July - South Wilts Grammar School for Girls


July - South Wilts Grammar School for Girls
July 2015
We have reached that time of year where we have to say goodbye to some
We have three long standing colleagues retiring this year. Mrs Elizabeth Phelps has
worked at South Wilts since 1996, and has taught English as well as previously
being Deputy Head and Head of the Sixth Form.
Mrs Elizabeth Wrighton has been employed since 1994 as Teacher of
Chemistry and also more recently Teacher in Charge of Chemistry.
Mrs Claire Herbert has taught Biology at SWGS since 1994.
Mrs Susan Smith has been employed to teach Food Technology since 2007.
Mrs Helen Hollinghurst and Mrs Felicity Pigott, have both been employed as
cover supervisors since 2004 and 2005 respectively.
Page 1
Staff News
Page 2
Magna Carta
Travelling to
Page 3
Parenting an
Page 4
Leavers Ball
Page 5
Y9 Industry
Page 6
We would like to take this opportunity to wish them well in their retirement.
We also say goodbye to Mrs Lindsay Chamberlain (Psychology and PSHE) and
Miss Caroline Taggart (Geography), both have been employed at SWGS since
2009 and move on to take up new teaching positions.
Page 7-10
Page 11-14
Mrs Samantha Clark (English) and Miss Kate Jowett (Geography) have both
been employed since September 2014. Both are taking up new teaching positions.
Page 14
Page 15-17
We also say goodbye to two members of staff who have been employed for the
academic year, to cover maternity leave: Mrs Nicola Wade (Biology) and Mrs
Kathryn McAllister (Maths).
Page 18-19
Page 20-30
Mr Chris Barsby (ICT technician) will complete his one year placement as part
of his university course.
Page 31-32
Miss K Freeman and Miss M Croad will be leaving us as TAs after two years of
supporting SEN students.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff above for the hard work and
commitment they have shown. We wish them all well for the future, be it in their
retirement, new teaching positions or future study. I would also like to wish
everyone a pleasant and safe summer and wish those waiting for their examination
results all the best. I look forward to seeing everyone again in September.
(Michele Chilcott)
Page 17
Magna Carta 800
As part of the Salisbury celebrations for the Magna Carta, schools had the opportunity to
sponsor, design and decorate a smaller version of the Baron sculptures that were created and
displayed in the City. The money went to the Trussell Trust and was raised by an additional
non-uniform day. The girls at school rose to the task and came up with a multitude of designs
and then one of the Sixth Form students blended them together in the final design. We were
pleased to see the tartan of the kilt featured strongly and that Year 11 came up with the brilliant
idea of painting the sword as a pencil. We had to summarise our design idea and did this with
the following words:
‘The design reflects what is
distinctive about South Wilts; our
kilt, logo and motto. It portrays
our links to the past, to the
community with the Cathedral
and five rivers of Salisbury and
to the future, the sword designed
as a pencil to represent our
learning preparing students for
The baron will be on display in
the Cathedral throughout the
summer and then will be
returned to school and I expect
him to take up a commanding
position somewhere in reception!
(Mrs C Stammers)
Travelling to School
Following our recent surveys on how students travel to school, it is
clear that some students would like to use a more sustainable method
of transport, but due to bus routes and distances from school, this can
prove very difficult.
Wiltshire Council have created a website called ‘Connecting Wiltshire’
to try and help people consider alternative routes and methods of
transport, and you may find this helpful:
(Mr S Jones)
Parental Notice
Please could I remind you that personal items including bikes are not covered by the school
insurance while on the school site. No items should be left in school at weekends or during the
(Mr S Jones)
Parenting an adolescent can be a
challenge. Is maintaining a good
relationship with your teenager a
struggle at times?
Would you like some help? Would you like to meet other
parents in similar situations?
If so, what about coming along to Making the Most of Teenagers Programme?
What is a Parenting Programme?
MMOT is a tried and tested, seven week programme. Each session is two
hours long, informal and covers topics including:
• Managing aggressive confrontations.
• Handling emotions and coping with stress.
• Understanding the changing needs and insecurities associated with
• Negotiating boundaries.
• Building self-esteem.
• Knowing and accepting each day is different.
South Wilts Grammar School is supporting the programme by providing a
meeting space, however, there will be a fee of £70 which includes handouts and
an information booklet. If there is enough commitment, the programme will start
mid-September - 7pm to 9pm.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact:
[email protected] directly or [email protected]
as soon as possible, indicating whether your preferred evening would be
Monday, Wednesday or Thursday.
School Uniform
The Uniform Shop will be open on three days over the summer holiday:
Thursday 27 August
Saturday 29 August
Tuesday 1 September
2pm – 5pm
9am – 12 noon
9am – 12 noon
Payment for the uniform can be made in cash, by cheque (made payable to
DIRECT CLOTHING COMPANY), or in person by debit/credit card.
New Year 7 uniform fittings are by appointment only
If you have any queries, please email the Uniform Shop on:
[email protected]
Leavers Ball 2015 and Goodbye from
the Sixth Form Team
It was a warm and beautiful summer’s evening for
the Year 13 Leavers’ Ball. The girls looked
stunning in evening dress and the Arts Centre had
been brilliantly decorated in the style of a James
Bond theme. A bucking bronco, hog roast, photo
opportunities, disco, casino, sweets and choc-ices
galore, were just some of the offerings making up
the evening’s entertainment. Thank you to the
Friends of SWGS and everyone that was involved
in organising the event, it was fantastic!
Amid the fun, laughter and camaraderie, was a hint of nostalgia as students closed one
chapter of their lives and looked forward to opening another. For the Sixth Form Team it was a
bittersweet evening, saying goodbye to students that we have been fortunate enough to have
guided and nurtured throughout their two years.
There is no doubt that the year group of 2013-2015 will do amazing things and we have every
faith and confidence in them as they take their first steps towards their future lives. Good luck
and every happiness to you all – we will miss you.
(The Sixth Form Team)
Year 9 Industry Days 2015
Once again we had a successful Industry Days’ challenge this year,
with students in Year 9 immersing themselves in problems that they
had been set by 25 organisations in Salisbury. Many tasks had real-life
application and were thought-provoking to say the least!
