B-E-A-N-O At Tasker`s To Christmas Shop
B-E-A-N-O At Tasker`s To Christmas Shop
rr77>>ijp!!H5Pl!?^^P!S?jiS?!!^^ .;,;••••:.;•,.-.•-•.'..•;,•.;•• r-^ { " ^ J p ? " ' ^ ' Mite Libitui srsj .:.-.: ^S^A^'W'i-:^-/.'-'"/^'' ••• ^"-*- :•• fOCk T CPitB VOLtraffi 7d, NO. 50 COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE Citizens ox To morrow Christmas Eve, Carols will be sung and Santa Claus will visit st the CtMnmunity Tree for children, on the lawn of the Baptist church. T t e party is sponsored by the Leeion and Auxiliary witii HarOld Fitch of the Waterfalls Restaiy^nt stssisting. /' At 7:00 P, M., the party vfU be held, and Lester HiU will Itad in the singing of Carols, George DeFoe and Robert Warreii will play trumpet solos. The children will be given gobdies donated by the following generous menibers of the commimity: candy ^gh^en by Mr. Fitch, of the Waterfalls Restaurant; apples given by William Wolcott and Harvey Black; and oranges donated by Arthur Brown of the Firs* National SV're, • Music Clubs of Area Sponsor Christinas Concert HILLSBORO, Dec, 11 — New England C9Uege will hold a joint Christmas concert with the Senior and Junior Glee Clubs of Hillsboro and Antrim, and the Monadno«dt Chorus in the Methodist Church in Hillsboro, DecenJjer 16. The public is invited to attend this gen«ral songfest free of charge and sing under the direction of Kenneth Jewett, director of the New England College Glee Club, and president of the N, H. Federation of Music Clubs, W, S, K. Yeaple of Hillsboro will deliver a brief Christmas B«iedic- singing aeveral Carob wHh Mte. Gertrude Thomton pianist After the Giri Scouts arrived the 8»»"* speaker was introduced. Mrs, J. F. CuUck, of ^ p i n g , epoka^ on het hobby, the "Romance of Bdls." This was a very appropriate s \ 4 ject for this bcdiday season and was wijoyed by aU. She told of many belb in foreign countries, and brought a cdledion to display, telhng where ihey cam* frwn and how she began her bobby. Tbis program proved especially interesting to the Girl Scouts. The hostess chairinan was Mrs. Byron Butterfiddi and refreshniebte were served at a table decorated with candles, greens, and some tinsd and ornaments were draped across the attractive taUe. COMING EVENTS The Eunice Baldwin 'Chapter, DA..R., will meet at the home of Mrs. Grace Perry on Sat, Dec. 13, No exchange of gifts, but a collection will be received for a DAR., project Dues are payable at this time. Two piano niunbers, Mrs, Porter and Mrs. Baldwin; violin duet, Mrs, Weber and Corinne Duval; vocal solo, Mrs. Baldwin, The Benevolent .Socier^s and : Deborahs' Christmas Sale a!nd Silver *'*'°* nn Tea will be held in the vestry, CKURCH NOTICES The concert will begin at 8:00 At the Ahtrim Bajtist ChUrdi, on Sat, Dec -13. The sale opens at P. M., according to Roy Buck, pub- D e c 14, after the regular 9:45 2 P, M„ the children's program licity director of the College Glee Sunday Sdiool Classes, the 11:00 and Silver Tea during the after-, BOY SCOUTS StfPPER Club. This week the Messenger and affiliated papers present another noon, -Mrs, Roach and the work A. NL, moming seryice wiU be The local Boy Scouts, assisted committee are behig assisted by by the Troop Committee, and with panel of younsstsn i n Ibe seriee IDI "CMnns of TeeoatnwJ* h d i Rev. D. F. P<aTon'8 swmon Mrs; Donald S. Baker, who hasdonations fromi the conununityi topic is "One World—One Book," Top row — MaleolxU, 4 months^ son of Mr. and Mrs. B, F. Hall taken charge of the decorations, served over lOO people, a fine pubUc. in observance ai Bible Sunday. The of Henniker; Wayne, 6 months, >|6n of Mr. uid Mrs. K H. Colby; but has many helpers. story fbr the dnldren is about "Tbe supper, eaming about $55, This Linda, 6 weeks, dau^iter of Mt. and Mrs. Robert Sterling of For once ih your life you canmoney will be used for the troop. Littie Red Sled.** Henniker, enjoy the beauty of a snow storm They wish to thank the townspeople, The.6:00 P. M , Union Christian witiiout getting wet or cold if you stores and merchants who conBottom row — Tamara, 5 montii old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Endeavor Society meets at the BapNEIGHBORS NIGHT AT GRANGE visit the vestry on Sat P. M. There tributed, and for all who helped Irwhi Holdner, Jr.; Gail, 9 moi^tiis, dau^xter of Mr. and Mrs, • . ' • • : ' • » The Antrim Grange Hall was the tist Church. -will be 14' or 16 men there who Glen, Leroy E^ Eaton; and Sharon, 6 ssbstfas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, y^ y^ •" "* ."I ~ " "vT.; serve the supper, William wimam w ei scene of the . Annud Nei^bors At 7:00 P. M., in the Bsjptist N i ^ t held Dec. 3, by the Griange. Church, wUl be an appraptiaia Raymond Connor, will hsten to whatever you say, but ^ ^ ^ ^ ^f Advancements, and Ro bert Lang, the assistant ScoutmasAbout 50 were present; 32 from movie shown for BUsle Sunday will not reply. They are out in the - " •• • ter, spoke briefly. Antrim; 6 from Greenfield; 2 from caUed "The Book for flie World Legion Team Whis 4 8 ^ see whsit it's like all about. storm too and i t Better go and Mr. Lang presented the following Oak Hill Grange; 12 from Benning- of TMnorrow."'An ofiEering will be awards: 1st Class Scout to Robert Over Strong Pittsfield Five ton; 7 from Hillsboro; and 1 from taken. BIRD AND GARDEN CLUB Warren, and 2nd Class Scout awards At the Baptist Parsonage at 7:30 Peterboro, After a brief business The Caroline A, Fox Bird and to the following 'boys: Bruce and HILLSBORO, Dec, 8 — In a meeting the following program P. NL, on Dec. 15, wUl be a Worid •Garden Club held its last meeting Duane Perron, Nelson Fuglestad close, high scoring game Sunday was presented: Harmonica solo by Wide GuUd meetiug. • . of the year at the home of Mrs, and Donald Wallace, aftemoon in the High School gym, Thursday, D e c 18, is a Prayer John Chute of Greenfield; Piano, . ANTRIM, Dec, 11 — The State Georgianna Gile, with Mrs, Hulda the Hillsboro Le^^On Basketball Meeting, foUowed by the Alontfaly solo by Edith Daniels of HiUsboro; Johnson; Miss Ethel Farley and BAPTIST CHURCH ZMAS TREE Team defeated a strong Pittsfield Department of Education has acBusiness Meeting. Recitation, Grace Taylor, BennhigMrs. Vanessa Beard, who was uh. cepted an invitation of the Antrim On Dec. 19, at 7:00 P, M„ the team 48-46, ton; "Aunt Dinah's Quilting Par^," HANCOCK jible to be present assisting hostess- Sunday School pupils of the BapChuck Hoag, a former basketball .sdiool Board to attend a meeting sung by the Grange members; ' es, ' tist Church will have a visit from player in Rutland^ V t , now work- to be held at the Antrim Town In conneetion with ^ CSirf^bhas Officers for the ensuing year Saxite dlaus at the^Xtoaas t r e e and ihg in Hillsboro, was ^ g h scorer Hdl at 7:30 on the evening of Reading by Mrs. Marietta Lang, were -elected: pres., Mrs, Rebecca Party held at,tHe chiuxih. A movie with nine points, fc^owed by Red December 18th, at whidi time rep- Antiim; Vocd solos by Lester HUl, sde, the Congregational Junior S o Kyle; viCe-pres., Edna S. Perk; '"The Child of Bethlehem," will be Phelps, who sank four from mid resentatives of the State Depart- Antrim; Carols sung by the m o n - ciety ol Hancock, wUl hold a puUie bers. Refreshments were served to baked bean' supper at tiie Hemsec.-treas., Hannah A. Webber, shown. Parents and friends may ^.^J^^J,,^ zuent of Education will discuss iSt^ court "The firat Tne nnRnumne^on mmiber on^a_ yyery ^ "fine -A,,,^ _ 5 % . r . , .•- . . . ._i-ir.- - ^- -ii-tr- >'< jsoick. v^try- Haxeaiasi evroing- -at 'The Grange'CSisttUsB Ttee am «:0D P. ilL'Mjci. Charies Matthews Sslaver, was hish "*" ' "player, high man for PittsParty will be Dec. 17, Everyone of the Maplehurst In;a in Antrim Bddwin and Mrs, Martin, Letters VETERANS' GIFTS Tbe Antrfm S6hool Board is in is to bring a gift to exchange (not is sdieduJed to h d p s a v e the supfield with 23 points. •from absent members were read by viting Sdux)! Board members from over 25c and marked for lady of per, Have you forgotten all the vetComing Legion games are Wed^ ^. Mrs, Ethel Peaslee. Mrs. Rutii Ethel erans who madie "our White Christd l the surrounding towns and also Farr wrote at lengtii about a trip mas a happy said sake one this year? nesday, Dec, 10, with Sunapee; any interested dtizens to attend. gentieman or child), ChUdren may •to New York City, whioh she had A box is placed in Butterfidd's Sunday, Dec, 14, with Milford, The t h o u ^ is that severd other be guests, and a gift should be Sonja H e a i e I c e Show recentiy made. It was most inter- Store for any article that could (tentative); Wednesday, Dec. 17,Boards wUl follow this meeting by brought for them. Reserved Seats T o u t Attcactkm esting and I think she visited every make a useful present for a veteran Newport; Sunday, Dec, 21, with having subsequent meetings in their park and museum and outstanding sick "at White River Junction. Crusader Clizb of Manchester. towns with the hope of eventually WOMAN'S CLUB MEETING HILLSBORO, D e c 11 — Witii place of interest in the city, also Don't forget to take a donation be- Games start at 8:00 P. MTuesday aftemoon, D e c 9, at interest in the New Tear's in New building a substantial, modem edu•the Rose Gardens in Hartford, Conn. fore Dec. 20th. cationd plant and program some- Library Hall, about 35 members of York contest, sponsored by SQllsPomona Grange, N o . 2 0 Mrs. Exena Blott told of her trip where in this area and govemed by the Woman's Club and aU of tbe boro merchants, increasing'daUy, to Ripon, Wisconsin, where she and LEGION TO HOLD MEETING a cooperative school board made Girl Scouts, as specid guests, en- tiie Christmas tree committee anHolds Annual Meeting her husband are spending the up of members from each of the joyed a very interesting program. nounces tiiat the tickets to New A "very important meeting will Due to the Ulness of the presideht York have been ordered, "nckets •winter with their daughter. be held at the Legion Hall, Dec. Mrs. Esther G. Clark of Man- communities concemed. Mrs. Katherine Webster wrote of 16, for all members of the Myers- chester was dected master at the « The program will open at 7:30and secretary, the meeting was con- for the trip can be secured in HUlsJier life at Winter Port the home Prescott post, No. 50, of the Legion; annud meeting of Pomona Grange where musicd groups will present ducted by Mrs. Evdyn Perron, with boro stores. Mrs. David Bassett secretary proof Rawlins College, and its many to discuss plans for a building. Reserved seats for the trvenfaig No. 20, at Odd Fellows Hall, Man- a program of Christmas miisic and tem. FoUowing the usud opening peiformance of tbe New Ice Show, culturd advantages. Miss Mary the maih program should get under chestw, Tuesday, Dec, 2, to which exercises, a brief business meeting produced by Sonja Henie and ArHearty sent greetings from Man- Rev. Yeaple t o Discuss Amoskeag Grange, No. 3, served way at eight o'clock. was held. A delegate, Mrs. Alwin ithur Wurtz, have'been arranged for, chester, , T 1- European Aid Sunday as host School Boards in Hillsboro, Deer- Young, and alternate. Mis. Evdyn in addition to the tour of the NaMrs, Hulda and Miss Edna Johning, Bennington and Antrim have Perron, were voted