Burra Street Tree Audit - Regional Council of Goyder
Burra Street Tree Audit - Regional Council of Goyder
Street Trees in Burra Identification and Recommendations for Management November 2005 Regional Council of Goyder CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Historical Perspective Current Use Design Objectives Design Principles 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING TREES 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TREES 3. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING STREETS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4. SUMMARY Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 2 Introduction This report has been prepared to assist in the identification of street trees in Burra and their management in respect to suitability of species and replacement if appropriate. It provides recommendations for each street and a list of suitable species that can be trialled in addition to those currently occurring. The report was prepared by Oxigen Pty Ltd, Landscape Architects for the Regional Council of Goyder. The plant descriptions are taken from “Shrubs and Trees for Australian Gardens”, by E.E. Lord, “Encyclopaedia Botanica” and “Eucalypts of South Australia”. The photographs of the existing street trees were taken in November 2005. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Burra’s early settlers were quick to clear native vegetation in the district to provide timber for building and firewood for the Burra Mines. Cleared land also opened up pastures for grazing and arable land for agriculture. Once the layout of Burra and adjacent townships were established, gardens and street trees were planted to replace the tree cover, most often using species that were thought to offer a greater degree of amenity than the native trees they replaced. The most common trees planted in streets during the early days were Elms, Planes, White Cedars and White Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), trees which were also commonly planted as street trees in Adelaide. Other trees such as Peppers (Brachychiton species), Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Langunaria patersonii), and Aleppo Pine (Pinus halapensis) were also commonly planted. Whilst many of these trees have grown successfully in Burra, some species such as the Elms have been gradually removed because of their size and suckering habit and other species such as Aleppo Pine (Pinus halapensis) are no longer used because of their classification as an environmental weed. CURRENT USE The majority of existing street planting in Burra consists of native trees although these are often interspersed with exotic trees either as individual specimens a short sections of the same species. The most common native trees are the White Cedar (Melia azederach) and Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus). Other less common native trees include Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata), Native Pine (Callitris preissii), Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta), and Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonii). Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 3 Introduction A variety of exotic trees have also been planted as street trees, including: Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) European Hackberry (Celtis australis) Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) Plane Tree (Platanus x acerifolia) Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Purple-leaved Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’) English Oak (Quercus robur) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) English Elm (Ulmus procera) OBJECTIVES Additional street tree planting is one way to have an immediate effect on the appearance and amenity of the public realm in the town. Where streets are wide and traffic volumes low, the opportunity exists to plant large trees in scale with the street, providing shade and increasing amenity. The conditions under which street trees are required to grow are usually harsh. Constraints to successful establishment of street trees are: • overhead and underground services which restrict species selection and place physical construction on tree growth • • lack of water to the tree’s root zone hard surfaces, such as paving surrounding trees, which may result in compaction of soil, lack of water penetration and reduced aeration of the root zone • microclimate factors such as wind, temperature and sunlight Good tree form and health are dependent upon: • adequate tree pits and the use of correct soil mixtures • provision of irrigation, either automatic or form water trucks • protection from vandalism and accidental damage from vehicles • avoiding compaction around the base of the trees and preferably within the drip zone • use of root control systems where required Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 4 Introduction The following are objectives for street tree planting in the town: 1. Reinforce a hierarchy in the selection of species appropriate to the scale and use of the street. 2. Generally provide continuity and consistency along the whole length of the street. Priority should be given to establishing a single character along the length of a street rather than breaking streets into a number of precincts with different characters. 3. Reinforce a South Australian character in the choice of species, responding to the cultural significance of native and introduced species. 4. Encourage diversity in species selection to reinforce street identity and promote ecological diversity. 5. Reinforce existing street tree planting by infilling were possible and replacing poor specimens. 6. Conserve historical trees and avenues of trees. 7. Locate street trees considering the needs of overhead and underground services, vehicle sight-lines and in association with street lighting, street furniture and paving. A co-ordinated approach to tree planting provides environmental and social benefits to the town. These include: • The strengthening of the framework planting of trees in the town with their associated benefits of amenity, environmental and ecological values • A co-ordinate and consistent approach to street tree planting, with greater predictability in capital expenditure and maintenance requirements A successful street tree planting programme requires a commitment to: • allocation of funds for both capital and maintenance programmes • adoption of best horticultural practice in the propagation and placing of trees • implementation of an effective monitoring programme, together with adequate maintenance procedures Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 5 Introduction PRINCIPLES Context 1. The hierarchy of streets in the town should be reinforced by selection of species appropriate to the scale and type of the street. 2. Generally, continuity and consistency along the whole length of a street should be provided in preference to precincts with may cut across streets. Placement 1. Placement of street trees should be determined in relationship with underground and overhead services, adjacent land uses, including heritage buildings and other significant features, views, buildings and driveway entrances, street and pedestrian lighting, and other street furniture elements. 2. 3. Placement must consider safe vehicle sight-lines. Street trees should preferably be located in footpaths at least 600 mm behind the kerb. 4. Where street trees are planted in road carriageways, trees should be protected by bollards. Species Selection 1. The criteria for selection of street trees includes an ability to: • grow under harsh environmental conditions • attain natural form and stature without interference (e.g. major pruning) • attain a clear trunk of at least two meters from the ground • have a branching habit that extends upwards from the trunk • have a deep rooting system that will not lift kerbs and paving • perform reliably and consistently in terms of form (shape and size) • not produce hard or squashy fruit, poisonous or allergic parts, or spines or thorns • not drop limbs unexpectedly or frequently Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 6 Introduction 2. The selection in individual streets depends on: • scale - width of the street and height of the buildings on either side • use – related to use of adjacent buildings, access requirements and quantity of pedestrian and vehicle traffic • availability – not all trees are available from nurseries at all times and preference should be given to species which are readily available as semimature stock and at minimum cost. The following tree species have proved successful in gardens in Burra and are recommended, additional as suitable species, for street tree planting in Burra: Wide Streets (Large trees > 15 m) Indian Bean Tree (Catalpa bignonioides) Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica) Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. leucoxylon) Peppermint Box (Eucalyptus odorata) Blue Jacaranda Tree (Jacaranda mimosaefolia) White Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’) Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia) Narrow Streets (Small trees 4 – 8 m) Quorn Mallee (Eucalyptus porosa) Street tree planting should also not preclude specific design solutions such as the use of Palms (e.g. Phoenix canariensis), Norfolk Island Pines (Araucaria heterophylla), Moreton Bay Figs (Ficus rubiginosa), and flowering and pleached trees where these can be grown successfully and may lead to distinctive and memorable streets. Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 7 Introduction Map showing survey area in Burra Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 8 Description of existing street trees The following descriptions refer to street trees most commonly found in Burra. The descriptions can be used for identification of trees. Botanic name Common Name Street Occurance Allocasuarina verticillata Sheoak Chapel Street John BarkerStreet Kangaroo Street Mitchell Flat Brachychiton populneus Kurrajong Thames Street Chapel Street Queen Street Kangaroo Street Church Street Kingston Street Welsh Street Bridge Terrace Essex Street Callitris preissii Native Pine Chapel Street Ceratonia siliqua Carob Chapel Street Queen Street Kangaroo Street Bath Street Celtis australis European Hackberry Lewis Street Cupressus sempervirens stricta Pencil Pine Thames Street Queen Street Ware Street Kangaroo Street Bridge / Quarry Street Stock Street Ayers Street Welsh Street East Street Bridge Terrace Mitchell Flat Allen Street Mount Pleasant Road Fraxinus excelsior Common Ash Welsh Street Lagunaria patersonii Norfolk Island Hibiscus Thames Street Chapel Street Queen Street Kingston Street Mitchell Flat Grevillea robusta Silky Oak Thames Street Koelreuteria paniculata Golden Rain Tree Paxton Terrace Description of existing street trees Melia azederach White Cedar Thames Street Chapel Street Queen Street Ware Street Kangaroo Street John Barker Street Church Street Bath Street Kingston Street Stock Street Smelts Road Paxton Terrace Bridge Terrace Commercial Street Mitchell Flat Mount Pleasant Road Platanus x acerifolia Plane Tree Thames Street Pinus halepensis Aleppo Pine Ware Street Kangaroo Street Justice Lane Bath Street Bridge / Quarry Street Spring Street Ayers Street Bridge Terrace Commercial Street Jaffrey Street Essex Street Welsh Street (South) Mount Pleasant Road Prunus amygdalus Almond Church Street Kingston Street Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’ Purple-leaved Plum Chapel Street Kangaroo Street Kingston Street Bridge / Quarry Street Paxton Terrace Allen Street Quercus robur English Oak Kingston Street Schinus molle Pepper Tree Kangaroo Street Bath Street Bridge / Quarry Street Ayers Street Commercial Street Challoner Street Mitchell Flat Welsh Street (South) Mount Pleasant Road Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 10 Description of existing street trees Ulmus procera Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 English Elm Chapel Street Ware Street Kingston Street Smelts Road Commercial Street 11 Description of existing street trees Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak Description The Drooping Sheoak is a small tree, with a dense crown and weeping branches. The tree is an evergreen with needle-like branchlets that serve the function of leaves. The true leaves are tiny triangular scales. Trees in excellent condition show long, pendulous branchlets of delicate, grey-green foliage with a horizontally-striped trunk. These slowgrowing trees become rounded balls of fine foliage with age (although coarser than other sheoaks), but as young trees they can appear very ungainly and sparse. In containers of whatever size, and until the tree is over 5m tall, A. verticillata looks poorlygrown, but this appearance will change with age. Mature Height It grows to a height of 5-10 m with a spread of 5 m. Origin Australia (South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania) Uses Whole tree Excellent for shade, windbreaks, firewood or specimen. Notes It is drought, frost, wind and salt resistant. Other names: (Casuarina stricta, C. verticillata) Branch with seeds Description of existing street trees Brachychiton populneus Kurrajong Description These evergreen trees are typically stout, pyramidal when young, overall narrow shape growing wider with age. They have glossy-green foliage which gives an attractive glittery effect in wind. The flowers are bell-shaped and whitish in colour with the inner flower tube streaked purple-brown. Cultivated hybrids involving B. populneus display pink or red flowers. Seeds are borne within woody, boat-shaped fruit 1-7 cm long and are surrounded by fine hairs that can cause skin and eye irritation. Mature Height It grows to a height of 20 m with a spread of 5 m. Origin Australia (New South Wales, National Territory, Victoria and Queensland) Uses Brachychiton populneus is widely used as street trees in Australia and overseas. Whole tree Ground-up seeds can be brewed into a coffee substitute or added to bread. The swollen, carrot-like taproot is a nutritious and agreeable vegetable and the gum exudate is also edible. Notes The species Brachychiton populneus has two subspecies that differ in adult leaf shape. Seed capsules Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 13 Description of existing street trees Callitris preissii Native Pine Description Callitris preissii is a tree or shrub with erect or spreading branches. It also can be a stunted, irregularly branched tree which is sometimes several-stemmed, occasionally glaucous. The leaves are 2-4 mm long. Its female cones are found solitary or several together. Often the clustered fruiting branchlets remain on the branches long after maturity. They are ovoid to depressed-globose, 2035 mm diam.; columella usually short and thick Mature Height It grows to a height of 20 m with a spread of 4 m. Origin Australia (New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia) Uses It is a large attractive useful tree with rich green foliage. Notes Whole tree Aborigines on the Murray River made a combined canoe pole and fish spear nearly 4 m long from the wood of the tree, called by them Maroong. The resin was also a cement for fastening barbs to spears Cones and leaves Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 14 Description of existing street trees Celtis australis European Hackberry Description European Hackberry is a deciduous tree with smooth, light grey, somewhat warty bark and a wide, broad, rounded canopy, making it a good shade tree. The sharply toothed leaves are dark greygreen throughout the year fading to a pale yellow before falling in autumn. The flowers are small and greenish and not ornamentally important. Tiny, round, dark purple fruits hang in short clusters and are extremely popular with birds and other wildlife. Mature Height It grows to a height of 25 m with a spread of 4 m. Origin Mediterranean region Uses It is recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or for median strip plantings along highways; reclamation plant; shade tree; residential street tree. Notes Whole tree The berries are hard and people can roll and slip on them when they drop onto sidewalks and other hard surfaces. Leaves and fruits Carob Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 15 Description of existing street trees Ceratonia siliqua Description The Carob is a compact growing, little tree with attractive, shiny dark green and compound leaves. The clusters of small dark red flowers are close in on the branches. Only the female trees produce brown leathery pods which are used for a variety of products. It grows very well in dry areas and produces a beautiful wood with a pinkies hue. Mature Height It grows to a height of 10 m with a spread of 4 m. Origin Mediterranean region Uses The Carob is a useful tree for the inland, being highly resistant to drought. It also makes an excellent hedge. Its pods have a high economic worth, especially for fodder, being rich in sugar and protein. Notes The sex of the trees seems variable, male and female generally being distinct at both being necessary for a crop. Only the female trees produce the brown leathery fruit. Whole tree The trees can become older than 100 years. Fruits and leafs Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 16 Description of existing street trees Cupressus sempervirens stricta Pencil Pine Description This Pencil Pine grows in a compact, very narrow and strongly upright shape. Branches grow upright, with dark-green, scale-like leaves. Because of the strong root system it is able to endure warm and dry conditions. It is fast growing when it is young, forming attractive spires of dark evergreen. The persistent cones are shining green, ripening redbrown to dull gray with age. They are round shaped and measure 4 cm across, with winged seeds. Mature Height It grows to a height of 30 m with a spread of 3 m. Origin Mediterranean region and southern Europe Uses The tree is very useful for architectural and landscape effects of all kind, porches and entrances, avenues and tub plants. Pruned and shaped Pencil Pine Notes The natural lifespan of a Pencil Pine is several centuries. C. sempervirens is drought and frost tender. Branch with cones Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 17 Description of existing street trees Fraxinus excelsior Common Ash Description The Common Ash is a tall, handsome tree. It is readily distinguished by its light-grey bark (smooth in younger trees, rough and scaly in older specimens) and by its large compound leaves, divided into four to eight pairs of lance-shaped leaflets, tipped by a single one, an arrangement which imparts a light feathery arrangement to the foliage. In April or May, according to season, and before the appearance of the leaves, the black flower-buds on the previous year's shoots expand into small dense clusters of a greenish white or purplish colour, some of the minute flowers having purple stamens, others pistil only, and some both, but all being devoid of petals and sepals, which, owing to the pollen being windborne, are not needed as protection, or as attraction to insect visitors. Whole tree Mature Height It grows to a height of 30 m with a spread of 6 m. Origin Europe and Asia Minor Uses It is a popular garden and Park tree. Leafs Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 18 Description of existing street trees Grevillea robusta Silky Oak Description G. robusta is a large evergreen tree with a straight trunk and moderately spreading crown. The fern like leaves, dark green above with silvery undersides are partly shed just before the branches are almost hidden by the masses of long, golden-yellow blooms which appear in late spring. The brownish-black, leathery follicles fruit which is about 20 mm long, contains one or two flat, winged seeds. Mature Height It grows to a height of 40 m with a spread of 4 m. Origin Its original distribution is a coastal region of southern Queensland down to northern New South Wales as far inland as the western slopes of the Great Dividing range. Uses It has beautiful timber, used in furniture making. Whole tree Notes Grow in a well-drained, slightly dry, and neutral to acidic mix in full sun. Tolerant of dry conditions, it does best with a warm dry summer. Flowers with seed Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 19 Description of existing street trees Koelreuteria paniculata Golden Rain Tree Description Golden Rain Tree is a fast-growing, deciduous tree. At maturity, it has a rounded crown, with a