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what drives us - American Heart Association
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From the Chairman of the Board and President
This year we continued to drive toward our 2020 goal of improving the
cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent and reducing
cardiovascular and stroke deaths by 20 percent. Achieving that means
we’ll save nearly 185 lives a day.
Debra Lockwood, CPA
Chairman of the Board
To succeed, we must strengthen relationships with volunteers, staff and
organizations with similar goals. That’s why, in 2011, we introduced a
robust strategy to build a healthier future powered by volunteers. Key
aspects are to more fully embrace volunteerism, organize around issues
rather than events or functions, strengthen the volunteer-staff partnership,
and better communicate how we help every American.
The rollout of the My Heart. My Life.™ platform, which focuses on physical
activity and diet, was another step forward. This healthy living platform
includes major collaborative campaigns highlighting nutrition, including
Teaching Gardens for schoolchildren.
To serve professionals, we published a joint statement with the American
Cancer Society and American Diabetes Association noting our common
commitment to prevention. The three organizations also launched
The Guideline Advantage™, a program to help primary care providers
practice evidence-based prevention in an outpatient setting. We issued
several presidential advisories, including one that recommended a sodium
goal of no more than 1,500 milligrams a day for all Americans.
We also announced the launch of our new Open-Access Journal
of the American Heart Association and our plan to begin hospital
certification programs for cardiac disease and stroke.
Finally, this year —our first with a neurologist as president — we launched
major stroke-related initiatives. They included expanding the Get With The
Guidelines® -Stroke program, Target: Stroke SM, and Primary and
Comprehensive Stroke Center Certification.
The leaders of the American Heart Association/American Stroke
Association and American Academy of Neurology held their first summit
to discuss further collaboration. We also began re-evaluating American
Stroke Association programs to sharpen messages about prevention and
improving brain health.
Our drive to save lives continues to gain momentum.
Debra Lockwood
Chairman of the Board
Ralph Sacco
From the CEO
Ralph Sacco, M.S., M.D., FAHA
“Our people are our greatest resource” is a truism in for-profit business.
For a voluntary health organization like the American Heart Association,
our people are even more. They are our lifeblood. They are everything.
Volunteers advocate for change, provide expert scientific guidance,
educate community members, develop strategies and plans, and
lead our community fundraising efforts. And they do all of this while
generously donating their time, talent and effort.
Our volunteers are driven by a shared passion: They want to save lives
and improve health by stopping heart disease and stroke. What drives
them is what drives our whole organization.
Nancy A. Brown
Chief Executive Officer
This fiscal year we launched a vital initiative with enormous potential —
our Vision for Volunteerism. The goal is to create more opportunities
for volunteer service, to galvanize more people from initial interest
to passionate engagement, and to provide more opportunities for
volunteers based on their specific interests and passions. In the spring
of 2011, we held two volunteer summits to help leaders from across
the country look at the health, revenue and volunteer needs of their
communities and develop plans based on those needs.
Volunteers are the very fabric of our culture at the American Heart
Association, and we believe they can become even more instrumental to
our mission. The volunteer experience can become even richer and more
fulfilling, and volunteers’ energy and enthusiasm can fuel our progress in
the fight against cardiovascular diseases.
In the years ahead, reaching our aggressive 2020 Impact Goal will
depend on increasing the number of volunteers, leveraging their talents
and ensuring that all of our volunteers have a meaningful, empowering
experience. Through our Vision for Volunteerism, we have begun to do
that, and we are seeing results.
When we achieve our goal, the credit will rightly go to our volunteers.
Their drive is what drives all that we achieve.
Nancy A. Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Donna K. Arnett, Ph.D.,
M.S.P.H., B.S.N., FAHA
Birmingham, Ala.
Nancy A. Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Joyce Beatty, M.S.
Columbus, Ohio
Kenneth D. Bloch, M.D., FAHA
Boston, Mass.
Mary A. Caldwell, R.N., Ph.D., FAHA
La Quinta, Calif.
Debra W. Lockwood, CPA
Chairman of the Board
Baton Rouge, La.
Ralph L. Sacco, M.S., M.D., FAHA
Miami, Fla.
William H. Roach, Jr., ESQ.
Chicago, Ill.
Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D., FAHA
Baltimore, Md.
Neil M. Meltzer, M.P.H.
Immediate Past Chairman
Baltimore, Md.
Clyde W. Yancy, M.D., M.Sc, FAHA
Immediate Past President
Chicago, Ill.
Ron W. Haddock
Dallas, Texas
Mary Fastenau
Honolulu, Hawaii
Barry A. Franklin, Ph.D., FAHA
Royal Oak, Mich.
Larry B. Goldstein, M.D., FAHA
Durham, N.C.
Max Gomez, Ph.D.
New York, N.Y.
Mariell Jessup, M.D., FAHA
Philadelphia, Pa.
Pamela K. Knous
Fort Myers, Fla.
Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D.
Washington, D.C.
Janet Murguía
Washington, D.C.
James J. Postl
Houston, Texas
Bernard J. Tyson, MBA
Oakland, Calif.
Henry (Hank) J. Wasiak, MBA
New York, N.Y.
Meighan Girgus, MBA
Chief Mission Officer
Sunder D. Joshi
Chief Administrative Officer &
Chief Financial Officer
Rose Marie Robertson, M.D., FAHA
Chief Science Officer
Suzie Upton
Chief Development Officer
Vice Presidents
Jeremy Beauchamp
Mid-Atlantic Affiliate
Roman Bowser
Western States Affiliate
Midge LaPorte Epstein, M. Ed.
SouthWest Affiliate
Matthew Bannister
David Wm. Livingston, Esq.
Corporate Secretary &
General Counsel
John Meiners
Emergency Cardiovascular
Care Programs
Kathy Rogers
Consumer Health
Who We Are: The American Heart Association
What We Do: To make our communities safe
and the American Stroke Association are devoted
from heart disease and stroke and to help achieve
to saving people from heart disease and stroke.
our 2020 goal to dramatically improve America’s
Through the tireless work of more than 22.5 million
volunteers and supporters, we fund innovative
cardiovascular health, we provide public health
education in a variety of ways.
Mark A. Schoeberl, MPA
Advocacy & Health Quality
research, fight for stronger public health policies,
We’re the nation’s leader in CPR education, we
and provide lifesaving tools and information to
help people understand the importance of healthy
Michael Wilson
Technology & Customer Strategies
prevent and treat these diseases.
lifestyle choices and we provide guidelines to
The American Heart Association is the nation’s
healthcare professionals.
oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated
We educate lawmakers and the public as we advocate
to fighting cardiovascular diseases. The American
for policy changes to protect the public’s health.
Stroke Association was created in 1997 as a division
of the American Heart Association to bring together
the stroke-related activities of the organization.
We have funded more than $3.3 billion in research
offices and 2,600 employees around the country. The
winners during their careers.
David Markiewicz
Greater Southeast Affiliate
American Heart Association was founded in 1924
relocated its headquarters to Dallas in 1975.
Michael Weamer
Founders Affiliate
Our Mission: Our mission is to build healthier
lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and
stroke. In everything we do, we strive to have
an extraordinary impact on your life by fighting
active, maintaining a healthy body weight,
and managing diabetes.
research than any organization outside the federal
Kevin Harker
Midwest Affiliate
Nicole Aiello Sapio, MBA
Great Rivers Affiliate
saturated fat and cholesterol, being physically
For more information, visit heart.org or call
government. We have funded 12 Nobel Prize
by six cardiologists in New York. The organization
controlling blood pressure, eating foods low in
since 1949, and we fund more heart and stroke
We’re a nationwide organization, with about 150 local
these diseases.
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Our 2020 Goal: We have set an aggressive
national health goal — to improve the cardiovascular
Why We’re Needed: Heart disease is America’s
health of all Americans by 20 percent while
No. 1 killer, and stroke ranks fourth.
reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and
Each year, these diseases kill more than 813,000
Americans. More than 82 million Americans have
one or more forms of cardiovascular diseases
including stroke. Many of them suffer terribly from
devastating disabilities.
stroke by 20 percent, all by the year 2020. To achieve
this, we’re targeting our programs, educational
resources and advocacy initiatives to help people
identify and adopt healthier lifestyle choices. We’ve
also developed an online health assessment,
MyLifeCheck.org, to help people figure out their
Cardiovascular diseases are largely preventable
cardiovascular health in just a few minutes — and
through lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking,
take steps to improve it.
American Stroke Association volunteers and
staff are driven to reduce stroke deaths, disability
and risk through research, education, fundraising
and advocacy. We had no shortage of significant
accomplishments during this fiscal year.
We expanded the Get With The Guidelines Stroke and
Target: Stroke programs to improve the quality of
stroke care. Dr. Ralph Sacco became the first neurologist
to serve as president of the American Heart Association
and American Stroke Association. More than 4,500
people attended the American Stroke Association’s
International Stroke Conference in February 2011 — the
second-highest total ever.
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Our website, StrokeAssociation.org, had more than 4.4
million page views and 1.5 million unique visitors. The site
was revamped to allow for easier searching, broader
social networking capabilities and improved functionality
for professionals, the public, survivors and caregivers.
We distributed nearly 300,000 patient education
brochures focused on stroke and related information
on cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking,
weight management and medication. Our Ad Council
Campaign generated $33 million in ad value this year
with 2.6 billion media impressions.
This year’s Stroke Month messaging, “You’re Never Too
Young to Have a Stroke,” was developed after a survey of
1,235 consumers between the ages of 18 and 44 shared
their attitudes about health and stroke risks.
• 668,000 enrolled
In an effort to identify ways to improve education and
support for caregivers, survivors and support group
leaders, the American Stroke Association completed
an assessment of their post-stroke rehabilitation and
recovery needs. We launched a pilot communications
plan focused on increasing community awareness of the
stroke warning signs and stressing the importance of
calling 9-1-1.
• More than 7 billion media impressions
(with 667 million in the 2010-11 fiscal year)
With a focus on maximizing independence and quality of
life, Stroke Connection magazine continues to provide
information and inspiration for survivors and their family
caregivers. The magazine is delivered six times a year in
print and a digital e-Zine. About 100,000 copies of each
issue are mailed to individuals, and our e-Zine receives
more than 40,000 visits per month ­— nearly half a
million page views annually.
• More than 32,000 Power Ambassadors
• 5 million campaign materials distributed
• More than 1 million visits to
We raised awareness about stroke warning signs and risk
factors both nationally and locally. Our 2011 Power
Awards sold out the Apollo Theater and included winners
from the online Most Powerful Voices competition in
partnership with GMC TV (formerly Gospel Music Channel).
Power To End Stroke
Power To End Stroke also formalized new strategic
alliance partnerships. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
signed a four-year agreement to conduct Power To End
Stroke and other American Heart Association activities.
The National Baptist Congress committed to conduct
Go Red Sundays, Power Sundays and Hands-Only™
CPR training in 2012.
In its sixth year, this aggressive education and awareness
campaign continues to share stroke information through
the culture, energy, creativity and lifestyles of AfricanAmericans, who are most vulnerable to stroke. It
continues to thrive, as evidenced by these figures:
In May, we spread awareness and celebrated
“31 Days of Power” nationwide, with Power To End
Stroke events such as Power Sunday,
Ambassador training, workshops
and luncheons.
Mycle Brandy,
Alli Koch
Mycle Brandy is so driven in his support for the American Stroke Association that
he refused to be driven. Instead, he walked … and walked … and walked. For 238
days, Mycle made his way across America to raise awareness and raise funds for
our lifesaving mission.
A 2,934-mile walk is an accomplishment for anyone, but even more impressive
when you consider that 59-year-old Mycle is a four-time stroke survivor who uses
a cane when he walks and still has weakness on his right side.
“I needed to raise awareness that you cannot live a sedentary lifestyle,” said Mycle,
who wore out 16 pairs of shoes while persevering through tornadoes, snowstorms
and lightning. “People have to get off the couch and start walking.”
He spread that message and educated people about the early warning signs of stroke
while raising more than $10,000 for the American Heart Association and American
Stroke Association.
Shortly after Mycle wrapped up his trek from Southern California to Washington,
D.C., 18-year-old American Heart Association volunteer Alli Koch was setting out
on her own cross-country adventure.
She hopped on her bike in International Falls, Minn., and kept on going until she hit
Brownsville, Texas, on the Mexican border. During her 27-day voyage, Alli covered
2,200 miles, raised more than $6,100, and spread the word about physical activity
and heart health.
She fought through harsh winds and blistering heat. She even challenged
herself further by completing two triathlons along the way.
“It was a struggle, but I could not quit, because it was not about me but about
helping other people,” she said. “I met one man who was so thankful I
was raising money for the AHA, because he had a 3-year-old son who
had a heart defect. Stories like his were what kept me going.”
American Heart Association volunteers and staff
made a major impact in communities across the
nation this fiscal year. Some went to Washington,
D.C., to fight for heart-healthy public policies. Some
pushed for new measures in state capitols. And
others helped develop community-based programs
to fight cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
messages to Congress supporting the changes.
More than 330 advocates helped further our
efforts to advance federal heart disease and stroke
prevention policies in person at You’re the Cure on
the Hill 2011, our federal lobby day event.
Federal Advocacy
Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Dakota and South
Carolina enacted policies improving state stroke systems
of care by recognizing primary stroke centers. Iowa
successfully defended its law requiring CPR training for
high school graduation. And a new Minnesota law
strengthens CPR training in daycare settings.
We made prevention a cornerstone of our public
policy agenda and increased our efforts to limit the
growing health and financial burden of cardiovascular
diseases. CEO Nancy Brown called for an increased
focus on prevention at the National Press Club in
Washington while discussing the landmark policy
statement Forecasting the Future of CVD in the United
States. The report projects a tripling of the costs of
cardiovascular diseases over the next 30 years.
We also advocated successfully for the Child Nutrition
Act, which increases funding to improve nutrition
standards for government school-based food
programs, establishes strong nutrition standards in
schools and strengthens school wellness policies.
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We supported and helped design new federal
standards requiring healthier school meals.
You’re the Cure advocates sent almost 25,000
State and Local Advocacy
We helped bring about public policy change on the state
and local levels as well.
The North Dakota Legislature approved funding for
Mission: Lifeline and Rural EMS. WISEWOMAN
programs were funded in Rhode Island and Missouri. The
state-based programs help uninsured and under-insured
low-income women avoid heart disease and stroke
through preventive health services, referrals to healthcare
providers, lifestyle counseling and interventions.
Delaware, Arkansas and Massachusetts have new laws
eliminating trans fat in school foods. Louisiana, Minnesota,
North Dakota and Tennessee all passed laws clarifying
liability limits for school districts when they open facilities
to the public for recreation and physical activity.
At the local level, 65 communities across the country
passed or enacted smoke-free laws. In Alaska, Anchorage
raised its local cigarette tax by 75 cents a pack.
My Heart. My Life.
The American Heart Association’s new comprehensive
healthy living initiative, My Heart. My Life., inspires
confidence in families that healthier living is within reach
by changing the way we think about food and physical
activity. The focus is on creating healthy mindsets
through education, advocacy and community efforts.
My Heart. My Life. includes community cooking
programs, walking clubs and walking paths, playgrounds
and teaching gardens that provide real-life laboratories
where elementary school students learn what it means to
be healthy. These programs will reinforce the value of
eating well and being physically active by:
Every day, Dr. Lenna Liu gets a close-up view of the link between child obesity and
economic factors.
Like the time she advised a family to eat healthier dinners together, only to learn the
family didn’t have a dining room table. Or when she drives through neighborhoods
where her young patients live and sees no safe, accessible play areas.
“The kids I see are mostly from low-income communities, environments that make it
tough to avoid weight gain,” said Dr. Liu, professor of pediatrics and physician-lead
of the Obesity Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital. “Some families are running
out of money, so they buy fast food because it’s cheaper and makes you feel fuller.
It’s also higher in calories and fat.”
Dr. Liu knows willpower alone can’t solve an epidemic that has led to more than one in
three youths becoming obese. And that’s what drives her work to find long-term solutions.
“A lot of people see obesity as a matter of individual responsibility, but based on my
experience I don’t see it that way,” she said.
Dr. Liu is working as a You’re the Cure volunteer with the American Heart
Association to help change public policy to “make the healthy way the easy way.”
For example, she advocates for mandatory physical education and limits on highcalorie soft drinks and snacks in schools. She supports opening school recreational
facilities for public use after hours and more sidewalks in neighborhoods to
encourage exercise.
• Creating hands-on experiences
• Enlisting volunteers to serve
•Supplying people with the tools they
need to prosper
Dr. Liu also advocates patience.
• Connecting communities across the country
• Helping people make better choices
• Expanding our reach to families in need
Lenna Liu
“If we get together like we did several decades ago in the public health effort
against tobacco, I think we can achieve results,” she said. “I am just one among
thousands of doctors across the country who are focused on this issue, so I know
there is a collective will to get something done. But this is not going to happen from
one day to the next. It is going to take generations.”
The American Heart Association realizes that
reaching our ambitious goal to improve the
cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20
percent and reduce deaths from cardiovascular
diseases and stroke by 20 percent by 2020 hinges
on reaching all Americans. But that’s what drives
us to serve diverse audiences. In fact, it is our goal
to partner with diverse communities to eliminate
health disparities associated with cardiovascular
diseases and stroke. We strive to build health equity.
Our efforts to create health equity are based on
three pillars:
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1. Eliminate health disparities by coordinating our efforts
to effect policy changes — aimed at improving access
to healthcare and quality of healthcare — for all
cultures and communities in America.
2. Ensure cultural competence of healthcare providers
and systems to better serve patients with varying
social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
3. E
xecute targeted initiatives that reach diverse
populations with our educational, scientific and
developmental opportunities.
This year, we made significant strides in making our
vision for improved cardiovascular health a reality for
all Americans.
The American Heart Association hosted the 2010
Health Equity Summit. It was an important summit for
the association. During the meeting, we collaborated
with key thought leaders to help develop strategies
to achieve health equity related to our national
strategic plan.
More than 40 volunteers from across the nation
provided insight into advocacy, community health,
consumer awareness, patient education and key
healthcare issues. The association has already begun
executing several strategies derived from the summit.
We also participated in the World Health Organization’s
First Global Ministerial Conference at the United
Nations — an unprecedented event that allowed us
to help shape the global response to the growing
epidemic of noncommunicable diseases.
Power To End Stroke, an education and awareness
campaign, continues to reach African-Americans with
lifesaving information about stroke prevention. (For
more information on Power To End Stroke activities,
see page 4.)
Go Red Por Tu Corazón, an awareness campaign
that helps Latinas make healthy lifestyle choices
for themselves and their loved ones, experienced
tremendous growth this year reaching Hispanic
women across the nation. (For more information
about Go Red Por Tu Corazón achievements,
see page 12.)
We continue to emphasize the importance of
recruiting diverse volunteers and staff members to
the organization. We’re seeking ways to collaborate
with the federal government on numerous initiatives,
and we’re developing a plan to improve cultural
competence. All of these efforts, we believe, will help
us reach all Americans. That’s what drives us.
Another way we expanded our reach to diverse
audiences — globally — was by opening our newest
international office in Dubai. It’s part of the International
Humanitarian City, a global humanitarian hub led by
her Royal Highness Princess Haya Bing Al Hussein.
When 12 of his 13 cardiology partners decided to leave their inner-city practice for
the suburbs, Willie Edward Lawrence Jr., M.D., FAHA, didn’t budge.
Serving those in greatest need is what drives Dr. Lawrence, so he never considered
leaving. Not even on Jan. 1, 2010, his first day as the lone full-time cardiologist at
Research Medical Center in Kansas City, Mo.
“They had a different vision of their role as cardiologists,” said Dr. Lawrence,
a longtime volunteer for the American Heart Association.
For many people, such a sudden development might spur soul-searching, even
a career crisis. Not Dr. Lawrence. He started a new cardiology group, which has
grown into an eight-person team serving the underserved.
“It was a non-decision — this is what drives me,” he said. “I had made my
decision 20 years before.” That was when Dr. Lawrence first made his
commitment to serve those in greatest need. With his credentials from Harvard
University and Johns Hopkins University, he left academic medicine to join an
inner-city cardiology practice.
However, Dr. Lawrence said the “real story” is how his group relied on the
American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines quality of care program.
“This was vital to our success,” he said. “Quality of care never suffered!”
Get With The Guidelines awarded the hospital the “triple gold level” of recognition
for its work in heart failure, stroke and coronary artery disease. The hospital
remains a major sponsor of Power To End Stroke. “These are vital tools in helping
to reduce health disparities,” Dr. Lawrence said.
Dr. Lawrence’s devotion to others is clear. In fact, his license plate reads non
sibi, a Latin phrase that means “not for self.”
His commitment to non sibi has had consequences, but it has also brought rewards.
Willie Lawrence
In 2011, the American Heart Association named him National Physician of the Year.
A major emphasis of the American Heart Association
this year was renewing our focus on volunteers —
whose relentless drive and determination make
everything we do possible.
Volunteers across the country helped us develop and
implement community plans. We held our first two
volunteer summits this past year to help volunteers and
staff visualize how their work can make our 2020 Impact
Goal a reality. While volunteers became even more
focused on our lifesaving mission, their support through
fundraising remained strong in 2010-11.
Almost 1.9 million students from nearly 29,000 schools
learned about healthy lifestyles and heard the personal
stories of young survivors through our Jump Rope
For Heart and Hoops For Heart programs. Online
When Donald Trump challenged 16 contestants
on “The Celebrity Apprentice” to raise money
for charity, Star Jones chose the American Heart
Association. “After undergoing open-heart
surgery and intense cardiac rehab, I want people
to understand the importance of heart disease
prevention,” she said. She raised $170,000 and
helped raise an additional $170,000 at a premiere
party in her honor in New York City.
registrations increased 63 percent, leading to a 53
percent rise in online revenue.
More than 11,000 companies engaged employees in our
Heart Walks, leading to a 6 percent increase in Team
Captains and a 12 percent increase in walkers. This
resulted in more than $93 million in walker revenue — a
7 percent increase. The largest Heart Walk was in Dallas,
raising more than $3 million. A total of 27 Heart Walks
surpassed $1 million.
At Go Red For Women Luncheons, nearly 900 new
members of the Circle of Red gave an additional
$850,000. Go Red For Women raised $28.7 million,
generating an additional $2.7 million at 178 luncheons
across the country. We saw a 59 percent increase in
Open Your Heart contributions, totaling $3.2 million.
