Vol12No11 Nov 1986 - Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club


Vol12No11 Nov 1986 - Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club
CJ@dio c§l.ge
November 1986
Vol. 12, No. 11
Part 11
By Don Patterson
To round out the line for
1925 the Ozarka Senior S-5 was
formally announced. It was a
five tube tuned radio freuqency
set housed in a walnut cabinet.
The center dial was the master
control for the other two condensers. It was ~riced at
$132.50 to the dealer.
In 1926, the S-5 was carried
over and another tuned radio frequency set was introduced as the
Ozarka Jr. for $100. It used
five 201A tubes which protruded
through the panel. The final set
to be introduced in 1926 was the
Ozarka Senior Console at a price
of $210. The left hand compartment contained the storage batteries while the right compartment contained a large solid horn
to which was connected an imported
English loud speaker unit. The
hor~ compartment is only 15t
inches deep but has a 42 inc:. air
Accessories for 1926 probably included the Ozarka Hi Power
Loud Speaker at $14.50.
J. Matheson Bell didn't like
to attach year models with sets
in any of his national advertising. Apparently he wanted to
clear out his inventories by
carrying them forward from one
year to the next.
For instanc€, the 1927 models didn't change much. Still
$125 Plu s in1tallacion and tran 1poru1ion
O:tarll:a. Senior S Tube Modd com ·
plctc with Loud Speaker and all accesso ries.
$100 b1~a1r~ruj~~i!':~ ¥':b~M!,'d~~~:i~
plctc with built-in apcakcr and all accc saoric1.
s installation and 1ran1portation
$210 Plu
Ourka Console S Tube Modd, 1olid
walnut cabinet,. complete with all acccuorics.
offered was the Ozarka Senior
Model S-5 at $47 .75 and the Ozarka Portable Model 299 at $40.70
and the High Power Loud Speaker,
Junior Jl at $44.50.
New for this year was a sev- Console Model S-7. A new Consol en tube version of the Ozarka
er wa·s added to the 1i ne in both
Senior which was offered in a
the five and seven tube versions
table version for $57.25 and a
(continued next va1ze)
and at a price of $81.50 and
$91.00 respectively.
Also new for the year was
the Ozarka Cone Loud Speaker at
$16 . 00 and Ozarka Jr . Loud Speaker at $7.00.
ment than the Model 599 and still
obtain the volume it offered.
Another Viking set offered
was the 5A . It was basically an
S- 5 but to reduce cost the fancy
gold bakelite panel was substituted with a wood panel . The
audio transformers were Thordarson' s but not encased like the
J. Matheson Bell wanted to
Senior . Price was $22.50 and
build the best possible product
$52 . 09 for the 4A Console.
but did not want to build down
Other items of minor interto a low price . However, in
est was the Ozarka Radio Clock
1927, he offered a newer line of which had four hour hands so you
lower priced instruments under
could tell what time it is in
the trade name of "Viking". The all four time zones . To Ozarka
first was a Model 599 priced at
representatives the price was
$39.75 complete with five UV-199 $3 . 25 and suggested retail was
tubes . Selectivity was apparent- $4 . 75.
ly sacrificed as it appeared to
In 1923 J. M. Bell moved to
have only one tuned circuit and
a location at Washington and
two untuned circuits . The back, Peoria. He enlarged the factory
top and front were covered with
to such an extent that it would
Keratol (imitation leather) and
be sufficient for at least five
embossed in a very attractive
years. In the spring of 1924
design . Price was $16.60 to the he was obliged to double its
dealer . Bell was supportive of
size. In the summer of 1924 he
this design by saying that a
outgrew those facilities and
great many of his salesmen were
moved to Austin and LaSalle
living in communities where low
Streets . Again he enlarged
salaried working men lived. They three times . Bell said, "Does
could not afford a better instru- this look like the radio indus -
try is standing still?"
Late in 1927 Bell said he
always believed that there would
be a demand for a "concert
grand" in radio. His answer was
the Ozarka Sensitone. It contained a six tube radio, two
stages of radio, detector and
three stages of audio with the
output with a 112 or 321~ The
exponential speaker was made of
ozite and was 6 6 in length
coiled up into a small space.
