Dallastown Area Senior


Dallastown Area Senior
Dallastown Area Senior
High School
Departments and Activities
700 New School Lane
Alan L. Fauth, Ed. D.
Dallastown, PA 17313
(717) 244-4021
Applied Arts
Business Education
English Department
Fine Arts Department (Visual Arts & Music)
Health, Phys. Ed., Safety Ed. Department
Learning Support Department
Math Department
Science Department
Social Studies Department
World Language Department
Applied Arts
Mr. Donald Trout - Technology Education donald.trout(Bdallastown.net
Mrs. Patricia Krantz - Family & Consumer Sciences patricia.krantz(adallastown.net
Tech. Ed. offers students the opportunity to become academically skilled and
technologically literate through the use of activities designed to increase their ability to
solve problems. Classes use hands-on, problem-solving activities to teach students
about technology and how to utilize tools, materials, and processes to meet human
Power Tech.
TV/Mass Media
Graphic Arts
Advanced Technology
CNC Machining
Family and Consumer Sciences - Courses offered in this subject area will cover
one or more of the five areas; foods and nutrition, consumerism and management,
housing and culture, clothing and textiles, and human development.
Business Education
Mrs. Pamela Cross - Department Chair pamela.cross(Sdallastown.net
The Business Education Department is in a constant state of change. We are continually
looking toward business and adjusting our courses to meet business's needs and
The Catty Shack is a student-run school store. Students in the Entrepreneur/Sales Class
have the responsibility of doing physical inventory, ordering supplies, organizing and
decorating the store, and working the cash register during lunch and before and after
school. Students also create PowerPoint Presentations as a marketing tool that is shown
during morning announcements.
The FBLA club focuses on activities, studies, and curriculum that prepare the student
for corporate America, entrepreneurship, and continuing education. Using input from
business educators, industry professionals, and college educators, members will be
more prepared for their future.
English Department
Mrs. Sandra Mover - Department Chair sandra.moyertSdallastown.net
The English Department provides a wide range of opportunities to the students of
Dallastown. In addition to courses in reading, writing, and grammar, students may
choose from various additional courses in their areas of interest including theater,
journalism, study skills, mythology, Shakespeare, and creative writing. The English
Department also offers resources for student achievement such as The Writing Center
computer lab, tutorial services, and remediation services for struggling readers and
Activities Related to the English Department
Dallastown Performing Arts Club
The Beacon (newspaper)
The Spectator (yearbook)
Innervisions (literary magazine)
Writing Contests
Book Club
Musical/Dramatic Performances
Speech and Debate Team
The Writing Center is an extension of the English Department; however, it is open to
all departments in the school. Thirty workstations are available to students. Students
come from study halls to complete research assignments or to tj'pe papers that are due
for a class. Faculty may bring an entire class to the center for a special assignment.
Several unique courses offered include
Advanced Reading and Study Skills
British Literature
Contemporary Literature
Literature of Sports & Recreation
Advanced or Basic Composition
Creative Writing
Sports Writing
Oral Communication
Intro to Journalism/Mass Media
Popular Literature for Reading Enrichment
Print Journalism
Public Speaking
Advanced Theater Study
Theater Study
Fine Arts Department
The Fine Arts Department consists of the Visual Arts and Music.
Visual Arts
Mr. Thomas Myers [email protected]
Ms, Casey Doyon casev.dovon(ffdallastown.net
Miss Jillian Kowalewski iillian.kowalewski(it>dallastnwn.net
Drawing and Painting
Creating with Fibers
Portfolio Development
Computer Graphic Design
Art History
Art Major I, II and III
Wind, Brass and Percussion
String Ensemble
Concert Choir
General and Select Choruses
Jazz Band
Marching Band
Music Theory
Our students participate in a ivide variety tffcommunity activities which include:
National Scholastics Art
Painting Halloween murals on the windows of local area businesses
Halloween Parade
Christmas Stockings for St. Jude's
Cultural Diversity Art
Local Bank and Township Building Displays
Providing art for various school functions
Band performances at numerous events
Orchestra and Choral concerts
National Art Honor Society
Children Helping Children - York Pediatrics
High School Musical
Singing at retirement homes
Music-Related Opportunities & Activities
Mr. David Diehl
Orchestra - performs fall & spring concerts and at Commencement
String Ensemble - performs at concerts and provides music at
various special events
Pit Orchestra - provides music for annual spring musical
Mr. James Dougert
Marching Band - performs during football games and in parades
Symphonic Band - performs at the holiday concert and various
spring concerts
Wind Ensemble - performs at various spring concerts
Jazz Band - provides music at various special events
Woodwind Ensemble - coming soon!
