2011 Annual Report - Habitat For Humanity


2011 Annual Report - Habitat For Humanity
Carolyn Miller — President
Lee Fears — VP Site Development
Glenn Richardson — VP Construction
Jane Emmerich — Secretary
Patti Baker — Treasurer
Stephanie Bagby — Volunteer
Warner Behley — Grants Coordinator
Judy Durant — Family Support
Don Holder — Advisory Board
Virginia McGuire — ReStore Advisor
Gil Sydell — Strategic Planning
Mary Vermillon — Family Selection
Hoyt Bynum, Jr.
Don Holder, Chair
Hunter Marks
Cathey Bell
Theron Mullinax
Rick Davis
Helen Owen
Stan Duncan
Donnie Parks
Graham Fields
Bill Reese
Albert Gooch
Thomas Kasischke Ann Robertson
Nada Shook
Erich Leatham
John Lampley
Joy Spearman
Nada Shook — Sr. Business Manager
Judy Hilliard — Administrative
Elizabeth Shepherd — Administrative
Services Coordinator
Bruce Gordon — Construction
Alan Stissel — Site Facilitator
Freddy Zamudio — Construction
Adam McCraw — Construction
Randy Terry, Sr. — ReStore Manager
Rhonda Selvig — ReStore Assistant
Mary Vermillon, Chair
Dick Armstrong
Kimbela McMinn
Elaine Bailey
Victor Moore
Larry Crabtree
Al Roberts
Andy Gyuro
Jan Tanner
Bob Johnson
PJ White
Donna Johnson
Roberta Woods
Judy Durant, Chair
Gladys DeFrancisco LaVonne McKay
Mary Scott
Patti Detwiler
Beth Miller
Linda Snyder
Dan Eddinger
Jerry Miller
Lina Stein
June Eddinger
Rebecca Nyaki
Linda Stocker
Christine Hicks
Mary Richter
Peggy McDowell
Richard Richter
Henderson County Habitat for Humanity, a Christian organization, builds quality affordable homes,
creates strong communities and changes lives by partnering with committed volunteers,
professional staff, and eligible families living in inadequate housing.
Pat Fulcher — ReStore Administrative
Johnny Ritchey — ReStore
John Culver — ReStore
Robert Brooks — ReStore
Evaristo Hernandez — ReStore
Steve & Carol DeWolf — Newsletter
Gary Knock — Media Consultant
Ron Reid — Website Coordinator
Don Walker — Construction Volunteer
Paige Willms — Grants Researcher
How to contact us
Habitat Business Office:
1111 Keith Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
(828) 694-0340
Hours: 8 - 5, Mon-Fri
Fax: (828) 696-9657
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.habitat-hvl.org
Habitat ReStore:
230 S. Washington Street
Hendersonville, NC 28739
(828) 696-9524
Hours: 9:30 - 5, Mon-Sat
From The
After a year of transition and changes, we
forge ahead by bolstering our community
ties, empowered by a generous and
responsive donor
base, and loyal,
Hoyt Bynum, Jr.
Executive Director, Henderson
County Habitat for Humanity
ince 1989, Henderson County Habitat for Humanity
has been a vital support system in our community.
As such, we have experienced both highs and lows as
we seek to fulfill our mission to build quality, affordable homes, create communities, and change lives. Our successes over the past 22 years have resulted from the efforts
of our committed volunteers, professional staff, and our
partner families.
This past year has been a transitional year for us with
the hiring of the affiliate’s first executive director and the
appointment of a new board president, Carolyn Miller.
Carolyn and I have taken on the challenge to advance the
mission of our affiliate as proactively as we can.
The fiscal year started off with the retirement of two
long-term employees. Fortunately, we were blessed to find
their replacements internally. Nada Shook was promoted
from office manager to senior business manager. Judith
Hilliard was hired to serve as our office administrator.
A determination was made to outsource our accounting to Carland & Andersen, Inc., CPA. Elizabeth Shepherd,
formerly our account assistant, transitioned to the position
of administrative services coordinator. Jessica Boeh has
been hired to support the capital campaign. Finally, I recently removed the interim tag from the title of long-time
employee Randy Terry. Randy now serves in the capacity of
ReStore general manager. I am blessed to have a great team.
We have added vigor and depth to our Board of Directors to ensure successful implementation of the governance
of the affiliate. Since January of 2011, we have added six
new board members. This brings our total number of Board
of Directors to 12. We have also increased the number of
Advisory Board members to 17.
We are fortunate and grateful to have an extremely
generous and responsive donor base. However, we know
that in the current economic environment we must execute
effective fund-raising strategies to continue to carry out our
services to the community. We are now six months into our
first-ever Capital Campaign. The campaign goal is to raise
the one million dollars necessary for implementation of
Dodd Meadows, our next Habitat community. To date, we
have reached 46 percent of this goal. We know that we will
be successful in our endeavors because we have the friendship, respect, trust, and loyalty of our community.
As we focus on the future, it is imperative that we also
strengthen our valuable links with our community partners,
such as Blue Ridge Community College - Job Link, Children
& Family Resource Center, Dispute Settlement Center of
Henderson County, Henderson County Sheriff's Department, Housing Assistance Corporation, On Track - Financial and Credit Counseling, and the churches and businesses that accomplish Blitz Builds annually. These agencies
and organizations are essential to our efforts to both build
homes and prepare families for the responsibilities of
During this transition year, one factor has remained
consistent: our faithful and dedicated volunteers. During
the past year, eight crews faithfully worked weekly on home
construction. The weekly number of construction volunteers was always approximately 166. In addition, 30 ReStore
volunteers were on duty each week, and 31 members of the
Family Support and Selection Committees contributed to
the preparation of partner families for homeownership.
The future for HCHFH is very promising, and I am
anticipating great things in the next fiscal year. Thank you
for caring and sharing. Together, we can make a difference!
How you can help in a big way
o u r H e n d e r s o n C o u n t y H a b it a t fo r H u m a n i t y a f f i l ia t e i s
c u r r e n t l y c o n d u c t i n g a o n e m i l l i o n d o l l a r C a p i t a l Ca m p a i g n t o fu n d t h e i n f ra s t r u ct u r e a n d f i rs t p h a s e i n o u r
newest community, Dodd Meadows.
B u i l d i n g t h i s c om m u n it y , w h i c h is l o c a t e d o n 2 0 a c r e s a t t h e
i n t e r s e ct i o n o f C r e s t a n d B lu e R i d g e R o a d s , i s a n o t h e r s t e p i n o u r
g o a l o f e l im i n a t in g s u bs t a n d a r d h o u s in g a n d ch a n g i n g l iv e s in
o u r c o m mu n it y . T o m a k e it a r e a l it y w e n e e d y o u r p ra y e r s , y o u r
support through volunteering, and your financial help.
F o r m or e i n f o rm a t i o n , s e e p a g e 4 f o r y ou r p l e d g e c a r d or
visit our website at www.Habitatwww.Habitat -hvl.org .
Experienced CPA chosen Habitat treasurer
Media Consultant
atti Baker, a Hendersonville resident for
the past 15 years, is the newest member of
Habitat’s Board of Directors. A CPA with
25 years experience in accounting, Patti
has accepted appointment as the affiliate’s treasurer.