An unprecedented number of organisations supported the school, with
new additions including Blue Frontier, Bill’s Restaurant, Jaluch, Milford
Hall Hotel and Traveller’s World. The challenge started with a trip to
the organisation on Wednesday morning. This offered the girls a
valuable opportunity to talk directly with the organisations, and obtain a
thorough understanding of their set task. They then had two full days
to research and formulate a plan to solve the problem. Many groups re-visited the organisations or
conducted surveys around Salisbury. The students responded magnificently to the high level of
responsibility given. We had several organisations this year report back how impressed they were
with the students following their initial visit – ‘brimming with enthusiasm and a real credit to the
school’. There were the usual last minute panics as the deadline approached, but all groups
presented to their organisations on the Friday afternoon.
The Final took place on Thursday 11 June where Mrs Chilcott and Mrs Stammers had a very
difficult decision, but eventually crowned The Three Swans Pharmacy group as an overall winner.
Yasmin Bourne, Elena Demetri, Ella Reeve and Verity Way’s names are now proudly inscribed on
the Industry Days’ cup; they will be presenting their solution in an assembly to Years 7-9.
(Miss G Collins)
2015 Young Enterprise
The 2015 Young Enterprise team at South Wilts chose the team
name of aSpire, to recognise both their entrepreneurship as well as
their location of Salisbury. The group this year was run as a social
enterprise, with the girls choosing to support the local Stars Appeal at
Salisbury Hospital with any profits they made.
The girls took on a variety of projects and products, rather than just confine themselves to a single
task for the year. They sold a photography service at two of the Year 7 discos. They also ran a
very successful stall at the BWS Christmas Market, working in partnership with local businesses;
Cupcake Heaven and Reeve the bakers to sell cupcakes, Christmas trees, puddings and
snowmen (exclusive to SWGS). In Term 3 they sold a variety of Valentine’s Day products,
including Love Hearts and Candy Canes.
The enterprise activities allow students to show leadership
skills and the hard work of all, particularly Alicia Vidal as
overall team leader and Natalie Moncur in charge of finance,
has kept the group together and on task throughout.
They have also managed to deliver a significant profit. While
this is not the sole aim of the enterprise, it is very pleasing to
note that the profit achieved was £367.23, which was donated
to the Stars Appeal in June.
(Mr N Harris)
UKMT Team Mathematics Challenge - National Final
On 22 June, Coco Bradley, Sibella Egerton, Jessica Richards and I, went to London to take
part in the National Final for the UKMT Team Mathematics Challenge. Although we all found
some of the questions quite difficult, it was still a fun and interesting experience. When we
arrived we did the poster competition - we had to create an A1 poster on colouring of maps (we
did all the research before) and answer questions on the topic. Then we had the group circus
round - which wasn’t in the regional heats,
where we answered practical questions.
Although we found it difficult, we did manage
to work out the answers for a few of the
questions. Then we had the shuttle round
where we answered questions in pairs,
which went very well. On the last question
we finished fast enough to get the bonus
marks, which we were all very happy about.
Next we had the cross number and this time
we managed to finish all of the questions,
which we didn’t do in the regional heats.
Finally, we had the relay round which was chaos! We had been told that we had to walk to go
and get the questions, but after two minutes everyone was just running around, trying to be the
team to finish the most questions!
At the end of the day they announced the results, and we came 41st out the 1700 teams all
around the country (although only 88 were at the final), which we were all very pleased with.
Thank you to Mrs Munford for organising it and taking us to the heats and the final.
(Ella Reeve 9N)
Activities Week Year 8 day at The Salisbury Playhouse
During Activities Week Year 8 went to the Salisbury Playhouse to have an exciting day of
learning about the performing arts. Once we arrived we were split into two groups. We were
mixed with people from other forms so got to know each other well (this was especially good as
we are going into different tutor groups next year). We started with some icebreaker games
and then got into pairs and were given a few lines of speech where we had to devise a small
piece of drama only using these lines: “Hello” … “Hello” … “Are you ready?” … “Let’s go!”
There we many different takes on this, from going on holiday with a friend, to being strapped
into an electric chair!
We had many stimuli to base our drama on: pictures, poems, music and text. But the really
nice thing was that it was completely up to us on what the final pieces were about. Everyone’s
ideas were put together and some groups even interpreted the music or a piece they had
devised earlier into the final outcome. All the performances were very professional and
exciting to watch, with very dramatic storylines. We all gave and received feedback to each
other on what worked well and what could be improved. On behalf of everyone in Year 8,
thank you to all the teachers and helpers from our school and to The Playhouse for organising
such a fun and interesting trip. We have all improved our drama skills because of this
wonderful experience.
(Emily Wright 8N)
Speak to Peake Competition
In June, BBC Wiltshire ran a competition for the opportunity to speak to Major Tim Peake, the
European Space Agency’s first ever UK astronaut. He is a local man who spent a long time
living in Salisbury. To win, students had to email a question that they would like to ask him and
a reason why they should be selected. A panel of judges then chose five winners and two
runners up from across all Wiltshire schools.
Bethany Puzio from Year 11 won with the question “It's 54 years since Yuri Gagarin became
the first man to travel into space. How far do you think space exploration could develop in the
next 54 years and do you think it would have an effect on everyday lives?” Isla Defty in Year 7
was selected as a runner up with the question “Is the real process of preparing to go into space
anything like what it’s portrayed as on TV and in movies?”
On 29 June we all headed to the UK Space Agency headquarters in Swindon to join the other
students for the video conference with Tim Peake live in Houston where he is currently training
in preparation for lift-off in December. The event was recorded for BBC Wiltshire Radio and
filmed for Points West and South Today TV. The whole day was an exciting and unique
experience and enjoyed greatly by myself, parents and of course the students.
(Mr M Lawrence)
Here are the students’ recollections of the day:
Isla Defty:
Earlier this month I was picked as a runner up and given the chance to ask Tim my question
along with six other students from Wiltshire schools. When we arrived we were given name
badges and led up to a small room surrounded by offices, with a large TV and several
professional looking people in it. One of the men introduced himself as Simeon Courtie (a BBC
Wiltshire broadcaster), who would be presenting the event. I shook hands with a few more
people before all the students sat down and we did a small run through of our questions and
what we needed to do. At 2 o'clock we began the live chat and as soon as Tim started talking
you could tell he was a very chirpy, relaxed man, even if he was on a busy training schedule.
