Bureau of Technical Services, and Thomas Lyons, Bureau of Investigative Services.
Superintendent promotes 19
Superintendent Richarcd J. Brzeczek
announced top-level changes in the De­
partment April 15 when he named four
new deputy superintendents and the
ann ouncement of the newly created
Bureau of Technical Services. He pro­
moted 19 members and laterally reas­
signed 23.
"1 feel that there is a need to align
bureaus on a functional basis;' said Su­
perintendent Brzeczek. "1 consider
these sig nificant organizational,
structural, and personnel changes.
"The Burea u of Operational Services
will continue to provide immediate re­
sponse to calls for service and other
anti-crime activi ties.
"The Bureau of Community Services
will continue to foster a better working
relationship between police and the
community in which we serve. "The Bureau of Administrative Ser­
vices will be dealing with 'people' re­
sponsibilities, such as personnel , train­
ing, inspections, audits, and internal
"The newly created Bureau of
Technical Services is designed to coor­
dinate the delivery of technical support
services so vita l in a 1980 police
"The Bureau of Investigative Ser­
vices will take on an ad ditional respon­
sibility with the formation of the new
Organized Crime Division . My evalua­
tion of the Department's efforts in the
(continued on page 4)
Department promotions and reassignments
Dennis E. NOWICKI Deputy Superintendent
Bureau of Administrative Services
Deputy Superintendent
Bureau of Technical Services
Deputy Superintendent
Bureau of Community Services
Deputy Superintendent
Bureau of Investigative Services
Commander, Youth Division
Commander, 2nd District Elgia C. COOK
Assistant Deputy Superintendent
Operations Command Deputy Chief, Property Crimes
Criminal Investigations Division
Deputy Chief, Administration
Criminal Investigations Division
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Superintendent
Commander, 11th District
Commander, 6th District
Commander, 8th District
Commander, 2nd District
James A. O'NEILL
Commander, 17th District
Kenneth C. CURIN
George J. BANKS
Commander, Burglary Section
Criminal Investigations Division
Commander, Narcotics Section
Dennis P. DENEEN
Commander, Vice Control Section
Thomas M. WALTON
Director, Training Division
Coordinator, Medical Section
Director, Preventive Programs
Bureau of Community Services
Thomas J. LYONS
Edward C. BROOKS
John J. MORRISSEY Commanding Officer, Gambling
Section, Vice Control Division
Director Preventive
Programs Division
Deputy Chief, Area 1 Patrol Division
Commander, Burglary Section,
Criminal Investigation Division Commander, Research Development Division Assistant, Internal Affairs Division
Watch Commander, 6th District
Watch Commander, 2nd District
Commanding Officer, Identification Section
Commanding Officer, Narcotic/Gang
Crimes West
Commanding Officer, Reproduction
and Graphic Arts Section
Commanding Officer, M.A.I.S.
Traffic Division
Commanding Officer,
Area 1 Youth Division
Commanding Officer,
Area 4 Homicide, Criminal
Investigation Division
Commanding Officer, Research and
Analysis , Training Division
Assistant, Medical Section
Area 5 license
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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(co ntinued from page 3)
recent past, as it relates to organized
crime activity, led me to the conclusion
that the Department needs a focus a nd a
new emphasis in this area."
The Bureau of Inspectional Services
will no longer exist and its previously
existing functions are being taken over
by the new Organized Crime Division,
and the Bureau of Administrative Ser­
vices. William Keating, formerly chief
of the Criminal Investigations Division ,
has been named to head the new divi­
The four newly selected deputy super­
intendents are:
Dennis E. Nowicki, commander of the
Youth Division, appointed to head the
Chief Criminal
Investigations Division
Chief, Organized Crime Division
Chief, Traffic Division
Marilynn O'REGAN
William F. MAHONEY
George A. McMAHON
Charles M. PEPP
Richard 1. ROCHFORD
Assistant Deputy Superintendent
Traffic Division
Assistant Deputy Superintendent
Operations Command
Assistant Deputy Superintendent
Operations Command
Deputy Chief, Administration
Organized Crime Division
Deputy Chief, Area 4 Patrol Division
Deputy Chief, Administration
Patrol Division
Deputy Chief, Area 1 Patrol Division
Deputy Chief, Area 3 Patrol Division
Deputy Chief, Violent Crimes ,
Criminal Investigations Division
Commander, Research and
Development Bureau of
Administrative Services
Commander, General Support,
Bureau of Technical Services
Commander, Intelligence Section
Julien C. GALLET
Commander, Gang Crimes Section
Commander, Youth Division
Patrick CLARK
Michael J. O'DONNELL Commander, 18th District
Commander, 1st District
Robert B. CASEY
Commander, 9th District
Commander, 10th District
Thomas J. HUGHES
Deputy Chief Special Operations
Group Patrol Division
Deputy Chief, Area 5 Patrol Division
Raymond CLARK
Coordinator Bureau of
Operational Services
Chief, Criminal
Investigations Division
Deputy Chief, Traffic Division
Assistant Deputy Superintendent
Narcotic/Gang Crimes
Deputy Chief, Property Crimes
Criminal Investigations Division
Assistant Deputy Superintendent
Operations Command
Assistant Deputy Superintendent
Operations Command
Deputy Chief, Violent Crimes,
Criminal Investigations Division
Deputy Chief, Traffic Division
Deputy Chief, Administration
Criminal Investigations Division
Deputy Chief, Area 5 Patrol Division
Administrative Assistant, Office of
the Superintendent
Commander, 1st District
Commander, 18th District
Commander, General Support
Commander, 10th District
Commander, Vice Control Division
Commander, 8th District
Commander, 17th District
Commander, 6th District
Deputy Chief, Area 4 Patrol Division
Deputy Chief, Administration
Patrol Division
Director, Training Division
William J. DUFFY
William McCANN
Joseph J. HEALY
Walter J. MURPHY
16th District
20th District
14th District
9th District
1st District
2nd District
6th District
16th District
4th District
1st District
Deputy Superintendent, Bureau of Investigative Services
Deputy Superintendent, Bureau of Inspectional Services
Deputy Superintendent, Bureau of Administrative Services
Deputy Superintendent, Bureau of Community Services
Deputy Chief, Patrol Division Area 3
Deputy Chief, Patrol Division, Special Operations Group
Commander, Intelligence Division
Commander, 11th District
Commander, 9th District
Coordinator, Vice Control Division
Coordinator, Bureau of Community Services
Bureau of Administrative Services.
Matt L. Rodriguez, commanding offic­
er of the Gambling Division, Vice Con­
trol Division, appointed to head the new
Bureau of Technical Services.
Ira Harris, director of Preventive
Programs Division, appointed to head
the Bureau of Community Services.
ThomasJ. Lyons, deputy chief, Area 1
Patrol Division, appointed to head the
Bureau of Investigative Services.
Superintendent Brzeczek a lso
announced several changes in district
commanders. They are:
Lemon Works, commanding officer
Narcotics/Gang Crimes West, to Com­
ma nder 2nd District.
Lee Harvey, watch commander 2nd
District, to Commander 6th District.
Joseph T. Mildice, commanding
officer, Identification Section, to Com­
mander 8th District.
Elgia C. Cook, watch commander 6th
District, to Commander 11th District.
James A. O'Neill, commanding
officer, Reproduction and Graphic Arts
Section, to Commander 17th District .
Michael J. O'Donnell , commander
Vice Control Division, to Commander
18t.h District.
The three commanders transferred to
new districts were Commanders Robert
Casey (from the 8th District to the 1st);
Roger F. Whalen (from the 17th District
to the 9th); Thomas J. Hughes (from the
6th District to the 10th); Frank J . Saut­
kus (from 1st District to commander,
General Support, Bureau of Technical
Services), and Julien Gallet (from 18th
District to commander, Intelligence
In earlier changes, Lieutenant James
Stamp nick was named commander of
the Inspections Division and Captain
William R. Moyer as commander of the
19th District.
Commander Joseph McCarthy was
reassigned from the 19th Di strict to the
13th District to fill the vacancy created
by the request of Commander Hector
Hernandez, who wanted a less demand­
ing position because of in creased per­
sonal and family responsibilit ies.
Hernandez assu med command of
Youth Division Area 4.
Lieutena nt James A. Ma urer, a 16­
year veteran of the Department, was
named by Mayor Jane Byrne to head the
Chicago Office of Professional Review.
Police Officer Kathryn Kajari was
named director of News Affairs. Kajari,
formerly assigned to the 16th District,
succeeded Tina Vicini .
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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Dr. Noel Bufe, director of Northwestern
Traffic Institute, presents certificates
to graduates Captain Robert Corcoran,
Lieutenant James Dvorak, Sergeants
Robert Faust and Hubert Holton,
Lieutenant Richard Kraft, and the late
Captain Nicholas McNamara.
Traffic Institute no
"It was something I had wanted to do
ever since I began my career as a Chica­
go police officer and the day I graduated
from the program was one of the
proudest of my life;' said Lieutenant
James Dvorak, a 14-year Department
veteran currently assigned to the Vice
Control Division.
The program Dvorak refers to is the
grueling nine-month Traffic Police
Administration Training Program , a
31-credit-hour course offered by the
Traffic Institute of Northwestern
University, Evanston, Illinois. His pride
is justified because to be selected for the
program, let alone completing it, is one
of the highest honors a law enforcement
officer can hope to attain.
Along with the Federal Bureau of In­
vestigation Academy and the Southern
Police Institute, it is considered one of
the top three schools of its type in the
world. It is often referred to as "the West
Point of Law Enforcement."
"The name Traffic Institute is really a
misnomer;' said Dvorak. "The program
doesn't deal in the area of traffiC as
much as it is designed to broaden the
study of management, the behavioral
sciences and the communication arts."
Dvorak graduated from the program
in June, 1979 with five other members
of the Department-Captains Robert
Corcoran, 23rd District, and the late
Nicholas McNamara; Lieutenant
Richard Kraft, Area 1 Youth Division;
and Sergeants Hubert Holton, Patrol
Administration, and Robert Faust,
~vacation' Special Activities Section. A beautiful
plaque is displayed at the Institute in
memory of McNamara.
The program is open to any law en­
forcement officer 45 years or younger
and with the rank of sergeant or higher.
"You must first submit a formal ap­
plication to the Department," said Dvor­
ak. "Your qualifications are then re­
viewed by the Department's Academic
Selection Board. After the Department
approves your application, you are
given a written and oral examination by
the advisory staff of the Institute."
More often than not an officer must
submit several applications before he or
she is finally accepted. It is not uncom­
mon to be accepted on the sixth applica­
tion to the Institute.
"An additional requirement in Chica-
Lieutenant James Dvorak
go is that you must stay with the De­
partment for at least three years after
graduation ," said Faust. "Department
members are sponsored by the Illinois
Department of Transportation."
Dvorak added that "the program it­
self is geared for the training of com­
mand personnel and police administra­
tors. Statistics show that the majority of
Department members taking the course
have been promoted at least one grade
in rank."
The class of 1979 included more than
70 officers from all over the country as
well as ones from as far away as Taiwan
and New Zealand .
"Our supervisors told us that we
would have as much, ifnot more, stress
than the officer from out-of-town;' said
Dvorak. "While they had the traumatic
experience of relocating their families
to a new location for almost a year, for­
tunately many ofthem lived in the same
housing complex and helped each other
Faust pointed out that "the officers
from the Chicago area had the hassle of
commuting to and from the Institute
only to return home to face household
chores and the mountain of homework.
Believe me, several of the courses in the
program were very stressful and quite
The students returning back to the
Department on completion of the pro­
gram are often kidded by their fellow
officers with questions such as "how was
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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your vacation?" But after hearing about
the tremendous amount of paperwork
involved in taking the course , you real­
ize it is no picnic.
"School was held five days a week ,
8:30 to 4;' said Dvorak. "There was at
least two to three hours of homework
every night and that included week­
ends. Also, there was usually some spe­
cial project you had to worry about dur­
ing the week. One of the courses re­
quired two months of research for just
one report and that was just one in as
many as 19 courses in the program!
"You must be a self-starter to attend
the Institute. You're only fooling your­
self if you think it is going to be easy.
This is only a one-time development in
your life and you give it your all."
Dvorak's favorite course dealt with
the subject of organizational behavior
and involved the study of three text­
books. The course included a 14-page
final examination.
"You learn that peop Ie are not
machines but human beings with feel­
ings, concerns, and needs;' he said. "The
course really got into the relationship
between employer and employee and
how to best handle many problems that
arise in these relationships.
"The whole program has helped me
considerably. I would say that 75 per
cent of what I have learned at the Insti­
tute is adaptable to my everyday duties.
The other courses also were very in­
formative and most likely will be bene­
ficial in my future work."
"My favorite course in the program
involved labor-management relations;'
said Faust. "The instructor first in­
formed the class of a particular trouble
situation. The class then broke into two
groups-one representing labor, the
other management. Our grade was pre­
dicated on which group made the best
deal in the negotiations. The instructor
added more pressure when he told us
that if the class was unable to come up
with a final contract by the end of the
course, it would receive a failing grade.
The discussions became heated and
quite intense."
One of the better learning experi­
ences in the program is the inner-action
between the officers themselves.
"You almost learn as much from the
soci al acti vi ties as you do in the
classroom;' said Dvorak. "The students
really get to know one another. There is
a great amount of class spirit. Class
drinking mugs, yearbooks-we even
designed our own class patch. In fact,
my class ring is one of my most cher­
Lieutenant Richard Kraft
ished possessions."
"There develops a strong camara­
derie;' said Kraft. "You really get close
to each other and develop a true
brotherhood. The wives of the out-of­
town officers really got to know each
other while the men were attending
"I had the honor of being elected by
my fellow students to serve as social
secretary," said Faust. "We got together
once or twice a month for dances, dinner
parties, plays and sporting events."
"I still correspond with many of the
officers;' said Dvorak. "Many officers
take advantage of a book the Institute
publishes every year listing the addres­
ses of alumni members. I visited a few
on my furlough and plan to do the same
next year.
"Every three months the Institute
holds a Grad Re-Training Seminar at a
different location throughout the
country. Members get together to dis­
cuss topical subjects and exchange
ideas. Bob Faust and myself will be
attending the next one being held in
New Orleans.
"The students themselves elect the
class officers. This forced you to do a lot
of soul-searching and to get to know
your fellow students that much better
because the class officers represented
you on various matters. I was honored to
be elected class president and gradua­
tion speaker, and was pleased to have
An interesting policy of the Insti tute
is the encouragement of student input.