Overall, more than 3 million people raised more than
$232 million at our fundraising events.
In Corporate Relations, we raised more than $30 million,
including funds from more than 1 million employees
through workplace giving. United Healthcare contributed
nearly $2 million to help us develop Walking Paths across
the country and a free smartphone app for locating
paths. Ross Stores customers purchased more than $3.1
million in paper hearts. Zumba Fitness raised more than
$650,000 for Go Red Por Tu Corazón.
Nearly 90,000 online donors contributed more than $6
million through our website, up 6 percent.
In Planned Giving, more than $66 million in new
commitments came from donors who wished to leave a
lasting legacy, including eight gifts of $1 million or more.
In Major Gifts and Foundations, the Leona M. and Harry
B. Helmsley Charitable Trust made a $4.4 million gift to
support Mission: Lifeline in North Dakota. A condition of
that gift challenged us to raise an additional $2.5 million
— a figure that we surpassed. The Helmsley Charitable
Trust had made a previous gift in excess of $8 million to
support Mission: Lifeline in South Dakota.
The Lawrence J. and Florence A. De George Charitable
Trust provided an unprecedented $2 million to our
National Investigator-Initiated Research Program,
including $500,000 for an Established Investigator Award
in pediatric research. With a $1 million commitment from
Franck and Katina Gougeon, we established the Science
Accelerator program to help increase the speed of
scientific discovery and application. National Board member
Ronald Haddock and his wife, Sandi, made a tremendous
gift of $1 million. This gift, designed in part to challenge
other business leaders to join our mission through
fundraising, will support a wide variety of research
and education. It will also create an international
award recognizing contributions to the
association’s global efforts.
Seven-year-old Ella Turner is fighting heart disease for Colby.
Colby, her little sister, was just 2 years old when complications from
a congenital heart defect claimed her life.
Now Ella is determined to save other children, tirelessly jumping rope to raise
money for the American Heart Association.
“I want to help little people with sick hearts like my little sister,” she said. “When
little hearts are fixed, I feel happy.”
Ella has been driven to save lives since January 2011, about eight months after
Colby’s death. That’s when she learned about the American Heart
Association’s Jump Rope For Heart fundraiser event at her school in
Rockwall, Texas. The program raises money for research and education, and
teaches about children who suffer from congenital heart defects.
After school that day, Ella bolted to her father and declared she wanted to raise
$1,000. Her father, Neil, thought she was shooting too high. Ella strongly disagreed.
“No, you don’t understand,” she told him. “It’s about kids like Colby.”
Neil soon found out just how driven his daughter is.
Ella has raised more than $5,500. That’s the 10th-highest total in the nation and the
most in the association’s six-state SouthWest Affiliate.
“Ella has seen how hard it is to watch someone you love be sick and she knows
the incredible pain of losing that person,” Neil said. “Helping the American Heart
Association gives her a chance to act like a big sister again and taps into her love of
helping people.”
Ella isn’t finished with her work to fix “broken” hearts, either.
“I want to raise a lot of money next year, too … for my sister Colby.”
Ella Turner
Prevention is the key to meeting the American
Heart Association’s goal of dramatically reducing
cardiovascular diseases and stroke by the year
2020. That’s why we’re driven to educate the
public about ways to live longer, healthier lives.
Tackling childhood obesity
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The National Football League awarded a $1 million
grant to fund our joint program, the NFL PLAY
60 Challenge, through 2012. This program inspires
students to get the recommended 60 minutes
of daily physical activity. Our work also continued
through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation,
founded by the American Heart Association and the
William J. Clinton Foundation. Recent successes
include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s
commitment of an additional $23.2 million to expand
the Healthy Schools Program through 2014, with
more than 10,000 schools in all 50 states. The
alliance also recognized 275 schools for efforts to
create healthier environments for students, staff
and families.
Go Red For Women
Go Red For Women continues to raise awareness
that heart disease is women’s No. 1 killer, engaging
women and changing lives. A total of 1.5 million women
engaged in Go Red, including 200,000 on Facebook.
They’ve improved their health by eating healthier,
exercising and learning Hands-Only CPR.
Go Red mobilizes women through real stories and
entertainment. A new class of “Go Red Women”
was selected from a nationwide casting call.
Celebrities such as Cheryl Hines, Michelle Bernstein,
and Elisabeth Rohm spoke up. Betty White, Valerie
Bertinelli and the cast of TV Land’s “Hot In Cleveland”
appeared in a public service announcement. The third
Go Red NBC television special, featuring Hoda Kotb
and Jennie Garth, reached more than 100 markets.
Go Red Por Tu Corazón continues to raise awareness
in the Hispanic community through relationships with
the Latin Grammy Awards, Univision and celebrities
such as Miss Universe, Ximena Navarette and
Doctora Aliza.
Lowering sodium
The American Heart Association continued to address
the need to lower sodium intake nationwide. We
issued a scientific advisory urging Americans to take
in no more than 1,500 milligrams each day to help
lower risks of heart disease and stroke. And our team
dedicated to sodium reduction continued developing
strategies to help lower consumption levels.
Cookbooks provide heart-healthy recipes, advice
We published new editions of three of our best-selling
cookbooks. The New American Heart Association
Cookbook is now in its eighth edition and sold more
than 3 million copies. The popular Quick & Easy Meals,
now in its second edition, is the long-awaited update
of the best-selling Meals in Minutes. And the 4th
Edition Low-Salt Cookbook helps consumers avoid
hidden sodium and use healthy cooking techniques.
Heart360® and My Life Check™
Heart360, a free online heart-health center, continued
to help people connect with their healthcare providers
through a centralized, confidential mechanism. My
Life Check continued to help close the gap between
heart-health perception and reality, with more than
187,000 people taking the online health assessment.
Advertising campaign
We influenced behavior change by using an
array of targeted and emerging technology.
The campaign resulted in more than
115 million impressions. Our
engaging Facebook page gained
more than 90,000 new fans and
our Twitter site had more than
Gloria Boisvert
Again and again, Gloria Boisvert’s chest really hurt. It distracted her during
the day and woke her up at night. At first, she chalked it up to heartburn. Then
her arm started hurting. She was also short of breath. It was time to go to
the doctor.
Still, the wife, mother of two, teacher and soccer coach was like many women —
busy. She waited about two months before she went to the doctor. Gloria
thought she was probably suffering from anxiety.
But the real anxiety was just beginning. An examination by Gloria’s cardiologist
led to the discovery of three blocked arteries. Stents didn’t work; the 37-year-old
needed bypass surgery.
After a painful recovery, Gloria, who ate right and exercised, vowed to help
other women. Why? She was frustrated with herself. Furious, even.
“I’m an educated person who keeps up with the news — I’m a teacher, for goodness
sake,” said Gloria, who learned that heart disease runs in her family. “It was
unbelievable to me that I didn’t know that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women.”
Gloria, a national spokeswoman for Go Red For Women who lives in Ocoee, Fla.,
wants busy moms to understand their risks for heart disease — and slow down.
“If our plate is full, I’ll be darned if we don’t get a bigger plate,” she said.
Gloria participates in the association’s Heart Match program, which links
women with heart disease to others who have faced similar issues. Whether it’s a
question about diet or medication — even if it’s 2 a.m. — Gloria wants to help.
She’s also committed to reaching the Latino community.
“We have to make some major changes,” she said. “Women play such a large
role in what families eat.”
Medical professionals are driven to provide the
best care for their patients, and that’s why they
constantly seek educational opportunities. Through
our scientific conferences, programs and quality
initiatives, the American Heart Association helps
medical professionals stay at the top of their fields.
New guidelines mark 50th anniversary of CPR
Fifty years after the modern technique of CPR was first
documented, the American Heart Association released
updated guidelines for CPR and emergency cardiovascular
care. Developed with the input of more than 350 resuscitation
experts, the guidelines emphasize that chest
Ken Jeong may be a comedian, but he’s serious
about sudden cardiac arrest. That’s what drove
him to be in an American Heart Association
video teaching how to use Hands-Only CPR.
“As an internal medicine physician in real
life, I want people to know that sudden cardiac
arrest is a serious matter,” said Jeong, star of
“The Hangover” movies and TV’s “Community.”
In the video, Jeong instructs people at a party
how to perform Hands-Only CPR using the
beat of the Bee Gees disco hit “Stayin’ Alive” – a near-perfect rhythm for
performing CPR chest compressions.
compressions should be the first step in CPR, followed
by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Earlier guidelines had
recommended rescue breaths first. We launched core
lifesaving training products reflecting the new guidelines
in courses for basic life support, advanced cardiovascular
life support, and CPR and first aid. We also expanded our
training presence around the world with new offices in
Brussels, Hong Kong and Dubai.
New initiatives focus on quality of care
We joined with the American Cancer Society and
the American Diabetes Association to create an
unprecedented program to improve outpatient care.
The Guideline Advantage allows doctors to easily report
electronic data that can improve patient outcomes
through prevention and the continuum of care. The
initiative is based on our successful Get With The
Guidelines quality improvement program.
Get With The Guidelines helps 2,000 hospitals
nationwide adhere to the latest scientific guidelines
for patient care. The association recently transitioned
the National Registry of Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
to become Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation, to
apply guidelines for in-hospital resuscitation.
Continued momentum in STEMI systems of care
Mission: Lifeline, our nationwide program designed to
improve systems of care for survivors of deadly heart
attacks known as ST-segment elevation myocardial
infarctions, has registered about 580 systems of care since
the program began in 2007. More than 58 percent of the
U.S. population is now served by these systems. Mission:
Lifeline recognized 131 hospitals this year for their work.
Mission: Lifeline has received more than $23 million
in donor support since it launched, including a $4.4
million gift in 2011 to expand in North Dakota. The
program partnered in 2011 with the Society of Chest
Pain Centers to provide accreditation for hospitals
recognized by Mission: Lifeline.
Meetings attendance, professional membership
Professional attendance at our scientific meetings
increased more than 4 percent. More than 4,500
people attended the International Stroke Conference,
the second-highest total ever. Scientific Sessions
attendance in 2010 rose by more than 9 percent.
According to the Healthcare Convention & Exhibitors’
Association, Scientific Sessions ranked first in
professional attendance among cardiovascular
science conferences, and 10th in the U.S.
among all scientific meetings. “The Experience,”
a multimedia presentation at Scientific
Sessions, received four Telly Awards.
Professional membership in scientific councils
grew by 9 percent, to more than 26,000.
Olivia Quigley
Six-year-old Olivia Quigley nearly broke her parents’ hearts the day before Valentine’s
Day. Shortly after celebrating with pink cupcakes at her East Boston school, she
collapsed during a warm-up exercise on the gym floor.
When teachers Bobby Casaletto and Kathy Carabine recognized that Olivia was in
sudden cardiac arrest, they didn’t hesitate. Bobby gave rescue breaths and Kathy did
chest compressions before paramedics arrived with an automated external defibrillator.
Olivia’s parents arrived to find their little girl taking gasping breaths, her color drained,
her body limp. “They had just restarted her heart, but it was beating erratically,”
said her father, Joe Quigley.
At the hospital, Olivia’s heart still wouldn’t cooperate. The arrhythmias kept coming,
followed by a second cardiac arrest.
Soon, Olivia was placed on life support. “We could see there was brain activity,
but we didn’t know how much,” Joe said. Life support was removed a few days
later because doctors had to know if Olivia would wake up on her own.
She could breathe. She could speak. It was a huge step.
Doctors don’t know why her heart started having these rhythm problems, but Olivia
left the hospital with an internal cardiac defibrillator that will shock her heart if
needed. Olivia, now 9, is active in tae kwon do and loves to swim.
Joe credits Bobby and Kathy for recognizing the emergency and for starting CPR
right away. “If they’d waited five minutes, Olivia wouldn’t have survived,” he said.
Knowing that Olivia was one of the lucky ones drives Joe to urge lawmakers to make
it mandatory for Massachusetts schools to have AEDs and trained staff in place
for cardiac emergencies. He’s taking his message everywhere from the playground
to the State House.
“We can’t always prevent or predict sudden cardiac arrest,” Joe said. “But we can
be prepared for it.”
Research funding has been one of the driving
principles of the American Heart Association
over the years, contributing to many important
scientific advances. Among them: the first artificial
heart valve, techniques and standards for CPR,
implantable pacemakers, treatment for infant
respiratory distress syndrome, cholesterol-lowering
drugs, microsurgery and drug-coated stents.
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
To ensure discovery continues, research remains a
cornerstone of our work to fight heart disease and
stroke. We support the development of beginning
investigators to maintain a continuous pipeline of
researchers focused on these diseases. And we
offer innovative funding to stimulate research in
promising areas of cardiovascular science.
To increase efficiency, our affiliate and national
research programs joined forces to form more than
70 unified peer review committees consisting of 1,135
volunteers. These committees reviewed grants in
more than 43 science areas and conducted more than
80 percent of their meetings virtually, which helped
defray costs. In 2010-11, we received more than
4,900 applications for funding through the National
Research Program and the seven affiliate research
programs. The 978 new research grants awarded
about $120 million.
Active American Heart Association awardees have
published more than 770 scientific articles as a result
of their association-funded work, and our Office of
Science Operations managed the development of
more than 50 scientific statements and guidelines
authored by more than 600 volunteers.
Science programs recertified
The American Heart Association’s Office of Science
Operations achieved successful recertification with
the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for
Emergency Medical Services and the Accreditation
Council for Continuing Medical Education. The
American Heart Association is also accredited by
the American Nurses Credentialing Center and the
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
These organizations provide accreditation for our
many educational programs and ensure of a
high-quality experience for attendees.
Accelerating, broadening the scope of discovery
We established a Science Accelerator Department to
identify emerging cardiovascular and neuroscience
technologies and accelerate their movement from
the laboratory to the public. The association also
approved the creation of an Open-Access Journal
as a complement to our family of peer-reviewed
scientific journals. The journal will be designed to
deliver scientific discovery to all constituencies of the
American Heart Association.
Multicenter initiatives yield promising results
The American Heart Association’s three critical need/
high impact research platforms remained active
in 2010-11. These are the ASA/Bugher Foundation
Centers for Stroke Prevention Research, the AHA
Pharmaceutical Roundtable-David and Stevie Spina
Outcomes Research Centers, and the AHA/Jon
Holden DeHaan Foundation Cardiac Myogenesis
Research Centers.
Each initiative provided three or four research centers
with amounts ranging from $2 million to $3.9 million
each year. The centers’ work has resulted in more than
180 research articles published, submitted or in press,
and 12 collaborative projects.
Emerging Science Series
Our new Emerging Science Series helped us share
late-breaking clinical trial and basic science study
results more frequently — and support our goal of
accelerating science from discovery to dissemination
to clinicians and researchers. The program features
live, online sessions throughout the year that
present original, late-breaking research.
These webinars are hosted and moderated
by American Heart Association science
volunteers, and viewers can earn
continuing medical education credits.
Benoit Bruneau
Benoit Bruneau’s drive to fight heart disease is deeply personal.
His father and uncle both had heart attacks. As if that weren’t enough to make this
research his life’s passion, three years ago his daughter was born with a tiny hole
in the wall separating the lower chambers of the heart.
“My purpose is very clear: Find out how congenital heart defects occur, then
uncover new and improved therapeutic options to treat them,” said Dr. Bruneau,
who heads a lab of 11 scientists at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular
Disease in San Francisco.
His team recently discovered the genetic link that explains the evolution of amphibian
hearts to human hearts. Dr. Bruneau, whose focus is helping children with
congenital heart disease, hopes this breakthrough will lead to new insights into the
processes that can go wrong in heart formation.
In 2011, Dr. Bruneau received a five-year American Heart Association Established
Investigator Award that will allow him to step up his already feverish pace of inquiry.
“The American Heart Association understands the importance of research and is
always looking out for those of us in the field,” he said. Dr. Bruneau said he was
interested in biology as early as grade school. He narrowed his focus to heart
disease after his father and an uncle had their heart attacks in their 40s.
“Biological research constantly presents opportunities to learn something that no one
knew before,” he said. “I live for those opportunities.”
Yet for Dr. Bruneau, no discovery will ever eclipse the joy that came last year when
his daughter’s ventricular septal defect closed up spontaneously.
“When she was born it really hit me that heart defects can happen to anyone, and
for no known reason,” he said. “We still know so little about heart defects. It’s such
a complex organ, and everything needs to be put together perfectly.”
Heart & Stroke Champions
Lifetime Giving
Recognizes corporations
and foundations with
lifetime giving of
$1,000,000 and above or
individual and family foundations with lifetime giving
of $100,000 and above.
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
A Private Richmond Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Employee
Giving Campaign
Abbott Laboratories Inc.
Abell-Hanger Foundation Inc.
ACH Food Companies Inc.
Addison Hines Charitable Foundation
ADP Inc. Employee Giving Campaign
Aetna Employee Giving Campaign
Aetna Inc.
Albemarle Foundation
Alexander & Baldwin Inc./A&B
John and Mary Alford Foundation
Allegany Franciscan Ministries Inc.
The Fred and Jean Allegretti
Foundation Inc.
Ameren Missouri
America’s Charites
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Mrs. Joseph C. Anderlik
Ms. Norma Anderson
Anderson & Anderson LLC
The Annenberg Foundation
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Micky and Madeleine Arison
Family Foundation
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Athletic World Advertising
The Sandra Atlas Bass and Edythe
& Sol G.Atlas Fund Inc.
Averitt Express Charities
Ms. Ann Pelton Babcock
Ms. Mari Bailey
Alvin & Geraldine Baileys Family
Mr. & Mrs. Earl E. Bakken
Bank of America
Ms. Jacqueline Barrett
Lucille Barron Trust
Ms. ElizabethBartels
Ms. Charlotte Bartolett
Ruth Bartsch Memorial Trust
Bayer Healthcare Consumer Care
Mr. Guy E. Beatty, Jr.
Mr. Jack W. Beech
The Late Stanley S. Bender
The Bender Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Len & Barbara Berenfield
H. N. and Frances C. Berger
Mr. John Berman, J.D.
The Berner Charitable and
Scholarship Foundation
Mr. Joseph Berson
Bert A. Cooper, F.P.
Bert Shootout
The Bill Phillips Family
Ms. Clare F. Black, J.D.
S. B. Waterman & E. Blade
Charitable Foundation Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Mr. Mark J. Bluth
Boehringer Ingelheim
Mr. & Mrs. Herman & Emmie
Ms. Anne R. Bord
Boston Scientific
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bowden
Mr. Mark A. Boyson
Mr. & Mrs. John Bradley
Mr. Kevin M. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Breen Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David & Ann Brennan
Brennan Family Foundation
Alex L. Brewer Family Foundation
Bright House Networks
The Brinson Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee
Giving Campaign
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Florence and Arthur Brock Family
Brock Foundation
Mr. Edwin Buckingham
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent & Joan Bufalino
The Henrietta B. & Frederick H.
Bugher Foundation
The Bulkley Foundation Trust
Mr. John Byler
Camp Younts Foundation
Mr. Bobby Campbell
Capitol Federal Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth & Brenda
Carole & Marcus Weinstein and
Allison P. Weinstein and
Irvan P. Jeckli
W. W. Caruth Jr. Foundation/
Communities Foundation of Texas
Challenger Foundation
Mr. John Chalsty
Mr. & Mrs. J R Champion
Mr. & Mrs. George B. & Ann
Chapman, Jr.
Rhoda and David Chase
Family Foundation
Ms. Lena Cherrix
Chesapeake Energy Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Tom N. Chewning
Chicago Community Trust
Chickasaw Nation
Dr. & Mrs. Culley Christensen
Mr. David L. Christensen, J.D.
City of Chicago Department
of Finance
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Clark
Mr. L. Craig Clayton, J.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Coe
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Colangelo
Colangelo Family Trust
Helen Bamberger Colby
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Lorraine Cole
Leo W. and Lilyan E. Cole Fund
Clarence L. Coleman, Jr. and
Lillian S. Coleman Foundation
The Irene D. Collia Trust in the
New York Community Trust
Columbus Medical Association
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Helane Colvin
Community Foundation of
Tampa Bay Inc.
Community Health Charities of NC
Community Health Charities
of Virginia
Mr. Ron G. Compton, J.D.
ConAgra Foods Inc. – HQ
Mr. T. Gary Connett
Cordis Corporation
Ms. Rosario Costa
The Crean Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Duane & Jill Crithfield
Ms. Nancy Crow, J.D.
Mr. Rick Curley
Mr. Richard Czaja Esq.
Dade Community Foundation
Dakota Medical Foundation
Danford Foundation
Ms. Mari Danihel
Mr. Willy Darrow
Davee Foundation
The Paul & Carol David Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Norwood &
Marguerite Davis
Mr. Warren Davis
DBJ Foundation
Lawrence J. and Florence A.
De George Charitable Trust
Paul Dudley White Legacy Society
The Richard and Helen De Vos
The Jon Holden DeHaan Foundation
The Dick and Betsy DeVos
Margaret E. Dickins Foundation
Ms. Floda Dinser
Discount Tire Co.
Dodson Family Foundation
Ray & Dagmar Dolby Family Fund
The Dollens Family Foundation
Dominion Resources Inc.
Helen G., Henry F., & Louise
Tuecher Dornette Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Mr. W.Dray, J.D.
Dream Fund at UCLA
JosephDrown Foundation
DSF Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Elizabeth
Wood Dunlevie
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Mr. James Durgin
Mr. Philip B. Dusenberry
Irene L. Eagelston Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. and Elouise
R. Eberly
George S. & Dolores Dore
Eccles Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Edmunds/
Edmunds Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eichenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Eichenfield
Eli Lilly & Company
Mr. Ellice McDonald Jr.
The Saul and Theresa Esman
Mr. James Evans, J.D.
Mr. Fred Farsjo, J.D.
Ms. Edith Farson
Federated Department Stores
Mr. Howard F. Feinman
Helen Fernandez Trust
Fidelity Investments
The Honorable & Mrs. Simon C.
Ray C Fish Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William Fisher
The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable
Florida Association for the Study
of Headaches
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Kathie
W. Rankin & E. Forbes Trust
Foundation for Cardiovascular
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Frank
The Samuel J. and Connie
M. Frankino Charitable
Dr. Robert H. Frey
The Gerald J. & Dorothy R.
