to Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2012
to Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2012
Annual Report FISCAL YEAR 2012 – 2013 5773 T E M P L E BE T H A M A N N UA L M E E T I N G Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary followed by dessert reception in the Lobby Lewis Family Religious Life Complex The Janet z”l and Richard Yulman Campus 5950 N. Kendall Drive, Pinecrest, Florida 33156 | 305 667 6667 DE A R T E M PLE BE T H A M FA M I LI E S , Though we know that change is on the horizon, Temple Beth Am is strong, healthy and preparing for our future. For almost 60 years, Temple Beth Am has been a center of Jewish Life in Pinecrest, FL. We have evolved through the decades while continuing to meet the needs of our community. The commitment to providing spiritual, educational and social programming for every member of our synagogue has never been stronger. We appreciate the diversity of our community and strive to have a relationship with each and every family in our congregation. This year has seen continued success toward the balanced budget plan necessary to sustain the fiscal strength of Temple Beth Am. In addition to maintaining expense efficiencies the lay and administrative teams have continued to develop and grow revenue streams. We are committed to living within our financial means. We are in a position of excellence as we embark on the search for our new Senior Rabbi. Rabbi Bookman will retire after serving our congregation for 20 years on June 30, 2015. At this time he will become Rabbi Emeritus. He continues to prepare the congregation for this transition. This will enable us to welcome our new Senior Rabbi with open minds and open hearts. Thank you for your thoughtful wisdom during our congregational parlor meetings this year. Your input has helped us craft our Rabbinic Search Application depicting who we are as a congregation and what we desire in our new Senior Rabbi. Our Endowment Campaign is on the fast track and the energy and excitement are apparent. Thank you to our loyal donors who have challenged us with their generous match. And, thank you to our congregants who have already committed to the Endowment campaign. We will actively continue to solicit the congregation. As we move into the next fiscal year, our goal is to continue to provide the finest of worship, educational and social opportunities while maintaining our fiscal values and the core values of Judaism. In 2015, we will celebrate the past 60 years and prepare for the future of Temple Beth Am. The synergy between our professionals and our lay leaders is collaborative and effective. I am deeply grateful to the dedicated team of individuals with whom I share this important work. May we continue to stay strong, healthy and move into the future together. With Warmth and Gratitude, A DR I A N DU BOW, President T E M PL E BE T H A M Annual Report 2 014 2 Revenue & Expenses Year ended June 30, 2012 Year ended June 30, 2013 REVENUE REVENUE Temple Revenue $3,343,284.00 Temple Revenue $3,322,341.00 Day School Revenue $4,365,337.00 Day School Revenue $4,698,746.00 Religious School/Youth Revenue $261,563.00 Religious School/Youth Revenue $273,597.00 Fundraising Revenue $158,897.00 Fundraising Revenue $193,647.00 Recreational Program Revenue* $630,209.00 Recreational Program Revenue* $648,888.00 Total Revenue $8,759,290.00 Total Revenue E X PE NSE S $9,137,219.00 E X PE N SE S Temple Expense $3,312,157.00 Temple Expense $3,265,525.00 Day School Expense $4,479,477.00 Day School Expense $4,608,182.00 Religious School/Youth Expense Fundraising Expense Recreational Program Expense* † Total Expense $537,051.00 Religious School/Youth Expense $30,732.00 Fundraising Expense $433,859.00 2 013 R E V E N U E $27,500.00 Recreational Program Expense* † $8,793,277.00 Deficit from Operations $576,693.00 Total Expense ($33,987.00) $411,537.00 $8,889,436.00 Surplus from Operations $247,783.00 2 013 E X PE N SE S 36% 36% 36% 36% 52% 52% 51% 51% 3% 3% 6% 6% 2% 2% 0% 0% 7% 7% 5% 5% Excluding