"This greatly eased tensions and de­
veloped mutual respect between stu­
dents and supervisors," said Faust.
"Every student also was assigned to a
staff advisor to whom the student could
come to at anytime for guidance and
assistance ."
During the year, various police de­
partments in the Chicagoland area sub­
mit reports of problem areas for a formal
study to be conducted by the students.
"Teams of four officers visit the de­
partments concerned and conduct ex­
tensive studies of the problem confront­
ing that particular area," said Dvorak.
"Usually the Institute never places two
members from the same police depart­
ment on the same team.
"There had been an increase in petty
vandalism in Oak Brook, Illinois. I was
part of the four-man team that studied
this problem and submitted a compre­
hensive report to their chief of police."
"My internship took place in Vernon
Hills, a rapidly developing community;'
said Faust. "In fact, the community was
developing so fast, the police depart­
ment was finding it difficult to keep up
with it. The team I was on completed a
report that included information on how
many supervisors, vehicles, and what
equipment would be needed to properly
serve the community in the future. We
also were involved with updating their
record system."
The officers take part in several field
trips during the year as well as keeping
up with their exhaustive school sche­
"For example, we visited an auto­
mobile plant in South Field, Michigan
and learned how they manufacture spe­
cialized police vehicles," said Faust.
"The Institute receives hundreds of re­
quests to visit these facilities every year
because it is so highly respected in the
Sergeant Hubert Holton
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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law enforcement field. The companies
and organizations benefit from these
field trips because they get feedback
from officers from all over the country
on what is needed in the field."
Toward the end of their training
period the students take a one-week
field trip to a police department oftheir
choice, anywhere in the country.
"It is something you look forward to ;'
said Dvorak. "In this field study you are
not only learning more but you utilize
the techniques and procedures you have
learned in your classroom study.
"To illustrate how important police
departments value this program , they
personally assign an officer, preferably
a graduate of the Institute , to the stu­
dent upon arrival. I chose the Denver
Police Department as my choice of field
study. It is similar to Chicago only on a
much smaller scale. It is a progressive
department and very innovative in its
thinking . When I went out there, they
were anticipating labor problems. My
instructor was Investigator Tom Heath
and they were very interested in our
Academy's Labor-Management Course.
We had some stimulating discussions
about collective bargaining and labor­
management relationship!'
It is doubtful that Faust will ever
forget his field trip.
"I went out to the California Highway
Patrol in Sacramento-spats, leather
gloves, motorcyle, the whole shot;' said
Faust. "They have a nationally known
Pursuit Driving Course with its own
track, staff and fleet of automobiles. I
rode with a professional pursuit driver
and it was the most harrowing experi­
ence of my life. Thank God I was outfit­
ted with a seat belt, shoulder harness
and crash helmet.
"The first time we went out on the
track we hit a jackrabbit at more than
When the officers returned from their
trips, the work wasn't over. Each stu­
dent was required to submit a report of
the material they had gathered includ­
ing their own interpretations and
Departmen t graduates from the Insti­
tute are:
Sergeant Robert Faust
100 miles per hour and the .suspension of
the car went out. We got into a different
vehicle and made another run, again at
more than 100 miles an hour, only to
discover the engine was leaking gas.
When the instru ctor asked me if I
wanted to go a third time, I had to say
'no way!'
"It was also interesting in that the
Sacramento Police Department was
contemplating instituting a mandatory
physical fitness program and was study­
ing possible litigations."
Kraft said, " I went to Seattle,
Washington. They have an interesting
program out there involving the 'shoot
or don't shoot' policy. They show you
films of simulated robbery situations in
which you indicate when you should
fire. The computer tells you later if you
fired too soon, too late , or whether you
should have fired at all."
IN MEMORIAM Friends and colleagues join with the Chicago Police Star in expressing the deepest
sympathy to the widows and families of those officers who recently died.
Name Unit
Years of
Date of
P.O . Timothy Brown .. .. . . . .... . . .. . ... . . .. . 021 . . . . . 49
.. 20
. . 31 March P.O. William Davis
· , . . . . .. .
. . 010
53 , ..... 24
.. 30 March P.O. Robert Giamarusti
017 . . . . 37
. . . 26 February
.. 018. . . . 42 ..
. .. 26 February
P.O. Ronald L. Gianni .. .
28 . .
2 February
P.O. James Hanley. . . . , , , . . . . .
59 . ..
· . 004 ..
15 March
Y.O. Leo W Higens .... · . . . . . . . . . .
54 . .
· . 071
159 . . ... . 55
P.O. Thomas McDonough
.. 34
9 February
P.O. George Mcinerney . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 27 February
· . 152 . . . . 48 . .. .. .. 25
P.O. Michael J. O'Reilly ...
... . . 30 . . . . 12 February
· . 543 .. . .. . 59
. 42
P.O. Thomas F. Small . . · . . . . . , . . . . .
3 February
13 , .
6 February
009 .. .. 42
P.O. Richard Wisniewski ... , . ....... ~
1947-John D. Madl, Emmet C. O'Beirne.
1948-Terrence T. Doherty, Harry R. O'Donnell,
Hamilton W. Pool.
1949-Ernest W. Bauer, Kenneth G. Kells, Pat­
rick Kissane, Arthur H. Tefft.
1950-Thomas R. Maloney, Robert A. Osnoss.
1951-Edward R. Satunas, James A. Key.
1952-Russell F. Corcoran, Harry J. Metz.
1953-Thomas J. McNulty, George L. Murphy.
1954-Thomas N. Ryan.
1955-James B. Conlisk, Jr.
1956-Jack B. Feindt.
1957-Robert E. McCann, Merlin J. Nygren.
1958-John J. McDermott.
1959-John J. Madigan.
1960-James M. Rochford.
1961-Thomas P. Flavin, Norman F. Schmiedek­
necht, Franklin G. Vitek.
19'62-Arthur J. Bilek, Jr., Raymond L. Clark,
John P. Foley, Jr., Bartley T. Hines, Michael E.
Logan, John F. Mulchrone.
1963-Clarence E. Braasch, Paul S. Gall, Tho­
mas J. Lyons, Robert D. Osmondson, Mark C. Tha­
1964-Louis J. Cantone, John J. Cody, Daniel P.
Gleason, Lawrence J. Lyons, Richard T. Rochford,
Robert E. Sheehan.
1965-William J. Breen, Daniel J. Call. James B.
Delaney, John C. Grentzner, Patrick J. O'Shea.
1966-John T. Duggan, John E. Harris, Howard
A. Knight, Erskine C. Moore, William J. Nicholl,
Stanley J. Panek.
1967-Edward H. Berry, Donald S. Clem, Jr.,
Harry Ervanian, Richard J. Joyce, James P. Moss,
Walter Vallee.
1968-Carl Dobrich, Sr., James M. O'Donnell,
Ronald B. Rae.
1969-Patrick T. Heraty, David M. Mozee,
James J. Zurawski.
1970-William J. Meade, John J. Nolan , Ray­
mond Risley, John H. Walsh.
1971-Philip J. Davis, George A. McMahon,
James R. Reilley.
1972-Stanley F. Barkauskas, Edward C.
Brooks, Patrick M. Clark, Gerald R. Keller, Thomas
P. Kelly, Dennis E. Nowicki.
1973-Edwin Bishop , John J. Cadogan, William
J. Connolly, Rudolph E. Nimocks, Sr., Frederick L.
1974-George J. Banks , Sr., Joseph P. Beazley,
Charles T. Glass, Jr., Patrick J. McMahon, James S.
Stampnick .
1975-Robert L. Duewerth, Bernard A. Kelly,
William R. Reynolds, Daniel E. Waldhier, Vernon B.
Williams, Arthur F. Wirkus.
1976-Edmund J. Beazley, Robert T. Curry,
Ettore DiVito, Robert D. Jennings, Joseph J. Lorenz,
Bernard R. Stahl.
1977-Carole P. Allen, Patrick J. Boyle, John J.
Burzinski, Lionel C. Gordon, Matthew L. Rodriguez,
Benjamin Stuart Weyforth.
1978-Paul M. Bendig, Harold T. Duffy, Eddie
Green, William P. Guswiler, Dale A. Marino, Daniel
E. McGrory.
1979-Robert Corcoran, James Dvorak, Robert
Faust, Hubert Holton, Richard Kraft, and Nicholas
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Digitized by ChicagoCop.com
(continued from page 2)
tend with burglar bars on windows and
a hallway door before they could gain
entry to an apartment above the place of
business. Sergeant James Deloughery
and Officer Jack Meseck of the 6th Dis­
trict went to the front door of the estab­
lishment, with Delouhery kicking open
the door.
The officers then had to bend the
burglar bars in the hallway so that one
of the victims could climb through and
get keys to open the gates.
Eight persons and three 6th District
officers had to be hospitalized after a
fire hit a 14-flat apartment building on
the 7600 block of South Stewart
Avenue. Officers James Bauer, Patrick
Gordon and Martin Tully tried to evacu­
ate the building. Then, with trained fire
fighters on the scene, Lieutenant
Robert Burns and other officers raised a
ladder to the third floor and rescued re­
sidents by leading them to safety.
In another fire in the 6th District,
Officers Gregory and John O'Ryan
alerted residents of an apartment build­
ing on East 81st Street to vacate where a
fire had started in a first floor apart­
Officer Timothy Pater of the 11th Dis­
trict and a Fire Department battalion
chief effected the rescue of three
youngsters in a second floor apartment
fire on the 1400 block of South St. Louis
Pater, told by neighbors that there
were three people still in the building,
knocked out windows in the hallway to
clear the smoke-filled passageway. Pa­
ter and the chief pulled one victim out
and handed him to waiting firemen.
Pater and Officers Don Zellak, Tho­
mas Cichy, Joe Pipolo and Ed
Shenberger, of the 10th District, per­
formed cardiopulmonary resuscitation
on the victims. Pater went with the
youngest victim to the hospital, con­
tinuing with CPR, but the child was
pronounced dead on arrival. Pater was
treated for smoke inhalation and carbon
monoxide poisoning and released at the
Five officers from Special Operations
Group West were instrumental in res­
cue operations at two separate fires in
the 11th District.
Officers John Hart, Fred Howard and
John Williams were on patrol when
they saw smoke coming from a three­
story six-flat building on the 700 block
of North Monticello Avenue. When they
arrived they saw that the rear of the
building was in flames. After calling for
Fire Department assistance, they en­
tered the building and conducted a
search. They led all occupants to safety.
In a spectacular fire, which started in
one house on the 600 block on North
Ridgeway, and spread to two others,
Officers John Manos and Chris Prend­
kowski were the first on the scene.
When they arrived they saw a woman
on the roof of one of the buildings.
Manos climbed up a porch support beam
to the roof. He was able to rescue the
woman by putting her on his shoulders
and climbing back down.
Prendkowski had gained entry to the
first floor and assisted four persons out
of the building. Further action was im­
possible because the house was in
flames. The woman's two children died
in the fire.
Officers Charles Orick and Donald
Korbelik, of the 11th District, evacuated
residents from a fire in a two-story
apartment building on the 4300 block of
North Wilcox. Two of the victims and
Orick were hospitalized suffering from
smoke inhalation.
Officers George Kapjon and Donna
Pacanowski of the 12th District saw
smoke coming from a building and after
calling for Fire Department assistance,
proceeded to evacuate three buildings
on the 3000 block of West Flournoy.
In a fire that broke out on the sixth
floor of a 16-story apartment building
on the 1100 block of West Erie Street, six
officers of the 13th District helped con­
fine it to the area of one apartment.
Officers Michael Alvarado, Patricia
Burke, John Heagney, James Hanson,
Raymond Krawczyk and John Dziura,
while evacuating the building, also
used the building's fire equipment to
hose down the apartment where the fire
Officer Kenneth Sullivan of the 13th
District made two attempts and on his
third try saved a woman from a first
floor apartment fire in a building on the
2500 block of West Maypole. Sullivan
kicked in the door and found the woman
unconscious on the floor. Sullivan re­
moved the woman through a window
because of the dense smoke and had her
taken to a hospital for treatment of
burns on her hands and face and smoke
Sullivan also led 10 other residents
who were blinded by the smoke to
Officer Eva Jusino ofthe 13th District
was credited with saving the lives of
eight residents of a rooming house on
the 2700 block of West Division Street.
First on the scene, Jusino rushed
through the building knocking on doors,
ordering everyone out. She had to kick
the door down of a bathroom to get one
man out.
Officers Daniel Noon and Phillip
Monestero , 14th District, rescued a man
from a hotel in the 3900 block of West
In a fire of undetermined causes in an
apartment building on the 3100 block of
North California Avenue , Officers
James Grasz and William Seuffer
alerted tenants to the fire. Seuffer car­
ried one child from the third floor. Seuf­
fer had to be treated for smoke inhala­
tion. There were two deaths in the fire
despite the officers' efforts.
Ten officers from the 17th District
evacuated elderly and incapacitated
residents of a hotel in the 3200 block on
West Ainslie when a fire filled rooms
and the hallways with smoke.
Sergeants Richard Walton and Al Lin­
dahl, and Officers James Beutel,Joseph
Giorango, Michael Wick,John Sekerka,
Edward Shannon, James Tarara, Sheila
Burke and Patrol Specialist Thomas
Ptacek led the victims down from their
rooms and none were injured during the
early morning fire.
Officers James Antonacci, Craig
Groth, and Carl Leidy, 19th District,
arrested a man as he was leaving an
apartment building on the 4500 block of
North Paulina, where it was learned he
set fire to his apartment after an argu­
ment with his wife.
Sergeant Raymond Howe, Officers
Jeffery Roberts and Mary Hodge, 22nd
District, and Sergeant Toby Burton, 5th
District, were instrumental in rescuing
a woman and a young child trapped
under debris of a church that was
leveled by an explosion at 105th and
Halsted Streets. Four persons died in
the explosion.
Officers Robert Kane and Edward
Johlic ofthe 24th District revived a man
who had collapsed in his apartment on
the 6100 block of North Winthrop from
smoke caused by food left in an oven.
Officers Richard Marsik and Leroy
Rosen of the 24th District broke down
the door of an apartment on the 6100
block of North Campbell to rescue an
elderly woman who had been overcome
by smoke and was in a diabetic coma.
The fire was contained to the top of the
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Digitized by ChicagoCop.com
UlW '/ JlI UlUDIJTfil
by Leo Feltma.n
002: Racquetball has become a popular sport in
the Big Deuce and this writer has been re­
quested to include some of the latest scores.