Friedman New York Foundation
for Medical Research
J. B. Fuqua Foundation Inc.
Future Fitness
Mrs. Gannon
Gettinger Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Ann Gilbert
Gladys Knuppenburg Trust
Ms. Patricia Goldman
Herman Golub Charitable Trust
Mr. James Gompf
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Arlette Gordon
The Honorable Merle Gordon
Mr. Franck Gougeon
Graff – Palm Beach
Mr. & Mrs. Howard & Linda Graham
The Greater Milwaukee
Foundation, Inc. Carl and
Alma S. Greilach Fund
The Green Foundation
Mr. Gregory M. Kruzel, J.D.
Guidant Corporation/Guidant
Mr. Glen Guttormsen
Mr. & Mrs. Erhardt Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Hackerman
Mr. Christopher Damon Haig
Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation
Mr. James Hamers
The Hamill Foundation
George and Mary Josephine
Hamman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lee T. Hanley
Armond Hansen Trust
Mr. & Mrs. John & Kathy Harnish
Haven Charitable Foundation
HCS Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Head
Health Foundation of South Florida
Health Net Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Harriet Heilbrunn
Heilbrunn Foundation
The Hellman Family
The Leona M. and Harry B.
Helmsley Charitable Trust
Mr. Rick Hendrick
Mr. Carl Hennrich
Hermé de Wyman Miro, Founder
& President, The International
Society of Palm Beach
The Paul J Hewgill Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Ms. Janie Winjum & Mr. George Hides
Ms. Sandra Hijikata
Mr. Duane Hills
Irma T. Hirschl Trust
Hobbs Charitable Trust, Wells Fargo
Ms. Rhonda Hollaar
Mrs. Robert J. Hoover
Ms. Susan Horner, J.D.
Christy Houston Foundation
Humboldt Area Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Hunt
Col. & Mrs. Charles M. Hunter
IBM Employee Giving Campaign
In honor of Jasmine L. and
Samuel C. Cantor by Eddy &
Helaine Cantor
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Mary Irwin
Dr. O. WayneIsom, M.D.
Mr. Algert Ivas
Dr. Melvin Janowitz
Jefferson Regional Medical Center
Annabella R. Jenkins Foundation
Jiffy Lube International
Mr. John Vryhof, J.D.
Mr. Don Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Ms. Barbara Jones
Ms. Margaret PollardJoyner
JP Morgan Chase
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
JP Morgan Institutional Trust
Juan Young Fund I of The Oregon
Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kahn, Jr.
The Paul and Lydia Kalmanovitz Trust
Ms. Maurice Kanbar
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Susan Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Kaplan
Kathy and Fritz Friday
Katti Esp
Mr. Jeffery Kenner
Ilma F. Kern Foundation
Helen Dyer King Fund
King Pharmaceuticals
Mr. Glen Kinney
F. M. Kirby Foundation Inc.
Kirkorian Family Foundation
Faith & James Knight Foundation Inc.
Jack E. Knuppenburg Trust
Kopf Family Foundation
Mr. Steven Kovach
Mr. Fred Kroeger
Mrs. Mary Krueger
The Kurr Foundation
Jill R. Kurtz, J.D.
Mr. Alfred Kwiecinski
Lakeside Women’s Hospital
Mr. Philip Lamb, J.D.
The Sartain Lanier Family
Foundation Inc.
Charles Henry Leach II Foundation
Leegin and Brighton
Mr. Ernest Lehman
Florence & Edgar Leslie
Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Mary & HowardLester
Mr. & Mrs. George & Sue Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Levin
Ms. Roberta Libby
Mr. John Licht, J.D.
Lifenet Inc.
The Lincy Foundation
Fay J. Lindner Foundation
Rubye E. Lohman Estate
Ms. Ida Loper
Gay & Erskine Love Foundation Inc.
Theodore Luce Charitable Trust
Mr. Greg Luinstra
E. M. Lynn Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Machiz
Mr. Paul MacMichael
Macy’s Herald Square
Mr. Kenneth C. Maddox
Dr. & Mrs. George Magovern Sr. &
Ann Magovern
Mr. & Mrs. Marion “Mac” Magruder
Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Katherine Markel
Joseph G. Markoly Foundation
Dr. Ellen L. Marmer, MD
Marmot Foundation
J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott
Mr. & Mrs. J.W.Marriott, Jr.
Mr. Daniel G. Marsh
Ms. Grace Marshall
Mr. George Martin
The Martin Foundation
Mary E. Martin Trust
Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Marylou and C. Richard
Carlos & Marguerite Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Fenton L. Maynard
Ms. McColgan
McConnell, Jones, Lanier &
Murphy LLP
Mr. Robert McCrary, J.D.
John P. McGovern Foundation
MD Anderson Cancer Center
The Medallion Foundation Inc.
Medtronic, Inc./Medtronic Foundation
Mr. Scott Meier, J.D.
Mellam Family Foundation
Memorial Hermann Healthcare
Merck & Company Inc.
Mercy Health Partners – Cincinnati
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.
Methodist Hospital
The Methodist Hospital System
Aaron & Rachel Meyer Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Michalski
Mrs. Dwight W. Miller
Mr. Victor Mills
Mr. Joseph Modoski
Mr. Ralph Money
Mr. Gerald E. Montgomery
Harry C. Moores Foundation
Ms. Beth Morean
Dean F. Morehouse of MTM
Builder/Developer Inc.
Moreno Family Foundation
Harry S. Moss Heart Trust
Drs. Nelson & Ann M.Mostow
Dr. Morton Mower, MD
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Newsom
Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Clemmensen
Mr. Frederick Maxfield
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Mueller
Mr. Charles N. Mullavey
Mr. & Mrs. John Mullenholz
John P Murphy Foundation
Mr. Ronald D.Murray
Dr. Rao Musunuru M.D. FAHA
Naifeh Realty Company
Ms. Joyce Nakamura, J.D.
Ms. Jean Nappi
National Cardiovascular Partners
National Third Parties
Mr. Lloyd Nelson
NFL Charities
Nicholas Family Foundation
Nintendo of America Inc.
William & May D. Norris
University of North Texas Health
Science Center
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Mr. David Norton
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Moses D. Nunnally Charitable Trust
Ms. Mary O’Hern
Mr. & Mrs. Alton J. O’Neil
Charles Z. Offin Charitable Trust
OGE Electric Services
Paul Ogle Foundation
Oklahoma Cardiovascular Associates
Oklahoma City Clinic/Global Health
Omron Healthcare Inc.
Ms. Shawn Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Janet Osborn
PacifiCare Foundation
Padula Foundation
Mr. Patrick M.Park
The Park Foundation
Mary Morton Parsons Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Betty J. Pasek
Jean R. Peacock Trust & AR
Peacock Trust
The E. M. Pearson Foundation
The Peierls Foundation
Richard C. & Karen E. Penfold
Family Foundation Inc.
The Nellie Thatcher Perkins
Foundation at Union Bank
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
The Pfizer Foundation – HQ
Philips Healthcare
Arthur William Phillips Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Pickering
Picower Foundation
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Keith & DeborahPitts
Mr. William Poe
Mr. & Mrs. William Pope –
SunChase Holdings Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Beverly Postl
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Stella Preston
Estate of Catherine R Price
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation
The Procter & Gamble Company
Ms. Anne A. Proctor
The Queen’s Medical Center
R. T. Foundation, C/O Nesco Inc.
Richie & Cece Ray
Ms. Ruth H. Reeves
Eleanor Patterson Reeves Foundation
The Reid Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Earl & Bettie Reque
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation
Richard S. Reynolds Foundation
Mr. Bart Rice, J.D.
The Rich Foundation Inc.
Mr. Frederick G. Riecker
Ms. Kathie Riley, J.D.
Rite Aid
Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Sally Robinson
Mrs. Deloris Robinson
Roche Diagnostics
Ms. Anna Rodgers
William G. Rohrer Charitable Foundation
The Robert T.Rolfs Foundation
The Rose Hills Foundation
Ross Stores Inc.
Rowena Schaber
Paul & Joan Rubschlager Foundation
Mr. John Russell
Sackler Foundation
Safeway Foundation
Ms. Rebecca Sanders
Sanofi-Synthelab Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Schaeffer Family Foundation
Mr. Timothy Schafer, J.D.
Schering-Plough Corporation
Sarah I. Schieffelin Trust
Ms. Joan Schlueter
Mr. Michael Schmidt, J.D.
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Schuler
Ms. Elizabeth Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Schwartz
Scios Inc.
Seariver Maritime Inc.
Mr. Mark Selz Esq
Dr. Charlie and Claire Shaeffer
Mrs. Adele Siegel
Miriam E. Sinclair Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Small
Mr. & Mrs. Joel & Joan Smilow
The W. W. Smith Charitable Trust
A. O. Smith Foundation
Gordon V. and Helen C. Smith
Mrs. Tianna Soto
South Texas Health System
Mr. & Mrs. David & Stephanie Spina
Ms. Alana Spiwak
Ms. Virgina B.Squiers
St. Elizabeth Regional Health System
St. Jude Medical
St. Jude Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. John & Jeanette Staluppi
Mr. Morgan Stark
Mrs. CarolineSteele
Mr. Frank Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard & Shirley Sterling
Strake Foundation
Mr. Paul Stuber, J.D.
Suncoast Cardiovascular Research
and Education Foundation
Funded by Helen Harper Brown
Super Valu Inc.
Mr. Kent Sutherland, J.D.
Sutter Medical Center
Sacramento, Sacramento, CA
Sy Syms Foundation
Sydell L. Miller
J.T. Tai & Co Foundation Inc.
The Ping Y. Tai Foundation Inc.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America
The Tamarind Foundation
Heart & Stroke Champions
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Tarone
Alfred Tector, M.D. MS
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
The David Tepper Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Texas Children’s Hospital –
The Woodlands
Theresa A. Thomas Memorial
TMG Partners
Tomball Regional Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Tomsich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Suzanne Tomsich
Tracinda Corporation
Ms. Alfreda Trigiani
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Trump
The Turner Foundation
The Tyler Foundation
United Healthcare
United Way
United Way Metro Chicago
United Way of Central Maryland
United Way of San Antonio &
Bexar County
University Health System
UPMC University of Pittsburgh
Health System
Mr. & Mrs. Katheryn & Leo Vecellio
Vidya & Dhana Kaushik
Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Judy Voltmer
George & Trish Vradenburg, The
Vradenburg Foundation
Ms. Theresa Wade
The Sadie and George P. Wakefield
Residuary Trust
Walgreens Company
Mrs. Dwane Wallace
Mrs. Nancy Sexauer Walsh –
Sexauer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Charmaine
The Wasily Family Foundation Inc.
Eileen Waterman Trust
C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins
Charitable Foundation
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg
Mrs. Roberta Weiner
William E. & Aenid R. Weisgerber
Mr. Hubert Wen
Mr. Paul D. Wenz, J.D.
Mr. ClarenceWesterberg
Mr. & Mrs. George & Carolyn Whiting
Charles B. Wilder Trust
Mr. Robert N. Wildrick
Mrs. Norman C. Willcox
William Beaumont Hospital –
Royal Oak, MI
Mr. Luree D. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Cindy Wilton
Mr. Stanley Winklevoss
Mr. Barry Wistreich
Mrs. Morton Wolosoff
Women’s Board Greater
Washington Region Division
of the Mid-Atlantic Affiliate
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wood
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Woodlands North Houston Heart Center
Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Woody
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals
Ms. Natalie Yu
Dr. Zachariah P. Zachariah, M.D.,
Mr. Richard Zahn
Mr. Rodney Zeeb, J.D.
Mr. John Zglobicki
Ms. Norma Zimdahl
Ms. Annaliese Zimmer
GIVING IN 2010-11
$5,000,000 – 9,999,999
$1,000,000 – 4,999,999
Boehringer Ingelheim
Janssen Pharmaceutical, Inc
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Ross Stores, Inc.
Wal-Mart Foundation
$500,000 – 999,999
Abbott Laboratories – Employee
Giving Campaign
Mr. Franck Gougeon
National Third Parties
The California Endowment
Wal-Mart – Employee Giving
Wells Fargo Bank
Zumba Fitness
$250,000 – 499,999
Abbott Laboratories
Advocate Health Care
Amedisys Home Health Services
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Astellas Pharma US Inc
Bank of America
Bon Secours Charity Health
System, Inc
Bristol-Myers Squibb & Pfizer
Bristol-Myers Squibb & Sanofi
Aventis Partnership
Cardinal Health
Catholic Healthcare Partners
CBS Radio Las Vegas
Dream Fund at UCLA
EQT Foundation
Frito Lay
Genentech Foundation
Huntington Hospital
IBM – Employee Giving Campaign
Main Line Health System
Marathon Oil Company - HQ
Medtronic Foundation
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc
& Janssen Pharmaceutical, Inc
Party City
Saint Thomas Health Services
St. Jude Medical
Stamford Hospital The Regional
Center for Health
Stater Bros. Supermarkets
Toyota Employee Giving Campaign
Union Bank
United Health Group – Employee
Giving Campaign
United Way
Virginia National Center For
Patient Safety
$100,000 – 249,999
Active Network
Aiken Women’s Heart Board
American Airlines
American Electric Power
American Express
America’s Charities
Amscot Corporation
Arcelormittal USA Inc
Automated Data Processing Inc
Bakersfield Magazine
Battelle memorial Institiute
Bayer Corporation
Blue Cross of Texas
BlueCross BlueShield of South
BNY Mellon
Boca Raton Regional Hospital,
Boca Raton, FL
Borgess Medical Center,
Kalamazoo, MI
Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation
California Community Foundation
Canola Council
Cardiovascular Consultants of
Catholic Health East
Catholic Health Initiatives
Catholic Healthcare West
Central Mississippi Medical Center
CGI Federal Inc
Clear Channel Outdoor
Clear Channel Radio
Cleveland Clinic
Community Health Charities
Community Health Charities of
Compuware Corporation
Costco Wholesale
CPR Working Group
DCP Midstream
Del Monte Corporation
DSF Charitable Foundation
Edwards Lifesciences
Ernst & Young US LLP
Euro-Pro Operating LLC
ev3 Inc
Exempla Lutheran Medical Center,
Wheat Ridge, CO
Florida Hospital
FMC Technologies
GE Foundation - Matching Gifts
Geoffrey Beene
Great-West Life & Annuity
Insurance Co
Guarantee Insurance Company
Harris Teeter
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of NE
e pLi eo gn as c y S o c i e t y
H e aP
ratu l& DSutdr loekye WC hh iatm
Recognizes revocable and irrevocable planned gifts (no minimum)
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
HCA - Brandon Regional Hospital,
Edward White Hospital, Largo
Medical Center, Northside
Hospital, Oak Hill Hospital,
Regional Medical Center
Bayonet Point, South Bay
Hospital, St. Petersburg
General Hospital
HCA Midwest Health System
Health Care Service Corporation
Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.
Health Net Foundation
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of
New Jersey
IP Casino, Resort, Spa - Biloxi MS
Jafra Cosmetics
Jefferson Regional Medical Center
Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft Stores, Inc.
Johnson Bros Carolina District
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc.
Kaiser Foundation Hospital - Santa
Rosa, Santa Rosa, CA
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente, Northern
Kindred Healthcare, Inc.
KMIR-TV (Channel 36/Cable 6)
Las Vegas Review Journal
Lockheed Martin
Lois Pope Life Foundation
Lowell General Hospital, Lowell,
Mari Danihel
Memorial Hermann Healthcare
Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Marriott, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Hackerman
Mr. James Durgin
Mr. Joseph Modoski
NBC Bay Area
NYU Hospitals Center
Oregon Community Foundation
Paragon Health Associates
Partners HealthCare System
Party City Corp
Patriot National Insurance Group
Peoples Health
PepsiCo Foundation Employee
Matching Gifts Program
PNC Institutional Investments
Press Enterprise
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Providence Health System
Radio One Columbus
Regions Bank
Reliant / NRG Energy, Inc.
Rite Aid
Schneider Elec Square Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Shawnee Mission Medical Center,
Shawnee Mission, KS
Siemens Shared Services
Silicon Valley Community
Simmons Media Group
Southern Company Services, Inc.
Spectrum Health
St. Bernardine Medical Center
St. Vincent Health
SunTrust Banks
Sutter Heart & Vascular Institute
The Bender Foundation, Inc.
The Boeing Company
The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
The Medicine Company
The Park Foundation
The Perot Foundation
The W. W. Smith Charitable Trust
Toyota Motor Sales, USA
Tucson Medical Center
Turner Construction Company
UCSD Medical Center, San
Diego, CA
United Way of Central Maryland
University Hospitals
US Bank
Vanderbilt University Hospital,
Nashville, TN
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Virginia Commonwealth University
Medical Center, Richmond, VA
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
Visa International
Walgreen’s Company
Wesley Medical Center
Wolters Kluwer Health
Women’s Board Greater
Washington Region Division
of the Mid-Atlantic Affiliate
Yankee Candle
$50,000 – 99,999
Abbott Vascular
Aberto Culver
Abington Health System
Abington Memorial Hospital,
Abington, PA
Adesa Impact
AEI Energy
AGA Medical Corporation
Alkek & Williams Foundation
Allegheny County Medical Society
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions
America’s Charities
American College of Cardiology
American International Group Inc.
AmeriCu Credit Union
Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Arthrex Inc.
Baker Tilly
Balita Media Inc.
Bank of America Foundation
Baptist Health System Inc.
Bert Shootout
BlackRock Financial Management Inc.
Blue Shield of California
BlueCross BlueShield – Carefirst
BlueCross BlueShield of Florida
BlueCross BlueShield of North
BMW of Honolulu/BMW of
North America
Boehringer Ingelheim
Brasfield & Gorrie LLC
Bravo Health Inc.
Breaux Lott Leadership Group
Bristol-Myers Squibb
BryanLGH Medical Center/
BryanLGH Heart Institute
Buffalo Bills
J.D. Byrider Advertising Group
CACI International Inc.
The Cameron Foundation
Cape Fear Memorial Foundation
Capital District Physicians Health Plan
Capital One Services Inc.
Cardinal Health Foundation Inc.
CardioMEMS Inc.
Cardiovascular Assocs Psc
The Carman Corporation
Carondelet Health Network
CBE Services Inc.
Cecil’s Fine Jewelry
T II OANT I• O ANN N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0
Paul Dudley White Legacy Society
Centerplate @ American Bank Center
Centura Health
Chesapeake Operating Inc.
Chickasaw Nation
Christiana Care Health System
CHRISTUS St Frances Cabrini
Hospital, Alexandria, LA
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
Citizens Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Jean Clack
Clear Channel Columbus
Columbia University
Community Health Charities of
Community Health Charities of Seattle
Community Health Network
Compass Group
Connecticut Foundation
Cox Health
CSX Corporation
Mr. Rick Curley
Daiichi Sankyo Inc.
Dallas Stage Right
Davee Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Mitzi Davis
Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center
Del Monte Foods Corporation
Dell Services
Deloitte & Touche
Desert Radio Group
Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation
Dierbergs Markets Inc.
The Dispatch Group
Domaine Clarence Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Doria
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Dr. Samin Sharma, MD FACC
Duke Corporate
Duke Energy Foundation
Mr. Bruce Dunlevie & Mrs.
Elizabeth Wood Dunlevie
J E Dunn Construction
Eisenhower Medical Center
EMC Corporation
Entergy Gulf States Louisiana
Enterprise Electric LLC
Exeter Health Resources Inc.
Express Scripts Inc.
Farmland Foods Inc.
FedEx Corporation
Fifth Third Bank
Forest Laboratories
Foster Farms Dairy
Freund, Freeze and Arnold
Frye Heart Center at Frye Regional
Medical Center
Fur Arts
Gap Foundation Matching Gift
Genentech USA
General Dynamics
General Electric Company
Gerdau Ameristeel
The Gheens Foundation Inc.
Golden One Credit Union
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Mr. Carlos Gonzalez
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Grubb & Ellis / Thomas Linderman
Hagemeyer North America Inc.
Hampton-Newport News CSB
Harbor Parking
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Haven Charitable Fund
Health Care Foundation of Greater
Kansas City
Health Care Reit Inc.
Health Net of Arizona
Health Quest System
Holy Cross Hospital, Fort
Lauderdale, FL
The Horizon Foundation for
New Jersey
Hospira – Employee Giving Campaign
Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town
HSBC – Employee Giving
Indiana University Health
Integris Health
International Game Technology
University of Iowa Heart &
Vascular Center
J & J Health Care Systems Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William & Gloria Jackson
Jacksonville Fraternal Order of
Police Foundation
Jean Nappi
Jewelry TV
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Kasich Taylor New Day Committee
KFMB News 8
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
KING 5 Television
KPTV Fox Ch 12
Kramer Portraits
KTSF Channel 26
KyXy 96.5 FM
Lab Corp of America Holdings
Lamar Outdoor
Lee Memorial Health System
The Leith Automotive Family
Lena L. Pierce Fund of The Oregon
Community Foundation
Liberty Health
Lilly USA
University of Louisville
Lutheran Hospital, Ft. Wayne IN
M & I Bank
M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank
M&T Bank
Ben B. & Iris M. Margolis Foundation
Mayo Foundation For Medical
Education and Research
McKesson Foundation Inc.
McWane Inc.
Medco Health Solutions Inc.
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Medical University of South Carolina
Medtronic Vascular
Memorial Stroke Center, Gulfport, MS
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp
Merrill Lynch
The University of Michigan
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Middle Tennessee Medical Center,
Murfreesboro, TN
MidFirst Bank
Midwest Regional Medical Center
Mr. Stan Miller
University of Mississippi Medical
Missouri Foundation for Health
Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
Mott’s LLP
Munroe Regional Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. F. FrancisNajafi
Nashville Financial Service Center
New York Road Runners Club Inc.
NewBridge Bank
Nielsen Media Research
Noble Energy Inc.
University of North Carolina Hospitals
North Shore Long Island Jewish
Health System
Northern California Medical Associates
Northern Indiana Public Service Co.
Northwest Medical Center
Norton Women’s Pavilion
Novo Nordisk
Omaha Community Foundation
Oracle America
Orlando Health
OU Medical Center
Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial
Hospital, Binghamton, NY
Owens & Minor
P & G Distributing LLC
Pamida Foundation
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parker Hannifin Foundation
University of Pennsylvania Health
Ms. Pamela J. Perrott
Pfizer, Inc. Employee Giving Campaign
Piedmont Healthcare
Premera Blue Cross
Presbyterian Hospital
Primp Salon & Hair Extension Boutique
Princess House
Procter & Gamble Olay
Progress Energy
ProHealth Care
Providence Health Services
Providence Medical Center
Quaker Oats Foundation
Quanex Foundation
Quest Diagnostics
Quintiles, Inc.