As each question was asked and answered I learnt more and more about what he's going to be
doing in space, what training he's been through and my personal favourite, what to do if you
vomit in space. It's apparently a very regular occurrence! He even told us that he had to learn
how to pull out a tooth, spend a week in a cave and spend up to eight hours at a time in a
swimming pool to simulate the zero gravity experienced on the International Space Station.
There's a lot more to learn than you might think since all of this is just for one space trip!
Overall I really enjoyed the experience and
had an amazing time asking my question to a
real astronaut. I had a brilliant time and would
love to do it again, maybe when he is in space
so he could possibly show me the view from
up there!
Isla, Beth and Mr Lawrence at the
UK Space Agency headquarters
with a life-size cardboard cut-out of
UK astronaut Major Tim Peake
Bethany Puzio:
On 29 June I was lucky enough to win the chance to be able to partake in a question and
answer session with British astronaut Major Tim Peake, who is currently training to spend six
months on the International Space Station in December. I asked how far he thought space
exploration would progress in the next 50 years, to which he discussed the possible exploration
of Jupiter's moons and also faster worldwide transport such as with Virgin Galactic. He also
talked about how he copes with isolation, how he's trained to cope with many possible events
in space (such as tooth extraction!) and even about what happens if you're sick in space! It
was an extremely inspiring opportunity that I will never forget.
All the competition winners and runners up from various Wiltshire
schools with Sim from BBC Radio Wiltshire
Visit to the MRC Centre for Macaques
Recently, four Year 12 and 13 students were given the opportunity to visit the MRC Centre for
Macaques, one of the UK's leading facilities for breeding Rhesus Macaques. This gave us a
fascinating insight into the use of primates in medical research, an area often clouded with
mystery and controversy.
During our tour of the facility we had the chance to feed the macaques and watch staff training
them, to prepare them for use in behavioural research and to better understand the way they
learn and interact.
We discovered the extent to which welfare was prioritised by staff, with research being carried
out at the Centre using computing and facial recognition software to track the behaviour of the
macaques. This allows researchers to further understand the complex familial and hierarchal
links in this highly social species. This allows care and welfare to be further improved.
At the end there was time for questions and debate about what we'd seen, allowing us time to
form, and possibly change, our attitude to the use of animals in medical research.
(Katrina Gaffon 13J)
Cambridge Chemistry Challenge 2015
When Year 12 students returned to School after their AS exams we asked the Chemistry
students to take part in this challenge which is run by the Chemistry Department at Cambridge
We practised with last year’s paper and then settled everyone down to spend up to 90 minutes
‘wrestling’ with challenging chemistry questions. All the marks were submitted to the University
who were delighted that so many students had participated.
The following certificates were awarded:
Jasmine Thayer
Sarah Croager, Rachael Middleton-Jones, Madeleine Morelli-Batters and
Amy Wolstenholme
Lara Bonney, Imogen Cawley, Sophie Ellis, Juliette Glennon-Alty,
Juliana Helmesley, Claudia Henry, Eleanor Lockwood, Gemma Morgan and
Deeksha Raju
Well done to everybody who took part. It was a tough paper and we were very impressed with
the effort that everyone made.
(Mrs E Aydemir, Dr T Wilkinson and Mrs E Wrighton)
Chemistry at Work Day
On 2 July, nine Year 8 students attended a Chemistry at Work
day at Wiltshire College with Dr Wilkinson. The day involved
attending a number of workshops and a demonstration on
particle theory from Chemlabs. It was a very enjoyable day, with
interesting demonstrations from a variety of industries. In
addition, there were workshops from DSTL and Wessex Water.
Workshops were interactive and even included the girls wearing
hazard suits with the Wiltshire Fire Service!
“I really enjoyed the workshop where the Exxon Mobil man was teaching us about all of the
fossil fuels and that gas plants aren’t that bad for the universe. I liked it when he was setting
things on fire and I particularly enjoyed it when we were allowed to hold a tube that reacted to
our body temperature. Overall it was a really good workshop.”
(Jade Marlow 8B)
“My favourite workshops were the fire service one
because it was a good chance to see what they actually
did and finding out about the chemicals and also the soap
one because you were able to make your own
(Alba Hinojosa Berrocal 8A)
“It was really interesting to learn about chemistry in jobs
you didn’t really expect it to involve.”
(Katie Havard 8A)
Biology Challenge
The results are in for this year’s
Biology Challenge!
Year 10 girls competed in this national
competition. Nearly 10,000 students
took part across Britain.
Congratulations go to the following pupils who will receive official certificates. We have never
had so many certificates awarded.
Gold Certificates are awarded to:
Ciara Bennett, Beth Butler, Emily Canham, Phoebe Cleary, Freya Croager, Jessica Curry,
Rachel Herring, Maaike Hooijmeir-Brown, Georgina Poyntz-Wright, Rashmi Sharma, Alice
Uloth and Tia Webber.
Silver Certificates are awarded to:
Prescelli Annan, Rachel Armitage, Emily Avant, Leona Beeson, Eleanor Bell, Stephanie Brown,
Ellie Byerley, Connie Chamberlain, Ellie Coker, Carolina Dee, Katie Franklin, Cecilia George,
Sara Ha, Tallulah Hastings, Sasha Horney, Mathilda Julien, Olivia Lampard, Alli Lane, Emily
Leckie, Harriet Legg, Jess Lloyd, Charley Nicholls, Isobel Parsons, Rebecca Richards, Jess
Robinson, Amelia Rogers, Ellie Russell, Erika Scott, Venetia Smith, Emily Tivey, Livi Vosper,
and Elise Wolfarth.
Bronze Certificates are awarded to:
Grace Bairstow, Isabel Boggust, Jodie Bradley, Charlotte Bullifent, Sophie Butler, Laura Defty,
Louisa Dunford, Charlotte Eardley, Katie Ereira, Bethia Evans, Katy Evans, Emily Fowler,
Megan Howard-Jones, Eleanor Kuszynski, Georgina Lange, Chloe Marshall, Georgia
Mussellwhite, Georgia Roberts, Ailsa Rose, Tara Sharp, Isabelle Walker, Ruth Walker, Ella
Williams and Chloe Wright.
