“NETWORK OF DANUBE WATERWAY ADMINISTRATIONS” South-East European Transnational Cooperation Programme IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE FOR WLAN ACCESS POINTS BASED ON NEWADA PILOT IMPLEMENTATION EXPERIENCES Document ID: O 5.39 Activity: Act.5.5 WLAN Author / Project Partner: Date: Version: Mező / RSOE 15/02/2011 Draft template Mező / RSOE 21/06/2011 Final template 21.10.2011 Input from partners Mező / RSOE 17.10.2011 Final draft Mező / RSOE 15.11.2011 1.0 final version Fromwald / via donau, Mező / RSOE Spaic / APP Lukic / Plovput Tanasescu / AFDJ Manescu / ACN TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................ 5 SCOPE OF DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................. 6 NEWADA pilot implementations ................................................................................................................... 7 General information ................................................................................................................................. 7 Experiences gained, Suggestions for future Danube installations ................................................................ 8 General experiences and remarks ............................................................................................................ 8 Special advices for lock installations ......................................................................................................... 8 Special advices for urban area installations.............................................................................................. 9 ANNEX A - Austrian pilot networks – Abwinden, Freudenau ................................................................. 11 Location(s), purpose of network ........................................................................................................ 11 1.1.1. Locations in Austria ............................................................................................................. 11 1.1.2. Purpose of WLAN network .................................................................................................. 12 System architecture, used equipments .............................................................................................. 13 1.1.3. General system architecture ............................................................................................... 13 1.1.4. Implementation concept ..................................................................................................... 14 1.1.5. Installation on lock Freudenau ............................................................................................ 16 1.1.6. Installation on lock Abwinden ............................................................................................. 20 Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned ............................................................ 22 1.1.7. Objectives and pre-conditions ............................................................................................ 22 1.1.8. Test procedure and set-up .................................................................................................. 24 1.1.9. Test results on lock Freudenau ........................................................................................... 28 1.1.10. User/receiver test experiences ....................................................................................... 37 1.1.11. Lessons learned ............................................................................................................... 39 ANNEX B - Hungarian pilot network – Mohács ....................................................................................... 41 Location(s), purpose of network ........................................................................................................ 41 System architecture, used equipments .............................................................................................. 42 The centre ................................................................................................................................................... 43 AP 1 and AP 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 46 AP3 and AP4 ................................................................................................................................................ 51 Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned ............................................................ 54 Test with omnidirectional antennas ........................................................................................................... 56 Test with panel antennas I .......................................................................................................................... 56 Test with panel antennas II ......................................................................................................................... 60 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 64 ANNEX C - Croatian pilot network – Vukovar ......................................................................................... 65 Location(s), purpose of network ........................................................................................................ 65 Infrastructure location ............................................................................................................................ 66 Coverage plans ............................................................................................................................................ 67 System architecture, used equipments .............................................................................................. 67 Equipment ................................................................................................................................................... 69 Antenna 1 (90 deg) ................................................................................................................................. 69 Antenna 2 (Omnidirectional) .................................................................................................................. 70 Antenna 3 (sector) .................................................................................................................................. 70 Antenna 4 (sector) .................................................................................................................................. 71 Wireless Access Point ............................................................................................................................. 72 Used access points.............................................................................................................................. 73 Server/firewall ........................................................................................................................................ 73 Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned ............................................................ 74 Testing equipment.............................................................................................................................. 74 Coverage tests .................................................................................................................................... 74 Receiver tests ..................................................................................................................................... 75 Lessons learned .................................................................................................................................. 76 ANNEX D - Serbian pilot network - Iron Gate I (RS side)......................................................................... 77 Location(s), purpose of network ........................................................................................................ 77 System architecture, used equipments .............................................................................................. 78 Coverage ............................................................................................................................................. 80 ANNEX E - Romanian Danube pilot network – Iron Gate I (RO side) ...................................................... 85 System architecture, used equipments .............................................................................................. 85 Coverage results : ............................................................................................................................... 93 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 3 of 111 ANNEX F - Romanian Danube-Black Sea Canal pilot networks (Cernavoda, Agigea, Ovidiu, Medgidia) 95 Location(s), purpose of network ........................................................................................................ 95 WLAN System Description........................................................................................................................... 95 WLAN System requirements ................................................................................................................... 95 Cernavoda Lock .................................................................................................................................. 96 System architecture, used equipments .............................................................................................. 97 Hardware implementations .................................................................................................................... 97 Lock installations..................................................................................................................................... 98 Port installations ..................................................................................................................................... 99 Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned .......................................................... 102 WLAN Tests ............................................................................................................................................... 102 1. Agigea Lock .................................................................................................................................... 103 Spectrum analysis ............................................................................................................................. 103 WLAN Coverage ................................................................................................................................ 104 IP Throughput tests .......................................................................................................................... 107 2. Medgidia Port ................................................................................................................................... 108 WLAN Coverage ................................................................................................................................ 108 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 110 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 4 of 111 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Act. Activity (same as SWP) AP Access Point (WLAN) DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (satellite based EGNOS augmentation system of Europe) HWL High Water Level ISP Internet Service Provider LWL Low Water Level POE Power Over Ethernet RIS River Information Services RF Radio Frequency RSS Received Signal Strength SSID Service Set Identifier (id name for WLAN networks) VHF Very High Frequency (30MHz-300MHz) VPN Virtual Private Network synonim word for WLAN service (based on IEEE 802.11 standard), rhymes to WiFi Hi-Fi WLAN Wireless Local Area Network (based on IEEE 802.11 standard) Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 5 of 111 SCOPE OF DOCUMENT NEWADA Act.5.5 Partners have implemented pilot WLAN networks along the Danube and executed coverage and user/receiver tests. The experience gained shall be documented in this document in order to facilitate similar installations on the Danube river in the future. This guide shall transfer the know-how acquired at the installations and suggest technical solutions for further Danube installations. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 6 of 111 NEWADA PILOT IMPLEMENTATIONS General information During the project the partners have implemented WLAN networks at the following locations: # Location Type of location Coverage area (rkm) 1. Abwinden (AT) lock 2.194,54 rkm Danube 2. Freudenau (AT) lock 1.921,05 rkm Danube 3. Mohács (HU) border checkpoint 1447-1443rkm Danube 4. Vukovar (HR) port 5. Iron Gate I (RS) lock 1336-1334 rkm Danube 943 rkm Danube 6. Iron Gate I (RO) lock 943-935 rkm Danube 7. Cernavoda (RO) lock 59,94 canal km 8. Agigea (RO) lock 1,58 canal km 9. Ovidiu (RO) lock 12,15 km on the north branch of the canal 10. Medgidia (RO) port, lock 37,51 canal km Used equipment (AP) Mikrotik RB433AH Mikrotik RB433AH Mikrotik RB433 Implemented by Uplink solution leased line to DoRIS centre leased line to DoRIS centre Microwave 5,8 GHz point-topoint to PannonRIS backbone station via donau via donau RSOE Zyxel NWA1100 via LAN to ISP APP Mikrotik RB433 Motorola AP 650 via LAN to ISP Optical fiber to ISP Optical fibre from RoRIS network Optical fibre from RoRIS network Optical fibre from RoRIS network Optical fibre from RoRIS network Plovput Cisco Aironet 1300 Cisco Aironet 1300 Cisco Aironet 1300 Cisco Aironet 1300 AFDJ ACN ACN ACN ACN For the coverage tests the partners agreed to use InSSIDer software and also agreed on the following Service Coverage Categories: Category Signal strength Data throughput for all users Excellent higher than -65dBm more than 1 Mbit/sec Average Poor between -65dBM and -80dBm below -80dBm more than 0,5 Mbit/sec - Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 7 of 111 EXPERIENCES GAINED, SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE DANUBE INSTALLATIONS General experiences and remarks Coverage test general experiences: 1,5-2 km good coverage in one direction can be reached with proper antennas, equipment and settings. Measurement ship speed is important, lower speed provides more valuable data. Extreme measured data (e.g. -10dBm or +160dBm) can be caused by failure of network cards It is a conclusion that field strength determines the bandwidth as well. Where values were above -80dBm file download speed was suitable for the defined aims (e.g. 200k/sec). Antenna experiences and suggestions: The chosen antennas and their characteristics are important for the coverage and the quality of the provided network. In general, flat panels are recommended for locks as their characteristic (angle of radiation, etc.) perfectly fit the requirements for a complete coverage of the lock dimensions. Depending on the set up of the WLAN network special focus should be turned on the vertical angle of radiation of the used antenna. For example, a higher angle of radiation (e.g. with