a scanned image of the actual report in PDF
a scanned image of the actual report in PDF
Reproduced from lire Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of lire National Archives | ' DffiLASSITO.'.- ;ij ! A iita lly ''J X s '—' I __i _ | .rry.0 3 urn, DM o Auth: OG 35tb Inf Div by aotbobbt/Of tBG - J..ES—■ J M HIADCJJARTERS 35TH INFANTRY DIVISION APO 35 TJ. S. ARMY I n i t i a l s j ^ l ^ ......... Date . ~ (a t , £ T-fir*. . 4 March 1945. Initials SUBJECT: Action Against Sheioy, Report A fte r, TO: The Adjutant General, War Department, Washington, D. C. 1. In compliance with Change 4, Paragraph 10, AR 345-105, the fo llow in g report o f action against the enemy hy the 35th In fan try D ivision during the period o f 1 February 1945 to 28 February 1945, in clu sive, i s submitted: On 30. January 1945, the 35th Infantry D ivision began a 350 m ile t r ip from v ic in it y o f TIEFI'MBACH, FRANCE, in the Seventh Army zone, IT to the area SE o f MAASTRICHT, HDIIAITD, , to become a part o f the Ninth Army. The dawn o f 1 February found those elements o f the D ivision which tra veled by organic trans portation already in the area. A l l other elements tra v e le d by r a i l and were a rriv in g at o r enroute to the area. 1 February 1945 CT 134, which during the D iv is io n 's attachment to the Seventh Axray was attached to the 6th Armored D ivision in the Third Array sector, was re lie v e d from th is attachment and reverted to D ivision control. The CT a rrived in i t s assembly area SE o f MAASTRICHT at 1745. TheCT was dissolved upon a rr iv a l. Elements o f the 137th and 320th Regiments tra velin g by r a i l a rrived in the area during the day. Us 2 February 1945 t & Remaining personnel o f the 137th and 320th Regiments tra velin g by r a il a rrived in the area at d iffe re n t in te rv a ls during the day. Track veh icles o f the 12,7th F ie ld A r t i l l e r y B attalion and the 654th Tank Destroyer B attalion were s t i l l enroute by r a i l . The 134th In fan try engaged, in re h a b ilita tio n during the period. 3 February 1945 With the a r r iv a l o f the trad?: veh icles o f the 127th F ie ld A r t i l l e r y B attalion and the 654th Tank Destroyer Battalion, the D ivision reported being completely closed in to i t s assembly area SE o f MAASTRICHT. The Infantry Regiments engaged in re h a b ilita tio n . The 17th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron was attached to the 137th In fan try end the 35th Reconnaissance Troop to the 33Cth In fan try. In addition, the 734th Tan^JSfcttalion was attached to the D ivision. ' Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFY.' ■ •■■•j Authority MM, S' 4 February 1945 The D ivision moved to the b a ttle fro n t in the Ninth Army zone in Germany to r e lie v e the 52d B r itis h In fan try D ivision along a lin e ju st short o f the DOSE River. F ir s t unit to move was the 320th Infantry which completed r e l i e f o f the 157th Infantry Brigade, 52d B ritis h D ivision, at 2115. I t s zone extended from HEIKSBERG- to RAwDEPATH with the 3d B attalion on the l e f t , 1st B attalion in the center, and the 2d B attalion on the righ t, 5 February 1945 The 137th Infantry moved forward from i t s area and re lie v e d the 155th B ritis h In fan try Brigade on the l e f t o f the 320th In fan try. The Regiment took command o f the sector, extending from HSIiTSBERG to a point a kilom eter W of VOORST, at 1600. From l e f t to rig h t i t had the 17th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, the 3d B attalion , the 2d Battalion, and the 1st B attalion . The 320th In fan try held end improved i t s defensive p o sition s while the 134th In fan try prepared to move forward as D ivision reserve. 6 February 1945 While the 330th and 137th Regiments held in th e ir p osition s, the 134th Infantry re lie v e d the 155th B ritis h In fan try Brigade in the v ic in it y o f BOCEET, assuming re s p o n s ib ility fo r the ares, at 1330. The 155th Brigade had been the 52d D iv is io n 's reserve. 