The Challenge assesses a wide range of biological understanding and knowledge of the living
world – very well done to the successful students.
(Mrs A Wilkes)
Year 7 German Trip 2015
On Monday 1 June 2015, 7E and 7N set off for Germany. We were all so excited, as for many
of us this was our first time abroad without our guardians.
When we arrived at the Youth Hostel we were told to quickly throw our bags into the lounge so
that we could go and eat. After supper we unpacked and then fell asleep straight away
because we were so tired from the coach and ferry journey.
On Tuesday we were woken early and had to get ready quickly for breakfast. We then
clambered onto the coach and set off. After a long journey we arrived at a cog railway station,
where we lingered in the small stall near by until the teachers had sorted out the tickets, then
we hopped on the cog railway and up we went! At the top we visited the Schloss Drachenfels
(Castle of the Dragon) and hiked across the beautiful hills and valleys. Schloss Drachenfels
was SO MUCH FUN!! It was really interesting learning the history of the castle. As we got to
the bottom of the hills, we were excited to hear the news that we were going for a brief
shopping trip in Königswinter and then on a boat trip across the River Rhein (it was absolutely
beautiful)! At the end of all the excitement we drove back to the Youth Hostel for some supper
and a good night’s sleep.
On Wednesday it was even harder
to wake up! We travelled for an
hour to get to the stunning Kölner
Dom, or Cologne cathedral. It was
absolutely beautiful inside, and if
that wasn’t enough, we got to
climb one of the towers. It was a
hard climb, which made some of
us feel claustrophobic, but it was
worth it! The view was beautiful,
you could see the whole City and it
was an absolutely beautiful day
We also went to the chocolate factory which was an amazing experience that we will never
forget. We learnt about all the steps they have to go through to make just one bar, and it made
us not take for granted how lucky we are with how much chocolate we eat. When we arrived
back we practised for the talent show.
On Thursday we went to a theme park which had loads of amazing rides but in order to get to it
we had to go on a chair lift. Some of us, including myself, were scared to death by hanging at
100 feet in the air by a single wire. But again it was an amazing thing to be able to say you
have done.
On our return to the Youth Hostel we prepared for the talent show. My group was doing a
short act of a parody of the Titanic. Because of this, we had a lot of make-up to smother onto
our faces and outfits to pick out. The rest of the acts were amazing, but ours was a laughing
stock, but luckily they thought it was supposed to be like that ... so we won! Along with Josie
Hallett, the new Ed Sheeran, and Alessandra Barbour, who wrote a poem that brought me to
(Maisie Irvine 7E and Donia Saneie 7N)
Year 10 and 12 German
Exchange 2015
This year, 36 students in Years
10 and 12 were involved in the
German Exchange with the
Maria Ward School in Landau.
This year celebrated twenty
years of the Exchange and we
enjoyed a gala evening hosted
by our partner school. For nine
days the girls enjoyed an actionpacked trip, including visiting
the Town Hall where they met
the Mayor, a tour of the
Heidelberg Castle and a visit to
the sights and IMAX theatre in
The German students visited South Wilts Grammar School in June, with the highlight being the
Barn Dance and German wine tasting for parents.
Once again, the exchange was very successful and we hope that lots of pupils will remain in
contact with their partners.
(Mrs K Ennew)
Year 7 French
Trip 2015
From 1 to 5 June 2015, 7A
and 7B were in France. We
visited many places, such
as the Bayeux Tapestry,
the D-day Beaches and the
zoo. Both educational and
enjoyable, the trip was a
brilliant experience. It was
a great social experience,
as the two forms were able
to interact with each other
and the teachers and
students all got to know
each other better.
group of teachers accompanying the students were wonderful, as they each used their areas of
expertise to help us throughout every aspect of the week (such as History and French).
An awards ceremony was held at the end of the week, with prizes such as tidiest room and
suitable clothes for the zoo. Throughout the trip we kept diaries, explaining what we did each
day. Prizes were given for these after the trip. It was an excellent trip with lots of fun and
memories to keep.
(Jenny Wilson 7B)
Year 8 Able Linguists’ Day – University of Southampton
On 13 June, ten Year 8 students took part in the Able Linguists’ Day organised by
Southampton University as part of the Routes into Languages programme.
Upon arrival, we were swiftly
directed to a lecture theatre
where we were told about what
the day would entail. After being
broken up into separate groups
for French and German, we were
taken to our first activity. Here,
we had to create a piece
of 'wearable technology'. We
were in groups with pupils from
other schools to encourage us to
socialise with new students. This
was definitely a good idea, as it
made us not only use our brains for all the French and German, but also our social skills,
building up our confidence. We had a break during this lesson where we could buy food and
drink from the café and find the rest of our friends from South Wilts. After our break, we were
given more time to finish our projects. The posters produced were creative and interesting. A
teacher was there to help us to work out a difficult sentence or look up a word (as our poster
had to be all in French or German). Everyone enjoyed it and, because it was competitive, we
all worked even harder.
Once our lunch break was over, we could view not only our class’s projects but the projects of
every group there. We then had a taster of a new language which was exciting because it was
nice to find out about languages we may not have the chance to learn here; some of these
include Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Bulgarian, and Russian. We learnt a lot and came back
with a lot of knowledge on our specific language.
At the end of our day at Southampton University, we gathered once again in a lecture theatre
to find out the winners of the projects in each language group. Helena Dougherty’s group
came out victorious for German and her group’s idea was earrings that were also earphones.
Emily Curtis’ group
was a runner-up in
the French section.
Everyone thoroughly
enjoyed themselves,
because our activities
interesting but fun.
(Coco Bradley 8A and
Georgia Scott 8N)
The Spelling Bee Competition
The Spelling Bee is a competition that you need to translate from English to the language you
are doing, pronounce it and spell it correctly in one minute. The Spelling Bee we did was in
German. First the whole class was given a sheet of 50 words to learn and spell in one minute
and the quickest two went on to learn more words. Then you competed with the top two of the
other form and the top two out of all four of you went through to go to the Regional Finals. To
get to the Regional Finals you had to learn another 50 words.
