comparo: sho taurus, camry se, maxima se!
comparo: sho taurus, camry se, maxima se!
COMPARO: SHO TAURUS, CAMRY SE, MAXIMA SE! G[NE nN[n AUGUST 1992. CANADA $3.95 UK T1 .95 US $2.95 There's more: Cross,country in a Ferrari 512TR. Your own $8500 racer. Mclaren Fl. MazAaM)G6. Methanol,fuel Chewolet Lumina. BMW 318is. Roadside America Coast to coast, via Ferrari 51ZTR, with interim stops frrr Ham the Astrochimp, human fingers in a jar, and dueling albino squirrels. BY JOHN PHILLIPS J) fiin l-f luc skir's. 7.i tlcglecs. zelo lrrrrrritlill Cyplcss. Cllilirlnil. This is tlrc sitc ol'Fcrlali's Wcst Coast ol'l'icc. And thc ncw -5 l2TR-which ncccls lo bc dcliverecl to Ncw Jcrscy-is allcacly Itors dt, <otulxrt. "Colil-start problcnrs," cxplains a Ferrari lcclrrrician. This is a littlelike bcing told your polar Ski-Doo cxpcditit'rn is cancclccl on accor.rnt ol'snow. I rnakc use ol'thc two-day delay to sct an anrusing tnd rletailccl lrans-Amcrict itinerary ll'onr Mikc Wilkins. an author ol' Tlte Nt,rl Roulsidc Alrcllt a (sc'c to carry no sllilrc. What il'a tirc blows chunks in Faily. Te-xas'l Hclc is what lhc owncr's r.rlrnual aclviscs: "ln orclcl to cnsurc saf'c tllvcl. it is inrpcrative that thc tiles alc kcpt in un cxccllcnition . . . thc tirc age-s cvcnt il'it is uscd or nol Llsc(l al all." At I'ilst this conlirsccl nrc. but thc latcl clcarccl it all up: "Thcn thc lirnt tcat nrutl-guarcls alc dal)." That w,as prctty nrLrch what I had xt bccn thinking. l. To Tucson on clay onc-, whclc I put thc Fcrlari to bccl-rcntoving it lront public vicw by wrappint it in u srtr.rg. f'clt-lined covcl with side- pockcts thc sizc ol'adolesccnt basscl hourrcls to swallow thc nrirrors. ancl The rtcxl nrorn. I do not lravc colcl-stalt te scrcu,c-cl. ancl thc hootls. rnadc up ol'uluurinurl (tnlicolo- 1-rloblcrns bccausc- wilh a singlc crg | do not havc a battery ol'crankinll powcr. revicw. pa-ee 143). This book should be nranclatory equipnrent in every car. like a sparc tile (see fbl lowi ng para-uraph ). The Ferrari 5 l2TR wcars ci-ghteen-inch tir cs. No othcr production on the planct is car' so equippcd. ancl this vchiclc has becn cnginccrccl ANGELES 3 NOGALES PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN PHILLIPS EL PASO Youns Brln Riggs ("Blan. likc tltc cclcal." hc saYs). rrhorn I nrcct slluxliltg itt thc cushicr"s rlcsk irt thc hotcl lohtrv. voluntccls 10 push in rcturtt litr il r'iclc. Push'.) Pushing is not otrc ol'our optiotts: tltis Fcrtlu'i is tuclvc 1-rourtrls hclvicr thltrt lt Cltlillac Scclurt clc Villc. Wc locutc.iurttl.rct' cublcs. Al'tcl tcn nritrutcs ol'Siaruesg hookup. I dcnronstrltc t0 Ritus-rncrcll' lir tlrc 1-rur';-rosc ol' cllcctitrq inttuctliutc aIlcrnlrtol lcchllgc ol thc baltcrt' {r-5 rttl-th in sccor.trl gcat' itt rkru nto* tt Tttcsotr. Bt'art. likc thc ccrcal. usks il ltc can gcl out. 2. Il vou cllc to look. t'ou u ill I'ind Titan ICBM silos soullt ol Tttcsott. Evcn il' vou rkr ltot cat'c to ltxrk. tltc Rtrssilns still do. ovcrl'lling tltc (lrcctr Vallct'sitc via satcllitc g1g11' .i0 urinutcs or so. Bclilt'c tlcsccntling into lhc silo. 1'oLr lcarn lltat a lurnchctl nrissilc pokcs l'irst throush thc stlrrtolllr.rsc 30 rrrilcs up. tltcn ul 50 rtrilcs 1-liclccs tltc rncsoputtsc. u hcrc it gcts clankY ancl illitlblc. N1r'guidc. spicl conclutlccl. lirllou's tttc t0 tltc lot to c\ltlttitlc thc Fclluli. Hc savs. "Gu1' lrclc vcstcrclul' in a l917 l-urtrbolgltirti. 1'otl shoulcl ltavc sccn ("vlrialiorrs on a turquoise thcnrc," ittlones the clcrk). antl rattlcsnakc cg-us ("Keep in a cool placc'to prevcnt hatching"). "Thc Thing'}" itsell'costs 75 ccnts to vicw and inclucles suppolting ilcts: a Glahanr-Paigc truck. a 19.i7 Rolls-Royce. l lc)31 Buick. and an exhibit clcpicting luncicnt nlctho(ls ol' torturc. This tlioranra inclutlcs a blawny rnale wax figule wcarinu Panrpcls who is strctchecl irr atony orr a rack. akrngsiclc a slalternly bt'uncttc wilh a susscstivcly slit skirt who is be-in-s llogged. Vicwing lbr thc u'holc lirttrily. Thc rnain cxhibit. "Thc Thing'1." is a clcsiccatccl corpse in a coffin set antid a nrotil' ol' hanging cllillwoocl lirshioncd to rcscnrble the last twenty sccotrtls ol' Gcorgc Custcr's lil'e. Thc qucstiort rtrark alicr "Thc Thing'1" is trowhere explainccl. nor w,ill you l'ccl cornpelled to /trtlr it e xplairrccl. Dcpalting in thc rniclclay Arizona sun. thc FeIrtri bricfly triggcrs its S[-OW with sustainccl arrcl l'clonious vclocitics. A quccr w,urnin! ll'unr rnachinclv uhosc put'pose is to dclivcl s;rcccl sul'l'icicnt t() cllnt ils opcralor' r sclllcncc ol' .l(X) ltout's ol' courrlurrity sclvicc. 5. I nrakc it that night to Mcsilll. Nc* Mcxico. chcck into thc Lu QLrintl lrtn. urttl cxanrine thc northcrn crtcl ol' tltc lrcd lirr cight lrouls without havirrg I'irst dclirscd the Fcrrari. T'his givcs rttc. in thc pllking l()t lhc ncxt nl()n). \e t lrttolltct oPltotlttrtitr Io introtlucc rnyscll'to lcllou travclcls ilho posscss.junrpcl cablc-s. Mcsilla. oncc thc cultitll ol bolh Alizonlt artrl Ncu' Mexico. \\'its a sl()l) orr thc Buttcrl'iclcl C)vclluncl Trail lhrn St. Louis to Sln Fnrrtcisco-a ltr thc Porty Ex1-rrcss. Thc pluzl corltltitts thc oklcst brick builtling irt Ncu Mcxico uttcl thc courthousc in whiclr Billl thc Kicl sls scnlcnced to hang. Ma1'bc. It is insurrclY quairrt-thc avcnrgc Anrcrican's lrolion ()l' whal a Mcxicarr villagc sltoulcl rcsctttblc DOWN r.l'alnin-t lanrps. which glow ntctt- nrinus scabby upholstery sltlcsttrctr acingly il' you overburdcn the catalysts disclrscrl cals. it." 3. Ncrt nrornirrs. ncar Nogllcs. baltcry lusain DOA. Artolltct'.jLnttl'rsturt. this onc costing actLrll clsh. I lcaln that thc clcctric I'an in lkrnt ol thc air'-cortdiliortcr cortclcnsct rto longcr rcculls ltow to lclax. I lulr-rst rcnlclilbcl bclirlc goirtl] to bccl to vlnk its rclar'. I lirrgct lhis instantll'. .1. East ol Tucsott. on I- l0 ttcut Bcttsotr. I corrrrcct u'ith a tluintcsscntiitll)' Attrcriciu.t roadsirlc attrilcti()n. ltousctl itt a tin uarchotrsc 1'xrintcrl in broarl stlil-rcs-1'cllow'. lcd. artri bluc. Hclc. ut lhc holttc ol'"Thc Thirrg'.'." I lincl pccart logs as [rig ls niqltt- sticks ilnrl a vlrst urrily ol'fttttlcsttakc callings. tlllntulus in Ltrcitc. bolo tics Ferrari (left) begins 55-mile dash into alternate time zone. Easy parking in Hico, Texas (right). Quintessential kitsch at Alley Oop Fantasy Land in lraan (below). ,iffiEhr {rt- /+l ! *d|flrs&-'* [[#x,vffl!?,iHi53tr^ r.i '"ai". ancl ROADSIDE AMERICA 6. Heacl north frorn Las Cruces on Route 70 throu-sh the nriddle of the White Sancls Missile Range (where the army which is much like that in an Acura NSX. ofien stops tratIic lbr I'ear sorlething seeking heat rnight seek it in the enrine bay of Aunt Ethcl's Winnebago) and you land on the steps ol'the International Spacc Hall of Fanre, in Alanro-eorclo. Visit the burial site of Hanr the Astrochimp, a f'etching prinrate who uncvcntlirlly but quite involuntarily javelina entrails-and the crow jinked to nriss incotning rcd Femari. Self'-canceling plungecl through the nresopause hinrself in 1961. A fiber,elass replica of Harl sugeests his legs were sevcred ancl he was fitted with Howurd Cosell's hlirpiece. It is in Alanrogorclo that one of'the ol'our tinte has been wrestled to Earth's clust: How. exactly, does onc boldly ,qo where no ntan has gone burnin-u issucs befbre'l On display here is the answer, ir Skylab commodc, contplete with instructions: "Pullins up gatc valve control activates slingcr nrotot' . . . slin-ucr tincs shlecl l'eces ancl cleposit it in thin layer on cornnroclc walls." This sounds prelty lnuch what I rnisht lrave done if. likc Hant, I hacl bcen plun-ucd nroonwarcl withoLrt consent. It also explains the NASA pejorative. "You are a slinger." 