The Story of the Bay of the Holy Spirit


The Story of the Bay of the Holy Spirit
The following is the Spiritual Story
as it has unfolded to date. I thank
God that He allows me to be part
of His plan for this area.
Respectively Submitted;
Jerry J. Tomecek, Overseer,
9/26/94, 5/28/04
The Introduction...................................4
The Quest…………... ...........................6
The History……. ..................................4
The Last Revival.................................14
The God Seeking.................................18
The Grieving Of The Holy Spirit ......22
The Purity……. .................................26
The Last Revival................................30
The Final Chapter
The Last Hurrah ……………….34
The References ..................................38
Mobile Bay name was originally called the "Bay of the Holy Spirit".
The Mobilian Indians called the Bay "ECHUSE". The outline of the
recognizable "Bahía del Espítitu Santo" appear on the 1507 map of
Professor Martin Waldseemùller from University of St. Die(1). This
map was also the first map to use the name America.(2) Spain was
the first European nation known to claim what is now Alabama.
The Holy Grail search for the Bay of the Holy Spirit was fraught
with much confusion because of the features historically handed
down did not exactly fit the image in the viewers eye.
The following is an excerpt on page 20 (3) :" Neither land nor sea
expeditions located the ill-fated LaSalle expedition, but they did
find the long lost bay. The 1687 expedition finally determined, and
the 1693 expedition confirmed, that the ancient cartographic tradition was wrong. Mobile Bay was entered on May 22 and examined
with care. Since no important harbor had been discovered on the
coast between Tampico and Mobile, the Spaniards came to the reluctant conclusion that, despite the obvious lack of ideal advantages ascribed to the mythical Espíritu Santo bay, the broad but
shallow indentation of the coast at Mobile must be, in reality, the
one they were seeking. Accordingly, that sanctified name, Espíritu
Santo, was bestowed upon it. Thus the mystery was solved at
Chapter 1
In November 1991 during a church dinner cruise on Mobile Bay
with other ministers of the Word, the Holy Spirit spoke to me.
He said He was grieved, which upset me. Asking why, He said
"They stole my name of the Bay of the Holy Spirit". He then told me
to get the name restored back to it's original name.
Asking the question " Of the five billion people in the world, why
me ?" Then He said " Because you would listen and do it".
After checking with local governmental officials, I finally found that
the U.S.Department of Geology had the authority to officially restore the bays' name.
Proof was required of the original name; I then contacted the
U.S.Library of Congress and they graciously supplied verified copies of maps and other data which proved beyond a doubt the original name was " Bay of the Holy Spirit".
A part of the procedure to change required that I solicit local support. Sending information to the Mobile, Daphne and Fairhope city
governments and local churches, I requested their support of the
restoration of the bays' name.
A local TV reporter, having heard my request voiced in a open Mobile City meeting, then interviewed me about my mission. During
the interview at the Daphne Pier, he asked me "What if the change
doesn't occur ?". I answered, under the anointing, "that I was to do
what the Holy Spirit said, and that it was up to God to make it happen".
Prior to the quest and for years the Holy Spirit has been showing
me in dreams, visions and prophetic confirmations that I was to be
the Overseer of His Bay.
Also he was providing me a physical location, called Sanctuary
West ( the most westerly location from Jerusalem to the Bay of the
Holy Spirit), located on the Eastern Shore on the highest hill overlooking the Bay where visitors from all over the world would come
for His WORD to be set free.
I thank God for his faithfulness and power in my life through Jesus.
And that the manifestations coming will shake the lethargic/ lazy /
asleep Christians and also jar the lost of the world to realize the
soon coming of Jesus and to be ready.
Chapter 2
Now the second part of the history... During the year 1170, a sea
faring Prince named Madoc(4) ( red haired, blue eyed ) from the
Country of Wales landed upon what is now known as the eastern
shore. ( Indian descendants can be seen locally today with red hair
and blue eyes) "Preceding Columbus by hundred's of years"
God was preparing a land for His will and purpose, settled through
the visitors from the "Old World" escaping there religious persecution.