depreciation; *Basketball, ASU, Bridge, Facility Rental, etc. † T E M PL E BE T H A M Annual Report 2 014 3 Celebrating Our Past… Securing Our Future The Temple Beth Am Endowment Campaign — Our Momentum is Contagious P rogress on our Temple Beth Am Endowment Campaign has been remarkable. A huge reason that we have been so successful is because of the generosity of those participants who established a $2.5 million Challenge Grant in late January. Basically, if we raise $2.5 million of new donations, they have agreed to make a $2.5 million donation, thus making every $1 raised be equal to $2 provided we reach $2.5 million quickly. The Challenge Grant has led to an enthusiastic response from numerous families in our congregation and our schools. We now have over 75 families that have understood our need and answered our call. Our gifts range from $1,000 to $1,000,000. We have received generous contributions from almost our entire Board and from families that are new to Temple Beth Am and our schools. Many of these families also have generational ties to our community. Another reason for our recent success is our Endowment Solicitation Team has grown. Our team now includes 24 solicitors comprised of members, school parents, clergy, and professional staff. Eighteen have already established at least one meeting or attended a solicitation. We are so grateful for our team’s leadership, their dedication, and their motivation. We are truly blessed to have their participation in this critical mission. Finally, another motivating factor for many families has been our 60th Anniversary Book. As an enhancement, all donors who give a gift of $10,000 or more to the Endowment Campaign, will have the option of participating in this incredible book. If you don’t know about our Anniversary Book yet, please contact us at 305-667-6667 and we will have someone explain it to you in person. Even though we are closing in on the halfway point in our 10 million dollar campaign, so much more work needs to be done. To all those families that have given, thank you for your generosity. To put it simply, this endowment campaign encapsulates what we are all about and will impact all aspects of Jewish life here at Temple Beth Am for decades to come. We will continue to keep you apprised of our progress and looking forward to seeing you and telling you more good news. Susan Henkin and Mark Gilbert, Endowment Campaign Chairs T H A N K YOU FOR “ SEC U R I NG OU R F U T U R E ” A N O N Y MO U S A DL E R , L E S & BE T H A M RO N , BR E T T & L AU R E N B A R K U S , DAV I D & A L I S ON H I F T BE I N E R , E D & DA N I E L A Z A N Z U R I BE R M A N , J I L L BE R MO N T, R IC H A R D BE R N S T E I N , A L A N & J AY U S I A BE R R I N , ROBE RT & F R A N C Y N B O OK M A N , R A BBI T E R RY & K A R E N S OBE L BR AGH I N , F E R N A N D O & N IC OL E C U LV E R HO U S E , H UGH & E L I Z A DAV I S , J A S O N & J OR DA N A DE U T C H , DAV I D & DE BR A DU B OW, K E N & A DR I A N E IC H BE RG , M A RC & I L E N E E I N S PRUC H , N OR M A N & E DI T H E RT E L , DAV I D & BE T H FA I N , R IC H A R D & C OL L E E N FA R K A S , DA N I E L & J U L I A N N E F O OD M A N , DA N I E L & N IC OL E F OR M A N , L A R RY & S H E I L A F R A N K , E L I S A BE T H F R A N K , B A R RY & DE BR A T E M PL E BE T H A M Annual Report 2 014 F R I E D M A N , E DWA R D & L OR I G A RV E T T, F R E D & S H I R A GI L BE RT, M A R K & BE L I N DA G OL DE N , DIC K & T E R I G RO S S M A N , W I L L I A M & DI L I A GU R L A N D, J R . , H A RV E Y & C A ROL I N A H E N K I N , S U S A N & E DWA R D H E R S H , ROBE RT & N A N C Y H E S S E L , F R A N K & J ODI HOF F M A N , R IC H A R D & I L I S A HOL L U B , H A R RY & A M Y K A N DE L L , S C O T T & L E N A K A R S E N T I , A R N AU D & R E BE C C A K ISL A K, JON & T INA KOF F S K Y, DA N I E L & L AU R A L A M PE N , R IC H A R D & S U S A N L E AT H E , J E R E M Y & M I N DY L E DE R M A N , A L A N & J OA N N L E IGH T, N AT H A N & E L I Z A BE T H L E IGH T O N , J OH N & A M Y C A R M E L L I E BL I N G , S T E WA RT & A BBE M E S S I N G , S T E V E N & A DR I E N N E MO S KOV I T Z , A L E X & L I LY N E V E S , L AU R A PIQU E , S A N DY P ODH U R S T, A A RO N & D ORO T H Y R AT Z A N , S T UA RT & M YC K I RO S E N T H A L , A L A N & DE BR A S A IO N T Z , L E S L I E S A R A S O N , S C O T T & M IC H E L L E S C H AT Z M A N , ROBE RT & L OR R A I N E S C H WA RT Z , E DWA R D S E RV I A N S K Y, DAV I D & L I LY S I E GE L , R IC H A R D & J AC K I E S O C OL , HOWA R D & S H A RO N S OKOL , BR A D & L AU R E N S OM A N , BI L L & J E A N S PA L DI N G , L I N D S AY & J U L I E S T E V E N S U M BE RG , J OH N & J O TA N N E N B AU M , D O N A L D & ROBE RTA T H E FA I R HOL M E F O U N DAT ION T ROPI N , H A R L E Y & S H E R RY W I D OM , GL E N N & E L L E N WOL F S ON , L O U I S & E L L E N WOL OF S K Y, HOWA R D & PA M E L A Y U L M A N FA M I LY Z A D OF F, A N A & J E F F C O S IOL Z I N N , ROBE RT & K A R E N Z A NZUR I, JENN Y 4 What’s Your Temple Beth Am Story? Join us as we celebrate our Temple’s 60th anniversary and our Day School’s 45th anniversary with a beautiful historic book. This is an exciting opportunity for you to participate in our 300-page anniversary book. Designed in two-sections, the first half of the book documents in word and photographs the history, foundation and leadership of the Temple, with the second devoted to Temple members and families. This remarkable anniversary book will create a treasured record of your family history for generations to come. Your family’s history is our history – be a part of a commemorative book that you will treasure forever. A NNIV ERSARY BOOK COMMIT TEE Co-Chairs Colleen Fain, Susan Lampen, Jo Ann Lederman, Lily Serviansky Steering Committee – Annie Berenson, Fran Berrin, Bea Citron, Adrian Dubow, Donna Feldman, Debbie Freedman, Susan Henkin, Jodi Hessel, Karen Kammer, Tina Kislak, Diane Krieger, Jennifer Levin, Sharon Socol, Bonnie Webman, Daniela Zanzuri THE AUTHOR NEEDS YOUR HELP As we compile the history of Temple Beth Am and its schools, we need your help. We are looking for your stories, your memories and your personal connections to the Temple. Do you have a multi-generational experience to share? Did you and your child celebrate a Bar or Bat Mitzvah here? Were you a student and a parent at the Day School? Did you meet your spouse through activities at the Temple? Did you play and coach in the basketball league? We are also looking for any old-time recollections. Were you involved in the Sisterhood, the Chorus or any of the early groups? Are you a “pack rat” with old pictures, pamphlets or Commentators? Please contact Laura Pincus at [email protected] with any contributions. We invite you to be part of this commemorative book by including your own Beth Am/family story. Participate by contributing towards the creation of the book and reserve fund. T WO WAYS TO PARTICIPATE: 1.By designating a portion of your endowment gift to the creation of our reserve fund and the anniversary book 2.By making a donation directly to the book and reserve fund Sample Story BY JO A NN LEDER M A N (Condensed Version) Poppy Herman Morgan (Morgenbesser) told me that the journey to New York in 1902, when he was 10 and traveling alone on a cattle boat from Germany, was both frightening and exhilarating. He kissed his mother goodbye and escaped to cousins in New York, away from his physically punishing father. His first job was sweeping floors in a restaurant, and by the time of his death in 1969, he had owned 14 successful New York restaurants, and began the food legacy for my mother’s side of the family. Our family story is that Poppy would open all his restaurants on Thanksgiving so the poor and homeless wouldn’t go hungry. My Nana said he would leave in the cold morning wearing a coat, and invariably come home without it because he gave it to a person in need. Among my family’s cherished mementos are letters from the New York City police department, thanking Poppy for these