P.O. Mike Johnson, 21 and P.O. Rick Langston 3.
P.O. Vince Dobbins, 21 and Langston , !. Clerkof
the Court Fred House, 21 and Langston , 3 1i2,
P.O. Jimmie Jones, 21 and P.O . Leon Boynes, 15 .
More scores will be printed as they become
available .. . Department Honorable Mentions
in the 2nd District are hard to earn but because
of the volume of work in this district many are
given. I will attempt to list some of the awardees
in this issue indicating those who have received
more than one: P.O .'s Mike Drawhorn (4), Paul
Bertucci (4), James Keating (2), James Alexander
(2), Marie Mann (2), Patrick Rooney (6), Joseph
Cosentino (3), Ray Burns (2), Earl Johnson (2),
Clarence Spraggins (3), Gregory Morrissette (6),
Kenneth Smith (3), Sidney Hill (3) and Sgt.
Abraham Hite (2) .. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank the entire 2nd District
Community Service Unit for all the help and
support they have given to the Neighborhood
Relations community programs in 1979 .
P.O. Vince Dobbins
003: Good luck to the many officers who have
transferred from this district during the past
months. The names are too numerous t o men­
tion but I didn't get a chance to say good-bye
and thanks to Capt. John Grentzer, my watch
commander for three years. Commander David
Mozee said, "Captain John Grentzner is one of
the top police captains in the city and we're sorry
we lost him ." Grentzner lived in the 16th District
and travelled to Three every day. Rumor has it
that before his transfer, he was in the process of
buying a home in Hegewisch and now he'll be
driving from there to his new assignment in 016
(just kidding, Captain!) Belated good wishes!
.. . P.O. Mike Gahan's and wife Nancy's daughter
Eileen must be getting pretty big now. So must
Vincent Joseph, son of P.O . Rodney Pavilionis and
wife Mary. . Someone in Tact mentioned that
if you want to know "anything about anything,"
just ask "Iron Head" Ed Mancini. He knows alii It
ca n be said that P.O. Jim Ahern has run the
gamut while working in the Department. After
being shot at and stabbed, he came across the
"Robin Hood" of Greenwood Aven ue a whi Ie back
who tried to take him out with a bow and arrow
. Seen on a bumper sticker-" If only we had
left it to Beaver" ..
P.O. Rick Miller
004: Timekeeper Cathy Skitz left the si ngle I ife to
marry John Przybyla. I won der if he gets all the
time he wants . . At Mel and Fran Maznaritz's
wedding reception, quiet, unassuming Ralph
"You were right. It was a peeping Tom." Merola gave a thoughtfu I and succi nct toast to
the bride and groom. An inhalator was called to
revive several dumbfounded co-workers before
the gaiety and laughter resumed .. Congra­
tulations to Rosemary and Richard Peppish on the
birth of their fifth child, Mary Ellen; to Bob and
Rosemary Kulak on the arrival of their second
child, Nicole; and to Edwin "Bo" Phillips and his
wife Abygail with the birth of Paul Michael, . in
regard to last column's errors, it should have
read Pete and Valerie Piazza bei ng congratulated
on the birth of Jill Marie, and Micky and Suzanne
McQuaid on the birth of daughter Mandy . . . Bill
"The Fonz" Thomas and his new bride Pamula had
their wedding announcement placed in the Dai­
ly Calumet. Now everyone knows where he lives
.. Five officers left the job for new ventures:
Eddie Tures entered the entertainment field to
open "Westworld South"; Jerry Januszewski in
search of a pipe to fit; Larry Roberts, to be a
doorknob coordinator; Randy Konop, to play with
the hoses on the Chicago Fire Department; and
Danny Brice left for parts unknown
Anderson has taken up studies in architecture in
an effort to become a licensed viaduct inspector
. . Sgt. Bill Bebinger said that AI Bartosik was
scheduled to defend his title against "The
Masked Mexican". . H. Cary was recently seen
pacing back and forth in front of a grocery store's
dog food section. One would figure that he either
hasa nice nev. doggie or that timesare hard .
Capt. W. Lacy's watch finally threw a watch party
after a year ... The "Unknown Trombonist" was
heard in the 4th District lockup on Capt. Nash's
watch. He bills himself as " the young man with­
out a horn" .. . Yours tru Iy are grateful for the
safe return of both our wives from narrow
scrapes in the hospital awhile back. Barbara
Callahan and Mary Byrne are both battle-scarred
veterans now.
P.O.'s Wm. Byrne and M. Callahan
005: Hi, gang' With P.O. John Bell on furlough,
you will have to put up with me for the first half
of this column
Belated congrats to Lt .
Boreczky on becoming the new hon cho of our
macho Tact Unit . .. Anyone remember the 5th
District Rinky Dinks ? Where are they now ? 1980
is their 20th anniversary . . Remember the TV
series "Car 54 , Where Are You?" Well , we have
two officers on the third floor who wou Id be great
as P.O. 's Toody and Muldoon
. P.O . Dowd is
going to put a bell around P.O. Chatty Cathy's
neck because every time she leaves her desk, no
one can find her. Better look on the second floor,
Mike .. . What officer parked his "Brat" in the
middle of 115th St. while he went into the sta­
tion to get his check? You know who you are,
don't you?
. Why does PO . Faust go around
saying, " who stole my hubcaps?" P.O .
Valleyfield claims he gets better mileage on his
ca r now that he has installed wire wheel s. Well,
really!. . Blue baby booties to P.O. Helen Card­
. Congrats to P.O . John Kilmartin on his
recent plunge, uh, I mean wed ding
anyone missed Sgt. Manning and his constant
companion "Ploughboy"? ... Belated congrats
to P.O.'s William Graham and E. Howard on the
apprehension of three suspects of a brutal homi­
cide. . Belated welcome to P.O. Sandra Brown
and her mini-desk . . P.O. Ray Lyons is a little
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Digitized by ChicagoCop.com
mixed-up with his bar exam. Will someone tell
him what kind of bar he is supposed to be ex­
amining? ... Rumor has it that Mexican week­
ends now start Thursda y and end on Tuesday
. P.O. Gainer, isn't Addison, Illinois just a
little too far to go just for din-din? ... Whatever
ha ppened to Charlie Knight?
. Well, I've done
enough damage. This is my first and last col­
umn!. . John Bell taking over ... Congrats to
Mario Casio and wife Joann on the birth of daugh­
ter Kelly ... Special thanks to Building Custo­
dians Ike Allen, Charlie Hunter, and Albert Mit­
chell for the great job they do. . Congrats to
Tact P.O.'s Bill Graham and Ed Howard with the
fine arrest of three suspects charged with the
homicide of a local grocer
Academy's P.O . Mike Anthony and Sgt. lionel
Bowsky are giving private lessons to P.O . Ralph
Calabrese in an effort to get him to stop writing
such lengthy case reports. . P.S. Vince Keating
sustained an eye injury while relieving nasal
congestion ... Toni Smith says she got her black
belt in karate to deal with certain sergeants in
completing CR number investigations.
Thanks goes to Nancy Smajo for the fine job she
does processing the many Honorable Mentions
.. P.O.'s Larry Jackson and Don Crivikapich are
now plasma brothers. This took place when Lar­
ry sustained a minor head injury performing his
lockup duties ... The members of the F Troop
presented P.O. Ed Dumont with an unbreakable
telephone at his farewe ll party ... Lt. Sexton
was overheard repeating Nathan Hale's famous
quote, only with a slight variation. He said that if
he had more than one life to give for his country
it would be those of every member of F Troop.
P.O. Mike Fogarty has won the Skag look-alike
contest presented by the washroom writers of
America. . The Department's Drum & Bugle
Corps has been honored (?) with new members
P.O.'s Jack Wright and 10th District's Jim
Fennessy. Jack will be playing the cymbals and
Jim will be marching in step while playing the
Toni Smith and P.O. John M. Bell
006: Hi , troops! Wish me luck on my new job.
Super thanks to the Super Seven lady, Rita Jeanne
Pope, for all the help she has given me. . A
hearty welcome to our District Commander Lee
Harvey and so long to Commander Thomas
Hughes. . Capt. Cotter's watch surprised him
last time on days-they all showed up for roll
calli ... Nominee for "P.O. of the Week" is P.O.
R. Jany. It seems that everywhere you go you read
about Bob. . Will the 100 Proofers challenge
the Cokes & Jokes at baseball again? Both
groups combined their efforts after a hockey
game recently to let It be known 006 takes care
of its own . The final toll? Kedzie Avenue 3 ,
Rumor has it that T.
everyone else 0 1 •
"Pierre" Coffey has finall y started to drink. . E.
Danaher has sta rted buying longer shirts so the y
will stay in his pants
P.O. Tom "Farrah"
Christie plans to wed this June. Hope the pretty
lady has a lot of hair spray to share. . T. White
said that Bubs Hanlon's feet exploded through
his shoes but who would believe someone who
. Is it true that it
disco dances with tires?
takes Rocket Ryan, E. Lanuti, and B. Elliott to
. P.O. E. "Bud­
replace Fast Eddie on the desk?
dy" Roubik got married to Gorgeous Gale. Jerry
Casey also took a bride. We w ish both couples
the best I . . P.O. Jack Ward and his wife, P.O.
Jan Ward, increased the population of 006 w ith
the birth of daughter Erin. We all hope little Eri n
looks like Jan. . The Breakfast Club on Capt.
Coffey's watch has paid the mortgage on Artie
CliIC..,QOPOLIC(n" ..
(Your Host) Miller's house with their tips
Welcome back to Lt. Duffing after a short vaca ­
tion in 005. . P.O. M. O'Connor hasn't been the
same since M. "Skip" Gordon went to Tact .
"Colonel" D. Olsen w ill be giving lessons on safe
boating this summer. The first class will be on
how to bail wa ter! .. . Get we ll quick to L. Pachal
who is st lillimping around ... That 's it for now.
Drop me a line on what's going on.
P.O. Michael Graffis
007: Hi my darlingsl ... Congratulations to all
who have received Department Commendations
or Honorable Mentions! Keep up the superior
Belated news of the Super Stork's
work-Joclyn Kendra (mommy Carolyn, daddy
Kenneth); Mathew (grandma Marilyn, grandpa
Mathew Roubik) Gentilas; and Michael Robert
Schact, Jr. (mommy Joanne, dadd y Michael,
grandpa Patrick Grady) ... OOpSI Anniversary
for Ernest and Jocelyn (not Joyce) Harris, 11
yea rs, not ONE! Sorry.
Neve rs in the Star:
John Marshall, Paul Miller, James Nelson, Donald
Pacourek, and Paul Sadauskas
Even the woodpecker owes his success to the
fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking
away until he finishes the job he starts!
Super Cupid engaged Vergia Jones and Beat Rep
Leonard Barr. . Super Stork also dropped off
Stephen Lenoah (mommy Norma, daddy Stephen)
Terrell. Michelle Ann Gibbons was welcomed by
sisters Kathleen, 4 , and Therese, 2
. Robert
Norise received professional certificate of
achievement from the Science Extension Pro­
gram. Congrats! ... James Thomas stopped by
and told me his daughter Cerretla Monique
earned two degrees recentl y (bachelors in sci­
ene and art). You remember James. He and his
family made the Star as increasing the Thomas
population I . . . Allen McCann skiing in Seattle
last winter on Iy fell two ti mes and on Iy got up two
times! Just kidding, Allen. . More Nevers in
the Star: Lt. R. Jones, Sgt. L. Toney, and P.O.'s
Lee Stoxstell and Louis Pavelich ... And now,
finally, the Super Seven startling '79 stats l 675
total Honorables with more than seven each to
Cushing, Darby, Geraci, Golubiak, Herr Jr., Spratte,
Massingale, Poe, Watt, Wronski, Beale, and Sgt.
Shaw Jr. My tip of the cap to highest Honorable
awardee Paul Bernatek with total of 28. Capt.
Marschall's wa tch was highest overall in Honor­
Department Commendation ribbon /
bars to 90 members. .371 calls from Mayor's
Office received and answered
.308 for aban­
doned ve hicles sat isfied by AVO John "Hooks"
Ryan . . 38 complimentary letters ... Seven
w inners of P.O. of Month: Sgt. Shaw Jr., Rynne,
Wilczak, Melone, Mathey (while a PPO!) , Lopez,
and Longhenry. . Best Dressed to Melvin Darby,
Monroe Porter, Commletha Washington and Wil­
burn Sanders
Several Jaycee Award
Nine newlyweds. . 20 births
(seven girls, 13 boys). I'm sure the li'l pinks will
outnumber the blues in '80 1
STI LL tabulating the figures l . . And our sad
note-we lost two of our Super Seven men,
If you
Gerald Taccola and Robert L. White
ha ve anything valuab le to contribute to the
world, it will come through the expression of
yo ur own personality-that single spa rk of di vin­
ity that sets yo u apart and makes you different
from every other li ving creature . . Toodles and
Rita Jeanne Pope
008: Lt. John Cusack's daughter Maureen, was
presented the Lincoln Medal from Chicago State
University by Governor James Thompson and his
wife Jane in the Illinoi s House of Representa­
P.O. Dennis (Spuds)
tives. Quite an honor I
Spadoni and wife Candy now have a fourth
daughter-Lisa Ann. I' m sure one of them will
someday be a member of the Chicago Honey
Bears. . PO. Jo Botwinski's daughter Julie Ann
wo n a trophy for her Irish danCing and is qual­
ified to serve as a representati ve of Mid-America
at the World Championship in Dublin, Ireland
. P.O. Jim Dolan is showing off his Grand Prix
. A reliable source said that Mayor Jane Byrne
was amused by our mention in the Star that
many of our guys would prefer hairpiece insur­
ance to dental insurance. Glad it made her smile
.. The shooti ng range instructors were shock­
ed when one of our guys had only one hit out of
50. He explained to them that the other 49
shots all went through the same hole
certain lieutenant was locked in an area bank
while working the first watc h: Clues: he's Polish
and goofed up our furlough picks . .. Here's a
better one! During Pope John Paul II's visit to
Chicago, one of our se rgeants was busy in his
duty in one of the portable toilets in Grant Park
when along came a mob and tipped the whole
thing over. . Old golfers never die; they just
end up in a hole. . Congrats to P.O. Tom Gudga­
lis and his wife Sherri on the birth of fourth
daughter Charisse , .. Looks like P.O. James
O'Malley holds record for most grandchildren in
008 with eight
Wedding bells rang once
again for yours truly with my daughter Jean Marie
walking down the long aisle of St. Dennis
Church to become Mrs. William Roth. . Words
of thanks have been recei ved from high schools
in the di strict for the excellent police coverage
given for school function s. Good work, guys.