Advertising bragged it could re produce bass notes and it could
be operated from a light source.
Price was $81 . 00 without tubes or
eliminator. A Westinghouse eli minator was offered at $21 . 00.
Christmas was the time Bell
chose to introduce new models.
For the December 1927 season the
new model was the Corona AC.
Bell wrote all Ozarka Representatives saying that the new
Ozarka AC radio will compare
favorably with any other AC radio
on the market but he didn't be 1ieve that any AC radio has ever
been made to equal the performance of present receivers. More
than that there were to be some
tube troubles . He firmly believed that you would be far bet ter off with any present Ozarka
radios with the A, B, C Power
He wanted his representatives to have all of the facts so
that they would never accuse Bell
of giving them a raw deal. He
said, "We simply have got to call
a spade a spade and he didn't
think you could keep from sel1ing" AC radios.
The new Ozarka AC was calle ~
the Model 78 and it had its own
power supply on the same chassis .
The AC Corona complete with
tubes and loud speaker was $100
to the dealer.
High Jinks in the Service Department, Part II
by Alan Roycroft
wired from the city 230 volt DC
supply and a 5KVA motor generator
In the late 1920's through
in the shop provided 115 volts AC
to the early 1930's, there was a from its slip rings and then
popular need for background music stepped up through a transformer
whether it be for a silent movie
to provide the 230 volts AC for
in a small neighborhood cinema or servicing radios, amplifiers and
a high class tea room. Labor
16MM projectors. The motor gencosts to keep changing the single erator was American made with
play 78RPM records was negligi60Hz but this entirely depended
ble. As an avid moviegoer I reupon the DC line voltage and all
member the green multi-faceted
things being equal, we obtained
glass indicator lamp assembly on
anything from 55 to 70Hz, it
the front of a Columbia "Panareally did not matter. To speed
trope" which played from down
up the job, the VBTS removed the
front. The eerie glow fascinated chassis and 16 inch electrodynamme and later I learned it was a
ic speaker from the cabinet but
Yaxley product with a part number left the 230 volt to 115 volt
that I have at last forgotten.
auto transformer, necessary for
The Kolster f.actoryalso man- the 230 volt AC mains at the cusufactured these all-electric
tomer's location, in the cabinet
phonographs in large fancy wooden as there was 115 volts easily obconsole cabinets, forerunners of
tainable from the motor generatthe all-electric radios. Here's
or. A shorted filter cap on the
a tale of a Very Brash Teenager
550 volt B+ was replaced and the
Serviceman who was once given the amplifier tested out with the
task of repairing one of these
shop's turr.table and pickup.
monsters by the shop foreman.
Lunch time ~as fast approaching
The service department was
so the Kolster was hurriedly re-
turned to the cabinet, the pickup
input reconnected and the three
wires from the 115 to 230 auto
transformer were respliced and
taped and so to lunch.
Upon returning from lunch
the VBTS noted a pungent smell
in the front of the shop and a
distinctly frigid air coming from
the foreman's office. Then all
hell let loose and the VBTS was
ground into dust. It seems that
when the customer came in to collect his Kolster, he wanted a
demo so the Foreman plugged the
Kolster into a 230 volt AC outlet
and immediately the monster became airborne, did two circuits
of the shop and crashed in
flames. It was unfortunate that
the VBTS did not check things
out, he had reversed two wires on
the auto transformer so that it
stepped the 230 volts up to 460
instead of down to 115 volts.
For many nano seconds that Kolster had over 2000 volts B+. I
nursed a cuffed ear for a week
and decided then that the VBTS
(201) 794-9606/956-6680
* $150-$400-Catalin Swirled bakelite sets:
yellow, red, green, blue, etc.
* $1200 - $4000 - Pre WWII TV's: TRK's, TT5,
Dumonts, Andreas, etc.
* $20-100 - Parts and broken catalins
* $20 - $3000 - Pre-1952 12" or smaller wood sets
* $250 up - Mirror table radios
* $50 - $350 - Philco Predictas and Safari
* $3000 up - Mirror consoles!
* $250 up for early color sets pre-1956
* Buying Deco shaped tabled radios in bakelite
* Buying magnifiers, color wheels , signs, TV
and plastics
News, early TV books and instructions
would in future become a VCTS or
a Very Careful Teenager Serviceman.