spread equal to or greater than the height. It has compound leaves that give it an overall lacy appearance. The leaves turn yellow before falling. The bark is light gray-brown and becomes furrowed with age. Golden rain tree is perhaps most striking in the fall with its large clusters of showy yellow flowers. These are followed by 2" red-purple seed pods, which are equally dramatic. The fruit is a papery threecompartment, bladder-like structure full of seeds. Mature Height It grows to a height of 6 m with a spread of 3 m. Origin China Uses Whole tree In cooler zones, use as a free-standing tree where it can be seen in all its glory. It is also good as a small shade tree where space is limited. Golden rain tree should be used more often as a street and park tree. Notes In warm climates seed is produced in great quantities and there are always seedlings beneath a mother tree. The tree is invasive under these conditions. Golden rain tree is best grown in cooler zones where the shorter growing season prevents formation of seed. Golden Rain Tree is only moderately successful as a street tree in Burra. Leaves with last years seed pods Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 20 Description of existing street trees Lagunaria patersonii Norfolk Island Hibiscus Description Rather a surprising spectacle when the symmetrical pyramided shaped tree is in bloom in midsummer and covered with flowers which are in colours grading through rose-pinks to lilac. The flowers distinctly resemble the hibiscus, the stamens projecting from a central column, and indeed the tree is of the same family. The leaves are dull green, very pale underneath, and about 2 inches long. The seed capsules open to reveal five compartments and should be handled with care because of the fine sharp hairs. Mature Height It grows to a height of 10 m with a spread of 3 m. Origin Australia (Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, coastal Queensland, New South Wales) Uses It has useful white timber, and is a good beach tree. Notes Whole tree It is generally found on shallow limestone soils. Whilst this tree grows successfully in Burra, some people are allergic to the fine hairs in the seed capsules, and the continuance of its use as a street tree is not recommended. Flower Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 21 Description of existing street trees Melia azedarach White Cedar Description The fast-growing tree has an umbrella shaped habit. Its leaves are large and double-compound (having leaflets on leaflets). The leaves have long stems. Its leaflets are dark blue-green above, have toothed margins and are pointed. The leaves alternate along the stem. The mildly fragrant flowers are small, woolly and lilac-coloured, with 5 petals surrounding a purple tube. The flowers occur in spring in showy clusters at the ends of branches. The fruits are oval berries, changing from green to yellow, hanging from long stalks. Eventually they become brownish leathery seed capsules which will hang from the tree throughout the leafless winter months. Mature Height It grows to a height of 30 m with a spread of 6 m. Only in tropical parts it does become a tall tree. Origin Australia (Queensland, New South Wales), New Guinea Uses Whole tree It is extremely useful for street and park planting in moderate or dry climate. Notes It is cold-hardy and drought-resistant and the berries are poisonous to pigs. Whilst this tree is considered unpopular by some because of its seeds, White Cedar grows very successfully in Burra, is long-lived and casts an appropriate (and not heavy) shade. When flowering, it is spectacular. Flowers and seeds Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 22 Description of existing street trees Pinus halepensis Aleppo Pine Description The evergreen Tree is pyramidal shaped when young. With age it develops a rounded crown with large limbs and very fine foliage texture. The trunk with whitish silver bark in youth but becoming darker and reddish, with clear fissures as the tree gets older. The leaves are between 5 and 12 cm long, thin, straight, olive-green needles arranged in pairs. The flowers are not significant, small brown bundle on branch terminals. The woody cones are brown, broadly egg-shaped, stalked and unarmed. Mature Height It grows to a height of 12 m with a spread of 4 m. Origin Syria Uses Required for particularly hot dry conditions or for seaside planting this species will probably succeed where others fail. Whole tree Notes The wood, sawdust and resins from various species of pine can cause dermatitis in sensitive people. Aleppo Pine is considered to be an environmental weed in South Australia. Cone and needles Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 23 Description of existing street trees Platanus x acerifolia Plane Tree Description The tall growing tree is pyramidal shaped in youth. It develops a spreading rounded crown with age supported by a few, very large diameter branches. The bark is patchy and very attractive and may be the plants best ornamental attribute. These patches range from creamy-white to olive-green. Large sections of bark may be shed from the tree as it grows older. The "maple-like" shaped leaves are dark green in summer and turn yellow brown in autumn. The flowers are not ornamentally important. Usually the “ball-like” fruit is borne in pairs, hanging from long, thin stalks during the winter. Mature It grows to a height of 40 m with a spread of 6 m. Origin Hybrid Uses It is very useful as street and park tree, tolerating smoke and poor atmospheric conditions better than any other suitable tree. Notes Result of a cross between P. orientalis and P. occidentalis Whole tree Other names Platanus x hispanica Leaves and seeds Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 24 Description of existing street trees Prunus amygdalus Almond Description The little, deciduous tree has a pale-brown, rugged bark, and dividing into many spreading branches. The leaves, which are borne on glandular petioles, are 12 cm long, lanceolate, acuminate, thin, serrated, bright light-green, and glandular near the base. The flowers are moderately large, pink or white, sessile, and in pairs, appearing before the leaves. The fruit, a leathery, hoary drupe, with the sarcocarp spontaneously cracking and dropping off the putamen. The stone is oblong, or ovate, acute, hard in various degrees, always rugged, and pitted with irregular holes. Whole tree Mature Height It grows to a height of 10 m with a spread of 3 m. Origin China Uses Both the sweet and bitter almonds are taken from this tree, of which there are several varieties—the sweet almond is obtained from the var. Dulcis, and the bitter almond from the var. Amara (L). Notes P. amygdalus is drought and frost tender. Almonds Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 25 Description of existing street trees Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’ Purple-leafed Plum Description Very ornamental round-headed bushy tree with blackish-purple stems and young leaves red, turning to deep purple when mature. The leaves are contrasting dramatically with masses of pink flowers from early to mid-spring and these are sometimes followed by plum like red or yellowish fruits. Mature Height It grows to a height of 10 m with a spread of 3 m. Origin Western Asia Uses This superb small tree is one of the best colour contrast plants for the garden. It will also form a dense deciduous hedge and can be very effective if mixed with Myrobalan Plum. Notes Prefers areas with cool to cold winters and good summer rainfall, but is fairly adaptable, and can be grown in warmer and drier regions. Whole tree Flowers in spring Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 26 Description of existing street trees Quercus robur English Oak Description English oak is a majestic tree with a very wide spreading crown, a short sturdy trunk, and deeply fissured gray brown bark. It has small deciduous leaves, 3-5 in (7.6-12.7 cm) long, with 3-7 pairs of rounded lobes, and extremely short leaf stems. They remain deep green long into autumn before turning brown and then persisting on the tree well into winter. The typical oak flowers are hanging catkins which appear with the emerging leaves in early spring. The acorns are elongate, about 1 in (2.5 cm) long with a cup that covers 1/3 of the nut. They are borne singly or in clusters of 2-5 which dangle on a single long 1-4 in (5.1-10.2 cm) peduncle. Mature Height It grows to a height of 30 m with a spread of 6 m. Origin Europe, western Asia and northern Africa Uses Whole tree English oak is used as a shade tree or a specimen tree in larger landscapes. Notes There are several named subspecies and varieties, and many selections of English oak, as well as hybrids with other species, are offered in the trade. Leaves Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 27 Description of existing street trees Schinus molle Peppertree Description This evergreen tree is growing at a fast rate. It has a moderately weeping form, and is single or multistemmed. It is in leaf all year, in flower from April to June. The small, whitish flowers occur in bracteate panicles. Its clear green foliage, with numerous lance-linear, sometimes accompanied by cheerful clusters of rosy-red berry- like “peppers”, make it a pleasure to look at. Mature Height It grows to a height of 15 m with a spread of 3 m. Origin Peru Uses For hot outback country, very drought resistant. The dried and roasted berries are used as a pepper substitute. Notes The scented flowers are deciduous (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant so both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required. Whole tree Leaves and “peppers” Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 28 Description of existing street trees Ulmus procera English Elm Description Ulmus procera forms an immense tree with a stout, tall trunk, heavy ascending branches and a dense, spreading canopy. The leaves are 5-6cm long, very asymmetrical at the base, rough to touch above with conspicuous parallel veins and serrated margins. The small reddish flowers develop in the naked leaf axils in early spring, followed by the showy, bright green, winged and disc-like fruits. Mature Height It grows to a height of 30 m with a spread of 5 