Item F-1303.4 - Waverley Council


Item F-1303.4 - Waverley Council
Waverley Council
PO Box 9, Bondi Junction, NSW 1355 DX 12006 Bondi Junction.
Telephone: 9369 8000 Fax: 9387 1820 TTY: 9389 9827 (For hearing impaired)
All Councillors are invited to the Citizenship Ceremony which will be held on:
THURSDAY, 28 MARCH 2013 at 7.30PM
Financial Reports as at 31 January 2013
Development Approvals 31 January 2013 to 22 February 2013
Waste Services Activities Report for January 2013
Maintenance and Construction Report for January 2013
Recreation, Customer & Community Services Report for March 2013
Citizenship Ceremony
At the Citizenship Ceremony held at the Council Chambers, Bondi Road, Bondi Junction on
28 February 2013 we welcomed 50 new citizens from:
Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Morocco, New Caledonia, Philippines, Spain, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States
of America.
All Councillors are invited to the next Citizenship Ceremony which will be held on:
Thursday, 28 March 2013 at 7.30pm
Level 3, Council Chambers, Bondi Road, Bondi Junction
Councillors wishing to attend are requested to contact:
Jeanette Kearney on 9369 8130 or [email protected]
General Fund Account
Waverley Cemetery Account
South Head Cemetery Account
Funds Recalled
Other Deposits
Waverley Cemetery
South Head Cemetery
General Fund
EFT Payments
EFT Payroll
Funds Invested
Miscellaneous EFT Payments
Dishonoured Cheques
Waverley Cemetery
South Head Cemetery
Less Cancelled Cheques
General Fund
Waverley Cemetery
South Head Cemetery
General Fund Account
Waverley Cemetery Account
South Head Cemetery Account
General Fund Account
Waverley Cemetery Account
South Head Cemetery Account
* A separate reconciliation between the cash book and the bank statement has been completed as
at 31 January 2013
DA No. DA442/2012 DA539/2012 DA553/2012 DA551/2012 Address 24 Lord Howe St, DOVER HEIGHTS 507/10 Jaques Ave, BONDI BEACH 1/55 Simpson St, BONDI BEACH 13 Philip St, BONDI DA400/2012 9 George St, DOVER HEIGHTS DA456/2012 3/50‐52 Hastings Pde, NORTH BONDI 27 Wellington St, BONDI 21 Darling St, BRONTE 61‐79 Hall St, BONDI BEACH 5 Bay St, NORTH BONDI 25 Boonara Ave, BONDI 42 Yanko Ave, BRONTE DA538/2012 DA554/2012 DA478/2012 DA320/2012 DA332/2012 DA403/2012 DA561/2012 20 Nancy St, NORTH BONDI DA515/2012 96 Campbell Pde, BONDI BEACH DA6/2012 ROBIN HOOD HOTEL, 203‐209 Bronte Rd, WAVERLEY DA454/2012 81 Birrell St, QUEENS PARK DA457/2012 14 Manning St, QUEENS PARK DA514/2012 21 Clarke St, VAUCLUSE DA293/2012 59 Beaumont St, ROSE BAY DA463/2012 4 Palmerston Ave, BRONTE DA408/2012 102 Clyde St,
71 Onslow St,
33 Midelton Ave,
41 Flood St, BONDI
Alterations to existing garage Enclose terrace to provide additional bedroom Convert subfloor area to storage room Attic conversion, internal alterations, minor external alterations Ground and first floor extension to existing dual occupancy, new lower ground and ground floor garage and rooftop terrace New glass sliding doors, deck, fence and skylights Alts and adds, including first floor wall extension on the north side elevation and new rear balcony Extend driveway and hardstand car parking space Fit‐out and use of premises as a fruit and vegetable store including internal signage on lower ground floor Alts and adds to existing two storey dual occupancy including demolition of garage building to rear of block Demolition of existing building construction of an attached dual‐occupancy and strata subdivision First floor addition, new rear studio and internal alterations to basement and ground floors of a heritage listed item Rear extension and internal alterations to dwelling Pergola on side boundary Alts and conversion of first floor of Hotel to a restaurant and public area (including smokers area) for an additional 150 patrons Rear ground floor extension to dwelling in a Heritage Conservation area Construct single garage and pool at rear of dwelling in heritage conservation area New roof over existing hardstand space and side path. Construct alterations and additions including an additional storey and alterations to existing garage Driveway and double hardstand space, new windows and door to residential flat building Demolish existing dwelling and the construction of a
new 2-3 storey dual occupancy with parking, pool
and strata subdivision.
