Ms. Tracie Sober NQvember 7,2012 Valley Well Drilling, LLC
Ms. Tracie Sober NQvember 7,2012 Valley Well Drilling, LLC
o Q WILLIAM J. AILA. JR. NEIL ABERCROMBIE CHAIRPERSON GOVERNOR OF HAWAII WILLIAM D. BALFOUR. JR. SUMNER ERDMAN LORETTAJ. FUDDY. A.C.S.W .• M.P.H. NEALS. FUJIWARA JONATHAN STARR TEDYAMAMURA WILLIAM M. TAM STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU. HAWAII 96809 NQvember 7,2012 3306-25.pip.ext I Ms. Tracie Sober Valley Well Drilling, LLC 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, HI 96707 Dear Ms. Sober: Extension of Pump Installation Permit for Well No. 3306-25 This is in response to your email letter dated October 15,2012 requesting an extension for the compl~tion date of the NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25). Your request is approved. Your new completion date is January 5, 2013. All other conditions of your permit remain the same. If you have any questions, please contact Charley Ice of the Commission staff at 587-0218. Sincerely, WILLIAM M. TAM Deputy Director CI:ss c: Mark and Wendy Song 4' • . • o o "Tracie Sober" <[email protected]> 11/05/2012 11 :35 AM To <Charley.F.lce@hawaiLgov> cc bcc Subject RE: 3306-25 NSLF-13 Sure. Ken Simon sold this property to Mark Song. From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, November 05,201210:52 AM To: [email protected] Subject: 3306-25 NSLF-13 We want to extend this permit. Who is the current owner? The application says Ken Simon, Menehune Water Co., and emails say Mark Song. Any relation? Is Mark associated with Menehune? o o • Tammy Desaki <[email protected] m> 10/16/201208:20 AM To <charley [email protected]> cc bcc Subject Mark Song Pump Letter of Extension Hi Charley, I attached a letter of extension for Mark Song pump. Please let me know if anything else is needed. Thank you, Tammy Desakl Valley Well Drilling 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, HI 96707 Ph: 682-1767 Fax: 682-176C -m Mark Song Pump Letter of Extension. pdf o VALLEY WELL DRILLING, LLC 91-458 Komohana Street· Kapolei, Hawaii 96707 ~• • • •=~~~~;':;-1767 • Fax S08-682-1768 • C-57 License 1124947 10/15/12 Commission On Water Resource Management Charley Ice, ? The ow'ner of the NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25) well lives out of state and just completed construction. He is asking for an extension for the pump installation. He will install the pump upon receipt of the letter of extension. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Sober or Tracie Sober at 682-1767. Sincerely, Jeff Sober W Search Results Page 1 of 1 o Search criteria: TMK Taxkey 1-6-6-28-13 PUBLIC RECORD DATA Taxkey r 1-6-6-28-13 • Subdjy/Condo .Bda .IRbi Land area Ljy area Last Sale J.nm Inr Address F 66-1444 SONG, MARK E 0 KAUKONAHUA& WENDY E Owner/Lessee 0 2.43 ac o 8/26/2009 DEED $5 RD This information has been supplied by third parties and has not been independently verified by Hawaii Information Service and is therefore not uaranteed. Copyright ©10/25/2012 by Hawaii Information Service 10/25/2012 a o D ''Tracie Sober n <[email protected]> To <Charley.F.lce@hawaiLgov> cc 03/06/2011 02:17 PM Please respond to <tracie@vwdhLcom> bcc Subject RE: 3306-25 Charley, Can we request an extension for PIP for well number 3306-25. There are new owners for the property and they had sent their contractor Richard to inquire on the requirements}or a building permit Mark Song {(w..~ t-vt. It" r< I AJ, r 35 Pembroke ' ~iJ ,~ Irvine, CA 92618 ph# (949)922-9901 email: [email protected] Thanks, Tracie C (J From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 2:39 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: real busy Actually, because we already issued the cancellation, after checking, it would be better to have a fuller picture of the situation with the ownership. For the record. "Tracie Sober" <tracie@vwdhLcom> 03/02/2011 01 :59 PM To <Charley.F.lce@hawaiLgov> cc Subject RE: real busy Please respond to <tracie@vwdhLcom > Charlie, Can I request an extension for the PIP for 3306-25? Thanks, Tracie From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 201112:05 PM To: [email protected] Subject: keeping busy o o NEIL ABERCROMBIE WILLIAM J. AI LA, JR. GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON WILLIAM D. BALFOUR, JR. SUMNER ERDMAN NEAL S. FUJIWARA DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. LORETTA J. FUDDY, A.C.S.w., M.P.H. STATE OF HAWAII WILLIAM M. TAM DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 March 10,2011 3306-25.pip.ext Ms. Tracie Sober Valley Well Drilling, LLC 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, HI 96707 Dear Ms. Sober: Extension of Well ConstructionlPump Installation Permit for Well No. 3306-25 This is in response to your letter dated March 6, 2011 requesting an extension for the completion date of the NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25). Your request is approved. Your new completion date is January 5, 2012. All other conditions of your permit remain the same. If you have any questions, please contact Charley Ice of the Commission staff at 587-0218. Sincerely, WILLIAM M. TAM Deputy Director CI:ss c: Mark Song l~t··"~ _____________________________________ o "Tracie Sober n <[email protected]> 03/06/2011 02: 17 PM o To <[email protected]> ee bee RE: 3306-25 Charley, Can we request an extension for PIP for well number 3306-25. There are new owners for the property and they had sent their contractor Richard to inquire on the requirements for a building permit Mark Song 35 Pembroke Irvine, CA 92618 ph# (949)922-9901 email: [email protected] Thanks, Tracie From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 2:39 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: real busy Actually, because we already issued the cancellation, after checking, it would be better to have a fuller picture of the situation with the ownership. For the record. "Trade Sober" <[email protected]> 03/02/2011 01 :59 PM To <Charley.F.lce@hawaiLgov> cc Subject RE: real busy Please respond to <[email protected] > Charlie, Can I request an extension for the PIP for 3306-25? Thanks, Tracie From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 12:05 PM To: [email protected] Subject: keeping busy e How's it going? 1) You mentioned that you had info on those Kunia BMW wells; did you find any compeltion reports? 2) You're gonna laugh (I think): that NSLF-13 well (3306-25) that we just cancelled the PIP for (expired, you should get the letter tomorrow.) -- the guy walked into our office asking how to get something for the building department to issue a permit (do I need a well?), and 10 and behold, all he really needs to do is get you to request a PIP extension (despite the awkward timing, we should be OK with that). His name is Richard. Let the fun begin. Q .. ~ WILLIAM J. AI LA, JR. NEIL ABERCROMBIE INTERIM CHAIRPERSON GOVERNOR OF HAWAII WILLIAM D. BALFOUR, JR. SUMNER ERDMAN NEAL S. FUJIWARA DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, MD., J.D. WILLIAM M. TAM DEPUTY DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 March 1,2011 3306-25.exp.not Ms. Tracie Sober Valey Well Drilling, LLC 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, HI 96707 Dear Ms. Sober: Expiration of Pump Installation Permit for Well No. 3306-25 This is notice that your Pump Installation Permit for the NSLF 13 Well (Well No. 3306-25) expired on January 5, 20 II. While the well construction permitted at the same time has been completed and certificated, we understand that no work was done on pump installation and there are no current plans to do so; therefore, the permit expiration date will not be extended. You can reapply for a new permit at any time in the future should you decide to recommence this activity. The completed well must remain capped and locked until further notice. If no pump is to be installed, application should be made to seal the well. If plans change the expected use to more than individual domestic use, a water use permit application must be filed. Please be aware that no further work should be done on this well without a valid signed permit nor can it be pumped without valid well and pump completion certificates. Work without a valid and active permit or failure to adhere to conditions of the permit is a violation of the state water code and may be subject to fines of up to $5,000 per day. If you have any questions, please contact Charley Ice of the Commission staff at 587-0218. Sincerely, M"'--""""~ WILLIAM M. TAM Deputy Director CI:ss c: Menehune Water Company • 44."'. o o "Tracie Sober n <[email protected]> 02122/2011 03:11 PM Please respond to <tracie@vwdhLcom> To <Charley.F [email protected]> cc bcc Subject RE: loose ends Yes to both. Thanks, Tracie From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 22,201111:16 AM To: [email protected] Subject: loose ends 3401-01 Hakerly ((Waialua): expired ... dead? 3306-25 NSLF 13 (Waialua): PIP expired ... dead? CO~SION FROM: ~tri 5Z INIT. TO: CHENG, C. CHING, F. CHONG,R. DANBARA, S. ENGLAND, D. FUJII, N. HARDY,R. k HOAGBIN, S. ICE, C. IMATA, R. ~ KAWAHARA, K. KIMURA,J. L DATE: fi 4/P/0 'I TO: SUSPENSE DATE: INIT: Y\~ fAJ,L~ tJSLf PLEASE: Approval ~ Signature ~ Information 4- ~(V\~(la.. ------------------- FOR: I KUNIMURA.I. MILLS, D. OHYE, L. OHYE,M. ___ OSHIRO, K. SAKODA, E. SWANSON, S. TORRES, R. UYENO, D. YODA, K. YOSHINAGA, M "'My twiftAlt-t,.· St-A-n (11/08) ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGgENT See Me Review & Comment Take Action Type Draft ~ Type Final File Xerox _ copies --1:- is ~ ""~ (Iff J r ~ ",ct ~$ DWr\l,( tv--L c "Tracie Sober" <[email protected]> o 04/20/200912:25 PM o To <Denise.E.Mills@hawaiLgov> ce bee Subject Well#3306-25 Aloha Denise. I just received the certificate of well completion for the above NSLF-13 well. Sean Ginella is not the landowner for this prope Can you please s below: Menehune Water Company 99-1205 Halawa Valley Street Aiea, HI 96701 Thanks, Tracie .. " o o / LAURA H. THIELEN LINDA LINGLE CHAIRPERSON GOVERNOR OF HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. STATE OF HAWAII KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 April 21, 2009 / 3306-25 cwcc2 Mr. Ken Simon Menehune Water Company 99-1205 Halawa Valley St. Aiea, HI 96701 Dear Mr. Simon: Certificate of Well Construction Completion for Well No. 3306-25, TMK (1) 6-6-028:013 We are pleased to inform you that the Well Construction work permitted for the Well NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25) is complete and acceptable. To protect Hawaii's natural ground water resources for the benefit of all, the following requirements apply to the use of your well: 1. Before this well can be pumped on a regular basis, a certificate of pump installation completion must be obtained. 2. If the well is not in use it must be properly capped. 3. If the well is to be abandoned then the landowner must cause a licensed contractor to apply for a well abandonment permit in accordance with § 13-168-12(t), HAR prior to any well sealing or plugging work. 4. In the event that the well operator andlor landowner changes, the Commission shall be notified prior to the change. 5. In the event the benchmark in the con~rete base ofthe well is altered in any way, an updated version of the Well Elevation page ofthe WeI1 Completion Report Part I shall be submItted to the Commission. If a licensed surveyor had estImated the original benchmark elevation then a licensed surveyor must establish the new benchmark elevation. The Well Elevation portion of the Well Completion Report Part I can be obtained by contacting Commission staff or from our website at www.hawaiLgov/dlnr/cwrm/resources-.permits.htm. 6. If your well produces less than 70 gallons per minute, and no elevation survey has been completed, you may be required to do one in the future. Because groundwater in Hawaii is a public trust, and adverse effects at one well may affect other water resources, any violation of the above conditions, or any other provision of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, may be subject to fines of up to $5,000/day. The CommiSSIon needs your help and asks that you to do your part in utilizing this shared resource. We prefer to work with you in meeting the goal of protecting our ground water resources together. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. Sincerely, 4{~~i~ ~ty Direc~iHi DEM:ss c: Honolulu Board of Water Supply Valley Well Drilling, LLC o o LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON / MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, PE. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 April 16, 2009 / 3306-25 cwcc Mr. Sean Ginella North Shore Land & Farming, LLC 95-1064 Kowa Street Mililani, HI 96789 Dear Mr. Ginella: Certificate of Well Construction Completion for Well No. 3306-25, TMK (1) 6-6-028:013 We are pleased to inform you that the Well Construction work permitted for the Well NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25) is complete and acceptable. To protect Hawaii's natural ground water resources for the benefit of all, the following requirements apply to the use of your well: I. Before this well can be pumped on a regular basis, a certificate of pump installation completion must be obtained. 2. If the well is not in use it must be properly capped. 3. If the well is to be abandoned then the landowner must cause a licensed contractor to apply for a well abandonment permit in accordance with § 13-168-12(f), HAR prior to any well sealing or plugging work. 4. In the event that the well operator and/or landowner changes, the Commission shall be notified prior to the change. 5. In the event the benchmark in the concrete base of the well is altered in any way, an updated version ofthe Well Elevation page of the Well Completion Report Part I shall be submItted to the Commission. If a licensed surveyor had estImated the original benchmark elevation then a licensed surveyor must establish the new benchmark elevation. Hie Well Elevation portion of the Well Completion Report Part I can be obtained by contacting Commission staff or from our website at 6. If your well produces less than 70 gallons per minute, and no elevation survey has been completed, you may be required to do one in the future. Because groundwater in Hawaii is a public trust, and adverse effects at one well may affect other water resources, an)' violation of the above conditions, or any other provision of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, may be subject to fines of up to $5,000/day. The CommiSSIon needs your help and asks that you to do your part in utilizing this shared resource. We prefer to work with you in meeting the goal of protecting our ground water resources together. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. Sincerely, DEM:ss c: Honolulu Board of Water Supply Valley Well Drilling, LLC ................ ---------------------------------------------------------- ~------.-'- o o LINDA LINGLE I LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. DEPUTY DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 April 16, 2009 I 3306-25 wcrl.acc.doc Ms. Tracie Sober 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, HI 96707 Dear Ms. Sober: Well Completion Report Part I for Well No. 3306-25 We received ~ur Well Completion Report Part I for the Well NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25) on March 31, 2009 and acknowledge that it is complete. This completes your obligation under the well construction permit. A certificate of well construction completion will be issued to the well operator/landowner and you will receive a copy. This certificate transfers responsibility of sp~cific aspects of well usage and maintenance from you to the well operator/landowner. . If you have any questions, please co~tact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. ! Sincerely, DEM:ss c: Sean Ginella ----------------------------------------"''' M~MO and ROUT~LlP 0 (ver. 02109/09) 04/01/09 I WCR 1 Check for 1. Well No. 3306-25 (regulation/survey route) From Charle@enis~yan -!flY' (initial) 2. Well Log Check Geology Code for Well Index: m- vYn 3. Pump Tests Check Denise Mills Fm Name~f).IlU (initial) l0 Yes No .Engla~ (initial) tfv\\' ~V\)j)O ~ . Step-Drawdown Test: followed WCPI Stds analysis attached 0 0 0 0 ~ gpm no test required Constant Rate Test: followed WCPI Stds analysis attached 0 0 0 0 ~pm no test required Potential Well Interference: 0 0 Potential Stream Impacts: 0 0 Additional Testing or Data Required: 0 0 Pump Test Comments Attached: 0 0 Proposed Pump Capacity is OK.: 0 0 R. Torres -?(initial) 4. Construction Check Mitch Ohye If no. describe deficiency Longitude Latitude NAD27 NAD83 5. l.--\ l. \ Charl~eni~Ryan ---4'W"I-=---- (initial) ?~ " '-:-( . \ SC{, \l,.. ~'1 () c\ T0 f~ (,;;; 4 take action based on above analYSis ATTACHMENTS FOR PUMP INSTALLATION PERMIT (2x): 1 COVER LETTER 2 COUNTY COMMENTS (DWS/SMA) 3 DOH COMMENTS 4 DLNR COMMENTS (LD/OCCUDHP) V 5 WCR 1 Accept 6 WELL CONST. COMPLETION CERTIFICATE V ~not } necessary - only WCP or BOTH. To be sent to driller/pump installer <------ To } 6. 7. 8. 9. 1O. 1"1 Landowner Staff internal checks Roy ~ _(in"' ) check (Entere~ WCR 1IWCCC accept date into database) Sus~' (initial) finalize Ken (initial signature Mitch JLnitial) Entered PIP issue date if attached/required Charle}(fienis~an File - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ .,111. . . o o State of Hawaii / COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Department of Land and Natural Resources o WELL COMPLETION REPORT - PART I Well Construction Instructions: Please print in ink or type and send completed report (with attachments, if applicable) to the Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. The Commission may not accept incomplete reports. This form shall be submitted within 60 days of the completion of work. For assistance, please consult the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards or call the Regulation Branch at 587-0225. For updates to this form or additional information, please visit our website at http:/ ?~a ~ ., 2~ 1. State Well No.: Well Name: 2. Address: 3. Drilling Company: 4. Drilling method used during construction: 5. Date Well Construction (drilled,cased,grouted) completed: ntr Z( T;; Rotary Tax Map Key: 1 ~ ,',' II t c· I. Island: rOCi3 0 ft \<~~ f?®4 hYf'l fZc\· Vq \ielt Pn IhnJ J ltG 014 ja'tt •• \-.-C: _O~q:.:..;h~ti_ __ h-(o- 01 ~ ~Ol~ D Percussion D Other (describe) ~·l~·Oq Attach Completed Driller's Log month/day/year 6. Was the subject well cored? 7. Step-Drawdown Test completed? 8. Constant Rate D Yes ~ No pq No D Yes Attach Step-Drawdown Test form (12117/97 SDPTD Fonn) D Yes Attach Constant Rate Reference point After casing installation (this information should be before any pump tests are performed with casing installed) Chloride: ~ ppm, Temperature: 19 .'1 OF note: to mean sea subtract the depth to the water leve/. 12. As-built section filled in completely ~ 13. Photograph of well and concrete pad showing benchmark on concrete pad attached ~ 14. GPS coordinates provided in degrees, minutes, seconds 1i'J 15. If a pump is not planned to be installed, please describe (below in the remarks section) how well is secured to prevent unauthorized access (example: lockable cover, threaded coupling, etc.) 16. Remarks: Vb.}1U /SeAfi ("liVl( f!({. 4fJ-/ Dbtf NCI£ /UWA. a- Mili/Mi/ HI '1t:fgq Licensed Driller (print) Signature C-57 Lic. No. ---='b=-¥l,,;.....;..~..:....1"_ _ _ _ __ Date --=:.,3--,';~O:......·-=-09.:....-_ _ __ WCR1 Form 6112107 Page 1 of 5 J'tl!III! o o 12. AS-BUILT WELL SECTION (Please attach as-built if different from diagram provided below) 141.~ . / Elevation at top of casing ft., msl*", I-(to nearest 0.01 ft.) --~ - Hole Oiameter: _....,\O,,--_,in. t I ~ ~ Minimum of 2' Radius & 4" Thick Concrete Pad - Ground Elevation: Bench mark elevation: 110ft., msl 0 Surveyed 0 Estimated Please refer to the ~ft.,msl* 0 Cement Grout: ft. (min. 70% of distance from ground elevation to top of water surface or 500 ft., whichever is less.) o (Surveyed to nearest 0.01 ft.) J\ (Estimated) I _'l._ .;.: [ I':;):."'.' to ensure that your as-built is in compliance with applicable standards. -: [\::: Annular space between hole and casing (1.5" for positive displacement, 3" for other methods): Grouting method: D(, Positive displacement (if annular space is less than two inches, attach photo oftremie) o Other HAWAII WELL CONSTRUCTION AND PUMP INSTALLATION STANDARDS :-;. Solid Casing: (~90% x (Ground Elev.-Water Level Elev» .. .. :,,- ':~' .; .:. Length: ',':', \ ~ NominalOiameter: Wall Thickness: in. ft. ~ in. Q. Zio in. ~IQ Bottom Elevation: ft., msl Rock or Gravel Packing: -:-:--:-,q7--:~_ ft. Open Casing: Material: 1-- Perforated o Screen ~O l(I Crushed Basalt Length: o Rounded Gravel Nominal Oiameter: ft. b in. Q.nD Wall Thickness: in. ~OO Bottom Elevation: ft., msl TotalOepth Iq~ ft. Open Hole: "-lAo I L_~ ft. Length: Oiameter: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in. __________ Bottom Elevation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ft., msl *msl = mean sea level Solid Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): And compliant with (check one or more): Stainless Steel: (check one): 0 ANSI/AWWA C200 0 API Spec. 5L 0 ASTM A242 or A606 0 Type E 0 ASTM A409 (production wells) ABS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) 0 ASTM A53 0 Type S 0 ASTM A139 0 Grade B 0 Other 0 ASTM A312 (monitor wells) 0 Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 .l\ Schedule 40 PVC Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Thermoset Plastic: (check one) 0 Filament Wound Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 0 Schedule 80 0 Schedule 120 o Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 o Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 o Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to AWWA C950 o PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 o FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 Open Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): And compliant with (check one or more): Stainless Steel: (check one): 0 ANSI/AWWA C200 0 ASTM A242 or A606 0 API Spec. 5L 0 Type E 0 ASTM A409 (production wells) ABS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) 0 ASTM A139 0 Grade B 0 Other 0 ASTM A312 (monitor wells) 0 Schedule 40 PVC Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Thermoset Plastic: (check one) 0 ASTM A53 0 Type S 0 Schedule 80 X Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 0 Schedule 120 0 Filament Wound Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 o Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 o Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 o Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to AWWA C950 o PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 o FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 WCR1 Form 6112107 Page 2 of 5 e State of Ha!ii For Official Use Only: COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Department of Land and Natural Resources DRILLER'S LOG 09 M.\E 31 A 9: 56 Well Number: 3306-25 -------------------- Depths (ft.) Rock description, Water level, etc. Dates Depths (ft.) 0 to 11 stiff clay, It. brown, soft 3/19/09 to 11 to 13 boulder, blue w/gray, med. hard 3/19/09 to 13 to 20 stiff clay, It. brown, soft 3/19/09 to 20 to 29 decomposed rock, dark brown, med. hard 3/19/09 to 29 to 35 It. brown, reddish rock, med. hard 3/19/09 to 35 to 39 hard blue basalt 3/19/09 to 39 to 41 red cinders, soft 3/19/09 to 41 to 100 hard blue basalt rock 3/19/09 to 100 to 110 red cinders, soft 3/20/09 to 110 to 119 hard blue basalt 3/20/69 to 119 to 126 red wlblack, blue cinders, soft 3/20109 to 126 to 130 hard blue fracture rock 3/20109 to 130 to 133 loose cinders, soft (red wlblack, blue) 3/20109 hit water at 130' bgs to 133 to 138 blue basalt, hard 3/20109 to 138 to 155 loose cinders, soft (red wlblack,blue) 3/20109 to 155 to 180 hard blue basalt 3/20109 to 180 to 195 loose cinders, soft (red wlblack,blue) 3/20109 to to Rock description, Water level, etc. Dates to Remarks: DL Form 06/24/2004 o EXAMPLE cJ:~ Lat: 19°36'45" Long: 154°57'18" k~ Attach photos of completed well and concrete pad NAD83: Latitude: ~ degrees 3, min 1'5·'" sec Longitude: ~ degrees ~ mi~ sec SKETCH OF WELL LOCATION (Referenced to permanent landmark, i.e. building, road, fence, etc.) Provide Latitude and Longitude of well referenced to NAD83 to nearest second weR1 Form 6112107 Page 4 of 5 2.\ o \5~ 0 f '9';) (J(o I Ir \'3.~ N ~4 .