Ray Briones. Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Corinne Reid
Richie’s Pharmacy
Rite Aid Corporation
Roper St Francis Healthcare
Katten Muchin Rosenman
Foundation Inc.
Roth Staffing Companies LPSaint
Francis Hospital
Saint Francis Hospital & Medical
Saint Mary’s Regional Medical
Center, Reno
Sanford Health
Sanofi Aventis
Satellite Coffee
Save the Children
Serious Grippage & Light Co.
Shared Service Center
The Shaw Group – Employee
Giving Campaign
The Shaw Group Inc.
Shore Memorial Hospital
The Siemens Philanthropic Fund
Sisters of St Francis
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom LLP
Sodexo Inc & Affilliates
Solae LLC
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare
Stephanie H & David A Spina
Family Foundation
Mr. Brian Spradling
Springhill Medical Center
St. John Medical Center
St. Johns
St. Joseph Medical Center
St. Joseph’s Orange County
St. Jude Medical Inc.
St. Luke’s Hospital Bethlehem
and Allentown Campuses,
Bethlehem, PA
St. Vincent’s Health System Inc.
Steward Health Care System
Sun Trust Banks Inc.
Earl Swensson Associates Inc.
Sykes Enterprises Inc.
Tata America International Corp.
Team Detroit
Harris Teeter Employee Giving
Texas Beef Council
Theda Care
Thoratec Corporation
Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund
Toyota Motor North America
Trinity Health
Trinity Industries Inc.Trophyland Inc.
Truist Employee Giving Campaign
UA Healthcare
UC Health – University of
Cincinnati Physicians
United Way of San Antonio &
Bexar County
The University Hospital
UPS Foundation
US Bancorp Foundation
USA Drug
USA Drug Foundation
UW Health, Madison, WI
VITAS Innovative Hospice Care Inc.
WellPoint Inc
Wellstar Health System
Western Refining
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
XLTN 104.5FM Radio Latina
Xto Energy Inc.
Yankee Candle Company
Zoll Medical Corp.
Zurich American
Zurich American Insurance Company
– Employee Giving Campaign
$25,000 – 49,999
106.5 The Lake
7-Eleven Stores
Abiomed Inc.
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Centers
Mr. John Adams
ADEX Machining Technologies
ADP – Employee Giving Campaign
ADP Employer Services
ADVANTAGE Health Solutions Inc.
Affinity Medical Center, Massillon, OH
AGL Resources
AHB Foundation
AKJ Industries
Akron Children’s Hospital
Alabama Power Company
Alaska Heart Institute LLC
Alegent Health
Alexander Open Systems
Allen Health System
Allstate – Employee Giving Campaign
Allstate Giving Campaign
Allstate Insurance Company
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
Alvarado Hospital Medical Center
Amdocs Inc.
Ameren Missouri
American Anesthesiology of North
American Systems Inc.
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. & Lilly
USA, LLC Partnership
Anadarka Petroleum Corporation
Andrews Kurth LLP
Aon Foundation
Apple Sauce Inc.
ArcLight Capital Holdings LLC
Argonne National Laboratory
Argy, Wiltse & Robinson P.C.
Arizona Community Foundation
Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Mr. & Mrs. Manfred & Susan Arnold
Arnold & Porter LLP
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
Ashland Inc. – Employee Giving
Associated Fresh Markets Inc.
Astoria Federal Savings
AT&T – Employee Giving Campaign
Athens Regional Medical Center,
Athens, GA
Atlantic Health System
Avera Health
Ayers Foundation Inc.
B N S F Foundation TX
Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Balfour Beatty Construction
Bank of America – Employee
Giving Campaign
Banner Health
Baptist Health Medical Center –
Little Rock, Little Rock, AR
Baptist Health South Florida
Baptist Health System
Baptist Memorial Health Care
Bassett Medical Center,
Cooperstown, NY
BayCare – BayCare CBO, BayCare
Regional, Morton Plant
Countryside, Morton Plant
Dunedin, Morton Plant
Hospital, Morton Plant North
Bay, St. Anthony’s Hospital,
St. Joseph’s Hospital, South
Florida Baptist Hospital
Bayer HealthCare LLCBayer
HealthCare-Consumer Care
Bayhealth Medical Center
Baylor Jack and Jane Hamilton
Heart and Vascular Hospital
BBVA Compass Bank
Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI
Best Buy
Bicknell Family Holding Company LLC
Bill Howe Plumbing Inc.
BJC Barnes Jewish Hospital
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Boeing Charitable Trust
The Bonar Family
Booz Allen Hamilton
The Boston Consulting Group
Boston Scientific
Boston Scientific/EPI
Mr. & Mrs. JohnBreaux
Mr. & Mrs. David & Dottie Brennan
Broward Health
Brown & Brown Insurance
Brown & Toland Medical Group
Brown Advisory
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Kris Burks
Heart & Stroke Champions
Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Debie Burnside
Butler Health System
The CAC Group Inc.
Calgon Carbon Corporation
University Of California, Orange County
University Of California, San
Capital Health, Trenton, NJ
Cardiology Consultants
Cardiovascular Consultants, Ltd.
CardioVascular Institute at Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center
Caremark Charity Classic
Carolina First Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Case
Mr. Carlos Castillo
Catholic Health System
Mr. Mark D. Cavanaugh
CB Richard Ellis
Centennial Bank
Central Dupage Hospital, Winfield, IL
Central Maine Healthcare
Ch2m Hill/Omi
The Chambers Family Foundation
Channel 10/KOLN-TV
Channing Bete Company
Chartis Insurance Inc.
Childrens Hospital, Boston
Childrens Hospital, Omaha
CHRISTUS Schumpert Health System
CHRISTUS St. John Hospital
CHRISTUS St. Patrick Hospital
CIGNA Corporate Headquarters
CIGNA Healthcare of Arizona
Citgo Refining & Chemicals Company
Citi Business Service
Citizens Bank & Trust
Citizens Energy Group
Clark C.A.R.E.S. Foundation
The Clark Construction Group Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Clemmensen
Code Red Services LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Coe
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen
Foundation Inc.
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Coliseum Health System
Ms. Mary Collier
Colodny Fass Talenfeld Karlinsky
Abate, PA
Colorado Beef Council
Comcast Cable
The Community Foundation For
Greater Atlanta Inc.
Community Health Charities of NC
Community Health Charities of Texas
Community Newspapers
Computech Inc and J.D. Murphy, Jr.
Conroe Regional Medical Center,
Conroe, TX
Continental Airlines – HQ
Cook Children’s Medical Center
Cooper University Hospital,
Camden, NJ
Covenant Health System
Coventry Health Care of Florida
Coventry Healthcare of Kansas City
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Andrea Cowan
CPR Consultants Inc.
CPS Energy
Crothall Healthcare Inc.
Cypress Semiconductor
Dade Medical College
Daiichi Sankyo Inc.
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. & Lilly USA,
LLC Partnership
Dakota Medical Foundation
Dallas Southwest Osteopathic
Physicians Inc.
Day Pitney LLP
Dean Foods Company
Delmarva Power
Delta Airlines
Delta Point
Dilworth Paxson LLP
DLA Piper LLP (US)
G. Alfred Dodds, III, M.D.
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
DPR Construction
Drexel University
The Duke Energy Foundation
DuPage Medical Group Ltd.
DW Morgan LLC
E. & J. Gallo Winery
The Irene L. Eagelston Foundation
Easton Hospital
Mr. Walter Ebel
Ecardio Diagnostics
Edward Jones
El Camino Hospital
Elder Health Inc.
Elite Island Resorts
EMH Regional Healthcare System
Empire Distributors of North
Carolina Inc.
Emulex Corporation
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Enterprises Holdings Foundation
Express Scripts Foundation
F M Reps Distribution Inc.
Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
Fairview Health Services
Mr. Ben Fanette
Ms. Debbie Farentbold
Bob Evans Farms Inc.
Fenwick & West LLP
Ferguson Enterprises Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fifth Third Bancorp
Simon C. Fireman Charitable
Firetrace International
First American Payment Systems
First Tennessee Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Fleming
Florida Health Plan Administrators LLC
Florida Health Sciences Center
Florida Heart Institute
Fluor Enterprises Inc.
FM 100.3
Forrest General Hospital
Forsyth Medical Center, WinstonSalem, NC
Fort Wayne Cardiology
Foundation for the Carolinas
Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Marlene Fowler
Franciscan Health System
Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health
Mr. Owsley Frazier
Ms. Sandra Frazier
French Hospital Medical Center
Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
Fullerton Foundation
FV Secure
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gaines
Mr. & Mrs. Phil and Carol Garner
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
General Hospital
The Generation Foundation
Genesis HealthCare Corporation
Giant Eagle Inc.
The Gibbes Company
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher Foundation
Gilead Sciences Inc.
Give With Liberty
Mr. Bryan Glazer
Glen Guttormsen
Global Impact
Good Samaritan Health System
Good Shepherd Health Systems
Grant Healthcare Foundation
Great Healthworks Inc.
Greatbatch Inc.
Greater KC Community Foundation
Mr. Blake R. Grossman
Grosvenor Capital Management LP
The Guardian Life Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Joan
Hannaford Food & Drug
Carrye and Abraham S.Hart Fund
Mr. Paul Hastings
Hawaii Management Alliance
Hawaii Pacific Health
Hawaiian Electric Industries
Hawker Beechcraft Acquisition Co.
Hawthorne Foundation
Haynes and Boone LLP
HCA East Florida Division
Health Choice LLC
Health Service Inc.
HealthPartners/Regions Hospital
Hearst Service Center
The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano
Heart Hospital of Austin, Austin, TX
Heart Hospital of Lafayette
Heart Hospital of New Mexico
Hellman Family Foundation
Herbie Honne Memorial Rope For
Heart Foundation
Bob L. Herd Foundation
E.L. and Thelma Herider Foundation
Highmark Blue Shield
Highmark Inc.
The Hill
Hillcrest Healthcare System
Hoag Memorial Hospital
Holland & Hart
Hospira Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James & Brenda Howard
The Huntington National Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Eileen Hutton
I.L. Long Construction Company Inc.
IASIS Glenwood Regional Medical
IASIS Heathcare Corporation
Icelandic USA
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Insurance Auto Auctions
Heart & Stroke Champions
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
Integris Baptist Medical Center,
Oklahoma City, OK
Investors Savings Bank
Mr. Eugene R. & Ms. Melanie
Monzon Jabbour
Jackson Heart Clinic PA
Raymond James Financial
Jefferson University Hospitals
Jel Sert Company
Jennifer & Jonathan Allan Soros
Jewish Hospital & St. Mary
Jillian Manus & Alan Salzman
Mr. & Mrs. Chris and Jeanine Johnson
Jones Lang Lasalle Americas
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Jost
JP Morgan Chase
Robert C. Kagle Foundation
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc.
Kaiser Permanente – Portland
Kalaeloa Partners LPMr. & Mrs.
Daniel & Susan Kane
Kansas City Internal Medicine
Kansas Heart Hospital
Kao Brands Company
Katecho Inc.
KBNT – TV Channel 17
Kelley Blue Book
Kelly & Associates Insurance Group
Kennametal Inc.
Kettering Medical Center
Key Bank
Keybank National Assoc.
Kinney Drugs Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
KishHealth System
Koch Companies Public Sector
Konica Minolta Business Solutions
Koontz McCombs
Koppers Inc.
KP Financial Service
KQMV – Movin 92.5
Kraft Foods Global Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Hank & Marge Krawczyk
The Kroger Company Foundation
KSWD-FM 100.3
Kurr Foundation
Mr. Alfred Kwiecinski
Laerdal Medical Corporation
Lake Erie Speedway
Lamar Outdoor Advertising,
Lamar Outdoor Advertising,
Lanxess Corporation
Lehigh Gas
Lenox Hill Interventional Cardiac &
Vascular Services, PC
Lenox/American Saw &
The Leon Levine Foundation
Liberty Mutual Group Inc.
Liebert Corporation/Emerson
Network Power
LifeBridge Health
Lilly Grant Office
Linear Technology Corporation
Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP
Lockheed Martin Aero Club
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
Lockton Dunning Benefits
Loma Linda University
International Heart Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Love
Lowes Companies Inc.
Lowes Foods
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Kelley Lubanko
Lubbock Heart Hospital
Mr. Stephen Luczo
MacArthur Liquors Inc.
Macon County Greyhound Park Inc.
Magna Services of America
Main Line Broadcasting LLC
Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME
Marathon Group
Marian Medical Center
Mr. Steven Markel
Markel Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Wallis & DeeDee Marsh
Martin’s Point Health Care
Maynard Cooper & Gale P.C.
Mayo Clinic
Mr. & Mrs. Ray & Judy McCaskey
John P. McGovern Foundation
McLeod Health
McQueary Henry Bowles Troy LLP
Medical City Dallas Hospital
The Medicines Company
MedStar Health
Mellam Family Foundation
Memorial Healthcare System
Memorial Hermann Southeast
Hospital, Houston, TX
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island,
Pawtucket, RI
Memorial Medical Center
Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Health Partners
Meridian Health
Mesirow Financial
Methodist Hospital
The Methodist Hospital –
Houston, TX
Methodist Hospitals Inc., Gary, IN
Metropolitan Health Networks
Miami Valley Hospital
Michelin North America Inc.
MINI of Hawaii
The Mirmiran Foundation
Missouri Heart Center
Mohegan Sun
Momentum Audi
Monmouth Medical Center
Monsanto Company
Montefiore-Einstein Heart Center
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
Montgomery Regional Hospital
Moran Resources Company
Morgan Stanley
Mount Clemens
Mount Sinai Hospital
MP Sports Club Oper Company LLC
MPI Research Inc.
John Muir Health
Multi-Management Services
Mutual Distributing Company
Ms. Christyne Nasbe
Ms. Rebecca Nassikas
Mr. and Mrs. William Nassikas
National Oilwell Varco Inc.
The Nebraska Medical Center,
Omaha, NE
New Jersey Manufacturers
Insurance Group
New York Community Bank Foundation
The New York Community Trust
New York Hospital Medical Center
of Queens
New York State Nurses Assoc.
New York University
Newell Rubbermaid
Mr. & Mrs. Ashton Newhall
Nicholas Family Foundation
North American Refractories Co.
North Memorial, Robbinsdale, MN
North Park Lincoln/Lexus
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Northside Hospital
Northstar Offshore Energy
Northwest Medical Center,
Margate, FL
Northwoods Medical Properties
Norton Healthcare
Novartis Consumer Health
Nucor Steel South Carolina
T II OANT I• O ANN N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0
Paul Dudley White Legacy Society
NuStep Inc.
Ochsner Health System
Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide
The Ohio State University Medical
Mr. & Mrs. Allen & Holly Oliphant
Omnicom Management Inc.
Omron Foundation Inc.
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostic Systems Inc.
Mrs. Harriette Otteson
Overlake Hospital & Medical
Palmetto Health
Paradox Technology Solutions LLC
Paragon Infusion Care
Paris Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Nicki Parisi
Parkview Health
Partnership Market Office
Peabody Energy
Ms. Nancy Peckham
Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Peoples United Bank
Peppermill Hotel Casino
Mr. & Mrs. David Pfeil
Pfizer Inc.
Phcg Brand Hdqtrs
Phyllis Newsom
Physicians Regional Healthcare
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
Pilot Travel Centers
Piper Jaffray
University Of Pittsburgh
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Church at Pleasant Hill
PNC Bank
Prada USA Corp
Prairie Cardiovascular Consultants
Presbyterian Medical Center of the
University of Pennsylvania
Prime Therapeutics
Mr.& Mrs. Bob & Penny Pritt
PRO Sports Club
ProAssurance Corporation
Progress Energy – Employee
Giving Campaign
Protective Life Corporation
Providence Healthcare Network,
Waco, TX
Providence Sacred Heart Medical
Center and Children’s
PSE&G Foundation
Publicis Healthcare Communications
Group (Nick Colucci)
Qualcomm Inc.
Queen of the Valley Hospital
The Queen’s Medical Center
R. T. Foundation, C/O Nesco Inc.
John Randolph Foundation
Range Resources Corporation
Rapides Regional Medical Center,
Alexandria LA
Regal Entertainment Group
Regence BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
The Regina M. Rebhan Family
Regional Health
Reno News & Review
Resmed Foundation
Response 1 Medical Staffing
Rex UNC Health Care
The Rhode Island Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dave and Becky Roberts
Roche Diagnostics
Rochester General Hospital,
Rochester, NY
The Rockjensen Foundation
Rockwood Capital LLC
ROEL Construction Company Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. & Nancy
C. Rogers
Ross Stores Inc.
Paul & Joan Rubschlager Foundation
Ruby Tuesday
Rush University Medical Center,
Chicago, IL
Ruth Skidmore and Brooke Clyde
Ryan LLC
S. B. Ballard Construction Co.
Safe Credit Union
Saint Francis Health Center
Saint Vincent Health Center, Erie, PA
Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare
System, Salinas, CA
The Samerian Foundation
The San Diego Foundation
San Joaquin Community Hospital,
Bakersfield, CA
SanDisk Corporation Fund
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash
SantaFe HealthCare and affiliates
AvMed Health Plans, Haven
Hospice and The Village
SASCO Foundation
Ms. Ashley Scarborough
Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric/Square D
Scripps Health
Sharon Regional Health System,
Sharon, PA
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Shoppers Food & Pharmacy
ShopRite Supermarkets Inc.
Shore Heart Group
Sibley Heart Center Cardiology
Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Singing River Health System
Skanska USA Building Inc.
The Lester & Sue Smith
Smith Production Inc.
The Sobrato Organization
SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
Solstas Laboratory Partners
Group LLC
The Sorenson Legacy Foundation
Southeastern Emergency
Southern Illinois Healthcare
Southwest Securities Inc.
Spring Branch Medical Center
SSM Heart Institute
St. Dominic Health Services
St. Elizabeth’s Health Center, Humility
of Mary Health Partners
St. Francis Hospital, Inc.,
Columbus, GA
St. Francis Medical Center
St. John Providence Health
St. Joseph Health Systems
St. Joseph Medical Center,
Kansas City, MO
St. Joseph’s Medical PC
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health
St. Mary Medical Center, Apple
Valley, CA
St. Mary’s Hospital
St. Mary’s Medical Center,
Huntington, WV
St. Vincent Hospital
Standard Beverage Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bisgrove
Stardust Foundation
Staten Island University Hospital,
Staten Island, NY
Sterling Bank
Sterling Jewelers Inc.
Stony Brook Foundation
Stormont-Vail HealthCare
Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young
Mr. Jonathan Strong
Suburban Health Organization
Summit Medical Group
Sun Products
The Sun Products Corporation
Sunflower Marketing
Sun-Times Media
Superior Ambulance of Michigan
SuperOne Foods
Supervalu Inc.
Sutter Medical Center of Santa Rosa
Sutter West Bay Hospitals
SW Florida Lexus Dealers: Scanlon
Lexus/Germain Lexus
Ms. Willetta Swanson
Swarovski North America LTD
Swedish Medical Centers
Swift Transportation
System Support
Take Shape for Life, a Medifast
Takeda Pharmaceuticals, North
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
TE Connectivity
Telefutura KDTF 36
Telemundo XHAS 33
The University of Texas
Texas Health Resources
TFC Services Inc.
Thomson Reuters
Time Warner Cable
Times Supermarkets
Torrey Pines Bank
Toyota Motor Credit Corp.
Trident United Way
Trinity Regional Health System
TriStar Heart Network
Triumph Aerostructures
TriWest Healthcare Alliance
The Trump Organization
Dr. Lawrence KW Tseu
Tubular Synergy
Tulane University Hospital and
Clinic, New Orleans, LA
Tyson Foods Inc.
UCSD Medical Center
UHealth – University of Miami
Miller School of Medicine
Uk Healthcare
UMass Memorial Medical Center
Underwriters Labs – Employee
Giving Campaign
Unilever United States Foundation
United Concordia
United Healthcare of Ohio
United Water
University Community Hospital
– Florida Hospital Wesley
Chapel, Florida Hospital
Zephyrhills, Helen Ellis
Memorial Hospital, Long
Term Acute Care, Pepin
Heart Hospital, Tampa Bay
Emergency Physicians,
University Community
Carrollwood, University
Community Main Campus
Univita Nursing Management
Services LLC
UPMC Hamot, Erie, PA
UPMC Health Plan
UPMC Health System
UPMC Horizon, Farrell, PA
UPMC Passavant, Pittsburgh, PA
UW Medicine
Valeta & T.J. Rodgers
Value Village
Vital Life Foundation
W.G. Yates & Sons Construction
Wachovia/Wells Fargo
Walden University
Dr. & Mrs. John & Becca Wallace
Mrs. Dwane Wallace
Walsh Construction
C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins
Charitable Foundation
Webster Bank
Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP
Wellmont Health System
WellPoint Foundation Inc.
Wells Fargo – Employee Giving
Wells Fargo Advisors LLC
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
USA Inc.
West Penn Allegheny Health
System, Inc.
West Tennessee Healthcare
Westchester Medical Center
Western Health Advantage
Westinghouse Electric Co.
Wheels Inc.
Whirlpool Corporation
Wildhorse Resources LLC
Williams Companies
Williams Mullen Clark & Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton Jr.
Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice
Worley Parsons
Yahoo Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Colette Young
ZBI Employee Allocated Gift Fund
Mr. Berry Zemel
Dr. Sanford Ziff
$10,000 – 24,999
3M Foundation Inc.
944 Magazine
A & K Railroad Materials Inc.
A & M Flooring America
A B Farrington Foundation
Abbott Medical Optics
ABC Financial Services, Inc.
Abilene Regional Medical Center
About Magazine
Abrazo Region Services
Acadian Ambulance
ACE American Insurance Co.
ACE Group
AD Marketing
Adams Foundation
Advance Auto
Advance Cardiology Consultants
Advanced Billing Services Inc.
Adventist Health
Advocate Health Care – Employee
Giving Campaign
Aep Texas Central Company
Aetna – Employee Giving Campaign
Affinion Group Inc.
Affinity Express
Africa House Safaris
Agilent Technologies Inc.
AGM Container Controls
Mr. & Mrs. Avinash & Peggy B. Ahuja
AIG Matching Gift Program
AirTran Airways
AIT Laboratories
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP
Akron General
Alabama Plate Cutting Company Inc.
Alaska Air Group
Alaska Cardiovascular Research
Foundation Inc.
Alaska Children’s Heart Center LLC
Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY
Mr. and Mrs. David Alexander
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc./A&B
All-Med Services of Florida Inc.
Allburn Florist
Allegis Group Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Trisha Allen
Alliance Advisory Group
Alliance Shippers Inc.
