Suruhanjaya Tenaga


Suruhanjaya Tenaga
 Suruhanjaya Tenaga Trader Admin Module V2.0 User Guide Dagang Net Technologies Sdn. Bhd. Tower 3, Avenue 5, The Horizon, Bangsar South, No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 603‐2730 0200 Fax: 603‐2713 2121 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Conventions ............................................................................................................................................ 4 1 Getting Started With ePermit ........................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Logging In ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Logging Out ............................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 Trader Admin Profile .............................................................................................................. 8 2 Managing User Account ................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Add User Account ................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Edit User Account ................................................................................................................. 12 2.3 Activate User Account .......................................................................................................... 14 2.4 Delete User Account ............................................................................................................. 15 3 Managing Applicant Details ............................................................................................................ 16 3.1 Add Applicant Details ........................................................................................................... 16 3.2 Edit Applicant Details ............................................................................................................ 18 3.3 Delete Applicant Details ....................................................................................................... 20 4 Managing Agent Details ................................................................................................................. 21 4.1 Add Agent Details ................................................................................................................. 21 4.2 Edit Agent Details ................................................................................................................. 23 4.3 Delete Agent Details ............................................................................................................. 25 5 Managing Importer / Exporter Details ........................................................................................... 26 5.1 Add Importer / Exporter Details ........................................................................................... 26 5.2 Edit Importer / Exporter Details ........................................................................................... 28 5.3 Delete Importer / Exporter Details ....................................................................................... 30 6 Managing Product Profile ............................................................................................................... 31 6.1 Add Product Profile .............................................................................................................. 31 6.2 Edit Product Profile ............................................................................................................... 33 6.3 Delete Product Profile .......................................................................................................... 35 7 Report ............................................................................................................................................. 36 7.1 Detailed Report ..................................................................................................................... 36 7.2 Summary Report ................................................................................................................... 38 2 Introduction ePermit is a web‐based value‐added service provided by Dagang Net Technologies Sdn Bhd (DNT). It is designed to facilitate online applications and approval of permits. You can apply permits from multiple Other Government Agencies (OGA) or Permit Issuing Agencies (PIA). Accessible via, it is one of the core services available under the National Single Window initiative. Approved permits will be routed to Sistem Maklumat Kastam (where applicable) for validation and cross‐reference purposes against Customs declaration. Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) is the regulator for the electricity and gas supply industry. Through ePermit, you can apply to ST for the issuance of Certificate of Approval (COA) to manufacture, import, display, sell or advertise electrical equipment and for Release Letter from Customs Detention. In this guide, you will have a deeper understanding of ePermit system with step by step help. By the end of this guide, you will benefit from the system as it reduces turnaround time, easy to use, convenient and offers multi‐tasking. 3 Conventions Icon Description Function Edit Profile To edit profile Help To view quick guide Search To search for a particular list Show To show filtered search result Add To add item or species Delete To delete application or item Reset To reset page Cancel To cancel application Close To close pop‐up window Save To save application or add item Back To return to previous page Activate To activate inactive user account Generate Report To generate report Print To print generated report Checkbox To select application Previous To go to previous page of a list Next To go to next page of a list Calendar To view calendar Radio Button To select item 4 1 Getting Started With ePermit 1.1 Logging In Before logging in, you must ensure that you have the correct username and password. You may login via or To login, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Launch Internet Explorer Browser Internet Explorer
In your PC desktop, double click the Internet Explorer (IE) to launch it. Step 2 Enter URL (Uniform Resource Locator) At Address Bar Enter Address
In Internet Explorer, go to address bar. Enter: Step 3 Disabling Pop‐up Blocker Turn-off Pop-up Blocker
From the toolbar, select Tools > Pop‐up Blocker > Turn Off Pop‐up Blocker to disable the Pop‐up Blocker. 5 Step 4 Enter Username And Password Enter Username
Enter Password
Login Button
Enter Username and Password. 2
Click on the checkbox Remember Password to disable automatic logout if there were no activity above 30 minutes. button to access the system. 3
Click on the 4