At a watch party awhile back it was reported that
when the dancing girls showed up , P.O. John
(Monk) Matula quickly exited. Maybe to study?
He did place high on the sergeant's exam. P.O.
Marty Dowling was also missing. (Still keeping
his New Year's resolution?) . . P.O.DougAnder­
son is studying to pass his real estate exams.
P. O. Stormin' Norman Stubitsch is usi ng a ru bber
donut in his beat car to aid a most sensitive part
of his body after surgery awhile back
Welcome to all the new arrivals in our district
P.O. Jim Eldridge explains the patches on
the sea t of hi s pants to the training of hi s Dober­
man. Maybe you should feed him
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Digitized by ChicagoCop.com
Dowling, Knauerhaze and Hughes made a fine
arrest of two men who robbed a U.S. mail truck
driver at gunpoi nt
P.O . Tom McCallister's
dream of being top dog of a junkyard came true
now that he's in the auto poun d. . P. O. Leon
"Aches and Pains" Long gave up food last Lenten
season and only ate White Castle hamb urgers
. P.O. John (The Legend) Porter (our answer to
"Too-Tall" Jones) is so big, he sits in the back of
the squad ro l whi le on patrol ... PO . Don Keev­
ers is enrolled in the American Academy of Arts
P.O . Nunzio Evola missed the job so badly
that he came back from retirement
John O'Halloran is in Hawaii so much that we now
cons ider him a defector., Good luck to re­
tirees Sgt. Bob Malone and P.O. Les Zaug .
Belated welcome back to work (after a long ill­
ness) to P. 0, Bob Nelson .
Mark, son of Lt.
Mike Halco, is attending pharmacy school.
Capt. Bell's watch threw a li'l co ffee party in
honor of P,O. M, Grzeskiewicz's 25th anniver­
slarya little ba ck, . . Success is merely a matter
of putting your knows to the grindstone. . No
closing joke this month, so just look in the mirror
, , , 'Til next time, God willing.
P.O . Nick Zuklic
"I'd like to clear your raise with my plant first."
clai ms he put on 10 pounds during his vacation
to Florida last winter despite his vigorous sw im­
ming and running exercises I
Bert Klinsky
claims AI Muscolino gives pork chop sandwiches
to h is fri ends as gifts, . Did you hear about the
Greek Town burglary? Thieves broke into a belly­
dancer's apartment, ransacked her navel and
stole her jewell.
P,O. Gary Calabrese
a13: Everybody in the d istriel wishes our former
all: Ed Kulbida is planning bigger and better
outings for Capt . Gall's watch ... Frank Lewis
wanted his name mentioned in the Star. Sorry,
can't help. . Now that it's warm Karris prob­
ably has his motorcycle working. . With the
price of gold so high, Mike Lazzaro may sell his
new dental fillings. . Welcome to Commander
Elgia C. Cook and so long to Com ma nder Murphy
· .. Jumbeck doesn't want to be called "Pickles"
· .. Bob Cramer went to Florida via Amtrak and
says "never again" . . Lou Alverio ha s new
shoes . . . Sevella Cantres contemp lating a move
to Pittsburgh .. . Pat Czahor says Klomfar's n ick­
name "Gori Ila" shou ld be changed to " Ape " .
Lou Amari has donated a record number of kid­
neys (four) ... Still don ' t know what happened
to John Touhy or his brothers. . Pumphrey says
"don't worry, everything's gonna be all right!"
· .. Who is Mudrock? ... Joyce Cosgrove needs
a nickname
. Fred Tabisz obtained antlers
during the winter.
Andy Palumbo, Wally
Siudut, and Bob Smith were seen speed-eating
vittori sandwiches. . Comisky Park called and
for some reason , wants to know how to spell
Frank Pierczynski's name.
Miles has ca lled
off his engagement ot Mrs . Plummer ... Belated
welcome back to Stephen Kaplan after heart
surgery. He says he has never felt better ... Ray
Patula had his sa ilor suit cleaned for the summer
. Retired Sgt. Bob Hennesey stopped by to say
" hello" , , . George Parker has a new pink shirt.
'Nuffsaid . . Congratsto Sgt. E. Jackson on his
graduation from Roosevelt University,
Remember, you can't win if you don't get in! , ,
P.O . William Grannes
012: Commander George Ruckrich issued Honor­
able Mentions to severa l officers awhi le back for
outstanding arrests. Belated congrats to: F. Vis­
co , W. Grieb, C. Scherr, T. Weaver, B. Klinsky, R.
Shackleton, A. Muscolino, R. Jaracz, 1. Olson, 1.
Molloy, J. Farrell, 1. Lara, 1. Maratto, P. Guerrero, 1.
Sak, D. Rudaitis , J. Opiola, D. Johnson, and 1.
Hatton. . John "OJ. Simpson Fingers" Duffy won
the 12th District's computer football tourna­
ment last wi nter ... The reason Johnny "Holi­
day" Mrozek has to rush home is so wife Linda
can use her beige coat that he wears so she ca n
go shoppingl
Lt. Mike "The Jogger" Malone
Distri ct Commander Hector Hernandez the best
of luck in the future . We lcome aboard Comman ­
der Joseph McCarthy. ,WOW! There were 5 7
Honorab le Mentions handed out in a recent
police period . A great job by all but my hat is off
to P,O. Rothmund-he typed them! After seeing
so me of them, I don't know what is requi red for a
Department Commendation
Belated con­
grats to 13th District P.O, 's of t he Month 1. Ryan
and R. Krawcyzk .
There is no truth to the
rum or that I was in the hospital because P.O.
LeTourneau caught me with his daughter Jodi
(but it was a good place to hide) . . , Congrats to
P,O. Juan Figurora and his wife Amarilis on the
birth of their son Juan Edward.
My special
thanks to the following people: Lt. J. Kenny, Sgt.
F. Flores, P,O.'s C, Wilhelm, P. Garza, and W.
LeTourneau, and the staff at· \. M. M ,C. -Hellen ,
Malinda, Deng, Erlinda, Jim, Nancy, Gail, Maureen,
Karen, Patty, Mike, Jeff, Sandy, and Dr. Andrew
Pundy. I hope I didn't leave out anyone .. . In
the "Believe it Or Not" Department-while I
was in St. Mary's Hospital (my room numberwas
911), I received a phone ca ll from the secretary
informing me that I was now on my annual fur­
lou gh l .. The 3rd Annual 13th District Retire­
ment Party was a great success! .. Good luck to
P.O. Elmer Marshall on his retirement.. Be­
lated we lcome to 013 to Lt . R. Flanagan, Sgt. 's
M. Rock, F. Powers, and L. Higgins, and PO, C,
Good luck to P.O. C. Mikes and N,
Stasinopoulos on your new assi gnments. It was a
pleasure working with you.
Rumor Depart­
ment : The reason P.O. LeTourneau has been so
happy latel y is that he recei ved hi s honorary
birth certificate (with the help of yours truly)
from the State of Kentucky. Now Bill is a real
hillbill y. His daughter Jodi is teaching him how
to properly say, "hi, y'all." The big question is,
from whom did she learn it?, . Eva Walker will
be doin g less dating and more studying now that
she is back in schoo \. But I understand that
there are a lot of offers being made to help her
with her homework, , , Remember, I can't write
it if you don't tell me. So get me some info. I'll
write anything-truth, fiction, scandals,
rumors, lies-bu t tell me about itl .. Take care.
P.S. Roger Terry
015: A belated welcome to 1. Tamtaro, who I hear
is the hitter we've been looking for on our solt ­
ba II team ... Big Denny Dullutri has been getti ng
into shape and is looking for a good season and
Little Bill "Eli" Whitney is hoping to be our short­
Marty Morris warned me not to talk
about him so I won't. . Andy Trachita is still
looking for a partner but he tries harder
What good sergeant is on a crash diet so hewon't
look like the Goodyear blimp while in Hawaii ? .
M. DiGiovanni tells me that he is a better handi­
capper than Fast Eddie but I have my doubts.
Remember Wayne Hanley? Well, he's still a dirty
old man. Just ask anyone at Loretto Hospital or
the Bank of Austin ... I didn't even know there
was a co ntest but I am told that Sgt. M. Chiodo
wo n the S. Cozzo look-alike co ntest ... Better
late than never (10 years later)1 Congratulations
to D. Dellutri, who was awarded the Bronze Star
for heroism and valor whi Ie in Viet Nam (1969 )
at a specia l ceremony at Fort Sheridan ... Sgt.
R. Garcia's Tact team (fo rmerly Larner's Kennel )
had a dog vote every month without fail. But
there hasn't been one sin ce the Pope's visit.
How come, Pooch? I overheard this from a cou­
ple of dogs barking both upstairs and downstairs
.. Since I mentioned dogs, I must menti on our
cat Paul who keeps the desk crew awake during
the day. He's usually crawling in and out of
Finnegan's office . Oops , I mean Albanese's office
Sesame Street. (Now the cat's on nights) .
Russ Weingardt (Area 5 Robbery), it's really good
seeing you back to work. I speak not just for
myself but for everyone in 015. Our prayers were
with you and they have been answered now that
you are ba ck in the groove. God only knows , Joe
needs you
A co uple of guys have been
asking me to write about No . 1. But who wants to
read about DePaul? Right, JimmyOates?
. But
since I mentioned DePaul, let me tell you about
how M, Aguirre was all set to go one-on-one with
Freddie Carter. Freddie went out and played and
got himself 22 stitches in his right hand ... As I
was about to turn this in someo ne reading over
my shoulder said that he believed I made a
mistake about "Eli" Whitney, It should be BACK­
STOP , not shortstopl .
P.O, Jim Morris
018: P,O. Joe Midona says he is glad to work in
the 18th District ... P,O, Joe Mastro and wife
Felicia have a new son, James Anthony. , , Tom
Davey and his wife Jo Anne are the proud parent s
of baby boy Gerald Michael.
P.O, Dave De­
laney and wi fe Donna now have three children
with the addition of Michael David. . Sgt. Wally
(The Moon) Bortko, and P,O. 's Harry Jaroszynski
and Dennis Brucato are proud of their bowling
team's accomplishments. . P.O . Mark Rieter
wants to be the owner of the largest handgun in
the world. . Belated welcome to new arrivals
P.O.' s C, Ferguson, R, Kelly, 1. Summerville, G,
Stromback, P. Tyler, and to Dave Gallery who has
returned from the Ivory Tower. , , P.O. Bill Kas­
ter says P.O. lim Geighes is better known as "The
Kingpin of the Inner Office" , .. P.O. Joe Trotta
is now the grandfather of baby boy Mark Joseph
.. We hope P.O. Dave Solheim is recovered by
the time this sees print. He was given a horn for
his walker by P,O. Mike Fitzpatrick . .. P.O. Ed
Rienes giving an opinion on police manpower:
"one offic er may not be able to cont rol two, but
two office rs can contro l a crowd" ... Belated
congrats to P.O.'s J. Kessel, 1. Allanson, and E.
Rienes on being named sector reps, which raises
the que stion just how heavy must one be to get
the job?
Belated "welcome back " to P.O.
Wally "Elbows" Grodecki from medical ... P,O,
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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Dick Lameka's nephew won big bucks on th e
$20 ,000 Pyramid tele vision game show
We lcome back to P. O. Ed Rienes who recovered
after tripp ing and breaking th e force of his fall
with his hand.
P.O. Dave Chana
019 : Welcome aboard Comma nder William
Moyer ... A belated welcome to the following
person nel who have been assigned to the Bel­
mont District: G. Baiocchi, T. Jaglarski, D. Kuka­
nic, S. Surdej, l. Barnes, J. Brunkella, P. Dahl, R.
Holman, R. Kirch , M. McTigue, M. Robinson, W.
Spaulding, J. Zaleski , A. Gold, and V. Archbold .
New Arrivals Department: Tom and Pam O'Grady
are the proud parent s of Brian, the younger
brother of Sean and Colleen; John Patrick for
Mike and Deanna Keehan; and David for Det. Aide
Lucy Vasquez
Special Agent Bob Bellican
was so bu sy doing bureau work that he com mis­
sioned H. Santana to comp lete a study on micro­
wave ovens. Results? Too many buttons to push'
Sgt. Ted Head wa s recently seen looki ng down in
the "Deep Tunnel " acting as a scout for a movie
producer friend who might like the location for
his next movie. . And how about this? Bob Hipp
said that he is getting marri ed to Cathy Pizzi.
When asked for proof, Bob displayed a marriage
license .. . Joe Sand wants everyone to know
about hi s Honorable Mention
Capt. Francis Rooney and P.O.'s Michael Durkin
and Steve Kaplin. . Best w ishes on your new
assignments, Cap t. Walter Scott and P.O. Jim
Tobin. Remember, Jim , you were in the 19t h
District when you placed well in the sergea nt 's
exam. . Grant "Getthem heads" Utterback is our
new warrant man and has Charlie Gentile as an
assistant. Nice hairdo, Charlie' . . Steve Salemi
is the secretary ... Gail Maurovich assures us
that she definitely has NOT helped contribute to
any fam ily additions. Her ex-college roommate,
Lorelei Czarnecki, co nfirm s this report
Famou s author-mov ie producer Joseph
Wambaugh came to a 19th District watch party
.. Hon orab le Mentions were awarded to John
Erwin, John Fitzsimmons, Mike Dabul, Craig Groth,
Carl Leidy, Rick Young, Bill Dorsch, Scott Alberts,
Gene Harris, Jim Roberts, Dan Green, Jim Watson ,
Steve Cohen, and Jim Clemmons . . Sgt. Frank
Kehoe is looking for a VW jack handle. . We
hear that Lt. Gorski is com ing out with a new
gourmet guide book . .. By the way, who is
Fishhooks? .. Brinky tells us that CSA Paul Hen­
dricks has wedding plans ... Awhile back Bill
Hulvey and Jim Signorelli composed a "fire­
house" song ... This one is for yo u, Stella ..
Give us your news items ..
P.O. Phil Brady
020: Here 're a few riddles! Who is the most
popular police officer in the 20th District? A
certain offi cer received calls from numerous
people in the station while on furlough in Florida
last winter.. What district commander has
taught Jack Cullotta a new type of police blitz?