Unlike most board members, she is not
retired. Rather, Patti is an accountant with Todd
A. Webb, CPA, P.C. in Hendersonville on a parttime-plus basis.
working in public
after graduation
Atlanta and has
continued in the
field to the present with time
out to raise three
said that during
tax season each
year, the task of
Patti Baker, Treasurer
commitment to Habitat with the demands of her
job will make time management a high priority.
Patti brings a record of community service to
her new position. She has just completed two
terms as a board member for The Healing Place
and regards her transition to Habitat as a matter
of “good timing.” Patti has also served as president of the Junior Welfare Club of Hendersonville.
For some time, she has considered Habitat as
“an organization I would like to be involved
with.” Patti said she feels strongly about the mission of Habitat. “Helping people who need help is
what Habitat is all about,” she said.
Further, she said that, “Being a homeowner
changes the direction of people’s lives.” While
Patti will devote the majority of her time to the
financial needs of the affiliate, she said she would
also like to become involved in home construction.
Jenny, Patti’s oldest daughter, recently graduated from UNC-Charlotte with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. She will remain in Charlotte
and has plans to pursue a master’s degree in public administration with the goal of becoming an
administrator for a nonprofit organization. She is
also a cheerleader for the Carolina Panthers.
Younger daughter, Melissa, also attends UNCCharlotte and plans to become a pharmacist.
Patti’s son, Brad, is a senior at West Henderson
High School.
Capital Campaign Pledge Card
Building homes, Building communities
Pledge: 1 Time 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
Amount Enclosed: _________________________
Semi Annually Annually
of Gift
of Gifts
Total Gift
Leadership Gift
Major Gift
Total Major
Corporate /
Business Gift
Avg. 1,000
and up
Friends of
Avg. $500
and under
Total of All
I would like to pledge a non-cash gift to the Capital
Campaign (i.e. property, stock, bonds) and would appreciate
receiving a call to discuss further.
Make all checks for your tax deductible gift payable to:
Henderson County Habitat for Humanity
1111 Keith Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
For more information: 828-694-0340
Please charge my credit card:
Name:_____________________________________________ Monthly
Quarterly In Full
American Express
Credit Card # _______________________________________
State: ______________ Zip: __________________________
Exp. ______/______ CSV Code: ________
Signature on Card: ___________________________________
Putting the shovels to the dirt are, from left: former Habitat President
Steve Dodd, County Commissioner Mike Edney, Habitat President Carolyn
Miller, Habitat Executive Director Hoyt Bynum, and Habitat’s Vice President for Site Development Lee Fears.
Patty Dodd (left), Steven Dodd, former Habitat
President for whom Dodd Meadows is named,
and Habitat President Carolyn Miller enjoy the
Director Hoyt
Bynum, Jr.
and Senior
Nada Shook
display the
street sign
for the main
road through
Medi a C ons ult a nt
enderson County Habitat for Humanity President
Carolyn Miller and Executive Director Hoyt Bynum
welcomed guests to a ground-breaking ceremony for
the affiliate’s newest community, Dodd Meadows, on
August 9, 2011.
On the warm, humid morning, about 120 Habitat supporters gathered on the land that will eventually sustain more
than 85 new Habitat homes to celebrate yet another major
milestone in the affiliate’s 22-year history.
Board member Gil Sydell gave the invocation and
County Commissioner Mike Edney expressed support of
Habitat on behalf of the citizens of Henderson County. Lee
Fears, Habitat vice president for site development, detailed
the process of purchasing and financing the land at the intersection of Crest and Blue Ridge Roads in East Flat Rock.
Steve Dodd, the affiliate’s eighth president and the
namesake for the new development, explained that he felt
honored and very humble when told that the new community would bear his name. Dodd also expressed personal
gratification that Dodd Meadows will significantly expand
the Habitat mission in Henderson County.
Steve Dodd served as Habitat president from 2003
through 2008, and, in total, served on the Board of Directors
for eight years. During the years of Dodd’s presidency, the
affiliate completed the purchase of land for two large developments, Highlander Woods and Shuey Knolls. Dodd was
also instrumental in arranging a visit to Henderson County
PHOTO: MIKE DIRKS/Hendersonville Times-News
Proving again
that Habitat
offers something for everyone, including
kids, Nada
Shook chats up
the famous
by Habitat founders Millard and Linda Fuller.
Nada Shook, senior business manager for the affiliate,
drew attention to the work of countless volunteers who have
contributed significantly to Habitat’s mission of eliminating
substandard housing in Henderson County. She also an-
nounced that the first two streets that connect with the main
thoroughfare into Dodd Meadows will be named Hofer
Court and Johnnie Washington Court. Hofer Court honors
Richard (Dick) and Gloria Hofer, both of whom served as
members of the Habitat Board of Directors. In addition, Dick
served as a volunteer construction supervisor, wrote the first
safety manual for construction volunteers, and served as project manager in 1996 for construction of the building on
Washington Street in Hendersonville that became a part of
the current ReStore. Gloria was a ReStore volunteer and
served as the store manager from 2000 to 2005. Johnnie
Washington served the affiliate in many significant ways
during its early years.
It was explained that the main thoroughfare will be
named Volunteer Way and will honor all Habitat volunteers
who have previously served and continue to serve the affiliate. With the assistance of Executive Director Bynum, Nada
Shook displayed the street sign that reads “Volunteer Way.”
Rev. Dr. Bill Campbell of First Presbyterian Church in
Hendersonville led the dedication of the land. Participating
in the actual breaking of ground were Miller, Edney, Dodd,
Fears, and Bynum. Mary Vermillon, a member of the Board
of Directors, pronounced the benediction.
Those attending the ground-breaking celebration enjoyed breakfast biscuits and coffee donated by Chick-Fil-A of
Hendersonville and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and bottled
water from Ingles Food Market. The Chick-Fil-A cow also
made an appearance to the delight of the children attending
the celebration.
Ph o t o s b y Ga ry Kno c k, Me d i a C o ns ult ant )
Sub--Contractor's Club
$5,000 - $9,999
Hunter Automotive
First Citizens Bank
Mrs. Joan Shafer
Master Builder's Club
$1,000 - $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henson
Mr. & Mrs. Andra Herriott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hollis
Mr. & Mrs. David Marquardt
Mr. & Mrs. George Shipley
Ms. Nancy Snowden
Builder's Club
$400 - $999
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Andersen
Mr. Colin L. Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hester
Mr. & Mrs. Miles Hudson
Ms. Barbara Kohan
Ms. Maxine Milner
Mr. William Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Wyman Robb
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Steinbach
Carpenter's Club
$200 - $399
Mr. Robert C. Barnes
Ms. Jane A. DeLong
Mrs. Antoinette M. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. H. Harry Emmerich, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Andra Herriott
Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Houtman
Mr. & Mrs. James Hurd
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Koopmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Kraus
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ogden
Mr. & Mrs. John Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sanson
Mr. & Mrs. Sogi Soder
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Terry
Ms. Pat Wakeley
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Watson
Carpenter's Helper Club
$100 - $199
Ms. Nancy Allred
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Armstrong
Mr. W.F. Boswell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. David Bucher
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clyde
Ms. Gayle Cox
Rev. & Mrs. Edwin Ehlers
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen English
Mr. Charlie Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gyuro
Mrs. Vivian Hoeppner
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Knock
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Koopmann
Mr. & Mrs. James Liebzeit
Mrs. Shirley Maas
Mr. & Mrs. Arland MacKinney
Mr. & Mrs. James Maxwell, III
Mr. M. Duane McKibbin
Ms. Wendy Mears
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Miller
Ms. Maxine Milner
Mr. Theron E. Mullinax, Jr.
Ms. Jeanne O'Neill
Mr. Fletcher Roberts, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rosenberger
Rev. & Mrs. William Seibert
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Showalter
Mrs. Anne Stormont
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thomas
Mr. Jim Twining
Ms. Gretchen Van Emburgh
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Zink
Individual Friends
Ms. Sarah Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. John Almert
Mr. John Bahnak
Mr. & Mrs. David Beardsley
Mr. William Beck
Ms. Lauryn Behley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boterf
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bush
Mr. & Mrs. David Cantwell
Ms. Helen Carlson
Ms. Eileen Ciampi
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Conlon
Mr. Richard Crandall
Ms. Shirley Davidson
Col. & Mrs. Robert DeBusk
Ms. Jane DeLong
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeMartini
Mr. E. James Doar
Mrs. Irma Dowdle
Ms. Cornelia Dulmage
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Elmquist
Rev. & Mrs. Ladd Fields
Ms. Marilyn Friend
Dr. & Mrs. William Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. James Graves
Mr. & Mrs. George Halsey
Ms. Bonnie Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hargis
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hiatt
Mrs. Judith Hilliard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hinkle
Dr. Thomas Hope
Mr. Steve Hopkins
Ms. Cathy Horton
Mr. David Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley
Mrs. Eleanor Kelling
Ms. Anne Kelly
Mrs. Norma Kushigian
Mrs. Dina Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Leaverton
Mr. & Mrs. Luther Lockwood
Mr. Barry MacDowell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm McCormick
Ms. Debra Morgan
Mr. James Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William Neuenschwander III
Mr. George Oldham
Ms. Grace Poli
Ms. Ann Pyles
Mr. Richard Reinhardt
Mr. Ronald Roberts
Ms. Susan Sanford
Mr. Zachariah Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Schult
Ms. Nada Shook
Mr. William Stokes, Jr
Ms. Beatrice Stuhmer
Mrs. Mary Vermillon
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Walline
Mrs. Georgette Weitbrecht
Ms. Sally Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White
Ms. Susan Williams
Mr. Walter Wood
Ms. Amanda Woodard
Church Women United in Henderson County
Covenant Presbyterian Church, PCA
Cummings Memorial United Methodist
Episcopal Church Women of St. John In
the Wilderness
Etowah United Methodist Church
First Baptist Church
First Church of Christ, Scientist
First Congregational Church
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
Grace Lutheran Church
Mud Creek Baptist Church
Providence Baptist Church
St. John in the Wilderness
Trinity Presbyterian Church
United Methodist Men of First Methodist
Western North Carolina Baptist Network
Businesses & Corporations
ABLE Rent-A-Jon
Carolina ACE Hardware
Eaton Electrical Inc.
ExxonMobil Matching Gifts Program
GE Matching Gifts Program
Habitat for Humanity International
Houghton Mifflin Matching Gift Program
Local Guys Moving
Mast General Store
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Pfizer Matching Gifts Program
Turf Mountain Sod
Endowments, Foundations &
Community Foundation of Henderson
First Citizens Bank & Trust
Hendersonville High School Keywanettes
Saddlebrook HOA
The Cannon Foundation, Inc.
The Thomas and Jane Dupont Charitable
The Vanderberg Foundation
Gifts in Kind
ABLE Rent-A-Jon
An English Flower Cottage
Angel’s Touch Spa
Arthur Pearsall, D.D.S.
Autobell Car Wash
Ms. Laurie Bakke
Bee Hive Resale Shop
BellaDiva Day Retreat
Blinds and Us
Bliss Salon
The Blue Note
Body By Design
Carolina ACE Hardware
Chick-Fil-A of Hendersonville
Cummings Cove Country Club
Curves For Women
Mr. Richard E. DeSimone
Downtown Tire Center
Etowah Valley Country Club & Golf Lodge
Fatz Café
Flat Rock Playhouse
Flower Market
Golden Nail and Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon
The Grand Hotel Marriott Resort,
Golf Club & Spa
Great Skin For You
Mr. Gary Hall
Ms. Marsha Hammel
The Home Depot
Ingles Food Market, Highland Lake Road
Mrs. Eleanor Kelling
Mr. and Mrs. K. Rhoades Kreutter
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Lowe’s Home Improvement
Merrill Paint & Decorating, Inc.
Miller’s Laundry & Fine Dry Cleaning
MLH Paper & Party Supplies
Mountain Top Art Glass Creations
Negozio’s Italian Grocery & Deli
Precision Tune Auto Care
Reaben Oil - Triangle Stop
Red Arbor Salon
Mr. Glenn Richardson
Salon 104
Ms. Carolyn Serrano
Shelley’s Jewelry
Mr. William Shepherd
Silver Fox Gallery
Mr. Dave Slagle
Sol Y Luna, Cal-Mex Bar & Grill
Stew's Heating and Cooling
Tarheel Piecemakers Quilt Club
Turf Mountain Sod
Ms. Ann Wankel
West First Wood Fired Pizza
Mr. Vincent Wilson
Capital Campaign Contributors
Jan 2011—
2011—July 2011
Joy F. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Babcock
Cameron & Sarah Ball
Bank of America Foundation
Warner & Shirley Behley
Dennis & Judith Berman
Jullian Biller
Lawrence W. Blair
Jessica Boeh
Russell Bush
Hoyt & Shawna Bynum
Frank & Ethlyn Byrd
John & Betty Case
Margaret Caughman
Century 21-Barnette & Coates, Inc.
Betty Cline
William H. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Crider
Amal & Darlene Das
Patti Detwiler
Brian & Linda Dillon
Richard DeSimone
David Doidge
Bill & Judy Durant
Harry & Jane Emmerich
Steve & Phyllis English
Charlie & Patsy Fairbank
Lee & Jean Fears
Linda Gallant
Bruce & Glenda Gordon
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Peter & Barbara Grant
Andrew & Patricia Gyuro
John & Judith Hanson
James & Susan Heidebrecht
Robert & Lisa Henson
Andra & Patricia Herriot
Tony & Judy Hilliard
Don & Jeanne Holder
Albert & Hjordis Hunt
Mary Jamieson
Janirve Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lindsay
Local Guys Moving
Arland & Joan MacKinney
Patrick McDonagh
Virginia McGuire
Gerald & LaVonne McKay
Jerry & Carolyn Miller
Morrow Insurance
Mountain 1st Bank
Chrissy Filka
Bob & Floise Murray
Gary & Rebecca Ouderkirk
Gordon Paul
Dr. Arthur Pearsall
Donald & Brenta Poole
Mr. & Mrs. John Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Ranges
Rebecca Ready
Glenn Richardson
Ann Robertson
Shelley’s Jewelry
William & Elizabeth Shepherd
George & Charlotte Shipley
David & Nada Shook
Harold & Linda Showalter
Richard Simone
John C. & Ruth H. Smith
Arthur Smits
Sogi & Alice Soder
Alan & Laurie Stissel
Suntrust Bank Foundation
David & Tonia Sutherland
Mary Jane Swanson
Gil & Ann Sydell
Leonard & Linda Synder
Randy & Linda Terry
David & Merrily Thomas
Robert & Kathryn Thomas
Sharon Tinell
Patrick & Mary Vermillon
Barbara & James Volk
Johnnie Washington
Douglas N. & Elizabeth Watson
Hans & Kathleen Weill
James & Nancy G. Wert
Dirk & Paige Willms
Kelly Wollinger
Daily Crew Leaders
Monday - Norman Makowski
Tuesday - Lee Fears
Wednesday - Harvey Fichtelberg
Thursday General - Robert Engstrom
Thursday HVAC - George Reynolds
Friday General - Richard House
Friday Electrical - Rhoades Kreutter
Saturday Shed - Rob Anderson
Saturday Site - Joe Kosturko
Eaton Crew - William Hudson
Construction Volunteers —
Mike Abel
John Adamson
Philip Anderson
Robert Anderson
Arden Avery
Warren Baker
Sam Baldwin
Patricia Barratt
Ronald D. Barratt
Warner Behley
Robert Behmer
Henry Behrens
Michael Biviano
Marianne Bjork
James Brannen
C. James Brewer
Thomas Brinkman
Ruth Brittan
Wesley Brittan
Erik Brodin
A. Stephens Brown
George Brown
William Brown
Joseph Carpenter
Edgar Carpenter, Jr.
