Webtop User Guide


Webtop User Guide
Webtop User Guide
Version 5.3 SP2
January 2006
Copyright © 1994-2006 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
.......................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Webtop User Guide
Introduction to WDK-based Applications
.............................................. 15
What is a WDK-based application? ..............................................................
What is a repository? ..................................................................................
What is your checkout directory?.................................................................
What is a workflow? ...................................................................................
What is your inbox? ....................................................................................
What is a document lifecycle? ......................................................................
What is a permission set? ............................................................................
Using the Interface ................................................................................
Logging in and logging out .........................................................................
Logging in .............................................................................................
Logging into additional repositories ........................................................
Logging out ...........................................................................................
Changing your password ........................................................................
Using the additional accessibility options .................................................
Streamline and Classic views.......................................................................
Nodes ........................................................................................................
Performing actions......................................................................................
Navigating a repository ..............................................................................
The navigation path ....................................................................................
Choosing what fields appear on a page ........................................................
Finding an item in a list...............................................................................
Setting the number of items per page .......................................................
Jumping to an item in a list......................................................................
Filtering a list .........................................................................................
Sorting a list ...........................................................................................
Selecting which columns appear in a list ..................................................
Using thumbnails as a visual cue .............................................................
Choosing an item on a selection page ...........................................................
Dragging and dropping ..............................................................................
Opening a new window ..............................................................................
Viewing messages ......................................................................................
Viewing job status (task status) ....................................................................
Viewing your WDK-app product information ..............................................
Searching ..............................................................................................
Configuring external searches .....................................................................
Table of Contents
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Running a simple search .............................................................................
Using quotes and operators to narrow a search.............................................
Running an advanced search .......................................................................
Search results .............................................................................................
Saving a search ...........................................................................................
Running a saved search ..............................................................................
Managing your saved searches ....................................................................
Setting Preferences ...............................................................................
Setting general preferences ..........................................................................
Setting column preferences .........................................................................
Setting virtual document preferences ...........................................................
Setting login preferences .............................................................................
Setting favorite repositories .........................................................................
Setting search sources .................................................................................
Setting formats ...........................................................................................
Creating cabinets, folders and files ...............................................................
Creating a new cabinet ............................................................................
Creating a new folder .............................................................................
Creating a new document .......................................................................
Checking out and editing files .....................................................................
How checking out and editing works .......................................................
The checkout directory............................................................................
Checking out and editing a file ................................................................
Checking in a file ....................................................................................
Canceling checkout .................................................................................
Locating recently used files .....................................................................
Accessing your checked-out files .............................................................
Viewing a file as read only ..........................................................................
Viewing all locations to which an item is linked ............................................
Importing ..................................................................................................
Exporting ...................................................................................................
Deleting .....................................................................................................
Using the clipboard ....................................................................................
Moving an item ..........................................................................................
Copying an item .........................................................................................
Linking items and opening links ..................................................................
Linking an item to multiple locations in the repository ..............................
Creating a shortcut from outside the repository to an item
within it .................................................................................................
Sending a link via email ..........................................................................
Opening a link in an email ......................................................................
Subscribing to an item.................................................................................
Working with Properties ........................................................................
Setting properties .......................................................................................
Viewing history ..........................................................................................
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Webtop User Guide
Table of Contents
Setting a retention date ...............................................................................
Working with Taxonomies and Categories ............................................
Taxonomies overview .................................................................................
Submitting an item for categorization ..........................................................
Creating a category .....................................................................................
Navigating categories .................................................................................
Chapter 8
Working with Versions ..........................................................................
Versions overview ......................................................................................
Viewing versions ........................................................................................
Chapter 9
Working with Renditions and Transformations
Chapter 7
..................................... 87
Working with renditions .............................................................................
Renditions Overview ..............................................................................
Viewing Renditions ................................................................................
Importing a Rendition.............................................................................
Working with Transformations ....................................................................
Transformations Overview ......................................................................
Transforming a Document to PDF or HTML Format .................................
Creating a Rendition Through Transformation .........................................
Creating a Related Object through Transformation....................................
Viewing Transformation Properties .........................................................
Removing a Saved Transformation ..........................................................
Chapter 10
Working with Replicas and Shortcuts ...................................................
Replicas .....................................................................................................
Shortcuts (references)..................................................................................
Chapter 11
Working with Relationships
Chapter 12
Working with Virtual Documents .........................................................
What is a virtual document? ......................................................................
Viewing the structure of a virtual document ...............................................
Viewing the content in a virtual document .................................................
Creating a virtual document ......................................................................
Working with descendants ........................................................................
Adding a descendant ............................................................................
Removing a descendant ........................................................................
Moving and reordering descendants ......................................................
Fixing a descendant to a version ............................................................
Converting a virtual document to a simple document .................................
Modifying a version label ..........................................................................
Working with snapshots ...........................................................................
Creating a snapshot ..............................................................................
Freezing a snapshot ..............................................................................
Unfreezing a snapshot ..........................................................................
Viewing a snapshot ..............................................................................
Chapter 13
Webtop User Guide
Annotating PDF Documents
................................................................. 101
................................................................ 119
Table of Contents
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Working with Forms ............................................................................
Creating a form ........................................................................................
Opening a form ........................................................................................
Entering data in a form .............................................................................
Formatting the content in a form ...............................................................
Working with Collaborative Services ...................................................
Collaborative Services overview ................................................................
Rooms .................................................................................................
Discussions ..........................................................................................
Notes ...................................................................................................
Contextual folders and cabinets .............................................................
Rich text editor .....................................................................................
Working with rooms .................................................................................
Visiting a room .....................................................................................
Linking to a Room ................................................................................
About objects governed by rooms ..........................................................
Ungoverning objects from a Room .....................................................
Creating a room ...................................................................................
Editing the properties of a room ............................................................
About room membership ......................................................................
Managing room membership ................................................................
Copying a room ...................................................................................
Moving or linking to a room ..................................................................
Deleting a room ....................................................................................
Working with discussions .........................................................................
Viewing discussions .............................................................................
Adding and editing comments ..............................................................
Deleting comments ..............................................................................
Discussions in search results .................................................................
Working with notes ..................................................................................
Notes in search results ..........................................................................
Working with contextual folders and cabinets ............................................
Creating a contextual folder ..................................................................
Contextual folders and cabinets in search results ....................................
Working with the Rich Text Editor .............................................................
Adding content to the RTE ....................................................................
The RTE toolbar ...................................................................................
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks ..........................................
Workflows overview .................................................................................
Attached files .......................................................................................
Opening a task or notification from your Inbox...........................................
Accepting a task .......................................................................................
Completing a task.....................................................................................
Getting your next work queue task ............................................................
Rejecting a task .........................................................................................
Reassigning a task ....................................................................................
Repeating a task .......................................................................................
Changing your availability ........................................................................
Starting a workflow ..................................................................................
Webtop User Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Sending a quickflow .................................................................................
Managing Workows ...........................................................................
Viewing workflows ..................................................................................
Viewing audit events ................................................................................
Viewing reports ........................................................................................
Saving workflow information ....................................................................
Changing the workflow supervisor ............................................................
Pausing a workflow ..................................................................................
Resuming a paused workflow ...................................................................
Terminating a workflow ............................................................................
Processing a failed task .............................................................................
Creating a workflow template ...................................................................
Using and Managing Work Queues .....................................................
Work queues overview .............................................................................
Setting up queue management ..................................................................
Sequence for setting up your first work queues ...........................................
Creating a queue category .........................................................................
Creating or modifying a queue policy ........................................................
Creating a work queue ..............................................................................
Managing work queues.............................................................................
Monitoring and updating active queues .....................................................
Assigning a work queue task to a specific user........................................
Unassigning a work queue task from a user ...........................................
Moving a work queue task to another work queue ..................................
Suspending a work queue task ..............................................................
Unsuspending a work queue task ..........................................................
Adding a user or group to a work queue ................................................
Removing a user or group from a work queue ........................................
Updating the user profile in a work queue .............................................
Working with Lifecycles ......................................................................
Lifecycles overview ..................................................................................
Promoting an item ....................................................................................
Demoting an item .....................................................................................
Assigning a lifecycle .................................................................................
Removing a lifecycle .................................................................................
Suspending an item ..................................................................................
Resuming a suspended item ......................................................................
.......................................................... 187
Chapter 20
Accessing Administrative Tools
Chapter 21
Creating Document Templates
Chapter 22
Managing Permission Sets ..................................................................
Permissions overview ...............................................................................
Permissions ..........................................................................................
Access levels ........................................................................................
Webtop User Guide
............................................................ 189
Table of Contents
Chapter 23
Appendix A
Extended permissions ...........................................................................
Additional access control entries............................................................
Folder security .....................................................................................
Default alias sets ...................................................................................
Viewing a permission set ..........................................................................
Viewing where a permission set is used .....................................................
Creating a permission set ..........................................................................
Editing permissions in the Permissions tab .................................................
Modifying a permission set .......................................................................
Setting permissions for an object ................................................................
Deleting a permission set ..........................................................................
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles ...................................................
Users .......................................................................................................
Locating users ......................................................................................
Setting the default permissions for the cabinet of a new user ...................
Creating or modifying users ..................................................................
Creating users ......................................................................................
Creating global users ............................................................................
User properties .....................................................................................
Importing users ....................................................................................
Import user properties ..........................................................................
Deleting users ......................................................................................
Reassigning objects to another user ........................................................
Changing the home repository of a user .................................................
Making a user active or inactive.............................................................
Modifying users ...................................................................................
Viewing groups, workflows, alias sets, permission sets, and
documents of a user ..............................................................................
Viewing or deleting change home repository logs ...................................
Viewing user reassign logs ....................................................................
Rename reports ....................................................................................
Groups ....................................................................................................
About dynamic groups .........................................................................
Locating groups ...................................................................................
Viewing where a group is used..............................................................
Creating or modifying groups ...............................................................
Creating groups ...................................................................................
Modifying or viewing groups ................................................................
Adding users, groups, or roles to a group...............................................
Removing users from a group ...............................................................
Deleting groups ....................................................................................
Reassigning the objects owned by a group .............................................
Viewing group reassign logs .................................................................
Group properties ..................................................................................
Roles .......................................................................................................
Creating or modifying roles ..................................................................
Creating roles .......................................................................................
Adding users, groups, or roles to a role ..................................................
Modifying roles ....................................................................................
Reassigning roles ..................................................................................
Deleting roles .......................................................................................
Role properties .....................................................................................
Webtop Icons
...................................................................................... 239
Webtop User Guide
Table of Contents
Icons common to WDK applications ..........................................................
Webtop User Guide
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 2–1.
Figure 2–2.
Figure 2–3.
Streamline view..............................................................................................
Classic view ...................................................................................................
Nodes common to all WDK-based applications ................................................
Figure 2–4.
Figure 2–5.
Figure 2–6.
Figure 5–1.
Figure 8–1.
Figure 12–1.
Figure 12–2.
Navigation path ............................................................................................. 32
Selection page ................................................................................................ 37
Selection page with area for adding your selections .......................................... 38
Importing files and folders .............................................................................. 65
Versioning...................................................................................................... 84
VDM in the Streamline view ........................................................................ 104
VDM in the Classic view .............................................................................. 105
Figure 15–1.
Figure 16–1.
Repository members in relation to room members, groups, and roles ..............
Integration of a workflow and lifecycle .........................................................
Webtop User Guide
Table of Contents
List of Tables
Table 14–1.
Table 22–1.
Table 22–2.
Formatting buttons in a form .........................................................................
Access levels ................................................................................................
Extended permissions ..................................................................................
Table 22–3.
Table 22–4.
Table 23–1.
Table 23–2.
Table 23–3.
Table 23–4.
Table 23–5.
Additional access control entries....................................................................
Permissions required under folder security ....................................................
Properties of a user .......................................................................................
Import user properties ..................................................................................
Privileges for creating or modifying groups....................................................
Properties of a group ....................................................................................
Properties of a role........................................................................................
Webtop User Guide
Table of Contents
Webtop User Guide
This guide explains how to use EMC Documentum Webtop. This guide describes the behavior of the
default Webtop interface. Your installation might be customized. If so, the interface items you see
might not correspond to those described in this manual.
Revision history
Revision Date
January 2006
Initial release of this guide
To download related documentation, go to the support
area of http://www.documentum.com/.
Webtop User Guide
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 1
Introduction to WDK-based
This section gives an overview of the following:
What is a WDK-based application?, page 15
What is a repository?, page 15
What is your checkout directory?, page 17
What is a workflow?, page 17
What is your inbox?, page 17
What is a document lifecycle?, page 18
What is a permission set?, page 18
What is a WDK-based application?
A WDK-based application is built on WDK (Web Development Kit) functionality. A
WDK-based application lets you access an EMC | Documentum repository over the web.
Webtop is a WDK-based application.
WDK functionality lets you access, edit, and manage content in multiple repositories.
WDK functionality lets you distribute content through automated business processes,
restrict access to content according to permission sets, and assign version numbers to
content to help keep track of revisions.
What is a repository?
A repository is a virtual storehouse for the content you work on and share with other
employees. Each repository provides security, tools, and processes for sharing content
Webtop User Guide
Introduction to WDK-based Applications
among many users. Processes control the automated routing of content and assign
document lifecycles to content. Processes allow you to create, edit, and forward content
regardless of your technical expertise.
A repository stores two kinds of information for a content file:
The content, which is the text, graphics, sound, video, binary content, or other
content that makes up the file.
The properties, which are descriptive characteristics about the file, such as creation
date, author, version number, and other information. Property values can only be
edited by the file’s creator or a user with high enough security settings.
The highest level of organization in a repository is the repository’s nodes. The nodes
provide access to different repository functions and to different ways to organize a
repository’s content. All content in a repository can be accessed through the repository’s
Cabinets node, which organizes the content into cabinets and cabinet folders. Other
nodes provide other organizational schemes for giving you access to content, such as
according to the files you use most often, the files you have used recently, or other
schemes configured by your organization.
In each repository, you have your own home cabinet, with your name on it. Only you
can see or access your home cabinet. Your home cabinet is where you store personal
In each repository, you have your own Inbox. Your Inbox displays tasks that have
been assigned to you and displays any notifications you have requested when specific
actions occur.
When you want to modify a file, you check it out from the repository. This locks the file
so only you can modify it. Other users can view it but cannot make changes to it. When
you complete your changes to the file, you can check it back into the repository, which
replaces the previous version of the file in the repository with the updated one. Checking
in also unlocks the file so that other users can modify it.
When you create a file in the repository, Webtop gives it a version number. A new
file is assigned the version number 1.0. Webtop automatically increments the version
number by a decimal point every time you check out the file and then check it back in.
You can select not to increment, keeping the same version number and overwriting
the existing version.
In addition to content, a repository also stores other items, such as workflows (the
automated sequences for routing files), permission sets, and user profiles. Every item
in a repository whether content or not is stored as a repository object with a defined
object type. Content files typically have an object type of dm_document. The object type
determines the types of properties associated with the object.
The content in a repository is managed by the Documentum Content Server.
Webtop User Guide
Introduction to WDK-based Applications
What is your checkout directory?
When you check out files from a repository, Webtop downloads the files to a location on
your computer. This location is your checkout directory.
You can open, edit, and close the file directly from your checkout directory, whether or
not you are connected to the repository. When you are ready to save the file back to the
repository, you check it back in.
By default, your checkout directory is in one of the following locations:
On Windows operating systems:
On Macintosh operating systems:
Your can change the location of your checkout directory in your Webtop preferences.
In some cases, when you check out a file, Webtop might not copy it to your computer
but instead stream it to your computer. Whether this happens depends on the file’s
editing application. If Webtop streams the file to your computer, it is not saved to your
local machine. For more information on checking out files, refer to the section of this
guide on Checking Out and Editing Files.
What is a workow?
A workflow is a process that electronically passes documents and instructions from
user to user. For example, an employee might initiate a travel expense report; another
employee might review it and return it for revision; and a third employee might approve
it. A workflow automates the process, ensuring that the right file goes to the right people
in the right order.
To start a workflow, you choose the workflow template that specifies the sequence of
tasks you want performed. The template might specify the users to perform each task or
might let you specify the users. The template might include automatic tasks, which are
tasks the system performs before sending the workflow to the next user.
What is your inbox?
Your Inbox contains the tasks and notifications sent to you. Tasks are electronic
assignments sent to you as part of a workflow. When you receive a task, you choose
Webtop User Guide
Introduction to WDK-based Applications
whether to accept it or reject it. When you complete a task, you forward it. The workflow
notifies the next user in sequence. Tasks can include attached files.
Notifications are messages letting you know when a specific action has occurred on a
document. You choose to be notified about certain events by selecting the appropriate
notification option in the document’s properties.
In a repository federation, you have one Inbox for the whole federation.
What is a document lifecycle?
A document lifecycle is a sequence of states a file goes through between its creation and
expiration. When you create a file, the system assigns a document lifecycle to the file and
puts the file into the first state in the lifecycle.
Typical lifecycle states include WIP (Work In Progress), indicating a document is in its
draft phase, and Staging, indicating a document is complete and ready for approvals.
By default, Webtop does not let you make changes to an item that is in the Staging
lifecycle state.
A file advances through its lifecycle states through either manual or automatic
promotion. Typically, a document lifecycle is incorporated into a workflow, and you are
alerted to your role in a file’s lifecycle when a workflow task appears in your Inbox.
What is a permission set?
A permission set determines who can access a particular item in a repository. Each item
in the repository has an associated permission set, determining who can access the item
and what actions each user with access can perform. Your access to a repository item is
determined by the permission set assigned to the item.
A permission set lists the users and groups who have access. The permission set assigns
one of the following seven access levels to each user and group listed. Each access level
includes all the permissions of the preceding levels:
None: No access to the item.
Browse: Users can view the item’s properties (but not its content).
Read: Users can view the item’s content.
Relate: Users can annotate the item.
Version: Users can modify and check in new versions of the item.
Write: Users can modify and check in the item as the same version.
Webtop User Guide
Introduction to WDK-based Applications
Webtop User Guide
Delete: Users can delete items.
Introduction to WDK-based Applications
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 2
Using the Interface
This section describes the following:
Logging in and logging out, page 21
Streamline and Classic views, page 25
Nodes, page 27
Performing actions, page 29
Navigating a repository, page 31
The navigation path, page 32
Choosing what fields appear on a page, page 32
Finding an item in a list, page 33
Choosing an item on a selection page, page 36
Dragging and dropping, page 38
Opening a new window, page 39
Viewing messages, page 39
Viewing job status (task status), page 40
Viewing your WDK-app product information, page 40
Logging in and logging out
This section describes the following:
Logging in, page 22
Logging into additional repositories, page 23
Logging out, page 24
Changing your password, page 24
Using the additional accessibility options, page 24
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Logging in
To log in, you must have the following information:
Webtop URL
Name of the repository you are logging into
Your user name and password for the repository
If applicable: the network location from which you are accessing Webtop
If applicable: the Windows NT domain name for the repository
If applicable: the language of the application that you are running
If you do not have the information, ask your administrator.
To log in:
In your browser, type in the Webtop URL in the appropriate address/location field
and press Enter or click Go.
One of the following happens:
If you saved your credentials via Webtop or if you use another type of automated
authentication, then Webtop automatically logs you in. Skip the rest of this
procedure. You can delete saved credentials in your Webtop Preferences.
If you did not save credentials the last time you logged in, the Login page
appears. Continue with the rest of this procedure.
In the Login Name field, type your user name for the repository you are logging into.
User names are case-sensitive.
In the Password field, type your password for the repository you are logging into.
Passwords are case-sensitive.
In the Repository list, select the repository.
If the Location list is available, select the location on your organization’s network
from which you are accessing Webtop. This is available if your organization’s
network uses distributed content stores. This allows Webtop to access content from
the nearest storage area in the network. Depending on your organization’s setup,
this location might be a fixed value.
To have your local computer log you in automatically the next time you access
Webtop, select Remember my credentials for next time?. If you select this, then
you will not see a Login page the next time you access Webtop. You will be logged
in automatically.
You can delete your saved credentials in Preferences. (You might want to do this to
again access the More Options link when logging in.)
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
The credentials are saved in a cookie on the computer from which you are accessing
Webtop. If you delete this cookie or log in from a different computer, you will have
to type your credentials the next time you log in.
To enter other login information, click More Options and enter or select any of
the following:
A Windows NT domain name.
The language used on Webtop pages.
Additional Accessibility Options
Select this to use the accessibility features. For more information on accessibility
features, refer to Using the additional accessibility options, page 24.
Change Password
Click this to change your password. For more information, refer to Changing
your password, page 24. If LDAP user authentication is used, you cannot
change your password from this page. A system administrator must change
your password on the LDAP server.
Click Login.
Logging into additional repositories
If your organization has multiple repositories, you can log into multiple repositories
during your Webtop session.
To log into a new repository:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
In the Repository list at the upper right side of the page, select the repository or
select Add Repository.
In the left pane (if available), select the repository or click Add Repository.
If you selected Add Repository, select a repository and click OK.
Type your user name and password for the repository.
Click Login.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Logging out
To log out:
Do one of the following:
At the top of the page, click Logout.
Select File>Logout.
Changing your password
Note that if LDAP user authentication is used, you cannot change your password from
this page. A system administrator must change your password on the LDAP server.
To change your password:
On the login page, click More Options.
Click Change Password.
In the Current Password field, type your current password.
In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, type the new password. It
is good practice to use a password that consists a mixture of letters and numbers.
Click Change Password.
Using the additional accessibility options
If available, the accessibility mode provides an alternate way to use the interface. The
accessibility mode provides lists instead of menus and provides added descriptive text.
The accessibility mode provides linear navigation, tab navigation, and ALT tags with
descriptions of elements.
Note: The accessibility options are not supported in Documentum Administrator.
To use the accessibility mode:
In the Login Name field, type your case-sensitive user name.
In the Password field, type your case-sensitive password.
In the Repositories field, select the repository.
Click More Options.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
IMPORTANT: If you have saved your login credentials (using Remember my
credentials for next time), then you will not see the Login page. To see the Login
page, you must first either delete your saved credentials in Preferences or delete the
computer cookie that contains your saved credentials.
Select Additional Accessibility Options.
Click Login.
Known issues in the accessibility mode:
For linear navigation, you must use the Classic view.
Large numbers of frames. Screen readers with frame navigation features help in
dealing with this problem.
Drop-list form control causes immediate navigation. JAWS users can use
ALT+up/down arrow to avoid immediate navigation.
Refreshing returns you to the top level of your home node.
Components developed or modified by a third party might not be accessible.
Streamline and Classic views
There are two different views: the Streamline view and the Classic view.
The Streamline view gives access to most commonly used functions. In the Streamline
view, you process items one item at a time.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Figure 2-1. Streamline view
The Classic view includes the menu bar and gives you access to all the functions in
Webtop, depending on your permissions (your access to certain functions might be
limited by your permission levels). The Classic view allows you to process multiple
items at once. Administrative functions are available through the Classic view.
You can resize the left and right panes in the Classic view by clicking the bar between
them, holding down your mouse button, dragging the bar to the right or left, and letting
go of the mouse button.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Figure 2-2. Classic view
You can change views at any time. Webtop maintains your location in the repository. If a
location is not available from the new view, Webtop displays your default page. (You can
set your default page in your Preferences.)
To switch between views:
At the bottom of the page, click either Streamline or Classic.
The top level of a repository consists of the different nodes that give you access to the
different functions and types of objects in Webtop. To open a node, click it.
In the Streamline view, nodes appear as tabs, as shown here:
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
If the size of your window is too small to display all the tabs, arrows appear, as shown
In the Classic view, nodes appear as a navigation tree in the left pane. The following
figure shows a basic set of nodes. Your application might display more nodes.
Figure 2-3. Nodes common to all WDK-based applications
A basic WDK installation includes the following default nodes. Your application might
include additional nodes:
Displays the tasks and notifications sent to you
My Files
Displays the files you have recently created, edited or checked out
Displays the files and folders to which you want quick access
Offers alternate ways of grouping files from the way they are organized in the
cabinets. For example, a cabinet might organize files according to how they are
structured on a website, but that might not be the most logical way to organize files
for internal access by web authors. The categories would let your organization group
files according to how the authors would access them, such as according to which
department is responsible for certain content.
Displays the highest level of organization in a repository. Cabinets hold folders
and files.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Home Cabinet
Contains your personal documents and folders. Only you can see or access your
home cabinet. This is where you store personal documents.
Administration (Classic view only)
Gives access to system settings and administrative functions.
Performing actions
In the Streamline view, you perform actions on one item at a time. Actions that apply
to the current location appear as hyperlinks above the list of items. Available actions
are underlined, as shown here:
Actions that apply to a list item appear as hyperlinks next to that item. Available actions
are underlined. The More link opens a menu of additional actions. (If you use the
accessibility mode, the More link is replaced by the Actions link.)
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
In the Classic view, you can perform
actions on several items at once. To perform an action on one or more items, select the
checkboxes for the items, then select the action. The more commonly used actions
appear in the toolbar at the top of the page, as shown here:
In the Classic view, all available actions appear in the menu bar, just below the toolbar,
as shown here:
These include actions that apply to both the location and the list items. Available
actions are highlighted in the menus. (If you are using the accessibility mode, menus
are replaced by the Global Actions and Actions links, which display lists of available
actions. In this guide, where a procedure indicates that you should select a menu, you
should instead select the appropriate accessibility mode link.)
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Navigating a repository
This topic includes two procedures: one for navigating via the Streamline view and one
for navigating via the Classic view. Use these procedures when navigating cabinets,
taxonomies, or other directory structures.
To navigate the repository via the Streamline view:
Click the tab corresponding to the node you want to navigate.
For example, to navigate the Categories node, click the Categories tab.
The next directory level opens. To open a location in the directory (such as a folder),
click the location. You can continue “drilling down” through the directory structure
by continuing to click locations until you find the item you are looking for.
To go back to a higher level in the directory structure, do one of the following:
In the navigation path at the top of the page, click the directory location you
want to go to.
To go to the top level of a node, click the node.
To navigate a repository via the Classic view:
In the Classic view, the left pane displays a directory tree showing you the repository’s
directory structure. The right pane displays the contents of the item selected in the
left pane.
To expand an item in the left pane, click its plus sign (+).
The item expands in the left pane to display the next level of folders and nodes
contained within it.
When you click the plus sign, the display in the right pane does not change. To
change the display in the right pane, you must click the item itself.
If a folder contains more than 50 subfolders, it does not immediately expand.
Instead, Webtop displays a number, telling you how many subfolders exist. For
example, if there were 460 subfolders, Webtop would display 460 folders. You can
display the subfolders in the left pane, by clicking this number. Or, you can click the
name of the parent folder in the left pane to display the list of subfolders in the right
pane. If you navigate to a subfolder in the right pane, the subfolder’s name is added
to the tree in the left pane, but the tree is not expanded. The numerical designation
changes to tell you how many folders are still undisplayed.
To collapse an item in the left pane, click item’s minus sign (-).
To go back to a higher level in the directory, do one of the following:
Webtop User Guide
In the left pane, click the location you want to go to.
In the navigation path at the top of the page, click the location you want to go to.
Using the Interface
The navigation path
As you open directories or perform actions, a path appears at the top of the page
showing you the location to which you have navigated or the action you are viewing.
You can click any folder in the path to return to that location. The following figure
shows the navigation path and the available actions within the location to which you
have navigated.
Figure 2-4. Navigation path
Choosing what elds appear on a page
When displaying an object’s properties, users with administrative privileges can
sometimes display additional fields on a page. If a page displays the [+] Show Options
link, or the [+] Show More link you can select the link to show additional properties or
options. To see the complete list of properties associated with the object type you can
select the Show All Properties checkbox.
The displayed properties vary, depending on the object type of the source document.
The fields are editable if applicable. For detailed explanations of properties, refer to the
description of the object type in the Content Server Object Reference Manual.
To hide additional fields or options, select [-] Hide Options or [-] Hide More link.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Finding an item in a list
This section describes the following:
Setting the number of items per page, page 33
Jumping to an item in a list, page 33
Filtering a list, page 34
Sorting a list, page 34
Selecting which columns appear in a list, page 35
Using thumbnails as a visual cue, page 36
Setting the number of items per page
You can select the maximum number of items to display per page. Additional items carry
over to the next page. You can select the maximum in the Items per page list, shown here:
A field above the list tells you how many pages the list contains. For example, if this
then you are viewing the first page of a five-page list.
To move forward or back one page at a time, click the single arrows:
To go to the first or last page in the list, click the double arrows:
To go to a specific page number, type the page number in the text field and press Enter.
Jumping to an item in a list
If the Starts with field appears at the top of a list or directory, you can jump to an item
in a list without having to scroll through the whole list:
If you type the first few characters in a the file name and then click Go, Webtop jumps to
the items in the list that begin with those characters. You can also type a location. This
topic includes two procedures: one for jumping to items and the other for jumping to
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
To locate an item using the Starts With eld:
In the Starts with field, type the first few letters of the item name.
Click Go.
To nd a location using the Starts With eld:
In the Starts with field, type all of the path or the start of the path. Use the following
For example, to jump to a folder named “xyz_folder” at the top level of a cabinet
named “abc_cabinet,” you would type the following:
Click Go.
Filtering a list
You can use filters to narrow the types of items displayed in a list. If filters are available,
they are accessed through either a selection list:
or a button:
The Filter button allows you to apply multiple filters at once. For example, you could
filter by both status and locale to display files that have both a Staging lifecycle and a
French locale. To apply multiple filters at once, click the Filter button to display the
available filters. For each available filter, select the value for which you want to filter.
Note: If your WDK-based application lets you filter for files on a WIP website, then the
resulting display will also include non-WIP files. This is intentional behavior.
Sorting a list
When you sort items in a list, they appear in descending order.
To sort items in the Streamline view:
To sort, click one of the properties on the Sort by line, as shown here:
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
To reverse the sort order, select the property a second time.
To sort items in the Classic view:
Click a column heading, as shown here:
To sort by lock owner, click the key icon:
To reverse the sort order, select the column heading a second time.
Selecting which columns appear in a list
You can select which properties appear in lists and change the order in which the
columns for the properties appear. For example, a list might display values for Name,
Size, Modified, and Format, as shown here:
You could choose to remove Size and add Creator, as shown here:
To select which columns appear for a particular view:
Navigate to the view.
If the Same as Cabinets checkbox appears, you can copy the cabinet’s settings by
marking the checkbox and skipping the rest of this procedure.
To add a property to be displayed as a column, do the following:
In the Select object type list, select the object type that contains the property you
want to display. The properties appear in the Select attributes to display list.
To see the properties for all standard object types, select Default Items.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Note: To see the properties for a custom object type, the custom object type must
be added to the list by an administrator and then you must select that custom
object type in the Select object type list.
b. In the Select attributes to display list, select the property you want displayed
in a column.
Click Add.
d. Repeat these substeps for as many properties as you want to add.
To change the order in which columns are displayed, select a property in the Selected
attributes to display as column and click Up or Down, as appropriate.
To remove a property that is displayed as a column, select the property in the
Selected attributes to display as column and click Remove.
When you are done adding and removing properties, click OK.
Column settings are maintained per user profile, per machine. If you use a different
machine, you will have to specify your column settings again for that machine.
Using thumbnails as a visual cue
If configured to do so, Webtop can display thumbnails as visual cues to a file’s type or
content. For an image file, a thumbnail is usually a smaller rendition of the image. For
other types of files, a thumbnail is usually a standard file-type graphic.
If configured to do so, Webtop creates thumbnails for new files when they are first
created or imported into the repository. Note that the new thumbnail might not
appear right away. Thumbnail creation is performed asynchronously, which means the
thumbnail might not be immediately available.
To display thumbnails in lists:
While viewing a list of files, select the Thumbnails checkbox. The checkbox toggles
the thumbnail display on and off.
Choosing an item on a selection page
Certain procedures in Webtop prompt you to choose an item from a selection page
(shown below). This procedure describes how to use a selection page.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Figure 2-5. Selection page
To choose an item on a selection page:
On the left side of the selection page, click the node you want to browse.
In the list, navigate to the desired item. Use standard Webtop navigation. In other
words, navigate in the same way you would navigate any other list in Webtop.
When you locate the desired item, select the item’s checkbox. If allowed, you can
select multiple items.
If the selection page has an area to the right for adding the selections, then you
must move the selections to that area by clicking the right arrow button. You can
add multiple selections. If the selection page does not have an area for adding the
selections, skip this step.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Figure 2-6. Selection page with area for adding your selections
When you are done making your selections, click OK.