upon to attend Other officers dected were the tiond Broadcasting and Tdevision son togetiier gave a good story of 'following: Overseer, Theodore P. already signified an interest in a Christmas in Sweden. It was all HILLSBORO, Dec, 11 — Dr. W. S, Beauregard, Manchester; lecturer, study" of the cooperative school the Presidents' Conference in Con- Studios in Radio City, as w d l as cord, Januaiy 13 and 14. A sum of tburs to the Hockefdler Center K. Yeaple will devote a brief very interesting. Mrs. Helen L. Beauregard, Man- plan, of education for pupils in the $5.00 was donated to the Daniel Observation Roof and the Empire period on Sunday moming to a An interesting and instructive chester; steward, James H, Mc-upper grades. Webster Home. A notice was given State Observation Tour, the "Depaper on 'Dutch Day' at tiie con- pulpit editorial on "What are the Kenzie, Grasmere; assistant steward, Every public-spirited citizen who that a public meeting, sponsored fense in Action" and 1001 marvflJs facts about European Aid." His vention in Anisterdam, Holland, of Morris Rolfe, Aubum; chaplain, wants his commimity to get the by the School Board, wiU soon of the age at the RockefeUer Goithe women of the worid, was pre- discussion grows out of his con- Mrs. Anna Terrill, Manchester; most education it can for each tax be held, and for the members of thfe ter's interesting "HaU of Motion," ferences with officials of Church pared by Mrs. Perk and read by treasurer, William H, Munsey, dollar should be concemed enough Woman's Club to try to attend, The couple to be sent wiU leave Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Atwood. World Service, Letters from Wash- Henniker; secretary, Scott F, to attend this meeting. Mrs. Archie Swett gave an inter- HUbboro at 8:00 A, M,, December Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Martin, ac- ington and information gathered Eastman, Goffstown; gatekeeper, from Mr. James C. Flint with whom esting talk on Current Events, 30, and wiU arrive in New York companied by Mrs. LQlian MatHILLSBORO JTEMS he traveled about the state recentiy. Charles Elvin, Goffstown; Ceres. touching upon problems such as ; for supper that evening. They wUl thews, sang 'Silent Night and Mr. Flint was for more than a year Mrs. Annie F. Holmes, Riverdale; I stay at either the Taft, Victoria, or 'The First Noel," The fire alarm was rung at 5:15 County Jails, Sunday FootbaU and stationed in Berlin, Germany, as Pomona, Mrs. Helen E. Dearbom, Gbvemor Clinton Hotels witii aU other recentiy discussed items. A From a very attractive table, representative of Church World South Weare; Flora, Mrs. Georgia P. M.. Tuesday night for a chimney expenses paid. AU attractions have delicious cakes, assorted cookies Service in charge of distribution of R. Ketchum, North Weare; lady fire at the Poland residence in back Current Events group will meet been reserved and generous alJanuary 6, at the home of Mrs. assistant steward, Mrs. Mary M. of the Hillsboro Cleaners. Both fire and mints, coffee aiid tea were relief. lowances for meals and incidentals Anna B. Tibbetts. Tumer, Goffstown; pianist Mrs. companies responded to the calL served. • will be provided the winners. Mrs. Vera Butterfield led in Portia Chapter, O.E.S. Election Lena P. Elvin, Goffstown; execu- Not much damage was caused. SALE, SUPPER AND SHOW tive committee for three years, Mrs. NEW YEAR'S IN NEW YORK ' NEW YEAR'S IN NEW YORK The Ladies' Aid put in a long Beulah Beard, Manchester; execuday last Saturday. The aftemoon HILLSBORO, Dec. 11 — The tive oommittee for two years, Mrs. Monadnock Lumber Co. sale was very satisfactory, tiie annual meeting of Portia Chapter, Edward Ketchum, North Weare; _ LUMBER — candy table was soon sold out, and O.E.S., will be held Monday night delegates to the state grange meetpaper products and aprons sold well. Dec. 15, in Masonic Hall. There will B n i l d a n ' Sopplia* — Baildart' ing at Concord, Mr. and Mrs. James The supper was a good one and be election of officers also InstallaHardwara — D a P o n t Painta H. McKenzie, Grasmere. well patronized. The Julie and tion of officers. After the meeting Mill Werk — Inaolatien The main business of the momJohn Show was a success too. The a Christmas Party will be enjoyed DEPOT SQUAKS Peterborough — Phone 484 Community . Hdl was filled ^ by the memhers. Each member is ing was the acceptance of reports capacity. The merchants of HUls- asked to bring a small gift for the of the home welfare, and the bird committees. Memorid services were boro very generdiidy l»elP«^ . ^ f tree. ladies by giving more than fifty held for deceased members of the PACKARD INC. (Continued on Page 12) ^ —WHAT have you worth $10.00 past year. 2 8 Grove Street that a SSc classified adv., can sell? SEND IN YOUR NEWS HARDWARE — CARMOTE PAnrrs SPORTING GOODS Baked Bean — S a b d HOUSE AND KircUEU WARES M A H u g e Stodc SUPPER PETERBOROUGH - TEL. 320 • N o Uncertainties of Delivery Aprons, Fancy Work and #^^^^^^tftftftf^^«#^«#*#«^#^^^^^^^4^^^'^^^M Novelty Sale I N o Tiresome Shopping R u | ^ Peterborough SUPFEB StSt TO SsOO Marble SC G n m i t e Works A D M I S S I O N FREE i Simple t o Make Exdumget SaUbUshM. tut SATURDAY, DEC. 13 CRABLSS J. WAMRXN. Prop. ^5.00 — ^3.00 — ^2.00 free door prizes; Blankets — R Onr Personal Interest MONUMENTS AND M A S K E S S IN LOWER VILLAGE CHAPEL Lamps — Perculators — Cash for winners. All games Jack GRANm AND MAKBLS S P 0 N 8 0 B E D B T Z.ADnB8' AXD SLATE ANO BBONZE Pot. 5 c pcr card — 3 for 1 0 c . ^ NEW LOCATION . Depot Sq. News Items Froiii Antrim To Dbcuss Cooperative School Moyement Dec. 6 At Tasker's It's EASY To Christmas Shop B-E-A-N-O St. Mary's Hall-Sat. Dec. 13-8 P. M. ***h****************************0 RICHARD W. WITHINGTON/T t^..B.a^M^^^i;««^on^ Hilkboro Center, Tei 17-12 , 'J:.-.k.:i^zi!^fm^c.-^':^ii-:iCli:Sb^s^^ai ^Ppss^ssKsss^^rssaBsaaa Thursday, December 4, 1947 PiiWiretfcmt—The A d v e r t W ^ Vedfai of tlie Ccsilooeook YaDer - News Itenis From Neighboring Towns mpfTjjjjjjjjjj-jxfjjjfIff j T f r r r r - - - * - - * ' * * - * - * ' * " * " * - - - * - - - * • • • • « » • » • • • • ' • • • sons have inoved to their fonher home in Riverdale. About twenty deer have been Hadloek shot in Weare to date. Did you Coeceapondeat get one? Miss Julia Hansen, who has been ''Schools in town started again visiting in town, has gone to the •fter a few days vacation during Centennial Home in Concord to -tbe holiday. niake her home. We understand Mrs. CiJrrie Cleveland and two that Mrs. Annie Dewing is also there, Mrs. Mariana Wilson and son, D R . W. F. MANSFIELD Clinton, have moved from the Old Opttnnetrist Hotel in North Weare to Riverdale. Mr. Ian McLean and his bride 62 Main S t , Newport, N, H. i have retumed from Connecticut, At 4S Heanlker St., HUlsboro, . where they were married recentiy. by Appointment. Tel, U4. JThey will reside at the McLean Poultry Farm in tEis town. Several Friends met at the home Weare A- . MASON AND GENERAL CONTRACTING Stephen Chase BENXINGTOX, K. BL Tel. Antrim 48-4 I Wm.H« Marchand PLUMBING & HEATING P L U M B I N G SUPPLIES FREE E S T I M A T E S Wedding Hillsboro, N . H . TeL 111—3 E. D. HUTCHINSON My Pledge-rA Fair Deal to the Public CARPENTER LowCT yfllage TeL U t JOHN H. NEWMAN MUTUAL INSURANCB SEAL ESTATE Fann—THllage Property and Summer Homes Washington, N . H . TeL 9-22 SEND IN YOUR NEWS BILL'S T A X I SERVICE Margaret attd W'dliam Rasmttssen ANYTIME — ANYWHERE TBM 216 Hn.TWKWO, N. R E. C & W. L. HOPKINS GtAinTE STATE AND WnTHMOK FEEDS HILLSBORO Phone 92 GREENFIELD Plione 2401 **^*0******0***000*00 D U T T O N SALES CO. Auctioneers Since 1898 CAPT, CHESTER F, DUTTON Auctioneer Peterborough, N. — TEL 52-4 Bailey's "Pennant Brand" TESTED FEEDS Dairy Rations, Stock Feed, Poultry Feeds, Seed Grain, Field Seed and Flour a** 000000**000*000*00000000**04 O R . A . A . IVIUIR CHIROPRACTOR House and Office visits at 71 M a i n S t r * « t H i l U b o r o , N . H. H. Tel, 6M1C SEND IN YOUR NEWS Bird and Ruberoid Products ACME ROOFING COMPANY General Contractors Hillsboro, N . H . TeL 229 Roofing — Sidings — House and Metal Roof Painting F. H . A . Payments* Arranged Free Estimatee FARMERS FEED A N D S U P P L Y CO. PARK SC POLLARD FEEDS COAL—FARM SUPPLIES Tel. 160 H i l l s b o r o Feed C o m p a n y HiLLSBoao HEffRY a MARTIN RAW AND PASTEURIZES MILK AXO CREAM BUTTEB — COTTAGE CHEESE B U I L E R ST. HILLSBORO PHOMX ST.4 Up-te>Date Equipment BUSTER DAVIS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lumbar, Rofl Roofibf, SIuBgles, Doon, Wbdows, Hardware, Etc GUuDDf — Shopwork Prices Reasonable PHONE 195 HILLSBORO i SPENCER SUPPORTS < ) Eodividiully Designed for Mea,j ? Women and ChUdren. ' J Mrs. Harry McClintock ^HttLSBOBO, N. H., EmaamTAtmi ) (Includea HilUhoro, Antrka,\ ) Henniker, Bennington, . Weore ^ ) and Contoocotfk areaa.) ) Call 131-11 for Appointment LBTTERHBADS ENVELOPES BILLHEADS BUSINESS PRINTING Our MTviee estend* to any New EngUnd S u u Whara qnality and co«U meat your owe '^tura Talaphene Hillsbero 71 Mrs. H o w a r d H e n n i n g Correspondent MESSENGER Telephone OFFICB 145-2 D a y er Nigbt SEND IN YOUR NBWS What About Prices Of Furniture Upper Village Grace M. Cratte Cofrespondent filled maltrrss f m ^29.75 r i ^ now. • In December 1947 an all «dhite coal range widi 18 inch oven and stainless steel top costs only ^ 9 . 5 0 . "Chet" Sweeney and Arthur Benware are lucky deer hunters. Some from the village attended the Pound Party giveh to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cutter on Saturday e v e ning, Elmer Crane captured a second Mr. Mink in his henhouse. All were lucky deei- himters at the Brenigan Hunting Chateau. UPPER VILLAGE SCHOOL Those who eamed , one hundred —•• [ per cent in the final lesson on The Fortnightiy Club of the .Friday were: Charles 'Baptist Lower Village met at the home of j Catherine Monegal and Norma Mrs. Charles Leedham, Mrs. Helen Sweeney. Krim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. We have started on our Christmas Harry Nissen, was a guest. After program. It will be given at the the business meeting Mrs. Leed- sdioolhouse on Friday afternoon Iiam served her famous 1830 Hoiise December l&th. Our Art lesson was Christmas Delight dessert which was a treat to a]l. The next meeting will be decorations for the windows. held at the home of Mrs. Morris Those in the first grade who have White. It will be an Xmas Party finished the three preprimaries and and each member is requested to started Book One are: Ronald, Roy bring an inexpensive gift. Congratulations go to Mrs. Morris White this meeting , as she is celebrating a birthday. The Ladies' Aid met for a Special meeting at the Chapel to discuss plans for the supper they are having on Dec. 13. The hand made quilt on display at the Service Shop will be awarded at this time. Mrs. A. C. A. Perk is visiting this week in Boston. Miss Doreen Daymond shot her SOLD AT first deer. The Ladies' Aid will meet Dec Wool l i n e d 10, at the home of Mrs, Charles C O M BAT PANTS Leedham for their Annual Xmas ^3.75 Party. • A six tube Radida made by RCA-Victor sells for ^24.95. • Y o u can buy a cabinet o0 heater for one or two rooms for ^ 9 . 7 5 with flue connection. • Ctidcet chairs in good covers are ^ 7 . 