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A step by step guide
Right now, at this very moment, somewhere in the
world, it's a pretty safe bet that someone is buying a
lottery ticket. Also, you can be absolutely certain that
countless people are dreaming and planning how they will
spend their lottery fortune, when it comes. And many
will be trying to discover a way to make that win possible.
There are simply loads of different methods and systems
for playing lotteries, each with its own claim to be the best
and most certain way to win. You've probably tried some
of these yourself. I know I have! But are there any
methods that could really improve our chances of winning
the lottery? Is there something we should be doing right
now to give ourselves the best possible prospect of success?
To try to answer these questions, I have researched and
investigated a variety of lottery playing methods. I have
made my entries with all of them over a period of time, to
see if any of them appear to work better than others. At
the end of this research, one method definitely stood out
as providing more success, more regularly.
This is the method I have been using now for some considerable time.
It is how I have achieved a fairly regular number of lottery wins,
including more than one occasion when I managed to get two wins
on one ticket.
Although the wins have not yet been the huge and life-changing sums
we probably all dream of, it is still a brilliant feeling to see a winning
ticket rather than a losing one. I'm sure you would agree.
Being a winner is always better than being a loser, don't you think?
What I'm going to do in a moment is go through with you
the exact process of the lottery entry method I use. You
can sort of “look over my shoulder” as I show you, step by step,
everything you need to do. It's not at all difficult or
complicated, it just takes a little bit more time perhaps
than making your usual entries.
But there's one thing I'm NOT going to do.
I'm NOT going to be able to guarantee you will definitely win,
or tell you what next week's winning lottery numbers are going to be.
I'm certain you already realise that nobody can honestly do that.
What I WILL do is give you all the information you need to
be able to have, in my opinion, the best possible chance of
getting lottery wins. You will still need to rely on LUCK, of
course, but now you will be in a much stronger position to
turn that luck into lottery wins – hopefully even regular
and multiple wins. In fact, with a bit of luck on your side,
I'll show you how you will have guarantees of wins that are
simply not possible any other way.
The method I'm going to cover in detail for you here in my guide is often
known as Wheeling. You may have already heard of lottery wheels, but
never properly discovered what it's all about. Maybe you've read about
wheels before but didn't really understand how they work. I can reassure
you that it's not really difficult or complicated. So let me explain to make
it as simple and straightforward as possible.
First, what do we mean by the term Lottery Wheel?
A wheel is simply a method for taking a series of numbers, and then
producing various combinations of selections of those numbers. In this
sense, combinations are really the same thing as permutations. “Perms”
will probably be well known among fans of the Football Pools where
“mixing and matching” of selections is a very popular and economical
way of getting more plays for your total outlay. (By the way, these plans
are called “wheels” because of the way they were often laid out on paper,
where all the numbers and their combinations were written in a circular
pattern, looking a little like the spokes of a wheel).
It's important to keep in mind that no matter how many
line combinations you decide to play, each individual line
stands exactly the same chance of winning as any single
line normally would. But a wheel entry could still give you
a definite advantage, since the lines are interlinked, so two
near-miss lines could hopefully go together to make one
winning line.
Just imagine this situation, which you may well already have
experienced. You play six lottery lines, in the standard, typical
Pick 6 from 49 lottery, each one a totally separate and individual entry.
When you check the result you find you have scored two correct
numbers in one line, one correct in each of three other lines, and
nothing in the other two lines. All five numbers you got are different
from each other. So you managed to hit five different correct numbers
out of the six drawn numbers.
And you win...precisely NOTHING.
Now, if you had played six lines using a Lottery Wheel, the same result
of five correct numbers mentioned above would have guaranteed you
get at least one 3-number winning line. Plus you would have had an
excellent chance, better than 63% in fact, of catching four numbers
in a winning line. So, that's two different entries, exactly the same
cost to play, but the wheeling version could give you a much higher
chance of getting winning lines.
Let's be clear about one important thing: a wheel in itself is not
a guarantee of achieving lottery wins. As ever, we're still
dependent on getting the drawn numbers to match at least
some of our selected numbers. But the facts and results
consistently prove that when you get just some numbers to
match up correctly, the guarantees built into a lottery wheel
can definitely help you get those numbers to fall into a
winning line – plus giving you very good chances of hitting
multiple winning lines at the same time.
Right – let's get started!
As I've already said, this method is not really complicated
or difficult to understand, but you do need to give yourself
time at first to follow it carefully and exactly. So please read
through the steps fully before you do anything else, and
I'm sure it will become clear to you very quickly.
The first step is to select the numbers you want to play in
the next lottery draw. You're probably used to choosing
just six numbers. Well, the good news is that when you
use a wheel, you get to choose more than that. I'm
showing you here what I do, and I prefer to choose 12 numbers
to play with, so immediately you're doubling your options.
And by selecting 12 numbers you're actually covering
about 25% of all the possible numbers in a normal 49-number
lottery draw. In other words around 1 in every 4. Pretty decent
odds, I think you'll agree. So already you might be feeling a little
bit luckier than usual.
