Fall 2011 - Southeast Tech
Fall 2011 - Southeast Tech
the good LIFE Educating South Dakotans for better opportunities. RN degree A new option for LPNs with experience. need a JOB? Healthcare careers remain on the rise. southeasttech.edu | fall 2011 Get Your DeGree – your way president’s view @ ColoraDo teChniCal universitY The excitement that is generated • OnCampus,Online–Anywhere,Anytime • Industry-focusedBachelor’sdegreeprograms • Creditsmaytransfer-intowardsyourdegree • Tuitiongrants* available on campus every Fall is always exhilarating, and to me, especially rewarding. It is awesome to welcome promising new students, dedicated new staff members, Business | Criminal JustiCe information teChnology | health sCienCes new programs and new facilities this semester. In fact, we have once more broken an enrollment record with 2,507 students currently enrolled compared to 2,455 for Fall 2010. We are also pleased to have completed our beautiful new Student Services area in the Mickelson Center. In the past year, we have broken through barriers to embrace new opportunities for both our students and our workforce partners. A new RN degree, several Business degree additions and new online and flexible degree offerings are just a few ways we have been working to increase our value for our constituents, and we are always looking for more ways to continue in that vein. Take a moment to read through this issue of Living Blue Tech Times to discover how Southeast Tech has made and continues to make an impact in our community. We are proud to be a committed, reliable and valuable partner for workforce excellence! Jeff Holcomb President, Southeast Technical Institute ConneCt now 605.361.0200 coloradotech.edu/sioux-falls 3901 W. 59th Street | Sioux Falls, SD 57108 *University grants or scholarships are based on established criteria as published in the University’s catalog and are awarded after verification that the conditions of eligibility have been met. Subject to change without notice. Not all credits eligible to transfer in. Please see CTU’s catalog for transfer credit policies. CTU does not guarantee employment or salary. 90-27381 141532 04/11 2 | Living Blue FALL 2011 www.southeasttech.edu PUBLISHER/WRITER Margaret Pennock, STI Marketing Coordinator DESIGNER Caroline Jacobsma, STI Marketing Assistant ADVERTISING INQUIRIES [email protected] CORRESPONDENCE Southeast Technical Institute 2320 N Career Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57107 ARTICLES/PHOTOS Contributed by staff unless otherwise noted. Living Blue is published three times annually by the Marketing Department of Southeast Technical Institute and distributed at no cost. contents fall 2011 ON THE COVER INSIDE 5 4 new RN program A great way for LPNs to bridge. 12 new job now! creative tech savvy Kelly Evans adds technical expertise to her resumé. 6 Excellent growth in healthcare to continue. leaders in force Foundation Board grows to 21 members. 11 taking a bite Ryan Woodley hits a homerun in Staten Island. 13 construction update Mickelson renovation completed. 14 skillsUSA national office Wade Persson rises to the top. 5 12 15 new recruits Meet Southeast Tech’s newest staff! FEATURE 7 finding the good life President Jeff Holcomb equates an educated workforce with economic success. 7 www.southeasttech.edu FALL 2011 Living Blue | 3 creative tech savvy Kelly Evans enhances her bachelor’s degree with computer technology expertise. Kelly Evans has always been intrigued with designing fabulous interiors. In fact, she loved the interior design field so much that she pursued her bachelor’s degree in it. However while earning her degree, she still felt as if she were lacking an important technical skill she needed to become a standout. “As I was working toward my bachelor’s degree I still felt I was missing the computer skills that I needed as a professional in my field.” Kelly chose to enhance her Interior Design degree with a CAD (Computer-Aided Drafting) Technician degree from Southeast Tech. “I really enjoyed the small class sizes because I wasn’t just a number. The knowledge and patience of the instructors was wonderful. They really took the time Kelly Evans to make sure I understood what they were CAD Technician, Interior Designer Architecture Incorporated; Sioux Falls, SD Southeast Tech Class of 2002 Degree: Architectural/Construction Engineering Technology teaching.” After spending two years finalizing her degree at Southeast Tech, Kelly was pleased with her experience and how it impacted her resumé. “I gained lots of knowledge firm’s projects. It’s an exciting in two short years. It was the knowledge I field because each day is different have needed and utilized for my career over just as each building is different, and over. It was a great experience with a and I’m always learning about wonderful lab and classroom environment, new products and about faster