Bondi POM Fact Sheet
Bondi POM Fact Sheet
Planning Bondi’s Future Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion Plan of Management 2014–2024 Fact Sheet | November 2014 The Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion Plan of Management has been adopted by Council and we will now follow our action plan and commence to scope and deliver projects and improvements. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and comment, and for coming together to continue to keep Bondi Beach, Park and Pavilion one of the most beautiful places in the world. Background: November / December 2012: Following contributions from thousands of community members, we prepared concepts for a 10 year Plan of Management for Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion. May 2013: The second round of consultation took place. This looked at draft directions and early concept plans and elicited approximately 800 comments, surveys and submissions. The majority of the community supported the directions and early concepts. August 2013: The Plan of Management document was drafted and it was approved by Council to go on exhibition. This was to be the third and final stage of consultation. August 2013 – August 2014: The document was reviewed by the state government and approved in August 2014. August 2014: The Draft Plan, along with its action plan, went on public exhibition one last time. November 2014: The finalised document was adopted by Council in November 2014. WHAT IS A PLAN OF MANAGEMENT? The Plan of Management is a 10 year plan which guides the future use and management of Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion. It includes a master plan, which is a long-term plan illustrating the design direction and layout for the site. HOW WAS THIS PLAN OF MANAGEMENT DEVELOPED? Technical studies, input from independent design experts and community feedback have guided the development of the Plan of Management. In particular specialist advice and studies were sought on heritage, traffic and parking and universal access. Planning Bondi’s Future | Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion Plan of Management 2014–2024 | Fact Sheet November 2014 – 1 WHAT DOES THE PLAN OF MANAGEMENT INCLUDE? Key features of the plan include: More toilets and upgrade of existing toilets A new beginners skate park More trees and shade An upgraded, bigger fitness station E xtension of the coastal walk to create a boardwalk near Bondi Icebergs Replacing temporary facilities for Council parks’ staff estoring the rear of Bondi Pavilion as the grand entrance R to the beach Upgrading the children’s playground e-aligning pathways to improve access to R the beach A shared pedestrian and traffic path along Notts Avenue. E nsuring Bondi Pavilion is well looked after and is a cultural and community hub As part of a long term plan to address the dominance of vehicles and to provide more green space, the Plan of Management proposes to investigate the long term goal of pedestrianising Queen Elizabeth Drive (QED) Car Park. ARTIST’S IMPRESSIONS: View of playground and shade tree plating in the park Bondi Pavilion (rear) HOW MUCH WILL THE PLAN OF MANAGEMENT COST TO IMPLEMENT? About $20 million has been allocated in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan for the Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion 10 year Plan of Management. From this, $10 million has been set aside in the plan to refurbish the Bondi Pavilion. HOW HAS FEEDBACK FROM THE FINAL ROUND OF CONSULTATION BEEN INCOPORATED INTO THE PLAN OF MANAGEMENT? During the final exhibition period, we received 243 submissions. There was a majority support for the plan in general with many people commenting on the need to provide shade, improve toilets within the park and pavilion and improve the Pavilion in general. There was some discussion regarding the mix of uses in the Pavilion, with comments on how the pavilion should have a balance of both community and commercial spaces. The detailed feedback in the final round of consultation was in regard to the proposal to investigate an underground car park facility at the rear of the Pavilion. The plan proposes removing car parking on Queen Elizabeth Drive to enable this space to be used as a second upper promenade for pedestrians and cyclists. As the majority of feedback on most proposals in the Plan of Management was overwhelmingly positive, no major amendments have been made to the document. Minor amendments have been made to update the plan to include new statistical information, project work and provide minor clarifications. Many of the issues raised in regard to the underground car park may be addressed by further studies and design options. Consequently, council has resolved to carry out a feasibility studies prior to determining the merit of the proposal. Planning Bondi’s Future | Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion Plan of Management 2014–2024 | Fact Sheet November 2014 – 2 WILL THE PROPOSED CAR PARK STILL GO AHEAD? The opposition we received in the last round of consultation is very different from the feedback we received in 2013 during the second stage of consultation. During the second round of consultation, we had approximately 800 submissions and when we asked if the community supported or opposed the car park we received 60 per cent support, 22 per cent opposition and 18 per cent submitted a neutral response. Due to this discrepancy, we believe that the issues raised regarding the car park may be addressed with further studies. We will be conducting a feasibility studies in the medium term timeframe (approximately 5 years) to determine if the proposed car park has enough merit to proceed. Further studies and consultation will take place once the feasibility studies are conducted. WHAT ABOUT THE BONDI PAVILION? The Bondi Pavilion is a beautiful heritage buidling, much loved by the Waverley community. $10 million has been set aside in the Plan of Management to refurbish the Bondi Pavilion over the next 10 years. Throughout all the rounds of community consultation, there was one common theme: although the Pavilion is much loved, it needs more carefully looked after. Work on the Pavilion will include: restoring the rear of the Pavilion as a grand entrance to the beach beautifying the courtyards upgrading the toilets balancing community, cultural and commercial uses We will be undertaking feasibility and architectural studies in 2015. We also hope to have architectual concept designs complete in 2015. WHAT IS THE PROCESS FROM HERE? The Plan of Management has now been adopted by Council. We will now follow our action plan and commence to scope and deliver projects and improvements under the Plan of Management. The first projects we will commence work on are: New shade tree planting and picnic shelters in Bondi Park Strengthening connections between Bondi Park, Campbell Parade and the beach A new beach volley ball area Accessible ramps to the beach Upgrade to the North Bondi toilet block Improved works yard at the rear of the Bondi Bathers’ Life Saving Club The above projects will start to occur over the coming year and updates will be provided on Council’s website: Planning Bondi’s Future | Bondi Park, Beach, and Pavilion Plan of Management 2014–2024 | Fact Sheet November 2014 – 3
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