vedimat - Michenfelder Elektrotechnik


vedimat - Michenfelder Elektrotechnik
(FoMaSys-Module 3)
VEDIMAT is installed directly in front of the moulding machine.
And exactly there your compactability will be constant.
Fluctuations of compactability are the result of changes
of the percentage composition of the green sand (e.g.
by more or less fines, bentonite, c-carriers, new sand
etc.) and by the influencing effects to the sand during
its transport from the mixer to the moulding machine
(e.g. evaporation, subsequent bentonite saturation,
sand transfer stations, aerators, temperature
differences etc.).
With VEDIMAT you always know the compactability of
your sand directly at the moulding machine in realtime. And by connecting VEDIMAT to MICOMP 5 type
G-CH in the mixer, you even keep compactability
constant there – fully automatically. This works
perfectly and is accomplished by automatic and
permanent adaption of required water amounts (to
fractions of hundred in some instances). Fluctuations
of compactability caused by aforesaid reasons get
immediately detected and compensated and thus
compactability is kept on a constant level – directly at
the moulding machine.
The fully automatic sand testing system
Michenfelder Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG
[email protected] |
(FoMaSys-Module 3)
No need to worry – results will be excellent
Control of compactability at this position and point in the preparation process is not too late at all as some foundry
people may think or others try to make you believe. Michenfelder system combination profits from correlation
between sand moisture and its compactability. Using Michenfelder moisture control systems in mixers solely
means not only to have sand moisture fully under control but also correlating compactability (as long as sand
composition keeps constant). According to its main task MICOMP UNI resp. MICOMP 5 is responsible for a
reliable and precise moisture measurement and water dosage to a set moisture value compensating temperature
influences and varying inherent moistures of incoming sand. Changes in sand composition which cause changes
in compactability keep unconsidered by using MICOMP 5 type G-CH. To detect these changes in compactability is
the main task of VEDIMAT.
Changes of sand composition (relation of old sand, new sand, bentonite and other dusty fines) need a correction
of water requirements to keep compactability constant. On the one hand changes of sand composition can be
detected manually by conventional and regular laboratory tests. Such detected changes can be compensated by
correcting water requirements manually at the MICOMP 5 (by setting a new water value that should be met). On
the other hand it can be realized automatically by means of VEDIMAT (that reliably controls changes of
compactability caused by changes in sand composition permanently online during production). It is a permanent
interplay between control of compactability and correction of water requirements to keep compactability level
constant. Using VEDIMAT together with MICOMP 5 type G-CH means to keep compactability automatically within
very narrow tolerances throughout all production phases.
The interaction of the systems in everyday practice
Set moisture value at MICOMP 5 type G-CH is for example 3.20% H2O. Moisture of each discharged batch reliably
reaches this set moisture value. Correlating compactability for example is set 40,00%. This compactability value is
controlled online by VEDIMAT. This feedback is permanently given to MICOMP 5 type G-CH. If VEDIMAT
does now detect a reduction of compactability (e.g. caused by more dusty fines) during production (e.g.
39.40%) MICOMP 5 is automatically calculating a corrective new water requirement value (e.g. 3.24%). This
automatic adaption of water requirement to changed sand composition will lead to old compactability value of
40,00% at the moulding machine (Vedimat) again. This is a permanent process.
The fully automatic sand testing system
Installation of VEDIMAT directly
at the moulding machine
moulding machine
Mixer with integrated MICOMP UNI is
more than 90m away from VEDIMAT
example of
Flexible installation frame
for transversal....
....or horizontal conveyor
belt installation
Michenfelder Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG
[email protected] |
(FoMaSys-Module 3)
Background information
VEDIMAT + MICOMP 5 type G-CH are a unit of two independently working systems interacting with each other. Using VEDIMAT and
MICOMP 5 means to be free to prepare moulding sand either as a function of constant moisture or constant compactability. This is an
unique package without competition.
VEDIMAT can be interlinked similar to two moisture control systems type MICOMP 5 G-CH (in conjunction with two different mixers)
provided that both mixers are using same discharge conveyor and discharging procedure of each mixer is inverse. An attribution of
tested sand specimen to each mixer must be guaranteed. VEDIMAT can be additionally equipped with an appliance for testing
compressive strength. Controlling compressive strength allows to draw conclusions on tendencies in the sand / bentonite ratio (in
combination with MiPro -> see description of MiPro also).
A practical example with 1600 batches over two weeks
This MiPro process data record shows a two weeks moulding sand production of a German foundry. Especially it shows achieved
compactability values directly at the moulding machine and correlation of other relevant process data during the same production
period. From the red marked section you can see how the interlinked moisture control system MICOMP 5 in the mixer has
compensated a reduced fines level (blue curve) by precise reductions of required water amounts (brown curve) to keep
compactability automatically constant at 43% (black curve) with an accuracy of ±0.8% (1 st standard deviation).
Fully automatically achieved
accuracy (in 1st standard
deviation) and average value
over a two weeks production.
The fully automatic sand testing system
What can be seen is the
humidity (brown) to keep
compactability (black) constant
at 43%. Changes in sand
VEDIMAT are the reason why
initially only 3.35% H2O and then
almost 3.45% H2O were needed
to keep compactability constant.
Furthermore the influence of
incoming used sand moisture
(olive) to the total water amount
(green) is clearly visible.
Michenfelder Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG
[email protected] |