m. Origin United Kingdom and northwest Spain Uses The English Elms had been planted in the 17th and 18th century in England, usually as part of hedges and land enclosures, as well as for their ornamental and timber value. Notes Whole tree A very big problem is a disease which is caused by a fungus which, in turn, is spread by beetles. Trees hit with the disease gradually wilt, turn yellow, and die. Laves Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 29 2. Description of proposed street trees The following descriptions refer to street trees which are recommended for planting in Burra. The descriptions can be used for identification of trees. Botanic name Common Name Catalpa bignonioides Indian Bean Tree Cedrus atlantica Atlas Cedar Eucalyptus leucoxylon Yellow Gum subsp. leucoxylon Eucalyptus odorata Peppermint Box Eucalyptus porosa Quorn Mallee Jacaranda mimosaefolia Blue Jacaranda Tree Robinia pseudoacacia White Acacia ‘Frisia’ Ulmus parvifolia Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Chinese Elm 30 Description of proposed street trees Catalpa bignonioides Indian Bean Tree Description Catalpa bignonioides is an attractive small to medium sized deciduous tree. It is of similar width with a short trunk that supports a broad, open and rounded crown. Catalpa has large tropical looking heart-shaped leaves that are up to 20.3 cm long and held oppositely on the stems. Often in a whorl with three leaves emerging from the same point along the stem. In spring the southern catalpa produces showy branching flower clusters at the stem tips. The white bell-shaped blossoms are 5.1 cm in diameter and patterned with small purple spots and two large orange markings at the throat. The flowers are followed by long slender cigar-shaped pods. The green pods ripen to brown in fall and split to release flat fringed seeds. Mature Height It grows to a height of 20 m with a spread of 8 m. Origin Southern USA Uses Whole tree It is a valued ornamental tree with large foliage and showy clusters of flowers in the spring. Notes The Catalpa is the host plant for a caterpillar commonly called the catawba worm. These are popular fishing bait for southern freshwater fish known as bream. There are examples of this tree growing very successfully in gardens in Burra. Flower and leaves Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 31 Description of proposed street trees Cedrus atlantica Atlas Cedar Description Atlas Cedar is a large and majestic evergreen conifer. This cedar is neatly cone shaped in youth, becoming more open and spreading with a flat top as it ages. The bark is silvery gray and fissured. The stiff, needle like leaves are bluish green, less than 2.5 cm long and clustered in tufts on short lateral spurs. The egg shaped cones are 7.6 cm long, green while developing and brown when mature. When ripe they shatter to release papery winged seeds. Mature Height It grows to a height of 30 m with a spread of 4 m. Origin North Africa Uses It is long lived and needs lots of space and should never be used as anything but a specimen or widely spaced in groves so that its magnificent form can be fully appreciated. Notes Whole tree It grows fast and upward for the first 10-20 years, then as the central leader loses dominance, growth slows and the crown spreads. Cedars grow well in Burra and are useful as a park or garden tree, or in wide streets or as specimens. Cones on branch Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 32 Description of proposed street trees Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. leucoxylon Yellow Gum Description Eucalyptus leucoxylon is a medium-sized tree. The bark is retained on the lower trunk but the upper trunk and branches are smooth-barked and cream to grey in colour. The adult leaves are lance-shaped to about 200 mm long. The flowers are usually seen in autumn and winter and may be white, creamy yellow or pink. There are 4 recognized sub-species of E.leucoxylon. Subsp. leucoxylon is the typical form. Mature Height It grows to a height of 30 m with a spread of 6 m. Origin Australia (South Australia, Western Victoria) Whole tree Uses E.leucoxylon is regularly planted for windbreaks, shade, honey production and for ornamental purposes and it grows well in alkaline soils. Notes Subsp. Megalocarpa has a smaller growth habit and large fruit. This is often available under the horticultural name "Rosea". The smaller varieties are suitable for planting in streets in Burra, leaving the larger Eucalyptus leucoxylon leucoxylon for the creek corridor. Flowers Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 33 Description of proposed street trees Eucalyptus odorata Peppermint Box Description Eucalyptus odorata is a spreading tree with a rough bark on the trunk and usually on the branches. It is thick, fibrous and gray-brown, then smooth on the smallest branches. The adult leaves are dull, bluegreen when new, soon maturing glossy and green with age. The bunds and fruits occur in umbels of seven to eleven. The fruit are cup-shaped to slightly barrel-shaped. The flowers are white. Mature Height Whole tree It grows to a height of 15 m with a spread of 3 m. Origin Australia (South Australia, Western Victoria) Uses It is useful for shade, shelter and erosion control. Flowers are plentiful and in good forms and it would be useful for broad scale planting such as along roadsides. Notes In its natural habitat it is often seen in a multistemmed form. Seeds This tree is suitable for street planting in Burra. Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 34 Description of proposed street trees Eucalyptus porosa Quorn Mallee Description Eucalyptus porosa is a small-trunked tree or mallee, with fine, fibrous bark on the lower trunk, and smooth yellow, green and brown bark on the upper trunk and branches. The adult leaves are lanceolate and more or less symmetric, to 12 cm x 20 mm long. They have margins often with irregular, shallow, rounded teeth, alternate, more or less glossy green. The buds are more or less ovoid, to 7 x 4 mm, on short pedicels, in groups of 7, on a stout peduncle; operculum rounded, conical. The fruits are wineglass-shaped, to 7 x 6 mm, shortly pedicellate; valves 4-5, and occur below level of rim. Whole tree Mature Height It grows to a height of 6 m with a spread of 2 m. Origin Australia (South Australia, Western New South Wales) Flowers Uses E. porosa is an attractive tree in cultivation, suitable for broad scale planting such as along roadsides. It makes an excellent shade tree for areas of low to moderate rainfall. Plants are very quick growing when young and attract few pests and diseases. Notes Commonly confused with other box species such as E. odorata. Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 35 Description of proposed street trees Jacaranda mimosaefolia Blue Jacaranda Tree Description The Jacaranda is an ornamental, deciduous to semievergreen tree. It is one of the most beautiful flowering trees. In late spring its beautiful bluish lavender flowers provide an explosion of colour. The Jacaranda blossom is bell shaped and hangs down in loose groups with the open end forming five soft, opening petals. The fruits are oblong, dehiscent capsules. The leaves are opposite, bipinnate, with16 pairs of pinnae, each bearing14 to 24 pairs of leaflets. Mature Height Avenue of Jacaranda trees in flower It grows to a height of 10 m with a spread of 5 m. Origin Brazil Uses It is a valued ornamental tree with showy clusters of flowers in the spring. It should be made feature of special town planning. Notes It is drought and frost tender. Flowers and seed capsules Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 36 Description of proposed street trees Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ White Acacia Description Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ is a fast-growing, thorn less cultivar of the native deciduous locust. The upright growth and short, irregular branches cast light shade below the tree, allowing a lawn to thrive. Dull, yellow leaves, made up of multiple leaflets, are some of the last to appear in spring and often drop early in the autumn, just barely fading to a sickly yellow/green before dropping. For approximately a 10-day period in late spring, the trees are festooned with, dense clusters of extremely fragrant, white blossoms (similar to sweetpeas) which are literally "alive" with the bustling activity of visiting bees. The dark red to black, leathery seeds pods which follow will persist on the trees throughout the winter. Mature Height It grows to a height of 25 m with a spread of 5 m. Origin Western USA Uses Whole tree This vigorous, broadly columnar tree makes an excellent specimen for a sunny, suburban garden or streets. Notes There are a variety of cultivars available, but the most popular and best is ‘Frisia’ which has golden yellow foliage that appears all the brighter with the sun shining through it. Unlike most yellow leaved plants, rather than getting darker and greener as the season goes on, this one gets yellowier and brighter right up to the autumn. Leaves Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 37 Description of proposed street trees Ulmus parvifolia Chinese Elm Description Chinese Elm has the most beautiful bark - green, grey, orange and brown mottled and flaking in small thin plates. This is a handsome tree, often with a trunk that forks and produces a vase shape. The leaves are typical elm leaves - about 5.1 cm long, elliptic, toothed, conspicuously veined and with unequal bases. Chinese elm is tardily deciduous, almost evergreen in mild climates. Most elms produce their little winged "samaras" in the spring; this one fruits in the fall. The samaras are flat and papery, about 0.8 cm across and rather showy hanging in dense clusters. Whole tree Mature Height It grows to a height of 10 m with a spread of 4 m. Origin China, Japan and Korea Uses Most of the elms make great shade and avenue trees, and Chinese elm is one of the best. Notes This is a highly variable species and there are many cultivars in the trade, selected for form, size, bark colour, cold hardiness and foliage characteristics. Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Bark 38 3. Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 01 DATE SURVEYED 1/11/2005 STREET NAME Thames Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Botanical Name Other street tree species White Cedar Melia azederach Platanus acerifolia Lagunaria patersonii English Elm planted and suckering in creek line. Overhead wires western side. Grevilleas robusta Cyperus sempervirens Brachychiton populneus Eucalyptus sp STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Upper Thames Street from Commercial St to Church St Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Age 30 - 60 Size 7x7 Condition pollarded, average Common Name Plane Trees Botanical Name Platanus acerifolia Age Size Condition 30 - 60 5x5 pollarded, average Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Many of the White Cedars have been deformed by poor pruning practice in the past. These trees require careful management to restore their form and structure – seek specialist advice from Arbor culturist. Retain White Cedar as street tree and infill as necessary. Norfolk Island Hibiscus Lagunaria patersonii 30 - 60 5x4 multitrunk, average Bridge St to Bath St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 White Cedar Melia azederach 30 - 60 7x7 good No street trees opposite bowling green on eastern side. Only plant small trees here for shade following discussion with club. Suitable species for this area only is Robinia. Retain Cypress and Lagunaria in short term but do not replace. Infill with White Cedar where necessary.. 39 3. Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Botanical Name Age Size Condition Norfolk Island Hibiscus Lagunaria patersonii 30 - 60 8x4 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Silky Oak Grevilleas robusta 10 - 15 5x2 poor Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Italian Cypress Cyperus sempervirens 30 - 60 5x5 multitrunk, good Common Name Lower Thames Street from Bath St to Stock St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp 15 - 25 4x4 multitrunk, good Overhead wires on eastern side of street side. Road verge (bank) planted with Gazania – declared weed, remove. At southern end, retain 4 Ash trees planted adjacent to No 28. Stock St to Allen St Botanical Name Age Size Condition Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus 30 - 60 6x5 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 30 - 60 6x5 good Common Name Overhead wires eastern side. Retain Kurrajong at northern end. Plant Eucalypts both sides. Allen St to South Terrace Common Name Botanical Name Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Overhead wires on eastern side of street side - no existing street trees. Plant new street trees - Eucalypts both sides. 40 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 02 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Chapel Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Age Species Life Expectancy Specimen Life Expectancy Other street tree species 60 - 80 100 yrs up to 100 yrs. Allocasuarina verticillata Ceratonia siliqua Ulmus procera Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Robinia pseudoacacia Lagunaria patersonii Brachychiton populneus Eucalyptus sp Overhead wires along length of street western side. STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Commercial St to Church St Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Age 30 - 60 Size 6x7 Condition Section of street trees missing - infill with White Cedar. Street contains mix of larger deciduous and evergreen trees and smaller deciduous trees. Retain Prunus in short term but do not replace. pollarded, average Common Name Sheoak Botanical Name Allocasuarina verticillata Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Carob Ceratonia siliqua 41 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition English Elm Ulmus procera Church St to Bath St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' 30 - 60 3x2 poor White Cedar have been severely pollarded. Sheoak Allocasuarina verticillata 15 - 30 5x4 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 30 - 60 5x5 average, badly pollarded Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition English Elm Ulmus procera 30 - 60 8x6 good Bath St to Stock St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 30 - 60 5x4 average, pollarded Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia 30 - 60 8x6 good Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Overhead wires on eastern side of street side Robinia pseudoacacia in flower Retain Prunus in short term but do not replace. Retain Eucalypts. Infill with Kurrajong. 42 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Norfolk Island Hibiscus Lagunaria patersonii 30 - 60 6x4 good Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' 15 -25 4x3 average Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus 30 - 60 7x6 good Eucalyptus sp 25 - 50 6x5 multitrunk, good Stock St to Allen St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus 5x4 good Common Name Botanical Name Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederarch 5x4 average Common Name Botanical Name Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' 15 -25 4x4 good Age Size Condition Allen St to South Tce Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Wires on western side. Retain younger White Cedar and Eucalypts. Retain Prunus and Cypress in short term but do not replace. Infill with Kurrajong. No street trees. Plant Eucalypts. 43 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 03 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Queen Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Botanical Name Age Species Life Expectancy Specimen Life Expectancy Other street tree species White Cedar Melia azederach 60 - 80 100 yrs Up to 100 yrs. Brachychiton populneus Lagunaria patersonii Ceratonia siliqua Cupressus sempervirens stricta Pinus halepensis STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Commercial St - Creek Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Age Melia azederach 60 - 80 Size Condition Retain White Cedar. No wires. 8x8 good, pollarded Creek - Church St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus 30 - 60 Infill with Kurrajong on western side at 5m centres to match existing street trees. Retain Lagunaria but do not replace. 6x6 excellent Norfolk Island Hibiscus Lagunaria patersonii 30 - 60 6x5 excellent 44 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Church St - Bath St Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Age Melia azederach 30 - 60 Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Retrain White Cedar and infill where necessary Wires on western side of street. Retain Carob on western side. good, pollarded Carob Ceratonia siliqua 20 - 40 excellent Bath St - Stock St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Indian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta 20 - 40 3x1 Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 30 - 60 7x6 good Common Name Kurrajong Botanical Name Brachychiton populneus 15 - 30 5x4 excellent Age Size Condition Wires on western side. Infill with Kurrajong in gravel verge. Retain Cypress but do not replace. Note that street kerbs are likely to be damaged in the future. Stock St - Allen St No street trees currently. Plant Kurrajong. Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta 20 pollarded, good 45 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 04 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Ware Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Botanical Name Age Species Life Expectancy Specimen Life Expectancy Other street tree species White Cedar Melia azederach 30-60 yrs 100 yrs 40 yrs Ulmus procera Cyperus sempervirens stricta Pinus halepensis Wires on western side of street. Cotoneaster sp STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Commercial St - Church St Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 30 - 60 5X5 average - pollarded Retain White Cedar. Remove Cypress progressively, particularly where they are damaging the kerbs. Plant new street trees (Kurrajong) in areas where trees are missing. Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta 25 - 40 #X1 good English Elm Ulmus procera 60 - 80 5 X 5 (east side) and 12 X 10 (west side) poor - pollarded (east side) and good (west side) 46 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Church St - Bath St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 10 - 20 5X5 average Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Cotoneaster Cotoneaster sp 10 - 20 3X3 average, multitrunk Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Remove Cotoneaster (shrubs – weed species) and Alleppo Pines and replace with new street trees (Eucalypt). 47 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 05 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Kangaroo Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Pinus halepensis Brachychiton populneus Eucalyptus sp Other street tree species Schinus molle STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Commercial St - Church St Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azedarach Age Size Condition 40 - 60 7x6 good - previous pollard Common Name Botanical Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta Age Size Condition Retain Cypress on eastern side but do not replace. Infill street trees where missing with White Cedar. Successful footpath extension on western side provides a model for other streets. Wires on eastern side of street. 3x1 Church St - Bath St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 White Cedar Melia azedarach 40 - 60 7x5 excellent Infill missing street trees on eastern side with Carob. Prune existing trees up to remove lower branches. 48 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Carob Ceratonia siliqua 40 - 60 5x5 excellent Common Name Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Bath St - Stock St Botanical Name Age Size Condition 10 - 20 3x3 poor Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Carob Ceratonia siliqua 40 - 60 5x5 excellent Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 20 - 40 12 x 5 fair, good Common Name Botanical Name Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus 20 - 40 4x4 good Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Retain Prunus and Cypress in short term but do not replace. Retain Pines in short term but do not replace. Infill missing or removed trees with Kurrajong. Prune lower branches from Carobs. Overhead wire on eastern side of street. Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta 15 - 30 5x1 pollarded, good 49 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Stock st - Allen St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 40 - 80 5x8 pollarded under wires, fair Common Name Botanical Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta 20 - 40 3x1 pollarded, good Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition 20 - 40 3x5 poor Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pepper Tree Schinus molle 10 - 20 4x4 good Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Retrain Cypress on western side (4). Plant new Kurrajong along whole length of street. Retain Pines on eastern side of street only in short term - replace with Kurrajongs. Retain Pepper Trees (5) on eastern side. Overhead wires on eastern side of street. 50 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 06 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Hill Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE STREET SECTIONS EXISTING Commercial St - Church St Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 RECOMMENDATIONS No street trees Plant Eucalypts. 51 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 07 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Justice Lane PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Pinus halepensis Other street tree species Melaleuca STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Commercial St - Gall St Eastern side Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pinus halepensis 15 - 30 5x5 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Melaleuca Replace Melaleuca (3) with Eucalypts. Overhead wires on western side of street 10 - 20 3x3 poor Commercial St - Gall St Western side Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 no trees Retain Pines in short term. Replace eventually with Kurrajong. 52 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 08 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME John Barker Street Photo to be inserted PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Allocasuarina verticillata Other street tree species STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS To Gall St Common Name Sheoak Botanical Name Allocasuarina verticillata 10 - 20 6x4 fair Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Infill eastern side of street with Sheoak. Infill western side of street with White Cedar. No overhead wires. White Cedar Melia azederach 2 -5 2x2 good 53 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 09 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Gall Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE STREET SECTIONS EXISTING No street trees Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 RECOMMENDATIONS No existing street trees. Plant Eucalypt both sides of street. Overhead wires on northern side of street. 54 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 10 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Church Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Kurrajong Botanical Name Brachychiton populneus Other street tree species Prunus amygodalis Prunus nigra Melia azederach STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Justice Ln - Hill St Common Name Kurrajong Botanical Name Age Size Condition Brachychiton populneus 10 - 20 4x4 perfect Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Almond Prunus amygodalis 15 - 20 5x5 excellent Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Prunus Prunus nigra 10 - 20 3x2 poor Overhead wires on northern side of street. Hill St - Ware St Retain only in the short term Prunus in poor condition. Ware St - Kangaroo St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 No street trees Overhead wires on northern side of street. 55 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Kangaroo St - Queen St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 30 - 60 5x5 pollarded, fair Overhead wires on northern side of street. Queen St - Chapel St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 No street trees Plant new street trees - Kurrajong. 56 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 11 DATE SURVEYED 6/10/2005 STREET NAME Bath Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Other street tree species Ceratonia siliqua Pinus halepensis Schinus molle STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Ware St to Kangaroo St Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pinus halepensis 10 - 15 6x4 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 15 - 50 4x4 good Infill with White Cedar on both sides of street. Retain Pines in short term but do not replace. Kangaroo St to Queen St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Carob Ceratonia siliqua 40 - 60 5x5 good Infill with Carob on southern side of street. Prune lower branches. Overhead wires on northern side of street. Queen St to Chapel St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Carob Ceratonia siliqua 40 - 60 5x5 good Infill with Carob on northern side of street in front of church. Overhead wires on northern side of street. Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 57 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Chapel St to Thames St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Carob Ceratonia siliqua 15 - 30 3x5 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pepper tree Schinus molle 25 - 50 8x8 good Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Infill with White Cedar on northern side of street. 58 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 12 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Kingston Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Other street tree species Other stre Ulmus procera Quercus Robur Brachychiton populneus Prunus amygdalus Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Lagunaria patersonii STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Bridge Tce to Tomkinson Welsh Pl Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Age Size Condition Melia azederach 60 - 80 8x8 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Elm Ulmus procera 60 - 80 12 x 12 excellent Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Englisch Oak Quercus Robur Retain White Cedar on northern side of street in front of Paxton Cottages. Infill with White Cedar on southern side. Retain Elms. Tomkinson Welsh Pl to Paradise St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 White Cedar Melia azederach 7x7 excellent Retain Kurrajong northern side. Infill where necessary. New Kurrajong on southern side, plant in road. 59 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus 7x5 excellent Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Almond Prunus amygdalus Common Name Botanical Name Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Norfolk Island Hibiscus Lagunaria patersonii 60 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 13 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Bridge / Quarry Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Botanical Name Other street tree species Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta Pinus halepensis Schinus molle Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Eucalyptus sp STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Bridge to Tomkinson Welsh Pl Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pinus halepensis 40 - 60 11 x 11 good Common Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta 40 - 60 3x1 good Botanical Name Age Size Condition Tomkinson Welsh Pl to Paradise St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 60 - 80 20 x 10 good New street trees required. Retain Cypress and Eucalypts. Plant Jacaranda. Overhead wires on southern side of street. Retain Pines in short term but do not replace. Retain 3 Kurrajongs on southern side. Retain Prunus in short term but do not replace. Remove Photinia. Eastern section plant new Eucalypts. Pepper Tree Schinus molle 40 - 60 8x8 good 61 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' 15 - 25 4x4 good Eucalyptus sp 40 - 60 12 x 10 average Mixed tree planting northern side including Photinia, Bottle Brush, Lavastinsus, Prunus Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 62 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 14 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Blyth Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Eucalyptus sp Botanical Name Other street tree species Eucalyptus (Mallie) STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Mitchell St to Paradise St Common Name Eucalyptus (Mallie) Retain Eucalyptus, infill with same. Plant new trees southern side, Jacaranda Overhead wires south side Eucalyptus sp Infill with Eucalypts. Botanical Name Age Size Condition To Paradise St Common Name Botanical Name Age 15 - 20 Size 6x4 Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 average, multi trunk at base 63 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 15 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Stock Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Cupressus sempervirens stricta Other street tree species STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Queen St to Chapel St Common Name Italian Cypress Botanical Name Cupressus sempervirens stricta Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Retain Cypress planted on kerb in short term. Plant new street trees - Jacaranda. Overhead wires on northern side side of street. 3x1 good White Cedar Melia azederach Chaple St to Thames St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 40 - 60 6x6 good Infill with Jacaranda. Thamse St to Ayers St Ford Across river, no trees north side. South side Almond, Carob and Pepper. Between Mitchell and Ayers row of Cypress south side (hedge) New street trees required - Jacaranda. Retain hedge. Kangaroo St to Queen St No street trees Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 No existing street trees. Plant Jacaranda. 64 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 16 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Spring Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Pinus halepensis STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pinus halepensis 40 - 80 15 x 10 good Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Some of the existing Pines require pruning to remove low lateral branches. Retain Pines as an avenue. 