Allina Health System
Mr. Johnny Allison
Allure Medical Spa
Aloha Air Cargo
Alpha Baking Company
Alsari Management, UBS Financial
Alston & Bird LLP
Altec Industries
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Ms. Linde & Mr. Phil Amato
Amendola’s Pizza & Pasta
American Axle & Manufacturing
American Direct Marketing
American Enterprise
American Express
American Financial Group
American Health Network
American Imaging Management
American Movie Classic Company
American Mulitspecialty Group
American Nonsmokers’ Rights
American Utility Metals
Ameriprise Financial
Ameriprise Financial Employee
Giving Campaign
Amsted Rail Company Inc.
Amtrust Financial Services
Ms. Patricia Anderson
Mr. Greg Anderson
Mr. John Anderson
Anheuser-Busch Inc.
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield in
Aon Hewitt
Aon Risk Services Inc.
Apache Corporation
Apex Tool Group
Apollo Group Inc.
Arcapita Inc.
Architectural Graphics Inc.
Arellano Construction Company
Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Argenal
Argonne National Laboratory –
Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. & Mrs. George & Shannon Argyros
University of Arkansas Medical
Arvest Bank
Arvest Bank Operations Inc.
Asbury Automotive Group LLC
Heart & Stroke Champions
Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Associated Food Stores Inc.
Mr. David Atkinson
Atlas Signs
Atrium Medical Center
Ats Medical/3f Therapeutics
Augustine Cahuilla Indians
Aultman Hospital, Canton, OH
Aurora Health Care
Austin Energy
The Austin Foundation
Austin Industries Inc.
Avante Laser & MediSpa
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Avent
Avera Heart Hospital of South Dakota
Ms. Deborah Aziane
Aztec Well Servicing Co. Inc.
Azteca Foods
B&R Stores
Mr. Hank Bachmann
Mr. Bruce Bailey
Baird Foundation Inc.
Mr. Brian Baker
Baker & Daniels LLP
Baker & Hostetler LLP
Bakersfield Heart Hospital
Bakersfield Memorial Hospital,
Bakersfield, CA
Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll LLP
The Baltimore Sun
Bama Foods Limited Partnership
Bancorp South
The Bank
Bank Independent
Bank of Fayetteville
Bank of Hawaii
The Bank of New York Mellon
Bank of Oklahoma
The Bank of San Antonio
Bank of the West
Bank of Washington
Baptist Health Care
Baptist Memorial Hospital – North
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Barney & Barney
Mr. Bill Barrett
Bill Barrett Corp
Bart Conner and Barry Switzer
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Barter
Barton Clay Jewelers
Bashas’ Family of Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bass
Ms. Gail Bassin
Batchelor and Kimball Inc.
The Batchelor Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bates
Bates Container Inc.
Mr. Michael Batt
Batten & Shaw Inc.
The Baupost Group LLC
Baylor All Saints Medical Center
BBL Construction Services LLC
BC International Group Inc.
BCS Financial Corporation
Bealer Wholesale Inc.
Beaufort Memorial Hospital,
Beaufort, SC
Beaumont Academic Group
Beauty Manufacturing Solutions
Bechtel Corporation
Beckman Coulter Foundation
Beebe Medical Center, Lewes, DE
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Courtney Begel
Bell Helicopter
Belmont University
Bender Consulting Services Inc.
Benedetti Media Group
BeneFit Cosmetics
Mr. Leo Beranek
Berenfield Containers
Bergen Regional Medical Center
The Berger Group Inc.
Dr. Mary Bergh
The Bergman Family Charitable Fund
The Berner Charitable and
Scholarship Foundation
The Bernstein Foundation
Berry Metal Company
Beverage Distribution Inc.
Bi-Lo Charities Inc.
Big Lots Inc.
Biloxi Regional Medical Center
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Biosite Inverness Medical
Bitterroot Motors
BJC Medical Group
BJC Missouri Baptist Group
BKD Foundation
Blain Supply
The Blakely Foundation
Blank Rome LLP
Mr. Richard Blomquist
Blood Assurance Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode
Blue Cross Blue Shield – Arkansas
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
and Blue Care Network
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Idaho
Blue Shield Cares
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia
Blume Foundation
BMC Software
BMSC Naterra International
BMW of Columbia
BNY Mellon Community
BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware
Boeing – Employee Giving
Boeing Company – HQ
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bohlka
Boldt Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bolen
Bon Secours St. Francis
Bonura Hospitality Group
Boone Hospital Center, Columbia, MO
Booz & Company
Mr. Louis L. Borick
Boston Bruins Foundation
Boston Consulting Group
Boston Magazine
Boston Medical Center
Boston Scientific Corporation
The Bovaird Foundation
Bowditch & Dewey LLP
Mr. Brian Bower
Mr. W. Bozeman
Cmdr. Steve Bozeman Sr. JAGC,
USN (Ret)
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
Braley & Graham Buick–GMC
Branch Banking & Trust Company
Mr. Joseph Brand
Brandywine Op Partners LP
Brennan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Carlyn Briggs
Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Boston, MA
Brinker International
Mr. & Mrs. Rich & Bonnie Bronson
Brookfield Properties
Nancy & Gary Brown
Brown & Brown of Florida
Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels LLP
Brown Shoe Company Inc.
Mr. Dan Browning IV
Mrs. Charlotte Bruce
Brunswick Corporation
BSA Lifestructures Inc.
Buckley Radio
Buffalo Cardiology & Pulmonary Assoc.
Dr. Louis Bujnoch M.D.
Mrs. Louise Burevitch
Erica Burney Foundation
Burr & Forman LLP
Burt’s Bees Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. & Beth Burtschy
Mrs. Nancy R. Bush
Butler Shine And Stern
C J Apple I Inc
C. T. Hellmuth & Associates Inc.
C. W. Titus Foundation
CA Wholesale Mat’l Supply
Caesars Entertainment
Caffey Distributing
Ms. Nancy Caldwell
California Bank & Trust
Cambridge Home Health Care
Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital
Ms. Mary L. Campbell
Campbell Soup Company
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Cantilo & Bennett LLP
CAO Fund
Capella Healthcare
Capella University
Capella University Employee Giving
Capital Blue Cross
Capital Concrete
Capital Health Plan
Capital Management Enterprises
Capital Region Medical Center
Capitol Federal Foundation
CapTech Ventures, Inc.
Carbone Auto Group
Cardiac Diagnostic Associates, P.C.
Cardiac Study Center
Cardiac, Vascular & Thoracic
Surgeons Inc.
Cardinal Company LLC
Cardinal Uniforms Inc.
Cardio Concepts
Cardiologists LC
Cardiology Associates of Mobile Inc.
Cardiology Center of Amarillo
Caremark Rx Inc.
Ms. Sonya Carey
Cargill Inc.Carilion Clinic
Carlson, Caspers, Vandenburgh &
Carlyle Fraser Employees Benefit Fund
Carolina Cardiology Consultants
e pLi eo gn as c y S o c i e t y
H e aP
ratu l& DSutdr loekye WC hh iatm
Recognizes revocable and irrevocable planned gifts (no minimum)
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
Carolina East Medical Center
Carolina Regional Heart Center
Carroll Hospital Center
Evelyn C. Carter Foundation
Cascade Eye & Skin Centers PC
Casey’s Charities
Mr. Joe Cashia & Ms. Angela
Catalina Marketing Charitable
Caterpillar CLAAS America
Catholic Medical Center
CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Foundation
CBS 47 On Your Side
CBS Corp
CBS Television Stations
CCA of Tennessee LLC
The CalCDM Group
Celerity Consulting Group
Celestica Inc.
Cellular South
Centene Corporaton
The Center for Cardiac & Vascular
Research at Washington
Adventist Hopsital
Central Florida Pathology
Central Missouri Cardiology
Central NY Labor Management
Central Trust & Investments
Cephalon Inc.
CFG Community Bank
Chef & Mrs. Richard & Lisa
Champagne Louis Roederer
Charity Motors
Charter Communications
CHC of Nebraska
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas & Sarah Cheek
Chevron Humankind
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company
University of Chicago Medical Center
Chicago White Sox
Chico’s FAS Inc.
Children’s Health Care of Wisconsin
Children’s Hospital & Research
Center Oakland
Children’s Memorial Hospital
Children’s National Medical Center
Childress Klein Properties
Chimicles & Tikellis LLP
Choate Parking Consultants
Christian Nobel Furs LTD
Christus Health
Christus Santa Rosa Health Care
Mr. & Mrs. Fred & Shelly Church
Cigna Healthcare
Ms. Christine Cimko
Cincinnati Bengals - NFL Charities
Cintas Corporation
Circle of Hope Bracelets
Cisco Systems
City Mill Company, Ltd.
City National Bank
Clarcor Foundation
Clark Memorial Hospital
Clark Patterson Lee Design
Mr. Harland Clarke
Clear Lake Regional Medical Center
Cleveland Clinic Heart and
Vascular Institute
Cleveland County Healthcare System
Cleveland Magazine
Clif Bar, Inc.
Ms. Morgan E. Cline
Clinical Practices of Univ. PA
Club of Hearts, Inc. Employee
Giving Campaign
Club One
The William & Sylvia Coakley
Coastal Federal Credit Union
Coastal Law
Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP
Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Anne Cobuzzi
Coca-Cola Enterprises
Coe-Truman Technologies
Mr. Mitchell Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coker
Coleman Company Inc. (HQ)
Collins Properties LLC
Collora LLP
Colonial Properties Services Inc.
Colorado Business Bank
Colorado Financial Group
Colorado Rockies Baseball Club
Colorado Trust
Columbia Bank
Columbia Gulf Transmission Company
Comerica Bank
Comfort Systems USA Inc.
Commerce Bank
Community Foundation For
Greater New Haven
The Charles Community Foundation
of Middle Tennessee
The Community Foundation of
Sarasota Inc.
Community Health Charities Illinois
Community Health Charities of
Kansas & Missouri
Community Health Charities of
Community Health Charities of
South Carolina
Community Hospital of the
Monterey Peninsula – Tyler
Heart Institute
Community Medical CenterMontana Heart Center
Compass Financial Partners LLC
Comprehensive Vascular Care
Compunet Clinical Laboratories
ConAgra Foods Enterprise
Services Inc.
Conmed Corp
Conmed Electrosurgery
Connecticut General Life
Insurance Company
Ms. Shirley Connolly
ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc.
Constangy, Brooks & Smith LLP
Constellation Energy Group
Constellation Wines U.S.
Continental Office Enviroments
Continental Tire the Americas LLC
ContinuCare Home Health
Contra Costa Cardiology Group
Convergys Corporation
Cook Holdings
Cook Medical
Cooley Dickinson Hospital,
Northampton, MA
The Cooper Companies Inc.
Cooper Industries
Cooper Standard Automotive
Mr. Bill Corba
Corinthian Colleges Inc.
Corporate Realty Leasing
The Courville Company Inc.
Covenant HealthCare, Saginaw, MI
Coveright Surfaces USA Company
Crawford & Company
The Cozen Crean Foundation
Credibility International
Credit Agricole Corporate and
Investment Bank
T II OANT I• O ANN N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0
Paul Dudley White Legacy Society
Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse Americas
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cribb
Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Tonya Crosby
Crosby Tugs LLC
Mr. Otis Crowder
Crown Acura
Crown Imports
Crutchfield Corporation
Crystal Building Maintenance
Crystal Partners LLC
Mr. Pat Curler
Cdr. & Mrs. Richard E. & Joan Curtis
Cushman-Bittini Foundation
CVS Caremark
Daily News
Dairy Farmers of America Inc.
Dairy Max
Dameron Hospital
The Danis Foundation
Dannenbaum Engineering
Mr. & Mrs. Gholi & Georgia Dareshori
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center, Lebanon, NH
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Ranea Daugherty
David Yurman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davidson
Mr. Stuart Davies
Dr. & Dr. George & Sakina Davis
Mr. Martin Davis
Davis & Gilbert LLP
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
Ms. Lynn Dayton
Mrs. Olga De Goizueta
The De Molina Family Foundation
Deaconess Hospital
Dealer Tire LLC
Dean F. Morehouse of MTM
Builder/Developer Inc.
Dearborn National
Debeleyr Family Trust
Dechert LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Kevan Del Grande
Del Grande Dealer Group
Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A. Inc.
Delaware Heart & Vascular, P.A.
Delman Mortenson Foundation
DelMonte Fresh Produce
Delta Dental of Rhode Island
Delta Radiology Associates
Deltic Timber Corp
DeMaria Building Company Inc.
Denali Center
Denali State Bank
Denbury Resources
Denton Regional Medical Center
Des Peres Hospital
Mr. Leo Detroit
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank AG New York
Devcon Construction Inc.
Devine Millimet & Branch
Mr. Aaron Daniels & Mrs. Lisa Dezzutti
Diachi Sankyo Inc.
The Luther & Susie Dickson Foundation
Digital Transcription Systems Inc.
Digitas Health
The Dillar-Von Furstenberg Family
Diosynth RTP Inc.
Disney Worldwide Services
Dixie Stampede LLC
Dixon Hughes
Dixon Schwabl Advertising Inc.
Ms. Linda Dlugatz
Do it Best Corp.
Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Doctors Care
Dolese Bros Company
Dollar Thrifty Automotive
Dollar Tree Management Inc.
Dominion Foundation
Donald J Trump Foundation
Donna LeVine Associates Inc.
Dover Foundation Inc.
Dow Corning Crop
Drexel University College of Medicine
Dreyfus Investments
DSL Credit
DST Systems Inc.
The Dubose Family Foundation
Duke Realty
Mr. Bill Dunlap
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dvorkin
Dykema Gossett PLLC
E-One Inc.
EADS North America
Earnhardt Grading Inc.
Eastern Aroostook Regional
Eastern Suffolk Cardiology PC
EBSCO Industries Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Leldon & Gwen Echols
Eckardt Electric Company
Ecolab – Employee Giving Campaign
Ecolab Kay Chemical Company
Ed Rachal Foundation
Ms. Beth Ann Ede
Edelman Public Relations
Edgen Murray
Edison International
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Edmunds/
Edmunds Family Foundation
Edward Hospital & Health
Services, Naperville, IL
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream
Eichenberg-Larson Charitable
Electronic Arts
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital
Elizabeth Weir 2004 Rev Trust
Elkay Manufacturing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ellen
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Eller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary & SueEllis
Ms. Laura Ellsworth
William H. Ellsworth Foundation
Emerald Textiles
Mr. Emmitt Thames
Employees Community Fund of
The Boeing Company
EMS Management LLC
Endo Pharmaceuticals
Energen Corporation
Energy BBDO
Mrs. Georgi Engiles
Entercom Rochester LLC
Enterprise Bank & Trust Company
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Enterprises Products
Envision Pharmaceutical Services
EOG Resources Inc. Matching
Gifts Administrator
Epic Systems Corporation
Epocrates Inc.
Ericsson Television Inc.
Erie Community Foundation
Eriez Magnetics Company, Erie, PA
Erlanger Health System,
Chattanooga, TN
Esse Health
Essentia Health
Estee Lauder Inc.
The Ella Estopinal Group
The Evans Foundation
Evans Medical Foundation Inc.
Excela Health
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield
Explorer Pipeline Co.
Mrs. Karen Exum
ExxonMobil Corporation
F & M Bank & Trust Company
F. Harrell
Faegre & Benson
Fairbanks Daily News Miner
FairPoint Communications
Faith Regional Health Services
Fallon Community Health Plan
Family Matters Healthcare
Farella, Braun, & Martel LLP
Farm Fresh Charitable Foundation
Fast Signs
Ms. Suzanne G. Fedder
Federal Mogul Corp
Feld Entertainment
Mr. Bert Scott & Ms. Liz Fender
FGX International
Fifth Ave of LI Realty Assoc.
Findlay Toyota
Finks Jewelers Inc.
First Bank
First Choice Health Network Inc.
First Coast Cardiovascular
First Commonwealth Financial
First Federal Bank
First Insurance Company
First Interstate Bank
First National Bank
First National Bank of Texas
First Niagara Bank
First Source Federal Credit Union
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Ms. Kristen Kelly Fisher & Mr.
John Molina
Fit to Print
The Edgar & Elsa Fitzgerald
Charitable Foundation
Fleisher Foundation
Fleishman Hillard Inc.
Fletcher Allen Health Care,
Burlington, VT
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida’s Blood Centers, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick and Barbara
Florjancic Jr.
Flow Companies, Inc.
Floyd Memorial Hospital & Health
FMS Corporate
The Fogarty Institute at El Camino
Mr. & Mrs. Phil & Angie Fogg
Ms. Kathryn Fontinel
Ford Lincoln Mercury
Forest City Enterprises
Forest County Potowatomi Comm
Fort Dearborn Life Insurance
Fort Hamilton Hospital
Fort Walton Beach Medical Center,
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Foster Heights Elementary
Foster Wheeler North America,
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky
Ambassador & Mrs. Sam Fox
Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation
Fox News Network LLC
Franciscan Physician Hospital
Franciscan St. Francis Health
Mr. & Mrs. Rob & Patti Franklin
Franks International
Mr. & Mrs. West Fraser
Fred L Hansen Corp
Fredrikson & Byron, PA
Ms. Josephine Freede
Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital
Mr. Scott Frey
Fried Frank Harris Shriver &
Jackson LLP
Friends of the Heart
Froedtert Health
Front Runners
Frontier Communications
Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.C.
Fruth Family Foundation
Ms. Patty Fukami
Fulton Bank and Fulton Financial
The Fulton School – Employee
Giving Campaign
Fundacion Priscilla Gonzalez
Rahola De Stubbe
Funeral Directors Life
Mr. & Mrs. David Carrie Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Sue Galbraith
Galichia Heart Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallagher
The Galloway Foundation
Garmin International Inc.
Mr. Scott Garula
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garvy – INTECH
Gay Construction Company
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Attractions
GCI Fairbanks
GE Johnson Construction
Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA
Mr. & Ms. Andy & Jane Geisse
Gencorp Tech Inc.
Genstar Capital LLC
The Gentry Agency Genuine Parts
George and Bob Fund, Orange
County Community
George S. & Dolores Dore Eccles
Georgetown Hospital System
Georgia Power Foundation
Gerresheimer Glass Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gerrish
Giant Eagle
Mr. Mike Gier
Giglio Distributing Company
Gilbane Building Company
Mr. Gary Giller & Ms. Lauren Rich Fine
The Gilliam Foundation
Give with Liberty – Employee
Giving Campaign
Dr. & Mrs. John & Debbie Given
Mr. Martin Glavin
Global Impact
Global Wings LLC
GM Financial
Gohrs Printing Service Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Gold
Samuel Goldberg & Sons
Foundation Inc.
Golden Living
Goldman Sachs Gives
Mr. Frederick M. Goltz
Golub Family Foundation Inc.
Mr.& Mrs. John & Kitty Goodish
Goodman Company
Gordon Foundation
W.R. Grace & Co.
Grady Health System
The George C. Grainger
Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts
Grand Chapter of Kansas O.E.S.
Grand Chapter of Ohio O.E.S.
Grant, Fridkin, Pearson, Athan &
Crown, PA
Ms. Rebecca Gray
Graycor Services LLCGreat
American Lines Inc.
Great Valley Cardiology
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Greater Houston Anesthesiology
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Green
John E. Green Company
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Greenburg Traurig
Greenville Hospital System
Greenville Memorial Hospital,
Greenville, SC
Greenway Medical
Mr. Henry Greer
The Greetin Foundation
Grey Global Group Inc.
The Janet L. Griffin Legacy
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl & Lisa Groom
Groom Family Foundation
Groom Family Wines
Grousbeck Family Foundation
Mr. Richard Groves
Grunley Construction Co. Inc.
GSGR Foundation
Gtech Corp
Guerbet LLC
Gulf Coast Cardiothoracic &
Vascular Surgeons
Gulf Power Foundation Inc.
Gustav International Inc.
H-E-B Pantry Foods Public Affairs
H.J. Heinz Company
H&B Wilson Interests Ltd.
Carrie and Herbert Haas Fund
Hackett Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ron W. & Sandy
Mr. Johnson Hagood
Hahnemann University Hospital,
Philadelphia, PA
Mr. Christopher Damon Haig
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath &
Lyman PLLC
Halliburton Energy Services Group – HQ
Hamico Inc.
Mr. Booz Hamilton
Hammond Machine Works
Hancock Bank
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Hanger Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee T. Hanley
The Hanover Insurance Group
Hanover Insurance Group
Foundation Inc.
Harbert Management Corporation
Harborside Financial Center
The Hardesty Family Foundation
Ms. Linnea Hargraves
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harmon
Harnish Group Inc.
Harriet Heyman and Michael
Moritz Fund
Harris Beach PLLC
Harris Corporation
Harris NA
The Harrison Foundation Inc.
Harsco Metals
Carrye & Abraham Hart Fund
Harvesters Federal Credit Union
Mr. Russell Hata
Hatch Associates Consultants Inc.
Hatteras Financial Corp.
Hattiesburg Clinic
HCFD Realty Management Inc.
Heart & Stroke Champions
HCR Manor Care Foundation
HD Supply Facilities Maintenance
Health Alliance
Health NOW New York Inc.
Healthcare Foundation of Highland
Healthcare Management Systems Inc.
HealthPlus of Michigan
HealthPoint Medical Group
HealthSouth Rehabilitation
Hospital of Tinton Falls
HealthSouth Rehabilitation
Hospital of Toms River
HealthSpring USA LLC
Healthy Greeks Catering LLC
The Harold P. Heart Hospital
Baylor Plano
The Heart Institute at AtlantiCare
Regional Medical Center
Heartcare Midwest Ltd.
Heartland Health
Heartland Regional Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. Terry & Lezlie Heath
Helen Bamberger Colby
Helmwood Heights Elementary
Henkel Consumer Goods Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Henriquez
Henry Ford Health System
Henry Schein Cares Foundation
Herbert W. Hoover Foundation
Heritage Trust
Heritage Valley Health System
Mr. Bartlit Herman
Herman Miller
The Hershey Company
Hershey Foods Corporation
The Heuser Clinic
The Paul B. & Beryl S. Hewgill
Charitable Foundation Inc.
Hickingbotham Investments Inc.
Hickory Farms
Ms. Karen Higgins
Highland Capital Management LP
Hill Physicians
Hill-Rom Inc.
Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center
Dr. & Mrs. Bob & MegHillert
Hilton Head Regional Medical Center
Mr. A.W. Hines
Mr. Larry Hirsch
Hirschfeld Steel Group
Ms. Susan Hirschmann
HITT Contracting Inc.