8 2 , cricket rockers, ^.84. • Before the war linoleum surfaced floor covering was 59c a square yard, today it costs 65c to 69c in the cities or 60c at Eaton's in Hillsboto; • Divanolas ynAt. arms were ^60.00 to ^70-.00 in the good old days. Npw you can buy a better one for ^59.50 These are cmly examples. Most of the furniture you need for yottr home am be bought at reasonable prices. And furttUure makes a practiad Christmas gift. EATON FURNITURE CO. P H O N E 250 HILLSBORO Open Sattarday Night Army Surplus Clothing Articles Make Wonderful Christmas Gifts Deering Mrs. Merie H. WeOs Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooper were THE GOLDEN RULE IS OUR MOHO WOODBURY FUNERAL HOME Lower Village Hillsboeo, N . H . invited to the home of Mr. and P h o n e 171 HILLSBORO DAIRY ——'--—---... for a song service. There were sixteen present and a lunch was served by the hostess. The next iring will be at Mr. Leon Reed's Sunday evening, Dec. 14, at 8 o'clock. Moving pictures at the Town Hall have been discontinued until January. Weare Community Club met at the Grange Hall Thursday for the day, Ihere was a demonstration of bread and rolls by Mrs. French and Mrs. May Hadlock. There were 14 members present It was voted to have the Christmas Party December 19, There will be an exdiange of gifts and a tree. The W.CTiU,, met with Mrs. Hadlock on Wednesday, Dec 3, for a regular meeting. Devotionals were led by Mrs, Holmes and plans were made to help with the Christmas program at Grasmere, Dec. 18 at 2 P, M. The Circle voted to Invitationi r - AiawuncemeaU give $6;00 toward the candy given Cards — OTHEB PHumRO at that time, Limdi was seryed BAAXWELL PSESS, HJUIMIUB* N* H . by the hostess. ^AAAAAAAMAAAAA^WtfWWW^VMWWWMM^WI Weare Grange held its regular meeting Dec, 5, at the Town Hall E. K U R T Z N E R at 8 P, M. After the general routine of business, a short program Watchmaker & Jeweler was given by the Lecturer. Places OFFICE A T HOME were made to* hold the Xmas Tel, 90 Hillsboro, N, H, Party, Dec. 19, with. an exchange W e s t M a i n Street of gifts by all. Master George Waterman announced that there will be annual installation January 2, at which time Deputy Frank ARCADE DUVAL Kimball will he the installing ofhas repaired shoes in Hills- ficer and a supper will be served. boro for 35 years. You can nbw leave shoes for repairing at Proctor's L G. A., Store and we will retum them as good as new. Castom Work — Millwork LVMBER FOB SALE Fbuied or Rongh ----——— ci Mr. and Mxs. Alfred F l a n d e n boro was ii caiter iat P t o a u m l a n d , Maxgy. Baptist and Rose day ell ware busy maUng snow Faxm, (me day last Sweeney. K«nda Camen is in men and playing "Fox and Geese." Leonard Cote is spending her . third preinimer also Fhl]^ SaSiy Crane and John Ftesach, time in Newport, S. L MmiegaL Carol Sweeny is starting fluid graders, are doing arithmetic with tfae fourtfa g(ade: Mrs. Rita Yeaton was a ludgr her first Mrs. Crane has finished reading deer huntor, the fiist day of the We are taking turns in choosing to us the Veimonl' story "Gin open season. games to {day out of doors wfaen Granger." We all enjoyed i t Misis Beatrice Cote and Stanley the sun shines. Last week *'BaSi Alexander of Lebanon visted rdaui'Ring" was the popular game for tives on Sunday. the teller grades and "Hb^xtal tfessenffer ClassHteda Never Speak Quite a number enjoyed the Tag" for the lower grades. Mon- — Bui Httadreda Aaatoer skiing at die ski tow at Hillside Farm, last Ssrturday. Norman Cote was a business visitor in Concord, one day last wedc C. Harold Tewksbury of S l l s boro.was calling on frienda in town, last Satuiday. William Harringten of Concord was in town, last Friday. Robert Vincent of GoSstown It is true diat some kinds of fumiture are sdll scarce, and was in town one day last week, on business, some prices are tob Kigh, and some prices are still iiucreaang. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Putnam have retumed from Rhode Island, where Politicians who want to bring bade the O P A have exMr. Pittnam was employed for sevagei^ed tiiese problems. Tbe fact is diat average.increase eral weeks and will soon go to East is not excessive ati<< good fumiture is still a good investment. Swanzey where he has accepted employment For eicample, you can buy a genuine Red Cross spring- Mrs. Philip Chase at Henniker, Monday evening and when they arrived found that a surprise stoik shower was being given to Mrs. Cooper. She was escorted to a. beautifully decorated table made up to look like a baby's crib, which was filled with lots of lovely gifts. After Mrs. Cooper had opened her presents, a social time was e n joyed during which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. George Ellinwood of Washington, was a recent business visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holden of Amherst visited his mother, Mrs. A. A. Holden and family, on Sunday. Mrs. Holden has just retumed from a visit of several weeks with relatives in France. Floyd Jones and Walter Whitney have been reported as lucky deer hunters. Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert of Hillsboro were callers at Pinehurst Farm, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooper e n tertained a family gathering of fourteen, recently, at their home, Chick-A-Biddy Farm. Those from out of town present were, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Diamond Maxwell and family of Henniker. Mrs. H. L. Herrick attended the luncheon of The League of W o men Voters at Concord last week. Mrs. William P. Wood received a $3.00 award, for answering the correct question over radio station WKNE, last week. Mrs. Clarence Tingley of Hills- NAVY STORM ^.75 SUITS SUNTAN PANTS ^2.00 Rayon GLOVE LINERS ^1.00 ONE-FIFTH OF ACTUAL WORTH S U N T A N SHIRTS ^1.65 Dress FIELD JACKETS 0.50 U S E D ARMY RAINCOATS ^2.95 COVERALLS . 0.25 LeaAet A R M Y GLOVES 0.25 NAVY BLUE G L O V E S ^1.95 L O N G WOOLEN SOCKS ^1.65 FELT S H O E S ^1.50 O. D . S W E A T E R S ^3.00 Drawstring FIELD J A C K E T S ^.00 FLIGHT BOOTS ^7.95 MACKINAWS ^9.75 TROOPERS' C A P S ^.00 O. D. PANTS 0.50 Meriirme RAINCOATS ^6.50 H . B. T . JACKETS 0.25 ARMY SLICKERS ^.00 BOOT I N N E R S O L E S ^.25 LEATHER T O P PACS ARMY C A N V A S BELTS $0.5 FLYING V E S T S ^1.50 JUNGLE H A T S ^.50 BUCKLE OVERSHOES $5:25 SKI PARKAS ^ . 0 0 eadi Red H U N T I N G ^1.75 NAVY HATS RAINCOATS ^6.50 O. D . SHIRTS 0.50 A R M Y QUJLTS 0.00 MAROON W O O L .BLANKETS 0.00 5 0 % Wool UNDERWEAR ^.90 each L E A T H E R FUR W O R K GLOVES 0.25 Kapoc SLEEPING BAGS ^18.50 U S E D ARMY MACKINAWS 0.95 ARMY INSECT REPELLENT fl9 COMBAT SHOES 0.50- SHEEPSKIN LINED AVIATORS' BOOTS 01.95 NECKTIES ^.25 W H I T E SKI M I T T E N S ^75. Army-Navy Surplus Store BRIDGE STREET HILLSBORO! ./ '/ »*'flV 'a Thursday, December 11,1947 PiiWlcrticw TbeAdfrettUtagMadieeiibeCaatoeeook VaUey Towtm—Acdtta, Beacdker, PAOBS his home. in the village. Mrs. Martha Newman has gone At the Julie and John Show at dento of WasUngten received the on a trip to Georgia to visti her HUlsboro, after the supper, served .piMc ior .the- eldest-li^ tiiere. An Mrs. Jtdia Otterson son and fanuly, Franklin P. New- by the Ladies of the Methodist otdilid: was giyen .to Mxs. Proctor. Correspmident man. Hope she finds warmer weaby School Reporters Mrs. P. Rolfe, Mrs. Hazel Drew, ther than we have here. GIRLS' JUNIOR HIGH sdkoOL BASKETBALL LEAGUE Simday School is now weU atOur league includes the seventh, eighth and nineth grade girls. There' Mrs. Zarda Cilley, Mrs. Warren Hayford and Miss Kay Heil, went tended by the chUdren of the vUare four teams: Wellesley, Mr. Holyoke, Simmons and Skidmore. At to Concord on a e p p i n g trip Sat- lage. present Skidmore is leading with 6 points. xirday. Mrs. NeUie Nichols of Penacook The Skidmore team consists of: Capt., Joyce Bigwood, M. Wescott, M. Miss Marion Wilder of Peter- was in town over the week-end. Fletcher, K. Powell, C. Phelps, R. Nickerson, M. Duggan, E. Wilton and boro was a week-end guest of her Mr. Lester SmaU has retumed sister, Ruth Otterson. home from the Mary Hitchcock M. Jones. Many hunters in town bver the Hospital at Hanover. I D.AR. CITIZENSHIP PILGRIMAGE week-end; others have their vacaMrs. Harry Trow is in Newport (New Hampshire Plan) tion now. Thursday, Deceniber 4, 1947, Mrs. Harold Harvey spoke to the girls in Mr. A. Crandell and Ben Davis, on duty as a nurse. the Senior Class baout the local D. A. R., and the Good Citizenship also Elanson Crandall and friend j Mr. Ray Bennett of Hillsboro,' Fred Otterson, Albert . Claris of Pilgrimage. of Rhode Island, are at "What Cheer I Keene, and Norman Davis of ConCamp.' • • I toocook had a grand time looking ASSEMBLY Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Penacook, over the country and how they love An assembly was held on December 5th,-in the high school gym to get were at their cottage over the to tramp. *. the baskelJ)all season off to a good start. week-end. Mr. George Fowler has been Students and teachers gave their views on the coming basketbaU Mr. Ralph Kinch is at his home having an artesian weU driUed at season. Speakers were as follows: John Stafford, Senior; David Wood* 7th G,rade; Jean Hilliard and. Fred Stamatelos, members of the teams; John H. Bell,. Headmaster; Louis J. Shopes, Coach of the girls' Sundial Shoes; Endieott Johnson Shoes; U . S. Rubber basketball team; Serjgius J. Beamard, Coach of the boys' basketball te^m. Footwear; Hood Rubber Footwear; Van Heusen Shirts, Ties Cheers were led by Kay Carew and ten prospective cheerleaders for SC Pajamas; Tripletoe Honery; Saranac Gloves; Woolrich the coming season. Woolen Clothes; MiUer Felt Hats; Lee Woris Clothes; Sweet Orr Woric Clothes; Wolverine Woi4c Gloves;. Campus out the game. HiUsboto High Defeats Sportswear; Hanes Underwear; Healthknit Underwear; In the preliminary the Alumni Craftsman Wallets; Style K n g Belts SC Jewelry; Hudson Alunmi ill Season Opener girls defeated the High School Suits & Top Coats. lassies by a iscore of 29-2L Jttst arrived this week—Shop and save in Hillsboro. Hnj.SBORO, Dec. 11 — A poCU.4Fr5Jlf^iV WALLETS tentially powerful HiUsboro High FOR SALE — Used table model, • Desk lamps, bronze finish with round reflector at ^2.95. $2, ^2.50, 0 , ^3.50, 0 . 0 0 team succesfuUy opened its basket- push-button, Silvertone, plays good, Others baU season Friday iiight, Dec. 5, sounds bad, if you buy it and can't B Clopay ciutains, more new patterns in straight drapeswith a decisive 44-33 victory over fix it you have thrown away $3.00. ^1.00 SC ^1.50 at 89c. N e w cottage sets at 5 9 c . . We took it in trade for an RCAthe Alumni. MEN'S BELTS I Maytag washers^^two of them on die way from the The High School five jumped Victor radio, Eaton Fumiture Co;, ^1, ^1.50 Sc ^2.00 SO* to an early lead and held it through- of HUlsboro, N. H. factory this week. BOY'S BELTS • Metal smokers, another new shipment, heavy and at65c, $1, SC $2.00 tractive at ^5.95. MEN'S SUSPENDERS futtett ^ K^^lotkipia czi^k • Hassodcs, another shipment in plastic covets induding ^1.00 Sc ^1.50 SCHOOL STREET HILLSBORO, N. H. reds and blues at ^7.50 and up. B O V S SUSPENDERS 79c • Spreads, blankets, curtains and toweI»—fresh new stock for Christmas shoppers. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS S N O W S U I T S FOR GIRLS A N D B O Y S ' 19c, 25c « 50c t Dinette set»—-we have been nearly sold out but reWater Repellent and Gabardine ceived new dirome sets and new maple sets yesterday. Size 1 - 4 Red & Blue W O R K Washington ro High Hi^Lights New Things For Christmas at EATON'S JUST ARRIVED Hundreds ttf Christmas Gifts at Money-Saving New Shipment of Nylons— FALL SHADES ~ 51 GAUGE 20 DEN. >1.50 LIGHT SHADES — 51 GAUGE 20 DEN. ^1.50 IRREGULARS — ^1.19 SC $1.29 Remember to bring any sewing you want done to Barretts-Clothing Shoppe Eaton Furniture Co. Depot St. Hillsboro Phone 2 5 0 O p e n Saturday r>n^t N^jirv V l frv V i fiR> VTrfnT;-V>-'f^ R DRUG •UTFir THE HANDKERCH;][EFS Prices. 29c COLLAR PINS SC TIE CLASP SETS $1.00.SC ^1.50 COLLAR PINS 50c TIE CLASPS 50c, ^1.00 SC ^1.50 KEY CHAINS ^1, ^1.50 SC ^2.00 ¥ M o I. e I sldiJ aaaa You can outfit the whole famUy at a minimum of cost. Your clothes wiU look like new after they've been cleaned by us. Bring your old clothes in today—we'll make them look like neto MEN'S OVERCOATS LADIES' COAT^ .-. (fur trimmed $1.50) CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS SKI SUITS $1.10 $1.10 75c $1.00 PICK-UP SERVICE: Antrim and Bennington—Monday and Thursday; Henniker—^Tuesday and Friday; Hillsboro —Monday thru Friday, Saturday moming. FREE PICK-UP A N D DELIVERY GALL 214 HILLSBORO r Cara Nome Gift Sets f2.00 to ^4.75 Stag Shaving Sets ^1.50 to >3.00 Oid Spice Sets ^1.00 to ^5.00 Lavender Shaving Sets ^1.69 SC ^2.25 Friendships Garden Sets ^l.Op to ^2.50 Rexall Gents Sets ^.98 to ^1.59 Evening in Paris Sets ^1.50 to ^15.00 Kaywoodie Pipes ^3.50 Sc ^5.00 Tabu Perfumes & Colognes ^1.50 to ^17.50 Ronson Lighters ^5.50 to ^8.50 Tuya Sets ^3.50 to ^8.85 Wrist Watches ^10.00 to ^20.00 Prophylactic Leudte Comb and Brush Sets ^2.50 to ^12.50 Old Spice Shaving Sets ^1.25 to ^5.00 Coty Xmas Sets ^2.25 to ^6.50 HUlsboro, N . H . Supervisors of the dieddist will be in session at the town office on December Sth and 9th^rom 7:00 P. M., until 9:00 P. M., for the purpose of alteration or change in party registration. « Signed R. CONNOR R. DAVIS H.MARTIN 5upertH«or« of the ChecWitt GIFTS FOR HIM LaCrosse Manicure Sets ^3.00 to ^10.00 CLEANERS & DYERS NOTICE GIFTS FOR HER <<A Williams Mens Sets ^1.50 Sc ^2.00 Gillette Razor Sets ^1.00 to 0 . 0 0 DeVilbJss Perfume Atotnizer ^1.50, ^2.50 SC ^3.50 Xmas Wrapped Cigars Sc Pounds of Pipe Tobacco Sportsman Sets ^2.25 to ^lO.dO Gift Stationery ^1.75 to ^3.00 Sunbeam Electric Shavers ^23.50 Brush Sc Mirror Dresser Sets ^4.95 to ^13.95 Remington Threesome Electric Shavers >17.50 Silex Co£Fee Services ^8.45 to ^9.95 All gifts will be Xmas wrapped or wrapped foe mailing at no extra charge, if ao desired. Musical Powder Boxes ^7.95 to ^8.95 Baker's Pharmacy A sparkling selection of Von Heusen and Congress ties is here for you to. choose fronx They make grand gifts, and we have them in the latest colors and designs. ^1.00, ^1.50, ^2.00 Van Heusen BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS ^4.95 Sc 0 . 9 5 other brands $^98 Flannel Pajamas ^2.98, .^3.50, ^3.95, ^4.50 Flannel Night Shirts ^2.98 Vtm Heusen BROADCLOTH SHIRTS ^3.25, 0 . 9 5 , ^4.50, ^4.75 other brands $2.98 Van Htnisen Triple Toe WOOLEN SPORTSHIRTS H O S I E R Y For M e n ^ . 9 5 , ^6.95, ^7.95 Rayons .35, .39, .50, .79 Boys' Wools .50, .65, .79, .89, .98 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Boys' Rayons and Wools $2JL5 ' ^^^^n^ta^u^i^tT^,i^ We can take care of the dodiing need, for "the little guy .n the family too. Our Boy's Department is large and complete so whv not ae^*0-^• .«v. t L- FELDBLUM'S Open SattardtsyEve!!^ HOLSBORO; K. H. <^^^i New Year's JnNer^ York TkkeU Here Pjgj|mi)gq»ji!iiwyfltriirifri»-»riiiiiii laiwiMiif«»>Mim!uim*ta0i^0*0mtmmmai0mmm '^'r^^^^^^^^W^^^^^-^-:"^^ i-k:rr:'^^'^?'^-^MiM^^ "^nuiaday, December 11^ ,1947 Khpscnanr Publkatiou—The AdverttMag Media el ti>e Coaoocook Vallay Towns-Antrim, CENTER SCHOOL Weare rdiearsing for the Christiprogram whieh wiU be pre^«niled Chiistmas Eye at the HUls• ; M o Center Club. The leading parts '4rill be .-taken by Orville Edwards eaad Katherine KuBiaekL When Mr. Seruton came to read the meter we asked him^to draw ua a Christmas picture on the Uaekhoard. He drew a large Santa Glaus, which we like very much. We are making Christmas pres. ents for our relatives in our spare time. Judy ComweU and Rosalie Smith have been absent from school becatise of colds. - We received a number of inter- 6 8 esting ttttext- from -die '; pvUie Lambert Laundry 6 7 s d w o i t d New York, witfi wkch LEADING BOWLERS we are. corresponding. PF The ohUdren told us about the E. Fleming 1741 taU buildtogs and busy streets of J. WUt 1431 New York. They are curious to R. Parkmian 1424 know what the country is Uke, ^ Teixeira 1684 1655 One girl, named Joan, sent us ' ^^^^ 1636 a picture of herself. j^^y connor 1632 BOWLING LEAGUE STANDING S. Poluchov 1630 P. Dyer GP PW PL L. Vosburg 1622 4 26 6 Andrewis 1622 11 D. Gove 19 6 Whitney 1621 H. Martin 11 19 6 SuUivan 12 18 6 Machine EVERYBODY 13 17 6 Martin READS THE 17 13 6 VJ'.W. 17 13 6 MESSENGER Antrim 20 10 6 Seaver OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. BUY THE 28 AVE 96.16 95.6 ^4.14 93.12 9U7 9016 90.12 90.10 90 J2 90.2 90.1 Oscar Robb, who wUl spend Uta I Saturday, Dea IS, at 8:00 P. I t r ANTIOM a Peuiy Sale will be held ct tbe winter thereL News has been recehred in Dec.-19, a daooa spoosoted by Antrim Town Hall, in charge of of the bkth. of a dau^ter to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M Jemison d the high school pupils, wUl be heki ' Mrs. Betty Amiott, sponsored b y P h i l a d d i ^ . Mrs. Jemison was in the Town HaU. Jimmy Wylie's the St Parick's Church fai B e n formerly Harriet ^Udnson of this music wiU be enjoyed at this hoU- siington. A blaritet will be ghren town. t day dance, from 8 to 12 P. M. Dress away. ' Mzs. Jennie Prescott and lier sis- is (q^ttonal at this star-Ut prom. ter wiU Q>end the winter in Florida, Come on out and enjoy yoursdf. > Advertise fax the classified section' Her house is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooks and famUy. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur EngUsh o i tertained over the wedt-end, Mr. and Mrs. Ray EngUsh and son, from Lebanon. Miss Bemice Robb spent the week-end at her home here ind drove back to New Jersey MonS UMTIL CHPiSTMAS*lfl47 day, accompanied by her father, iLfbar^t*% A l l NEXT ^6 I V m i R R i m K K VflUEY inSTiTOT^^ 11 SOUTH MAIN ST. CONCORD, N. H. eaatiful Jewelry, Bonnd to Pleas'* se \ m Credit, Bay With Ease Thi« Chrislma* give the gift of lasting beauty . . . ever preeiou* Icwelry. Here In the finest collection we have offered in years, you will find a breath Uking array of brilliant diamonds, femeui watches and hundreds of other gifts . . . designed »o clfifc everyone on your c'ft M»t »^>«j» .tm '• ^ '. 1' WI i 'T-I'V^ -is * '~^''" Voriety of m«del«. All erttrcKtiva . . . depend- Men's Stone Ring $10 o c up 19.95"' 50c DOWN SOc A WEEK simulated Pearls '3.00 $< SOc DOWN SOc A WEEK Electrie Iron Lapel Wateh 1.89 '29.75 SOc DOWN SOc-A WEEK 75c DOWN 75e A WEEK Caryinr Set '8.50 SOe DOWN SOc A WEEK Baby Ben Alarm Clock '4.40 50c A WEEK . MATCHING WEDDING BANDS '26" SOc A Week Matching 14K gold wtdding bonds for Brid« and Groom. -..• Glamorons Compacts $0 o c up SOc DOWN SOc A WEEK Piece Drener Sei Beantlfnl Cameo Pin % $1 SOc DOWN SOc A WEEK SOc DOWN SOe A WEEK 10 95 '15.60 Collar and Tie Set $< '2.95 SOe DOWN SOo A WEEK Completely Fitted Travel Kit '9.95 SOc DOWN SOe A WEEK ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX \ W A Week . '^-^^ Man** bnprM-^ >^t-^T" ^, yrr^^^ LOCKCT AND CROSS *iv* ring. AAOMIV* 14K9eld SOe A Week OeM A I M lodcot ondcre**—«spMtly raeliiOfMd. SCOTT'S NO EXTRA CHARGE PAYMENT PLAN 50c a week will purchase up to $25.00 75c a week will purchase up to $37.50 $1.00 a week will purchase ^ to $50.00 $1.50 a week will purchase up to $75.00 $2.00 a week will purchase up to $100.00 J1 / '' . ..r. ^''lili^l^^^'JIPi^l'^'^^i^V^'^^^^^ '.' ."^"f-V:."! :W^>fl!«PPW -WSf'i •-. Thursday, December U ,1947 HOlflM C TIOM PENS, PENCILS & SETS. DESK SETS, Foimtain SC Dip ZIPPO SC EVANS LIGHTERS WALLETS SC KEY CASES FLASH LIGHTS JACK KNIVES aGARETTE CASES WATCHES ^6.95 Up ALARM CLOCKS ALUMINUM TRAYS Si DISHES BURWODD GIFT ITEMS CRIBBAGE BOARDS POKER CHIPS ' PLAYING CARDS CAMERAS McMHiignr iptiWkiit<''nii Thn Advertiiing ^f^-al,, tfaa Contoocook Valley Town*—Antrim, Henniker, Mhboro. ^^^^^^^^^mi^^i^mi^^mm^mi^m^^^tiim^amMmiamaiamati^aamataisfmiaiaamamiaaniattatmiiiuaiKaammeiaarr-^aeaaueaatiatiaKii^aaiaK^ ist's office); li^jKiiinnai/iit 9 0 Q ' W ^have given to Dorothy Colbum; "WMUR Julie and John Show Paul McAdams^f'Coffee won by J'ree Hair-cut given to Paul DunHas Capacity Crowd Here Georgianna Foiyle and Florence &p. Reed; Pineaiiple won \Sy Maty ° Ticket for Free Dinner won by HILLSBORO, Dec. U — On Sat- Lougee; Spot Remover won by Myrtie Page; Free Manicure won urday evening, De«ember 6, a ca- Richard Severance; Ski Sox won by ^y Leslie Connor; Orchid given to pacity crowd of approximately 150 Richarcl Baldwin. 'Mrs. Ada Proctor for being the people spent. a laugh-filled two Suspenders given to Leroy Eaton i hours with Julie and John Williams for W i g t h t prettiest knees; 2 ^ «West guest present (80 years); 5 of station WMUR, Manchester, ,«sses to Sie movies given to Mary ! f l s . gas given to Jessie Vosburg; sponsored by the Ladies' Aid of the ^ T m a n ; Ticket for Free Meal i ^ ^ ^ i f . «'^^" *°. ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ " ^ ] ^ ' CONGREGATIONAL Methodist Church Many prizes given to Mri. Hden Chapman;-Woo Socks won by Rite I ^ p , Saturday, December and gifts were given out as foUows: RoUed Oats won by Walter Ster- | y y.