7 February 1945 Moving into the D iv isio n 's rig h t sector, the 134th In f Entry had i t s 1st Battalion r e lie v e the 1st B attalion, 406th Infantry (l0 2 d Infantry D ivisio n ), the 35th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop, and elements o f the 2d B attalion , 320th Infantry, in p o sition , assuming re s p o n s ib ility o f the zone at 2130. The 3d Bat ta lio n , fo llo w in g the 1st B attalion , assembled at 1AHDERATH, The zone extended from PQESELM to a point 500 yards HE o f HIMMERICH. Reason f o r th is move ‘was to comply with plans fo r an attack which was to take place la t e r . The 330th end 137th Regiments held th e ir p osition s. 8 February 1945 While the 1st B attalion consolidated i t s position s in the lin e , the re mainder o f the 134th In fan try moved to the Regiment's new sector. Another small s h ift took place between the 320th and 137th Regiments. The boundary between the Regiments sh ifte d s lig h t ly to the l e f t when elements o f the 1st B attalion, 320th Infantry, re lie v e d the rig h t platoon o f the 137th In fan try. Any plans the D ivision had at th is time fo r a crossing o f the BOER R iver were cancelled when the enemy blew one of the slu ice gates in the SCHWAMMEIAUEL dam, allowing the water to run into the ROER. On the average, *7 Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives the water rose f i v e fe e t . 9 -11 February 1945 The D ivision held i t s defensive p o sition s throughout the three days, and conducted assault boat and assault against f o r t i f i e d p o sitio n s tra in in g. 12 February 1945 The D ivision fron t remained in a c tiv e except fo r a b r i e f encounter with a six-man enemy p a tro l in the 13?th In fan try zone. Two o f the enemy were k ille d , two wounded, and on o f f i c e r and en listed man were taken prisoner. 13-21 February 1945 For nine days the D ivision continued i t s defense, concentrating at the same time on assault boat, Infantry-tank, and assault o f f o r t i f i e d position s tra in in g. On 15 February, the 15th Cavalry Group was attached, to the D ivision and assembled at ESWi'ISUl'T. On the l e f t , the B ritis h 7th Armored D ivision was re lie v e d in i t s zone by the American 8th Armored D ivision. 30 February 1945 In the l e f t o f the D ivision zone, the 137th Infantry was re lie v e d in p o sition by the 314th Inffintry (79th Infantry D iv is io n ), the r e l i e f being com p le te d at 2207. The 137th and 320th Regiments continued defense o f th e ir posi tion s and continued train in g. 23 Februaiy 1945 The Ninth Army launched i t s attack across the ROSE E lver. The part the 35th D ivision played in the i n i t i a l phases o f the attack was th is : The plan c a lle d f o r the 320th Infantry, in the l e f t o f the D ivision zone, to move to position s overlooking the riv e r. The 134tli In fan try was to re main in p o s itio n and p a tro l a ggressively as fa r forward as the r iv e r . The 84th In fan try D ivision, on the rig h t, was to make the main e ffo r t end cross the r iv e r . On the l e f t , the 314th In fan try (79th In fan try D ivision ) was also to make a lim ited attack to p osition s overlooking the ROER. The attack began at 0330. The 320th In fan try moved forward with three Battalions abreast, the 3d on the l e f t , the 1st in the center, and the 2d on the rig h t. Against lig h t resistance, the Regiment captured most o f i t s o b jectives within a short time. The 3d B attalion reached UNTMBP.UCH by 0345 and established contact with the 314th In fan try on the l e f t . Advancing against harassing machine gun f i r e from across the ROSE R iver, the 1st B attalion seized i t s o b jective, OBSRBUCH, by 0444), and one platoon took BLECKDEEf by 0550. Company A found re s is tance s t i f f e r and only a fte r d i f f ic u lt house to house fig h tin g was i t able to capture KRAUZES. The town was declared fr e e o f enemy by 1400. The 2d Battalion, meanwhile, found the approaches to SCHAHZ h eavily mined and booby-trapped, end - 3- if Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives im/ts:;n:n:o; Antiioiiiy 7 '3 & £ > ! ?:1 flylSLl’ , -s JL& J fought a ll day before seizin g the town at 1810. occupied and outposted th e ir p o sition s. Daring the night a l l Battalions The 134th. Infantry remained in p o sition hut dispatched p a tro ls to the farm at KAPKOF sna to HILFARTH. The p a tro l to EAPEDF advanced quickly and seised i t with l i t t l e d iffic u lt y . The p a tro l to HILPAKDH encountered more trouble. Advancing to within 75 yards o f the ou tsk irts, i t met small arms and heavy a r t i l l e r y fir e . Suffering four casu alties, the p a tro l was