Alvin Chason
Thomas Clyde
Charles Colhoun
Maggie Connor
Colin L. Corbett
Gregory Crawford
John Lee Davis
Michael Davis
Dennis Delahunty
Thomas DeMartini
Richard DeSimone
Brian Dillon
Joe Dixon
William Durant
Harry Emmerich, Jr.
Robert Engstrom
Charlie Fairbank, Jr.
Lee Fears
Harvey Fichtelberg
Ken Floyd
Mark Forbes
Frank Forrester
Mark Gibbs
Elissa Glover
Steven Glover
Mary Grant
Peter Grant
Ronald Grant
Barry Graves
Kathleen Graves
Suzanne Graves
Ralph Grosvenor
Robert Gruber
Bruce Gullifer
Monica Gurtu
Andrew Gyuro
Bud Haas
Joseph Hall
Carlton Hammond
Roy Hatch
Sarah Hendricks
James Hendrix
Richard Herald
Andra Herriott
Jack Heuer
Richard Hofer
Robert Hollis
Richard House
William Hudson
Marin Huscher
Patty Hutson
Edgar Irving
Will Johnson
Hoon Kim
Joe Kosturko
Alexander Kovalenko
Walt Kozacki
Gordon Kraus
James Krause
Rhoades Kreutter
Gene Lazarus
Cater Leland
Jim Lillard
Cody Lucore
Ronald Macklem
Norman Makowski
Bryce Malsbary
David Marquardt
Carolyn Maxwell
James Maxwell, III
Joe McCanless
Shelby McCord
Charles W. McFarland
Don McGlone
Virginia McGuire
W.J. McNeill
George H. Meeker
Darrell V. Menscer
Matthew Mickles
Mark Miller
Arley Mills
Alton Mountjoy
James Musolf
Taylor Nations
William Neuenschwander III
Harold Nicholls
Christopher O'Leary
Diana Pavlick
Christopher Peavy
Kenneth Peterson
Chris Phillips
Linda Quach
John Rachow, Jr.
Robert Rehrer
Stacey Reich
George Reynolds
Burton Richards
Glenn Richardson
Richard Richter
W. Alton Roberts
Floyd Rohde
Kenneth Ruebush
Hans Rueschmann
J.W. Rylands
Joshua Sanabria
George Sarros
Emery Schneider
Wayne Schult
Andrew Scott
Milton Simpson
Allen Smith
Tom Smith
Arthur Smits
Nancy Snowden
Jeffrey Snyder
Leonard Snyder
Paula Snyder
Sogi Soder
Eugene Southworth
Marissa Spencer
B. Daniel Sprinkle
Robert Stenger
Paige Stout
Richard Tatum
Christina Tucker
Brandon Underwood
William Vall
Don Walker
Douglas Watson
Wayne Wesson
Robert Westgate
Jack Wiesenthal
William Wilkes
Diana Williams
Gregory Williams
Steven Williams
Thomas Williams
Robert Wilson
Anthony Wright
Jeanne Young
Richard Young, Jr.
Construction Volunteers —
Eaton Corporation
Henry Behrens
James Brannen
Edgar Carpenter
Maggie Connor
Michael Davis
Ken Floyd
Steven Glover
Elissa Glover
Ronald Grant
Barry Graves
Monica Gurtu
Walt Kozacki
Jim Lillard
Marilyn Lillard
Don McGlone
Mark Miller
Taylor Nations
Stacey Reich
Tom Smith
Diana Williams
Thomas Williams
Anthony Wright
Richard Young
Jeanne Young
Women Build
Dartha Ashe
Stephanie Bagby
Bridgett Bouvier
Mrs. Thomas Brinkman
Joan Burke
Mrs. Dale Coerver
Pat DelGrosso
Renee Descant
Pamela Fisette
Mrs. David Francun
Mrs. Leon Galloway
Mrs. Jim Gordon
Verna Heimbinder
Mrs. Mark Isserman
Mrs. Jonathan Jackson
Mrs. Michael Lashford
Linda Little
Susan Lowmiller
Mrs. Larry Mobley
Mrs. Dennis Robbins
Elizabeth Rosenberg
Mrs. Wayne Schult
Patty Small
Kay Speranza
Margaret Stadtler
Mrs. Dave Stansell
Betty Westmoreland
Marilyn Wheeler
Diana Williams
Mrs. David Woods
Construction Volunteers 20102010-2011
Covenant Presbyterian Church
David Avdich
James Denton, Jr.
James Ivey
Robert Justus
Bill McMurray
Patrick Vermillon
Mary Vermillon
Diana Williams
Thomas Williams
First Baptist Church
Gilberto Alba
Larry Anderson
Eli Anthony
Meredith Applegate
Britt Baldwin
Brian Ballard
Allen Barnwell
Mike Beam
John Beattie
Carlos Bickford
Todd Blair
Ken Bowden
Howard Busch
Bruce Capps
Bill Case
Josiah Cloutier
Mike Cooper
Alfred Cornett
David Crystal
Rob Currin
Chris Davidson
Fred R. Dewhurst
Tony Durall
Paul Duval
Joseph Dwyer
Harry Emmerich, Jr.