65 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 17 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Ayers Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Eucalyptus sp Botanical Name Other street tree species Pinus halepensis Schinus molle Cupressus sempervirens stricta STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Spring St to George St Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Pinus halepensis Age Size Condition 40 - 80 15 x 10 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pepper Trees Schinus molle 20 - 40 4x4 average Common Name Botanical Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Retain avenue of Pines as an avenue to the cemetery. Retain Pepper trees and row of Cypress. Plant new Eucalypts both sides of the street at the northern end. 40 - 80 15 x 10 average 3x1 good 66 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations George St to Blyth St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition No Existing Power lines on western side of street. Plant Eucalypts as new street tree. Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 40 - 60 10 x 8 Retain Eucalypts and Pepper Tree on eastern side. Remove Flinders Ranges Wattles (Acacia iteaphylla) which succors. Plant Eucalypts as street tree. Blyth St to Kingston St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 good Pepper Trees Schinus molle 30 - 60 5x5 average 67 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 18 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Welsh Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Kurrajong Botanical Name Brachychiton populneus Other street tree species Fraxinus excelsior Cupressus sempervirens stricta STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Quarry St to Kingston St Common Name Kurrajong Botanical Name Brachychiton populneus Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Infill planting with Kurrajong. Replant reserve with Eucalypts. 30 - 60 6x6 superb Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Ash (near Hotel) Fraxinus excelsior Common Name Mixed planting by residents Botanical Name Age Size Condition Paxton st to Kingston St Remove Gorse adjacent to Paxton Square. Plant new Eucalypts as street tree. Retain White Cedar and Elms adjacent to Paxton Cottages. Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 68 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 19 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Smelts Road PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Eucalyptus sp Botanical Name Other street tree species Ulmus procera Melia azederach STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Smelts Road Common Name English Elm Botanical Name Age Size Condition Ulmus procera Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 30 - 60 6x6 average, pollarded Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Tree surgery is required on the existing Sugar Gums. Remove dead and poorly performing trees. Plant Eucalypts as street tree. 40 - 80 8x8 poor, pollarded Mixed Eucalyptus sp 20 - 30 good to poor 69 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 20 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Paxton Terrace PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Botanical Name Other street tree species Eucalyptus sp Melia azederach Koelreuteria paniculata Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Bridge St to Smelt Rd Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach Continue line of Eucalypts on northern side of street. Plant Eucalypts on southern side of street. 30 - 60 7x7 good Eucalyptus sp 30 - 60 10 x 10 average, pollarded Smelt Rd to Essex St Common Name Botanical Name Golden Rain Tree Koelreuteria paniculata Retain Golden Rain trees (not suitable species). Plant Eucalypts as new trees both sides. Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' 20 - 40 4x4 average 70 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 21 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME East Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Botanical Name Other street tree species Eucalyptus sp Cupressus sempervirens stricta STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Common Name Botanical Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta Plant new street trees - Kurrajong. Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Eucalyptus sp 30 - 50 8x7 good 71 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 22 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Bridge Terrace PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Other street tree species Brachychiton populneus Pinus halepensis Bottle Brush Cupressus sempervirens stricta STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Caravan Park to Paxton Tce Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus Plant Eucalypts on western side of street (Creek Reserve). Planting to extend into reserve. 20 - 40 5x5 brilliant Paxton Tce to Kingston St White Cedar Melia azederach 40 - 60 6x5 average Continue line of White Cedar. Plant Eucalypts on western side. Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 60 - 80 15 x 15 good Plant Eucalypts on western side of street. Retain and continue line of Bottle Brush on eastern side. Retain Italian Cypress existing under overhead wires. Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Bottle Brush Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Kington St onwards Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 72 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 White Cedar Melia azederach 20 - 40 5x5 good 73 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 23 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME Commercial Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Other street tree species Landmark Palm Ulmus procera Melia azederach Schinus molle Pinus halepensis Eucalyptus sp No overhead wires and no street trees in central area. STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Chapel St To Ware St Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Age Size Condition 40 - 80 7x7 average to good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Landmark Palm Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition English Elms Ulmus procera 50 - 70 12 x 12 excellent Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 30 - 50 7x7 good Landmark Palm on northern side of street between Kangaroo and Ware Streets. Infill missing White Cedar with Jacaranda. Ware St to Hill St Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Overhead wires on southern side of street. Plant new street trees – Jacaranda. 74 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Hill St to Justice Ln Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pepper Trees Schinus molle 40 - 60 7x7 poor, pollarded, hollow Plant new street trees – Jacaranda. Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 15 - 80 15 x 10 average to good Justice Ln to Gall St Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 25 - 40 6x5 average, pollarded Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition White Cedar Melia azederach 35 - 50 8x6 average, pollarded Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition English Elm Ulmus procera 60 - 80 12 x 8 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition John Barker St onwards Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Remove dead Eucalypts. Plant new street trees opposite Burra Hospital utilizing area inside property boundary – Jacaranda. Overhead wires on southern side of street. Pepper Trees Schinus molle No street trees New street trees – Eucalypts. 75 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 24 DATE SURVEYED 8/10/2005 STREET NAME St Josephs Lane PREDOMINANT STREET TREE STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Historic walls on property boundaries adjacent to footpaths. No opportunity for street trees. Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 76 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 25 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Jaffrey Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Pinus halepensis Other street tree species Eucalyptus sp STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Jaffrey St South side Common Name Aleppo Pine Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pinus halepensis 15-30 Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Retain Pines in short term but do not replace. Infill planting with Eucalyptus on both sides. good 15-30 good 77 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 26 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Challoner Terrace PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Eucalyptus sp Botanical Name Other street tree species Schinus molle STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Challoner Terrace Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Eucalyptus sp Infill existing trees with Eucalypts. Retain Pepper Tree. 5m Pepper Tree Schinus molle 30 10m 78 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 27 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Graham Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS No street trees Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 No existing street trees. Plant new street trees – Eucalypts. 79 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 28 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Mitchell Flat Photo to be inserted PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Other street tree species Cupressus sempervirens stricta Schinus molle Lagunaria patersonii Eucalyptus sp Allocasuarina verticillata STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Mitchell Flat to George St Common Name Italian Cypress Botanical Name Cupressus sempervirens stricta 15 - 25 Age Size Condition good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pepper Tree Schinus molle 25 - 45 7x7 good Common Name Norfolk Island Hibiscus Lagunaria patersonii Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Overhead wires on western side of street. 