B%i$alvage Brive on Mjch.Mirror State iMews Pinckney Wins Ltague
B%i$alvage Brive on Mjch.Mirror State iMews Pinckney Wins Ltague
•Y.i Mjch.Mirror State iMews B%i$alvage War $fwwo Brive on - i si Co RRt N MMiN T ley Ye rditc* For some time there has been gen* eral dissatisfaction with the policy of the army of handing out Commission* to famous athletics, motion picture staxs and rich men's sons promis tously when they have had no military experience and are given these non.combat military commissions. This was fanned to a fire last week when Horace Dodge, son of one of Urn Dodge millionaii^ of Detroit was commissioned as a major. He is now employed in some capacity for the navy at the Newport News, Va. Dodge inherited a vast fortune and an auto (puint at the time of his fathers death together with his brothers and rihsters. He has never done any worit si rye. The auto factory was sold and his principal occupation has been changing wives. AH Detroit papers un mercifully pan the appoin nieni and ask what qualifications he had for the commission. In California Lt Com mander Arnof is being tried by court martial for making Tony Martin a navy chief specialist in return for the gift of a Studebaker .Lav. Now* and Lottoce from (Hur Boy* More Important Facts Concerning Tee. •nt U Staging Who Aro S*rvin#>Tae8r Cooatry State of Michigan Arc Given ve to Get Material A ioaa. Starts This .1. That the lai.-rc t .t co.ur in the Of t h e 84 solders sent from hero to Weak Middle West b ut Suugatuck where v Detroit Induction cantor loot Friday the Chicago Art Instute niaintains a > - 20 ware accepted. Among those acmmmer school of painting? | cepted woo J. P. ^weeney of Howell, Tho National Salvage Campaign 1. That Michigan^ native sons and . farmer ^ " t V ^ * * ^ ™ * ^ is putting o B another b mt * drive for daughters in iitciature include Su-.vworld war 1.Ho tried for an o f f i c e r s * * junk needed for making war materart Edward White, Harold Titus, lex ««sns*iasion«w*j}. rejected for disaba- alti, and in the next three weeks the 1 Beach, James Oliver Cuiwood, ClarUtft. then volunteered as a buck; pri» Dispatch will carry large adver ence Buddintfton Kelland. Ray Stana t * and woo accepted. iWith bit war usementa appeasing to- every farm! dard Baker( writing as David (iray t a j p i h i n n hn wiH probably be given and home to make it a g n a t sucesa. | son). Edtfur Uuest. Aiine Campbell, a • caffifiQassiOwa In barnyards aneVguUUes of farms, Douglas Mallo.h, Arthui Pound.Paul William Lamb has boon roinstatod and in the basements and attics of deKruif, KUna Fcrber, liiii;.'; Lardnui, in t h e navy and 4a now at t h e Grease home* is much junk doing no good lifelen Topping MiHer.Margaret hawI s l e station near Detroit. Ho w e * « a e whore it* is but which is needed at ings and Webb Miller. The»e are qt those who talked ever tho radio once to help smash Japs and Nazis. nany others. Wednesday night during the naval It is the plan to make this event 3 That in 1S»30 there were 173,777 hour program. He was rejected \\& the d i n a r of the nationwide drive Canadian-born citizens in Michigan? spring for disability. He had to get a for scrap iron and metals as well as in addition to this group, 28,539 waivejr of this from the navy dept. rubber in- this locality; every ' one* French-Canadians had moved to that has net already done so w.U be che state. The second group in numPlcturer have-been received from asked to scour their premises' lor any erical strength v.vre the Polish with F o g p C l s f e e v o f - G e r a l J Ctttiro* and scrap which they may have and to 119,228jthiid.Germans with 81,714; Friday Haines all decked our in their brfcig it in to the committee at that .ind fourth, the E.n*lish numbering «naa\ uiUformajiWay looks spruce H time. J2.721. Manv wonueied wny the sheriff* his. The slogan of this campaign is "Your 4. That Michigan's greatest indust- convt ion at Alpena last week went, Tho first Afaj-draft call is the »th Scrap WiH Be,at the Jap" Frank E. rial expa.; i»n wa.-. between 1920 and on record as opposed to the Wayne at which Ume tome 5t> will b e caU- Bowers has appointed township sal. 1930 when the state's population in- county home rule amendment as thi^ •J. It it expected there will be 3 Aug.<j v a £ e chairman some time ago. Howcreased 32 pe. > em ''() ,i\ 2 states ex amendment affects Wayne county f | i ] « The following from this section Over he is hard to reach by phone so ceeded Michigan during this decade. orHy. The answer to this action «ro mailed i John Stackable, Edward if you have any scrap metal, rubber 5. That Michigan State College, is that the amendment would abolish Bennett. John L. Conner a, Lyle Cone, or any other materal which can be founded in 18f>7 was the first agricu- the office of sheriff. In many countCasper Farrefl, Vernor Hall, Harry used tyi the war effort phone no. 8 ltural college in the United States? ies where the large cities are the Ishem, Howard Culver, Valentine GeMany people do not realize u.e exAs a result of its sucvess, the United bulk of the population the office hringer, Bert Potsch, Charles White. tent of materals which are wasted or States land grant, college •u-t was useless and could be easily handled Everett Emory, Walter Rybka, Chas. thrown away in this county yearly by the city and state police. Htowever made a law in 1862. Ubar, Why HJolmet, John Kaiser.^Of When raw materals were /plentiful the rural sheriff's think that if abolo. That Michigan SUitc NormakColCtaas v 1-B these are .iUe«i: l.*on not mujch effort was made to salvage ege, founded in 1K52, was the fir^t ising the sheriff's office once got B o a b . I k r l Gtanger,*Vank Bobbs, and wastes. However those days of plenty normal school west of Albany, New started it would spread to the rural Claaonoe Harriaon. Tho latter will be are gone- and salvage drive is necYork? Other colleges now include districts in time. used for non- combat duty. essary. Here are a few things your Central at Mount Plesant, Western There are ocoaisons when it would IX. Luciu* E. Wilson Jr. who *aa- irrap will do towards winning war. at Kalamazoo and Northern at MarPROM E¥£*Y AMU seem that moral principles can be "" »•• • ." ••• — — • • ' • I commissioned recently from the of- 1 five pound flat iron could supply L qu-ett. ficers training school at| Camp Davis, 2 army blankets. 7. That the second oldest ^continuous- carried too far. In Nashville, Tenn., N. C. has been transferred to Fort lwoolen suit could supply wool for ly maintained parish of the Roman an ardent prohibitionist has announMonroe,Vkginia„ Lt. Wilson has been iron for 4 hand grenades. Catholic ichurch in the United States ced that he will never ride in a car Re*. Fre*cU Mvrnliy named Battery Commander of a new 1 stove oould supply iron for 1 500 \& St. Anne's, Detroit This church v. hich has tires on it made synthepound aerial bomb. unit of 240 men. Sunday Aug. 9th is the 11th Sun. was established two days after Cad- tically from alcohol. He also urges illars landing on July 21, 1701. Fath- other prohibitionists to do same. We Mrs. Lucius E.Wilson Jr., his bride* 10 pound window weights could sup: after Pentecost of a few weeks joins him a t Fort ply iron f o r s w e 8-inch 75. mm shell. Masses are at 6:15 at 8:, 10: and er Gabriel Kkhards, past .ir ii-»m cannot see his point. When alcohol 100 old newspapers oould supply fib" 1802 to 1832 was the only priest ever ol is made into tires it ceases to bo Monroe tail weak,. Defeat* Fowlerville Here Tuesday 12:15. It Is Communion Sunday for intoxicating, it removes alcohol availthe meti of the parish and the Holy to serve in Congresu. Leonard Cook, the only draftee- er for 80 7655 mm shell containers Night 8 to 7 to Xskm aeat to Detroit faom here last Friday j.$3 ft. of garde* hose eotrfd supply Name Soc Cinfessions are Sat.4:30 to 8. That Michigan's natipnally famous able for drinking! puiposes. We fear League Champiot w e * rejected. James McKune of &*& rubber for 7 gas masks. 5:30 and 8 to 9 P. M. also before the state dept. of conservation administ- this ardent prohibitionist does not 1 pound brass pipe could supply ory was accepted. „, ^. , . A, T •_• 8 A. M. mass on Sundays. ers 56 state parks and 12 state for- see beyond his nose. The Pmcknoy team m the L ^ « a > ests and mantains a forest fire divesLloyd VanBlaircum, Charles. Smith brass for 18 .30 cal. shells. N o v e n a d e v o t i o n 8 - ft h o n o r of Marriages of American soldiers to ion to protect 20 million acres of and Bill Baughn wont to Detroit Sat. 1 pound of lead could supjply lead ston County Soft Ball League waa SorroW3 each Frid 7;45 girls in foreign countries in which a hotly contested game from the P. « M. /, M _tt * vby „ ^Confessions. , . . ^ . . ^ . . - . ^.-. followed Cat ffre hazard area The world's first to enlist in tho Air Corps, but got for 68 .30 cal. ball cartridges. Tomion Dairy of Fowlerville here on they are serving are said to have reechism classes meet after the 8: P.M. forest fire experiment station Is locthere too late as the office closes on 4 men's rubber overshoes could supTuesday ni' lit, 8 to 7, to win the ated near Roscommon; short wave ached an alarming extent especially Saturday at noon. They expect to go ple rubber for 1 pair of army shoes. league title. Pinekney's record it mass Sunday at Sat. at 10 A.M. in England and Australia In England radio is utilized. back this week. Bishop BelUof Chicester has issued a 10 won and 2 lost in the league. 9. That Michigan sells more hunting t jEtaaworth (Babe) Kirtfcand and LETTER FROM A SAILOR BOY general order forbidding priests to In this final league game Pinckney and fishing licenses in proportion ti Jack Colo of Gregory went to Jeffermarry American soldiers to English U.S.S. Morris got away to a bad start, making its population than any other state? son Barracks, Mo. last week to see girls' unless a written assurance can D D 417 many errors and committingi stupid Rev. J, M. MeLucae, Minister 10. That the Knights of Labor, formAndrew Kirtland. He has since been be obtained that the prospective July 19, 1942 base running. They got a run in the Herman Widaftayer, S. S. Supt. I ed in 1869 in principles of craft orteansfe^ed tfluBcott Field, 111.. Ellsbridegroom is unmarried and of a first inning but Fowlerville led al Dear Paul, Alfred Lame, Aast S. S. Supt. ganization (the same as the C.i.O.) worth has "enlisted in tho air corp. good sound character. In many cases I still receive the paper and it is the beginning of the 4th, 5 to 1. The Mrs. Florence Baughn, Organiit elected 38 members to the state legbut! hat not yet been called. it is claimed soldiers have contracted always a welcome sight, fn the last local team got 3 runs In this inning sssi CJllr Ptrecter islature in 1886 and were instrumenbigamous marriages while serving issue I read where the baseball team but were still a run.behind. Pinckney Morning worship and sermon tal in helping to enact considerable Private Samuel Lafafa Writes overseas. is really going O. K. Good luck to tied the score 5 to 5 in the 6th but „ 10:80 progressi>fe legislation such as a comafter that neither team scored and A Brief Re*»n>e of Th* War NewePthem. Pinckney always was well re . , _. „ Sunday School 11:30 pulsory school law, ten hour day, a Sabotage seems to be going) on la presented in baseball circles. I made] the game went in overtime. No more i Society ^. 