Dennis Felker
Michael Fleming
Kohlan Flynn
Mark Fore
Sandra Gann
Michael Gartner
John Harrison
Dorie Hartline
Neal Hawkins
Don Hendrix
Jamin Hendrix
Jeff Hendrix
Albert Hermann
Robby Higgins
Scout Holbrook
Don Holder
Jeff Hudson
Jill Jackson
Mark Jackson
Paul Jackson
Howard Jacobus
Ronald Jones
Bob Kilgus
Steve Kilpatrick
Nancy Kiskaddon
Robert Kiskaddon
Mark Knox
Stephen Kraus
John Kremer
Jim Lillard
Donald Lindamood
Nathanael Littauer
Beth Lynes
Bruce Lynes
Elizabeth Lynes
J.T. Manning
David Marshall
Grayson Marshall
Haakon Mathisen
Tim Mathisen
Michael McCall
John McGraw
Renee McKinney
Bruce Miller
James Murtagh
Derek Nelson
Mary Ruth Nichols
Robert Oesterling
Robert Opheim
Robert Pace
Kristen Pedersen
James Pohl
Joseph Prescott
Jerry Pridmore
John Roach
Martha Roach
Kenneth Ruebush
Alexander Runk
Nicholas Runk
Charlie Saleeby
Andrew Sanders
Gary Sanders
Chris Schulz
George Smith
Herbert Spies
J.G. Spraul
Mike Spraul
Laurie Stissel
Tony Stepp
Mike Storey
Charlie Swain
R.E. Thompson
Roger Toney
Carolyn Trapp
Vann Trapp
Robert Whitaker
L.C. Wilson
William Yinger
(Continued on page 10)
(Continued from page 9)
First United Methodist Church
David Bass
David Beardsley
Earl Bowers
Royal Corbin
Bruce Foster
Mark Gibbs
Richard Grauer
Martin Greedy
William D. Gregory
James F. Kane
David Ludwick
Ronald Macklem
Anne Miller
Don Miller
Ken Perkins
Gil Sydell
Mary Thompson
Wesley Voigt
Al Williams
Grace Lutheran Church
Robert Anderson
Ampro Ash
Dale Beardsley
David Beaty
Matthew Beaty
David Butler
Charles Carlson
George Celtrick
Richard Christensen
Ruth Ann Davis
Robert Frederiksen
Jamie Freeman
Cameron Hahn
Grant Hahn
Barbara Henwood
Brent Janowiak
Ayman Kaddouri
Layne Kasischke
Thomas Kasischke
George Kiefer
Hoon Kim
William Kinschner
C. Richard Mummert
Alejandra Oviedo
Alfredo Oviedo
Thomas Schober
Arleen Slagle
Solatiel Solano
Harry Steiner
Einar Syvertson
James Tatham
Christina Tucker
Marilyn Wheeler
Patrick Wheeler
Gregory Williams
Southern Lights Dance Club
Anna Brackman
Stephanie Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. William Coulthart
David Easler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Emon
Keri Entwistle
Horacio Giraut
Joanne Hayden
Eva House
Paul Kashuk
Peggy Kashuk
Linda Knight
Stephen Kraus
Florencia May
Mr. & Mrs. Lawton McCall
Emil Pauwels
Mildred Pauwels
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Price
Frederick Puncke
Rose Marie Puncke
Betsy Robson
James Robson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Wesson
Henderson County Habitat for Humanity
is an affiliate in the international effort
to eliminate substandard housing
InIn -Kind Donors
Mr. Tom Aardema
Mr. & Mrs. John Aaron
Ms. Betty Abrahamson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Agor
Ms. Ann Ahern
Mr. Tony Aiken
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Alexander
Mr. Jason Alfrey
Mr. George Allen
Ms. Isabel Alvarez
Mr. Thomas A. Ammer
Mr. Judson C. Ammons
Ms. Sandra Anders
Ms. Sue Anders
Ms. April Anderson
Ms. Bobby Annino
Ms. Jane Apple
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Armstrong
Ms. Kathy Armstrong
Mr. John Arnold
Ms. Jackie Auten
Ms. Kim Bachman
Ms. Pat Badders
Ms. Marilyn Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Balch
Ms. Jackie Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. William Bangs
Mr. George Banta
Ms. Janel Barberito
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Barker
Ms. Patricia Barker
Ms. Virginia Barlow
Mr. Robert C. Barnes
Mr. Ron Barnett
Mr. Harry Barnjum
Ms. Sandee Barnwell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Barratt
Ms. Nancy Barron
Ms. Leslie Batchelder
Ms. Vicki Bates
Ms. Tania Battista
Ms. Catherine Batts
Mr. Gary Baughman
Mrs. Sue Baughman
Ms. Barbara Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Beckwith
Mr. Neil Behrle
Ms. Vickie Beilharz
Ms. Joann Belinski
Ms. Alison Bell
Mr. Donald Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Berg
Ms. Sandra Bergman
Ms. Rena Bice
Ms. Lyn Bickel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biddle
Mr. John Bidetti
Ms. Ruth Bienvenu
Mr. & Mrs. Julian H. Biller
Mr. George Bishoff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Black
Ms. Phyllis Blackard
Ms. Nelly Blackbourn
Mr. James Blake
Mr. Bob Blanke
Ms. Jean Blau
Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Bloom
Blue Ridge Plastic Surgery
Mr. Edward Blumenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Blumer
Ms. Janet Bobbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bollman
Ms. Jessica Bonnett
Ms. Thomas Boquist
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boterf
Mr. John Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. George Bradberry
Mrs. Janet Bradford
Mr. Bobby Bradley
Ms. Lori Bradley
Ms. Ann Brandt
Ms. Kimberly Brazell
Ms. Joan Brendle
Mr. & Mrs. C. James Brewer
Ms. Lorraine Bridges
Mrs. Kathy Britt
Mr. Ron Britt
(Continued on page 11)
(Continued from page 10)
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Brittain
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Broadbent
Ms. Joyce Broderick
Dr. & Mrs. Werner Brooks
Mr. Robert Brooks, Sr.
Ms. Catherine Brown
Mr. Nathan Brown
Mrs. Barbara Brown
Mr. Ralph Brown
Mr. Ricky Brown
Ms. Brenda Bryan
Ms. Lyla Bryan
Ms. Linda Bryant
Mr. Robert Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Burgess
Mr. Gordon Burghardt
Mr. Larry Burgin
Ms. Jacqueline Burke
Mr. Gene Burleson
Ms. Peggy Burnham
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Burns
Mr. David Burt
Ms. Sherry Busque
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Butera
Ms. Nancy Butler
Ms. Debbie Byoricka
Mr. Rosario Calcaterra
Ms. Roz Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Candell
Mr. Tommy Candler
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Cantwell
Ms. Margaret Carle
Ms. Carol Carlock
Carolina Ophthalmology, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Carpenter
Ms. Francis L. Carroll
Mr. Dan Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Carter
Ms. Dorothy Case
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Case
Ms. Carol Cassone
Mr. Jay Castleberry
Mr. William Charlesworth
Mr. & Mrs. James Clark
Ms. Julia Clark
Ms. Thomassa Clay
Mr. & Mrs. John Clifford
Mr. Daniel Climenhaga
Mr. Douglas Climenhaga
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Cole
Mr. Richard Collins
Ms. Sherry Colton
Mr. George Compo
Ms. Mary Condano
Ms. Camille Conden
Ms. Gloria Conery
Ms. Kate Conlon
Mr. Brian Cooper
Mr. Don Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. James Cope
Rev. Jonathan Coppedge Henley
Ms. Debbie Cornwell
Ms. Robin Corum
Ms. Patricia Costello
Ms. Karen Cottingham
Ms. Jewel Couch
Mr. John Coulter
Mr. Gary Crider
Mr. Cricket Crigler
Ms. Kathy Crowder
Ms. Debbie Crumb
Ms. Faye Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Curtis
Mr. Nathan Cuttle
Mr. Gary Dale
Mr. Ron Dalrymple
Ms. Julia Daniels
Mr. Oskar Danielson
Mrs. Betty C. Daugherty
Ms. Jill Daughtridge
Mr. Ralph Davenport
Ms. Roberta Davern
Mr. Bob Davidson
Ms. Gail Davis
Ms. Hazel Davis
Mr. Ken Davis
Ms. Melinda Davis
Ms. Neva M. Davis
