Supercomputers help Researchers Calculate Mass Difference
Supercomputers help Researchers Calculate Mass Difference
NEWSLETTER 15 June / July 2015 PRACE Supercomputers help Researchers Calculate Mass Difference between Neutrons and Protons Inside This Issue: PRACE Supercomputers help Researchers 03 PRACE SHAPE Resources for 11 SMEs 05 4th PRACE Implementation Phase Project 07 PRACEdays15: HPC Brings Industry and Academia Together 10 PRACE PCP First Phase Completed 12 Click HERE to subscribe to the PRACE newsletter! Colophon Content Editors: Stelios Erotokritou Audrey Gerber Emma Hogan Anni Jakobsson Leon Kos Tiina Leiponen Mateja Maffi Marjolein Oorsprong Barbara Pavlakovič Karina Pesatova PRACE Supercomputers help Researchers Calculate Mass Difference between Neutrons and Protons 03 PRACE SHAPE Resources for 11 SMEs 05 4th PRACE Implementation Phase Project 08 PRACEdays15: HPC Brings Industry and Academia Together 09 © PRACE, 2015 The Intellectual Property Rights of any images used remain with their original owners / creators. PRACE has Completed the First Phase of Pre-Commercial Procurement "Whole-System Design for Energy Efficient HPC" 11 Design: PRACE @ the Sofia Science Festival 12 Robert Srebrnič, Graphic designer & illustrator PRACE @ PRIDE 2015 13 SUMMER OF HPC 2015 14 PRACE @ ISC15 16 PRACE Annual Report 2014 17 PRACE Women in HPC Magazine 2015 17 MEP Awards 2015 18 PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs) 19 Photo: © PRACE, 2015 The Intellectual Property Rights of any images used remain with their original owners / creators. Video: LEGAL NOTICE By the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). Neither PRACE nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in the present publication. PRACE is not responsible for the external web sites referred to in the present publication. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official PRACE view on the subject. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Cover image / shutterstock PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE Supercomputers help Researchers Calculate Mass Difference between Neutrons and Protons With the help of PRACE HPC resources, a team of physicists from France, Germany, and Hungary headed by Zoltán Fodor, a researcher from Wuppertal, has successfully calculated the tiny neutron-proton mass difference. The results of this research, published in the 27 March 2015 edition of Science, are considered a milestone by many physicists and confirm the theory of the strong interaction. The fact that the neutron is slightly more massive than the proton is what gives atomic nuclei the properties affecting the existence and stability of atoms – the foundation of our world. Eighty years after the discovery of the neutron, Zoltán Fodor’s team successfully calculated this tiny neutron-proton mass difference. The measured mass difference is only 0.14% of the average of the two masses. A slightly smaller or larger value would have led to a dramatically different universe. For example, a relative neutron-proton mass difference smaller than about one third of the observed 0.14% would cause hydrogen atoms to undergo inverse beta decay, leaving predominantly neutrons. A value slightly larger than 0.05% would have resulted in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), producing much more helium-4 and far less hydrogen than it did in our universe. As a result, stars would not have ignited in the way they did: no sun in our solar system would have meant no life on Earth. On the other hand, a value considerably larger than 0.14% would have resulted in a much faster beta decay for neutrons. This 3 would have led to far fewer neutrons at the end of the BBN epoch and would have made the burning of hydrogen in stars and the synthesis of heavy elements more difficult. The Standard Model of Particle Physics is a gauge theory with massless fermions. During the expansion of the early universe, the Higgs mechanism broke this symmetry down and elementary particles acquired masses proportional to their couplings to the Higgs field. As the universe continued to expand, a QCD (quantum chromo dynamics) transition took place, confining quarks and gluons into hadrons and giving those particles most of their mass. This same theory today is believed to be responsible for the tiny isospin splittings, which were the topic of investigation for Fodor’s team. To carry out the necessary calculations, the team developed a new class of simulation techniques combining the laws of quantum chromodynamics with those of quantum electrodynamics in order to precisely determine the effects of electromagnetic interactions. “Up to now, the most advanced simulations have included up, down, and strange quarks in the sea but neglected all electromagnetic and up-down mass difference effects. Such calculations have