One trick that had to be
learned the hard way was to keep
bottles on the bench to receive
all the screws and hardware as a
set was disassembled. I was developing cocky ways again by replacing missing chassis screws
with anything that was handy and
never testing the set after it
was completed. Yes, a slightly
long self tapping chassis screw
caught me twice by going up into
the chassis and puncturing dry
electrolytics or into the windings of an input transformer.
The American Colonial people
were very ambitious with early DC
models, most had 71A output tubes
and a filament series string that
took a quarter of an ampere current. The cleverest part was the
~iasing of tubes that were "high"
1n the series circuit, they used
tricks that were not used until
fifteen years later with the advent of the AC-Battery sets with
the 1.4 volt series of tubes.
The top of the Colonial DC line
at this time, around 1931, was a
radio phono combination using the
2.5 volt series tubes, there were
27's, 24's and push-pull 45's in
the output. The heater current
was of course 1.75 amps and when
introduced into British countries
with 230 volt DC mains, the set
took over 600 watts with 400
watts lost in heat.
While diverting to curious
ideas, the Philco "Auto-Tune"
must be remembered. A side
mounted clock with a small lever
for every fifteen minute segment
of each hour allowed the set to
be switched on or off and tuned
to any one of five preselected
stations. Very ingenious but the
curious part was the circuit to
"squelch" the set while tuning.
Instead of setting up a simple
thrust switch on the tuning motor
shaft that would short the audio
a separate 75 tube was used, the'
triode section of this tube had a
mu of 100 and 3 volts ac was fed
to the grid from a small separate
winding on the tune motor, this
was amplified to about 80 volts,
rectified by the diode section of
the 75, filtered and applied to
the AVC line at about 50 volts
DC, killing the set's audio but
at what cost.
So finally back to the high
jinks. In the early stages of
World War· I I, services to the
servicemen were very sketchy
food was always an argueable'
point and at the RAF base where
the writer was:ensconced, a riot
was imminent unless the cooks
were replaced. Most servicemen
lived in wooden huts with three
to six men in each hut. Our
radio was a Patterson with 2.5
volt type tubes and a separate
oscillator tube that probably put
out about five watts. The IF was
175kHz, a popular station was on
lOOOkHz or so. A carbon mike was
borrowed from a civvy pay phone
and a small hookup was made with
a loop of hookup wire, a series
capacitor, the microphone and
then the antenna. By tuning the
s~t to the popular local, slipping the hookup wire loop over
the local oscillator plate pin,
the Patterson put out a very respectable signal on ll75kHz or
thereabouts that was receivable
for over two miles. Right after
a particularly revolting evening
meal, volunteer runners raced
around the base tuning radios in
the common areas such as the
NAAFI Hu~, the Y, the gym and
even the mess hall to our "spurious" which carried the popular
local program by simply holding
the telephone mike up to the
speaker of the Patterson. At the
advertised time, "Freedom Radio"
started a harangue on the ratty
state of affairs at the mess.
After a week or so of trying
to trace the "transmitter" with
large RAF OF trucks, a second
radio was set up in another part
of the camp to take over immediately if conditions became too
hot for the Patterson to remain
on the air, surprise inspections
of huts in the suspected areas
were pulled for any signs of a
"transmitter". With the mike
removed and stashed away, the old
Patterson stood any number of inspections with grave innocence.
Radio Age (USPS 312-370)is published
monthly at a subscription rate of
$12.50 a year, Second Class Postage,
and $15.00, Frrst Class. Second Class
Postage is paid at Augusta, Georgia.
Donald 0. Patterson, Editor
Norma W. Patterson, Managing Editor
Copyright 1986, Donald 0. Patterson
636 Cambridge Road
Augusta, Georgia 30909
We got our start in late 1985
when those in the Pittsburgh area
who were interested in the history
of radio began to organize. We
now have a membership of about 40
people who are interested in the
collecting of antique radio apparatus and particularly in preserving the history of radio in
the Pittsburgh area, the birthplace of commercial broadcasting.
The Society now meets four
times a year, and membership is
open to anyone with an interest
in the history of radio and
broadcasting . Membership dues
are $10 per year.