~ uf.l crUMP INSTALLATION PERMIT Well NSLF-13, Well No. 3306-25 0 Note: This permit shall be prominently displayed at the site until the work is completed In accordance with Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management's Administrative Rules, Section 13-168, entitled "Water Use, Wells, and Stream Diversion Works," this document permits the pump installation for Well NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25) at TMK (1) 6-6-028:013, Oahu, subject to the Hawaii Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (HWCPIS-February 2004) which include but are not limited to the following conditions: 1. The Chairperson to the Commission on Water Resouroe Management (Commission), P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809, shall be notified, in writing, at least two (2) weeks before any work covered by this permit commences and staff shall be allowed to inspect installation activities in accordance with § 13-168-15, H~waii Administrative Rules. 2. No withdrawal of water shall be made other than for t~sting until a Certificate of Pump Installation Completion has been issued by the Commission. I 3. This permit shall be prominently displayed, or made available, at the site of construction work until work is completed. 4. The pump installation permit shall be for installation of a 10-gpm-rated capacity pump or a lower capacity pump in the well. This permanent capacity may be reduced in the event that the pump test data does not support the capacity. 5. A water-level measurement access shall be permanently installed, in a manner acceptable to the Chairperson, to accurately record water levels. 6. The permittee shall install an approved meter or other appropriate means for measuring and reporting withdrawals and appropriate devices or means for measuring chlorides and temperature at the well head. 7. Well Completion Report Part II shall be submitted to the Chairperson within sixty (60) days after completion of work. This form can be obtained by contacting staff or on the internet at www.hawaiLgov/dlnr/cwrrnlresourcespermits.htm. ! 8. 9. The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and ordinances, and non-compliance may be grounds for revocation of this permit. The pump installation permit application and any relate~ staff submittal approved by the Commission are incorporated into this permit by reference. This permit is also subject to the Hwcpis. If the HWCPIS are not followed and as a consequence water is wasted or contaminated, a lien on the property may result. Any variances from the HWCPIS shall be approved by the Chairperson prior to invoking the variance. 10. The work proposed in the pump installation permit application shall be completed within two (2) years from the date of permit approval, unless otherwise specified. The permit may be extended by the Chairperson upon a showing of good cause and goodfaith performance. A request to extend the permit shall be submitted to the Chairperson no later than the date the permit expires. 11. The permittee, its successors, and assigns shall indeJify, defend, and hold the State of Hawaii harmless from and any loss, liability, claim, or demand for property damage, personal injury, or death arising out of any act o:c::P~ssion g e applicant, assigns, officers, employees, contractors, and agents under this permit or relating to or connected with ~ gnmting ofthis permit. 12. Special conditions in the attached cover transmittal letter are incorporated herein by reference. ~nst -- ': Date of Approval: Expiration Date: January 5, 2009 January 5, 2011 c... ~ , Chairper§9.n:':: CD ission on W er Resource ~gement· ~::~; C) I have read the conditions and terms of this permit and understand them. I accept and agree to meet these ~ditions as a prerequisite and underlying condition of my ability to proceed and understand that I shall not commence work until I and the pump installer have signed, dated, and returned the p,rmit to the Commission. I understand that this permit is not to be transferred to any other entity. I also understand that n'n-compliance with any permit condition may be grounds for revocation and fines of up to $5,000 per day starting from the permit ~ate of approval. I I Installer's Signature: Printed Name: IC-57, C-57a, or A License #: Tracie Sober Firm or Title: 24947 --,-1-L°'=L-=·\)_9_ _ Valley Well Drilling, LLC Please sign both copies of th is permit, return one to the Chairperson, and retain the other for your records. Attachments Date: e o o WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Well NSLF 13, Well No. 3306-25 Note: This permit shall be prominently displayed at the construction site until the work is completed In accordance with Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management's Administrative Rules, Section 13-168, entitled "Water Use, Wells, and Stream Div¢rsion Works", this document permits the construction and testing of Well NSLF 13 (Well No. 3306-25) at TMK (1) 6-6-028-013'1 Oahu, subject to the Hawaii Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (HWCPIS - February 2004) which include but are not limited to the following conditions: 1 1. The ChairQerson of the Commission on Water Resource Manager'ent (Commission), P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809, shall be notified, in writing, at least two (2) weeks before any work authorized by this permit co mences and staff shall be allowed to inspect installation activities in accordance with § 13-168-15, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR). ! 2. This permit shall be prominently displayed, or made available, at!the site of construction work until work is completed. 3. The well construction permit shall be for construction and testing of the well only. The permittee shall coordinate with the Chairperson and conduct apumping test in accordance with the HWCPIS (the latest pump test worksheet can be obtained by contacting Commission staff or at The permittee shall submit to the Chairperson the test results as a basis for supporting an application to install a permanent pump. No permanent pump may be installed until a pump installation permit is approved and issued by the Chairperson. 'No withdrawal of water shall be made for purposes other ilian testing without a Certificate of Pump Installation Completion. The permitted pump capacity described on the pump installation permit may be reduced in the event that the pump test does not support the capacity. 4. In basal ground water, the depth of the well may not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the theoretical thickness (41 times initial head) of the basal ground water unless otherwise authorized by the Chairperson. If it can be shown that the well does not tap basal ground water then this condition may be waived after consultation with and acceptance by Commission staff. However, in no instance can the well be drilled deeper than one-half (112) of the theoretical thickness without Commission approval. 5. The permittee shall incorporate mitigation measures to prevent construction debris from entering the aquatic environment, to schedule work to avoid periods of high rainfall, and to revegetate any cleared areas as soon as possible. 6. In the event that historically significant remains such as artifacts, burials or concentrations of shells or charcoal are encountered during construction, the permittee shall stop work and immediately contact the Department of Land and Natural Resources' State Historic Preservation DiVIsion. Work may recommence only after written concurrence by the State Histonc Preservation Division. 7. The proposed well construction shall not adversely affect existing or future legal uses of water in the area, including any surface water or established instream flow standards. This permit or the authorization to construct the well shall not constitute a determination of correlative water rights. 8. The Well Completion Report Part I shall be submitted to the ~hairperson within sixty (60) days after completion of work (please contact staff or visit for curren~ form). 9. The permittee shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and ord~nances; non-compliance may be grounds for revocation of this permit. 10. The well construction permit application and, if relevant, any related staff submittal approved by the Commission are incorporated into this permit by reference. II. If the HWCPIS are not followed and as a consequence water is wasted or contaminated, a lien on the property may result. 12. Any variances from the HWCPIS shall be approved by the Chairperson prior to invoking the variance. 13. The work proposed in the well construction permit application shall be completed within two (2) years from the date:-~.f ~rmit aptilimal, unless.-qherwise specified. The permit may be extended by the Chairperson upon a showing of good cause and good-faith performance. t\r~~est to exteftd the penhlishall be submitted to the Chairperson no later than the date the permit expires. C. ') ~.; _ "':-J :;....'"'? , ..." ~ Sn:'T c..- ?J --1 14. If the well is not to be used it must be properly capped. If the well is to be abandoned during the course of the project thel!~~ermi~ust apply' ~ a well abandonment permit in accordance with §13-168-12(f), HAR, prior to any well sealing or plugging w o r k . . · : . - ) _ against:~ifoss, liabi~claim, ~r1J~mand 15. The permittee, its successors, and assigns shall indenmify, defend, and hold the State of Hawaii harmless from and for property damage, personal injury, or death arising out of any act or omission of the applicant, assigns, officers, employ~ ctmtractors,4Iild agents ~r this 3:. .:. permit or relating to or connected with the granting of this pennit. 16. This permit shall apply to the location shown on the application only. If the well is to be relocated, the permittee shall appe-iwa new ~onstructionlpump installation permit m accordance with §13-168-12(f), HAR. 17. Special conditions in the attached cover transmittal letter are incorporated herein by reference. ;-f"":,--. - Date of Approval: January 5, 2009 Expiration Date: January 5, 2011 I have read the conditions and terms of this permit and unde~stand them. I accept and agree to meet these conditions as a prerequisite and underlying condition of my ability to proceed and understancl that I shall not commence work until I have signed, dated, and returned the permit to the Commission. I understand that this permit is n$t to be transferred to any other entity. I also understand that non-compliance with any permit condition may be grounds for revocation and !fines of up to $5,000 per day starting from the permit date of approval. C-57 License #: Driller's Signature: Printed Name: Tracie Sober Date: Firm or Title: Valley Well Drilling, LLC Please sign both copies ofthis permit, return one to the Chairperson, and retain the other for your records. Attachment H'l.·O'1 24947 .....=:....0::-'-'--_ _ __ o o ---- LAURA H. THIELEN LINDA LINGLE CXNI:"NQfI Of' HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L FUKlNO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KlYOSAKl, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MIlKE, M. 0 .. J.D KEN C KAWAHARA. P.E. STATE OF HAWAII DIPU'N DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF lAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX621 HONOLULU. HAWAII 96809 November 25, 2008 TO: Dr. Puaalaokalani Aiu, Administrator Historic Preservation FROM: Ken C, Kawahara, P.E., Deputy Director Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Transmitted for your review and comIttent is a copy of the captioned Well Construction/Pump Installation permit application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application with regard to the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your division. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by December 16. 1008. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we wi I assume you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions abouttbis permit application or request additional review time, please contact Denise Mills ofth~issi6iRtaff at 587-0251. If you require additional inform~tion regarding specific information that~. . proviW6d by the applicant, please contact the applicant direj::tly at the contact information provided <m'~ appli.on form. ~,::: ::;;; C"") :.~ ~ -:-:-, ,'x i~~ DM:ss Attachment(s) ~; RESPONSE: [ ] )6 [ ] This is a [ ] public (county or state) project [ ] private project and [ ] will [ ] may disturb We concur that the work described under this pennit will not disturb historic sites. hisfo~~ ~ites, ...... ::u rn 'J 'n : ex') cK- We do not concur that the work described under this pennit will not disturb historic sites. We require the following for our concurrence: 1f NO \l-f\&Wl\ ll\""~I~Al\l ~DUrC-e" \\X:tlt-lt~ tV/in ~c} areJ1.Comm{tQ't\.Q ~~rr ~a~ a\~ ~ \~"tti~l\\i-t~ *\'I~h~", ~ttt"\~o\i'£01-fl"(£t ...eXAcA-_ ~l'£A VMtl . .!)t1V4n Phone: (Oq /L.