First floor addition with rear balcony, rear deck and
internal alterations
Carport and driveway
Ground and first floor extension, new rear double
garage with first floor studio and landscaping
100 Mill Hill Rd,
191 Old South Head
407 Bronte Rd,
36 Woodstock St,
52 Gilbert St,
127 Carrington Rd,
Ground floor extension, rear attached study and
internal alterations
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed
Partial demolition, ground floor extension and first
floor extension and first floor addition to a heritage
Two storey lift and lift shaft to dwelling in a heritage
conservation area.
Demolition of dwelling, construction of a two storey
dual occupancy with basement garage and storage
Partial rear demolition, ground and first floor
extension to rear and internal alterations to heritage
listed item
IB-05 Waste Services Report (6-5)
Report dated 21 February 2013 from the Director, Public Works and Services.
Recommended: That this report be received and noted.
The following information is a summary of the collected waste from the Resource Recovery and Public
Place Cleansing Division for the month of January 2013.
1. Domestic Waste Streams
During the month of January 2013, 1389.55 tonnes of domestic garbage was collected.
During the month of January 2013, 676.52 tonnes of domestic recycle was collected.
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During the month of January 2013, 188.9 tonnes of domestic garden waste was collected.
During the month of January 2013, 147.02 tonnes of domestic clean-up was collected and
40.50 tonnes of illegally dumped rubbish was collected.
Page 2 of 6
2. Total Annual Domestic Waste Streams
Waverley’s Waste & Resource Recovery Action Plan 2007 – 2017 states that by 2017, Waverley’s
total domestic waste stream will have a target of 75% landfill diversion.
Page 3 of 6
3. Domestic Garbage, Clean-Up, Garden Waste & Recycling per Capita
4. Illegally Dumped Rubbish
During the month of January 2013, Waverley Council received 297 dumped rubbish Service Desk
requests (reactive), 271 work order requests (proactive) and collected 40.50 tonnes of illegally dumped
Page 4 of 6
5. Mattresses
During the month of January 2013, 277 mattresses were collected and recycled by Mission Australia
and Land Savers. As each mattress equates to 0.7m3, Waverley diverted 193.9m3 of materials from
6. Commercial Garbage & Recycling
Page 5 of 6
7. Public Place Cleansing
During the month of January 2013, 133.16 tonnes of litter bin waste was collected.
During the month of January 2013, 52.04 tonnes of street litter was collected.
Mark Wood
Director, Public Works & Services
Author: Nerrilee Shea
Page 6 of 6
IB-10 Maintenance and Construction Report
Report dated 22 February 2013 from the Director of Public Works and Services
Recommended: That this report be received and noted.
The following information is a summary of the activities of the Maintenance and Construction
Division of Public Works and Services to from 1 January 2013 to 31 January 2013.
Maintenance and Construction Unit
This unit provides trades services to various departments within Council and infrastructure
repair and reconstruction. The following information summarises activity by this unit.
Maintenance Teams
Plumbing Service
Clearing of sewer chokes due to Council trees
A total of 33 sewer chokes were cleared by Council’s plumbers
and by contractors.
Bubblers were repaired at O’Donnell Reserve, Kimberly Reserve,
Ramsgate Avenue, Thomas Hogan Reserve, Bronte Beach, North
Bondi and Bondi Park.
Stormwater drains were cleared from Roe St, Jackaman Street,
Hall Street, Ramsgate Avenue and Cox Avenue.
Miscellaneous works included repairs to cisterns and showers in
Bondi Pavilion, Depot pump out system and Bronte Beach
Painting Service
Line marking in MacPherson Street and Oakley Road.
Miscellaneous works include ‘No Smoking’ signs on concourse at
Bondi Beach, oiling coastal walk decking, painting of arris rail
fence in Calga Avenue and Bronte Marine Drive.
Carpentry Service
27 traffic signs replaced or repaired.
Nine street signs replaced.