The warring spirit of the local Indians, Settlers and the invasion of
DeSoto from Tampa (1540) created an environment to breed deception and greed, and caused contention with the local Indians.
The capitol of Louisiana was moved from Mobile (1720) to Biloxi
and then to New Orleans in 1722. This then aided the spread of
the hatred and sin fomented in the Bay area.
1721 was the next invasion of corruption and bondage when a
Mississippi company brought 1300 black slaves into the Mobile
area. This particular act was so horrendous and pervasive, that
multitudes of other evil spirits were also welcomed by it and entered into the area.
The Catholic church was so concerned by this act of oppressive
slavery that they brought forth "Code Noir" ( Black Code ) which required adequate food, clothing and instruction in Catholic religion
for Negroes. It forbade marriage between whites and Negroes and
excluded Jewish immigrants from the French colonies.
The next religion in the bay area was in 1788 - St. Peters Episcopal. In 1813, a Baptist Church was started in Oyster Bay by Rev.
Peter Hanson.
On December 14, 1819 Alabama became a state in the Union.
The Civil war ( 1861- 1865 ) pitted brother against brother in this
war which took one million lives ( mostly from effects of diseases of
the wounds ) and cost $15 Billion dollars.
The Eastern Shore Battle of Spanish Fort and Blakely started Jan.
18, 1865, delayed unto March 17, 1865, for the siege of Mobile.
With 43,000 Union troops against 14,000 Confederate. The Battle
was so fierce that 1,000 men lost lives in 10 minutes. Altogether
more than 2,000 men died at Blakely many were buried in unidentified graves and forgotten. Only 150 Confederates escaped. Ironically, the battle was unneeded because Lee had already surrendered to Grant. Union took Mobile on April 12, 1865.
As is known in the Bible " ...there souls cry out from the beneath
the altar " is befitting such a terrible personal war.
Those spirits which had been invited into the area years before are
still pervasive and active as seen by: Mobile starting the "Mardi
Gras" celebration with it's devil masks, debauchery and public
drunkenness to give glory to Satan and his various demonic spirits.
To date historical signs in Mobile and Baldwin County ( Eastern
Shore) still boldly portend to the world there scars and horrors of
this sin ( slavery ) and carnage.
By not denouncing the sins of our forefathers we have effectively
been encouraging and embracing their sins. No longer are we to
remain ignorant to the devices of the Devil, but to rebuke and take
authority over the land and Satan as given to us in Christ's words.
How long must we wait to realize and act as Jesus said "Love your
Brother as yourself for the love of Me"?
There are many churches, with different thoughts( doctrines) about
the correct way to serve God! What is the "Correct" doctrine. That
which fulfills Jesus edict to " teach the Word to the World", "to
serve God in Truth and Spirit", "and which doesn't add to or take
away from the written Bible word".
God made us all different with different flavors, mannerisms and
colors. But Spirit Filled, Born Again Christians are "Brothers in
Christ" and we should submit to the authority of the Holy Spirit, and
to one another in "Love".
To submit to the Holy Spirit we must get to know Him. Prayer
(talking) to the Holy Spirit. Fellowship by loving, worshiping, praising the Father and Jesus do we give the Holy Spirit the open invitation to speak to us in a tangible way. As you commune with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit continually, seeking what the Father has
for your life, new and exciting miracles of the Gifts of God will become manifest in your life for His glory.
To submit in Love, we must get to know our "Brothers". By fellowship, praying together and joint activities. Esteeming not one
above another.
The time of the end is short, no more games, forget the " me mine
and ours " attitude. If you are not prayed up, and being that Jacob
generation, then your effect swill be null and lifeless.
Only by dying to yourself and letting Christ shine through your life
will your destiny be complete. To have meaning and victory you
have only to submit, according to the Word, to become a light unto
the feet of those seeking the GLORY of God...
