Bringing Bridging to Life
Bringing Bridging to Life
Bringing Bridging to Life MABE Conference March 19, 2016 Jill Davan, Margaret Fawley, Susan Rosser, Elissa Washburn Agenda 1. Overview 2. Biliteracy unit structure 3. Building Oracy: Grade 3 Language Experience Approach for Writing 4. Building Oracy for reading comprehension: Grade 2 5. Grade 5 Math Units to Foster Biliteracy Our Students ~700 students 93% in dual-language program 7% in special education .4 Ethnic make-up 65.7% Hispanic 27.5% White 3.5% African American Needs 33.7% ELL 59.7% low income 69.3% high needs How did we get here? • School Improvement Goal • Academic Conversations (2011, Jeff Zwiers & Marie Crawford) • Bringing Words to Life book study SY’14-’15 • Teaching for Biliteracy workshops with Cheryl Urow in summers ‘14 and ‘15 • Concerns: lack of metalinguistic awareness and difficulty in making connections across languages within subject areas Book Study Overview Date Chapters Facilitator/Co-facilitator(s) 10/27/2015 Chapter 1: “Foundations in Teaching Biliteracy” Margaret Fawley & Sara Hamerla (ELL coach) 11/17/2015 Chapter 2: “Students: A Multilingual Perspective & Chapter 3: “Teachers: Capitalizing on Life Experiences” Margaret Fawley & Sara Hamerla 12/15/2015 Chapter 4: “Planning the Strategic Use of Two Languages” Margaret Fawley + two gr. 5 teachers 1/19/2015 Chapter 5: “Language Resources, Linguistic Creativity, and Cultural Funds of Knowledge” Sara Hamerla + SAGE teacher Chapter 6: “Building Background Knowledge” Margaret Fawley + gr. 1 teacher & K-1 Lit. Coach/ELD teacher Chapter 7: “Reading Comprehension” Sara Hamerla + gr. 2 classroom and ELD teachers Chapters 8, “Writing: A Multilingual Perspective & 9, “Word Study and Fluency: The Dictado and Other Authentic Strategies” Margaret Fawley + gr. 4 teacher 5/31/2015 Chapter 10: “The Bridge: Strengthening Connections between Languages” Sara Hamerla + gr. 3 teacher & gr. K & 3 ELD teacher 6/14/2015 Chapter 10: “The Bridge: Strengthening Connections between Languages” Margaret Fawley + gr. 1 classroom teacher 2/23/2015 3/22/2015 4/26/2015 Biliteracy Unit Framework (Beeman & Urow, 2013, Ch. 4) 1. Content Instruction in language of “heavy lifting” 2. Pre-Bridge, the unit includes, to varying degrees, the following elements: a. development of oracy and background knowledge b. reading comprehension c. writing d. word study e. summative assessment 3. Bridge Grade 3 ELD Building Oracy for Writing Language Experience Approach (LEA) STEP #1: A Shared Experience The LEA process begins with something the class does together, such as a field trip, an experiment, or some other hands-on activity. If this is not possible, a sequence of pictures (that tell a story) can be used, as can a student describing a sequence of events from real life. STEP #2: Creating the Text Next, the teacher and students, as a group, verbally recreate the shared experience. Students take turns volunteering information, as in a large-group discussion. The teacher transcribes the student’s words on the board in an organized way to create the text. STEP #3: Read & Revise The class reads the story aloud and discusses it. The teacher asks if the students want to make any corrections or additions to the story. Then she marks the changes they suggest and makes further suggestions, if needed. STEP #4: Read and Reread The final story can be read in a choral or echo style, or both. Students can also read in small groups or pairs, and then individually. STEP #5: Extension This text can be used for a variety of literacy activities like illustrations or creating comprehension questions. Building Oracy for Writing Language Experience Approach (LEA) • Launching and Personal Narrative Unit from Lucy Calkin’s Writer’s Workshop, Grade 3 • Launching: Walking trip around school - no previewing of vocabulary • Personal Narrative: Pre-taught playground vocabulary, walking field trip to special playground • Created a powerpoint of experience with labeled pictures • Classroom teacher used her own story of experience as the class’s mentor text We left from the lobby. warm, sunny day clear blue sky Grade 2 ELD Building Oracy for Reading Comprehension: Active reading strategies • Extra ELD support for small newcomer group • Actively involve students