HKH Innovations
Hoar Construction LLC
Ms. Virginia Hobbs
Ms. Kathryn Hobbs
Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc – HQ
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Lori Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. J.L. & Diane Holloway
Hollywood Casino Baton Rouge
Holman Automotive Group Inc.
Holmes Murphy & Associates
Holy Redeemer Health System
Home Box Office Inc.
Home Instead Senior Care
Home Run Inn Foundation
Honda of America Mfg. Inc.
Honeywell International Inc.
Honolulu Star Advertiser
Honolulu Star-Bulletin/Midweek
Horan & Associates
Horizon Medical Group PC
Horizon West Healthcare
Horry Telephone Cooperative
Mr. Henry StanHorton
Hostess Brands Inc.
Houston Golf Association
Houston Motor Club
Houston’s Restaurant
Howard & Shawn Gruverman
Howard County General Hospital
LaVerne & Thomas Howell Foundation
Ms. Dorothy Hozier
HR1 Services Inc.
Mr. William Hubble
Hudson Valley Cardiology Group PC
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Hunt
Hunter Laboratories
Huntington Internal Medicine Group
Huntington National Bank
Hunton & Williams
Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville, AL
Husch Blackwell
Hy-Vee Inc
I.B.C. Hostess
Iberia Bank
ICF International
Idaho Beef Council
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Mary Ignaczak
Mr. & Mrs. Tony & Laura Ignaczak
University of Illinois at Chicago
Medical Center
Impressions Marketing Group
Independence Blue Cross
The Independent
Indexx Inc.
Indiana University
Indiana University Health Arnett
Indiana University Health
Bloomington, Bloomington, IN
Indiana University School of Medicine
Infiniti Coaches Charity Challenge
InfoCision Management Inc.
Inglett & Stubbs, LLC – Electrical
Integrated Wealth Management
Intents Inc.
Intermountain Medical Center
Internal Medicine Associates
International Areo Enginers
International Bank of Commerce
International Business Machines
International Materials Inc.
Interpublic Group
Intersect Partners LLC
Investors Management
The Iowa Clinic PC
Iowa Health Des Moines
ITC Holdings Company
IU Health Goshen Hospital
Ivy Tech Bloomington
Mr. Craig Jackson
Jackson Hospital
Jacksonville Heart Center
Paul & Stacy Jacobs Family Fund
of the Jewish Community
Mr. & Mrs. Leif Jacobsen
Jamfest Events LLC
Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock
Jay Shidler on behalf of the Shidler
College of Business
Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union
Jefferson City Medical Group
Jeffries & Company Inc.
Dr. Leigh Jenkins, M.D.
The Alan K. and Cledith M.
Jennings Foundation
Thomas E. Jernigan Foundation
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Foundation of
San Diego
Jewish Healthcare Foundation
JFK Medical Center Foundation Inc.
JFK Medical Center, Atlantis, FL
JM Family Enterprises
Mr. Paul John
John Knox Village
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Pharmaceutical Research &
Development LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Marty & Tracy Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Tammy Jones
Jones Apparel Group
Jones Day
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Jordan
Mr. Charles Jordan Jr. & Mrs.
Jennifer Jordan
W.M. Jordan Company
Mr. & Mrs. David & Tressa Joseph
Joseph Jamail Attorney at Law
Mr. George Josephine
Josephs Regional Medical Center
Journal Broadcast Group
JP Morgan Securities Inc.
JPA Holdings LLC
JPS Health Network, Fort Worth, TX
Juba Aluminum Products Co. Inc.
The Jonathan Judge Group
JW Marriott San Antonio Hill
Country Resort & Spa
Dr. & Mrs. Ameer & Salma Kabour
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
of Portland
Kaiser Foundation Hospital –
Moanalua, Honolulu, HI
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Santa
Clara Medical Center, Santa
Clara, CA
Kaiser Permanente – Ohio Region
Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara
Kaiser Permanente, Fresno
Kaleida Health
The Kane Company
Kane Warehousing Inc.
Kannon Consulting
Mr. Leon Kaplan
Peter Karmanos Jr. & Danialle
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley & Helene Karp
Katz, Sapper & Miller
Kaufman Container
Ms. Julie Kavner
Kaye Scholer LLP
Kdc Galatyn Investments I LP
Keiser University
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Margot Keith
Kellog’s Corporate Citizenship Fund
Mr. Richard Kelly
Mr. Conrad Kenley
Kennedy Health System
Kennedy University Hospital
Ms. Patti Kenner
Kennie’s Markets
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Kim Kent
Kentucky Beef Council
Kerr Cares for Kids Foundation, Inc.
Kessler Family Foundation
Ketchum Charitable Foundation
Key Bank National Association
Key Bank of Utah
Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Bettie Keyes
Keystone Mercy
Heart & Stroke Champions
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
Keystone Mercy Health Plan
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Kimball’s Jewelers
Kimberly-Clark Corporation – HQ
Kindred Foundation Inc.
Kindred Hospitals – Tarrant County
King & Spalding LLP
Kipper Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. James & Terry Kirklin
Mr. Seth Klarman
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Mr. Joel B. Kleinman
KLP Enterprises LLC
KM Stemler Co. Inc.
Knoll Furniture
Ms. Pam Knous
Koch Logistics
Koret Foundation
KPMG Community Giving Campaign
Kraft Foods Foundation
Kritchman Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John Kuenzl
Kymberly Rapier
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce & Soly Lachterman
Laclede Gas
Lafayette General Medical Center,
Lafayette, LA
Lake Health
Lake National Bank
Lake Park High School
Lakeland Regional Medical Center,
Lakeland, FL
Mr. Ron Lamb
Mr. Howard Lamuska
Lancaster Regional Medical Center
Land O’ Lakes Inc.
Landers Ford Memphis
Landers McClarty Toyota
Landers Toyota
Lasalle Investment Management
Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Dianne Laster
Latham & Watkins LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lavinia
Le Mystere
LeBauer HealthCare
Lecesse Construction Services LLC
Lee Bass
Leerink Swann LLC
Legacy Health
Legal Placements Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques & Judy Leger
Legg Mason
Lehmann Investments LP
Ms. Betty Ann Leith
Lenoir Community College
Saul & Eleanor Lerner Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. J. & Debbie
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Janet Levy
Mr. Lester Levy
Lewis-Goetz and Company Inc.
Lexington Medical Center,
Lexington, SC
Lexus of Lincoln
LG&E and KU Energy
LHN Lutheran Hospital
Liberty Mutual Employee Giving
Liberty Mutual Insurance
LifeNet Health
Lifeway Foods Inc.
Lightning Foundation Inc.
John C.Lincoln Health Network
Lincoln Journal Star
Linde – Employee Giving
Linde Cares Employee Giving
Linebarger Goggan Blair &
Sampson LLP
Linn Energy
Linn Operating Inc.
Lion’s Pride Foundation
LitePoint Corp
Little & Associates Architects
Little Rock Cardiology Clinic
Live Nation
Lockton Companies of Colorado
Loeb LLP
Lorretta Carter-Getter
Los Medanos Community
Healthcare District
Louisiana – Pacific Foundation
Louisiana Lottery
Lovelace Health System Inc.
The Louis Lowell Five
Lowenstein Sandler PC
Loyola University Medical Center,
Maywood, IL
Lubell & Rosen
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
Mr. Charles Luck III
Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Colleen Ludington
J. Gerald Lustine Foundation
Lustine Toyota-Scion
Luther King Capital Management
Lutron Electronics Company Inc.
M&T Bank
Machine Works
MacLaren Jewelers
Macy’s Foundation
The Madden Family Foundation
The Jimmy Madding Foundation
Madix Store Fixtures
Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital/
Madonna ProActive
Magellan Midstream Partners LP
Mr. and Mrs. Marion “Mac” Magruder
Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney
Mahopac National Bank
Mr. & Mrs. H. Austin & Leslie Mahr
Maidenform, Inc.
Major, Lindsey & Africa and Inside
Edge Legal
Makovsky & Company Inc.
Mr. Barton Malow
Mancini Duffy
Manhattan Associates
Manhattan Kraft Construction, Inc.
Manhattan Software Inc
Mann Packing
Mansour, Gavin, Gerlack & Manos
Co., L.P.A
Maquet Cardiovascular
Marathon Ashland Petroleum, LLC
Match Program
Marborg Industries
Mr. George M. Marcus
The M. Chris Marcus Corp Foundation
The Marcus Foundation
Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital
Anthony F & Susan M. Markel
Fund of the Community
Foundation Serving Richmond
and Central Virginia
MarkerNet, Inc.
Marketing Associates LLC
Marquis Industries Inc.
Mars Chocolate
Marshfield Clinic & Ministry
Health Care
Martha Jefferson Hospital,
Charlottesville, VA
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell & Boozie Martin
Martin, Harding and Mazzotti LLP
Mr. Evan Marwell & Ms. Tracy Leeds
The Marx Group
Mary Potishman Lard Trust
Mashkin Family Foundation
Ms. Larisa Mason
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA
Massey Services Inc.
MasterCard Inc.Matson Navigation
Company Inc.
Mr. Charles Matthews
Jean & William K.H. Mau Foundation
Maverick Transportation
Maxmara Retail Ltd.
Heart & Stroke Champions
Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale
Mr. & Mrs. William McCahan
McCarthy Building Companies Inc.
MCCI Group
McClellan Business Park LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McConnell
McCormick & Co.
McCormick & Co. Inc. Fund Trust
McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood
Mr. & Mrs. Will & Emery
Mr. John McFadden & Ms. Lisa
MCG Health Inc.
Mr. Mac McGehee
McGriff Seibels & Williams
McGuire Woods
Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Connie McIntosh
Ms. Marilyn McIver
Mcjunkin Red Man Foundation
McKenna Long & Aldridge
McKenney’s Superior/A Joint
McKesson Corporations
McKim & Creed
McKinsey & Company Inc.
McNair Law Firm, P.A.
MeadWestvaco Foundation
Mr. Clive Meanwell
MED 3000
Med-Lab Supply Co. Inc.
Medco Foundation
The Medical Center – Bowling
Green, KY
Medical Center Fund of Cincinnati
Medical Reimbursements of
America LLC
Medical University Hospital Authority
Medifast Inc.
The Medline Foundation
Medrad Interventional/Possis
Medrad Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Amy Meltzer
Mr. Neil Meltzer
Members Give
Memorial Health System
Memorial Hermann Northeast,
Humble, TX
Memorial Hospital, York
Memphis Heart Clinic PLC
Mended LIttle Hearts
Mercer Health and Benefits
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Merchant & Gould
Merck – Employee Giving Campaign
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mercy Health System
Mercy Health System, Janesville, WI
Mercy Hospital & Medical Center
Mercy Iowa City
Mercy Medical Center
Meridian Surgical Partners
Merit Medical Systems Inc.
Meriter Health Services
Merrill Communications LLC
Merrill Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. K. Alexis Mersentes
Methodist Health System
The Mervin Bovaird Foundation
The Methodist Hospitals
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Methodist Mansfield Medical Center
MetLife Foundation
Metro Health Hospital
Metro Portland New Car Dealers
The MetroHealth System,
Cleveland, OH
MetroWest Community Health
Care Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Meyer
The George & Judy Meyer Foundation
Michigan Fitness Foundation
Microsoft – Employee Giving
Mid Atlantic Surgical Associates
Mid Hudson Medical Group
Mid Hudson Wendico Inc
Mid-South Heart Center PC
MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co
Midland Memorial Hospital,
Midland, TX
Midlands Choice Inc.
MidSouth Bank
The Mill Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Miller
Mr. H. Miller
Miller Grandchildren Charity
Miner Enterprises Inc.
Minneapolis Heart Institute
Minnesota Beef Council
Miss Bernice Uvanile
Mississippi Power Company
University of Missouri Health Care,
Columbia, MO
MOCSE Credit Union
Mohawk Valley Heart Institute,
Utica, NY
Mondial USA
Montage Deer Valley
University of Montana Foundation
Moore & Van Allen
Moorings Park
Morey Weldon
Morgan Stanley & Company Inc.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
MorganFranklin Corporation
Moritt Hock Hamroff & Horowitz LLP
Morris, Nichols, Arscht & Tunnell
Morrison & Crothall
Morrison & Foerster LLP
Mortenson Construction
Mosaic Cafe & Catering
Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Alice Mosing
Moss & Associates
Moss Adams LLP
Mother Frances Hospital
Mount Auburn Hospital,
Cambridge, MA
Mount Carmel Health System
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Mountain Broadcasting
Mountain States Health Alliance
MPT Operating Partnership
MTV Networks
Mr. & Mrs. John Mullenholz
Murch Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Linda Mussallem
MV Transportation
MVP Health Plan
Mythics Inc.
Nanticoke Health Services
Nash Finch Company
Nashville Machine Company
National Bank of Arizona
National Bank of Commerce
National Bank of Commonwealth
National Basketball Association
National CineMedia
National Philanthropic Trust
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Nationwide Insurance
Nationwide Security & Building Services
Navigant Consulting Inc.
NBC TV Channel 3
NC Medical Mutual Insurance
NCH Healthcare System Inc.
NCR Corporation
Nebraska Heart Institute & Heart
Mr. Brian Neher
Neighborhood Health Plan
Eugene Nelson Charitable Trust
Nemours Foundation
Nestle Employee Giving Campaign
Nestle Waters North America Inc.
Network for Good
Dr. & Mrs. Doug & Robin Netz
New Enterprise Associates
New Hanover Regional Medical
Center, Wilmington, NC
New York Air Brake
New York Mets Foundation
New York State Laborers
The Nellie Thatcher Perkins
Foundation at Union Bank
The New York Times Company
Newquest Management of
Alabama LLC
The News Corp Foundation
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/
Weill Cornell Medical Center,
New York, NY
Nexen Petroleum USA, Inc.
Norman Gitzen Indoor and Outdoor
North American Martyrs Catholic
North Country Federal Credit
North Cypress Medical Center,
Cypress, TX
North Ohio Heart Center
Northeast Georgia Heart Center, P.C.
Northeast Georgia Medical Center,
Gainesville, GA
Northeastern Rehabilitation
Northern Natural Gas Company
Northern Nevada Medical Center
Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
Northrop Grumman Systems Corp.
Northshore Medical Center at FMC
Northshore University Health
Northstar Electrical Services LLC
Northwest Health Foundation
Northwest Ohio Cardiology
Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CT
Novant Health Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Frank & Joanne Noyes
NRG Manufacturing
NSTAR Electric & Gas Corporation
Nuclear Energy Institute
Nucor Employees Credit Union
Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa
Nugget Market
NV Energy
NW Texas Hospital
NXC Imaging/Toshiba America
Medical Systems
NYCM Insurance Co.
NYU School of Medicine
Dr. Peter K. O’Brien
Mr. Tom O’Connor
The O’Connor Foundation Inc.
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
O’Neill Consulting Group
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Sullivan
Oakwood Healthcare System
Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc.
Ofer and Shelly Nemirovsky
Office Environments Inc.
Oil States
Mr. David Okabe
Okaloosa Heart and Vascular Center
Olathe Medical Center, Olathe, KS
Old Dominion Security
Old National Trust Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Shirley Oliver
Omni Media Cleveland Inc.
Omni Source Southeast
Omnicare Inc.
One Beat CPR
OPI Products Inc.
OppenheimerFunds Legacy Program
Optimum Lightpath
Orange County Community Foundation
Oregon Health & Science
Original Pancake House
Orlando Heart Center
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Janet Osborn
Mr. Sidney Ostenaa
Osteopathic Founders Foundation
Mr. John Oswald
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Oswald/Capital
Trust Group
Outcome Sciences Inc.
Outsource Partners International
Overton Hotel & Conference
Mr. & Mrs. Richey & Joyce Owen
P1 Group Inc.
Pace Americas Inc.
Pacific Beach Hotel
PacificSource Health Plans
Paducah Bank
Palm Springs Life
Palos Community Hospital
Pan Pacific Plumbing
Pappas Bros. Steakhouse
Paradigm Group
Park Dental and The Dental
Park Nicollet Health Services
Park Place Motorcars Fort Worth
Park Place Porsche
Parker Drilling
Parker Poe Attorneys at Law
Parkersburg Cardiology Associates
Parma Community General Hospital
Partners HealthCare
Party City of Arizona Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Kathy Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Patty Payne
Paypal Inc.
PBM Capital Group LLC
PCL Construction Enterprises Inc.
PeaceHealth Southwest Medical
Pediatric Associates
The Paul J Peierls Foundation Inc.
PENN Medicine-Corporate
Penn State Hershey Heart and
Vascular Institute, Penn State
Milton S. Hershey Medical
Penncora Production
University of Pennsylvania
Penrose-St. Francis Health Services,
Colorado Springs, CO
Pepco Holdings Inc.
Pepsi Beverages Co.
Pepsi Bottling Ventures LLC
Perella Weinberg Partners
Perfect 10 Satellite Distributing
Performance Team Freight
Systems, Inc.
Perkins + Will
The Perkins Foundation at Union Bank
Perkins-Prothro Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Perper
Perry Ellis International Inc.
Petri Baking Products
Ms. Pat Petznick
Mr. & Mrs. Fred & Stephanie Pezeshkan
PFSA - Portuguese Fraternal
Society of America
PG&E Corporation
Pharmavite Corporation
Philips Respironics
Phillips-Van Heusen Foundation
Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Phoenix Suns Charities
University of Phoenix-Reno
Physio-Control Corporation
Pietragallo Bosick & Gordon LLP
Pikeville Medical Center
Pinnacle Bank
Pinnacle Health Hospitals,
Harrisburg, PA
Pinnacle National Bank
Pinnacle Ventures LLC
PIPE Trust Fund
Piper Jaffray
Pircher, Nichols & Meeks
Ms. Kay P. Pitman
The Plain Dealer
Plainview Hospital, Plainview, NY
The Planet
PNC Wealth Management
Poe Travel
Poh Regional Medical Center
Polaner Selections
Police & Fire Federal Credit Union
Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC
Portland Business Journal
Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Beverly Postl
Potomac Hospital Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Suzanne Potter
Mr. S. Mark Powell
Mr. Shane Powell & Mr. Gustavo
PPC Foundation
Pratt Pharmaceuticals Pfizer Inc.
Praxair Foundation Inc.
Precision Drilling Holdings
Preferred One
Preit Services LLC
Premier Healthcare
Premiere Radiation Oncology
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Press Ganey Associates Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William & Eva Price
Price Chopper Supermarkets
Golub Corp
Prime Care Physicians PC
Primus Global Services Inc.
The Prince Foundation
Principal Life Insurance
Printpack Inc.
Prisma Graphic Corporation
The PrivateBank
Pro Brand International Inc.
Professional Hospital Supply
Progressive Medical Inc.
Promo Depot/Match Point
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Dianne Prothro
Provena Mercy Medical Center
Provena Saint Joseph Hospital
Providence Alaska Medical Center,
Anchorage, AK
Providence Hospitals
Providence Master Planned
The Provident Bank Foundation
Prudential Foundation
Public Service Enterprises Group Inc.
Puyallup Tribe of Indians
PyraMax Bank
QBE Regional Insurance
QBE Reinsurance Corporation
The Quaker Oats Company
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
Quanta Services
R Weschler
R.J.’s Custom Boots
Racanelli Construction Company Inc.
Racine Community Foundation
Raffles Hotels & Resorts
Mr. Phil Rapp
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian & Cathy RawCliffe
Ray, Richie & Cece
RBC Capital Markets
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Real Estate Takes Heart
Ms. Regina Rebhan
Red Diamond Inc.
Red Door Studio
Dr. P. Reddy MD
Reed Morian
Reed Smith LLP
Regional Health System of Acadiana
Regional Hospital of Jackson
Regional Medical Center Memphis
Regions Bank – Southwest FL
Rehab Care
Mr. Michael J. Reidy
Renaissance Charitable
Renker Family Trust
Reno Heart Physicians
Renown Regional Medical Center,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The Repository
Reston Hospital Center
Resurrection Health Care
Rexel, Incorporated
Ms. Barbara Reyering
Reyes Holdings LLC
Richemont North America Inc.
Richmond Piano
Rick Case Automotive Group
The Richard & Leslie Riggio
The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead
RiverBend Medical Group
Riverside Community Hospital
Riverside Medical Clinic
Ms. Jeannine Rivet
RJ Young – Nashville, TN
RMY Construction Inc.
Robert Derector Associates
Robert Wood Johnson University
Hospital Hamilton, Hamilton, NJ
Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts
The Robertson Foundation
Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi
Rockford Cardiovascular Associates
Rodgers Builders Inc.
Rogers Benefit Group
Rogers Group Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Bill & Joy Rollefson
Rolls-Royce North America Inc.
Roma Bank
Ropes & Gray
Rosalyn Rosenthal
Rose Law Group PC
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Rosengart
Dr. & Dr. Robert and Deborah
Rossborough (an Opta Minerals Co.)
Mr. Ben Roth
Rothstein, Kass & Co.
Dr. Gary Roubin, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Kimberly Roush
Mr. Horazio Rozemblum
RSM McGladrey Inc.
RT Dooley a Balfour Beatty Company
Rubber City Radio Group Inc.
Cele H and William B Rubin
Family Fund
Dr. Ronald Rubinstein, M.D.
Ruehlow Family Foundation Inc.
Run for Your Life
Rural Metro
Dr. J. Avery Rush III
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Ms. Elizabeth A. Rutherford
Ryder System Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Safe Federal Credit Union
Safety-Kleen Systems Inc.
Saint Agnes Hospital
Saint Agnes Medical Center
Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical
Center, Lincoln NE
Saint Francis Hospital and Health
Saint Francis Medical Center
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System
Saint Joseph’s Hospital of Atlanta,
Atlanta, GA
Saint Patrick Hospital & Health
Sciences Center
Saks Inc.Salem Automation Inc.
Salt Lake Magazine
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Sarah Sammis
Sampson Construction Company
Earl C.Sams Foundation Inc.
Samsung Electronics
San Angelo Comm Med Center 1574
San Diego Business Journal
San Diego Daily Transcript
San Francisco Examiner
TheSan Francisco Foundation
San Koch & Sons
San Ramon Regional Medical
Center, San Ramon, CA
Sandra Steele
Sanofi Aventis US Inc.
Sansum Clinic
SAP America Inc.
Sara Lee
Saratoga Eagle Sales & Service Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Donald & Stephanie
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Sharon Saunders
Ms. Cheryl Savage
The Sara Savings Bank Life
Insurance Company of
Ms. Leslie Sbrocco
Scalzo Zogby & Witting Inc.
