- Municipality of Meaford
- Municipality of Meaford
MUNICIPALITY OF MEAFORD REPORT ON SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM MODEL UPDATE MUNICPALITY OF MEAFORD REPORT ON SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM SEWERCAD MODEL 2010 UPDATE Ainley & Associates Limited Consulting Engineers and Planners 280 Pretty River Parkway Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4J5 Tel: Fax: (705) 445-3451 (705) 445-0968 File No. 109119 February 2013 MUNICPALITY OF MEAFORD REPORT ON SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM SEWERCAD MODEL 2010 UPDATE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 2.0 AUTHORIZATION............................................................................................. 1 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.0 TERMS OF REFERENCE ................................................................................ 1 STUDY AREA ................................................................................................... 1 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS REPORT ................................................................... 2 SOILS AND GEOLOGY .................................................................................... 2 SEWER USE BY-LAW ...................................................................................... 2 EXISTING SANITARY SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ........... 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 GENERAL......................................................................................................... 3 SANITARY SEWERS ....................................................................................... 3 SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS ...................................................................... 3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 4.0 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 1 (BIGHEAD RIVER) ...................................... 3 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 2 ...................................................................... 4 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 3 ...................................................................... 4 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 4 ...................................................................... 4 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 5 ...................................................................... 4 ASSESSMENT OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM.......................................... 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 FLOW ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 5 FIELD INVESTIGATION ................................................................................... 5 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 5 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 2004 MODEL ............................................................................................................. 6 2010 MODEL ............................................................................................................. 6 2030 MODEL ............................................................................................................. 7 5.0 REHABILITATION ALTERNATIVES...................................................... 7 6.0 APPROVALS ................................................................................................... 7 6.1 6.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .................................................................. 7 MOE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ............................................................... 7 7.0 PROPOSED FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ............................................... 8 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................... 9 8.1 SEWER MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME ......................................................... 9 8.2 PRIORITIZATION OF REHABILITATION ......................................................... 9 8.3 JUSTIFICATION ............................................................................................... 9 8.4 CATCHBASINS ................................................................................................ 9 8.5 STORM SEWER CONNECTIONS .................................................................. 10 8.6 MAINTENANCE HOLES ................................................................................. 10 8.7 FLOW MONITORING ..................................................................................... 10 8.8 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADES ................................................ 10 8.9 SEWER SYSTEM (AS MODELLED IN 2004) ................................................. 10 8.10 EXISTING SYSTEM (2010) ............................................................................ 11 8.11 ULTIMATE SYSTEM (2030)…………………………………………………………………11 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE (20 YEAR PHASING) ...................... 13 IMMEDIATE UPGRADES ............................................................................... 13 2015 UPGRADES ........................................................................................... 13 2020 UPGRADES ........................................................................................... 14 2025 UPGRADES ........................................................................................... 14 2030 UPGRADES ........................................................................................... 15 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: SEWER USE BY-LAW APPENDIX B1: SANITARY SEWER ELEMENTS APPENDIX B2: UPGRADES & ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN 2004 TO 2010 APPENDIX C: FLOW ANALYSIS APPENDIX D: 2004 FIELD INVESTIGATION APPENDIX E: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Municipality of Meaford Update 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORIZATION Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 On August 11, 2009, Ainley and Associates Limited was retained by the Municipality of Meaford to update the 2004 SewerCAD model for the Meaford urban area (former Town of Meaford). The purpose of the update is to identify specific hydraulic capacity deficiencies within the existing sanitary sewage collection system. In addition, future hydraulic capacity deficiencies resulting from proposed developments and the new official Plan are to be identified. 2.0 SUMMARY In 2004, Ainley Group completed a computer hydraulic model of the Meaford sanitary sewer collection system using SewerCAD, a computer software program developed by Haestad Methods. The SewerCAD model identified several hydraulic capacity issues within the existing sanitary sewage collection system. However, the majority of recommended works were related to the replacement of aging infrastructure that had exceeded its useful service life. Furthermore, known anticipated sanitary sewage flows from proposed developments and potential growth identified in the municipality’s Official Plan were input into the SewerCAD model to identify hydraulic deficiencies and needs to accommodate this growth. The growth period examined was to 2023. This SewerCAD sanitary sewage collection system model builds upon the 2004 model. It incorporates system improvements and development from 2004 to 2010 to represent the existing 2010 condition. Inputting the latest Official Plan and Zoning By-law development potential and, where available, specific proposed development plans modelled future (2030) conditions. The modelling results indicate that the existing sanitary sewage collection system has sufficient hydraulic capacity to accommodate the proposed growth with the planning horizon of 2023 indicated in the municipality’s Official Plan. 2.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE The terms of reference for this report are summarized as follows: • Collect data for existing sewer system inventory from Municipality of Meaford. • Collect Operating reports including Meaford Sewage Pumping Stations Flow Data from 2006 to 2010 from Municipality of Meaford. • Compile an up-to-date system inventory based on all above data. • Identify existing system deficiencies. • Update the existing 2004 SewerCAD computer model (using SewerCAD software as supplied by Haestad Methods of Waterbury Connecticut) to prepare a 2010 existing conditions model and a 2030 SewerCAD future growth model. • Prepare a model update report. 2.2 STUDY AREA The area considered in this study is that shown overleaf in Figure 1. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 1 Municipality of Meaford Update 2.3 Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS REPORT A review of the previous report on Meaford’s sanitary sewer collection system model prepared by Ainley Group in October 2004 provided valuable background information. The areas of structurally deficient sanitary sewers and many point sources of extraneous flows were identified through a Sewer Needs Study conducted by Ontario Ministry of the Environment prior to 2004. Following that, a list of the deficiencies and a proposed schedule for their correction were presented in Ainley’s 2004 report. Correction of these deficiencies resulted in a reduction in average flow. In turn, this has allowed for continued growth in the area during the design, approval and completion of Meaford’s Sewage treatment plant expansion. 2.4 SOILS AND GEOLOGY The underlying bedrock of the Meaford area is classified as grey shale, with limestone interbeds of the Georgian Bay Formation, formed during the Upper Ordination period (Ontario Division of Mines Map 2254 “Paleozoic Geology of Southern Ontario”). Two soil groups predominate the study area, the grey brown podzolic soils, Brighton series and the brown forest grey brown podzolic intergrade soils, Kemble series (Agriculture Canada map entitled “Soils of Grey County, North Sheet, Ontario, Soil Survey Report No. 17). The Brighton series soil is found south of Meaford Creek and west of the remnant shoreline of postglacial Lake Algonquin. This soil series is typically well-sorted, sandy outwash, with sandy surface texture. The typical profile consists of 75 mm dark grey sandy loam over 25-35 mm yellow brown sand over 50-75 mm reddish brown sandy loam over grey calcareous sand. The area has a gently sloping topography and an essentially stone free surface. The drainage characteristics are good. The newer subdivisions and the hospital are generally located on this soil series. The Kemble series soil is generally bounded by the Brighton series soil to the west and by Georgian Bay to the east. This soil series is typically fine-textured and derived from limestone till with a silty clay surface texture. The typical profile is 130-150 mm of very dark grey clay loam over 75-100 mm yellow-brown clay loam over yellow calcareous till. The area has a smooth gently sloping topography and a moderately stony surface. The drainage characteristics are imperfect. The downtown and older areas of Meaford are generally located on this soil series. 2.5 SEWER USE BY-LAW By-Law No. 54-78, passed on January 2, 1979, regulates the use of the sanitary sewage collection system. The by-law provides for the control of sanitary sewage quality, permits and fees for service connections and specifications for materials and construction of service connections. The by-law prohibits the discharge of “storm water, water from drainage of roofs or land, or from a watercourse, of uncontaminated water; except that which may be discharged into a combined sewer;” into the sanitary sewage collection system. A copy of By-Law No. 54-78 can be found in Appendix A. This by-law is significantly out of date. It is recommended that the Municipality review the By-Law and update as necessary. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 2 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 3.0 EXISTING SANITARY SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM 3.1 GENERAL The majority of Meaford urban area is serviced by a municipal sanitary sewer system consisting of a network of gravity sewers and five sanitary sewage pumping stations. A major portion of the flows, approximately 80 percent, is directed to a centrally located main pumping station (SPS No. 1), known as the Bighead River sewage Pumping Station on the south side of the Bighead River. A small, more recently developed area in the northeast section of Meaford is serviced by a local pump station (SPS No. 3). However, all the flow generated from the north side of the Bighead River, including the flows from SPS No. 3, pass through an inverted siphon located at the corner of Berry Street and Bayfield Street into SPS No. 1. The southeast section of Meaford is serviced by a pump station located at the Water Pollution Control Plant site (SPS No. 2). Two small pump stations (SPS No. 4 and SPS No. 5) service limited collection areas. SPS No. 4, located at the east end of Boucher Street services Stanley Knights Limited and a few homes. While SPS No. 5 located on St. Vincent Street services the Canadian Coast Guard and Harbour Masters Offices as well as some washrooms located at the Marina. An overall plan of the sanitary sewer collection system and pump station locations is included in the set of drawings with this report. 3.2 SANITARY SEWERS An inventory of the sanitary sewer system structures was compiled as part of this study in order to construct the SewerCAD model of the system. Two spreadsheets, one of the gravity pipe sections and another of the maintenance holes are included in Appendix B1. The spreadsheets list all of the as-built information that was collected from the available record drawings. One new spreadsheet detailing new gravity pipe sections and new maintenance holes from the sanitary sewer system additions and upgrades is included in Appendix B2. This spreadsheet lists all of the as-built information that was collected from the recent available record drawings. This overall system comprises approximately 35,080 m of gravity sewer pipe and approximately 2,140 m of forcemain. 3.3 SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS 3.3.1 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 1 (BIGHEAD RIVER) Sewage Pumping Station No. 1, also known as the Bighead River Pumping Station is located east of Sykes Street and South of the Bighead River. A double barrel inverted siphon connects the area north of the Bighead River to the pump station. This station was reconstructed in 1991 (Ministry of the Environment Certificate of Approval No 3-0388-89-006) and consists of a reinforced concrete wet well divided into two compartments by a common wall. It is equipped with two submersible pumps with fixed speed and two submersible pumps with variable speed capabilities, for a total firm capacity of 181 L/s against a total dynamic head (TDH) of 51 m with any three pumps operating in parallel. The pumps are Flygt model CP3300 and are 88 HP each. The station also includes a below grade reinforced concrete control building structure housing a standby diesel generator, fuel supply, flow meter, all associated piping, heating, ventilation, electrical and control system. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 3 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 There is a 600 mm diameter overflow pipe with provision for installing chlorination equipment to disinfect any raw sewage overflows to Bighead River. A 300 mm diameter forcemain connects the Bighead River pumping station to the WPCP located on Grant Avenue in the south west end of Meaford. 3.3.2 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 2 Sewage Pumping Station No. 2 was constructed at the Water Pollution Control Plant site in 1978 to service the southeast area of Meaford. The station is a wet well/dry well facility equipped with two variable speed 50 hp pumps (Fairbanks Morse model 5414). The pumps are rated at 148 L/s at a TDH of 18.8 m. The wet well has a storage capacity of approximately 22 m³. Stand-by power is provided by a Harper Detroit 6 cylinder diesel unit with a Brown Boveri generator rated at 150 kVA at 1800 rpm for a 3 phase/60 Hz/144 Amp/347 V/600 V supply. The diesel generator is capable of running one of the sewage pumps as well as one of the plant process aerators, the digester aerator and both clarifier mechanisms for the Water Pollution Control Plant. Flow monitoring at the station is done using a Fisher and Porter magnetic flow meter and a seven day circular chart recorder. Overflow from SPS No. 2 is directed to the maintenance hole at the shore of Georgian Bay at the end of Aiken Street. Overflow will only occur following the surcharging of the sewer system and requires manual operation of a valve located on a 450 mm diameter cross line to the existing 600 mm plant outfall line. 3.3.3 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 3 Sewage Pumping Station No. 3 was constructed in 1995 (Ministry of the Environment Certificate of Approval No 3-1592-94-956). It is located on the east side of Sykes Street directly north of Pete’s Creek, approximately 150 m southeast of Grand View Drive. The pump station consists of a control building approximately 6.4 m x 5.6 m and a 10.5 m³ capacity wet well, equipped with two submersible sewage pumps (one as standby) each have a capacity of 72.5 L/s @ 9.5 m TDH. Standby emergency power is provided by a 25 kW natural gas generator set. 3.3.4 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 4 Sewage Pumping Station No. 4 is located at the east end of Boucher Street and services the Stanley Knight complex and a small number of houses in the area. The pump station is equipped with two Myers WGL20 pumps, each having a rated capacity of 1.7 L/s with 2 hp motors. This station is essentially a small lift station which transfers flow into an adjacent gravity sanitary sewer. 3.3.5 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION NO. 5 Sewage Pumping Station No. 5 is located at the north end of St. Vincent Street and provides seasonal service to the harbour. The pump station is equipped with two Myers WG30 pumps, each having a rated capacity of 5 L/s with a 3 hp motor. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 4 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 This station is essentially a small lift station which transfers flow into an adjacent gravity sanitary sewer. 4.0 ASSESSMENT OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM 4.1 FLOW ANALYSIS A flow-monitoring programme was not undertaken for this sewer model update. The data and extraneous flow to domestic flow relationship established in the 2004 flow monitoring programme of various system drainage areas is assumed to remain constant, except for those areas in which infrastructure improvements have taken place. Pumping station service areas and key maintenance hole service areas established in the 2004 study have been used to define system drainage areas. The sewage flow was broken down into three primary components as follows: 1) Domestic Flow 2) Inflow 3) Infiltration Through the flow analysis of data collected over the course of the 3-month flow-monitoring programme in 2004, approximately 20 % of the total sewage flow was found to be extraneous during dry weather conditions and approximately 70 % during wet weather conditions. Further flow analysis of pumping stations and key maintenance hole service areas had shown that the most significant extraneous flow was generated from the following areas: 1) Nelson Street at Cook Street sewer shed 2) Nelson Street at the Fire Station sewer shed It appeared that approximately 100 % of the dry weather and 90 % of the wet weather extraneous flows occurred in the SPS No. 1 sewer shed, while the remaining 10 % of the wet weather extraneous flows occurred in the SPS No. 2 sewer shed. The methodology and detailed results of the original flow analysis are available in the original report` To remain consistent with the assumptions in the 2004 computer model, flows from recent developments and projected flows from proposed developments were based on 1985 MoE Design Guidelines, which are consistent with the 2008 Guidelines but also provide specific values. Similarly, a persons/unit factor of 2.4 has been used. 4.2 FIELD INVESTIGATION No additional field investigation was undertaken for the purpose of this Study. 4.3 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS A computer generated hydraulic model of the sewer collection system has been produced using a software product known as SewerCAD (version 5.6) as supplied by Haestad Methods of Waterbury Connecticut. Record Drawings and information provided by the Municipality were used as the basis for the model. Three base scenarios have been set up in the model including: • Theoretical Domestic Sewage Flow • Dry Weather Flow • Wet Weather Flow Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 5 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 Both the dry and wet weather conditions include the theoretical domestic sewage flow as well as the extraneous flows measured during dry and wet weather conditions during the 2004 3-month flow-monitoring program. Theoretical domestic flows were compared to measured flows at all of the sewage pump stations and the sewage treatment plant as well as at the five flow monitoring locations to determine the extraneous flows for dry and wet weather conditions. Further discussion is included in Appendix C. 4.3.1 2004 Model For the 2004 investigation, when comparing theoretical (from the model) and measured (at the pumping stations and the treatment plant as provided by OWCA) flows, it was found that the flow meter at SPS No. 2 may have required recalibration. The total flow at the sewage treatment plant should be approximately equal to the sum of the flows at SPS No. 1 and SPS No. 2. In the model, these numbers added up, however, the data from the flow meters appeared to vary by approximately 164 m³/d. When calculating the dry weather infiltration by subtracting the theoretical flows from the measured OCWA data, the result was a negative value of –163.7 m³/d. This would suggest that the flow meter at SPS No. 2 was incorrect and that the dry weather infiltration for the SPS No. 2 sewershed was negligible. A comparison of the dry weather flows at each of the five monitoring locations was made. Peak flows that differed from the average day hydrograph were compared to days of known precipitation to find a correlation. Storm hydrographs were derived from the rainfall data that was collected during the 3-month flow-monitoring period from the rain gauge that was installed temporarily on the roof of Town Hall. Two storm events that occurred during the monitoring period were analysed. The first storm occurred between May 1, 2004 and May 2, 2004 and lasted approximately 18 hours. This storm event, when compared to historical rainfall data for Owen Sound, represented approximately 60% of a 2-year storm for any 12-hour period within the storm event. It can be concluded that this storm represents an annual event. The second storm occurred between May 23, 2004 and May 24, 2004 and lasted approximately 16 hours. This storm event, when compared to historical data for Owen Sound, exceeded a two-year rainfall event for a 30-minute storm duration. The storm also exceeded a ten-year event for 1 hour, 2 hour and 6 hour storm durations and exceeded a 100-year storm for 12 hour and 24 hour durations. The effects of the rainfall events on the sewage flow are further discussed in Appendix C. 4.3.2 2010 Model All new flow data from new service connections in the newly serviced areas have been calculated based on an originally adopted occupancy factor of 2.4, average flow of 450 L /cap/day per resident and standard allowance of 402.5 L /cap/day under wet weather conditions for inflow & infiltration. When comparing theoretical (from the updated model) and recently measured flows (as provided by OCWA) at the pumping stations, it was found that theoretical flows at SPS No. 1 are considerably less than its measured flows. Therefore, in the 2010 model, all flows at the source in sewer shed No. 1 were recalibrated in order to bridge the gap between theoretical and measured flows for SPS No. 1. OCWA rainfall data from 2006 to 2009 has been reviewed. No significant change in rainfall / storm patterns is found as compared to the previous studies. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 6 Municipality of Meaford Update 4.3.3 Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 2030 Model Similar methodology has been adopted to update the original 2023 sewer collection system model. However, as the 2004 model was updated to the 2010 model, the 2023 model was updated to the 2030 model. When comparing theoretical (from the updated 2023 model i.e. 2030 model) and recently measured flows (as provided by OCWA) at the pumping stations, it was found that theoretical flows at SPS No. 1 are less than its measured flows, but theoretical flows at SPS No. 2 are much higher than its currently measured flows. The higher flow at SPS No. 2 is obviously due to the future flows from future developments to the south of the existing municipal sewer collection system between Meaford’s Corporation Limit at the south side and 12/13 Side Road (Refer to Drawing 109119-Fig. 2). Therefore, no recalibration or correction is made in the 2030 model as the flows at the SPSs are anticipated to increase with development. It is recommended that future model updates include a review of rainfall data and corresponding recorded sanitary flow data to identify any change in their relationship. If a change is noted, the base extraneous flow model input data should be adjusted accordingly. This is especially relevant in areas where the Municipality has undertaken extraneous flow mitigation. Note: The calibrated and updated hydraulic SewerCAD model can be used to identify sewers that have the potential to surcharge. The results of the hydraulic analysis are presented in Appendix C. Using 80% of the pipe capacity as the allowable flow in the system there are no components in the existing system that appear to be hydraulically overloaded under the current operating conditions. 5.0 REHABILITATION ALTERNATIVES Sanitary sewers, service connections and maintenance holes that have been identified as infiltrating or as being structurally deficient do not necessarily have to be replaced to correct the problem. Several best practice management systems of pipeline and maintenance hole rehabilitation have been developed as alternatives to excavation and replacement. These rehabilitative systems can be less costly than excavation and replacement and often take much less time to complete. In addition, since most rehabilitative systems require little or no excavation, this results in far less disruption than excavation and replacement. 6.0 APPROVALS 6.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Environmental Assessment Act applies to all sewage works. Repairs to, and rehabilitation of existing sewers are classified as Schedule ‘A’ in the Class Environmental Assessment process. Schedule ‘A’ works are exempt from the EA process and may proceed at the Town’s convenience. 6.2 MOE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL A Ministry of the Environment Certificate of Approval is required for all new sewage works and must be obtained prior to commencing work. Currently, an MOE Certificate of Approval is not required for the rehabilitation of sewers and maintenance holes unless there is a change in the hydraulic capacity. 7.0 PROPOSED FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Consultation with and direction from The Municipality of Meaford Planning Department was used to develop long-term future growth projections for the Municipality. This is based on an allotment for development in areas where there is potential for future growth based on zoning Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 7 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 and planned servicing. The projected development potential is based on 10 equivalent residential units per hectare, per the Municipality. An allowance was also made for the following areas: • Infill in Special Policy Area 3 • A hotel/convention centre; culinary school, wellness centre/spa; sports complex located on the 3rd line, south of Highway 26 (Lots 9 & 10 Concession 2). Between 760 and 845 residential units are proposed for this area. The proposal is at the pre-consultation stage. The Municipality advised that they would expect the sewer main extension would occur along Hwy 26. Non-residential growth potential is included in the following areas: • The highway commercial land on the east of St. Vincent and north of Hwy 26 (Valumart and vacant adj. lands). Demands in this area are based on 25% non-residential coverage, per the Development Charges Background Study dated July 2010 prepared by Hemson Consulting Ltd. Sewage flows in this area are based on the area, per MOE Design Guidelines • Special Policy Area 4. Sewage flows in this area are based on the area, per MOE Design Guidelines The locations of the projected developments are shown on the map found overleaf. Assumptions were also made regarding where developments would be connected to the existing distribution system. Full build-out details should be added to the model as they become available. The SewerCAD model that has been constructed as part of this study will be a useful tool for the Municipality of Meaford in planning future development and infilling and tracking ongoing maintenance and inspection work. The 2005 Official Plan anticipates that the population of the Municipality of Meaford will grow between 2,000 and 4,000 over the next 20 years. It is also projects that many of the new residents will be retirees , however, Meaford is also poised to attract growth from the expanding recreational / service industry in the wider areas. The Official Plan identifies an area to the south of the existing developed area (referred to as Pressure Zone 2C in the Water Supply and Distribution Computer Modeling and Analysis report prepared by the Ainley Group in the year 2004) as the primary location for future urban growth. This area is shown in Figure of that report. To be conservative in terms of computer modelling, we have assumed the maximum projected growth (4,000 persons). Though not specifically noted in the Town’s draft Official Plan or Zoning By-law, Town staff wished to include a trunk sewer along Millar Street from Owen Street heading West to the Grey Road 22 (Seventh Line) to service the development that would occur in the north east quadrant of Grey Road 12 and Grey Road 22 (Seventh Line) (referred to as Pressure Zone 2A in the Water Supply and Distribution Computer Modeling and Analysis report prepared by the Ainley Group in 2004). This area is shown in Figure 3. Because growth projections are not available for these areas, the projected population density in the south area was also used here. A population growth of 1,430 was assumed for the 20-year (ultimate) condition. As per the 2004 model, the design flows for the future sewer capacity are based on the water average day flow of 450 L/cap/day. The future sewer lines were designed to handle peak domestic flow plus peak infiltration and inflow. The peak infiltration and inflow was based on a Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 8 Produced by the Municipality of Meaford (KS) Source: MNR Date: October 26, 2010 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 per capita allowance of 402.5 L/cap/d for extraneous flow as per the 1985 MOE Design Guidelines. In order to determine the depths of the future sewer pipes, Ontario Base Maps (OBM) were used to identify the contour elevations in the areas of proposed development. Due to the dramatic variations in elevation in the southern part of Meaford the area cannot be serviced entirely by gravity sewers. A pumping station, to be named as pumping station no. 6, will be required to lift the majority of the flows from the southern development area. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 SEWER MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME Since the report on the Sanitary Sewer Needs Study Ontario Ministry of The Environment Lifelines Project No. 24-0034-01 was issued in January 1990, many of the maintenance problems identified in that report have been addressed and corrected. The Town’s Works Department currently undertakes periodic flushing of known areas of sediment deposition and removes roots as problems arise. Following the recommendation from the 2004 report, the Works Department considered a maintenance program that includes the following: 1) Flushing of the entire sanitary sewer system on an annual basis, 2) Inspecting all maintenance holes on an annual basis in conjunction with the flushing programme, 3) Annual CCTV inspection of approximately 10 % of the sanitary sewer system, such that every sewer is inspected every 10 years, and 4) CCTV inspections of new sewers at the developer’s expense to ensure proper construction prior to assumption by the Municipality. Priority has been given to immediate correction of maintenance problems identified during these inspections. 8.2 PRIORITIZATION OF REHABILITATION The Municipality has embarked on a multi-year programme of replacing the identified aging infrastructure, as budget constraints allow. Removal of inflow sources continues to be a high priority item, which will significantly reduce the peaking factors and maximum day flows for many drainage areas. It is recommended that roof drains from downtown buildings which are connected to the sanitary sewer line shall be disconnected when the local sanitary sewers are reconstructed therein. 8.3 JUSTIFICATION The justification and benefit for the majority of the rehabilitation work is straightforward. The following issues are discussed further to reinforce their importance: 8.4 CATCH BASINS Most catchasins previously identified as being connected to the sanitary sewers have been disconnected. Some catch basins may still be connected to the sanitary sewer system and may account for a substantial amount of inflow from rainfall events and runoff from spring snow melt to enter the sanitary sewer system. This volume of extraneous flow must then be treated at the sewage treatment plant when it should be directed into the storm sewer system. It is Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 9 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 recommended that the Operations staff continue to be aware of this and to identify any remaining connected catchbasins. 8.5 STORM SEWER CONNECTIONS According to municipal records, there are two remaining storm sewer connection points that allow storm water runoff to enter the sanitary sewer system directly. Catch basins on Edwin Street near the Henry Street intersection have since been connected to a new storm sewer. The roof drain leaders from the commercial properties fronting on Sykes Street between Nelson Street and Trowbridge Street are still connected and continue to contribute a significant volume of storm water runoff to the overall flows in the sanitary sewer system. The smoke testing undertaken in earlier years found several other roof drains and eves troughs that were directly connected to the sanitary sewer system. It is our understanding that these have been redirected from the sanitary sewers. 8.6 MAINTENANCE HOLES During video inspections undertaken in earlier years, a buried maintenance hole was discovered on Albery Court between MH 33500 and MH 33600 approximately 36.8 m from MH 33500. This maintenance hole was not identified in the 2004 Report. This maintenance hole is connecting Georgian Court Condominium’s new sewer line to the existing sewer line on Albery Court and it has been labelled as MH 33550 in the updated model. 8.7 FLOW MONITORING Flow monitoring is a proven tool that can be used to determine whether or not flows at a specific sewer shed are similar to the theoretical flows that are expected at that location. The Town now has the necessary Flo-totes and computer software to collect sewer flow data and can do so to study areas that are suspected of having infiltration or inflow problems. Short studies can be undertaken at relatively low cost to determine whether or not sections of sewer require rehabilitation or replacement. 8.8 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADES The correction of the identified deficiencies in the Town’s sewage collection system will temporarily recover some capacity at the sewage treatment plant and allow for continued growth of the Town. However, with the constant growth that is occurring in Meaford this capacity will be used up quickly. The existing sewage treatment plant in Meaford is a high-rate activated sludge plant, with a rated capacity for an average daily flow of 3909 m3/day. This plant has been last upgraded in 2005- 2006. Since then, these upgrades improved effluent quality. However, it is important to maintain and upgrade the collection system in order and continuously limit the extraneous flows collected by the system such that the sewage treatment plant operates efficiently and operating costs and possible future capital cost upgrades are kept to a minimum. 8.9 SEWER SYSTEM (AS MODELLED IN 2004) The sanitary sewer collection system as modeled in the year 2004 had the necessary hydraulic capacity for the population of Meaford (former Township of Meaford). However, sections of sewer pipe needed to be repaired or replaced due to their physical condition as a result of age. These pipes have been identified in previous studies (by others) and have not been reiterated in the 2004 model. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 10 Municipality of Meaford Update 8.10 Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM (2010) The existing sanitary sewer collection system, with recent sewer additions and upgrades, appears to have sufficient hydraulic capacity for the existing population of the Municipality. However, a few sections of sewer pipe may still need to be repaired or replaced due to their physical condition as a result of age. The sewer line additions and upgrades carried out between 2004 and 2010 include: • • Sewer collection system additions for approved developments as per 2005 Official Plan: o Gates of Kent sewer system (82 new connections) o Golfview Sewer System (28 new connections) o Pinehurst Sewer System (27 new connections) Sewer Collection system upgrades as in accordance with other approved plans, for the following areas: o Coleman Street (25 new connections) o Birchwood village (1 new connection) o Union Street and Grace Avenue intersection (5 remaining out of total 11 connections) o Brookside Phase 2 (18 new connections) o Ridge Creek Drive (1 remaining out of total 14 connections) o Golf Course Villas (13 remaining out of total 20 connections) o St. Andrews (16 remaining out of total 34 connections) o Memorial Park (a new sewer collection network with 9 nos. manholes, to connect trailer park and campground) o Georgian Court Condominium (12 new connections) o Susan Street and Stewart Street intersection (upgrades only, no new connection) o Sykes Street and Albert Street intersection (upgrades only, no new connection) o Sykes Street/Hwy 26 sewer line addition (upgrades only, no new connection) o Edwin Street and Henry Street intersection (upgrades only, no new connection) o Maple Meadow Homes (31 new connections) o Boucher Street and St. Vincent Street intersection (upgrades only, no new connection) o Siljohn Investment (upgrades only, no new connection) Modelling input of the above sewer collection system additions and upgrades are presented in the Appendix B2. 8.11 ULTIMATE SEWER SYSTEM (2030) Several sanitary sewer collection system improvements were identified during updating the computer model to accommodate the projected population growth over the next 20 years. These improvements include: • Addressing the locations of known inflow into the sanitary sewer collection system o These areas are described above and in detail in Appendix D. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 11 Municipality of Meaford Update • Clay sewer pipe on St. Vincent Street. o • • The grade is negative in the 250 mm sewer pipe on St Vincent Street between Bridge Street and Boucher Street (approximately 132.5 m). It is recommended that this be monitored on a regular basis for potential maintenance problems. Old Sewage Pumping Station No. 1 o • Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 Flooding of the pipe downstream of the siphon under the Big Head River and before the existing Sewage Pumping Station occurs during peak storm flows. The elimination of the inflow sources should solve this issue, however, further investigation and modeling of the piping around the old sewage pumping station and the siphon may be required. Development Area 2C - Future pumping station and trunk sewers to the south o Install a new pumping station (to be designated as Sewage Pumping Station #6) on Coleman Street South of the existing Meaford Corporate Limit. The pumps are to have a capacity of approximately 35 L/s at a minimum TDH of 5m. o Install a 100 mm forcemain (approximately 215 m) between the new sewage pumping station and a new maintenance hole just south of the end of McKibbon Drive. o Install a 200 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 668 m) on St. Vincent Street from the 12/13 Side Road to the existing Meaford Corporate Limit. Connect this sewer to the existing maintenance hole 20590 with a 300 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 14m) at the grades and with maintenance holes as shown on the Profile 1. o Install a 200 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 575 m) on Coleman Street from the new pumping station to the 12/13 Side Road at the grades and with maintenance holes as shown on the Profile 2. o Install a 300 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 95 m) between the new maintenance hole just south of the end of McKibbon Drive heading east to St Vincent Street as shown on Profile 3. o Install a 200 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 570 m) on Union Street from the 12/13 Side Road north connected to a 250 mm (approximately 210 m) which then connects in to a 300 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 205 m) west from Union Street to the new pumping station on Coleman Street at the grades and with maintenance holes as shown on the Profile 3. o Install a 200 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 686 m) on Centre Street from the 12/13 Side Road north to the existing Meaford Corporate Limit at the grades and with maintenance holes as shown on the Profile 4. o Install a 200 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 222 m) connected to a 250 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 111 m) east from Centre Street to Union Street at the grades and with maintenance holes as shown on the Profile 4. o Install a 250 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 94 m) on Union Street at the grades and with maintenance holes as shown on the Profile 4. o Install 200 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 1131 m) along the Georgian Trail from Hwy. 26 to connect at Montgomery Street. Development Area 2D - Future trunk sewers to the west: o Install 200 m diameter trunk sewer (approximately 1818 m) on Miller Street from the Seventh Line to connect at Owen Street. Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 12 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 It is to be noted that these system expansions are based on growth as outlined in the Municipality of Meaford Official Plan and the Municipality of Meaford Development Charges Study Background Report. These expansions are preliminary trunk sewer designs only and do not include detailed pipe layout to subdivisions. 9.0 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE (20 YEAR PHASING) Where possible, the sewer upgrades/extension works have been synchronized with the waterworks upgrades/extensions. 9.1 IMMEDIATE UPGRADES Many of the original downtown buildings have the roof drains draining to the sanitary sewer. It has been concluded in earlier studies and during this study that disconnection of these roof drains should be considered when the local sanitary sewers are reconstructed and/or when major renovations to the individual buildings are undertaken. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM Disconnect various eavestrough downspouts from sanitary sewer 200 mm dia. trunk sewer on St. Vincent Street from the 12/13 Side Road to existing maintenance hole 20590 9.2 TOTAL 8 ea $500 $4,000 668 m $300 $200,400 Sub-Total $204,400 Engineering & Contingencies @ 20% $40,900 TOTAL $245,300 SAY $245,000 2015 UPGRADES ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 200 mm dia. trunk sewer along the Georgian Trail from Hwy. 26 to 1131 ea $300 Montgomery Street. Sub-Total Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 TOTAL $339,300 $339,300 Engineering & Contingencies @ 20% $67,680 TOTAL $407,160 SAY $407,000 Page 13 Municipality of Meaford Update 9.3 Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 2020 UPGRADES ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE New pumping station on Coleman Street South of the former Meaford Corporate Limit. Pumps duty point of approximately 35 L/s at 5m 1 ea $1,800,000 TDH . 100 mm forcemain between the new sewage pumping station and a new maintenance hole just south of the end of MiKibbon Drive. 215 m $295 200 mm diameter trunk sewer on Coleman Street from the new pumping station to the 12/13 Side Road 300 mm diameter trunk sewer between the new MH just south of the end of McKibbon Drive east to St Vincent Street 200 mm diameter trunk sewer on Centre Street from the 12/13 Side Road north to the former Meaford Corporate Limit 250mm diameter trunk sewer from Union Street to Coleman Street 200 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 222 m) connected to a 250 mm diameter trunk sewer (approximately 111 m) east from Centre Street to Union Street 250 mm diameter trunk sewer on Union Street 200mm diameter trunk sewer on Union Street from 12/13 sideroad to proposed 250mm diameter trunk sewer 9.4 TOTAL $1,800,000 $63,400 575 m $443 $254,700 95 m $494 $46,900 686 m $470 $322,400 415 m $480 $199,200 333 m $482 $160,500 94 m $483 $45,400 570 m $470 $267,900 Sub-Total $3,160,400 Engineering & Contingencies @ 20% $632,080 TOTAL $3,792,480 SAY $3,792,000 2025 UPGRADES No upgrades or extensions are anticipated for 2025. 9.5 2030 UPGRADES ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 200 m dia. trunk sewer on Miller Street from the Seventh Line to 1818 ea $300 connect at Owen Street. Sub-Total TOTAL $545,400 $545,400 Engineering & Contingencies @ 20% $109,080 TOTAL $654,480 SAY $655,000 S:\109119\109119\Reports\FINAL June 10 sanitary sewer model report final-2013-01-09-nes-MWA-NES REVISIONS.doc Ainley & Associates Limited March 2011 Page 14 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 APPENDIX A: SEWER USE BY-LAW Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 APPENDIX B1: SANITARY SEWER ELEMENTS Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 APPENDIX B2: UPGRADES & ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN 2004 TO 2010 APPENDIX - B2 MUNICIPALITY OF MEAFORD Sanitary Sewer Collection System Computer Modeling and Analysis - Upgrades & Additional Development between 2004 to 2010 Drawing # Description Length (m) Pipe Size (mm) Upstream MH Upstream Ground Level Upstream MH INV. Level Downstream MH Downstream Ground Level Downstream MH INV. Level Grade (%) 1 106096-RC1 Edwin Street Part 1 22.50 200 10719 500 S.E.187.55 10718 189.29 W. 187.42 0.56 2 106096-RC1 Edwin Street Part 1 96.10 200 10718 189.29 S.E. 187.46 10717 189.63 Serial # Remarks Edwin St./Henry St. W. 186.93 0.56 3 4 106096-RC2 106096-RC7 Edwin Street Part 2 Across Edwin Street 26.30 5.20 200 150 10717 Stub 1 189.63 189.50 E. 186.92 N. 187.51 10710 10710 189.65 189.65 W. 186.91 S. 186.81 0.56 13.46 5 106096-RC7 Henry Street 15.50 200 10710 189.65 N. 186.68 10825 189.22 S.186.49 1.21 6 106096-RC7/RC6 Henry Street 110.80 200 10825 189.22 N. 186.47 10830 187.31 S.185.37 0.99 7 106096-RC6/RC5 Henry Street 66.60 200 10830 187.31 N.185.35 10835 186.79 S.E.184.72 0.95 8 106096-RC5 Henry Street 76.20 200 10835 186.79 N.W.184.64 10840 186.05 S.183.30 0.50 183-2737-111 183-2737-103 183-2737-108 183-2737-103 183-2737-108 183-2737-103 183-2737-108 183-2737-103 Union Street Main Road Third Lane Main Road Second Lane Main Road First Lane Main Road 98.70 96.70 80.40 66.20 80.40 66.10 80.40 87.50 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 17610 17620 17630 17640 17650 17660 17670 17680 213.25 214.67 213.99 214.52 213.83 214.23 213.55 214.70 N. 208.97 E. 209.53 S. 211.14 E. 209.89 S. 210.98 E. 210.25 S. 210.75 E. 211.89 17600 17610 17620 17620 17640 17640 17660 17660 212.28 213.25 214.67 214.67 214.52 214.52 214.23 214.23 S. 208.48 W. 209.05 N. 219.34 W. 209.56 N. 210.18 W. 209.92 N. 210.33 W. 210.28 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.80 102022-OP1-RD 107065-SS1-RD 107065-SS1-RD 107065-SS1-RD 107065-SS1-RD 102022-OP1-RD 102022-OP1-RD 102022-OP1-RD 102022-OP1-RD Memorial Park Main Gravel Road Gravel Road Gravel Road Gravel Road Memorial Park Main Memorial Park Main Memorial Park Main Memorial Park Main 51.00 17.00 34.00 24.00 47.00 53.00 60.00 120.00 120.00 200 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 20385 20384.7 20384.6 20384.3 20384.1 20384 20383 20382 20381 187.30 190.77 190.79 189.73 188.70 186.75 186.00 185.00 183.85 W. 185.76 W. 188.34 N. 188.12 N. 187.41 N. 186.50 W. 184.84 W. 184.28 W. 183.32 W. 182.21 20384 20384.6 20384.3 20384.1 20384 20383 20382 20381 20380 186.75 190.79 189.73 188.70 186.75 186.00 185.00 183.85 183.52 E. 184.89 E. 188.17 S. 187.46 S. 186.57 S. 184.95 E. 184.31 E. 183.35 E. 182.24 E. 181.61 1.70 1.