
No 9, Victoria Nagar Extension, Pondicherry-5
We wish all our friends a Happy New Year 2016! Let the New Year bring them all
prosperity, happiness and peace during 2016!
We have given below Rasi Palan 2016 for all the 12 Rasis from Mesham to Meenam.
Friends may read them and be guided astrologically.
016 will be good for financial soundness for Mesha rasi people. January to
September will be very sound but October to December will not be encouraging. Income
will increase during 2016. There will be good savings. Family will be in good position and
all members will extend support and helps throughout the year. Auspicious events like
marriage, seemantham etc are likely to take place and the whole family will be happy,
enjoying prosperity.
There will not be delay in efforts and every effort will bring success and it will give
happiness. Brothers and sisters will do well and give support and extend possible helps.
Writers, poets, and players will shine in their fields and bring name to their country.
People involved in small jobs and small business will thrive and enjoy prosperity and
gains. Mother will do well and extend financial helps. Students pursuing education will
be successful and achieve better results. Acquisition of property like house, vehicle and
plot is encouraging and will be profitable. Health will be sound throughout the year.
Children will do well except the period from January to March 2016. They will be
helpful to family. Social service activities will go smooth. Job seeking people and those
who are in jobs will find 2016 fruitful and favourable except from July to September
2016. There is good prospect for promotion, salary hike, desirable transfer etc on job
side. Problem of court matters, debt, inimical mischief etc will not cause worries.
Marriage efforts will be effective and successful during 1st half of the year.
Marital disharmony may arise between partners during 2nd half and so they should
develop adjustable attitude for better living. Likewise travels. Travel care is necessary
during 2nd half of the year. Abroad travels will be more successful during 2nd half.
Longevity is good. Father will progress and extend financial helps.
Profession/Business will be prosperous during 2016 and grow successfully. New ventures
will take place and gains will be good.
Months causing bright and happy results : March, and June 2016
Months causing results in an average level : February, April, May, August, October,
November, December 2016
Months causing mixed results: January, July and September 2016 l
RISHABAM: (Kiruthikai 2,3,4, Rohini, Mirugaseersham 1,2)
For Rishaba rasi people, more prosperity is indicated during 2016.
Family and finance will be very good. More savings and constructive
expenses will continue to take place. Auspicious events lime marriage,
seemantham etc are likely in the family resulting in happiness to the family.
Family environment will be peaceful.
No delay will be experienced in efforts, and efforts will bring success
easily. Brothers/sisters will be more helpful and be a strength to the rasi
people. Small business people and persons involved in small jobs will have
development and prosperity. Writers, Poets, actors, players will find 2016
Mother will do well and extend helps in an average level. Educational
prospects will be good and a little more hard work, if taken up, better
achievements are likely. Higher education scope is good. Health will be
good. Acquisition of assets, vehicles and plots etc are favourable and
Children will do well, prosper and be helpful to parents. Social service
activities will go smooth and bring relief. Prestige will be intact. Job
conditions and prosperity in job will be bright during 1st half and it may not
be encouraging during 2nd half. Debt, enemy and court matters may worry
during 2nd half. Change of job is not advised during 2nd half.
Marriage aspect is favourable in an average level and efforts may be
required. Worship of God Murugan on Tuesdays will be fruitful. Life partners
should adjust themselves to lead a peaceful life. Travel care is necessary
from April to June 2016. Travels abroad will be successful during 2nd half.
Longevity is good.
Father will do well and render financial helps throughout the year.
Pilgrimage and blessings of Sadhus will give happiness. Rasi people will
associate with good people and do charities. Visits to famous temples and
holy rivers will take place.
Profession/Business will be good in an average level during the year
and will cause more gains during 2nd half. Kula Deiva worship will cause
relief and success during 2016.
Months causing bright and happy results: February, March, May,
September, and December 2016
Months causing results in an average level : January, April, June, July,
October and November 2016.
Month causing mixed results: August 2016
MITHUNAM: (Mirugaseersham3,4; Thiruvathirai, Punarvasu1,2,3)
016 will be a good time for Mithuna Rasi people. Family and finance matters
will be good during the year. Flow of funds will be good and encouraging. They will
become influential and will be able to achieve things through influence.
Brothers and sisters will be helpful and they will prosper. There will not be any
delay in efforts and they will succeed in efforts. Persons doing small business and
involved in small jobs will find improvement and success in their career. Poets, writers,
actors, and players will prosper in their field.