irreducible systematic uncertainties. This limits their accuracy to the percent level,” says Zoltán Fodor. “With the calculating power of JUQUEEN and FERMI that we were allocated by PRACE, we PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 were able to reduce these uncertainties significantly, yielding a complete description of the interactions of quarks at low energy, accurate below the per mil level. This is definitely a major step forward in my field. We have provided an indication of the extent to which the constants of nature must be fine-tuned to yield a universe that resembles ours.” Fodor added. According to Professor Kurt Binder, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) and member of the German Gauss Centre for Supercomputing, “Only using world-class computers, such as those available to the science community at Forschungszentrum Jülich, was it possible to achieve this milestone in computer simulation.” Computation time on JUQUEEN is allocated to users via the PRACE Calls for Proposals. The hours on JUQUEEN were complemented in the process by national resources provided by CNRS and GENCI in France, as well as GCS in Germany at the computing centres of Garching (LRZ) and Stuttgart (HLRS). “Forschungszentrum Jülich is supporting the work of excellent researchers in many areas of science with its supercomputers. Basic research such as elementary particle physics is an area where methods are forged, and the resulting tools are also welcomed by several other users,” says Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt, member of the Board of Directors at Jülich who has supported and encouraged these scientific activities for years. Fodor’s research team was made of physicists from France, Germany, and Hungary. Fodor is a researcher at University of Wuppertal, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, and Eötvös University. The results of Fodor’s research were recently published in Science (Journal reference: Science 347:14521455, 2015 – see This publication is considered a world-premiere in fundamental physics. Project details 4 • His project entitled “QCDpQED – QCD plus QED and the stability of matter” received 91 million core hours on JUQUEEN @ GCS@FZJ, Germany through the PRACE 6th Call for Proposals for Project Access Further work • • • Zoltán Fodor spoke at the DEISA PRACE Symposium (11-13 May 2009) on “QCD Breakthrough 2008” (See here: He received 63 million core hours on JUGENE @ GCS@FZJ, Germany via the PRACE Early Access Call for his project entitled “QCD Thermodynamics with 2+1+1 improved dynamical flavors”. He collaborated in the project entitled “FREEZEOUT - Heavy ion phenomenology from lattice simulations” led by Szabolcs Borsanyi of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany. That project received 18 million core hour on JUQUEEN @ GCS@FZJ, Germany and 73.2 million core hour on FERMI @ CINECA, Italy, under the 8th Call for Proposals for PRACE Project Access. Credits The quotes of Kurt Binder and Sebastian M. Schmidt in this article are republished from the article that appeared in supercomputing online on Thursday, 26 March 2015: latest/latest-stories/58513-juqueen-calculates-mass-difference-between-neutron-proton Some of the text in this article is republished from “Ab initio calculation of the neutron-proton mass difference” found at arXiv:1406.4088v2 [hep-lat] 7 Apr 2015. See PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE SHAPE Resources for 11 SMEs At the London 2012 Olympics, Sweden’s Fredrik Lööf and Max Salminen won the gold medal in the Star division using sails made by WB-Sails. Ingenieurbüro Tobias Loose Test the Parallellization Feasibility of Welding Analysis Tools After the success of the SHAPE Pilot Call in 2014, SHAPE became a permanent service of the PRACE Research Infrastructure.The second call for applications was launched in November 2014 and closed in January 2015. Eleven innovative projects from European SMEs got access to HPC resources. The awarded projects come from a diverse range of industrial domains: electromagnetics, aeronautics, agriculture, sailing and naval industry, renewable energies, welding and heat transfer, and steel casting optimisation. In this newsletter we will introduce six of the eleven awarded projects. 