Do you have to be limited to choosing just 12 numbers?
Can you pick 15, say, or 18, or 26?
Good questions. The fact is you can actually choose as many
numbers as you like, even all 49 – the lot! The thing is though,
the more numbers you choose the more expensive your entry
will be, and the guarantees are not as strong. I've found that
picking 12 numbers works fine for me and gives good
guarantees at reasonable cost. So let's stick with 12 for the
purpose of this guide.
Right, so now you have your 12 chosen numbers These might
be special favourites, family birthdays, lucky numbers, random
choices or guesses, whatever. (By the way, if you need help or
inspiration to come up with your number choices, there's a
special section at the end of this guide with links to resources
you may find useful, including a free random number generator
and a free numerology calculator). But right now it's time to get
the wheel started up.
What we need now is a Wheel Chart. This is a sort of calculator that
produces the permutations, or combinations, of your chosen numbers.
The wheel chart I'm giving you here in my guide allows for 12 chosen
numbers and produces 6 different combinations of those numbers. These
combinations each consist of six numbers and they will be the actual
lottery lines that you will enter in the next lottery draw. The chart is on a
separate page at the end of this guide, so you can easily print off a copy
when you need it.
On the chart you'll see a table with two rows. One row is headed
“Guide Numbers” 1 to 12, and the other row is a series of 12 empty boxes
headed “Your Chosen Numbers”. You're going to write the 12 numbers you've
already selected in Step 1 into these boxes, one per box under each Guide
Number. I call these “Guide Numbers” because they will actually guide you
towards making your 6 lottery entry lines.
So let's see how this works. This is what it might look like:
I've only written in four numbers to start off the chart above,
as I don't want you to feel influenced by any numbers I happen
to show here. These are only intended to be an illustration,
purely as an example. Obviously you'll be using your own 12 chosen
numbers and you'll write them all in the 12 boxes, across the
complete row.
You may be wondering if the particular order in which you write
the numbers into the wheel chart makes any difference to the result.
Well, the way this wheel calculator works means that the
first combination line it produces always consists of the
first 6 chosen numbers you write down in the boxes, left to
right. Therefore you might want to put any special favourite
numbers you have into these first 6 boxes. This way you will
always get one line that contains all your favourite banker
numbers. We now want the wheel to produce our six
combinations for us.
Don't worry if this all sounds a bit strange at first.
It's actually much easier to do than to describe, and when
you try it I'm sure you'll quickly see how easy it really is.
So on to the next step.
Step 3 is pretty much fully automatic. The six combinations that
will be your lottery entry lines are automatically calculated for
you by the wheel, and they are shown in a table on the wheel
chart. It looks like this:
The six numbers shown alongside each combination row are the
Guide Numbers, 1 to 12, so all you do now is swap each
Guide Number for the corresponding Chosen Number that
you wrote underneath it in Step 2. For example, looking at
the table above, your 1st Combination (lottery entry line) would
consist of the chosen numbers that you had written below Guide
Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. In exactly the same way, your 4 th line
would be the chosen numbers you wrote below Guide Numbers
1, 4, 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This is the final step, and it's one you'll be very familiar
with already. Here you simply write out your lines on the
lottery play slip. The six lines, as by now I'm sure you will
have realized, are the six combinations that you've just
created in Step 3.
And that's all there is to do.
It's now simply a case of “fingers crossed” and wait for the
draw. Don't forget, although I strongly believe, and I reckon
I've proved it for myself, that we can give ourselves the best
possible chance of winning with a lottery wheel, we still need
a slice of good fortune to get at least some of our chosen
numbers to match the actual drawn numbers. But the great
advantage we now have is the built-in guarantees of the wheel
that promise up to 100% assurance of winning lines, if even
only a few of our numbers hit the right spots.
By the way, because using a lottery wheel means you will probably
be playing more lines than usual, it's a great opportunity to get one or
two extra friends together to form a team to share the cost – and the fun!
So, the very best of luck.
Now let's get on with winning!
Just one last thing: anything and everything you win is entirely yours,
of course. The only thing I'd love to share is your good news,
so do please let me know how you get on.
You can contact me at any time at lottery @
and you're welcome to ask any questions you may have as well.
© D. Turner 2013. All rights reserved.
The contents of this document are protected by copyright.
The information is for the sole and exclusive use of the individual user.
Copying, editing, amending, publishing in any form
or offering for sale are strictly prohibited.
When you use the lottery wheel to make your entries,
you'll be selecting your own numbers to play with.
Need some help or inspiration to make the right choices?
Try these ideas:
Here's a FREE Random Number Generator that could
pop up those vital lucky numbers for you
Discover your own unique personal name and birth date
lucky numbers with this FREE Numerology Calculator
Other things you might fancy...
Here you can get 55 Euro Millions lines + both your
Lucky Stars GUARANTEED for just £1
Like to try other lotteries from around the world? Now you can
Think you know your football? You could win a fortune
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