The system will display the main screen. 6 1.2 Logging Out Once done with the system administrative tasks, you are advised to logout from ePermit. To logout, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Logging Out Logout Button
Click the button to logout from ePermit. 7 1.3 Trader Admin Profile You can edit your personal information, contact information and authentication information by going to the Edit Profile screen. To edit profile, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Edit Profile Edit Profile Button
To edit your profile, click on the 2
Enter the necessary information into the field. button. NOTE: Item labeled with * is compulsory. 3
To change your password, enter new password in the Password field. 4
Enter the new password again in the Confirm Password field to confirm your password. 5
Click on the button to submit the profile once done. 8 2 Managing User Account
2.1 Add User Account You can add user account with user’s personal information, contact information and authentication information. To add user account, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Users Screen Users Menu
Click on Users menu as shown. 2
View Users screen appears. Add Button
button. 3
Click 4
Add User screen appears. 9 Step 2 Personal Information 1
Enter user’s First Name, Other Name and Email address. NOTE: * is compulsory. Step 3 Contact Information 1
Enter Address, Postal Code, City and State. 2
Click 3
Enter Office Phone, Home Phone, Mobile Phone and Fax number. to select Country. 10 Step 4 Authentication Information 1
Enter User Name and Password. 2
Re‐enter password to Confirm Password. 3
Tick on the checkbox to activate this account. Step 5 Save User Account 1
Click button to save user account. or Click button to reset all information entered previously. or Click button to cancel Add User account process. 2
User added successfully message screen appears. 3
Click button to complete process. 11 2.2 Edit User Account You can edit user account if there any changes to its information. To edit user account, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Users Screen Users Menu
Click on Users menu as shown. 2
View Users screen appears. Click User Name
Select the user account you want to edit and click on the user’s name. 4
Edit User screen appears. 12 Step 2 Edit User Screen 1
You can edit all the sections available such as User’s Personal Information, Contact Information and Authentication Information. 2
Tick the checkbox to Activate this account or untick the checkbox to Deactivate this user account. 3
Click button to save changes made. or Click button to reset changes made. or Click button to cancel Edit User process. 4
User updated successfully message screen appears. 5
Click button to complete process. 13 2.3 Activate User Account You can activate user account which was deactivated or not activated during add user account process. To activate user account, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Activate User Account Users Menu
Click on Users menu as shown. 2
View Users screen appears. Activate Button
Status Not Active
If the user account was not active, tick on the checkbox to select user account. button to activate the user account. 4
Click 5
User account’s status should be active as shown. Status Active
14 2.4 Delete User Account You can delete user account which has not been in used and deemed unnecessary. To delete user account, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Delete User Account Users Menu
Click on Users menu as shown. 2
View Users screen appears. Delete Button
Tick button
Select the user account that you want to delete and tick on the checkbox. 4
Click 5
Confirm Delete screen appears, to confirm deletion of the choosen user button. account. 6
Click button to confirm delete or button to cancel. 15 3 Managing Applicant Details 3.1 Add Applicant Details You can add applicant details such as applicant’s name, IC/passport no., designation, phone no., fax no. and email. To add applicant details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Applicants Screen Applicants Menu
Click on Applicants menu as shown. 2
View Applicants screen appears. Add Button
button. 3
Click 4
Add Applicant screen appears. 16 Step 2 Add Applicant 1
Enter Applicant Name, Applicant IC / Passport No., Applicant Designation, Applicant Phone No., Applicant Fax No. and Applicant Email. 2
Click button to save Applicant details. or Click button to reset Applicant details. or Click button to cancel. 3
Applicant added successfully message screen appears. 4
Click button to complete process. 17 3.2 Edit Applicant Details You can edit applicant details if there are any changes to it. To edit applicant details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Applicants Screen Applicants Menu
Click on Applicants menu as shown. 2
View Applicants screen appears. Click Name
Select the applicant that you want to edit and click on the applicant’s name. 4
Edit Applicant screen appears. 18 Step 2 Edit Applicant Screen 1
You can edit all the sections available such as Applicant Name, Applicant IC / Passport No., Applicant Designation, Applicant Phone No., Applicant Fax No. and Applicant Email. 2
Click button to save changes made. or Click button to reset changes. or Click button to cancel Edit Applicant process. 3
Applicant updated successfully message screen appears. 4
Click button to complete process. 19 3.3 Delete Applicant Details You can delete applicant details if the applicant is no longer valid. To delete applicant details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Delete Applicant Applicants Menu
Click on Applicants menu as shown. 2
View Applicants screen appears. Delete Button
Tick button
Select the applicant that you want to delete and tick on the checkbox. 4
Click 5
Confirm Delete screen appears, to confirm deletion of the choosen button. applicant. 6
Click button to confirm delete or button to cancel. 20 4 Managing Agent Details 4.1 Add Agent Details You can add agent details such as agent’s code, name and address. To add agent details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Agents Screen Agents Menu
Click on Agents menu as shown. 2
View Agents screen appears. button. 3
Click 4
Add Agent screen appears. 21 Step 2 Add Agent 1
Enter Agent Code, Agent Name and Agent Address. 2
Click button to save Agent details. or Click button to reset Agent details. or Click button to cancel Add Agent process. 3
Agent added successfully message screen appears. 4
Click button to complete process. 22 4.2 Edit Agent Details You can edit agent details if there are any changes to it. To edit agent details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Agents Screen Agents Menu
Click on Agents menu as shown. 2
View Agents screen appears. Click Name