Mother will do well and be supportive and will do financial helps. Educational
prospects are bright. Scope of higher education is bright. Educational success is intact.
Acquisition of property, land, plot, house and vehicle is bright and favourable.
Likewise children will do well during 1st half and be supportive to family. During
2nd half, they may cause worry and so they should be taken care and guided. Job matters
will be favourable during the year except the period from April to June. Promotion,
desirable transfer and change of better job is possible. No debt, no enemy or no
litigation problem will arise except during the period from April to June 2016. Even
existing court matters, if any, will solve favourably with prayers.
Marriage efforts during the period from April to June will be very successful but
mostly may require more efforts during the other nine months. Delay may continue to
appear in marriage matters but appropriate prayers to God will help to settle marriage.
Married partners should adjust and try to be cordial otherwise misunderstanding may
develop and disturb their peace. Travels may present problem except the period from
April to June 2016. Abroad travel will take place and cause gains except the period from
October to December 2016. Longevity is good.
Father will prosper in an average level and be helpful. Pilgrimage and Sadhu
dharsan will cause happiness. Luck will help Mithuna rasi people during 2016.
Profession/ Business will flourish in an average level. Existing business will go
smooth. There will be good gains during 2nd half. Friends and elder brothers will be
helpful during 2nd half.
Months causing bright and happy results: January, February, April, August, and
November 2016.
Months causing results in an average level : May, September, and October 2016.
Months causing mixed results: March, June, July, and December 2016 .
KATAKAM: (Punarvasu 4, Poosam, Aayilyam)
Kataka rasi people will have a smooth time during 2016. Financial and
family position will be good. Income will be good. There will be good savings.
Constructive expenses will take place and cause happiness to the family.
Family will prosper and flourish. Auspicious events, like marriage,
seemantham, gruhapravesam etc are likely and nice atmosphere will
Their prestige will be intact during 1st half of the year but may cause
some anxiety during 2nd half. Kula Deivam shall be worshipped. Their
social/public activity will continue to their satisfaction and give happiness to
them during 1st half of the year.
Brothers, sisters and relatives will do well during 2016 except from July
to September 2016 and however they will extend helps. Occasional worry
may be developed by them but will be solved. Mother will do well and
extend helps. She will enjoy good position in society. Education and scope of
higher studies will be bright. Like-wise acquisition of house, plot and vehicle
will be satisfactorily good during 1st half.
Children will prosper gradually. They may need guidance. Job
prospects will be good during April to June 2016. Patience and an
adjustment attitude during other months is advised in service place. Debt,
Enemy and litigation problems may also arise except the period from April to
June 2016.
Marriage prospect will be brighter during the year. Efforts relating to
marriage will be successful with the worship of Kula Deivam. Life partners
will be cordial and be happy. Travels will be successful and abroad travel will
bring success and gains. Longevity is good.
Father will do well in an average level. However he will extend helps.
Pilgrimage, blessings of great saints and religious activities will take place
successfully during the year.
Profession/Business prosperity will be good during 2nd half the year.
Gains will be appreciable and in plenty except during the period from
October to December 2016. New business ventures shall be taken up only
during 2nd half of the year. Business caution is necessary during 1st half.
Months causing bright and happy results: January, March, June, July,
September, October and December 2016.
Months causing results in an average level: April and August 2016.
Months causing mixed results: February, May, and November 2016.
SIMMAM: (Makam, Pooram, Uthiram 1)
2016 will be much better than 2015. There will be gradual improvement and
financial flow of funds. Family prosperity and Financial status will be good. Auspicious
events like marriage, seemantham etc will take place and the family will enjoy a joyful
situation. Income will increase and savings will take place. Expenses will be under
control and on the constructive side.
During the 2nd half, brothers and sisters will be helpful and in the 1st half
younger brothers or sisters may cause anxiety. Likewise efforts will bring success in the
first half rather than 2nd half. Small business doers and small job workers will find 2nd half
tough. They will do well during 1st half.
Mother will do well and extend helps in an average level. Educational prospects
are in an average level, so hard work should be taken up to make achievement in
studies. Students will meet with success but in an average measure. Likewise, scope for
acquisition of new house, plot, vehicle etc is average.
Children will progress well from April to June 2016. Other 9 months results will be
below average. They may present some anxiety to parents. They should be given
proper care and guidance. Kula Deiva worship should be given importance to avoid delay
in activities and to be blessed with peace. Social service activities may not be so good
except from April to June 2016. Those who do social work must be careful in dealing
with public matters.
Job prosperity is good during the year. Promotion in job, desired transfer, debt
relief will give happiness and enemical disturbance, litigation etc will not arise and will
not cause any problem. Some will find new lucrative job.
Marriage prospect is good in an average level. Efforts and prayers should be taken
up for marriage to materalise. Married partners will be happy. Travel abroad will be
successful. Travel will not present any problem. Longevity is good. Father will do well and
extend helps during 2nd half. Visit to holy places and dharsan of saintly persons will be
good during 2nd half.
Profession/Business will thrive and bring good gains throughout the year except
October to December 2016.
Months causing bright and happy results: February, May, June, August,
September, November and December 2016.
Months causing results in an average level : March, and July, 2016
Months causing mixed results: January, April, and October 2016
KANNI: (Uthiram 2,3,4, Hastham, Chithirai 1,2)
016 will be a pleasant year for Kanni Rasi people. They will be very active
during the year except the period from April to June 2016. Finance and family will
be better during 1st half of the year. Savings will build up and expenses will be
under control. But this position regarding family and finance will be different
during 2nd half.
Their efforts will bring success. Delayed matters may materialize. Elder
brothers and sisters will prosper and do all helps. Writers, poets, players, small
business doers and persons in small jobs will find 1st half of the year helpful and
Matters relating to health, comforts, education, acquisition of house, plot,
vehicle and mother will be average except from April to June 2016. April to June
2016 will be good for education, house and mother related matters. Higher
Educational success is assured. Higher Education will continue.
Children will do well and extend helps and be supportive to parents.
Prestige will be upheld. Social service activities will be appreciated by public and
will give peace to mind. Kula Deiva worship will add prosperity.
Job prospects will do good in an average measure. Promotion scope is
good. Transfer to desired place will be achieved. Debt, enemy, litigation problem
may not cause anxiety.
Marriage matters are favourable. Marriage will take place and cause
happiness. Life partners will be cordial and be helpful to each other. Travel gains
are indicated. Travels will be successful. Longevity is good during 2nd half. However
some sudden treatment is possible during 1st half. Abroad visit will be good during
2nd half.
Father will do well except during the period October to December 2016. He
will extend helps. Pilgrimage and dharsan of great saints will take place.
Profession/Business will grow successfully with good scope for new
ventures. There will be good gains.
Months causing bright and happy results: January, April, May, July, August,
October and November 2016
Months causing results in an average level: February, March, June,
September and December 2016
THULAM: (Chithirai 3,4, Swathi, Visakam 1,2,3)
Thula rasi people will enjoy prosperity during 2016. The financial position will be
good except from April to June 2016. Family will be good. Income and savings will be at
satisfactory level. Constructive expenses will take place.
Their words will be respected by public. Efforts will meet with success during the
period April to June 2016. Poets, writers, players, persons in small job and in small
business will be successful during April to June. Other 9 months will be mixed in results.
There may be some delay in activities. Brothers, and sisters may not be helpful.
Mother, education, house, vehicle related matters will be very much encouraging
and these aspects will flourish during 2016. Mother will do well and extend helps.
Educational success will be more marked. Results in examinations will be more
encouraging. Higher education will continue. Acquisition of house and new vehicle are
Children will do well throughout the year and do helps. Prestige will rise and
social service activities will bring name and fame.
Job prospects will be good at a satisfactory level. During 2nd half, marriage matters
will be bright and marriage will take place and cause happiness. Life partners will be
cordial and be mutually helpful. During 1st half, this aspect may not be so encouraging.
Travel care may be necessary during 1st half. . Travel abroad will be successful except
during the period July to September 2016. Longevity is good.
Father will do well throughout the year and do helps. He will enjoy more
prosperity and more happiness. Pilgrimage and dharsan of saints will cause happiness.
Profession/Business will be prosperous and cause growth and development.
There will be good gains
Months causing bright and happy results: April, July, September, and October
Months causing results in an average level: January, February, May, June, and
August, November and December 2016.