Concert Band - performs at the holiday concert and various spring
Brass Ensemble - coming soon!
Mrs. Jennifer McCleary
jennifer.mccleary(5) dallastown.net
Vocal Ensemble - performs both in school and at various outside
Girls Chorus & Concert Choir - performs fall, winter, and spring concerts
Spring Musical -performed by high school students
Indoor Drumline - competes in various competitions throughout the spring
Health, Phys. Ed., Safety Ed. Department
Mrs. Patricia McKinney - Department Chair patricia.mckinney(5)dallastown.riet
Physical Education focuses on the development of healthy bodies and life-long fitness through
participation in sports and exercise. Students have the option to participate in the activities of their
Phys. Ed. courses include:
Core Training /Cross Fit
Battle Ball
Self Defense
Frisbec Golf
Ultimate Frisbee
Flag Football
Dance / Polka Contest
Health classes assist the student in gaining an intelligent understanding of the human
body and mind in order to maintain good health.
Anatomy is a specialized study of the structural and functional relationship of the
human body for students interested in health areas and careers allied to medicine.
Safety Education is the study of safety while driving. This is required of all pupils taking driver
training, but open to all other students. To enroll a student must be 16 years of age before March 1 in the
year the course is scheduled.
Behind-the-M^heel portion is not required for the course. Students have the option of signing up to
drive with any instructor. You will only be eligible for an insurance discount and early senior license if
you successfully complete 30 hours of the course and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training.
Learning Support Department
Mrs. Susan Ness - Department Chair sue.ness(Sdallastown.net
Learning Support sendees at the high school are available for students who:
Have been evaluated for special education and determined
to be in need of an Individual Education Program (IEP)
Have been recommended for assignment to the Learning
Support Program
Although the program is individualized to address a student's
strengths and needs, these services fall into these general
Learning Strategies/Support Classes - small group instruction for areas as
listed on the individual IEP to support the regular education curriculum.
Collaborative Classes - classes taught in the regular education environment
with a regular educator teaming with the learning support staff to deliver
instruction following a regular education curriculum.
Replacement Classes - classes taught in the learning support classroom in the
areas of Math, English, Social Studies, and Science following a modified regular
education curriculum.
In addition ...
Related services as determined by the IEP team are also provided during the
course of the school day.
Transition planning is a major part of the high school IEP to
direct the individual program towards the student's intended
plans following high school graduation.
Other special education programs are provided through the
Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12.
Any questions about any of these services can be directed to
the district Director of Special Education, the learning
support staff, the student's guidance counselor, or a high
school administrator.
Ms. Karen Dressell - Media Specialist karen.dresseil(Sdallastown.net
Our school library is designed to support the
instructional, informational, research, and curricular
needs of our students. Our Media Specialist strives to
provide quality instruction to both students and staff,
maintain current and appropriate resources, and nurture
an appreciation of literature. In a pleasant, user-
oriented learning environment, we are dedicated to
developing life-long readers and independent, ethical
Math Department
Mrs. Christine Staats - Department ChairChristine.staatsOdallastown.net
Pennsylvania Math League - Six times per year, students participate in a thirty
minute quiz. The five highest scores become the "team score" and compete with other
districts in the state.
American Mathematics Contest - Once a year, students may elect to participate in
this contest. This is the first step toward earning the opportunity to become a team
member of the U.S. Math Olympiad Team.
Additional Contests -
Millersville University - Consists of a small team of five students
Quiz Bowl - Another team of six students that compete yearly at Lebanon Valley
Math Lab - Students who have difficulty in math may visit the high school math lab
located in the Library Classroom 1, There is a math teacher on duty each period of the
day to assist students. There is also a student intern available to serve as a peer tutor for
those who need additional help on a regular basis.