7:00 moderate child labor law, industrial on The Atlantic Seaboard c E this section to a considerable extent the baseball^ team here on the ship runs were scored until the 9th when Wednesday evening: safety device act and aws requiring despite raids and efforts of the F B I New Brunswick, New Jersey [as a pitcher. Its a hard ball team and Fowlerville got 2. In the Pinckney Choir Rehearsal 7:30 mine inspection and abolition of They staged a raid in Ann Arbor half Seguin walked but was caught wo have lots of competition. We don't Pear Eaul: child labor in mines. last week siezed illegal short wave The Rev. Harvey Pearce of North off first. Header walked, Singer got P e w axe You I am fine. How is get a whole lot of chances to play, 11. That Michigan natural resources radio sets and other equipment in a hit. Reader scored on a passed Lake will conduct t h e services during everyone in Pinckney coming with but when we come in we play. I include copper, iron gold, salt, lime- Ann Arbor homes in which they conf ball, Miller singled, Singer scoring, the~month of August and care tor the farm work I received the paper struck out 11 men in 5 innings the stone, coal, gypsum, oil and gas? iscated. Some arrests were made but Hulce drove to short and Miller came anv parish work that Is necessary. other day. Pretty good for me, huh July 2oth loot week. Thanks a l o t 12.That ro|jk salt is mined ur 'e- the the names were suppressed. At tho Any desiring t h e services of the minI Ft'll havn't heard irom Paul Si.. in with the winning run. Detroit river at a depth of 1,150 ft. Ford Bomber plant last week a rivE a r t h i n g is going-Just fine. I am Fowlerville brought over one of ister during August call Pinckney 60 ger. If you can get in contact with 13 That Michigan has almost twice a s eter, William Moceri, 21 was arrested in New Jersey a long way from home the scrappiest and best fielding him, tell him I would like to hear Oh f forgot! They have a girls camp for drilling a bomber gas line full of A hearty welcome is extended to teams seen in Pinckney this year and LIVINGSTON COUNTY PICNIC hare They look pretty good. This is from him. He'll have a new address holes. It was not discovered until it Pinckney won on hitting ability only. all who worship with us. You are Plans are now neacrly perfected tho first tjgne I ever saw a girl's by now I expect. re^.hed (.he final assembly line. He M. Lavey got 3 for 3 for Pinqkney. only a stranger once when you wor- for the Livingston County Patrictic This John Jackson, who is a nephew army. All the boys here are going is held in- federal prison at Detroit sh.p with us. The churcjt needs you Rally and Picnic to be held in the craxy. It looks like they never saw a of Mr. Sweeney of Howell, is a very In Jackson a large number of auto Pinckney and you need the church. good friend of mine. We get together Howell park Aug. 12, 1942 in special ffel before. What is the matter with tires on the cars of workers employed AB R H and talk over old times in Michigan. honor of the parents and wives of in a war muni ion^ plant TjgJ^ptahW$ good old Pinckney town. They AB R Livingston County men In the armed bed wth an ice pick one njgfit last don't write to me. Not even Joe Bas- He knows a lot of the same people MiHer, 2b 3 2 forces. , that I do, although I never met him week while in the feOtoa^jperldng lot ydlo. I must send him some stamps Hulce, c ~ —- 4 0 until I got on board. There is another The program is bein<? wcrked out It would appear from these*mstances I have got so much to do that I J. Lavey 3 0 fellow hero by the name of Kostin under the direction of the Michigan that there are "till plenty of enemy don't know where to start first I got Eire Beachy Paster Ledwidge, If 2 n from Pontlac. Defense Council which is headed by aliens at large. m y shots in the arm. I don't what Superintendent - Marvin Shirey Shehan, rs 4 1 Are you still managing the ball w*M happen nee*. My a n a is still sore Sunday School 10:00 Gov Murray D Van Wagoner, Col. 1 M. Lavey, l b M ...~~.... 8 team? I guess the fellows all Idnda I haw *<sao*a How would you like Nothing like a war for the springWorship Service 11:00 Harold A. Furlong, and others includShirey,rf ... 14 0 ngi Col. Owen Cleary. It is inticidepend on you to make all the arrang It hi your a n a ing up of mushroon organisation*i Young Peoples Meeting ..8:00 Van, Is 8 0 pated that some of these will be here ements and get everything ready. It and societies. The number of theseWatt it is bed time. I will write Seguin, Is ..„..~~~. 0 0 0 to appear on the program as well as would be a funny thing to see Pinckwhich have been established since the a*s«a*i Hew are we going to help the Reader, c -... 8 1 0 Col. Shank^ Commanding officer of ney team (play without you on side BLACKOUT peopie if they don't help us. Tell war started would probably run into Singer, p ...-. ~ 4 1 1 Fort Custer Mnes. Anna Reason to write. Give her my the thousands. A now one has bean Blackout will be held in Livingston I feel fine now and am just as One of the headlights of the pro Tomion Dairy address. Aleo Heje* Betes. There started, in New York state. Mrs. Evecounty the night of August 12, 1942, gram will be the Custer Band which lyn ftashuk. a model and wife of e 0 art lots of hoys here but none I over good as I ever was and suffer no ill Gill is, 2 J from 1 1 : to 11:30 P. M. announces will give a concert during the after- Corporal Kashuk is the president It — «. 4 0 ktssV before. Toll Anna Beaton to effects. I can not give the details Tomion, la Irvin Kennedy, Commander, Livingnoon. The band will arrive at Howell is called .the order of American w a r now but maybe some time I pan 0 Sober, cf fftr*~my sister my address. ston County Citizens Defense Corps. at noon and will be met by a recept4 2 B o a t forget the boys la service many thanks for the good luck wishes j Curtis, 8b is to .jtrengSimilar blackouts will be held » j Brides and H* . - ,purpose -^ . 4 1 a n * help taem win the war. Well X sent to me. I appreciate them all a n d | Tate, c the moral* oTsoldttfc. i n d artthroughhout the entire lower part of ion committee of " W ^ ^ ^ f a * Munn, rf 4 1 they mean a lot to me. must d o s e . I am busy as h . . J the lower pennlnsula of the state. It the local Devereaux post of the Amer *m wives. Tell everyone I said hello and Grostic, If 8 1 . l i s urged that all persons co-operate lean Legion and will be entertained Sftawel LafaU. 8 I i f u l l y to make tho blackout a comp- for luncheon by the Howell Battery I 62nd Ca ( A A ) A.P.O. 1268 want the people to think a fellow ap- L. Vogt, lb Lion's MRS. MARGARE MKLVHI 0 preciates such things when he's down V. Vogt, rs 4 Club. %Poatmaeter New York, Now York. l e t e success. All Ughts must be blackMrs. Margaret a * d a n l e y end oat. Thanks again for the paper* Miller, p 4 1 died at her home ,east of tOWW ttss) -. , ... . _. ,. . ! ed out for the entire one half hour MRS. REX DEHAAS Sto/cerely, NOTICE morning.Surviving aro a s o n j a a j j ^ Three base hU-Ledwidge.Two ^ 1 , ^ . C ! v i l U m , , h o t t W c o t n p l y ^ Mrs. I t x DeHaas, died at her home Ed, Meyer. , h i t W . Lavey, Sober. Struck out by £ ^ ^ ^ - j ^ i ^ ^ ^ daughters, Mrs. Tressa Coyte, Mali Tb» 1 # 4 * Village Taxes are now hy at Marquette Monday She was for n nicwolli 1T D y lOQm Singer 1, Miller 1. Base on balls off »wardens. « » « • » ^ ° merly Helen Teepla, daughter of Per-1 SUpish, Mrs. Roso Howard a n * tea and aayeMe a t my home on The Kings Daafhteri meeting set Singer 4, Miller 6. Left on TWrsdayt * a r t a » Jaly and A u g u s t a i V l l l i ^ l ? , m t L 21 cy and 0 1 * Love T e e p W u r r i v i n g are ^ Z j ^ . -. ^ ^ , ^ -, for Thursday is postponed on account Pinckney 9, Fowlerville 7. Umpires-f • ^ ^ w ! percent and have no violations of the ^ Tho funeral wfll be held a t * . taAil|-i t w o a ^ g h t o n and h e r ' j of t h e death of MmMargatat MaWn. Clara Miller and Alex. Chanyi. hieirhmt Mary's church Saturday MattmTraa, father, P. 6 . Teepse, Tf*S£POt0*#t$< \ Pinckney Wins Ltague r*%J V Catholic Com. Cong 1 ? Gospel Mission > ' J' vi ;,••*' ^¾¾ •.^y*". . • • & * * .-.,-4.- f»;- •#*; •••' - r / fki » ' & -...»»; >V» *<*$*t M ,*T i>i ••*>»*? •:*£•;: +> % F i n d ^ e y Dispatch SYLVAN THEATKE I THE AVON THEATRE Stockbridge, Air Ce*etttie«W THE SHEPHERD OF THE OZARKS" Fri., S a t , A u g . 7, 8 "ROXIE HART" Starring THE W E A V E R S A N D ELVIRY also A Romance Drama of the North A C o m e d y with GINGER R O G E R S , A D O L P H E MENJOU, GEORGE MONTGOMERY, and L Y N N E O V E R . MAN News Cartoon Speaking of Animals \ starring RAY M I D D L E T O N , J E A N | ! PARKER Sun., Tues., A u g . 9, 11 A Warm A p p e a l i n g Human Drama ' "SONG OF THE ISLANDS" "ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN' A Musical in Technicolor with BETTY GRABLE, VICTOR M A T U R E and JACK OAK1E Cartoon "The Raven" Sunday Matinee 3 : 0 0 Cont. '• needed for War I GIRL FROM ALASKA: Sun., Mon., T u « i . , A u g . 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 1 Mich. Fri., Sat., A u g . 7, 8 Double F e a t u r e T H E W E A V E R S IN N A T I O N A L D E F E N S E in h>iekig*»'e Finest Small T o w n Theatre CHELSEA, MICH. g f f r * Wedtietday. August 5. 1942 What's it good for? "Guns, tanks, and maybe part of a plane* Starving J F R E D E R I C K MARCH. MATVTH.V SCOTT News I *>-*- Wed., Thur., Aug. 12, 13 1) iub!e Feature A Comedy i < niir g - R e p e n t at Lei<M'\ <-aptains o* the Clouds, Pacif!: • i'.rkout , Courtship of Andy Ha»-cl/. | "A GENTLEMAN AT HEART" witb C A E S A R ROMERO, C A R O L F L A N D I S , MILTON BF.RLF Pius 'THE GIRL FROM ALASKA'" For Sheriff I * ik attic, and "s A Drama With RfcY MIDDLETON, JEAN PARKER, JEROME COWAN Coming A t t r a c t i o n s _ " M y Favorite Blond, ''Saboteur,'" "They All Kissed t h e Bride ' "This Gun for -Hire" The Howell Theatre 10% tax o n al! tickets "^^^^"^^^^^•^•^•^•"^•^••^•^•••^e^Se^B^B^B^B^Bji Thur., Fri., A u g . 