SCANA Services Inc.
SCF Arizona
Ms. Leah Schaefer
Schaefer’s TV & Appliance
Mr. Roger Schagrin
Mr. David L. Schlotterbeck
Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP
Schneider Electric Square –
Employee Giving Campaign
Peter R. Schneider Private Family
Schnucks Markets, Inc.
Ms. Marge Schueck
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Schulman
Schumacher Group
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Schwab
Schwab Foundation
Dr. Thomas Schwann, M.D.
Scitent Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Ruth Scott
Scott & White Healthcare
Scott Cook & Signe Ostby
Scott Enterprises
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company
Scottsdale Healthcare
Scripps Chula Vista Hospital
SE Transmission
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Seabury, III
Leo W. Seal Family Foundation
Searcy Special School
The Seattle Foundation
Seattle Magazine
Ms. Laureen Seeger
Select Health
Senior Star Services LLC
Sensient Technologies Foundation Inc.
Sephora USA Inc.
Mr. & Ms. Denny & Marcia C. Seremet
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Sherry Setser
Dr. & Mrs. Charlie and Claire
Shannon Fine Jewelry, Inc.
Shannon Medical Center, San
Angelo, TX
Dr. Harold Shapiro, M.D.
Sharp Healthcare
Shaw Pipeline Services
Shaw Power Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Stephanie Shay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Angie Sheha
Sheltering Arms Hospital
Sheridan Healthcorp Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Diane Shimer
Mr. Sanford Shkolnik
Ms. Selinda S. Shontz
Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP
Ms. Lisa Shuster
Shutts and Bowen
Sidley Austin LLP
Mr. Mace SiegelMs.Ostenaa Siemens
Siemens Water Technologies
Signature Brands
Mr. & Mrs. Hank & Amy Sikorski
The Silberstein Foundation Inc.
Simmons First National Bank
Simons Petroleum
Sitel Corp
Skire, Inc.
Skye Hospitality LLC
Slidell Memorial Hospital, Slidell, LA
Slocum-Dickson Medical Group
SM Energy
Smart & Final Stores
Smccall-M Smith Auto Group
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Smith
Mr. E. Smith
The Sidley Smith Charitable Foundation
SMS Holdings
J.M. Smucker Company
Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Sally Snavely
Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation
Paul Dudley White Legacy Society
Heart & Stroke Champions
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
Mr. Bob Snider
Ms. Heather Snow
W.P. Snyder III Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Susan & John Sobrato
Sodexho Health Care Services
The Solae Company
Sonoco Foundation
Source Interlink Companies
Source One Direct
South Carolina Department of
Health & Environment Control
South Carolina Heart Center
South Dakota Beef Industry
Southeast Health, Cape Girardeau,
Southern Community Bank and
Southern Illinois University
Southern Management
Southern Mississippi Heart Center
Southest Texas Medical Assoc
Southwestern Medical Foundation/
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center
Mr. Jim Sowell
Spec Pharma LLC
Spectranetics Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred & Dorothy Spigarelli
Spirent Communications
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey
SSC Service Solutions
SSG Payment Services
St. Anthony Medical Center
St. Anthony Medical Center – St. Louis
St. Anthony Rehab Unit
St. Christopher’s Hospital For
St. Elizabeth Healthcare
St. Elizabeth Medical Center
St. Francis Hospital
St. John Health System –
St. John Medical Center/St.
Vincent Charity Medical
St. John’s Mercy Hospital
St. Joseph Health System –
Sonoma County
St. Joseph Medical Center
St. Joseph’s Medical Center
St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center
St. Jude Medical Center
St. Judes
St. Luke’s Health System
St. Luke’s Hospital, Cedar
Rapids, IA
St. Luke’s Medical Center and
Mesa General Hospital IASIS
Healthcare of Arizona
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health
St. Luke’s Hospital Center
St. Mary’s Cardiac Rehab
St. Mary’s Good Samaritan Inc.
St. Mary’s Health
St. Mary’s Health Center
St. Vincent Healthcare
St. Vincent’s Birmingham
Stanford Cardiothoracic Program
at Saint Agnes Medical Center
Stanford Carr Development LLC
Stanford Hospital & Clinics
Staples Business Center
The Star Group
State Farm Mutual Automobile
Insurance Company
Stearns, Weaver, Miller, Weissler,
Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A.
Steelcase Inc.
Mr. Nicholas Stefanelli
Mr. & Mrs. David Stemerman
The Steris Foundation
Sterling Savings Bank
The Stern Cardiovascular Center, P.A.
Mr. John Steuri
Ms. Susan Stoddart
Stony Brook University Medical Center
STR Marketplace
Stradling Yocca Carlson
Stripes LLC
Ms. Susan Stroud
Suburban Hospital Healthcare
System Inc.
Subway Restaurants of Quad
Suffolk Construction
Dr. Patricia Sullivan Ph.D.
Summit Group LLC
Sunbelt Rentals & S.R.E.
Superior Life Support Inc.
Sutter East Bay Hospitals
Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation
Swedish American Health System
Sweetbay Supermarket
Swenson Advisors LLP
Swinerton Builders
SWS Charitable Foundation Inc.
Symantec Corporation
SynCardia Systems Inc.
Sysco Corporation
Sysco Dallas
T D Williams Inc.
Mr. T. Rowe Price
Tab Turner
Tammy Quick
Tampa Bay Rays Baseball
Tanana Valley Clinic Inc.
Tanimura Family Foundation
Taquiera Del Sol
Taygan Point Consulting Group
TCF Foundation
TD Bank North
Team Health, Inc.
Technicolor USA Inc.
TEG Architects
Teichert Foundation
Tek Systems
Telcoe Federal Credit Union
Teledyne Brown Engineering
Telos Fitness Foundation
Tenet Employee Giving Campaign
Terre Haute Regional Hospital,
Terre Haute, IN
Tesoro Corporation
Tetra Technologies Inc.
Texas Bank & Trust
The Texas Health Science Center
at Houston, Lance K. Gould,
M.D. & David D. McPherson
Texas Legends LLC
The Thermo Electron Corp.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thibodaux Regional Medical
Thom Duma Fine Jewelers
Mr. Patrick Thomas
Thompson and Knight Foundation
Thompson Construction Group
Three Arch Partners
Tiffany & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Craig & JillTillotson
Ms. Carol Tillotson
Times Supermarkets
Tire Kingdom
Toledo Cardiology Consultants Inc.
Tom Barbour
Barclays Capital Inc.
Tommy Bahama’s
Tony’s Fine Foods
Mr. Russell Tooley
Recognizes revocable and irrevocable planned gifts (no minimum)
Torcon, Inc.
Tornier Inc.
Torreya Partners LLC
Towers Watson
Towers Watson Delaware Inc.
Towne Bank
Transamerica Company
Travelers Foundation
Treasury Wine Estates
Tribridge Holdings LLC
TriDave LLC
Trident Regional Medical Center
Triten Corporation
Truly Nolen of America Inc.
Tryon Distributing Co.
Tuchman Foundation
Tucker Law Group
Tucson Lifestyle
Tufts Health Plan
Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
Tulsa Community Foundation
The Bruce & Beth Turner Family
Turtle Bay Resort
Tyco Electronics
The UAB Educational Foundation
UAW-GM Center for Human
UBS Financial Services Inc.
UC Health University Hospital
UCLA Medical Center
UCSF Medical Center
UGL Equis
UHS of Delaware Inc.
UMass Commonwealth Medicine
UMass Medical School
UMass Memorial Health Care Inc.
UMB Bank Arizona, N.A.
Ms. Leslie F Unger
Unifi Inc.
Union Bank of California Foundation
Union Memorial Hospital,
Baltimore, MD
United Dairy Industry of Michigan
United HealthCare Services Inc.
United States Gypsum Foundation
United Surgical Partners
Universal City Studios
Universal Electronics
University Health Systems
University HealthSystems
University Physicians Inc.
UP Corporation
Upper Valley Medical Center
Urban Active Fitness
US Airways
US Alloy Inc.
US Henkel Dial
USA Bouquet
USF Health Professions
Conferencing Corporation
USM Inc.
UT Physicians Heart & Vascular
UTMB Health System – Donna
Valentine Stores Inc
Valero Energy Corporation
Valley Baptist Medical Center –
Harlingen, Harlingen, TX
Van Cleef & Arpels Inc.
Vanguard Appraisal Group
Vanguard Health Systems
Vantage Health Plan
VBHS Hospital Holdings
Vedder Price P.C.
Venable LLP
Verizon of Pennsylvania
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
VF Sportswear Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jody & Kathy Victor
Villas by Linda Smith
Vinson & Elkins LLPVirginia
Cardiovascular Specialists
Virginia College LLC
Virginia Port Authority
Virtual Radiologic
Visi Inc.
Vista Health System
Vital Images Inc.
Vocational Training Institutes
Volkswagen Group of America Inc.
Mr. Daniel Voorhees
Mr. Gus Vratsinas
W & W Steel
Waccamaw Cardiology PC
Wachovia Foundation
Wachovia Shared Resources LLC
Wake Forest Baptist Health,
Winston-Salem, NC
Wake Heart & Vascular Associates, PA
Walgreens – Employee Giving
Walgreens Family of Companies
Waller Landsden Dortch & Davis LLP
Ms. Ann Walters
The University of Walton Family
Walton Family Foundation
Walton Street Capital LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Jay & Kim Wampler
Ms. Donna Wanser
Warburg Pincus LLC
Mr. Carter Ward & Ms. Heather
Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Charmaine
The Warner Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Denzel & Pauletta
Washington Post Media
The Washington Trust Company
Washington University School of
Watauga Medical Center Inc.
Watkins & Eager PLLC
Watson Clinic
Waukegan Hospital Corp
Wayne & Gayle Laufer
Weaver & Tidwell
Web Marketing Assocs
Web MD
Webcor Construction
Mr. Joseph Weber
Weight Watchers
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin & Roz Weiner
Weingarten Realty Investors
William E. & Aenid R. Weisgerber
Mr. Edwin Welch
Well-Spring Retirement
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
Mr. Phil Wendel
Mr. Charles Martin Wender
Dr. & Dr. Julius & Nanette Wenger
West Interactive Corp
West Med Medical Group
Western Baptist Hospital, Paducah, KY
Western Extrusions
Western Region Retail
Westfield UTC
Westlake Health Foundation
WFU Health Sciences
Whelan Foundation Inc.
The Blanche & Julian White Family
White Wave Foods
Mr. Flip Whitner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott & Susan Wilfong
William W. Backus Hospital
Williams & Connolly LLP
Williams-Hayward Protective
Coatings Inc.
Willis-Knighton Health System
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Wingate Healthcare
Winspire Inc.
Winston Brothers Inc.
Winter Park Health Foundation
Winthrop University Hospital
Wirtz Beverage Illinois
Wischmeyer Benefit Partners
Wisconsin Beef Council
Wohlers Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William Wood
The William T.Woodlands County
Club/ Canongate Resort
Woodlands North Houston Heart
Woodlands Wellness & Cosmetic
Woodson Charitable Trust
Workday Inc.
Workers Compensation Fund
of Utah
WPS Health Insurance
Wvt Communications
Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Katie Wynkoop
Wyoming Valley Health Care
Xcel Energy Services Inc.
Xcoal Energy & Resources
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Jennifer Yackira
The Yates Companies Inc.
Yes Network LLC
Yogurt Mountain
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey & Sylvia Young
Young & Rubicam
Your Community Bank
Yunker Industries Inc.
Yurman Design Inc.
Zachary Holdings Inc.
Zargis Medical Corporation
Zions Bank
Zoll Medical
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams
Lawrence N. Adler, M.D.
Edward and Ruth Adrian
Mr. Walter Ahrens
Mr. Andy and Dr. Andrea Ai
Marc and Darlene Albertson
Mr. George Albrecht
Louis R. Albrecht
Mrs. Frances Allan
Mr. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Allen
Mrs. Louise Allison
Ann Marie and Bob Alonso
Ms. Pamela Alton
Richard Alvarado
Ms. Marilyn Ambler
Salvatore Amendola
Dorothy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Anderson
William and Bertha Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Andrews
Mr. Mike Andry
Dr. Margarite M. Angelopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anthony
Lynn and Julia Archer
Linda D. Arida
Sara Armstrong
Helen Ashcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Aspey
J. Brian Augustine
Mr. Patrick M. Ausmus
Dr. and Mrs. Saul Axelroad
Robert C. Bahler, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bahman
Alice Baker
Roger and Angela Baker
Vicki Baker
Dr. Edgar Balcueva
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baldwin
Mrs. Lucile Ballard
Mrs. Florence M. Banny
Mr. Roger L. Banzhaf
Robert J. Barberio Family
Edward Bardgett
Rudy Barela
Mildred Barnes
Mr. Raymond Barnes
Walt and Kay Barnes
Catherine Barr
Buddy and Coletta Barrett
Arlene Barst
Helaine R. Baruch
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bates
Robert L. Bates
William and Lugena Batts
Brenda Baxter
Sharon Bean
Karen Beatty
Mr. Jack W. Beech and
Mr. Dan S. Wari
Mrs. Ralph Beers
Lynn and William Beeson
Mr. Peter Behr
Thomas Bell
Barry W. Bennett
Ms. Ramona A. Berger
Ms. Judith Bernard
Ms. Dolly Bernstein
Amy K. Bertholf
Mr. Donald J. Beyette
Mr. Mike Bezanson
Sharon Mahmood Bhaimia
Brian and Iris Bich
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Bielawski
Robert J. Bierly
Paul Billingsley
Steve and Kim Binkley
William and Patricia Bisignano
Mrs. June Bisplinghoff
Richard A. Blakely, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bleistein
Alvin H. Blitz, Esq.
Adele D. Bockstedt
Doris Bomgardner
Ms. Roberta Bone
Mrs. Ellen Bookout
Connie M. Bootz
Christina Bores
Caroline A. Boss
Ms. Thea Bossart
Ms. Martha Bosshart
Ben and Ellen Bower
Ms. Tara Bowley
Mrs. Edna L. Boykin
John E. Boytim
Mary and David Bradstreet
Harlan Breininger
Mrs. Kathleen Brennan
Mrs. Ruth D. Bressler
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bretherick
Alan Glenn Brice
Ms. Darlene Brickmann
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinkmann
Doris Broder
Ms. Sue Bromley
Rosalind Brooks
William R.H. Broome
Norma J. Brothers
Carolyn Brown
Mr. Charles J. Brown
Nancy & Gary Brown
Mrs. June R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bruno
Ms. Ruth Bruton
Ms. Margaret Brynild
Lynne Bryson
Mrs. Marie Buchanan
William H. Bunn Jr., M.D.
Otis and Fern Burdine
Mr. Bob Burn
Andrew Buroker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Busch
Sandra Busell, Esq.
David A. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bussey
Kim and Toni Cady
Ms. Mitanette Calvin
Mrs. Shirley F. Carliner
Tish Carlo
Joan Noto Carro, R.N.
Mr. James M. Caruthers
Mrs. Susan F. Caruthers
John and Anita Casazza
Joy H. Chaillou
Ann and George B. Chapman
Ken and Suzzette Chapman
Mrs. Olga Charbonneau
Dr. Abram and Sylvia Chasens
Mrs. Ruth J. Chinowth
George E. and Helen J. Christensen
Eric and Laurie Christensen
Tom and Michele Clancy
Nancy L. Clark
Mrs. Mary Clarke
Arnold and Frances Coffman
Joseph and Dorothy I. Cohen
Mr. Richard B. Cohen, CPA
Mrs. Darlene P. Collette
Cecil A. Collings Family Trust
Midge Compton
Vanessa Conant
Martha C. Cone
Sanford A. Cone
Mrs. Leatrice Conner
Janet Connors
Ms. Noreen Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cook
Louise Cook
Willie H. and Larilee Cook Jr. Fund
Mrs. Irene Cooney
Mrs. Winifred B. Corbett
Richard Cosmano
Alma Heath Costello
C. Anne Coulter
Brenda Cox
Harold and Frances Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cox
Anthony J. and Mary Cozzi
Mark Cozzi
Susan Cramer
Danny and Brenda Crawford
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Crawford
Ms. Anne Crews
Cynthia Crisler
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Crosby
Ms. Arlene Cumberland
Donald M. Cusick
George and Marion Darr
Ron and Sunny David
Charles W. Davis
Christine and William Davis
Paul and Nancy Davis
Rick Davis
Valery Davis
Ms. Ruth E. Deacon
Mary R. DeFalice and Family
Elida DeLaGarza
Sheryl Denny
Walter and Margaret DeSelle
Marie Joan DeStefano
Joe and Betty Devore
Mary DeWire and Family
Ms. Marla K. Dick
Albert and Sarah Dillon
Bonnie L. Dixon
Richard T. and Debbie A. Dixon
Mr. Allyn C. Donaldson Jr.
Beverly Donaldson
Rose S. Doner Memorial Stroke
Research Fund
Micheal Donovan and Family
Sue Ann Goetz Doody
Donald H. and Janet M. Drayer
Janet L. Dreyer
Faye Druckenmiller
Jacqueline Dubelle
Kathy Duplantis
Mr. Arthur Dusdall
Mr. Bruce L. Dusenberry
Dr. Jerome V. Dwyer
W. William and Mary Scheller
Catherine and Dennis Dysarz
Chris East and Family
Suanne and Jerry Eatman
Lorraine (Lorie) M. Ebert
Dr Richard and Ann Edelson and
granddaughter Rayah
Josh and Dori Eden
Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards
Jim and Ellen Edwards
E. Marsha Elixson, R.N.
Mrs. Bobbie Elle
Carmen Ellington
Mr. Clayton Elliot
John and Sarah Elliott
Penny M. Ellis
Robert A. Ellis
Joan Emerick
Marie S. Emmerman
Mrs. Kathryn O. Engel
Ms. Barbara L. Ennis
Ms. Mary Enslow
Alonza and Helen Epps
Mr. William “Jack” Epps
Midge LaPorte Epstein
Norvin and Candas Erickson
Mr. Frederick Ernst
Mrs. Jimmie Esmon
Jeanine T. Eubank
Louis G. Fabian
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Falvey
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Farrington
Richard T. and Elaine Fattibene
Roger Favorite
Mrs. Sonia Feiertag
Samuel Feldman
Kathy Fenelon
Donald J. Fenlason
Radford Ferland
Aeron (Sam) Fidler-Warren
Virginia Field
Helen E. Fink
Mrs. Wilma S. Firsich
Grace M. Fischer, M.D.
Stephen Fischer
Dr. and Mrs. Terrance N. Fisher
Helene and Harold Fitzsimmons
Denny A. Fletcher
Ms. Tohbi Flippin
Miss Lois Florian
Richard and Joanne Foat
Allene Daw Fodor
Ms. Lorraine Fox
Margaret S. Franczak
Margaret I. Frankenberry
Dominick Franzese
Karen Frazier
Mr. William S. Frazier
Donna and Charles Freeman
Florence and Barry Friedberg
Margaret D. Froome
Joyce Fullbright
Dr. Richard E. Fulton
Andrew M. Fussner
Ms. Ingeborg Gaiss
Bernie and Ellie Galinski
Mrs. Anna J. Gates
Paul and Gladys Gaydosh
Eugene and Cecile Geaslin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gebele
Louis and Clara Gehm
Helen M. Gerde
Helen I. German
Georgette Gettel
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton D. Gilbert
Mrs. Iris Gilbert
Ms. Elaine Gilhouser
Rick Gilliam
Ms. Michele Lynn Gilman
Donald S. Gingrich
Marie Godlewski
Edgar and Helen Goebel
Mr. and Mrs. Hossein Golabchi
Ms. Davida J. Goldberg
Debbie Goldberg
Diane F. Goldberg
Alan Goldfarb
Doris Goodman, M.D.
Dr. Donald J. Gordon
Mr. Ron Gordon
Dr. Seymour Gordon
Mrs. Victory Goya
Marie L. Goyette
Mr. Scott Grabarski
Sylvia Graske
Mr. Richard Grayson
Stephen Greenbaum
Robert J. Greenberg
Harrison Gretter
Elizabeth G. Griebel
Elaine P. Griebenow
Dr. Margaret M. Griffin
Mike and Gina Grimes
Donald B. Grissom
Thomas J. and Judith Fay Gruber
Mr. Richard Grum
Georgann Gulley
George and Virginia Gunnoe
Glen and Mary Lou Guttormsen
Jessica and David Gwin
Clarence A. and Jeanette K. Haak
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hafer
Mr. Richard M. Hall
Liliana Hamilton
Marie Hand
Charles and Deborah Hanlon
Mr. Leonard Hanna
Donnie Ray Hannah
Dick and Susan Hansen
Mrs. Mary Estelle Hard
Mr. Rhodrick Harden
Mrs. Shirley Hart
Mrs. Cornelia D. Hartough
Gene and Donna Hartwig
Bernard Harvieux
David Hassler
Lisa S. Hastings
Mrs. E. Haugen
Ms. LouAnn Haughton
Mrs. Gertude Haugwitz
Marilyn A. Hays
Marjorie S. Heagy
Steve and Leesa Heath
Ms. Kathleen Heid
Mrs. Elizabeth Heim
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Heimkes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heinzel
Richard D. Hendlin
Del and Jane Henegar
Chuck and Susan Henke
Velma (Bonnie) Herdlick
Ken and Irene Herman
Kathryn A. Herpel
Donald and Virginia Hersey
K. William Hess
Edward and Rosemarie Hever
Mr. David Hicks
Sherlee Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Higgins
Mrs. Leslie K. High
Monica and Robert Hiiva
Armand C. Hilaire
Dr. and Mrs. John Hildreth
Brent Hill
Edward J. and Anne H. Hill
Cheryl A. Hintz
Karl and Alicia Hixon
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoaglin
Mara Hodgkins
Mr. Hodgman
Mrs. Marilyn Hoene
Mr. William F. Hoffmann
Roy and Georgia Holiday
Anita Curtin Holmes
Dr. John and Judy Holmes
Loretta Mae Holmes
David and Stefany Holt
Lynne and Allen T. Holzhauser
Edna Hoover
Glenn and Mary Ann Horn
Marion A. Horn
Ruby A. Hostler
Vincent and Maria Howe
Teresa Ann Howell
Margaret Hudson
Mr. Lane Hughes
Ms. Mattie Hughes
Margaret Anne Hukill
Ms. Anna Hume
Henry F. Humkey
Charles R. Huntington Jr.