Science Department
Mr. Mark Ilyes - Department Chair mark.ilyes (3> dallastown.net
Some of the exciting extra-curricular activities our science department provides our
students include:
Night of Science
Science Fair
Physics Olympics
The Envirothon
Project Greenways
Envirothon - Team meetings begin in
mid-winter. Participants concentrate on material in the areas of wildlife, aquatics, soil,
and forestry which are covered in the competition. Schools from across the county
participate in the Envirothon Competition in May.
> See Mr. Steven Stauffer in room 212 or Mrs. Heather Lloyd in room
210for information!
Project Greenways - This is a joint effort between Dallastown Area High School and
the York Township Commissioners office. Water is collected and tested at various
stream sites. These streams eventually empty into the Chesapeake Bay. The testing is
completed monthly at each site. The collected data will help establish a Greenways plan
for our area.
The field trips include:
York County Science and Engineering Fair
Six Flags Physics Day
Wallops Island
Social Studies Department
Mr. John Myers - Department Chair john.mvers(S)dallastown.net
Our social studies department offers a variety of opportunities to our students which
Ethical Decision Making Day Program
Choice Program
Project Harmony
Law Day - includes guest speakers and an essay
Citizenship Bee
Model U.N. Activities
Model P.A. State Legislator Activities
Meet Your Legislator Program
Penn State University Government/Community Symposium
World Language Department
Mrs. Cherie Garrett - Department Chair cherie.garrett(5idallastown.net
The World Language Department provides five years of instruction in French, German,
and Spanish; four years of Latin instruction are offered. AP Spanish is also available.
Activities and opportunities that the World Language Department offer are:
> French Club
German Club
Latin Club
Spanish Club
Justo Lamas concert
National French testing
Spanish IV Buddy Program with Jackson Elementary ELL students
> Teaching Apprentice Program for students to teach foreign languages in the
elementary schools
Trips to France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Costa Rica
Career Opportunities - School-to-Work
Guidance Office
Career Opportunities
Dr. Jud Stauffer - School-to-Work Coordinator iud.staufferfSdaltastown.net
Workplace Transition
Diversified Occupations
ACE Mentoring
ACE Trades Mentoring
Entrepreneurship Mentoring
Insurance Mentoring
Advanced Skills Center
Career Internships
YES Program
First Robotics
Guidance Office
Dallastown High School students are assigned to counselors according to the first letter
of their last name. Counselors assist students with their social, emotional, and
educational development. Issues include, but are not limited to, academic concerns,
discipline problems, course selection, post-secondary education and career options,
financial aid and scholarships, family issues, peer relationship issues, and drug and
alcohol concerns. In order to reach out to all students, counselors engage in a variety of
activities: one-to-one counseling, groups, student/teacher/parent conferences,
educational/career-focused lessons, etc. Counselors maintain an "open door" policy,
making themselves readily available to students, parents, and teachers. It is the goal of
the High School Guidance Office to assist students in their journey to becoming
successful adults.
Mrs. Kristen Cooper - Department Chair kristen.cooperfadallastouTi.net
Mr. Garrett Boop - Counselor
Mrs. Kathryn Hughes - Counselor
Mrs. Christine Miller - Counselor
Mrs. Erica Poster - Counselor
Ms. Laura Morrison - Alt. Ed. Program Counselor
Activities, Clubs &
Archery Club - To provide students with video tutorials on archery techniques, as well
as the opportunity to practice at the indoor range.
Contacts: Mr. Matt Chilcoat, Room 276, matthew.chilcoat(5>dallastown.net: Mr. Steve
Stauffer, Room 212, steven.stauffer(5>dallastown.net: and Mr. Garrett Boop, Guidance
Office, garrett.boop(g>dallastown.net.
The Beacon (Newspaper) - To serve as an open forum for the communication of
news, information, and opinions, within the student body and to provide practical
experience in writing, editing, graphic design, photojournalism, and newspaper design
for interested students.