6, 7 GENE I Irvin J. Kennedy A U T R E Y in A l the Primaries 'HOME in WYOMING* \ ' DEMOCRAT TICKET homes, w garages, toot sheas, • n e c e t 8 a r y tax^t g u ^ gnd ships cannot and on farms, is a lot of Junk b e produced et which is doing no good where it ^ The rubber situation is also critical. In [£., but which U needed at once to± spite of the recent rubber drive, tkere is help smash the Japs a n d * a * i s A * J ^ ^ ^ ^ -•-»•£»»-<«*•».-• *^ ¾ rials and metals like brass, copper, zinc, * Scrap iron and steel, for example. Old $ lead> a n d ^^ tin radiators, lengths of pipe, refrigerators, % Ajnerica needs your active assistance garbagepaUs,brokengardentools... * fa TQ}m6hig u p ^ ^ materials. The It may be rusty, old "scrap" to you* j ^ w n i c h y o u collect is bought by but it is actually refined steel, with industry from scrap dealers at estabmost impurities removed—and can be lished, goyemment-controlled prices quickly melted with new metal in the WiUyou help? form of pig iron to produce highest First—collect all your waste material ^¾ quality steel for our war machines. and pile it up. Even in peacetime our Nation relied Then—sell it to a Junk dealer, give it on scrap to provide about 50¾ of the to a charity, take it yourself to the raw material for steel. Now production nearest collection point, or get in touch of steel has gone up, up, UP, until with your Local Salvage Committee. today America is turning out as much If you live on a farm, consult your steel as all the rest of the world com- County War Board or your farm imbined. But unless at least 6,000,000 addi- plement dealer. Throw YOUR scrap into the fight! jional tons of scrap itsd is uncovered This message approved by onservation Division WAR PRODUCTION, BOARD with FAY Added McKENZlE Attraction Your Cartoon Sat., A u g . Piainfield "Winning New* 8 Matinee 2 : 0 0 P. M. l i e , 20c "SHEPHERD OF THE OZARKS" with W E A V E R BROS, and E L V I R Y Mr and Mis. Pearl ner guests and Mrs. afternoon. Mr. KIM B O R O U G H in "SUNDOWN JIM" Cartoon Sun., Mar., Aug. 9, 10, 11 Matinee Sunday 3 : 0 0 Cont. PRISC1LLA LANE Comedy News All A d n l t t 17c 7 SUICIDE SQUADRON I with ANTON WALBROOK, CRAY SALLY — Also "BULLET SCARS" Stanbg RIGIS T O O M E Y . - B. Roberts were ton. Rev. and Mrs Swadling left S u n d a y after church for their daughters in Adrian. Mr and Mrs. Rleasoner were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. D y e r and family. r i he d e c e n d a n t s of Peter Kuhn \"ili meet A u g . 9 at Mason Park, Hamburg "SABOTEUR" I Mrs. and RO- in 4»fc. 12 k>poon«o: Sunday g u e s t s of Mrs Florence Dut- BERT CUMMINGS Cartoon and ADELX LONGMIR1 C o m i n f - ' ' A ) w a y * in My Heart" "The Girl from Alaska" Hamburg pqst office has been made a third class post offict e f f e c t ive as of July 1. The ladies Guild of St. Stephens church will hold its Au£. m e e t i n g at the home of Mrs. Elmer Blum Thursday afternoon, with a pot luck dinner The Lakeland circle of the King"s Daughters will meet with Mis. H e n r y Queal Thurs. afternoon A u g u s t 11 Hamburg hive T ady Maccabees g a v e a victory party for members and their friends at the home of Mrs.Lois Borton Thurs afternoon with 30 in 1 attendance The next recruta/ m e e t i n g will be .eid at the hall Wi i night f o i ' o v e d by a victory partyMr. and Mrs. Fred Myers and s i n and daughter, Glenn and F l o r e n c e , haev returned home from Missouri where they have spent a week and a half with relatives and friends Mr. Myers's | w e n £ s , M r and Mrs Jon Myers returned home with them. ! H'enry M. Queal has built a new •op) cabin a t Bob' W h i t e Beach r son and family 1 0 1 occupy it. : & • : - , P***!" 3". Mrs. L. J S w a r t h o u t Rtev. J. M. McLucas Lynn H e n d e e JUNK MAKES FIGHTING WEAPONS One old w i l l provT rrrsp steal ed for s«v*& ^Ocallhf* One old lawn mower wttl help make s..- 3-inch sheila, One us* less old tire v ill pro. vide as much rubber »» *• USP.1 in 12 gas masAst. bar? fay Pay her son e n d w i f e , Mr. and Mr*. R J collections -- ^¾ A ? t « « ffl ® <5 i JL « ^jf ^j» Sf V n f V One old shovel will help make 4 hand grenades. MATERIALS NEEDFD Scrap iron and steel. Other metals of all kinds. Md rubber. Rags* Manila rope, burlap bags. VteMe Cooking Fats—strain into a lefge BJi can and when you get a pound or tBQtS, S9S to your meat dealer. NCCDEO ONLY IN CERTAIN LOCALITIESt Waste paper and tin canvas announced locally. NOT NEEDED at Vr.is yme: Razor blades—glass. Mr.; R' bert Zcachman.Jr. and z • ' daughters of Detroit are s p e n d i n g 2 mon in., at the Zachmnn r o t t a g e at Buck Lake.Her husband is at o f f i c e r Training .school at A b e r d e e n M a i y Training school at A b e r d e e n Maryi land. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs J o e Mr and Mrs Arthur R o g e r s and i Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles Clark entert- f a m i l y of Detroit were Sunday g u e s t s Vallina are visiting them this w e e k l a i n e d at their h o m e Thursday even- of Mr. a n d Mns John Craft. ST. MARY'S CHUCRH ing the i m m e d i a t e relatives of MissJL">n:e Doyle underwent ;.n G y r Eichman Thursday A u g « is the f e a s t of t h e Mary S p e a r s a n d Gary ation for tonsil removal in Howell Transfiguration. The H o l y d a y o f w h o s e m a r r i a g e will taice place on ; last wLk Dr. Sigler and D u f f y , perf e a s t of the Assumption of t h e B. V. A u « u s t 14 n e x t . 1 B i n g o w a s t h e gafffe of t h e even- forming it. Mary falls on Sat A u g 1,5. The Vigil Friday A u g . 14 is a F a s t and abstin- ing. Prizes w e r e w o n by Mrs. A m b - ' Mrs. Percy Mowers and son, Don ance day. The masses o n the holy day rose E i c h m a n , M r s . - I . J. K e n n e d y , are s t a y i n g at the home of Mrs. Ida are at G and 8. The intentions in the and Mrs. L e o H e i d u p . The door p r i z e ' Mae Mowers while the iatlers rec Holy Mass this week are as f o l l o w s : w a s w o n b y t h e g u e s t of honor, Mi°s o v e r s from burns suffered in t h e for the late Dolores Magri r e q u e s t e d Mary Spears. fire which burned their cottap^ at by Mrs. J. Storace, T u e s d a y f o r the A delicious l u n c h e o n w a s served, B e n t l e y Lake recently. iulmy in honor of St. A n t h o n y , Fed. 1 c o n s i s t i n g o f -beautifully decorated in honor of St. Joseph, Thursday. bride and g r o o m cakes made by Mrs. to the Transfiguration, of our Bles- Charles Clark, a n d ice cream,moulded D E M O C R A T C O U N T Y C O N V E N T ION sed Lord. Friday for the Late Lucy w i t h a blue a n d white w e d d i n g desHarris and relatives, Sat. in h o n o r of ign w a s s e r v e d by Miss Mary Clark, T h e Democrat county convention' the Blessed Virgin . Miss H a r r i e t E i c h m a n and Miss Dol- f o r L i v i n g s t o n c o u n t y will be held :\ the court house in the city of H w e l l The Rjev. Father Richard oi W a s h - j ores Marrow, ington w a s the celebrant a t t h e l a t e , Guesta w e r e p r e s e n t f r o m D e t r o i t on T u e s d a y evening), Sept 2 2 , at 8 : mass Sunday. He was assisted by the D e a r b o r n , A n n A r b o r , D e x t e r , H o w - p. m. Eastern Standard Time for the purpose of e l e c t i n g delegates to t Bev. Brother Louis of St. V i a t o r e s . j e u ^ ^ ^ j n C R n e y . s t a t e convention to be held in G ami I The celebrant of t h e 8 : o'clock mass J I I M : „ a~ of was the Rev. f a t h e r R. J. O'Connell j Miss Sipearg r e c i e v e d m a n y l o v e l y Rapids and f o r the transaction of S t . L o u i s Mo. w h o w a s assisted g f i t s a n i o n s w h . c h was a beautiful s u c h other business as m a y c o m e beby t h e V e n Brother M a l a c h e y ., , chimes clock g i v e n b y her a u n t a n d fore it. 1 Boy's t o w n N e b . w h o is a s t u d e n t o1 uncle. S h e r i f f a n d Mrs. I. . J.. K. e n .F r a n c i s E . Barron, chaifman the U. o f M. Villia on P a t t e r s o n ; " ^ - A i m e tune w a s e n j o y e d by all. Lyle Rodinger, Sec Lake. In f o r m e r student life he w.is j MARTIN REUNION a pupil of the Rev. F a t h e r O'Connrll | at the S e m i n a r y in St. Louis.The V e n I The a n n u a l Martin reunion w a s Ifrother is principle o f t h e gra<le school at Boy's t o w n . Follmvingi his h. In S u n . A u g . 2 1 9 4 2 on t h e picnic visit to Pinckney Sun h<> left f o r ..n grounds a t B e n t l y Lake. inspection t o u r of S u m m e r shcools at A t a b o u t o n e o'clock all w e r e s e a t Detroit. This is the first visit t o this e u a t a b o u n t i f u l r e p a s t w h i c h w a s section of Mich, near Detroit. . . . v » u d by h o m e m a d e ice c r e a m W e are grateful for the donatio.-s and cake. UNITED of f l o w e r s for t h e Shrine of STATES The a f t e r n o o n w a s spent in visitV. M. and the blessed s a c r e m e n t a l ing and p l a y i n g g a m e s . tars S u n d a y . The special r\ THE SECOND FRONT month a i e for fuel and the b e n e f i t j Mrs Olive Brogan is now e m p l o y - ] a s s e s s m e n t collection. The e v e n l o p e s e d a t the Ford bomber plant. ' , ^ , as you enter the With A m e i f j a n troops scattered M r s Raymond Burns was in t o v n are given y o u around t h e world on 33 different be found on the coll ' and call at the Melvin home W e d n t s chui1ch or m a y fronts, t h e opening) of a European j e c t o r s d e s k a t t h e entrance. T h e tour day. front on a s u f f i c i e n t scale t o be efj i s t masses are at 10, 1 2 : 1 5 , each j Mr. a n d Mrs. R. Ogle of Detroit e f f e c t i v e a t the present t i m e would , w e r e Sunday g u e s t s of Mr. and Mrs. not be fea.sable. threat liritian s e e n u Sunday. Frank Aberdeen. E N T E R T A I N FOR F R I E N D to think so despite the clamor of the Chelsea. Buy War Bonds Dollarf v* mar Mrs. E a n a Spears Wayne C. A t L e e T E L E P H O N E NO. 8 Prayers a r e requested this w e e k f o r ! Howajrd J o n e s w a s called to Detthe late Rev. Msgr, J a m e s S t a p e l t o n ; roit last F r i d a y b y the induction of Detroit w h o s e funeral t o o k p l a c e . board %M «, ~. . . ^ from his parish church of t h e A n n u n - 1 Mrs. W r a y H i n c h e y spent a f e w ^ c a t i o n ^ , ^ o f t h e p a J t Vfeek a n d days last w e e k w i t h her sister} Mrs. ; t e p a r e n t a o f tree r e l i g o u s r e c e n t l y Florence Spoonser, a t the h o m e of f deceased. Oujob b to Sato Committee eoneems.) LOCAL SALVAGE: COMMITTEE: Chairman Mrs Waldo Watters ant? Frank E. b o w e r s , John R Martin Wattrvs were Friday dini.Irs \v. H. Meyer ^i Mrs, Florence Dutton Eva Jacob: called in the Mrs. Majqry uruimui'-n and children. Mrs. K. Delarter and children of Lansing were Sat guests of Mrs. Ada. V a n S y c k l e and she returned home with them. Also JOHN ' advrtifwni paid for by the American Industries Salvage , wanting and with funds provided by groups of leading kdusfrhl The friendly bible class will meet Wed. night Aug'. 