Dragging and dropping
The drag-and-drop feature allows you to grab files or other objects with your mouse and
move them to a new location. You perform drag-and-drop either by moving an item
from one Webtop window to another Webtop window, or by moving an item from
one pane in the Classic view to the other.
You can use the drag-and-drop feature to move items from and to the following:
From the clipboard to a repository location
From any list view (such as a folder list, a category list, or search results) to another
location in the repository
From a location within a virtual document to another location within the virtual
From a repository to a local file system or vice versa
To enable drag-and-drop:
Install the WdkPluginCab plug-in, which you do via Preferences. This is installed
in the following location on your local computer:
C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
To drag and drop an item from one location to another:
In either the left pane or the right pane, place your mouse pointer over the item.
Click and hold down the right mouse button.
While keeping the right mouse button held down, drag the item to a location in
the opposite pane.
Let go of the right mouse button.
If a menu appears, select the desired action.
Opening a new window
If this option is available in your WDK-based application, then when in a repository, you
can open a new, separate window for the repository. You can use this feature if you want
to view multiple areas in a repository at the same time, or view multiple repositories at
the same time.
To open a new window for the current repository:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Window.
Select Tools>New Window.
Viewing messages
Success messages and error messages are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of
the page, as shown here:
If a message is longer than the status bar’s display area, you can view the full message by
clicking the View Messages button in the status bar. This opens the Message Viewer,
which displays your recent messages.
Webtop User Guide
Using the Interface
Viewing job status (task status)
To display the status of background jobs, you click either the Job Status button or Task
Status button in the status bar. Which button appears depends on the WDK application
you are using.
You would view job or task status, for example, if demoting a file is performed
asynchronously. To find out if the job has completed, you click the button.
The button appears “dirty” if you have unread status messages reported by an
asynchronous task.
An animated image appears next to the button if there is an ongoing asynchronous task.
To update status, click Refresh.
Viewing your WDK-app product information
To view the version number and other product information:
Select File>About Webtop.
To access the EMC or EMC|Documentum website, click the appropriate logo.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 3
This section describes the following:
Configuring external searches, page 41
Running a simple search, page 42
Using quotes and operators to narrow a search, page 42
Running an advanced search, page 43
Search results, page 44
Saving a search, page 45
Running a saved search, page 45
Managing your saved searches, page 46
Conguring external searches
In order for users to search external sources, an administrator must configure Webtop’s
connection to an ECIS search server. If this connection has not been configured, users
cannot include external sources in your search.
To congure the connection to an ECIS search server:
Navigate to dfc.properties, located in one of the following, depending on the
operating system:
Open dfc.properties in a text editor.
Enable the ECIS search server by setting the following:
Webtop User Guide
Specify the RMI Registry host to connect to ECI Server by setting the following:
where localhost is IP address or machine name of the ECI Server and where port is
the port number Webtop uses to access the ECI server. The default port is 3005.
Running a simple search
A simple search matches your search words against indexed text and against text
properties. A simple search looks in the internal and external locations that are
designated in your advanced search screen.
A simple search returns documents that have at least one of your search words. The
search results first display documents that have all your search words and then, second,
display documents that do not have all the terms but have at least one.
To narrow your search, you can use quotes and operators. For details, see Using quotes
and operators to narrow a search, page 42.
To perform a simple search:
In the Search field at the top of the page, type the text for which to search. To
separate text, you type a space. To search for a phrase or for combinations of words,
you can use quotes and operators, as described in Using quotes and operators to
narrow a search, page 42.
Click Go.
While the search runs, Webtop displays the first page of results. To view the status of
the search, click Processing in the upper right corner of the page.
To revise the search and run it again, click Edit Search and then following the
instructions in Running an advanced search, page 43.
To save the search, click Save Search (for more information see Saving a search,
page 45).
Using quotes and operators to narrow a search
You can use quotes and operators (and, or) to narrow a search. You can use quotes and
operators in a simple search (see Running a simple search, page 42) and in the Contains
field of an advanced search (see Running an advanced search, page 43).
Use quotes and operators as follows:
Webtop User Guide
Type quotes around words to return documents that have the exact word or phrase.
For example, type "network" to find only those documents that have the word
network. The search would leave out documents that have the word networking but
that do not have the word network.
Or, for example, type "knowledge management" to return documents that have the
exact phrase knowledge management. The search would leave out documents that
have the words knowledge and management separated.
Operators (and, or)
Type and to find documents that have both words connected by the and operator.
Type or to find documents that have at least one of the words connected by the
or operator.
When there are three or more values, the order of operations follows the order of
definition. Each time you add an operator, the previous operators are grouped together.
Running an advanced search
An advanced search allows you to select the locations in which to search and to select
what properties to search.
Depending on your organization’s setup, you can search external sources as well as
your organization’s repositories.
To perform an advanced search:
Do one of the following, depending on your WDK-based application:
In the banner at the top of the Webtop page, click Advanced.
In the left pane, click Advanced Search.
The Advanced Search page opens displaying the General tab.
In the Contains field, type the words for which you want to search. Depending on
the repository, this searches against a file’s content and some properties. To separate
text, type a space. To search for a phrase or for combinations of words, you can
use quotes and operators, as described in Using quotes and operators to narrow
a search, page 42.
In the Locations list, select the locations in which to search.
To add locations to the list, click Edit and do the following:
In the left-hand list, browse to the location you want to add, then select the
location, and click
b. Repeat the last step for as many locations as you want to add.
Webtop User Guide
Click OK.
In the Properties list, select the properties to search for by doing the following:
In the first field, select a property upon which to search. In the second field, select
the relationship of your search value to the property value. In the remaining
fields, enter your search values.
b. To search based on another property value, click Add another property and
then select one of the following:
This returns search results that match this property value and the property
value on the previous line.
This returns search results that match either this property value or the
property value on the previous line.
Note: When there are three or more values, the order of operations follows the
order of definition. Each time you add an operator (And or Or ), the previous
operators are grouped together.
In the first field, select a property upon which to search. In the second field, select
the relationship of your search value to the property value. In the remaining
fields, enter your search values.
d. Repeat steps Step b and Step c for as many property values as you want to add.
To remove a property from the search criteria, click Remove.
In the Date field, you can search for items for which a specific action occurred during
a specific time. To search on this, select the action in the first field, and then select
the time period in the remaining fields.
In Size field, select the range of file sizes that you want to search for.
To include hidden objects in the search, select Find hidden objects. Hidden objects
are only visible to users with Read or Write permissions for the object. The search
displays only the objects you have permission to view.
To search for past versions as well as the current version of a file, select Find all
Click Search.
Search results
The search results display the items that match your search criteria.
Webtop User Guide
If you searched based on a text-based property, such as name, the words that match
your search values are highlighted.
Saving a search
After performing a search, you can save the search to run again later.
To save a search:
From the search results page, click Save Search.
In the Name field, type a name for the search.
The Description field is pre-filled with the query description. You can edit this if you
desire. The field should not be left empty.
In the Location field, you select the repository in which to save the search. The
specific path in the repository in which the search is saved is predetermined.
Click OK to save the search. If the name of the saved search already exists, the
system asks you if you want to overwrite the search. Clicking Yes overwrites the
search. Clicking No saves the search as a new object. All saved searches can be
accessed using My Saved Searches tab orAll Saved Search tab.
Running a saved search
This procedure describes how to rerun a search that you have previously saved. When
you rerun the search, the search uses the same parameters but returns updated results.
To run a saved search:
Do one of the following, depending on your WDK-based application:
In the banner at the top of the Webtop page, click Advanced.
In the left pane, click Advanced Search.
Select one of the following tabs:
My Saved Searches
Select this tab to run a search that you have saved in the repository you are
currently viewing.
All Saved Searches
Select this tab to run all end-user saved searches to which you have at least Read
permissions. These searches may have been saved into any other repository
that you may be currently not viewing.
Webtop User Guide
If you have selected All Saved Searches, select the repository in which the search
is saved.
To modify the search parameters before running the search, click Edit on the search’s
line item.
Revising a saved search opens up the general tab of the advanced search screen
with all the parameters pre-filled for that saved search. Make your changes and
click Search.
The changes will be used for running this saved search, unless you specify they
should be saved permanently. Click Save Search to save the new search.
On the search’s line item, click Search to display the results of the search.
If Webtop requires you to enter credentials for a search source, do so.
After the search results appear, you can do the following:
To run the search again with modified search parameters, click Edit Search.
Revise this search opens up the general tab of the advanced search screen with
all the parameters pre-filled for that saved search.
For both My Saved Searches and All Saved Searches, you can change the
To save the search, click Save Search. See Saving a search, page 45.
Managing your saved searches
This procedure describes how to access, revise, and delete saved searches.
To manage saved searches:
Do one of the following, depending on your WDK-based application:
In the banner at the top of the Webtop page, click Advanced.
In the left pane, click Advanced Search.
The Advanced Search page opens displaying the General tab.
Select one of the following tabs:
My Saved Searches
Select this tab to manage searches that have saved in the current repository.
All Saved Searches
Select this tab to manage searches that you have saved in repositories other
than the current repository.
The changes will be used for running this saved search, unless you specify they
should be saved permanently. Click Save Search to save the new search.
Webtop User Guide
To revise a search, click Edit on the search’s line item and modify the search
For both My Saved Searches and All Saved Searches, you can change the repository.
To remove a saved search, click Remove on the search’s line item.
Webtop User Guide
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 4
Setting Preferences
Preferences determine your personal settings and are stored on your computer. The preferences are
specific to that computer. If you use another computer, it might not have the same preference settings.
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, your preferences are stored in a cookie. If you delete the
cookie, you lose the preference settings.
To access preferences:
Click Preferences in the banner. Then follow the procedure appropriate to the
preferences you want to set:
Setting general preferences, page 49
Setting column preferences, page 50
Setting virtual document preferences, page 51
Setting login preferences, page 52
Setting favorite repositories, page 52
Setting search sources, page 53
Setting formats, page 54
Some of the preferences listed here might not be available in your installation of
Webtop. What appears depends on your organization’s setup.
Setting general preferences
To set general preferences:
On the Preferences page, select the General tab.
In Application Type field, select whether the Classic view or Streamline view
appears when you log in.
In Section to start in, select the page that displays when you log in. For example,
if you select Subscriptions, Webtop displays your Subscriptions node when you
log in.
Webtop User Guide
Setting Preferences
In Theme, select the set of colors, patterns and fonts used in your display.
In Accessibility Options, select whether popup text and navigation shortcuts to
appear. Popup text descriptions appear when you hover the mouse over an interface
In Checkout location, you can change the location of your checkout directory. Your
checkout directory is the location on your computer where Webtop copies files when
you access them for editing — i.e., check them out — from the repository.
In Drag and Drop, select the checkbox if you want to use the drag and drop plug-in.
This option requires that you restart your browser before your changes take affect.
In Hidden objects, select Show hidden objects if you want Webtop to display
hidden objects. Hidden objects are only visible to users with Read or Write
permissions for the object.
To save your changes, click OK.
Setting column preferences
You can set the columns that are displayed for each node and that are displayed for
virtual documents.
To set column preferences:
On the Preferences page, select the Columns tab.
Scroll to the node/view combination for which you want to set columns. Click Edit
for that view.
To display a property, do the following:
In the Select object type list, select the object type that contains the property you
want to display. The available properties in that object type then appear in the
Select attributes to display list. If you select Default Items, the properties for all
object types in the repository appear.
b. In the Select attributes to display list, select the property you want displayed
as a column.
Click the right arrow.
d. Repeat these steps for as many properties as you want to add.
To change the order in which columns are displayed, select a property in the Selected
attributes to display as column list and click the up or down arrow.
To remove a property from display, select the property in the Selected attributes to
display as column list and click the left arrow.
Webtop User Guide
Setting Preferences
Click OK.
Click OK.
Setting virtual document preferences
If your WDK-based application uses virtual documents, you can set preferences for
virtual documents using this procedure.
To set virtual document preferences:
On the Preferences page, select the Virtual Documents tab.
In Opening options, select what happens when you open a virtual document by
clicking its name. This does not apply if the virtual document is already opened
in Virtual Document Manager (VDM):
View structure:
When you click the virtual document’s name, the first level of nested files
View content:
When you click the virtual document’s name, a read-only copy of the content
Prompt each time:
When you click the virtual document’s name, you are prompted to select to
display the structure or the read-only content.
If there is no content in a virtual document, then VDM automatically displays the
virtual document’s structure, regardless of how you set this preference.
If you want VDM to display broken bindings, select Show broken bindings. A
binding is broken if VDM cannot find the version of a component specified by the
component’s binding rule.
In Copy, select what happens when you copy a virtual document to your clipboard.
You can select one of the following:
Root only:
Copies the content and properties of the parent file only.
Root and descendants:
Copies the parent file and all the descendants nested in the parent file, including
descendants of descendants and so on.
Root and link to existing descendants:
Copies the parent file and references the descendants.
Webtop User Guide
Setting Preferences
Prompt me each time:
Prompts you to select what to copy.
In Check out, select what happens when you attempt to check out an item that is
locked by another user:
Download as read-only:
Downloads a copy of the item as read-only.
Prompt me each time:
Prompts you to select whether to download as read-only.
To save your changes, click OK.
Setting login preferences
If when logging in you checked Remember my credentials for next time, then you
can view your saved credentials in the Login preferences. You can delete your saved
credentials from the page.
To set login preferences:
On the Preferences page, select the Login tab.
Your saved credentials are displayed.
To delete your saved credentials, click Remove saved credentials.
Click OK.
Setting favorite repositories
The Repositories tab determines what repositories appear when you log in.
If you use a link or bookmark to access a file in a repository that is not in your
Repositories list, the repository is added to your list.
Preferences are maintained per user profile on a particular machine. If you use a different
machine, you will have to specify your favorite repositories again for that machine.
To set favorite repositories:
On the Preferences page, select the Repositories tab.
In the Select a Repository list, select the repository you want to add and click the
right arrow. Repeat this step for as many repositories as you want to add.
Webtop User Guide
Setting Preferences
To remove a repository from your Repositories list, select the repository and click
the left arrow. Repeat this step for as many repositories as you want to remove.
When you log in or change repositories, the repositories will appear in the order
in which they are listed in the Repositories list. To change the order, select the
repository you want to move up or down in the list, and then click the up or down
arrow. Repeat this step for as many repositories as you want to move within the list.
Click OK.
Setting search sources
You can set default locations for searches.
To set search sources:
On the Preferences page, select the Search tab.
Select the default locations for searches:
My Favorite Repositories:
This sets your default search locations to all the repositories in your default
repositories list. You can view or modify your default list in the Repositories
tab in Preferences.
Current repository only:
This sets your default search location to the repository that you are currently
viewing at the time of the search.
This sets your default search locations to specific locations you select.
If you selected Other, navigate in the Available Repositories list to the location you
want to add and select it. If you are prompted for your user name and password,
enter these. Click the right arrow. Repeat this step for as many locations as you
want to add.
To remove a location from the Included in Search locations, select it and click the
left arrow.
To save your changes, click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Setting Preferences
Setting formats
You can use the Formats preference to determine the applications used for viewing and
editing files of a specific Documentum object type.
To set format preferences:
On the Preferences page, select the Formats tab.
In the Choose object type list, select the object type for which you want to set the
In the Object’s primary format list, select the file format that you want associated
with this object type.
To set options for performing a read-only viewing of a file of this object type, set
the following:
Format for viewing
The format designated by the file extension.
Would you like this content to appear in the web browser?
If the viewing application can be opened via a browser, you can make that the
default for viewing. Selecting Yes opens the file within your browser and does
not launch another application.
Application for viewing
The application used when viewing.
In the Application for editing list, select the application used when editing a file
of this object type.
To save your changes, click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 5
Working with Cabinets, Folders and
This section describes the following:
Creating cabinets, folders and files, page 55
Checking out and editing files, page 58
Viewing a file as read only, page 64
Viewing all locations to which an item is linked, page 64
Importing, page 65
Exporting, page 66
Deleting, page 67
Using the clipboard, page 68
Moving an item, page 69
Copying an item, page 70
Linking items and opening links, page 70
Subscribing to an item, page 73
Creating cabinets, folders and les
This section describes the following:
Creating a new cabinet, page 56
Creating a new folder, page 56
Creating a new document, page 57
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Creating a new cabinet
Note: If your WDK-based application includes web cabinets, then to create web cabinets
you use a separate procedure. See the index or table of contents for the procedure.
To create a new cabinet:
Navigate to the repository where you want to create the cabinet.
Select the Cabinets node
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Cabinet.
Select File>New>Cabinet.
In the Create tab, type the name of the new cabinet and type of cabinet. Enter
additional information as desired.
In the Info tab, set properties as desired. The properties available are determined by
your organization.
If the Edit link appears next to a property, you can set the property’s values by
clicking Edit and entering values in the resulting page.
If your WDK-based application supports CIS, the See CIS Values might appear. If
so, select the suggested property values that you want to accept and then click OK.
Suggested values cannot include the tilde (~) character or the vertical pipe ( | )
In the Permissions tab, specify the access specific users and groups have to the
cabinet. For information on this tab, see Editing permissions in the Permissions
tab, page 198.
Depending on your WDK-based application, other tabs might appear. Set
information in these tabs as desired. For information on the functionality affected by
those tabs, refer to the topic in this guide that covers that functionality.
Click Finish.
Creating a new folder
To create a new folder:
Navigate to the location where you want to create the new folder.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Folder.
Select File>New>Folder.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
In the Create tab, enter the name and the type of the new folder. Enter additional
information as desired.
In the Info tab, set properties as desired. The properties available are determined by
your organization.
If the Edit link appears next to a property, you can set the property’s values by
clicking Edit and entering values in the resulting page.
If your WDK-based application supports CIS, the See CIS Values might appear. If
so, select the suggested property values that you want to accept and then click OK.
Suggested values cannot include the tilde (~) character or the vertical pipe ( | )
In the Permissions tab, specify the access specific users and groups have to the folder.
For information on this tab, see Editing permissions in the Permissions tab, page 198.
Depending on your WDK-based application, other tabs might appear. Set
information in these tabs as desired. For information on the functionality affected by
those tabs, refer to the topic in this guide that covers that functionality.
Click Finish.
Creating a new document
To create a new document:
Navigate to the folder where you want to create the new document.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Document.
Select File>New>Document.
If a selection page appears, then you must select a template for the new file. Select
the template and click OK. For instructions on using the selection page, refer to the
topic on doing so in the chapter in using the interface.
Note: If the repository’s Templates cabinet does not contain a template for a custom
type, then you cannot create a file of that type now. Instead, you can create a file on
your local machine, import it into the repository, and then assign it the custom type.
In the Create tab, type the name of the new file. Enter additional information as
In the Info tab (if available), set information as desired. If the Edit link appears next to
a property, you can set the property’s values by clicking Edit and entering values in
the resulting page.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Depending on your WDK-based application, other tabs might appear. Set
information in these tabs as desired. For information on the functionality affected by
those tabs, refer to the topic in this guide that covers that functionality.
Click Finish.
Checking out and editing les
This section describes the following:
How checking out and editing works, page 58
The checkout directory, page 59
Checking out and editing a file, page 60
Checking in a file, page 61
Canceling checkout, page 62
Locating recently used files, page 63
Accessing your checked-out files, page 63
How checking out and editing works
To edit files, you check them out to your local computer. When you check out a file,
Webtop locks the file in the repository so that no one else can edit it except you. Other
users can view the file, but they cannot make changes to it. If you check out a file that is
linked to several locations in the repository, the file is locked in all those locations.
When you check out a file, Webtop either copies or streams the file to your computer.
Which occurs depends on the file’s editing application. If the file uses an external editing
application, Webtop downloads the file to your checkout directory. From your checkout
directory, you can open and close the file as often as you want, making and saving
changes. Your modifications are not saved into the repository until you check in the file.
If the file uses an internal editing application then checking streams the file directly to
your application. The file is not copied to your computer. When you save the file in the
editing application, the file is saved directly to the repository. However, the file remains
checked out. To unlock the file, you must check the file back in.
To check out a file, you use either the edit command or the check out command. The
edit command immediately opens the file upon check out.
Webtop displays
next to the files that you have locked and displays
files that other users have locked.
next to the
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
You can sort your My Files list to group together the files that you have locked. You do
so either by clicking Checked Out By or by clicking the
column heading.
The checkout directory
By default, your checkout directory is in one of the following locations:
On Windows operating systems:
On Macintosh operating systems:
You can open, edit, and close the file directly from your checkout directory, whether
or not you are connected to the repository. In some cases, when you check out a file,
Webtop might not copy it to your computer but instead stream it to your computer.
Whether this happens depends on the file’s editing application. If Webtop streams the
file to your computer, it is not saved to your local machine.
When a file is downloaded to your checkout directory, the local copy of the file has the
same name as it has in the repository unless a naming conflict arises. A conflict arises if a
file with the same name already exists in checkout directory. If a naming conflict arises,
Webtop appends a number to the name of the local file to make the file unique within the
checkout directory. This does not change the name of the file in the repository. When the file is
checked back in, it keeps its original file name.
For example, if you check out a file named supplies.xml, the file is copied to the checkout
directory and named supplies.xml. If you then check out another file with the same name,
the file is copied to the checkout directory and named supplies(2).xml.
When you check out a file, if the file contains links and if you select to check out the linked
files, then the linked files are also copied to your checkout directory. For example, if you
check out an XML file called cars.xml that contains links to the files image.gif and info.txt,
all three files are copied to the checkout directory. If a naming conflict arises for any of
the linked files, Webtop appends numbers to the file names for which there are conflicts.
The maximum length for file names is 64 characters. File names longer than 64 characters
are truncated to 64 characters in the checkout directory.
The checkout directory location can be edited in your Webtop preferences.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Checking out and editing a le
When you check out a file, the file is locked and copied it to your checkout directory.
You can access the file on your computer by navigating to your checkout directory and
opening the file.
When you edit a file, the file is checked out and Webtop opens the file in an editing
If you are prompted to accept Documentum or Java applets, do so. Read all prompts
Note: If your WDK-based application supports approvals, checking out sets pending
approvals to cancel status. If you cancel the checkout, the cancel status resets to the
pending status.
To check out a le:
Navigate to the file.
Do one of the following:
To check out a file without opening it, do one of the following:
— On the file’s line item, click either Checkout.
— Select the file’s checkbox. (To checkout several files at once, select each file’s
checkbox). Select File>Check Out.
Note: The checkout option is enabled regardless of whether you have adequate
permissions to check out a given file. However, if you do not have adequate
permissions for a file, then Webtop will not let you check out that file.
To check out and open a file, do one of the following:
— On the file’s line item, click Edit.
— Select the file’s checkbox. (To checkout several files at once, select each file’s
checkbox). Select File>Edit.
The file is locked and copied it to your checkout directory. You can access the file on
your computer by navigating to your checkout directory and opening the file.
If you are prompted to confirm which files to check out, do the following:
If you are checking out several files: confirm checkout options for each file
separately by clicking Next. For the last file, click Finish. You can apply the
selected checkout options to all remaining files by clicking Finish before you
get to the last file.
If you are checking out a virtual document: select whether to check out the
root file and all its descendants, or check out only the root file while also
downloading the descendants as read-only, or check out only the root file
without downloading descendants.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
If you are checking out a virtual document and if you receive a warning that some
files are locked and will be checked out in read-only mode, click Continue to
continue the checkout.
If you are prompted for a checkout directory, type the path and directory.
If you are prompted to select which repository location to use for relative path links
within a virtual document, select the location.
If you are prompted to install the software used for editing the file, do so.
If the file does not open upon checkout, you can open it by locating the file in your
checkout directory.
Checking in a le
When a file is versioned upon checkin, its renditions, including any thumbnail
renditions, are not maintained with the new version of the file. The renditions remain
with the previous version. However, depending on your setup, a PDF rendition request
is automatically submitted if you check in your file as the same version and a PDF
rendition already exists.
When a file is versioned upon checkin, its relationship to any parent document is not
maintained, unless the parent document is checked in as a new version as well.
If you are prompted to accept Documentum or Java applets, do so. Read prompts
To check in a le:
Navigate to the locked file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
On the file’s line item, click Checkin.
Select the file’s checkbox. (To check in several files at once, select each file’s
checkbox). Select File>Check In.
If Webtop cannot locate the file on your computer, you are prompted to locate the
file. Browse to locate the file.
If prompted for checkin information, enter information as desired.
Checkin information varies depending on your organization’s setup. Checkin
information might include the following:
Save as
This sets the version number. Selecting the same version number overwrites
the original file with the new version.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Version label
This lets you label the updated version.
Retain Lock
This saves the updated file to the repository but keeps the file checked out in
your name.
Make this the current version
This makes the updated file the current version.
Keep a local copy after check in
This retains a copy of the file on your local machine. But you no longer have the
file checked out, and any changes you make to the local copy have no effect
on the file in the repository.
Check in from file
This replaces the repository file with a file you choose.
If you are checking in just one file, click OK.
If you are checking in several files, use the Next button to enter checkin information
for each file, or, optionally, you can click Finish to apply the current page’s checkin
information to all remaining files in the group.
Canceling checkout
Canceling checkout unlocks the file and discards the changes you made to the copy
of the file on your computer. The repository retains the last version of the file as the
current version.
To cancel checkout:
Navigate to the locked file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Cancel Checkout next to the file.
Select the file’s checkbox. (To cancel checkout on several files at once, select each
file’s checkbox). Select File>Cancel Checkout.
If you are prompted to confirm the cancellation, do one of the following:
If you are canceling checkout on just one file: click OK. (Note that clicking
Cancel cancels the cancel-checkout action. The file remains checked out.)
If you are canceling checkout on several files and none of the files are XML-based
virtual documents: click Next for each file. For the last file, click Finish. (Note that
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
you can also click Finish before you get to the last file. At the confirmation
prompt, click Continue.)
If you are canceling checkout on an XML-based virtual document and are
prompted whether to cancel checkout of descendants: select one of the following
and then click OK:
— Virtual Document and all Descendants
This cancels checkout on both the root file and all nested files.
— Only the Virtual Document
This cancels checkout only on the root XML file, not the nested files.
Locating recently used les
My Files displays files you have recently created or checked out. You can perform all
the standard file operations from My Files. To perform a particular operation, use the
standard Webtop procedure. For example, to check out a file, use the standard procedure
for checking out a file.
If your organization’s setup includes multiple-repository functionality, then My Files
also displays the files you have recently accessed from other repositories, as well as the
repository you are currently viewing. You can perform all the standard operations on
files from other repositories, so long as you have user names and passwords for those
repositories (or are already logged into them).
Note: You can link items between different repositories if your administrator has
configured the server to run the dm_DistOperations job and if your home repository
is set.
To access recently used les:
Click My Files.
Note: If the expected items don’t appear, refer to the information on navigating a
list in the chapter on using the interface.
Accessing your checked-out les
My Files displays both the files that you currently have checked out as well as files that
you’ve recently checked out and checked back in. The files checked out in your name are
designated by the key icon:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
To isolate the les you currently have checked out:
Sort the My Files list according to lock owner. To do so, do one of the following,
depending on the options available:
Click Checked Out By in the Sort by area.
in the column headings row.
Note: If the expected items don’t appear, refer to the information on navigating a
list in the chapter on using the interface.
Viewing a le as read only
Viewing a file opens the file in read-only mode and opens the file without checking it
out. You cannot edit the file. Viewing allows you to see the contents of the file that is
locked by another user or that you don’t have adequate permission levels to check out.
If your WDK-based application supports virtual documents, and if you want to view a
virtual document’s content in read-only mode, use the procedure specific for viewing
virtual documents.
To view links inside an HTML file, you must have virtual link installed. If virtual link is
not installed, the HTML file might contain broken links. For more information on virtual
link installation, refer to the documentation for WDK.
To view a le in read-only mode:
Navigate to the file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click the file name or thumbnail, unless the document is already checked out by you.
If the document is already checked out by you, then clicking the file name or
thumbnail opens the document for editing — not for read-only viewing.
Select the file’s checkbox and select File>View.
Viewing all locations to which an item is linked
You can view a list of the locations to which an item in the repository is linked. For
example, if a template is linked to several folders to provide different user groups easy
access to the template, you can view a list of the folders that contain the linked template.
Note: If you use Documentum’s Web Publisher, do not use this functionality for Web
Publisher-specific items. Instead, use the Page View option.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
To view locations:
Navigate to the item.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>View>Locations.
Select the item, and then select View>Locations.
You can import individual files or entire directories into the repository. You import a
directory by importing the top-level folder in the directory.
When performing the import procedure, you can select multiple files and folders. The
files and folders can come from different locations on your local computer. However, all
the files and folders selected in the same import are imported into the same location in
the repository, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 5-1. Importing les and folders
When importing, note the following:
By default, you can import any number of items at once. However, your
administrator might have configured a limit on the number of items you can import
at one time. Ask your administrator if a limit has been set.
If your product supports the creation of renditions upon import, there is a delay
between the time of import and the creation of the renditions.
When importing a template, you must import it into the repository location that your
WDK-based application uses for templates.
To import an item into the repository:
Note: If you are prompted to accept Documentum or Java applets, do so. Read all
prompts carefully.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Navigate to the location where you want to import the file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Import.
Select File>Import.
Select the files you want to import. You can select multiple files and folders. If you
select a folder, all the files in the folder and its subfolders are imported. To select
files, do any of the following:
To browse for an individual file to import, click Add Files; then navigate to the
file and select it; and then click OK. To add more files, repeat the sequence.
To browse for an entire folder to import, click Add Folders. Navigate to the
folder, select it, and click OK. The folder’s files, including files in the subfolders,
are added to the import list. To add more folders, repeat the sequence.
To add a file or folder by dragging and dropping, locate it on your computer.
Click it and hold down the mouse button while you drag it to the Selected Files
area of the Import page. The file or files are added to the import list. To add
more files or folders, repeat the sequence.
Note: To remove a file or folder from the import list, select the item and click
Once you have selected all the files you want to import, click Next.
If you are prompted to set properties, do one of the following:
If you are importing one file: set properties and click OK.
If you are importing several files: use the Next button to set properties for each
file. For the last file, click Finish. Clicking Finish before you get to the last file
applies any settings you specified to all remaining files in the group.
You can export files to local or networked computers. When you export, a copy of the file
is saved to the location you select.
To export a le:
Navigate to the file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>File>Export.
Select the file’s checkbox. (To export several files at once, select each file’s
checkbox). Select File>Export.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
If you are prompted to confirm which files to export, do all of the following that
If you are exporting one file: click OK.
If you are exporting several files: click Next for each file. (If any of the files are
virtual documents, you must also perform the instructions in the next bullet.)
For the last file, click Finish. Clicking Finish before you get to the last file applies
any settings you specified to all remaining files in the group.
If the repository includes XML functionality and you are exporting an
XML-based virtual document: select one of the following and then click either
OK, Next, or Finish:
— Only the Virtual Document
This exports the root file without downloading nested files.
— Virtual Document and all Descendants
This exports the root file and all nested files.
When prompted for the location to which to export, select or type the location and
click OK.
This procedure describes how to delete most types of repository items.
To delete an item:
Navigate to the item.
If you want to delete a link but not the original item, make sure to navigate to the
location of the link, not to the location of the original item.
Webtop User Guide
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Delete.
Click More>File>Delete.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To delete several items at once, select each item’s
checkbox). Select File>Delete.
If you are prompted to specify what to delete, make the appropriate choices. You
might be prompted to select the following:
You might be prompted whether to delete just the selected version of the item or
all versions.
You might be prompted whether to delete translations of the item.
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
If the item is a linked item, you might be prompted whether to delete just the
current link to the item in the location you have chosen, or whether to delete
the item in all locations.
If the item is a folder, you might be prompted whether to delete just the folder
or all sub folders and objects.
If the item is a virtual document, you might be prompted whether to delete
the descendants.
If the item has relationships to other items in the repository, you might be
prompted whether to continue deletion.
Do one of the following:
If you are deleting one item, click OK or Finish.
If you are deleting multiple items, you can display the delete options for each
item by using the Next and Prev buttons. For the last item, click Finish. If
desired, you can click Finish before you get to the last item. Doing so applies any
settings you specified to all remaining items and prompts you to click Continue
to confirm that is what you want to do.