Contact: Miss Angie Gable, Room 305, angela.gableOdallastown.net
Big Brothers Big Sisters SMART (Students and Mentors Achieving Results
Together) - To provide a high school student with the opportunity to build a
supportive friendship with an elementary student while helping to improve self-esteem,
academic skills, and social skills of that child.
Contact: Mrs. Sandra Moyer, Room 121, sandra.moyer(5)dallastown.net
Big Buddy/little Buddy Program - To serve as mentors to elementary students by
providing motivation and open ears for the elementary students.
Contact: Mrs. Erica Poster, Guidance Office, Erica.poster(a>dallastown.net
Black Student Union - The purpose of the BSU is to promote activities of common
interest, as well as cultural and educational benefits for the African American student
body. The BSU provides a forum for all students to understand the experiences of Black
people in America, as well as a place for them to voice their differences, goals, and ideas.
Book Club - To promote reading for pleasure.
Contact: Mrs. Cathy Bankoske, Library, catherine.bankoske(q>dallastown.net
Dallastown Performing Arts Club - To provide opportunities for all students to
explore and be involved in a variety of performing arts genres.
Contact: Mrs. Bethany Yuninger, Room 120, bethany.yuninger(5>dallastown.net
Dallastown Students Against Substance Abuse (DSASA) - To conduct activities
that discourage and raise awareness of drug and alcohol abuse.
Contact: Mr. Dave Gable, Room 222, david.gable(5>dallastown.net
Dance Team - To give students who are dedicated to the art of dance the opportunity
to share their talent as well as supporting the school's sports and community events.
Contact: Mrs. Corissa Fetrow, Intermediate School Guidance Office,
co rissa.fetrow(S dallastown.net
Envirothon - To learn about the environment and applied biology while competing
against other schools.
Contact: Mr. Stauffer or Mrs. Lloyd, Room 212, steven.stauffer(Sdallasto\vn.net or
heather .11 oyd (Sdallastown.net
First Priority Prayer Club - Devotionals, prayer, and worship singing once a week.
Service projects are planned to minister to the student body, faculty, and staff.
Contact: Mr. Paul Adams, Room 230, paul.adams(H)dallastown.net
Future Business Leaders of America - To provide innovative leadership
development programs to students and bring business and education together in a
positive working relationship.
Contact: Mr. Keith Downs, Room 308, keith.douTis(a)dallastown.net
Future Educators Association Phi Delta Kappa - To provide students the
opportunity to explore a career in teaching, including presentations on The Student
Teaching Experience, Special Education, Elementary, High School/Middle School,
Teacher Preparation, Round Table Discussions with Teachers-to-Be and New Teachers,
and Education in America.
Contacts: Mrs. Marell Beyer, Room 17, marell.beyer(5)dallastown.net and Dr. Jud
Stauffer. School-to-Work Office, iud.staufferfiBdallastown.net
Gay Straight Alliance - The Dallastown Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) is a respectful
environment for all students to discuss topics affecting us daily. Through the GSA,
Dallastown hopes to be able to include discussion that is universal to all teens.
Discussions are held every other Day 3 from 3:10 - 4:10 p.m. in the Library.
Contact: Cathy DiPiano, cathv.dipianofSdallastown.net
German Club - To promote cultures of German-speaking countries.
Contact: Mrs. Linda Roberts, Room 412, linda.roberts (a) dallastown. net
Handheld Gamers - The Handheld Gamers will be held every Tuesday after school
from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. The club will be held in the library. The purpose of the club is to
have gamers bring in their handheld video game systems and socialize with other
gamers. Multiplayer gaming is highly encouraged. If you don't have a handheld, you
can still join the club. M-rated games are not allowed.
Contact: Ms. Karen Dressell, Library, karen.dressel](n)dallastown.net
Innervisions (Literary Magazine) - To publish the prose, poetry, philosophy, and
artwork of students and in turn promote the arts within the school.
Contact: Mrs. Melissa Ehrhart, Room 140, melissa.ehrhart(5)dallastown.net
International Club - To acquaint members with people and cultures of other nations,
to broaden the minds of all students about the world around them and to promote
related activities.