A newsletter is published
quarterly, and contains information about members, meetings,
equipment, sales and swaps, etc.
The Pittsburqh Oscillator welcomes
relevant contributions from all
If you are interested, please
contact The Pittsburgh Antique
Radio Society at 506 E . Wheeling
Street, Washington, PA, 15301.
Our next meeting will be at
the First Presbyterian Church,
100 E. Wheeling Street, Washington, PA 15301 on Saturday , December 13, 1986 at 1 PM.
Statement of Ownership
Management and Circulation
Date of Filing, October l ' 1986
Total Number of Copies
Paid Circulation
Mail Subscriptions
Total Paid Circulation
Free Distribution
Total Distribution
Copies Not Distributed
Publisher: Donald 0. Patterson
Managing Editor: Norma W.
Principal Address of Business:
636 Cambridge Rd., Augusta
GA 30909
Some Prices Bid at AWA Auction
The editor attended the AWA Convention at Canandaigua, N.Y., Sept. 24-27.
At the Sept. 26 annual auction, I recorded the prices of some items. This
representative price li st is printed below:
Motorola 8" TV
Radio Blue Book
Murdock CS32 Battery Radio
Dayfan, No Tubes
Stewart Warner Metal Radio
Emerson Bakelite
Day Fan OEM? Exe.
Philco Predicta 17" Version
Crosley Trirdyn w/Tubes
AK42 w/Tubes
Loose Coupler Maker Unknown
AKZO Big Box No Tubes
AK "L" Horn Good Driver
Addison RSA-1 Works, Art
Fellows Crystal Set
RCA Radiola x No Tubes
Atwater Kent Cathedral
Clapp Eastham Two Stage Amp
Thermiodyne TF6
Clapp Eastham Antenna
Radiola III-A w/Inst Book
AK33 No Tubes
AK40 Green & Black w/
Music Master Horn
RCA Vol l Unabridged
Freshm~n Masterpiece
w/Tubes Works
AK42 With E Speaker
Westinghouse RC Works
70 Rogers Batteryless
35 11 Panel DeF orest Unit
55 AK19 No Tubes
25 Marconi M2 200 Min Bid
25 Radiola V Missing Some
Parts 150 Min
90 Breting 12
90 Reinartz 2LO By Elgin
17 Western Electric 4D
100 AK35 w/Tubes & Working
27 Philco 41-22
12 Grebe Synchrophase w/Tubes
& Working
AK3975 Replica
l 00 Philco 620
270 MacMillan 6
125 Radiola AR812
130 Northern Electric (Variometer Not Original 295
Min Bid)
Radiola Balanced Amp Some
Wiring Changed
Philco 60 Working
130 Magnavox Ml Good
45 Amrad Neutrodyne Works
Crosley 51
90 AKlO Breadboard l Tag
85 Crosley 716 Tombstone
Western Union Telegraph
Sounder From Colorado
70 RCA Disc Cutter Needs Cutter
14() FADA 7 w/Loop
Freed Eiseman NR5
Western Electric 7A Amp
w/Tubes $100 Min
Aeriola Jr
Philco 20 Min Bid $160
Garod RAF
DeForest BC 14A
Pilot 3" TV
Sale Double Button Microphone
Maker Unknown
Pittsburg SP2
440 Lifetime Mod 88 Microphone
nw in Box
70 Zenith Transoceanic Working
5 Vision By Radio, Francis
300 Crosley 52
230 Martian Crystal SEt
60 AK21 Dry Cell Set
90 Hopalong Cassidy
75 U2 1325 Horn
Vibroplex Bug w/Case
Motorola VT73 7" TV
· RCA Service Man Vol l
70 Radiovision Stock Certifi70
120 Aeriola SR Average Cab
50 Crosley 51P Portable
Western Electric 3B (Meter
Mounted in Panel; Not
Kennedy 521 Amp
150 Kennedy 281 Exe.
15 Telefunken Crystal Set
50 Magnavox TRF 5
65 Aeriola Amp No Tubes
20 Canadian Marconi 2 Box
Set (Det & 2 Stage Amp)
$300 Min Bid
I read with much interest
David Terwilliger's article "All
American Five From Latvia" in the
June '85 issue. Here's a little
more on the VEF company. I collect military radio equipment,
and among my sets I have a type
KB416 VEFSUPER Rundfunkempfaenger
(Broadcastreceiver). This set
was built in August 1942 in Riga.