Using the clipboard
Your clipboard holds the files you are moving, copying or linking to another location
in the repository. The clipboard can hold multiple files at once. Note that when you
copy or link items from the clipboard, they remain on the clipboard until you add new
items to the clipboard.
If your WDK-based application uses controlled documents, the clipboard is disabled for
controlled documents. You can use the clipboard for uncontrolled documents.
To add an item to the clipboard:
Note that when you add items to the clipboard, they replace any items that you have
just copied or linked.
Navigate to the item or items you want to add.
Do one of the following:
Click Add to Clipboard.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To add several items at once, select each item’s
checkbox). Select Edit>Add To Clipboard.
To view the clipboard:
This function is not available if the clipboard is empty.
Do one of the following:
Click View clipboard.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Select Edit>View Clipboard.
To close the clipboard, click Cancel.
To remove an item from the clipboard:
Do one of the following:
Click View clipboard.
Select Edit>View Clipboard.
Select the checkbox for the item you want to remove from the clipboard. To remove
several items, select each item’s checkbox.
Click Remove.
Click Close.
Moving an item
By default, when you move an item, Webtop moves only the selected version of the item.
Administrators can configure Webtop so that when you move an item, all versions of the
item are moved. Ask your administrator which behavior applies.
To move an item:
Navigate to the item or items.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Add to Clipboard on the same line as the item.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To move several items at once, select each item’s
checkbox). Select Edit>Add To Clipboard.
Repeat the above steps if you want to add items from other locations to the clipboard
for moving.
To view the clipboard, select either View clipboard or Edit>View Clipboard. You
should view your clipboard before moving items to make sure the clipboard contains
only those items you want to move.
Note: If an item does not appear on the clipboard, make sure you have set your
view filters to display the item.
Navigate to the location to which to move the items.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Webtop User Guide
Click Move here.
Select Edit>Move Here.
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Copying an item
You can copy files from one location to another. Note that when you copy a file to a
location that already has a file of the same name, Webtop adds Copy to the filename.
To copy items, you first add them to your clipboard. Your clipboard can hold multiple
items at a time.
To copy an item:
Navigate to the items.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Add to Clipboard next to an item.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To copy several items at once, select each item’s
checkbox). Select Edit>Add To Clipboard.
Repeat the above steps if you want to add items from other locations to the clipboard
for copying.
To view the clipboard, select either View clipboard or Edit>View Clipboard.
You should view your clipboard before copying items to make sure the clipboard
contains only those items you want to copy.
Note: If an item does not appear on the clipboard, make sure you have set your
view filters to display the item.
Navigate to the location to copy to.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Copy here.
Select Edit>Copy Here.
If the Clipboard page appears, select the item to copy, then click Copy.
Note: If the item does not appear on the clipboard, make sure you have set your
view filters to display the item.
Linking items and opening links
This section describes the following:
Linking an item to multiple locations in the repository, page 71
Creating a shortcut from outside the repository to an item within it, page 71
Sending a link via email, page 72
Opening a link in an email, page 72
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Linking an item to multiple locations in the repository
You can link a folder or file to multiple locations in a repository. You can then access
the folder or file from multiple locations.
When you access a linked item, it is just as though you are accessing the item from its
original location. For example, when you check out a linked item, the original item is
checked out. When you copy a linked item, the original item is copied.
You cannot link a locked item.
To link an item to another location:
Navigate to the item.
Note: the item must not be locked. If it is locked, and if you are the lock owner, then
you must first unlock the item before linking it.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Add to Clipboard for the item.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To link several items at once, select each item’s
checkbox). Select Edit>Add To Clipboard.
Repeat the above steps if you want to add items from other locations to the clipboard
for linking.
To view the clipboard, select either View clipboard or Edit>View Clipboard. You
should view your clipboard before linking items to make sure the clipboard contains
only those items you want to link.
Note: If an item does not appear on the clipboard, make sure you have set your
view filters to display the item.
Navigate to the location you want to link the item to.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Link here.
Select Edit>Link Here
Creating a shortcut from outside the repository to an
item within it
You can create shortcuts on your computer or in emails that link to items in a repository.
You do so using the shortcut icon:
To bookmark a page, use the above shortcut icon.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
To create a shortcut:
Navigate to the item.
If the
Drag the icon to the location where you want to create the shortcut. For example,
drag the icon to a folder on your computer or to an open email.
icon does not appear next to the item, open the item’s properties by clicking
Sending a link via email
A web-link is a shortcut that you send via email. The web-link appears as a hyperlink in
the email message. When a user clicks the hyperlink, Webtop opens the linked item.
You can send web-links only to users who have access to the repository and have Read
permissions or higher for the item.
To send a web-link:
Locate the file or files for which you want to send a web-link.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>File>Email as web-link on the line for the file you want to send.
Select the file’s checkbox. (To send several files at once, select each file’s
checkbox). Select File>Email as web-link.
Your email application opens a new email message. The new email contains the
links. Type the recipient’s email address and any other information you want to add.
Send the email in the usual way you send emails.
Opening a link in an email
If you receive an email that contains a link to a repository file, you can open the file if you
have access to the repository and have at least Read permission on the file.
To open a link that you have received via email:
Click the link.
If you are not logged into the repository, Webtop prompts you to do so. Enter your
login information and click Login.
If prompted, select whether to View or Edit the document by clicking the appropriate
button. Selecting View opens the document in read-only mode.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
If prompted, select the application in which to open the document.
Subscribing to an item
To have quick access to a cabinet, folder, or file, you can subscribe to the cabinet, folder,
or file. The item then appears in your Subscriptions. Instead of navigating through the
repository to find the item, you can access it quickly through Subscriptions.
When you open or view an item through Subscriptions, the item is retrieved from
its original repository location.
You can have Webtop send a notification to your Inbox whenever a subscribed item is
checked in. You can turn notifications on and off on an item by item basis. Your system
administrator might have configured Webtop to notify you of other events besides
checkin. Ask your administrator.
To access your subscriptions:
Select Subscriptions.
To subscribe to an item:
Navigate to the items.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Subscribe.
Click More>Tools>Subscribe.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To subscribe to several items, select each item’s
checkbox). Select Tools>Subscribe.
If the Subscribe option is not available, then you have already subscribed to that
To turn notication on or off for a subscribed item:
Note that replicas and references (shortcuts) are not supported.
Select Subscriptions.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Select either More>Tools>Turn on notification or More>Tools>Turn off
Select either Tools>Turn on notification or Tools>Turn off notification.
To unsubscribe:
Navigate to the item.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Cabinets, Folders and Files
Click Unsubscribe.
Click More>Tools>Unsubscribe.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To unsubscribe from several items at once, select
each item’s checkbox). Select Tools>Unsubscribe.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 6
Working with Properties
This section describes the following:
Setting properties, page 75
Viewing history, page 76
Setting a retention date, page 76
Setting properties
Properties are descriptive characteristics about an item. All repository items have
properties. You can open an item’s properties through the
To view or set properties:
Navigate to the item for which to set properties.
Do one of the following, depending on the view you are using:
Click the Properties link.
Select View>Properties>Info.
The Properties page appears.
The Properties page often includes multiple tabs, each tab covering the settings
that govern a particular functionality.
Common tabs include the Info tab and the Permissions tab. The Info tab displays
general properties such as name, creator, and version number. The Permissions tab
displays the access that different users have to the item. For information on the
Permissions tab, see Editing permissions in the Permissions tab, page 198.
The remaining tabs that appear are determined by the WDK-based application you
are running and by any customizations. For information on a particular functionality,
refer to the topic in this guide that covers that functionality.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Properties
In the available tabs, set properties as desired.
If the Edit link appears next to a property, you set the property’s values by clicking
Edit and entering values in the resulting page. You enter values by either typing
them in a box or by selecting them from a list and clicking a right arrow. When
you are done adding values, click OK.
If the See CIS Values link appears, you can click this to receive suggested property
values. You then select the values you want to accept and click OK. Suggested values
cannot include the tilde (~) or vertical pipe ( | ) characters.
Click OK.
Viewing history
The history of an item is a list of events that have occurred to that item, such as checkout,
checkin, and promote. You can view the user responsible for the event, the date and time
on which it occurred, and other information.
In order for Webtop to display history, an administrator with config audit privileges
must register which events to track and must assign you config-audit privileges. To
grant config audit privileges, any superuser connects to Documentum Administrator,
navigates to User Management, finds the administrator, and changes the extended
privileges in the list. For more details refer to the Documentum Administrator User Guide.
To view history:
Navigate to the item for which you want to view history.
Do one of the following, depending on the view you are using:
. Then select the History tab.
Click the Properties link. Then select the History tab.
Select View>Properties>History.
Setting a retention date
If this option is available in your WDK-based application, you can define a retention period
for content.
A retention period is the amount of time that the content must be retained. If a retention
period is defined for content in the storage system, you cannot remove the file from the
system until that period has expired. For example, if you set the retention date for an
object to February 15, 2006, the content cannot be moved or removed until February
15, 2011.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Properties
You can set the retention date for all renditions associated with an object in your
repository. On the date you specify, Content Storage Services will move the selected
object, plus all of its associated renditions, to a retention-enabled storage area. If there
are multiple retention-enabled storage areas in your system, you must select the target
storage area.
If you have a storage allocation policy defined for the object’s type, the policy will not
execute if you set a retention date for the content. Setting a retention date and executing
a storage allocation policy are mutually exclusive actions because by setting a retention
date, you are indirectly selecting the store.
To set or update a retention date for a document or other repository object:
If this option is available in your WDK-based application, you can define a retention period
for content.
Navigate to the cabinet or folder containing the object for which you want to specify
a retention date.
Select the object, then select Tools>Set Retention Date.
The Set Retention Date page is displayed.
Click the calendar button associated with the Retention Date field to select the
retention date for the primary content and renditions associated with page 0 of
this object.
If the repository has more than one retention-enabled store, select the name of a
storage area from the pull-down menu on the Retention Enabled Store field.
Click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Properties
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 7
Working with Taxonomies and
Taxonomy functionality is available if your Webtop installation integrates with Documentum CI
You process files from the Categories node in the same way you do from other nodes. You use the
standard Webtop procedures for working with files.
This section describes the following:
Taxonomies overview, page 79
Submitting an item for categorization, page 80
Creating a category, page 80
Navigating categories, page 81
Taxonomies overview
Taxonomy functionality is available if your WDK-based application integrates with
CIS. A taxonomy is a specific hierarchy of categories and subcategories into which
you organize content. If your installation includes taxonomy functionality, then the
same content files can be grouped in different ways by creating different taxonomies.
Taxonomies provide alternate organizational schemes from the scheme found in the
repository folders.
For example, a taxonomy might create categories based on your organization’s
departments. Content created by the R&D department would be assigned to the R&D
category; content created by the Public Relations department would be assigned to the
PR category; and so on. This taxonomy might be helpful for users who use documents
only within their departments. Another taxonomy, however, might create categories
based on product, combining a product’s R&D specifications into the same category as
the product’s PR bulletins. That taxonomy might be helpful for users who work only on
specific products.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Taxonomies and Categories
You can move, copy and search categories just as you can folders. To do any of these, use
the same procedure as applies to any item in the repository.
A template can specify that new content created from the template is linked to one or
more categories. When a user creates new content from the template, the content is only
linked to categories for which the user has at least Browse permission.
When you click Categories, the available taxonomies appear. When you click a
taxonomy, its first level of categories appears.
Taxonomies use these icons:
: A taxonomy
: A category
Submitting an item for categorization
If CIS functionality is available in your WDK-based application, you can submit items for
categorization. Submitting an item sends a request to a categorization queue. When CIS
makes the assignment, the submitted item appears in the appropriate categories.
To submit a le for categorization:
Navigate to the file you want to submit.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Tools>Submit for Categorization.
Select the item’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Submit for Categorization.
You are prompted to confirm that you want to submit this file for categorization.
Click OK.
If you selected multiple files, clicking OK or Finish submits all the files. To submit
each item separately, click the Prev and Next buttons to display the confirmation
page for each.
Creating a category
If this option is available in your WDK-based application, you can create categories within
To create a category:
Select File>New>Category
Webtop User Guide
Working with Taxonomies and Categories
In the Create tab, enter the name of the new category.
In the Info tab, set properties as desired.
Depending on your WDK-based application, other tabs might appear. Set
information in these tabs as desired. For information on the functionality affected by
those tabs, see the topic in this guide that covers that functionality.
Click Finish.
Navigating categories
If this option is available in your WDK-based application, you can navigate categories.
When you open the Categories node, the active taxonomies appear. Each taxonomy is
a grouping of categories and subcategories used to organize content in a particular
way. When you open a taxonomy, the top-level categories appears. When you open a
category, its first level of subcategories appears, and so on.
To navigate categories:
If this option is available in your WDK-based application, you can navigate categories.
Click Categories.
Click a taxonomy.
Click a category. Continue clicking categories until you find the item you are looking
Webtop User Guide
Working with Taxonomies and Categories
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 8
Working with Versions
This section describes the following:
Versions overview, page 83
Viewing versions, page 84
Versions overview
You can keep track of revisions by creating new versions of files when you check them in.
You can tell when files were changed, the changes that were made, and who made them.
A file always receives version number 1.0 when it is first checked in. If you have
adequate permission levels to do so, then when you check a file back in, you can decide
whether to check the file in as a new version or the same version. Checking it in as a new
version gives the file a higher version number than it had when you checked it out. The
repository also keeps a copy of the older version.
If you decide to check the file back in without increasing the version number, the file
keeps the same version number as the original file and overwrites the original file.
Depending on your WDK-based application, you might be able to select whether to
increase the version number by a whole number or by just a decimal point (i.e., by a
tenth). Increasing the version number by a whole number is considered a major revision;
increasing by a decimal point is a minor revision. For example, if you check out version 1.0
of a file and check it in as a minor revision, the file is stored as version 1.1. If you repeat
this process, the file is next stored as version 1.2. If you then decide to check out the file
and then check it in as a major revision, the file’s version number jumps from 1.2 to 2.0.
The most recently checked-in file is marked CURRENT. It is always the current file that
is displayed, unless you select to display all versions.
If you edit a version of a file other than the current version, then when checking in the
file you are given the following options:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Versions
You can check in the older version of the file as the new current version. If you
select this option, Webtop assigns the file a version number higher than the file’s
previous current version.
You can check in the older version as a branched version. This increments the older
file by a new decimal-appended number. The incremented version becomes the
current version in a new branch of version numbers.
For example, in the diagram below, a user checks out version 5.0 of a document, edits
it, and then checks it back in as version 6.0. Version 6.0 becomes the current version
of the document. Later, another user checks out and edits version 5.0, which is no
longer the current version. When the user checks it back in, Webtop creates a new
branch of the document, which starts with version 5.0.1.
Figure 8-1. Versioning
Viewing versions
You can do the following:
When viewing a list, you can have the list display all the versions of all the items
in the list.
You can navigate to an item and view all the versions of that item.
You can navigate to a past version of an item and then view the item in read-only
mode, or check out or edit the item.
To display all versions of the items in a list:
Display the list.
In the list in the upper right corner of the page, select Show All Objects and
Versions, as shown here:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Versions
To view all the versions of an item:
Navigate to the file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>View>Versions.
Select the file’s checkbox. Then select View>Versions.
To view, check out, or edit a past version:
Navigate to the past version of the item using one of the above two procedures.
To view or check out the past version, use the standard Webtop procedures for
working with files.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Versions
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 9
Working with Renditions and
This section describes the following:
Working with renditions, page 87
Working with Transformations, page 90
Working with renditions
This section describes the following:
Renditions Overview, page 87
Viewing Renditions, page 88
Importing a Rendition, page 89
Renditions Overview
A rendition is an alternate copy of a file or an additional file that can be included with an
object. For example, it may be a copy of an image in a different format or in a different
If an object has multiple renditions, Webtop designates one rendition as the primary
rendition, which will appear in file lists. You can display all of a file’s renditions by
clicking the renditions icon
(if your WDK application displays the icon) or through the
More>View>Renditions menu in the Streamline view and the View>Renditions menu
in the Classic view.
The availability of some renditions and renditions functions are dependant upon which
WDK application you are using and other installed products in your Documentum
system such as Media Transformation Services and Document Transformation Services.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Renditions and Transformations
Without the presence of these products, the Renditions functions may appear in Webtop
but will not be available. For example, Media Transformation Services generates
Thumbnail and Low Resolution renditions of image objects upon Import of the original
object. Other rendition types may be generated for other objects depending on their
format. If Media Transformation Services has not been installed and/or configured for
your repository, these extra renditions will not be generated. Renditions are generated
for one item at a time and are processed asynchronously, meaning that renditions
might not be immediately available after import. You can also create new renditions
using Media Transformation Services’ Transformation capabilities. See Working with
Transformations, page 90 for more information on Transformations.
Another Documentum product that rendition functionality depends on is Document
Transformation Services. For example, an author could import a Microsoft Word file
called Sales.doc, and then the author could generate an HTML rendition of the file (using
Document Transformation Services) called Sales.htm. Both files would contain the same
content but in different formats.
You can create renditions outside the repository and import them in, or you can generate
renditions within Webtop.
You can generate new renditions of the same file format. To differentiate the multiple
renditions of a file in the same file format, each rendition must be given a unique
description during creation, in the Rendition Description field.
When a file is versioned, its renditions, including any thumbnail renditions, are not
carried forward with the new version of the file automatically. If you create a new
version of the object, the renditions remain with the previous version. However, Webtop
may automatically generate new renditions when you check in and version a file if it
was selected during rendition creation. See Transformations Overview, page 90 for more
information on automatically updating a rendition upon versioning.
You can configure lifecycles to automatically generate a PDF rendition at each lifecycle
state. See your WDK-based administration guide for more details.
Caution: Some Renditions features are not available in all products. The Renditions icon
is available only in Digital Asset Manager and Web Publisher. Also, having multiple
renditions of the same file format is only possible in Digital Asset Manager and Web
Publisher. Webtop does not allow a Rendition Description, which would give each
Rendition a unique identifier. Therefore, for any new renditions created, Webtop
replaces any existing renditions of the same format. For example, a Microsoft Word
document can only have one Acrobat PDF rendition at any time.
Viewing Renditions
This procedure explains how to display a list of the different renditions of a file.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Renditions and Transformations
To view renditions for a le:
Navigate to the file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
On the file’s line item, click
(if available).
Click More>View>Renditions on the file’s line item.
If the menu bar is available: select the checkbox for a file. Then select
Importing a Rendition
This procedure describes how to import a file from outside the repository to use as a new
rendition for an existing repository object.
To import a rendition for a le:
Navigate to the file for which you want to import a rendition.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>File>Import Rendition on the file’s line item.
If the menu bar is available: select the checkbox for a file. Then select File>Import
In the File to Import field, enter the file you want to import. You can type the path to
the file, or you can browse to locate the file.
In the Format field, select the rendition’s file format.
In the Description field, enter a description for the rendition. You can use this field to
differentiate between multiple renditions of the same format. You can have multiple
renditions of the same format as long as they have unique descriptions.
Caution: Some Renditions features are not available in all products. The Renditions
is available only in Digital Asset Manager and Web Publisher. Also,
having multiple renditions of the same file format is only possible in Digital Asset
Manager and Web Publisher. Webtop does not allow a Rendition Description, which
would give each Rendition a unique identifier. Therefore, for any new renditions
created, Webtop replaces any existing renditions of the same format. For example, a
Microsoft Word document can only have one Acrobat PDF rendition at any time.
Webtop User Guide
Click Import.
Working with Renditions and Transformations
Working with Transformations
This section describes the following:
Transformations Overview, page 90
Transforming a Document to PDF or HTML Format, page 91
Creating a Rendition Through Transformation, page 91
Creating a Related Object through Transformation, page 93
Viewing Transformation Properties, page 95
Removing a Saved Transformation, page 95
Transformations Overview
A transformation is the automated rendering of a file from one look or format to another.
Transformations let you automatically transform the look and format of an existing file in
order to create a new rendition for the object or a new object that is related to the original
object. Transformations let you store a file in multiple formats, sizes, orientations, etc.
Examples of transformations include resizing, flipping, cropping, and correcting colors.
You may also be able to transform a file to a different format.
When transforming a file, you choose either a preset transformation task or a
transformation profile and enter any applicable transformation parameters. The
transformation profiles that are available for a given file depend on the file’s format and
the Documentum products installed and configured for the repository.
When creating a new rendition through transformation, you can use the Rendition
Description field to create multiple renditions of the same format. Each rendition is
identified by the unique description entered in the Rendition Description field.
Transformations occur on one item at a time and are processed asynchronously, meaning
that transformed items and renditions might not be immediately available. You receive a
notification when a transformation is completed or if a transformation fails.
Caution: Transformation functionality is available only on repositories that are
configured with Media Transformation Services, Document Transformation Services, or
both. Without the presence of these products, the Transformations functions described in
this guide may not be available.
Caution: Some Transformation features are not available in all products. For example, the
Transform button on the toolbar and the ability to transform multiple objects at a time
are both only available in Digital Asset Manager. Also, having multiple renditions of the
same file format is only possible in Digital Asset Manager and Web Publisher. Webtop
does not allow a Rendition Description, which would give each Rendition a unique
Webtop User Guide
Working with Renditions and Transformations
identifier. Therefore, for any new renditions created, Webtop replaces any existing
renditions of the same format. For example, a Microsoft Word document can only have
one Acrobat PDF rendition at any time.
Transforming a Document to PDF or HTML Format
Webtop uses Documentum’s Document Transformation Services to provide the
functionality to transform documents to PDF or HTML format. When a document is
selected for transformation to PDF or HTML format, the request is sent to a queue where
it awaits processing by Document Transformation Services. The default transformation
parameters are used for that document type. When processing is complete, a new file in
either PDF or HTML format is stored in the parent object’s list of renditions.
This feature may not be available in some applications.
It may also be possible, depending on what other Document products are installed
on your system, to transform a document to PDF or HTML formats with options. See
Creating a Rendition Through Transformation, page 91 and Creating a Related Object
through Transformation, page 93 for more information.
To transform a document to PDF or HTML:
Navigate to the document that you want to transform to transform to PDF or HTML.
Note: You can transform a parent file or another rendition. (Locating renditions is
described in Viewing Renditions, page 88.)
Do one of the following:
In the Streamline view, on the line item for the file, click More>Tools>Transform
to PDF or More>Tools>Transform to HTML.
In the Classic view, select the checkbox for the file, then select
Tools>Transform>PDF Rendition or Tools>Transform>HTML Rendition.
The transformation request is immediately sent to the appropriate queue for
Creating a Rendition Through Transformation
Webtop uses Documentum’s Advanced Document Transformation Services and Media
Transformation Services to provide the functionality needed to transform a file in order
to create a new rendition. For most file types, you can create new renditions using these
Webtop User Guide
Working with Renditions and Transformations
Transformations to create new renditions occur on one item at a time and requests
are processed asynchronously, meaning that new renditions may not be available
immediately. You receive a notification in your Inbox when a transformation is
completed or if a transformation fails.
Caution: Not all features mentioned below are available for all file formats and some file
formats cannot be transformed. See Renditions Overview, page 87 and Transformations
Overview, page 90 for more information on Renditions and Transformations.
This procedure describes how to create a new rendition of a file through transformation.
To create a new rendition through transformation:
Navigate to the file that you want to transform to create a new rendition.
Note: You can transform a parent file or another rendition. (Locating renditions is
described in Viewing Renditions, page 88.)
Do one of the following:
In the Streamline view, on the line item for the file, click More>Tools>Transform
(More Options)
In the Classic view, select the checkbox for the file, then select
Tools>Transform>More Formats
Select the checkbox for the file(s) and click Transform in the toolbar.
The Transform wizard appears. Do the following:
In the Choose Transformation Type section, select Create a New Rendition
and click Next.
The Select Transformation screen appears displaying the selected file and the
available transformations for the selected files.
b. In the Select Transformation screen, select a transformation profile and click
If the Transformation Details screen appears, enter any information necessary
for setting the parameters of the transformation and click Next.
d. If a rendition of this file in the same format already exists, then you may be
able to differentiate the new rendition you are creating by writing a unique
description in the Rendition Description field.
You may also select whether you want to perform this transformation every time
the parent object is versioned, and whether to set this rendition as the default
preview rendition.
Caution: This page does not appear in Webtop applications. Webtop allows
only one rendition of each file format.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Renditions and Transformations
If you have selected multiple files for this transformation, click Next.
Alternatively, if you wish to apply the selected parameters to all of the files
selected for the transformation, or if you have selected only one file to transform,
click Finish.
If you are prompted that a file of the same format and description already exists,
you can overwrite the existing file by clicking Yes. You can keep both the new
file and the existing file by clicking No. Selecting No also requires that you
enter a description. This depends on whether you already entered a Rendition
Description in the previous step or if that description conflicts with an existing
description for a rendition of the same name and format.
Caution: This prompt does not appear in Webtop applications. Webtop allows
only one rendition of each file format.
Click Finish.
The transformation request is immediately sent to the appropriate queue for
Creating a Related Object through Transformation
If this option is available in your WDK application, the application uses Documentum’s
Advanced Document Transformation Services and Media Transformation Services to
provide the functionality needed to transform a file in order to create a new related
object. For most file types, you can create new objects using these products.
Transformations to create new related objects occur on one item at a time and requests are
processed asynchronously, meaning that new objects may not be available immediately.
You receive a notification in your Inbox when a transformation is completed or if a
transformation fails.
Caution: Not all features mentioned below are available for all file formats and some file
formats cannot be transformed. See Renditions Overview, page 87 and Transformations
Overview, page 90 for more information on Renditions and Transformations.
This procedure describes how to use a transformation profile to create a new related
To create a new related object through transformation:
Navigate to the file(s) that you want to transform to create a new related object.
Note: You can transform a parent file or a rendition.
Webtop User Guide
Do one of the following:
Working with Renditions and Transformations
In the Streamline view, on the line item for the file, click More>Tools>Transform
(More Options).
In the Classic view, select the checkbox for the file(s), then select
Tools>Transform>More Formats.
Select the checkbox for the file(s) and click Transform in the toolbar.
The Transform wizard appears. Do the following:
In the Choose Transformation Type section, select Create a New Object and
click Next.
The Select Transformation screen appears displaying the selected file and the
available transformations for the selected files.
b. In the Select Transformation screen, select a transformation profile and click
If the Transformation Details screen appears, enter any information necessary
for setting the parameters of the transformation and click Next.
The New Object Definition screen enables you to enter or apply attributes for the
new objects. This includes name, title, object type, permission set, lifecycle, and
location. The only required attribute is a name for the objects. This screen also
enables you to choose whether to perform this transformation every time these new
objects are versioned. Do the following:
Enter a name for the new object. The file name is entered by default.
b. If you wish, enter a title for the object.
If you wish, select an alternate object type for the object.
d. Click Edit to enter an alternate permission set to the object.
Click Edit if you want to apply a lifecycle to the objects.
Select the location for the new object. You have two options:
Same as parent file
This is selected by default. The new object is placed in the same cabinet or
folder location as the original object.
New location
This requires you to select a new location in an edit window.
g. Click the checkbox if you want to perform this transformation each time the new
objects are versioned.
If you have selected multiple files for this transformation, click Next. Alternatively,
if you wish to apply the selected parameters to all of the files selected for the
transformation, or if you have selected only one file to transform, click Finish.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Renditions and Transformations
The transformation request is sent to the server. When the transformation is
complete, a notification is sent to your Inbox.
Viewing Transformation Properties
Transformation properties appear for an object when that object has been set to perform
a transformation each time it is versioned. This option can be set when creating a new
rendition or a new related object through transformation. The transformation request is
stored and related to the source document. When the source document is versioned, the
transformation is automatically applied to the new version using the same parameters
as the original transformation and the transformation request is sent to the appropriate
server for processing.
The Transformation Properties lists all the saved transformations that will be applied to a
document when it is versioned.
To view transformation properties:
Navigate to the item for which to view transformation properties.
Do one of the following, depending on the view you are using:
Click the Properties link.
Select View>Properties>Transformation.
The Properties page opens with the Transformation Properties tab selected. The
saved transformations for the item are listed, detailing the name and description
of the transformation profile used, the output format, and whether the output is
a Rendition or Related Object.
Removing a Saved Transformation
Transformation properties appear for an object when that object has been set to perform
a transformation each time it is versioned. This option can be set when creating a new
rendition or a new related object through transformation. The transformation request is
stored and related to the source document. When the source document is versioned, the
transformation is automatically applied to the new version using the same parameters
as the original transformation and the transformation request is sent to the appropriate
server for processing.
To cease automatic transformations each time an object is versioned, the transformation
request can be removed from the Transformation Properties. Clicking the transformation
Webtop User Guide
Working with Renditions and Transformations
link in the Name column opens a property dialog that displays the parameters of
the transformation. These parameters can be used to distinguish between different
transformations saved for the object, that use the same transformation profile.
To remove a saved transformation:
Navigate to the item for which you want to remove saved transformations.
Do one of the following, depending on the view you are using:
Click the Properties link.
Select View>Properties>Transformation.
To find the saved transformation that you want to remove, click the transformation
link in the Name column.
The transformation parameter dialog opens, displaying the parameters that have
been chosen for the saved transformation.
Click Close to close the Transformation Parameters dialog.
On the line for the saved transformation that you wish to remove, select Remove.
The transformation is removed from the object’s saved transformation list and is no
longer performed when the object is versioned.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 10
Working with Replicas and Shortcuts
Replicas and shortcuts provide access in one repository to files and folders in other repositories.
They do so in different ways.
This section describes the following:
Replicas, page 97
Shortcuts (references), page 98
A replica gives you access in the current repository to an object in another repository by
actually copying the object. The replica is linked back to the source object, however, and
checking out the replica also checks out the source object.
Replicas allows users of different repositories to share documents over great distances.
For example, you might use replicas if you have offices in California, Germany, and
Japan that share the same documents. Replicas allows the same shared documents
to be local to each office.
A replica can have both global and local properties. When you change a global property
value, the value is changed in the source object and in any other replicas. When you
change a local property value, the value is changed only in the current replica.
You can perform most of the standard file and folder operations on replicas. For
example, you can export, copy, and check out replicas. You use the standard Webtop
procedures to perform such operations.
Replicas are designated by a small, duplicate-icon overlay in the lower left side of the file
icon. The overlay looks like a little copy of either the folder or document icon.
The Content Server uses automated jobs to synchronize replicas and source objects.
Note the following:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Replicas and Shortcuts
Replication jobs automatically synchronize the replica with the original file. You can
manually synchronize the replica without waiting for the automated synchronization
to occur by refreshing.
Any operations that modify an object are implicitly performed on the source object
and the replica object is updated to reflect the change.
You should expect slower response times for any operations that change the source
file (such as checking in), as the source file’s repository might be geographically
distant from you. Any operations that do not modify the source file, such as viewing
or exporting, are performed on the replica, so no connection to the source file’s
repository is required.
When you copy a replica, the copy is not a replica but is a new file. Therefore, changes
to the original document are not updated in the copy, as they would be in the replica.
If your WDK-based application supports translations, then when you create a
translation you create a new file in the repository. You do not create a replica.
You can perform lifecycle operations on replicas that already have lifecycles applied to
In order for operations to succeed, repository configurations let you connect to the
source file’s repository. The connection is made silently. You are not prompted
to log in to the source file’s repository.
A replica can be created only if the repository where the original file resides and the
repository where the replica resides have the same sets of users and passwords.
Definitions in the target repository must be the same or supersets of those in the
source repository. It is recommended the two repositories are set up under the same
federation for consistent synchronization of users and permissions. For information
on setting up replication services or workflow APIs, refer to the Documentum Content
Server Administration and Documentum Content Server Fundamentals guides.
If you use Documentum’s Web Publisher, then replicas are read-only, which means
that operations that would change the content of the file in the source repository
are prohibited. In particular, you cannot edit, check in, or check out a replica, as
you are not allowed to make changes to it. Also, you cannot manually change the
lifecycle of a replica.
Also, using the refresh option does not refresh relationships, just attributes.
Shortcuts (references)
A shortcut (also called a reference) is a link to a file in another repository. You can link
the shortcut into multiple folders in the current repository.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Replicas and Shortcuts
You can perform many of the standard file and folder operations on shortcuts. Files that
are shortcuts have a small arrow on the lower, left side of their file icons.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Replicas and Shortcuts
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 11
Working with Relationships
A relationship is a connection between two items in a repository. Relationships allow Webtop
to process items together. Relationships also allow users to access certain items by first accessing
other related items. For example, if a document has been annotated by several reviewers and if each
annotation has a relationship to the original document, a user can access the annotations by viewing
the document’s relationships.