Contact: Mrs. Tiffany Dacheux, Room 105, tiffany, da cheux(a> dallastown.net
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) - JROTC is a Federal program
sponsored by the United States Armed Forces in high schools across the United States. Our
JROTC instructors teach their cadets to appreciate the ethical values that underlie good
citizenship. Cadets will develop leadership potential, learning to live and work cooperatively
with others. This program is greatly influenced by the armed forces and instills military conduct
principals in students. CUR: CELS tutoring EX: Physical Training, Color Guard, Cyber
Patriot, Drill, Marksmanship
Contacts: Lt. Col. Innerst, Room 10, Joseph.innerst(%dallastown.net and 1st Sgt. Corwin, Room
10, matthew.corwin(5)dallastown.net
Latin Club: Ordo Saeclorum - To give DAHS students of Latin an opportunity to
promote and study the Latin language and Western-Latin civilization outside the
Contact: Dr. Dave Nelson, Room 411, david.nelson(adaliastown.net
National Honor Society (NHS) - To create an enthusiasm for superior scholarship,
to stimulate a desire to serve the community, to promote leadership, and to exemplify
good character.
Contact: Mrs. Karen Sechrist, Room 11, karen.sechrist(Sdallastown.net
Project Greenways - Chemistry club dedicated to maintaining the quality of water in
York County.
Red Cross Club - To represent the American Red Cross in Dallastown Area High
School Store - Catty Shack - To provide Entrepreneurship students with an
opportunity to participate in many areas of business and to provide products to the
student body, such as school supplies and apparel.
Contact: Mrs. Pam Cross, Room 306, pamela.cross(5)dallastown.net
Ski Club - To provide a club for students who share an interest in winter sports, such
as skiing and snowboarding.
Contact: Mr. Wade Fulton, Room 326, wade.fulton(Bdallastown.net
Spanish Club - The Spanish club \vill give members opportunities to experience more
about the Spanish language and culture.
Contact: Mrs. Danielle Pomraning, Room 409, danielle. pom rani ng(6) dallastown.net
The Spectator (Yearbook) - To record the history of each year in a high-quality
yearbook while providing for the staff to learn necessary skills.
Contact: Miss Tina Robertson, Room 320, tina.robertsonOdallastown.net
Speech and Debate Team (Forensics) - A formal method of interactive and
representational argument. DAHS has been extremely successful in statewide
Contact: Ms. Stephanie Borger
Student Council - To represent the student body of high school using the democratic
process and to conduct activities to stimulate involvement and build spirit.
Contact: Mrs. Steff Smeltzer, Room 313A, stefanie.smeltzerOdallastown.net. Mrs.
Allison Turnbull, Room 324, allison.turnbulltffldallastown.net. and Mrs. Heather Lyons,
Room 312, heather .lvonsOdallastown. net
Varsity Club - To serve as an organization for student athletes to work together and
help raise money and be role models for younger athletes.
Contact: Mrs. Shannon Werner, Gym, shannon.wernerOdallastown. net
Video Production Club - Student producers gain more opportunities to create \ideo
projects, learn new skills, and work alongside others with similar interests. Members
will submit work to various film festivals, participate in workshops and have the
opportunity to attend field trips. The club will be open to all Dallastown students, but
commitment to the creative process is a must.
Contact: Mr. Joe Klinedinst, Room 265, ioseDh.klinedinstOdallastowTi.net
Volunteer Club - To provide services and activities which will benefit others and to
bring awareness to their fellow students of the need to be good citizens throughout their
Contact: Mrs. Pat McKinney, Room 294, patricia.mckinneviS)dallastown.net
Yearbook - See "Spectator"
Athletic Department
Mr. Tory Harvey - Athletic Director, tory.harvey(5)dallastown.net
Mr. Jack Markey - Asst. Athletic Director, iack.markev(5)dallastown.net
Fall Season
Boy's Soccer
Cheerleading (football)
Cross Country
Field Hockey
Girls' Tennis
Girl's Volleyball
Winter Season
Cheerleading (basketball and wrestling)
Boys' Lacrosse
Boys' Tennis
Boys' Volleyball
Cheerleading (competition)
Girls' Lacrosse
Girls' Soccer
Track and Field