1'2 with Mr and Mrs Pi-fd d a u s s . Wings" Brevity f^f9^^^^S^S!SSt due the On a c c o u n t o f sickness t h e c r o w d w a 3 o n | y a D 0 U t 3 0 b u t all s e e m e d t o enJoy e a c n minut«. \ , ; T h e end of another enjoyable t i m e c a m e a b o u t f i v e oclock e n d all were looking foward to the m e e t i n g next year. ONDS AND STAMPS people for opening! of such a front and the s p e e d y conf lusion of t h e war. Still the A i l i e s do not feel themselves properly equipped for such a proje on account of scarcity o f soldiers and munitions. Such a f r o n t is m p u - t i v e It Kuasi* w l ' j hu* been standing) the brunt of the war, goes down Hitler will be literally setting on top of the world. W e have a chance nea. home t o see w h a t we can do in establishing a second front The Japs have seized the Aleutias off Alaska a t several points a n d l a n d ed some 1 0 , 0 0 0 soldiers there. So far beyond airplane a n d naval hit and run raids t h e U. S. h a s m a d e no attempt to dislodge them. Their presence there is d a n g e r as an assault on Alaska is imminent. * Conservation N o t e s .. The rise of a foot or m o r e in t h e Great L a k e s w a t e r l e v e l s h a s g r e a t l y increased the area in t h e Saginaw B a y District. A l h t o u g h the g r o u n d w a t e r levels ii north Central Michigan f e l l •• percent from J u n e 15 t o J e l '^» & they are at ill .61 p e r c e n t hif a year e g o . .» CARD OF T H A N K S I wish t o thank all those w h o . assisted and heljped in m a k i n g m y auction sale last Friday a sucess, especially, Messrs Ellis, D i l l i n g h a m and Sneed. Mrs. Angles Cortina The secret " s k y w a y " t o a f a m * 1 * dancer's heart Chance diacl°se' te door t h r o h g h ~whi*h a bash M millionaire u s e d t o skip f r o m hii offfce i n t o her arms <n h e r hov >next door. R e a d o f this r e c e n t intriguing discovery, a s t o t d ' f c i T > i American Weekly, the aeamsine (distributed w i t h n e x t w e e k ' s jChfflage H e r a l d fouLy : 1:.., -'- ,-V?; -^ Th» P i n r h m y Bm$*n\i*~ WfeAiewUy. Ataffe o* About 90, percent of those who . STATE O f MICHIGAN • nquiry, to ascertain the name* istered for the draft in this county oi .he persons who are included as The Probat* Court foi tb« County; Edward Alkiewicz, Z4, Detroit, [ ^ ^ c iainiedc exemption. Otlcndants herein without being ol Livingston. was drowned at Inland. Lake near , At a ie^sion of said Court, h'tld at I The Amerian Order of the Purple named. Brighton Thursday., the l'robute Office in th,. Cit/ of Mr,, and Mr*. Daa iiowtett of Gre- Cross will see that every soldier kill HERB SNEED Upon motion of Clenn C. Yelkutd, JI(^well in .-iaid County, on the tCthi ed iii France will be brought back Phone 183 2 0 7 ½ E. Grand Hive gory are rewodeeinf-.tae noose oa the to this country for burial. It has al- attorney lor plaintiff's, it is ordered day of July, A. I)., 194J. t-i/Lah Montague farm wfc*ch they thit the above named defendants,and Ray M. Dutfr, M D. HowelL Michigan ready 'collected $150,000 in dona- tlieir unknown heirs, devisees, lega- Present, Hon. Willis L. Lyons, ludgej purchased preparatory to moving : Pinckmey, Mleaigaa Mml £ e t * t e , Insurance, Brokerag \ tions. Undertaker Hiarry Goodrich of tees, assigns and wives, enter their of Probabe. Otfiea Hourtt City, Lake and Farm Property U- the matter of tlie Kstate ofl Neal Kirk, 22 of Portage Lake was Howell is a member of this organi- appearance in this cause within three . 8t00 t« 4:00 P. M. A Speciality t'hurles A. liaeder, Deceased. brought back if com Chicago last week months from the date of this order, 7)00 to 9:00 P. M. List Your -Property With Me It appearing to t h e (' urt that the! Mrs. A. H.FHntoft and daughter, by Ann Arbor .police for taking a and in default thereof that the bill time ior presentation of claim:: car owned by Louta Rhodes of Ann f Hose, hav e returned from g trip to CJ complaint in this cause, be taken against said estate should be limited B o n d H o m e : Imp. C o . Arbor. Mr Rhodes got his car:back. Niagara Falls. M L C R. MUCLUSKEY a* coafessed by the said defendants land that a time and phue be appoint Vet Bull is of Gregory, advance 123.iNorth Court Street , I h e Bordens plant at Owosso has aud iach and all of them. DENTIST ed to recieve, examine and atijust all 'man for the Ketrow Bros. Shows, Howell, Michigan purchased over 16-millioni pounds of And it is further ordered, that the li.-iim- and demands against suid dt1 1 2 H N. Michigan [was in town Tuesday billing the Roofing:- Metal, Asphalt, Aebeeto milk in the past 6 months. plj'iitiffs cause i...... KIUIV to be cra.ied by and before .-¾ '<i Court Telephone* town for u Saturd n i h t sh Siding:- <Aebestos, w-hite and colore The Milan city library received a i » y « <Wpublished within forty days in tlhe at .-aid Probate Office on or before Office,, 220 Reeidenee, 123 J Leo A. Monks graduated from t h e Heavy Insulation, Insulated Brick gmnt of $585 from the state library ,» by Appointment Pinckney Dispatch, a newspaper j l ] l B L>Stn day of September A.D. 1942 The-Best Workmanship and the the Cleary Business College Thursfund. printed, published and circulating .d ten o'clock in th e forenoon, saidrJ Finest Materials Used Dexter's first blackout scheduled day night. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Monks in suid County of Livingston, once time and place being hereby appoint Let Us Estimate Your Job for lust1 Week was postponed at the and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Monks at- in each week for at least six s>ue-is-nfpu put; uoi^miuiexr* r>m JO> oal request of the village did not reach tended. e« vc weeks. ?••:•'';•. of all ilaims and demand*! CLAUDE SHEIDOW Married at Ann Arbor on August the war dept. in time for approval. J A Y P. S W E E N E Y : '.unt 'H\d dec. n<od . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Editor Clyde Sibley of Stockbridge 2, Miss Ruth Frost of this place to Joseph H. 'Collins, Circuit Judge 't if Futher Ordored, That public Attorney at Law is working in a war factory and Jim Clare Skinner, a University of Mich- Kxaniined Counttrsismed and iMliro thereof be give n by pablifiKntered by Me; Pinckney, Mi«h. Coakley, former editor is in charge igan medical student. Faene A 0 F I 2 tiDti of a copy of this arder The following front here are call- Louise M. Schulz, deputy clerk of the paper. ;> Howell, Michigan i eai'h week for three successive The above entitled suit involv< Iiuel'lu 11 olt aud Dorothy Brogan ed for army examination this week: • < .'k.s previous to ;aid da>- of heur gave a linen .shower for their sister Casimer Clinton, Loy McCIear^Fioyd and is brought to quiet the title to P E R C Y ELLIS : nir in the Pinckney Dispatch, a Pacey, Alger Hall, Leo, Monks, Fred tihe following described lands, locatin law, MrA James Brogan.Saturday. MARTIN J LAV AN J newspaper printed and circulated in AUCTIONEER Cards were the diverison of the even- Evers, George Fiske and Raymond ed '.n the Township of Iosco, Livinpsuid County.Attorney at Law stojj County, Michigan, and more ing. Prize winners were Mrs. Dan FL'k. Farm Sales a Speciality Willis I.. I-yi.ns, Judge of Pro l j»te Dexter advertises a big Labor paiticularly described as follows to ,n. .. , , . Phone Pinckney 19-FU A true copy. Phone 13 Brighton, Michigan Howlett and Kraneis Murphy-Stock-1 ^ „^ , c.,« ' Day pecmcThe a t t r i t i o n s are Gov. wit. u lA p Celcstia Parshall.Kegi-ter of Probat e and Brief-Sun. ; <„ r>. u «• n :< . , . The southwest qunrter of the V a n W i n k l e & V a n W i n k l e bridge M . « i M A M r» 1. J> T Albert S eeper, Bishop Kelly Mr. Aand Mrs. A. M. Roche of Lan. » _ „, ,,„ . .",. I Base Kcuthwest quarter of Section Don W. VanWinkle LEE LAVEY STATE OF MICHIGAN • « * ! . Agnes Ann, to. Lt.Z Gen. Covell.Big band concert. their daughter, twenty-eight (2S), Township Charles K. VanWinkle sing announce the engagement of . ,, The Probat* Court for the County of ~ J r from ^here. have , comThe following GENERAL INSURANCE Walter Hausheer of Fort Crockett Two (2)North, Range Three(3) Attorneys at Law Livingston . ^ ' pleted ball game-.Dexter vs Pinckney. summer school at the Ypsilan Pkone 69-F3 Texas. E. st Michigan. First State and Savings Bank At a session of s*td Court, held at Pinckney, MHk>gap Sheriff Kennedy and *wife attend- I ti Normal: Jessie Green, Aria GardHowell; Michigan Glenn C. Yelland, the Probate Office in the City of Thelma Cipipbell ed the sheriff's convention at Alpena ner, Leo Monka, Attorney for Plaintliff r f V.MFI in said County on the 25th I> a rl Haines L > I.J StackabTe and last week. Business Address, Howt'll, Michigan .i y of July A. D. 1942. Ray Hi ftearell P«ul M. Barrett Dexter went way over the top in j Curtis Brown. A True Copy Present, D'on. Willis L. Lyons, Judge , Born to Roy Merrill and vife 0 f the U S O drive. The quota was $500 Louise M. Schultz, A. J BURRELL & SONS o+" Probate, - , ^ ! Webster one day last week a girl. FUNERAL HOME and $675.39 was collected. Deputy Clerk. In the matter of the estate of ' Born to Perry Noah and w ; *o of ARTISTIC. MEMORIALS John W. Peckeus, 1-, son of Mr A'-tnn;o Cortina, deceased Modern Equipment ,Noijth Lake one day last week a girl. R, M. CWUeworth, Mgr. and Mrs. Peckeus .I: owned "Wed. STATE OF MICHIGAN It apppearing to the Court that the Ambulance Service i Wm. Marsh of Gregory drives a wading in the Howell city park. , time for presenation of claims Paeae 31 Brighton, Mica. Phon* 39 Pinckney, Mirhij; new Studebaker car The Circuit Court for the County of , , . , . . . ,. lu>Tw. Lucil e Street, 16 of Howell was , J acaTTst^aMl^estate should be limited Livingston in Chancery shot through heart and killed Thur. . j 'i'ti| thata^ tim« and place be appoint ed to receive. ,x;iume and >ol i i ' by Tommie Sharpe,4 who was playing ; C O N S E R V A T I O N D E P T . IN THE MATTEK OF THE With a 22 rifle. ^ w . w ™ , PKliTION OP MAKY liRAY(;'.inns- and demands against said es If Ler t.it > by and .""f<,r- • ,->aid COM t. Highland voted 39 to 1 to give the ' ° y townhip, Ingham county T O N FOK AN ORDER TO is It is ordered That all creditors of Detroit Edison Co. a 30 year frana fair sample of the rurui districts | SELL LANDS DEVLSED BY ! .:iai deceased are required to present chiue recently. , fire protection is woefully lacking. In i WILL FOR LIFE. j their claims to said Court at said Pro Lansing police and state troopers t h i t township only one farm im six I A . a s e s s i o n o f s u i d C o u r t n o l d at ! ' • ie Office ^-1 n before th< ,">i!i had a ladder suitable for fire ro day of October A. D. UML» at ten L i . C Court House blockaded the roads to Lansing last P * ' vie in the City of o'clock jn the forenoon, said time and l,un week and picked up 40 autoteta who Ilowell in suid county on the 13th phie hein^ herelr>' appointed for the did not have $5 use stamps on their I D r - S< C l WhiUock of thii dept day of July 1942. examination and adjustment of all __ hus a timber wolf taken from a Htter ! Haim.s and demands against said de IKESKXT: The Honoral/.e Joseph at Cuiffcno g»me refuge as a pet at a i'';,. N O T E S of 5 0 Y E A R S A G O i his home in Dimondale. It weighs 80 H. Collins, Circuit Judtffll is flrther ordered that publir notice thereof he ^ i ^ n by public Mary Urayton having filed in this pounds. ' ntiori ')f a copy of this order oncp Dexter is to have a cheese factory. Clear Lake, Alcona county which cau:»e, a petition setting forth that I each week fc>r three sueessiv<. week.n 20th ' nrevious to said day of hearing in Fred Burgess wears a smile these was freed of goldfish 5 years ago Martin Holtfirth died o , thi day of October lt»!i{», leaving a last the Tinckney Disipatch, a newspaper days. It's a girl. and had 80,000 bluegilia planted in 1 and circulated in said James Lyman and family have mov- t,i is again in trouble, sunfish slaving W, ! and Testament, by the terms pinled Willis L. Lyons, judge of Probate ed into the Frank Morgan house. crowed out the bluegula lt is pur- and provisions of which, said petit A tiue copy PhoM Ut£l2 Electrical Contractor P'nckney Sam Grime's croquet grounds are TX>Bed to plant 100 large mouthed ioner was devised un estate foi i le ("ei stia Par.