Chapter 3
As the truth is revealed about circumstances and events surrounding the Bay of the Holy Spirit, and you become opened in your
Spirit, you should respond to fulfill GOD'S destiny for your life.
I have over the last few years heard about people being drawn to
this bay area. Some saying they didn't know why, but they had to
move here. Some saying they know they will be involved in something that is centered around the Bay of the Holy Spirit.
There is very little in the physical to draw people here, therefore I
know the drawing is Spiritual and for them to be involved in a Spiritual Awakening, in the Last Revival to give GOD the Glory in all
In the summer of 1992 I was lead to, by the Spirit of God, with
some Christian friends, to go down to the Daphne Pier shore and
commit the beginning of the revival to GOD pleasure's. I made a
small wooden cross, anointed it with oil and then held it in the lapping waves of the bay. After praying in tongues, I then planted the
cross out the water line higher on the sand.
This act was later shown to me to fulfill a dream I had concerning
the last revival. The dream showed the brackish brown color of the
bay changing to a blood red ( starting on the Eastern Shore, north
of the Daphne shore), then filling the entire Bay then into the Gulf
of Mexico - eventually touching the whole world for Christ's sake.
When Doctor Cho, of Seoul Korea, was asked in about 1990 about
where the last revival would start: he took a world globe and
placed his finger on The Bay Of The Holy Spirit....
Various events of a sin nature ( IE: gambling, abortion, cult religions, false teachers, et al) are taking place in the bay area which
are meant to replace or eliminate GOD'S direction and influence of
men (and their destiny).
These events, if enveloped by individual's, will not allow time for
God's purpose and turn the person's life into a darkness. A darkness that gets deeper and deeper, with no
victory - no joy : only chasing of a elusive goal that provides only
self gratification and requires more of the same, until finally desperation. A path that leads only to destruction: of the soul and the
spirit and even the physical body.
I see in the entire population, specific affects on individuals. Our
youth is generally without any direction, looking to peers and walking a blind alley. Adults who find solace in every thing and every
circumstance, except: a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
This will never satisfy or fulfill the person's life.
Seek and become part of a church body, a church teaching the
whole Word in Spirit and in truth. A church where the Gifts of God
are in evidence, where the freedom of the your spirit can be a
blessing and you will be blessed.
Fulfill your destiny, be all that God has planned for you. Sometimes
with correction for your further walk, but in all things give God the
Glory, and let Jesus be your example and the Holy Spirit your
Chapter 4
I have been presenting the past history and some of the Spiritual
affects in the area of the Bay. During my conversations with long
time residences of the Eastern Shore, the comment that "people
used to go down to the shore line and pray and seek God" and that
at times there were many people doing so.
What has happened that we don't diligently seek God? Because
the spirit that was brought into the country at its founding, plus the
existing spirit in the natives have been growing and providing demonic effects. The slavery that was brought in originally, and now
has been legislated out by law ( but not in the spirit of man), is affecting all the races in the area.
I have began to see the deception spirit, attempting with very little
effort or battle, to corrupt the very elect. Not all believers are taken
in by this spirit, but to be prepared by prayer and supplication, to
rebuke and cast off this unholy spirit.
In the last couple of months two different ministries have presented
themselves to me, and they both seem on the outside to be worthy
and wholesome. But after inspection, prayer and supplication, the
true deceiving nature of these self serving, taking money from the
body, leading the body astray corrupt ministries was revealed.
Some Christians are taken in by the appearance of good. It is as if
the Body of Christ is seeking the miracles so much they will buy
into any plan, sign or activity which seems to reveal God's glory!
Saying "I see and experience the miracles and therefore it must be
of GOD."
Please, Body of Christ be aware that since we are in an geographic area were the Spirit of God first presented Himself in the
U.S. , that the demonic forces are strongest here, and will attempt
to "deceive the very elect.. Mark 13:22 ".
There is no new doctrine, that has been hidden since the beginning in the Bible, but only individual revelation as to the truth contained therein.