7. At the Texas borclcr'. the -5 I2TR and I -ulimace throu-sh a body-shudderin-u crow lmpactthis despite the car's heavy but precise steelin-u, I jinked to miss what this fbotball-size scavenger was eating-looked like jinks. I stop. There is no sign of the Ferlari's AC conderrsel huving eaten crow, although there is a fairly complete and graphic display of javelina gastrointestinal subassernblies in the right-front wheel well. I skip looking in therc too closely, on the theory that a 140-rnph burst will cleliver a ground-ef tects cleansing. It does. And it -eives me cause to listen to the Ferrari achieve its 7300-mrl rcdline in lbur gears. As Joe Bob Briggs says. "We arc talkin-g serious chop sockey, here." The 5 l 2TR produces 42 1 hp at 6750 rpm. a 4l-hp increase over the TR it replaces, thanks largely to hisher-contpresslon plstolts. Tlre new cal punches through the quarter'-n.rile in 13.0 seconds at I l0 mph, versus the old TR's 13.3 at 107. Frorn dead rest to 60 rnph requircs live seconds flatno inrprovenrent. lf you keep track of such invest in the byzantine upshifi to second gear. Ferrari cannot bear to part with the anachronistic plastic eight-ball shiti knob, held skyward at the tip of a spindly metal pole that juts oul ol'a hedge-trirntner rnaze of aluminum teeth and gates. The -5 lZTR now f'etches $212.160. Jhis is without a radio. This is without a spare. This is $84,000 more than I owe lbl my horne, although an ex-sewage com- missioner's house will not circulate a skidpad at 0.92 g (more grip than a 9l I Turbo) without kitchen cutlery flying out of drawers. 8. East ofEl Paso. on Route 621180, is Comudas, Texas, population "tive or six." A motel, two working gas purnps, and a cat'e. That is all. A tirne warp. a Scorsese movie set. The outdoor restrooms are next to a _earden prominently posted, "Keep out of cactus," suggesting that tourists daily frolic things. that is 0.6 second lonser than requirecl by a Lanrborghini Diablo or a Porsche 9l I Turbo. The -5 l2TR could probably crack ofT consistent 4.8second 0-to-60 sprints (the acceleration the firctory usserts. in tacl) wele it not fbr the lolly- G9 gagging you nlust Big Brutus (right). Charming Indian massacre and lreak antlers (left). Downtown Cornudas. Texas (below), population "five or six." 84 SAN NN ARBOR it looks like 2u MARYSVILLE nrinutes, ilt i.ln iiver- clip of rprl in fitth age 4-500 gear, the speedorueter having After the Ferrari was used as a Red Roof Inn. its cockpit quickly filled with debris. pantsless in the spiny ocotillo. 9. Route 621180 is one ol' Texas's -ureat, straight, unnrolested country two-lanes, shadowed by buttes and mesas and purple table-top hummocks that lead an ever-upward march to Guadalupe Peak at 8751 f'eet-the highest point in Texas. In this legion raged the El Paso Salt War of 1877. I aim south on Route 54, along whose kelly--ureen edges are t-ew tlaces of civilization and whosc 55-rnile length the Ferrari and I traverse in, been painstakingly posi- solar broadside. I anr nrore or less leli crippled by this experience. but it seenrs probable that I cnrelge the I'ilst sentient being to spencl a wholly wakeless ni-sht in