>a Bn"^^ Mrs. Geprge Colby, Pin-up Lamp for the most re- S g ; Nylon Hose ^ven to Robert P ^ i p Woodbury. Domd^^^^ cently married couple given to Mrs. Henning: 4 Passes to the Movies ^^^ F r a ^ Fowle Shavmg Set Gordon Skinner; Wishing Ring won given to Robert Henning to be^'OJJ by Ruth Wdliams; Bon-bon by Mrs. Frances York; Birthday divided with his pals; FlashUght dish given to Leon Parker; Five Meaaenger Classifieda Never Speak Gift of Free Dinner at the Valley won by Frances Sweet; Weather 1 ° ^ ° L ^ " ^ ^ ^ ° " . J L « S Hotel given to Mrs. Mary Whitney; Prophet won by Roger Eaton; Pic- Sanbom. "Hie Good Neigbor gift Antique Humidor won by" Anna ture won by Mrs. Charles Hunt; and bouquet was given to Mrs. NelKulbacki; Pyrex cake pan won by Woolen Cloth won by Mrs. CUf- l>e Elkworth who could not be Stella Martin; Garden Spray won ford Murdough for being Mother present to receive it. Aprons were by Ruth Woodbury and Fred of the Largest FamUy; Chocolates f'^^'^ *« Mrs Manon Harris and Clough; Candy by Ethel Peaslee; won by Mrs. George Edwards as Miss Nora Ashford as the runnersFruit Bowl won by Mrs. Monbleau; runner-up of largest famUy; Free up m the contest. Bed Tray won by Belle Mosely; Washing won by Gerald Sweet CARD OF THANKS Free Wave and Shampoo won by for being Handiest Man around the ____ ^_ My sincere thanks to rtiy kind House; 3 strings of Bowling won Elizabeth Baldwin; Free Wave and Shampoo won by Henry Martin; bV"Virginia* Lougee; Cigar^given fnends and neighbors for the cards $2.00 worth of Frozen Foods won to JJrs. Otterson for having been a^ flowers received during my by Mr. .and Mrs.' Foster; 1 q t a Mother-in-Law the longest num- »*«« <'* the hospital and since my Heavy Cream won by "Red"'-Coch- ber of years; Hat won by MUdred/**""* ^^°^ Mrs. Fred Dutton rane; Bait Can won by W. Smith;' WaUace; Free Dry Cleaning Job Lock set given to Kay Tasker (who won by Mrs. Henning; Free Finger CARD OF THANKS met her husband whUe in the dent- Wave won by David Sterling; Free I wish to thank everyone who helped in' any way on the Good Neighbor letters on the Julie and John program. The flowers and broach are beautiful. Thank you.. SHELL - Mrs. Netlie Ellaioorth . * — ASH TRAY SETS GORLISSBROS. COLSTER SETS W. DEERING, N. H. TeL HiUsboro 18-13 COOK BOOKS BABY BOOKS Deming Water Pumps BIRTHDAY BOOKS ' N E X T . YEAR DL^RIES STATIONERY, FANCY NOTES, CABINETS ETC. J,- THREE A . R. Wilder, Prop. Telephone: I Concord ^^898-11 * NOTICE TRAINS PULL T O Y S BOOKS DOLLS ALL STEEL W A G O N S TRUCKS SC CARS, all kinds POOL TABLES P I N G P O N G SETS TRICYCLES BASKETBALLS DOLL CARRIAGES SKIIS, POLES, B I N D I N G S , & WAXES ORDERS P R O M P T L I Y FILLED Jaines Ellsworth TRADE IN YOyR OLD RADIO . CASH TOIWARD A^ NEW - ' ^ - •-, • V WEEKtY iPAYkENTS RCA VICTOR With the "Golden Throat" MANCHESTER Liberal allowance for your used radio in trade and weekly pay* ment terms. DIRECTORY 00******, ,**************0***************^.' Esteblished 1895 L E M A Y BROS. Trode With Confidence at JTEWELEBS and OPTOMETBISTS \0****0********t ,ss0t00rrrrrr- CHASE'S New Hampshire's Largest Fumiture Store BUSY SINCB 1S9S •".•'•*»»»»*****' FLORALIA FLOWERS "AU Types of Floral Dc«iflm«" COT FBOWHS — PomD PIAWTI Weddinc BoomeU Pooetal Deiigai PloWar No^tiei Dith Cargoes Tlowers Tdegraphed AajrwhewT 29 HAHOVB S n m , MAMcanna Big selection of 12 difierent new models to see and hear at Eaton's in HHIsboro. Prices start at ^19.95 for a five tube Radiola, and indtide an R C A Victor widi fordgn station band for only ^39.95. RCA]/fcron •Vk»*--T.«.«» 0. ••ft*o» 99.50 Butler's V j j f Jiff r r r f - p * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * ^ F-M also standard broadcast i BALUCABX JSWBJB Widi special antemia this set t«ill bring F M programs t o Hillsboro. Exceptionally good tone and volume o n standard broadcast. 95.00 824 ELM S m c x — HAHCBMra 0*****************************0' Two Bands for Americin broadcast or foreign progtams 39.95 All RCA Victor tadioa hsve tfae superior "Golden ThroaF* tone. I jjij-jifLi-jircff f r * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * * ^ * * ^ McLANE SC TAYLOR PURS OP DISTINCTION 'mmtmsassm&e» JOIN THE BOOST HILLSBORO COMMITTEE Automatic vohim* con trol. "Magic Loop" antenna. Colorful, ttrolght-lin* diaL Sharp turing. WalmAplastic cot*. (Ivery fWsh slightly hlgh«rJ P A I M T U O ' StTFFUQES MULTI-FACET DIAMONDS Vu^taa, RCA ViaoR 19.95 MANCHESTER, N. H. Wm. L. Nuttn^, Inc. - RCA Victor record playet ready to plug in A N D sixteen new 10 indi R C A Victor records. Complete outfit A Complete Une of Fsane taxo WALLPAFBI rt0tfttWtff Petrytkiata in Mutie Sale Speciah 9.95 VKTROIA 'iuWO^HONOeiAFH TakM up to 12 r*eerdf. PewarM ampRfleotteo. "GoWtn Throot" fooe naen. "Snent SoppHrt" pkkup, no M*dlM to change, ne hlss,r«cordslastlons*r. Cobban' Wallpaper SC Paint Store RxooBos — SKBR MUSIC — BAITB iKfTiOTiairrt — PXAWOS Tt Maia B t f ^ 24.95 yet ifs 90t the 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ ' H^LLilf^RX C U T O U T C A R D S FOR C H I L D R E N PHONP 3S.2 HILLSBORO, N. H. Supervisors of the dieddist will be in se^Mon at the town bffice o n December 8th and 9da. from 7:00 P. M., until 9:00 P. M., for the piupose of alteration or diange in party reorganization. Signed R. CONNOR R. DAVIS H. MARTIN Supervisors of liie Checklist Three Stete Registered Optometrists Expert Repair Work Jewelry M<n«mlzatloB 1217 Ela» St., MaBefc««»«r, N. H. 1 "More and more HiUsboro people are finding fuel oU convenient and dependable for heating and cooking. For dependable yeiar 'round fuel oU service I recommend James EUsworth." WAYS TO PAY SLEDS G A M E S , all kinds — But Himdrede Anateer • 30 • "w '•. * • a />'> f ERECTOR S E T S 13, 2:00 a^tiock I 1 . ContpONCook Artesian Well Co. ## MICROSCOPE S E T S VESTRY H A V E PLENTY OF WATER Hopkinton, N . H . Lionel Electric SC Wind U p CHURCH Teal RANGE & FUEL OIL i, CARD OF THANKS -We toish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all the neighbors and friends for the many deeds of kindness and sympathy shown us in our bereavement. To the bearers we are very gratef-ul for their services rendered. 'iJArs. Andrew McDonald Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Edrttunda Mr. and Mrs! Francis Britton w Ctjme and See HOT PLATES DISCHARGE FOLDERS PACZ 5 I Entertainment - - Silver CASH for your CAR CARS for your CASH v--^»iaB5a Opea Thurt. to 9 P. M. — Open Sat to 5:30 P. M. 624 Wnxow 9nzR, MAifcnsna PhoM J8S0 • 18S1 O. L. HAZELTON B. 8. ffRVXNil Prep. Dtdtr 'at GaAxm Aim MAVBU MOMOKENTS AKB M A I X E M Corner Eim and Aubum Streets MANCHESTER, N. H. — ••• TRADE IN YOUR OLD RADIO TOWARD A NEW RCA VICTOR EATON FURNITURE CO. DEPOT ST. HILLSBORO PHONE 250 Open Sattirday Night :.i^..ii'.j^A.,^^iMi>i^S^I^Sls^^/M: ••,.'KV"-^'''^" W!^%0^>^'f^-^ -• '^7 Mmicngnr PuUicatloas—Tfae Advertisisg Media of th* Contoooook Valley Towns Antrim, Hennflwr, HlBsbwe. Visit us today and remember, when you make purchases here you con depend upon us to back up tha monufocturer's guarantee all the way. We carry Nationally Advertised Brands and sell them at the lowest possible prices. All your old favorites are back again and Concord Hardware has them for you, so there's no point in giving unknown or unbranded substitutes instead ot appliances ond other gifts you'll really love^to give and receive. Easy terms on all purchases too! ?^' Quality p s for all your family 0000000000*00000000000000000000*t«***********f***r****r**^^*****»'*»*********f*******************************^****'\ Mom • • • Wess her Sbe wants a H O O V E R VACUUM GLEANER 79.50 ^r'r:r! *69.so EASY TEBMS EAST TEBU8 \ •' MAKE DAD HAPPY WITH BETTER TOOL GIFTS FOR A MORE ENJOYABLE HOBBY GE ELECTRIC ffiON Xhe n e w Hoover Cylinder Oleftuer, MoSel 50—eleus by powerful l i i e t l o i i . Featoriaf the Dirt EJeetor, a aew idea fat dirt dispotal. no 47 Automatic controls guarantee against ruining costly garments and furnishings. Tha popolwr-prlced Heever Cleaaer, Modal 28—with ezclulre TedtiTa Aetloa." DREMEL MOTO-TOOL KIT T O O L CHEST MODEL NO. 1 '6.7.' 5 Other T uple $17. 2.SUCE TOASTER Eaiy Terms 1 '4.50 Moto-Toel •ad 23 Accessories Ali chrome plated for beauty and easy cleaning quality. Easy action drop-down doors. Model No. 2. With Soecial Attachmeriis Complete G^^^Stt^ Juit Guide I t . . . Average Cutting Speedi One Foet fof Minute Selection '^ leTenu pieeee; 64]np Teapot '3.29 4 to 8 eup lize. New ceramie parts time and clear brew w i t h o u t doth or metal ae> eessoriet. "PRESTO" % Percolators 12.95 '2.89 Here's the pressure cooker she knows is tops! Easier to use and easier to clean. She'll love you for giving her one of these beauties. 4 to 6 cup sixe, Without Inset, maices up to 12 eupfuls "boUed' coffee. KEEN AXE IMt qt size. Bottom may be used separately as 2qt. s a u c e pan. • '2.19 2 qt size. Snug fitting cover confines thc steam. Others at $5.50 M- '24.95 E:. "Columbia" quality vliw. Somo with pipe-vise attaeh- C A Purchases On "•."vment Plan Good-looking and efflcient. Easily in.stalled and economical to operate. Toilet PIN-UP Seat LAMPS DOOR CHIMES '2.00 To chime the glad tidings of a friendly visit. Both front and back door. THE FASTEST THING ON RUNNERS STORE HOURS: Monday-Friday 7.45 a. m. to 5 : 3 0 p. m. Satnrday 7 : 4 5 a. m. to 9:iOO p. m. Others at $11.95 I.ZeDU '3.50 _ Q '5.45 A welcome oddition to any home. Heats by convection. Just plug it in and presently you'll have the eosiest-to-get heat in the world. No bother, no fuss . . . and it looks like Q fine piece of furniture. ' BOTTLED GAS HEATER OTHER SETS LESS MOTOR $3.49 and $4.49 ONLY 1 6 M O R E SHOPPING '4.95 $18.33 WITH MOTOR . ^ $ Q •MUors Falls" . . . hai BBooth bakelite hancQc. Complete with blade. BENCH VISE Others at $3.45 Regularly $ « 4% The CONSTRUCTIONEER Heavy steel runners securely fastened to hardwood body As slick as the packed snow they'll glide over this winter. 55 INCHES LONG!! BITBRACE Others froi 98e to $3.9 "NOMA" ELECTRIC HEATER and Girls Makes 13 different motor-driven toys plus many other stationary sets. Educotional and oh, what fun! Dad and all the rest of the family will enjoy one of these sets . . . for a long time to come because they're built to stand a iot of punishment. 89' HOME GIFTS THAT GRATIFY r**000000000000000000*000000000000000000000000*000000000000i '9-8(5 HACKSAW Made by "Rexford" . . . "MiUers Falls" and "Pexto". Jersey type. Head seeurely Easy operating . . . tep attached to handle. quality. "-'""^""""""""•rrrr-——rrrrrrrrrt00r0r0t00§,,00t0§,0000jy,',f.^ 'L98 Whistle t e 1 is when w a t e r boils. You SEE when water is low and can a v o i d '^o^. drys." «585 '2.95 Sauce Pan ^***********0***********000000000000000000*0*0**00000000, Better Toys Make Better Boys Others at $1.79 $23.S0 Make All Purchaiei On Eoiy Tjme^ Payment Plan 3.29 |Tea tastes better s e r v e d 'from sparkling glass. Wbistling Tea Kettle P R E S S U R E COOKER Double Boiler ^ '2.29 fa^ '1.19 BAST VEBKS Vor the novice or veteran eraftsman . . . no limit to the length at stock it will handle. An electrie jigsaw that takes no jigging , . . mly a trifle heavier, than a hand scroll saw. Uses less electricity ican 75'W8tt lamp bulb. retlttaat eook ware low prieee . . . bay ber CLUB GLASS C00KWARE!''"!^^xSS5y flame Drip Cofiee Maker CLAW HAMMER NEW MPEOTiD Electric Scroll Saw . e*************'************»***0*»*0000000000000000000*00000000000000000000000000000000. ?