Bob and Eileen Hutton
Richard C. Hyde
Thomas and Winifred Hyde
Ms. Marie Iandoli
Hank and Paula Ihrig
Edward W. Ilgenfritz
Paul Dudley White Legacy Society
James Ingram
Bruce Inverso
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ison
Richard O. Jacob
Lars Jacobsen
Barbara H. James
Matthew and Kristin Jeffery
Elizabeth H. Jenney
N.L. Jensen
Louise Jeung
Winston Jewson
Roger and Annette Joens
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Johns
Florence Johnson
George “Henry” Johnson
Ms. Lois F. Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Vernon Lee Johnson
Marcellos and Tawanda
Mary Claxton Joiner
Mrs. Craig Jolley
Mrs. Frances Jones
Lisa Marie Jones
Melinda Jones
Jordan Family Charitable Trust
Rosie Ann Jordan
Mr. Donald Joseph
Brenda Joyner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Juett
Ms. Margaret Julin
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
Capt. John B. Kackley
Lois and Bill Kagan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kahn Jr.
Joe Kalinas
Margaret Kaltenmeier
Eldon W. Kambel
Lorraine Kantor
Maxine Karstens
Ralph and Jo Ann Kats
Florence Katz
Gloria Katzberg
Peggy Kauffman
Donna Kaup
Bertram C. Kay
Jeffrey L. Kaylor, CPA
Mrs. Betty Kellar
Vicki Kelley
Mr. Abbott Kemp
Judy Kenney
Edgar J. Kenton III, M.D., FAHA
Mr. and Mrs. Mathias W. Kerger
Norma and Reuben Kershaw
Ms. Mildred Kilchenmann
Richard and Karen Kinstler
Richard C. and Jean G. Kinstler
Mrs. Billie Kirk
Bobby Ralph and Lizzie Mae Kirk
Frances W. Kirkman
Mrs. Dolores H. Klausner
Maryann and Kevin Klustner
Anne S. Knapp
Brenda Knight
Mr. Royce Knight
Mrs. Nancy W. Knowles-Kolden
Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton
Kermit and Thelma Koehler
Rodney Koenig
Janet C. Kohler
Mr. Nicholas Kolen
Harold and Eleanor Kolpan
Frank Kornek
Debra and D.J. Korns
Theo Kotjarapoglus
Carla Kotulskie
Steven F. Kovach/Eva Erky Kovach
Kenneth and Marilyn Kraft
Nancy A. Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Krebs
Vivian E. Kreidler
Muriel Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kroner
Mr. and Mrs. James Kucaba
Mr. Leo V. Kurzyna
Jerry and Sandy Kuskin
Alfred and Patricia Kwiecinski
DeLoris LaDell
Mr. Christopher Lamberes
John and Gail Landry
Thomas and Karen LaPolice
Don and Tanya Larsen
Mrs. Carol A. Larson
Mr. Paul Lasseigne
Rick A. Lavinsky
Dr. Gerald Lawrie
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Layman
Bunny LeBlanc
Sally Rae Lehmkuhl
Alfred and Grace Leichman
Anna Lennox
Carla A. Leonard
Mary Pat Leonard
Kevin and Pamela Leonard
Walter Leonard
Judith Wilkens Lev
Anthony and Louise Levering
Mrs. Isabel Levitt
Dr. David Arthur Liggett
Lillian Light
Bruce Linden
Barbara J. Lindheim
Catherine H. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Linsley
John C. Lintern
Mr. and Mrs. Bert H. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lizotte
Debra and Bill Lockwood
Wanda J. Loftice
Ann Loftus, Esq.
Gerard P. Loftus
Mr. Lloyd Lohaus
Mr. and Mrs. Anniello Lomoriello
James Longino
Ms. Michelle Loomis
Ms. Laura Loughridge
Lloyd and Susie Loven
Mr. Richard Luers
Mr. John Lutz
Ms. Beatrice Lypps
Mr. and Mrs. George Mabe
Mr. Paul MacMichael
Mary Jane Mahler
Mr. and Mrs. William Malfitano
George Mamuzich
Bobbie and Abe Mandel
Nicholas Maneri
Leo and Pat Manley
Ms. Concha N. Marbut
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Markotic
Jerry and Shirley Marler
Mrs. William R. Marston
Ms. Carmen Martens
Aldana Martin
Mr. and Mrs. George Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Martin
Mr. Donald W. Marx
Charlotte Mastroianni
Scott and Joy Mathis
Blanca Mattalia-Wyrzykowski
Erica Maxwell
Lillian Doris McAuley
Mrs. Margaret E. McConnell
Ms. Marilyn McCracken
Dolly McCranie
Gordon and Linda McCullough
Ms. Shannon McDaniel
Margaret McDevitt
Alice McFeatters-Pickering
Eleanor McGrew
James and Paula McHugh Trust
William and Helen McKay
Mr. David Charles McKechnie
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McKeever
Karen McKibbon
Ann Louise McLean
David McLellan
Miss Robyn McLeod
Frank and Trinkie McMahon
Paul Dudley White Legacy Society
Dr. and Mrs. John C. McMahon
Gertrude McMarion
Terri McMinn
Larry Meade and Family
Mark and Terry Meade
Edward M. Meeks
Mr. Don Meiers
Dorothy Meili
John and Carolyn Meiners
Mr. Robert Melcer
David Mendelsohn Jr., M.D. Trust
and Carole L. Mendelsohn
Karen Mendez
Ann Merchant
Joanne Mercurio
Greg and Lynn Merz
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Messina
Tammy L. Messner
Mr. Michael C. Michalski
Mrs. Dwight Miller
Edward and Diane Miller
Frances F. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller
Heidi Ann Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James Chris Miller
John E. and Phyllis S. Milliken
Mrs. Nancy Milteer
Lorane H. Minis
The Dennis Mitchell Family
Debra Mitchell-Morris
Wendell and Virginia Moats
Mr. Theodore Moen
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Moffenson
Sara Mofield
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monk
Ms. Pat Monstie
Rudy Montemayor
Mr. Frank L. Moore
Bonnie Moreno
Norton Morgenthal
Ms. Mary Ann Mori
Ms. Vernette Morrice
The Morris Family
George and Theresa Morris
Donald A. Morrison
Eleanor J. Morrissey
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Morse
Carol Morthland
Bob and Bernice Morton
Rose Marie S. Morton
Perry Moyle
Celeste Mruk-Tremoglie
Jeff and Jen Mueller
Frank and Marie Mullin
Albert G. Munkelt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munoz
Mr. Bob Munson
Mrs. Sandra Munson
Frederick P. Murdock
Ms. Annie Murphy
Ms. Jeannette Murphy
Mrs. Martha Muska
Theresa Muzio
Robin B. Myers
Marilyn G. Naper
Jean Nappi
Christyne Nasbe
Mr. Robert Neely
Mr. Donald Nelson
Mr. and Mrs Howard P. Nelson
Mr. David A. Ness
Susette I. Nesset
Steven G. Neu
Mr. and Mrs. Kimrey D. Newlin
Arleen Nicastro
Mrs. Dorothy C. Nickel
Mr. LeRoy Nisiewicz
Adoracion Nitro-Taylor
Janice and Jane Nolen
Dorothy Nordlund
Shawn and Kaeleigh Norvet
Neil Novins
Frances P. O’Connell
Helene and Bob O’Connell
Florence Olsen
Joan M. Olsen
Suzy R. O’Malley
Francis and Jacqueline Oppedisano
Charlotte S. Orient
Mr. Pat B. O’Rourke
Miss Lynn Orschel
Janet and Robert Osborn
Mrs. Doris Osten
Mrs. Harriette Otteson
Walter R. Otto and Thelma M. Otto
Don Ouellette
Paulette Pace
Elizabeth Page
Karen Palmer
Mr. Joe Parker
Mrs. Zelda Parker
Tonda and Joe Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Will Patterson
Ms. Margaret Peabody
Sidney Pell, Ph.D
Charlotte Irene Pengilly
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Percy
Barbara Perry
Ms. Barbara Perry
Christina J. Persson
Alyce Peterson, CFP
Mrs. Bonnie Peterson
Phyllis Peterson
Brian and Lorri Petrauskas
Deborah Phelan
Barbara and Lyman Phillips
Dr. Gregory J. Phillips
Gus and Dora Phillips
Dr. Sol Pickard
The Pickett Family
Paula and Michael Pindro
Judith Piovarchy
Mr. Harold H. Plaut
Al and Dianne Poggi
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pollak
Scott and Cathy Porter
Mrs. Leslie Porter
Dale and Arlene Post
David W. Potts and Hon. Wendy
L. Potts
Mr. Charles L. Pressgrove
Oliver C. Presswood Jr.
Shirley R. Price
Michael Priganc
K. Diane Proud
Mrs. Loretta Pruce
Mr. and Mrs. George Pust
Mrs. Corrine Radcliffe
Mr. Craig Radcliffe
Ginny Ragatz
Tanya P. Raggio, M.D.
Lloyd Davis Raines
Frederick L. Ranck
Mrs. Evelyn Randall
Aleen Rankin
Bill and Bette Raus
Mrs. Helen Reed
Phillip and Dee-Ann Reed
Mrs. Toni Reel
Mr. Arthur Regan
Karl R. Reichstadter
Diane Reiss
Stan and Kathy Renbarger
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Renshaw
Earl and Bettie Reque
Richard Reuss
Rose Marie and Bob Rick
Michael C. Riddle
Kelly M. Ridout
Frederick K. Ritter
Mr. Thomas Ritter
John G. Ritz
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Roach
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Roberts
Ms. Virginia Roberts
Rory and Mary Robichaux
Paul Robins
Ed Rodbro
Bill and Rosemary Rogers
Nancy C. and Richard R. Rogers
Mrs. Carole Rohrberger
Ana L. Roman
Holly Romano
Mr. Doug Rooker
Tina Rosario and Family
Phyllis Rose
Warren and Cathy Rothwell
Howard E. Rowen, M.D.
Daniel C. Ruacho
Claude Rubeling
Israel and Zena Rubin
Mr. Joel Ruby
Erna M. Rueggeberg
Wanda Rusche
Harold L. Ruslander
Joyce Russo
Kenneth Rutt
C. Paul Ryan
Christy Ryan
Kelly Rykard
Mr. John Samuelson
Charles W. Sand, M.D.
Nancy Sander
Michael and Jennifer Sanfilippo
James Sanquedolce
Mr. Gerald Sansoni
Bonnie Mae Sartin
Dr. Roy F. Sartori
Mr. Gary R. Saslaw
Lance and Robin Sauerteig
Mark and Judy Savitt
Janet R. Sawyer, R.N., Ph.D.
Mabel M. Schaefer
Dr. and Mrs. John Schaeffer
Cheryl L. Scheck
Jack and Vickie Schega
Helmtrud Scherer
Elizabeth S. Scheuerman
Jay Schleuning
David and Genell Schlotterbeck
Mr. Robert J. Schon
Shirley Schon
Mrs. Leo F. Schroedel
Mr. Robert W. Schultz
Arnold Schuppert
Mr. William Schwarz
Richard and Marilyn Schweitzer
Leanne and Jay Schwind
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Scott
Jennifer Scott
Robert and Regina Scullen
Mrs. Mary Seamans
Mr. and Mrs. William Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Seidenglanz
Karen Serrano
Carole Setlak
Ms. A. Margaret (Meg) Seymour
Donna Shaheen
Shirley I. Shaner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shellenberger
Ms. Tere Shelton
Gina Shiffert
Doris C. Sholk
Dean and Marge Shupert
Mrs. Joan Siegel
Dr. Stephen Sigal
Clinton and Claudia Silverman
The Honorable Sir Barry Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simpson
Mary Ann Slavin Sinar
Mr. and Mrs. David Singleton
Christine D. Siroky
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Skadron
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Skuta
Marilyn Slye
Dr. Richard Smalling
Andrew P. Smith
Anne D. Smith
Annette Smith
Cindy M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Smith
Ms. Helen Smith
Mr. Herbert W. Smith
Melinda Smith
Phyllis Smith
Harold and Ruth Smulyan
Eric Snow
Tonya R. Snowden
Ms. Phyllis Solof
Kimberly Soltis
Mrs. Margot I. Sparling
Mrs. Florence Speer
Crystal and Brian Spencer
Mrs. Ramona Spindler
Harold Michael Spoerner
Alice Spriska
Bill Staneruck
Louis F. and Sharon M. Stanzione
Joe and Shirley Starr
Mr. Peter F. Staudohar
Ms. Edith Stein
Mr. John Steiner
Doug and Sara Steingraber
Mrs. Mary Suzanne Stickle
Ms. Karen Stierer
Mrs. Phyllis S. Stines
Cindy Stirling
Ben F. Storer, M.D.
Elroy H. Storm
Mrs. Yvonne Stovall
Thomas Straczynski
Lanie Strassburger
Charleen Strebel
Craig and Harriet Strickland
Mr. Dennis Strickland
David and Virginia Summer
Katherine Suplee
Mr. Albert Suter
Mr. Benson Sutton
Mrs. Dorothy and Mr. Berry
Thomas and Gwendolyn Swisher
Mrs. Ella Switzer
Mr. and Mrs. Tabbert
Ms. Gloria M. Tadman
Mary Ann Tassin
Mr. Dan Tavrirne
Melvin Taylor
LaSandra Teixeira
Dale Thames
Mrs and Mrs. Arnold Thielman
Nancy Thoman
Dayna Thomas
Sally Thomas
Samuel Stephan Thomas
Steven Craig “Bear” Thomas
Mr. Robert S. Thurm
Mrs. Junella Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. John Timmel
Mr. Joe Tolson
Lisa Dahlby Tonnesen
Mr. Andreas Traks and Dr.
Elmerice Traks
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Trapp
Dr. and Mrs. Sam Traughber
The Trautmann Family
Mr. Thomas M. Trecker
Ms. Mary Tromblay
Chuck and Angie Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tucker
Lacy and Faye Tully
Doris J. Tumey
Miss Judy Tummitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ubert
Mrs. Morton Ulman
Elsie E. Upson
Suzie Upton
Ms. Mary Utich
Adriana Van Heyningen
Johnny and Peggy Vardeman
Mr. Tim Vaske
Mr. Verstuyft
Ms. Diane VerValen
Mrs. Elinor Virgona
Ms. Jodie Vokes
William G. and Emmy Lou Volenick
Dr. Victor and Isabelle Vollrath
Sandra Vrono
Bruce S. Wagner
Dr. and Mrs. Thad Waites
Mrs. Clare R. Walker
Dave and Jacquelynn Walker
Debbie Walker
Dot Walker
Ms. Mary L. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Walther
Caroline Walzel
Brett and Jennifer Wardrop
Denise Warfield
Charles E. Warren
George and Jackie Waterhouse
Siv A. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Weamer
James and Virginia Wei
Angie Weichmann
Roberta and Stephen Weiner
Paul Weisbord
Myron L. Weisfeldt, M.D.
Page and Judy Welch
Hubert Wen
Ms. Nanci Weschler
Albert and Alice Wesley
Michelle West
Rebecca West
Meg Westerlund and Boys
Cass Wheeler
John H. Wheeler
Dempsey and Annette Whetstone
Charmaine White
Janet White
Mary F. White
Mrs. Beth White-Miller
Joseph and Jeanne Wieder
Ms. Nancy Wiegman
Mrs. Ellen Wilcox
Janet E. Wilkins
Janis Williams
Esther Willis
JoAnn Wills
Bobby and Shirley Wilson
Luree D. Wilson
Richard M. Wilson
Veda Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton Jr.
Mr. Nolan O. Winsett Jr.
Gregory J. Winslow
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Winter
Mr. Charley H. Wise
John and Margaret Wise
Frank E. and Madeline Witt
Marlys Wohlers
Mrs. Ann Wolf
Davina H. Wong
Robert and Judith Wood
Catherine H. Woodhurst
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woodward
Clyde E. and Marguerite M. Wooley
Robert Wunderlich
Mary Lou and Richard Wysocki
Vera Yoder
E. David Yossem
Mr. Steve Youngerman
A. Tobey and Natalie Yu
Mrs. Sharon A. Yurvati
Ms. Betty Zaher
George Zaine
Marian E. Zehnder
Mrs. John T. Zeien
Catherine Zofchak
Alice Jean Zuccaire
Rhoda Joyce Zuccaire
Fred and Roxie Zullinger
Gifts made in loving memory/honor of
In loving memory of Doris B. Anderegg, from her husband
Miss Patricia Barabash, in loving memory of my parents, John and Olga
Barabash and brother, Gary Barabash
In memory of Morgan A. Bauer and Larry Bauer
In memory and honor of Mr. Benoyd Hunt Bell Sr.
In loving memory of Lee S. Bielski, by her husband Cass
In loving memory of Howard Bingham, from his son David
In memory of Robert B. Bolt
In memory of Frank Broday
Vincent K. Brofka Jr., in honor of Joan R. Brofka
David and Melissa Brown, in loving memory of daughter Madelynn Brown
Marty B. Bruder, in loving memory of his mother Lillian Bruder
In memory of Veronica Brustman
In memory of Lillie G. Cameron and Stephanie L. Cameron
Sheldon Chrysler, in memory of his twin brother Barry Chrysler
In memory of Walter Cook II
In memory of Joanne Craig
In honor of Wayne P. Curran
Ret. Lt. Col. E. L. Daniell, in loving memory of my wife Elizabeth K. Daniell
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Davis
Joan Dransfield, in loving memory of my husband Larry Y. Dransfield
In loving memory of Bernard Everett by Diane Young
Hilda Doyle, in memory of Cynthia Garrett
Dorothy Clark, in memory of Jack Hanagriff and Don Clark
In honor of William Mark Emmons and Clyde Emmons
In memory of my grandfather Ray Forney, my uncle Gordon Forney and
my father-in-law Clyde Chandler
Irma Feld Getz, in memory of Saul Feld and David Feld
In memory of Otto W. Glade
In loving memory of Robert Goodell, by his wife Jane
In memory of Ellsworth D. Hibler, David Ellsworth Hibler and William
(Bill) Threadgill
In memory of Helen Hoff, Samuel Parkinson, Dorothy Chapman and
Margaret O’Neil
In memory of Morris Jennings
In memory of Willis D. Johnson
Susan M. Hunt, in memory of Elizabeth Kott
In memory of Eunice Luka
Dave Jordan, in memory of Harry Jordan
In memory of Helen Masluch
In memory of Jacqueline Holley
Patricia Juliano, in memory of John Juliano
In memory of my brother, Dr. Robert A. Keller
In memory of Walter L. Kindle, by his wife Jean Kindle
In loving memory of my beloved son Steven Lance
John A. Leslie, in memory of Frieda M. and Sol H. Leslie
In loving memory of my husband John H. Maguire Jr., by his beloved
wife Sandy
In loving memory of Byron W. Mariner Sr. and Byron W. Mariner Jr., by
their daughter and sister, Sharon T. Scates
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Martino
In memory of my parents John and Charlie Leah McClurg, by Peggy Walters
In loving memory of Carola P. Mendenhall, by her son Robert
In honor of Stephen J. Milioti and Stephen Milioti
In memory of Gertrude Caylor Moorhead, by her daughter Carol M. Simpson
Janice Murphy, in memory of Richard Murphy
In memory of Ed Nowlin, by his wife Estha
John and Lorraine Jacobsen, in honor of beloved sister Barbara Ann
Frank Pellizzon, in memory of Mildred Lee Pellizzon
Phil Petersen, in memory of my mother Mildred A. Petersen
In memory of James Petrella
In honor of Evelyn Poston, William Pratt and John Newsom
In loving memory of Joseph Edward Rawls Sr. and Doris Rawls
Wannetta Reed, in loving memory of my husband Roy
In loving memory of Pamela Ethne Richards, by her daughter Nadine
In memory of Charles Solomon Rosenkranz, by Ed and Linda Balch
In loving memory of Carey D. Sapp, by his wife, Dorothy J. Sapp, and family
Bernice L. Schaefer, in memory of family members
In honor of Dr. William P. Schafer, M.D.
In loving memory of JoAnn Sharpe, by her husband Elton Sharpe
Bill and Renee Speeburgh, in memory of Johnnie Marie Smith
Tracey O’Donnell, in memory of Kathleen Smyth
Mrs. Barbara Snelling, in memory of Mr. Richard K. Snelling Sr.
Mr. Doyle Spivey, in memory of my wife, Bennie Jo Spivey, and my
mother, Alma Cotton Spivey
Carolyn Sullivan Taylor, in memory of Jill Sullivan
In loving memory of Rebecca and Charles Tenenbaum, by their
daughter Gertrude Slifkin
Jonathan and Lisa Bowen, in memory of Garrett Terrell
Cathy Udall, in memory of Dr. John A. Udall
Charles A. Vergers, in loving memory of Abraham and Hazel Vergers
and Charles and Bess Mullenix
Louis Miglio, in loving memory of Lucy Miglio Walsh
Dr. Allan Price, to honor Dr. Willerson
Billy and Lisa Wilson, in memory of Hartley Wilson
In memory of Jeanne Zborowski
We also want to recognize countless other donors who
wish to remain anonymous.
A M E R I C A N H E A R T A S S O C I AT I O N , I N C . F I N A N C I A L H I G H L I G H T S
The figures on this page depict the financial activities of the National Center, affiliates and
all components of the American Heart Association and its division, the American Stroke
Association, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011.
(in thousands)
$177,065 25.0%
Net Special Events
$238,967 33.7%
$70,814 10.0%
Split-interest Agreements
$4,732 0.6%
Fundraising Agencies
$7,613 1.1%
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
$709,260 100.0%
(in thousands)
Cash, Cash Equivalents, Investments
& Accrued Investment Income
Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trusts
Accounts Receivable
Split-interest Agreements
Land, Buildings and Equipment, Net
Other Assets
Total Assets
(in thousands)
Research Awards Payable
(in thousands)
2 0 1 0 - 1 1
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities
$120,718 19.6%
Public Health Education
$266,817 43.3%
Professional Education & Training
$84,457 13.7%
Community Services
$16,041 2.6%
(in thousands)
Management & General
$46,932 7.6%
Unrestricted Net Assets
$81,374 13.2%
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
$616,339 100.0%
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Total Net Assets
Total Expenses
A complete copy of financial statements audited by KPMG, LLP is
available upon request from the American Heart Association, Inc.,
7272 Greenville Ave., Dallas, TX 75231 or on our website at heart.org.
Total Liabilities and Net Assets