a Ferrari -5 l2TR. (Fine. wlite LiL il'you've already done it.) will not be distracted by the That I could evcn claycfi'eanr irr this car, never mind sleep. says sonrething about its spaciousness. This is no optical illusion. digits between 40 and 120 mph. Thc 5l2TR is .3.5 inchcs rlizir'r than Here the Fen'ari and I enter Central Zone at a speed that might converl Mercecles's beel'iest nregacruiser. the tioned so that its operator' Tirle cover. I awake not 60 nrinutes latel but sevetr lunrs later in an Olympic sweal as the Texas sun uncorks an uni-urrorable rnore readily to Greenwich Mean Tinre. And here I find the solt oi driving and scenery that cause nren to abandon their Franklin Planners to stare doe-eyed at roadhouse waitrcsses nanrecl Winona Rae. 10. Then back to the real world. At theend of Route -54 and the intersection ol' Il0 is Van Horn, Texas, a place with all the charm of Sam Kinisor-r's ciu' wleck. Darkness is falling. I take what is intendcd to be an hour-long nap, wrapping myself munrmy-style in the Ferrali's Gore-Tex 600SEL. Il also says sonrething about lhe seats, whiclr are iunong the world's rr-rost conrt'ortable I'or twclve -lrour clays o1' potentially wcary wheel work. These seats are as pliable as an alnradillo. and they off'cl only two acl.justurents. Just like the scats in the Acura NSX, which are possibly thc bcst in thc known univelse. There is a lc-ssotr ll. he-t'c. ln the Fort Stocklon. Tcxas. celnetery. a l'ew yalcls ll'onr Paisano Pete (world's lar'-ucsl toaclLunner). Iie the renrains of Sherifl' A.J. Royal. who. like ROADSIDE AMERICA Olney, lllinois, Earth's epicenter for albino squirrels, where the rodents have the right-ofway and the author wound up on page one of the town newspaper. Other towns' white squirrels "are pure fakes." there's going to be a wreck or something." North of San Antonio, exiting Interstate tbr a rest, I am fbllowed by two onlookers whose cars flank the Ferrali like pilot fish. Both drivers get out and fbllow 3-5 me into the restroom. They deliver rapid-fire interrogation as I stand betbre the urinal. "How another rnuch?" "How fast?" "Where you headed?" A.J. tiom this very state, ran his "How'd you get this job?" As I exit the outhouse- affairs with suffi- cient lone-star walking briskly bu I lheadedne ss that veins in the past a stallion thal a cowboy is leading through lhe pet-exercise area-a by- foreheads of most townsfolk began to bulge. Six locals stander blurts, "How much met secretly in November 1894 to do you rnake?" draw beans (no straws available), and the wrap the car in its cover within 120 sec- sheriti shortly thereafier showed up fbr work one morning fatally and seriously dead. Bad luck, but it (/i(/ earn A.J. a tombstone-a surpassing rarity in those of arrival in any parking lot. Driving a -5 l2TR affbrds a grirn glimpse of what it is like to have a celebrity's face. Being .racn in this days----on whose tace remains the as-yetuneroded epitaph, "Assassinated." Ferrari fast wears surpassingly thin. By the sixth rnorning, I learn to onds whereas drivinp the car tast never does. 12. Head east on I-10 and a little 14. Seguin, Texas: world's largest north through brown, scrubby Texas Hill Country and you find Iraan, just a f'ew miles past a sign that says, "Caution, poison gas produced in this area." Like the real lran. pecan, on a pedestal in the town square. A plaque in fiont of this refiigeratorsize, 1000-pound nut reads: "Cabeza de Vaca traveled the River of Nuts. He . . . had ample opportunity to observe the growth and tiuiting habits of pecans . . . the first recorded contlibution to the pecan literature." l arn not notably low Iraan is home to the Marathon Oil Discovery well, tapped in 1926 by I.C. Yates, a revelation that encouraged the oil boom. Yates (most likely kin to Assassin Brock) had never heard great Texas on pecan literature. 15. From Seguin, it is but a short drive to the snake fann at the Engels Road exit ofT I-3-5. just south of New Braunf'els. Here. tbr' $4.9t1. you may of a country called Iran. He simply invented the town's label by combining his llrst name, Ira, and his wif'e's. Ann. He might have withdrawn that farlilial contraction had he known that Iraan would later be bener known as the birthplace of the Alley Oop comic slrip-now commemorated by Kenworth-size concrete likenesses of Mr. Oop and "Dinny. his pet dinosaure [sicl," which someone has evidently erected without pennission in the town park. 13. Blaze 22-5 miles east to the Buckhom Museum, appropriately attached to the Lone Star Brcwery. Here is how to find it: Drive to that section of San Antonio where Monte Carlo lowriders cruise not with vinyl but with shag carpet- ing glued to their roofs. The Buckhorn Museum f-eatures an extensive collection of stufted animals with an expansive range of defbrmities-an elk with "freak antler growth," a "deer with diseased antler," lamps made of deer lirnbs, a tribute to "a totally blind hunter," and a squinel pennanently coiled in its most deadly poised-tostrike pose, just moments befbre a Texan purchase "Pure, unadulterated I 00-per- cent genuine bull shit." Other high- gunned it into segnrents so minute that only a veteran taxidennist could reassemble the rodent, using extensive diagrams and drawings. To be tair. the Buckhorn Museum is not all antlers. It includes the Hall of Fins and the History of Barbed Wire, although I bypass both when a Baptist school bus disgorges 30 third-graders next to the Ferrari, into whose right-door lock one enterprising young Baptist is urgently wedging an impressive quantity of Gummy Bears. By the fifih day. I am exasperated by the attention the Ferrali draws. Knots of gawkers during refueling. Mini riots on the rnain streets of villages, where one cop asks, "You plannin-e to r-nove soon, cause li-shts: a deep rattlesnake pit with an excellent assortment of cockroachesnext to a machine that nreasures your heart rate tbr 2-5 cents-and a twoheaded monkey corpse undel glass. From which you may want to drive to McDonald's, where. fbr the third tirne. just as I enunciate my order into the drive-thru clown's head. the -5 l2TR's watel hits l9-5 deglees. triggering the side-mour.rted tans. This sounds like a Husqvarna chain saw in a pay toilet-a racket that reliably causes McDonald's servers to shout, possibly as many as tlve tirnes, "What?" 16. As it happens, the 60-nrile stletch of I-35 between San Antonio and Austin is awash in grade-A tourist effluvia, most of it superior to the Dan Blocker Mernorial Head lHoss's head. not a commernorrtive marine lavatory) in O'Donnell, Texas. Check out Topsy Turvy World ("the antigravity world"), Dinosaur Land. Wonder CAR and ORIVEFI mandatory stop, one of our seven won- World ("see an earthquake from the inside out"), Vasectomy Reversal ("money-back guarantee"), Luby's Cat-eteria (site of the Killeen massacre and a potential installment of ders." The Chapel here is one-third Franciscan monastery, one-third Six Flags over Jesus, and one-third Fairview Mall. Imagine the outcome Wilkins's had the Sistine Chapel been adomed not Doom Tour), and Aquarena Springs, whose diving pig Ralph swims with a palsied dog paddle that proves him traitorous to a dozen performing with murals of Moses but with a clump of black-eyed dead babies loitering at the gates of heaven, each painted by a Disney animator on furlough from Hallmark Cards. Remarks Wilkins, "ls it art, or is it spiritual Nutrasweet, not porcine predecessors. 