Ja ck, can this be true? 170 to O? ... Now that
the weather'S nice, we aren't that jealous about
P.O.'s Danny Skruggs' and Don Slowik's Hawaiian
vaca tions last winter . . . P.O. Bill Rodriguez is
assisting Danny Edelstein in the Warrant Section
while P.O.'s Orlando and Guerrieri are working
the incident car on the Tact team ... Word ha s
it that Sue (Holy Terror) Brown had better be on
our side in any hostage situati on. Susie is so
adept at role-playing that she ha s helped the'
Trainin g Academy produce a training film on
hostage situati ons ... Pat Scanlon and wife
Kathy have a new tax deduction with son Matthew
.. Belated congrats to Train i ng Academy grads
John Delia, Marcia Downs, Mike Harney, Fred
Heidemann, Shawn Joyce, and William Woitowich
. La st , but not least, best wishes toour fel low
officers who were rece ntly transferred . There are
too many to mention but suff,ce to say, we wish
them luck in their new assignments.
P.O. Sharon Lorenz
021: Hello, everyone'
Fortuna tely for the
Mounted Unit, Ricky Cooper decided not to ful­
fil l his chi ldh ood dream-at least not unti l they
put computers on the horses. . The smiling
face of Donald Kuchar IS a thing of the past' Yes,
after Don pays off his new house he'll be back to
his merry ole self (about 30 years') .
Ernest Brooks has threatened to bui ld Ernie a
warehouse if he brings another old bottle home .
I hear she spe nds a month du sting them. . J.
Chudzik has a new daughter Deborah and l. Soto
has a new daughter Christina Marie. . I 've been
asked by everyone who has worked with Jenkins
Hightower to let him know his poetry is terri ble.
Well, Jenkins, it's TERRIBLE' .. Leo Anciulis is
trying his luck in Florida as " the fuzz." I sure
hope he runs across ret iree Tom Delanty and
questions him about that postcard he sent us. I
don 't understand how it got a Ch icago postmark
... Belated "so longs " to Sgt. Breckenridge and
Dan Soso in their new assignments ... Awhile
back Big Jim Kulekowskis and Little Rewers
caug ht a rapist which made R. Cooper and J.
Doyle jealous. So what did they do? They got one
The 21st District is in mourning in
honor of Denise, new wife of R. Singleton. Poor
girl. She has to be a n a ngel ' Our best to both.
The 45 pints given to the Red Cross will un­
doubtedly save lives. Our thanks to all . (You did
get free juice'). . AI McGrew has a son David
and Dan Nendza has a daughter Odessa. May God
bless these tots with many years of good health
and happiness. Our best to the moms ... I hear
Dave Brookter's doctor told him, "either give up
sweets or lose your hair." Da ve j ust threw his
comb on the doctor's desk and left ... Over the
years at 021. I've noticed many different traits
that identify various members. Here's a few:
Capt. Sheehy, always with a smil e; Sgt. Beavers,
never too far away from a gra pefruit; T. Fosco,
with a phone in his ear; E. Giles, with a pipe
(sometimes it's lit ); D. Edwards, routing out a
fishing trip; and of course, "Gotta Go" John Chud­
zik running up and down the stairs while his
partner, Jim Miller, writes up an arrest
Arri verdici F. Gatz, D. Hudson, and R. Winston.
Enjoy your new jobs . .. We lcome, R. Hehl, 02 1
is just great. . The St. Jude Memorial March
was well attended . It's a wonderful feelin g ha v­
Ing so many officers united, showing their sp ir­
itual strength and paying tribute to our friends
and relati ves who have gone before us. . So
long until next time.
P.O. Tony Stanfa
022: Why is it that a certa in se rgeant on Capt.
Baker's watch keeps making excellent pinches,
keeps getting nominated for Department Com­
mendations but the commendations keep get­
ting knocked down to Honorable Mentions?
Question of the
Hang in there , Sa rge!
Month: Has your Monte Carlo been repainted
. Chalk up a big one for our Tact
lately, Face?
Team as Sgt .'s Walker and Horton and P.O. 's
McCarthy, Todd, and Treacy apprehended the
rapist that had been plaguing the Beverly area
. .. Congratulations to Sgt. Scholl's son, Bob,
who was just promoted to petty officer third
class after return ing to fUll-time duty following
his recent automob ile accident
Pat and
Maureen Hosty are celebrating the birth of their
first child , Jennifer Lynn, weighing in at 7 Ibs., 5
ozs . and was 19 inches long. Watch out, Mau­
reen , all Pat tal ks about is having a whole squad­
ron ful l of kids . . Memo to H. Wells: I promise I
wo n't mention anything about a prisoner putting
a certain liquid substa nce in your hat while you
were transporting him to the station .. . Eddie
Wofford wants to be remembered in ths issue of
the Star. What he wants to be remembered for?
Memo to P.O.'s Roland
Well , I'm not sure.
and Williams : Yes sir, boss ' You're right, sir'
Anything you say, si r' Signed : Uncle Tom . . Get
well wishes are extended to Lt . Murray who was
hospitalized at Holy Cross Hospital. . Fai lure
to mention Sgt. Johnson's new hat would be un­
forgetable. The new hat is the talk of the statio n
as the old hat was retired to the Smithsonian
P.O . Bill Sutherland
023: Belated good wishes to retiree Pat McKen­
na, Sr. A big party was held for him , thanks to the
efforts of many, espeCially Commander Emil
Giese and Sgt. John Motzny. John and Nancy
Salyers (and company) won the Disco Contest
sharing first pri ze wi th Harry Harrington (Graphic
Arts) and Irma Nollan (OPS). Tony Bertucca and
Maria Alfaro (who won the Disco Contest at our
picn ic last summer) changed their style and won
the Twist Contest . . Congrats to Olga Segarra
who got married. . George Nieves is assisting
us in Neighborhood Relations
farewell to Sgt.'s W. Robbins and H. Carroll and
PO 's S. Barber, V. Diaz, D. Anderson, F.
Tropfenbaum, S. Knudsen, J. Modelski , M.
Schmitz, S. Miller, D. Owsley, A. Rogers, R.
Wallander, R. Goscinski, R. Kelly, P. Tyler, R. Kirch,
M. McTigue and M. Robinson . . And welcome
to Sgt .'s N. Holquiest, J. McKinley, R. Perry, J.
Apostol, R. Vanna, and R. Pedraza and P.O. D.
Wasco . . The best to all .
P.O. Rob Sarnowksi
024: Belated congratu lations to William Miller
and Ernest Halvorsen for the arrest of a sus­
pected rapist who had been plaguing the North
Side. . The stork dropped in on Donna and Bob
Ryan and left a future Notre Dame lineman­
Sean Patrick.
Lt. Joe Shield's and Sgt. Jim
Carroll's weigh t loss compet iti on results have
been pushed back until f urther notice,
apparently because of lack of interest.
gineer Tom Clucas's staff gets a hand for the fine
work they do .. . Russ Klein has been back to
work for some time but this reporter neglected to
tell anyone about the arm injury he had sus­
I' ll be glad to see Sgt. McGoldrick
back on days so he can make some of h is famou s
referrals back to our office . . Better late than
neve r' Welcome Sgt.'s Green , Abbate, Pagagian­
nis and Veth and good luck to P.O. 's Smith, Wrze­
sinski, DiMaggio, Haymaker, Jasulski , Kieras,
Tansey, Drocher, and a spec ial thank s to good
Excellent teamwork by
friend Rich Murphy.
Ed Dolan, Mike Healy, Mike Jones, and Dan Fisher
in the arrest of two robbery offenders. That team
spirit pa id off a week later for Fi sher, Healy, Bill
Conroy, and Dennis Keating whe n they arrested
three people attempting to con senior citizens
. Ken O'Steen says he wi ll take Wayne (Lemon­
puss) Ide to dinner at a restaurant of his choice
.. Ask Sgt. Jim Carroll when he plan s to argue
in front of the Supreme Court. . Ron Siles­
here you are' .. School Officers Bill "Photo King"
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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Holman and Bill "Frank Lloyd Wright" Wagner are
secretly enrolled in public speaking courses at
Sullivan High! .. Thanks for all the support with
the 1st Annual 24th Dist ri ct Dinner Dance.
Mike Kennedy was a rea l nice guy until he start ed
working the desk. Guess that reall y hardens a
person . . Vic and Colette Switski , how could I
possibly overlook the birth of beaut iful Nina? .
Christopher Stephen and Katryna and Greg Jacobs
Gerry Celano, Bill Carlson, Ernie Halvorsen
and Bill Miller turned a potential tragedy into a
happy ending with the recovery of a thre e-week­
old girl taken from Children' s Memorial Hos pi­
tal. Richard McArthur (di stingui shed career ) took
the init ia l inform at ion and immed iate ly took the
proper action. He still hasn't lost the touch ... I
hope someone tell s Dan Fisher that Fruit Loops
isn't really an all-natural breakfast
"Karem Abdul" Ide, AI "Dr. J" Nelson, Wayne
"Magic" Ide, and Dan "I don't feel so good" Burke
(the Rogers Park Four) overtook a spi rited Ex­
plorer team on the basketball court. . Look to
1984 and Alpine Pete Zur to grab the go ld for the
Time for a new car for
Olympic ski team
Dennis Wojnar?
Sgt. George Aguado (the
"thinking man 's sergea nt ") rea ll y deserves more
space than thi s co lumn permits. Sorry I ca n't do
more, Sarge ! . . Finally, thi s reporter 's exercise
program has not pa id off yet. Bernie Feinstein
said you could get in shape by walking, but from
the easy cha ir to the refrigerator doesn't quite
cut it. See you 15 pounds from now .
P.O. Bruce M. Rottner
Area 4 CID: A hearty farewell to Sgt. Francis
"Trapper" Higgins (Homicide) who fin all y pulled
the pin . (Rumor has it that he handled the Cain
and Abel case) Th e Sarge now hea ds secu rity at
Best of luck to Bill Frost on his new
endeavor with the State's Attorney's Offi ce.
They say he passed the bar without taking one
drink. . Will Bruce Peck meet the max imum
weight requirement to join the Coast Guard Re­
The McDonald's chain will suffe r
the greatest loss with Burger Barnas' move to Sex
. What investigator in Homicide has the dis­
tinction of having a sergeant go to his house at
2230 hours to help decorate hi s Christmas tree ?
. Condolences to Harold Kurowski (Burglary)
on the death of his brother. . Nielson spent his
whole furlough in the bathroom. Is that why they
call him John?
We see th at Gavin and
Gottlieb's pictures in Lt. Fruin's offi ce have been
repla ced by "Bebe's" .
Ah-hah! Joe Mannos
daughter Gia is an accompl ished dancer and has
won many contests ... Is it true that J, J. M. is
returning to G. A. on the next transfer order? ..
G. A. 's Wally Woj . is determin ed to get an indust­
rial engineering degree at the University of Illi­
nois. . What's that strange sound that follows
Sgt. Soltys (Robbery) around? ... Stolen Auto's
Joe Wilburn says his dog Dax committed su icide
by leaping from a second floor wind ow. While
Homi cide is in vestigating, Joe adopted Dax II
... And finally, thanks to all of Area 4 for good
times and good luck to the new Sta r reporter
Inv, George Gottlieb
Helicopter Unit: Wi th the deacti va ti on of ou r unit
taking pla ce the first of the year, it is appropriate
to mention a few who served at various ti mes
during ou r 11 and one-half years of operatio n­
Lt. J. Duggan, ou r 0.1. C.; Sgt. 's (pi lots) J. Klein, l.
Swanigan, H. Hohm and M. Burke; and P. O.'s
(ob servers) M, Smith and R. Flynn
Forme r
pilots include Lt.'s G, Weber, R. Sweeney, A. Syl­
vain, R, Dwyer and R. Quinn and Sgt. 's A, Boehmer
and T. Cornell. . Those who served with us as
observers included M. Cyze, T. Jaguszewski, E.
Plucinski, A, McCaffery, F. Hauser, R. Mazzola, R.
Yniquez, W. Miller,and G. Angel . . Of cou rse ,
there were many others who fl ew with us on
various mi ssions ... Former Sgt. J. Janda, pil ot,
is now chief of police in Houghton, Michigan
Former P.O. (observer) T. Van Arkel, of Beav­
er Island, Michigan, now operate s a motel
Finally, there's Danny McCabe, who se rved with
us as an obse rver for several years. Danny died
recently, leavi ng a void that never has be en filled
We hope that during our tenure we have
been of se rvice to the members of the Depart­
ment, especially to the beat offi ce rs in making
their ta sk less ha zardous and less difficult .
Good-bye ..
Sgt. Mike Burke
Area 4 Traffic : Sgt. Gaffney's retirement party was
like being blessed with two St. Pat's Days in one
year. Thomas McKenna won first door prize-a
quart of mouthwash that takes away fish breath.
Second prize , a nude photo of Rin- Tin- Tin , went
to Eddie "Haha" Carroll. John (Hegwisch) Babusch
wo n a road map to Area 4. Bill (Blue Bags) Burrell
sti II amazed the guys that he ca n sleep atop two
standing brooms. Sgt. Sherlock sai d he over­
heard Charlie " I betcha" Galey singing " You Are
My Destiny" to a pair of dice. Gaffney's so n, Jim
(005), is proud of his dad not only for retiring
after all the se years but for the four straight
passes he made in the crap game. We sti ll don't
know who to blame for the lack of toilet paper in
the washroom at the party.
Bill Amos and
Patrick O'Flaherty have been comparing cigars
... Jim Carlo says if he ever find s out who is
putting gum wrappers in his squad , he will lock
their jaws. . Ram-a-dam-a-Ramsey is now into
country music ... Sgt. Walztoni is probably on
the golf course. . The next time you get a CR
number, remember, "criticism is the greatest
There is no truth to the
form of praise"
rumor that Harold's Chicken has opened a
fran chise in Mount Gree nwood. . Julius Stokes
is thinking of opening a small church wi th a
Bar-B-O bu siness on the side .. , Ervin Behnke
is thinking of retirin g early and taking a job as a
speec h therapist ... Perrone told me that Fred
Sparano broke every etiquette rule in the book at
a recent dinner .. . Lt. Smith said that he read a
survey and learned that most people Krope 's age
have been dead for eight years.
Lt . Woods
said that Galey is writing a book. Ye s, that book
left Bridgeport and moved to L.A.
Drabik must be a super hero. He brought Wonder
Woman to roll ca ll .
If Sgt. Van Oost's chest
seems bigger, it's because his son is now one of
Chicago's finest. . Michaels smokes the sma ll­
est cigars in Area 4 . . Pat O'Flaherty got a girl in
trouble . Thank God he's been married to her for
three years.