-'~bl9 Date:_1---4-0/--=/~Jrx~ o o / LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 January 7, 2009 Ref: 3306-25 wcp Ms. Tracie Sober Valley Well Drilling, LLC 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, ill 96707 Dear Ms. Sober: . Well Construction Permit Well NSLF 13 <Well No. 3306-25) Enclosed are two (2) copies of your approved Well Construction Permit for the captioned well. This permit authorizes well construction activities, but excludes installation work for a permanent pump. As part of the Chairperson's approval, the following special condition has been added and is part of your permit under Permit Condition 17: ISpecial Condition 1. Attached for your information ar~ copies of the State of Hawaii, Department of Health's (DOH's) review comments. Please IIOte the DOH's requirements for the discharge of effluent during well drilling and testing activities. Please contact DOH's Noise Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch at 586-4700 for information on construction noise abatement standards and compliance requirements for this project. No withdrawal of water shall be made other than for testing purposes until a certificate of pump installation completion has been issued by the Commission. Please sign both permit originals and return one for our files. You may obtain the Commission's aquifer pumping test worksheet from our website at permits.htm or by contacting our staff. IMPORTANT - Drilling work shall not commence until a fully signed permit is returned to the Commission. The signed permit shall be prominently displayed or made available at the well site during all well construction work. Be advised that you may be subject to fines of up to $5,000 per day for any violations of your permit conditions starting from the permit approval date. If you have any questions, please call Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. Enclosures c: Ken Simon (with DOH requirements) USGS Honolulu Board of Water Supply o c ..J / STRUCTION PERMIT 13. Well No. 3306-25 Note: This permit shall be prominently dis layed at the construction site until the work is completed In accordance with Department of Land and Natural Reso es, Commission on Water Resource Management's Administrative Rules, Section l3-168, entitled "Water Use, Wells, and Stream Di ersion Works", this document permits the construction and testing of Well NSLF l3 (Well No. 3306-25) at TMK (1) 6-6-028-013 Oahu, subject to the Hawaii Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (HWCPIS - February 2004) which include but ar not limited to the following conditions: 1. The ChailP-erson of the Commission on Water Resource Manag ment (Commission), P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hl96809, shall be notified, in writing, at least two (2) weeks before any work authorized by this permit c mmences and staffshall be allowed to inspect installation activities in accordance with §13-168-15, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR). 2. This permit shall be prominently displayed, or made available, at the site of construction work until work is completed. 3. The well construction permit shall be for construction and testing f the well only. The permittee shall coordinate with the Chairperson and conduct a pumping test in accordance with the HWCPIS (the latest p p test worksheet can be obtained by contacting Commission staff or at The p ittee shall submit to the Chairperson the test results as a basis for supporting an application to install a permanent pump. No permanent pump may be installed til a pump installation permit is approved and issued by the Chairperson. No Withdrawal of water shall be made for purposes other ilian testing without a C rtificate of Pump Installation Completion. The permitted pump capacity described on the pump installation permit may be reduced in the event that the p mp test does not support the capacity. 4. In basal ground wattr, the depth of the well may not exceed one-fi urth (l/4) of the theoretical thickness (41 times initial head) of the basal ground water unless otherwise authorized by the Chairperson. If it can be shown that e well does not tap basal ground water then this condition may be waived after consultation with and acceptance by Commission staff. However, in no ins ce can the well be drilled deeper than one-half (112) of the theoretical thickness without Commission approval. 5. The permittee shall incorporate mitigation measures to prevent co struction debris from entering the aquatic environment, to schedule work to avoid periods of high rainfall, and to revegetate any cleared areas as soon as possibl . 6. In the event that historically significant remains such as artifac , burials or concentrations of shells or charcoal are encountered during construction, the permittee shall stop work and immediately contact the Dep ent of Land and Natural Resources' State Historic Preservation DiVIsion. Work may recommence only after written concurrence by the State Histonc eservation Division. 7. The proposed well construction shall not adversely affect existing or future legal uses of water in the area, including any surface water or established instream flow standards. This permit or the authorization to construct the w II shall not constitute a determination of correlative water rights. 8. The Well Completion Report Part I shall be submitted to the hairperson within sixty (60) days after completion of work (please contact staff or visit Jermits.htm for current form). 1 9. The permittee shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and ord nances; non-compliance may be grounds for revocation of this p~it. 10. The well construction permit application and, if relevant, any relaujd staff submittal approved by the Commission are incorporated into this permit by reference. II. If the HWCPIS are not followed and as a consequence water is wrufted or contaminated, a lien on the property may result. 12. Any variances from the HWCPIS shall be approved by the Chairp 13. The work proposed in the well construction permit application s all be completed within two (2) years from the date of permit approval, unless otherwise specified. The permit may be extended by the Chairperson upon showing of good cause and good-faith performance. A request to extend the permit shall be submitted to the Chairperson no later than the date the permit expi s. on prior to invoking the variance. 14. If the well is not to be used it must be prorerly capped. If the we is to be abandoned during the course of the project then the permittee must apply for a well abandonment permit in accordance with § 3-168-12(f), HAR, prio to any well sealing or plugging work. IS. The permittee, its successors, and assigns shall indemnify, defend, and hold the State of Hawaii harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, or demand for property damage, personal injury, or death arising out of any a t or omission of the applicant, assigns, officers, employees, contractors, and agents under this permit or relating to or connected with the granting of this permit. 16. This permit shall apply to the location shown on the application o,ly. If the well is to be relocated, the permittee shall apply for a new well construction/pump installation permit m accordance with §13-168-12(f), HAR. 17. Special conditions in the attached cover transmittal letter are inco11l0rated herein by reference. L j N, Chairperson ater Resource Management Date of Approval: January 5, 2009 Expiration Date: January 5, 2011 I have read the conditions and terms ofthis permit and under~tand them. I accept and agree to meet these conditions as a prerequisite and underlying condition of my ability to proceed and understand that I shall not commence work until I have signed, dated, and returned the permit to the Commission. I understand that this permit is no to be transferred to any other entity. I also understand that non-compliance with any permit condition may be grounds for revocation and nes of up to $5,000 per day starting from the permit date of approval. Driller's Signature: Printed Name: I Tracie Sober . C-57 License #: 24947 Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Firm or Title: Valley Well Drilling, LLC Please sign both copies ofthis permit, return one to the Chairper~n, and retain the other for your records. Attachment o o / LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAW"n CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. STATE OF HAWAII KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 January 7, 2009 Ref: 3306-25.pip Ms. Tracie Sober Valley Well Drilling, LLC 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, HI 96707 Dear Ms. Sober: Pump Installation Permit Well NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25) Enclosed are two (2) originals of your approved Pump Installation Permit for the captioned well that authorize permanent pump installation work for your well. As part of the Chairperson's approval, the following special conditions were added and are part of your permit under Permit Condition 12: Special fonditions 1. 2. If the elevation benchmark needs to be altered, the permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall ensure that the benchmark is transferred (or the well resurveyed). Documentation of the new benchmark shall be submitted to the Commission within sixty (60) days after the pump is installed. Attached for your information are copies of the Department of Health's (DOH's) comments on your permit application. Please review DOH's requirements related to discharge of effluent from well and pump testing activities. Please contact DOH's Noise Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch at 5864700 for information on construction noise abatement standards and compliance requirements for this project. The permittee is responsible for all conditions of the permit. This includes responsibility to submit a complete and acceptable Well Completion Report Part II form to the Commission no more than sixty (60) days after the pump installation work has been completed. Please sign both permit originals and return one for our files. IMPORTANT - Pump installation shall not begin until a signed permit is returned to the Commission. The signed permit shall be prominently displayed or made available at the well site the pump installation work. No withdrawal of water shall be made for any purpose, except well and aquifer testing, without a certificate of pump installation completion. Please be aware fines of up to $5,000 per day may be assessed for any violations of your permit conditions starting from the permit approval date. If you have any questions, please call Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. c: Ken Simon USGS Kauai Department of Water C)IMP INSTALLATION PERMIT Well NSLFH3, Well No. 3306-25 0 / Note: This permit shall be prominently displayed at the site until the work is completed In accordance with Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management's Administrative Rules, Section 13-168, entitled "Water Use, Wells, and Stream Diversion Works," this document permits the pump installation for Well NSLF-13 (Well No. 3306-25) at TMK (1) 6-6-028:013, Oahu, subject to the Hawaii Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (HWCPIS--February 2004) which include but are not limited to the following conditions: 1. The Chairperson to the Commission on Water Resource Management (Commission), P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809, shall be notified, in writing, at least two (2) weeks before any work covered by this permit commences and staff shall be allowed to inspect installation activities in accordance with §13-I68-I5, Hawaii Administrative Rules. 2. No withdrawal of water shall be made other than for testing until a Certificate of Pump Installation Completion has been issued by the Commission. 3. This permit shall be prominently displayed, or made available, at the site of construction work until work is completed. 4. The pump installation permit shall be for installation of a 10-gpm-rated capacity pump or a lower capacity pump in the well. This permanent capacity may be reduced in the event that the pump test data does not support the capacity. 