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.50 Across Albery Court Along Sykes Street Along Sykes Street 84.00 77.00 19.30 200 200 200 33570 33580 33590 187.98 187.42 186.47 E. 185.60 E. 185.16 S.E. 184.75 33580 33590 33600 187.42 186.47 185.69 W. 185.18 W. 184.77 N.W. 184.65 0.50 0.50 0.50 102178 102178 102178 102178 Maple Lane Pine Street Pine Street Pine Street 29.00 46.00 41.00 82.00 200 200 200 200 20465 20439 20436 20433 500 500 500 500 S. 190.88 N. 189.00 E. 187.50 E. 186.50 20460 20436 20433 20430 500 500 500 500 N. 190.71 S. 187.55 W. 186.55 W. 186.00 0.50 3.15 2.32 0.61 107048-Drg1 107048-Drg1 107048-Drg1 107048-Drg1 107048-Drg1 Iron Wood Drive Iron Wood Drive Iron Wood Drive Iron Wood Drive Iron Wood Drive 71.00 48.50 66.00 96.00 72.00 200 200 200 200 200 12825 12830 12835 12840.1 12845 205.65 205.08 204.75 204.28 203.79 N. 202.62 N. 202.24 E. 201.99 E. 201.70 E. 201.29 12830 12835 12840.1 12845 12860 205.08 204.75 204.28 203.79 203.51 S. 202.26 S. 202.04 W. 201.72 W. 201.31 200.95 0.50 0.40 0.42 0.40 0.50 MH 12860 is the existing manhole Thompson St./Collingwood Thompson Street Thompson Street Parker St/Thompson St. 78.00 49.00 111.00 72.70 200 200 200 200 12154 11840 11830 11850 186.38 186.25 186.41 187.28 S. 183.84 N. 184.64 N. 184.29 E. 185.32 12152 11830 11820 11830 186.32 186.41 186.08 186.41 N. 183.45 S. 184.33 S. 183.81 W. 184.33 1.00 0.60 0.40 1.40 MH 12152 is the existing manhole MH 11830 is the existing manhole MH 11820 is the existing manhole MH 11850 is the existing manhole MH 10830 is located across Margaret St. Gates of Kent Area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Memorial Park 1 2a 2b 2c 2d 3 4 5 6 Pinehurst Estate 1 2 3 106118-Drg.3 106118-Drg.3 106118-Drg.3 Maple Meadow Homes 1 2 3 4 MH 20460 is the existing manhole MH 20430 is the existing manhole Golf View Estates 1 2 3 4 5 Thompson St. / Nelson St. 1 2 3 4 102178-RC2 102178-RC3 102178-RC4 102178-RC6 Georgian Court Condominiums 1 2 3 104211 104211 104211 Across Albery Court Across Albery Court Across Albery Court 48.50 54.00 36.20 200 200 200 33520 33530 33540 500 500 500 S. 186.43 E. 186.18 S. 185.88 33530 33540 33550 500 500 500 N. 186.23 W. 185.96 N. 185.70 0.40 0.40 0.50 Parallel to Ridge Road Parallel to Ridge Road Parallel to Sykes Street Ridge Road Across Ridge Road 16.50 47.20 65.70 52.40 20.20 200 200 200 200 200 33000 Stub 30 33100 36500 36400 190.78 190.93 191.29 194.81 194.62 189.42 189.31 189.06 S.192.39 W.192.08 33100 33100 33200 36400 36300 191.29 191.29 189.57 194.62 194.59 N189.14 S189.07 W.186.95 N.192.13 E. 191.95 1.00 1.00 3.26 0.50 0.50 MH 33550 is placed between existing MH 33500 and 33600 Albery Court/Ridge Road 1 2 3 4 5 102139-SS1-RD 102139-SS1-RD 102139-SS1-RD 190185-S2 190185-S2 towards Albery Court through Vacant Land Sykes St./Albert St. 1 1 101153-SW2RD 101153-SW1RD Albert Street Sykes Street 10.00 94.50 200 450 11780 11620 180.49 180.45 E. 179.30 S. 178.00 11620 11610 180.45 180.80 W. 178.60 N. 177.75 6.00 0.30 3 4 5 6 7 101153-SW2RD 101153-SW3RD 101153-SW4RD 101153-SW4RD 101153-SW4RD Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street 69.50 63.60 63.50 55.50 12.50 375 375 375 375 375 11631 11630 11650 11660 11670 181.16 181.53 181.76 181.55 181.45 S. 178.36 S. 178.65 S. 178.95 S. 179.24 S. 179.30 11620 11631 11640 11650 11660 180.49 181.16 181.53 181.76 181.55 N. 178.14 N. 178.40 N. 178.75 N. 179.03 N. 179.26 0.30 0.30 0.40 0.55 0.60 101172 101172 101172 101172 101172 101172 101172 Ridge Road St. Andrew's Drive St. Andrew's Drive St. Andrew's Drive St. Andrew's Drive St. Andrew's Drive St. Andrew's Drive Victoria Street 82.30 40.00 35.00 78.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 41.00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 12914 12913 12912 12911 12910.1 12909 12908 12907 197.60 194.00 190.19 189.95 190.29 189.89 188.65 188.05 N.W. 194.50 E. 191.68 E. 189.90 S.E. 188.49 E. 187.96 E. 187.20 E. 186.24 N. 185.34 12913 12912 12911 12910.1 12909 12908 12907 12901 194.00 190.19 189.95 190.29 189.89 188.65 188.05 187.71 S.E. 191.68 W. 190.00 W. 188.55 N.W. 188.02 W. 187.24 W. 186.27 W. 185.39 S. 185.13 3.45 3.90 4.00 0.60 0.89 1.10 1.00 0.50 S-1328-Drg.3 S-1328-Drg.3 S-1328-Drg.3 Glen Abbey Court Glen Abbey Court Glen Abbey Court 25.00 83.00 51.00 200 200 200 12917 12916 12915 200.81 200.45 198.60 N.W.197.85 N. 197.32 N. 195.33 12916 12915 12914 200.45 198.60 197.60 E. 197.37 S. 195.35 S.W. 194.60 1.00 2.34 1.29 Susan Street Susan Street Stewart Street Susan Street Susan Street Stewart Street 100.00 88.00 120.00 75.00 69.00 106.50 200 200 200 200 200 200 32850 32810 36501 32770 32730 36550 194.00 191.48 190.18 189.78 189.70 190.35 N.E. 190.80 E. 188.14 S. 187.95 E. 187.34 E. 186.96 N 187.77 32810 32770 32770 32730 32690 36600 191.48 189.78 189.78 189.70 189.20 190.38 S.W. 188.19 W. 187.39 N. 187.41 W. 187.00 W. 185.82 S. 187.18 2.60 0.85 0.45 0.45 0.16 0.55 Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street Sykes Street 26.50 37.20 79.20 116.20 104.70 80.00 97.50 100.00 100.00 74.30 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 10760 10770 10780 10781 10783 10785 20551 20552 20553 20554 205.20 206.08 208.00 210.35 212.15 213.25 215.24 216.40 217.09 217.10 W. 202.75 W. 203.60 W. 205.39 W. 207.70 W. 209.33 W. 210.18 W. 210.29 W. 211.29 W. 212.29 W. 213.03 10750 10760 10770 10780 10781 10783 20550 20551 20552 20553 204.57 205.20 206.08 208.00 210.35 212.15 213.97 215.24 216.40 217.09 E. 202.70 E. 202.80 E. 203.65 E. 205.44 E. 207.75 E. 209.38 E. 209.32 E. 210.30 E. 211.30 E. 212.30 2.00 2.20 2.20 1.95 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Boucher Street Boucher Street 66.50 64.00 375 375 11030 11045 181.40 182.51 W. 179.22 E. 179.01 11045 11150 182.51 182.41 E. 179.14 W. 178.90 0.12 0.19 Gordon Crescent South Gordon Crescent South Gordon Crescent South Gordon Crescent South Gordon Crescent South 27.00 85.00 40.00 70.00 55.00 200 200 200 200 200 12806 12805 12804 12803 12802 212.48 212.40 211.19 207.49 211.08 W. 209.60 N. W. 209.28 N.W. 208.68 E. 208.40 E. 208.09 12805 12804 12803 12802 12800 212.40 211.19 207.49 211.08 211.90 E. 209.33 S.E. 208.73 S.E. 208.50 W. 208.11 207.90 1.00 0.65 0.45 0.42 0.42 Existing MH 12800 is on Coleman Street Sykes Street South Sykes Street South 58.00 13.00 200 300 Stub 3 11295 500 181.25 179.85 179.54 11295 11290 181.25 181.48 179.62 177.67 0.40 14.39 Siljohn is at the intersection of Boucher St. and Sykes St. St. Andrew's Drive 1 101172 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MH 11610 is at the intersection of Sykes St. and Bayfield St. MH 11640 is at the intersection of Sykes St. and William St. MH 11660 is at the intersection of Sykes and Cook St. MH 12913 is at the intersection of William St. and Victoria St. Golf Course Villas 1 2 3 Susan Street / Stewart Street 1 2 3 4 5 6 105151-SW1RD 105151-SW1RD 105151-SW2RD 105151-SW1RD 105151-SW1RD 105151-SW2RD MH 32770 is at the intersection of Sykes St and Ivan St. Sykes Street (Hwy 26) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 102114-RC1-RD 102114-RC1-RD 102114-RC1-RD 102114-RC2-RD 102114-RC3-RD 102114-RC4-RD 102114-RC5-RD 102114-RC6-RD 102114-RC7-RD 102114-RC8-RD MH 20550 is the existing manhole at the intersection of Sykes St. and St. Vincent St. Boucher Street / St. Vincent Street 1 2 106174-RC2-RD 106174-RC1-RD Coleman Subdivision 1 2 3 4 5 S-1387-DWG1 S-1387-DWG1 S-1387-DWG1 S-1387-DWG1 S-1387-DWG1 Siljon Investments Inc. 1 2 303005-02 303005-02 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 APPENDIX C: FLOW ANALYSIS Municipality of Meaford Report On Sanitary Sewer Collection System Model Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis The following sections are reproduced from the original 2004 investigation. 2004 INVESTIGATION Introduction A flow analysis of various system drainage areas was undertaken to determine sections with significant extraneous flows. Pumping station sewersheds and key maintenance hole sewersheds within the Town were used to defined system drainage areas. A method was established by which the sewage flow could be broken down into three primary components as follows: 1) 2) 3) Domestic Flow Inflow Infiltration It is understood that some inflow/infiltration is inherent in any sewage collection system. A reasonable allowable quantity of inflow/infiltration had to be determined, while ensuring that the calculated amount does not hide the magnitude of these flow components. Sewage Treatment Plant and Pumping Stations The sewage flow data from the sewage treatment plant (2000-2003) and the five sewage pumping stations (2003) was provided by the operator and the calculated theoretical base flow were used to determine the wet weather and dry weather extraneous flows. Large Contributors The water records for the sixteen largest water users were obtained from the Meaford Public Utilities Division. This water consumption was subtracted from the total Town consumption for the purpose of determining the average domestic consumption. The sewage flow for each of the sixteen “large users” was assumed to be 90% of the water consumption from September to May and 70 % of the water consumption from June to August. This Sewage flow was then input into the model at the specific nodal location of each large user. Domestic Flow Domestic sewage flow was calculated on a per lot basis. Using the average water demands with the sixteen large users and other known losses due to fire, flushing leaks etc. excluded, 90% of the water consumption for September to May and 70% of the water consumption for June to August was assumed to be equal to the total domestic sewage flow. The total sewage flow was divided by the total number of lots that, Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 1 according to Town records, have a water service connection. Each lot was then assigned to a sewage sewershed and the total number of contributing lots for each sewershed was assigned to a node in the model. Allowable Inflow/Infiltration Allowable inflow and infiltration was determined by using the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications calculation of extraneous flow allowances for new sewers recommended in the MOE Guidelines for the Design of Sanitary Sewage Works. “Division 410 of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications lists an allowable extraneous flow/leakage (infiltration/exfiltration) of 0.075 Litres/millimetre diameter per 100 metres of sewer per hour”. The Specification also states that based on a typical plan of subdivision, the value for extraneous flow/leakage can be determined using either 22 L/cap*d or 0.01 L/ha*s. A value of 0.022 m³/cap*day (22 L/cap*day) was used to calculate the allowable inflow/infiltration. The total allowable extraneous flow based on the approximate population of Meaford of 4,800 is approximately 105.6 m³/d. The actual dry weather infiltration is approximately three times as much, 310.7 m³/d. Infiltration The Town of Meaford has a limited number of large water users. It can be assumed that the large users and the Town’s general population are relatively inactive during the night. Therefore, it can be assumed that the lowest recorded flow in a month is representative of the base infiltration. The lowest recorded flow was found to occur typically between the hours of 1:00 am and 3:00 am. Dry and wet weather infiltration was determined for the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) and the five sewage pumping stations by comparing the theoretical domestic sewage flow with the recorded flows for August (dry) and March (wet). From the calculations it was determined that approximately 100 % of the dry weather infiltration and 90 % of the wet weather infiltration occurs in the SPS No. 1 sewershed with the remaining 10 % of the wet weather infiltration occurring in the SPS. No. 2 sewershed. Approximately 10 % of wet weather infiltration that occurs in the SPS No. 1 sewershed can be attributed to the SPS No. 3 sewershed. The data collected at the six Flo-Tote locations was used to further specify the locations of the infiltration. The dry weather flow data was inconclusive, however, the wet weather data was used to narrow down were the majority of the wet weather infiltration is being generated. Calculations for determining dry and wet weather infiltration for the different sewersheds is included at the end of this appendix. A calculated value of infiltration was assigned to each sewer shed on a per meter basis as outline in Table 1. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 2 Table 1 – Infiltration Per Meter of Sanitary Sewer Sewershed SPS No. 1 SPS No. 2 SPS No. 3 Nelson Street and Cook Street Nelson Street at Fire Station Dry Weather Infiltration (m³/d/m of sewer) Wet Weather Infiltration (m³/d/m of sewer) 0.017 0 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.103 0.044 0.059 0.027 0.907 Inflow Following the smoke testing of several sections of sanitary sewer in Meaford it was discovered that several roof drains and eves troughs were connected to the sanitary sewer system. For the purposes of the computer simulation we have allowed for a per connection inflow from a 100 m² impermeable area to enter the sanitary sewer for each connection during a storm event. This is the approximate roof area of a 2,000 ft² house. The May 1-2, 2004 storm event represents an “annual” rainfall event. This type of event results in a total of 2.87 m³ of water entering the sanitary sewer at each connection in the Meaford sanitary sewer collection system. The inflow for the major storm event that occurred on May 23-24, 2004 will be 18.57 m³ for each connection. The smoke testing also revealed two areas with several storm catchbasins connected to the sanitary sewer. These locations are on Cook Street between Nelson Street and Collingwood Street and on Trowbridge Street between Cook Street and Sykes Street. As well, several catchbasins on Edwin Street are connected to the sanitary sewer. The Town is aware of this. These three locations are estimated to contribute a total inflow to the sanitary sewer system of 157.1 m³, 157.3 m³ and 881.7 m³ respectively during an annual storm event and 631.3 m³, 631.3 m³ and 3,539 m³ respectively during a major storm event. Hydrographs are used to input the two storm events into the model with varying intensities throughout the duration of the events. It should be noted that inflow would occur at other locations throughout the sewer system; however, further investigation is required to determine the extent of the inflow prior to being able to include it in the computer model. For the three areas where more detailed information is available the inflow was input into the model at a maintenance hole immediately downstream of the area of known inflow. Sewage Treatment Plant A total theoretical daily domestic sewage flow rate was calculated to be 1,317.3 m³/d and compared to the recorded value for dry weather flow (1,628 m³/d) and wet weather flow (4,336 m³/d) at the sewage treatment plant. The flows entering the sewage treatment plant are from two forcemains (SPS No. 1 and SPS No. 2). As such it is expected that the total flow from SPS No. 1 and SPS No. 2 should equal the total flow recorded at the sewage treatment plant. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 3 The flows in the SewerCAD model, which represents the theoretical flows, add up correctly. However, the recorded flows at the pump stations and the sewage treatment plant do not add up. In fact the recorded flows for SPS No.1 and SPS No. 2 are approximately 164 m³/d less than the recorded flow at the sewage treatment plant for dry weather flow and 78 m³/d less for wet weather flow. This suggests that there may be a problem with the flow meters. Sewage Pumping Stations The domestic flow rates calculated on a per lot basis, as described above, were applied to the various sub-drainage areas. The sub-drainage areas are defined as the pump station service areas. The flow generated by the large users was added to the calculated domestic flow component. This established an estimated theoretical sewage flow. By comparing the theoretical sewage flows to the actual recorded sewage flows, the quantity of extraneous flow can be determined. Recorded dry weather flows were taken in the month of August while recorded wet weather flows were taken in the month of March. When compared to the theoretical flows, the dry and wet weather flows will show approximations of the low and high limits of extraneous flow during the year. Sewage Pumping Station No. 1 – Bighead River The Bighead River Sewage Pumping Station services approximately 1,311 lots and 12 large users including one public school, hospital, community centre, retirement home and several small commercial establishments. Flow records for the Bighead River Sewage Pumping Station were provided by the operator. Theoretical and recorded flows are compared in Table 2. Table 2 – SPS No. 1 Theoretical vs. Recorded Flows Condition Dry Weather Wet Weather Theoretical Flow (m³/d) Recorded Flow (m³/d) Extraneous Flow (m³/d) 1,019.5 1,019.5 1,330 3,704 310.4 2,685.4 The sewershed for SPS No. 1 is large and includes more than 75% of the total sewer service connections. The extraneous flow during dry weather is relatively low considering the size of the sewershed and the approximations made in the model, however it should be noted that almost 100% of the dry weather extraneous flow appears to occur in the SPS No. 1 sewershed. Elevated extraneous flows occur under wet weather conditions. This suggests that increased infiltration occurs with an elevated water table and that inflow may be a significant contributor to overall sewage flows during wet weather storm events. Of the total wet weather extraneous flow approximately 90% occurs within the SPS No. 1 sewershed. Sewage Pumping Station No. 2 Sewage Pumping Station No. 2 services approximately 364 lots and 2 big users including Georgian Bay Secondary School Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 4 Flow records for SPS No. 2 were provided by the operator. Theoretical and recorded flows are compared in Table 3. Table 3 – SPS No. 2 Theoretical vs. Recorded Flows Condition Theoretical (m³/d) Dry Weather Wet Weather 297.7 297.7 Flow Recorded (m³/d) Flow Extraneous (m³/d) 134 554 Flow - 163.7 256.3 The sewershed for SPS No. 2 includes approximately 20% of the total sewer service connections. The extraneous flow during dry weather, after comparing theoretical and recorded flows, result in a negative number. As noted above in the Sewage Treatment Plant Section, the total recorded flow from SPS No. 1 and SPS No. 2 is 160 m³/d less than the recorded flow at the sewage treatment plant, approximately the same value as the negative extraneous flow for dry weather conditions. This further suggests that there is a problem with the flow meters and that it is at SPS No. 2. Assuming that the flow meter at SPS No. 2 in fact requires calibration it can be concluded that negligible dry weather extraneous flow occurs in the SPS No. 2 sewershed. The extraneous flow under wet weather conditions almost doubles the expected theoretical flow. Still, this only accounts for approximately 10% of the total wet weather extraneous flow. This suggests that infiltration is a problem when the water table is high and that inflow may be occurring during storm events. Sewage Pumping Station No. 3 Sewage Pumping Station No. 3 services approximately 187 lots and 2 large users including the water treatment plant. Flow records for SPS No. 3 were provided by the operator. Theoretical and recorded flows are compared in Table 4. Table 4 – SPS No. 3 Theoretical vs. Recorded Flows Condition Dry Weather Wet Weather Theoretical Flow (m³/d) Recorded Flow (m³/d) Extraneous Flow (m³/d) 137.2 137.2 129 437 - 8.2 299.8 The sewershed for SPS No. 3 includes approximately 10% of the total sewer service connections. The extraneous flow during dry weather after comparing theoretical and recorded flows result in a negative number. However, this number is relatively low (less than 9 m³/d) and may be attributed to approximations in the model. It does suggest that the extraneous flow in the SPS No. 3 sewershed is negligible. The extraneous flow under wet weather conditions is more than three times the expected theoretical flow. This suggests that infiltration is a problem when water table Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 5 are high and that inflow may be occurring during storm events. The wet weather extraneous flow in the SPS No. 3 sewershed accounts for approximately 10% of the extraneous flow attributed to the SPS No. 1 sewershed or approximately 9% of the overall extraneous flow. Sewage Pumping Station No. 4 Sewage Pumping Station No. 4 services only 1 lot and the former Globe Mills Site. Because of its low flows and small service area this sewershed was not considered further in this study. Sewage Pumping Station No. 5 Sewage Pumping Station No. 5 services only 3 lots and the Meaford harbour, which includes the Harbour Masters Office and the Canadian Coast Guard. It should be noted that a sewage pump-out for boats exists at the marina and contributes sewage flow to the collection system that is not accounted for through domestic flow calculations. This is a seasonal flow that occurs in the summer months and is relatively small. Because of its low flows and small service area this sewershed was not considered further in this study. Flow Monitoring Temporary sewage flow monitoring stations were established at several specific locations where the Town felt that extraneous flows may be originating from. The Ainley Group provided five flow monitors known as Flo-totes and the Town provided two. Six Flo-totes were installed with the seventh Flo-tote being used as a spare. The flow monitoring began on April 2, 2004 and was completed on July 5, 2004, allowing for data collection during both wet and dry seasons and the Victoria Day Holiday and Canada Day long weekends. Several significant rainfalls occurred during the monitoring period, providing evidence of extraneous flows. The Flo-totes were programmed to take measurements for one minute every five minutes. The Town downloaded the data from the Flo-totes approximately once a week for the duration of the study. This allowed for the data to be checked and the Flo-tote to be adjusted, if required. Estimated average day flows were calculated for the Flo-tote drainage areas based on the per lot domestic flow rates established from the water consumption records. The flows generated by the large users were added to estimated average day flows. The quantity of actual extraneous flow in these areas was determined by comparing the theoretical and recorded flows. It was anticipated that the Flo-tote sewersheds could be used to further narrow down the areas of high extraneous flow. However the data for dry weather conditions was inconclusive. It was determined that the Nelson Street and Cook Street and the Nelson Street and Fire Station Flo-totes could be used to further narrow down the source of the majority of the extraneous flow in the SPS No. 1 sewershed. The other Flo-tote sewersheds were found to be too specific and thus too susceptible to dramatic extremes in flow. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 6 The velocity, level and flow data were plotted for each Flo-tote site. Rainfall data was also collected during the study period from a rain gauge that was established on the roof of Town Hall. The data was then plotted inversely on the same graph as the Flo-tote data. This will show the correlation between rainfall events and increases in sewage flows. The graphs for each site are included at the end of this appendix and are discussed further in the following sections. Grant Avenue The sewershed of the Flo-tote on Grant Avenue includes the sewage flow from Memorial Park and the campground. The theoretical sewage flow was based on a per-lot domestic flow and does not allow for the flow generated at Memorial Park. Memorial Park includes 144 campsites. The MOE guidelines for sewage flow from campsites suggests between 275 and 375 litres per site per day. This results in an expected sewage flow of between 39.6 and 54 m³/d. The average sewage flow recorded by the Grant Avenue Flo-tote between April 4, 2004 and July 5, 2004 was only 23.3 m³/d. This is well below even the low end of the MOE guidelines. A dry weather base flow was calculated by averaging the record flow between June 16, 2004 and July 4, 2004. This resulted in a dry weather base flow of 15.9 m³/d, which was input at maintenance hole 20380 in the SewerCAD model. The graph of the Flo-tote and rainfall data for Grant Avenue site confirms what was expected for this site. During spring snowmelt and run off the flows are higher, suggesting that there may be some points of infiltration as the ground water table is high. This pattern is again evident during the rainfall events that occurred throughout the study period. The impact of rainfall is seen almost immediately which suggests that there may be significant inflow. The flows at this location subside following the spring snowmelt and run off, but then increase in the summer months as the campgrounds are populated with summer guests. It appears that this area is subject to dramatic seasonal flows. Henry Street and Margaret Street Intersection The graph of the Flo-tote and rainfall data for the Henry Street and Margaret Street site shows some interesting trends. During spring snowmelt and runoff the flows are higher than average, suggesting some infiltration may be occurring during periods when the water table is high. As well this section of sewer connects to Edwin Street where several catch basins are tied into the sanitary sewer collection system. This is obvious by the drastic and immediate increase in flows that occurred during the major rainfall event on the Victoria Day Holiday long weekend. During the period from approximately May 5th to May 11th some elevated flow and level readings were recorded, however there was no significant rainfall event during this time. These elevated flows and levels have been attributed to some debris that collected around the sensor. This debris was removed and the Flo-tote was replaced on May 11th. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 7 On several occasions during the data collection period small amounts of silt were observed to have collected around the sensor. These may have entered the system through the catch basins at Edwin Street. Nelson Street and Cook Street Intersection The graph of the Flo-tote and rainfall data for the Nelson Street and Cook Street site shows a very clear diurnal curve. The flow is elevated during the spring snowmelt and runoff which suggests that there may be significant infiltration when the groundwater table is elevated. This is further demonstrated by the elevated flows that occur following rainfall events. The impact of rainfall events is not immediate as at the Henry Street and Margaret Street Site, rather it is delayed further reinforcing the suspision that infiltration occurs when the groundwater table is elevated. Gravel and sediment build up was observed by Town staff each time the sensor was checked. On one occasion a large brick and some stone debris had collected behind the sensor. This may be related to a cracked or broken pipe in the system, which would allow groundwater and sediment into the pipe. Further analysis of the theoretical flow and the recorded average wet weather flow indicates that the Nelson Street and Cook Street site sewershed accounts for approximately 2.5% of the extraneous flow within the SPS No.1 sewershed, almost 59 m³/d. Nelson Street at the Fire Station The Nelson Street at the Fire Station site encompasses the largest sewershed of all the Flo-tote sites and, as such, consistently had the highest flows. Due to the higher contributing population evidence of the effects of spring snowmelt and runoff are less obvious. Velocity and level of flow in the pipe is more consistent than the other sites. Surcharging occurred between May 6th and 11th. This is evident by the sudden drop in velocity and flow and the sudden increase in level. It was determined that the surcharging was due to blockage at the inverted siphon at the Big Head River sewage pumping station caused by a large piece of concrete. Town staff had discovered several other maintenance holes in the area that had surcharged. They removed the plug at the siphon on May 25 and no further evidence of surcharging was apparent during the flow monitoring period. At several times during the data collection period the sensor was malfunctioning. It is suspaceted that debris in the pipe impacted the senor affecting the data collection. Further analysis of the theoretical flow and the recorded average wet-weather-flow it appears that the Nelson Street at the Fire Station site sewershed accounts for more than 30% of the extraneous flow within the SPS No. 1 sewershed, approximately 818 m³/d. This sewershed includes the Nelson Street and Cook Street site and the Nelson Street and Noble Street site. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 8 Nelson Street and Noble Street Intersection The Nelson Street and Noble Street site was the smallest sewershed of all the Flo-tote sites. During spring snowmelt and runoff the flows were significantly higher than during dry weather. Flow and level also increased dramatically following rainfall events. The effects of rainfall did appear to be delayed, suggesting that the added flow can be attributed to infiltration rather than inflow. During dry weather, the flows generated within the sewershed were negligible At several times during the data collection period the sensor was malfunctioning. It is suspected that debris in the pipe impacted the senor affecting the data collection. Susan Street and Sykes Street Intersection The graph of Flo-tote data for the Susan Street and Sykes Street site showed similar flow, level and velocity characteristics during both dry and wet weather. At times, flow was so negligible that the sensor could not measure it. This sewershed was small and infiltration appears to be minimal. Flows increased dramatically during rainfall events. experiences inflow as a direct result of rainfall events. This suggests that this area Computer Model (SewerCAD) The entire sanitary sewer collection system was modelled using Heastad Methods’ SewerCAD modelling software. The model was constructed based on available record drawing information. In some instances, either where data was unavailable or where the modelling software’s capabilities could not accommodate certain system elements, modifications had to be made to the model in order to allow it to function correctly. The following paragraphs outline issues that arose during the construction of the model. Syphon The existing syphon, which passes under the Big Head River and leads to Sewage Pumping Station No. 1 consists of two ductile iron pipes, one 150 mm and one 200 mm in diameter. For the purpose of the computer model these pipes had to be modelled as a single pipe. A 250 mm diameter ductile iron pipe was used as an equivalent since it provides the same cross-sectional area as the existing two-pipe syphon. Junction Chambers SewerCAD does not allow for stubs to be modeled as part of the system. This limitation in the software has been reported to Haestad Methods, the maker of SewerCAD. To avoid the possible confusion that may occur by placing additional maintenance holes at the end of every stub, we have used a “junction chamber” to designate a stub which has been capped for possible future connection. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 9 Breaking Loops SewerCAD does not allow for looped connections to be modeled as part of the sewer system. Regardless of the elevations assigned to pipe inverts which would prevent sewage flow to loop through the system without severe surcharging and backup in the pipes, the model will not run correctly if a looped connection exists. Haestad Methods is aware of this limitation and is working to correct it for future versions its software. In order to overcome this limitation in the software, any existing “loops” where broken at their perceived high point and, if required, an additional maintenance hole was inserted. Breaks were required at three locations within the Meaford sewer collection system. These locations are listed in Table 5: Table 5 – Loop Breaks in Sanitary Sewer System Location Intersection of Meadow Lane and Fairway Avenue – Maintenance Hole No. 35300 Intersection of St. Vincent Street and Bridge Street – Maintenance Holes No. 11240 and 18400 Intersection of Union Street and Paul Street – Maintenance Holes No. 11390 and 11400 Adjustment To Model Break inserted into pipe and additional maintenance hole added on Meadow Lane Pipe removed from between Maintenance Holes No. 11240 and 18400 Pipe removed from between Maintenance Holes No. 11390 and 11400 Disconnected Maintenance Hole According to Record Drawings a maintenance hole exists at the intersection of Owen Street and Berry Street (Maintenance Hole No. 12830). This Maintenance Hole does not appear to have been connected to the rest of the sewer collection system. We recommend that it be checked in the field to confirm that indeed there is no flow passing through it. For the purposes of the model Maintenance Hole No. 12830 was removed from the system. Unknown Rim Elevations Where Record Drawing data was unavailable for existing maintenance hole rim elevations, an elevation of 500 m was assigned. Rim elevation data is not required for the model and has no effect on the results. However, as information becomes available via future surveys it should be added to the SewerCAD model and the MS Access record information database. Drop Structures An allowance for drop structures was made in the model at locations where Record Drawings indicated that a drop structure exists. A note was also added to the maintenance hole dialogue box. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 10 Slope and Pipe Invert Assumed Elevations Where Record Drawing data was unavailable, pipe inverts and maintenance hole sump elevations were assumed. Calculations were undertaken to determine approximate elevations based on MOE minimum required slopes and surrounding elements for which Record Drawing information was available. Pipe Length and Diameter Assumed Values Where Record Drawing data was unavailable, pipe lengths and diameters were assumed. Pipe diameters where assumed based on the information available on the overall Sanitary Sewer System drawing generated from the Original Base Map drawing prepared by Gamsby and Mannerow Limited. The modeling software was used to assign unknown pipe lengths and these lengths were scaled off the model. It should be noted that the Original Base Map, which the pipe layout in the model is based on, was generated from an uncontrolled mosaic based on 1989 assessment information. Following a comparison to record Drawings, it was determined that the drawing scale was skewed and that information from the drawing should only be used as a schematic representation of the sewer pipe network. As further information is collected from future surveys the model and the MS Access database should be updated. The above sections represent a comprehensive flow analysis of the various system drainage areas undertaken in 2004 to determine sections with significant extraneous flows. More recent flow records were used to update the computer model. The recent flows were also compared with those from the 2004 investigation to determine if there were significant changes. 2010 UPDATE Sewage Pumping Stations The 2006 to 2009 sewage flow records for the five sewage pumping stations were provided by the operator. This flow data is provided at the end of this appendix. Dry and Wet Weather Flows As per the 2004 investigation, dry and wet weather infiltration was determined for the five sewage pumping stations by comparing the theoretical domestic sewage flow with the recorded flows for August (dry) and March (wet). Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 11 Sewersheds The sewersheds represent the sub-drainage (service) areas for each pumping station. Sewage Pumping Stations No. 1 – Bighead River: In Table 1, recorded dry weather (August) and wet weather (March) flows for 2007 – 2009 are compared with the previous flow analysis. Table 1 – SPS No. 1 Recorded Flows Condition Dry Weather Wet Weather 2003 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 1,330 3,704 2007 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 1,459 3,748 2008 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 1,616 3,072 2009 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 1,336 3,709 Note that separation of several catchbasins from the sanitary sewage system was undertaken on Edwin Street since the previous investigation. Sewage Pumping Station No. 2: In Table 2, recorded dry weather (August) and wet weather (March) flows for 2007 – 2009 are compared with the previous flow analysis. Table 2 – SPS No. 2 Recorded Flows Condition Dry Weather Wet Weather 2003 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 134 554 2007 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 123 514 2008 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 175 416 2009 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 261 601 Sewage Pumping Station No. 3: In Table 3, recorded dry weather (August) and wet weather (March) flows for 2007 – 2009 are compared with the previous flow analysis. Table 3 – SPS No. 3 Recorded Flows Condition Dry Weather Wet Weather 2003 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 129 437 2007 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 126 433 2008 Recorded Flow (m3/d) ----- 2009 Recorded Flow (m3/d) 173 280 Sewage Pumping Station No. 4: Sewage Pumping Station No. 4 services only one lot and the former Globe Mills site and is not large enough to provide a valid comparative year-to-year data base. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 12 Sewage Pumping Station No. 5: Sewage Pumping Station No. 4 services only three lots and the Meaford harbour, which includes the Harbour Masters Office and the Canadian Coast Guard. This sewershed is not large enough to provide a valid comparative year-to-year data base. Summary Analysis: Taking into account normal year-to-year variations and growth, the 2007 – 2009 dry and wet weather flows are generally consistent with the flows recorded for the previous investigation. The higher recorded flows from Sewage Pumping Station No. 2 may also reflect recalibration of the flow meter, which was already allowed for in the 2004 computer model input data. The flow records confirm that much of the corrective work identified in the 2004 field investigation remains to be completed. Therefore, the majority of the input data remained unchanged in the updated computer model. One significant reduction in the model input value, however, was to the wet weather flows on Edwin Street where separation of several catchbasins from the sanitary system was undertaken since the previous investigation. In the computer model, services connected between 2004 and 2010 and all future service connections have been calculated based on the same parameters established in the 2004 analysis, i.e. an occupancy factor of 2.4 and a flow of 450 L/cap/day multiplied by the Harmon Peaking Factor plus standard allowance of 402.5 L/cap/day for inflow and infiltration under wet weather conditions. Appendix ‘C’ Flow Analysis Page 13 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 APPENDIX D: 2004 FIELD INVESTIGATION Appendix ‘D’ Field Investigation Municipality of Meaford Report On Sanitary Sewer Collection System Model Appendix ‘D’ Field Investigation Introduction Areas of specific concern and interest to the Town were identified to be investigated further in the field using the following techniques: 1) 2) CCTV Inspection Smoke Testing These investigation techniques identified specific extraneous flow sources and sewer components that were structurally deficient. Pipe Vision prepared two CCTV reports, one for Susan Street and Helen Street and one for Albert Street and William Street. These reports correspond to Tape #1 and Tape #2 respectively and summarise the findings of the CCTV inspection. Pipe Vision also prepared a report summarizing the results of the smoke testing. All three reports and the two videotapes are included as part of this report. CCTV Inspection Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection is a widely used method of investigating sanitary sewers. It can be used to identify structural problems in the pipe, including, cracks, corrosion, collapses, etc., maintenance problems and reduced capacity due to alignment, sediment deposition, mineral or grease deposits, roots, etc. and points of infiltration. The CCTV inspection involves sending a self-contained closed circuit television camera along the sewer pipe between maintenance holes. The camera is driven through the pipe by remote control. The video feed is sent to a truck, which follows the camera along the surface. An operator in the truck can direct the camera to reverse and turn to better view specific problem areas as required. Pipe Vision carried out the CCTV inspections of various sewers as shown on drawing 103162-Video. Approximately 1,550 m or 5 % of the Town’s sanitary sewers were CCTV inspected. The CCTV inspection reports have been reviewed. There were several locations where light encrustation or elevated water levels were observed. The Major problems identified through these inspections have been summarized in the Table 1. Table 1 – CCTV Inspection Results Appendix ‘D’ Field Investigation Page 1 Location Problem Albery Court From MH 33200 to MH 33300 6.0 m Albery Court From MH 33300 to MH 33400 52.1 m Albery Court From MH 33400 to MH 33500 52.9 m Albery Court From MH 33500 to Buried MH 64.3 m Albery Court Between MH 33500 MH 33600 64.3 m William Street From MH 12901 to MH 12902 1.5 m William Street From MH 12901 to MH 12902 2.0 William Street From MH 12890 MH 12900 10.4 William Street From MH 12890 MH 11730 23.4 m William Street From MH 11730 MH 11720 13.9 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 15.4 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 1.6 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 5.4 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 17.2 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 21.2 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 46.7 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 49.4 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32690 49.4 m Susan Street From MH 32650 MH 32640 50.4 m Susan Street From MH 32640 MH 32650 7.5 m Susan Street From MH 32640 MH 32650 8.2 m Susan Street From MH 32640 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32640 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32640 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32630 MH 32640 Susan Street From MH 32630 MH 32640 Appendix ‘D’ Field Investigation 25.6 m Longitudinal Crack @ 9 o’clock Stick blocking pipe at service Severity High High Debris (not grease or silt) collected in pipe Inspection was abandoned due to debris filling 50% of pipe cross section. Buried MH with major debris Low Pipe out of round Medium Inspection was abandoned due to debris in the pipe Debris collected at mouth of pipe High Medium Broken pipe High Inspection was abandoned due to debris filling more than 20% of the pipe Inspection was abandoned due to debris and high water level in the pipe Displaced joint (large) High Displaced joint (medium) Medium Displaced joint (medium) Medium Displaced joints continue throughout Medium Debris in pipe (not grease or silt) Medium Debris in pipe (not grease or silt) Medium Inspection was abandoned due to debris filling more than 25% of the pipe Inspection was abandoned due to debris in the pipe Heavy encrustation in bottom half of pipe. Inspection was abandoned due to heavy encrustation in the bottom of the pipe Heavy encrustation in bottom half of pipe. Infiltration dripping from top of pipe High High High High High Medium Medium High Medium High 25.6 m 26.3 m Inspection was abandoned due to heavy encrustation in the bottom of the pipe Displaced joint (medium) High Debris in pipe (not grease or silt) Medium Medium 1.5 m 8.7 m Page 2 Location Susan Street From MH 32630 MH 32640 Susan Street From MH 32630 MH 32621 Susan Street From MH 32630 MH 32621 Susan Street From MH 32630 MH 32621 Susan Street From MH 32621 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32621 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32621 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32621 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32621 MH 32630 Susan Street From MH 32660 MH 32620 Helen Street From MH 34200 MH 34100 Helen Street From MH 33800 MH 33900 Helen Street From MH 33800 MH 33900 Problem 9.2 m Severity Inspection was abandoned due to debris filling more than 40 % of the pipe Stick in pipe from connection High Heavy encrustation in bottom half of pipe. Inspection was abandoned due to heavy encrustation in the bottom of the pipe Defective connection, intruding into pipe at 1 o’clock in pipe Debris in pipe (not grease or silt) Medium Medium 35.5 m 49.9 m 50.2 m 2.1 m High High Medium 2.7 m 3.0 m Inspection was abandoned due to debris in the pipe Debris in pipe (not grease or silt) High Medium 4.1 m 18.5 m Inspection was abandoned due to debris filling more than 10 % of the pipe Stick in pipe connection High Debris in pipe (not grease or silt) Medium Debris in pipe (not grease or silt) Medium Inspection was abandoned due to debris filling more than 60 % of the pipe High High 4.7 m 72.4 m 59.9 m 59.9 m The original CCTV inspection reports, complete with VHS videotapes, are included with this report. It should be noted that although the reports for the CCTV inspection list the linear measurements in feet that these measurements are actually in metres. Smoke Testing Smoke testing is a relatively quick and inexpensive method of sewer investigation. It is used to detect sources of inflow such as connected storm water catch basins, roof drains, driveway drains, abandoned or faulty service connections, and untrapped footing drains. Smoke testing will not, however, identify connected drains if they are trapped or if they are located below the water table. A non-toxic and non-staining smoke is blown into an isolated section of sewer under low pressure. Any smoke observed to be leaking from the system is indicative of a point of inflow. These sources are investigated, photographed and recorded. Pipe Vision carried out the smoke testing of various sewers as shown on drawing 103162-Smoke. Approximately 12,531 m or 40 % of the Town’s sanitary sewers were smoke tested. There were many locations where smoke could not be seen exiting the vent stack or the vent stack of the building. This is an indication that the service connection between the main sewer line and the building may be blocked. This problem is not of immediate concern but should be noted for future investigations. Appendix ‘D’ Field Investigation Page 3 Several major problems were identified during the smoke testing. These problems are outlined in Table 2 and photos taken at the location of each problem are included in the report prepared by Pipe Vision. Table 2 – Major Problems Identified During Smoke Testing Location Helen Street Between MH 33700 and 32880 Victoria Street Trailer Park Between MH 11764 and 11763 113 Collingwood Street Between MH 12030 and 12020 Collingwood Street St. Vincent Church Between MH12020 and 12011 Cook and Collingwood Int. West Corner Between MH 12160 and 12010 128 Cook Street Between MH 12130 and 12010 133 Cook Street Between MH 12130 and 12010 Cook and Nelson Intersection East and west corners Between MH 12130 and 12010 128 Cook Street Between MH 12130 and 12010 112 Trowbridge Street Between MH 12430 and 12450 76 Trowbridge Street Between MH 12430 and 12450 66 Cook Street Between MH 12100 and 12450 43 Cook Street 189 Parker Street Between MH 11940 and 11910 49 Parker Street Between MH 11940 and 11910 3 Nelson Street Between MH 18000 and 12090 North side of road at church Between MH 12451 and 12450 North side of road at Dixie Lee Between MH 12451 and 12450 43 Collingwood Street Between MH 11980 and 11570 Overflow pipe to bay off Bayfield Street Between MH 11550 and 11551 Garage roof on Parker Street Between MH 11920 and 11910 Appendix ‘D’ Field Investigation Observation Possible Problem Main appears backed up Blockage in sewer Smoke emanating from ground Break in pipe at two locations Smoke emanating from vent stack by window Smoke emanating from roof drain Plumbing code violation Smoke emanating from catchbasin Catchbasin connected to sanitary sewer Smoke emanating from catchbasin Smoke emanating from catchbasin Smoke emanating from catchbasins (2) Catchbasin connected to sanitary sewer Catchbasin connected to sanitary sewer Catchbasins (2) connected to sanitary sewer Smoke emanating from catchbasin in yard Smoke emanating from eves trough Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from pipe at ground level Smoke emanating from pipe at ground level Smoke emanating from eves trough Smoke emanating from eves trough Smoke emanating from eves trough Smoke emanating from catchbasin Smoke emanating from catchbasin Smoke emanating from eves trough Smoke emanating from overflow pipe outlet Catchbasin connected to sanitary sewer Eves trough connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Pipe at ground level connected to sanitary sewer Pipe at ground level connected to sanitary sewer Eves trough connected to sanitary sewer Eves trough connected to sanitary sewer Eves trough connected to sanitary sewer Catchbasin connected to sanitary sewer Catchbasin connected to sanitary sewer Eves trough connected to sanitary sewer Tideflex Valve required at overflow Smoke emanating from roof drain Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Page 4 Location 23 Parker Street Between MH 11910 and 11911 29 Parker Street Between MH 11910 and 11911 Auto Centre on Sykes Street Between MH 32500 and 32490 100 Sykes Street Between MH 12002 and 12083 98 Sykes Street Between MH 12002 and 12083 Royal Le Page on Sykes Street Between MH 12002 and 12083 94 Sykes Street Between MH 12002 and 12083 Noble Insurance on Sykes Street Between MH 12002 and 12083 Micro Trends on Sykes Street Between MH 12002 and 12083 88 Sykes Street Between MH 12002 and 12083 Crafters Gallery on Sykes Street Between MH 12083 and 12080 76 Sykes Street Between MH 12083 and 12080 Meaford Carpets on Sykes Street Between MH 12083 and 12080 Observation Smoke emanating from pipe at ground level Smoke emanating from eves trough Smoke emanating from vent inside building Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Smoke emanating from roof drain Possible Problem Pipe at ground level connected to sanitary sewer Eves trough connected to sanitary sewer Violation of the plumbing code Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer Roof drain connected to sanitary sewer The actual Smoke Testing Report is included with this report. Appendix ‘D’ Field Investigation Page 5 Municipality of Meaford Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System SewerCAD Computer Model 2010 APPENDIX E: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT