City -feb 1.indd - City of Burlington
City -feb 1.indd - City of Burlington
pedestrian access points to the new South GO Station parking lot at Masonry Court in Aldershot. • Report regarding a site plan application for the property at 5327 Upper Middle Road - New Horizon Homes. • Report concerning construction of a new storm sewer on Greenwood Drive and Sunset Road. • Update on the progress of the Waterdown Road Interchange and detailed design project. • Report regarding the City of Burlington Cycling Master Plan. • Report concerning the payment of additional fees for the detailed design of the King Road/CNR underpass. • Memorandum recommending approval for the City of Burlington to participate in the global Earth Hour challenge on March 29, 2008. Calendar for the Week of February 1-8 2 Winter Carnival Events at the Waterfront Discovery Landing 905-335-7600, ext. 7391 2 Discovery Landing at Downtown Waterfront and Mad Science presents “Matter of Fact” Investigate the ingredients of the universe 11 a.m. – noon Discovery Landing 905-335-7600, ext. 7391 3 Lowville Games Lowville Park noon – 4 p.m. 905-335-7600, ext. 7201 4 Special Community & Corporate Services Committee 4 p.m., Council Chambers, 2nd level, City Hall Agenda Highlights: • Revised Burlington Seniors’ Centre Board of Management Memorandum of Understanding. • Presentation from Chief Gary Crowell and Superintendent Keith Gregory regarding policing issues. • Report recommending that the City vest ownership of the property at 2030 and 2031 Springer Crescent and declare the properties as surplus. • An update to the Procedural Bylaw. For details, please contact Evelyn Eichenbaum, committee clerk, at 905-335-7600, ext. 7492 For details, please contact Jennifer Shaw, committee clerk at 905-335-7600, ext. 7413. 5 1 p.m., Council Chambers, 2nd level, City Hall Agenda Highlights: • Report presenting the internal audit findings and recommendations as a result of the internal audits conducted in 2007. • Report providing an update on internal audit action items. • Report recommending approval of the 2007 yearend Audit Plan. For details, please contact Ashley Grigg, committee clerk at 905-335-7600, ext. 7375. 6 4 Community & Corporate Services Committee Committee of Adjustment 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers, 2nd level, City Hall 6:30 p.m., Room 247, 2nd level, City Hall Agenda Highlights: • The 2008-2010 Accessibility Plan • The 2007 Festivals and Events Annual Report • Report recommending a preferred design option, revised project timelines and outlining operating impacts for the Burlington Performing Arts Centre • Report recommending implementation of paid parking in the westerly surface parking lot of the lands to be occupied by the proposed Burlington Performing Arts Centre Agenda Highlights: • 18 Plains Road Holdings Inc. Re: 12 Plains Road West. • Heidi Teresa Zach-Sartor Re: 2178 Orchard Road. • Chris Allan Biggar, Tina Louise Nielsen Re: 2132 Bellwood Avenue. • Peter Roe, Linda Roe Re: 259 Plains Road West. Deferred Item: • Oriana Manica Colakovic, Srecko Colakovic Re: 220 Walden Drive. For details, please contact Carol Capes, secretary-treasurer at 905-335-7500, ext. 7629. 4 Audit Committee Community Development Committee 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers, 2nd level, City Hall Agenda Highlights: • Public Meeting - Official Plan Amendment and rezoning application for lands at 4100 Upper Middle Road - Oakwood Retirement Communities Inc. • Public Meeting - Official Plan Amendment and rezoning application for lands at 1030 Brant Street, 1428 and 1430 Leighland Road - Mountain Equipment Co-Op (MEC). • Environmental Management Team’s quarterly report for the period of October to December 2007. • Report concerning the impact for Burlington of the whole of Toronto being recognized as a tourist area permitting retail operations to be open on all statutory holidays with the exception of Christmas. • Report recommending the implementation of For details, please contact Evelyn Eichenbaum, committee clerk, at 905-335-7600, ext. 7492 Special Ward 3 Community Meeting Hosted by Councillor John Taylor Topic: Burlington Performing Arts Centre Date: Tuesday, February 12 Time: 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Location: Angela Coughlan Pool 2425 Upper Middle Road Since 2006 the capital cost of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre has risen from $22.1 million to an estimated $36.2 million. The input of Ward 3 residents is needed prior to City Council’s next decision on Februrary 19. For more information, please contact: Rosemary Fitzpatrick, 905-335-7600, ext. 7454 or e-mail [email protected] Ward 5 Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, February 12 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Appleby Ice Centre 1201 Appleby Line Ward 5 residents are invited to attend to hear about the following items: • Ward 5 Park Update - Parks Master Plan & Strategic Plan - Sherwood Forest Park Master Plan - Projects in Ward 5 • Burlington Public Library Presentation - Branch Updates: New Appleby and Tansley Woods - Maximizing your membership - Electronic Services and the Internet • Climate Change, Air Quality and Energy Challenges - The time for action is NOW!!! - What cities can do - What you can do • Open Forum Discussion For more information about events visit the Burlington Events Calendar at For more information, please contact: Elevate your Event Experience! Georgie Gartside at 905-335-7600, ext. 7368 or e-mail [email protected] Cemeteries Act, 1990 Notice of Municipal Approval Bethel Chapel Cemetery 1172 Britannia Road, Burlington File: 720-02/07 TAKE NOTICE THAT on January 14, 2008, the Community Development Committee of the City of Burlington, under Section 5 of the Cemeteries Act, approved an application for an expansion to the existing cemetery at Bethel Chapel Cemetery, 1172 Britannia Road, Burlington. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person with an interest may appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board by filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the City of Burlington, no later than 15 days after publication of this notice, setting out the objection and the reasons in support of the objection. Mailing address: City Clerk, Corporation of the City of Burlington P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Z6 Notice of Passing a Zoning Bylaw SUBJECT: By-law 2020.226 - A By-law to amend By-law 2020, as amended, to regulate the location and form of adult entertainment uses in the city. File: 502-02-48 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Burlington passed By-Law 2020.226 on the 28th day of January, 2008, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. EXPLANATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF ZONING BY-LAW 2020.226 Zoning By-law 2020.226 regulates the location and form of adult entertainment uses in the City. The By-law sets out the following: • It permits adult entertainment establishments only on interior lots within defined areas of the City which meet the criteria of: - located a distance greater than 400 metres from residential and other land uses that are sensitive to adult entertainment uses; - not abutting an arterial road or Provincial 400-series highway; • A requirement that an adult entertainment establishment be freestanding (may not be located in a building or structure which contains another use or uses.) • An increase in the minimum parking standard for adult entertainment establishments from 1 space per 4 persons occupancy to 1 space per 2 persons capacity. For further information concerning By-law 2020.226, please contact Brian Chire of the planning department at 905-3357600, ext. 7787. ¯ Schedule 2 TO PART 1, SUB.2.35 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT PERMITTED AREAS ¯ PERMITTED AREAS PERMITTED AREAS MAIN HEINE CR AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law • A maximum floor area of 930 m2 for an adult entertainment by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the City of establishment; Burlington, not later than the 21st day of February, 2008, a Schedule 1 TO PART 1, SUB.2.35 notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law, and ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT PERMITTED AREAS the reasons in support of the objection, together with a cheque in the amount of $125, for the bylaw, payable to the Minister of Finance. • A minimum distance separation of 1000 m between adult entertainment establishments, or 400 m if separated by the Queen Elizabeth Way; MAINW AY T. JOHN LUCA S D 1325 1330 1295 R. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and key maps showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies, are attached. The complete by-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. 5335 5329 5323 AS DR. JOHN LUC 5338 . E RD 5292 E RD. 1180 O CRT. H IN CL AY 5024 5044 1050 5006 5008 1145 1224 1115 1100 1050 5315 PAC APPLEBY LINE 1045 1085 1205 1150 1055 LCO DR. 5300 5328 INTERNATIONAL BLVD. VIC H SER SOUT Q.E.W. DATED at the City of Burlington this 1st day of February, 2008. 5322 5316 5288 SUTTON DR. SERVIC NORTH 5304 PALETTA CRT. Jennifer Shaw, Committee Clerk, City of Burlington, 426 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Z6. 5311 5305 5295 1213 1213 DOWNEY ST. 1040 1075 5320 1122 AV E. 1111 1035 5014 919 Q.E.W. . TE R RD RD. ICE RD. TH SERV Y WA TE GA 960 977 952 940 945 945 925 920 5370 970 950 5390 RD. 920 5365 SYSCON CNR 935 930 5365 . MU NRO CRT 940 955 930 5345 ON CR CRT. HA RV ES C EN TURY DR. 891 SHEL D NOTE: Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or group on its behalf. HA RV Shoreacres Creek Erosion Control / Stream Restoration CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Notice of Public Information Centre The Shoreacres Creek watershed is located entirely within the City of Burlington and the Region of Halton. The Shoreacres Creek watershed is roughly bounded by Lake Ontario to the south, Guelph Line to the west, No. 1 Side Road to the north and Burloak Drive to the east. The Shoreacres