which means a lot when it comes to and more efficient ways to learning.” draft items on the computer. I Today, Kelly works as a CAD Technician, Interior Designer for one of Sioux Falls’ top architectural firms, Architecture Incorporated where she employs her CAD experience daily. “I work with lots of people on a day to day basis as a team player for our 4 | Living Blue do lots of interior drafting on commercial buildings ranging from healthcare to education “It’s been fun because Southeast Tech has followed my career over the years and I have been invited to speak about what I do to encourage younger generations to learn more about my field. I am so happy with my decision to attend Southeast Tech!” – Kelly Evans to churches. My knowledge I gained from Southeast Tech has been invaluable for my career.” LB FALL 2011 www.southeasttech.edu new RN program Southeast Tech is renowned for their 11-month Licensed Practical to five bridge courses and their work experience to move forward Nursing diploma with consistent nursing board pass rates of nearly with their Registered Nurse, AAS degree! This degree offers LPNs the 100 percent. Building on that excellence, Southeast Tech has been ability to earn better pay and apply for better opportunitites. approved by the State Board of Education to offer a Registered Nurse AAS degree, with the first class scheduled to launch in January of 2012. “With strong health science programs already in place, and two of the state’s largest health care systems based right in Sioux Falls, it’s a very natural fit for us,” said Southeast Tech President Jeff Holcomb. “As health care becomes more specialized, we’re finding that employers often encounter a shortage of Registered Nurses in particular. This will give our students another option to make themselves even more marketable.” RN Degree Details This degree is a perfect fit for Southeast Tech graduates with an LPN RN Job Opportunities • Full-Service and Specialty Hospitals • General and Specialty Clinics • Long-Term Care Institutions • Home Healthcare Companies • Hospice • Assisted Living Facilities Affordable Option Southeast Tech offers tuition that is at least $100 less per credit than any other college in Sioux Falls. diploma in addition to 750 hours of documented work experience, or For more information, visit southeasttech.edu or call 605.367.6040. for any LPN with at least 750 hours of documented work experience. LB Candidates simply plug in their existing LPN diploma in addition Redefining health care This is the face of care. The face of prevention. The face of treatment. This is the face at the clinic. At the operating table. At the bedside. The face that comforts. Laughs. Cries. At Sanford Health, we face each day with courage, passion and determination. Become the face of hope. Join today’s pioneers. 100-11200-0506 8/11 This is Sanford Health. careers.sanfordhealth.org www.southeasttech.edu FALL 2011 Living Blue | 5 21 leaders join to further southeast tech’s workforce impact Southeast Tech welcomes 2011 Foundation Board members. Over the past year, Institutional Advancement Officer Michelle Lounsbery has made great progress with the Southeast Tech Foundation, including welcoming additional Board Members. In early 2011, Michelle and the Southeast Tech Foundation Board went through a strategic planning process to align itself with Southeast Tech Foundation’s goals. The Southeast Tech Foundation Board is comprised of 21 insightful and forward-thinking individuals who have generously given of their time to further Southeast Tech’s Mission. Southeast Tech would like to thank existing board members for their continued commitment and welcome all new members. • Deana Larson, Wells Fargo Customer Connection • Nancy Hughes, The Dunham Company • Michael J. Jamison, TSP • Tracey Deatherage, Daktronics Members Include (noted in order of the photo above back row to front): • Jeff Talbot, Southeast Tech Faculty Representative • Kathy Thorson, MetaBank; Southeast Tech Foundation Treasurer • Randy Knecht, CPA, Sioux Falls Construction • Jeff Nelson, HJN Team Real Estate; Southeast Tech Foundation President • Jeff Holcomb, President, Southeast Tech • Carl Rapp, ADP • Larry Fuller, Insight Builders, LLC • Myron Rau, SD Auto Dealers Assn • Dale A. Jans, Jans Corporation; Southeast Tech Foundation Vice President • Rachel Buse-Flaskey, CPA/ABV/CFF, Eide Bailly LLP • Michael A. Crane, Crane & Fowler Investments 6 | Living Blue Not Pictured: • Jeffery A. Hazard, Koch Hazard Architects • Helen Henkin, Transitional Living Corporation • Bill McLean, Avera McKennan • Evan Nolte, Sioux Falls Area Chamber • Debbie Sneve, Citibank • Orlen Tschetter, Sanford Health – Sioux Falls Region LB “The leadership of Southeast Tech is always visionary and proactive to the current and future needs of all the employers of the area. Their concern for the community and the students