It is a four tube portable, battery operation only, three bands
LW-MW-SW, troop entertainment
receiver. (Otherwise, broadcast
receivers for the civilian market
were not produced during the war
years in Greater Germany.) Not
much of a set technically, but of
course the pressure of war needs
added to the already (by U.S.
standards) typically "lean"
European design standards.
Apparently some of the later
EB416s were reduced to using an
inferior grade of metal alloy for
the dial and chassis hardware,
which now cracks and crumbles
like cheap pot metal. Several
years ago I heard over Radio Moscow that the VEF Radio Factory
had initiated transistor radio
production with its 'Spidola'
line in 1961, but it was unclear
whether this meant the first for
the VEF firm, or the first transistor radio in the USSR.
Hugh Miller
Amazing Amalgamator
Now available in 8 oz. container (enough to do about
8 table radios) $8.50 +
$1.50 postage.
636 Cambridge Road
Augusta, Georgia 30909
From left to right; UZ6D6 (606), UY37A (37), UZ120 (dual triode),
UF109A (European), u ia34 ( 34). courtesy of Leo Gibbs
Tube VT-121
Order No. 1402-PHILA-42
· Co·• Inc·
RCA Ianufaccunng
SC 300A
They even copied acorn tubes. Left; two samples of the UN955,
compared to the RCA 955 of wartime manufacture.
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: Riders, Howard Sams,
RCA, Philco, GE, service manuals,
tubes, test. eqpt., speakers,
knobs, parts. SASE for list. F.
Krantz, 100 Osage Ave. , Somerdale,
NJ 08083.
insertion. Multiple insertion
of the same ad are $.10 per word
per month after the first inser tion.
If you rewrite your ad deleting items sold and adding new
ones you will qualif y for another
free ad. All ads should be legibly written on a separate piece
of paper and should include name,
address (include telephone number
on For Sale ads only). Please
write your ad in the same format
that appears below.
FREE WANTED ADS wi 11 be confined
to twenty-five words. Additional
words are $.10 per word . Mu lti p l e
insertions for the same ad wil l be
$. 10 per wo rd after the first month.
OF THE MONTH. We are going to
press earlier. If you have a
short ad you can call i t in to
FOR SALE: Radios, tubes, partssend large SASE for "Stan's Stuff"
and more. Examples: Radi ola III
$75 (no tubes); amplifier $85 (no
tubes) both $155 plus shipping;
restored Radiokeg $175; complete
restoral service at reasonalbe
prices. Stan Lopes, 1201-74 Monument Blvd., Concord, CA 94520
WANTED: Still searching for that
elusive Rivers Volume XXll l (23)
to complete my collection. Top
price offered and will buy complete set if necessar y.
Where's the helping Radio Collectors spirit? Not a single response to my yell for help with
my Uncle Al's Radio Shop "Miracle"
Crystal Set. DitDitDahDahDitDitHELP! ! Stan . Lopes, 1201-74 Monument Blvd., Concord, CA 94520
FOR SALE: 10 pounds German WWII
radio parts $20 plus shipping.
F.W. Chapman, Apartment B 218,
1130 N. Lake Parker Ave., Lakeland FL 33805.
WANTED: Any issue Radio Amateur
Callbook Mag. 1935 or 1936, covers
not important. Arthur L. Johnson,
3203 Reynard Way, San Diego, CA
FOR SALE: Replica, Atwater Kent
Breadboard blanks for all models
except the 10 and 12. Included
are eyelets and staples, $35 plus
$3 mailing. Roland Matson RFDl,
Box 2943, Kennebunk, ME Q4043,
( 207 )985-3751.
FOR SALE: 1890 Weston Meter $12;
UZ-1325 Horn only $10; Model 40
A.K . w/tubes $25; 1910 dictaphone
$75; Radio-Dex wooden program
holder $5 ea., Larr y Chambers,
5026 Sutter Dr., Nashville, TN
37211 .