5. A water-level measurement access shall be permanently installed, in a manner acceptable to the Chairperson, to accurately record water levels. 6. The permittee shall install an approved meter or other appropriate means for measuring and reporting withdrawals and appropriate devices or means for measuring chlorides and temperature at the well head. 7. Well Completion Report Part II shall be submitted to the Chairperson within sixty (60) days after completion of work. This form can be obtained by contacting staff or on the internet at $ permits.htm. 8. The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall may be grounds for revocation of this permit. c~mply with all applicable laws, rules, and ordinances, and non-compliance . 9. The pump installation permit application and any related staff submittal approved by the Commission are incorporated into this permit by reference. This permit is also subject to the HWCPIS. If the HWCPIS are not followed and as a consequence water is wasted or contaminated, a lien on the property may result. Any variances from the HWCPIS shall be approved by the Chairperson prior to invoking the variance. to. The work proposed in the pump installation permit apI/Ii cation shall be completed within two (2) years from the date of permit approval, unless otherwise specified. The permit may ,e extended by the Chairperson upon a showing of good cause and goodfaith performance. A request to extend the permit shall ~e submitted to the Chairperson no later than the date the permit expires. 11. The permittee, its successors, and assigns shall indemnitY, defend, and hold the State of Hawaii harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, or demand for property damage, personal injury, or death arising out of any act or omission of the applicant, assigns, officers, employees, contractors, and agents under this permit or relating to or connected with the granting of this permit. 12. Special conditions in the attached cover transmittal letter are incorporated herein by reference. i Date of Approval: Expiration Date: January 5, 2009 January 5, 2011 I I have read the conditions and terms of this permit and understand them. I accept and agree to meet these conditions as a prerequisite and underlying condition of my ability to proceed and understand that I shall not commence work until I and the pump installer have signed, dated, and returned the permit to the Commission. I understand that this permit is not to be transferred to any other entity. I also understand that non-compliance with any permit condition may be grounds for revocation and fines of up to $5,000 per day starting fr(lm the permit date of approval. C-S7, C-57a, or A License #: Installer's Signature: Printed Name: Tracie Sober Firm or Title: 24947 -------- Valley Well Drilling, LLC Please sign both copies ofthis permit, return one to the Chairperson, and retain the other for your records. Attachments Date: Professional and Vocational Licensing (PVL) - powered by o 0 Page 1 of 1 Professional and Vocational Licensing (PVL) Search - General Licensee GENERAL LICENSEE LIC ID: CT-24947 Active/Inactive: ACTIVE NAME: VALLEY WELL DRILLING LLC TRADE NAME: STATUS: CURRENT, VALID & IN GOOD STANDING ENTITY: ORGANIZATION (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) BUSINESS CODE: ORIG LIC DATE: 02/12/2004 EXPIRE DATE: 09/30/2010 CLASS PREFIX: C SPECIAL PRIVILEGE: RESTRICTION: EDUCATION CODE: CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS: BUSINESS ADDR: 91-458 KOMOHANA ST KAPOLEI HI 96707 MAILING ADDR: Click here to enter search criteria for prior complaints history -> For prior complaints and disciplinary history, contact licensing and business information center at (808) 587-3295. License information on this site reflects information in the Professional and Vocational Licensing Division as of January 5, 2009; however, applicatio and forms are subject to standard processing time, and the information here does not reflect pending changes which are being reviewed. The Site updated daily, Monday through Friday, except holidays. The State of Hawaii makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information accessed, the timeliness of the delivery of transactions, delivery the correct party, preservation of the privacy and security of users and makes no warranties, including warranty of merchantability and fitness fOI particular purpose. User is advised that if the information obtained herein is to be reasonably relied upon, user should confirm the accuracy of su information with the provider thereof. o o LINDA LINGLE RECEIVED LAND DIVISION GOVERNOR OF HAWAII , • • 2S P 2: LAURA H. THIELEN CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. ObLAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL R~~~l're!L:"- ~!~ ~ir) COMMISSION ON rwAT;~ B~;!?URCE ~ONOLULU,HAWAII 96809 & ~E.~[,S00RCES STAT~ :.'r rlM'/AIi November 25,2008 TO: Morris Atta, Administrator Land Division FROM: Ken C. Kawahara, P .E., Deputy Director Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned Well ConstructionlPump Installation permit application. We would appreciate your comments qn the captioned application with regard to the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your division. I flease respond by returning this cover memo form by December 26, 2008. If we do not receive comltiients or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate! the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application, request additional informadon, or request additional review time, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. DM:ss Attachment(s) RESPONSE: [ ] A water lease/pennit is required of this applicant and an application for such will be requested by our division. fOJ A water lease/pennit is not required of this applicant. [ ] A water lease/pennit has been obtained by the applicant through lease no. _ _ _ _ _ _ _---.---.-__ [] Other relevant Land Division rules/regulations, infonnation, or recommendations ar€!:~hed. [ ] No objections lot Other comments: :::v c:::J c::D "-'~~ ~- -"''' ~~ ~ . Original source of private title is Grant ~~ lSSlJai Pq.'W" to statehood. ::> :r.. Z "U < z l'T1 i:J Contact Person: _ _.>.!G... a .... r"..~--L,jMa ....... r ....t ... i .... n"-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A_-=---~~-=--=--~""7~~ ______' _.__ Signed: _ _ _ :::0 fT1 .0 ] Date :--t.tD-kt..",C---,-1-eS---,-,20..1\,ICI'oJ1J- o o ,10:S 0 2~ YOH • ,~ i ' I . ~1:04 DEC-17-j008 From:DOWSl=1FE,..i~!QTER BRANH 8085854351 TO:~587 0219 - ~# RECEIVED ......--. .• ~;AFE DRINKiNG WATER BRANCH NOY 28 2008 LINDA LINGLe eo'JEft:~ ¢I ,"",WAtt MIiRIiDITH J. CHING c.-t JAM!;S A. FRAZIEP. I'-JU- N<:/U.S. FI.iJlWARA CHlYOME L FUKlNO, I,I.D. OONNA FAY K. I(IYOMIg, P E LAWREIIICE J.i. wIIC:E. M.D., J.O KENC. KAWAHAAA. PE. STATE OF HAWAII OrPWTYbIII:eC"I'I:Ilt OEPARTMI:NT OF LANO A"IO NAtuRAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENl po. BOXa.1 Q HONOLULu, HAW/l..11 \lSW9 ='CO (above)~)UIC Department of Health Attention: Director's Office Tomas See, Chief, Wastewater Branch $tuart Yamada., Chief, Safe Drinking Water Branch Alec Wong, Chief, Clean Water Branch grd. elev. 14D · well d1a. =:;>r" well depth = /10 H. Thielen, Chairperson 1-~ura Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: I Honorable Chiyome L. Fukino, M.D., Director ..:i Dr. Keith Kawaoka, Office of Hazard V1lluation and \ PfC..' I. K'.{ ~ FROM: >30 b . 2 .'5"' use = l) or'vl,t r; rIc. location ;; tJ~/,.1o-~ November 25, 2008 TO: In General: tl 014,1--/<.,,\ line J I tAL u:~i' tJf.( l ~ Wel1 Construction/Pump Installation permit App ication NSLF-13 Well (Well No. 3306·25) Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned Well ConstructionIPump Installatjon pennit application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application for any conflicts or inconsistencies with the programs, plans, and obj~tives specific to your department. Please respond by r~turning thi5 cover memo form by D~rnber 26, 2008. lfwe do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume; that you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed welL If you have any questions about this permit app'Hcation, request additional infonnation, or request additional review time, please co.,tact Denise MIlls of the Commission staff at 587-0251. DM:ss Attachment( s) RESPONSE; [I n ..~ "ell q~ilifiC5 as II ,Oum! which will ~"'IIS ~ SQurQ' of potab~ watH t6 • pubhe v.'iIOT systom (.Mined .. ,..",illl! 25 or mcrQ peeple ~, 1.01" 00 da~. per ye.. 0, h... 15 o;>r "",,".CI'\'iu COMCClioas) ;mel m"" ,.""ive Di<e<>lor of Ho"'th "ppwvOlI prigf 1<) ita usc 10 comply wi1b Hawaii Admilllllra!iYI: Rill •• (HAR), I,I" 11. CJo~I>\": ~O. Rulos Relating UI PotUl. W;ttcr $ys'cros. §' 1·20-29 Tit'S well d:,es 1\01 qlQlify as a SOOl'ce ~""I!S .. Jl"bllo wow. 'Y"tem (~••v.. lc., tl.aro 25 people Of InCI,. peOple at I_I 00 day.lIOl year or I ~ sorvi" CO_ClIOII$) an".f the well WaICr IS U$ed ("r d.tWOIlS. the pt"iv.~ Q\'IIIeJ' mould,"". fOr b~crtologi,a1 ODd ....."',001 preseuo:e beforo iniliolohng u•• and r<luti""ly moq!Cor tile WII" quality tMroa(\er }f(l'We_. if f\ltllr~ P\Wmed WIt ftoollllh~ SO\INC in~ca8C1 1<> _!he pobli" w~t.r system doll1li"oll. rIlen .".:11 Dired". vf H".lth "l'provai 1£ required prior '" im,l'mcn'"tioo. If Ille woll ,s used to .apply 00tII potable ~nd lIOu"J'l'iable l'uxpose) m 8 single !.)'!I1eM. lhe USCf shall dimiJlAlr (;IQ"S·OQI\I)eC!(jO"$ and bacldIow conncc.lio~ b:.I'hY&lClllly 'Il£'=M 8 pebble and non'JKluililc syslc>;m 'try' 0Ql ~ir gap or an apJIro"lC(\ bacldlow prevtlllcr, and by c~Jy labeling all Dl;NlilQlab]e spi~on IIIIIh wamilll! Sli!IIS ICl ptcvc:nt lnadVl:rtoot coI'I\umpbon of Qoo-poblbJe w~ter. BackOow pr_lion <kMs iibOllld be rwti""ly lml'ecled and t~d. I J It doo; not "PP"iII' IballlIi. well wiD b. ",cd for ."",umpl:ive PUIl'05eB !DId is 00' ",bjeollo s..1; Drinl;ing \Valet It.el!U~tio.,. (l I 1 Far t~ ~ppljoe,,!', )'If<XlMlioll, a SOuroe of pc<o,iblo w~~wal=l WlltSllllnationl I i, I I ~ not I. <)!lIed near tile propos:ed well silc (info""ati"~ ~Ju:d) I I I I A.n NPOJ:S p.".nllt i. reqUired. Other {e}evallt DOH rules/regulation!, infomution. qr f"Ommcmclt.ti.:>lI5 are alb.","". I I In the event tb,t the Iooation of the well dIoftee. bill i. ,luI within the p...,.,1 dC5Gfibed on thl, applicat.OIl, Ollt ~~&I0D 'Ollsidllt~ the "II=nts. \0 stlll be 'ppIoGllb\e, ~d we do not need 10 review the Il¢w Ibo;¢jO;>D [J No oQlOJIJ.enUiobjeQ('""s Phone: -------- Date: DEC-17-2008 11:32AM FAX: 8085864351 ID:DLNR CWRM PAGE:004 R=94% DEC-\7't008~1'05 F'Om'DoH'seF~TER BRANH 8~54351 To:~,587 0219 "",~ I I Well Well No. 3306-25) CWRM Application Source: Safe Drinkin Se~ att~ched Section Water Branch En s private water Under round In'ection Control informati~n sheet. UIe) In general, a shallow wel quickly from local ~ainfa potable water source beca of having unsatisfactory consumed may compromise h influence a well's ground disposal systems (cesspoo wells), lawnigarden/cropproximity to the ocean wh occur. , or a well that recha~ge5 1, should not be used as a 5e such a well increases the risk roundwate~ quality that when altho Factors that directly ater quality include wastewater s, septic systems, drainage rowing activities, and even the re salt water intrusio~ may Well water qua:ity shaul be initially and periodlca~ly tested for it's acceptable and intended use, especially if for human consumption. ater quality should not be presumed acceptable and nchanging. Land-based activities around the well and wit~in the well's recha~ge a~ea may, over ~ime, have an unacc ptable effect on the wel:'s water qua~~~y_ Well construct'o~ materials and related equipment could also affect water uality. Questions about Ule may 4258. to Chauncey Hew at 586- Additional Comments (identif from which SDWB Section) : In the proposed Well Section box of the mate~ial used for age, please check the appropriate CWRM well Application Standard Verso 5/1/07 DEC-17-2008 11:32AM FAX: 8085864351 ock or gravel packing- omments (SDWB) ID:DLNR CWRM PAGE:005 R=94% To:~587 0219 "") WARNING! As the owner of a privatdly-owned well, you should NOT assume that water from your well is safe for consumption, It is your responsibility to make sure that your well water is safe to drink. The only way to do this is to have your well regularly tested for bacteriological and chemical contaminants. There ~Ire no regulations controlling water quality in private wells serving individual residences as there are for public water systems (public or privately owned utilities supplying water to 25 or mOrep~qp.IE;!9r'1-5\ service.C()nne~ns). In other ,!"ords, ~here are no en~r¢eable Ii~its for contaminants B~d ~o req~lrer:nents for re~ular testing. Pfl~~t~ ~ells are ~ften. found I~_ r.