to take meaning from a text • Emphasis on comprehension as integral part of the reading process • Make explicit the active interaction between text, reader, and context • Formative assessment Building Oracy for Reading Comprehension: Active Reading Strategies • Picture Walks • Talk to Your Partner • Read Alouds (Teachers model thinking or asks them to share their thoughts with a partner.) • Sentence Prompts: I see…, I observe…, We have _____ in common., We are different because ________. • Partner reading. By using these strategies, teachers can: ● assess vocabulary and background knowledge ● determine vocabulary to be taught ● assess how frequently students are using the prompts and vocabulary Newcomer Group ● Culturally-relevant picture book ● Springboard for reading, academic conversation, vocabulary development, grammar work, and writing. Picture Walk-Newcomer Group Sentence stem: I see... Picture Walk-Content Area Sentence stem: I can learn about... Summarize strategy-Newcomer group Sentence stem: This page is about... Written response Target vocabulary: ● judge ● baker ● coin ● money ● sound ● smell Grade 5 Math Instruction Biliteracy Unit Framework 1. Unit Overview 2. Building Oracy and Background Knowledge 3. The Bridge 4. Extension The Bridge ! “time when students are taught to examine similarities and differences between English and Spanish using contrastive analysis” ! “opportunity for students to summarize their understanding of newly learned content and to learn how to express this new understanding in the other language” ! “a strategy in a biliteracy unit for connecting content learned in one language to the other language” (Urow, 2013, pp. 50-51) Application: Gr. 5 math, Unit Overview Content area: Theme/Big idea Standards: Math, Place Value & Decimals Unit ● ● The value of each place value location is a multiple of ten. Each place value increases by ten times as much as you move to the left on the place value chart, thus each place value decreases by one tenth as much as you move to the right on the place value chart. 5.NBT.3 - Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths. a. Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000). b. Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons. 5.NBT.4 - Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place. 5.NBT.7 - Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Application: Gr. 5 math, unit overview Content targets: Students will be able to… ● Identify the names and values of each place value on the place value chart. ● Name decimal fraction numbers in expanded, unit, and word forms. Language targets: Spanish: Students will read and identify decimal numbers English: Students will read and identify decimal numbers. Students will practice pronouncing and spelling the decimal numbers. Cross-linguistic: Spanish ending --esimas is equivalent to English ending --nths Application: pre-Bridge Instruction Language of instruction Spanish Building Background Knowledge Use of place value chart from concrete to pictorial to abstract (chips, dots, numbers) Literacy Development: Application problems in each lesson were previewed with attention to vocabulary Answer word problems in complete sentences by identifying the unit and using a sentence frame. Summative Assessment mid-module assessment, end-of-module assessment Work from concrete to pictorial to abstract for decimal place value and computation Application: The Bridge Language of instruction Metalinguistic Focus English ● decimal numbers ● ending patterns in Spanish vs. English (e.g. --esimas vs. -nths) Extension Activity(ies) Oral practice with partner using Google slides Worksheets for practice reading and writing decimals Video Clip: Grade 5 Math Bridge Video Clip of the Bridge? The Bridge Students practiced reading decimal numbers in the target language. Powerpoint to Practice Saying Terminology 1hukxH131OXeAlMOcWFTV76UREtrhwkd7Hs9uNIHI7Hc/edit#slide=id.p Reflection How could you use the Biliteracy Unit Framework and Bridge in your classroom setting? Thank you! Jill Davan, grade 2 ELD teacher, [email protected] Margaret Fawley, literacy coach K-5, [email protected] Susan Rosser, grade 5 classroom teacher, [email protected] Elissa Washburn, grade 3 ELD teacher, [email protected]