who will be future citizens is always evident. The board will pledge to help the leadership, staff and students do everything necessary to build the programs by increasing scholarship funds in 2011-2012.” – Jeff Nelson, Southeast Tech Foundation Board President Southeast Tech Foundation Board Officers: Kathy Thorson, Jeff Nelson and Dale A. Jans FALL 2011 www.southeasttech.edu finding the good life Without a doubt, Sioux Falls and the surrounding region is a great place to live, work and play. However, many of its residents may be selling themselves short when it comes to career aspirations. According to the US Census Bureau, only 24.6% of Sioux Falls residents had a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2009 compared to 26.3% in Fargo, ND; while a 2008 competitive assessment performed by Atlanta based firm Market St noted that just 38.7% of Sioux Falls adults had an associate’s degree or higher. In an era of tight budgets and an even tighter workforce, Southeast Tech President Jeff Holcomb shares his thoughts on how Southeast Tech can help upgrade the local workforce and empower area residents to capture the good life. www.southeasttech.edu FALL 2011 Living Blue | 7 enriching the region President Jeff Holcomb shares his thoughts on enhancing the quality of life for area res Sioux Falls is a city envied by many. With employment because that’s our mission and a stellar economy and an excellent quality we do it everyday over and over. I believe of life for its residents, it doesn’t get much that if a student wishes to stay in South better than that. In fact, it’s held the honor Dakota we are by far one of the best choices of attaining Forbe’s #1 best places for they can make. On average, 70-80% of our business and careers five years in a row! graduates stay in South Dakota enriching However for Jeff Holcomb, the President our workforce. The reason behind that is of Southeast Tech, status quo isn’t cutting our programs are designed so that they can it. With an intense drive to improve stay here and get a great job or come back educational methods and opportunities for at some point in the future. We train for area residents, it’s no surprise that Southeast what industry supports locally and we focus Tech continues to be a major economic force on developing programming that gives in the region and the state. individuals the opportunity to stay and build Holcomb notes, 8 | Living Blue “We educate for their lives and careers here. Our purpose is FALL 2011 www.southeasttech.edu to develop the workforce in South Dakota.” With over 300 local business professionals serving as advisory committee members helping to guide curriculum and programming, industry plays a direct role in defining exactly what Southeast Tech students receive for an education. This direct connection enables industry to ‘order their way’ instead of attempting to make do with an employees’ skill set. “We are the primary workforce provider for an abundance of different industries in Sioux Falls. I believe we are the best entry level provider for many of the technical skills that are necessary for n through education sidents through the power of knowledge. economic success. However, it is critical And with budget cuts affecting tuition hikes individual has the obligation to themselves that industry keeps us current so that we and a floundering Dow reducing many to improve, to learn and to be a more can provide a steady flow of graduates to students college accounts, this is even more productive employee. I want to see Southeast upgrade the skills of the workforce as well vital. “It’s very important for every South Tech graduates progress. Being a very good as provide adequate numbers of workers for Dakotan to have access to education and a technician is important. But having the skills industry,” shares Holcomb. big portion of that is affordability. We are to manage other technicians, to develop not a wealthy state and to help our workforce new strategies, to be more productive and develop and attain skills necessary for to mentor and grow other technicians industry, we must keep it affordable to make makes you that much more valuable as it a possibility. As soon as finances make this an employee. All of that is important. The impossible, we aren’t meeting our mission. best managers that I have met have a great We are doing everything we can to ensure understanding of the people that work for that our students have the ability to achieve them. And you don’t get that without further their career goals at Southeast Tech.” education and experience.” one that is both affordable and fairly quick to However, he doesn’t suggest that neglecting A fact that has been addressed by several achieve. He says, “The degrees that we offer to further a degree and knowledge is what agreements with excellent area colleges focus on teaching exactly what the student