a 60° emission) may ensure a sufficient reception quality on both water levels in case of only one antenna is being used for lock chamber. It is better to separate the uplink and access point antennas to avoid the loss of gain because the focus of the antenna signal will cause interruptions in data flow. The antenna has to be specifically dedicated to the connection between the two locations. It is very probable that, when discussing installed antennas, quantity outweighs quality. Instead of a small number of powerful directed antennas a number of inexpensive smaller antennas, placed at critical junctures , could provide both better coverage and better reliability and user experience. Distance and height from water is very important. It has been noted that although high buildings offer high signal reach, they add to data packet loss since the full distance between on-shore equipment and clients is larger. Additionally, highly directed antennas are not used to their full potential when used from a high position to cover area in relative proximity. Water level major changes can affect the coverage. Omni-directional antennas do not perform well from higher places but panel directional antennas were successful. Panel directional has good performance to opposite side of the river as well, better than omni-directional. Omni-directional antennas are not practical if settlement is on the shore (interferences with other WLAN networks in town) Omni-directional: far distance, lower field-strength; Panel antenna: smaller distance, higher field-strength Special advices for lock installations Minimum set-up suggestion for WLAN network at a lock (230 – 275 m x 24 m) The tests executed during the installation (adjustment of WLAN antennas) and the coverage tests (pre-tests and regular test runs) showed that one access point and two antennas are sufficient for the installation and operation of a WLAN network on lock Freudenau (275 m x 24 m, max. head of 10,68 m). But in case of locks with a higher head between the high and the low water level the reception quality may increase as a deterioration of the RSS was noticed during the tests with only one antenna adjusted to a lock chamber. This means that for those locks two antennas adjusted to one lock chamber are recommended. An indication at which maximum head an installation of 2 antennas per lock chamber (one adjusted to each water level) should be considered can be probably given after some further installation and tests on other locks (e.g. at lock Aschach with a max. head of 16,87 m). Shadowing effects of group of vessels for a lockage A grouping of vessel for one lockage may lead to shadowing effects for specific vessels. For instance, a vessel of a higher construction like a passenger vessel can shadow the line-of-sight connection to the antenna of lower vessels (typically cargo vessels). Such shadowing effects are possible especially for installations limited to one access point and one Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 8 of 111 antenna per lock chamber. An installation of another access point at the other end of a lock chamber minimizes the risk of shadowing. Depending on the chosen WLAN antenna and its characteristic also an installation on an as high as possible location can be minimize shadowing effects as well as improve the RSS at the WLAN receivers. Special advices for urban area installations In urban areas a lot of WLAN networks are already in operation. Therefore the installation and configuration of the network should take into account other existing networks. The surrounding networks can be inspected to troubleshoot probably competing access points or to identify the best-possible configuration. For example, physically overlapping coverage should be avoided by using available free canals respectively free carrier frequencies. Comparison test experiences between 802.11g and 802.11n draft 2.0 The throughput was much higher in the area near the AP using 802.11n protocol. Also, for the same throughput of 1Mbps the coverage area increased very much, up to twice the distance measured using 802.11g protocol. The protocol 802.11n is using MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) technology with patch antennas (three antennas for spatial diversity) and provides a much better throughput and coverage using the same frequency band. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 9 of 111 ANNEXES Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 10 of 111 ANNEX A - Austrian pilot networks – Abwinden, Freudenau Location(s), purpose of network 1.1.1. Locations in Austria A WLAN network was implemented on two of the nine locks located on the Austrian section of the Danube ranging from rkm 2223,2 to rkm 1872,7. In order to ensure a smooth allocation of the WLAN hot spots along the Austrian Danube the locks Freudenau (rkm 1.921,05 – right shore) and Abwinden (rkm 2.194,54 – left shore) were chosen for the pilot implementation. The locations of the hot spots ensure ease and early access to WLAN for both navigation directions as lock Freudenau is located in the Eastern part of the Austrian Danube in the vicinity of Vienna while lock Abwinden is located close to Linz in the Western part. Moreover most of the vessels and convoys departing from the ports and terminals at Linz can make use of the WLAN network in order to obtain important data and information for their pending transports and the voyage. LOCKS ON THE AUSTRIAN DANUBE In the following a detailed overview about the WLAN locations and the coverage area is given: # 1 2 Location Freudenau Abwinden Type of location lock lock Dimensions length x width [m] No. of lock chambers 275 x 24 230 x 24 2 2 Maximum head [m] 10,68 10,91 Coverage area (Danube rkm) from 1.921,05 2.119,54 to n/a n/a Length covered [km] 0,275 0,230 WLAN LOCATIONS IN AUSTRIA Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 11 of 111 The Austrian locks are constructed as double-chamber lock, which means that the lock chambers are located in parallel and can be operated simultaneously. The coverage area shall comprise both chambers, whereas certain coverage with respect to signal availability, field strength or data throughput must be guaranteed on both water levels (lower and higher water level). LOCK FREUDENAU (LEFT) AND LOCK ABWINDEN (RIGHT) It should be noted that the right lock chamber on lock Freudenau can be separated in two shorter, subsequent chambers by means of an intermediate gate. This intermediate gate was build to decrease the water consumption and the passage times of small vessels being locked in a single lockage not grouped with others. For the pilot implementation in Austria an overall WLAN coverage (i.e. availability of signal) of 95% in one single lock chamber was defined as appropriate coverage indicator besides of the within NEWADA agreed service coverage categories. Based on this a different approach for the implementation of the WLAN equipment on lock Freudenau compared to the installation on lock Abwinden was necessary. 1.1.2. Purpose of WLAN network The main goal was to implement WLAN hot spots on selected locks in order to provide access to specific RIS information important for navigation and the further transport/voyage planning and execution. This means that the WLAN network should provide an open, free of charge access to the internet limited to certain Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 12 of 111 websites comprising fairway information and other relevant data. The following services and/or information portals are supported within this pilot: Service NEWADA Danube FIS Portal Yes/no or name Yes DoRIS IWT portals E-mail services Local information Touristic information Open internet access Other ELWIS No No ZAMG No No No Link - SERVICES SUPPORTED IN THE PILOT System architecture, used equipments 1.1.3. General system architecture The NEWADA pilot is fully integrated in the infrastructure and network of the Austrian RIS system. This means that existing infrastructure and equipment is being used for the purpose of the pilot as well as certain service levels concerning network availability, performance and available bandwidth, etc. can be ensured on a long-term basis. The basic system architecture for the NEWADA pilot includes at least the installation of one access point at each of the locks providing access to the internet and in a further consequence to unlocked websites for the RIS user on board of a vessel or convoy. A firewall installed behind the access point at a lock ensures that only the unlocked websites can be invoked by the user. Another task of the firewall is to limit the theoretical bandwidth of the internet connection to 256 kbps in order to ensure a proper remaining bandwidth for the other RIS systems and services respectively the internal via donau network. The infrastructure and network at the lock is connected to the VPN network which ensures the traffic from and to the internet, monitored and protected by another firewall. The bandwidth between the RIS user on board and the access point installed at the lock is limited to the capability of the Wireless LAN network interfaces in use on shore and on board of the vessel. The general system architecture of the network infrastructure including the NEWADA pilot at a lock can be depicted as follows: Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 13 of 111 GENERAL SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The different situations at the locks, as for instance the different lock chamber dimensions (275m x 24m and 230m x 24m) or the intermediate gate on lock Freudenau which could have lead to gaps in the coverage respectively bad results in terms of signal strength on the low water level in one of the short chambers, were taking into account from the start. Therefore it was decided to install 2 access points on lock Freudenau while on lock Abwinden only one access point is installed. The installation concept of both, the one for lock Abwinden and the other one for lock Freudenau are briefly described in the succeeding section. 1.1.4. Implementation concept Two directional flat panel antennas for 2,4 GHz (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n) are installed on lock Abwinden connected to a single access point. The access point is installed indoor a lock building on the higher water level of the lock. Each of the directional antennas is adjusted to one of the lock chambers in order to cover the complete usable length of the lock chambers. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 14 of 111 1 Gbit/s (connected to firewall) IEEE 802.11 g canal 11 right lock chamber AP 1 left lock chamber IEEE 802.11 g canal 1 IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPT FOR LOCK ABWINDEN The single access point is connected to a firewall which is responsible for the limitation of the available bandwidth within the VPN network to a defined value, the access to specific defined websites and the isolation of the WLAN users to the rest of the network. In Freudenau one access point is located on a building close to the high water level and the other one on another building (here the lock tower) close to the low water level of the lock. The connection between the access points is established via air interface using the 5 GHz band (IEEE 802.11 a). Each of the access points also comprises two directional flat panel antennas for the 2,4 GHz band which are adjusted to one of the lock chambers. The slope of the 2,4 GHz antennas is higher than at Abwinden since the location and emission can be optimized taking into account that another access point also emits the WLAN signal from the opposite side of the lock chamber. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 15 of 111 1 Gbit/s (connected to firewall) IEEE 802.11 g canal 11 Short chamber II Short chamber I (right lock chamber) (right lock chamber) IEEE 802.11 a IEEE 802.11 g canal 4 AP 1 AP 1 left lock chamber IEEE 802.11 g canal 1 IEEE 802.11 g canal 7 IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPT FOR LOCK FREUDENAU The technical details can be summarized as follows: Freudenau IEEE 802.11 standard supported Number of access points (APs) Interface between APs Local server Data link to feed WLAN network Security SSID name Abwinden b, g 2 1 air interface, IEEE 802.11a n/a No No Private VPN network; bandwidth limited to 256 kbps Open, no encryption NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU NEWADA_LOCK_ABWINDEN TECHNICAL DETAILS OF THE WLAN PILOT 1.1.5. Installation on lock Freudenau Two access points of the type 433AH from Mikrotik are installed on lock Freudenau. The first access point is installed inside the lock tower, which is itself located inbetween the lock chambers surveying the lock chambers in the upstream direction. 2,4 GHz antennas (12,5 dBi directional flat panel antennas with a V/H emission of 60°/60°) as well as a 5 GHz antenna (19 dBi flat panel antenna with a V/H emission of 16°/16°) are installed outside on the outer wall of the lock tower. Loss HDF cables are used for the connection between the antennas and the access point. The following figures and pictures document the installation of the first access point on the lock tower of lock Freudenau. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 16 of 111 Short chamber II Short chamber I left lock chamber usable length of lock chamber SCHEMATIC DEPICTION AND LOCATION OF THE ANTENNAS ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS ON THE LOCK TOWER The access point and the firewall of the type Fortigate 50B are installed behind the cable lead-through in the telecommunication room of the lock tower. The telecommunication room also hosts the other via donau and RIS equipment which ensures that the cable length of the antenna cable is kept to a minimum as the access point is located in close proximity to the lead-through of the cable from the outer wall. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 17 of 111 INSTALLATIONS IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION ROOM As mentioned previously, a second access point is installed on another building at the other end of the lock in order to ensure the envisaged WLAN coverage of 95% within both lock chambers. The connection between the access points is established via the air interface using the 5 GHz band. Therefore access points are equipped with an additional WLAN interface as indicated in the hardware list. Short chamber II Short chamber I left lock chamber The following figures and pictures document the installation of the second access point at lock Freudenau. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 18 of 111 SCHEMATIC DEPICTION AND LOCATION OF THE ANTENNAS ON THE SECOND BUILDING ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS ON THE SECOND BUILDING The second access point is installed behind the cable lead-through of the 5GHz antenna. The cables are routed via existing cable ducts to the access point. The power supply is also routed from an existing switchboard to the access point which is installed in a specific outdoor case. INDOOR INSTALLATION IN THE SECOND BUILDING Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 19 of 111 The installation on the second building may be used in the future for another AP covering the waiting area of the higher water level on lock Freudenau. The existing infrastructure, as for instance the cable ducts, does support the extension and improvement of the installation depending on whether a coverage of the waiting area is requested by the RIS users or not. The following hardware is being used for the pilot installation on lock Freudenau: # 1 2 3 4 type Access point WLAN interface Indoor case Outdoor case manufacturer Mikrotik Mikrotik Mikrotik No name product Routerboard 433AH R52 mini pci Indoor case CA/433U Outdoor case CA/OUT V2 5 2,4 GHz antenna Airwin PAA-24-125 6 5 GHz antenna Airwin PAC-55-195 7 Cable Draka 200 N-N MM 3.0 8 Cable Draka HDF 400 9 Firewall Fortinet Fortigate 50B Description/comment 802.11 a/b/g 12,5 dBi directional flat panel antenna; 60°/60° 19 dBi flat panel antenna, 16°/16° HF-low loss HDF-200 cable HF-low loss HDF-400 cable; 21,7db/100m - 1.1.6. Installation on lock Abwinden The installation of the WLAN network is limited to one access point based on the results of specific tests executed during the installation on lock Freudenau. These tests proved that 95% signal coverage of excellent or average signal quality, according to the agreed performance categories within the WLAN pilots of NEWADA, are possible for lock dimensions of 275m x 24m. Thus only one access point - to which two 2,4 GHz antennas are connected - is installed on lock Abwinden since the length of the lock chambers at lock Abwinden is only 230m. Each of the antennas is adjusted to one lock chamber responsible for the WLAN coverage within the related chamber. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 20 of 111 right lock chamber left lock chamber SCHEMATIC DEPICTION AND LOCATION OF THE ANTENNAS INSTALLATIONS IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION ROOM As on lock Freudenau the WLAN equipment is installed in the telecommunication room of the lock. In Abwinden, the telecommunication room is located in a separate building in front of the lock tower. The cables are routed inside the building and the telecommunication room by means of using existing cable leadthrough holes (initially used for the display board). The cables are routed directly into the 19” rack of the (via donau and RIS) network which hosts the access point and the firewall used for the WLAN pilot. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 21 of 111 The following hardware is being used on lock Abwinden: # 1 2 3 type Access point WLAN interface Indoor case manufacturer Mikrotik Mikrotik Mikrotik product Routerboard 433AH R52 mini pci Indoor case CA/433U 4 2,4 GHz antenna Airwin PAA-24-125 5 Cable Draka HDF 400 6 Firewall Fortinet Fortigate 50B Description/comment 802.11 a/b/g 12,5 dBi directional flat panel antenna; 60°/60° HF-low loss HDF-400 cable; 21,7db/100m - Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned 1.1.7. Objectives and pre-conditions Within NEWADA the following service coverage categories for external and internal receivers are agreed: Category Excellent Average Poor Signal strength higher than -65 dBm between -65 dBm and -80 dBm below -80 dBm Data throughput more than 1 Mbit/sec more than 0,5 Mbit/sec - NEWADA SERVICE COVERAGE CATEGORIES For the Austrian pilot it was additional defined that an excellent or average coverage of 95% in total for the usable length and width of a lock chamber must be reached. In fact, the usable length of the lock chambers varies from lock to lock depending on the specific lock construction. In addition, a safe distance between the vessels and the walls can be considered because of the WLAN receiver will not be located in this fringe area. The usable length and width of the lock chamber as well as part of the network configuration (SSID, MAC address) are illustrated in the following figure: Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 22 of 111 LWL1 LWL2 AP 1 (LWL): SSID: NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU_l wl MAC: 00:0C:42:64:99:5C (LWL-1) 00:0C:42:64:9A:1B (LWL-2) AP2 (HWL): SSID: NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU_l wl MAC: 00:0C:42:64:9A:27 (HWL-1) 00:0C:42:64:9A:53 (HWL-2) Usable length in Freudenau: 275m x 23,5m (275m x 24m in total) HWL2 HWL1 ILLUSTRATION OF THE INTENDED COVERAGE (USABLE LOCK DIMENSIONS) AND THE NETWORK CONFIGURATION FOR THE TEST The following coverage tests with support of a vessel were executed within NEWADA: • Pre-tests on lock Freudenau with one outdoor access point and a single 2,4 GHz antenna located at the downstream end of the right lock chamber and centrally placed in the middle of chamber width • Coverage tests on lock Freudenau based on the final installation of the WLAN infrastructure Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 23 of 111 Short chamber II Short chamber I left lock chamber PRE-TESTS ON LOCK FREUDENAU No coverage tests with support of a vessel are executed on lock Abwinden. The best possible adjustment and the basic coverage were tested with the same test equipment on shore moving up and down along the edge of the lock chamber walls with the test equipment (internal receiver, inSSIDer). 1.1.8. Test procedure and set-up For the coverage tests the following test equipment was used: Set up of test equipment on vessel Measurement unit 1 Internal WLAN receiver EGNOS receiver Software Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG TIM-LL GPS receiver module inSSIDer 2.04.1015 hp Compaq nc6120 (notebook older than 3 years) ANTARIS Evaluation Kit Measure and log the required indicators such as the signal strength, position, etc. Measurement unit 2 Microtik 433AH External WLAN receiver R52 mini pci OMB-24-050-Magnetic EGNOS receiver Software TIM-LL GPS receiver module - Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Routerboard 433 with 680MHz Atheros CPU, 128MB RAM 802.11 a/b/g miniPCI card 5 dBi omni antenna incl. magnetic base and 1,5m LLC100 cable ANTARIS Evaluation Kit Internal logging in the routerboard by means of a specific script Page 24 of 111 Measurement unit 2 External receiver EGNOS receiver signal strength, data throughput dGPS data Measurement unit 1 Internal receiver signal strength, data throughput WLAN dGPS data SET UP ON TEST VESSEL Measurement unit 1 The free and open-source Wi-Fi scanning software “inSSIDer” was configured in such way that the main parameters of the available WLAN networks are logged in a log file together with the dGPS data provided by the EGNOS receiver. The log interval was set in the software configuration to 1 second. inSSIDer supports the identification, illustration and documentation of the WLAN signals transmitted by different access points and/or antennas of the same WLAN network. This, in principle, enables the software user to troubleshoot competing access points or to optimize the location and adjustment of antennas. In the context of the coverage test, a complete validation of each antenna was possible as the signal quality and availability of each antenna was recorded. The following figure shows the illustration of the signal strength [dBm] for the different antennas1 of the access points installed on lock Freudenau. 1 lwl is an identifier for the access point isntalled on the lock tower (close to the lower water level) while hwl stands for high water level, the access point installeld on the second building close to the higehr water level. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 25 of 111 GRAPH EXAMPLE OF THE RECEIVED SIGNAL STRENGTH (RSS) Measurement unit 2 The external WLAN receiver was used as reference receiver to eliminate all doubts about the results of the internal receiver probably caused by unexpected influences as for instance the present situation in the control cabin of the vessel due to metal or other electronic devices. Therefore the omni antenna was installed outside on the roof of the cabin on a favourable place. The Mikrotik routerboard was configured to log the signal strength of the WLAN network to which the interface of the routerboard was connected. In difference to the inSSIDer, the used script for the logging didn’t support to log the signal strength of all visible WLAN networks. Because of this the external receiver was configured that a new connection to the NEWADA WLAN network was automatically established in case of the signal strength fell below -65 dBm. In other words, a connection to the NEWADA network of another access point or another antenna of the pilot installation was automatically established in case of the signal strength fell below the defined threshold of 65 dBm. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 26 of 111 INSTALLATION ON BOARD OF THE TEST VESSEL Test procedure The coverage tests took place during the regular operation of the lock with the main restriction that the smoothness and safety of the lockages must have been ensured. Therefore it was decided to measure the WLAN network only on the border of the walls of the lock chambers where a weak signal quality or gaps in the coverage are more likely. Further, a test run was executed on both water levels, on the high water level (HWL) and on the low water level (LWL). Test run 1 (low water level): Time: Lat: Lon: MAC: SSID: 2011-06-16T08:36:41.0Z 48,17709 16,47724 00:0C:42:64:99:5C NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU_l wl Test run 2 (high water level): TEST PROCEDURE WITHIN A LOCK CHAMBER Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 27 of 111 It should be noted that the position of the vessel during the test runs was as close as possible to the lock wall but due to multipathing effects the course of vessel is often off-centred as illustrated in the figures of the test protocol. 1.1.9. Test results on lock Freudenau The coverage tests were executed on June 16th of 2011. The main conditions during the test runs were: • Head btw. HWL and LWL: 9,8 m • Weather condition o Clear sky, 24 °C o Wind strength: 2 m/s o Wind direction: E Summary The test results of the coverage test on lock Freudenau with the regular test equipment can be summarized as follows: Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 [higher than -65dBm] [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] [lower than -80dBm] Class 1 + 2 100 % 99,27 % 0% 0,73 % 0% 0% 100 % 100 % 99,62 % 85,39 % 0,38 % 14,61 % 0% 0% 100 % 100 % 2 Internal WLAN receiver High water level (HWL) Low water level (LWL) 2 External WLAN receiver High water level (HWL) Low water level (LWL) Test protocol for measurement on high water level (HWL) General information Water level Lock chamber Start of logging End of logging Duration within lock chamber Number of visible WLAN networks SSID of interest High (HWL) Left chamber 16.06.2011 around 10:36:40 16.06.2011 around 10:48:17 10:36:40 – 10:46:39 14 NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU_lwl, NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU_hwl Interpretation of measured values # 2 Unit 1 (internal receiver) Unit 2 (external receiver) Data (i.e. logged signal strength) outside of the lock chamber is I the test results excluded. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 28 of 111 Measured points in total Measured points within lock chamber No. 589 510 % n/a 100 No. 625 527 % n/a 100 Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] 510 0 0 100 0 0 525 2 0 100 99,62 0,38 Class 1 + 2 Average signal strength within lock chamber 510 100 % -50,36 dBm 527 100 % -50,72 dBm Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 29 of 111 Illustration of coverage within lock chamber Right lock chamber high water level (HWL) Unit 1 (internal receiver) Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 30 of 111 Illustration of coverage within lock chamber Right lock chamber High water level Unit 2 (external receiver) Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] Test protocol for measurement on low water level (LWL) General information Water level Lock chamber Entrance time Exit time Duration within lock chamber Number of visible WLAN networks SSID of interest Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Low (LWL) Left chamber 16.06.2011 around 09:45:00 16.06.2011 around 09:59:40 09:46:20 – 09:59:40 3 NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU_lwl, NEWADA_LOCK_FREUDENAU_hwl Page 31 of 111 Interpretation of measured values # Measured points in total Measured points within lock chamber Unit 1 (internal receiver) No. % 757 n/a 689 100% Unit 2 (external receiver) No. % 856 n/a 801 100% Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] 684 5 0 99,27 0,73 0 684 117 0 85,39 14,61 0 Class 1 + 2 Average signal strength within lock chamber 689 100% -54,51 dBm 801 100% -57,18 dBm Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 32 of 111 Illustration of coverage within lock chamber Right lock chamber Low water level (HWL) Unit 1 (internal receiver) Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 33 of 111 Illustration of coverage within lock chamber Right lock chamber Low water level Unit 2 (external receiver) Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] Received signal strength (RSS) of a specific access point and/or antenna The by means of unit 1 measured signal strength of the specific WLAN antennas and the access points of the NEWADA network are summarized and highlighted in the following. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 34 of 111 RSS of the specific antennas (interfaces) on the low water level LWL-1 00:0C:42:64:99:5C No. % # LWL-2 00:0C:42:64:9A:1B No. % HWL-1 00:0C:42:64:9A:27 No. % HWL-2 00:0C:42:64:9A:53 No. % Measured points (within lock chamber) 689 100 % 689 100 % 689 100 % 689 100 % Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] 567 82,29 491 71,26 315 45,72 612 88,82 122 17,71 198 28,74 374 54,28 77 11,18 0 0 0 0 0 Average signal strength 0 0 -60,32 dBm LWL1 LWL2 HWL2 HWL- 0 -62,74 dBm -66,64 dBm -59,21 dBm Left chamber Vessel Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 35 of 111 RSS of the specific antennas (interfaces) on the high water level LWL-1 00:0C:42:64:99:5C No. % # LWL-2 00:0C:42:64:9A:1B No. % HWL-1 00:0C:42:64:9A:27 No. % HWL-2 00:0C:42:64:9A:53 No. % Measured points (within lock chamber) 510 100 % 510 100 % 510 100 % 510 100 % Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] 505 99,02 474 92,94 224 43,92 175 34,31 5 0,98 36 7,06 286 56,08 335 65,69 0 0 0 0 0 Average signal strength 0 0 -52,79 dBm LWL1 LWL2 HWL2 HWL- 0 -53,94 dBm -64,83 dBm -65,95 dBm Left chamber Vessel RSS peak per interface/antenna3 3 Note that a RSS peak is possible for more than one antenna/interface. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 36 of 111 LWL-1 00:0C:42:64:99:5C No. % # Low water level (LWL) High water level (HWL) LWL-2 00:0C:42:64:9A:1B No. % HWL-2 00:0C:42:64:9A:53 No. % 269 35,54 91 12,02 43 5,68 405 53,50 289 49,07 282 47,88 55 9,34 32 5,43 In total 42,3 % 1.1.10. HWL-1 00:0C:42:64:9A:27 No. % 29,95 % 7,51 % 29,47 % User/receiver test experiences Additional tests of WLAN receivers during the test runs of the coverage tests comprised tests with internal WLAN receivers of other notebooks or some spot tests with mobile devices as for instance a mobile phone or a tablets PC. Internal WLAN receiver’s of notebooks On the higher water level (HWL) additional measurements of the signal quality with other internal WLAN receivers of other notebooks were taken. For example, the signal quality was measured in order to verify the results of measurement unit 1 (Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG) with the following notebook respectively WLAN interface: Panasonic Toughbook, Model No. CF-18 – Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection. Interpretation of measured values and comparison with unit 1 # Measured points in total Measured points within lock chamber Unit 1 (internal receiver) No. % 589 n/a 510 100 % Class 1 [higher than -65dBm Class 2 [btw. -65dBm and -80dBm] Class 3 [lower than -80dBm] 510 0 0 100 0 0 Class 1 + 2 Average signal strength within lock chamber 510 100% -50,36 dBm Toughbook (internal receiver) No. % 483 n/a 483 100 % 453 30 0 93,79 6,21 0 483 100 % -53,45 dBm The results show that the reception quality between different WLAN receivers of notebooks is comparable. In fact, the reception quality mostly depends on the following basic conditions: • Location of the notebook/internal WLAN receiver – The notebook should be located on an appropriate place not close to metal constructions or other electronic devices using the 2,4 GHz frequency band (e.g. such as a microwave or Bluetooth devices). Shadowing affects should be excluded or minimized by means of a proper location of the notebook during the connection to the WLAN network at a lock. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 37 of 111 • The construction of the notebook, meaning whether the WLAN receiver respectively the antenna is located in the display or in the case. The pre-tests on lock Freudenau showed that notebooks in which the antennas are installed in the display have a better reception quality than the others. Note that the antennas of state-of-the-art notebooks as well as the last generations are usually installed in the display. Spot tests with WLAN receiver of mobile devices A lot of applications for Android or iOS, the main operating system of the state-of-the-art mobile telephones, do support the detection and analysis of all wireless networks around the mobile device. Preliminary, those apps are developed to help the user to quickly identify channel conflicts or overlaps as well as other factors that may affect the performance of the used wireless network. One of the open source application was used for short spot tests during the test runs in order to identify the coverage and signal quality using a mobile device for the connection to the NEWADA network. Unfortunately none of the identified applications supports a logging of the signal strength for which reason a detailed comparison to the results of the measurement units were not possible. The following findings and/or experiences were collected during the above mentioned spot tests: • The signal strength of the mobile devices was always below the measured signal strength (RSS) of the test equipment. • The average signal strength for 20 spot tests was about around –75 dBm, whereas the best value for the signal strength was -66 dBm which is only category 2 in the NEWADA coverage category. • Already minor movements of the mobile device can increase or decrease the reception quality. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 38 of 111 INDICATION OF THE RSS USING THE HTC DESIRE4 1.1.11. Lessons learned Minimum set up for WLAN network at a lock (230 – 275 m x 24 m) The tests executed during the installation (adjustment of WLAN antennas) and the coverage tests (pre-tests and regular test runs) showed that one access point and two antennas are sufficient for the installation and operation of a WLAN network on lock Freudenau (275 m x 24 m, max. head of 10,68 m). But in case of locks with a higher head between the high and the low water level the reception quality may increase as a deterioration of the RSS was noticed during the tests with only one antenna adjusted to a lock chamber. This means that for those locks two antennas adjusted to one lock chamber are recommended. An indication at which maximum head an installation of 2 antennas per lock chamber (one adjusted to each water level) should be considered can be probably given after some further installation and tests on other locks (e.g. at lock Aschach with a max. head of 16,87 m). Antenna characteristic The chosen antennas and their characteristics are important for the coverage and the quality of the provided network. In general, flat panels are recommended for locks as their characteristic (angle of radiation, etc.) perfectly fit the requirements for a complete coverage of the lock dimensions. Depending on the set up of the WLAN network special focus should be turned on the vertical angle of radiation of the used antenna. For example, a higher angle of radiation (e.g. with a 60° emission) may ensure a sufficient reception quality on both water levels in case of only one antenna is being used for lock chamber. Configuration of WLAN network in urban areas In urban areas a lot of WLAN networks are already in operation. Therefore the installation and configuration of the network should take into account other existing networks. The surrounding networks can be inspected to troubleshoot probably competing access points or to identify the best-possible configuration. For example, physically overlapping coverage should be avoided by using available free canals respectively free carrier frequencies. Impact of the vessel speed to the reception quality No impact of the vessel speed to the reception quality and the measured RSS was noticed during the tests. For example, there was no noticeable difference in the measurement results between a speed of 4-5 km/h and 9-11 km/h of the test vessel in the lock chamber. 4 Image was created by Wifi Analyzer (Andrid App). Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 39 of 111 Shadowing effects of group of vessels for a lockage A grouping of vessel for one lockage may lead to shadowing effects for specific vessels. For instance, a vessel of a higher construction like a passenger vessel can shadow the line-of-sight connection to the antenna of lower vessels (typically cargo vessels). Such shadowing effects are possible especially for installations limited to one access point and one antenna per lock chamber. An installation of another access point at the other end of a lock chamber minimizes the risk of shadowing. Depending on the chosen WLAN antenna and its characteristic also an installation on an as high as possible location can be minimize shadowing effects as well as improve the RSS at the WLAN receivers. Use of mobile devices The provided network can be used problem-free by mobile devices although the average RSS of the mobile devices is usually below those of internal WLAN receivers of notebooks, which means that a signal strength of -85 dBm or even higher can be still used for browsing at accessible websites. As for the internal receivers the reception quality strongly depends on the location of the mobile device as well as the basic conditions with respect to shadowing effects, etc. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 40 of 111 ANNEX B - Hungarian pilot network – Mohács Location(s), purpose of network In NEWADA project RSOE decided to install the pilot network in the area of Mohács (1447-1443 Danube rkm), where all ships and boats shall stop for the Schengen external border control procedure. Due to it is a border area the vessel traffic is higher and waiting times allow ships to use the WLAN network for gathering information before entering or leaving the country. Map indicating the location of Mohács on the Danube The area is basically flat and the river is more or less straight except the curve upstream of the border checkpoint port. The pilot area is a mix of town, industrial and natural terroritory zones. Therefore the disturbance of the network is also different. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 41 of 111 Mohács Border Checkpoint area (1447 rkm right bank) The main purpose of the network is to provide free and easy access to inland navigation related information like water level, notices to skippers and other relevant data. The main target group are the professional skippers who are using the Danube waterway for their daily work. System architecture, used equipments Within the NEWADA project, on the Danube at Mohács, a local WLAN network, complying with the standards 802.11b / 802.11g, has been operating for test purposes since July 2010. The WiFi network consisting of 3+1 AP-s is connected to the Internet through a microwave backbone network owned and operated by RSOE and through the web server of RSOE. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 42 of 111 Block diagram of the WiFi system The centre The centre of the WIFI network can be found in Újmohács, at the same site where the microwave network of RSOE (EOV coordinates of the telecommunications tower: 72715/623261). Here, three ANT57-GDA24E type antennas were mounted (frequency: 5.4-5.8 GHz; gain: 22 dBd). These three antennas operate as link antennas: they keep contact with the AP-s installed on the right Danube bank. The installation height of the antennas is ~ 50 metres from the earth surface. This installation height was necessary as in a link connection the reliable radio connection needs direct optical Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 43 of 111 visibility between the sending and receiving antennas. Antennas could have been installed at a lower height as well, however, in the case of a long-term operation of the system the growth of trees on the Danube bank has to be taken into consideration therefore the present height of the antennas is 15-20 metres above the tree stratum. Tower at Újmohács The RB433 routerboard of MikroTik manufacture (radio unit) being responsible for data tramsmission was placed at the same height as the antennas. Between the CM9 cards connected to the routerboard and the link antennas jumper cables of low attenuation (Ecoflex 10) were mounted. The MikroTik Routerboard 433 contains three Ethernet ports and three miniPCI slots thus one RouterBoard can handle three radio directions at the same time. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 44 of 111 MikroTik RB433 In the case of radio data transmission it is practical to place the antenna and the RF stage as close as possible. (In the case of a long supply line the sensitivity of the radio equipment is deteriorated and the radiated output also decreases due to its loss through the cable.) Due to the rigours of weather, equipment were placed in an external and water-proof box. External, water-proof metal housing Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 45 of 111 Power supply to the RouterBoard and the cards is realised through POE (Power Over Ethernet). The supply unit of POE is installed in the container at the tower foot. Data transmission and power supply get to the RouterBoard through an external FTP cable. The installation of RF equipment took place by using industrial alpine technique. When fitting the following devices and equipment were installed: 2 hot dip galvanized antenna consoles; 1 Routerboard RB433 + 3 CM9 cards, mounted in external box; 3 ANT57-GDA24E microwave antennas. As an external FTP cable was available, which left from a previously installed and in the meantime disassembeld technique, the installation of a new cable was not needed. The centre at Újmohács with 3 antennas and a radio unit Names of the antennas in Figure from top to bottom: top: link antenna of AP 1 (Border Port Mohács); medium: link antenna of AP 3 (DKV, police port); bottom: link antenna of AP 2 (National Transport Authority). The picture also shows that cabling between the antennas and the Routerboard was implemented via the shortest possible route thus its RF attenuation is minimal, 1-2 dB with connectors. RF connectors were coated with selfvulcanizing tapes, which prevents leakage at the connectors. For fixing the jumper cables, UV-proof cable bundlers were used. AP 1 and AP 2 The design of AP 1 and AP 2 is identical: contact with the centre at Újmohács is maintained by the link antenna; the signal received from the link antenna is processed by the first CM9 card connected to the BR433 RouterBoard; contact with the supplier antenna is maintained by the second CM9 card of the RouterBoard: communication between the ships and the centre takes place through this; power supply is provided by POE. Due to the coverage of the cells, sites had to be selected in a way that they are situated at nearly identical distances from one another, however, close enough to provide proper overlap between the cells (~ 10%) and serve the Danube section where ships typically anchor. In order to protect the technique it was important to find a site where equipment could be placed safely (closed or guarded site), whereas sites integrally connected to shipping were preferred (increased willingness to install and operate it). Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 46 of 111 Therefore, Border Port Mohács was selected for the installation of AP 1. Border Port is a closed complex, with 0/24hour reception service. A further advantage of the Border Port is that a 20 metres tall steel structure tower is available for installation, at the bottom of which 0.4 kV feeding and grounding are implemented. Here, in an external metal box one RouterBoard BR433 and two CM9 cards were installed with a link and a radiating antenna. A stainless steel pipe was fixed to the basket at the top of the tower, and the above equipment was mounted onto this. All external metal elements used for the construction are corrosion resistant due to their surface treatment or material. Power supply is provided through POE. The external FTP cable needed for POE was conducted near the cables on the tower, along the already existing cable route, whereas the supply unit was installed at the bottom of the tower, in its own waterproof cabinet. Border Port requested to have an own consumption meter for the mounted technique. Finally, due to the costs of the electricity used, at all the three sites (AP 1, AP 2, AP 3) separate 230 V consumption meters were installed to measure the consumption of the individual AP-s. Along with the consumption meters, cut-outs were also mounted at all sites to prevent voltage cut-offs in other equipment at the given site due to a possible failure of the WIFI supplier. With the present usage (test operation) one AP has a monthly consumption of ~ 2 kWh. The height of the antenna from the water level of the Danube is ~ 30 metres therefore the use of an omnidirectional antenna can be problematic due to its small horizontal angle so when examining the coverage, we used both omnidirectional and panel antennas for stations AP1 and AP2. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 47 of 111 Radiating station AP 1 with omnidirectional antenna Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 48 of 111 Radiating station AP 1 with panel antenna The linear distance between AP 1 and AP 2 is ~ 1,120 metres. AP 2 was implemented on the National Transport Authority’s building (closed building with guarding). Previously, an antenna console was fixed on the building’s wall due to a VHF band antenna, which could be used for the installation of the WiFi network (wall breakthrough was not necessary, console grounding is solved). Its greatest height from the earth is ~ 13 metres, however, due to reasons as mentioned for AP 1, here we did not aim at installing at the highest possible point. The height of the antenna is 22 metres above the water level. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 49 of 111 The building of the National Transport Authority with the antenna console Omnidirectional antenna and WiFi supplier on the NTA building Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 50 of 111 Panel antenna and WiFi supplier on the NTA building AP3 and AP4 The operation of AP3 is different from that of AP1 and AP2 in that the latter ones handle one link direction whereas AP3 is responsible for the communication of two link directions. Similarly to AP1 and AP2, one link connection keeps contact with the centre, whereas the other link direction keeps contact with the centre to the mobile AP4 station. There were several reasons for this design: the RB433 RouterBoard can handle maximum 3 radio connections at the same time therefore it would have been necessary to fix further equipment onto the tower at Mohács (all the three radio directions are placed here); the first three AP-s are located on the right Danube bank, and in the case of these sites direct optical visibility between the AP-s and the centre is available, whereas AP4 can be found on the left Danube bank, and direct optical visibility to the tower at Újmohács is not possible due to the forest belt at the riverbank. Due to the additional function of AP3, its operation is modified as follows: the first link antenna keeps contact with the centre at Újmohács, and the second one with AP4; the signal received from the first link antenna is processed by the first CM9 card connected to the BR433 RouterBoard; the signal of the first link antenna is forwarded by the second CM9 card of the RouterBoard to AP 4; contact with the supplier antenna is kept by the third CM9 card: communication between the ships and the centre takes place through this; power supply is ensured through POE here as well. The linear distance between AP2 and AP3 is ~ 1,340 metres. AP3 was installed in the port of the Mohács Water Police. Here installation was practically possible on a wooden post: Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 51 of 111 The original post at the police pontoon The wooden post was not suitable due to several factors therefore it was replaced by a new, 6 metres tall, hot dip galvanized post. The wooden post used to hold a 3*230 V cable, which was relocated to the new post, and disintegrated, thus 230 V needed for feeding is available. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 52 of 111 The newly installed post at police pontoon The height of the AP3’s supplier antenna is ~ 11 metres above the water level, which may provide good coverage even with an antenna of small angle thus no antenna was replaced here during the measurement. The design and power supply of AP4 is different from the AP-s described earlier. Along the Danube section at Mohács, landing is possible at several places for the different controls therefore coverage has to be provided at least 4 km long along the river. The north end port in Mohács is kept for ships transporting hazardous material. At this place, opposite to the left Danube bank there is an island where no appropriate infrastructure for the installation of a fixed radiating station is available, whereas a link connection in the centre at Újmohács could only be provided with significant financial investments. Accordingly, installation on the left bank seemed to be a practical solution: from here, there is direct optical visibility to AP3, where there was one still free radio direction. This area of the left bank is also undeveloped therefore network feeding is not available. The concept of a supplier operated from a solar cell arose in order to solve the above problems. It has the advantage that it is able to operate even without external electric supply thus it may be installed practically anywhere. However, this also means a disadvantage: in an abandoned area it could be subject to the danger of injury and theft. In the case of AP4, POE is not needed as the solar cell charges a 12 V battery and the RouterBoard receives power supply directly from this. Supply voltage depending on the charging level of the battery does not mean a problem as between 10-28 Volts any necessary voltage can be switched to the jack input of the RouterBoard, which is converted to the appropriate voltage level by the equipment itself. The maximum current drain of a RouterBoard is 25 W, which means ~ 2A in the case of 12 V supply voltage. In the case of a battery of appropriate size (12V/100 Ah) the station can operate for several days even without solar cell charging. The goal of the NEWADA project to provide WiFi coverage for an appropriate area of the Danube section at Mohács, which can be used by the ships landing here for accessing Internet portals for determined, shipping purposes (water level report, shipping information…) is fulfilled by putting the solar cell station into operation. (At the moment, the solar cell AP 4 station is not installed.) Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 53 of 111 Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned Following the installation of the AP-s, a measurement was necessary to check the area covered by the individual radiating stations. The measurement had to be carried out under such conditions, which can be considered average for ships travelling along the Danube. For this purpose, we used the ship called Bendegúz of the Border Port Mohács. MS Bendegúz – test vessel Bendegúz is a passenger ship with a transporting capacity of 36 persons. Its greatest flotation is 70 cm and its cruising speed in upstream and downstream navigation is 12 km/hour and 17 km/hour respectively. The height of the pilothouse is ~ 4.5 metres above the water surface (with 10 persons on board). Measurements were carried out at normal water level (Mohács: 300-350 cm). During the examination of the coverage (network testing) we only used devices that are available to anyone in commercial distribution. The computers used in the measurement are not specified individually. Regarding the portable computers, for this measurement the RF sensitivity of the WLAN card is important only, of which changes are shown in the table below with an average deviation of +/- 1-3 dB: Available bandwidth [Mbit/s] 54 48 36 24 11 6 Reception level needed for this [dBm] -68 -68 -75 -79 -85 -88 5.5 -88 2 1 -91 -94 Average sensitivity of WiFi cards available in commercial distribution Measurement configuration for machines provided with external WLAN link: Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 54 of 111 external antenna RF cable external WIFI card USB cable external GPS USB cable hardware: IBM T23 software: inSSIDer Measurement configuration Equipment used in the measurement configuration: portable computer WiFi software: MetaGeek inSSIDer v2.0.4.1015 external GPS: NaviLock NL-302U external WIFI: TP Link TL-WN422G external antenna: TP Link TL-ANT2405C, Secron WiFi 11 External antennas used for measurement (left side: TP Link TL-ANT2405C; right side Secron WiFi 11) Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 55 of 111 Frequency range Gain Horizontal angle Vertical angle Price Data of external antennas used for measurement TP Link TL-ANT2405C 2.4-2.5 GHz 5 dBi 360° 32° € ~ 10 Secron WiFi 11 2.4-2.5 GHz 11 dBi 55° 55° € ~ 35 Test with omnidirectional antennas During the first measurement, in the case of all three AP-s, omnidirectional antennas were mounted. Their outputs were identical, 15 dBm (30 mW). Measurement was carried out at normal water level and under normal weather conditions (slightly cloudy, temperature ~ 10 C°). During the measurement, experience showed that the size of the area radiated by AP1 and AP2 considerably fell behind the expectations. Only station AP 3 was able to establish a coverage that met former calculations. This station was able to provide signals exceeding -80 dBm in both directions of the Danube up to a distance of ~ 1.5 km. With the measurement configuration as specified above, the quality of the connection became weak in the Southern direction at 1,444 rkm, and in the Northern direction at 1,448.5 km. (See pictures at the next measurement.) Test with panel antennas I Due to the non-compliance of the measurement results as described in the previous point, the following changes were made in the system: AP1: Firstly, only the omnidirectional antenna was replaced by a panel antenna. In response to this, the received signal improved by ~ 10 dB as compared to the previous results measured by omnidirectional antenna (measured on the site). However, it was still insufficient as compared to what was expected. Within troubleshooting, the pigtail connected to the CM9 card was replaced first. At this time we already experienced a field strength, which already corresponded with the calculations: at the distance of the Border Port it was ~ 60 dBm, in Northern and Southern directions the strength of the signal fell below -80 dBm after travelling ~ 2 km. AP2: First, the omnidirectional antenna was replaced by a panel antenna. During on-site measurements it turned out that the panel antenna did not significantly improve the situation. Therefore, in this case we changed the pigtail and the jumper cable (between the antenna and radio unit). Following the replacements, we measured appropriate field strength at the station. (The reason of the problem was not found as the specific parts worked properly individually.) Following the replacement of the antennas and fixing the errors of the RF units, the measurement was configured again. At this time, in the case of the AP1 and AP2 panels, and in the case of AP3 omnidirectional antennas were mounted. Their outputs were identical, 15 dBm (30 mW). Measurement was carried out at normal water level and under normal weather conditions (slightly cloudy, temperature ~ 0 C°). Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 56 of 111 Measurement 1 at AP1 Measurement 2 at AP1 Difference between measurements 1 and 2 at AP1 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 57 of 111 Measurement 1 at AP2 Measurement 2 at AP2 Difference between measurements 1 and 2 at AP2 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 58 of 111 Measurement 1 at AP3 Measurement 2 at AP3 Measurement at AP3 (AP3 unchanged) As a result of the measurement, it can be stated that with three radiating stations, from river kilometre 1,451 up to river kilometre 1,444, approximately 7 km long, appropriate radio connection can be established with an external antenna – WiFi coverage reached signals below -80 dBm at these river kilometres. It was a positive experience that even the WiFi-compatible laptop with an internal antenna, which was located in the pilothouse, could be connected to the network in good quality and the cell change was smooth during travelling. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 59 of 111 Measurement results with panel antennas along the whole route (green: P > -65 dBm, yellow: -65 dBm < P <-80 dBm) It is evident from the measurement results that the quality of the connection is excellent in the close environment of the AP-s (U>-65 dBm). At a greater distance from the AP-s, radiating stations provide coverage for a relatively great area. Measurement results also clearly show that panel antennas (AP1 and AP2) result in high quality connection in a greater width of the Danube. Test with panel antennas II With the third measurement, the goal was to find a solution for the problem caused by the lack of coverage, using the results and experiences of the previous measurements. The measurement was carried out by using the same ship already described above, Bendegúz, and 5 different laptops, out of which 3 computers were connected to the network by integrated WiFi adapters and the remaining two by external WIFI cards. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 60 of 111 Laptop Network device Antenna ASUS UL20A Intel® WiFi Link 5100 Series integrated Dell LAtitude D520 Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945 integrated Fujitsu Siemens P7010 Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200 integrated IBM T23 TP Link TL-WN422G TP Link TL-ANT2405C IBM G40 TP Link TL-WN422G TP Link TL-ANT2405C The laptops used for the measurement nd Measurement configuration was identical with that of the 2 measurement. While examining the results recorded by the laptops in detail, we concluded the following: - The program receiving the measurement results records the signals from the detected network at almost identical intervals. As the speed of the ship is considerably greater in downstream than in upstream navigation, considering the same distance section, significantly more data are available for the part covered in upstream navigation. - Measurement results are considerably influenced by the type of the network device and/or antenna integrated into the different computers. The best results were delivered by the computer type Fujitsu Siemens P7010 (a nearly 5-year-old construction), whereas the new type ASUS UL20A laptop (a one and a half year-old model) typically received 5-10 dB weaker signals. This difference - o results in a smaller bandwidth regarding the quality of the connection, o means a smaller covered area as far as the radiating stations (AP-s) are concerned. During the measurement the Fujitsu Siemens laptop detected 35 WiFi networks whereas the ASUS detected valuable signals from 23 networks during the same travel only. The ASUS laptop recorded the signal of network coverage in approximately every 2nd second, whereas this took place with the Fujitsu Siemens portable computer in every second. (The reason for this is unknown.) - In the cases of the ASUS and DELL laptops we found several times during the measurement that they received unreal strong signals for some seconds (signals of a magnitude of -10 dBm and +160 dBm may not occur at the line of the Danube – see Table 6). The incorrect results were measured by the two portable computers at different places and times (i.e. 3 computers were recording real results at the same place and time parallel) thus it may be stated that incorrect values are not typical of the coverage but the operation of the computer’s network device. - In the cases of