~:~1 area~, where m~n~i ae iVi~IEiS syc "as ()~'s\te wast~W/$terj~ISpo~~I"c~n cC!nta~~~ate/"tl'le~~O~Il~ W ten'I" " / !" f '" \ NVIRONMENTAL \ , PA recommend \ /' , . II,.I '"\ ! / / '\\ " \ I! I i ! ' \ I \ \ \ 1./ .. _. .-_.I' I \ ROTECTIO AGENCY EPA RECO MEN DAT-I . , ' . , " ,'. J I , \ \ th~.t priv8 e el.1 I I " I \ \ OW~~fs/~st th~ ~ell.w~~r ~aCh\¥e~r-~or\~bn" .,,"<,:/ co t minants as Total Coliform a ena, Nitrlates, as well"asany other contamlnants"that·may be of concern in your area. More frequent testing may be appropriate if you suspect a problem. EPA also suggests that you consider testing for pesticides, organic chemicals, and heavy metals before using it for the first time. Please refer to the EPA website on Private Drinking Water Wells at \ \. / OTHER ~O~AMINA~T~ \ \ i 'j I / I testin~ cary:b~' ~~~ expJ~si~e. )ri~'-imPQ,rta~t tfuaf Y9u.!sp~n~~~me.tO'i~enTi Water . potential C,ontam!n~nts t;n~ b~ contedi. Ple~e' refeq to: the ~Pf\ websl~ ()n rlv~(e On nklng Water Wens ~t htt :/fwww.e,ov/safewaterltlvaeWells/what,oucandO:i1tmlll' for more h6lP~!Jr i~formatrpn~ ;B~ awafi" Of.w~cff~n how Y9u u.~,e .nd dispo~_~ of tlolllsehoid and of garden cher'nlc:.als. Also tti~ h~Catloty6f earbly septlo,ta'r\kS or qSS$pOOls,\and agricultural Or industrial aCUviues in the, area;'-"General ir\:Jormi;ltioh,oiTkn6w;ichemicial contamination of ground water in HawaTfCafi"~ilso fou~da{ the 60Plwebsite . . be LABORATORIES local comme'iClallaboratot-ies can tiEffbund in the yellow p~'gr:'son e telephone book under "laboratories.IAnalytiq'all\ Xfyhenev¢r possible, utilize a labor tory t at is certified or approved for the specifi~ \c!rinKi1g w~t~ tests/ a~d caref.ully-fellQ~ their i Istructi ns f9r.>eollecting, storing, and transporting the .sa/nples\ Just ge su~(tO"ask"~he-.lab to ~se EP a~p~oved':T~hod8 for drinking wate~ aMlyti~'. A list\of Ilibf. cerpfitd or a~Ero'yed byl theD part~eQt~f Health can be . found at www.naall.·ov/hlt/~m1lronentalfwater/sdwsdwb/dlTes.tan%20Lbs.df.As lab certification s tUf changrS\T.0~stantl¥. ~nfirm the.l\ s tus w~e Y0!J..GontatH,he\lab. Please note tha\the;list is co tarinint, lim\ted/~o currE!~~I~.r'~~Lll~~?' in'~.Ubl.i_C ~~t~,~systems, RESULTS Once the lab provides you with the test results, you will be in a better position to determine if your well water is safe to drink or what contaminant you need to treat for. Generally, you should compare the results with Federal (www.ep$ and State (www, drinking water standards. Where your test results are greater than the State or Federal maximum contaminant levels. your well water should be considered as unsafe for consumption. DEC-17-2008 11:32RM FRX:8085864351 ID:DLNR CWRM PRGE:006 R::::94 % c LAURA H. THIELEN CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. '. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI,.P.E:.- .' LAWJilfE H. MIIKCfJI·D., J.[).. K.DEP~.C"" KA·:a.A:, PE. ~ ~~ c:::: (11; STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT N P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 CO :E~ ~Z ~ ~ November 25, 2008 .... ::XJo tlJ-t\ ';G~ "" Z,.. ''''"' Honorable Chiyome L. Fukino, M.D., Director orN :x:~ Department of Health en :I: Attention: Director's Office :iomas See, Chief, Wastewater Branch Stuart Yamada, Chief, Safe Drinking Water Branch Alec Wong, Chief, Clean Water Branch Dr. Keith Kawaoka, Office of Hazard valuation and Emergency Response cg TO: FROM: ~ H. Thielen, Chairperson 1-f.,;1;,aura Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Well ConstructionlPump Installation Permit App ication NSLF-13 Well (Well No. 3306-25) Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned Well ConstructionlPump Installation permit application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application for any conflicts or inconsistencies with the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your department. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by December 26, 2008. Ifwe do not receive comments or aeguest for additional review time by this date, we will assume that you have no comments. ::;2 0 co ~"'i c=- Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any qu.;§@ns abdUl this ::0 permit application, request additional information, or request additional review time, p~.e~ contha .." Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. .~ 0 ~J -z , n .: .~ , DM:ss .:.z 'lJ <:: Attachment(s) ,) 'f' c..) 11 -~ ~> ;:"'- -~ ,n(-_ ::- -. RESPONSE: [I ,'-, -' I":t This well qualifies as a soW'ce which will serve as a soW'ce of potable water to a public water system (defined as serving 25 or mO'i'e ;~~ple at le~ days per year or bas IS or more service connections) and must receive Director ofHealtb approval prior to its use to comply witb Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Title II, Chapter 20, Rules Relating to Potable Water Systems, §11-20-29. [I This well does not qualify as a source serving a public water systelJl (serves less !ban 25 people or more people at least 60 days per year or IS service connections) and iftbe well water is used for drinking, the private owner should test for bacteriological and chemical presence before initiating such use and routinely monitor tbe water quality tbereafter. However, if fume planned use from this source increases to meet the public water system definition, tben Director of Healtb approval is required prior to implementation. [I If tbe well is used to supply botb potable and non-potable purpose~ in a single system, the user shall eliminate cross-connections and backflow connections by physically separating potable and non-potable systems by an air g~ or an approved backflow preventer, and by clearly labeling all non-potable spigots witb warning signs to prevent inadvertent consumption of non-potable water. Backflow prevention devices should be routinely inspected and tested. [I It does not appear that this well will be used for consumptive purposes and is not subject to Safe Drinking Water Regnlations. [1 [1 [1 For the applicant's information, a soW'ce of possible wastewater contamination [ I is [ ) is not located near tbe proposed well site (information attached). An NPDES permit is required. Otber relevant DOH rules/regulations, information, or recommendations are attached. [ 1 In tbe event that tbe location of tbe well changes but is still within tbe parcel described on this application, oW' division considers tbe comments to still be applicable, and we do not need to review tbe new location. No comments/objections Contact Person: ~_--::-__J_O~h~n-,n_y_O_n_g_,-=-E_n_g_._o_n_O_a_h-;;:u__ Signed: oe;:) ~ F-MIt1" ~ tJalJu 586-4294 Date: I).-ol-of} blMQ e •.",--r "': ~'" :;. ~~ ~ 'C'~ l'~ ::::..-:. C/1 I..~ - rr. ~ ~ :r I'T.: r::: Q.) ~ ~ From-DEPT OF Dec-02-2008 03:02pm o 8085864352 HEAL~VIRON~NTAL ~ T-872 P.004/004 F-714 ?~ \.Z/"VaE:? L.I\LlRA H. 'l'HI£LeN UNDALINGLE 00.£_ Of !tAw"" Ct1AI~PEAlIOfl MfREDITHJ. CHING JJ.~S A FRAZIER NEAL. S. FUJIwARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO. M.D. DONNA FAY K. IOYOSAKI. PE LAWRENCE H. MilKE. M.D .• J.D. !tEN C. KAwAliAAA. P.e. ~EpmIl<llEl'T\O« PEPARTMENT COMMISSION ON r \ :~:II'~~ lA' i '-~::l L4J\{ . .. ~\.: ..N\J~ '-.:L) Honorable Chiyome L. Fukino, TO: Department of Health Attention: Director's Office 1 11';t~~·?"", ~ _ ';:; nt, Tomas See, uart Yamada, Wong, Chief, lDr.leeKeith Kawaoka, H. Thielen, Chairpetson 1-~ura Commission on Water Resource lManagement FROM: SUBJECT: Well comme"(lt is a copy of the captioned Well Construction.iPurnp captioned application for any conflicts or '""".erne to your deparunent. l'lease respond by Ifwe do not receive conunents or a request you have no comments. nhiprtivpc: Please ftnd the attached maps to locate permit application, request additional informati Denise Mills of the Commission staff at proposed well. If you have any questions about this additional review time, please contact Or request DM:ss RESPONSE: I 1 Tllis well qualifies ~s ~ 5QlIlCe ",hich willlK:l'VC &S a !i<Xmc y~or or baa IS or mot.. ~rv''''' co'"na) 8IId I1II>st ~oeiv. Title 11. ClIIlp~rlO, RIIi.~ bluing t() POtable Water Sl'1i"m~, !1 w""'" \0. P'lblie ,.~t.,.. ~y$t_ (deiiood as sttvil'l& 25 ot .1Iore people at least 60 ~s per of H."llb opptilVi.1 piior t~ ita we to comply willi Hawaii Adminiauative Rilles (HARl. §l This well docs no. qlliOlify as a 9.0utCC sctVing a publio WII~r 5YsII!m connections) ~1Ki iflh~ well waler is used fer drinkin~ 11K> l"iv~ (olltinely monitor \hi! wauot quality thereafter. How~_, if N4Ir. Din:l:tor oiRe.Ii.n opprov"I;1 ~d prior to ilnplcJ1IOlllarir;>ll. 11 lftlw: well i& UKe! to [) It OclCIIl9';qIpIIl!I" thli! This well will 11= us~d for QO~'III1ptiv. rI For tho .. l) An Nl'IlES permit 1$ roq ..itl5d. rl () l I ~llPply IIolI\ pmable and aon-potable P~"~ l'~ic'l1y ""porating potable 811<1 non.p<mble 'y,"""", by m;Dr I III/ltlIing signs to p~\'''1II in~dv.t!1lIlt tONlllmption of lIOlI-potilble l"li>!han 25 p~ople or mor" ptOplc at least 6(} ~8 per ycaror IS sclVioe >uld tOil fOi bac~iological and cllemioal presence befotc initi~mg 5U"h \!lie ;m<I u•• from thi" lKIWce incrcaaca 10 mc;!; the public _or 5)·ston. definiliOll. In"" a <mal. 'y>JmA, th~ uoet shall eliminate croas-conDccriona MId baokflow IlOnno"tioll$ by an apptovt<! bacIcflow P"'vt>IIICT.11Il4 l>y .~Iy 1abcli"g illl IlDG-pat:obl. 'pill'"" with B~ck£iow pn.""'IllOJI dl!viCCQ sIIo~ld be rouriDely inspcc:led and I~Sled. 8Ild is nOt sul\jca to Safe Dri'lking WRt.r~gul"iaNO, ppllc~..r8 iruormalim. ;ll'Oll1". ofp""..bI.. waBtewattt COn~rr.inaIiOII I 1is I I iI' MOlr)luo prcpooad woll .iIe (informMiDn ilUd.l5d) Olher TclevlIm POri 1'IIi~l¥cgulatioru;. mform~Ij(>II, QI" r.c~iotl. !Itt laa"'lcd. In till: II'VCnllllllt m.. ~8.'IiOilofthcweU chlll\£CI bill i. ~lill within~. pmOOI described on thisappliuooon. ollrdlYlsion oo&iOm thc Ql;lmm4n~ lo.ilill b. applic~blc>, 111111 "'e Qo ,,01 tlCcd 10 r~vicw tho new lo;>;!lj'n', N'o OQ11\m.flls/~bJt!CtiOJIII Contact Person: . v u~ '-"" ~.., I Signed: DEC-02-2008 02:48PM FAX: 8085864352 26 <0 -.:t 3 \) 9 Date: t 1-. z... Oe, Phone: ID:DLNR CWRM PAGE:004 O~fLt!x.\ R=96% D.c-O~008'-D3:0Zpm • From-DEPT OF HE~ENVIRON~NTAL UNG~ 808586435Z ~ T-87Z P.001/004 F-714 FAX TRANSMITTAL State of Hawaii Department of Health Environmental Management Division Clean Water Br8nch .. Engineering Section Phone No.: (808) 586-4309 Fax No.: (808) 586-4352 Mr. Ryan Imata J Mr. Charley Ice Gis. Denise Company: ComJllission On Water Resource Management Department of Land and Natural Resources Fax No.: 587-0219 Fax to: SUbject: MIDb Date: l z... '2.. 00 Fax from: Joanna L. Seto Total Pages. incl. cover: it tl- Well CODstruetioJl/Punap Installation Permit Appli~ation(s) Wen No(s). O(o.'t.O--O\ . 