Lt. Redding's retirement party
was fun. A lot of South Siders have never been
that far north . . Bob Krause has a fear that he
might be steri Ie after usi ng the radar sets so long
. Tony Mazzuca recorded more time than Big
Ben during the fire strike . .. McKenna we nt in
the wo men's washroom at Area 4 by mi stake­
15 times.
P.O. Edward Ryan
Area 6 G/A: Hi , fellow se rvants! .. Our Lt . Joseph
Bruno is looking forward to getting off hi s cru tch­
es soon. An other operation is in the offing but we
hope it won't be much longer before he will be
100 per cent agai n. Just hang in there , Lt.­
wate r sk iing season is just around the cor ner
... By the time thi s sees print , we hope to see
our other sicki es, Inv. 's Jimmy Taylor and John
Fegan, and their smili ng Irish faces arou nd
again. And don 't forget, John , Alicia and I are
looking for wa rd to a box of Fanni e May ca nd y.
John 's thank yo u card for the fruit ba sket only
mentioned the MEN In G.A. , and, although he
swore it was an oversight, we aren't letting him
off the hook that easy
. The men and WOMEN
in G.A. 6 welcomed Inv. Patrick Hayes to our
unit, but we also sa id good-bye to Inv. Patricia
Hays, wh o is assigned to the new Sex Unit. We
hope they will be happy in their new assign ­
Last winter, Inv. Jimmy Hennelly took
hi s famil y and Boy Scouts to Wi lmot and had 2
wo nderful time ski ing. Myself? Just give me the
bunn y hill and lessons, lessons, lessons. I won't
say that I am a slow learner, but my last ski
instructor had a nervous breakdown l . I hope
Alicia Rivera has recovered from surgery by
now-I can't handle all these comedian s by
myself! .. Until next time when hopefull y there
will be more to report, I leave you with one
thought-"enjoy summer" .
Mary Irene Peters
Bomb and Arson : Good-bye and good luck to all
who ha ve left the unit
. The follOWi ng people
have never been mention ed in the column, so
please start doing some thing worth printing: De­
nis Guest, Michael (my little) lamb, leonard Rol­
ston, Frank Kasky, Earl Batch, Henderson Arnold,
Bill Daly, Charlie Gardner, George (What a bod!)
Graham, Bruce McElrath and Bob Soreghen .
Belated welcome to Inv. Ron Harris who ca me to
the unit thinking he was going to work with Inv.
Harry Sellers who recentl y tran sferred to ATF for
th e next 11 years ! .. Congrats to Expl. Tech Ray
Vaisvilas on his promotion
Inv. Ed Maiese
had his hands full showin g Inv. Jack O'Connell
and Henry Ciolli his filling system. You rea lly
should tea ch them the alphabet! .. Exp l. Tec h
Frank Kasky at tended FBI school. . Inv. larry
Gates received two Honorable Mentions since he
quit working with Inv. John Klodnicki! .. Belated
thanks to Inv. Roger Elmer and Ron Sacolick for
th e lunch . . I hope by thi s time Inv. Joe Camp­
bell has returned from his back injury
Ron Sacolick and larry Gates fooled another cri­
mina l by te ll ing him California didn't have ex­
traditi on laws and recently spent a short visit
there! .. Inv . Mike lamb and someone from the
unit we re see n sharing a pizza together. (M ike
wouldn't share!) . . Inv. H, Arnold was seen at
Fernwood Landscaping by Inv. Bill Daly!
Tech. Art Nolan's daughter had a boy, not a girl ,
as earlier reported . The name "Sue" co nfused
me, Artl .. It's finally my turn to say good-bye ! I
will miss all of yo u and hope to remain friends.
We lcome to my replacement. Dolores Embry.
Watch out, Delores, the men will spoil you rot­
ten l .. Inv. Ed Maiese had a near miss with the
Devil while getting a haircut? .. Sgt. Jim Sandow
had another ta sk assigned to him. I don't think I
should print it but I understand that you're also
looking for Jimmy Hoffa! .. Exp l. Tech. RayWilley
was seen on television . I thought for yo ur big
break in show biz you would sing or dance -n ot
Belated we lco me to Sgt. louie
Clepp. Good luck. . Again I wo uld like to thank
all of you for being so nice and it has been fun.
Don't be a stranger, come upstairs and visit
Mary Brooks
CID Administration : Belated welcome aboard to
Sgt. Timothy Tidmarsh (Homicide) from 005 and
to Sgt. William Alexander (C I U) from 0 19 .
Auto Th eft Sec ti on wishes Ron Harris good luck
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Digitized by ChicagoCop.com
in his move to Bomb and Arson. . Tom Rowan
(CIU) has been back to work after his bout with
hepititis ... Robert Mark (Robbery) will attend
Safe Driving Through Car Wash School, per
orders of Deputy Chief George McMahon and
Commander Milton Deas. Wonder why? .. Hank
Hoffenkamp (Adm.) is very proud of his living
room. He painted it and changed it from off­
white to green to make sure that people would
I hope
notice he had put "brush to wall"
John Kolb (CIU) and family had a nice trip to
Coordinator Auriemma
Florida la st winter
has been occupying a spa ciou s new office just a
buzz away from CIU. . Corporal leroy Condon
(CIU), where are you?
How about a set of
bunny ears and tail for Robert Mason (Sex) who
made Playboy Magazine (not the centerfold)
. . . Sue Doyle (secretary, Violent Crimes) moved
to a new abode. We await the hou sewarming and
are assured of I rish music and green beer. . A
big CI D handshake goes to the 5th District,
Tactical Unit for their continuous crimefighting
achievements ... La st, but not least, we w ish to
acknowledge a letter from Agent Gilles
Veronneau of the Quebec Police Department. It
was written in French! Luckily, Deputy Chief
Rochford , with his French background, was able
to make an on-the-spot translation. Merci '
Venez nous en parler! .
P.O. John Doyle
Bureau of Community Services: Congratulations
to all members of the bureau for thei r exception­
al effort during our city's fire fighters strike ...
Director Harry Blackburn put on a tremendous
spread to express his sincere thanks ... That
beautiful sm ile on Barbara Robinson's face
should tell you something-and it does! Barb is
proud of her son, the new groom. Best wishes to
you all ... New members of the Birthday c lub
include P.O. 's Sam Fiorito, Ed Preston, Henry Stin­
son, Homer Simpson, and Dennis Prieto. Also to
Denyse Modica ... Sgt. Borghese coordinated
one fabulous party for the kids at the Audy home
this Easter. Among his assistants were "bun­
nies" from the Youth Divi sion and the Human
Relations Section to the delight of 200 smiling
kids . . . Congratulations to P.O .'s Steve Jackson
and Frank Jasch on being awarded Department
Commendations from Superintendent Richard J.
Brzeczek at a recent ceremony held in the
Training Academy ... P.O. Alicia Ayala danced
the night away at LAPA 's (Latin American Police
Officers Association) annual dinner dance
(wh ich she worked so very hard to coordinate)
... Ask lillian Smith (PIID) about the two-star
general in her family ... P.O. Wes Blaauw and
his Sandy looked super sporting those beautiful
Colorado tans ... The Human Relations Sec­
tion welcomes P.O. louise Tesinsky (formerly of
024) ... Well, that's enough "josh ing" for now.
P.O. Frank Jasch
Communications: Belated congrats to Michael
Ayala, Charles Bastrom, Francisco Dejesus, Brian
J. Devan, James H. Holland, and Yancy Anderson,
Disp. Aide
all promoted to dispatchers
Madet and wife Teresa have new addition to
family Matthew Henry. Also congrats to Steve
Oliva and wife Char with new addition Jeffery
Thomas ... Belated good luck w ishes to retiree
Ralph Barganski. He said he has been around a
little while. I don't know what a little while is but
he told me he used to come to work on the old
red trolley street cars
Congrats to Radio
Engineer Mike Donatelli on his promotion.
Other Radio news: J.R.R. 5 and 2. You will have
to ask the radi o men what that means ... Be­
"welcome aboard" to Sgt. M. J. Burke Jr., Leon
Banks, Gerald Blaszczyk, James D. Browne, Wil­
liam E. Campion , James D'Ambrosia, Arthur Davis,
Christine Donchez, Robert Felicione, John M.
Foley, lawrence Freeberg, J. E. Garrity, Darlene
Hudson, lawrence Mastre, John Milewski, James
E. Murray, James J. O'Brien Jr., John Rena, Charles
Smith, William W. Tucker, Michael J. Zec, and Carl
A. Cicirale . May your stay here be a happy one
. Good lu ck and many happy yea rs of retire­
ment to Peter W. Balskus and Stella E. Fox .
Congrats to the sister of MCO Operator Ray Pac
who delivered twins , a boy and a girl ... Betty
O'leary plans to take the la st furlough period this
year and visit her son who is the vice-consular for
the U.S . embassy in India . . There has been
some talk that Radio Engineer Mike Murino is
walking around with a gleam in his eyes .
Welcome Carole Prerost to the office
news from Teletype or the messengers. . Till
next time.
Disp . Mitch Bruski
Criminalistics: Q-ing in on the Crime Lab '
Once again, lest they be missed, a Micro wel­
come to Bonnie Doyle, Barry Hawkins, Jim Doran,
and John Quattrocki . .. A hearty thanks from
everyone in the lab to Pat Doughtery for the party
at the racquetball club with more than 100 peo­
ple in attendance and food and drink for all 1 In
the title match of the evening , Micro's "man
with the raquet" lost to Director Marshall Con­
sidine. Quattrocki is still talking it over with Gus
Last spring our young men's fancy turned
to-promot iona I exams. Qua I ifiers in the
sergeant's derby were Dennis Lesniak, Pat
McNulty, Wade Crossen and Andy Brooks. At the
investigators' end, Barry Hawkins (Micro) placed
high. . Firearms reports that John Sadunas is
leaving and they've brought in Katherine Moore
and Betty Faucett to take his place. . Also in
Firearms , congrats to Jim Gables on his recent
We hope by the time this sees
wedd ing
print, John Stout (Polygraph) is back to work with
his bad back completely reco vered. And a Iso Jim
Frankenbach in the Mobile Crime Lab . .. One
last addition , Christine Kokocinski came to Micro
a while back with her MS (criminalistics) in
hand from Circle.
P.O. John Quattrocki
(060). . Congrats to all those who succe ssful­
ly completed the one week DEA course. . Our
heartfelt sympathy to the family of P.O. Ervin
Bielawski; and si ncere condo lences to Sgt. Vic­
tor Kampa (065) on the death of his wife. Also
condolences to G.S Thomas West (061) on the
death of hi s father ... Get well wishes are ex­
tended to Sgt. "Wild Bill" Miller (065) who is
recuperating at home .. . Stork News: Born to
Clarence "C. T," Thomas (060) and wife Janice
was wee baby girl Erica Sherise; to Jose Rodriguez
(065) and w ife Sue, baby girl Patricia ; and to
Denny Carroll (176) and wife Sue, baby boy Den­
nis James
Congratulations to YO. Kim
(Anderson) Tworek (176) and hubby Ken who tied
the knot right across the hall from us. Is that why
we keep finding rice in the elevators? .. Con­
grats to super boss Lt. James Maurer on his new
assignmen t. Mere words can't begin to express
Hello and
how much we w ill all miss him.
good -bye to Inv. Jim Gardner who is leaving us for
greener pasture s .. . Farewells and good lu cks
to Sr. Steno linda Ehmke, and P.O.'s Robert
Browne, James DeMilio, Frank Golonka, Mike
lash, and Robert Williams . . A hearty welcome
aboard to Lt . lawrence "Star" Forberg (065) and
Sr. Steno Mary Brooks (060). Also to Inv.'s D.
Carroll, Tom Witchek , Bob Vedder, Bob Johnson,
and P.O.'s Bob Miller, Bill Kluth, Vince Tondryk,
Bob lowrey, Ed Dougherty, Ray Golnick and Ray
"Halfman" D'Andrea
Sgt. Phil "Plumboy"
Cline (060) will hold inspect ion to make sure
that everyone has their raid hats. Female mem­
bers will wear the regulations raid babushka.
P.O. Tom Andricopoulos (060) is still sulking
because Santa Claus didn't bring him a new
. purse. . The foll owi ng broke their New Year's
resolutions but held out the longest: "I'll never
eat another Keebler cookie" -Dennis Cullom
(061); "I ' ll never be late for work " - Ed Wiora
(063); "Never go near the creature again"-Jim
Murphy (065); and "Never play another practi­
cal joke" - Dennis Maderak (063) ... Is it true
that Sgt. Gene "Stems" Troken and Sgt. Terry
" Grams" McCue (060) want to be partners? .
Thanks to Kathy "Giggles" Alvarado (065) for her
assistance ... Stay tuned for another exciting
adventure of "As the NAG Turns" ..
G.S. Jim Molloy and
P.O. Ellen San Hamel
Data Systems: Belated welcome back to our
(LOA) Gladys Robinson and John "Halo" Struska
And belated good byes to our resignees
Alaine lacey and Karen Blackmon.. Ladies '
Have you seen Systems ' "new" Marlboro man
with his Stetson hat, cowboy boots, and sheep­
skin coat? Just call him Big Brent Rodigher.
You're cute too, Rich . . It took a whi Ie, but
here they are-Predi ctio ns for 1980 ' Bill Blin­
strub and Tony Omerzo will quit smoking cigars
.. Wilbur Rouson wi ll be quieter. . John Mar­
shall will smile more ... lettie Anthony, David EI,
Ben Mashaw and Ollie Turner will join the "Get
Fat" Club ... And Systems' Frank Kash, Joe Vari
and friends will not work around the clock ..
Congratulations again to Glenella Johnson on her
new promotion.. Proud grandmother Mattie
Winters' granddaughter has made her first step
and by this time is probably running all over the
house. Keep strutting, Ashanti Johnson ... Toot­
a-Ioo ..
Ethel Streeter
Personnel: Excuse this writer for being remis s in
her duties by not submitting a regular co lumn
from Personnel
Personnel takes no cre dit
for any births in the past few months but we are
credited with one marriage. Congratulations to
Patricia Rajsl and her husband Ed. . We are
also credited with one divorce but her name
shall remain anonymous . She is the writer's
closest friend a nd that 's the long and the short of
it. Congratulations "J" .. There were a few
vacations. Bill Gerber and Mike Shea were in
Florida. Lt. Art Wirkus vacationed in Mexico.