4x4 White Cedar Melia azederach 40 - 60 4x4 good, pollarded 80 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Sheoak Allocasuarina verticillata 5x3 Mitchell Flat George St onwards No street trees Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 No existing street trees. No overhead wires. Plant Eucalypts as new street trees on both sides of street. 81 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 29 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Allen Street Photo to be inserted PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Purple-leafed Plum Botanical Name Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Cupressus sempervirens stricta Bottlebrush Other street tree species STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Vineyard Tce to Kangaroo St No street trees No existing street trees. No overhead wires. Plant Eucalypts on both sides of street. No street trees As Above. No street trees As Above. Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Purple-leafed Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Common Name Botanical Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta Retain Prunus in short term but do not replace. Street terminates at east end with single Cypress tree – retain. Retain Cypress in short term but do not replace. Plant new street trees – Eucalypts. Planted by resident. Retain in short term but do not replace. Kangaroo St to Queen St Queen St to Chapel St Chapel St to Lower Thames St Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Bottlebrush 2x 82 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 30 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Essex Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Botanical Name Other street tree species Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus Pinus halepensis Willow Myrtle Eucalyptus sp Pyrus STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS South of Paxton Tce Common Name Kurrajong Botanical Name Brachychiton populneus young 3x3 Age Size Condition Overhead wires on eastern side of street. Plant new street trees - Kurrajong. North of Paxton Tce Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Aleppo Pines Pinus halepensis 15 - 25 4x4 Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Willow Myrtle Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Eucalyptus sp Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 No Through Road. Overhead wires on eastern side of street. Plant new street trees – Eucalypts on both sides of street. Gazanias and Prickly Pears (both weed species) should be removed. Retain 3 Pyrus planted by residents. 83 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Pyrus 84 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 31 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Lewis Street PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Eucalyptus sp Botanical Name Other street tree species Celtis australis STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Common Name Eucalyptus sp Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 Overhead wires on western side of street. Retain Hackberry planted on both sides of street at southern end. 15 - 20 4x4 European Hackberry Celtis australis 25 - 30 5x5 good 85 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 32 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Welsh Street (South) PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name Eucalypts sp Botanical Name Other street tree species Schinus molle Pinus halepensis Wattles STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS Quarry St to Ayers St Common Name Eucalypts sp Botanical Name Age Size Condition Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Wattles Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis 40 - 60 9x8 good Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pepper Tree Schinus molle 50 - 70 6x6 good Overhead wires on eastern side of street. Plant new street trees on eastern side Eucalypts. Blyth St to George St No street trees Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 No existing street trees. Overhead wires on western side of street. Plant new street trees – Eucalypts. 86 Analysis of existing street trees and recommendations BURRA STREET TREES REFERENCE 33 DATE SURVEYED 2/11/2005 STREET NAME Mount Pleasant Road PREDOMINANT STREET TREE Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Melia azederach Other street tree species Schinus molle Pinus halepensis Cupressus sempervirens stricta STREET SECTIONS EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS East/West Common Name White Cedar Botanical Name Age Size Condition Melia azederach 30 - 60 7x6 excellent Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Pepper Trees Schinus molle Common Name Botanical Name Age Size Condition Aleppo Pines Pinus halepensis Common Name Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens stricta 30 - 60 3x3 fair No overhead wires until east of Drew Lane where there are overhead wires on the eastern side of the street. Retain in the short term Aleppo Pines on south side but do not replace. New street trees – Eucalypts. North/South Botanical Name Age Size Condition Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 87 4. Summary Street Occurance Existent Trees Proposed Trees 01 Thames Street Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonii) Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Plane Tree (Platanus x acerifolia) Eucalyptus sp White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Eucalyptus sp 02 Chapel Street Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Native Pine (Callitris preissii) Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonii) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Purple-leaved Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’) Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacatia) English Elm (Ulmus procera) Eucalyptus sp White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Eucalyptus sp Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia) 03 Queen Street Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonii) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) 04 Ware Street Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) English Elm (Ulmus procera) Cotoneaster Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Eucalyptus sp Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 88 4. Summary 05 Kangaroo Street Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Purple-leaved Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Eucalyptus sp White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) 06 Hill Street No trees Eucalyptus sp 07 Justice Line Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Melaleuca Eucalyptus sp Pines or Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) 08 Jon Barker Street Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) 09 Gall Street No trees Eucalyptus sp 10 Church Street Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) 11 Bath Street Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) 12 Kingston Street Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonii) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Almond Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 89 4. Summary (Prunus amygdalus) Purple-leaved Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’) English Oak (Quercus robur) English Elm (Ulmus procera) 13 Bridge / Quarry Street Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Purple-leaved Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Eucalyptus sp Eucalyptus sp Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosaefolia) 14 Blyth Street Eucalyptus (Mallee) Eucalyptus sp Eucalyptus sp Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosaefolia) 15 Stock Street Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosaefolia) 16 Spring Street Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) 17 Ayers Street Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Eucalyptus sp Eucalyptus sp 18 Welsh Street Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Eucalyptus sp 19 Smelts Road White Cedar (Melia azedarach) English Elm (Ulmus procera) Eucalyptus sp Eucalyptus sp Mallee sp Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 90 4. Summary 20 Paxton Terrace Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculate) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Purple-leaved Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’) Eucalyptus sp Eucalyptus sp 21 East Street Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Eucalyptus sp Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) 22 Bridge Terrace Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Bottle Brush Eucalyptus sp White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Bottle Brush 23 Commercial Street White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) English Elm (Ulmus procera) Eucalyptus sp Landmark Palme Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosaefolia) Eucalyptus sp 24 St Josephs Lane No trees No opportunity for street trees 25 Jaffrey Street Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Eucalyptus sp Eucalyptus sp 26 Challoner Terrace Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Eucalyptus sp Mallee Eucalyptus sp 27 Graham Street No trees Eucalyptus sp 28 Mitchell Flat Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Norfolk Island Hibiscus Eucalyptus sp Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 91 4. Summary (Lagunaria patersonii) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Eucalyptus sp 29 Allen Street Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) Purple-leaved Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’) Callistemons Eucalyptus sp 30 Essex Street Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Eucalyptus sp Willow Myrtle Pyrus Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) Eucalyptus sp 31 Lewis Street European Hackberry (Celtis australis) Eucalyptus sp European Hackberry (Celtis australis) 32 Welsh Street (South) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Eucalyptus sp Wattles Eucalyptus sp 33 Mount Pleasant Road Pencil Pine (Cupressus sempervirens stricta) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) White Cedar (Melia azedarach) Eucalyptus sp Street Trees in Burra Oxigen Landscape Architects November 2005 92