Miscellaneous works included missing slats on benches in
Clementson Park, repairs to bus shelter in Bondi Road, repairs to
coastal walk decking, repair gate latch at Bondi Beach playground,
repaired door at Bondi Pavilion, repairs to amenities block at
Waverley Works Depot, repairs to eruv fencing, replace damaged
slats on bin closure, replace bus seat in Bronte Road, replace
broken glass in bus shelters in Bayview Street and Campbell
Parade, replaced damaged fence palings at Dover Heights,
replace damaged bollards in Queen Elizabeth Drive, remove
timber bollards in Lynch Avenue, repair damaged wire fencing in
Rodney Reserve, remove damaged bin surround in Edward Street,
remove old bin stands from Tamarama Beach, remove
construction signs in Oxford Street, erect banners at Bondi Beach
and remove unwanted signage from Campbell Parade.
Pool Cleaning
Bronte Pool was cleaned on 16th & 23rd. No cleaning was carried
out on the 8th and 30th due to heavy swells and high seas
North Bondi Pool was cleaned on 9th, 17th & 24th. No cleaning
was carried out 31st due to heavy swells and high seas
Pit Cleaning
A total of 193 pits were cleaned.
Total weight collected: 8.56 tonnes.
Construction Teams
Paving Repairs
Paving repairs were carried out at the following locations:
Campbell Parade, Bronte Road and Denison Street.
Footpath Repairs
Footpaths were repaired at the following locations:
Hall Street, Park Parade, Scott Street, Bennett Street, Ramsgate
Avenue and Arden Street.
Concrete Repairs
Total concrete area: 62m2
Asphalt Repairs
Repairs to potholes, footpath asphalt and road resurfacing were
conducted at the following locations:
Grosvenor Lane, Oxford Street, Bonus Street, Queens Park Road,
Wallis Street, Newland Street, O’Brien Street, Ocean Street and
Wellington Street.
Total asphalt area: 148m2
Restoration Works
Staff and minor works contractors conducted restoration of utilities
and private road openings at the following locations:
Moore Street, Council Street, Grafton Street, Newland Street,
Oxford Street, Spring Street, Oxford Street Mall, Gould Street,
Bondi Road, Curlewis Street, Chambers Avenue, Penkivil Street,
Miramar Street, Scott Street, Carrington Road and Victoria Street.
Kerb and Gutter
Kerb and gutter repairs were undertaken in Stephen Street,
Military Road
SAMP Footpaths
Footpaths reconstruction works completed in the following
Henderson Street, McLeay Street, Church Street, Bronte Road
and Porter Street.
Total concrete area: 1266.50m2
SAMP Kerb & Gutter
Kerb & Gutter reconstruction works completed in the following
McLeay Street, Porter Street and Church Street.
Total length : 359.90 m
Capital Works Unit
Compliance of Bus Stops
with Disability Standards
Works are being carried out as part of an ongoing program to
upgrade bus stops to comply with the Federal Government's
Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport. 144 bus
stops are due to be upgraded. Construction works commenced in
January 2013 and to date over 70 sites have been completed.
Works are due to be finalised by the end of March 2013.
Bronte Road Bus Stop Upgrade
Stormwater Relining
Works are being carried out as part of a program to upgrade a
series of stormwater pipe sections, which have been
failing/collapsing. A 525 mm diameter stormwater line in Marroo
Street, Bronte was relined utilising a structural liner in January
2013. The approximate length of the pipeline was 34 metres.
Quotation Package’s have also been compiled and prices sought
from stormwater contractors for Brisbane, Justus and Pacific
Streets projects. It is anticipated that these works will be
completed by the end of March 2013.
Waverley Park Amenities
The upgrade of the Waverley Park Amenities Building is identified
in the Capital Works Program (Misc Buildings).
The new building will house male, female and disabled toilets,
store rooms and a multi purpose room. Architect Wayne McPhee
was appointed in 2008 to develop the concept design and
development application plans for the project.
A Development Consent for the new Amenities Building was
granted subject to conditions in September 2009 as part of the
approval for the Waverley Pavilion. The location of the building is
in accordance with the Waverley Park Master Plan approved by
Council in December 2009.
At the October 2012 Community, Housing, Environmental Services
& Public Works Committee meeting, a report dated 24 September
2012 from the Director Public Works & Services seeking to
proceed to tender for the construction of a new Amenities Building
in Waverley Park, was presented and approved.
In order to better co-ordinate the detailed design and construction
phases of the project, it is proposed that a Design & Construction
(D&C) tender be used for this project rather than the traditional
approach of having independent contracts for design and
Tender documents are now being prepared and it is expected
tenders will be called at the beginning of March 2013.