A relationship is defined by a relation type. The relation type specifies how the two items are related.
For example, the relation type might indicate the relationship is maintained along versions.
System relation types are those that are created by your WDK-based application. For example, a
relationship between a file and its thumbnail is a system relation type.
If the following option is available in your WDK-based application, you also have ad hoc relation types.
Ad hoc relation types are those that are created by users. Users with administrative permission
levels can create ad hoc relation types.
To view relationships for an item:
Navigate to the item for which you want to view relationships.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>View>Relationships.
Select the item’s checkbox. Select View>Relationships.
To create a new relation type:
Whether this option is available depends on your WDK-based application.. If this is available,
you must have administrative permission levels to perform this procedure.
Select the Classic view.
Navigate to Administration/application name Admin/Relationships.
Do one of the following:
Webtop User Guide
Click New Relationship.
Select Tools>Relations>New Relationship.
Type the name of the new relation type.
Working with Relationships
Click OK.
To add files and supporting documents to the relationship, click the name of the
relationship to open it.
To delete new relation type:
Whether this option is available depends on your WDK-based application.. If this is available,
you must have administrative permission levels to perform this procedure.
Select the Classic view.
Navigate to Administration/application name Admin/Relationships.
Select a relation type.
Select Tools>Relations>Delete Relationship.
To view all the items that are using a relation type:
Whether this option is available depends on your WDK-based application.. If this is available,
you must have administrative permission levels to perform this procedure.
Select the Classic view.
Navigate to Administration/application name Admin/Relationships.
Select a relation type.
Select Tools>Relations>View All of Type.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 12
Working with Virtual Documents
This section describes the following:
What is a virtual document?, page 103
Viewing the structure of a virtual document, page 104
Viewing the content in a virtual document, page 106
Creating a virtual document, page 107
Working with descendants, page 107
Converting a virtual document to a simple document, page 114
Modifying a version label, page 115
Working with snapshots, page 115
What is a virtual document?
A virtual document is a file that contains one or more files nested within it. The virtual
document is called the parent document and the files within are called descendants.
Descendants are also called children.
Virtual documents are designated by this icon:
As an example, you might create a virtual document for a book and populate the virtual
document with the files that make up the book’s chapters. Each chapter is a separate file
that is nested within the parent document.
The files nested in a virtual document can themselves be virtual documents. This means
you can have multiple levels of nesting.
When you check out a virtual document, you can select whether to check out only the
parent document or to check out the parent document and its descendants.
When you view a virtual document, you have the option of viewing the document’s
structure or its content. When you view its structure, Virtual Document Manager
(VDM) opens within Webtop to display the virtual document’s descendants. In VDM,
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
you perform actions on files using the same procedures you use in Webtop. For more
information on VDM, see Viewing the structure of a virtual document, page 104.
The files in a virtual document can be of different file formats. For example, a Microsoft
Word file could be the parent file and its descendants could be an Excel spreadsheet
and TIFF image.
You can add, remove and rearrange descendants in a virtual document. You can
convert virtual documents back to simple documents i.e., documents that contain no
other documents.
Viewing the structure of a virtual document
When you view the structure of a virtual document, you view the hierarchy of
descendants in the virtual document. When you view structure, Virtual Document
Manager (VDM) opens within Webtop to display the descendants. You can then perform
actions on the descendants, such as checkout or export, just as you can when viewing
files in a file list. You can also add, remove, or change the location of descendants within
the virtual document.
When you view descendants through the Streamline view, VDM displays one level of
descendants at a time, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 12-1. VDM in the Streamline view
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
When you view descendants through the Classic view, VDM’s left pane can displays the
descendants in a tree hierarchy, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 12-2. VDM in the Classic view
To view the structure of a virtual document:
The procedure for viewing structure depends on how you have set the Click on link
option in your Preferences. This setting determines what happens when you click a
virtual document’s name in a list (as opposed to in a hierarchical tree display).
If the virtual document has no content, then VDM automatically displays the structure.
Navigate to the virtual document either in a file list or in the Classic view’s left pane.
If you navigated to the virtual document in a file list, do one of the following:
Webtop User Guide
If your preferences are set to open a virtual document’s structure when you click
the file name, then you can click the file name.
If your preferences are set to prompt you what to do when you click the file name,
then you can click the file name and then select Open the structure. Click OK.
In the Streamline view, click More>Tools>View Virtual Document.
Working with Virtual Documents
In the Classic view, check the virtual document’s checkbox. Then select
Tools>Virtual Document>View Virtual Document.
VDM displays the first level of descendants. If a descendant is itself a virtual
document, you view its descendants by repeating this step.
If you navigated to the virtual document in the Classic view’s left pane, click the plus
sign (+) next to the virtual document.
VDM displays the first level of descendants.
If a descendant is itself a virtual document, you view its descendants either by
repeating this step or by selecting the descendant in the left pane and then selecting
Display>Expand selection.
You can view the virtual document in the context of the entire repository tree by
selecting Display>Show all. This displays both the repository path to the virtual
document and the structure of the virtual document. To hide the repository in the left
pane, select Display>Show virtual document.
Viewing the content in a virtual document
When you view the content of a virtual document, you view the content of the parent
document. The content opens in the parent document’s editing application.
If your application includes XML functionality and if you view an XML-based virtual
document, you can view both the parent and descendants in a single read-only file.
If there is no content in a virtual document, then Virtual Document Manager (VDM)
automatically displays the virtual document’s structure.
To view the content of a virtual document in read-only mode:
If during this procedure Webtop or Java prompts you to accept applets, do so. Read all
prompts carefully.
Navigate to the virtual document.
Click the name of the virtual document.
If necessary, do one of the following:
If Webtop displays a list of the top level descendants, then either click the virtual
document’s name in the area above the list of descendants or select the virtual
document’s checkbox and select File>View.
If Webtop prompts you to select between content and structure, select Open the
content of the document. Click OK.
The document opens in read-only mode in the appropriate editing application.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
Creating a virtual document
To create a virtual document, you convert a simple document to a virtual document. This
document becomes the parent document, to which you can add descendants.
To create a virtual document:
Navigate to the file you want to convert to a virtual document.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Tools>Convert to Virtual Document.
Check the document’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Virtual Document>Convert
to Virtual Document.
Add descendants, as described in Adding a descendant, page 107.
Working with descendants
The files within a virtual document are called descendants. This section describes the
Adding a descendant, page 107
Removing a descendant, page 110
Moving and reordering descendants, page 111
Fixing a descendant to a version, page 113
Adding a descendant
To add a descendant, you must have Version permission or higher for the parent
document. A descendant can be either a simple document or another virtual document.
You can add the same document to a virtual document more than once.
To add a descendant, use one of the following procedures:
To add a descendant by browsing for the descendant:, page 107
To add a descendant by first adding it to your clipboard:, page 108
To add a descendant by creating new file:, page 109
To add a descendant by dragging and dropping:, page 109
To add a descendant by browsing for the descendant:
Webtop User Guide
Navigate to the parent document.
Working with Virtual Documents
View the structure of the parent document, as described in Viewing the structure of
a virtual document, page 104).
Select one of the following, depending on the options available:
More>Tools>Add Child (From File Selector).
Tools>Virtual Document>Add Child>From File Selector.
Select the descendant and click OK.
The file is added as the last descendant in the parent document. If the intended
parent is not a virtual document, the system automatically converts the document
to a virtual document.
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
You must check in the parent document for your changes to take effect. To do so:
Navigate to the parent document.
b. Select one of the following, depending on the options available:
Select More>Tools>Save Changes.
Select the parent document and select Tools>Virtual Document>Save
Click OK.
d. Select your checkin options and click OK.
To add a descendant by rst adding it to your clipboard:
Add the descendant to your clipboard.
Navigate to the parent document.
View the structure of the parent document, as described in Viewing the structure of
a virtual document, page 104).
Select one of the following, depending on the options available:
More>Tools>Add Child (From Clipboard).
Tools>Virtual Document>Add Child>From Clipboard.
Select the descendant and click OK.
The file is added as the last descendant in the parent document. If the intended
parent is not a virtual document, the system automatically converts the document
to a virtual document.
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
You must check in the parent document for your changes to take effect. To do so:
Navigate to the parent document.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
b. Select one of the following, depending on the options available:
Select More>Tools>Save Changes.
Select the parent document and select Tools>Virtual Document>Save
Click OK.
d. Select your checkin options and click OK.
To add a descendant by creating new le:
Navigate to the parent document.
View the structure of the parent document, as described in Viewing the structure of
a virtual document, page 104).
Select one of the following, depending on the options available:
More>Tools>Add Child (Using New Document).
Tools>Virtual Document>Add Child>Using New Document.
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
Create the new file using the standard Webtop procedure for creating a new file.
You must check in the parent document for your changes to take effect. To do so:
Navigate to the parent document.
b. Select one of the following, depending on the options available:
Select More>Tools>Save Changes.
Select the parent document and select Tools>Virtual Document>Save
Click OK.
d. Select your checkin options and click OK.
To add a descendant by dragging and dropping:
Locate the file you want to add by navigating to it either in the right pane or in a
new window.
Click the file and hold down the mouse button.
While still holding down the mouse button, drag the file to the parent document,
which is displayed in either the left pane or a separate window.
While still holding down the mouse button, determine the file’s placement in the
parent document by positioning your mouse cursor either high, low, or midway
over a desired target, as explained here:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
To place the file as a sibling in front of the target, place your cursor high on the
highlighted target, as shown here. A dashed line appears showing you the file
will be placed in front of the target.
To place the file as a sibling after the target, place your cursor low on the target,
as shown here. A dashed line appears showing you the file will be placed after
the target.
To place the file as a child document of the target, place the cursor midway on
the target, as shown here. No dashed line appears.
Let go of the mouse button.
In the pop-up menu, select Add here.
The file is added to the parent document. If you did not choose a specific location
within the descendants, the file is added as the last descendant in the document. If
the intended parent is not a virtual document, the system automatically converts the
document to a virtual document.
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
You must check in the parent document for your changes to take effect.
Removing a descendant
When you remove a descendant, you also remove its descendants from the virtual
document. When you remove a descendant from a virtual document, the descendant’s
parent document will be checked out for you if it is not already checked out. You must
have at least Version permission for the parent document from which you are removing
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
a descendant. Removing descendants does not delete the files from the repository. It
only removes the files from the virtual document structure.
To remove a descendant from a virtual document:
Navigate to the virtual document.
View the structure of the virtual document. (For details on viewing structure, see
Viewing the structure of a virtual document, page 104.)
For the descendant you want to remove, do one of the following, depending on the
options available:
Select More>Tools>Remove Child.
Select the descendant’s checkbox and select Tools>Virtual Document>Remove
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
For the parent document, do one of the following, depending on the options
Select More>Tools>Save Changes.
Select the parent document and select Tools>Virtual Document>Save Changes.
Click OK.
Select your checkin options and click OK.
Moving and reordering descendants
You can rearrange the order of the descendants within a virtual document. To do so, you
must have at least Version permission on the virtual document.
To reorder descendants, use one of the following procedures:
To reorder descendants using the menu options:, page 111
To move or reorder a descendant using drag-and-drop:, page 112
To reorder descendants using the menu options:
This procedure lets you reorder descendants within a particular location in the virtual
Navigate to the virtual document.
View the structure of the virtual document. (For details on viewing structure, see
Viewing the structure of a virtual document, page 104.)
Do one of the following for the parent document, depending on the options available:
Webtop User Guide
Choose More>Tools>Reorder Children.
Working with Virtual Documents
Select the document’s checkbox and choose Tools>Virtual Document>Reorder
Select the descendant you want to reorder.
Click Up or Down to move the descendant up or down in the list.
Repeat the last two steps for as many descendants as you want to reorder.
Click OK.
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
For the parent document, do one of the following, depending on the options
Select More>Tools>Save Changes.
Select the parent document and select Tools>Virtual Document>Save Changes.
10. Click OK.
11. Select your checkin options and click OK.
To move or reorder a descendant using drag-and-drop:
This procedure lets you move a descendant to a different location in a virtual document
or reorder the descendant within the location it is already in.
Navigate to the virtual document.
View the structure of the virtual document. (For details on viewing structure, see
Viewing the structure of a virtual document, page 104.)
Navigate to the descendant either in the left pane or in a new window. You can open
a new window by clicking New Window or by selecting Tools>New Window.
Click the descendant and hold down the mouse button.
While still holding down the mouse button, drag the descendant to the new location.
While still holding down the mouse button, determine the descendant’s placement
by positioning your mouse cursor either high, low, or midway over a desired target,
as explained here:
To place the descendant as a sibling in front of the target, place your cursor high
on the highlighted target, as shown here. A dashed line appears showing you
the descendant will be placed in front of the target.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
To place the descendant as a sibling after the target, place your cursor low on
the target, as shown here. A dashed line appears showing you the descendant
will be placed after the target.
To place the descendant as a child of the target, place the cursor midway on the
target, as shown here. No dashed line appears.
Let go of the mouse button.
In the pop-up menu, click Reposition.
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
10. You must check in the parent document for your changes to take effect.
Fixing a descendant to a version
When you create a virtual document, you can specify that a particular version of a nested
descendant is always used. This is called a binding rule.
Typically, a virtual document always uses the CURRENT version of each of its descendant
documents. But you can apply a binding rule that mandates a particular version of a
descendant is used each time, even if there is a more current version available. A binding
rule applies only to the component to which it is assigned. A component can have two
different binding rules if it is part of two different virtual documents.
You can set different binding rules for different views of a virtual document. This is
handy for comparing what happens to a virtual document when different binding
rules are applied. Setting a binding rule for a view doesn’t affect the binding rules for
components within the virtual document. If you don’t set binding rules for a component
or a view, Virtual Document Manager (VDM) uses the standard binding rule, CURRENT.
A binding is a broken binding if VDM cannot find the version of a component specified by
the component’s binding rule. Once a binding is broken, it is flagged as such in VDM, if
you have set your general preferences to display broken bindings.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
To x a particular version of a descendant to a virtual document:
Navigate to a descendant document in a virtual document.
Note: You can navigate to a descendant by viewing the structure of the virtual
document, as described in Viewing the structure of a virtual document, page 104.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Select More>Tools>Fix to Version.
Select the document and select Tools>Virtual Document>Fix to Version.
If the parent document is not already checked out to your computer, Webtop checks
it out. If you are prompted for a checkout location, enter the necessary information.
In the Always Use field, select the version to fix to the virtual document.
Click OK.
For the parent document, do one of the following, depending on the options
Select More>Tools>Save Changes.
Select the parent document and select Tools>Virtual Document>Save Changes.
Click OK.
Select your checkin options and click OK.
Converting a virtual document to a simple
You can convert a virtual document to a simple document only if the virtual document
has no descendants.
To convert a virtual document to a simple document:
Navigate to the file you want to convert to a simple document.
If you have not already done so, remove all descendants from the virtual document.
See Removing a descendant, page 110.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Tools>Convert to Simple Document.
Check the document’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Virtual Document>Convert
to Simple Document.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
Modifying a version label
You can add a version label to a virtual document. When you do, you can select whether
the label appears only in the parent document or also in all the parent’s descendants.
To modify a version label:
Navigate to the virtual document.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Tools>Modify Version Labels.
Check the virtual document’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Virtual
Document>Modify Version Labels.
Enter a version label.
To apply the version label to all descendants of the virtual document, check apply
to all descendants.
Click OK.
Working with snapshots
A snapshot is copy of a virtual document at a particular point in time a record of the
document as it existed at the time you created the snapshot. A snapshot is useful if you
want to view a stage in the process of constructing a virtual document.
You can do the following:
Creating a snapshot, page 115
Freezing a snapshot, page 116
Unfreezing a snapshot, page 117
Viewing a snapshot, page 117
Creating a snapshot
This procedure describes how to archive an edition of a virtual document at a particular
point in time.
To create a snapshot:
Navigate to the virtual document.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
Click More>Tools>New Snapshot.
Check the virtual document’s checkbox. Select Tools>Virtual Document>New
In the Create tab, do the following:
Enter a name for the snapshot.
Select a location for the new snapshot.
Select the type of snapshot.
To freeze the snapshot, select Freeze Snapshot. You can also freeze the snapshot
at a later time by using the procedure Freezing a snapshot, page 116.
In the Info tab, set information as desired. If the Edit link appears next to a property,
you set the property’s values by clicking Edit and entering values in the resulting
page. You enter values by either typing them in an Enter new value box or selecting
them from a Select from list box, and by then clicking Add. You can move a value
up or down in the resulting list by selecting it and clicking Move Up or Move Down.
You can remove a value by selecting it and clicking Remove. When you are done
adding values, click OK.
Set information in any remaining tabs as desired. For information on the functionality
affected by those tabs, see the topic in this guide that covers that functionality.
Click Finish.
Freezing a snapshot
This procedure describes how to freeze an existing, unfrozen snapshot. Freezing a
snapshot gives you control over what can be done to the snapshot and to the snapshot’s
When you freeze a snapshot:
You cannot add components to or delete components from the frozen snapshot.
You cannot change the content or attributes of the components of the frozen snapshot
unless you check the components in as new versions.
You cannot change the contents or properties of the document object associated with
the snapshot, unless you check the document object in as a new version.
To freeze a snapshot:
Navigate to the snapshot.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Tools>Freeze Snapshot.
Check the snapshot’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Virtual Document>Freeze
Webtop User Guide
Working with Virtual Documents
Unfreezing a snapshot
This procedure describes how to unfreeze an existing, frozen snapshot. Unfreezing a
snapshot allows you to add, delete, or reorder descendants, and allows you to edit the
descendants themselves. If a descendant is part of more than one frozen snapshot, then
you must unfreeze all the snapshots in order to edit the descendant.
To unfreeze a snapshot:
Navigate to the frozen snapshot.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Tools>Unfreeze Snapshot.
Check the snapshot’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Virtual Document>Unfreeze
Viewing a snapshot
You can view a list of snapshots created for a virtual document.
To view a snapshot:
Navigate to the virtual document.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Webtop User Guide
Click More>View>Snapshots.
Select the virtual document’s checkbox and select View>Snapshots.
Working with Virtual Documents
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 13
Annotating PDF Documents
If your organization has installed Documentum’s PDF Annotation Service, then you can store
comments created in Adobe Acrobat or Reader into a repository. You can view and enter comments
in PDFs directly from Webtop.
Comments are associated with a specific version of a document. If a document is versioned (for
example, if a user checks it out, makes changes, and checks it back in), the comments on the previous
version are not migrated to the new version. For example, if you check out a 1.0 CURRENT version of
a document, and then a second user adds comments to the document, the comments are associated
with the 1.0 version. If you then check in and change the version number to 1.1, then when you view
the 1.1 CURRENT version, you will not see the comments from the 1.0 version.
To use PDF Annotation Services, the following must be true:
You must configure Webtop to open PDF Annotation Service when you view a PDF, as described
in this topic.
You must run Webtop on a Windows platform
You must run one of the following Adobe products:
— Acrobat 7.0
— Reader 7.0
— Acrobat 6.0
You must run one of the following browsers:
— Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1
— Netscape 7.2
To add comments to a document, you must have at least Relate permission on the document.
To view comments, you must have at least Read permission for the document.
To congure PDF Annotation Service to open when viewing a pdf:
Webtop User Guide
Click Preferences in the banner.
Annotating PDF Documents
On the Preferences page, select the Formats tab.
In the Choose object type list, select Document (dm_document).
In the Object’s primary format list, select Acrobat PDF (pdf).
In the Application for viewing list, select Comment.
If desired, repeat steps Step 3 to Step 5 for documents of other formats (such as
Microsoft Word). If doing so, do not select Acrobat PDF (pdf) in Step 4. Instead
select the desired format.
To add comments to a PDF document:
Navigate to a PDF document.
Note: If your Webtop preferences designate PDF as the file format for all documents
of a certain object type, then for documents of that object type you can navigate to
any rendition of the document.
View the document by doing one of the following, depending on the options
Click the document name, unless the document is already checked out by you. If
the document is already checked out by you, then clicking the name opens the
document for editing — not for read-only viewing.
Select the document’s checkbox and choose File>View.
The PDF opens in read-only mode in a separate window, with its comments.
If you use Internet Explorer, then the browser also launches an extra blank page. To
avoid this, select IE’s Tools>Internet Options menu option, then select the Advanced
tab and make sure the Reuse windows for launching shortcuts option is specified.
To add comments, use the Acrobat commands for doing so. For more information,
see your Acrobat documentation.
To save your comments to the repository, click Adobe’s Send and Receive Comments
Comments that are saved in a repository have the Acrobat .XFDF format.
To view comments:
Navigate to a PDF document.
Note: If your Webtop preferences designate PDF as the file format for all documents
of a certain object type, then for documents of that object type you can navigate to
any rendition of the document.
View the document by doing one of the following, depending on the options
Click the document name.
Select the document’s checkbox and choose File>View.
Webtop User Guide
Annotating PDF Documents
The PDF opens in a separate window, with its comments.
If you use Internet Explorer, then the browser also launches an extra blank page. To
avoid this, select IE’s Tools>Internet Options menu option, then select the Advanced
tab and make sure the Reuse windows for launching shortcuts option is specified.
Webtop User Guide
Annotating PDF Documents
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 14
Working with Forms
A form is an XML-based file that provides fields for you to enter and retrieve data. In order to use form
functionality, you must be assigned the user role of form_user, which is defined by the Forms DocApp.
This section describes the following:
Creating a form, page 123
Opening a form, page 124
Entering data in a form, page 124
Formatting the content in a form, page 127
Creating a form
When you create a new form, you do so based on a template, which determines the
form’s fields. Developers create form templates using Documentum Forms Builder.
To create a form:
Navigate to the location where you want to create the form.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Form.
Select File>New>Form.
In the Form Name field, enter a name for the new form.
In the Template field, select the form template used to create the form.
Click Next.
The form appears. To edit the form, see Entering data in a form, page 124.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Forms
Opening a form
You can access forms in their repository locations or by opening them within tasks.
When a form is attached to a task, it appears in one of two ways:
If the form existed in the repository before the workflow began, the form appears
as an attached file.
If the form was newly created just for the workflow, the form’s fields appear when a
user opens a task in the workflow.
To edit a form, see Entering data in a form, page 124.
Entering data in a form
When you enter data in a form, the data is saved in the form in the repository as either
content or attributes, or both. If data is saved as attributes only, the form will have a
file size of zero (0).
To enter data in a form:
If at any point Webtop prompts you to accept Documentum applets, click the appropriate
buttons to do so. Please read all prompts carefully.
Navigate to the form in the repository or task.
If the form opens automatically in a task, go to the next step. Otherwise, open the
form by doing one of the following, depending on the options available:
On the form’s line item, click Edit.
Check the form’s checkbox. Select File>Edit.
Enter information in the form as required. A form can include any of the following:
Text box (shown with formatting buttons)
You enter text by positioning your cursor in the text field and typing. If
formatting buttons appear, you can format text. To format text, see Formatting
the content in a form, page 127.
Selection list
You click the down arrow and select the desired item:
Webtop User Guide
Working with Forms
List boxes
— Single-selection list box
You click the desired selection. (If a radio button appears next to the list, you
must click the radio button to include the selected items on the form.)
— Multiple-selection list box
You select an item and click the arrow key to move the item to the right-hand
field. You can move multiple items. (If a radio button appears next to the
multiple-selection list, you must click the radio button to include the selected
items on the form.)
— Optional-entry list box (shown with radio buttons)
You can enter your own entry. If radio buttons appear, you click the radio
button to include your entry on the form.
Attachment selectors
— Single attachment
You add an attachment by clicking the Add link and selecting the attachment
in the selection page. (For details on using a selection page, see Choosing an
item on a selection page, page 36.)
— Multiple attachments
Webtop User Guide
Working with Forms
You add multiple attachments by clicking the Add link and selecting the
attachment in the selection page. (For details on using a selection page, see
Choosing an item on a selection page, page 36.) You remove an attachment
by highlighting it in the list and clicking Remove.
You select the checkbox to include the option on the form.
Radio buttons (shown with text box):
You select the desired option by clicking it. If a text box appears, you can enter
your own option. You must then click the option for it to be selected.
Calendar button (shown with selection lists for time):
You click the down arrow and then select the date from the calendar that
appears. In the calendar, you can move forward or backward month-by-month
by clicking the arrow keys.
If selection lists appear next to a calendar, you can select hour, minute, and
second, in addition to the date.
Auto-calculation button. Calculation buttons allow you to perform a numerical
calculation on entries you have made in text fields. If a calculation button
appears, you click the button to perform the calculation. The button’s label is
determined by the form template.
If you want to clear your changes and start over, click Reset.
When you are done entering information, click either Save or Submit.
If Webtop prompts you to confirm, click Yes.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Forms
Formatting the content in a form
If formatting buttons appear above a text box in a form (as shown here), you can format
The formatting buttons are described in the following table.
Table 14-1. Formatting buttons in a form
Formatting Option
Displays heading styles that can be
applied to a selected line of text.
Displays the currently selected font family
and allows the user to select another. If
the font selected is not installed on the
form user’s machine, the font defaults to a
more common font within that family.
Displays the currently selected font size
and allows the user to select another.
Copies selected text to clipboard and
deletes it from current location. May not
work for Mozilla and Netscape because
of the browser security setting. Use
the standard key combination CTRL+X
Copies selected text to clipboard and
leaves a copy in current location. May not
work for Mozilla and Netscape because
of the browser security setting. Use
the standard key combination CTRL+C
Pastes text in the clipboard into the
selected location. May not work for
Mozilla and Netscape because of the
browser security setting. Use the standard
key combination CTRL+V instead.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Forms
Formatting Option
Makes the selected text bold.
Makes the selected text italic.
Makes the selected text underlined.
Aligns each line in a block of text to the
left margin.
Centers each line in a block of text.
Aligns each line in a block of text to the
right margin.
Stretches each line in a block of text to
meet the left and right margins.
Indents a block of text.
Outdents a block of text.
Makes the selected text subscript (small
text below the line).
Makes the selected text superscript (small
text above the line).
Creates a numbered list.
Creates a bulleted list.
Controls the color of the selected text.
Highlights the background color of the
selected text.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Forms
Formatting Option
Undoes the previous action. Multiple
undoes are allowed. Note the following
constraints on Undo/Redo:
• Undo/redo does not apply to actions
that were invoked with the context
menu (the menu obtained by
right-clicking an object)
• Undo/redo does not apply to table
manipulations (creating tables, adding
and deleting rows)
• Netscape and Mozilla browsers do
not support undo/redo for adding
background color.
Restores the previous undo. Multiple
redoes are allowed. See Undo for a list of
Allow insertion of a URL link to an image.
Creates a hyperlink from selected text.
Inserts a table into the rich text frame from
the clipboard. The table can be in Word,
RTF, or HTML format.
Checks the spelling of the text in the rich
text frame.
Displays the HTML markup of the
formatted text.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Forms
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 15
Working with Collaborative Services
This section describes the following:
Collaborative Services overview, page 131
Working with rooms, page 133
Working with discussions, page 142
Working with notes, page 144
Working with contextual folders and cabinets, page 146
Working with the Rich Text Editor, page 147
Collaborative Services overview
Collaborative Services support and improve the way groups work together around
content (documents, rich media assets, etc.) and processes (lifecycles, workflows). While
the Documentum platform allows you to access, use, reuse, and distribute information
quickly and easily, Collaborative Services reinforces and enhances the quality of the
teamwork inherent in such information exchange. With Collaborative Services, the
enterprise repository is a place to do work, not just a place to put work.
Collaborative Services consists of the following objects and features.
With Collaborative Services, your repository can include virtual workplaces, called
rooms, where group interactions take place. Rooms have members (a defined set of
repository users), and membership is associated with both the processes and the content
in a room. Objects belonging to a room (created, or copied, or moved there) have ACLs
that are controlled by the room, and non-members cannot access them. You can structure
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
rooms as organizational functions associated with particular programs, projects, or
Discussions are online comment threads that enable informal or spontaneous
collaboration around individual repository items. For example, a website production
team can organize discussion threads for sharing feedback about specific content before
it is published. Product development teams can brainstorm ideas, debate issues, and
reach consensus using discussions. Users can add, edit, delete and reply to comments in
discussions. Most objects in Webtop can have discussions associated with them.
Notes are simple, lightweight documents that can have built-in discussions and can
contain rich-text content. Using notes avoids the overhead of running an application for
text-based collaboration.
Contextual folders and cabinets
Contextual folders and cabinets are distinguished from standard repository containers
by optional rich-text descriptions and built-in discussions. These features provide the
ability to capture and express the work-oriented context of a folder’s hierarchy. Such
contextual information might include details about project goals, tasks, roles, milestones
and so forth. Since full-text search keeps an index of all descriptions and discussions in a
repository, they are easy to find, along with the items to which they relate.
Rich text editor
The Rich Text Editor (RTE) is an embedded window for creating and editing rich text.
It provides rich-text formatting controls (for bold, italic, font selection, etc.), a spelling
checker, and it allows inline web links and images. The RTE is available for creating,
editing, or replying to comments; for creating or editing notes; and for creating or editing
folder descriptions.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Working with rooms
A room is an area in a repository where access to items is restricted except to users on
that room’s member list. Objects in a room are governed by that room (that is, their ACLs
are determined by the room) and non-members cannot access them.
Repository users with the appropriate permissions can create and administer a room in
Webtop, instead of relying on a system administrator. Room creators and room owners
also manage a room’s member list.
Creation and administration of rooms are available only to WDK-based applications such as
Visiting a room
Rooms are like folders in the Webtop navigation tree. To open the home page of a room
of which you are a member, click the room icon ( ) in a list of items.
The first time you visit a room’s home page, you have the option to subscribe to it
(unless you are its creator and have already done so). Pick “Yes” or “No,” and then click
Continue. If you pick “Yes,” the room’s home page is added to your Subscriptions.
The home page of a room is like the top level of a folder, with these unique aspects:
The title is the room’s, plus the words “home page.”
A banner graphic (if any) appears above the room’s welcome message. (A room’s
banner graphic also appears on the pages of governed folders, notes, and standalone
discussions in that room.)
A link to the Membership tab of the room properties appears at the top.
The welcome message (if any) is akin to a folder’s rich-text description.
The built-in discussion is called “Announcements.”
Linking to a Room
You can add a link to a room’s home page anywhere in the repository that permits links.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
About objects governed by rooms
An object that is governed by a room means its ACL is ruled by the room, and only the
room’s members can access it. While a governed object may be linked to other locations
in a repository, the only users who can access it are members of the room that governs
the object. A room governs anything created within or imported into it except for
another room.
Accessors for the Contributors and Owners roles, and local groups, are added to its ACL
according to the defaults set in the room’s Properties: Options tab. An object created by
copying another counts as a new object.
In the optional Room column of a list (indicated by the
icon), objects that belong to
rooms are distinguished by one of the following icons (or governing indicators):
means the item belongs to (or is governed by) the same room as the current folder.
means the object belongs to a different room.
Clicking a governing indicator opens the room’s home page. Click the
header icon to
sort a list of objects according to whether they belong to the same room, a different room,
or no room (no icon in the Room column).
If you show all versions in a folder, each version of an object that is visible to you has its
own governing indicator since it is possible for different versions to belong to different
You can turn off the Room column by using Display Setting preferences for columns.
Ungoverning objects from a Room
A user must have Write and Change permissions on an object in order to ungovern it.
Also, a room option may limit ungoverning to owners.
When an object becomes ungoverned the Room Members group is removed from its
required groups list, and the room’s Owners and Contributors groups are removed from
its permissions list. All others on the permissions list remain there.
Any accessors for local groups are removed from an ungoverned object’s ACL.
The governing relationship of an object to a room can be removed in the following ways:
by moving links from inside the objects’ room to anywhere outside it can lead
to ungoverning those objects
by using the File > Remove From Room command
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
by copying a governed object into an ungoverned folder; the copy is not governed
and there are no entries in its ACL for local groups or roles of the original object’s
by moving a link for a governed object out of its room via a workflow, as long as the
workflow is authorized to ungovern in that room
Creating a room
You can create a room anywhere in a repository that a folder can be created. To use the
New Room wizard to create a room, you must have the following:
Permission to create objects in the intended location
CREATE GROUP privilege at the repository administration level (for adding user
groups to the repository member list)
Note: In repositories with versions earlier than 5.3 SP2, , you can only create a room at
the top level of a cabinet.
