air systems EMA 66 BD Br 70 mm Air to Ground Rocket specifications EMA 66 BD Br Rocket Motor External diameter Length of the motor-rocket Weight of the motor-rocket Thrust Burn time Rotation Operating temperatures 70 mm 1059 mm 6,25 kg 5900 N 1.1 s 35 rps -45 ºC to + 65 ºC CAB AP HE 70 mm Warhead Type Length Weight High explosive 396 mm 3.7 kg CAB AP HE 70 mm Practice Warhead Type Lenght Mass Aluminium 350 mm 2.4 kg EOM FAP M28 Fuse Type Length Weight Diameter Mechanical 102 mm 0.311 kg 45 mm The EMA 66 BD Br rockets, of similar use to the MK66, are double based solid propellant rockets, aerodynamically stabilized by 3 wrap-around retractable fins for use in tactical and training operations, against surface targets, able to be launched from fixed wing or rotative winged aircraft, by means of conventional launchers for 70 mm rockets. In relation to the EMA 40 BD Br rocket, the EMA 66 BD Br is much longer and has greater thrust and rotation, factors that give greater stability and precision in the trajectory. Due to the greater thrust, the rocket has a maximum range of more than 8 000 meters. The EMA 66 BD Br rockets can be configured with 70 mm CAB AP HE warheads and 70 mm CAB TR practice heads. The rockets equipped with warheads also use EOM FAP M28 fuses. ARES Aeroespacial e Defesa S.A. Estrada São Mateus, 293 - Jd. Primavera - 25.215-283 - Duque de Caxias - RJ - Brazil Phone: + 55 21 2677 5350 - Fax: + 55 21 2676 1223 - [email protected] - www.ares.ind.br