Mark Wood
Director, Public Works and Services
Authors: Robert Esdaile, Michael McMahon, Mark Leong, Jack Farag
Recreation, Customer and Community Services
Information Bulletin
March 2013
Seniors Week
Seniors Week will kick off with the popular Seniors
Fair Day on Friday 15 March 2013 on Oxford
Street Mall, with the Mayor of Waverley, Sally
Betts, formally launching the week. All Councillors
are invited and are most welcome to all events.
The fair is an opportunity for local seniors to find
out about the variety of social groups and cultural
services run by Council at the Waverley’s Seniors
and Community Centre, Waverley Library, Bondi
Pavilion and Margaret Whitlam Recreation Centre.
Seniors Week is from 17 - 24 March and themed
“Live Life!” The week aligns with the NSW
Seniors Week campaign administered by Ageing
Disability and Home Care in the Family and
Community Services Department.
The annual “Forever Fabulous” posters of local
seniors on Oxford St Mall is a very high profile
exhibition positively celebrating Waverley carers.
This year, Seniors Week 2013 new events include
activities at the Margaret Whitlam Recreation
Centre, the launch of Waverley’s Men’s Shed at
the War Memorial Hospital and Cryptic
Crosswords introduction by Ralph Penglis at
Waverley Library.
Harmony Day falls within Seniors Week this year
on Thursday 21 March 2013. A celebration
including free BBQ, performances and stalls will
be held in the Mill Hill courtyard, Bondi Junction.
All Councillors are invited and welcome to come
dressed in orange or the traditional costume of
your country of origin.
The popular Bondi Senior Singers will sing
“Songs from the Big Screen” every Friday from
22 February at Easts Leagues Club. This Bondi
Pavilion outreach program is supported by
sponsorship from Guardian Funerals.
New partnerships developed in 2013 include the
Bondi Senior Singers being hosted by Easts
Leagues Club at Bondi Junction. Once again,
Lets Go Surfing is offering seniors free surf
lessons at Bondi Beach.
Seniors Week in Waverley is coordinated by a
Seniors Week planning group of Council officers
across divisions (RCPP, Seniors Centre, Library,
Bondi Pavilion, Place Managers) and external
aged care service providers including Centre on
Ageing, Chapel by the Sea, Computer Pals for
Seniors, Echo Neighbourhood Centre,
Randwick-Waverley Community Transport, St
Vincents Community Health, United Care Ageing
and the War Memorial Hospital.
For more information, contact the Seniors Week
Planning Group Coordinators Chris Bath, Senior
Community Worker Older People and Access
9386 7922 or Wendy Hee, Cultural Development
Officer 9386 7919.
Library Lovers Day
KidzFlicks The Sydney International Festival of
Films by Children
Special free screenings Library Theatrette
Tuesday 19 March - Friday 22 March 4pm - 6pm
Saturday 23 March 10am - 3pm
Sunday 24 March 1pm - 5pm
Join us for special FREE screenings of this year's
entries in the festival. All films have been produced
by children aged between 2 - 12 years.
Seniors Week Morning Tea
Visitors young and old, newcomers and long time
members were treated to a chocolate gift and free
card making on 14 February. The chocolate was a
welcome surprise and the craft table was a popular
spot with many people taking the opportunity to
create their own unique design with a special
message of love, inspired by romantic quotes from
literature. The feedback was overwhelming positive
with many proclamations of love for Waverley
Coming up at the Library…
Oxfam 'Land is Life' Photographic Exhibition
Monday 25 February - Sunday 3 March
Foyer Exhibition Space
Featuring the work of renowned photographers
Rodney Dekker and Matthew Willman.
Author Talk with Jackie Nevard
My Food Allergy Friends
Wednesday 6 March 11am - 12noon
Library Theatrette
Jackie Nevard mum and author shares her exciting
new book series and empowers children to live
comfortably with their allergies. Children and adults
are welcome.
Free, no bookings required.
Amabile Trio Concert
Sunday 17 March 2.30-4.30pm Library Theatrette
A celebration of women composers. Presented by
the Friends of Waverley Library Waverley for
International Womens Day.
$10 at the door/$8 concession. No bookings
Thursday 21 March 9.30am-12noon
Foyer and Theory Room
A taste of the Library's programs for 2013, including
Cryptic Crosswords, Books, Movies and More, film
screenings and morning tea.