To create a room:
Navigate to where you want to create a room.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Room.
If the menu bar is available, select File>New>Room.
In the Create tab of the New Room wizard, enter the following:
Name (required): The name of the new room. The name must be unique among
the names of other objects in the same cabinet.
Welcome message (optional): In the rich-text editing window, create a message
that will appear below the navigation path on the room’s home page.
Subscribe to the room if you want to by checking the Subscribe to this room
option (click [+] Show Options if necessary to view the option).
You can either continue to another tab, or click Finish to complete the wizard.
Webtop User Guide
Pick the room’s members. You can do this now, or after the room is created.
The Choose Owners tab provides the usual Webtop controls for selecting the
repository users, groups, or roles (from the left-hand pane) that you want in the
room’s Owners role (listed in right-hand pane). You can add or remove members
in this role later. As the room’s creator, you automatically become an owner.
On the Choose Contributors tab, pick the repository users, groups, or roles that
you want in the room’s Contributors role. You can add or remove members
in this role later.
Working with Collaborative Services
Pick the room’s options. You can do this now, or after the room is created.
Rights to remove governing Decide who can remove the governing relationship
that the room has over objects belonging to the room, either room owners only,
or any room member (contributors as well as owners).
Room Banner Decide whether your room has an identifying graphic that appears
across the top of pages throughout the room. To specify a custom banner, select
the checkbox labeled Use Custom Banner. Pick the graphic file (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or
.png format, no more than 36 pixels tall) that will upload to the room when you
click Finish to complete the wizard.
Note: You can remove a room’s graphic by editing the room’s properties, clearing
the Use Custom Banner checkbox, and clicking OK to put your change into effect.
Accessors for newly added objects Set up the permissions to add to an object
when it becomes governed by the room. A chart lists which permissions will be
granted each local group. Each row in the chart shows the name and current
settings of one group, with an Edit button leading to an editing dialog. The chart
initially shows the two built-in groups, Contributors and Owners. The default
setting for Contributors is RELATE, Run Procedure, Change Location. The
default setting for Owners is DELETE, Run Procedure, Change Location. After
room creation, if additional room-level groups are created, the chart also lists
these groups, with initial permission of NONE, and no extended permissions.
The room creator can change the setting for any group by clicking Edit in its row
to open the Set Access Permissions: For new objects added to the room dialog
box, which contains the usual Webtop controls for setting permissions.
To complete the New Room wizard, click Finish to create the room. Or, to exit the
wizard without creating a room, click Cancel.
Editing the properties of a room
Rooms have properties just as other repository containers do, and you can access them in
the usual manner.
To edit the properties of a room:
Navigate to the room for which you want to view or set properties.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
in the row containing the room’s name.
Select the room and pick View>Properties>Info.
Click the Properties link on the room’s home page.
The Properties: Info tab opens and is identified at the top left with a room icon
( ) and the name of the room.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Change properties as desired and click OK to put them into effect for the room.
Changes you make to the Properties: Membership tab take effect immediately,
however (you do not need to click OK first).
About room membership
Room members are a set of repository users, groups, and roles that the room creator (or a
room owner) has added to the room’s member list.
Each room member has either a Contributor or Owner role in the room.
Contributor is listed on the ACL of all room objects, usually granting Read
permission over them. Most room members are contributors.
Owner permits member list management and is listed on the ACL of all room
objects, usually granting Delete permission over them.
Local roles are in effect only for room objects and locations; they have no meaning
outside of a room.
If a member directly assigned to the Contributors role is also in the Owners role indirectly
(for example, via a group), then the Owners role takes precedence for that member.
Room owners can create private, local groups of room members, which support custom
roles within the room (“Spec Approvers,” for example). The name of a local group
must be unique within the room.
Figure 15-1. Repository members in relation to room members, groups, and roles
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Managing room membership
Members of a room can see the room’s member list, but only room owners can manage
room membership.
To open the room member list:
Do one of the following:
On the room’s home page, click the Members link.
Open the Membership tab of room properties (Properties: Membership).
Columns in the room member list are as follows:
Name: the name of the group or member.
Role: distinguishes owners vs. contributors.
State: shows whether members have working accounts in the repository.
Description: email addresses for users, descriptions for groups.
Group: visible when the Show Groups checkbox is selected. If a member is not
explicitly added to room, this column shows the group that grants the member
membership. (There might be multiple groups, but only the first in alphabetical
order is shown.)
To see the members of a group, click its name. To go back “up,” use the breadcrumb
trail above the group member list.
To add repository members to a room:
On the room’s Properties: Membership tab, click Add.
In the first dialog box, use the standard member picker to locate and select the
repository members, groups, and roles that you want to add to the room’s member
list. Click OK to go to the next step of assigning a role to the selected members.
(Clicking Cancel returns to the Membership tab.)
In the second dialog box, pick the role (Contributor or Owner) you want the new
members to have. Click OK to assign the role and return to the Membership tab.
(Clicking Cancel returns to the member-picking dialog box.)
To remove members from a room:
On the room’s Properties: Membership tab, click Remove to open the Choose
Members: Room Members tab, which lists room members, including local groups,
In the left-hand pane, locate and select the room members, groups, and roles that
you want to remove from the room’s member list.
With the members selected, click
to add them to the right-hand pane.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Click OK to remove the members in the right-hand pane from the room’s member
list. You return to the Properties: Membership tab. Members removed from a room
are also removed from all local groups in the room.
Keep in mind that room members you remove remain repository members even if they
are removed from a room
To change local members’ roles:
On the room’s Properties: Membership tab, click Change Role.
In the first dialog box, use the standard member picker to locate and select the room
members and groups for whom you want to change roles. Click OK to go to the
next step of assigning a new role to the selected members. (Clicking Cancel returns
to the Membership tab.)
In the second dialog box, pick the role (Contributor or Owner) you want the
members to have. Click OK to assign the role and return to the Membership tab.
(Clicking Cancel returns to the member-picking dialog box.)
To create a new local group:
On the room’s Properties: Membership tab, click New Group to open the Create
New Room Group tab.
Type a name for the group (required). The name must be unique among local group
names in the room.
Optionally, type a plain text description for the group.
Click OK to create the group and return to the room’s member list.
A local group is owned by the room’s Owners group (even if removed from the room).
Therefore, it can be used in ACLs of governed objects only.
To edit the properties of a local group:
Open the room’s Properties: Membership tab.
Modify group properties as desired, and then click OK to implement your changes.
in the row with the group’s name to open the Info tab.
To add room members to a local group:
On the room’s Properties: Membership tab, click the name of the group whose
membership you want to modify. The group’s member list opens.
On the group member list page, click Add. A page for locating room members opens.
In the left-hand pane, locate and select the room members, groups, and roles that
you want to add to the group.
With the members selected, click
Webtop User Guide
to add them to the right-hand pane.
Working with Collaborative Services
Click OK to add the members and return to the group’s member list.
To remove a local group from a room:
On the room’s Properties: Membership tab, click Remove to open the Choose
Members: Room Members tab, which lists room members, including local groups,
In the left-hand pane, locate and select the groups that you want to remove from
the room’s member list.
With the groups selected, click
Click OK to remove the groups in the right-hand pane from the room’s member list.
You return to the Properties: Membership tab. Members removed from a room are
also removed from all local groups in the room.
to add them to the right-hand pane.
To remove a local group from a room:
On the room’s Properties: Membership tab, click Remove to open the Choose
Members: Room Members tab, which lists room members, including local groups,
In the left-hand pane, locate and select the groups that you want to remove from
the room’s member list.
With the groups selected, click
Click OK to remove the groups in the right-hand pane from the room’s member list.
You return to the Properties: Membership tab. Members removed from a room are
also removed from all local groups in the room.
to add them to the right-hand pane.
Keep in mind that when you remove a local group from a room, the group is effectively
deleted from the repository. This is unlike room members, who remain repository
members even if they are removed from a room.
When a local group is removed from a room, its own member list is emptied and it
ceases to appear in member lists and member pickers. It also ceases to appear on the list
for setting accessors on the Room Properties: Options tab, under Accessors for newly
added objects. It remains listed on any ACLs it is already on, but its name shows that
it has been "deleted." It continues to be owned by the room Owners group, keeping it
secure. The built-in local groups (Owners and Contributors) cannot be removed and
therefore do not appear on the Remove dialog.
Copying a room
You can copy a room to anywhere in a repository that a folder can be copied.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
When you copy a room, the new room contains copies of everything accessible from the
original. A copy of a room has the properties of the original. However, the “owner
name” is the Owners group of the copy, not the Owners group of the original. The
local roles and groups of the copy are duplicates of the ones in the original, except the
member creating the copy is in the Owner role.
Moving or linking to a room
You can move a room anywhere in a repository that a folder can be moved.
A link to a room home page may be added anywhere in the repository that permits links.
Deleting a room
Superusers and room owners can delete a room, but any users who are not room
members cannot, even those with Delete permission.
Choose between the following:
Delete just the link to [folder name] (this is the default choice).
Delete the room, including its member list and local groups, and all links to it. In
this case, you must pick between deleting just the current version or all versions.
If you delete the last remaining link to a room, you are deleting the room and must
decide whether to:
Delete the room, its member list, and its local groups (this is the default choice).
This action succeeds only if the home page has no links, not even hidden links to old
versions, which also implies the room no longer governs anything.
Delete the room, its member list, its local groups, and all sub-folders and objects.
In this case, decide whether to:
— Delete current versions of linked objects (default choice). This option begins by
deleting the current version of every linked object. The deletion stops, however,
if the home page and sub-folders still contain links to other versions of any
of those objects, even hidden links to old versions. To be entirely deleted, the
room must not have any links (not even hidden ones) to non-current versions of
— Delete all versions of linked objects.
If you are deleting multiple objects, the deletion dialog has multiple pages with the
above choices for any room that needs it.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Working with discussions
An online discussion is made up of a tree of comments, either as a consecutive series or as
replies to other comments, but typically a mix of both.
Discussions are usually related to parent objects (like documents or rich media files).
If Webtop has a page for the parent (for example a folder or a note), the discussion is
usually embedded on that page. Otherwise, the discussion has its own standalone page.
Unlike other repository items, a discussion cannot be checked out or versioned, and
cannot have multiple renditions. A discussion related to a parent cannot be selected or
edited, and its properties are inaccessible.
When you check in a new version of a parent object, it shares the same discussion as
the immediately preceding version (branch, minor, or major). First versions have new
discussions. A WDK setting can change this default behavior so that discussions are
only shared for each new minor or branch version (while major versions have new
discussions), or that no versions of an object share a discussion (every version has its
own). An object’s versions can provide a sort of timeline for an object, along with the
comments in each discussion. When a discussion is shared by versions, version markers
for each check-in appear among the comments.
Access to a discussion is the same as your access to its primary parent, which is either
the CURRENT or most recent version. Typically, you can edit and delete only the
comments that you create.
Copying an object also copies its discussion and includes copies of all comments (and
replies to comments, etc.) and their original creation date, author, and ACL.
Viewing discussions
In the optional Discussion status column of a list (indicated by the
icon), objects that
have discussion comments are distinguished by one of the following discussion icons:
means you have read all comments in the discussion.
means there are some comments in the discussion you have not read.
To see a discussion, with or without comments (for example, to add a comment), either
click on a discussion icon, or select a single object and pick View>Discussion.
To sort a list of objects according to their discussion comments (read, unread, or none),
at the top of the Discussion status column. You can turn off the Discussion status
column by using Display Setting preferences for columns.
You can mark discussions as having all read or unread comments. For example, if you
want a visual reminder when only new comments are added to a particular discussion,
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
select or open the object it’s associated with and pick File>Mark Discussion as Read.
Conversely, you can make all comments appear to be unread with File>Mark Discussion
as Unread. Selecting multiple objects applies these commands to each object in the
Adding and editing comments
Users with at least Write permission to an object can go to the Properties: Info tab for
the object, and select or clear the Show discussion checkbox. Once a discussion is
shown, users with at least Relate permission on the discussion’s primary parent can add
a comment or a reply in that discussion.
To add a comment to a discussion:
Display the discussion by doing one of the following:
Click the discussion icon (
Select a single object and pick View>Discussion.
In the discussion, below the last comment, click add a comment. (If there is no add
a comment button for an object, your permission for the parent object is less than
In the rich-text editing window, fill in the (required) title and (optional) body of
your comment.
Click OK. Your comment appears below the last comment, set even with the left
margin of the one above it.
To reply to a particular comment:
Next to the title of the comment to which you want to respond, click
In the rich-text editing window, fill in the title and body of your comment. Your
remarks appear below the comment to which you are responding, indented to the
If there is no
icon for replying to a comment, your permission for the parent object
might be insufficient for adding or replying to comments you need at least Relate
To edit a comment:
Next to the title of a comment you added, click
In the rich-text editing window, edit the title and/or body of your comment.
Click OK to put your changes into effect.
Unless you have administrative privileges, you can edit only the comments you add.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Deleting comments
If you have Delete permission on a given comment, and Relate permission on the
discussion’s primary parent, you can delete that comment and any replies to it.
If you have Delete permission on all of the discussion’s parents, you can delete all
comments, even ones made by other people.
If you have Delete for all parents, you can make the discussion unavailable by deleting
all of them.
Discussions in search results
The repository search index contains the rich-text content of discussions, but not their
meta-content or properties. This means that discussion comments can match a search
by full text, but not a search by properties like object type or creation date. You can,
however, search for the names of comment authors.
When a discussion matches the search terms, the results show the parent object, not
the discussion itself. You can open the discussion of any search result using the same
methods as in other contexts.
Working with notes
A note is a simple page for composing, editing, and sharing information without using or
requiring other users to have another application to do so.
Notes appear in Webtop only where documents are shown. They have their own icon
that looks like this:
While notes can be subscribed to, they do not have versions or renditions. You can edit,
move, copy, or link a note, but you cannot check them in or out, or export them.
To create a note:
Navigate to the container in which you want to create a note.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Note.
If the menu bar is available, select File>New>Note.
In the Create tab of the New Note wizard, enter the following:
Name (required): The name of the new note must be unique among the names of
other objects in the same container.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Note (optional): In the rich-text editing window, create the body of your note.
Subscribe to the note if you want to by checking the Subscribe to this room option
(click [+] Show Options if necessary to view the option).
You can either continue to another tab, or click Finish to complete the wizard.
To complete the New Note wizard, click Finish to create the note. Or, to exit the
wizard without creating a note, click Cancel.
If you have Write permission on a note, you can edit its name and body.
To edit the body of a note:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Edit.
If the menu bar is available, select File>Edit.
In the rich-text editing window, edit the body of the note.
Click OK to put your changes into effect.
To edit the name of a note:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
in the row with the note’s name.
Select the note and select View>Properties>Info.
The Properties: Info tab opens and is identified at the top left with a note icon (
and the name of the note.
Edit the note’s Name and other properties, as desired.
Click OK to put your changes into effect.
To delete a note:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Delete.
If the More link is available, click More>File>Delete.
If the menu bar is available, select the note and then select File>Delete.
Since a note does not have versions, the Delete dialog for a note differs from that for
typical documents. Choices on in the Delete dialog are as follows:
Links: Delete just the link to the location name (not selected and disabled if the note
has only one location, otherwise selected by default).
Note: Permanently delete the note (selected by default if note has only one location).
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
Notes in search results
The text in the bodies and comment threads of notes is indexed for searching in
the repository. In order to find notes, set the Type of object to either “Sysobject
(dm_sysobject)” or “Note (dmc_notepage)” in the Advanced Search dialog.
When the body of a note matches the search criteria, the note is listed in the results.
Working with contextual folders and cabinets
Contextual folders and cabinets are repository containers with optional rich-text
descriptions and built-in discussions.
Rich-text descriptions display at the top of a contextual folder, like a room’s welcome
message. They can provide, for example, document summaries, instructions for using
project materials, or pointers to other locations. Because they can include formatted
text, pictures, and hyperlinks, folder descriptions can be informative, personalized, and
appealing so they are an immediate draw for users’ attention.
Discussions embedded on a contextual folder page encourage team members to focus
communication towards the nexus of their work (such as for document reviews)
instead of using email, for example, for project correspondence. Organized in a “tree”
of comments, these discussions help to collect and preserve the work-related flow
of information.
In some form or another, all project teams converse about a variety of topics, such as case
issues, scheduling decisions, development plans, product ideas, and customer feedback.
Discussions in contextual folders let teams save and have ready access to such ad hoc but
historically valuable exchanges.
A folder’s description is part of its metadata, just like a property field.
Creating a contextual folder
You create contextual folders in the usual manner.
To create a new contextual folder:
Navigate to the location in the repository where you want to create the new folder.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Folder.
Select File → New → Folder.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
In the Create tab, enter the following:
Name (required): The name of the new folder.
Type: The type of folder.
Description (optional): In the rich-text editing window, create a description that
will appear below the navigation path on the folder’s page.
Enter additional information as desired and then click Finish to create the folder.
Contextual folders and cabinets in search results
The text in the descriptions and comment threads of folders is indexed for searching in
the repository. Folder descriptions are included in any search that includes full text and
has Type of object set to either Sysobject (dm_sysobject) or Folder (dm_folder),
or a folder subtype, in the Advanced Search dialog.
When a description matches the search criteria, the folder is listed in the results.
Working with the Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor (RTE) enables you to format your text, include pictures and
hyperlinks in your text, and check your spelling. The RTE is available when you
create/edit or reply to comments, create or edit notes, and write optional descriptions for
container objects in your repository, including folders, cabinets, and rooms.
Adding content to the RTE
You can add content to the RTE by typing, pasting, or dragging and dropping a selection
of rich text from another client-side application, or from another RTE, or within the same
RTE (a selection from an RTE can include images).
When rich text that was composed outside the RTE is pasted into the RTE, it may contain
elements that can be displayed but not directly edited. In general, the RTE will render
any HTML content that the web browser can display. For example, a selection from a
web browser that contains an HTML table appears as such when you paste it into the
RTE. In this case you can edit the text within the table cells, but not the table itself.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Collaborative Services
The RTE toolbar
In the RTE, point to a button in the toolbar to see its name. In addition to standard text
formatting tools (such as font, size, bold, text alignment and so forth), the Documentum
RTE provides these tools:
On Microsoft Windows, with Microsoft Word spelling checker installed, click
to check spelling. (You will be prompted to download a plug-in.) When the
spell-checker finds a possible misspelling, the word is selected, scrolled into view,
and the Check Spelling dialog box opens. The word in question appears in the
Change box with a suggested alternative in the To box. You can edit the text in the
To box, or select a word from the list. Spelling commands are as follows:
— Change changes the selected word to the one in the To box.
— Change All changes all occurrences of the selected word in the text.
— Ignore leaves the selected word unchanged.
— Ignore All ignores all occurrences of the selected word in the text.
— Add to Dictionary adds the selected word to the dictionary used to check
to select from the clipboard menu. Choices are Undo, Redo, Delete,
and Select All. With Microsoft Internet Explorer, the following choices are also
available: Cut, Copy, Paste, and Remove Font Styles. Note that Cut, Copy, and
Paste commands are also available on your browser’s Edit menu.
to insert a graphic. The Insert Image dialog box opens and provides
controls for choosing and uploading one .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, or .png image at a time,
which is then shown inline in the editing area.
to insert a hyperlink. The Insert Link dialog box opens and provides a
Title field, a URL field, and a checkbox option to Open in a new window.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 16
Starting Workows and Performing
This section describes the following:
Workflows overview, page 149
Opening a task or notification from your Inbox, page 152
Accepting a task, page 153
Completing a task, page 155
Getting your next work queue task, page 156
Rejecting a task, page 156
Reassigning a task, page 157
Repeating a task, page 157
Changing your availability, page 158
Starting a workflow, page 158
Sending a quickflow, page 161
Workows overview
A workflow is an automatic process that assigns specific tasks to specific users, in
sequence, in order to carry out organizational procedures. Workflows allow you to pass
files and instructions from person to person according to a predefined sequence. For
example, an organization might use workflows to process insurance claims or develop
new products.
To start a workflow, you select the workflow template that includes the sequence of
tasks you want performed. Some workflow templates specify the users who receive the
tasks; others allow you to select the users.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
You can use a workflow template repeatedly to initiate task sequences. Multiple users
can start workflows from the same template at the same time. A single user can start
multiple workflows from the same template at the same time (the user must have at
least Relate permission on the template).
Workflow tasks that are sent to you appear in your Inbox. When you complete a task,
you forward it from the Inbox, and the workflow automatically notifies the next user in
sequence. The users in a workflow are called the workflow’s performers.
A workflow template might allow you to direct a task to a group of users, in which case
the first user to accept the task becomes the one who performs it. The task is removed
from the other users’ Inboxes.
When you start a workflow, you can attach files you want users to view or reference. A
file can be attached to only one workflow at a time. Users in the workflow can attach and
remove files as the workflow progresses. Users can edit attached files. The workflow
template determines whether the edited version or the original version stays with the
workflow as the workflow progresses. For more information, see Attached files, page 151.
Each workflow has a workflow supervisor who can pause, stop or make other changes to
the workflow as the workflow is active.
Workflows can include automatic tasks, such as the execution of scripts. If an automatic
task fails, the workflow supervisor is notified and can retry, perform or stop the task.
Automatic tasks allow you to integrate workflows with lifecycles (for example allowing
you to promote files to new lifecycle states as they progress through a workflow).
The Workflow Reporting utility allows you to perform additional management functions
and allows you to view all workflows in a repository.
Once started, a workflow is in one of three states:
The workflow running normally according to the workflow template.
The workflow is temporarily halted, but expected to be reinstated. If reinstated, it
continues from the point at which it was halted.
The workflow is aborted and cannot be reinstated.
Workflows use the following icons:
: A workflow template
: A workflow
: A package, which is a container for attaching a file. Click this icon to attach
a file. Text adjacent to the package tells you whether an attached file is optional
or mandatory.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
: A currently running workflow
: A workflow that is paused
: A workflow that is stopped
The following figure shows the integration of a workflow with a lifecycle. A lifecycle
defines the different stages a file goes through as it is created, edited, approved, and
eventually retired. An author creates a file for the web and forwards the file to a
workflow, which sends a review task to an editor. The editor suggests changes and sends
the file back to the author, who revises the file and forwards the task, which initiates an
automatic task. The automatic task promotes the file from WIP to Staging and sends the
file to a developer. The developer tests it on a Staging web server. If the developer rejects
the file, Webtop demotes the file to WIP and returns it to the author. If the developer
approves the file, an automatic task promotes it to Approved, and the workflow ends.
Figure 16-1. Integration of a workow and lifecycle
Attached les
When sending a task or workflow, you can attach files that you want another user to
work on. The files must be available for attaching. They cannot already be attached
elsewhere, locked by another user, or in an advanced lifecycle state.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
When attaching files in multiple languages, keep in mind that a task recipient’s filters
might show only the files that match that user’s language. When a user’s filters block
the user from seeing attached files in different languages, that user is allowed to attach
only supporting files to the task.
If your WDK-based application includes functionality for attaching supporting files, you can
import files from outside the repository to attach as supporting files. You have the
option of storing the imported files in the repository to be used again in the future as
attachments. You can store them publicly so that others can access them or you can store
them privately so that only you can access them.
If you use Documentum’s Web Publisher, then to enable Web Publisher workflows to use
supporting files with Business Process Services (BPS), workflow participants must do
the following:
Create a zip file, with a specific zip-file name, as determined by their administrator.
Add supporting files to the zip file.
Attach the zip file, with the specific name, as a supporting file to a workflow.
For details on configuring the Web Publisher wcmbpsconfig.xml configuration file to use
supporting files with BPS, refer to the Web Publisher Administrator Guide.
Opening a task or notication from your Inbox
Tasks ( ) are electronic assignments that are part of a workflow or quickflow. Opening
a task displays its instructions and attached files.
Tasks can be assigned special priority levels:
: high priority
: low priority
Notifications (
) are messages that tell you an event has occurred.
To open tasks and notications:
Click your Inbox.
Do one of the following:
Click the name of the task or notification.
Select the checkboxes for one or more tasks and notifications. Select File>View.
If Webtop displays multiple tabs, select the tab for the information you want to view.
To perform actions, see the appropriate procedure from the list below. To close the
task or notification, click Close.
Accepting a task, page 153
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
Completing a task, page 155
Rejecting a task, page 156
Reassigning a task, page 157
Repeating a task, page 157
Accepting a task
After you open a task, you select whether to accept it. If you do, you can work on any
attached files, add or remove files, and add or edit comments.
In some cases, a task might not directed to you alone but to a group of users, with the
intention that one in the group is to perform it. If you accept such a task, it is deleted
from the other users’ Inboxes.
To accept and perform a task:
Open the task. (You can open a task by clicking its name.)
If the Accept button appears, click Accept. If the task has also been sent to other
users, then the first user to accept the task is the one who performs it. Once you
accepts it, it is removed from the other users’ Inboxes.
The Info tab appears, displaying basic information about the task, including any
attachments. The next several steps describe operations you can perform in the
Info tab.
If the Info tab displays one or more attached files, then you can process the attached
files. For example, you can edit attached files. To perform a particular operation,
use the standard Webtop procedure for that operation. For example, to check out an
attached file, use the Webtop’s standard procedure for checking out a file.
If the Info tab allows you to attach additional files to the task, then if you want to
attach additional files, do the following:
Click one of the following, depending on which is displayed in the Info tab:
b. In the selection page, locate the file to attach by clicking the appropriate tab,
then navigating to the file. The different tabs correspond to standard repository
nodes and functions.
Webtop User Guide
Click Add at the bottom of the page.
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
d. When you attach a file that has links to other files, you can select to add the
linked files by selecting Automatically Add Linked Objects.
To remove an attached file, click either Delete or Remove.
If your WDK-based application includes functionality for supporting files, you
can attach a supporting file by clicking the Supporting Files tab and selecting
files. If you select to attach local files, you then select from these storage options:
One time
This does not store the files in the repository
Multiple (private)
This stores the files in your My Private Files area in the repository, which
means only you can use these files again as supporting files.
Multiple (public)
This stores the files in the Public Files area of the repository, meaning others
can use these files as supporting files.
If the Info tab displays a form in which you should enter information, then enter the
If the Info tab allows you to create and attach a new form, then do the following:
In the Info tab, click the name of the form or package, depending on what
b. Select the form template upon which to base the new form, and click OK. The
form’s fields appear.
To remove a form, click Remove.
If you remove a newly created form, the form is deleted automatically.
In the Comments tab, add comments by doing the following:
Click Add or Edit.
b. In the Comment field, type the comment.
If the following options appear, then select one:
For subsequent recipients
This sends the comment to all users performing all future tasks in the
For next recipients only
This sends the comment only to the users performing the next task in the
d. Click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
Repeat these steps for as many comments as you want to add. To remove a
comment, click Remove.
In the Progress tab, you can view task’s history.
10. Do one of the following:
To mark the task as completed and to forward it, refer to Completing a task,
page 155.
To close the task without yet forwarding it, click Close.
Completing a task
Once you have performed a task, you send it to the next user or activity in the workflow.
You do so by performing the procedure here. Any changes you make to attached files are
sent along with the task.
To complete a task:
If you have not already done so, open the task. (You can open a task by clicking
it in your Inbox.)
Click Submit, Forward, or Finish, depending on which button is shown.
If prompted for a password, type your password.
Click OK.
If prompted to select the next performers, do the following:
Click Click To Assign next to the task for which you want to select performers.
b. In the selection page, select the performers (for details on using a selection
page, refer to Choosing an item on a selection page, page 36). If allowed, you
can make multiple selections.
Click OK.
If prompted, select the next task to forward from the Select Next Forward Tasks list
by checking the appropriate checkboxes.
Click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
Getting your next work queue task
If your organization uses use work queues, use this procedure to get the next work queue
task. Your next task is the task of the highest priority from among the work queues you
participate in. Your next task appears in your Inbox.
You can manually retrieve your next task, or you can set your Inbox to automatically
send your next task. If you choose to receive tasks automatically, the next task appears
in your Inbox when you finish, forward, or reject your current task. You might want
to turn on automatic receipt while you are working on tasks and turn off automatic
receipt when you are not. If you leave automatic receipt on, you will always have an
unfinished task in your Inbox.
This topic includes several procedures.
To manually retrieve your next work queue task:
Go to your Inbox.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Get Next Task.
Click Tools>Work Queue Management>Get Next Task.
To turn on automatic receipt of work queue tasks:
In your Inbox, select Get next task automatically.
To turn off automatic receipt of work queue tasks:
1) If it is opened, close your currently assigned work queue task.
In your Inbox, deselect Get next task automatically.
Re-open your currently assigned task and finish it, so that you do not have
unfinished task in your Inbox.
Rejecting a task
If the option is available, you can reject a task. Not all tasks offer the Reject option. The
workflow supervisor decides which recipients can reject a task.
When you do, the following happens, depending on the task:
The rejected a task goes back to the prior recipient.
You are given the option to reroute the task to another user.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
In some cases, a task might not directed to you alone but to a group of users, with the
intention that one in the group is to perform it. If you reject such a task, it is deleted
from your Inbox but remains in the Inboxes of the other users in the group.
To reject a task:
Open the task. (You can open a task by clicking it in your Inbox.)
Click Reject.
If required, select the checkboxes for the users to whom you want to reroute the task.
If required, type a message explaining the reason for the rejection.
Click Next.
To select other tasks to reject, do so from the Select Next Reject Tasks list by
checking the appropriate checkboxes.
If required, type your password in the Sign Off Required field to electronically
sign off the task.
Click OK.
Reassigning a task
If the workflow allows, you can reassign a task that has been assigned to you. You can
delegate the task to another user, giving that user the responsibility to complete the task.
To reassign a task:
Open the task. (You can open a task by clicking it in your Inbox.)
Click Delegate.
If you are prompted to specify the user to whom to delegate the task, do the
On the task’s line item, click click to assign.
b. In the selection page, select the user to whom to delegate. (For details on using
the selection page, refer to Choosing an item on a selection page, page 36.)
Click OK.
Repeating a task
When you have completed a task, you might have the option to have another individual
or group repeat the task.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
To repeat a task:
Open the task. (You can open a task by clicking it in your Inbox.)
Click Repeat.
On the task’s line item, click click to assign.
In the selection page, select the user to whom to delegate. (For details on using the
selection page, refer to Choosing an item on a selection page, page 36.)
Click OK.
Changing your availability
You can determine whether you are available to receive workflow tasks. If you make
yourself unavailable to receive tasks, you must designate another user to receive your
tasks for you.
The top of your Inbox displays your availability. I am available indicates you are
available to receive tasks; I am currently set to unavailable indicates you are not available
to receive tasks and that another user is designated to receive the tasks sent to you. This
setting is useful, for example, if you will be out of the office for an extended period.
To change your availability to receive tasks:
Click your Inbox, and then click your availability status, which is one of the
I am available
I am currently set to unavailable
Do one of the following:
To make yourself available, deselect the I am currently unavailable. Please
direct my tasks to: checkbox.
To make yourself unavailable, select I am currently unavailable. Please direct
my tasks to:. Then click edit. Then, in the selection page, select the user. (For
details on using the selection page, refer to Choosing an item on a selection
page, page 36.)
Starting a workow
To start a workow:
Do one of the following:
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
To start a workflow by first selecting the type of workflow, go to Step 2.
To start a workflow by first selecting one or more files, go to Step 3. (You can
send the workflow with or without attached files.)
To start a workflow by first selecting the type of workflow, do one of the following,
depending on the options available:
Click Start Workflow. Skip to Step 4.
Select Tools>Workflow>Start. Skip to Step 4.
To start a workflow by first selecting files, do one of the following, depending on the
options available:
Navigate to the file you want to send and select More>Tools>Start Attachment.
Navigate to the files you want to send, check their checkboxes, and select
Tools>Workflow>Start Attachments.
In the list of workflow templates, locate the template you want and select its
If your organization uses DCM-enabled repositories, and if a controlled workflow
template appears in the selection list, do not select the controlled workflow template
for an uncontrolled document.
Click the OK button (at the bottom of the page).
In the Info tab, type a name for the workflow in the Workflow Description field.
You can send the workflow with attached files. To attach an existing file, do the
In the Info tab, click one of the following, depending on what appears on the
b. To locate the files you want to attach, click the appropriate tab, then navigate to
the files within that tab. Tabs that correspond to repository nodes are navigated
in the same way as the repository nodes.