130(0 - z5 r The Department ofHealth~ Clean Water Branch (eWB) has the following comments: 1. For Well-Drilling Activities Any discharge to State waters of treated, process wastewater effluent associated with well drilling activities is regulated by Hawaii Adrninistra~ive Rules (HAR), Title II, Chapter 55, Appendix. I, effective October 42, 2007. Treated process wastewater effluent covered by this general penn it includes well. drilling slurries, lubricating fluids wastewater, and well putgewastewater. This general permit does not cover well pump testing. The applicable Notice of Intent (NOl) Fonns anQ filing fee shall be submitted at least 30 calendar days before the start of discharge to the: Department of Health Clean Water B:ran~.h 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 301 Honolulu, Hawaii 96814-4920 The CWB-NOI Forms are available online at hnp:J!www.nawaii.go\llhealthlenvironmentallwater/cleanwater/formsIgenJ,.index.html. Inquiries maybe directed to the CWB at (808)586-4309 or by fax (808}586-4352~ 2. FarWell Pump Testing 1 The discharger shall take all measures *ecess~ry to prevent the discharge of pollutants from entering Sta,tewal:ers. Such measUresshall~ude,jfnecessaiy~ conuHIlinent 6finitial discharge until the disch~ge isessentmllYf~~ofi>ollutants. lfthedischargeis entering a stream or riverbed, best m~gement practices>sh~U be implemented to prevent the discharge from disturbing the clarity ofth~~~.ei"illgwa.ter. If the disc~ge is entering a stOnn drain, the discharger must obtain wriUenp¢rroission from the owner ofthe storm drain prior to discharge. Furthermore,besfll1~gement practices shall be implemented to prcventthe discharge from collecting Sediments and other pOlh)ta.Ilts prior to entering the storm drain. DEC-02-2008 02:47PM FAX: 8085864352 - - - - -_ _ _ _ ID:DLNR CWRM ,_'1I!l_I'l',,_"'~,~i!IiIMI'_. PAGE: 001 R=96% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ' ' !ij'__ Uil~~~-'#t;'"' • O.c-02~008'~3:02pm From-OEPT OF HEA~NVIRONMENTAL ~GMT 8085864352 Mr. Ryan Imata I Mr. Charley Ice / Ms. Denise Mills Commission On Water Resource Management 3. ~ T-872 P.QOZ/004 F-714 FAX TRANSMITTAL Page 2 For Construction Activities Disturbing One (l) or More Acres of Total Land Area By HAR7 Title 11. Chapter 55, Appendix C, effective October 22.2007, an NPDES pennit or Notice of General Permit Coverage is required before the start of the construction activities that result in the disturbance of one (1) or more acres of total land area. including clearing, grading. and excavation. The total land area includes a contiguous area where mu1tiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules under a larger common plan of development or sale. An NOI (see Comment No. I, abo~e) shall be submitted 30 calendar days before to the start of construction acti \lities. DEC-02-2008 02:47PM FAX: 8085864352 ID:DLNR CWRM PAGE:002 R=96% COM.SION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ROUTE SLIP FOR NEW APPLICATIONS FROM: DENISE ----------------- 17-NOy-08 DATE: SUSPENSE DATE: 0 24-Nov-08 PLEASE: CHING, F. --FUJII,N. GOODING, K. -1-HARDY, R. HIGA,D. -2-HOAGBIN, S. ICE,C. IMATA, R. -3-KAWAHARA,K.== WELL NUMBER KUNIMURA, I. -S-MiIIs,D. .1 NAKAMA, L. ~/ - 4 - OHYE, M. I SAKODA, E. SWANSON, S. UYENO, D. YODA,K. YOSHINAGA, M . - 3 ~ o~ - z5 WELL NAME ~ WELL CONSTRUCTION Approval ~Signature --;r-Information NSLF 13 ~PUMP INSTALLATION See Me - 1 - Review & Comment --Take Action --Type Draft acknow letter -2-Type Final, label file folder, update People. db -S-File --Xerox _ _ copies WUP Number D NA • Individual DOM WUPA ATTACHMENTS FOR APPLICATION PROCESSING - Both applicant & staff generated 1 TRANS. LETTER 2 PERMIT PROCESS TABLE 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CWRMMAP APPL. FORM (11 COPIES) USGS MAPS (11 COPIES) TAX MAPS (11 COPIES) PARCEL OWNER VERIF. CONTRACTOR VERIF. ALL INFO FILLED IN 10 BACKGROUND CHECK 11 $25 FEE DEPOSIT SLIP 12 MLS PRINTOUT DCCA LICENSE SCREEN PRINTOUT (SMA map printout http://gis.hicentral.comlwebsite/parcelzoninglviewer.htm.,or INGRID'S SMA/CD MAP) (LUC map printout http://luc.state.hLus/luc_maps.htm., or INGRID'S SMA/CD MAP) DHP/CDUP/SMA pre·screen FOLDER: o D MADE NEW FILE FOLDER, ATTACHED FILE FOLDER ALREADY MADE, IN FILE CABINET INCOMPLETE ACTION DATES: DATE "/It/JY ACTION , t>lOf;>.. k '~W-~- ~"'CUrl~ ~ ~"'-' o o LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 November 25, 2008 3306-25 wcpia.ack Ms. Tracie Sober Valley Well Drilling, LLC 91-458 Komohana Street Kapolei, HI 96707 Dear Ms. Sober: Well ConstructionlPump Installation Permit Application for Well No. 3306-25 We acknowledge receipt, on November 14,2008, of your completed Well ConstructionlPump Installation permit application and filing fee for the NSLF-13 Well (Well No. 3306-25). You can expect your application to be processed within ninety (90) days from this date. For your information, the attached ta~le describes the process, responsible parties, and deadline requirements for drilling or modifyipg a well and installing, modifying, or replacing a pump. By this acceptance letter, we are also notifying the well operator and landowner that water may not be pumped for purposes other than testing until the Commission has issued a certificate of pump installation completion letter to the well operator and landowner. Additionally, please be aware that the Commission may require the pump capacity to be reduced if the results of a pumping test do not support the requested capacity. No certificate of pump installation will be issued until the Commission has determined that the pump capacity will not have adverse effects on the aquifer, other nearby wells or streams in the local area. If the Commission requires a smaller pump capacity for this well, you may need to remove the installed pump and install a smaller pump before you can withdraw water for reasonable and beneficial use. If you have any questions about your permit application, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. Sincerely, DEM:ss Attachment c: Ken Simon, Menehune Water Company / o o LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON TER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Honorable Chiyome L. Fukino, M.D., Director Department of Health Attention: Director's Office Tomas See, Chief, Wastewater Branch Stuart Yamada, Chlef, Safe Drinking Water Branch Alec Wong, Chief,iClean Water Branch Dr. Keith Kawao ,Office of Hazard valuation and Emergency Response TO: (l~ H. Thielen, Chairperson 1-~aura Commission on Water Resour FROM: SUBJECT: Well ConstructionlPump Instal ation Permit App ication NSLF-13 Well Well No. 3306 25 Transmitted for your review and com ent is a copy of the captioned Well Construction/Pump Installation permit application. We would appreciate your comments the captioned application for any conflicts or inconsistencies with the programs, plans, and 0 ~ectives specific to your department. Please respond by returnin this cover memo form b Decemb r 26 2008. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume that you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application, request additional informafon, or request additional review time, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. DM:ss Attachment(s) RESPONSE: • ! [I This well qualifies as a source which will serve as a source ofpotalj.le water to a public water system (defined as serving 25 or more people at least 60 days per year or has IS or more service connections) and must receive Direqtor of Health approval prior to its use to comply with Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Title II, Chapter 20, Rules Relating to Potable Water Systems, §11-20-29. [I This well does not qualify as a source serving a public water systel)l (serves less than 25 people or more people at least 60 days per year or IS service connections) and if the well water is used for drinking, the private ~wner should test for bacteriological and chemical presence before initiating such use and routinely monitor the water quality thereafter. However, if future ~Ianned use from this source increases to meet the public water system definition, then Director of Health approval is reqnired prior to implementation. : [I If the well is used to supply both potable and non-potable purpose~ in a single system, the user shall eliminate cross-connections and backflow connections by physically separating potable and non-potable systems by an air or an approved backflow preventer, and by clearly labeling all non-potable spigots with warning signs to prevent inadvertent consumption of non-potable tater. Backflow prevention devices should be routinely inspected and tested. [I It does not appear that this well will be used for consumptive purp ses and is not subject to Safe Drinking Water Regulations. [I [I For the applicant's information, a source of possible wastewater c g, tamination [ I is [ I is not located near the proposed well site (information attached). An NPDES permit is required. [I Other relevant DOH rules/regulations, information, or recommen ations are attached. [I In the event that the location of the well changes but is still within the parcel described on this application, our division considers the comments to still be applicable, and we do not need to review the new location. [I No comments/objections Contact Person: Signed: ---------------------------+---------------- Phone: ----------------- Date: _________I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--."'·,,~f1"#"' '"t o o LAURA H. THIELEN LINDA LINGLE GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKlNO, M.D. DONNA FAY K. KlYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 November 25, 2008 TO: Morris Atta, Administrator Land Division FROM: Ken C. Kawahara, P.E., Deputy Director Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned Well Construction/Pump Installation permit application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application with regard to the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your division. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by December 26, 2008. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application, request additional information, or request additional review time, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. DM:ss Attachment(s) RESPONSE: [ ] A water lease/permit is required of this applicant and an application for such will be requested by our division. [ ] A water lease/permit is not required of this applicant. [ ] A water lease/permit has been obtained by the applicant through lease no. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ [ ] Other relevant Land Division rules/regulations, information, or recommendations are attached. [ ] No objections [ ] Other comments: Contact Person: ------------------~------------- Signed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: ---------- Date: ------------- o o LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII OEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 November 25, 2008 TO: Dr. Puaalaokalani Aiu, Administrator Historic Preservation FROM: Ken C. Kawahara, P .E., Deputy Director Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Well ConstructionlPump Installation Permit Ap lication NSLF-13 Well (Well No. 3306-25) TMK:(1) 6 -028:013 Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned Well ConstructionlPump Installation permit application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application with regard to the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your division. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by December 26, 2008. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application or request additional review time, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. If you require additional information regarding specific information that can be provided by the applicant, please contact the applicant directly at the contact information provided on the application form. DM:ss Attacbment(s) RESPONSE: [ ] This is a [ ] public (county or state) project [ ] private project and [ ] will [ ] may disturb historic sites. [ ] We concur that the work described under this permit will not disturb historic sites. [ ] We do not concur that the work described under this permit will not disturb historic sites. We require the following for our concurrence: Contact Person: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: - - - - - - - Signed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date:- - - - - - - - .@ .. I...." o o LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. F ~TATE DEPARTMENT COMMISSION ON KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. OF HAWAII OEPUTY DIRECTOR LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES ATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 November 25,2008 Mr. Clifford Lum, Manager and Chief Engineer Board of Water Supply City and County of Honolulu 630 South Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96843 Dear Mr. Lum: Well ConstructionlPump Installation Permit Review Well ConstructionlPump Installation Permit Application NSLF-13 Well (Well No. 3306-25) Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned Well ConstructionlPump Installation permit application. If you have any comments on this application, please submit them by December 26, 2008. If we do not receive comments we will assume you have no comments. If you have any questions about this permit application, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251. Sincerely, L L C DM:ss Attachment -------------------------, ~--, .. a Professional and Vocational Liising (PVL) - powered by eHawaii.gO Page 1 of 1 Professional and Vocational Licensing (PVL) Search - General Licensee GENERAL LICENSEE LIC ID: CT-24947 Active/Inactive: ACTIVE NAME: VALLEY WELL DRILLING LLC TRADE NAME: STATUS: CURRENT, VALID & IN GOOD STANDING/MAINT. REQUIREMENT DUE ENTITY: ORGANIZATION (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) BUSINESS CODE: ORIG LIC DATE: 02/12/2004 EXPIRE DATE: 09/30/2010 CLASS PREFIX: C SPECIAL PRIVILEGE: RESTRICTION: EDUCATION CODE: V CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS: BUSINESS ADDR: 91-458 KOMOHANA ST KAPOLEI HI 96707 MAILING ADDR: Click here to enter search criteria for prior complaints history -> For prior complaints and disciplinary history, contact licensing and business information center at (808) 587-3295. License information on this site reflects information in the Professional and Vocational Licensing Division as of November 18, 2008; howevi applications and forms are subject to standard processing time, and the Information here does not reflect pending changes which are being reviewE The site is updated daily, Monday through Friday, except holidays. The State of Hawaii makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information accessed, the timeliness of the delivery of transactions, delivery the correct party, preservation of the privacy and security of users and makes no warranties, including warranty of merchantability and fitness fOi particular purpose. User is advised that if the information obtained herein is to be reasonably relied upon, user should confirm the accuracy of su information with the provider thereof. 