O`Connor My Oedipal Complex
O`Connor My Oedipal Complex
“My Oedipal Complex” By Frank O’Connor What questions remain? Look through your notes and let’s talk about what confused you. http://www.google.com/url? sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd= &ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F %2Fwww.lookfordiagnosis.com%2Fmesh_info.php %3Fterm%3DOedipus%2BComplex%26lang %3D1&ei=O1mIVNXbC86SyASTzoGQBA&bvm =bv. 81456516,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNHldCDtAuJ6y 54racLZZbLHeDZ4QA&ust=141830825707 0398 2 Do Now: Turn & Talk ● Turn & Talk to a partner about what leads to Larry’s Oedipal Complex. (5 minutes) ● Who has shaped Larry’s identity so far in his life? ● Cite specific lines from the piece where you see Larry’s Oedipal Complex being developed and identified, ● Highlight these lines with your partner. Important Quotes ●“Father was in the army all thought the war-the first war, so up to the age of five, I never saw much of him, and what I saw did not worry me…Like Santa Claus he came and went mysteriously.” (1) ●How does Larry view his father at the start of the story? ●“The war was the most peaceful period of my life” (1) ●How is this line ironic? Important Quotes ●“Do you think if I prayed hard God would send Daddy back to war?...I was disappointed about that.” (2) ●Why does Larry say this to his mother? ●“Every time I had pointed out to her the waste of making two beds when we could both sleep in one, she had told me it was healthier like that, and now there was this man, this stranger, sleeping with her without the least regard for her health!” (4) ●How does O’Connor use authorial intent in this line? What is he alluding to? Important Quotes ● “Never ever had anyone spoken to me in that tone before..I looked at him incredulously and saw his face convulsed with rage. It was only then that I fully realized how God had codded (teased) me, listening to my prayers for the safe return of this monster.” (5) ● Why does Larry describe his father in this manner at this moment? Important Quotes ● “’I’m going to marry you’ I said quietly…And mother, in spite of everything, was pleased” (6) ● How does Larry’s mother’s reaction crucial to his development and sense of identity in this line? ● “He was a difficult child – so far as I was concerned he was always difficult – and demanded far too much attention” (6) ● Why does Larry say this? ● “Father started being quite nice to me” (6) ● Why did this change in behavior occur? Important Quotes ● “After a while it came to me what he was mad about. It was his turn now. After turning me out of the big bed, he had been turned out himself…I had been through it all myself, and even at that age I was magnanimous” (6) ● How does this line play a role in the resolution of the story? Freud’s Oedipus Complex ● Oedipus complex, in psychoanalytic theory, is a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex. ● Developed by Sigmund Freud ● Freud attributed the Oedipal complex to children about the ages of three to five. ● What similarities can you make between Frank O’Connor’s piece and Oedipus the King? Wrap Up: Turn & Talk ● What similarities can you make between Frank O’Connor’s piece and Oedipus the King? Homework ● Find your own source where you see the Oedipal Complex being depicted, and describe how your source exemplifies this idea. ● On Monday and Tuesday you will be doing an In the Box/ Out of the Box ● These sources can be used in your presentation! ● You can use film, TV shows, novels, newspaper articles, etc. ● Study your notes from today’s class for the quiz on Friday. ● Work on your Projects due next week!