Southeast Tech promotes. “I believe every and universities including the University of Not a traditional college, Southeast Tech has grown to be the state’s leading technical school boasting the state’s third largest postsecondary graduating class following only the University of South Dakota and South Dakota State University. Holcomb believes the success lies heavily on the ability to provide not only an excellent education, but needs to learn without adding to or wasting their time. We recognize that students have a certain amount of time that they want to spend learning. They don’t want to spend extra time learning something they may not need. Let them get into a career, and then they can decide what other knowledge they can pursue. We want them to enter the workforce as quickly as possible to help industry fulfill the needs of their workforce.” “There’s a workforce demand in our region for skills that are at a higher level, and the fact of the matter is that they’re better paying. If we can increase the skills of individuals in our community they will have a higher income to use for better houses, better standards of living and a better quality of life. For our business and industry partners, this means a higher skilled and more productive workforce. It’s a win win situation for everyone.” – Jeff Holcomb, President of Southeast Tech 9 INSTITUTES of excellence at SOUTHEAST TECH Sioux Falls, Bellevue University, Colorado Technical University and the University of South Dakota. “We certainly encourage students to further their education. We work with several partners to help them advance to bachelor’s degrees and higher. We’re excited to entertain any opportunities with partners and industry has a huge part to play in encouraging and supporting education. You need to focus on helping individuals that you’ve hired to move on to higher levels when they show promise.” LB • Institute of Advanced Technology • Institute of Business & Communications • Institute of Engineering Technology • Institute of Health Technology • Institute of Human Services • Institute of Horticulture Technology • Institute of Industrial Technology • Institute of Transportation Technology • Training Solutions Institute www.southeasttech.edu FALL 2011 Living Blue | 9 ADVERTISEMENT The Smoothest Transfer of The SmooTheST TranSfer SOUTHEAST TECH Associate’s Degree Credit is to Bellevue University When you’re ready to leverage your Southeast Tech associate’s degree, the smoothest transfer of your credit is to Bellevue University because ALL of your associate’s degree credit transfers. That’s according to Bellevue University awards you for the credits you’ve earned – and ALL of your associate’s degree. Jessica Bivens, the Bellevue University Enrollment Counselor located on the campus. She is dedicated to helping Southeast Tech students and grads earn their bachelor’s degrees with Bellevue University. “Education is the key to making a difference today – to having the power to move your career in the direction you want it to go,” said Bivens. “Bellevue University understands this. And, because we’re located right here in Sioux Falls on the Southeast Tech campus, we know how hard students work for their associate’s degrees. We give them all the credit they deserve for that hard work.” Bellevue University also gives students credit for their military and corporate training. “To us, That’s how Bellevue University makes it possible. what you learn is more important than how or where you learned it,” continued Bivens. “When training is verified from reliable sources such as the American Council on Education (A.C.E.), or military • NOtransferfees. Learn 100% • NOapplicationfee. ONLINE • NOrepeatingcourses. • JustYOUmovingFORWARD towardyourcareerandlifegoals. ConneCT with Bellevue University andcompleteyourbachelor’sdegreein ASLITTLEAS15MONTHS. SMART and AARTS transcripts, that says to us that the learning meets our accreditation standards and those that prepare students for work today.” When students enroll in Bellevue University with their associate’s degree credit, they can earn their bachelor’s degrees in just 15 months. “This is a real advantage to the smoothest transfer of the credit already earned, and accelerated bachelor’s degree completion,” added Bivens. “Students can take class right here on the Southeast Tech campus or 100% online. Either way, they are in class with other driven adult students who appreciate that education is a competitive advantage. That’s why we make it possible.” To learn more about Bellevue University and transferring your Southeast Tech credits, contact Jessica Bivens Connect now with Jessica Bivens Tech Center • Room 116 605-335-8010 [email protected] at [email protected] or 605.335.8010. Bellevue.edu/Siouxfalls A non-profit university, Bellevue University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools • www.ncahlc.org • 800-621-7440 • Bellevue University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or disability in the educational programs and activities it operates. 