Mr. Ray Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dawes
Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Deaton
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Dell
Ms. Joan Dellinger
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dempsey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dempster
Ms. Anna Dennis
Ms. Diane Dennis
Mr. Rudolph DePaepe
Mr. Bill DeRosa
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Destremps
Ms. Patti Detwiler
Mr. & Mrs. William Dice
Ms. Patty Ann Dietrich
Ms. Amy Dillingham
Mr. Ron Dillon
Mr. Merle Dimbath
Mr. Joe Dixon
Ms. Jane Dockendorf
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Dodd
Mr. Ray Dorsey
Ms. Catherine Douglass
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dreisen
Mr. Roger Duckett
Ms. Gail Duesselmann
Ms. Debbie Dugay
Ms. Charlotte Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncan
Ms. Judy Durfee
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Dygert
Ms. Lacy Dylewski
Ms. Donna Earl
Mr. Mike Easton
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Eaton
Mr. Chris Eby
Ms. Amy Edward
Mr. David Edwards
Mr. Stan Edwards
Mrs. Jennifer Egolf
Ms. Nikkole Eilert
Mr. & Mrs. Leander J. Eldredge
Mr. Robert G. Eliser
Ms. Valerie Elwell
Ms. Bea Emerson
Mr. Roger England
Ms. Liz Enloe
Ms. Donna Enright
Ms. Sharon Ensley
Ms. Carolyn Entwistle
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ernst
Mr. Doug Esbensen
Mr. & Mrs. John Eskew
Ms. Linda Eskew
Ms. Carrie Everhart
Ms. Katherine Evertson
Mr. Ronald Evilia
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fagerlin
Mr. Donald Fairbanks
Mr. Marshall Fall
Mr. Alan Falzone
Ms. Rebecca Farmer
Ms. Louise Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Don Fattig
Ms. Linda Faulkner
Mr. Bill Feagin
Mr. John Feaster
Mr. Jack Fentiman
Mr. Terry Feree
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Ferris
Ms. Karen Fifer
Mr. John Fiori
Ms. Ann Fitzsimons
Mr. & Mrs. Kohlan J. Flynn
Mr. Alan Folger
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Forster
Mr. Richard Foss
Ms. Deborah Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Francis
Mr. & Mrs. John Franklin
Mr. Scott Frazier
Ms. Rhonda Freeman
Ms. Harriett M. Friedly
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Frisbee
Mrs. Patricia Fulcher
Ms. Sara Fullmer
Ms. Barbara Gabel
Ms. Beverly Gable
Ms. Kathy Gallagher
Mr. Matthew Gamble
(Continued on page 12)
(Continued from page 11)
Mr. William Gardo
Mr. Stephen Garren
Ms. Verna Garren
Ms. Sarah Gayle
Ms. Celeste Giblin
Ms. Jane Gibson
Mr. Robert Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Gibson
Ms. Ruth Gibson
Mr. Tim Gilbert
Mr. Philip Gilissen
Mr. James Gilliam
Ms. Jennifer Glaese
Mr. Ed Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. John Glowacki
Mr. Joseph Godwin
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gonot
Ms. Chelsea Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gore
Mrs. Ada Gough
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Grant
Ms. Angela Gray
Ms. Mary Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Grebe
Mr. Bill Gregory
Mrs. Lenora J. Gregory
Mr. William T. Gregory
Mr. Peter Greko
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Gresh
Mr. John Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Grosser
Mr. & Mrs. John Grundon
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gruss
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guellich
Mr. George Gunderman
Ms. Debra Gunter
Ms. Marie Gunter
Ms. Linda Gurney
Mr. Rick Gurney
Ms. Peggy Guy
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Gyuro
Mr. William Haden
Ms. Heather Halbert
Ms. Jane Hale
Ms. Mary Hall
Mr. Michael S. Hall
Mr. Steven Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hallberg
Mr. Clay Hamlett
Mr. Walter Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanesworth
Mr. John Hannah
Ms. Maxine Harden
Ms. Diane Harker
Mr. Douglas Harmon
Ms. Kathleen Harris
Ms. Rosalin Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre R. Hart
Mr. Michael Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. James Harvard
Mr. Raymond Hawkins
Ms. Andree Haxby
Mr. Edwin Hazelrigg
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Healy
Ms. Joan Hebach
Ms. Lyn Heipile
Ms. Kathleen Heist
Mr. Allan Hellman
Ms. Dene Hellman
Ms. Cindy Heminway
Mr. Ronald Hemphill
Mr. Frank Henderson
Ms. Gloria Hensley
Ms. Judy Heywood
Mr. Matthew Hickman
Mr. Joseph Hiles
Ms. Shirley Hill
Ms. Marianne Hines
Ms. Nancy Hipp
Ms. Bettye Hixson
Ms. Carol Hobe
Ms. Shelly Hoce
Ms. Lois Hofstetter
Ms. Sue Holderread
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Holland
Home Depot
Ms. Liz Honnold
Mr. Steve Hopkins
Mr. Paul Horbert
Mr. Roger Hosey
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Host
Ms. Lorraine Host
Mr. Randy Housten
Mr. Randy Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Houtman
Mr. & Mrs. James Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howard
Mr. Steve Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Howe
Ms. Vicki Howe
Mr. Terry Howell
Mr. Timothy Hoyt
Ms. Christine Hubbard
Ms. Amber Hudson
Ms. Elizabeth Hudson
Ms. Laura Huff
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Huggins
Mr. Edward J. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Rick S. Huhn
Ms. Betty Hunnicutt
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hunt
Mr. Dick Hunt
Ms. Estelle Hunt
Ms. Denise Hunter
Mr. Robert Hunter
Mr. Mark Huntley
Mr. & Mrs. James Hurley
Ms. Rose Huscher
Mr. Bruce Huskes
Ms. Jane Hutcherson
Ms. Sandra Hyder
Mr. Stevie Hydrick
ICI Dulux Paints
Mr. Antoine Ignizio
Mr. & Mrs. John Irwin
Ms. Gale Isaacson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Jackson
Ms. Joan M. Jackson
Mr. Mike Jacobius
Mr. Jack Jacques
Mrs. Cathy Janney
Ms. Casey Jansak
Mr. Don Jennings
Mr. Barney Johnson
Ms. Brenda Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Johnson
Mr. Harold Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson
Mr. Paul Johnson
Mr. Robert Johnson
Ms. Sherry Johnson
Ms. Tamara Johnson
Mr. Jeff Jollay
Ms. Annie Jones
Ms. Barbara Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Jones
Ms. Karen Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jones
Ms. Wendy Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jump
Mr. Todd Justus
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kalinowski
Mr. Bobbie Kane
Mr. Matt Kapler
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Karroubi
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kawalec
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Kay
Ms. Marjorie Keithly
Mr. John Keller
Ms. Jean Kelley
Ms. Martha Kelley
Mrs. Eleanor Kelling
Ms. Missy Kenzik
Ms. Mary Kershaw
Mr. Randy Kersten
Ms. Julie Kid
Ms. Ruth Kidd
Ms. Vicki Kilpatrick
Ms. Helen Kim
Mr. & Mrs. John King
Ms. Ann Kinkley
Ms. Betty Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. Cary Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Kirkman
Ms. Karen Kiser
Ms. Jean Kline
Ms. Ruth Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Knighten
Ms. Hazel Kobusch
(Continued on page 13)
(Continued from page 12)
Mr. & Mrs. William Komara