At the Regional Finals we competed with schools of our region doing the same language. We
were both really nervous as we didn’t know how fast the others were. In the end we battled for
places which were 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th and those people went on to the National Finals. Both
of us got through and we were very pleased about that. The National Finals were exciting and
we didn’t know what to expect as we had worked hard to learn another sheet of words. We
were nervous and there were 34 people competing. The minute went quickly, but we were
pleased with the amount of words. In the end, neither of us won a prize of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th,
but it was a great experience and it increased our German vocabulary as we learnt 200
German words.
(Sarah Bailey & Bethany Rojas-Hindmarsh 7E)
Our Year 7 pupils have been working on entries for the annual “Spirited Arts” competition over
the past few weeks. This is a national competition run by the National Association of Teachers
of Religious Education. There are five themes to choose from – Stories that change lives,
Faith or doubt? Front Page: The RE book, Where is God? Questions: big, bigger, biggest.
Pupils are asked to create a piece of work about one of the categories using drawing, painting,
art, video, sculpture or other media. There are 30+ prizes and web uploads for winners and
commended entries.
The favourite category by far was the theme ‘Where is God?’ We have had a wonderful
collection of inspirational art work, as well as thought provoking and mature explanations of the
creations. The Religious Studies teachers have selected many highly commended pieces and
ten have been selected to go forward to the national competition.
Well done to all Year 7 pupils who have amazed us with your thoughtfulness and creativity.
(Mrs D Owen, Mrs J Hall and Mrs H Timperley)
Huge congratulations to all the Year 11 and 12 Product Design students. Some excellent GCSE
and AS Level
projects, well
(Miss E Lanham)
GCSE Projects
1. Hannah Collings
2. Georgia Gregory
3. Molly Evans
4. Lydia Burke
5. Alexandria Brown
6. Olivia Bourne
7. Adelice Ashworth
8. Claire Baines
9. Rowan Sutton
GCSE Projects
10. Anna Mitchell
11. Alice Cunningham
12. Kiera Reavill
13. Georgia Wright
14. Lucy Ramsdale
15. Sophie Lewis-Evans
AS Projects
1. Octavia Clark
2. Jing Liang
3. Beth Bates
4. Chloe Brewer
5. Millie Bateman
6. Emma Birrane
Gurkha Welfare Trust Earthquake Response Fund
We have been fundraising for the Gurkha Welfare Trust Earthquake
Response Fund. Funds from a non-uniform day were donated to the fund
and my friend Laura and I have been organising a raffle. My father who
works with a Gurkha regiment, came in and talked about the earthquake in
an assembly. He explained a bit about the regiment and brought a team of
soldiers to demonstrate the Kukri dance. He also brought a soldier who
was on Everest as the earthquake struck; there was a special expedition
this year to celebrate the 200 year anniversary of
Gurkha service to the British Crown.
Many Salisbury businesses have kindly donated
prizes; Well Natural, Bill's, Nando's, Blinkers Hair
Salon, McDonalds, The York Roast Co.,
Waterstones and WH Smiths. With asking the
teachers, our form (7B) and from fundraising
buckets at the music open house, we have
raised £135 in total.
(Katie Beaumont 7B)
Our Charities
It is coming to the end of my first year as Charity Coordinator and I am delighted with the
efforts that tutor groups and some individuals have put into raising money for the school
charities and other charities close to their hearts. I am grateful for the help the charity prefects
have given me this year and look forward to involving them even more next year when I
continue this role.
Back in September the girls all voted for the three charities they wanted to support - Lucy’s
Days Out, Teenage Cancer Trust and Water Aid. Each tutor group has organised an event to
raise money for these charities and other events such as non-school uniform days, the SWGS
Staff Recipe book and the Hog Roast and Quiz night have also contributed to the final amount
we can pass on to the charities.
Tutor groups have held cake sales (lots of them!), Christmas fairs, Easter egg events, summer
picnics and Valentine’s Day raffle to name but a few. The tutor groups that raised the most this
year are:
9B - £355.26 with a summer fair and raffle
9A - £276.25 with an Easter fair
8E - £224.09 with a Round the World fair
These amounts are fantastic, so thank you not only to the tutor groups and their charity reps,
but also to all who spent their money! I had a total in mind at the beginning of the year that I
would have liked to be able to hand over to the three charities - £1600 each which would have
exceeded the previous year’s amount. I am, however, amazed and delighted to be able to
hand over more than £2000 to each charity! Thank you to all the girls at SWGS on behalf of
myself and Lucy’s Days Out, Teenage Cancer Trust and Water Aid for this fantastic
(Mrs J Hole)
Run A Mile for Cancer Research UK
It was a glorious day and the majority of girls entered into the spirit of the South Wilts version of
‘Race for Life’. A minimum donation of £1 was asked for, but some Year 7 students arranged
extra sponsorship with some individuals donating over £20 each - thank you. Each year group
completed four laps of the track in a variety of ways - running, walking, skipping and hopping
with the occasional cartwheel added! As you will see in the photos, the girls were invited to
accessorise their PE kit with pink items, so there was an array of tutus, sunglasses, hairbands
and shorts in different shades of pink which added to the fun atmosphere.
The canteen also made a number of edible
pink creations and donated over £43 from
their sales. The total amount raised for
Cancer Research UK was a fantastic
£543.23. Thank you to everyone who
contributed and to the staff that ran too.
(Mrs J Hole)
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Salisbury District Athletics Team
Several girls qualified for the County athletics which was held on Saturday 13 June. Below are
the results. Congratulations to Skye Allen, Abigail Burn, Megan Siddle, Alice Smith and
Louise Webb who qualified.
Minor Girls Results
Minor Girls 100m
Minor Girls 800m
Minor Girls 1500m
Minor Girls High Jump
Minor Girls Shot
Molly Hole
Sasha Moore
Lottie Holman
Lucy Jane-Matthews
Molly Hole
1st place
3rd place
8th place
1st place
1st place
Junior Girl’s Results
Junior Girls 100m
Junior Girls 200m
Junior Girls 800m
Junior Girls 1500m
Junior Girls High Jump
Junior Girls Long Jump
Junior Girls Shot
Junior Girls Discus
Junior Girls Javelin
Skye Allen
Maya Empson
Abigail Burn
Louise Webb
Abigail Burn
Sedona Jamieson
Helena Dougherty
Skye Allen
2nd place
4th place
1st place
2nd place
1st place
6th place
8th place
5th place
Jess Allen
Abigail Robertson
Trinity Ludford-Trigwell
2nd place
6th place
4th place
SPORT cont.