Select the agent that you want to edit and click on the agent’s name. 4
Edit Agent screen appears. 23 Step 2 Edit Agent Screen 1
You can edit all the sections available such as Agent Code, Agent Name and Agent Address. 2
Click button to save changes made. or Click button to reset changes. or Click button to cancel Edit Agent process. 3
Agent Updated Successfully message screen appears. 4
Click button to complete process. 24 4.3 Delete Agent Details You can delete agent details if the agent is no longer valid. To delete agent details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Delete Agent Agents Menu
Click on Agents menu as shown. 2
View Agents screen appears. Delete Button
Tick button
Select the agent that you want to delete and tick on the checkbox. 4
Click 5
Confirm Delete screen appears, to confirm deletion of the choosen agent. button. 6
Click button to confirm delete or button to cancel. 25 5 Managing Importer / Exporter Details 5.1 Add Importer / Exporter Details You can add an importer or an exporter details such as its type, name, code and address. To add importer / exporter details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Importers / Exporters Screen Importers/Exporters Menu
Click on Importers / Exporters menu as shown. 2
View Importers / Exporters screen appears. button. 3
Click 4
Add Importer / Exporter screen appears. 26 Step 2 Add Importer / Exporter 1
Click the radio button to select Importer / Exporter Type. 2
Enter Name, Code and Importer / Exporter Address. 3
Click button to save Importer / Exporter details. or Click button to reset Importer / Exporter details. or Click button to cancel. 4
Importer / Exporter Added Successfully message screen appears. 5
Click button to complete process. 27 5.2 Edit Importer / Exporter Details You can edit importer/exporter details if there are any changes to it. To edit importer / exporter details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Importers / Exporters Screen Importers / Exporters Menu
Click on Importers / Exporters menu as shown. 2
View Importers / Exporters screen appears. Click Name
Select the importer / exporter that you want to edit and click on the importer’s / exporter’s name. 4
Edit Importer / Exporter screen appears. 28 Step 2 Edit Importer / Exporter 1
You can edit all the sections available such as Importer / Exporter Type, Name, Code and Importer / Exporter Address. 2
Click button to save changes made. or Click button to reset changes. or Click button to cancel Edit Importer / Exporter process. 3
Importer / Exporter Updated Successfully message screen appears. 4
Click button to complete process. 29 5.3 Delete Importer / Exporter Details You can delete importer / exporter details if the importer / exporter are no longer valid. To delete importer / exporter details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Delete Importer / Exporter Importers / Exporters Menu
Click on Importers / Exporters menu as shown. 2
View Importers / Exporters screen appears. Delete Button
Tick button
Select the importer / exporter that you want to delete and tick on the checkbox. button. 4
Click 5
Confirm Delete screen appears, to confirm deletion of the choosen importer/exporter. 6
Click button to confirm delete or button to cancel. 30 6 Managing Product Profile 6.1 Add Product Profile You can add product profile with product details such as product code, tariff code, item description and tariff uom. To add product profile, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Product Profile Screen Product Profile Menu
Click on Product Profile menu as shown. 2
View Product Profile screen appears. Add Button
button. 3
Click 4
Add Product Profile screen appears. 31 Step 2 Add Product Profile 1
Enter Product Code. 2
Enter Tariff Code or click 3
Tariff Code pop‐up window appears. button to search for Tariff Code. Show Button
Click Code
Search code by using AHTN tab or Tariff tab. 5
Enter code or description into the search box and click 6
Click on the code to proceed to Add Product Profile screen. button. 7
Item Description and Tariff UOM will be automatically filled. 8
Click button to save Product Profile. or Click button to reset Product Profile. or Click button to cancel. 32 9
Product added successfully message screen appears. 10 Click button to complete process. 6.2 Edit Product Profile You can edit product profile if there are any changes to it. To edit product profile, please follow the steps below: Step 1 View Product Profile Screen Product Profile Menu
Click on Product Profile menu as shown. 2
View Product Profile screen appears. Click Product Code
Select the product code that you want to edit. 4
Edit Product Profile screen appears. 33 Step 2 Edit Product Profile 1
You can edit all the sections available such as Product Code, Tariff Code, Item Description, and Tariff UOM. 2
Once done with the changes, click button to save the changes. or Click button to reset changes. or Click button to cancel Edit Product Profile process. 3
Product updated successfully message screen appears. 4
Click button to complete process. 34 6.3 Delete Product Profile You can delete product profile if the product is no longer valid. To delete product profile details, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Delete Product Profile Product Profile Menu
Click on Product Profile menu as shown. 2
View Product Profile screen appears. Delete Button
Tick button
Select the product code that you want to delete and and tick on the checkbox. 4
Click 5
Confirm Delete screen appears, to confirm deletion of the choosen product button. code. 6
Click button to confirm delete or button to cancel. 35 7 Report 7.1 Detailed Report You can view detailed report of applications from certain period by choosing certain dates. To view detailed report, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Detailed Report Screen Detailed Report Menu
Click on Detailed Report menu as shown. 2
Detailed Report screen appears. Step 2 Generate Detailed Report 1
Click button to select date for From and To. 2
Click to select Permit Type; e.g: Import. 36 button to generate report. 3
Click 4
Detailed Report – (Import) pop‐up window appears. 5
Click button to print report. or Click button to close pop‐up window. 37 7.2 Summary Report You can view a summarized report of applications from certain period by choosing certain dates. To view summary report, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Summary Report Screen Summary Report Menu
Click on Summary Report menu as shown. 2
Summary Report screen appears. Step 2 Generate Summary Report 1
Click button to select date for From and To. 38 button to generate report. 2
Click 3
Summary Report pop‐up window appears. 4
Click button to print report. or Click button to close pop‐up window. 39