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Koons
Ms. Dorothy Kootman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kosturko
Ms. Sandra Kremer
Mr. & Mrs. Don Krichbaum
Mr. George Krueger
Mr. Jim Krumrei
Mr. Richard Krupp
Mr. Fred Kuchler
Mrs. Susan Kuchler
Mr. Ak Kudva
Ms. Sheila Kuhl
Ms. Phyllis Kurecki
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Kusler
Ms. Chris Lacy
Ms. Dorothy Lagasse
Mr. Gary Lambert
Ms. Joyce Lance
Ms. Pat Lance
Mr. & Mrs. Grady Land
Ms. Elize Landreth
Mr. Pete Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Langan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lape
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry LaPoint
Mrs. Sandra Laskowski
Ms. Jamie Laughter
Ms. Carol Lavan
Ms. Meg Lawes
Ms. June Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Ledford
Ms. Susan Lees
Mr. Todd Lella
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Levine
Ms. Candace Lewis
Ms. Kay Leyrer
Mr. Norman Lieberman
Mr. Joseph Lindell
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Linn
Ms. Nancy Linnard
Mr. John Loia
Mr. Mike Long
Lowe’s Home Improvement
Ms. Dot Lucas
Ms. Barbara Luchtman
Mr. & Mrs. John Luebbe
Ms. Barbara Lynch-Blosse
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lyon
Ms. Judy Lyons
Ms. Mary Magee
Mr. & Mrs. James Magness
Ms. Lisa Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maier
Mr. Mack Makowski
Ms. Yvette Mallar
Ms. Phyllis Maltas
Ms. Joanne Mancini
Ms. Mona Mancy
Mr. Thomas Mangan
Mr. Craig Manner
Mr. Bob Maroni
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Marquardt
Ms. Joyce Marschke
Mr. Phil Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Martin
Ms. Kristin Martinez
Ms. Sandy Marx
Mr. & Mrs. David Mason
Ms. Nancy Mastrantonio
Mr. Norman Mathison
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. James Matykiewicz
Mr. Charles Maxted
Ms. Sylvia Maxwell
Mr. John McCandless
Ms. Tricia McCoy
Ms. Virginia McCrary
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. McCurdy
Mr. Jerry McDaniel
Mrs. Nancy McDaniel
Mr. Chris McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDuffie
Ms. Karen McElrath
Ms. Jennie McFadden
Mr. Craig McGahey
Ms. Jessica McGraw
Ms. Julie McInnis
Ms. Susan McKenzie
Ms. Judy McLemore
Ms. Linda McMurray
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. John McNinch
Mr. Craig Meads
Ms. Jeannie Medlin
Mr. Tim Mendelsohn
Ms. Mary Metcalf
Ms. Edwiina Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Metzger
Mr. Ronald L. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Michener
Mr. & Mrs. John Mikkonen
Ms. Betty Millar
Ms. Tracy Millar
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Miller
Mr. Dennis Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Miller
Mr. Bruce Milliken
Mrs. Michelle Milliken
Ms. Doris Jean Milner
Mr. Stephen Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Mitchell
Ms. Jan Mitchell
Ms. Mary Monk
Ms. Marcia Moonan
Ms. Debra Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Peyton Morgan
Ms. Janice Morrison
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Morton
Ms. Kellie Moylan
Mr. & Mrs. Eulis Mull
Ms. Lee Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Mummert
Ms. Joan Murphy
Ms. Patricia Murphy
Mr. Tom Murray
Ms. Marcia Myers
Ms. Elizabeth Myron
Ms. Jane Nachman
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Natella
Mr. Sam Navon
Ms. Aiden Nelson
Ms. Dona Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nelson
Mr. Steve Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Tedd Nelson
Mr. & Ms. Steven Neumann
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Newbery
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Newbold
Ms. Jeanne Newkirk
Ms. Kim Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Newton
Ms. Marge Noble
Mr. & Mrs. Don Nolan
Mrs. Nolte
Ms. Tessa Norman
Ms. Diane North
Mr. Donald E. North
Ms. Judith Nourse
Ms. Antoinette Novak
Mr. Dennis Nowack
Mr. George Obolensky
Ms. Nancy Obre
Ms. Kathryn Oldham
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Olson
Ms. Jan Onan
One Love Jamaican Restaurant
Ms. April O'Rourke
Mr. Charles Ortiz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ouderkirk
Outlet on Kanuga Bend
Ms. Bonnie Overman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Owen
Mr. Robbie Owenby
Mr. & Mrs. David Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Owens
Mr. Ken Pace
Ms. Lucy Pace
Ms. Heather Pack
Mr. & Mrs. James Paine
Mr. David Painter
Mr. Robert Palmer
Ms. Kay Papazian
Mr. Daniel Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Parker
Mr. Bill Payne
Ms. Nan Payne
Mr. Justin Pellette
Mr. David Perless
(Continued on page 14)
(Continued from page 13)
Ms. Michelle Pernell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pfeiffer
Mr. Lonell Pierce
Ms. Kristine Pisano
Mrs. Linda Pistone
Mr. Pete Pistone
Mr. James Platt
Ms. Molly Player
Ms. Pat Plemmons
Mr. Billie Plowden
Ms. Suzan Pomeroy
Ms. Paige Posey
Mr. Conrad Possidento
Mr. & Mrs. William Powers
Ms. Pam Powlas
Ms. Lucy Prim
Mr. & Mrs. Kemuel Pruitt
Ms. Ann Pyles
Mr. William Ramsey
Ms. Linda Randall
Ms. Helen Rapp
Ms. Erlene Rawson
Ms. Suzanne Rea
Mr. Travis Reese
Mr. Phillip Rehm
Mr. Glen Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Reid
Mr. Richard Reinhardt
Ms. Nancy Reis
Mr. Bill Repetto
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rhodes
Mr. Steve Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rich
Ms. Carolyn Richardson
Mr. Chris Ricker
Mr. Adah Rieker
Ms. Wendy Riley
Ms. Elaine Rindner
Mr. George Roberts
Mr. Melvin Rogers
Ms. Helen Rollar
Mr. Garet Romeo
Ms. Audrey Rood
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rose
Mrs. Carolyn Rosendale
Mr. William Rosendale
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ross
Ms. Priscilla Rouse
Mr. David Roussell
Ms. Marie Ruge
Ms. Suzanne Russell
Ms. Valerie Russell
Mr. Phillip Rust
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Rylands
Mr. Eugene Sabo
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Sacho
Mr. John Salani
Mr. John Sams
Ms. Rose Sams
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sandifer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Savage
Ms. Pauline Schenck
Mr. John Scherf
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Schmalz
Ms. Cecelia Schmitz
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Schmode
Mr. Arthur Schoenlaub
Mr. James Schrempp
Mr. Tom Schuch
Mr. David Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scott
Rev. & Mrs. William F. Seibert
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Seidel
Mr. Dennis Setser
Ms. Dianne Seville
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Shanahan
Ms. Patricia Shank
Ms. Janet Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheldon
Ms. Beckie Sheley
Ms. Tracye Sheley
Ms. Shari Sherman
Ms. Bonnie Sherrill
Mr. Gregg Shipley
Mr. Kenneth Shipman
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. David Shook
Ms. Cartha Shope
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Showalter
Ms. Jean Silver
Mrs. Richard Simmel
Mr. Bennett Sims
Mrs. Mary Page Sims
Ms. Ethlyne Singh