5 Ingenieurburo Tobias Loose ( home/) is a German engineering company specialized on simulations for welding and heat treatment. Welding simulations and heat treatment simulations aim on one hand to determine the final state of the assemblies after these manufacturing processes: distortion, residual stress, material properties and microstructure. On the other hand these simulations aim to optimize the processes. Loose provides consultings for industrial customers, training and software for customer applications. Moreover, Loose is involved in its own reseach projects concerning welding and heat treatment simulations. The SHAPE resources will be used for scaling out of LS_DYNA for welding simulations. The Finite Element Code LSDYNA provides good performance and permits parallelized computation using domain decomposition. The common method for welding is the implicit analysis. SHAPE project will test the feasibility of parallelized welding analysis with LS-DYNA and its performance. PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 Ocean Analytics Solutions - Open Ocean Ocean waves / shutterstock Ocean may be the answer of today’s challenges: energy (marine and fossile energy), food (fish and algues) and health (marine biology). Converting ocean waves, tides, currents, temperature, salinity and wind into electricity will be a vital part of the future energy mix. A French company, Open Ocean ( offers high-end services and products to the renewable marine energy sector. Open Ocean develops the meto-ocean analytics, the first on-demand meto-ocean study offer. It is an online support decision making tool for offshore project management and operations analyzing in details atmospheric and oceanic conditions in a simple and intuitive way. Open Ocean will use the awarded SHAPE resources for high performance processing chain. SHAPE will enable Open Ocean to produce an online support decision making tool for offshore project management and operations. This tool will meet the offshore project requirements thanks to HPC facilities. 6 Optimization of PRINCIPIA´s Codes PRINCIPIA ( is a French scientific engineering company that performs engineering studies and develops and industrialises addedvalue numerical software solutions for large industrial companies It´s core expertise focuses on simulation of complex physics phenomena such as structural mechanics, fluids dynamics, including hydrodynamics, and coupling such as fluid/structure. PRINCIPIA develops products that capitalises know-how and R&D results. These products are used internally to perform projects and also distributed with associated services such as training, support, expertise, maintenance and specific developments. PRINCIPIA uses its SHAPE allocation to port and optimise their DIODORE code on HPC infrastructure in order to improve the Deepline HPC product line which is under construction. DIODORE is a fluid mechanics software designed to solve a large number of problems in ocean engineering (offshore, marine applications etc). By parallelizing this product line generation, their users would take full advantage of the HPC resources and save time in these studies. PRINCIPIA relies on access to PRACE machines, but also on PRACE experts associated to the project for optimisation and parallelisation. Depending on the time remaining, they will apply the same methodology to another code as well. Code Porting to Intel Phi by Hybrid Strategy for Optimad Optimad Engineering, ( an Italian engineering and software company develops software for aerodynamic analysis, design and optimization. The project RAPHI (Rarefied Flow Simulations on Intel Phi) by Optimad in collaboration with INRIA was one of the project accepted in the SHAPE call. Optimad and INRIA will work together with HPC experts of the hosting computing center in order to port the Immersed Boundary/ BGK code to an Intel PHI based cluster using a hybrid parallelisation strategy. PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 Wind Turbines without Blades by Vortex Bladeless SL, Spain Vortex Bladeless SL ( will use the awarded resources to develop and design a wind turbine without blades. The technology is a technological leap forward and a revolution in wind energy. A more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to produce wind energy without blades in the wind farms. Wind turbines without blades by Vortex Bladeless SL Optimising Sailboat Performance for the next Olympics Yacht Racing / shutterstock WB-Sails Ltd Oy, is a small Finnish sails manufacturer company ( They have developed the first sail design software already in the 70´s. In the SHAPE project they will perform CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations of sails and sailboat performance. The development project of the company is linked to the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2016. The aim is to optimize sails and sailboat performance for Rio. Several projects will be using open source software or commercial HPC applications with the involvement of the software vendors. They will receive support and expertise via PRACE Preparatory Access Type C to port, develop, and optimise their codes through the PRACE-4IP project, which is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (20142020) under grant agreement 653838. About SHAPE SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) is a pan-European programme supported by PRACE. For more information, see