11/18/2008 o o Page 1 of 1 Copyright 11/18/2008 by Hawaii Information Service Assessed Values reflect tax year 2008. Search criteria: TMK Taxkey 1-6-6-28-13 • PUBLIC RECOREf'DATA Taxkey Subdiv ICondo Tnr Address Owner I Lessee / ' Bds Bths Land area Liv area Last Sale Instr Price 1-6-6-28-13 F FARRINGTON MENEHUNE WATER COMPANY 0 0 2.43 ac 0 5/18/2005 QD $495,000 HWY INC This Information has been supplied by third parties and has not been independently verified by Hawaii Information Service and Is therefore not uaranteed. http://webre1.hawaiiinformation.comIREsearchIBaselLib/ActionMenuPrintModal.htm 11/18/2008 aARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESoAES UAC OR ATTACHED WORKSHEET DOCUMENT NO ... F YR APP D SRC/ OBJ COST CTR PROJECT S 09 326 C 1026 0752 PH ACT AMOUNT (1) $25.00 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) TOTAL REMARKS: LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE (1) (2) (3 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NSLF 13 Well $ 25.00 DATE' November 14, 2008 NAME/DESCRIPTION (WANG INPUn Valley Well Drilling LLC o o / STATE OF HAWAII F~~~,~~OnIY: DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FOR A WELL CONSTRUCTION.L PUMP INSTALLATION PERMIT UH NOV I ~ A 9: 06 c, Instructions: Please print in ink or type and send completed application with attachments to the Commissiop,AQ,· 'iC' \i i ~ J .,,, ~ Tt Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. Application must be accompanied bY'I1-~": ' i i , ) ' i ' " " " \ , c,.'\ copies and a non-refundable filing fee of $25.00 payable to the Dept. of land and Natural Resources. RftSf: :·:C~: t.,l U(,,:[}IEr; Commission may not accept incomplete applications. For assistance, call the Regulation Branch at 587-0225.' J=or further information and updates to this application form, visit http://www.hawaiLgov/dlnr/cwrm. r WELL LOCATION INFORMATION 1, STATE WELL NO. (if already assigned) 3, ISLAND /2, WELL NAME 33[;1,. ... Zlj N'Si-f I:) 14.™K Qq\Wl -~-~: sec The following must be attached before this application is accepted as complete: • Portion of 7.5-Minute Series USGS topographic map (scale 1:24,000) with well location labeled and include the name of the quad map • Property tax map, showing well location referenced to established property boundaries • Photograph of the proposed well site • A schematic diagram showing the well site, access road and proposed well infrastruclure • For dug wells, attach a grading plan with cross section profiles showing existing and finish grades 5, WELL OPERATOR'S NAME/COMPANY Well Operator's Contact 6. LANDOWNER'S NAME/COMPANY I Mi:he hVH)t WqtcY' CO_~'U'1j1 Well Operator's Mailing Address *1 S'1\'Y1C "I~ ~ V\:\""Im Si mOl ~r / Landowner's Contact ~~101 I PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION 7. Proposed Work )&I Construct New Well o Modify Existing Well Abandon/Seal Well 8. Construction Type ~ Drilled DOug Shaft Tunnel o o o .llii pare Landowner's Mailing Add~ess I qq -rz.05 ijqlq Wet \tt 11 \1 A1",~ \<-Cl\ pial Landowner's E-mail PROPOSED PUMP INSTALLATION 10. Proposed Work Install New Pump Replace Pump ~ o 11. Proposed Pumping Rate, gpm (gallons per minute) ICl 13. Method of flow measurement Flowmeter Other (explain) S o 12. Proposed Amount of Withdrawal, gpd (gallons per day) 50G 9. Is this well part of a battery of wells? 0 Yes g No 14. Proposed Surveyor name and license number (a surveyor Is required for all Well Construction Permits and may be required for some Pump Installation Permits) PROPOSED USE o 15. Municipal (water systems serving greater than 25 individuals or 15 service connections) ill 16. Domestic l Number of units to be served: o 17. Industrial (describe) o 18. Irrigation (describe crop and no. of acres) o 19. Military (describe) o 20. Other (describe) OTHER LEGAL REQUIREMENTS If required, items 21. and 22. must be obtained before the Commission can legally issue a permit: 21. Conservation District Use Permit (COUP) Well is in Conservation District Required, COUP # date approved Not Required (attach documentation from OCCl) ---I have not checked with OCCl about whether or not a COUP is required. I understand that checking with OCCl prior to making this application will expedite my review. I further understand that issues raised by this agency may delay or result in denial of the permit issuance, or revocation ofthe permit after it is issued. Well is not in Conservation District I)iI I have not checked if well is in or out of Conservation District. I understand that checking if the well is in a Conservation District may expedite my review. I further understand that issues raised may delay or result in denial of the permit issuance, or revocation of thej>ermit after it is issued. 22, Special Management Area Permit (SMAP) Required, SMA # date approved _ _ _.,Not Required (attach documentation from applicable County agency) 1'iiJ I have not checked with the county about whether or not an SMA Permit is required. I understand that checking with the County prior to making this application may expedite my review. I further understand that issues raised by this agency may delay or result in denial ofthe permit issuance, or revocation of the permit after it is issued. 23. State Historic Preservation DiviSion (SHPD) of the Department of land and Natural Resources I have consulted with the HPD regarding potential impacts of well construction activities on historic sites. I have attached applicable documentation from the HPD. r:iIl I have not consulted with the HPD regarding potential impacts of well construction activities on historic sites. I understand that checking with the HPD prior to making this application may expedite my review. I further understand that issues raised by this agency may delay or result in denial of the permit issuance, or revocation of the permit after it is issued. Additionally, the history of past land use is attached. Additional remarks, explanations, etc. (attach additional sheet if more space is needed) o o o o o o o o NOTE: Signing below indicates that the signatories understand and SYfear that the information provided is accurate and true to the best of their knowledge. Further, the signatories understand that upon permit approval: 1) the ptoposed work is to be completed within two (2) years ofthe approval date; 2) the contractor shall submit to the Commission a well completion/abandonment report within 60 days after the completion date of the permitted work; 3) in the event that the application is not completed correctly, any permit may be suspended until the item is brought in to compliance, and any work done while the . permit is in suspension mayresult in fines of up to $5000/day. 25. PUMP INSTAllER (Must be filled out if application is for Pump Installation) 24. WEll DRillER (Must be filled out if application is for Well Construction) Valla \'f&\\ »yj Ihnq .t.LC Licenseefbusiness name 1rd!rrY1 Signature ~ J ( ·tft:tClr Print lA4tJ- S?(P/~. I saky Ct. S' ~r,,/I~t·" '1 Licensee business name C-57 License No. \\')0 ·01 Signature Date r llA V-t . (C-r:: IV) ._;t ...H::,( k 6tt. NI.- "'~)J\ f Ii/IUD / C-57/C-57a/A License No. Print I. ' / . Date WCPI Application Form 02/26/2007 o o PROPOSED WELL SECTION (Please attach schematic if different from diagram provided below) Hole Oiameter: _1;...O__,in. Elevation at top of casing J11.. ft., msl* f4--L-----.j ._ Minimum of 2' Radius & 4" Thick Concrete Pad (to contain benchmark surveyed to nearest 0.01 ft.) Ground Elevation: ft., msl* 140 Please refer to the Cement Grout: 100ft. (min. 70% of distance from ground elevation to top of water surface or 500 ft., whichever is less.) Grouting method: P4 Positive displacement o Other HAWAII WELL CONSTRUCTION AND PUMP INSTALLATION STANDARDS to ensure that your as-built is in compliance with applicable standards. Annular space between hole and caSing (1.5" for positive displacement, 3" for other methods): 1·6 ~~--I Solid Casing: (~ 90% x (Ground Elev.-Water Level Elev» Total Length: \ Nominal Oiameter: WallThickness: in. 'lU ft. ? 0 . 1. fj1 Bottom Elevation: in. in. ft., msl* -\() Rock or Gravel Packing: TotalOepth IgO ft. .,.."....,.:q~~..,...- ft. p( Perforated Open Casing: Material: o ft. Nominal Oiameter: ___6_______ in. Rounded Gravel Wall Thickness: Estimated Water Level 0 .1S~ Bottom Elevation: Elevation: 12- Screen 40 Total Length: o Crushed Basalt o "'60 in. ft., msl* note: Neither bentonite nor mud should be used in saturated zone during drilling ft. msl* Open Hole: Length: _ _ --INa...1.l_______ ft. Oiameter: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in. Bottom Elevation: ft., msl* * The approximate elevation must be referenced to mean sea level (msl) at the time of application filing. Final elevations of well components shall be submitted in the Well CompletionlWell Abandonment reports and referenced to a benchmark which has been established by a surveyor licensed by the State. For non-salt water Basal Wells - bottom elevation of well should not be deeper than 1/4 of aquifer thickness or, Bottom Elevation of Well Limit = (Water Elevation _ 41 x Water L~el Elevation ) Example: Estimated + 2 ft. Water Level Elev. - Bottom Elevation of Well Limit =( 2 _ 41 ~ (2) = -18.5 ft. Solid Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): 0 ANSI/A'MNA C200 0 API Spec. 5L 0 ASTM A53 0 ASTM A 139 And compliant with (check one or more): 0 ASTM A242 (or A606) 0 Type E 0 Type S 0 Grade B 0 Other Stainless Steel: (check one): 0 ASTM M09 (production wells) 0 ASTM A312 (monitor wells) ASS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) 0 Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 PVC Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 0 Schedule 120 o Filament Wound Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 Thermoset Plastic: (check one) o Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 !S o Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 o o o Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to A'MNA C950 PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 Open Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): 0 ANSIIA'MNA C200 0 API Spec. 5L 0 ASTM A53 0 ASTM A139 And compliant with (check one or more): 0 ASTM A242 (or A606) 0 Type E 0 Type S 0 Grade B 0 Other Stainless Steel: (check one): 0 ASTM A409 (production wells) 0 ASTM A312 (monitor wells) ASS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) 0 Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 PVC Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 0 Schedule 120 Thermoset PlastiC: (check one) 0 Filament Wound Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 ]I( o o Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 o Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to AWNA C950 o o PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 WCPI Application Form 02/26/2007 o ';,." 34 ',: .';~',;~:",,- .. £.:;;:;~;:;::;~9:~ ,I., ....,,;:;.~~ -'. ''':••.•.Ji. P.:::·-·· -.........>... ~,:,. / , I :f i ,. . ":'" :.' 33 : ... ,,, PS? .t~ (:, ~ / ' ", /' I~'/:J).:. \ ," , " If"],,, / ! / TMK: 6-6-28: 9 Lot 6 I TMK: 6-6-28: 12 I , I ,,' Lot 7 TMK: 6-6-28: 14 ~ .~ / , I