Creek originates above the Niagara Escarpment and drains in a west to east direction. At Lake Ontario, Shoreacres Creek has a drainage area of approximately 12.3 km2. Shoreacres Creek for the most part has been channelized. The remaining natural portions are located above Dundas Street and a 1 km long section downstream of Spruce Street. Most of the Shoreacres Creek is a grass-lined channel with little or no riparian vegetation. Many small drop structures have been constructed along the watercourse. An Erosion control / stream restoration Class Environmental Assessment is required along Shoreacres Creek from New Street Lakeshore Road to investigate the existing erosion along the entire reach and to determine the recommended remedial measures that will address the erosion concerns. As part of the study, alternative remedial works are to be investigated and evaluated based on cost-effectiveness, social and environmental considerations, and a preferred alternative recommended. The study area is defined as part of approximately 1,000 m of Shoreacres Creek located mostly within the city owned creek blocks. Approximately 300 m of the Creek section north of Lakeshore Road is located on private property. The study is conducted in compliance with Schedule “B” of the Municipal Engineers Association “Municipal Class Environmental Assessment,” (June 2000). We are interested in hearing any comments or concerns that you may have about this study. Comments and information regarding the study are being collected to assist the City of Burlington in meeting the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. This material will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation. A key component of the study is consultation with stakeholders (public, landowners and regulatory agencies). A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held to provide interested parties with an opportunity to review and discuss issues related to the project. The PIC is scheduled for: Date: Location: Time: Tuesday, February 5 Rotary Youth Centre, 560 Guelph Line – Pines Room 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Those attending the PIC will have the opportunity to meet with the Project Team, review the study scope and discuss issues related to the project, including background information, baseline performance and environmental considerations. If you are unable to attend the PIC or if you have specific comments related to this project, please contact either of the following: Mr. Arif Shahzad, M. Eng., P. Eng Senior Environmental Engineer City of Burlington 42 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Z6 Phone: 905-335-7600 Fax: 905-335-7861 [email protected] Wolfgang Wolter Project Manager Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 72 Victoria St. S., Suite 202, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4Y9 Phone: 519-886-2160, Fax: 519-886-1697 [email protected] IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF the lands in the City of Burlington known municipally as 4210 Inglewood Drive, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Burlington passed By-law 4-2008 on January 28, 2008, to designate the above-noted property as having cultural heritage value or interest. A Description of the Property, a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, a Legal Description, and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies are attached. Notice of Intention to Designate Notice of Intention to Designate IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF the lands in the City of Burlington known as the Lakehurst Villa Knee Wall located in the City’s road allowance, directly in front of the properties municipally known as 3064 to 3088 Lakeshore Road, IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF the lands in the City of Burlington known municipally as 440 Mountain Brow Road, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Burlington intends to designate the above-noted Knee Wall, as having cultural heritage value or interest. A Description of the Property, a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, a Legal Description, and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the intended designation A Description of the Property, a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value applies are attached. or Interest, a Legal Description, and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the intended designation applies are attached. Description of Property: Description of Property: Description of Property: The subject property is located within the Shoreacres community, south of Lakeshore Road, east of Walker’s Line on the southeast corner of Lakeshore Road and Inglewood Drive. The structure, built in 1925 (and added to circa 1961) is a split-level, stucco clad, five-bay bungalow built in the Picturesque style. The subject Knee Wall is located within the Roseland community of Burlington on the south side of Lakeshore Road, east of Guelph Line. The structure is a fieldstone and mortar knee wall, extending approximately 120 metres from east to west along the frontages of 3064, 3072, 3080, and 3088 Lakeshore Road. The wall measures approximately one metre in height. Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest: The Lakehurst Villa Knee Wall was built circa 1910 for W. D. Flatt as part of the Lakehurst Villa estate. The wall was slightly modified in the 1990’s, following demolition of the Lakehurst Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest: Villa when several new homes were constructed south of the wall and new openings were created to facilitate access to these homes. The cultural heritage value of the subject property lies in The cultural heritage value of the subject Knee Wall lies in its its historical, architectural and contextual value. Heritage historical, and contextual value. The heritage attributes include: attributes include but are not limited to: the stepped landscape the height, length, materials, and the style of construction. with stonework; the scale and siting of the building; design Legal Description: elements of the south, west and north elevations (with the exception of the circa 1961 addition); and hipped-gable roof. Part of Lakeshore Road, lying between Hart Avenue and Rossmore Boulevard, being Forced Road (formerly known as Toronto and Legal Description: Hamilton Highway and as King’s Highway Number 2) through part of Lot 15, Concession 4 South of Dundas Street, being part of Pin 07043-0090, City of Burlington, Regional Municipality of Halton. Plan 221, Lot 34, Being the whole of Pin 07018-0049, City of Burlington, Regional Municipality of Halton. Further information respecting the proposed designation is available for viewing in the Clerks Department, Main Floor, City Hall, Further information respecting the designation is available for viewing in the Clerks Department, Main Floor, City Hall, 426 Brant Street, during regular business hours. 426 Brant Street, during regular business hours. Any person may, within 30 days after the date of the publication of this notice, serve written notice of objection to the proposed designation, together with a statement for the objection and all relevant facts. Dated at the City of Burlington this 1st day of February, 2008. The property at 440 Mountain Brow Road is recommended for designation pursuant to Section 29 of Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act based on its historical associative value; its contextual value; and its design value. These values are associated with both the lands and the buildings. Legal Description: Pin 07194-0069 being Pt Lts 3 & 4 Con 2 EF as in 509810 (Secondly); Together with 509810 Secondly & Thirdly; except together with Firstly and Fourthly in 509810; City of Burlington, Regional Municipality of Halton. Pin 07194-0068 being Pt Lts 3 & 4 Con 2 EF as 509810 (Firstly); Together with 509810 Firstly; Together with Fourthly in 509810 if any and except together with Secondly & Thirdly in 509810; City of Burlington, Regional Municipality of Halton. Further information respecting the proposed designation is available for viewing in the Clerks Department, Main Floor, City Hall, 426 Brant Street, during regular business hours. Any person may, within 30 days after the date of the publication of this notice, serve written notice of objection to the proposed designation, together with a statement for the objection and all relevant facts. Dated at the City of Burlington this 1st day of February, 2008. Jennifer Shaw, Committee Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Burlington, 426 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 3Z6. CITY LIMITS KR D. D. LAKES HORE RD. 3064 ING LEWOOD DR . SECORD LANE 3072 3080 3088 WATE RD OW N R D. O LD W AT ER HORE R N RD . R EN N IC D OW BELVENIA RD. HART AVE. LAKE S Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest: ¯ GLEN AFTON DR. The property is located east of Waterdown Road, on Mountain Brow Road in North Aldershot (formerly East Flamborough, annexed to the City of Burlington in 1958). The landscape is rural and has sweeping views of the Burlington Bay/Hamilton Harbour. The property supports a one-storey, stucco-clad farmhouse built in the Regency style as well as several outbuildings associated with past farm use. The house was built for Adam Fergusson in 1833. Some of the original design elements remain. ¯ CORRINE CRT. ¯ SHOREACRES RD. Jennifer Shaw, Committee Clerk, The Corporation of the City Dated at the City of Burlington this 1st day of February, 2008. of Burlington, 426 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Jennifer Shaw, Committee Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Ontario, L7R 3Z6. Burlington, 426 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 3Z6. AFTON CRT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Burlington intends to designate the above-noted property as a property of cultural heritage value or interest. LAKE ONTARIO AREA AFFECTED AREA AFFECTED AREA AFFECTED KING RD. Notice of Passing of a Bylaw Pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act