www.prace-ri. eu/shape 7 PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 4th PRACE Implementation Phase Project Members of the 4th PRACE Implementation Project together on the steps of the VŠB-Technical University in Ostrava, Czech Republic at the occasion of the PRACE-4IP Kick-Off Meeting On 1 February 2015 the PRACE-4IP project started. The kick-off meeting open for project participants was held in the picturesque Ostrava, Czech Republic. The meeting was organised on the campus of the VŠB-Technical University on 28-29 April 2015. PRACE aisbl and its Members collaborate in the PRACE-4IP project, a 27 month project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project is coordinated by Forschungzentrum Jülich (JUELICH) on behalf of PRACE aisbl. PRACE-4IP is designed to build on and seamlessly continue the successes of PRACE and start new innovative and collaborative activities that fit with the main objectives of the PRACE-4IP project: • • Assisting the transition to PRACE 2 Strengthening the internationally recognised PRACE brand Preparing strategies and best practices towards exascale computing Coordinating and enhancing the operation of the multi-tier HPC systems and services Supporting and educating users to exploit massively parallel systems and novel architectures • • • 8 The successful and well-organized meeting was hosted by the local PRACE partner, IT4Innovations. The two-day meeting provided an excellent opportunity for all the PRACE-4IP partners to meet and discuss planned activities and first steps in the seven different work packages. An enjoyable social event took place in the Ostrava Planetarium on 28 April. This offered an excellent opportunity for partners to get to know one another and conduct informal discussions. Participants also enjoyed time to stroll the streets of scenic Ostrava, the third largest city in the Czech Republic, in the northeast of the country that forms the heart of the Moravian-Silesian region. More information about PRACE-4IP: PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACEdays15: HPC brings Industry and Academia Together Participants at PRACEdays15 listen to high-level keynote speeches PRACEdays15, which ran from 26 to 28 May in Dublin, Ireland, marked another successful edition of the annual PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference. The Irish Centre for High End Computing hosted the conference and satellite events locally and, with this year’s theme being “Enable Science Foster Industry”, attracted close to 200 experts from academia and industry. The two satellite events focussing on Women in HPC and Exascale European projects proved to be very popular on 25 and 26 May and the EESI2 Project held its final conference on 28 and 29 May to round off the week. The PRACE User Forum invited all participants to an Open Session on Wednesday afternoon. Highlights of the week included the keynote sessions given by well-known academic and industrial researchers from Europe and Asia, including the keynote speech by Masahiro Seki, President of 9 the Research Organisation for Information Science and Technology (RIST), Japan. The European Commission added their vision to the programme with a presentation entitled “Implementing the European Strategy on High Performance Computing”. There were six heavily subscribed parallel streams across various scientific and industrial themes, which proved very successful. The final panel discussion on 28 May entitled “Science and Industry: Partners for Innovation”, was moderated by Tom Wilkie of Scientific Computing World and brought together high level representatives from the European Commission, industry and academia. The full programme can be found www. Finally, the PRACEdays15 Award for Best Poster was presented to Panchatcharam Mariappan for his poster entitled GPU accelerated finite element method for radio frequency ablated cancer treatment. All posters can be found www.prace-ri. eu/pracedays15-posters and presentations www. PRACEdays16 will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 10 to 12 May 2016. More information will be published on: PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 Panchatcharam Mariappan of NUMA Engineering Services Ltd., Ireland won the PRACEdays15 Best Poster Award. Delegates at PRACEdays15 gather at the Avia Stadium in Dublin, Ireland. The PRACEdays15 conference bag The final panel session at PRACEdays15 provided interesting insights into HPC in Europe and beyond. 