^Wi Sturdy . . . divided compari Bients. For novice or vetera: craftsman. Hell use this tool for ever so many things . . . for drilling, polishing, marking, sharpening, grinding and routing. Kit contains the master "MotoTool", 23 of the most commonly used practical accessories and attractive tool kit. Make All Purchases On Easv Timfi Pavment Plan TERMS ,\ Cover up '7.9! Excellent choice. Many styles and shapes. Re-^ ducing stock. Gleaming « amel flnl^ ovi heavy, b a n wood stock. g Courtesy, Quality With Every and wmm e. Friendliness r0 Purehase -«> TtiajAaaa UU. w%we wUet^ee a^a etaurt, iri ;;,ic?;jjV;js4^>^';.ji';^ *-;•^v^;;^"?:' s•'^M••^/:^ "Hiursday, December 11 ,1947 mals. We have also been studying birds. The following pupils have put out new feeding stations for the birds, June Beaupre, Jane Woodrow, Catherine Teixeira, John Martin and Russell Clark. * In our spelling test on Friday the following pupils received one h)mdred in their spelling tests, Darlene Powell,' June Beaupre, Jane Woodrow, Catherine Teixeira, Judith Shaii>y, Eugene Broadley, Albert Lane, David Jovin, Walter De Witt Woods, John Evans, Roscoe Putnam, and Ronald Dunlap. David Jovin had charge of the School l^ews GRAMMAR SCHCX>L GRADE TWO Roberta Polucho^ and Edward Tasker have beeh, out sick. > Mrs. Daivis was out sick for two days and Mrs. Day substituted for her. "The Meaning of Christmas," is the name of our Christmas play. We hope we have a lot of visitprs come to see i t In Science we are studying mam- meeting of the Audubon Bird Club GRADE FOUR on Friday afternoon. We are preparing a Christmas program. GRADE THREE Henry. Wood has made a nice We have made some Christmas Christmas poster. We are having simple fractions. trees. Eveiyfime we have ohe himJohn, Kathleen, Edward, Beadred in Arithmetic we put a gold trice, Beverley, Patricia, Robert, star on our tree. ' Joan's mother visited us Wed- Constance, Karen, Betty and Maxine got 100 per cent in a spelling nesday. test. We had twenty words in spelling this week. Tlie foUowing children had one hundred: Leo, Joan, Charles,- Roger, Thomas, Norma, Laurence, Fay,' David Sterling, Patricia Yeaton and Theresa Duggan. Our. Christmas play, "Santa's Christmas Court," will be presented Thursday afternoon, December 18. We hope our parents and friends will be able to attend. Harrison Baldwin played two piano pieces for us. We enjoyed them very much. • Y o u avoid the cost of a long drive and the problem of dty parkmg. • Y o u find plenty of new stock in all the Hillsboro Stores. • You find lower prices and friendly service in Hillsboro. BUY NOW WHILE STOCKS^ ARE COMPLETE Drawstring Apron 48" high 10 rods $7.49 ^ 0 " high 10 rods $8.98 • CO^IPACT BOLL , • • .36" 42" 48" • Whenever you come to Hillsboro, to shop, you can enjoy a good dituter at one of the Hillsboro restaurants. Open Saturday o u can greet your guests in an apron if Uie apron is as decoraY tive as this one. Make it of sheer cotton in pale yellow or other pastel, trim with ruffle, pocket and drawstrings of cotton plaid. A direction leaflet for making (Sis TEA APRON may be obtained by sending a sumped, self-adc*re8sea envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper asking for Leailet No. E 1411. MVi gauge 2 point 80 rods $6.49 100 ft. roll $15.49 100 ft. roll $16.98 100 ft. roll $19.98 Medium W<>;f.Kt 32" hiqh 10 line 20 rods $10.98 Buy Your Feeing Needs on Sears Eosy Payment Plan 12V^ gouge 4 point 80 rods $6.98 f000000000000000000000000000000000000*000f*00i WELDED FABRIC WIRE I 1"x1" 14 gauge 48" high 100 feet $35.98 1"x2" 14 gauae.36" high 100 feet $16.98 47" high 10 line 20 rods $20.45 save Night WELDED JOINTS 11 GAUGE WISE 39" high 9 line 20 rods $19.98 money. HILLSBORO • HINGED JOINT STTLE GALVANIZED STEEL BARBED WIRE • GALVANIZED STEEL BINGE JOINT • SOLD IN 20 BOD BOLLS R A n d don't forget to show thie children the big Commuiiity Christmas Tree. EATON f URNITURE CO. • COMPACT BOLL ST7LE HEAVY WEIGHT FARM FENCE • While you're here yoii can see the movies at the Capitol and'bowl at the Bowlitorium. S H O P FOR C H R I S T M A S I N HILLSBORO • HI.NGED JOINT DOUBLE PICKET LAWN FENCE R T h e Capitol Theatre will present a free show for children during Christmas week. what you want—attd HEAVY WEIGHT POULTRY FENCE 58" ^ i g l i TO rods $9.98 48" high 10 rods $8.98 60" high 10 rods $9.98 MEDIUM WEIGHT POULTRY FENCE • Bakers Drug Store is conducting a voting contest with valuable prizes for boys and girls. P H O N E 250 people sitting in front of a fireplace cheerfully waiting for a "ThiaakBgiviag Dinner.*'' ! Walter Sterling drew a -wall Christmas picture, and Hvrison Baldwin the Dec^nber Calendar. - David Whitney has retumed frrai the hospital after la tonsilectomy, and will soon retuxn to schooL ', (Continued on Psge 9) SEARS COMPLETE FARM STORE i Y o u may be the one who receives a three-day two person all-expense trip to N e w York at New Year's. When you buy groceries, clothing, hardware or anything else in Hillsboro you will receive free coupons and if you win, you will be notified the night before Christmas. yottr shopping—fittd GRADE FIVE We are woridng on a Christmas play to be given Thursday afternoon, December 18. ^ We are studying fractions and seen to enjoy them. 95 per cent of the class averaged 90 per cent all the week. ^ Mrs. Day's lesson in art on Nov. 26, was a free-hand picture bf two CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF FENCING When You Shop In HILLSBORO Enjoy PACSV Menenger PubUesttooe—Tbe Advertisiag Media of tbe Contooeook Valley Towns Antrim, Henniker, misbeco 1"x1" 14 gouoe 3 6 " high 100 fdet $27.98 1"x2" 14 qouqe 4 8 " high .100 feet $21.98 SEARS IS OPEN EVESY SATURDAY UNTIL 9:00 P. M. EASY TERMS ON PURCHASES OF $10.00 OR MORE SEURS /t's nigh on to Christmas and sure as you live HEATING PAD lAAAPS For someone you're puzzling just tchat to give liip gifts are the best gifts of all!" 1. Genuine Ford Parts are one of the 4 big reasons why our Ford dealer service saves you time, money and trouble. They're made right to fit right and last longer. Vm Reddy to tell you. for gifts large or smalt "Electrical 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET TEL 3330 CONCORO, N. K. aocK YOUR ILKTRiC MRVANT IRONER 3 ^ •berrrer je« ehvp . . . AIX Electrie AppUai>e« Store* bare veeAsI HCgMtien* for ELECTBICAL GIVING... for ELECTRICAL LIVING.. • >.Rfiic s s t v i e r ftOtMianv les'asw M*M»SNit« RANCE PITBL/C 3. Ford-trained Mechanics know your Ford like a book. They get to tfie root ef things fqtt to save you iponey< 4. Special Ford EqulpraMff b sure fe save yeu inoney, tooi Bunt for Perdi, tt de« Hie |eb Jtetter and ciuidcer. ^I^O PeAL£i^S A(M0l¥ fOROS sesT '••i '^'J^*'^^f)^\ J >••! :-t^;v>2ar'.t!''y'*>r>vi',<.:^?J!j;^^ '.•; ,>'>,'r:*-"'?S<?.:- "Messenger Classified Ads Never Speak — but Hundreds Answer Them" 10 PLEASANT STBEET — COKCOBS by GEORGE ,S. PROCTOR ed to see this animal appear to him. Monday moniing it sounded like an army at war oh Kimball Heights. Never heard so many shots in a short time. This coming week-end will be a record number out for deer. KENT'S CONCORD CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our most sinA.PRESENT Phorie 104 * WUton, JN. H. cere dnd heartfelt thanks to our [ttrr rrr ----——— FOR A MAN! neighbors and friends for the lovely i**i\f<ft*t**rrrt-r---" «•-««««« i pound party they gave us SaturBUICK GARAC^ r**^*******»**************eee***********ff^^*******00000,00000,000000 W. L. Fickett & Co. day night, 100% WOOL JEWELER Here is a lady from one of my ihf-ee day hunting license. There Mr. and Mrs, Leon J. Cutter towns who says to keep your is a three day fishing license but CONCORD BUICK CO. D I A M O N D S — WATCHES CARD OF THANKS screens in until you put on your we never had one for himting. No PABTS — BUlpK — a^mcs JEWELBY We wish to sincerely thank all storm windows. The old cat brought siich animal. 'i Gifu For All Occasions Genertd Auto Repturs in a snake which got into the cel- , Jrhe trappers are up against it the Businessmen, Merchants, Townspeople and Friends who helped in lar via the open window. N. MAIK STBEET — CONCORD TOP P R I C B S F O R USSSD C A R S t^s season. .High water Has- inter- any toay to Tnoke our annual Sale, It's bob cat time. Eddie Carter, fered with their trapping. We have Supper and Entertainment such a 4 BEACON S T B B B T — P B O N B 2731 Sizes 36-50 MOVER Wilton, brings in the first one; heard of 26 mink and 39 muskrats success. Walter Somero of New Ipswich the being taken this season in three The .Ladies* Aid of the PLYMOUTH GARAGE next one and now comes Eain&.:Aho towns. ••• -• Methodist Church . * TONY LAMY of Fitchburg with the third <Jhe, See your County Agent at once, all inside of a few days.. he knows of a niew Govemment rat ADVERTISING IS N E W S LOCAL AND INTERSTATE MacArdiur's Gar^e, Inc. .. MOVER Fred Beck, Ugr. -.-r.-^.r • A youiig.'TO^IJfrom Peterborp ^ t poison...that th.^y.-say. i ^ f t e .l?est KEEP rr B^ NEWSPAPERS < ALL W O O L ^ "^ me out of bed in the wee houVs qh.1 thing out It gets 'em. CHRTSi;^!R — P L ' ? M © U T H We Move Safe*, OCBce Equipaan* SALES Atto-aimxca Here is the story. You get a deer. Thanksgiving day as he had hit ,a SPORT COATS aaA HooMhold Gooda DEPPNJDAgLS mSSD OARS large doe near Uie Doherty home.' You kee^ the meat and the pelt _ iOeoda Iniored In TrMuit — We Pay CeUing Ptbea for Uaei The doe was about dead when I got ^16.50—^18.50 HOSIERY BARGAINS (send for gloves). We want the 16 Bsdsrer St., Concord Tel. 2174 Oara — Any Make or Tear there. The car received . a few head for the paw bone and the legs ANKLETS—11 pairs for $1.00, reg238 No. s u t e — Pbone 355 dots and dashes. for the Lone Pine Himters Club of ular 25c value. For infants, girls TOPCOATS The best deer I have seen to date Nashua for their Clubhouse. We or ladies. Cuff tops, assorted BODY REPAIRS was a 12-point buck shot by Char- want the tails for the Crippled G. colors. OVERCOATS les A. Smith of LowelL He got the I's at Manchester for fiy ^ying. So LADIES' HOSE-4 pairs "for $1.00. deer in Nelson. I checked him as that means the whole deer is val^26.00—^33.00 39c value. Choice of semi-sheer Hoagland's Auto Body uable to you and to us. he went through town. seamless rayon, or fullseam servIf you are interested in snakes Body and Fender Repair* Charles Meyer, my neighbor and ice weight cotton. Fall shades. giet the book entitled "Reptiles of a well known coon hunter, got a "CompltU Collision Strt^ict" MEN'S COTTON SOX—8 pairs for Garments huge house cat gone wild one night the World," by Ditmars. Yes, I saw PAINTING $1.00. 25c value. Medium weight, a farmer plowing on Dec. 1, 1947. last week. This cat has bothered Exchanged or long style or short elastic top. DURGIN LANE — CONCORD According to the daily press him for the past two years. He PHONE 1354 Assorted colors. thought it was a big coon. This more deer have been killed by cars Altered After OPTICIANS cat weighed over 16 pounds and and trucks in southem, N. H., than LADIES' RAYON PANTIES—2 MEMORIALS prs. for $1.00. All elastic waist Christmas gave him a merry chase many a by himters. 69c value. No matter where you live it's up Dexter HoIbro<^ SC Joaes night. to you as a good citizen to support MEN'S DRESS SOX—5 pairs for The Fish and Game Law books baseball, basketball, plays,, shows ^—OpttMnetrists — $1.00. 35c value. Fine rayon, long are out for 1948. The Agents are or dances. The local teams in basstyle, or short elastic top. AssortS. W. JONES, ©pt D. well pleased to know that they ketball are putting on a grand ed colors. P. E. HOLBROOK, Opt D. will get two bits (25c to you), for show and you don't want to miss Hosiery are slight imperfecta. their commission in 1948 for writ- the next one. 8 No. State St, TeL 421 Please state sizes wanted. ing your license—old price was 15c. I have a large wire trap set over CX>NCOI®, N. K Yes, the snow fences are up and at my pond to cateh up a few mal- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! winter is officially here—^bring on lard ducks that don't want to come NO C.O.D.'s WE PAY PARCEL 138 N o . Main Street your snow! WALLPAPER DR. H. H. VOLKEL. O. D. in for the winter. Well, the past Out of state hunter wants to POST week I caught up four ducks, three Optometrist CONCORD, N . H . know—can he hunt hares during bluejays and two dogs. The dogs Southern Sales Company oifice 'Hour* C. F. Mudgett SC Son the deer season. Sure he can. but did not seem to mind it a bit but P. 0. Box 2029 9>00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Dept BE-1 "Factory Branch" Distributors of I would advise him not to nutil the Jays were somewhat peeved. Blrir«, Schntts, I.loy<y« Open all day Wednesday KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE after the deer season. Some hunt- When I opened the gate they sure Ehglixh and Canadian doted Satnrdar* at Noon ers might take a pot shot at your made a quick get-away. WAJLLPAPERS KrcfBlarii Br Appointment Only hound if he interfered with his for Conoord asd Vicinity Quite a few crows forgot to go 35 N. MAIN STREET. COXCOM). 