10 | Living Blue FALL 2011 www.southeasttech.edu taking a bite out of the big apple Ryan Woodley hits a homerun working for the New York Yankees minor league system. Ryan Woodley Head Groundskeeper Staten Island Yankees/Brickman Sports Turf Services; Staten Island, NY Southeast Tech Class of 2008 Degree: Sports Turf Management Freshly-mown green grass in an intricate Ryan manages a full-time staff member interlocking pattern, the perfect infield and in addition to coordinating hundreds of a sunny day. These are the things that define temporary help throughout the team’s a good day for Ryan Woodley on Staten season. His office overlooks the New York Island, New York. The Head Groundskeeper Harbor within view of the Statue of Liberty, for the Staten Island Yankees, the New York Ellis Island and Manhattan. Yankees minor league team, Ryan has many sports fanatics’ dream job. On occasion, he has also had the opportunity to meet many of the Yankee’s biggest players “I believe that attending Southeast Tech put me ahead of most of the ‘four year turf program’ guys because I already had a degree and two years of career experience by the time they graduated.” He shares, “I work closely with the New York including Derek Jeter and others. He smiles, Yankees minor league system, so ensuring “New York fans are diehards and I love my that the field will meet the standards of the job. Working outside and getting to focus on department at Southeast Tech offers one of Yankees and Brickman Sports Turf Services creating and maintaining a perfect field for the best two year degrees in the Midwest. is vital. It’s my job to make sure this field is our team has been an awesome opportunity.” I absolutely believe that the hands-on one of the best in the league and it’s kept at high standards all season long.” Ryan notes, “From my experience and talking with industry professionals at national conferences, I feel that the turf approach I received gave me the knowledge and skills to advance faster in the turf industry.” LB www.southeasttech.edu FALL 2011 Living Blue | 11 need a job now? follow the jobs to healthcare! The U.S. Department of Labor predicts 3.2 million new healthcare jobs. If you’re looking for a career that will help you ease through a tight economy, take this into account. Healthcare employment is expected to grow by 23% by 2018! Within the healthcare industry, jobs in Medical Transcription and Medical Coding and Billing are increasing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the Medical Transcription field will experience 11% employment growth between 2008 and 2018 and that the Medical Coding and Billing field will experience 20% employment growth during the same time period. The programs offered at Training Solutions Institute can provide you with the opportunity to quickly gain the education you need to qualify for these jobs. Now you can pursue these opportunities in just a few months when you train online for a new job in Medical ONLINE Medical Transcription Develop the knowledge and skills of a quality medical transcriptionist in addition to the specialized skill set of medical transcription editors. Focus on keyboarding, medical terminology, language and grammar and the editing skills required to work with speech recognition technology. ONLINE Medical Coding and Billing Train for a new career in medical coding, in either the inpatient or outpatient specialty. Prepare for national certification exams by focusing on medical terminology, coding standards and specific code sets. Transcription and Medical Coding and Billing with the Training Solutions Institute of Southeast Tech. Since these courses are selfpaced, you can make it work for your schedule without sacrificing family commitments! 12 | Living Blue FALL 2011 www.southeasttech.edu For more information or to register for classes, visit www.trainingsolutionsinstitute.com or call us at 605.367.7619. construction update Mickelson Center renovation completed. After a year of construction, the Mickelson Center has undergone a beautiful facelift. The following areas are welcome new additions for students: • A mezzanine graces the upper floor overlooking the commons. • The Bookstore has been expanded and relocated to the lower floor of the commons. • A new enclosed Student Lounge area is located off the commons opposite the Bookstore. • The Adult Learning Center has been relocated directly to the right of the main entrance. • The Library has been expanded and also houses the new Student Success Center. • Admissions and Financial Aid are situated together. • A receptionist area has been added inside the front doors to assist guests and answer incoming calls. • Two new beautiful glassed in conference rooms have been