Inter Girls results
Intermediate Girls 200m
Intermediate Girls Long jump
Intermediate Girls Shot
Meg Siddle
Katie Franklin
Phoebe Wing
2nd place
9th Place
3rd place
Senior Girls
Alice Smith 400m 1st place.
South West Regionals athletics
Congratulations to Skye Allen, Abigail Burn, Megan Siddle, Alice Smith and Louise Webb, who
competed on Saturday at Exeter for the South West regionals.
Abigail Burn came 6th in the 1500m with 4.56. Skye Allen came 4 th in 100m with 13.06, Louise
Webb came 11th with 2.33 in the 800m, Alice Smith 4th in 400m with 62.7s, Megan Siddle came
4th in her heat but did not qualify.
Super 8’s Athletics
Congratulations to both our Year 7 and 8 teams who took part in the Super 8 Athletics. This is
always a difficult competition as the girls have to enter a track and a field plus a relay event,
therefore they have to be strong over several areas. Both teams won overall – well done!
The teams were:
Year 8: Jessica Allen, Abigail Burn, Helena Dougherty, Maya Empson, Molly Martin, Fiona
Murphy, Daisy Ullyatt and Louise Webb.
Year 7: Anya Dawson, Sophie Dennis, Olivia Evans, Isabella Fuller, Molly Hole, Charlotte
Holman, Sacha Moore and Alice Rattue.
The Year 7 team went on to represent Salisbury and district at the school games on 8 July at
Marlborough College.
Individual success
Congratulations to Molly Hole who won three Gold medals
at the Wiltshire Track and Field Championships at Tidworth.
She won the U13 Girls 100m, the shot and the javelin,
breaking the County record three times in the process. Her
best distance was her personal best of 28m 06cm.
She will be going on to the South West Championships in
Exeter in July.
SPORT cont.
Congratulations to Lucy-Jane Matthews who won the
Wiltshire Athletics Award 2015 for Young Female Athlete
of the Year. An excellent season at Southampton
Athletics Club has seen Lucy excel in many events. Lucy
is currently ranked 1st in the UK for U13 60m Hurdles, 1st
in Long Jump with a PB of 5.15m, 3rd in High Jump with
Overall Lucy is ranked number one in the UK for U13
Congratulations to the Year 10 Rounders team who beat Trafalgar A and B, St Edmund’s and
narrowly lost by ½ rounder to Godolphin to go through to the School Games on 8 July. Some
excellent batting from Grace Bairstow and Bea Young and equally good fielding from Ellie
Russell, gave the girls their place in the next round.
Team: Claudia Bailey, Grace Bairstow,
Georgie Cox, Katy Cutler, Molly
Morrison, Abigail Robertson, Ellie
Russell (c), Emily Wall and Bea Young.
Outdoor ‘Chance to Shine’ Cricket Tournament
U15 Cricket
Congratulations to the U15 squad for a nail-biting finale to the County Cricket tournament in
Trowbridge! In the rounds SWGS played Lavington School and won comfortably 68 runs to
23. Their second match was against Corsham School who fielded five players who all
represented Wiltshire so we knew the match would be a tough one. SWGS did not play as
well as they could so were surprised that the score was as close as it was - 52 runs to 55. To
go on to the 1st/2nd place play-off SWGS needed to beat Sheldon in their last match. A
number of 4s and 6s were hit giving a total of 74 runs to 42 SWGS win. SWGS had to play
Corsham again in the final and what a match! SWGS played with more confidence and
decision making was better (no suicide runs!) so much so, that the result at the end was 61
runs each, 5 wickets each! A draw! The cruel but exciting part came next… to decide the
winner it had to be a Bowl Off! Five bowlers from each team took it in turns to bowl at the
wicket. Captain Ellie Russell elected to go last so that she would be under pressure the most,
rather than a team mate which was commendable. Corsham hit a wicket with their 2nd ball so
SWGS needed one to even it out. Despite the bowls being accurate the distance wasn’t
judged quite right so the ball kept on bouncing over the middle stump rather than hitting it.
Unfortunately Corsham’s one hit was enough for them to win but a massive well done to all
SPORT cont.
players who supported and encouraged each other throughout the day and were gracious in
defeat, despite being very disappointed to miss out on going through to Regionals by one
Well done to Grace Bairstow, Katy Cutler, Sibella Egerton, Emily Fox, Anya Mawdsley, Molly
Morrison, Morvah Murley, Ellie Russell and Siena Waller.
The U13 team also had a very successful tournament. In their first game settling in quickly to
win 82 runs to 72. For the second game against Corsham the girls really got into their stride,
supporting each other and working as a team when fielding. They won 86 -51. Their last
round game, the team slightly lost focus narrowly being beaten by Clarendon Academy 54-52.
The morning’s play however, secured them a place in the final against John Bentley. After a
very close game the U13 came runners up 65-53. Congratulations to the team who have
masses of potential as they go through to Year 8: Grace Burton, Hannah Cordingly, Molly Hole
(C), Abigail Howard, Lucy Matthews, Alice Rattue, Millie Wharmby and Charley Wilson.
SPORT cont.
Tennis round up Summer 2015
U12 and 13 Tennis School Games
Congratulations to the Year 7 and 8 Tennis teams who competed in the Salisbury Tennis
Tournament held here at South Wilts. Both teams won and went on to play each other in the
final. Unfortunately, only one team from a school is able to go through, therefore our Year 8
team go through to represent Salisbury District in the School Games that take place at
Marlborough College on 8 July.
Year 7 Team: Sophie Butts, Alice Cutress, Sophie Dennis and Margaux Fauvel.
Year 8 Team: Emily Beard, Anna Gibson, Hannah Howgrave Graham and Delilah Sturgiss.
We have entered four teams into the Aegon Schools Team Tennis competition this year, one
team into the senior National Aberdere Cup competition, two teams into the Year 7 and 8
Salisbury and District Team Tennis Tournament and also played two further friendly matches
against Godolphin.