Click Add at the bottom of the page.
d. When you attach a file that has links to other files, you can select to add the
linked files by selecting Automatically Add Linked Objects.
To remove an attached file, click either Delete or Remove.
To create and attach a new form based on an existing form template, do the following:
In the Info tab, click the name of the form or package, depending on what
b. Select the form template upon which to base the new form, and click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
The form’s fields appear in the Info tab.
To remove a form, click Remove.
If you remove a newly created form or cancel the workflow, the form is deleted
If your WDK-based application includes functionality for supporting files, you can
attach a supporting file by clicking the Supporting Files tab and selecting files. If
you select to attach local files, you then select from these storage options:
One time
This does not store the files in the repository
Multiple (private)
This stores the files in your My Private Files area in the repository, which means
only you can use these files again as supporting files.
Multiple (public)
This stores the files in the Public Files area of the repository, meaning others
can use these files as supporting files.
10. If the workflow includes the Performers tab, you can specify users for one or more
tasks. Do the following:
Click Select next to a task that must be performed.
b. In the selection page, select the user or group to perform the task. Refer to
Choosing an item on a selection page, page 36.
11. In the Comments tab, do the following:
Click Add.
b. On the Add Comment page, type your comments in the Comment field.
Select which users you want the comment delivered to:
For subsequent recipients
This sends the comment to all remaining users in the workflow.
For next recipients only
This sends the comment only to the users who receive the next task
assignment in the workflow.
12. Click OK.
13. Click Finish.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
Sending a quickow
A quickflow is a one-step processing instruction sent to the users of your choice.
Quickflows do not involve a sequence of tasks but just one task. If you send a quickflow
to several users, you can select whether each user receives the task at the same time
or sequentially.
To send a quickow:
Navigate to the file you want to attach to the quickflow.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Tools>Quickflow.
Select the file’s checkbox. (To attach several files, select each file’s checkbox).
Select Tools>Workflow>Quickflow.
To select the users or groups to send the quickflow to, click Select user/group. In
the selection page, select the users or groups. (For details on using a selection page,
refer to Choosing an item on a selection page, page 36.)
In the Priority list, select the priority.
In the Instructions field, type any messages for the users.
To receive a notification when a user completes the review, select the Return to
Me checkbox.
To require each user to enter an electronic signoff when completing the review, select
the Require signoff checkbox.
Click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Starting Workows and Performing Tasks
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 17
Managing Workows
This section describes the following:
Viewing workflows, page 163
Viewing audit events, page 164
Viewing reports, page 165
Saving workflow information, page 165
Changing the workflow supervisor, page 166
Pausing a workflow, page 166
Resuming a paused workflow, page 167
Terminating a workflow, page 167
Processing a failed task, page 168
Creating a workflow template, page 168
See also: Workflows overview, page 149.
Viewing workows
This topic includes two procedures: one for viewing all workflows and one for viewing
only the workflows you own.
To view all workows:
Select Tools>Workflow>Workflow Reporting.
Webtop displays the workflows that you are supervising and performing. To filter
the list, select the appropriate filter in the upper right corner of the page.
To configure what is displayed in the list of workflows, click Edit Workflow Report.
You can choose to display:
Webtop User Guide
Only those workflows that have overdue tasks
Workflows supervised and performed by a specific user
Managing Workows
Workflows routing a specific document
Workflows started from specific workflow template
All workflows
To view a specific workflow:
Select a workflow.
b. Select Tools>Workflow>View Details>Map.
To view a workflow’s details:
Select Tools>Workflow>View Details>Summary.
b. Workflow details display information about tasks and attached files. To select
what information is displayed, select a filter in the list on the right side of the
page. Filters enable you to refine the information and get broader or more
granular levels of detail.
To view the workows you own:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click the Inbox tab. Click My Workflows.
Select Tools>Workflow>My Workflows.
To view a specific workflow:
Select the workflow.
b. Select File>View.
Viewing audit events
The Audit Events view displays audit trails for workflow instances. This view displays
audit trails for those workflows for which audit event flags have been set during
design-time in Workflow Manager or Business Process Manager. This also displays audit
trails for documents whose audit flags were set in Documentum Administrator.
For information about audit events and setting audit flags, see the documentation for
Workflow Manager or Business Process Manager (for workflows), and Documentum
Administrator (for documents).
To view audit event details:
Select Tools>Workflow>Workflow Reporting.
Select a workflow.
Select Tools>Workflow>View Details>Audit.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Workows
Viewing reports
You must have the process_report_admin role to access reports. Historical reporting
provides aggregated reporting with regard to the performance of one or more business
processes and the activities, users or groups associated with them.
To view historical reports:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click either Process Report or User Report.
Select Tools>Workflow>Historical Report and then either >Process or >User.
In the General tab, select the duration and other parameters for which you want
to run the report.
Click Run
In the Results tab, you view the report.
To save the report to run again, click Save.
From the Process Historical Report, you can view the Activity Historical Report
by clicking the process.
You can view the Process Details Historical Report by clicking an instance.
From the User Historical Report, you can view details by clicking a user or instance.
Saving workow information
If the option is available, you can save workflow information to your local file system as
a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
To save workow information:
Select Tools>Workflow>Workflow Reporting.
Click Save Report.
In the File Name field, type a name for the information you are saving.
Select a location to which to save.
Click Save.
Excel launches and the workflow information is saved in an Excel spreadsheet.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Workows
Changing the workow supervisor
To change the workow supervisor:
Select Tools>Workflow>Workflow Reporting.
Select the workflow.
Select Change Supervisor.
Select either All Users or the group to which the new supervisor belongs.
Select the user who will be the new supervisor for the workflow.
Click OK.
Pausing a workow
When you pause a workflow, the workflow is halted temporarily but is expected to be
reinstated. You might, for example, want to pause a workflow to modify the workflow
template. Once your changes are complete, you can resume the workflow and it
continues from the point at which it paused.
To pause workows via the My Workows list:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click the Inbox tab. Click My Workflows.
Select Tools>Workflow>My Workflows.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Pause next to the workflow you want to pause.
Select the checkboxes for the workflows you want to pause. Then select
You are prompted to confirm that you want to halt the workflow. Click OK.
To pause a workow via Workow Reporting:
Select Tools>Workflow>Workflow Reporting.
Select the workflow.
Select Tools>Workflow>Pause.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Workows
Resuming a paused workow
When you resume a paused workflow, the workflow starts where it left off. You can
resume a paused workflow but you cannot resume a terminated workflow.
To resume a paused workow via the My Workows list:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click the Inbox tab. Click My Workflows.
Select Tools>Workflow>My Workflows.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Resume.
Check the checkboxes of the workflows you want to resume. Then select
At the prompt to confirm the resumption, click OK.
To resume a paused workow via Workow Reporting:
Select Tools>Workflow>Workflow Reporting.
Select the workflow.
Select Tools>Workflow>Resume.
Terminating a workow
You can terminate a workflow at any point in its progress. A terminated workflow
cannot be restarted.
To terminate a workow via the My Workows list:
Webtop User Guide
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click the Inbox tab. Click My Workflows.
Select Tools>Workflow>My Workflows.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click Abort.
Check the checkboxes of the workflows you want to terminate. Then select
In the Abort Workflow page, make sure the Aborted workflow will be deleted
checkbox is checked. This ensures that the terminated workflow is automatically
deleted from your workflows list.
Managing Workows
Click OK.
To terminate a workow via Workow Reporting:
Select Tools>Workflow>Workflow Reporting.
Select the workflow.
Select Tools>Workflow>Terminate.
Processing a failed task
If you are workflow supervisor and receive notice that an automatic task has failed, you
can perform one of the two procedures in this topic.
To retry a failed automatic task:
From your Inbox, open the failed automatic task.
Click Rerun.
Click OK.
To complete a failed automatic task:
If not already selected, display the Task Manager page for the failed automatic task
you wish to complete.
Click Complete.
Click OK.
Creating a workow template
This procedure explains how to open Workflow Manager or Business Process Manager
from Webtop. Once you open Workflow Manager or Business Process Manager, use that
application’s Help files for detailed instructions on creating workflow templates.
To create a new workow template:
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click New Workflow Template.
Select File>New>Workflow Template.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Workows
Webtop User Guide
For information on creating a new workflow template, open Workflow Manager or
Business Process Manager help.
Managing Workows
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 18
Using and Managing Work Queues
This section describes the following:
Work queues overview, page 171
Setting up queue management, page 172
Sequence for setting up your first work queues, page 173
Creating a queue category, page 174
Creating or modifying a queue policy, page 174
Creating a work queue, page 175
Managing work queues, page 176
Monitoring and updating active queues, page 176
For the procedure for getting the next task, refer to the Starting Workflows and Performing Tasks chapter.
Work queues overview
A work queue holds tasks that are to be performed by available users from a defined
pool of users. When a user is ready for a new task, the user requests the task. Webtop
assigns the user the single next highest priority task from all the work queues the user is
a member of.
Webtop assigns tasks to users based on priority. Managers monitor queues. Your
organization can create different queues for different purposes and organize them into
queue categories.
A work queue policy contains the management logic a work queue uses, including
threshold settings.
A work queue doc profile defines a unique work queue policy for a
work-queue/document pair.
To access work queues, you must belong to one of the following roles
Webtop User Guide
Using and Managing Work Queues
Queue_admin: creates work queues and queue policies. Members of the
queue_admin role do not by default have the administrator role.
Queue administrators who have CREATE_GROUP privileges can create work
Queue_manager: monitors work queues and assigns users to work on queue items.
Queue managers can reassign and suspend tasks.
Queue managers who have CREATE_GROUP privileges can create work queues.
Queue_processor: works on items from one or more work queues.
Process_report_admin: runs historical workflow reports.
Setting up queue management
To use queue management, a system administrator must configure the global registry,
repository, and application server correctly.
Queue management requires the following EMC|Documentum environment:
Content Server 5.3 and a repository designated as a global registry
Content Server 5.3 and a repository that is designated to run queue management
DFC 5.3 on the application server host where Webtop is installed, provided with
connection information for the global registry repository
Webtop 5.3
BPM 5.3
A single repository may run queue management and be designated as a global registry,
but this is not a requirement. Two separate repositories may respectively run queue
management and be designated as a global registry. The BPM-Forms DocApp must be
installed in the repository running queue management and in the repository designated
as a global registry.
To install queue management:
Designate a 5.3 repository as a business objects framework global registry.
This is done during repository configuration, whether while creating a new
repository or upgrading an existing repository. Refer to the Content Server Installation
Guide for instructions.
Record the repository login credentials for the global registry user.
When DFC is installed during Webtop installation, provide the login credentials for
the global registry user.
Install the BPM-FORMS DocApp in the global registry repository.
Webtop User Guide
Using and Managing Work Queues
This installs SBOs required by queue management.
Install the BPM-Forms DocApp in the repository that will run queue management.
This installs TBOs required by queue management.
In the repository that will run queue management, configure the queue management
jobs that are installed with the DocApp.
By default, the jobs are not activated. Use Documentum Administrator to set the
status of the jobs to active. This is step 8 in the procedure below for configuring
queue management in the repository that runs queue management.
To congure queue management:
On the computer hosting the repository that will run queue management,
navigate to the $DOCUMENTUM/dba/config/repository_name directory
(%DOCUMENTUM%\dba\config\repository_name folder on Windows).
Open the server.ini file in a text editor.
Enter the following line in the server.ini file:
enable_workitem_mgmt = T
Save the server.ini file.
Restart the server.
This is required for the change in the server.ini file to take effect.
Using Documentum Administrator, assign users to the queue_admin,
queue_manager, and queue_processor roles.
Ensure that users assigned to the queue_admin and queue_manager roles have
CREATE GROUP privileges, which are required for creating work queues.
Use Documentum Administrator to activate the work queue jobs.
The work queue jobs are run by the Java method server, which runs on the Content
Server host. For information on the Java method server, refer to the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide.
Create a process template. This must include the work queue performer types and
the activities that are delegable.
Sequence for setting up your rst work queues
To set up your first work queues, you perform the following procedures in the order
listed here:
Webtop User Guide
Creating a queue category, page 174
Using and Managing Work Queues
Creating or modifying a queue policy, page 174
Creating a work queue, page 175
Creating a queue category
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can create categories in which to
organize work queues.
To create a queue category:
In the Classic view, navigate to Administration / Work Queue Management / Work
If you want the new category to be nested within an existing category, navigate to
that existing category.
Select File>New>Work Category.
Enter the name of the new category.
If desired, enter a description of the new category.
Click Finish.
Creating or modifying a queue policy
Users with the queue_admin role can create or modify queue policies.
To create or modify a work queue policy:
In the Classic view’s left pane, navigate to Administration / Work Queue
Management / Work Queue Policies.
Navigate to the category where you want to either locate a new policy or edit an
existing one.
Do one of the following:
To create a new policy, select File>New>Work Queue Policy.
To edit an existing policy, select the policy and then select File>Edit.
Enter the following:
This is the number of tasks at which notifications are sent to the queue managers
group letting the managers know the number of tasks in the queue is high. The
queue managers group is specified in the queue definition.
Webtop User Guide
Using and Managing Work Queues
Max Priority
When a task in the work queue reaches this level, notifications are sent to the
queue managers group letting the managers know there is an important task
not being handled.
Initial Priority
This is the level of importance that is assigned to a newly created task when the
work queue uses this policy.
Increment Priority
This is a value by which to increment the priority level of tasks that are still in
the queue each time the dm_QmPriorityAging job is run.
Percent Quality Check
The percent used to randomly decide if the work item must go through testing
or verification.
Click Finish.
Creating a work queue
Users with the queue_manager role and with CREATE_GROUP privileges can create
work queues.
Before creating a work queue, you should first create a queue category and queue policy.
(See Creating a queue category, page 174 and Creating or modifying a queue policy,
page 174.)
To create a work queue:
In the Classic view, navigate to Administration / Work Queue Management / Work
Navigate to the category where you want the new work queue to be located.
Select File>New>Work Queue.
Enter the name of the new work queue.
If desired, enter a description of the new work queue.
By default, you are assigned as the queue manager. To change the queue manager,
click Edit next to Queue manager, select a different user, and click OK.
Click Finish.
Webtop User Guide
Using and Managing Work Queues
By default, the new work queue is placed in the current category. If you want to
place the work queue in another category, you must use the clipboard to do so. To
place the work queue in another category, do the following:
Select the work queue.
b. Select Edit>Add to Clipboard.
Navigate to the category you want the work queue (and work queue category) to
move to.
d. Select Edit>Move.
Managing work queues
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can manage the work queues that
have been created in your organization.
To access queue management:
In the Classic view, navigate to Administration / Work Queue Management / Work
Navigate the categories until you find the work queue you want.
To select whether to display all queues or only the queues for which you are the
manager, use the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the page.
To view the number of users in a queue, click Active Users.
To view the work queue task a user or group is working on: click Active Users; then
select the user or group; then click Workload in the area above the menu bar.
Monitoring and updating active queues
You can monitor active queues.
To monitor and update active work queues:
In the Classic view, do one of the following:
In the left pane, click the Work Queue Monitor node.
Select Tools>Work Queue Management>Work Queue Monitor
To view the tasks in the active queue, click either the queue name.
To view the users in the active queue, click the number users link (where number
is the number of users).
Webtop User Guide
Using and Managing Work Queues
To update queues, see the appropriate procedure:
Assigning a work queue task to a specific user, page 177
Unassigning a work queue task from a user, page 177
Moving a work queue task to another work queue, page 178
Suspending a work queue task, page 178
Unsuspending a work queue task, page 179
Adding a user or group to a work queue, page 179
Adding a user or group to a work queue, page 179
Removing a user or group from a work queue, page 179
Updating the user profile in a work queue, page 180
Assigning a work queue task to a specic user
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can assign a task in a work queue
to a specific user.
To assign a work queue task to a specic user:
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Navigate to the active work queue, and click it’s name.
Select the checkbox for one or more tasks.
Select one of the following:
If the selected tasks are not already assigned to a user, select Tools>Work Queue
If the selected tasks are already assigned to a user, select Tools>Work Queue
Select the user to whom you want to assign the tasks.
Click OK.
Unassigning a work queue task from a user
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can unassign a work queue task
from a user.
To unassign a work queue task from a user:
Webtop User Guide
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Using and Managing Work Queues
Navigate to the active work queue, and click it’s name.
Select the checkbox for one or more tasks that have already been assigned to users.
Select Tools>Work Queue Management>Unassign.
Moving a work queue task to another work queue
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can move a task from one work
queue to another work queue.
To move a task from one queue to another queue:
If the task you want to move is already assigned to a user, you must first unassign
the task, as described in Unassigning a work queue task from a user, page 177.
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Navigate to the active work queue, and click it’s name.
Select the checkbox for one or more tasks.
Select Tools>Work Queue Management>Move to Queue.
Select the work queue to which you want to reassign the tasks.
Click OK.
Suspending a work queue task
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can suspend a task and specify
how it should remain suspended. Webtop will automatically resume the task when the
amount of time you specified is reached.
To suspend a task in a work queue:
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Navigate to the active work queue, and click it’s name.
Select the task’s checkbox. To suspend several tasks at once, select each task’s
Select Tools>Work Queue Management>Suspend.
Note: This action is also available through the Task Manager as a button.
Enter the time and date when you want Webtop to automatically resume the task.
Webtop User Guide
Using and Managing Work Queues
Unsuspending a work queue task
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can unsuspend a suspended work
queue task.
To unsuspend a task:
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Navigate to the active work queue and click it’s name.
Select one or more suspended tasks by clicking their checkboxes.
Select Tools>Work Queue Management>Unsuspend.
Note: This action is also available through the Task Manager as a button.
Adding a user or group to a work queue
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can assign users and groups to
To add a user or group to a work queue:
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Navigate to the active work queue.
Click the queue’s number users link.
Select File>Add Member(s).
In the selection page, select the user and click OK.
Enter the user’s information and click Finish.
Removing a user or group from a work queue
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can remove a user or group from
a work queue.
To delete a user or group from a work queue:
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Navigate to the active work queue.
Click the queue’s number users link.
Webtop User Guide
Using and Managing Work Queues
Select the user or group you want to delete from the work queue.
Select File>Remove from work queue.
Click Continue.
Click OK.
Updating the user prole in a work queue
Users with the queue_admin or queue_manager role can update a user profile.
To update a user prole:
In the Classic view’s left pane, click Work Queue Monitoring.
Navigate to the active work queue.
Click Active Users.
Click the queue’s number users link.
Select a user or group.
Select View>Properties>Profile.
To change a user’s skill set for a particular queue category, select the appropriate skill
set from the drop-down list adjacent to that queue category, then click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 19
Working with Lifecycles
This section describes the following:
Lifecycles overview, page 181
Promoting an item, page 182
Demoting an item, page 182
Assigning a lifecycle, page 183
Removing a lifecycle, page 184
Suspending an item, page 184
Resuming a suspended item, page 184
Lifecycles overview
A lifecycle defines the different stages a file goes through as it is created, edited,
approved, and, eventually, retired. For example, an employee might create a new human
resources form, another employee might review it and return it for revision, and a third
employee might give the approval necessary to make the file available to all employees.
The lifecycle defines which stage the file is in at each point in the process. Each file in a
repository has a lifecycle.
When a file is created, Webtop automatically assigns a lifecycle and puts the file into the
first state in the lifecycle. You can advance or demote files manually, or Webtop can
advance or demote them automatically. The lifecycle determines what conditions must
be met for automatic advancement. Depending on your WDK-based application, an item
can also be demoted to a previous lifecycle state.
A basic Webtop lifecycle has the following states:
When content is newly created or newly versioned, Webtop places it in the Start
state, for initialization purposes, and then immediately promotes it to the WIP state.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Lifecycles
WIP (Work In Progress)
WIP is used for content in draft or review.
When content is complete and ready for testing, a user or workflow promotes it to
the Staging state. By default, Webtop does not allow you to change an item if the
item’s lifecycle state is Staging or beyond. For example, you cannot edit the item’s
content, change its location or change its properties. However, administrators can set
a system-level option that allows users with certain permission levels to override this.
Administrators design lifecycles. In a lifecycle, the first state is the base state. The lifecycle
moves through each state in single step increments called step states. The last state is the
terminal state.
Promoting an item
Promoting an item advances it to its next lifecycle state. When you promote an item,
Webtop checks whether the item is linked to other items that are candidates for
promotion. Depending on your WDK-based application, you are either prompted to
promote those items as well or the items are automatically promoted if there is a relation
type specified to do so.
If you are the items owner or a superuser, you need only Write permission on the item
to promote it. If you are not the items owner or a superuser, you must have Write
permission plus Change State permission in order to promote the item.
To promote an item to the next lifecycle state:
Navigate to the items.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Document>Promote.
Select the item’s checkbox. (To promote several items at once, select each item’s
checkbox). Select Tools>Lifecycle>Promote.
If your WDK-based application supports controlled documents, the controlled
document must be the latest version in its branch to be promoted.
Demoting an item
Demoting returns an item to its previous lifecycle state. To demote an item, you must
have the Change State permission on the item.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Lifecycles
To demote an item:
Navigate to the item.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Document>Demote.
Select the file’s checkbox and select Tools>Lifecycle>Demote.
Click Demote.
Assigning a lifecycle
If your WDK-based application supports manual assignment, you can manually assign a
lifecycle if you have administrator or developer permission levels. You might want to
manually assign a lifecycle to support new or different states. For example, let us say you
have a lifecycle with four states: Start, WIP, Staging, and Approved. And let us say a user
checks in a press release using that lifecycle. However, this particular press release must
be reviewed by upper management before it is sent to staging, so a different lifecycle
must be applied to the press release. An administrator could apply a different lifecycle.
To assign a lifecycle to an object, you must have at least Write permission on the object.
If you are attaching the item to a lifecycle or replacing a lifecycle, you must have at
least Relate permission on the lifecycle.
When you assign a lifecycle to a file, you can also select an alias set to associate with the
file and the lifecycle. The alias set can identify the particular individuals who review,
promote, or, depending on your WDK-based application, demote the file. Alias sets can
also specify permission sets and repository locations.
Consult your repository administrator for specific information on the alias sets available in your
When setting a lifecycle for a template, keep in mind that the lifecycle is assigned to all
future files created from the template. The new lifecycle does not affect files that have
already been created.
To assign a lifecycle:
Navigate to the file.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Document>Apply Lifecycle.
Select the file’s checkbox. (To assign a lifecycle to several files at once, select each
file’s checkbox). Select Tools>Lifecycle>Apply.
Select a lifecycle.
Click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Lifecycles
Removing a lifecycle
If your WDK-based application supports this function, you can detach an item’s lifecycle.
To do so, you must have at least Write permission on the item. To attach a new lifecycle,
you must have at least Relate permission on the new lifecycle.
To remove a lifecycle:
Navigate to the item.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Document>Detach Lifecycle.
Check the file’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Lifecycle>Remove.
Suspending an item
Suspending an item halts the lifecycle’s progress temporarily. To suspend an item, you
must have Change State permission on the item. You cannot suspend an item whose
state type is a normal state with no exception state, or if the item is already suspended.
To suspend an item from its current lifecycle state:
Navigate to the item.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Document>Suspend Lifecycle.
Check the file’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Lifecycle>Suspend.
Click Suspend.
Resuming a suspended item
Only the workflow supervisor or a user with sysadmin or superuser privileges can
resume a halted workflow, paused activity, or work item. To resume an item, you must
have the Change State permission on the item.
To resume a suspended item:
Navigate to the item.
Do one of the following, depending on the options available:
Click More>Document>Resume Lifecycle.
Webtop User Guide
Working with Lifecycles
Webtop User Guide
Check the file’s checkbox. Then select Tools>Lifecycle>Resume.
Click Resume.
Working with Lifecycles
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 20
Accessing Administrative Tools
To access full administrative functionality, you must use Documentum Administrator. For
information on using Documentum Administrator, refer to the Documentum Administrator User Guide.
A subset of administrative tasks are available through Webtop’s Administration node, which is
accessed via the Classic view. The Administration node lets you perform the administrative
functions described in all or parts of the following chapters:
Chapter 11, Working with Relationships
Chapter 18, Using and Managing Work Queues
Chapter 21, Creating Document Templates
Chapter 22, Managing Permission Sets
Chapter 23, Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Webtop User Guide
Accessing Administrative Tools
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 21
Creating Document Templates
A template is a model document upon which new documents are based. When a user creates a
new document, the user selects a template upon which to base the new document. The document
inherits the content, properties, permissions, and lifecycle of the template unless permission levels
dictate otherwise or if folder security is enabled.
To create a document template:
In the Classic view, navigate to Administration / Templates.
Select File>New>Document>type of template.
In the Name field, enter a name for the template.
From the Type list, select a document type
From the Format list, select a document format. To create a no-content template,
select None.
From the Template list, select the template you want base your new template on.
Click New.
Use your editing application to enter or modify the template’s content. Save the
contents and exit your editing application.
Check the template into a repository.
Webtop User Guide
Creating Document Templates
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 22
Managing Permission Sets
This section describes the following:
Permissions overview, page 191
Viewing a permission set, page 196
Viewing where a permission set is used, page 197
Creating a permission set, page 197
Editing permissions in the Permissions tab, page 198
Modifying a permission set, page 201
Setting permissions for an object, page 201
Deleting a permission set, page 202
Permissions overview
This section describes the following:
Permissions, page 192
Access levels, page 193
Extended permissions, page 193
Additional access control entries, page 194
Folder security, page 195
Default alias sets, page 196
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
Permissions determine the access that each user has to each item in the repository.
Permissions are governed by permission sets. Each item in the repository is assigned a
permission set by the item’s owner.
The permission set lists specific users and groups and assigns them specific access levels.
An access level determines which operations (such as read, edit, or delete) the user
or group can perform on the item. Each entry in a permission set is called an access
control entry.
There are seven possible access levels. Each higher access level includes the capabilities
of the preceding access levels. The access levels are listed in Access levels, page 193.
In addition to the seven levels of basic access, there are six levels of extended permissions.
For more information on extended permissions, refer to Extended permissions, page 193.
Each user is assigned a default permission set. When a user creates an item, the
repository assigns the user’s default permission set to the item. For example, if your
default permission set gives all members of your department Write access and all other
users Read access, then those are the access levels assigned to the item.
You can change an item’s access levels by changing the item’s permission set. To do so
you must be the item’s owner (typically the owner is the user who created the item) or
you must have superuser privileges in the item’s repository.
When you modify a permission set, the permission set is saved as a permission set
assigned to you. You can then apply the permission set to other items in the repository.
Your ability to edit permission sets depends on your user privileges in the repository:
If you have Superuser privileges, you can modify any permission set in the
repository. You can designate any user as the owner of a permission set, and you
can change the owner of a permission set. This permission is usually assigned to
the repository administrator.
If you have SysAdmin privileges, you can modify any permission set owned by you
or by the repository owner. You can designate yourself or the repository owner as
the owner of a permission set that you create and you can change whether you or the
repository owner owns the permission set. This permission is usually assigned to
the repository administrator.
If you have any privileges less than the above, you are the owner only of the
permission sets that you create. You can modify any permission set you own, but
you cannot change the owner of the permission set.
If you designate the repository owner as the owner of a permission set, that permission
set is a System (or Public) permission set. Only a Superuser, System Administrator, or
the repository owner can edit the permission set. If a different user is the owner of the
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
permission set, it is a Regular (or Private) permission set. It can be edited by the owner, a
Superuser, System Administrator, or the repository owner.
A user with Write or Delete permission can change which permission set is assigned to
an object.
If you use Documentum’s Web Publisher, and if the user does not assign the default
permission set, the Content Server assigns a default permission set according to the
setting in the default_acl attribute in the server config object.
Access levels
The following table lists the basic access levels that you can assign a user. You assign
access levels in permission sets.
Table 22-1. Access levels
Access level
What it allows
No access is permitted to the item.
Users can view the item’s properties but not the item’s
Users can view both the properties and content of the
Users can do the above plus they can add annotations
to the item.
Users can do the above plus they can modify the item’s
content and they can check in a new version of the item
(with a new version number). Users cannot overwrite an
existing version or edit the item’s properties.
Users can do the above plus they can edit item properties
and check in the item as the same version.
Users can do all the above, and they can delete items.
Extended permissions
Extended permissions are used to give users or groups permission to perform additional
actions, beyond what is allowed by their assigned access level. Only sysadmins and
superusers may grant or modify extended permissions.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
Table 22-2. Extended permissions
Extended permission
What it allows
Execute Procedure
Superusers can change the owner of an item and can use
Execute Procedure to run external procedures on certain
item types.
Change Location
Users with Change Location permissions can move an
item in the repository.
Change State
Users with Change State permissions can change the
state of an item that has a lifecycle applied to it.
Change Permission
Users with Change Permissions can modify the basic
permissions of an item.
Change Ownership
Users with Change Ownership permissions can change
the owner of the item.
Delete Object
Users with the Delete Object extended permission have
the right only to delete the object.
Additional access control entries
Under Content Server 5.3 and later, when Trusted Content Services is enabled in a
repository, additional access control entries are available. The access control entries
described in the table are independent of each other, not hierarchical.
Table 22-3. Additional access control entries
Access control entry
Effect of the entry
Access Restriction
An access restriction entry denies a
user the right to the base object-level
permission level specified in the entry.
For example, if a user would otherwise
have delete permission as a member of
a particular group, an access restriction
might limit the user to, at most, version
permission. The user would therefore lose
write and delete permission.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
Access control entry
Effect of the entry
Extended Restriction
An extended restriction entry denies
a user or the members of a specified
group the specified extended object-level
permission. For example, if a user would
otherwise have Change Permission rights
as a member of a particular group, an
extended restriction would remove that
Required Group
A required group entry requires a user
requesting access to an object governed by
the permission set to be a member of the
group identified in the entry. If there are
entries for multiple groups, the user must
be a member of all of the groups before
Content Server allows access to the object.
Required Group Sets
A required group set entry requires a user
requesting access to an object governed
by the permission set to be a member of at
least one group in the set of groups.
Folder security
Folder security is an additional level of security that supplements the existing repository
security. Implementing this security option further restricts allowable operations in
a repository. When folder security is in use, operations such as copying or moving
documents may require you to have Write permission or greater for the folder in order to
access an object. For information about assigning folder security to a repository, refer to
the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.
If you use Documentum’s Web Publisher, and if folder security is used in a repository, any
content files in the WIP state must have the same permission as the folder. To use the
same folder permission, the administrator must ensure the lifecycle in WIP state does not
apply any set ACL action. For example:
WIP - folder acl
Staging - WP "Default Staging ACL"
Approved - WP "Default Approved ACL"
The following table lists the actions affected by folder security.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
Table 22-4. Permissions required under folder security
Requires at least write permission for:
Create an object
Cabinet or folder in which you create the new object
Import a file(s) or folder
Cabinet or folder to which you import the file(s) or folder
Move an object
Both the cabinet or folder from which you remove the
object and the destination folder or cabinet
Copy an object
Destination cabinet or folder
Link an object
Destination cabinet or folder
Unlink an object
Cabinet or folder from which you unlink the object
Delete one version of a
The document’s primary folder
Delete all versions of a
The document’s primary folder
Delete unused versions of a
The document’s primary folder
Consult the repository administrator for information on whether folder security is
enabled in the repository.
Default alias sets
The Content Server adds these default aliases to a permission set:
dm_owner: Represents the owner of the permission set.
dm_world: Represents all repository users.
Viewing a permission set
To view a permission set:
In the Classic view’s left pane, navigate to Administration/Security.
To view your permission sets, select Current User’s Permission Sets.
To view system permission sets, select System Permission Sets.
To view manually-created permission sets, select Manually Created.
To view automatically-created permission sets, select Auto Generated.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
Viewing where a permission set is used
Use these instructions to locate the objects which use a particular permission set.
To view where a permission set is used:
Select the Classic view.
In the left pane, navigate to Administration/Security.
Locate the correct permission set.
Select the permission set.
Select View>Memberships.
A list of documents using the permission set is displayed.
To view sysobjects or users using the permission set, select that type of object from
the list.
Creating a permission set
Before a permission set is saved, it is validated as follows:
New accessors (users or groups) for permissions are evaluated to confirm that
they belong to all of the required groups and at least one of the groups listed in
the required group set.
New accessors for restrictions are evaluated to confirm that they belong to all of the
required groups and at least one of the groups listed in the required group set.