kindnesses. Story Continued online: For more information contact, Bob Hersh at 786.364.9425 or [email protected] The Temple Beth Am anniversary book is planned to be published April 2015. T E M PL E BE T H A M Annual Report 2 014 5 The following recommendations will be voted on by the general membership of Temple Beth Am at our Congregational Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. You are all invited and encouraged to attend this very important meeting. Not only will you have the opportunity to meet the officers and directors of Temple Beth Am, but you will have an opportunity to learn about your congregation and the plans and goals for our future. NOM I N AT E D A S OF F IC E R S FOR 2 014 – 2 015 President Executive Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer/Financial Secretary Immediate Past President Prior Past President Presidential Appointee Adrian Dubow William Grossman Lauren Amron Debra Frank Mark Gilbert Lisa Heller Green Dan Koffsky Jodi Mazer Adrienne Messing Michelle Sarason Tracey Spiegelman Daniela Zanzuri Karen Zinn Stuart Ratzan Richard Siegel Susan Henkin Richard W. Hoffman Gary Davis, Esq., Temple Counsel NOM I N AT E D A S DI R E C T OR S FOR T E R M S E N DI NG I N 2 015 Jeremy Leathe John Lederman Jeffrey Marcus Donald McClaskey Alex Moskovitz Darin Schatzman Ed Schwartz Josh Young NOM I N AT E D A S DI R E C T OR S FOR T E R M S E N DI NG I N 2 016 Les Adler Jason Davis Norman Einspruch Larry Forman Teri Golden Nanci Hellinger Mindy Leathe Abbe Liebling Steven Solomon NOM I N AT E D A S DI R E C T OR S FOR T E R M S E N DI NG I N 2 017 Dan Farkas Alan Fine Judy Gilbert-Gould Amy Hollub Lisse Kravetz Susan Lampen Jennifer Levin Ed Schmidt YOU R NOM I N AT I NG C OM M I T T E E C ON S I S T E D OF T H E FOLL OW I NG : Lauren Amron Adrian Dubow William Grossman Debra Frank Susan Henkin Howard Wolofsky Richard W. Hoffman Also included on the Board will be the Past Presidents, representatives of the Board of Trustees, BAFTY, PATIO, PSTARS, Sisterhood, the Day and Religious School Boards. T E M PL E BE T H A M Annual Report 2 014 6 Committee of 100 CIRCLE OF LIFE Richard & Colleen Fain Jon & Tina Kislak Daniel & Jan Lewis Leslie Saiontz Richard Yulman CIRCLE OF BLESSING Andrew Fredman & Kerin McCarthy Fredman Mark & Nedra Oren Aaron & Dorothy Podhurst RABBI’S HONOR CIRCLE Hillit Meidar-Alfi & Eyal Alfi Alan & Jayusia Bernstein Joe Bolton & Alison Miller Beth & David Ertel Dick & Susan Lampen Fabrizio & Laura Neves Noreen Sablotsky David & Lily Serviansky PRESIDENT’S HONOR CIRCLE Scott & Michele Baena Jacqueline & Barry Brant Karen Cohen & Julie Dixson Gary & Barbara Davis Ron & Charlene Esserman Robert & Donna Feldman Lawrence & Suzanne Fishman Larry & Sheila Forman Adam & Cheryl Goldstein Stuart & Dianne Gottlieb Larry Kahn, III & Susan Kahn Ron & Karen Kammer Barry & Judi Katzen Michael & Valerie Katz Howard & Linda Landy Barbara Levin Victor & Lisa Mendelson Gabriel & Evelyn Politzer Stuart & Mycki Ratzan Peter & Wendy Salomon Joel & Randy Schenkman Hermina Seiden Richard & Jackie Siegel Howard & Sharon Socol Louis Wolfson III & Ellen Wolfson Howard & Pam Wolofsky COMMITTEE OF 100 Irwin & Helene Adler Les & Beth Adler Harold & Eleanor Aibel Brett & Lauren Amron T E M PL E BE T H A M Annual Report 2 014 Israel & Victoria Assa Evelyn K. Axler Ryan & Rachel Bailine Scott & Debbie Barkow David & Karen Baron Herbert Baumgard George & Monique Befeler Robert & Ana Behar Edward Beiner & Daniela Zanzuri-Beiner Jill Berman Richard & Barbara Bernstein Bob & Francyn Berrin Lynn & Alex Binstock Clinton & Elizabeth Biondo Judith & Jordan Bittel Stephen & Sabine Bittel Edward & Iliana Blumberg Philip Blumberg Terry Bookman & Karen Sobel Jim & Gale Bramnick David & Melissa Buckner Keith & Diane Chasin Gary & Carol Cohen Barbara & Gary Cohen Richard & Dianne Cohen William & Bobbie Cohen Jack & Cookie Cohn Sol Colsky Paul & Jolie Cummings Jose Da Costa Gomez & Annelies Hoffmann Da Costa Gomez Bob & Judith Davidoff Harold & Nanci Deutsch Marny Dixon