The seniors beat Bryanston convincingly in the first round of the Aberdere Cup, but
unfortunately then drew Talbot Heath in the 2nd round. Talbot Heath have national players in
their team and as they are a Tennis Academy they train for 25+ hours a week. As such, our
team did really well to make the match a contest with two sets going to a tie-break and Emily
Bearne beating her opposite number.
In the Year 9 and 10 team, the only loss has been vs Godolphin, with 36 singles and doubles
matches played, Division 1 team beating Warminster, Dauntsey’s and St Augustine’s
convincingly and Division 2 beating St Edmund’s and Trafalger.
In the Year 7 and 8 team, again, 36 matches played with Division 1 beating all their opposition
– St Mary’s Calne, Godolphin and Dauntsey’s, and have therefore qualified for the knock-out
rounds in September. Division 2 beat both St Edmund’s and Trafalger 10-2 on rubbers.
Aegon Teams: Year 10 Div 1 – Claudia Bailey, Ellie Fitzgerald, Georgie Poyntz Wright and
Ellie Russell.
Year 10 Div 2 Team – Becky Beard and Hattie Legg, and rotating players - Grace Bairstow,
Steffi Baker, Lola Eveling, Katie Nicholls, Abigail Robertson and Harriet Wilde.
Year 8 Div 1 Team – Anastasia Bungey, Izzy Fuller, Molly Hole and Sedona Jamieson.
Year 8 Div 2 Team – Sophie Dennis, Emily Beard, Ana Gibson and Delilah Sturgiss.
Year 9 additional players vs Godolphin – Sarah Francis and Yasmin Warner.
SPORT cont.
Year 10 additional players vs Godolphin – Sasha Hornby, Jess Lloyd, Charley Nicholls, Rashi
Sharma and Alice Uloth.
In the friendly vs Godolphin we played 12 girls in U15 and U14 age groups. The girls played
three doubles matches each and South Wilts beat Godolphin 2-1, 2-1.
Year 9 additional players vs Godolphin – Sarah Francis and Yasmin Warner.
Year 10 additional players vs Godolphin – Sasha Hornby, Jess Lloyd, Charley Nicholls, Rashi
Sharma and Alice Uloth.
Overall a very successful season. The girls have been committed to training in school and at
Victoria Park with Trevor on Wednesdays and Mrs Glover and myself have been kindly assisted
by Clover Crosse, Diz Dickson and Ana O’Conner. Thank you to all!
(Miss F Weir)
Charity Run – Clover Crosse and Gaby Morse
Wheels 4 Life is a charity who provide bicycles to individuals and communities in developing
countries who benefit from the increased access to transport, whether it is getting to school, work
or the nearest hospital. The Rory Walworth Memorial Fund have supported the charity for nearly
six years now and the Big School Run is raising money on behalf of the Memorial Fund for
Wheels 4 Life.
The route totalled 340 miles which ex-BWS pupil and A level PE student Will Oldham, wanted to
complete, mainly running with some cycling, depending on a knee injury he had picked up in
training. Will said “So with the final 30 miles to go, we set off on Saturday from Devizes, picking
up friends and family en route, including Gaby and Clover who were with us for well over half of
the last day's miles. With my knee really struggling I relied so much on the support of the group
and the enthusiasm and energy they brought was unbelievable. They both comfortably
managed the miles and were an invaluable part of the group on the day and helped out with
fundraising leading up to the challenge too. A huge thank you to both of them, such character
will serve them well.”
SPORT cont.
Sports Presentation Assembly 2015
Over 250 girls received Progress and Dedication Certificates, Half Colours or Full Colours in a
wide range of sports due to their level of commitment at clubs and fixtures. The main prize
winners were:
Bea Young
Abigail Burn
Grace Bairstow
Ellie Russell
Millie Lewis
Badminton Player of the Year
Cross Country Runners of the Year
Rounder player of the Year
Footballers of the Year
Netballer of the Year
Caitlin Ware
Sarah Brown
Skye Allen
Trampolinist of the Year
Hockey Player of the Year
Athlete of the Year
Ellie Russell
Georgie Poyntz-Wright
Clover Crosse
Phoebe Wing
U16 Hockey Team
Cricketer of the Year
Tennis Players of the Year
Sports Coach of the Year
Sports Personality of the Year
Team of the Year
Congratulations to all the girls who have taken part in a sporting event this year. The standard
of sport continues to go from strength to strength and we look forward to the new academic
year doing just the same.
School Games
On Wednesday 8 July, the Year 9/10 Rounders
team, Year 8 Tennis team and Year 7 Athletics team
had qualified for the School Games finals, which
were held at Marlborough College.
The Year 9/10 Rounders team were fantastic and
some precise and confident fielding enabled them to
win their first game against a tough John Bentley
School, as we progressed through the pool, the
batting also improved. We saw some great catches from Claudia Bailey and good throwing
and catching between backstop and first base, which saw us get many students from the
opposition out. We found ourselves in the final against Hardenhuish. We won the coin toss
which meant we were able to choose fielding first. This was a solid performance, which the
girls showed excellent communication, decision making and fluency in their skills. We
managed to keep their score down to just 3 1/2 rounders. First batter to step up was Katy
Cutler who placed the ball beautifully to the offside, followed by her second hit. Hardenhuish
were a tough school who fielded brilliantly, and very deep which meant we had limited gaps to
place the ball. It came down to the last couple of minutes where we were drawing and a few
half rounders meant we were able to take first place winning 4 1/1 to 3 1/2. Well done on
bringing the trophy back to South Wilts after last year’s triumph.
SPORT cont.
Team: Claudia Bailey, Grace Bairstow, Katy Cutler, Georgie Cox, Molly Morrison, Abigail
Robertson, Ellie Russell (c), Emily Wall and Bea Young.
Year 7's had qualified for the athletics in the super 8's competition. This involved students
having to do one field, one track and a relay event. Some excellent individual performances
saw Molly Hole win the Javelin and 100m setting a new PB. The relay A team also won, giving
us big points on the score board. Many girls came close second or third in their events which
enabled us to bring home second place. Well done!
Team: Anya Dawson, Sophie Dennis, Olivia Evans, Isabella Fuller, Molly Hole, Molly Makin,
Sacha Moore and Alice Rattue.