forced to withdraw under cover o f fr ie n d ly a r t i l l e r y f i r e . The p a tro l to the farm held i t s p o sitio n s and la t e r in the day was rein forced. During th is time, the 84th Infantry D ivision, on the rig h t, had crossed the ROSE River in strength. By n ig h tfa ll, i t had two regiments across end was making good progress. The 314th In fan try gained i t s o b jective, position s in it s zone overlooking the HOIS. D ivision a r t i l l e r y had i t s f i r s t big day f o r a considerable period. A fte r f ir in g a 45 minute preparation beginning at 0245, i t fi r e d smoke missions on a fe in t bridgehead area and lik e ly enemy OP's, kept a s tra te g ic concrete bridge under continuous harassing and in te rd ictio n f i r e , and n eu tralized nine enemy b a tte rie s . 34 February 1945 'The 320th In fan try consolidated i t s p o sition s overlooking the r iv e r and sent a p a tro l to occupy KIVU . ITo enemy was found in the town. The 134th In fan try sent another p a tro l to HILFARTH; had i t s supporting platoon o f tanks from the 784th Tank B attalion f i r e d ire c t f i r e missions into HILFARTH. The 137th Infantry remained in D ivision reserve v ic in it y o f SCHDIDVILD and engaged in re h a b ilita tio n . On the rig h t, the 84th In fan try D ivision continued to make good progress on the 33 side o f the ROSE. 25 February 1345 The ROER R iver having receded to normal, the D ivision Commanding General issued the order f o r the crossing o f the r iv e r . The plan c a lle d f o r the 137th In fan try to cross the r iv e r over a bridge constructed by the 84th In fan try D ivi sion in i t s zone. The Regiment was to move by motor to KORRMZIG, dismount end march to DOVEEffi aid to a lin e o f departure Uff o f the town. From there i t was to launch an attack at 0600 to the HE. The 134th In fan try was ordered to attack and seize HILFARTH at 2000 on 25 February and cross the EOTJR at that point at 0600 the morning o f 26 February. The 134th In fan try had i t s 1st B attalion attack HILFARTH with the ob je c t iv e o f taking the town and capturing the bridge across the r iv e r at the town, which was b e lie v e d to be s t i l l in good condition. Without a r t i l l e r y preparation, the attack progressed but by midnight the town had not been taken. Reproduced from Ihe Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives The 137th Infantry, meanwhile, moved across the ROSS on the 34th Infantry D ivision bridge at LIEHICH to X0ERMZ1G from where i t marched to the v ic in it y o f DOVERM and made preparations to attack HE. 26 February 1945 Continuing i t s attack on HILFARTH, the 1st B attalion, 134th Infantry, fought in the darkness encountering many mines and booby-traps which slowed i t s progress considerably. Machine gun and r i f l e f i r e was also met. However, by daylight the town was declared clea r. While the 1st B attalion was engaged in HILFARTH, the 3d B attalion with attached engineers constructed a fo o t bridge to the l e f t ox HILFARTH, crossing on i t with l i t t l e opposition. She 3d Battalion then teemed up with the 1st B attalion in capturing the permanent bridge at HILFALRI'E in ta ct. During the morning i t was b e lie v e d the bridge was good only f o r foot troops but la t e r i t was learned that tanks could cross on i t . Both battalion s advanced about three-fourths o f a m ile beyond the r iv e r . The 1st Battalion re mained in Regimental, reserve in HILFARTH. Closing into assembly area at 0300, the 137th In fan try prepared to attack EE at 0600. At that time the Regiment jumped o f f . Best progress was made by the 3d Battalion, on the rig h t. By evening i t had advanced and captured BRUCE. The 2d B attalion met more resistan ce and progress only to the ou tsk irts o f HUCKELH0VER. The 1st B attalion remained in reserve. The 330th In fa n t r y rem ained in D iv is io n r e s e r v e in i t s p o s it io n s o v e r lo o k in g th e r i v e r . D ivision a r t i l l e r y can be la r g e ly cred ited with the capture o f the permanent HILFARTH bridge in ta c t. Following c a re fu lly la id plans, the a r t i l l e r y kept the bridge under continuous a r t i l l e r y f i r e denying the enemy vehicular use o f i t , and probably cutting wires attached to demolition charges. 