Kenneth & Adrian Dubow Michael Duchowny & Leslie McCormick Max & Danielle Eisenbud Roy & Lori Fabry Dan & Julianne Farkas Fred & Carly Fein Elaine & Theodore Feldman Charlie & Lauren Fernandez Jonathan & Nadine Fialkow Alan Fine & Victoria Corrigan Fine Randy & Stephanie Fink Steven & Nadine Foldes Daniel & Nicole Foodman Barry & Debra Frank David & Linda Frankel Elisabeth Frank Martin & Julie Franklin Michael & Carolynn Friedman James & Patty Gassenheimer Marty & Leslie Genauer Joan Getz Bernie & Nancy Goldberg Harris Goldberg & Lisa Esserman Diane & Terry Goldberg Evan & Stephanie Goldman Hazel Goldman Pascal & Emily Goldschmidt Larry & Susan Golinsky Jeffrey Gomez & Cindy Weisfisch Gomez Jorge Gomez & Ann Kaufman Bob & Nancy Green Scott & Amy Greenwald Bruce Greer & Evelyn Langlieb Greer Renee Gross Phyllis Grossman Bill & Dilia Grossman Louis & Patty Gurkin Harvey Gurland, Jr. & Carolina Gurland Jay & Sandy Halpern Bernie & Deborah Harris Dolly Harris Mark & Helen Hauser Michael & Nanci Hellinger Richard Hersch Greg & Jennifer Herskowitz Frank & Jodi Hessel Dave & Hedy Hirsch Richard Hoffman Joseph & Anita Hoffman Ken & Hillary Hoffman Richard & Ilisa Hoffman Harry & Amy Hollub Michael & Iris Hyman Chuck & Roberta Jacoby David Jagolinzer John Janette & Joely Kaufman-Janette Leonard & Debby Kalman Steve Kandell Margarite & James Kaplan Rafael & Sara Kapustin Ira & Randye Karmin Arnaud & Rebecca Karsenti Ezra & Tati Katz Gary Katz and Family Howard & Shirley Katzman David Keyes Bernita King Steven & Tammy Klein Gary & Leo Kluger Dan & Laura Koffsky Bruce Kohrman & Diane Krieger- Kohrman Robert Korn & Rosario Rico Toro-Korn Murray & Ilene Kossman Frank & Helene Kronberg Alan & Rose Kurzweil Daniel & Fern Lampert Elliot & Barbara Lang Ted & Barbara Latham Scott & Beth Lazar Brett & Pamela Lear Jeremy & Mindy Leathe Marc & Judith Lederhandler John Leighton & Amy Beth Carmel Nathan & Elizabeth Leight Dan Levine & Lauren Bronfman Eric & Jennifer Levin Melvin & Joan Levinson Eric & Lauren Lieberman David & Barbara Lipman David & Cindi Lubarsky Ray & Susan Malca Jeffrey & Rebecca Mandler Jeffrey & Nicole Marcus Paul & Roberta Marcus Jay & Lisa Massirman Jim & Carol Mattei Jason Mazer & Jodi Hirschfield Mazer Steve & Jen Medwin Moshe & Margalit Meidar Michael & Susan Meister Clifford & Diana Mermell Steve & Adrienne Messing Marc & Marian Milgram Howard & Lisa Millhauser Spencer & Maria Morgan Peter & Yiska Moser Alexander & Lily Moskovitz Eduardo & Yael Muller Deborah & James Nolan Jeffrey & Susan Nullman Steven Olszewski & Robin Amster Kevin & Stacey Packman Harry & Lisa Payton Michael & Lois Pfeffer Steven & Ida Plotkin Rich & Amy Pollack Miguel & Lezlie Poyastro David & Sheila Quint Candy Fien Rabkin David & Susan Racher Judith Ratzan Danny & Elise van der Reis Terry & Marcia Reisman Jack & Jill Reiter Guillermo & Maggie Retchkiman Ron & Jessica Rodman Alan & Debra Rosenthal David & Becky Rosenbaum Jeff & Lillian Rosenberg Frances & Kenneth Rosen Steve Rossman Jon & Jamie Rubenstein Richard & Cessy Rubinson Steven & Cindy Rudin Jorge & Stacey Ruiz Scott & Michelle Sarason Bobby & Lorraine Schatzman Miriam Schenkman Shirley Schraub Kenneth Schurr & Valerie Manno Schurr Howard & Jill Schwartz Harlan & Randy Selesnick Alan & Karen Serure Jay & Susan Shapiro John & Donna Shepard Howard & Stacey Shoer Marlene Silverman & Gerald Backman Sean Simon & Perri Young Adam & Lila Smith Julio & Judy Snitcovsky Roger & Marti Snyder Brad & Lauren Sokol Steven & Staci Solomon William & Jean Soman Lindsay Spalding & Julie Steven Robert & Deborah Sperber Larry & Tracey Spiegelman Marty & Leslie Steinberg Bradley & Nancy Stein Martine & Eduardo Stern Tania & Rudy Stern Robert & Michele Wagner Stone Louise Stubins Clifford & Betty Suchman John & Jo Sumberg Monica & Myron Tanenbaum Jill Sachson Trattler Harley & Sherry Tropin Elion Vinocur & Rebecca Shull Vinocur Howard & Suzanne Wallach Michael & Julie Weiser Mitch & Alicia Widom Michael & Betty Wohl Carlos & Meredith Wolf Adam Yunis Robert & Karen Zinn 7