The Year 8 Tennis team were triumphant in their wins and consistent in the whole tournament,
making it to the final comfortably. Some excellent rallies and match winning points saw them
bring home 1st place. Well done girls!
Tennis: Becky Beard, Ana Gibson, Hannah Howgrave-Graham and Delilah Sturgis.
SWGS v St Edmunds won 30-5
SWGS v Malmsbury Won 24-3
SWGS v Sheldon won 26-3
SWGS v Trafalgar won 18-7
Overall score was 98-16
Wessex Young Athletes League
Molly Hole reached her PB and broke new records on Sunday 12 July at the Wessex Young
Athletes League, held in Salisbury. She is now 1st in the UK with 9m 60cm in Shot and 6th in
Javelin with 30m 35cm.
SPORT cont.
After a two hour drive from 6:30am our equestrian team finally arrived
at Stonar School. The team was made up of Maddie Emmett, Isabella
Goulding, Alice Rattue, and myself. We had all had an early start and
started by collecting our numbers, and getting the ponies ready. We
warmed up for the dressage phase together. I think we were all quite
nervous about forgetting our tests and going wrong, but ended up with
amazing scores. Having the lowest score in dressage means the
higher you are placed. Maddie had got 33.5, Alice 35.75, Izzy with 22
and me with 29.
The next phase was showjumping,
and had quite a tight time limit. Once again, we all did
really well, and had four clear rounds with no time faults!
This had put us into the lead, and we were determined to
keep it that way! Finally, we had the cross country round,
and this was definitely the phase I was most worried about,
as it was a long course and saved the biggest jumps till
last. There was nothing to worry about though, as we had
all gone clear, and had no faults. This had meant that we
had won out of 20+ teams! As well as this, Izzy came 1st
individually with the best overall score, I came 5th, Maddie
came 18th and Alice came 19th. We were all so pleased,
as there were over 120 people competing! It was a great day, and we all came home with lots
of prizes, rosettes and a huge shield!
(Molly Martin 8B)
Report on NSEA Show Jumping and Jumping-with-Style (JwS) Qualifier
On Sunday 31 May SWGS was represented by four girls at the popular Southern NSEA
qualifier, kindly hosted by Godolphin School at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, near
Isobella Goulding was competing as an individual in the Mini 75cm SJ qualifier, where she
jumped an excellent double clear, but was unfortunately not quite quick enough for a placing.
We had a team of three in the 85cm JwS qualifier. Alice Rattue, competing in her first ever
JwS competition, had one stop at the spooky wall, but then rode strongly to complete an
otherwise excellent round. Georgie Poyntz-Wright jumped a super clear on Hercules, whilst
Bethany Puzio and Gunner rolled a pole, but scored well on style – with the team coming a
very commendable 5th in the end. The 85cm Show Jumping qualifier was the most hotly
contested class of the day, with over 100 individuals and
22 teams from all over the South. The SWGS quartet
were the sixth team to go, and all four girls jumped
fabulous fast double clears – leaving us with a long and
anxious wait whilst the class continued. However, no-one
could touch them and South Wilts was eventually declared
the run-away winners. Bethany and Gunner also came
6th individually, thanks to their particularly speedy round.
We are now looking forward to
Championships at Addington in October.
Congratulations to Esther Bersweden on passing Grade 8 Trumpet with merit and to Jessica
Richards on being invited to play in the National Preparatory Schools Orchestra.
Chamber Orchestra – Music for Youth Festival Review
Our journey to the final of the National Music for
Youth Festival commenced at 5.00am on
Thursday 9 July 2015. As you can imagine, the
three-hour journey to Birmingham was virtually
silent apart from the initial yawns of the ten-man
On arrival, we headed with our
instruments to the Birmingham Conservatoire,
taking in some lovely views of the canal through
the city centre due to getting slightly lost. After
being shown to our dressing rooms, we took a
group trip to buy some much-needed coffee. I
believe our group’s versatility was well
demonstrated by our ability to warm up in the
middle of a corridor, reading our music off the floor, surrounded by belly-dancing 10-year-olds
and an Irish folk group. Before long, we were waiting in the wings; it is these times when the
closeness of the group is evident and we feel honoured to be part of it.
The performance was treated with real professionalism and we communicated extremely well
as an ensemble. Before our feedback from the judges, we listened to a couple of other
performances. This ranged from a flute and piano arrangement of ‘The Simpsons’ theme tune
to a clarinet choir’s ‘Frozen’ medley. When it came to the time for feedback, the judges praised
our clear introduction and our professional tuning before commenting on our two pieces of
‘Andante Festivo’ by Jean Sibelius and ‘Sarabande’ by Camille Saint-Saëns. All our hard work
on the musicality of our performance definitely paid off, as they particularly enjoyed the
“musical maturity” of our playing and they were very complimentary about the violin solo in the
Having previously been unaware that there were to be any prizes awarded at this final, we
were pleasantly surprised to receive a ‘Certificate of Achievement for Performance Practice’.
We made the most of the day, buying
some well-deserved ice cream and going
to see the Birmingham Symphony Hall,
although coming from the high of the
performance meant that all of us walked
straight past Julian Lloyd-Webber who had
very kindly been holding the door for us! It
was a very successful day, and what a
brilliant way to send off our three leaving
Y13s – Tegan Eldridge, Rosie Howell and
Claire Prince. A big thank you must be
said to our coach, Mr Parsons, and Mrs
Sherburn for everything they did for us we hope we did you proud!
MUSIC cont.
Forthcoming Events for 2015-16:
Wednesday 18 Nov – 5.30pm – Winchester Cathedral - A Cappella sings Evensong
Tuesday 24 Nov – 7.00pm – Main Hall - School Concert
Tuesday 16 Dec – 7.30pm – Salisbury Cathedral - School Carol Service
Saturday 23 Jan – 7.30pm - St. Martin’s Concert – A Cappella and SWGS Chamber
Orchestra Concert
Tuesday 15 March – 7.00pm – Main Hall – School Concert
Thursday 14 April – 5.30pm – Salisbury Cathedral - A Cappella sings Evensong
Saturday 23 April – 7.30pm Salisbury Cathedral – Joint Choral Concert – BWS
Choir and SWGS Senior Choir
18 Oct 2016 – 5.30pm - Salisbury Cathedral - A Cappella sings Eucharist

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