Ms. Mary Anne Sledge
Mr. Morton Sleet
Ms. Shelley Smiley
Ms. Barbara Smith
Mr. Christopher Smith
Ms. Crystal Smith
Ms. Geneva Smith
Ms. Gloria Smith
Ms. Janice Smith
Ms. Jodie Smith
Ms. Martha Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Smith
Ms. Maura Smith
Ms. Michelle Smith
Ms. Peggy Smith
Mr. Samuel Smith
Mr. Ernest Snooth
Ms. Susan C. Snowden
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Soss
Mr. & Mrs. William Spradley
Ms. Madeline St. Onge
Ms. Rene Stafieri
Ms. Cheryl Stanton
Mr. Raymond Starke
Mr. Justin Starling
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stehle
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Stelter
Ms. Carolyn Stepp
Ms. Lillian Stepp
Ms. Ruth G. Stepp
Mr. Richard Stevenson
Ms. Barbara Stone
Ms. Anne Stoneman
Mr. John Stonkus
Mr. Mike Strange
Ms. Katie Strickland
Ms. Patricia Stuart
Ms. Beatrice Stuhmer
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sumner
Ms. Patty Sumner
Mr. & Mrs. William Sutara
Ms. Lillian Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. David Sutton
Mr. John Sutton
Ms. Amanda Swann-Delamoux
Ms. Mary Jane Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Otto W. Swierad
Ms. Margie Swofford
Ms. Bette Lee Taylor
Ms. Kayren Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Taylor
Ms. Mildred Taylor
Ms. Grace Teaster
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Teffner
Mr. Mike C. Terenzi
Ms. Mary Terjesen
Mr. & Mrs. James Thaxton
Ms. Kate Thayer
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Thoman
Ms. Ann Thomas
Ms. Kay Thomas
Ms. Nancy Thompson
Mr. Tom Thrailkill
Ms. Jane Tornholm
Mr. Mike Tower
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Trahan
Mr. Thomas Trochim
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Trull
Ms. Cindy Tryon
Mr. John Tyndall
Mr. Nenon Ujiki
Ms. Joleen Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. William Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Upton
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Vagts
Ms. Audrey Van Gonder
Mr. Mark Van Kirk
Ms. Rochelle Van Winkle
Mr. Ellis Vaughan
Ms. Flora Vaught
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vega
Mrs. Mary Vermillon
Ms. Tasha Vinzant
Ms. Linda Viselli
Mr. & Mrs. Horst Vollmers
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Voorhees
Ms. Melissa Walden
Mr. Stephen Walden
Ms. Janet Walker
(Continued on page 15)
(Continued from page 14)
Mr. Robert Walker
Ms. Jane Wallace
Ms. Jeanne Walsh
Mr. Walter Walsh
Mr. Jake Walter
Mr. & Mrs. Reed Walters
Mr. Steven Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wanicka
Ms. Diane Ward
Mr. Leonard Ward
Mr. Nancy Warner
Ms. Louise Washburn
Ms. Gillian Waters
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Watkins
Ms. Jan Wauben
Mr. & Mrs. James Wayne
Ms. Barbara Weeks
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Weis
Mr. Robert Weiss
Ms. Linda Weldon
Ms. Carol Werhan
Ms. Donalee Wermeister
Ms. Mia West
Ms. Virginia West
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Westgate
Mr. William Weymer
Mr. & Mrs. William Whitaker
Ms. Anna White
Mr. & Mrs. James Williams
Mr. Mike Williams
Ms. Susan Williams
Ms. Joan Williford
Ms. Paige Willms
Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson
Ms. June Wilson
Mr. Paul Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Wilson
Ms. Sally Wilson
Mr. Pete Wilt
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Winson
Ms. Jennifer Witt
Ms. Susan Woershing
Ms. Amanda Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. James Woods
Mr. Scott A. Woods
Ms. Susan Woosley
Ms. Diane Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Wright
Mr. John Wyokley
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Yarborough
Ms. Jacquey Yocum
Mr. Harold Young
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Zakutanski
Mr. Julius Zimmerman
Ms. Sharon M. Zizic
Sarah Blackwell
Janet Bradford
Marion Bradford
Kris Crimi
Pat Dalbec
Linda Faulk
Rose Ferguson
Pat Fulcher
Linda Faulk
Verna Heimbinder
Allan Hellman
Bob Hinkle
Barbara Jackman
George Kambourelis
Mary Ellen Makowski
Norm Makowski
Betty Millar
Ken Miller
Doris Jean Milner
Roger Moss
Jeanne Newkirk
Polly Pernell
Linda Reihs
Helen Rollar
Geneva Smith
Ellen Sutter
Mary Jane Swanson
Sonya Tonnesen
Linda Turner
Fran Webb
Madge West
Margaret Zakutansky
A goal of Habitat for Humanity is to create a community through building relationships. Building quality
shelter for each family is important. But equally important is developing a safe, caring community that will
continue to grow and prosper throughout the years to come.
• $86,141 was paid in property taxes by Habitat for Humanity homeowners in 2009.
• $41,138 in sales tax was collected from the ReStore locations in the past 12 months.
• $39,752 in insurance premiums was paid by Habitat for Humanity homeowners in the past 12 months.
• $422,426 gross payroll was paid to 18 Habitat for Humanity employees in the past 12 months.
• $9,480 is spent annually on required permits for Henderson County (based on 12 houses per year.)
• $914,900 was spent in Henderson County in the past 12 months on materials, supplies and contract
• Initial infrastructure work is scheduled to begin in 2012. (Initial infrastructure costs are estimated at
• Dodd Meadows will have 85 homes at its completion in 2022.
• Henderson County will receive an estimated amount of $39,600 in revenue from permit fees.
• Potential property tax revenue for Henderson County is $67,500 annually (based on current threebedroom rates).
Habitat is proud to partner with: Whirlpool (range, dishwasher, refrigerator and microwave), Hunter
Douglas Blinds, Dow Building Components, Valspar Paint, Cree LED Lights, and Schneider Electric.
Homeowners have choices between two models of dishwashers, paint colors, lighting, flooring, floor plan,
and kitchen counter tops. To maintain consistency these options are overseen by staff and advisors.
We hope that we
haven’t omitted,
misspelled or listed
a name incorrectly
in this Annual Report.
If we have, please
accept our apology
and contact our office
at (828) 694694-0340.
Become a Habitat Volunteer!
Whatever your skills or interests, we have volunteer positions
available to fit your schedule. Construction volunteers are
needed Monday through Saturday. We welcome your help at the
ReStore, with fund raising, office administration and support,
or on one of our committees. There will always be a place for
you or your group at Henderson County Habitat for Humanity.
Net ReStore Sales
Net Mortgage Payments
Dodd Meadows
Gifts in Kind
( 32%)
( 27%)
( 19%)
( 12%)
( 5%)
( 3%)
( 3%)
Total Receipts
$ 1,512,798
Construction Expense:
Tools, Supplies & Utilities
Site Development
Contribution to Habitat International
Total Construction
( 42%)
Payroll Expense:
( 38%)
Dodd Meadows Loan Payments
( 9%)
Business/Office Expense:
General Expenses
Professional Fees
Fund Raising
Total Business Expense
( 7%)
ReStore Expense
( 4%)
$ 1,560,042
Total Expenditures
Fiscal Year 7/1/10 - 6/30/11
Cover photos: Former board member Jack Houtman
and Administrative Services Coordinator
Elizabeth Shepherd