Send US Your
Club News.
Radio~ retains the right
to refuse any advertising that is
not related to or in keeping with
th e hobby of collecting.
Display ads for camera ready copy.
Full page ads
(10" x 7 l/z'')
Half page
(5" x 7 l/z'')
One column
(2 %" x 10")
If you're not taking advantage
of FREE Radio Age advertising,
you're missing a great opportunity!
It won't cost you a penny.
Add $4.00 per half tone. For ads not
camera ready add an additional $10 for
typesetting and layout.
Also can provide reprints of the following OLDE TYME RADIO publications:
• D. H. Moore's Vintage Radio Identification Sketchbooks
(see flyer for details).
• Atwater Kent Instructors Manual
• Atwater Kent Equipment catalog
• Radiola III - A Owners Manual
• Vintage Radio
• Flick of the Switch
and much, much more. Also we are the sole distributor east of the
Mississippi of D. H. Moore's fabulous set of Vintage Radio Identification
We also offer complete data packages for most vintage radios of the 1920's to
1950's era.
For free flyer send SASE to: OLDE TYME RADIO COMPANY, 2445
Wish to reach us by phone: Call 301-585-8776 between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00
p.m. est.
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: Philco Safari, exc.,
works, $195; Philco Townhouse,
near mint, working $95; Motorola
VT-71, good, has audio, no HV
$65; NOS 8XP4 CRT's $15; Blue
tinted 10 x 13 TV magnifier lens
in frame w/bracket $45; 1954
Numechron "TV" digital clock $25;
Telefunken Opus /6 good, works ,
$50; Lowe-Opta magnet, good, works,
$35; Lowe-Opta Appolo , fair $20;
Zenith Transoceanic G-500 exc.
works $50; Stromberg-Carlson 400H
good ,works $30; Crosley F25MN,
works $20; Hallicrafters S-40B,
good works $60; S-38D fair, works
$20; FM-66 exc, works $25; Emerson
9LW good, $15; Radiola P-5 good
$15; Stewart Warner A61Pl exc.,
works $25; GE 414 dk red plastic,
works $20; Electrola turntable
assembly from Victor RE-57, complete, mint $65; chassis & speaker
assembly Victor receiver unit RC3
exc. from Victor console $35;
Precision Potentiometer in mahog .
case $25; Gen Radio 224 precision
wavemeter in case with 5 coils
$64; EICO 377 audio gen $15;
EICO 666 mutual conductance tube
tester $30; EICO dip meter $10;
Beta oak cased kilovolt meter $25;
Sencore PS127 scope $25; Hickok
677 scope $25; Calrad 500 watt
variac NIB $25; Simpson 381 cap/
bridge NIB $15; Weston 689 ohm
meter $15. Thousands of NIB tubes,
Kenrad 6AK5 50¢ ea. All plus UPS .
Craig Smith, 1935 1st Ave. S.,
St. Pete, FL 33712 (813)822-7592
FOR SALE: Tri - city one tube $65;
Freed-Eisemann NR-6 $75; Tuska
Superdyne type 305 $225. Add
shipping. Bryan Laughlin, 39
Charles Ave ., Rochester, NY 14623
WANTED: Need the following Amrad
sets to complete my collection:
#3366 refles, inductrole, #3500-2 ,
#3590, #3071 and #3670 portable.
Also buying any other Amrad sets,
literature or bits & pieces. Have
small list of radios for sale.
Andrew Mooradian, 5 Priscilla
Lane, Winchester, MA 01890.
WANTED: Majestic Model 25 chassis
and speaker. Also need 2nd IF
transformer for Majestic 15. Kevin
Grimm, 258 Dunbar RD., Tallmadge,
OH 44278 (216)633-4167.
WANTED: Old jukeboxes any cond.
or parts. Eric von Grimmenstein,
1214 Meridian St., Indianapolis,
IN 46204.
FOR SALE: Unused and used tubes,
speakers, and capacitors. Send
SASE for price list. Elmer Nelson, 11 S. Church St., Princeton,
IL 61356.