Free, no bookings required
In Celebration of Harmony Day
Waverley Library Information Stall and FOWL
Special Book sale
Thursday 21 March 10am - 1pm Mill Hill Forecourt
Find out about our foreign language collections and
other great services or pick up a bargain from our
second hand foreign language books sale run by
Harmony Day Author Talk with John Ogden
Saltwater People of The Fatal Shore - Sydney's
Southern Beaches
Thursday 21 March 6pm - 7:30pm
Library Theatrette
This book explores the fascinating history of Sydney's
beautiful southern coastline and pays homage to the
remarkable people who have made it home.
$5 at the door, $4 for library and FOWL members
John Ogden Photographic Exhibition
Saltwater People of The Fatal Shore Sydney's Southern Beaches
Saturday 16 - Sunday 31 March
Foyer Exhibition Space
A selection of wonderful images from the book.
Books, movies and more discussion group
Thursday 28 March 10.30am - 12noon
Library Theory Room
Join like-minded book and movie lovers for a lively,
friendly discussion group. Free, no bookings required.
Last-Sunday-of-the-month book sale
Sunday 31 March 1-4pm
Library Foyer
Friends of Waverley library FOWL volunteers sell a
range of quality, second-hand donated and pre-loved
Library stock.
Bondi Pavilion Resident Theatre Company
Waverley Council’s resident theatre company, the
Tamarama Rock Surfers (TRS) at the Bondi
Pavilion Theatre launch their 2013 season on the 4
March 2013. All councillors will receive invitations
to the media launch.
The company is very keen for Councillors to see
their shows which are critically acclaimed by
Sydney’s theatre critics. All Councillors receive
complimentary tickets for ANY show and are invited
to opening nights. RSVP your Opening Night tickets
to [email protected] or call the General
Manager, Michael Brown on 9365 0147 or email
[email protected] for complimentary tickets
for any other nights.
In March, TRS present two comedies 'Cut Snake'
and 'Creature of the Nightfill'.
'Cut Snake' is a comic happening that pulls out
pretty much every theatrical trick in the book for the
audience’s entertainment – think cabaret, slapstick,
acrobatics and sock puppets as well cameo
appearances from Jesus and John Lennon.
Sexy Tales Comedy returns in 2013 with
their new absurd masterpiece 'Creature of
the Nightfill'.
Horatio Kensington used to be the best store
detective in the country, handsome, debonair
and unstoppable when it came to retail
specific crime. But after an incident where
he unwittingly crushed a checkout girl in a
cardboard compactor, the former golden
child was disgraced, drummed out of the
business and became an alcoholic mockery
of himself. When a series of potentially bear
related murders occur in the aisles of
MegaPlex Department Complex, he is called
back on the job and given one chance to
redeem himself. 'Creature of the Nightfill' is
at heart a story about dignity and friendship,
and on the surface an absurd crime parody
which aims to solve the mystery of how to
make you laugh.
Kiki, Bob and Jumper are best friends with
extravagant and idiosyncratic dreams. Kiki
wants to dance the tango on Mount
Kilimanjaro with a bearded lady, Jumper is in
love with a snake called Trix and Bob’s an
ordinary bloke who might just hold the secret
to time travel.
A comedy about growing up, dying young,
and being extraordinary no matter what.
Creature of the Nightfill 27-30 March
The Bondi Pavilion Theatre is open 6 nights a week
with the best theatre bar view in Sydney.
Councillors can follow the Tamarama Rock Surfers
at the Bondi Pavilion Theatre on Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube.
Cut Snake 12-23 March
Play Strategy
The Council Operational Plan 2012-13 sets a
deliverable to develop a playground strategy to identify
planned maintenance, upgrades and improvements to
existing playgrounds.
It is planned that the Play Strategy will be written with
community input and will involve a range of targeted
consultation with local child care centres, schools and
community groups.
There will also be an online survey available.
It is anticipated that consultation will commence in late
New Play Spaces in Waverley
Council staff are promoting the recently upgraded play
spaces in Waverley that included a community
consultation phase at the design stage. These new play
spaces have attracted positive feedback from local
residents and the community. Council staff are
monitoring community feedback and acknowledge the
importance of community consultation during the design
stages. These play spaces include Bronte Park
Playground, The Children's Learner Cycle Path at
Dudley Page Reserve, and Varna Park Playground.