(Ah, the thoughts of those tequila sunrises bring
a tear to my eye I) And I wonder if Jama ica was up
to Joyce's visit? .. The George Kappel countd own
has begun. TO: Florida FROM: Chicago Police
Department SUBJECT: Retirement. Hang in
there, George. Oh, D3 says she will miss you and
so will we all ... We hope by the time this sees
print, "Watch the Flowers Grow" Pritchard has
had a complete recovery.
Kathy White
Narcotics/Gang Crimes Division: Welcome to "As
the NAG Turns "
Department Commenda­
tions were awarded to Sgt. Gene Troken and
P.O.'s Tommy Andricopoulos and George Caruso
Property Management Division: Belated congra­
tulations to Joe Giannelli (engineer, Training
Academy) who became a grandfather twice
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Digitized by ChicagoCop.com
within one week when daughter Frances pre­
sented to this world Jamie Jensen; and daughter
Rose presented Jack DiMaio
We wish the
best to Edward Polaski, our electrician for many
years . Ed took a position elsewhere and will
surely be missed ... A while back Tom Sullivan
and his wife had their marriage blessed. The
members of the division were honored to be
in vited to attend this beautiful ceremony and to
the party afterward. We congratulate Tom and
Andrea and wish them many happy years
together. No one better tell who couldn't drive
home from the party! .
Dolores Donahue
Public Vehicle Section: Belated congrats to our
C.O. Lt . T. Farogi and his wife Jean on the birth of
daughter Jean Michael (the 11-month pregnancy
was well worth the wait). . Congrats also to our
ex-leader Lt. Andy Greenlee on his new assign ­
ment at 021 Tact. . Anyone wishing a parking
spot in the rear of the building, please contact
Sgt. l. Byrne
A big welcome to our new
arrivals: B. Peterson and R. "Rags" Fitzpatrick
· .. There is a strong rumor that yours truly may
be detailed to Hit and Run to handle the recent
influx of cases
What a difference a day
makes l "Gloves" Davis is now known as "Ice
Cream Cone" Davis ... D. Walsh has given A.
Godfrey a copy of hi s drinking man's diet .. . K.
G. Smith, l. Clark, D. Wise, and R. "Deep Pockets"
Ruggero have threatened to co ntact the ACLU if
they were not included in this article . . O.
Petriet has applied for a public vehicle chauffeur
licen se ... It's official! Finall y we can welcome
Sgt. John Frangella, along with P.O. A. Alinovich
Also welcome to G. DiBella, P. Capparelli,
and P. Smajo ... Good luck to D. Walsh and R.
Ruggero on their new assignments. . Congrats
to E. O'Donnell and B. Passeri on the gra nd open­
ing of their underwear stand on Maxwell Street
There is a stro ng rumor that Sgt. John
Frangella is connected with the barber's uni on
· .. M. O'Malley has given C. "Never on Sunday"
Cole an all-expen se paid trip to sunn y Florida .
Mike said Charlie urgently needs the re st.
Would yo u believe R. O'Malley forgot to take his
wife, Ginger, with him on his ski trip la st wint er?
· . This is to straighten out all the false rumors­
T. Carroll is a member of the Publi c Vehicle
been threatening for the longest time to go and
stay at Disney World-permanently! .. Rumor
ha s it that a certain member of the range person­
nel of this division is contemp lating tying THE
knot in the near future.
P.O. Peter J. Botzek
Sergeant Robert Faust, Special Activi­
ties Section, and wife, Perry, hold Ch i­
cago Police Wives' Association's 1979
"Award of the Year." Associa tion 's
President Mary Ann Kaplan , left, and
Board Ch airman Pat Kutz, ri ght, pre­
sented award to Faust for coordination
of beneficial programs for officers and
their fam ilies and for dedicated serv ic e
to them in time of tragedy.
Section. . Finally, I must mention E. ligurotis,
sim ply because his wife Lee pays me to do
P.O. Charlie Honkisz
Training Division: P.O. Richard Esposito and his
wife Mary are the proud parents of twin girls.
Whose reveille is being played at 0745 hours
every morning? .. Welcome to all the new in­
structors who have helped us in the training
We are very
program of the new recruits .
happy to see our dedicated Sgt. Don Torres of the
Operations Section back at work (alas stil l limp­
ing) ... We hope by the time this sees print Sgt.
Cutaia and PO. John Coleman will be back with
us . . Director Jack Cody wishes to thank every­
one involved for the great success of the open
house awhi Ie ba ck. Lt. Jambrone was very proud
of the performance of his actors during open
181 persons participated in our last
blood drive .. . One of our civilian females nas
Four police officer sons joined in wishing their father a happy retirement in Ocala,
Florida recently. Cook County Deputy Sheriff Santo Muscolino, center, is joined by
Area 6 Youth Officer Don, Area 4 Traffic Officer Bob, Investigator Louis, Niles
Police Department, and Sergeant Len, Area 4 Robbery.
Vice Control Division: The latest gossip around
the first floor is that there will soon be a presti­
gious additi on to the Smithsonian Institute .
Positi oned right next to Sgt. Don Herion's dash ­
board will be Frank "Doc" Dante's lovely cha peau.
Herion' s reaction to this was "are you nut s or
what? " (Tel l me, Don, what are the options?)
.. . Congrats to Pat Flynn and his wife, Elizabeth,
on the birth of their No. 2 son, Ryan .. . Belated
welcome to Lt. Dominic Rizzi, new commander of
the Gambling Unit and congratulations to Lt.
Matt Rodriguez, who has left us for the sanity of
11th and State. We al l send our best wishes.
Mike Rogers has been back from the medical to
help Sgt. Jack Halloran keep the Gambling Un it
on the "track" and Howie "Whippie" McBride is
now next door in Prostitution keeping an eye on
the co ffee fund
. We all wish Tom Beck be­
lated good wishes in his new enterprise. . The
Gambling Unit was glad to hear that Sgt. John
Schmidt will not be taking that editing job and
will be staying with us. . Richard Webber and
Ron Kirby now have the hon or of driving our new
su per .
We AR E havi ng a problem keepi ng
"new guy" Morgan Maxwell (or is it Maxwell Mor­
gan?) off the lovely secretaries' desks. . Every­
one thought we had another new member on
Sgt. Anthony Chiesa's team, onl y to discover that
we just didn't recognize John Spellperson after
his diet. I'll give you 2-to-1 he keeps his weight
off. He's using Tom Strom as a role model.
P.O . Catherine Fitzgibbon
Youth Division: Welcome to everyone either de­
tailed or transferred into the di vision
Barnes (184) has left. She is a mother now.
D. Barnay (184) is retiring soon. The ladiesof the
office will no lon ger be ca lled "Don's Angels."
Don wi ll take a job as a skywriter or towing
banners with his plane. Then he will be called
"Sky King"! "My darling, my darling, " yo u will
be missed (those are Don 's favorite words when
trying to get me to type or correct something for
him) ... J. Folinazzo (074) has a baby boy and J.
Friedlief (074) is pat ientl y waiting for his bundle
· At 072, J. Nealis sta rted a new diet (choco­
late donuts). Some diet huh, Jane ?
Averson (072) is expecting NO.9! Now he will
ha ve his own personal baseball team, excluding
the umpires.
M. McQueeney (074) made a
statement to the effect that the most intelligent.
best looking , most knowledgeable female youth
off icers are in one area! Call McQueeney for
details ... Belated congrats to Y.O.'s Bernacki
and Wineburgh on their recent marriage (to each
other). Flanagan was the best man (all from 076)
· J. Vuko (184) received an award for "Best
Dressed Offi cer" along with E. Williams (J.C.)
· At 07 5, hello Sgt. "Are you the pretty one?"
You know who you are l . . Hell o, Chi Chi (076)
Fare well and good luck to those retiring,
transferring, going on LOA , etc. . Congrats to
Brownshoe (E. Carmody) of the famou s Ten speed
(M. Burney) and Brownshoe team on his recent
marriage. Also to W. Zielenga (072) on his mar­
riage . . Who is this mysterious " Hulk" R. Aus­
tin (072) is planning to wed? And when, Rita?
.. G. Sidor and C. (Sue) Basile are permanents
in the Missing Persons Section (transferred).
Welcome , ladies ... See ya soon ...
Adline (Nina) Bracey
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
Digitized by ChicagoCop.com
DEPARTMENT COMMENDATIONS While on patrol, Officers Bernard
Brennan and Corine Lunt, 15th Dis­
trict, responded to a broadcast of a rob­
bery victim on the corner of Adams
Street and Lavergne Avenue, The offi­
cers found the area deserted, so they left
their squad car to investigate, As the
officers walked south on Lavergne
Avenue , they found a woman's hat.
The officers continued to search the
area when a broadcast came over the
radio that the victim had been taken
into the alley between Adams and Quin­
cy Streets, As the officers reached the
alley, they suddenly saw a woman com­
ing out from underneath a stairwell
screaming for help, Lunt removed the
victim to safety. Brennan then observed
a man underneath the stairwell, drew
his weapon and ordered him out, He was
identified by the victim as the offender.
The offender was charged and subse­
quent investigation revealed he was on
parole for robbery.
* *
• Early one morning, the clerk of a
hotel on North Clark Street was robbed
and beaten by a male offender. Shortly
after the offender fled , the clerk tele­
phoned police with a complete descrip­
tion of the taxicab used by the offender
to escape,
The Comm unica tions Operations
Section dispatcher made a city-wide
broadcast of the wanted cab, Sergeant
John Healy, Area 1 Traffic, observed
the cab exit the Dan Ryan Expressway
at 35th Street with two occupants in­
side. Healy requested assistance, as he
pursued the cab.
Healy attempted to curb the cab; in­
stead, the driver accelerated and tried
to elude the officer. After a short chase,
the driver pulled into a vacant lot, at
which time Healy rammed the cab with
his squad car, causing the cab to hit a
post and stop, The passenger jumped out
and began running, As other units re­
sponded, the passenger was quickly
A search of the passenger revealed he
was carrying a gun and a large amount
of cash, Meanwhile, Healy had con­
fronted the driver and learned that he
had been abducted by the passenger on
Clark Street. The passenger was later
identified as the offender and charged,
* * :;:
Sergeant Arthur Bischoff and Offi­
cers Thomas Keller, John Connon,
Richard Clark, Edward Conmey,
and Robert Louis, Mass Transit Unit,
were cited for dedication to duty.
During a two-month period, an in­
crease in strong-armed robberies had
occurred on the subway platforms, espe­
cially in the downtown area. In most
cases, the offenders would commit their
crimes against senior citizens and in­
capacitated individuals.
Knowing it would be difficult to
apprehend the offenders, the officers in­
itiated a decoy operation. By acting as
helples s and elderly individuals,
although at a risk to their own personal
safety, these officers over a 3D-day
period , arrested 22 people for strong­
armed robbery.
Officers Joseph Trotta and James
Filip, 18th District, were on patrol
when they observed flames shooting out
of a window on the 10 block of East
Chestnut Street. The officers notified
the Communications Center and re­
quested additional police and fire assist­
ance. The officers then entered the
building to alert the residents.
Despite the intense heat and smoke,
Trotta and Filip found a woman on the
first floor and led her to safety. The offic­
ers then re-entered the building and
found an elderly woman lying in the
hallway suffering from smoke inhala­
tion, Trotta picked up the woman and
was led out of the building by Filip.
Seconds later, Fire Department per­
sonnel arrived to extinguish the fire.
The victims and officers were taken to a
nearby hospital to receive treatment for
smoke inhalation and recovered shortly
A tremendous turnout of 183 blood donors participated in a recent Department
drive at Timothy J. O'Connor Training Center for police recruits.
Chicago Police Star, March -April 1980
Sergeant Toby Burton and Officers
Ronald Smith, Lawrence Jackson,
Wilbur Pierce, David Czubak and
Len Washington, 5th District, re­
ceived Department Commendations for
their courageous actions displayed dur­
ing a fire.
While on patrol, Jackson and Smith
were hailed by a young woman who told
them there was a fire in a second floor
apartment on the 220 block of East
121st Place, The woman went in the
squad car and the officers notified the
Communications Center, The woman
informed the officers that three small
children were in the apartment and that
they had been left there alone by their
The officers arrived on the scene and
immediately entered the building to
alert the residents. When they reached
the second floor, they found the apart­
ment door locked. The officers forced
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Superintendent Richard Brzeczek presented Department Com mendations to Investigator Edward Kendzior, left, Bomb and
Arson Section, Officers William McDermott, James Devereaux, Thomas Pufpas and John Slayers, 23rd District, for their
investigation of an arson on North Side. Commander Edward Nickels, Bomb and Arson Section, and Commander Emil Giese,
23rd District joined in congratulating officers for pursuing investigation.
open the door and entered.
Meanwhile, Burton, Washington,
Pierce and Czubak had responded to the
broadcast and entered the building to
observe Jackson and Smith being forced
out of the apartment by flames. The re­
sponding officers also attempted to en­
ter the apartment but were forced back
by the heat and dense smoke.
Seconds later, personnel from the
Chicago Fire Department arrived with
several hand extinguishers and, along
with the officers, entered the apartment
and removed the three children to
* * *
A Department Commendation has
been presented to Officer Julian Ford,
7th District, for his alertness which re­
sulted in the apprehension of a man
wanted for murder.
While off-duty and in civilian dress,
Ford was in the area of 300 West 7lst
Street, when he observed a man , pos­
sibly wanted for murder, about to enter
an automobile. Realizing that he had no
time to call for assistance, he
approached the suspect, announced his
office and placed the man under arrest.
The suspect was taken into the 7th
District station where it was confirmed
that the man was wanted for murder.
Ford also assisted in locating the wit:
nesses to the crime, consequently,
assuring the offender was charged with
and later indicted for murder.
* *
One day, shortly after midnight,
Sergeant Gregory Courchene, 8th
District, was on patrol when he ob­
served an automobile near the alley of
84th Street and Kedzie Avenue with the
lights out and a man standing near the
rear ofthe car. When the sergeant drove
over to investigate, the man jumped
into the car and sped away.
Courchene gave chase and broadcast
the direction of the wanted automobile.
During the chase, the sergeant observed
several items being thrown out of the
car window. Minutes later, with assist­
ance of responding units, the car was
curbed and three occupants were taken
into custody. A search ofthe automobile
revealed several doctor's instruments
and various drugs.
As the suspects were taken into the
station, Courchene returned to the area
and discovered two medical facilities
had been burglarized. Several other
officers recovered the items thrown
from the car. Subsequently, all of the
property stolen was recovered and the
offenders charged with burglary.