12 / 86
WANTED: Acme twin rheostat 6 ohm2000 ohm. Also 2 black , 3 inch
tuning dials. Bill Jelinek, 128
N. Stevens, Rhinelander, WI 54501
WANTED: David Grimes Octamonic,
junker Ozarka portable , Maje stic
horn base (driver needn't be present). Radiola 28 loop. FOR
TRADE: Radio Retailing & Radio
Broadcast mags (1920's for issues
I need). Also have DeForest
Cat "D" 25 2nd Tuska Cat No. 5
$20;. Don Patterson, 636 Cambridge Road, Augusta, GA 30909,
FOR SALE: New dial scales for
Radiola 16, 17, 18 , 41 and 60
Sparton AC-62 and AC-7, $7.50 PP.
S.S. Kresge Ill. Radio Catalog
1929 $3.25 PP.; Pilot Lights: #40
41, 42 , 43, 45 , 46 , 50, 13, & 292,
$2 box; #4 8 $3 box; .50 P&H Radiola III manual $3 PP. exact repring. "A" , "B", "C" battery
eliminators for any radio. Send _
large SASE for info. Riders manuals write wants. Crystals sets,
detectors, coils, crystals and
new earphones. AK speaker driver
replacements and restoration of
original $28.50 plus shipping.
Any make radio restored write.
Clinton A. Blais, P.E., 613 Juniper Dr., O'Fallon, IL 62269
SCHEMATICS FOR SALE: Radio recei ve rs 1919-60's; auto radios
30's - 60's, phonos, TV's 40's 60's. Send brandname, model No.,
& SASE to: Scaramella, P.O . Box
One , Woonsocket , RI 02895-0001
11 / 87
FOR SALE: 100 different, tested
tubes . Not all new or individually
boxed. Best offer by Dec. 15.
K41M. H.B . Da vis , 1209 North
Market St., Dayton, TN 37321
WANTED: N.O . S. Astatic cartridge
#40 7, schematic for Hallicrafters
SX-100, Stewart Warner 9041A,
Stromberg Carlson 1161 series.
Need 6L6 tubes . Jim Moffett , 218
Shannon Lee, San Antonio, TX
Why pay for ads? Ours are FREE!
"Radio Age" welcomes Alan
Royc·r oft as a new contributing writer.
In the August issue, he
a uthored High Jinks in the
Service Department. Part II
of this article is found in
this issue. Last month, he
contributed the article on
Phonograph Pickups.
We welcome Alan's contribution to the hobby.
"Radio Age" is proud of
its record of publishing
good, informative articles
which are currently being
utilized by libraries and
museums .
If you would like
your talents to become part
of histor~ write an article
on a particular set, manufacturer or radio pioneer
and many people wil ] enj oy
We have received new
subscriptions at the older
rate of $11 per year. Your
expiration date has been adjusted by one month to reflect underpayment.
A new index is now
Send us a large
SASE and we will send one
free so you can order back
issues .
TRADE: Paragon RDS tuner and 10-R
RF amp for or towards Pre-War TV,
or will purchase TV outright.
Also want complete color wheel.
FOR SALE: Philco 21 cathedral,
very rare (probably less than
2000 made), restored $495; Philco
50 cathedral, restored, $225;
Hyatt portable (circa 1925) $40;
Stewart Warner tombstone, v .nice,
restored $225 ; airline "movie
dial" console, working, nice $195;
Orchestron horn speaker $135;
Magnavox R-3B horn speaker $80;
Philco 37-650 tombstone, v.nice,
restored $225; RCA 648 PV projection TV restored , nice $99 5;
Pilot 3" TV w/ carrying case,
working $350; Philco Safari
(w/o lid), working $250; Pilot
3" tV, working $275; AK84 cathedral, needs restoration $175; GM
Little General cathedral, needs
restoration $1 25 ; GE E61 tombstone, v.nice , restored $125;
Jim Clark , 1006 Pendleton , Lansimo, MI 48917 . (517)323-9595.
Send SASE for current complete
WANTED: Charlie McCarthy radio &
original magazine ad for Philco
90 . Jim Montgomery , 8360 Azita
CT., Garden Grove, CA 92644
WANTED: Allen Chapman's book ,
Radio Boys to the Rescue. Robert
Stapleford, 1800 Randolph , Topeka ,
KS 66604 .