10 PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE has completed the First Phase of Pre-Commercial Procurement "Whole-System Design for Energy Efficient HPC" On 9 March 2015 PRACE completed Phase I of its Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP). This PCP, the first one in the field of HPC in Europe, is a multi-country and multi-partner joint effort, implemented by a consortium composed of several partners of PRACE (CINECA (Italy) as Procuring Entity with CSC (Finland), EPCC (UK), Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany) and GENCI (France)). PRACE aisbl is involved as an advisory body in a PCP pilot executed in the context of PRACE’s 3rd Implementation Project (PRACE-3IP) supported by the European Commission. The process of this PCP is organised in two stages: 1. Tendering stage aimed to assess the eligibility of the bidders and their offers. Four bidders have signed the Framework Contract and Phase I Contract: • • • • BULL SAS ( E4 Computer Engineering SpA ( MEGWARE Computer Vertrieb Services GmbH ( Maxeler Technologies Limited ( 11 2. In the Execution stage the selected companies are performing the R&D services described in their offers. Execution stage consists of three phases: • • • Phase I was sucsesfully completed on 9 March 2015, when the selected companies explored the various possible solutions Phase II is in progress at the moment during which prototypes for the three most promising solutions will be built. Phase III is expected to start in 10 months during which pre-commercial small scale product will be developed. More info about the PCP can be found in the material of the workshop organised by PRACE on the usage of Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) in HPC (see: PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE at the Sofia Science Festival PRACE volunteers at the PRACE booth PRACE presented a lively, entertaining and informative booth at the Sofia Science Festival, Bulgaria, 14-17 May. The festival is an annual event, created by the British Council and Forum Democrit under patronage of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. This year, PRACE, represented by the Bulgarian National Centre for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA-BG) presented supercomputing and supercomputers to an audience of over 1000, including 250 attendees to a prime-time lecture entitled “Supercomputers – from Nobel Prizes to High-Speed Trains”. 12 The PRACE booth proved one of the most popular of the 30 booths spread among 13 pavilions in Zaimov Park. Guests at the PRACE booth played the PRACE “Shooting Stars” and “Parallel Racing” games, which illustrate some of the benefits and applications of Supercomputers through engaging gameplay. In addition to the games, PRACE videos, posters and printed material were displayed and guests had the opportunity to discuss science, computing and supercomputing with PRACE staff. The event was a great success, reaching over one thousand young people, informing them of the benefits of HPC and encouraging them on the path to becoming the next generation of HPC users. PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE @ PRIDE 2015 PRIDE 2015 is part of the 38th International Convention MIPRO 2015 PRIDE 2015 (Project Information and Dissemination Event 2015) was held in Croatia as a part of the 38th International Convention MIPRO 2015 during the week of 25 to 29 May 2015. MIPRO is a big international convention (more than 1000 participants from 30 – 40 countries) dedicated to information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics. More than 370 papers from Participants at MIPRO 2015. 13 38 countries were presented at 10 conferences. At PRIDE 2015 PRACE presented its activities within a booth among other research infrastructures and projects. More on PRIDE 2015: Visitors browse publications ate the PRACE booth at PRIDE 2015. PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 A traditional PRACE’s outreach programme Summer of HPC (SoHPC) is currently hosting twenty undergraduate and graduate students at one of the ten HPC centres throughout Europe. Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at HPC centres across Europe. Students are spending two months (July and August) working on projects related to PRACE scientific or industrial work and ideally produce a visualisation or video of their results. This year’s projects aim to enable 3D visualisations for medical purposes, to design the users own Supercomputer cluster, to help exploring Mars surface, to create an interactive visualisation application for the weather and climate regime, which are influenced by many physical parameters and much more. More about the projects can be found at Students participating in the PRACE Summer of HPC 14 SoHPC 2015 started with a Training week in Barcelona at Barcelona Supercomputing Center at the end of June 2015. All participants gathered together to get better acquainted with HPC, programming, visualization and social media usage. After the exciting and inspiring first week by the Mediterranean Sea, students were appointed to the hosting sites where they will enjoy the rest of the summer while working on their HPC projects with their