:;:. :;:. *
Officers Ronald Ostrowski and
John Rossi, 5th District, were
assigned to investigate four rapes which
had taken place in the area of 106th
Street and Cottage Grove Avenue. In
each case, the victim had just stepped off
the bus and was on the way home when
the offender forced them into a dark
hued automobile .
In studying the reports, the officers
obtained a good description of the offen­
der and learned that the car used in the
crimes had a cracked windshield and no
license plates.
A few days later, shortly before mid­
night, Rossi and Ostrowski observed an
automobile matching the description of
the wanted vehicle following a bus on
103rd Street near Cottage Grove. Keep­
ing the car under surveillance, the offi­
cers noticed that it would pull behind
the bus each time it stopped.
The suspect was taken into the dis­
trict station where he was identified by
the four victims as the rapist.
* * *
A Department Commendation has
been presented to Officers Theodore
Davis and Angelo Pesanvento, 7th
District, for their alertness on patrol
which resulted in the apprehension of a
Late one evening, a young woman
was about to enter her home in Oak
Park, Illinois when she was forced into
an automobile by two men. The offen­
ders drove her to the near South Side
where they raped and demanded money
from her. The woman was allowed to
call a friend who was instructed to bring
$1,000 to 48th Street and Princeton
The friend contacted police who sub­
sequently arrested one of the offenders.
Early the following morning, Davis
and Pesanvento began to canvass the
area where the offender was arrested.
The officers then observed the wanted
automobile traveling southbound on
55th Street near Peoria Street with two
people inside.
Realizing the possible danger to the
victim, the officers kept the car under
surveillance for several blocks before
ordering the driver to pull over and stop.
The offender was then placed under
arrest without incident.
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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Friend Indeed
Lolice Byrd
Officer James Lynch Officers Lolice Byrd and James
Lynch, 2nd District, have been selected
by the Awards Committee as the reci­
pients of the WGN-TV "Friend Indeed"
Award for their actions which resulted
in the saving of several people's lives.
The officers responded to a broadcast
of a fire in the high-rise apartment on
the 3900 block of South Federal Avenue.
Byrd and Lynch were the first officers
on the scene and learned that the eleva­
tors were not working.
The officers immediately walked up
the stairs to the 16th floor apartment
and assisted occupants of the building
down the stairs to an ambulance. Byrd
and Lynch continued to assist fire vic­
tims, including several small children,
until they themselves were overcome by
smoke. Both officers were treated for
smoke inhalation at a nearby hospital.
Dental diligence
SEATTLE, Wash.-Diligent inves­
tigation paid off recently for officers of
the Seattle Police Department.
Two officers were investigating a res­
taurant burglary where the suspect had
hidden on the premises until after clos­
ing, ransacked the restaurant and then
forced open the front door from the in­
side to escape.
Among the evidence recovered by the
officers was a chunk of yellow cheese­
with teeth marks. The cheese was
placed into evidence and submitted for
scientific examination.
A suspect later apprehended was
charged with second degree burglary
when his dental impressions matched
those made in the cheese.
-From Spd Journal
Milton and Sharon Polk came to Headquarters to personally thank Deputy Superin­
tendent Thomas Lyons for saving her life. Chief Fred Rice of Patrol Division added
his congratulations to Lyons for receiving Superintendent's Award of Merit, which
was presented before his recent promotion.
Lyons saves woman~
life, gains praise
A South Side woman who was saved
from choking to death on a piece of hard
candy which had lodged in her throat,
visi ted Headquarters to personally
thank Deputy Superintendent Thomas
J. Lyons, Bureau of Investigative
Services. Superintendent Richard J.
Brzeczek presented Lyons with an
Award of Merit for saving Mrs. Sharon
Polk's life.
Mrs . Polk, accompanied by her hus­
band , Milton, and two friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Darryl Williams , were overwhelm­
ing in their praise. Polk said:
"I can't thank you enough for saving
my wife's life. I had to come down and
tell you personally."
Mrs . Polk said that she and her
friend, Marilyn Williams were being
driven to work at the Illinois Bell
Telephone Company at 2301 W. 79th St.
by Mrs. Williams' husband when the
incident happened.
Darryl Williams pulled over to the
curb at 76th and Halsted Streets and
attempted to dislodge the candy by us­
ing the Heimlich Maneuver. However, it
would not budge. Mrs. Polk said:
"It didn't work. I couldn't talk and all
I could do was wave my hands and shake
my head. I panicked. We all panicked.
My legs were collapsing under me and I
thought I was blacking out."
Deputy Superintendent Lyons, off­
duty and driving home, saw Mrs. Polk's
plight. He stopped his auto and asked to
help . He, too, attempted the Heimlich
Maneuver, again without success.
"Without hesitation, Deputy Lyons
pushed his finger down my throat and
dislodged the candy," Mrs. Polk said. "I
can't tell you how relieved and how
grateful I am. I know I wouldn't be here
today ifit weren't for you. You saved my
Mrs . Polk and the Williams couple
said there were dozens of autos going by
the intersection and many pedestrians
on the street during the busy rush hour,
but that Lyons was the only one who
stopped to help.
Both couples also praised the beat
officers who responded to a call from a
citizen. They couldn't get over the con­
cern expressed for her well-being by the
officers. "They wanted to make sure I
was all right and offered to take me to
the hospital, but my friend was there, so
I went with her," Mrs. Polk said.
Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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Following officers retired recently from Department after years of honorable
service. They have the good wishes of Department colleagues and friends.
Officer Jesse L. Williams
Police Officer
of the M onth
Officer Jessie L. Williams, Area 4
Traffic, has been presented the Police
Officer of the Month Award for hi s
courageous actions in confronting an
armed offender.
Williams, while on radar enforce­
ment, heard a broadcast of a "man with
a gun" on the 6000 block of South State
Street. The officer was in the vicinity of
the incident and responded to the scene
to be of assistance. Upon arrival, the
officer observed several people running
from a funeral parlor.
Williams entered the parlor and
found a man standing inside with a gun .
He ordered the man to drop his weapon.
The offender ignored the command,
dropped to the floor and began firing.
Williams returned the fire, striking the
offender in the head. The offender
ceased firing and the officer removed
the firearm from the man's hand . The
offender and Williams, who had suf­
fered a wound on the left side of hi s
h ead, were taken to a nearby hospita l
for treatment.
The offender later admitted that he
had murdered the person being waked
at the parlor and had gone there to kill
three witnesses to the murder.
Years of
Date of
P.O. Joseph H. Abraham ... . .... . ... . .. ... .. 008 ...... 57 ....... 30 . . . .
14 February .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..
147 ...... 58 ....... 26
19 February P.O. Peter W. Balskus. ..
P.O. John J. Baran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
154 ...... 63 ....... 34 ....... 25 March Y.O. Donald R. Barany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
184 .... . . 53 ....... 25
6 March P.O. Charles N. Barry .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... 008 ...... 54 ...... 23 .. .. ... 1 March P.O. Thomas W. Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
005 ...... 58 ....... 24 . . . . .
17 March 10 March Inv. Alfred F. Broderson ...... . . .... . . ....... 632 ...... 53 .... ... 30 . .
P.O. Robert W. Buck ... ....... . ..... .. ..... . 008 ...... 56 ....... 27 ....... 16 March Sgt. Daniel Centracchio ........ .. ... . .... ... 014 .... .. 55 .. ... .. 24
1 March 4 March P.O. Thaddeus L. Chodzko .... . .... " ....... 00 1 . ..... 53 ....... 28 . . . .
P.O. James P. Curtin . . ......... .. . ... ... . ... 011 ...... 57 .. ..... 24 ....... 19 February 012 ...... 54 ....... 26 ... . ... 1 March P.O. Julian Daggett.. ....... .... ......
Lt. La Sa lle DeMic hael s ... . . . . ......
124 . . . 6 1 . .. ... . 35 ....... 26 Fe bruary . ....... . ... 016 ...... 56.
..24... ..
2 March P.O. RoyJ. Dettmer, Jr. ....
P.O. Edward E. Dumont. . . .. . .. . . . . .
005 ...... 57 ....... 25
6 March 623
. .. 59
. .. 24 . .
3 Marc h
P.O. Francis J. Faga n . . . . . . . . .
Lt . Martin L. Fl ynn. . . . . . . .
. . 009 ...... 59 .... ... 33 . . . . .. 16 March
. .. 084 ..... 61 ..
. . 32 . .
9 February
Sgt. Franci s N. Gaffney . . . . . .
P.O . Raymond Hauser. .......
.. 101 ...... 63
... 32 ....... 30 March
Lt . Francis F. Hickey.. .... ...... . ...
127 . . . 60
. . 32 .
.. 14 March
Sgt. Francis R. Higgins
.. 644 .
..56 ..
. . 32 ..
.. 15 Fe bruary
P.O. Roland E. Hueckstaed t . . ........
. .. 0 12 ...... 59
... 34 ....... 2 1 February P.O. James F. Jones ........... . .. . .. .. . . . . . 002. . .. . 53 . ..... . 24 . . .
8 Fe bruary . . 002 ...... 53
... 25
7 Feb rua ry
P.O. William Jones . . . . . . . . . .
P.O. Steve E. Kaleta .
. . .. 00 1 .. .. .. 59
26 . . . . . .. 1 March
.. .... . .. ... .. .... .. DPR . . .. 51 ... .... 27 . . . . . .
1 March
Inv. Donald J. Ke ll y
.. ......... 0 16 ..... 55 ....... 29 ..
1 March P.O. Ed ward J. King......
P.O . Anthony S. Korpitz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. 001 . ..... 63 .... . . . 34 ....... 2 1 March P.O. Roman J. Kugelman. . . .. . .... •... . .. . 084 . ..... 57 . ...... 24 . . .. .
7 February
P.O. Casimir J. Kulesa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . DPR ...... 50 ... . .. . 23 . .
2 March P.O. Robert M. Kussmann. .
159 . ... .. 55
.. 32 . .
4 March
1 March
Capt. Robert A. Ladtkow ..... . .... . ...... .. . 009 ...... 53 ....... 28 . . . . . .
Sgt. Robert J. Lane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. .. 020 .... .. 55 .. . . . .. 28 . .
8 Fe bruary
P.O. Edward J. Leonard. . . . .
. . .. .. . 0 18
.. 62 .... . . . 2 7 . .
1 March P.O. Thomas J. Leonard .. .. .. . .. .. ..
. 00 1 .... .. 60
.. 32 ..
1 March
Sgt. Donald E. Lessner
.. . .. .. . 0 18 ... ... 55 .. . . ... 23
5 March
P.O. Bennie J. Loiacono .. . . . ... .. ... ... . ... . 016 ... . . . 55
.. 24 . . ... . . 17 Fe bruary
. .. . ... ... .... . DPR .
. . 55 ..... .. 25 .. . ... . 12 March P.O. Earl B. Lorenzen . .
P.O. Robert Louis. .. . .. .. ..... . ..
. . . 050 . .. . .. 53
. 2 7 . . . . . . . 1 Ma rch
Sgt. Thom as J. Mahon ..... . .... . ...... .. .. 135 ...... 55 ...... . 34 ....... 2 1 February
Sgt. Robert E. Malone. . . . . . . . . . .
. 008 ...... 59 ....... 3 4 ... . ... 19 February
Sgt. Jerry Manning.
. . . . 005 ...... 57 .. .. ... 21
6 Febru ary
P.O . Walter J. Mi cha lski . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. 018 ...... 60 .. ..... 3 4 . .
1 March P.O. Dell E. McCu e. . . . . . . .
. .. 084 ...... 55 ...... . 32 . . . . . . . 9 February P.O. James R. McDonald . . .
. . .. 022 . ..... 56 .. . . . .. 32 . . . . .. 18 March
P.O. Jac k P. Meyer
.. 0 14 ..... . 54 .... . . . 25 ....... 22 February
Capt. William R. Mooney ..
. .. . .... ... 14 7 .. .. 59 .
..34 . . ..... 7 February
P.O. Edward Nelson .
. . " ....... .. . . 023 ...... 53 ..... . . 28 .
10 March
P.O. James G. No lte. . . . . .
. 132 .. .. .. 57
.. 33 .... . . . 16 March
Inv. Martin J. O'Brien , Jr.
. . .... ... ... . ... 643 . ... .. 54 .. . . . .. 2 7 ... . .
5 March P.O. John J. O'Connor ....... . .. . .. .... . . . . 049 ...... 53 ... . .. . 2 7 ....... 10 Febru ary Lt . Ja mes E. O'Neill .
.. 0 11 ...... 60
.. 33 ....... 24 March Lt . Robert E. O'Toole ......... ... . .... .. .... 058 ...... 53 ... .... 25 . . . . .
1 March Inv. Vincent J. Petrosius .... . . . . ... . ...... . . 632 ...... 58 . . ..... 25 ....... 20 March
Lt. Thoma s A. Redding . . .
084 ...... 58 ....... 34
7 Febru ary P.O. Harry A. Reid .. .. .. .. ...
... 154 ...... 63 ....... 34 .. .... 14 March Sgt. Robert G. Ribbon ....... .. . . . ..... . . ... 016 ...... 55 .... ... 27
1 March
P.O. Raymond A. Roben ....... . .... .. .
136 ...... 60 . .
. . 25
17 February
P.O. Edward W. Romanoski .
00 1 . ..... 56
... 26 ... . . . . 3 1 March
.... . .. . .... . . . 050 ...... 59 .. . . ... 24
4 March P.O. Frank J. Sa lvatori
P.O. Michael J. Schm itz ..
. ... 049 ...... 61 "
.. 34
5 March
Sgt. Ernest Siler .......................... LOA .
.. 55.
. ... 27 ... . ... 15 March Inv. William L. Simpson .... .. ... .. ... . . .. . . 642 ...... 58 . ...... 25 . .. .. 17 March Inv. Homer J. Slaughter ..... .... ... .. ... .. .. 642 ...... 6 1 ....... 33
17 March P.O. Casimir T. Szpic ki. . . . .
. . 0 18 ...... 63 ... ... . 28 ....... 24 Marc h Inv. Larry S. Thompson .... .. .. ... ... . . .. .. . 615 ...... 54 ....... 28
17 February P.O. John F. Tobin ............ . . .... . ...... 016 ...... 58 ....... 32
.. 8 February Inv. Charles J. Wilson .
. . . . ...... 612 ...... 6 1
... 27 ... . ... 6 March P.O. Le slie R. Zaug ...
. ... 008 .. . ... 63 ....... 34
.. 24 March Chicago Police Star, March-April 1980
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Chicago Police Department
1121 South State Street
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B Technician
M unit
M 0
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