WANTED: Cabinet for Philco #620 -B
or #62 3-B o r #624- B ' g. #120
F . O.S . (must have good front) .
Also FADA #1000 radio. Jimmy
Downes , 607 East 12th ave. Covington , LA 70433, (504)892-6250
FOR SALE: Riders-Vol 1 through
Vol. 15 all exc. condition $i80
plus trans.; Crosley 817, beautiful wood cab. BC & SW mirror
back round dial $50; Silvertonesmall metal cabinet 4 tube-mint
$30; Magnavox-Beverly speaker
working $35; American Busch 28
with Ambotone cone speaker $135;
Zenith HSOO Transoceanic-working
Don Dean, 1711 Colleen St.,
Sarasota , FL 33581 (813)966-2661.
WANTED: Dionne Quintuplets radios
(F.O.S . pg . 176) . Also Grandfather clock radi os. Please reply
to C. Watts, P.O. Box 422 , Paris,
Ontario, Canada N3L 3TS.
WANTED: Several pre-1950 Emerson
radios, colorful .plastic, mint
condition wooden, comic strip
characters , Coca-Cola , or ?? Send
photo and price to : IRA Warren ,
131 Halstead Ave., Mamaroneck, NY
10543 . ( 914) 636-3081
( 2/87)
FOR SALE: French style telephone,
magneto crank type , with wall unit
boy , girl artwork on front . Belived to be Swedish. SASE and 22¢
stamp for photo. William Thomps on
1095 NW 147 St., Miami, FL 33168
(305)685-1993 .
FOR SALE: 6 Kellogg 401 tubes w/
good fil. $15 ea; 4 bakelite WDll
tubes w/ good fil . $25 ea or trade
for brass base WDll. WANTED:
Radiola 42, Radiola SW Converter
and Radiola advertising items.
Mark Tanner, Box 23965, Nashville,
TN 37202 (615)646-4240.
WANTED: Hickock model 209A vacuum
tube voltmeter. Robert Wallace ,
8007 Red Lion Road, Springboro,
OH 45066.
FOR SALE: Three A. K. tuning con densers for Model 33 $5 ea.; one
A. K. Model 33 toggle switch $2;
b ox of radio parts from homemade .
units $15; old victrola motor, no
crank $12 as is; two old victrola
doors $15; Zenith 705 table model
chassis $20. M. O. only. Send SASE
with all correspondence. Post &
Ins. extra . J . H. Gentry, 708 Locust
Ave ., Charlottesville, VA 22901 .
FOR SALE: More go od ies just in !
small cathedral , 1936 Philco
t ombstone, Philco Jr. cathedrals ,
red & white plastic olympic 1950s
more! SASE. Ripley, 2276 Holloway
Ave . , .Maplewood, MN 55109.
WANTED: Western Electric #102A
output transformer; #2A filter box
for SCR68; March 1923 Popular
Ralph Thorn, 61 Maple Pl. ,
Huntington , NY 11743 .
WANTED: Paying $150-$400 for Catalin swirled bakelite radios. Will
buy parts catalins - in yellow, red
maroon, green , blue. Also buying
mirror radios and , of course, TVs .
Harry Poster, Box 1883A , So . Hack,
NJ 07606. (201)794-9606.
11 / 87
FOR SALE: Majestic 20 cathedral
restored $100; Philco 90 floor
model speaker $1500 ; Howard 9 tube
tombstone in original box $7 5;
Philco 90 chassis $50; Wanted:
Pilot tombstones & cathedrals;
unusual and repwood cathedrals;
foreign radios; tube stereo gear.
Bill Moo re, 5014 Rickwood et.,
Huntsville , AL 35810 (205)859-4934
WANTED: Mode l 15 Majestic chassis
and speaker. Will buy entire radio
if necessary to get chassis and
s peaker . Please s t.ate price and
condition . Paul Bourbin , 25 Greenview , San Francisco, CA 94131 .
WANTED: Early tubes with good
filaments; Pacific Radio News;
Marconi Yearbooks , wireless and
early TV literature. Please describe and state prices, all
letters answered. Marc Gottlieb,
931 Olive St., Menlo Park, CA
94025 .
at Augusta, Ga.