mentors. Nevertheless, the summer placements are not all about work and scientific PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 Students participating in the 2014 edition of the PRACE Summer of HPC advancement, they are also an excellent opportunity to explore another county and learn about new culture. All this experience combined together is a guarantee for a great summer. At the end of the programme, two best participants will be awarded for their contribution at the Awards Ceremony on 1 October 2015 with the award for Best Visualisation and be named HPC Ambassador. The progress, the projects results and the personal experiences of the participating students will be published at the SoHPC site and you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook. SoHPC 2015 quick facts: • • • • • 77 applicants from 19 countries including EU countries, India, Russian Federation, Serbia, Taiwan (Province of China) and Turkey. Most applicants come from Italy (12), Ireland (9) and Turkey (9). 20 selected participants. 2 months of summer placement at hosting HPC centres: BSC Spain, CaSToRC Cyprus, CINECA (SCAI) Italy, EPCC UK, ICHEC Ireland, IT4I Czech Republic, Juelich Germany, NIIFI Hungary, UL and FIS Slovenia. 1 training week in BSC Barcelona, 29 June – 3 July 2015. 15 The Award Ceremony for the 2014 edition of the PRACE Summer of HPC was held in at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE @ ISC15 PRACE booth at ISC14 in Leipzig, Germany This year’s winning paper is: Lattice-CSC: Optimizing & Building an Efficient Supercomputer for Lattice-QCD & to Achieve First Place in Green500 by David Rohr, University of Frankfurt. PRACE is pleased to announce that we are going to be present at the International Supercomputing Conference in Frankfurt, Germany 12-16 July 2015. Please visit us at booth #1201 and find out about: • • • the future of the PRACE Project and Preparatory Acces, Industrial Access and SME HPC Adoption Programme (SHAPE), PRACE Training and Women in HPC during our mini presentations. Visitors are invited to enjoy a cocktail reception, test their skills in a Tatra car race video game based on HPC simulations, and win valuable prizes in the traditional PRACE Treasure Hunt. PRACE ISC Award PRACE will award a prize to the best paper submitted to the ISC Research Paper Sessions. The Award will be presented by Kenneth Ruud (University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway) during the Opening Session of the Conference. The winner will receive sponsorship for participation in a training event or a conference relevant to petascale computing, and will have the opportunity to present a keynote talk on their work during the Research Papers Sessions. 16 Opening Session Gauss Award & PRACE ISC Award: 09:15 - 09:25 Research Papers 01 - Award Session PRACE ISC Award Ceremony: 13:50 - 13:55 PRACE ISC Award Winning Paper: 13:55 - 14:25 Other Highlights • • • • • • Keynote by the Chair of the PRACE Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC) - Jürgen Kohler Monday 13 July, 10:30-11:30, Panorama 2+3 Session talk by the Chair of the PRACE Board of Directors - Sergi Girona Monday 13 July, 16:24, Panorama 3 BoF on Women in HPC An industry focused session featuring women’s contribution to HPC industry activities such as SHAPE and ETP4HPC Tuesday 14 July, 11:15-12:15, Booth #210 BoF on “Motivating, Engaging & Educating the Young into the HPC World” Wednesday July 15, 11:15-12:15, Booth #210 Half-day Workshop on PRACE Training Thursday 16 July, 9:00-13:00, Marriott Hotel Half-day Workshop on Women in HPC Thursday 16 July, 14:00-18:00, Marriott Hotel PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE Annual Report 2014 The cover of the PRACE Annual Report The PRACE Annual Report 2014 is already the third issue of a series that is promising to become a yearly highlight in the work of the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe. With more pages, more success stories, more articles and more highlights, this report sets the standard for the years to come. While the report looks back on the past year as a successful one for PRACE as well as for HPC-driven science and industry in Europe, you will notice that some articles already carefully look forward to developments that we will be in the middle of when this report is published. To download and / or read the PRACE Annual Report 2014, go here: If you want to order printed copies, please go here to make your request. 