WIFI cards with external USB-s, no significant deviation can be seen between the antenna with external magnetic base and the own antenna of the device (own antenna of USB WIFI card 4 dBi, antenna with external magnetic base 5 dBi). The antenna with magnetic base cannot achieve better results despite the greater antenna gain as the “extra” gain is lost through the cable belonging to the antenna. The antenna with magnetic base can be used with very good results when connection to the network has to be established in a Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 61 of 111 strongly shielded place, however, it is possible to place an external antenna (e.g. ship cabin). At this time there is no obstacle in the direct optical visibility between the WIFI antenna placed in a free-space and the antenna of the radiating station thus 2.4 GHz waves travel between the two equipment without any difficulty. In this frequency range the quality and strength of the connection is basically influenced by the obstacles in the way of the transmission (e.g. a ship) thus it is important to properly place the portable computer in the room. Based on the evaluation of the results of the third measurement it can be stated that coverage recorded by the different laptops changes to the same extent depending on the place. The difference is that different laptops recorded signals of different values at the same place from the same network depending on the given antenna and/or network device, however, the difference between the signals measured by the laptops is nearly the same everywhere. It is an important observation that panel antennas establish a better coverage in a small area (the network can be reached in a smaller area with a greater bandwidth), whereas omnidirectional antennas can establish lower field NORTH SOUTH strength in a greater area: Measuring the WIFI network with Fujitsu Siemens P7010 laptop in upstream navigation, illustrated in a diagram Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 62 of 111 Measuring the WIFI network with Fujitsu Siemens P7010 laptop in upstream navigation in Google Earth (green: P > -65 dBm, red: -65 dBm < P <-80 dBm) Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 63 of 111 Conclusions Within the NEWADA project, along the Danube section near Mohács, a three-cell network, complying with the standard IEEE 802.11 b/g is operating for test purposes. As a result of this, the websites necessary for safe shipping and route planning are available 7 km long along the Danube. This distance can be extended by further 1-2 km in the Southern direction by putting the mobile station into operation. Field strength measured during the second and third measurements meets the expectations which were calculated by using the equation of free-space attenuation. Considering the fact that typically there are no obstacles in the way of direct optical visibility along the Danube, based on the preliminary calculations, one supplier has to generate signals above -80 dBm in a circle with a radius of ~1800 metre. Due to the size of the covered area, ships have enough time to download the appropriate information even without landing. WiFi-compatible devices are available to everyone today, almost all smart telephones or portable computers have factory-integrated wireless network cards. WiFi networks operate in a free frequency band therefore their use is not subject to authorisation. Consequently, this band part may become overcrowded in certain cases, thus it is highly recommended to prepare a survey before installation to assess how occupied the WiFi band is in a certain area. In order to ensure that our network will not disturb others, and others will not disturb us, it is recommended that panel antennas are installed – in this way it is less probable that interference occurs with the wireless networks used in Mohács – which increases the availability of the network. It can be seen from the above measurement results that the network devices of the computers show different results. However these are identical as far as the nature of the coverage is identical. The three base stations along the Danube section at Mohács provide coverage along a distance of minimum 5 km and at a data transmission speed of at least 11 Mbit/sec. Commercially available portable computers and the technical parameters of their integrated wireless network cards (antenna location, sensitivity of the RF part of the network card, etc.) are different. Depending on the various network devices, the network can be used even 7 km long and at a speed of 54 Mbit/sec in several sections (near AP-s). Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 64 of 111 ANNEX C - Croatian pilot network – Vukovar Location(s), purpose of network Overview To enable wireless access near the port of Vukovar best location for antennas had to be chosen. The clear choice was a tall apartment building close to the port of Vukovar. To avoid additional monthly cost for Internet access the building of the Agency for Inland Waterways was chosen as the location for the server part and internet access provided by the WLAN network. There are two installation locations to cover port of Vukovar, and will be referred by their purpose in the rest of the document to be more understandable in the context of the system architecture: Main location – a tall apartment building close to the port Infrastructure location - the Agency for Inland Waterways building Both locations will be using 2.4Ghz band and are connected using the same wireless network. In the case of a very high network load the system can be upgraded so a separate wireless network is used to connect the two locations. The amount of network traffic that would require this upgrade is not anticipated in the near future. Main location This is the highest building in the surrounding area, and also very near the river bank. It is the central point of the covered area and contains all of the antennas for connecting wireless clients to the system. Two directional antennas will be placed on each side of the building. The upstream facing one (in port direction) will be used to cover the most of the planned area. The other will be exclusively used for the connection with the “Infrastructure Location”. The third antenna will be omnidirectional and will be used to cover the area near the building. Each antenna will be connected to an access point with an antenna cable. The access points will be located in a dedicated room with appropriate power supply, cooling and connected to each other with CAT 5 LAN cable. The internet connectivity will be provided by the “Infrastructure Location”. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 65 of 111 Infrastructure location This location holds internet connectivity and a dedicated server for filtering the internet traffic. The server enabling the internet connection with filtering will be located in the server room with appropriate power supply, cooling and internet connectivity. The server will be connected with the access point using CAT 5 LAN cable, and the access point will be located in utility box near the antenna. The antenna will be on the top of the building mounted on a provided metal pole. The relatively high location this building provides will provide a clear line of sight, and enable uninterrupted connection to the “Main Location”. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 66 of 111 COVERAGE PLANS The Main Location contains 3 antennas in the same place to properly cover the designated area and provide connection to the “Infrastructure location”. The 90 degree directional antenna covers the river area approximately 1km+ upstream, which includes the whole port area. The directional antenna has a narrow vertical angle so an omnidirectional is placed beside it to cover the area near the antenna location. System architecture, used equipments Main location provides the access for the wireless clients into the system network. From there the connections are routed to the server which is the bridge between the system network and the internet. The server is also responsible for filtering all traffic to allowed websites. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 67 of 111 The filtering options of the server are configurable to allow adding more websites to the list, as well as other firewall options. This requirement is crucial for sustainability of the service in the future. Due to the fact that future requirements are likely to change, not having the ability to adapt can seriously damage the service value. Although not all requirements for filtering are known, and it is not possible to anticipate them, there is a set of requirements that will be the base for the final version. Service is already known to be limited to a list of allowed websites and those websites will be using standard http ports (80, 8080) and HTTPS (443). Some additional ports can be enabled as well if needed, but the effects of opening the port should be considered. HTTP traffic can also contain PROXY traffic which must be disabled since it allows accessing any website, and would make website access restrictions void. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 68 of 111 EQUIPMENT Antenna 1 (90 deg) This is the antenna used to provide signal coverage in remote parts of the port and mooring area. It has a relatively narrow vertical beam width, resulting in low coverage in immediate vicinity of the antenna location (due to its high position on the building). Since that area is covered by the omnidirectional antenna, this directional one is aimed at the other side of the planned coverage area, purposefully missing immediate surroundings in order to improve signal strength in other areas. Horizontal beam width 90 deg Vertical beam width 30 deg Gain 9.5 dbi Connector N Front to back 25 dB Mechanical downtilt 45 deg Weight 0.7 kg Dimensions ( L x W x H ) 254 x 165 x 63.5 mm Frequency range 2400 – 2485 Mhz Input return loss -14 db VSWR 1.5:1 Impendance 50 OHM Input power Max 100 W Pole diameter 25 mm Operating temperature Min -40 Max 70 C° Antenna patterns Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 69 of 111 Antenna 2 (Omnidirectional) This antenna is used to cover immediate surroundings of the “Main location”, where the signal of the directional antenna is not strong due to its narrow vertical beam width, as well as mooring area at approximately the same river hectometre as “Main location” (which is very close to the river bank). Horizontal beam width 360 deg Vertical beam width 14 deg Gain 9 dbi Connector N Radome UV stable fiberglass Dimensions ( L x D ) 685 x 25 mm Frequency range 2400 – 2485 Mhz VSWR 1.5:1 Impendance 50 OHM Input power Max 100 W Pole diameter 25 mm Operating temperature Min -40 Max 70 C° Antenna patterns Antenna 3 (sector) This is the antenna with the narrowest beam and its main usage is interconnection between the locations. The narrow beam allows for a high gain enabling better through output, and this is needed to provide better service for multiple clients connected to the wireless network. The antenna is installed at the “Main location” and is coupled with the antenna 4 to form a stable and reliable data connection between the two locations. Horizontal beam width 10 deg Vertical beam width 8 deg Gain 24 dbi Connector N Front to back 22 db Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 70 of 111 Dimensions ( W x L ) 107 x 61 cm Weight 5.5 kg Frequency range 2400 – 2485 Mhz VSWR 1.5:1 Impendance 50 OHM Input power Max 100 W Pole diameter 25 -50 mm Operating temperature Min -40 Max 70 C° Antenna patterns Antenna 4 (sector) This is an antenna with a very narrow beam and its main usage is interconnection between the locations. The narrow beam allows for a high gain enabling better through output, and this is needed to provide better service for multiple clients connected to the wireless network. The antenna is installed at the “Infrastructure location” and is coupled with the antenna 3 to form a stable and reliable data connection between the locations. Horizontal beam width 17 deg Vertical beam width 11 deg Gain 19 dbi Connector N Front to back 22 db Dimensions ( W x L ) 419 x 610 mm Weight 2.7 kg Frequency range 2400 – 2485 Mhz VSWR 1.5:1 Impendance 50 OHM Input power Max 100 W Pole diameter 25 -50 mm Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 71 of 111 Operating temperature Min -40 Max 70 C° Antenna patterns Wireless Access Point The access points will be the core of the wireless part of the network, allowing users to connect and interconnect the locations. Each access point its own antenna and will be connected between each other either with cable or wireless connection. Both locations provide placement of the access point protected from external elements, providing the possibility to indoor access point equipment. The placement for the access points on location is such that there is no need for an antenna cable longer than 10 meters again minimizing the benefits of outdoor units. has LAN use each Additional security setup is beneficial without compromising performance. Disabling communication between clients on the wireless network. Benefit: protection of the users from hacking activities of third parties connected to the wireless network. This is a desired option because the network is open and there is no way to recognize legitimate users from malicious ones. 1. Blocking certain ports on the access point. Benefit: reduce the traffic on the network and the main firewall. Service is already known to be limited to a list of allowed websites and those websites will be using standard http ports (80, 8080) and HTTPS (443). Some additional ports can be enabled as well if needed, but this will nevertheless significantly reduce unwanted traffic. Standard Compliance IEEE 802.11b / IEEE 802.11g, MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) Frequency Range (MHz) 2,412 – 2,462 Antenna 1 x external Wireless security WPA-PSK (AES, TKIP), 128/64-bit WEP, MAC Address Registration Adjustable output power Yes Temperature 0° – 40° C Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 72 of 111 Humidity Max 80% Wired LAN Standard compliance IEEE802.3u(100 Base-TX) IEEE802.3(10 Base-T) Data Transfer Rates 10/100 Mbps (1000 Mbps if available is welcome) Connector Type RJ-45 Number of Ports 2 or more Used access points For the needs of interconnection between the two locations two coupled 3com 7760 wireless access points are used. These access points have a number of advantages compared to non-professional equipment. Notably, they can work in full bridge mode and they can be connected via MAC addresses. They also have extended range technology which allows them to offer better service in situations where two remote locations have to be connected. This is the very need of the port of Vukovar WLAN implementation. For the side of the network oriented towards users an additional access point has been obtained. This is a Zyxel NWA1100 access point which is capable of utilizing two antennas, cancelling all possible problems of multiple SSIDs and client roaming issues. All used access points meet or surpass requirements listed in the above table. Server/firewall Server is the central point of the system and is responsible for all the traffic from clients to outside world and back. The server is responsible for filtering all of the traffic and allowing access only to predefined websites. The server is also responsible for forcing the users to agree to the Terms of Service before accessing any website. Server hardware is specialized hardware for filtering network traffic, dedicated exclusively to network activity monitoring. The provided solution is able to manage and filter traffic under full network load, which will be the maximum the wireless link can provide. Most advanced part of the filtering is done by the server and it includes filtering by content. The server is assisted in filtering by adding some low level rules to the access points, which reduces traffic inside the network and aids the server in certain extent. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 73 of 111 Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned Testing equipment The tests have been conducted on two laptop computers, using both integrated wireless network adapter and external, USB adapter with dedicated antenna. The testing equipment comprised of: Notebook Toshiba Satellite U400-12P using integrated wireless network adapter Intel® Wireless WiFi™ Link 4965AGN, Wireless communication Compliancy : Wi-Fi™ Network Support : 802.11a/b/g/Draft-N Wireless Technology : Wireless LAN (802.11a/b/g/Draft-N) Notebook Acer Ferrari One 200 using external wireless network adapter USB stick TP-LINK TL-WN722N 150Mbps High Gain Wireless USB Adapter Standards: IEEE 802.11n,IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b Additional tests in terms of user experience were conducted on other devices, such as mobile phones and additional laptops. Mobile phones were used to test the possibility of utilizing basic protocols like http (for web access) and pop/smtp (for email). Coverage tests Coverage tests are used to determine the area covered by the signal of the wireless network. The tests are conducted in such a way that signal strength on the whole area planned to be covered is measured. According to the implementation Master plan for NEWADA activity 5.5 three levels of signal strength have been defined with borders at 65 and -80dBm. Although signal strength is in this way defined as low for any level worse than -80dBm, it is important to note that even significantly worse signal strength can still provide a completely satisfactory user experience. Coverage tests were performed using a vessel of the Agency for Inland Waterways, covering during the procedure port area of the Port of Vukovar as well as the mooring area at the same stretch of the river and also a stretch of the Danube fairway along the port area. Coverage tests have shown that the whole planned area is covered by wireless network signal, although absolute levels of signal strength are not in the high band. However, receiver tests (covered in the next chapter) have shown that this signal strength fulfils all the needs of users utilizing the network. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 74 of 111 Coverage map of the Danube stretch along the port area. Locations of the Agency for Inland Waterways building (Infrastructure location) and the residential high building with communication equipment towards users (Main location) are depicted. Receiver tests Unlike coverage tests which are aimed strictly towards signal strength measurement at different locations throughout the planned area, receiver tests are used to provide a more realistic idea of usability of the network in everyday situations. Several different tests were conducted in this phase: Connectivity test: data link reliability and proneness to breaks; the percentage of lost packets within a specified time frame was calculated. This percentage can show directly what level of quality can a user expect in the network. Ideally, no data packets should be lost. Speed test: download and upload capacity of the network were tested. This is very important since it can show the quality of data communication within the network. Download speed depends mostly on shore-side equipment and is therefore usually limited only by the network administration rules. Upload speed, however, depends heavily on capabilities of client-side equipment and is therefore a good measurement of network usability. Connection performance under heavy load: bitorrent protocol was used for this test in order to maximize the number of data packets within the network, thus generating a situation in which noticable losses can be expected. User experience test: finally, a simple test of user experience was conducted at different positions along the tested area by loading of pages such as htttp:// , , and similar. Locations of conducted receiver tests. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 75 of 111 Receiver test results: Location Connectivity test Speed test (up) High load User experience 1 16% loss 0.26Mbps 25kbps OK 2 not measured not measured 30kbps OK 3 2% loss 0.51Mbps 60kbps OK 4 13% loss 0.97Mbps 60kbps OK 5 8% loss not measured not measured OK 6 0% loss 0.05Mbps 10kbps OK 7 0% loss not measured not measured OK 8 14% loss 0.9Mbps 80kbps OK 9 2% loss 0.9Mbps 80kbps OK 10 not measured not measured not measured OK Lessons learned A number of problems occurred during the implementation and testing phase of the activity. Certain pitfalls have been identified and these are listed here for future reference. Although some of them are most likely specific to the implementation in the port of Vukovar, summarized data can be useful within the full scope of the project. Antenna location It has been noted that although high buildings offer high signal reach, they add to data packet loss since the full distance between on-shore equipment and clients is larger. Additionally, highly directed antennas are not used to their full potential when used from a high position to cover area in relative proximity. Antenna interconnection Initial plans of using one antenna at the Main location in port of Vukovar to act as both data channel towards the Infrastructure location and the access point for clients (initially planned to offer simetrical coverage of the area around the Main location) had to be abandoned since the loss of gain and focus of the antenna signal caused interruptions in data flow. The antenna had to be specifically dedicated to the connection between the two locations. Number of antennas It is very probable that, when discussing installed antennas, quantity outweighs quality. Instead of a small number of powerful directed antennas a number of inexpensive smaller antennas, placed at critical junctures , could provide both better coverage and better reliability and user experience. The wireless network in the Port of Vukovar has been shown to satisfy initial conditions. The network can be used along the port area as well as within the mooring area. Since both omnidirectional and directed antennas are installed at the same location on one end of the port area, the far end is, although covered by the signal, not provided with a signal of convincing reliability. It has been noted that there is a case for adding another antenna on the far end of the port area. With this action, full coverage and quality of signal would be ensured. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 76 of 111 ANNEX D - Serbian pilot network - Iron Gate I (RS side) Location(s), purpose of network The Serbian WLAN installation is located at Iron Gate I lock, at river kilometer 945 of the Danube River. The lock is the part of the barrage which is symmetrical in the common Serbian Romanian stretch of the Danube. In other words, the same structure of the barrage and lock can be found on both Serbian and Romanian side. The lock itself has two chambers – meaning that it is so called two step lock. In front of lock at both sides, upper and lower there is a mooring place for vessels waiting for locking operations. The dimensions of the lock chambers are the following: length 340m, width 30m. The height difference between upper and lower water at the lock is approx 30 meters, depending on actual waterlevels. The idea of the network is to provide access to the navigation related web pages and web services. The implementation is scheduled for October 2011. Picture – upper side of the lock, mooring place Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 77 of 111 Picture- lower lock chamber System architecture, used equipments There are 5 access points to be installed and configured. The exact schema is presented at the picture below. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 78 of 111 The position of access points are at camara masts, marked with numbers 1-5 at the diagram. All access points are connected wirelessly with control tower, which is connected to the internet. Due to large dimensions of the lock chambers, the interconection between access points is made wirelessly. AP1 and AP2 are covering upper chamber. AP3 and AP3 are covering lower chamber. AP5 is used to cover mooring area in front of lower lock chamber. AP1 has also antenna which is covering the area in front of upper chamber. Network coverage is estimated on the basis of the pilot test conducted earlier. Due to later start of the Project for the Plovput as IPA partner (9 months compared to ERDF financed partners) coverage results for final installation are not yet available. Nevertheless the results of the coverage tests for separate access points are available using the same hardware (Mikrotik 433) and given in separate chapter. Each access point 1-5 is based on Mikrotik routerboard, model 433. The router at control tower is Mikrotik 433AH. At the server side, in Belgrade, Mikrotik router model 1100 is used. Dedicated Server controls the connection and host applications/webpages that are available to users. The uplink is achieved via wireless internet link to the provide, with symmetrical speed of 1Mbit/s. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 79 of 111 Coverage Coverage tests results can be assumed on the basis of trial using same hardware, but on a single location. The results of trial are given here, within this chapter. Two cases were supposed, one at the law water situation (empty lock) and second at the high water situation (full lock). For the visualization of the WLAN signal strength a specific graduation was set as shown in the table 1. Legend Signal strength -50db to -65db -65db to -80 db -80db to -90db Table - Signal strength graduation Measurements using onboard internal antenna (integrated notebook wireless receiver) Lock and lock entrance basin measurements The results are visualized using AutoCAD Map 2011 and can be seen on the picture below. Picture- Lock basin measurements at low water with internal antenna Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 80 of 111 Picture -Lock basin measurements at high water with internal antenna Picture -Lock entrance basin measurements with internal antenna Results in the lock basin were excellent in any condition and in any position inside the lock. Measurements are showing that the position, orientation and the vertical angle of the antenna were properly set and that it could be use for the permanent installation of the WLAN equipment. Lock downstream basin measurements For the measurements of the WLAN signal strength in the wider area downstream of the Iron Gate I lock the antenna was placed at the lower part of the pier. The orientation of the antenna was downstream and the radiance diameter was approx. 120°. Results of the measurements of the Panel 15 antenna and the internal WLAN antenna (notebook antenna) are shown in the pictures below. Approximately 900 m downstream of the onshore antenna the WLAN signal reception was usable. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 81 of 111 Picture - Lock downstream basin measurements with internal antenna Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 82 of 111 Measurements using onboard receiver with external wireless antenna Lock and lock entrance basin measurements Picture - Lock basin measurements at low water with external antenna Picture - Lock basin measurements at high water with external antenna Lock downstream basin measurements Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 83 of 111 Picture- Lock entrance basin measurements with external antenna Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 84 of 111 ANNEX E - Romanian Danube pilot network – Iron Gate I (RO side) Romanian Danube Pilot network was implemented at the Iron Gates I on the Romanian shore. Wi-Fi network will provide access for navigators to the following services: Public access to FIS Newada Portal. Public internet access and other RIS Portals (e.g. , ). Secured access (VPN) to AFDJ internal network. Wi-Fi network was designed to be : Modular – minimum MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) or upgrade with minimal expenses Configurable - limit/permit access to services/ users Scalable - extending coverage and future Wi-Fi networks integration just by adding additional modules. IRON GATES I - Romania Wi-Fi network Performance criteria considered was : 1 Mbps minimum bandwidth for users Wi-Fi coverage to be ~ 1 km away from the end of the lock for the waiting area. Mobility and roaming between Aps All 802.11 standards 802.11a/b/g/n The Iron Gates I Romania Wi-Fi Network Pilot was implemented on June 2011 because it was necessary to consider that the lock will enter into repairs for a period of one year . For this reason we could not do coverage tests in the upstream lock . but we believe that the coverage is similar to downstream area as long as land geography and equipments are similar. System architecture, used equipments Network topology is “Star” configuration Adaptive Wi-Fi network consisting of : Four Motorola AP650 Access Points(AP) Two Motorola Dual Band Panel antennas (75° /9dBi) connected to each AP, total of eight antennas Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 85 of 111 One Motorola RFS4000 Wi-Fi Controller/Router for convergence between wired and wireless services and for roaming and mobility . Two UBNT Point To Point (PTP) radio links. Iron Gates I NEWADA Network Architecture Connection to web server that will host the FIS and other national and international RIS servers will be done over the Internet. Connection to the internal AFDJ network will be done over an encrypted VPN and will use separate VLANs for traffic separation and security. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 86 of 111 WiFi network is divided into two sub-networks: A. Access Network Access Network is to ensure through the standard 802.11 a / b / g / n users access (skippers) to required services. Access Network is composed of four (Access Point sites) noted MAP1, MAP2, MAP3, MAP4 in the picture above. B. Transport Network Transport Network is to provide transport of data between Wi-Fi network (APs) and Motorola RFS4000 Controller. Transport Network is composed of two PTP radio links 802.11a standard UL1 - UL2, UL3 - UL4 exemplified in the picture above. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 87 of 111 Equipments used : MOTOROLA AP650 - Dimension : 24.13 cm L x 18.916 cm W x 4.36 cm H - Power Consumption : 13W - Weight :1 Kg Key Features: • • • • • • • • • Dual Band MIMO(2x3) AP supporting all Wi-Fi standards : 802.11 a/b/g/n SMART RF feature that automatically optimizes power and channel selection so each user gets always-on high-quality access and mobility. 300 Mbps bandwidth Used in conjunction with powerful RFS4000 Motorola Wi-Fi controller the user is automatically associated with the best AP. The hand-over between AP’s is made automatically and transparent to the user, no need for AP re-association and data flow interruptions . QoS Wireless services IDS/IPS Services and Firewall Can work in many network topology : mesh network, adaptive network, hot-spot High radio receiver sensitivity (-95 dBm@1Mbps) increasing the AP radio coverage MTBF over 40 years ML-2452-PNL9M3-036 MIMO Dual Band - Dimension : 25.9 cm L x 25.9 cm W x 3.3 cm H - Weight :1 Kg Key Features: Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 88 of 111 • • • • • • • • • Dual Band MIMO(2x3) AP supporting all Wi-Fi standards : 802.11 a/b/g/n Frequency : 2450-2500/5150-5875 MHz Gain (dBi) 8.0 / 10.7 Polarization Linear, Vertical Azimuth 3dB Beamwidth: 75° / 55° Elevation 3dB Beamwidth: 70° / 60° Cable Length (in.) 36 Cable Type Low Temperature Plenum Connector Type RP-SMA Male Motorola RFS400 - WiFi Integrated Service Controller - Layer 3 routing capability - Encrypted VPN capability - Security, Firewall, QoS - PoE capability Key Features: • • • • • • • • • • • Integrated Service controller for Wi-Fi networks. Router L2/L3 functionalities (include IPSEC VPN,DHCP Server, Radius, IDS/IPS engine, Anomaly Analysis engine). Manage all the users connected to each AP, so the network will be transparent to the users.(no need to re-assocciate each time to other network AP). Supports up to 24 different WLANs in the same network. Optimized Wireless QoS. Optional 3G modem for backup. Wireless IDS/IPS and Firewall for wireless interfaces. MTBF over 65000 hours. WMM Power Save Dynamic Load Balancing with bandwidth management Possibility for future cluster configuration . (integrates two or more networks in one cluster transparent to the user). PTP Radio Link Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 89 of 111 UBNT NanoStation M5 Locco - Dimension : 16.3 cm. L x 3.1 cm. H x 8cm. W - Power Consumption: 5 W - Weight : 0,18 Kg Standard : 802.11a Antena Gain : 8.5 dBi Integrated antenna PoE Installation Pictures : MAP1 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 90 of 111 MAP2 MAP3 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 91 of 111 MAP4 For the visualization of the WLAN signal strength a specific graduation was set as shown in the Table 1. Legend Signal strength -50dbm to -65db -65db to -80 db -80db to -90db Table 1. Signal strength graduation Because the lock is in repair for one year, radio coverage tests were performed only in downstream and inside the downstream lock (low level water situation only) . However, radio coverage tests have been performed on the side (shore) of the upstream lock. The complete radio coverage tests will be performed after the lock will be repaired and reopened for naval traffic . Test hardware : Downstream and downstream lock : DELL STUDIO1535 with integrated antenna . Standard 802.11g Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 92 of 111 Side(shore) of the upstream lock : LinkSys Dual Band WUSB600N – Standard 802.11n Coverage results : Upstream coverage – MAP3 Upstream coverage – MAP1 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 93 of 111 Upstream coverage – MAP1, MAP3 composite coverage Upstream lock radio coverage – The test equipment was used only on side(shore) of the upstream lock because of lock maintanance repairs. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 94 of 111 ANNEX F - Romanian Danube-Black Sea Canal pilot networks (Cernavoda, Agigea, Ovidiu, Medgidia) Location(s), purpose of network W L AN S yst em D e sc r i pt ion The countries of Central and South - Eastern Europe base their river transport system on the employment of Danube as a waterway. The Danube Black Sea Canal ensures a connection between Constanta Port and Rotterdam Port on the Trans-European Waterway System Rhine-Main-Danube, between North Sea and Black Sea. The Administration of the Navigable Canals S.H. holds in patrimonies the navigable canal Danube-Black Sea and the navigable canal Poarta Alba - Midia Navodari, including related infrastructure, consisting of four locks located at Cernavoda, Agigea, Ovidiu and Navodari and four ports located at Basarabi, Medgidia, Ovidiu and Luminita At waiting points such as berths, ports and locks wireless access points were implemented to be able to provide updated data out of the FIS Portal to the users. Coverage and user test will be carried out which serve as a basis for guidelines on the implementation and the usage of such access points. The location were the access points was installed are: Agigea Lock coordinates: 44 05.9826N/28 38.4831E Cernavoda Lock coordinates : 44 20.9138N/28 01.3856E Ovidiu Lock coordinates : 44 16.0574N/28 33.5429E Medgidia Port coordinates: 44 11.8740N/28 18.0275E WLAN System requirements NEWADA WLAN pilot network agreed minimum requirements: 802.11b and 802.11g as mandatory service and 802.11a and/or 802.11n as optional The agreed common approach is to access the NEWADA Danube FIS Portal as a minimum content Public network is suggested in NEWADA without using any encryption keys (WEP,WPA) Power output limitation regulations: 2,5 GHz: 100mW 5,8 GHz: 1W 5,9 GHz: 4W Proposed Services for WiFi pilot network Access the NEWADA Danube FIS Portal using un unencrypted public WiFi network Access internet and other RIS portals – using un encrypted WiFi network Secure access for ACN personnel to ACN VTMIS network A minimum bandwidth of 1Mbps is required in all data transfers in the specified areas (locks, port) 802.11b/g standard services in Locks : Agigea, Cernavoda, Ovidiu 802.11a/b/g and 802.11n draft 2.0. standards services for Medgidia Port Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 95 of 111 Agigea Lock Ovidiu Lock Medgidia Port Cernavoda Lock Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 96 of 111 ke La ul sa Ta System architecture, used equipments P ro p o s e d W L A N n e tw o rk ac Bl kS utg Si O vidiu L ock ea e ak lL hio N av odari L ock AP AP E xisting co m m un ic ation N etw ork VLAN C ernavo da L ock AP AP VLAN V LA N AP A gigea L ock B asarab i H arbo ur M edg idia H arbo ur AP AP AP VLAN F IS P o rta l Fig.1 ACN NEWADA WLAN architecture The systems are installed in the following waiting areas: Locks: Cernavodă, Agigea and Ovidiu. Standard: 802.11 b/g Two Acces Points in each lock Port: Medgidia Standards: 802.11 a/b/g and 802.11n draft 2.0 both 2,4GHz and 5GHz for testing purposes Two Access Points (APs) to cover the entire port area The system will use the existing communication infrastructure between Locks. This VLAN network is implemented by ACN in a different project. The WLAN network is connected in Agigea to the Internet in order that the clients will be able to access the FIS Portal. The access will be restricted to FIS portal and other relevant RIS websites. Hardware implementations WiFi equipments specifications Outdoor equipments PoE (Power over Ethernet) Cvasidirectional antennae: 30-40 degree sector antennae with 10-14 dBi gain Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 97 of 111 WiFi security standards accepted: WPA2 with TKIP and AES Possibility to create more parallel WiFi networks using the same AP Standard: 802.11 b/g for Locks Standards: 802.11 a/b/g and 802.11n draft 2.0 for Medgidia Port Lock installations Two WiFi Access Points were installed on the pilot locations Agigea, Ovidiu and Cernavoda. The equipments used for this location are: Cisco Aironet 1300 - AIR BR1310G-E-K9 These Access Points have an integrated sector antenna with these main characteristics: 13-dBi gain for the main lobe 36° E-plane by 38° H-plane (3-dB beam width) Standard compliance: Standard: IEEE 802.11 b/g The AP’s were configured with a non encrypted broadcasted SSID. In order to obtain level 3 communication, the AP’s were configured as DHCP servers to automatically assign IP addresses to clients. The AP’s are installed on the Lock tower, one on each side. In the following figure is presented the orientation of the antennae main lobe. Fig. 2 - The orientation of the main antennae lobe Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 98 of 111 Port installations The equipments used for this location are: Cisco Aironet 1250 Family - Access Point AIR-AP1252AG-E-K9 Has two radio modules which work simultaneous Two diversity antena one for 2,4GHz band and one for 5GHz band Used antennas: Cisco Aironet 5-GHz MIMO 6-dBi Patch Antenna Cisco Aironet 2.4-GHz MIMO 6-dBi Patch Antenna Main Specifications: - 6-dBi gain - 65° E-plane by 65° H-plane (3-dB beam width) Medgidia Port area installations: Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 99 of 111 Fig. 3 – The proposed sector antennae orientation in Medgidia Port Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 100 of 111 Medgidia Port equipment installations: Fig. 4 Medgidia Harbour installations Fig. 4 Medgidia Port AP1 installation Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 101 of 111 Fig. 5 Medgidia Port AP2 installation Coverage results and user test experiences, lessons learned WLAN Tests There were two series of tests that were preformed: Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 102 of 111 • WLAN Network Coverage • Throughput tests 1. Agigea Lock Tests performed • Spectrum analysis • WLAN Coverage • IP Throughput tests Spectrum analysis Test Methodology A FLUKE AnalyserAir WiFi Spectrum Analyzer was used in order to identify possible interference sources in 2.4 GHz band. RF spectrum tests will be conducted for a 10 minute interval looking for interference signals that could affect the number of interfering WiFi networks or the RF interference sources. Fig. 6 - The equipment employed for the field tests Test Results The tests were performed on 13 November 2010 in Agigea Lock. No major interference sources were identified. There were no CW continuous carriers identified in the 2,4 GHz band in the Lock area. The 2.4 RF environment practically not used in the area. Only 2 other WiFi APs was identified in this zone. Maximum power level received for the whole band does not exceed -55dBm and the maximum power received is from NEWADA AP’s. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 103 of 111 Fig 7 - Spectrum analysis for the 2.4 GHz band WLAN Coverage Test Methodology The signal level was recorded in the lock area. Two laptops were used with internal antennas. The tests were done inside the ship cabin. The inSSIDer v2.0 program was used for recording the signal, connected with an external Bluetooth GPS for localization. The tests were performed in the most disadvantageous scenario, at the lowest level of water in the lock. Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 104 of 111 Fig 8 – Coverage Tests Performed Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 105 of 111 Test Results Fig 9 – Test results for Agigea Lock in low water conditions Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 106 of 111 IP Throughput tests Test Methodology IP throuput tests were performed over the WLAN link. A laptop with an Iperf Server was connected to the Acces Point and throughput was measured using an Iperf Client running on the laptops on the boat. Iperf v2.0.5 software was used. Test Results Fig 10 – iperf throuput tests The Iperf software has no possibility to record also GPS position, but from the time recording analysis a throughput rate of minimum 0,5Kbps was obtained in all the points inside the lock. There was a spot at the entrance gate near the lock wall where due to the low level of water there was no direct visibility to the AP the signal was -85/-86 dBm and the association was lost 2. Medgidia Port WLAN Coverage Test Methodology The signal level was recorded in the port area. Laptops were used with internal antennas. The tests were done inside the ship cabin. The inSSIDer v2.0 program was used for recording the signal, connected with an external Bluetooth GPS for localization. Test Results in 2,4GHz Fig 11 – Test results for Medgidia Harbour AP1 Fig 12 – Test results for Medgidia Harbour AP2 Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 109 of 111 Conclusions For Lock WLAN services, the installations with two AP’s, one installed for each chamber is a suitable solution, assuring a complete coverage for the entire chambers area even in low water level. The tests performed in locks demonstrate a good WLAN coverage with a signal level higher than -80dBm in most cases and an IP throughput range of more than 500Kbps in all cases. It was one black spot identified in Agigea lock at the entrance gate, near the wall, and in low water conditions. For the Medgidia Port a rectangular area of 1000 x 300 meters was covered using two access points, one on each side. A good signal level was measured for each access point up to a distance of aprox. 600m from the access point. Also the association was continuously in this area, to one access point or to the second. Comparison between different laptops For testing the WLAN signal level and coverage area different laptops were used: • SONY VAIO VGN-S170P – Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Card • DELL Latitude D630 - Intel 3945 WLAN 802.11a/g)mini Card • TOSHIBA Satellite – L650-177 – Broadcom 802.11b/g/n All the laptops had internal antennas and tests were performed in the same conditions. The signal level received from different laptops was very different. The most sensitive one was SONY VAIO with a reception signal level of +6dB respectively +8dB more than the other two laptops. All the tests were performed with the laptops inside the cabin in normal operating conditions. Some tests were performed with the laptops outside and the reception signal level and association distance increased significantly. Comparison between 802.11g and 802.11n draft 2.0 Some comparative tests were performed in Medgidia Port between 802.11g and 802.11n draft 2.0 both in the 2,4GHz band. The throughput was much higher in the area near the AP using 802.11n protocol. Also, for the same throughput of 1Mbps the coverage area increased very much, up to twice the distance measured using 802.11g protocol. The protocol 802.11n is using MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) technology with patch antennas (three antennas for spatial diversity) and provides a much better throughput and coverage using the same frequency band. - End of document - Implementation Guide for WLAN Access Points Page 111 of 111