When new groups are added to a required group list, all accessors listed for both
permissions and restrictions are evaluated and any accessors who do not belong
to the newly added groups are flagged.
When new groups are added to a required group set list, all accessors listed for both
permissions and restrictions are evaluated and any accessors who do not belong
to the newly added groups are flagged.
When a user accesses the permissions tab in this application:
• Accessors currently listed for both permissions and restrictions are evaluated.
• Accessors who do not belong to all the groups in the required groups list and to
at least one of the groups in the required group set are flagged.
To create a new permission set:
Webtop User Guide
In the Classic view’s left pane, navigate to Administration/Security.
Managing Permission Sets
Click File>New>New Permission Set.
Type the name of the permission set.
Type a description of the permission set.
Indicate who owns the permission set.
If you are connected as a superuser or the repository owner, you can change
who owns the permission set.
If you are connected with user privileges other than superuser or the repository
owner, you are the owner.
From the list, select a class for the permission set.
The permission set can be used only by the user or group that creates it. Any
user or group in the repository except the repository owner can create a Regular
permission set.
The permission set can be used by anyone in a repository. Any user or group
in the repository can create a Public permission set. Public permission sets can
be modified or deleted and deleted only by the permission set owner (the user
or group that creates it), a superuser, a system administrator, or the repository
owner. If the repository owner is the owner of a particular permission set, it is
called a System permission set.
Click Next.
The Permissions tab is displayed.
To edit the Permissions tab, go to Editing permissions in the Permissions tab, page
Editing permissions in the Permissions tab
This procedure describes how to enter information in the Permissions tab. This
procedure is used in numerous procedures. This procedure assumes you have already
either opened a permission set or opened an object’s properties.
To edit permissions in the Permissions tab:
Note: This procedure includes steps for setting required groups, required group sets,
and access restrictions. These are used in 5.3 or later repositories where Trusted Content
Services is enabled.
If you have not already done so, click the Permissions tab.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
This tab displays four different sections, each with a hyperlink at the top for a title.
Each hyperlink has either a [-] or [+] in front of it, indicating whether the section is
expanded or collapsed. You expand or collapse a section by clicking the hyperlink.
When a section is expanded, the hyperlink has a [-] in front of it and the section’s
items are displayed.
To add a required group, make sure the Required Groups section is expanded and
do the following:
Click Add.
b. Select all groups of which a user must be a member.
Click the right arrow.
d. Click OK.
To remove a required group, make sure the Required Groups section is expanded.
Then select the group and click Remove.
To add a required group set, make sure the Required Group Set section is expanded
and do the following:
Click Add.
b. Select the groups.
Click the right arrow.
d. Click OK.
To remove a required group set, make sure the Required Group Set section is
expanded. Then select the group and click Remove.
To add a user or group to the permission set and assign the access level for the user
or group, make sure the Permissions section is expanded.
Note: If you are creating a new permission set, the Permissions section displays the
default access control entries:
The owner of the permission set.
All repository users.
In the Permissions section, do the following:
Click Add.
b. To select from all users or groups, click the All tab. To select from recently used
users and groups, click the Recently Used tab.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
Check the checkboxes adjacent to the users or groups you want to add and click
Add. To remove an item from the list of selected items, select the item’s checkbox
and click Remove.
d. Click OK.
In the Basic Permissions area, select the access level.
In the Extended Permissions area, check the checkboxes of any extended
permissions you want to add.
g. If you have added multiple users or groups, you can click Next to apply different
permissions to each. When you are done, click OK.
To edit a user or group’s permissions, make sure the Permissions section is
expanded. Then do the following:
Select the checkboxes for the users or groups for which you want to edit
b. Click Edit.
In the Permission area, select the access level.
d. In the Extended Permissions area, check the checkboxes of any extended
permissions you want to add.
Click OK.
To remove users or groups, make sure the Permissions section is expanded. Then
select the checkboxes for the users or groups and click Remove.
To add access restrictions, make sure the Access Restrictions section is expanded.
Then do the following:
Click Add.
b. Select users and groups whose rights must be restricted.
Click the right arrow.
d. Click OK.
If there are validation conflicts, they are displayed along with reasons for the
To continue despite the conflicts, click OK.
To resolve the conflicts, click Cancel and select new users or groups.
Select the permission level to deny the accessor.
Select the extended permission level to deny the accessor.
g. Click Next to go on to the next accessor or Finish to apply the same restrictions
to all accessors.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
10. To delete or edit Access Restrictions, make sure the Access Restrictions section is
expanded. Then select the accessors and click Remove or Edit.
11. Do one of the following:
To save your changes, click OK.
To go to another tab, click the tab or click Next (if available).
Modifying a permission set
To view or modify a permission set:
In the Classic view’s left pane, navigate to Administration/Security.
Locate the permission set you want to view or modify, and then do one of the
adjacent to the permission set.
Select the permission set’s checkbox and then select View>Properties.
In the Info tab, edit properties as desired.
To edit the Permissions tab, go to Editing permissions in the Permissions tab, page
Setting permissions for an object
You must have adequate permissions to change or modify the permission set assigned to
an object.
To change or edit the permission set assigned to an object:
If you have not already done so, navigate to the item and open its properties. (You
can open properties numerous ways, including by clicking .)
In the item’s properties, select the Permissions tab.
The top of the page displays the following:
Current permissions
Your access level for the item.
Extended permissions
Your extended permissions for the item.
Permission set name
The permission set assigned to the item.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Permission Sets
The description of the permission set.
The owner of the permission set.
The bottom of the page displays the users and groups included in the permission
set and the permission levels for each.
To change the permission set assigned to the item, click Select next to Permission
set name. In the selection page, select a new permission set and then click OK. For
information on using the selection page, refer to Choosing an item on a selection
page, page 36.
To modify the permission set assigned to the item, edit the remaining information
in the Permissions tab by following the instructions in Editing permissions in the
Permissions tab, page 198.
Deleting a permission set
Use these instructions to delete permission sets. You cannot delete permission set
templates using this application. To delete a permission set template, use Application
Builder. For instructions, refer to the documentation for Application Builder.
To delete a permission set:
Select the Classic view.
Navigate to Administration/Security.
Check the check box next to the permission sets you want to delete.
Click File>Delete.
Click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Chapter 23
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
This section describes management of the following:
Users, page 203
Groups, page 225
Roles, page 234
This section contains information on creating, modifying, and deleting users in a
To access a repository, a person must be defined as a user in that repository. Adding
someone as a user to a non-federated repository does not give that person access to every
repository in the enterprise. The person must be explicitly added to each repository.
When you navigate to Administration/User Management/Users, you access the users
in the current repository. When you first access this page, it is in search mode. You
can search for users by repository user name, OS user name (name on the operating
system), or default group.
Click Show All Users to list all users in the repository. The users in the repository are
displayed in the order in which they were added to the repository.
You can sort the users by clicking any of the column headings:
Name, the user’s name in the repository
Group, the user’s default group
State, which indicates whether the user is active, inactive, locked, or locked and
E-mail, the user’s email address
You can also jump to a user by typing the first few letters of the user’s name in the
repository in the User Name box or by clicking the letter corresponding to the beginning
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
of the user’s repository name. The user’s repository name is not the user’s login name.
For example, a user who connects to the repository as msmith might have the repository
name Mary Smith. Search for Mary, not msmith. Similarly, in 5.3 and later repositories,
you can search by typing in a part of the User Login Name, the user’s Default Group, or
the User Login Domain. In 5.2.x repositories, the search boxes are User Name, User OS
Name, Default Group, and the User Domain.
To search for users in the repository, click Search. On the user list page, you can also
click Advanced to use the advanced search features.
To display more than the default ten users at a time, select a different number from
the Show Items drop-down list
To view the next page of users, click the > button. To view the previous page of users,
click the < button. To jump to the first page of users, click the << button. To jump to the
last page, click >>.
This section includes the following topics:
Locating users, page 204
Setting the default permissions for the cabinet of a new user, page 205
Creating users, page 206
Creating global users, page 210
User properties, page 211
Importing users, page 216
Import user properties, page 218
Deleting users, page 221
Reassigning objects to another user, page 222
Changing the home repository of a user, page 222
Making a user active or inactive, page 223
Modifying users, page 223
Viewing groups, workflows, alias sets, permission sets, and documents of a user,
page 223
Viewing or deleting change home repository logs, page 224
Viewing user reassign logs, page 224
Rename reports, page 225
Locating users
Use these instructions to locate users in the repository. You can search by user name,
user OS name, or default group.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
To locate users:
Connect to the repository where you want to locate a particular user.
In the Classic view’s left pane, navigate to Administration/User Management.
Click Users.
Type the information into a search box. (Depending on your repository version,
available search boxes include User Name, User Login Name, Default Group, User
Login Domain, User OS Name, and User Domain.)
Click Search.
Setting the default permissions for the cabinet of a new
When you create a new user, you assign the user a default folder. Documentum
Administrator allows you to select between assigning an existing folder as the user’s
default or creating a new folder with the user’s name. If you have Documentum
Administrator create the folders for new users and you want to control the permissions
assigned to new users’ folders, use these instructions.
Create a new alias set called UserPropertiesConfiguration.
Assign ownership of the UserPropertiesConfiguration alias set to the repository
This is the user whose account is used for database access (dm_dbo).
Create two aliases in UserPropertiesConfiguration.
Point this alias to the permission set to be applied to the new folder created
for new users.
Point this to the user who owns the permission set you use for DefaultFolderAcl.
When the new folder is created during new user creation, Documentum Administrator
applies the permission set you designate. If a new user is not present as an accessor in
the permission set, the user is granted write permission on the folder. The permission set
for the cabinet is then modified to a system-generated permission set, but it otherwise
has the permissions from the permission set you created.
You can use Documentum Administrator to create a new default folder for an existing
user whose default folder is not the user’s name, and permissions on the set are applied
as described above if you have created the necessary alias set and aliases.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
If the UserPropertiesConfiguration alias set does not exist and a superuser creates the
new user, the new user owns the folder and has delete permission. If a sysadmin creates
the new user, the user is not the owner of the default folder, but the user has change
owner permission on the folder as well as write permission.
Creating or modifying users
Click the links for instruction on:
Creating users, page 206
Modifying users, page 223
Creating users
Use these instructions to create repository users.
Before you create users, determine what type of authentication the server uses. If the
server authenticates users against the operating system, each user must have an account
on the server host.
If the server uses an LDAP directory server for user authentication, the users do not
need to have operating system accounts.
If the repository is the governing member of a federation, a new user can be a global
user. Global users are managed through the governing repository in a federation, and
have the same attribute values in each member repositories within the federation. If
you add a global user to the governing repository, that user is added to all the member
repositories by a federation job that synchronizes the repositories.
You must have sysadmin or superuser privileges to create users. Superusers and
sysadmins cannot modify their own extended privileges.
For information about each attribute, see User properties, page 211. For more information
about users, refer to “Users and Groups” in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.
To create new users:
Connect to the repository where you want to create new users.
Click Administration.
Click User Management.
Click File>New>User.
Choose a state for the user.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
The user is a currently active repository user. Active users are able to connect
to the repository.
The user is not currently active in the repository. Inactive users are unable to
connect to the repository. A user may be made inactive because of multiple
authentication failures or through resetting the state manually. Repositories of
version 5.3 and later may be configured so that a user is automatically activated
after being inactivated. Refer to the chapter on users in the Content Server
Administration Guide for information on how to configure this.
The user is unable to connect to the repository. A sysadmin or superuser must
set a user to this state manually and must manually take a user out of this state.
Locked and inactive
The user is inactive and unable to connect to the repository. A sysadmin or
superuser must set a user to this state.
If the user is a superuser, only another superuser can reset the user’s state.
In the Name field, type the user’s name.
The user name cannot be changed after it is assigned. To change a user’s name, you
must create a new user with the new name, then assign the existing user’s objects
to the new user. For instructions on reassigning objects to a different or new user,
refer to Reassigning objects to another user, page 222.
If available, type the User Login Name. This is the login name used for
authenticating a user. If the user is an operating system user, the user login name
must match the user’s operating system name. If the user is an LDAP user, the user
login name must match the LDAP authentication name.
If available, type the User Login Domain. This field identifies the domain in which
the user is authenticated. It is typically a Windows domain or the name of the LDAP
server used for authentication.
Select a User Authentication Source from the list. Depending on the operating
system, some or all of the following choices are available:
Webtop User Guide
LDAP: The user is authenticated by an LDAP server.
Password: The user must provide a password that is stored only in the
repository. There is no external authentication.
UNIX only: Select this for the default UNIX user authentication.
Domain only: Select this if the repository has Windows domain authentication
enabled and the user must be authenticated against a domain.
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
UNIX first: Select this if the repository has Windows domain authentication
enabled and the user must be authenticated first against UNIX, then against a
Domain first: Select this if the repository has Windows domain authentication
enabled and the user must be authenticated first against a domain, then against
Password: The user must provide a password that is stored only in the
repository. There is no external authentication.
10. If Password was selected, type in the user’s password. The password is encrypted
and stored in the repository. This must be provided manually for users added using
an imported LDIF file.
11. Type the user’s email address. This is the address to which notifications are sent for
workflow tasks and registered events.
12. In the User OS Name field, type the user’s operating system user name. This is the
user’s repository user name and is required in 5.2.5 repositories.
13. In the Windows Domain field, type the user’s Windows domain.
If the repository is on a Windows host, type the domain.
If the repository is on a UNIX host and you have a domain map set up in order to
use Windows domain authentication, browse to the correct domain.
14. Select a home repository for the user.
15. If the user is being created in the governing repository of a federation, check User
is global if you want the user and the user’s properties to be propagated to all
members of the federation.
16. To use an existing repository folder as the user’s default folder:
Click Choose existing folder.
b. Click Select Folder.
Locate the correct folder.
d. Select the folder.
Click OK.
17. To create a folder with the user’s name, click Choose/Create folder with user name.
18. To restrict the user’s repository access to particular folders or cabinets:
If no folders are chosen, the user has access to all folders and cabinets in the
repository, subject to the permissions on those cabinets and folders and subject to
folder security.
Click Select.
b. Locate the folders or cabinets to which the user will have access.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Select the folders or cabinets.
d. Click OK.
Perform the last two substeps on each page where there is a folder or cabinet to
which the user will have access.
19. Click Select Group and select a default group for the user.
20. Click Select Permission Set and select a default permission set for the user.
21. To provide a DB Name, which is the username in the RDBMS, type the name in the
DB Name field. The DB Name is required only if the user will be a repository owner
or a user who registers RDBMS tables.
22. Select the user’s privileges from the list. User privileges authorize certain users to
perform activities that are required to administer and maintain the system. The
privilege levels are:
Create Type
Create Cabinet
Create Cabinet and Type
Create Group
Create Group and Type
Create Group and Cabinet
Create Group, Cabinet, and Type
System Administrator
Superuser: If you grant superuser privileges to a user after installing or
upgrading a repository or after manually running the toolset.ebs script, add that
user manually to the group called admingroup. If you revoke a user’s superuser
privileges, remove the user from the admingroup.
23. Select the user’s extended privileges from the list. Extended privileges determine
whether the user can configure auditing, view audit trails, and purge audit trails.
Superusers and sysadmins cannot modify their own extended privileges. Select one
of the following:
The user cannot configure auditing, view audit trails, or purge audit trails.
Config audit
The user can configure auditing.
Purge audit
The user can purge existing audit trails.
Webtop User Guide
Config and Purge Audit
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
The user can configure auditing and purge existing audit trails.
View Audit
The user can view audit trails.
Config and View Audit
The user can configure auditing and view existing audit trails.
View and Purge Audit
The user can view existing audit trails and purge them.
Config, View, and Purge Audit
The user can configure auditing and view and purge existing audit trails.
24. Select the user’s client capability. Select the user type:
System Administrator
Content Server does not recognize or enforce these settings. For information about
client capability levels, see the documentation for each client product.
25. Click Select Alias Set and select a default alias set for the user.
26. To indicate that the user is not available to receive workflow tasks, check Workflow
27. To allow the user more login attempts than the limit set in the repository config
object, check Turn off authentication failure checking.
28. Click OK.
The new user is created.
Creating global users
A global user is a repository user who is found in all members of a repository federation
and whose attribute values are the same in all of the repositories. Global users are
managed through the governing repository. If you add a global user to the governing
repository, that user is added to all the member repositories by a federation job that
synchronizes the repositories.
To create a global user, connect to the governing repository of a federation and create
the user there. Check User is global to make the user global. Use the instructions in
Creating users, page 206 to create the user.
To modify the properties of a global user, connect to the governing repository.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Global users can also have local attributes, which you can modify in a local repository.
User properties
The following table describes each field that must be completed to create a new user. For
more information on users, see the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.
Table 23-1. Properties of a user
Field label
User State
Indicates the user’s state in the repository:
• ActiveThe user is a currently active
repository user. Active users are able
to connect to the repository.
• InactiveThe user is not currently active
in the repository. Inactive users are
unable to connect to the repository. A
user may be made inactive because
of multiple authentication failures or
through resetting the state manually.
• LockedThe user is unable to connect
to the repository. A sysadmin or
superuser must set a user to this state.
• Locked and inactiveThe user is inactive
and unable to connect to the repository.
A sysadmin or superuser must set a
user to this state.
If the user is a superuser, only another
superuser can reset the user’s state.
The user name for the new user.
If you are modifying the properties
of a user, you cannot change the user
name. Instead, you must reassign the
user’s objects to another user. User the
instructions in Reassigning objects to
another user, page 222.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
User Login Name
The login name used for authenticating
a user in 5.3 and later repositories. If
the user is an operating system user, the
user login name must match the user’s
operating system name. If the user is an
LDAP user, the user login name must
match the LDAP authentication name.
If a repository was upgraded to 5.3 from
an earlier version, this field is populated
during the upgrade with the value of the
user OS name attribute.
User Login Domain
Identifies the domain in which the user
is authenticated. This is typically a
Windows domain or the name of the
LDAP server used for authentication.
User Authentication Source
Specifies how to authenticate a given
repository user’s user name and password.
Valid values depend on whether the
repository runs on UNIX or Windows. On
UNIX, the valid values are:
• null
• LDAPThe user is authenticated
through an LDAP directory server.
• PasswordThe user is authenticated
based on a password stored in
the repository. Choose Password
for repository users who are not
authenticated on an LDAP server or
Windows domain.
• UNIX onlyThe user is authenticated
using the default UNIX mechanism,
dm_check_password or other external
password checking program.
• domain onlyThe user is authenticated
against a Windows domain.
• UNIX firstThis is used for UNIX
repositories where Windows domain
authentication is in use. The user
is authenticated first by the default
UNIX mechanism; if that fails, the user
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
is authenticated against a Windows
• domain firstThis is used for UNIX
repositories where Windows domain
authentication is in use. The user is
authenticated first against a Windows
domain; if that fails, the user is
authenticated by the default UNIX
On Windows, the valid values are:
• null
• LDAPThe user is authenticated
through an LDAP directory server.
• PasswordThe user is authenticated
based on a password stored in
the repository. Choose Password
for repository users who are not
authenticated on an LDAP server or
Windows domain.
If Password is selected as the User
Authentication Source, this field is
displayed. Type the user’s password,
which is then encrypted and stored in the
A description of the user.
Email Address
The user’s email address for receiving
notifications from the repository.
User OS Name
The new user’s operating system user
name. Required in 5.2.5 repositories. Not
required in 5.3 and later repositories.
Windows Domain
On Windows, the domain name associated
with the new user’s Windows account.
On UNIX, the domain on which the user
is authenticated if Windows domain
authentication is in use.
Home Repository
The repository where the user receives
notifications and tasks.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
Default Folder
The default storage place for any object
the user creates. Normally, this is a cabinet
where the user’s name is the object name.
• Select Choose existing folder to assign
a folder you already created as the
user’s default folder.
• Select Choose/Create folder with the
user name to automatically create a
folder with the user’s name as the
object name.
Accessible Folders
Use this field optionally to restrict the
user’s repository access:
• If any folders are selected, the user
has access only to those folders and
objects in the selected folders.The user
automatically has access to his or her
default folder.
• If no folders are selected, the user has
access to the entire repository, subject
to the permissions set on folders and
objects in the repository.
Default Group
When the user creates an object in
the repository, it belongs to the group
name associated with the user’s default
permission set.
Default Permission Set
A permission set used to assign the default
permissions to objects created by the user.
DB Name
The new user’s username in the
underlying RDBMS. The DB Name
is required only if the user will be a
repository owner or a user who registers
RDBMS tables.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
Choose a user privilege from the list.
User privileges authorize certain users
to perform activities that are required to
administer and maintain the system. The
privilege levels are:
• None
• Create Type
• Create Cabinet
• Create Cabinet and Type
• Create Group
• Create Group and Type
• Create Group and Cabinet
• Create Group, Cabinet, and Type
• System Administrator
• Superuser: If you grant superuser
privileges to a user, add that user
manually to the group called
admingroup. If you revoke a user’s
superuser privileges, remove the user
from the admingroup.
Extended Privileges
Sets the level of extended privileges for
auditing. Superusers and sysadmins
cannot modify their own extended
• NoneThe user cannot configure
auditing, view audit trails, or purge
audit trails.
• Config auditThe user can configure
• Purge auditThe user can purge existing
audit trails.
• Config and Purge AuditThe user can
configure auditing and purge existing
audit trails.
• View AuditThe user can view audit
• Config and View AuditThe user can
configure auditing and view existing
audit trails.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
• View and Purge AuditThe user can
view existing audit trails and purge
• Config, View, and Purge AuditThe user
can configure auditing and view and
purge existing audit trails.
Client Capability
Indicates what level of use is expected of
the user. Choose the user type from the
list. There are four types of users:
• Consumer
• Contributor
• Coordinator
• System Administrator
Content Server does not recognize or
enforce these settings.
Alias Set
The default alias set for the user.
Workflow Disabled
Indicates whether a user can receive
workflow tasks.
Propagate changes to members
Displays only when editing a global user.
When checked, changes to the member are
propagated to members of a repository
Turn off authentication failure checking
If checked, user may exceed the number
of failed logins specified in the Maximum
Authentication Attempts field of the
repository config object.
Importing users
You can create repository users from information contained in an input file.
Before you create the users, determine what type of authentication the repository uses.
If the server authenticates users against the operating system, each user must have an
account on the server host.
If the server uses an LDAP directory server for user authentication, the users do not
need to have operating system accounts.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
If you specify the attributes user_group (the user’s default group) and acl_name (the
user’s default permission set), any groups and permission sets must already exist before
you import the users.
In 5.3 repositories, if you are creating a user who is authenticated using a password
stored in the repository, the password cannot be assigned in the input file. You
must assign the password manually. After the user is created, use the instructions in
Modifying users, page 223 to assign the user’s password.
All users are assigned the same state when they are imported. If any users must be
assigned different states, use the instructions in Modifying users, page 223 after you
import the users.
To import new users:
On the file system of the host where your browser is running, create a text file in
LDIF format.
Each user to be imported starts with the header object_type:dm_user. Follow the
header with a list of attribute_name:attribute_value pairs. The attribute user_name
is required. You can specify as many additional attributes as you wish, but the
attribute_names must match the actual attributes of the type.
Each attribute_name:attribute value pair must be on a new line. For example:
user_name:Pat Smith
acl_name:Global User Default ACL
user_name:John Brown
If the ldif file contains umlauts, accent marks, or other extended characters, store
the file as a UTF-8 file, or users whose names contain the extended characters are
not imported.
Save the text file.
Connect to the repository where you want to create new users.
Click Administration.
Click User Management.
Click File>Import>LDIF.
Indicate the state for the users you are importing.
The user is a currently active repository user. Active users are able to connect
to the repository.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
The user is not currently active in the repository. Inactive users are unable to
connect to the repository. A user may be made inactive because of multiple
authentication failures or through resetting the state manually. Repositories of
version 5.3 and later may be configured so that a user is automatically activated
after being inactivated. Refer to the chapter on users in the Content Server
Administration Guide for information on how to configure this.
The user is unable to connect to the repository. A sysadmin or superuser must
set a user to this state manually and must manually take a user out of this state.
Locked and inactive
The user is inactive and unable to connect to the repository. A sysadmin or
superuser must set a user to this state.
Click Select Source and browse to the location of the LDIF file containing
information for creating the new users.
Select a User Source from the list.
10. In the other fields, specify any property values that apply to all the users you are
importing. Values specified in the input file override values specified on this page.
11. Indicate whether to overwrite or ignore user information for any users who already
12. Click Finish.
Import user properties
The following table describes the import user properties.
Table 23-2. Import user properties
Field label
User State
Indicates whether the user is Active,
Inactive, Locked, or Locked and Inactive.
• ActiveThe user is a currently active
repository user. Active users are able
to connect to the repository.
• InactiveThe user is not currently active
in the repository. Inactive users are
unable to connect to the repository. A
user may be made inactive because
of multiple authentication failures or
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
through resetting the state manually.
Repositories of version 5.3 and
later may be configured so that
a user is automatically activated
after being inactivated. Refer to the
chapter on users in the Content Server
Administration Guide for information on
how to configure this.
• LockedThe user is unable to connect
to the repository. A sysadmin or
superuser must set a user to this state
manually and must manually take a
user out of this state.
• Locked and inactiveThe user is inactive
and unable to connect to the repository.
A sysadmin or superuser must set a
user to this state.
If the user is a superuser, only another
superuser can reset the user’s state.
Input File Path
The name of an input file.
User Source
Specifies how to authenticate a given
repository user’s user name and
password. Valid values are:
• null
• LDAPThe user is authenticated
through an LDAP directory server.
• Inline PasswordThe user must provide
a password that is stored only in
the repository. There is no external
authentication. You must manually
enter the password for each user
authenticated with a password; the
passwords cannot be imported in the
LDIF file.
• UNIX onlyThe user is authenticated
using the default UNIX mechanism,
dm_check_password or other external
password checking program.
• domain onlyThe user is authenticated
against a Windows domain.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
• UNIX firstThis is used for UNIX
repositories where Windows domain
authentication is in use. The user
is authenticated first by the default
UNIX mechanism; if that fails, the user
is authenticated against a Windows
• domain firstThis is used for UNIX
repositories where Windows domain
authentication is in use. The user is
authenticated first against a Windows
domain; if that fails, the user is
authenticated by the default UNIX
A description for the user.
Windows Domain
(Windows only.) The domain name
associated with the new user’s Windows
Home Repository
The repository where the user receives
tasks and notifications.
Default Folder
The default storage location for any object
that the user creates. Depending on how
you have set up your site, you may need
to create a folder for the user.
Default Group
Choose a group name from the list.
When the user creates an object in
the repository, it belongs to the group
name associated with the user’s default
permission set.
Default permission set
A permission set to use to assign the
default permissions to objects created by
the new user.
DB Name
The new user’s username in the
underlying RDBMS.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
Choose one of the following user
privileges from the list: None; Group;
Cabinet; Type; Group and Cabinet;
Cabinet and Type; Group and Type;
Group, Cabinet, and Type; Sysadmin;
Client Capability
Indicates what level of use is expected of
the user. Choose the user type from the
• Default
• Consumer
• Contributor
• Coordinator
• System Administrator
Alias Set
Select a default alias set
Overwrite or ignore information when
user exists
If Overwrite is chosen and a user
exists in the repository, replace existing
information with imported information.
If Ignore is chosen and a user exists in the
repository, retain existing information.
Deleting users
You can remove users from the repository, but Documentum strongly recommends
making users inactive or reassigning them rather than deleting them from the repository.
When you delete a user, the server does not remove the user’s name from objects in
the repository such as groups and ACLs. Consequently, when you delete a user, you
must also remove or change all references to that user in objects in the repository. To
reassign a user’s objects to another user, use the instructions in Reassigning objects to
another user, page 222.
You can delete a user and then create a user with the same name. If you add a new user
with the same name as a deleted user and have not removed references to the deleted
user, the new user inherits the group membership and object permissions belonging
to the deleted user.
You cannot delete the repository owner, installation owner, or yourself.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
To delete users:
Navigate to Administration/User Management/Users.
Select the users to delete by checking the check boxes next to their names.
Click File>Delete.
Click Finish.
Reassigning objects to another user
If you are deleting a user from the repository or making the user inactive and you want
objects owned by the user assigned to another user, use these instructions. In addition, if
you want to rename a user, create a new user and then assign the existing user’s objects
to that user. This is the only way to change a user’s name.
To reassign objects to another user:
Navigate to Administration/User Management/Users.
Select the user whose objects are being reassigned.
Click Tools>Reassign User.
Type in the name of the user to which to reassign the current user’s objects, or
click Select User.
Indicate when to run the reassign job.
Indicate whether to unlock checked-out objects or ignore them.
Indicate whether to save changes and report results or just report results.
Click OK.
Changing the home repository of a user
The home repository is where users receive tasks and notifications in their inboxes.
To change a home repository:
Navigate to Administration/User Management/Users.
Select the user for whom you want to change the home repository.
Click Tools>Change Home Repository.
From the list, select the user’s new home repository.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Indicate whether to run the job that changes the home repository when it is next
scheduled or to run the job now.
Click OK.
Making a user active or inactive
Changing a user’s state from active to inactive is an alternative to deleting the user from
the repository. If the user is a superuser, only another superuser can reset the user’s state.
To change a user from active to inactive or inactive to active:
Navigate to Administration/User Management/Users.
Select the user.
To make an active user inactive, click Inactive.
To make an inactive user active, click Active.
Click OK.
Modifying users
Use these instructions to modify the properties of an existing user.
To modify a user:
Navigate to Administration/User Management/Users.
Select the user.
Select View>Properties>Info.
Modify the properties you want to change.
Click OK.
Viewing groups, workows, alias sets, permission sets,
and documents of a user
Use these instructions to determine the groups to which a user belongs.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
To view the groups, workows, permission sets, alias sets, or documents of a user:
Navigate to Administration/User Management/Users.
Select the user.
Click View>Memberships.
From the list, select All, Groups, ACLs (permission sets, Workflows, Alias Sets, or
Click the user navigation path at the top of the screen to return to the User list page.
Viewing or deleting change home repository logs
Use these instructions to view or delete the logs generated by changing a user’s home
To view or delete change home repository logs:
From the user list page, click View>Change Home repository Logs.
To view a log, click the job request ID of the job.
The log contains this information:
The user’s name
The old and new home repositories
The objects updated by the reassign operation
To delete a log, check the checkbox next to the log and click File>Delete.
To exit viewing the log, click OK.
To exit the log list page, click Users in the navigation trail at the top of the right pane.
Viewing user reassign logs
Use these instructions to view or delete the logs generated by reassigning a user’s
objects to another user.
To view the user reassign logs:
From the user list page, click View>Reassign Logs.
The Reassign Logs list page is displayed. The list page tells you:
The job request ID
The user’s old and new names
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Whether the job generated a report only or proceeded with the reassign operation
Whether locked objects were unlocked
Whether the request was completed
You can sort on each column.
To view a log, click the job request ID for the rename job.
If the job request ID is not a clickable link, a log was not generated for the job.
To delete a log, check the checkbox next to the log and click File>Delete.
To exit viewing the log, click OK.
To exit the log list page, click Users in the navigation path at the top of the right pane.
Rename reports
This page displays rename logs, including group and user rename logs.
A group represents multiple repository users, and can contain groups, users, or roles. By
default, a group is owned by the user who creates the group. Groups can be public or
private. By default, groups created by a user with Create Group privileges are private,
while groups created by a user with sysadmin or superuser privileges are public.
A group can be a dynamic group. A dynamic group is a group, of any group class, whose
list of members is considered a list of potential members. For more information on
dynamic groups, refer to About dynamic groups, page 227.
To create or modify groups, you must have privileges as follows:
Table 23-3. Privileges for creating or modifying groups
Create Group
Can create group or
assign ownership
to a group to which
the user belongs
Can add or delete
members and
assign ownership
to a group to which
the user belongs
Can delete groups
the user owns,
including groups
where a group is
owner and the user
is a member of the
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Can create group or
assign ownership
to a group to which
the user belongs
Can update group
owner, or members
of a group
Can delete groups
the user owns,
including groups
where a group is
owner and the user
is a member of the
Can create a
group and assign
ownership to a
different user or
Can update group
owner, or members
of a group
Can delete any
A group can own sysobjects and permission sets.
The name assigned to a group must consist of characters that are compatible with
Content Server’s server OS code page.
If you create a role as a domain, it is listed on the groups list, not the roles list.