added. • Four comfortable student learning areas were added to the entrance areas of the Mickelson building. LB www.southeasttech.edu FALL 2011 Living Blue | 13 skillsUSA national office Wade Persson sets his sights high as student, community steward and as national representative. Collison Repair & Refinish Technology graduate and current Automotive Technology student Wade Persson is a great guy. Always willing to put in extra effort for others, he has made it a priority in his life to be a leader in many respects. He shares, “I’ve always thought it’s important to contribute to community service. I’m involved in Big Brothers, I’m an Eagle Scout and I work with United Way ‘Youth as Resources’ because I like to get out and help people. I figure if you take the time to help others that can be your way to help solve the world’s problems right there.” Qualities that have no doubt helped him rise to success within the SkillsUSA organization. A national organization, SkillsUSA is focused on creating a “partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel.” No small task, SkillsUSA’s mission is to “help its members become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.” Student-leadership focused, SkillsUSA encourages and provides resources for the development of soft skills for participating students. Skills stressed include public speaking, proper business meeting and dinner etiquette, resumé building and interview skills. For Wade, membership in SkillsUSA has been an opportunity of a lifetime. “I currently hold the National 2011-2012 College Postsecondary National Parliamentarian office. I have also previously served as Southeast Tech’s SkillsUSA President and as South Dakota’s “SkillsUSA is a great organization that every student should try. Membership looks good on a resumé and it betters you as a person because you’re active and out in the community. We are the second largest student organization in the nation behind FFA.” – Wade Persson State Secretary and President.” Voted into national office in June, Wade spent nearly two weeks in Virginia next to Washington D.C. for training at the SkillsUSA headquarters. Networking with top industry leaders was a definite bonus. “I got to meet the National Executive Director Tim Lawrence who has held that position for 10 years. I also met representatives from Caterpillar, Toyota and Harley Davidson who are all big sponsors of SkillsUSA.” LB 14 | Living Blue FALL 2011 www.southeasttech.edu SkillsUSA Facts SkillsUSA serves more than 300,000 students and instructors annually. The organization has 13,000 school chapters in 54 state and territorial associations. More than 14,500 instructors and administrators are professional members of SkillsUSA. “I graduated from STI with an associate’s degree in business administration, took a year off and then decided to complete my bachelor’s degree at USF. The class schedule worked perfectly with my work and personal schedule.” Degree Completion Program Abby Thiry » bachelor’s degree in management Start with a two-year degree from STI, and finish your bachelor’s degree in accounting, management or entrepreneurial studies through USF’s Degree Completion Program. • Affordable costs-per-credit • Flexible class schedule just one night per week • Classes start in spring, summer and fall For more information: usiouxfalls.edu/dcp 1-800-888-1407 » 1-605-331-6735 » [email protected] join in! southeast tech alumni association ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PERKS Show Your Southeast Tech Pride! The first 150 students to donate at least $10.00 to the Alumni Association will receive an awesome cell phone grip. Keep in Touch! Like us on Facebook to stay ‘in the know.’ GET ON BOARD It’s easy! Just register for free online at http://bit.ly/stialumni LIKE US! SOUTHEAST TECH alumni association new recruits Southeast Tech is proud to welcome our newest employees. ENDT Program Director & Instructor Misty Armstrong Collision Repair & Refinish Instructor Ronald Burchatz Operational Services–Groundskeeper Troy Johnson Assistant Housing Manager Anna Peterson Automotive Technology Lab Specialist Terry Prouty Operational Services–Custodian Richard Weiss announcing our new website! Southeast Tech has launched a new website focused on you! Check us out at southeasttech.edu. www.southeasttech.edu FALL 2011 Living Blue | 15 2320 N Career Ave • Sioux Falls, SD 57107 SOUTH EAST TECH IT’S TIME TO MAKE MOVE! YOUR FIND US! over 50 of today’s hottest programs! start your career in 2 years or less You visit campus! FRIDAY FYI VISITATION DAYS November 18 February 3 March 2 southeasttech.edu 605.367.6040
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Fall 2012 - Southeast Tech
administration, took a year off and then decided to complete
my bachelor’s degree at USF. The class schedule worked
perfectly with my work and personal schedule.”
2 | Living Blue