Month causing mixed results: March 2016
VIRUCHIKAM: ( Visakam 4, Anusham, Kettai)
Viruchika Rasi people will enjoy prosperity during 2016. Family will have a good
time ahead and auspicious events will take place during April to June 2016. But other
nine months will produce mixed results. There may be worry due to family members and
financial needs. Financial prudence must be exercised.
efforts/endeavours. Writers, poets, players, actors will prosper and rise up to fame.
Brothers and sisters will prosper and do helps. Small business doers and persons
involved in simple jobs will find improvement and rise to better position.
Educational prospect is good in an average measure. Students or persons facing
various examinations shall work hard, prepare well and face examinations to achieve
better results. Mother will do well and extend helps. House, Land, and vehicle matters
will be good in an average level. Comforts and prestige will be in a satisfactory level.
Children will prosper and do helps. Job position will be good during 2nd half.
Promotion, salary hike and desired change of place etc will materialize during 2nd half.
For some, new prospective job is possible. Likewise, debt, inimical or litigation problem,
if any, will solve to their favour during 2nd half.
Marriage aspect is favourable except the period from October to December 2016.
Married couple will have a congenial time. Travel will be fruitful. Abroad travel will be
favourable during 1st half. Longevity is good.
Father’s position will be very good and he will extend financial assistance.
Pilgrimage will cause happiness. Sadhu dharsan and his blessings will cause satisfaction
to soul and mind. Kula Deiva worship is necessary to enjoy better position.
Business/ Profession will be good and profitable during the year. Business will
grow and bring gains. Money dues will be realized. Friends will be helpful.
Month causing bright and happy results: August 2016
Months causing results in an average level: January, March, April, May, July,
September, October and November 2016.
Months causing mixed results: February, June and December 2016
DHANUSU: (Moolam, Pooradam, Uthiradam 1)
016 will be pleasant for Dhanusu rasi people especially in so far as finance is
concerned. Finance and family will be in good position. More income and good savings
will be the position during 2016. Family situation will cause more happiness. Auspicious
events like marriage, seemantham, gruhapravesham etc will take place in the family.
Members of the family will be enthusiastic and active.
Brothers/sisters will be helpful and do well in an average level. Efforts may not
give delayed results. It will be in normal level. Small business doers and persons involved
in small jobs will have their status quo maintained. Writers, players, actors will also
maintain their present status position.
Mother will prosper and do helps in an average but satisfactory level. She will be
able to extend some helps. Likewise House, Land, health and educational matters will be
very average but favourable. Health will be normal.
Children will do well and cause happiness during 2nd half and they may cause
anxiety during 1st half, and they may need guidance and care. Social service activities will
be good during 2nd half. Kula deiva worship is necessary during 1st half to avoid
unpleasant events.
Job related matters will be good. Expected promotion, job betterment, transfer
etc will be favourable with efforts and prayers. There may not be any problem due to
debt, enemy, or litigation.
Marriage will take place without delay. Delays faced so far in this respect will
vanish. Marriage related matter is very favourable during 2016. Married partners will
lead a happy life. Travels will bring success. Abroad travel will give normal results.
Longevity is good.
Father will do well and extend financial helps. Pilgrimage and blessings of great
saints will be experienced. They will involve in charitable activities.
Business/Profession will go well except during the period July to September 2016.
Improvements and gains will be appreciable.
Moths causing bright and happy results: June, July, and September, 2016.
Months causing happy results in an average level: February, April, August,
October and December 2016.
Months causing mixed results: January, March, May and November 2016
MAKARAM: (Uthiradam2,3,4;Thiruvonam;Avittam1,2)
016 will have financial soundness throughout for Makara rasi people. Income
will be good and there will be good savings. Expenses will be under good control and
flow of funds will be good. Family will continue to enjoy prosperity. Auspicious events
will take place and result in happiness. Family members will extend cooperation and
Brothers/sisters will be prospering and will do timely helps. Efforts will bring
success. No delay will be experienced on any issue. Small business people and people in
small jobs will have development and prosperity in life. Writers, Players, poets will have
good time.
Health, Education, Mother, House matters will all be very good during 2nd half.
Mother will be helpful. But during 1st half, these things may not be very encouraging.
Patience and caution may be necessary. For education, hard work is advised during 1st
Prestige will be intact. Social service and religious activities will continue and
bring peace to mind. Children will do well during the year and be helpful to parents.