For more information visit:
Bondi Pavilion Gallery
Summer Camp
Wednesday 20 February - Sunday 3 March
10am - 5pm Daily
Very summer, very camp, and very collectable bright, dynamic artwork from four Australian artists.
This is an exhibition of large scale paintings and
limited edition art prints, with work from the Florence
Broadhurst Collection, figurative painter Ross
Watson, photographer William Yang and
contemporary painter Scott Elk.
Her paintings are hauntingly beautiful - spiritual,
passionate and energetic. She sees a harmony and
oneness with nature, a harmony that drives our
wellbeing. She depicts scenes charged with energy,
movement and emotion in search for an expression
of that intangible and ever present quality in nature
that makes it seem beyond the time. Her ability to
find the undiscovered spiritual dimension in nature
gives her landscapes an emotional, mystical, almost
romantic edge.
As part of the Sydney Mardi Gras Festival, this
exhibition is a must see for art lovers and local
Sydneysiders, as well as visiting Mardi Gras tourists
wishing to take home a piece of that Sydney
Gallery Party Night Friday 1 March from 5pm
The exhibition will be open from 20 February to 3
March, culminating in the gallery party night, to
coincide with the annual Bondi Drag Races. So
come up from the beach and continue the party on
Friday 1 March, 5pm – 10pm at the Bondi Pavilion
for a few drinks and some fantastic art. It’s sure to
be very summer, and very camp with our local drag
superstar, and art connoisseur surprise host.
How To Draw Ghosts, Damian Broomhead
Tuesday 19 – Sunday 31 March
10am - 5pm Daily
This exhibition is the fourth instalment in a series of
colourful oil pastel drawings depicting scenes from
the first years of the Sydney colony and focusing on
the interactions between the British and the
indigenous inhabitants of the Sydney region. These
energetic drawings engage with the historical
narrative, representing stories and scenes distilled
from contemporaneous accounts.
“I’ve called this series ‘How to Draw Ghosts’”,
explains Damian Broomhead, “reason being that all
the figures represented in the pictures are long
gone, yet, although conjured up from scraps of the
past, they still have an insistent presence. Given the
tragic history of the relations between black and
white Australia this is to be expected. Ghosts are
not at rest, they are fiercely intent on communication
with the living. So it follows that they may well insist
on being drawn, perhaps that is why they are such
good subjects for this kind of restoration.
Eternity, Violetta Dineva
Tuesday 5 - Sunday 17 March
10am - 5pm Daily
Since 1988, Violetta has lived and painted in the
Sydney coastal areas. The Manly and Bondi coastal
fringe are her most significant inspirations. Her body
of work, in general, encapsulates these natural sea
environments with an infusion of memories of her
former homeland.
International Women’s Day
Friday 8 March
To celebrate International Women’s Day, the Bondi
Pavilion will again be hosting a breakfast in the High
Tide Room, 7.30 - 8.30am. This year’s guest
speaker is Lucy Hughes Turnbull AO, and we look
forward to inviting our local community and our staff
to this lovely annual event - celebrating women and
their achievements and contributions to society.
Senior Citizens Concert
Wednesday 20 March
Our very first Senior Citizen’s Concert for the
year will showcase the talents of local
singing sensation, Cassy Darvall and her
band. The concert is free with light
refreshments served. All seniors in the area
are welcome to attend.
Bondi Latin American Festival
Sunday 10 March
The Bondi Latin American Festival (formerly the
South American Festival) is on Sunday 10 March.
The festival promises to be a day of exciting
entertainment of music and dance, arts and crafts,
food stalls, children’s workshops and much more.
Forever Fabulous 2013
'recognising our carers'
17 - 24 March
Forever Fabulous is part of Seniors Week 2013.
Waverley Council is committed to support
seniors to lead lives that are full, active and
This year, Waverley Council will recognise
seniors in the community that are offering
exceptional care or support within the
community. On Saturday 23 March the Mayor,
Councillor Sally Betts, will host a luncheon on
the Oxford Street Mall for our Forever Fabulous
participants and their guests.
An exhibition of this year's Forever Fabulous
will be installed on Oxford Street Mall 14 March
until 16 April and reinstalled in the Waverley
Library for a further two weeks at the beginning
of June.
Recommendation: That the information be
received and noted.
This year the event is being run by members of the
South American community.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Bondi Pavilion
for a full program and contact information in regards
to attending the event on the day.
Cathy Henderson
Director, Recreation, Customer & Community