17. Glen Rose. southwest of Fort Worth: a Norman Rockwell village filled with persons who entrust their savings to the Cow Pasture Bank, "home-owned and operated since only fake but containing something that when taken in large doses makes you retarded?" 22. Past St. Louis and the Pro 1." The Ferrari triggers a festival here. One onlooker observes that to spend $212,160 on any car, "you have to be dumb as fungus, dumb as an acre 192 Bowling Hall of Fame and into Olney, Illinois (pronounced ALL-nay). This is one of three towns vying for the title of Earth's epicenter of albino squirrels, which, I am four times reminded, "scientists are at a loss to explain." Townspeople are militant about this, pointing out that squirrels in rivaling Marionville, Indiana, and Kenton, Tennessee, "are pure fakes, because, look, they just don't all have pink eyes, so they're nothing except squirrels with white coats, okay?" An Olney patrol- of mud." It did not help that, as I entered Glen Rose, I maintained the 5l2TR's flat twelve at about 5500 rpm in first gear-this to enjoy the Valkyrian exhaust shriek. Which, it turns out, is not a sound that Glen Rose's residents want to learn verv much more about. Glen Rose is famous for its dinosaur tracks. Three kinds: acrocanthosaurus (a meat eater), camptosaurus (a plant eater), and pleurocoelus (a tobacco After 5fl)0 hard miles, the 512TR arrives relatively unscathed at Ferari's New Jersey headquarters. chewer and phlegm dislodger). A lone track on display next to the town square is, on the day I visit, filled with chocolate the telephoto lens that went hurtling from the passenger's seat with momentum suf- milk. ficient to imprint Nikon's logo in the Check out the Creation Evidences Museum. where you may examine "humanoid footprints" in the same strata as thunderlizards. This, according to the owner, emphatically junks Chuck Darwin's shot at any more of those one-hour kick panel. 19. Wilkins's itinerary lands me in hard-scrabble Commerce, Oklahoma, world's largest peanut. Wilkins insists this is "a fraud among nuts, mere peanuts peculiarly named because there is no evidence it has ever had any. This is Mickey Mantle's home town; few residents care. Mantle sold his modest yellow house, across from the football field. in 1960. but the current owner still speaks to Mickey when he isn't making guest appearances envy." The world's most gargantuan goober-nine t'eet longer-is in Ashburn, on the shopping channel. 20. A few miles north is West Mineral, specials on the Discovery Channel. 18. Durant, Oklahoma, home of the Georgia. Oklahoma's Route 69----chunks of con- crete arrayed randomly by the ODOTwas not designed for a 5l2TR with tires whose sidewalls flex with the elasticity of Scioto limestone. The Ferrari's ride is harsh-like Corvette's from a f'ew years ago-but with far less body shake and flex. The inch or so the springs seem to deflect for these Oklahoman craters also feels like the sum total of body movement, no matter the direction. The car comers in an attitude so flat, and the seats grip so firmly, that astounding cornering forces sneak up unannounced, like Dan Quayle on a PGA tournament. sharp, often a My first clue: that bag of Doritos AUGUST 1992 and Kansas, where you cannot help but observe Big Brutus, the world's secondlargest electric shovel. It resembles the current crop of electric cars: eleven million pounds, maximum speed of 0.2 mph. The shovel's owners perrnanently parked this rusting colossus in a strip pit that Brutus himself dug-this after examining an invoice that proved the thing had consumed $27,000 of electricity in just one month while still attached to the world's thickest extension cord. This is unfortunately unlike electric cars, which cannot dig the pits in which they may similarly play out etemity. to me informs: "Squirrels have the right-of-way in town. It's a $25 fine if you run over one. Also, I can arrest you if you take man parked next one." I subdue the impulse. 23. John Dillinger Wax Museum, in Nashville, Indiana. Near Gnaw Bone. Focal point: a replica of J.D.'s bullet-riddled body laid out on a slab, the whole tableau awash in red dye No. 3. "Many angles are offered for your viewing pleasure," notes Wilkins. Entry includes a peek "Dillinger's death trousers" (contents of his pockets on view as well) and his baseball shoes (no clear explanation for this). at 24. Next, Honda's test track near Marysville, Ohio, where we leam that the 5l2TR will indeed poke its way through many portions of its speedometer I have not yet seen. Top speed is not 192 mph as advertised but a still-inspiring 187-an improvement over the 173- and 176-mph speeds we have clocked from previous Testarossas. It is also here that we test the 5l2TR's new Brembo calipers and drilled rotors, which look so raffish that owners may not care whether they arrest motion. In fact, they do. From 70 mph, this car now halts in 169 feet. That is without ABS. That is a stopping distance within 36 irrcfte.r of what a 9l I Turbo can accomplish witft ABS. 21. In Carthage, Missouri, Wilkins 25. Swing past the Wood County Historical Museum. on Route 6 near cites the Precious Moments Chapel as "a Bowling Green. Here are stored dried ROADSIDE AMERICA Irunran finsers in a jar. thc long-lbreottcn cvidence in a criminal prosecution but an erninently rarlbrgettable spectacle should you later purchase liench tiies at the Mt. Victory Union 76. 26. Quick slop in Punxsutawney. Pennsylvania. lbr Phil the eroundhog, wlrose lbrccasts are now challeneed by an qually rnoody rodenl in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Which town posscsses lhe e nrore rcliable 'hos nrcteorologist tliggered a debate in Congless on a day when ntany legislators werc not balancing theil check- books. The town's basketball tearn is known as "Thc Chucks." 27. This is tbllowed by an cven bricl'cr stop in Jim Tholpe. Pennsylvania, litrnterly known as Mauch Chunk, suggestin-u that tlre name change was pelhaps nol a notably controversial iterl. Ilt towlt, the Olympic gleat's pink-marble ntausoleunr lures f'ew tourists. "Mute testarnenl to greed untenrpered by rrrarket lesearch," says Wilkins. 28. Then into Englewood Clilfs, New Jersey, the -5 l2TR's honte and a locale whose road.-evidently shippecl intact flonr Beirut-and Third World drivers place the car in fiu'-urcaterjeopardy than it has faced in the precedin-e -5000 miles. cxcept tbr the night I slept in it afiel consunring two tacos, a granola bar, twelve ounces of Switzer"s licorice. ancl a quart of orange Gatorade. All ol'which teaches us. well. what'l I went lookins for U-Will-B-Antazcd kitsch and instead founcl charnt and lrdverrtule lnd endless enterllirlrrcrrt. nrost of it neally t'ree except fbr $42 I in fuel ancl $3-5.95 in.jumpstarts and $2 12.160 lirr wheels but no spare. I tbund that Anrerica's sntall lowlts are not only alive and well bul also populated by pcrsons who know wlrosc checks are good and whose wives are no{. Thal those sante surall lowns alc r-lot populated exclusively by the- hunror-intpairecl. And that the tackiest and ntost banal roadside attrac- Vehicle type: mLd-engrnc. rear whee -dfive 2 passenger. 2-door coLlpe Price as lested: $2 I 2. I 60 Price and option breakdown: basc Fcrrail 512TR ( nc ucles $16.560 lurury lax. $.1500 gas gulz er tax and Maior standard accessories: power wlndows anci ocks A/C, trlt steeflng. rear defrosler 41 6158.4"/" 26 5 gal ..122qI 21.1 qt Type Body maleral luli length lrame bo ted to body welded sleel and a um num stamp Ings. I berglass,rernlorced plasttc Sound syslem: none INTERIOR SAE volume, fronl ENGINE Type flat 12. alumrnum block and heads . . ........ Bore x slroke ..323x307 in 820x 78Omnr splacemenl Compression ratro 302 cu In 4943cc . . ..10.0:1 Engrne-control Bosch l\,4olronrc N,4 2 7 engrneconlfol syslem w th porl lue Inlection Emrssrons contro s . 3-way calalylrc conve(er. leed back luel-atr-ratio contro, D syslcm ... varve geaT Power (SAE nel) Torque (SAE net) auxilary a1r pump belt-driven double overhead cams. 4 valves per cy|nder . ...421 bhp @ 6750 rpm 360 b-ll @ 5500 rprn Redllnc.. DRIVETRAIN Transmrss on .. . 5 speed ratio 3.21:1. ltmlled sltp Translergearralro . 1 11 l Gear Ratro Mph/1000 rpm N,4ax. lest speecl 2 92 72 53 mph (7300 rpm) il 1 BB 112 81 mph (7300 rpm) ttl 1 12 14 B to8 nrph (7300 rpm) lV I .09 19 3 l4l mph (7300 rpm) V 0 82 25.8 187 mph (7250 rpm) Frna -dilve OIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES Whee base Track, F/R Len9tn ......100 4 rn 60 3/64 7 rn . 1764n seat .47 cull ... u9gage space ..5 cu il . buckel lore and all, sealback angle lront . .... molorzed shoulder be ts. manual lap belts General comiort............ ....poor larr good excellenl Fore-and-ait supporl. ..... poor iarr good excellenl Lateral support. . .poor iair good excel enl Front SealS Seal adJUslmenls Restrarnt systems, SUSPENSION F ........ . ind, uneq!al,lenglh coftro armS, cor springs, anlr-roll bar . ....rnd. unequa - cngth contro arms. corl spflngs. anl 'rol bar R: .....7300 rpm STEERING Tvpe Turns lock'to-lock Turnrng crrcle curb lo curb BFAKES F: R .. . .. . .... ...... .. Power assisl WHEELS ANO TIRES Wheel srze Wheel lype Trres PrelrPZero . F Tesl nilatron pressures. F/R rack-and prnron . 12 4x 122x , 33 394It venled drsc 1 1 Inventeddrsc 1 3-rn VACUUM F B.0x 18rn, R: 105x lSrn casl a umrnum 235|4OZR 18, R: 295/352R-18 35/34 psl CAR AND DRIVER TEST RESUTIS Modu|alion.............................poor fair good excallent Fade................ . .....................none moderate heavy Fronl-rear balance. .p@r fair good luetwork television. HANOLING Roadholding, 300-lt-dia skrdpad .......................0.92 9 Understeer.... ................minima| moderate excessive 5l2TR-rhe first Felrari that I covet beyoncl I would stuff its ntap pockets full of COAST-DOWN MEASUREMENTS Road horseoower @ 30 moh........... 50 mph...................... 70 mph...................... No-Doz and 7/r, Nctr Rtxulsidt'Atncriur, carrcel nty subscripliolt to Di.ttot,cr ma-{azine ( May cover: n )A cHASStS/BOOY tions in nriddle Anterica arc ntore owned this 778 447 3684 rb $1600lreghl) $212,160 en-erossing than the brightest arrd best on If I Wrdth Herghl Curb werqlrt Werghl drslrbut of , F/R Fuel capacrty Orl capacrty Water capacrtv "Why ilre pygnries snrall'1"), ancl pawn nty big- .....6 hp ...32 hp FUEL ECONOMY screen RCA. In his book Blue Highwut's, William Least Heat Moon says, "Any trave ler who rnisses the journey misses aboul all he's -goin-q to -cet." Mr. Moon did not even own a Ferrari. He did. however. possess a spafe tire. o 92 BRAKING 70-0 mph @ impending lockup ..... ............169 fl CAB and DRIVER