Kula Deiva worship will do more good. Job prospects are very bright and promotion,
desired transfers and new job ventures will be successful. Debt, enemy, litigation and
such problems will not arise.
Marriage will take place without delay. Married couple will have a smooth time
ahead. Travel will be good. Abroad travel will not be encouraging except the period from
April to June 2016. Longevity is good. During 1st half, health care may be necessary.
Some treatment is possible.
Father will do well except from July to September 2016 and be helpful. Pilgrimage
and dharsan of holy saints will be more successful during 1st half.
Profession/business ventures will be successful during 1st half of 2016. Gains will
be in an average level.
Months causing bright and happy results: May, and August 2016
Months causing happy results in an average level: January, March, June, July and
November 2016
Months causing mixed results: February, April, September, October and
December 2016.
KUMBAM: (Avittam 3,4, Sadhayam, Poorattathi 1,2,3)
umba Rasi people will have a good time during 2016. Finance and family will
be good in an average level. Family members will be cooperating and extending support
to the family cheerfully. Expenses will be constructive in nature and good savings will
build up. Their words will continue to carry weight in society.
Efforts will bring success during 2nd half. Brothers/sisters will be helpful during 2nd
half. Small business people and small job doers will have some difficulty during 1st half.
Likewise writers, poets, players will find 1st half as tough time. They are advised to be
Educational prospects are bright and higher education scope is good. Health will
be good. Mother will do well and extend helps. Acquisition of new house, plot, or
vehicle will take place. Kula Deiva blessings will be enjoyed. Prayers will be performed in
grand scale.
Prestige will be intact. Social service activities will bring success and peace to
mind. Children will prosper and extend helps. They will be happy throughout the year.
Job prospect is encouraging and improvement will take place. Promotion, new
venture, desired transfer, salary hike etc will cause happiness. Debt, inimical situation
and litigation matters will not arise. Existing, if any, will solve peacefully.
Marriage matter will be favourable. Married partners will lead a happy life and
enjoy a congenial time. Travel will be good. Abroad travels will be successful and gainful.
Longevity is good except during July to September 2016. Necessary health care, if
necessary, during the said period may be taken up.
Father’s position will be good during 1st half and he may need care and guidance
during 2nd half. Pilgrimage and temple visits may be undertaken during 1st half.
Profession/business will be good in an average level. Gains will be good.
Months causing bright and happy results: April, and July 2016
Months causing happy results in an average level: February, May, June, October
and December 2016.
Months causing mixed results: January, March, August, September and November
MEENAM: (Poorattathi 4, Uthirattathi, Revathi)
For Meena Rasi people, 2016 will be more enjoyable and happy. Finance and
Family will be good and life will be prosperous during 2nd half. Auspicious events will
take place in the family and cause happiness to every one in the family. But during 1st
half this position will be different. One has to observe patience and adjustment attitude.
However 2nd half will be very good in these aspects. They will grow influential and
achieve things.
Efforts will bring success without delay. Brothers/sisters will do well and be
helpful throughout the year. Small business people and small job doers will find
development in their field and prosper.
Educational prospects will be bright and much success is indicated in educational
matters. Higher educational prospects will be favourable and good. Some will be blessed
with prestigeous degree. Mother will do well and extend helps. House, Land and plot
related matters will be very encouraging and successful. Though a sort of depression,
finance shortage and family discomforts may not be encouraging during 1st half,
prosperity is indicated during 2016.
Children will be in fine position and do well. All matters related to children will be
successful. Social service activities will be successful and bring name and fame to them.
Job position will be very good except the period from January to March 2016. It
may cause promotion, new job, desired transfer etc but with some efforts during 2016.
Debt, Enemy and litigation will not worry. Marriage will be favourable during 2016
without delay.
Matters concerning marriage will be favourable and marriage will settle without
delay except the period from July to September 2016. Life partners will have a smooth
time ahead. Travel care may be necessary during 2nd half. Abroad visits will be at
satisfactory level. Longevity is good during 1st half.
Father’s position will be good at a satisfactory level. He will extend helps.
Profession/business will flourish during April to June 2016 and other months may
not give desired results. So business caution is necessary. Money to be received from
others will be realized without difficulty.
Months causing bright and happy results in an average level: January, March,
April, May, June, September, November and December 2016.
Months causing mixed results: February, July, August, and October 2016.