An interesting fact about the water of the Bay of the Holy Spirit:
while the land beneath and surrounding the water is owned by the
state and individuals; various governmental agencies ( Coast
Guard, DNR, Corps of Engineers ) have responsibility for items impacting the water, that NO PERSON OR AGENCY has the ownership or culpability of the water of the Bay. The reference to the
term "water" ( outpouring ) is used to point to the Holy Spirit.... and
is affecting everyone in the area, but no one has the control .....
very interesting!!!
As the environmentalists attempt by physical means to clean up
the pollution ( corruption ) of the Bay of the Holy Spirit, it is my purpose to see that the will of God is acted upon and that we support
by our prayers and activities those attempting to set straight the errors of our fore fathers.
This setting straight while appearing to cover only the physical, has
much more real impact and need in the spiritual area. The worsening of the spiritual life of the body is in part caused by the still smoldering underlying deception of slavery.
The forgiveness of past sins against your brother in Christ is the
first needed for healing and restoration to occur.
I see the attempts by individuals to heal the hurt in separate races,
but none of impact between races. The past sins are still festering
the spirit of man, and causing a seemingly peace.... but no real
There will a time soon that the pouring out of Gods' Spirit will be
evident and upright activity will be evident.
Please get into your relationship with God in a real way, not a religious way where the Pastor does your work, but were you do the
purpose for which you were brought into this world!
Chapter 5
It was during late 1991 that the Holy Spirit said to me He was
grieved and now it is time to discuss the grieving of the Holy Spirit.
Looking in Ephesians 4:30 we see " And grieve not the Holy Spirit
of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption".
The dictionary says " grieve- to cause to suffer, to burden", and
"blaspheme - to speak of or address with irreverence: blasphemy act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God"
As different Christians choose their doctrine ( definition of what
they believe from a historical stand point in their religion- denomination ) it is heard that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have different importance, and some, such as speaking in tongues is passé (not important) or not correct or even wrong. This in itself is tantamount to
denying God in His Word... GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT!!
The denial of any part of the Word of God is the same form that a
cult does when they pick and choose ( add to or take away from
the Word of God) what they profess to believe. Don't be part of denying some part of the Word of God.
Jesus came to save all, and He chose each person to come to
Him. Each soul is very important to God, therefore the bickering
between Christians is putting yourself above another brother in
Christ. Since the Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus, as Jesus leads us
to the Father God, we must not allow the difference in personalities
to affect our relationship with God's chosen people.. GRIEVING
We are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, which
means that we could lose our redemption if we GRIEVED THE
Because we are held accountable for every word we speak, we
must at all times and in all things guard our tongue so not to allow
any GRIEVING. We must, must immediately ask for forgiveness of
the party involved and also ask God for His forgiveness... so we
don't go against His Word.
If you are harboring a secret hate or unforgiveness against another
person, REPENT from your evil ways. Don't GRIEVE God by going
against His chosen people. Hidden unforgiveness will also cause
you other maladies in your physical life.
How do you grieve God? By allowing something or somebody to
come between you and God. This is called sin, while of course if
you separate yourself from God it grieves Him. What ever action
you do that takes your walk away from Gods purpose for your life
People have said that gambling is good when they personally
benefit financially. Even to the point of admitting that "luck or
chance" is how there are walking their life. This of course is saying
that GOD is not in charge, but some unknown force (chance) is
how there life is controlled...GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!
When you spend time, the only thing you own ( you affect by your
actions through time ) in foolish self interests, not doing what GOD
has for you to do... you are not a good steward of your only asset.
Please remember only you will stand at the judgment of Christ and
give account of your actions.
The Bay of the Holy Spirit was at one time a place where individuals would go to receive healing of there physical body. As we be-
come more calloused have we forgotten the faith provided by the Word
of GOD?
Chapter 6
The confirmation of where the last revival will start was provided by
Dr. Cho (Korea ) when he responded to the question, by pointing
to a world globe and put his finger on the BAY OF THE HOLY
This last revival will be to establish the "PURE" relationship with
A separation of the sheep and the goats is already underway.