^hall, Register of Probate in certain ; nds and prf.n.sc.' situate the busiest place in town. baas there to clean out the sunfish. Ross and Ethel Read now ride a Of 76 pieces of tax delinquent and beingi in the Township of (Jenoa, STATE OF MICHIGAN IIMIIHMIIMrH4l»MIHIIMHIUMI»«elMIW<imlMMWsMlllllhMll ifitrniitfiiiitffnti Queen Mab bicycle, a gift from their piattted property and 2,676 acres of C(»unty o^ [Livingston, and state of The Probate Court for the County granfather farm tland sold for taxes 90 percent Michigan,, and described as follows of Livingston. At a session of said Court, held at A. Riley Crittenden, formerly of was purchased by its f.»rn.ei owners/ to wit: 'he the Probate Office in th e City of, Howefl has sta, ..•.: a j,.ipcu in Toledo A house nat caught in a live trap The we-«t half of -.V northwest called the M^rador, devoted to Sun- at Swan's Creek was tagged and re quarter of Section 21; the east Ik-iVcM in said County, on the 22d day School work , leased and found its way back to its half of thj northea, • quarter of \ ;• \ of July, A. D., l!)4li. The Balloon Club of Jackson has home in New Richmond •Section 20; the east Un acres of Prfient, Hon. Willii L. Lyons, Judge been getting 12 airships made. ' Trauifig dogs oh pheasants and the southwest quarter of the north af Probate. Floyd Jackson, Tommie Dolan and \ rabbits becomes legal in the lower la the matter of the Estate of east quarter of Section 2r', and Emil Brown are spending the week in peninsula on Aug.6.The training must the southeast quarter of the north Augustus Voris Mowell Deceased. Detrot and Toledo. ii. J. Hoard having filed in said | b e done in daylight and no gun can ve K t quarter of Section If!, exThe M. E. Sunay School of Pet- be carried .•(. un liiM j)eition praying that the adcept the north 15½ acres and the tysvill will hold a picnic in VanHbrn ministration of suid estate be granted, A $1,150,000 loan has been made' s.uth ten acres thereof. | grove on Aug. 12th . by the Metals Reserve Co. a federal | And it further appearing to the to Inez H. Uowdish, or to some otheii! _ The Catholic church at Fowlerville agency, to (the Quincy Mining Co. Q person. t i H t in her said petition, said i niiuble S J w a s dediated July 24th. near Hancock to permit them to re ' petitioner ' It i.^ ordeml, That the 17th day of prays for an order that g The tax rate here is $1 per $1000. work the wastes from the mine on said lands and premises above de- Au-rist, A. D. 1 J>42, at ten o'clock S The William's Bros, station here Torch Lake, Early mining methods scribed may be sold by and under "' the forenoon, at said probate of2 started taking pickles this week. did not extract all the metal. the direction of this Court, and t h a t ] ri('°» ^ h e r e b y appointed for hearing Nora Sigler visited Chubb'a Cor* io petition luimuyyiyui the proceeds from .such sale stand in ners last week .. ..* It .': Further Ordered, That public lieu of said premises above described STATE OF MICHIGAN Charles Teeple is working for W. net iff thereof be given by publicat {and that this Court make such an orW. Barnard. lhe Circuit Court for tae County of der j relation to the investment of /ion of a copy of th»s order, once aaeh n Mrs. Ca^frey was brought here Livingston in Chancery week for three ftu-ccessh/e week* pra said proceeds as mny be necessary. from Kansas City Mo. last week for Ray Hadley and Cleo J. On motion of Glenn C. Yelland, viou.i to said day of hearing, ia\ the will picnic a t Bently Lake Saturday, Uadley, his wife, Dispatch, a newspaper attorney for petitioner, it is ordered Pi-.ikney burial. :<iinie<l and circulated in said county. Plaintiffs that a hearing on said petition be FOR DEAD OR ALIVE The Sprout and Lakin districts Willis L. Lyons Judge of Probate. vs Irld at the circuit court rootti 'n the Reopening services of the remod. Adaline Havellne, Burr Smith, \ tiue copy. Court House in the City of H.,wel>, eed M. E. Church will be Aug 14 Harriett F. Newcomb, Charles J. Michigan, on the ?Kth day ->f t-ept ' \ ii.stia Parshall, Reg: tor of Probate HOGS, CALVES AND SHEEP C. L. Bowman who is in the grain Raviland, William Haviland, Chep-.STATE OF MICHIGAN ombeT, H'4 2, at ten o"e1ock n the and produce business at Hamburg lotte Tompkins, Isaac W. Bush, to »i*e and conditionsXarcass must be fresh and sound. The Probate Court for the County forenoon and that all per has decided to locate here. L. J. Haviland and Edith Haviland of Livingston CALL COLLECT TO: H O W E L U 5 0 ANN ARBOR 6366 sons interested in said above describJ. M. Clough of Howell is working and their unknown heirs, devisees At a s a'd session of, said court, held ed bnds appear before this Court on in the Dispatch office. , legatees, assigns and wives, DARLING & COMPANY said day,,, time and place, to show the Probate Office in the City of P. V. Ross of Ypsilanti set the foil- } Defendants Deed Animal By-Products Are Essential to Our Government's cause if any exist, why the prayer of Howell, in said County on| the 31st owing monuments for Joe Placeway, ... At a session of said Court held at day of July. A. D. 1942. War E i f o r t Call Us Protnptly,WhiU Carcass Is Fresh and Sound said petition should not not granted lofcal agent last week, Mrs. Cordley, i the Court House in the City of Present: Hon. Willis L. Lyon*, Judg# ed. f Probate. Mis. Chris Brow n and H Swarthout. I Howell in said county on the 13th The Hudson tug of war team c o m . day of July, 1942. ! And it is further ordered, that a In the matter of the change of name posed of Ed. Ferris, Louis Boyden, j present: the Won. Joseph H. Coll-! copy of this order be personally serRoger Cochran, Adult Person. Bd. Eves and John Gallagher won a , ; t , 8f Circuit Judge. - ved on all persons who are or may Hogcr Cochran having filed in .said widely heraled contest from a Dexter It appearing from the sworn bill J be interested in said lands and prem- court his ^ t i t i o n praying that the team for a $25 purse at Dexter Sat. of complaint as filed in this cause, » isea, so far as the same is known to Court enter an order, changing his night. The Dexter team was, Fred thit the plaintiffs have not been able j said petitioner, at least ten days be- name from Roger Cochran to Rqger and Wm. Kellar. after diligent search and inquiry, to,| fore the return day herein set forth. Allen. Wyman,Ernest E2sasser,Len Rodman ascertain whether the said defen- And it is further ordered that this or It Is ordered, That the 24th day of International Daily Newspaper Congress is still in session despite dants are alive or dead, or where der be published once each week August, A. D. 1942, at ten o'clock ^P a • Constructive—-Unbiased-—Free ^» k e>H Tnrthfnlirom Seasationalhot weather. The opponents of the they may reside if living, or if they for three successive weeks preceding in the forenoon, at said probate of . — Bo'torials Are Timely end Instructive and • Its Daily appropriation for the Chicago World come, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make have personal representatives or said return day, in the Pinckney fice, be and is hereby appointed for Fair succeeded in tabling the nill, iimhior an Ideal Newspaper for^the Heme. and hearing said petition; heirs living, or where they or any of Dispatch, a newspaper printed last week. It is Further Ordered, That public The Christian Science Publishing Society them may reside or whether the title circulated in the County of LivingOne, Norway Street, Bono^J Massachusetts notice thereof be given by publication interest, claim, lien or possible right ston, State of Michigan. Price 112.00 Veerly, or $1.00 a Month. Joseph H. Collins, Circuit Judge of a copy of this order, once each N O T E S o f 2 5 Y E A R S A G O of these defendants be* been assignlerutday. Issue, including Megazine Section, $2.60 • Year. week for three successive weeks pre oed to any other person or persons, Examined Countersigned and Dfepatch of Aug. 9, 1917 Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 29 Cents. vious to said day of caring, in the South Lyon base baD team did not cr whether such title, Interest, claim, Entered by Me. Pirf.'kney Dispatch, a newspaper show up Saturday and a game was lien or possible right has been dis- John A. Hagman,, Clerk printed and circulated in said county. <t secured with Camp Birkett. Howev- posed of by will or otherwise by the Glenn C. Yelland rrSAMPLE' COPY ON REQUEST^ f Willis L. Lyons, Judge of Probate er they failed to offer any opposition •aid defendant*. Attorney for Petitioner A true copy. Land the game was called at the and And it further appearing, that the Business Address, .Howell, Mich. Celestia Parshall, of the 5th with Pinckney leadiflg 17 plaintiffs do not know and have A True Copy i Register of Probata to 0» e*e j a o t bee* afeet, after diUffttt M t l t h L o o t o l l ' , 8 c h a l f , deputy clerk a PROFESSIONAL CORNER NEIGHBORING NOTES Tet iPuebey Suutirium P. IL Swarthout & Sen C. Jack Sheldon I LIVE STOCK HAULING and -GENERAL TRUCKING Wekly Trips Made to Detroit Frank Plasko •ejsiejB»ejBJBJBiseBjs^BjBjB^seBjsy» SPOT CASH HORSES $7.50 CATTLE $6.00 i FeZiE Tk^Khrld'a New* Seen Through l CtausTiAN SCIENCE MONITOR • IBs on M I J V Pinckaey Dbpktch Wednesday. August 5. 