27 February 1945 While the 1st B attalion , 154th Infantry, continued reorganisation at HILFARTH the other two Battalions, 134th Infantry, continued th e ir d rive forward. The 2d B attalion, moving fa s t, captured eight towns. They were: MILLICH, RATHSIM-, KRICKHLBERC-, VOGELSAtTD, GARSBECK, ' LUCHTMBEEG, 0R3BECK, and RLETSCH. The 3d B attalion attacked EW from HUCKELHOVM and seized the towns o f SIBDLUKG, SCHAU-FMBERG, BUSCH, G® DOES’, and WASSMBERG. Resistance was moderate. The 137th Infantry made good progress also. The 1st Battalion i n i t i a l l y in Regimental reserve, attacked on the l e f t o f the 2d B attalion against moderate resistan ce and seized ALIKYEL and MYHL. The 2d B attalion drove ahead and cleared the woods in i t s route o f advance. Attacking from KL GLAB3ACE, the 3d B attalion seized GERBERATH and GERDERHAHH. Leaving the 1st B attalion in position , the 2d and 3d B attalions, 320th Infantry, assembled in DRUiMEi'I and SCHAFHAUSEil. The 15th Cavalry Group was released from attachment to the D ivision at 1000. -5 - SE C Reproduced from (ho Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives «= The drive IT gained impetus as the D ivision moved forward three and one-h slf m iles during the day. In the 134th Infantry zone, the 1st B attalion remained in Regimental reserve while the 2d B attalion pushed on to seize the towns o f CEEWYLACK, SULMBUSCK, KEAFFELD, 0PH0V31T, SB3INKIRCBUT, end EFFELD, and sent p a tro ls to the BE a fte r the la s t town was taken. The 3d Battalion, supported By Company A, 784th Tank B attalion, lik ew ise gained much ground. I t seized the towns o f BIRC-EIM, SI SUM, TOSINTHAL, OFHQVBSf, and EFFELDER WOODS. The 137th In fa n try 's 1st B attalion attacked at 0600, cut the road in the woods about two m iles W o f WILDENRATE, turned NS end assembled at R0GIG5N. The 3d B attalion continued i t s attack from GEHDSRATH through WILDEHRATH to STATION VLODROP and assembled in that to m . The 2d B attalion, meanwhile, moved to WILDM BATH and assembled there. During th is time a TASK FORCE under the command o f COLONEL BERNARD A. BYRNE, commanding o f f i c e r o f the 320th Infantry, was formed and given the mis sion o f attacking and seisin g VMLO, HOLLAND, a town along the German border about 20 m iles due N. The TASK FORCE was motorized and consisted o f the follow in g u n its: 320th Infantry (M tzd), 216th f i e l d A r t ille r y Battalion, 275th F ie ld A r t ille r y B attalion , 7Q4th Sank B attalion (le s s Company A ), Company C, 654th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company 0, 60th Engineer (C) Battalion, and Company C, 110th Medical B attalion . Daring the day, the TASK FORCE grouped and formed in the v ic in it y o f the 137th Infantry lo ca tio n and made preparations fo r attack the next rooming. The 137th and 134th Regiments, in that order, were to fo llo w the TASK FORCE clo sely . 2. B a ttle casualties sustained by the 35th Infantry D ivision during the p eriod 1-28 February 1945, are as fo llo w s : m O ffic e rs KIA - ---- 5 -------------- 93 DOW ----- 1 ------ ------ 9 SWA - ---- 2 -------------- 41 5 ___ - _ -132 LWA SIA —---- 0 ------- ------ 8 LIA -. _ 1 ---- -------74 Total number o f casualties sustained by attached •» u n its: 18. 357 13 3. Total number o f reinforcements received by the 35th In fan try D ivision during the p erio d 1-28 February 1945, i s : 1420. 4. Total number o f prisoners o f war captured by the 55th In fan try Division during the period 1-28 February 1945, i s : 534. The fo llo w in g awards and decorations were awarded members o f the 35th Infantry D ivision during the period 1-28 February 1945: -6 - O?/ Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of (he National Archives .. Aillliorll'/ ■CLASaFlliO.' ......... O ffic e rs m nsr. _ .......... _ __1 _ _____ - 1 le g io n o f M erit ----0 •zc. 15 .......... 1 Rt.fjT1 w il uv c ix —___ —— -------- ----- 159 Bronze Star ------ ----- 49 S o ld ie r's Medal - - - 0 -------- ----2 ---------- ----o A ir Medal --------- ----- 8 Par the Commanding General: 5 In els In cl 1 G-l Journal w/supporting papers. In cl 2 G-2 Journal w/supporting papers. In cl 3 G-3 Journal w/supporting papers. In c l 4 G-3 P erio d ic Heport. In c l 5 G-4 Journal. -7 - L t. Colonel, A. G.D. Adjutant General Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings o f the National Archives DECLASSIFIED■ :,i Authority IS DJiam