Those who desire the status quo or a worldly self righteous religion
have hardened there heart and are building a wall of there separation.
The separation walls of new buildings, condemnation, more social
events all to no avail... only having the LOVE OF CHRIST and doing His WORD will satisfy the hunger.
The return of the Lord of Lords for His spotless bride is not far off,
awaiting the cleansing. This cleansing will be a time of HIS correction, to cleanse the Christian from the Spiritual errors of his way.
It will cause "weeping and gnashing of teeth" and is for the purifying of His Body.
In Jeremiah 3:11-15 we see where "the backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah" but God says to
"acknowledge thine iniquity.. turn O backsliding children" and "I'll
not cause mine anger to fall upon you".
Allow God to cleanse you, and become "pure" in His sight again; to
not have to be corrected by Father God.
THINGS will become less important and be sought only for actual
physical needs. The prosperity will be in the manner things are to
be used for the benefit of the Body cleansing and restoration to
Already a part of HIS BODY is being prepared and has been prepared to administer the healing power of "Balm of Gilead" to HIS
People who have been pushed aside because they are not "main
stream", but who have a pure walk with God are being made available to lead and assist those who desire the pure, unspotted life as
spoken of in John 12:26.
The anti-christ spirit is already putting forth false and misleading
ministrations to "deceive the very elect". The purpose is to cause
division in the Body of Christ. Don't try to force your Brother or Sister in Christ, who accept false doctrines, to fall away.
Let the WORD be a light unto your feet, and be wise not to embrace the same error while you minister.
Your ministration is by the WORD, not emotion or human manipulation. Be what Christ put you here to show: His love and compassion wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove.
"We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us; for we
have sinned against the Lord our God" Jeremiah 3:25. As the
world today shuns God and His Word, we see all the prophecies
coming true, and the mass hysteria becoming more pervasive.
All forms of release from the pressure is being sought in the World;
New Age religion, false cults, drugs, sex, horrendous perversions,
replacing true with false, any thing to make the pressure go away.
Only a "pure" Christian provides the insight ( by the Holy Spirit) to
lead the sinners and fallen Christians to the victory in Christ.
We as "pure" Christians have the obligation, as spoke of in the
Word, to be that light drawing all people to Christ Jesus. Going out
and being that Witness of the Word and with a "pure" heart leading
the ones who will, to the eternal life with God...
Chapter 7
The "Church" as is know it today has missed the mark. When comparing the "Church" to the world, there is no apparent difference.
Yes, some fellowships are doing His Word, but far more are content with the me, mine and ours attitude. Creating rule upon rule to
put the people in bondage to their "church" format. Creating a bigger edifice to their arrogance. It is a stench in the nostrils of God
when the gifts are spoiled upon the individual, and the needs of the
lost / needy are neglected or subjugated to "moral equivalency"
As more pressure is put upon the "church" and trials become more
dramatic, the false gods of the love of money; distractions to lead
astray the believer will become a mill stone around the neck of the
luke warm and reprobate. So much so that reality of the Word will
create the circumstance of repentance or death ( separation).
Another aspect of the Last Revival will be the "firing up" of the visible "leaders : evangelist, preacher, etc" who through the continued
practice of their "vocation" have lost the fire of the Word. Going
through their ministrations on automatic, sometimes with the
glossed over zombie like stare, while at other times performing
their "show" with little or no conviction. Some will fall to the way
side, not willing to become involved in the revival.
We are to give our all to Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and to the
Father ( Abba) and the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has been neglected, lied upon and even call to no
effect or passé. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our Life is as the
comforter, guide , ever present person sent by Jesus. All prayer
leads to the Father. Some from the gifts of the Holy Spirit through
the atonement of Jesus and to Glorify Adonai.
We are providing water baptism in the Bay of the Holy Spirit to
bring the next manifestation of the spreading of the last revival
( see the revelation in previous part 3). No man will be glorified, but
only Jehovah.