1942 ugi HI PLAYED TWO GAMES SUNDAY The Hn clotty eoft bail team play- > ed two game*Sunday.in the first! game with the North Side Club of Ann Arbor, the contest went two extra inning with the score tied 2 to 2. In the 9th Bob Singer fell down field ing a bunt and Ann Arbor scored the winning ran, * In the seteond contest with Greiory Pinckney won 5 to 3- They only got 8 hits but Caakey the Gregory p.i-eher issued 6 walks,3 ci these com ing in the 3rd when Pinckney scored 4 runs, Pinckney AB K H Miller, 2b 3 X 0 Hulce, 8b ~~ 4 0 2 J. Lavey, cf 4 0 1 0 0 Shehan, rs ... 3 0 0 M. Lavey, lb 2 1 1 Reader, e 2 0 0 Seguin, Is 3 0 1 Palmer, rf „ 4 0 0 Singei, p 3 0 0 North Side Club AB R H Rodrigu.es, Is 2 1 0 Waterman, 3b ~ „.... 4 1 i A. Bauer, If N 4 1 8 Narvarrc, rs _ 3 0 1 J. Bauer, cf ..., 4 0 0 Streeter, rf _ 4 0 2 Pegan, lb 4 0 0 Sibert, 2b 2 0 0 Murphy, c «... 3 0 0 Eskin, p 3 0 1 AB B s Pij|ckney HILPFUl ••••••»•»••*»*• Keep 'em fit! Michigan Bell employees are a part of the great civilian army which is conserving supplies and equipment, including the tires on automobiles and trucks. That is why we now1 group telephone repair and installation orders so we can handle several jobs in the same neighborhood on one trip. If there is a slight delay in taking care of your order, remember that rubber conservation is a definite war need, and right now war needs come first. Michigan Bell Telephone Miller, 2b Hulce, 3b J. Lavey ...„ Ledwdge, If Shehan, rs M. Lavey, l b Reader, ...Singer, Is Falmer, rf Seguin, |P Company WASTE IS AN ENEMY WE ALL CAN FIGHT! Gregory 1 1 0 0 0 0 X 0 1 0 1 0 Q 0 0 0 0 ] «1 ELECTRIC RANGE "Take flood care of the things you have," reads the U. S. Government's Comumer's Pledge — and this appiias with special forct to many things that am irreplaceable. Your electric range must last for the durai.on, and to help you use it carefully and wisely, *eee few suggestions a m offered* Lee,ls, c 8 0 0 (1) Never we a stiff brush or sharp rmtruroert to Hartley, rs 8 0 1 remove spilled food from heating elements. Food spilled HaJckenbury, lb ..._ 8 1 1 H ^ " 5 H H HH on open surface unto should be burned off. (Avoid IVan. 3b 4 0 2 SOFT BALL NEWS (Parker. If 8 0 0 letting spilled food dry or harden on tbe range*) Barber, c, Is 8 0 0 (2) Roasting or broiling meat in the oven deposits Pinckney practicaly won the P escott, rf _... t 1 1 grease on the oven walls. When cool, wipe the inside of county league title by defeating the Caskey, p 2 I 1 1 Hamburg team there Friday night by Hanson. 2b the oven with a damp cloth. This should be 2 0 0 a score of 12 to 8. Their record is Teachout. cf 2 0 0 time after use. now 9 wins and. 2 losses. Cooley I OR (3) Wash outside of range with warm soapy Dairy of Howell and Hamburg with OFPu AL BATTING AVERAGES be most ranges with closed-type surface units, th similar records of 5 won and 3 lost i have a mathematical chance to tie raised up so that the pan underneath can be H Ave. AB R j foi fii.st, providing they win all their for cleaning. Check manufacturer's directions. 68 2. 30 .441 Joe Lavey ' 4 remaining games and Pinckney 6 .352 5 | Keith Ledwidge ..17 (4) Ventilate your oven after each baking loses their final contest Tuesday <•"* rClifferd Miller ... ^5 18 18 .350 by leaving the door ajar. night with. Tomion's Dairy of Fow- [ \ 8 .333 8 Marion Shirey .... 24 lerviille. A victory over Fowlerville f | y following these simple rets*, you wrfl be gMng hi win Hulce *\ II 16 .319 will give Pinckney the championship. Red Seguin 49 15 15 .806 your electric range the care It deserves, and your preIn the Hamburg game Pinckney Bob Singer 60 16 18 .300 caution may help to overt a possible breakdown or went to town at once scoring 5 runs ! 7 ~^91 4 Lloyd VanBl'eum 24 damage. Conservation of critical metals anjl In their first time at bat on 3 walks, Francis Shehan.... 66 18 18 .272 3 singles and a double. Bob Singer, materials helps the war effort. The Detroit Merlin Lavey 52 13 13 .290 pitching for Pinckney shut out HamCompany. -*** Wesley Reader .... 66 14 16 .242 brg for 4 innings but had 4 runs II .232 P°ach Palmer 47 Smd tm $rm I M S X III Cm mi Wu of BUetrie scored on him in the 5th. Pinckney mt Zhttvit EJison off*: 4 got a run in the 4th and 6 more in CAPT. CUS LOSES the 6th off Broegeman who had reCapt. Gus Ledwidge's team < KMC lieved Voss, starting Hamburg pitch, to Camp Robinson here last Wedneser. In the 7th Iliamburg scored 4 jnesday night 10 to 6. The camp had runs on a walk, a hit and 3 Pinckney a pretty good team while Gus was errors. With 2 runners waiting to minus several stars, including Ross be; rescued, Brogeman ended the Lamb, Jach, Haines, and Dale Meabon game by flying deep to Ledwidge in The bacal lineup was Ledwidge and left. Fred Singer, battery; Merlyn Darrow i Pinckney lb; Jim Meyer,2b; Don Jones, 3b; AB R H> Wesley Palmer Is; Dick Singer, rs; Miller, 2b 2 2 1 Joe Plummer, Do n Clark. Corkie Palmer, 2b 1 0 0 Darrow, Sam Gentile and Tommie Hulce, 3b 4 1 1 Clark, outfield. Livingston County Treasurer direction 'materal that will produce rubber in J. Lavey, cf 8 2 2 2 Rubber Supply Act of 1942 Iquanitp. They believe that every Ledwidge, If 3 1 CONCESSIONAL NEWS LETTER The House last week considered and j practical process should be exploited Shehan, rs 3 1 1 passed H R 7251 a bill to expedite to the fullest t o ^ f e the vital de0 0 i^ prosecution of the w a £ £ y making ( m a n d s o f military^and civilian needs. Hon. W. W. BUetaey «hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu(iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiiuciiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiHMiirr^iiiiii r s Shirey, rf 3 1 I „ . 5 . - . for * an increefsed! . ^ supply ... of _, of the provisions Tde Agriculture Committee Reader, c „ 3 1 1 rubber manufactured of alcohol pro- hou.s*- were fully convinced of the Absentee Voting f o r Soldiers M. Lavey, lb 4 1 2 The House recently had before it duct* from agricultural and forest wisdom of manufacturing rubber Singer, p 4 2 2 for consideration H R. 7416,giving to products, -This bill was sponsored by from alcohol produced from forest Hamburg AB R H members of our land and naval force both the House and the Senate and products. This would furnish a mar B. Benett, c 4 1 1 absent from the United States and had for its base much undisputed ket for much surplus grain that ax B. Emery, Is ...7..., 4 2 1 serving withn the continental U. evidence supplied by outstanding isls at the present time. It would" not Darrow, 3b _ 4 1 1 S. the right to vote. Certain Southern chemists and engineers of national conflict with other methods of pro deling synthetic rubber. When you Moulraan, lb 4 1 2 members put up a vigorous protest and international reputation. against this bill and filibustered for The, evidence justifies the con. stop to thAik that we "have 32 thousWright, 2b ., „ 4 1 several hours in the hopes that they elusion that the quickest way to bring and registered autos in the nation G Bennett, cf 4 0 3 could defeat the bill, but the bill about the production of synthetic rub and also think of the hundreds' of E. Emery, rs 3 0 0 bar with the use of the least amount thousands of cars that are -need C. Brogeman, If, p 4 0 0 finally passed by a big majority. You may recall thai'Congress re- of critical materals is through the by defense workers in defense work Court, rf 2 0 X cently raised veterans pay to a min* conversion of alcohol from agricural- the necessity of securing a supply of Bowman, rf :„..:...... 1 1 1 rubber comes especially important. Voss, p, If 1 1 0 imun of $50 per month. This bill products to butadjne. National'Debt Iacreas* Thre e base hit-Singer. Two base 7416 gives to the ^hemners of our { The cost of producing a pound of Ian and naval forces the right to vote rubber by this process is slightly The National debt passed the 80 ( hit-Ledwidge. Struck out by Singer I do not see how anyone could ques. j over raw rubber. The rubber howbillion mark on J Ay 15.*The daily 3, Voss 6, Brogeman 3.Left on,bases 1. Voss l. Bases on balls off Singer tion that right. The bill unfortunate- ever is equally as good. It will cost creastfrey statement of that date Pinckney 10 Hamburg 9.Double play ly could not go past continental US about 21 or 22 cents a pound for the showed the debt to be $80,505,618. Shehan to M. Lavey . Umpire-New- for the reason that the tune necest. I rubber produced from butadine. It is 486 on that date as against 155,591, ary to send an absentee ballot to so- ' estimated that we will have a surplus 998.306 on the corresponding late ton. In the game to have been played me foreign navai or military base this year of more than 80D millions a year ago. at Fowlerville last Tuesday with the and have it returned woujd take to , bushles of wheat. That wheat can be Gasoline Taxes Down Wildcats, the latter could only put I great a lapse of time. I certainly fav- made into 2 million pounds of rubber "A n Ouaee of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure"' The average loss in gasoline tax or the passage of this bill. ' as a matter of fact the goverment it6 me n on the feild. Pinckney claimed revenues of 43 states for May was 9 3 V ^a forfeit The army today is rapidly appro- (1 self owns 400 million bushels of this percent compared with May 1941 10 to 0 By using Pinckney subs a team was made up and an ex- aching 4million boys, many of whom wheat from which it could make an,| 14 percent for the 17 Eastern hibition game -played which Pinck- of ourse, are on foreign soil and can million pounds of rubber.Besides this | states which have r a t i o n i n g ^ T t h e not vote, but all of those who can we have 200 million bushels of com basis of 13 states which have so far ney Won 13 to 6. \ Baueries: Pinckney.Singer, Hulce not vote, but all of those within the a part of which could be used for , reported for June,''the averace de BUICK, PONTIAC, INTERNATI0N1A TRUCKS | and Reader and N, VanBlaircum. continental U. S, except Alaska, wfce this purpose. cnne ^ 15 , ^ ^ from j _ Howell, Mich, jj Wildcats-Strong, Seguin and Van- desire to vote can do so I think this The committee waa not opposed to and 23 percent in 4 states which have bill certainy was a move iaJh* right the oat of petroleum or any other 'gasoline rationing. Amber* • WsmmiimiimattwiTWii!^^ A L TAX NOTICE Tt»e 6th installment of 1933, 1934 am 1935 taxes. and The 8th Installment of 1932 *nd prior t year taxes on the Ten Year Moratorium are due and payable Before September 1, 1942 without penalty. I Jennie M Eastman I * tXmlf | America! Trucks Tractors Passenger Cars § ft 2 _... 