17 PRACE Women in HPC Magazine 2015 PRACE Women in HPC Magazine 2015 PRACE, in collaboration with the Women in HPC initiative, is embracing a year celebrating the contribution women make to HPC and computational science. This magazine puts the spotlight not just on the scientific advances made by PRACE, but also on the women that contribute to make PRACE a world-leading force in HPC-enabled science and in the move towards Exa-scale computing. This publication is a pre-taste of what PRACE will publish in the next edition of the PRACE Digest which will be published in November 2015. To download and / or read the PRACE Women in HPC Magazine, go here: If you want to order printed copies, please go here to make your request. PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 MEP Awards 2015 MEP Awards 2015 Each year, The Parliament Magazine presents Awards to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who have made special efforts or achieved outstanding results in their portfolio(s). PRACE sponsors the Award for ICT, as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are critical to improving the competitiveness of EU industry and meeting the changing demands of its society and economy. This award recognises an MEP’s tireless work in modernising public services and advancing science and technology. 2015 was the first year the MEP Award for ICT was included, and Anwar Osseyran, Vice-Chair of the PRACE Council presented the award to Paul Rübig from Austria, at the Award Ceremony on 18 March at the Concert Noble in Brussels. © Jean Yves Limet Paul Rübig - EPP, Austria /meps/en/2278/PAUL_ RUBIG_home.html © Paul Rübig The Ceremony was moderated by Vivian Reding, MEP and former European Commissioner for Information Society and Media ( Paul Rübig has been an MEP since 1996 and has worked extensively on the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market, as well as on reducing roaming charges in the EU. He is also chair of parliament’s science and technology options assessment panel, which carries out independent assessments of the impact of new technologies. See all winners here: PRACE will sponsor again the MEP Award for ICT in 2016, stay tuned! 18 PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs) Impression of a PATC course Short overview since establishment in March 2012 Key output from the six PATCs until January 2015 Duration The mission of the PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs) is to serve as European hubs of advanced high-quality training for researchers working in the computational sciences. Six PATCs have been operational since early 2012: BSC (Spain), CINECA (Italy), CSC (Finland), EPCC (UK), GCS (Germany) and Maison de la Simulation (France). Each PATC is responsible for the implementation of a programme of events aimed to meet the training needs of the research community (including industry) and to foster HPC skills in general. Since their establishment in March 2012, the key function of the PATCs is to devise and to implement a jointly developed curriculum on an annual basis per academic year. The table below summarises the key output from the six PATCs until January 2015. Mar’12 - Jul’12 Aug’12 - Jul’13 Aug’13 - Jul’14 Aug’14 - Jan’15 Number of courses 19 71 81 26 Total duration (days) 56 204 233 74 Number of participants 511 1,547 1,682 604 Female (%) - 12.9% 14.4% 12.7% Nonacademic (%) - 9.9% 12.3% 13.1% Non-host country (%) - 20.6% 25.4% 36.1% Non-PATC country (%) - 13.8% 17.7% 28.1% Feedback response rate (%) - 63% 64% (in progress) Average overall rating (0 – waste of time; 10 - excellent) - 8.5 8.4 (in progress) 19 PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 PATC Curriculum 2015-16 The PATCs have outlined a 2015-16 joint curriculum that builds on previous successes with evolutionary adjustments to address the recommendations from the PRACE BoD. The 73 courses (200 days of training) cover a wide range of topics that caters for participants from academia and industry with particular emphasis on some of the more advanced topics. The activities of the PATCs have already been shown to be a resounding success and its continuation remains to be an extremely valuable asset in the European HPC ecosystem. Trainees at a PATC course Closer look at the machine 20 PRACE NEWSLETTER 15 Forthcoming PRACE PATC Training Events The following list shows forthcoming PATC Training Events. Stay tuned for further information,the list is continuously updated on the PRACE Events website: Forthcoming PRACE PATC Training Events Date PATC Event Name September 2015 17 Sep - 18 Sep Advanced Fortran Topics @ LRZ 22 Sep - 24 Sep Introduction to Fortran Programming @ CSC 23 Sep - 25 Sep Industrial Workshop on COMSOL and OpenFOAM @ KTH 28 Sep - 02 Oct Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP and Advanced Parallel Programming @ HLRS 28 Sep - 02 Oct Parallel Programming Workshop (Train the Trainer Program) @ HLRS October 2015 20 Oct - 22 Oct Introduction to Parallel Programming @ CSC December 2015 01 Dec - 03 Dec Introduction to Accelerators @ CSC 10 Dec - 11 Dec Node-Level Performance Engineering @ LRZ April 2016 04 Apr - 07 Apr 21 Advanced Topics in High Performance Computing @ LRZ
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