To jump to a particular group, type the first few letters of its object name in the Starts
with box and click Search. To view a list of all groups beginning with a particular
letter, click that letter. To view a different number of groups than the number currently
displayed, select a different number in the Show Items list.
To view the members of a group, click the group’s name.
From this page, you can find instructions for:
About dynamic groups, page 227
Locating groups, page 227
Viewing where a group is used, page 228
Creating groups, page 228
Modifying or viewing groups, page 229
Adding users, groups, or roles to a group, page 230
Removing users from a group, page 230
Deleting groups, page 231
Reassigning the objects owned by a group, page 231
Viewing group reassign logs, page 231
Group properties, page 232
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
About dynamic groups
A dynamic group is a group, of any group class, whose list of members is considered a
list of potential members. A dynamic group is created and populated with members like
any other group. Whether or not a group is dynamic is part of the group’s definition. It is
recorded in the is_dynamic attribute and may be changed after the group is created. (In
this application, is_dynamic is the field labeled Is Group Dynamic.
When a session is started, whether Content Server treats a user in a dynamic group as an
actual member is dependent on two factors:
The default membership setting in the group object
Whether the application from which the user is accessing the repository requests that
the user be added or removed from the group
The is_dynamic_default attribute in a group object determines whether Content
Server treats a user in a dynamic group’s list of members as a group member or as a
non-member. By default, the group setting directs Content Server to treat a user as a
non-member of the group.
You can use dynamic groups to model role-based security. For example, suppose you
define a dynamic group called EngrMgrs. Its default membership behavior is to assume
that users are not members of the group. The group is granted the privileges to change
ownership and change permissions. When a user in the group accesses the repository
from a secure application, the application can issue the session call to add the user to
the group. If the user accesses the repository from outside your firewall or from an
unapproved application, no session call is issued and Content Server does not treat the
user as a member of the group. The user cannot exercise the change ownership or change
permissions permits through the group. For more information on dynamic groups, refer
to the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.
Locating groups
Use these instructions to locate groups in a repository.
To locate groups:
Connect to a repository.
Click Administration.
Click User Management.
Click Groups.
The first ten groups in the repository are displayed.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
To jump to a particular group or to groups starting with a particular string, type the
string in the Starts with field and click Search.
To see more groups, click the Forward or Back buttons or click a letter corresponding
to the first letter of a group.
To change the number of groups displayed, select a different number from the Show
Items list.
Viewing where a group is used
Use these instructions to see where a group is used.
To view where a group is used:
Locate the correct group.
Check the checkbox next to the group’s name.
Click View>Memberships.
Creating or modifying groups
Click the links below for instructions on:
Creating groups, page 228
Modifying or viewing groups, page 229
Creating groups
Use these instructions to create new groups.
To create groups:
From User Management, click Groups.
Click File>New>Group.
Type the name of the new group.
If the rooms feature of Collaborative Services is enabled, select the group’s native
If a room is selected, the group is considered a private group in the room.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
For more information on working with rooms, refer to “Working with Rooms” in
this online help system or the Webtop help system.
Type an email address for the group. This is typically the email address of the
group’s owner.
Click Select Owner to select an owner for the group.
Click Select Administrator to select an administrator for the group.
Click Select Alias Set to select the alias set for the group.
If you are connected to the governing repository of a federation and the group must
be a global group, check Group is Global.
10. Optionally, provide a description of the group.
11. To make the group a private group, check Is Private.
12. In 5.3 and later repositories, indicate whether the group is a dynamic group.
A dynamic group is a group, of any group class, whose list of members is considered
a list of potential members. For more information about dynamic groups, refer to
About dynamic groups, page 227.
13. If the group if dynamic, indicate whether users are treated as members or
non-members by default.
14. Click Finish.
Modifying or viewing groups
To modify a group, you must be the group’s owner, a superuser, a member of the group
that owns the group to be modified, or identified in the group’s group_admin attribute,
either as an individual or as a member of a group specified in the attribute. Use these
instructions to modify groups.
To modify or view a group:
From User Management, click Groups.
Locate the correct group.
Click the Info button.
Modify the group’s attributes if you have sufficient permissions.
Click OK.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Adding users, groups, or roles to a group
A group can contain users, other groups, or roles. Use these instructions to add users,
groups, or roles to a group.
To add users to a group:
From User Management, click Groups.
To filter the list, select Only Groups, Only Users, or Only Roles from the list.
Click the name of the group to which you want to add users.
Click File>Add Members
To jump to a particular user, group, or role, type the name in the text box and
click Go.
To filter the page, select Show Users, Groups, And Roles, Show Users, Show
Groups, Show Roles , or Show Private Groups and Roles.
Check the check boxes next to the names of the users, groups, or roles you are
adding to the group.
Click the right arrow.
The members are moved to the right-hand side of the page.
Click OK.
Removing users from a group
Use these instructions when users must be removed from a group.
To delete users from a group:
From the User Management page, click Groups.
To filter the list, select Only Groups, Only Users, or Only Roles from the list.
Click the name of the group from which you want to delete users.
Check the check boxes next to the names of the users you are deleting from the group.
Click File>Remove Member(s).
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Deleting groups
You can delete a group if you are the group’s owner, a superuser, a member of the group
that owns the group to be deleted, or identified in the group’s group_admin attribute,
either as an individual or as a member of a group specified in the attribute. However,
to preserve repository consistency, do not remove groups from the repository. Instead,
remove all members of the group and leave the group in the repository, or reassign all
objects owned by the group to another group or user and then delete the group.
To delete a group:
From the User Management page, click Groups.
Check the check box next to the name of the group you are deleting.
Click File>Delete.
Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the group.
Reassigning the objects owned by a group
Use these instructions to reassign the objects owned by a group to another group.
To reassign a group:
From the User Management page, click Groups.
Check the check box next to the name of the group you are reassigning.
Click Tools>Reassign Group.
Type in the name of the group to which this group’s users and objects are being
reassigned, or click Select Group to select a group.
Indicate whether to run the reassign job at the next time the job is scheduled or now.
Indicate whether to unlock or ignore checked-out objects.
Indicate whether to save changes and report results or just report results.
Click OK.
Viewing group reassign logs
Use these instructions to view or delete the logs generated by reassigning the members
of a group to another group.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
From the groups list page, click View>Reassign Logs.
To view a log, click the job request ID.
If the job request ID is not a clickable link, no log was generated for the job.
To delete a log, check the checkbox next to the log and click File>Delete.
To exit viewing the log, click OK.
Group properties
The following table lists the fields completed when you create or modify a group:
Table 23-4. Properties of a group
Field label
The name of the new repository group.
Group Display Name
A display name for the group.
Group Native Room
Under Collaborative Services with Rooms,
a native room for the group
The type of group. The default is Group.
The other valid value is Role.
Use this attribute so that your applications
can distinguish between groups and roles.
The server does not enforce the value of
this attribute and does not set the attribute
to any value other than group.
If you set this to Role, the group does not
appear on the groups list page.
Email Address
The email address for the new group.
If no value is entered in this field, the
group email address defaults to the group
The name of a repository user who has
the Create Group privilege and who owns
this group.
If you are a superuser, you can select the
owner. Otherwise, you can set this to a
group of which you are a member.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
Specifies a user or group, in addition to a
superuser or the group owner, who can
modify the group. If this is null, only
a superuser and the group owner can
modify the group.
Alias Set
The default alias set for the group.
Group is Global
Displayed only in the governing
repository of a federation.
A description of the group.
Private Group
Defines whether the group is private. If Is
Private is unchecked, the group is created
as a public group.
By default, groups created by users with
sysadmin or superuser privileges are
public, and groups created by users with
a lower user privilege level are private.
Dynamic Group
When this is checked, the group is a
dynamic group. A dynamic group
is a group of any group class where
the membership is considered a list of
potential members. Whether a particular
user is treated as a member of the group
or not is determined by the setting of
Treat users as members/Treat users as
non-members and the behavior of the
application by which the user accesses the
repository. For more information about
dynamic groups, refer to About dynamic
groups, page 227.
Treat users as members/Treat users as
This field can be set only if Is Group
Dynamic is checked. The members
of a dynamic group are considered
to be potential group members. At
runtime, whether the group members
are considered members is determined
by how this field is set. If Treat users
as members is selected, users are
considered members of the dynamic
group. The default setting is Treat users
as non-members.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
A role is a type of group that contains a set of users or other groups that are assigned a
particular role within a client application domain. For information on roles and domains,
refer to the section on security services in Content Server Fundamentals.
If you create a role as a domain, it is listed in the groups list, not the roles list.
To jump to a particular role, type the first few letters of its object name in the Starts with
box and click Search. To view a list of all roles beginning with a particular letter, click
that letter. To view a different number of roles than the number currently displayed,
select a different number in the Show Items list.
This section describes the following:
Creating roles, page 234
Adding users, groups, or roles to a role, page 235
Modifying roles, page 235
Reassigning roles, page 236
Deleting roles, page 236
Role properties, page 237
Creating or modifying roles
Click the links below for instructions on:
Creating roles, page 234
Modifying roles, page 235
Creating roles
Use these instructions to create new roles.
To create roles:
From User Management, click roles.
Click File>New>Role.
Type the name of the new role.
Type an email address for the role. This is typically the email address of the role’s
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Type the owner of the role.
Click Select Alias Set to select the alias set for the role.
Optionally, provide a description of the role.
To create the role as a private role, check Is Private.
To create the role as a domain, check Create role as domain.
If you create a role as a domain, it is listed on the groups list, not the roles list.
10. To save the role and return to the Roles page, click OK.
Adding users, groups, or roles to a role
Use these instructions to add users, groups, or roles to a role.
To add users, groups, or roles to a role:
From User Management, click Roles.
Click the role to which you want to add users.
The list page with members of the role is displayed.
To filter the list, select Only Groups, Only Users, or Only Roles from the list.
Click File>Add Members.
To jump to a particular user, group, or role, type the name in the text box and
click Go.
To filter the page, select Show Users, Groups, And Roles, Show Users, Show
Groups, Show Roles or Show Private Groups and Roles.
Check the check boxes next to the names of the users, groups, or roles you are
adding to the role.
Click the right arrow.
The members are moved to the right-hand side of the page.
Click OK.
Modifying roles
Use these instructions to modify the properties of an existing role.
If you use Documentum’s Web Publisher, you can modify Web Publisher roles using XML
files to change the functionality available to Web Publisher roles and to replace or
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
add roles to your Web Publisher application. For further details on configuring Web
Publisher roles, refer to the Web Development Kit Applications Configuration Guide.
To modify a role:
From the User Management page, click Roles.
Locate the correct role.
Click the Info button or View>Properties>Info.
Modify the role’s attributes.
Click OK.
Reassigning roles
If you plan to delete a role, you may want to reassign the users and other objects
belonging to the role. Use these instructions to reassign the users and other objects.
To reassign a role:
From the User Management page, click Roles.
Check the check box next to the name of the role you are reassigning.
Click Tools>Reassign Group.
Type in the name of the role or group to which this role’s users and objects are being
reassigned, or click Select Group to select a group.
Indicate whether to run the reassign job at the next time the job is scheduled or now.
Indicate whether to unlock or ignore checked-out objects.
Indicate whether to save changes and report results or just report results.
Click OK.
Deleting roles
Roles are a type of group. It is therefore recommended that you do not delete a role.
Instead, remove all members of the role and leave the role in the repository. You can also
reassign the members of the role to another role.
To delete a role:
From the User Management page, click Roles.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Check the check box next to the name of the role you are deleting.
Click File>Delete.
Click OK.
Role properties
The following table lists the fields you complete to create or modify a role:
Table 23-5. Properties of a role
Field label
The name of the new repository role.
The type of role. The default is Role.
Another available value is Group.
Use this attribute so that your applications
can distinguish between groups and roles.
The server does not enforce the value of
this attribute and does not set the attribute
to any value other than group.
Email Address
The email address for the new role.
If no value is entered in this field, the role
email address defaults to the role name.
The name of a repository user who has
the Create Group privilege and who owns
this group.
Specifies a user or group, in addition to
a superuser or the role owner, who can
modify the role. If this is null, only a
superuser and the role owner can modify
the role.
Alias Set
The default alias set for the role.
Webtop User Guide
Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
Field label
A description of the role. For example,
"New Project Approvals Committee".
Is Private
Defines whether the role is private. If Is
Private is unchecked, the role is created
as a public role.
By default, roles created by users with
sysadmin or superuser privileges are
public, and roles created by users with a
lower user privilege level are private.
Webtop User Guide
Appendix A
Webtop Icons
This section illustrates the icons available in Webtop:
Icons common to WDK applications, page 239
Icons common to WDK applications
The following icons are commonly used in Documentum web applications.
Accessing Help:
Cabinets and Files:
: A repository.
: A cabinet.
: Your home cabinet.
: A folder.
: Displays an item’s properties when clicked.
: Checks out selected files when clicked.
: Edits selected files when clicked. If a file is not checked out, this also checks
out the file.
: Checks in selected files when clicked.
: Cancels checkout of selected files when clicked.
: Adds selected files to your clipboard when clicked.
: Indicates that the object is checked out and that you own the lock.
: Indicates that the object is checked out and that another user owns the lock.
Webtop User Guide
: Dragging this icon to your local computer creates a link to an item in the
Webtop Icons
Selection Lists:
: Clicking this adds an item.
: Clicking this removes an item.
: Clicking this edits an item.
Categories and Taxonomies:
: A taxonomy.
: A category.
Renditions and Transformations:
: Displays additional file renditions when clicked. (This icon does not appear if a
file’s only other rendition is the thumbnail.)
Virtual Documents:
: A virtual document.
: A snapshot.
: A frozen snapshot.
Workflows and Inboxes:
: A notification.
: A task.
: A high priority item.
: A low priority item.
: A workflow.
: A workflow Template.
: Indicates that the workflow you are sending has no attached files. You click this
icon to attach files. Text adjacent to the icon tells you whether attached files are
mandatory or optional.
: A currently running workflow.
: A paused workflow.
: A stopped workflow.
: A server.
: A federation.
: A user.
: A user group.
: A role.
: A template for a user type.
Webtop User Guide
Webtop Icons
: A user session.
: A job.
: A method.
: An alias set.
: A format.
: A type.
: Storage.
: Site publishing.
: Content Intelligence Services administration.
Webtop User Guide
Webtop Icons
Webtop User Guide
[-] Hide More, 32
[-] Hide Options, 32
[+] Show More, 32
[+] Show Options, 32
tasks, 153
access levels, 192 to 193
accessibility mode, 23 to 24, 29
actions, 29
Actions link, 29 to 30
Add icon, 240
adding, 151
See also attached files
descendants, 107
files to workflow, 151, 153, 159
group to permission set, 197, 201
renditions, 91
to clipboard, 68
user to permission set, 197, 201
Administration node, 29
administrative tools, 187
Adobe Comment Connector
Integration, 119
Advanced Document Transformation
Services, 87
advanced search, 42 to 43
alerts, 152
See also notifications
alias sets, 196
of a user, 223
aligning text, 128
All Messages button, 39
See also View Message button
assemblies, 115
See also snapshots
lifecycles, 183
Webtop User Guide
tasks in queues, 177 to 178
jobs, 40
status, 40
tasks, 40
thumbnails, 36
transformations, 90
attached files
in workflows, 150
overview, 151
removing, 154, 159
viewing, 153
audit events, 164
Auto Generated, 196
automatic tasks, 150 to 151
completing, 168
failed, 168
for tasks, 158
background color, 128
binding rules, 51, 113
bindings, 51
See also binding rules
bold text, 128
bookmarking, 71, 73
BPM, 164
See also Business Process Manager
BPS, 152
See also Business Process Services
breadcrumbs, 32
See also navigation path
brokers, 23
Browse permissions, 193
browsing, 36
Business Process Manager, 164, 168, 172
Business Process Services, 152
creating, 56
histories, 76
home, 239
icon, 239
properties, 75
Cabinets node, 28
canceling checkout, 62
copying, 70
creating, 80
deleting, 67
icon, 240
linking to multiple locations, 71
navigating, 81
overview, 79
relationships, 101
searching, 42 to 43
submitting items to, 80
work queue categories, 174, 176
Categories node, 28, 79
See also categories
centering text, 128
Change Location, 193
Change Ownership, 193
Change Permission, 193
Change State, 193
checking in, 61
generating renditions, 87
generating versions, 83
overview, 58
checkout, 60
canceling, 62
directory, 17, 59
displaying recently checked out, 63
location, 17, 59
overview, 58 to 59
viewing checked-out files, 63
viewing recently checked out, 63
child documents, 103
See also descendants
choosing an item, 36
Classic view
overview, 25
setting as default, 49
adding to, 68
removing from, 68
viewing, 68
Collaborative Services
overview, 131
applying to background, 128
applying to text, 128
columns, 35
commands, 29
adding in discussions, 143
deleting in discussions, 144
editing in discussions, 143
replying to in discussions, 143
searching for, 144
failed tasks, 168
tasks, 155
connecting, 22, 24, 52
content, 55
See also files
in repository, 16
in virtual document, 106
Content Rendition Services, 87
Content Server, 16
roles, 234
contextual folders, 146
creating, 146
searching for, 147
Contributor role, 137
categories, 70
files, 70
folders, 70
items in repositories, 70
text, 127
create_group privileges, 173
creating, 55
See also the index entry for the item you
want to create
cabinets, 56
files, 57
folders, 56
global users, 210
groups, 228
new objects through
transformations, 93
permission sets, 197
repository items, 55
roles, 234
Webtop User Guide
users, 206, 216, 218
deleting, 22
saving, 22, 52
Current User’s Permission Sets, 196
cutting text, 127
delegating tasks, 157
Delete permissions, 193
categories, 67
files, 67
folders, 67
groups, 231
items in repositories, 67
linked items, 67
objects, 196
permissions required, 196
related items, 67
roles, 236
saved credentials, 22
users, 221
users from group, 230
versions, 67
demoting, 181 to 182
adding, 107
locating, 104
navigating to, 105
overview, 103
removing, 110
reordering, 111
viewing, 104 to 105
workflows, 164
checkout, 59
disconnecting, 24
discussions, 142
adding comments, 143
deleting comments, 144
editing comments, 143
replying to comments, 143
searching for comments, 144
Display menu, 106
distributed content stores, 22
dm_DistOperations job, 63
dm_QmPriorityAging job, 175
Webtop User Guide
document lifecycles, 18
See also lifecycles
Document Transformation Services, 87
related, 13
documents, 55, 57
See also files
transforming to HTML, 91
transforming to PDF, 91
Documentum Content Server, 16
See also Content Server
domains, 22 to 23
dragging and dropping, 38, 109, 111
Edit icon, 240
Edit Workflow Report, 163
files, 60
overview, 58
web-links, 72
Execute Procedure permissions, 193
files, 66
extended permissions, 193, 201
See also permissions
external editing applications, 58
creating links outside a repository, 71
recently used files, 63
repositories, 52
subscribing to items, 73
users, 206, 210
displaying, 32
hiding, 32
showing, 32
file formats, 54
See also formats
preferences, 54
assigning lifecycles, 183
attaching, 151, 153, 159
canceling checkout, 62
checking in or out, 60 to 61
copying, 70
copying locally, 66
creating, 57
deleting, 67
demoting, 182
drag and drop, 38
editing, 60
exporting, 66
histories, 76
importing, 65
lifecycle states, 181
linking to multiple locations, 71
local, 17
overview, 55
promoting, 182
properties, 75
removing, 154, 159
removing lifecycles, 184
renditions, 87 to 88
sending to review, 149
sending to workflows, 158
templates, 189
versions, 83
viewing in read-only mode, 64
viewing locations, 64
virtual documents, 103
virtual links, 64
Filter button, 34
Filter link, 34
filtering, 34
Find All Versions option, 44
Find Hidden Objects option, 44
finishing tasks, 155
fixing to a version, 113
folder securities
permissions, 195
WIP content, 195
contextual, 146
copying, 70
creating, 56
deleting, 67
displaying on startup, 49
drag and drop, 38
histories, 76
icon, 239
linking to multiple locations, 71
properties, 75
viewing locations, 64
family, 127
size, 127
preferences, 54
creating, 123
entering data in, 124
formatting text, 127
opening, 124
overview, 123
forwarding tasks, 155
freezing, 116
getting next task, 156
Global Actions link, 30
global users
creating, 210
governed objects, 134
adding users, 230
creating, 228
deleting, 231
described, 225
icon, 240
in work queues, 176, 179 to 180
locating, 227
modifying, 229
of a user, 223
properties of, 232
reassigning, 231
removing users, 230
user management, 203
viewing where used, 228
headings, 127
hidden objects, 44, 50
Hide More link, 32
Hide Options link, 32
historical reports, 165
histories, 76
home cabinet, 16, 29, 239
renditions, 87
transforming to, 91
viewing links, 64
Webtop User Guide
HTML source, 129
I am available, 158
I am currently set to unavailable, 158
icons, 239
descriptions of, 239
workflows, 150
creating links from, 129
files, 65
renditions, 89
templates, 65
users, 216, 218
Inbox, 17, 28
available for tasks, 158
columns, 50
displaying on startup, 49
getting next task in queue, 156
notifications, 73
opening items, 152
tasks, 149
unavailable for tasks, 158
viewing, 152
work queues, 156
Increment Priority
in work queues, 175
indenting text, 128
Initial Priority
in work queues, 175
overview, 21
internal editing applications, 58
italicizing text, 128
dm_DistOperations, 63
dm_QmPriorityAging job, 175
icon, 241
in replicas, 97
in work queues, 173
viewing status, 40
choosing on log in, 23
Webtop User Guide
filtering for, 34
LDAP, 23
LDIF file formats, 216, 218
lifecycles, 18
assigning, 183
demoting, 182
filtering for, 34
overview, 181
promoting, 182
removing, 184
resuming, 184
states, 181
suspending, 184
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, 23
See also LDAP
linking, 70
deleting linked items, 67
hyperlinks, 29, 129
overview, 70
shortcuts, 71 to 72
to multiple locations, 71
via subscriptions, 73
viewing locations of links, 64
web-links, 72
clicking file names, 64
columns, 35
displaying information, 33
displaying pages, 33
file names, 64
filtering, 34
information displayed, 33
multiple pages, 33
navigating, 33
sorting, 34
Starts With field, 33
viewing, 33
local files, 17
groups, 227
item in categories, 81
items in lists, 33
items in repositories, 31, 41
permission sets, 196
recently used, 63
Subscriptions, 73
users, 204
work queues, 176
logging into, 22
viewing, 64
locked files
icon, 239
overview, 58
retain lock on checkin, 62
setting preferences, 52
sorting by, 35, 64
viewing, 64
when checking out virtual
document, 52, 61
locked users, 207, 211, 218 to 219
logging in, 22, 24, 52
logging out, 24
user reassign, 224
Manually Created, 196
Max Priority
in work queues, 175
Media Transformation Services, 87
member list for a room, 138
menu bar, 30
Filter menu, 34
in accessibility mode, 24
using menus, 29
Message Viewer, 39
error, 39
warning, 39
modifying, 58
See also the index entry for the item you
want to modify
groups, 229
roles, 235
users, 223
More link, 29
items, 69
tasks in queues, 178
multiple-repository functionality, 23, 52,
My Files
checked-out files, 63
columns, 50
displaying on startup, 49
viewing, 63
My Private Files, 154, 160
My Workflows, 164, 166 to 167
categories, 81
interface, 21
lists, 33
repositories, 31
navigation path, 32
new window, 39
nodes, 27 to 28
None permissions, 193
creating, 144
deleting, 145
editing, 145
searching for, 146
notifications, 17, 152
icon, 240
setting, 73
numbered lists, 128
objects, 16
permissions, 192
type, 16
files, 60
new windows, 39
notifications, 152
tasks, 152
web-links, 72
ordered lists, 128
outdent, 128
Owner role, 137
packages, 150
pagination, 33
parent documents, 103
See also virtual documents
passwords, 24
pasting, 127
workflows, 166 to 167
pencil icon, 240
Percent Quality Check, 175
Webtop User Guide
actions, 29
tasks, 153
permission sets, 18, 191
See also permissions
creating, 197
locating, 196
superusers, 192
sysadmin, 192
system, 192
viewing where used, 197
permissions, 18, 191
See also permission sets
access levels, 192 to 193
creating permission set, 197
deleting objects, 196
extended, 193
folder security, 195
locating, 196
managing, 191
modifying, 198, 201
object-level, 192
of a user, 223
overview, 191 to 192
setting, 201
viewing, 198
viewing where used, 197
overview, 49
setting, 49
primary renditions, 87
workflow information, 165
priority levels, 152, 161, 175, 240
privileges, 192
promoting, 181 to 182
icon, 239
in repository, 16
overview, 75
setting, 75
viewing, 75
viewing for transformations, 95
Public Files, 154, 160
queue categories, 171
changing user skill set, 180
creating, 174
queue policies, 174
Webtop User Guide
See also work queues
queues, 171
See also work queues
quickflows, 161
Read permissions, 193
read-only viewing, 64
groups, 231
roles, 236
tasks, 157
tasks in queues, 177 to 178
redoing, 129
rejecting tasks, 156
Relate permissions, 193
related documentation, 13
related items
creating through transformations, 93
deleting, 67
transformations, 90
relation types, 101
See also relationships
relations, 101
See also relationships
relationships, 101
See also attached files
Remove icon, 240
attached files, 154, 159
descendants, 110
items from clipboard, 68
lifecycles, 184
associated with one version, 87
creating, 91
description, 90
icon, 240
importing, 89
overview, 87
primary, 87
viewing, 88
reordering descendants, 111
repeating tasks, 157
overview, 97
updating, 97
reports, 165
accessibility mode, 24
adding, 23
cabinet icon, 239
changing, 23
favorites, 52
groups, 225
icon, 239
logging in, 22, 52
logging into accessibility mode, 24
logging out, 24
multiple, 22 to 23, 52, 63
names, 23
navigating, 31
nodes, 27 to 28
overview, 15
owners, 192
users, 203
repository owner, 192
lifecycle, 184
tasks in queues, 179
workflows, 167
retention dates
effect on storage policies, 76
retention period
defined, 76
setting for objects, 76
failed tasks, 168
managing workflows, 163
processing tasks, 149
using quickflows, 161
using workflows, 149
Rich Text Editor, 147
right justifying text, 128
creating, 234
deleting, 236
described, 234
icon, 240
modifying, 235
properties of, 235, 237
reassigning, 236
user management, 203
room membership
about, 137
adding members, 138
adding members to a local group, 139
changing local roles, 139
creating local group, 139
editing local group properties, 139
managing, 138
removing local groups from a
room, 140
removing members, 138
rooms, 133
copying, 140
creating, 135
deleting, 141
editing properties of, 136
governed objects, 134
local groups, 137
local roles, 137
membership, 137
moving, 141
visiting, 133
RTE, 147
See also Rich Text Editor
saved credentials, 22, 52
deleting, 22
setting, 22
attached files, 154, 160
files, 61
new versions, 61
overview, 58
searches, 45 to 46
to My Private Files, 154, 160
to Public Files, 154, 160
workflow information, 165
searching, 41
advanced search, 42 to 43
results, 44
running saved searches, 45
saved searches, 45 to 46
settings for, 53
simple search, 42
securities, 191
See also permissions
selecting an item, 36
selection pages, 36
quickflows, 161
shortcuts, 72
web-links, 72
Webtop User Guide
accessibility mode, 24
logging in, 22, 52
logging out, 24
display settings, 50
general, 49
preferences, 49
searches, 53
virtual documents, 51
emailing, 72
icon, 239
references, 98
sending to other users, 72
to files, 71
to folders, 71
to recently used, 63
via subscriptions, 73
web-links, 72
Show All Properties checkboxes, 32
Show More link, 32
Show Options link, 32
showing all, 32, 84, 203 to 204
simple documents, 114
simple search, 42
histories, 76
properties, 75
creating, 115
freezing, 116
overview, 115
unfreezing, 117
version labels, 115
viewing, 117
software version, 40
sorting, 34
spell check, 129
Staging, 18, 182
Start, 181
workflows, 158
Starts With field, 33
startup display, 49
status bar, 39
storage policies
and retention dates, 76
Streamline view
overview, 25
setting as default, 49
Webtop User Guide
virtual documents, 104, 107, 110 to
files to workflows, 158
tasks, 155
to categories, 80
subscript text, 128
accessing, 73
columns, 50
displaying on startup, 49
notifications, 73
overview, 73
subscribing, 73
unsubscribing, 73
superscript text, 128
changing, 166
lifecycles, 184
tasks in queues, 178
system permission sets, 192
System Permission Sets, 196
tables, 129
accepting, 153
attaching files, 151, 153
automatic, 168
completing, 155
delegating, 157
failed, 168
icon, 240
opening, 152
overview, 149
reassigning, 157
rejecting, 156
repeating, 157
work queues, 176
icon, 240
overview, 79
submitting items to, 80
templates, 189
See also files
assigning lifecycles, 183
creating, 189
overview, 189
removing lifecycles, 184
workflows, 167
creating links from, 129
formatting, 127
threshold, 174
thumbnails, 36
toolbar, 30
creating new objects, 93
creating new renditions, 91
overview, 90
profiles, 90
properties, 95
removing, 95
results, 90, 93
viewing properties, 95
document to HTML, 91
document to PDF, 91
filtering for, 34
tasks in queues, 177
for tasks, 158
underlining, 128
undoing, 129
unfreezing, 117
unlocking, 62
unsubscribing, 73
tasks in queues, 179
replica, 97
creating links, 129
user management, 203
user privileges, 192
adding to a group, 230
adding to permission sets, 197, 201
changing state, 223
creating, 206, 216, 218
deleting, 221
described, 203
global, 206, 210
icon, 240
importing, 216
in work queues, 176, 179 to 180
LDFI file formats, 216, 218
locating, 203 to 204
modifying, 223
properties, 218
reassign logs, 224
reassigning, 222
user management, 203
viewing alias sets, 223
viewing documents, 223
viewing groups, 223
viewing permission sets, 223
viewing workflows, 223
VDM, 103
See also virtual documents
version labels, 115
version of software, 40
Version permissions, 193
deleting, 67, 196
numbering, 83
overview, 83
removing a transformation, 95
renditioning, 87
saving new, 61
showing all, 84
viewing, 84
View Messages button, 39
viewing, 33
See also the index entry for the item to be
lists, 33
locations, 64
permission sets, where used, 197
relationships, 101
versions, 84
Virtual Document Manager, 103
See also virtual documents
virtual documents, 51
adding descendants, 107
binding rules, 113
content, 106
converting to simple documents, 114
Webtop User Guide
creating, 107
descendants, 107
fixing to a version, 113
icon, 240
moving descendants, 111
overview, 103
preferences, 51
removing descendants, 110
reordering descendants, 111
snapshots, 115 to 117
structure, 104
version labels, 115
viewing content, 106
viewing structure, 104
virtual links
viewing, 64
build information, 40
overview, 15
WdkPluginCab plug-in, 38
emailing, 72
opening, 72
receiving, 72
sending, 72
opening new, 39
WIP, 18, 182
folder securities, 195
Work in Progress, 18
See also WIP
Work Queue Management, 156, 174 to 179
setting up on app server, 172
Work Queue Monitor, 176
work queues
assigning tasks, 177
categories, 174
create_group privileges, 173
creating, 173 to 175
doc profiles, 171
getting next task, 156
groups, 176, 179 to 180
modifying, 177
Webtop User Guide
monitoring, 176
moving tasks to new queues, 178
overview, 171
policies, 174
queue policies, 174
reassigning tasks, 177 to 178
resuming suspended tasks, 179
setting up on app server, 172
suspending tasks, 178
unassigning tasks, 177
unsuspending tasks, 179
users, 176, 179 to 180
viewing, 176
workload, 176
Workflow Manager, 164, 168
Workflow Reporting, 150, 163 to 168
workflow templates, 17
workflows, 17
attaching files, 151, 159
audit events, 164
completing failed tasks, 168
completing tasks, 155
creating workflow templates, 168
details, 164
failed tasks, 168
finishing tasks, 155
icon, 240
information, 165
managing, 163
My Workflows, 164, 166 to 167
of a user, 223
overview, 149
pausing, 166 to 167
printing information, 165
rejecting tasks, 156
resuming, 167
retrying failed tasks, 168
saving information, 165
starting, 158
supervisor, 150, 156, 166, 168, 184
terminating, 167
viewing, 163
workload, 176
Write permissions, 193