1 2 8 3 4 2 2 2 3 taking care cv yoei „ Keep 'Em Rolling We tape the Equip me it Parts and Mechantei To Keep your Truck, Tractor or Automobile in The Uest of Condition for the Duration* Livingston Motor Sales IK *>>* t • * • * • * w a s • • • • • f • « • • • • t • • • • ^k /N " > • < y A '•~*"*i;£' The Pjnckne? DispaOfch I Wednesday. August S. 1942 Fmcfcney CASH SPECIALS IN YOUR DAILY BATH STOPS /V£^Qfe^"B.O x r ~ WITH BIG CANNON DISH TOWEL .4 23 c INSIDE EACH PACKAGE . LGE PKGS. Mrs. R. H. Teeple of Brighton I visited relatives here one day last week. PHONE 23F3 MEDL Gauze imndage hamly Mandates Hot Water Bottle Gauze Pad Medicine Dropper Mild Tincture Iodine Peroxide Rub biiigv Alcohol Soda^TOcabonate rfncuire Merthiolate Tongue Blades PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY Louis Clinton, wife, son, and daughter returned homo to St. Catherine, Ontario, last week, •$£* FILLED Kennedy Drug Store Miss Joyce Isham has signed to teach the Gth, 7th, and 8th, grades in % a school near Wyandotte, Wayno county. •i No Summers Day Complete without an Tee Cream Treat Gene Hammer of Omaha, Neb. arrived last week to live with his father V. Hammer. at Gentile's Paul and Stanley C^lland of Homer spent last week at the home of Mr. "ind Mrs. Fred Re;id. Mr. and Mi--. Ross fcead of Pittaburg, Penn., are visiting his parents, Mr. and M:-<. Rn^ Read . We're th" daily health spa of pleasui-e seeking folk of all ages! Our delicious, grand tasting icecream cornea in many different flavors . . . fresh every day. Icecream i.-j inexpensive and nutritious. Mr. and Mrs. Ona t'ampbe1!, d;*u ghter, Looni. ;,nd .>i\; K<i:iH>rly were in Ann Arbor Saturday. DOUBLE DIP ICE CREAM SODA •I f l . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gradwell of ! Chicago were work rnd frucrts of h>r I mother, Mrs. Jennie Lavoy. 12c "?*^ & wt h >-z M< I"' JOE GENTILE . Mc.sdames Villi:> Richards and M-uyj I Teeple and Miss Blanche Martin, { ;pont Tuesday with Mr and Mr:*. P.. II Teepe of Brghtion. Kdward Clark undenvent an emer- • W . W A ' A V A V A V A V i W V W W i gency appendicitis operation at Ann ' Arhor hospital last Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Read and family attended the Gilks family reun >n Sunday at Ella Sharp Park at Jackson. Alive HORSES $7.50 $6.00 Farm Animals Collected Promptly Modern Equipment Capable Men E. L. PARKER. A«ent Phone 88, Pinch:-.--v The FASTEST Dead Stock Service in Michigan i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Appleton ol Brighton spent Friday at the W. C. Hendee home and called at theW. W. Nash home, <•>•••*; \*t# Central Dead Stock Co: coo< E. Krause of Allen Neb. returned J home last week after spending two JIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinflllllllMlll4«IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIHIfinillllllllllll1s Miss Jeanett Bairns is working) in |weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Don j Mrs. Edna Spears w v in Jackson m ! Hammer and family. '" 1,Lansing this -summi:.. Thursday The Brogan family renunion v'.\ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Esper and dauMr. and Mrs. Lucius Wilson Sr. ghter, Jilh. are spending the week in be held Aug. 16 at Island Lake. spent Sunday in Detroit. earborn. The Ross Read family are spendn'u The bridge club met with Mrs Nor Dead or Disabled | Lucius Wilson Sr. spoke before the month at Portage Lake. man Reason Monday night. Battle Creek business mens banquet 1 Mrs. Roy Clark and Mrs. Karl N ^ Miss Denise Lidwid^e spent 2 day* last Tuesday night. visited Mary Jane Gallagher a'- University hospital, Ann Arbor Monday in Dixboro last week with her sister Miss Thirza Arnold of Three Rivnight. She underwent an aypen jicitus I ( j e o r j ? 0 Crane and wife of Detioit ers spent the week end at the home operation there last Thursday and ia t t h e w e e k o n d ftt t h o i r h o m f i Jn of the Hoff sisters getting along fine. | An(lerson. Phone Collect Day or Night - Nearest Station | Mrs. Liewlyn and Mrs. Scott of Martin RLtter is home from the i Howell 360 Ami Arbor 5538 | Detroit spent Sunday at the Patrick Mrs. Lulu Lamb and son.;, lio s and Willow Run bomber plant on account nud, spent Sunday with Mr.and Mr^. ; King home. of poison ivy, He and his wife are Olvei' Smith of Saginaw. spending two weeks at the cottage of i Mrs. Mable Smith and daughters Miss Nash at Portage Lake. | Many youne, people from here atMrs. Calkiin i lh-lr t „;ied on the Mr and Mrs. W. C Hendee, Dr. j tended the carnival at Chelsea Sat. Hoff sistdrs lasjt Thursday. and Mrs. Lynn Hendee, Dr. and Mrs. \ A Paid Cash : KEEPING YOUR .Vyee Isham spent purt of last week with her sister, Mrs. Beatty of IIow- 3c $ Kennedy's Gen. Store Absonbent Cotton .Adhesive Tape Applicator Sticks ^ Aromatic" Spirits of Amm< Aspirin Tablets Boric Acid burn Ointment Castor Oil Clinical -Thermometer Cougn Syrup Epsom .Salts !I j FOR WHITER BRIGHTER WASHES Bars DEFENSE CINE CABINET FILLED WITH NEEDED SUPPLIES The Glenn Clark family of Lansing spent Sunday at the Lucilus Doyle home. J 1351 LIFEBUOY SILVER DUST v The Purer 4/AVegetable SHORTENING SrkKNCTHEN HOME John Craft was in Detroit Monday :o aUend u plumbing supply meeting! > RINSO c Mrs. Louis Coyle was iri Detsoit the frst of the week. May Blossom Salad Dressing qt. 22'r Oill Pickels qt. Jar 18 W he a ties % pkgs 19< Famo Cake& Pastry Flour 5 Ifos.24 Catsup 14 oz. bottle Crackers "Sum-Ray" 21b- box Home Baker Flour 84¾ Lb. B»g At go Gloss Starch, Ex% lbs. MP> Campbell's Soups car, Butter Goldendale lb i Macaroni 2 1b pkg Corned Beef can Navy Beans 3 «bsCherrloats per.C pkg Swan Soap med. 6 Ige SPRY FIRST AID A.B.G IJ Entered at postoffvcc >j Pinckney, Mich -J second clasa i..attei. U Subscription | 1 . 2 6 » yea* ( ] Paid in Advance j | "AUL W C U R L E l l TNJBLISIIER FRkSAT Aug. 7» Aug. URGE SIZE Dispatch Horses $5 00 Cattle $4 | Oscar Myers Branch j ^*'>»«l|||||||H|||HIIIIM||||||tl|IUIiU|IUill| I rust § f National { I Bank a* m I IN HOWELL 1 \ UNDER F E D r • ' . „ . . SUPERV ,, « .'•t&i a a Member Federal Deposit Insf ura-K-e Corporation. All depos2 its Insured up to 5,000 for each S Depositor. .. . . . Hendee . . .1.. of _* »Ithaca, v Mr. and Mrs. I'red Wroblick and | and, -family Ai BANKS and The WAR Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aberdeen and Cecil au : er of Detroit were Sunday and Dr. and Mrs. James Nash of El' . . . i son called on Mr. and Mrs. Herb . . , . ^ ^ i + r'~» {guests of Mr and Mrs Wm Loll I A DROP OF INK CAN SAVE A sie picni MIUIIIttHlltllllllHttlllllllllllllllllllllHIHIllllllllHIIIIIIIIHIinillinilllUIIIIIIUlltllllltJ Sneed in Howell Friday. iced at the state park at Cor- !H Mrs. Nettie Vaughn returned Vomc A GALLON OF GAS Jack and Robert Darrow and Norma unna Sunday. last week after spending 2 weeks at * Sunday guests of Miss Jessie Green Darrow are visiting Mr. and Mrs. the Roy Merrill hon^trirTWebster. Does that sound like an ex* were Dr. and Mrs, Snyder and dauKenneth Darrow in Three Rivers. a travagent statement Consider ghter, Mrs. Buttelman of H\>rion, Dr. Mrs. :;orm;i Merrill and Mrs Roland s Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lang who re-« A. Green and wife of H jnrh:tr. call Shehan of New Hudson Kpent last 2 these facts. A drop of i a j ^ i s enough to write at least s l c e n t l y j i o l d their stock here to Mark ed Friday. Friday with Mrs. Nettie Vaughn. check probably more. You ca Swartout, moved to Lansing Mon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J I'limon, Mr. I Norman Wnite ana WJIC of How- ! • mail the check any place and Mrs Mary McCluskey is spending nd Mrs. Or.i Haines and Mrs. Ralph jell and Gene Dinkel and wife were S that"s fall there is to it. Howsome, time at the home of her daug- Clinton, Fred Barry, Mis« Soule and j recent callers at the Ben White home £ ever, i you pay by cash you may have to drive quite a few Mrs. Dunne called on Gerald Clinton, hter*, Mr. and Mrs R. J. Born ' • • ! i Clarkston. LOCAL t-GNG D1STANCF Friday Haines and Mr.Dunne at Fort j Mr. and, Mrs Robert Pike and Mrs. ;x miles, and a gallon of gas floes mighty fast You can save tima Custer Sunday | Etta Bland called on Mrs. Lessie Far£ WEEKL1 TRIPb MAOE TO DETROP too when you have a checking Peggy Burns of Ann Arbor, Jame.« The following people called on Rex ringtion and Clyde Farrington and 5 account at this bank,Start one STOCK—GRAIN—CREAM Burns and W«lton Chamberlain spent |S their folks attending th*e St. Josephs Burnett at the Masonic home at Alm a family near Plainfield Sunday. Produce of All KincU picnic at Lake Orin/ lu:t Wednesday: Mr and Mrs. Miller Mr. and Mr.s. Jack Crane and fam- 2 We have ampl e funds available I for sound loans Sunday guests of \h*; M. £ . Darrow and son Clifford, Mrs, Mowers and iiy and Mr. and Mrs. Long and fam- S i'y r:f Letroit spent the week end at s and W. E. Darrow fam t'es were Mr. Mrs. Ona Campbell. Mr. and M»•.««. J. W. Beutter of tVrtage l a k e . S REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE tnd Mrs. Clyde Darrnv of Milford Grand Rapids were Friday evening S OR PERSONAL AT REASON^ a i d Mr. and Mrs. K*m<eth Darrow quests of Mr. and Mrs. A Nisbett. Joe Griffith returned to work at g ABLE RATES daughter and son of Three Riyers. the factory at Hamburg., Mon a f t e r ! * Francis Shehan was in Lansing Mrs. James Roche called on Mr. • I t e t a H o n of C l - n t c « * here j , * r ' a ; d M " ' ^ "t"" ^ ' T several weeks absence due to illness. aj Mni|gl i||||||iMll||liUIMMIIOMl Friday ana Detroit Saturday on bus- and Mrs Mc^illen and family in DexFriday v i s i n g at ik, If. K. Hhtot ^ , ^ i™ T i ! T 1.^^,- Ui- * *u J « Mr. and Mrs. Ross Read. 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. > ***** ter Sunday afternoon. J" me. His fxtner was /or.*nerary oper- | — . . • I'l'^i'ipiiw^saagaaaaaawaiBwaMi Arthur Bull is were Mr. and Mrs. 1 : V.rA ». uhn is now employed at th* . atoi of tho P'nrkn^j f • •* mill about j The Wylie family reunion was held Mr and Mr, L. G. Lrvereaux and ^ ^ ^ c^ Mf of D e U Dan Howlett and son of Gregory and 1 ord bomber ;jiunt. So M W. C Atloe. daughter, Peggy, gpent Monday at 26 years ago. He says this same m/ll J Sunday at the Drudge cottage a * Po»"Mr. and Mrs Robert Read and son roit th# t J & i . WWw home«•"•< ** Will Shehan home i«^ now in operation In Ford's tlrecn- ) tage lake. Those present were Ruth We understand that the Cortina of Grand Rapids. Sunday fidd. village. i Bradley and Merle Fohey of WalI auction last Friday grossed $9500. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young of Ann 1 I I .. ••*. *_.. * 29K j" i ledI VI<ake, Henry r'vers. and1 %Norma Vandals smashed out the windows Arbor was the guest of her folks Sun The Misses Gloria and Jean Craft Sunday guests of M m Lvers and Mi.. 1 ihan Wylie, and did other damage to the PettyMr. and Mrs. Burns of Clarkston. a f ^ r a \Q day vacation started work Li-dwidge were Mr. and Mrs,Daamond j «V\lie, Mr. aiid Mr- Leynnlds Wylie sville and Winans schools recently. MrT^and Mrs. Gail Middleton of in the Colonade at Ann Arbor, Mon. ^ L dwidge and son, Joe and Mr. and Sheriff Murray Kennedy caup-ht the Detroit wewr Sunday guests of Mr. _ Mr J. Helen and Marcian Ledwidfa of B ones who damaged the Pettysville and M m R. J Carr Shehan left for Lone Lake, Detroit Wylie and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I chool and it cost then: parents,$5^0 to near Traverse City wfch his folks, | Miss Joyce Isham was in Brighton James Wylie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wy- I settle. Th ones who broke into the MK and Mr*. -Will Shehan and utr and Mrs. Roch ghahan to eaaop gnmdsotta atfrndad a MrtMay party Winans school are known but n o t Sunday. Her mother is haJpinf Mrs. | lie and family, Dr. Drudge- and famA. J. "" fc totoam * a t Tktmin to* ily and Dr. W. C. Wyiia + -:. iuiiiiMMiMiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiii i STOCK POOD i I Co-ops. Chop and Ground feed for Sale i Hauling Trucking j ! W.H. MEYER t I 1 \ •m 1 i i 1 •.-«5*r ( :$:;• «Jfc; • ^ »11» • JWt»»^**»«»* ' ii H I . I . ,,,,., i ^KttgjBm+mtmttit* T <*"* ""r*1" ••~-r: T F ' ,9 Ptadnmy P i — I * Wedn-fry. Auwwt B. 1X8 FOR SALE OH 1&Af>Et 0 « H a»t board motor for wba£ have yam 8 ring electric etsjaa^pN? 18 'dows. WAR BONDS h ^ Pxojae*tu We Sell Boydell Bros. Paint • ^ Hardware ! * LarpestStock of Builders and ». 1 Shelf Hardware in this, sec- LAVEY HAiHDWAR£ [MERICANS ARE WISE IN FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE Of THEIR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. YOU 5AV£ AND yOU SERVE WHEN YOU BUY DEFENSE BONDS. \ *** SPECIALS CASH SPECIALS * Sat. Aug. 8 Flour 24 $1.15 Lard 4 Peaches 15c Tomatoe Juice Tenderont 3 Mustard 15c Pineapple 23c Treet Armour's OxytfoB Rinso . Dm 69c Tissue 6 296 icaroni 2 ^ aper Towels GOLD MFDAL • • 'III' ) >'•£._ * WAR IU)\DS IO Fri. Aug. 7 r Wait Ads much standing timber M Wiaeonaia? _, In 1849 there was. 668 sawmills to 61641 West Sfeeee Drive When the Marines get their serv-1 Michigan, emnloyiag 2,780 persons. Hi Land Lake * - * ice pack, there is included therein a j ply was inexhaustible. % HOUND: An uaaitd $6 aato sljfclap. FOR SALE: 25 wWte rock pullets. bright shiny new shovel cased in • A r muslin carrier. The shovel coats 68 Residents then believed thsteao sup'Jot Gentile P « *th hatch. $1.00 each. J cents and the carrier 3» cents, or 14. That Michigan laid the*ret WW AATB ft*W ftAAT'Jnst ""tt-^**7 * ** Donohue. 9 $1.07 for the ensemble.^ highway, bulk one of the ent 1 % ml N. 1 mi R. Gregory super highways, was the first to adLake FOR SALE: Cook stove* fire wood opt a policy of ''clear vision ahead" »6*20 Edgewood Dr. Straw or coal. In highway design^and is leading the jS5R SAL^TuTbox: Mrs. Jack Reason Ray Kellenaerger other states m scenic roa*U? WANTssa ACaaoe. WuTpey cash 15. That the first telephone system or trade sail boat for It. tVH SALE. Modem lake front cott in Michigan was built by a mine op- tol- -ar%e n . . ., 0 Newniau ' a R e ^ ^ bath * R^awnable. eraibr at Ontonagon after he h ^ l ^ o i i i W f i , Pmckney, ** FOR SALE 8 by 7 verhead These intrenching shovels are seen Bell's invention at the Philade- good tires, , Bart Baughn doci. Slightly us used by the Marines around camp, lphia exposition. digging trenches, setting up barbed 16. That the Old's motor works erect- FOR SALC-One graft jeldtag, work es, Rush Lake. wire entanglements and in many ed in Detroit the first fi-.ory built single or doable gent)* with children FOTSSALE? other ways. Your purchase of War in America for the manufacture of 12 yn. old,, wt. 1856 Eli Aron id = and Stamps every pay day can Win. Darrowy Pinckney automobiles ? WANTED: 2 girls to work at Brigh.,;!', {..-iiiip our forces with these LOSTeJiily 4, in Pinckney i ^he~vicn j i c . y implements for warfare. 7. That 135,485 Michigan men serter.. Board and £o A wage. inity of Pinckney Square-Black fe. ' i i . c i t a : least ten percent of your M I | *s Lunch Room tvjry pay day. Buy War ved in the first world war? Edwin ruate cocker spauiei, tan harness; ows yenng and .d Stamps from your bank, Denby who enlisted in Michigan as a auiwers to the name of Smudge. FOlTsALE: 2 t of Pinckney. tuffice and at retail stores. private in 1917 became secretary of Please give aay news of her where- soud. Two mil Mkhal J, V. S- Ttfatury UiW**** the navy in 1922 abouts to M. £. Darrow, Pinckney 18. That the last Indian s t r o n g h o l d ^ gALE-Steel wheeled wagon for WANTED TCTTKJY. Lake front fait. 6n P o r t a e in Michigan was the Keweenaw Pen- $10.00 T. R. Bonner f^ . « >*»*• M u s t ***• sula and Isle Rtoyale which were cedgood beach. 2608 Rush Lake Road ed officially to th# goverment 100 I X. W. Rathbuon j FOR SAXE-Little Pigi" <T weeks years ago on October 4th? 254 Wing Caeent 'old. William Bets, Rush Lake Northviile Mich. The Garand semi-automatic rifle, 19. That Abnjham Lincoln gav. an L osf' : A Irown-eaeWbJte springer WANTED: To buy a bean puller. which is the standard issue today ^ ; S * V ^ ^ 1 , ^ 1 ^ 0 0 * spaniel Answers to the name of W. C. Miller. Baughn, for the IT. S. army, is superior to 1856? The Republican party had £ £ ^ ^ ^ to w. r?Ok SALE: Two- 6.60 - 17 «fes""and ^ ^ the old Springfield rifle in many re- been foirned at Jackson in 1 8 6 4 ; , ^ ^ tubes. spects. We literally need mUliona Michigan was inflamed for the abol-j , *' _. „ of these fast shooting powerful rifles ition of slavery. Lucius Doyle FOR SALS: Peering mowing ma* Fhone*-42 to equip our army. They cost $85 HEl P WANTEDTTor saw mill and each and are being manufactured at 20. That St. James^a town qn Bearer chine. W. H. Euler lumber yard, the rate of one a minute. They fire inland off Charlevoirx, was once the TnnM on sixty 30-calibre shells a minute. * Lumber Company „ - _Howefl. _ _ capital of a Mormon kingdom and FOR SALB: 1688 Plymouth good Russell Bokros | F O R 3 A L B L ~ 4 year old horse.wt the seat of Emmet and Manitou cou- t ^ , . ^ -. mv* i f l 6 0 ' f u l l v b^ken. Gall at farm datnties in 1849? James Jesse Strang, AJnr-Trrr**—*. leader, ruled the island as a king and FdT? -SAO!: Two Chester White o r d | | y m k Katoni used later was elected to the House of Re- brood sow*, doe In July. Holatem .=-:-^=£7fr 7 - r r — A i presentatives at Lansing. His slayers j heifer, now mich. ! * ™™ to buy or rent 8 t I o l l e r o r w a l k e r Mrs. Mark Nash J. and Mark Nashand1| Every one of the 40,000,000 em- escaped on a United States revenue LOST: NearW.Rush Lake, black FOR "SERVICErHarapsWre boar, ployed persons in America could cutter and were released by the sher white English Springer Spaniel. v. Hamparian easily buy one of these rifles for the rff at Mackinaw City. T. R.^Bonner, army. Not that we need that many, WANTED! F*nre~building or "other 650 E. troy, Ferndale. but the reserve could go into shells work to »io. FOR SALR: 26 acres of clover and and other much needed supplies. FFULATHEA NOTES Alex Peto, Pinckney Buy more and more War Bonds and alfalfa, uncut. Uood quality. top the quota in your county by in Nert Wednesday, Aug, 12, is the Miss Rose Carr, Pinckney F<5R SALE: Four fresh 8-year-o, vesting at least .ten percent of your date for the next monthly meeting- of FOR SALE: Good Deering mowing A-J Holstcin cows. income 9vtry pay day. our group, to be held this time with machine for sale, cheap. Rfd Hen Tavern, Phone 8268 Mrs. Lola Rogers and daughter. An WILL-1RADEThome i n X(7w7l)+> Arthur Buli.s BUY especially good attendance is hoped WANTED Lake cottages, have buy- troit section, 8 room, 2 baths, autoUNITED STATES for at the time of this Missionary Give ful? information matic ga3 heat, two-car garage, for WAR meeting when the free wUL offering %^"££* farm near Pinckney, Hamburg 01 BONDS goes toward the Benevolence quota 51 North Huron St. Ypsilanti Brighton. Call evenings, 626 Put AND of our church. Phone 942W George L. Robins nam, Pinckney. STAMPS We are having some intanssy interFOR SALE: "l 982 Buick sadaaT goo? esting lessons at present. Last Sun. FOR SALE: One teamT"wt*"34007"or tire?. '42 license plates 'Mrs. Buzaard directed our discussion will sell seperately. Can be seen er Phone 42 Lucius Doyle of'Abraham.a Pioneer in Faith."For the Joe D. Stackable farm, tfANTfit) Washings to do. Louts Stackable Aug. 0th the subject continues with Mrs. A. J. Verheeven "Abraham's Intereessory Prayer,Gen. LOST: Smalt black coin purse conJ Phone 872i taining two sets of keys, somewhere Uvermore farm 18:28-88. Dr. Pearce brought us a helpful I on Main St. j - — Mrs. James Singer (Sospel message last Sunday and may I Established 1666 cheered with favorable news of Ray. FOR SALE: Size 18 formal dress, 1616 McLucas, who is under hospital treat* lace cord net. ment fri Detroit Coluser farm Mrs. Mary Martin FOR SALE: FunHtureHiilteTn assortment. COMING SOFT BALL GAMES Frank Plasko This week Pinckney has two games scheduled. Tortrton Dairy of Fowler-j ^Bmssmmsm^mtmm^^mmmgBasBBs? ville here Tuesday and Dexter bare NeWf p ^ , P e o p l e Uving in P i n . on T 8 d l M f J P ^ f [ ub e ^ » y «"£*• ^ « » « ^ ! ? | c t o e y , owning Huick. PontUc, or any 7 K C ( scheduled when the result of the o t h e r g o o d car^ t h a t Wftntg to k e e p 9 ^ ^ f c o u n t y U a ^ e » « • *~ b M n their their car car in in first first Mass elass condition condition for for the duration should have their car AUTHOR HAROL© Mfc SHERMArNt a e r v r c e d a t Livingston Motor Sales *.% Over Six*y-Etght V"-«v WEIRD ADVENTUREartN Buick, Pontiac Dealers, Howell. of $«i« Umaktui; TELEPATHY Remarkable tests by a man who tuned in on friends mid 8,600 miles away, once got a mental message OVMTHITOP which saved his life, are disclosed in FOR VICTORY the American Weekly with this Sunlor •Nk day's (Aug 9) issue of the Detroit Sunday Times, in an artycle in which ARE YOU IN DEBT the author tells how to duplicate his experiments. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times. We believe this is a good tfme to reduce ones obligations and to borrow only for strictly necessary things lb. Saek Lo. Pail No<2 Can Slit ed 46 Oz. Pkg$. Qt Jar Crushed McPherson State Bank Cant •wra mm WAR BONOS-STAMPS No-? Can If it should come about some time everyone, will not be as busy as at present and there is not quite so much money in circulation, people will find themseves i n better shape* ro stand the period of readjustment ip they are out of debt. Ciaot hg tor 6) iX- YOU GET BETTER MEATS AT Clarks \ Buy Saving Stamps and Bonds to further aid you in going through the reconstruction period which is very apt to come, 4 . McPRersM State Bank Money to ioan at reasonable rates Interest paid on Savings Book* and rime Certificate! of Deposit. McPherson State Bank f All de|f<U op to $5,000.06 IT. •ured byj]» t, jAembership in Federal Depbf^Iasjntaat Cnifnltosv. " i