Are you doing what God has put on your heart? Even though it has
been years, renew your effort with prayer and supplication.
We are coming close to the end of this dispensation. To the soon
coming of Jesus Christ. Are you ready?
Please check out our web site:
The Last Hurrah
Chapter 8
Never in my life did I expect to be alive in the most exciting time of
We have had major changes in the paradigm of life.
Attacks on America from external enemies. Attacks on Gods directions and commandments
People are trying to destroy the blessings. America is becoming a
God Less Society / world. This was all spoken of in the Bible and
is literally occurring before our eyes.
God’s plan is to have one last revival ( in-gathering) in the area of
the Bay of the Holy Spirit. He has been preparing the arena
through the Holy Spirit restoring His name. This last revival is going to be unlike any before. It is being orchestrated by God,
through His Holy Spirit. Only God will be Glorified. Various pseudo
“prophets, apostles” have attempted to usurp Gods authority and
try to support non Godly revivals/ movements for their own financial / prideful purposes.
Through the murkiness and deceit, God raises His standard for
one last time. His mercy endures forever,
Eighteen years ago, the Holy Spirit gave me favor to get His name
restored to the Bay of the Holy Spirit. An effort that is to remain
pure . As the Overseer of the Bay I’m to make sure that there is no
manipulation to steal Gods purpose and Glory.
At the anointed dedication of the historic sign on June 14,2008,
the first step in God’s restoration plan was completed.
Placed on the bay at the intersection of I-10 (exit 30) and I-98 the
sign boldly proclaims the restoration of God’s Holy Spirit for this
Now, onto the next step; getting recognition and restoration of the
Bay of the Holy Spirit on world geographic maps. So all people
will recognize and accept the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
During the time of testing, ( 18 years) every thing to detract me
from the purpose was tried. From prostituting the Name of God
saying,”I should bottle the water and claim Gods healing power in
it”. Other people groups tried to jump on board to share Gods
glory. Some want me to join their “church denomination”. Some
tempting me with money and prestige, so they could take a personal elevated position within their groups.
Most of the “established church” (except one) essentially ignored
me, or disdain my efforts. If I didn’t line up with their doctrine, they
would entreat me initially, then ignore and refuse to even read the
monthly newsletter. I thank God that His Holy Spirit has given me
discernment as to the devices of the Satan. As with all the previous saints ( apostles) this task is a solitary path. Occasional a
helper will enjoin the effort, but unless rooted in the whole Word,
also fall to the side.
My purpose has always been to give God the Glory. I will continue to
boldly proclaim His name and Honor His person. ( I don’t want some
stone doing my praise) in Luke 19:40 And he answered and said, “I tell
you that, if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out.”
Gods plan for you is to accept the Savior, Jesus and be in fellowship
with Him forever. You don’t have to, but at the last event “ all knees will
bow and all confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” It is looming on the horizon. Time is short. Prepare in advance, so you won’t be caught wanting.
(1) Ref: "Alabama, A Documentary History to 1900". Author Lucille Griffith.
University of Alabama Press;
University , Alabama. page 2
Second Ref: "Mobile of the Five Flags". Author Peter J.Hamilton,
Printing Company; Mobile,
Alabama. page 5
(2) Copy available at Library of Congress, Geography & Map Group,
Attention: Mr.
Tom DeClaire, Washington, DC. 20540 , Madison Building on the Hill,
Phone 202-7076277
(3) Ref: "A Documentary Study of Native American Life in the Lower
Valley". Author George E. Lankford. Black Warrior- Tombigbee Project,
July 1981 (First Draft)
(4) "Brief history of Baldwin County by L.J.Newcomb Cornings and
Martha M.Allen,
Admiral Farraguts' Map on file at Mobile Public Library, Genealogy Division , Government
Ave. Mobile,AL.
Overseer Jerry J. Tomecek
I am available to bring forth this testimony of
restoration to interested groups and churches.
For further information, contact me at Sanctuary West, 8582 County Road #34, Fairhope.
AL 36532
Sanctuary West 1994