904 hunting. Keep your dogs at home south with the big migration. We BPS PAINTS — WINBOW GLASS until after the 21st 79 S. Slate Street Concord, 3877 saw quite a few the past few days. PHOTOGRAPHER Sure, a resident owner and his The Mrs. and Myself sure enjoyminor children can hunt fish and ed the banquet of the Civic Club GLASS trap on their own land without a at Milford one night last week. The is die I''•'^^i#^^^^^^^>tf^^^tf^^ GEORGE W. PERRY license. supper was served by the ladies A load of 10,000 Fingerlings, of the Parish of the Catholic ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHER square tail trout from the New church and it was swell. The enterGLASS COMPANY Hampton -hatchery were planted tainment was put on by Harvey "Ntw Hampihire'! OIIIMI CI«M Firm" See her eyes sparide and a smile come to her face when 43 i«LEASANT ST.. CONCORD in my brooks one day the past Davies, a piano comedian from Rial* — Window — A a t o G U M you present her with a fine week. They were nice fish. Jlight Boston. He sure knew his stuff. A FJUKES AND LEATHEB CASES Fiaa Qnality Miraor* Bri'tnar Paints - Pitttbtirgh paper* in the middle of a nice snowstorm. fine eviening spent 5 Odd Fellows A v e n a e Now is the time of the year to Who has collie puppies to sell? Concord, 8 6 2 REFRIGERATION watch your dogs. The ice is thin Big demand just now for small 7-8 ^*^^^^^^^'^*^^'^#^«#^tftf'tf^tf^s#V^tftftfV^4 and many a dog that's reported weeks old. 'lost met his fate in the pond or H. E. HUMPHREYS GO. *000*0*00*0*. POUlJrRY Are you interested in two guns, river on the thin ice. Many a nice one single, one double 12 guage? Use Our Lay-ts-Way Flan for Christmas R e f r i f e n t i s ) ; Engineers and : Dodge-Freedtnan Poultry deer has met the same fate. Plenty of ammunition for same. CoxKEBaAL REFBICEKATORS LIVE PbULTRY Open Saturday Evenings UnUl 9:00 UntU Xmas You ice fishermen also want to Mr. Doonan who owns a summer Contractors watch your step as the ice is not home at Greenville shot a freak Main OfRce and Terminal M I L K C O U X X S — FKEEZESS quite ready to receive a 200 lb. man. fox Saturday last Looks like a CONCORD, N. H. 57 S a M A I M STBEET CONCORD The past week we have answered crossed fox to me. Mr. Doonan Phones 2764 • 1430 P k o M 8S45-W many a phone call asking about a ^ j ^ ^ ^ hunter and" was" he surpris Gee. E. Dodga Wear* 310^ Doa Hedf man Waara 21-13 EXPRESS RADIO REPAIRS OFFKE SUPPLIES '^^<»^#>#^>#<'«#<#«^#>#tfS##>#^k# NEW HAMPSHIBil, CONSERVATION 25 N . M A I S STBEET, COHCOKD, N . H . OFFICER Worsted Wool SUITS $33.00 KENT'S CLOTHES CHRISTMAS GIVING REAL JOY OF LIVING FROST FUR t" •,. ^'m MOSLEY'S EXPRESS —^Daily Service— OQKCORD • MANCHESTER ^ggt'M 4S60 FBOME 182-3 AFTER 4 HnXSBORO PATRONIZE MESSENGER ADVERTISERS Brown SC Saltmarsh, Inc. FRENCH'S RADIO SHOP TOWN AND Omer. SuppLrts Radio Repturs Office Machines Overhauled Picture Franung Toys — Records — Books 61 No. Maia St. Td. 88 10 N. S T A T E S T . CONCORD Air-Conditioned Voults and Fur Solon IS PLEASAKT STBEEX 4 Open Evenings By Appointment CONCOBD, K. H. ri:3NE 148S ^^^'<^^^''^^^^^^^^^^tf^tf^^^4^^^#^^4 "N "%'Jt^Sv 'It'^w^^-' w^^^YmfWn^^'^^^^ w?^~^v\-?^^•"5•, :-?,«!> r".s7 %«:• VAmt'9 Meeaiotlet PuKications-Tbe Advwtiiing Media of a » Coatoocook Valley Town^-Aattte. Thursday, December 11 »1947 I though she is 'only able to come a few- hours a day. Mary Lee has been in the h o s i ^ since last SepCRADE SIX Itoniber. We are very glad to have Mary Every sixth grader has some part Lee StUliMs back wifh us even Carole 7ogg. School t^ews GRAMMAR S C H O O L (Continued from Page 7) in the Christmas program dutt we are planning for Tlxunday, December 18. We certainly hope all our parents and friends come. We have drawn several pictures ana blackboard boxden to daoorrte SuSwmfe I'iiasIei.^BogMr our room for Christmas. Marilyn Belaatet bad W P«r cent George AUdalr, Gayle Bennett, j ^ gpenjxig tiito tredL Bruce Bonnette, Joanne Duggan, June Holdner, Virginia Johnson, NEW YEAR'S IN HEW YOBK We were all excited when David told us about his brother shooting a bear in the woodslfi Washington. Leon Parker saw lhe bear. Those having 100 per cent in spelling for the week ending D e c 3, are John Olson, Leon Parker, Harrison, Barbara Mills, Walter, Ann Broadley, Anna Sands, Barry, Eleanor, Ernest Barbara Dxunais, Jane Seymoiu-, Martha Marchand, Joyce Wheeler, Mildred Powell, Dellene Devlin, James Pei;ham and SPECIALS A T BOYNTON'S Sears Of Concord will be^pen until 9:00 P. MThursday and Friday December IS^and X9j. Sears Is open every Saturday untd 9 P. ""•«"«• open every Wednesday until 5:30 P. M. FRIDAY SC S A T U R D A Y DIAMOND Matdies W FRIENDS mouton... ,Baked Beans .FRIENDS Brown Bread APRICOTS tke m Large can PEARS Large can ^^:fe- of (jic.antouFi For Every Woman QUAKER Oats SNOW'S Clam Chowder Plus Tax SUNSHINE H i H o Crackers Kerrybrooke Hondbogs 28c pkg. Meat Specials BONELESS P«rt Roast ee Trimmed Slipi 65c lb. LEAN FANCY Brisket Com Beef 59c lb. PORTERHOUSE Steak 79c lb. LEAN Hamburg .49c lb. '4.29 :3 Elegant styling and exquisite rayon fabrics add to the super* lopity of these slips.Val type lace frothily trims the shirred bodice. Pink or white. Sizes 32-40. A Only $33.00 Down, $10.50 Monfhiy, . Usuol Carrying Chorge '4.00"'9.00 ?o« Skillfully made to Sears spe;-ift cations—and priced to a dramatic Sears low! Every Kerrybrooke* handbag boasts the many Myle and convenience features you have asked for. Sturdy, scufi - resistant genuine goatskin. Smooth-sliding, sell-locking zioBer closings. "what-woman wouldn't appreciate fu- 'or Christmas? And especially a mouton lamb from S e ; - . . It's your guaran.ee of style and quality workmanship. T h e - l s t e t eye^atdiing details are there for this modest price. Sizes 12-20. Other Furs $66.00 to $159.50 Plus Tax flannel robes SWIFT'S Frankforts cellophane wrapped 1 lb. pkg. 59c SWIFT'S Allsweet Oleo * 11-98 41c lb. The SQUARE Glove, Muffler Set Colored Dress Shirts W o o l Robes for For The Mea ALL WOOL For the Men Little Sister '2.98 "" *3.98 MARKET Herringbone weave mufBer, gloves of solt knitted 100% wooL A strtklng gift set in canary navy, maroon, tan, brown, white, green, gczj, . FRIDAY & SATURDAY *2.98 Fine quality eotton shirts. Made to fit well and wear long Sanforized. (Max. shrinkage 1%). Newest, washfast colors, 14-17. '4.29 • 100% wool • Pocket, belted, piping trim • Choice ot copen or red • Sixes 3-6 $2.49 to $3.69 59c Rib end Pork Roast 49c Chime end Pork Roast 65c Neckties, Big Choice ot Patterns 98c and $1.49 Men's J00% Wool Pnllover Sweaters 12-20. {out of heavy beef) 79c j Men's Broadcloth Pajamas Boneless Rib Roast 79c . Cowhide Dress BclU T-Bone 79 j i nylon hosiery I 79c Christmas trees ^1.25—^1.50 Full line of FRESH VEGETABLES $ $4.69 Boys' Paiamas '2.98 Popular style for boys. 2-jrfece middy style in sizes 10-16. Made of sanforized cotton flannelette In bright stripes Boys' Coet Sweoters $ 2a9B 89c to 51.93 Boys' Lounjing Robes $3.79 Boy.s' While Dress ShirU Great for school or sport<!. Slidetasiener closing. lOC/o wool cloth front Choice ol co'or Sizes 8-18 $1.98 and $2.98 !t»3;9iKa)3)SiS:SiS<9iS;S:3;S:^'.:<>:::* SEARS IS OPEN EYERY SATUROAY UNTIL 9:00 P. M. FRESH F I S H Tuesday thru Saturday 1-39 Exclusive nylons that fit every leg curve. Suntones, taupe - tones and beige tones. Sizes 8%-10Mi. See Our Nylons in the .Popular Midnite Blu and Gun Metal Shades $1.79 aaJe WOMEN'S CAPESKIN BOOTEE CAPITOL CAFE "Featuring the Finest Foods and Refreshments" HOLLEY and SULLIVAN Propr'ietors HILtSBORO, Jf. H. -^.-r'^.;"^ iiicc'.s".': $2.98 Undercut Chuck Roast Coon, old, Snappy Cheese Suavely smooth, 100% wool robes. Impeccably tailored with all the quality and features you look for. Many have gaily printed collors. Rose, Wine and Blue, sizes Choice of Styles Men's White Shirts Boneless Pot Roast d 498 Plaid Wool Blanket Extra Thick, Warm 1 0 0 % V/ool Blanket Ontstaadinc Valne Set'i Leather soles Blue or wine Csnforfcr Approx, l.lxflO Reg. Price $15.98 The P.X. NOW $12 8 8 '7.98 Sears priced for real savings . . . 5 4 lbs. of virgin wool for real warmth. Black plaid with threetone border. Blue, rose or green. 7a « 00 ln<>h«t Luxury size, 72x90-in.! We believe it's the best value anywhere! Ziz-zag stitched rayon aatin binding; blue, rose, peach, srtcn. Hoods' Ice Cream HOURS: Sundays: 10 A . M . — 1 0 P.M. i Weekdays: 9 A . M^—10 P. M . OPEN EVt; WEDNESD/Y Siset 4Vi^ The beauty of rayon satin, filled with the warmth of 100% wool, at a surprisingly low price! Two smart patterns in choice of four colon. Cosy Terms en Pureheset TeteUni f 10.00 er Mef* 19 SOIITH JMUMli STRE MMet)^. fiCssso f " " ' • < » - • ^ • ^ ' [•.»_ r« ''5v- '-li^jlRPr Me«>«ger PuMteaMoni-tl.. AdvertirtHg Media of the Contoocook Vdley Towae-AxtMm. Beudkat. ^Ubm. lliursday, December 11 4947 eieeeee9et9e9***M,.tM*tMMM4SMMS*MMeaea^^ FOR SALE —• Black coat, Silver HELP WANTED STAIE OF NEW HAMPSHtRE Fox Collar. Size 38, $10:o6 Aqua Hillsborough, ss. Coiut of Probate *wol tailored dress, size 38. |S.OO OPPORTUNITY — Ambitious man To the heirs at law of the estate interested in independent busiPhone 240, IClIdboro, N. IB. 50 Mrs. Diatiumd Maxwell AU adfertlsementi RDpearing under this head 2 \ ness with Company assistance. rtf Charl* W. Wallace late'of Cor f f ipowdept eent» » word; Bunlmam charge S5 cents. Extra \ SUaiborou^ in said County, deFOR SALE — In Hillsboro Village, Earn $50 to $75 weddy profits ceased, intestate, and to-all others tDMrttoos of same'iidT. 1 cent a word; mtnimuT^ • 1 two tenement house, six rooms handling widely known Watkins Report cards were Issued Friday iBharge M cents. PATABLE IN ADVANCK. W each, toilets. Price $3,300. K L . Products in Rural area. Need car interested therein: and the following pupils were on SSpeeae0ma0»^******0*^0,00,0,0i0,0^,0,0,00,0,f,^ <w^«^^y^^^^^^wo«-ff jx,jxj JJ Whfireas Mildred D. Wallace.adMason, Tel. 106,. Hillsboro, N. —no cash investment Write Dept FKI, Box 367, Newaric, New Jer- ministratrix - of the ^tate of said the honor roll: Jean Holmes, Peter , 7 ^ PEOPLE R E A D T l f f i S B CLASSIFIED j?! •• ' ••• ^ PLL Box 367, Newark, New Jer- dMeased, has filed in the Probate Beane, Marilyn Davison, Lois A D V E R T I S E M E N T S E V E R Y WEEK — IF O U R A D S i ^^^ SALE — Men's size 8 tubular sey46-50* Office for said County, the final Davis, John O'Brien, Frank Conaccotmt ot' her administration of nor,. Bruce Cames and Sally Hazen. C A N T SELL IT—TT C A N T BE- SOLD i-hockey skates, ahnost new; rubber said estate: 'LOST The following were prize winvAiB oiiTB FOR SALE \^^ m^tal wheelbarrow. Elsie You are hereby cited to appear ners at the whist party held by FOR SALE r v « OAi,ii | Blanchette, Park S t Tel. 131-14. LOST — Shepherd, collie dog, very at a Court of PnAate to be holden Davis-Woodman post, American rOR SALE - 1 Heatrola heater,, ^ ^ ^ ^ " Used SUvertone IHifliboro, N. H. 50 dark brown body, white chert, at Hillsborough in said Coimty, Legion and the Auxiliary: Mrs. , Walnut color, good as new. Coal or one white and three tan legs.-Call- on the SOth day of'January, 1948, W.ln«t_color^ood as 3-5. new. Coal50* or fit plays, L l , „ ^ 'price ^ : i : ^$5.00. l , - ' * We 4 ? ^took . ^ ^ it ! ' r^OR R n uSALE n T o7v - 1 \ „Dartmouth ,„ ° n range T ^ ^ ' ed Danny. Collar tag 82. Reward. to show cause if any you h^ve, Frank Hooper, Frank Hooper, wood. Can HiDsboro in trade for a new RCA Victor. I J , „ J ° " ° J . ° f J ^%^'- ° " " « ^ , ^ Harold Davis, Henniker, N. H. Louise Mills and G. A. Bochert why the same should not be allow44tf • FUSASE~order Christmas wreaths Eaton Fumiture Co. Hillsboro, N. Dodge, Hillsboro, N. H. Prof. Leroy Cleveland of New . 50M ed. rly. Flossie Broadley, Tel. 199-2, H. 50* FOR SALE — Two Silent Glow England College has purchased the Said administratrix is ordered to BUboro, N. H. 48-50 i m p CATT? r > - „ , i . v ' T 3 T '•^"Se bumers. 50 gaUon oU drum LOST — Black and white Setter. serve this citation by causing the Charles Russell place at Westboro - FOR SALE — Canary birds, guar- FOR S A L E - D r y slabwood, sawed and carburetor. Used 2 months. In vicinity of Beard Brook Road. same to be published once each Comer and will move his family Name on Collar Ermine Barnes. 7 . ^ Neil ^ -i^r ^^°-'^' N ^ ^H Mosley, ' Park St. HillsboT? anteed singers at a reasonable ^ 80 Zcu. ^ftr ^$5.75. F. ^Woodrow, wi $50 reward for retum of dog. TeL week for three successive weeks here from Sutton. prioe. ^ e z Barnard, Ted. 14-12, Tel. Hillsboro Upper Village 9Irving Goss, Ralph Hardy, Wajme ' ' 34, Hillsboro, N. H. 47tf in the Hillsborough Messenger a Benniker, N. H. 50-52 23. newspaper printed at Hillsborough Holmes, Myron Hazen and Ted 49-52» FOR SALE' — FARM MASTER stainless steel single unit milker LOST — Army Field Jacket, be- in said County, the last publication Whittier each got a deer last week. r-GB3ES!nNG CARDS for all occaCOLDSPOT FREEZER ACCES$79.50. Milker pumps, $104.50 Bear Hill Grange met Tuesday tween my home and Whitney Bus to be at least seven days before •iana. Come in and look them over. SORIES — 100 ft roU cellophane DAIRY EQUIPMENT including el- Office. Bucky Yeaton. Tel. 181, said Court: evening with the master, Fred T. For s^e by Lisabel Gay. The Card- wrapping paper, 20-inch $1.29. Given at Nashua in said County, Conor, presiding. As officers elect 50 eteria, 47 School St, Hillsboro. 53tf liM ft roll COLDSPOT.wrapping ectric water heater, wash tubs, Hillsboro, N. H. cleaning compounds, brushes, milly this 8th day of December AJ5. 194?. Mrs. Duncan Noyes and Miss LaLOST BANK BOOK By order .of the Court, vona Meade resigned, Lester ConFOR SALE — FARM MASTER, paper for meats and poultry $2.69 pails and ot^er dairy equipment Wilfred J. Boisclair, available at Sears of Concord's com...... . ^ , nor was elected as Master and IHEW ENGLAND STYLE HAR- per roll. Register. Mrs. Joseph Fisher was elected FOR P*REE , ^""j® "* ^"^^^ S^^en that Hills- 50-52 RWC DNESS. New England Style Hamess, COLDSPOT freezer alarms $6.98 plete Farm Store. ESTIMATE, write Sears, ivs. Roebuck ^?'° Py^L^^'P Sayings Bank Book,! natural color steer hide. Specially ecah.. Secretary. The following program eoinstracted to withstand the plow- Aluminum ice cube trays, single and Co. 19 South Main St., Con- No. 15,745 issued to Midiael"F.' STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE was presented: readings by Mrs. Kulbacki, has been lost Finder ^^i^^^borough, ss. Court of Probate 48-50 i n g on New England Hills. Traces grid 89c each, double grid $1.59 cord, N. H. or Tel. 3330. To the heirs at law of the estate Emest Grinnell; recitetion by Mrs, Purchases totaling $10.00 or more please retum to owner or bank. are 3-ply, 3-row stitched, box loop each. Howard Gamniell; special feature 50-52 6f Addie S. Williams late of Antrim, by lecturer, Mrs. Joseph Fisher; checks. Concord blinds, $91. 25. Cellophane lined bags ,small size may be made on Sears Easy Pay7r~~~~--— : hi said County, deceased, testate, STABLE KiANKETS,'lined duck 50 for $1.59, mediimi size 25 for ment Plan. jokes by Miss Evelyn Damour;: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE and to all others interested therein: blankets with fabric linings, 72- $1.89, lar^e size 10 for $1 songs by the members. A Christmas^ The subscriber has been duly ap- i Whereas Harold F. Swindler ex- inch, 76-Indi, 80-inch and 84-inch, 100 ft r^oU tubukr cotton mesh, L - M O D ^ C O T O A C T party will be held at the next meet-ii-_T _ , Brand new; 5 rms., tile bath, central pointed by the Judge of Probate ecutor of the last will and testausedJ over cellophane wrapped. pack $7.25 to $8.45. ing when members are asked to heat, aU -utilities, large plot beaufor the County of Merrimack, Ad' ment of said deceased, has filed in Seazs, Roebuck and Co. 19 South ages $1.29 per roll. bring gifts to exchange. Main s t Concord, N. H. TeL 3330 Sealright containers, leak proof and tifully landscaped; ill health only mii^trator of the Estate of Pearl the Probate Office for said County reason for selling. $7,000. 21,907 A. Clark, late of Henniker, in said the final account of his adminisDeer were shot on Sunday b y 48-50 air tight, pint size 24 for 98c, quart CAC. WEST'S FARM AGENCY, County, deceased, intestate. j tration of said estate: Frank Goss, Glen Hoyt, Arthur size, .12 for 69c. All persons having claims against' You are hereby cited to appear Stefr, George Amos and Jack ALTERATIONS — Fine Mending, C O L D S P O T pail pack containers H. B. Eaton, RJF.D. 3, Hillsboro, ^50 said estate are requested te exhibit at a Court of Probate to be holden McGregor. Buttonholes. Sewing of all kinds. with lids, pint size, 50 for $1,79, N . H . VtS. A. L. Broadley, 8 Church st, quart size, 50 for $2.25. tiiem for adjustment, and all in- at Mandiester in said County, on the The public is invited to attend a Hillsboro, N. H. 48tf Cellophane bags,> assorted sizes in FOR SALE — Modem 5-piece debted to make payment 20tii day of January, 1948, to show Christmas program at the Quaker bedroom set nearly new. Coal October 31, A. D, 1947. cause, if any you have, why the St school next Sunday afternoon and wood circulator heater and FOR SALE — Used RCA Victor packages of 50 75c to $1.10. Russell E Clark, same should not be allowed. at 2:30 o'clock. Sears, Roebucks and Company, 19 child's bassinet Prices reasonable portable, needs new battery, plays Said executor is ordered to serve CONSERVATOR'S NOTICE Miss Shirley Smith of Antrim is 0ood on house current This is a South Main S t Concord, N. H. Warren Flanders, Henniker st., 48-50 Hillsboro,, N. H. good looking radio, fair volume, Telephone 3330. 49-51* Notice is.hereby given, that the tills citetion by causing the same to spending a week with her mother exceUent tone, price $15.00. We subscriber has been duly appointed be published once each week for before leaving for Florida to be took it in trade for a new RCA RUBBER STAMP pads, rubber FOR SALE — GirFScout dress, by tiie Judge of Probate for the three successive weeks in the An- married. • "Wotor. Eaton Fumiture Co. Hills- stamp inks, rubber stamps made to wom 5 times, $3.00; Pair of white County of Hillsborough, conservator trim Reporter a newspaper printed A wild duck was on the river iidro. 50* order. MESSENGER OFFICE. tfj shoe skates, size 7, $4.00; Banjo of the estate of Editii A. Richardsoi at Antrim in said County, the last behind the handle shop the first of publication to be at least seven ukulele deluxe, with- instruction of Antrim in said Coimty. the week. It is quite large and isdays before said Court BUSINESS SERVICES : . ? 5 ! A ! i r ^P"^"""' ^I^^^'hoZ^io^^lns^e. lE^S^e. believed to be of the fish eating •AH persons having claims against CSiven at Nashua in said County, - ^ — — _ ^ ^ . ^ _ clotii dolls—duster nutts and baby, $5.00. Viola Goolev Tel "57 Antrim iaid Edith A. Richardson are revariety. OFFICE MACHINES - SOLD dresses with embroidery. Mrs. Helen N H ' ^ quested to exhibit them for adjust- the 4th day of December A.D., 1947. The Woman's Club held a very By order of the Court, Rented and Repaired G. Taylor. Tel. 41-12, HiUsboro, N.! '• -^ 1 nent, and all indebted to make pavsuccessful fair Wednesday afterWilfred J. Boisclair, "Oat maehhie Loaned While Yours ^ 49-51* , FOR SALE — SPECIAL PRINT "^^ TrriR CAT v p k ' IV ... 1 u .u" ' ^'^'^ BOTTLE CAPS, tab pull ment 50-52 FJG Register noon at the parish house when is Repaired" •^^*^„,^e 31st day of October, many aprons, gifts, handkerchiefs, FOR - Baby's all-steel bath- style packed 500 per tube. inette,SALE stroller, playpen, high chair, CHASffS No. *2 colors A. D. 1947 1 color STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE" candy and food were sold. There full size, all-steel bed, spring and g West St, Keene, N. H. TeL 1300 .5,000 $5.49 William G.'Richardson, $6.10 Hillsborough, ss. Court of Probate was a egrabbag - — - e for .«. the u« children caiiaren mattress, small electric-washer. Mrs. 10,000 49-51* WE REPAIR $9.95 $10.35 Conservator w-?-* ^^^txf * ^^^ °* * ^ ®^^*® ' ^^^ ^^'^^ ^^^"s was present to^ James Furrow, Holman St, HiUsAn makes of sewing machines. 25,000 of Willie K Prescott late of An- find out what the children wanted $21.00 $21.00 50* 50,000 Abo buy used machines for cash. boro,,N .H. trim in said County, deceased, in- and to distribute candy kisses. Tea $37.00 $37.00 In this vicinity ever>- Wednesday. FOR SALE — DAVID BRADLEY Sears, Roebuck and Co. 19 South testete, and to all others interest- and coffee were also served. Drop a_card or telephone 2286, ed therein: Main st, Concord, N. H. TeL 3330 Mrs. Rena Farrar, now of RochConcord. Singer Sewing Machine snow plows for trucks, tractors or Whereas Jennie E. Prescott ad48-50 ester will observe her 87th birthCo., 22 School St, Concord, N. H. jeeps, 7-ft. blade, 28-inches high, 000*M*,0000,M*.*.M0000^^^^„ ministratrix of the estete of said day on December 20. ' ^ ' ^ ^ . ° L ^ r ' ^ ^°^^'• P1**«^*««^ I CHRISTMAS SALE Florence ^*00000*00 deceased has filed in the Probate sets at 30-degree angle, $89.50 set heater, double 8" bumer, $lJo.o5! MATTHEWS of 2 1-ft. extension wmgs, $10.95. ' «?J.««.W, HARMONY LOEX3E, NO. 38, Office for said County, her final HILLSBORO Emerson radio, $22.50. J. B. Vaill account' of her administration of BARBER SHOP Sears, Roebuck and Co. 19 South ancourt, Hillsboro, N. H. F. & A. M. 50 said estete: Utuier tha Post Office Main st Concord, N. H. Tel. 3330. Stated commonlcations, Srd WodYou are hereby cited to appear Location of Fire Alarm Boxes open doted 48-50 FOR SALE — 4 ft. mixed do'lirrd- lesday evening of each month. at a Court of Probrate to be holden Matt., Toaa., Thurt, Saja.itXpja. wood. Especially good for ranges. IN RUMRILL'S BLOCK at HUlsborough in said County, r> r«,. C-t.^..! J t> Wadnaaiar 8 aua. Noon FOR SALE — Best of homo cook- $14.00 cord delivered. Drop a card. Officers: on the 30th day of January, 1948, ^°*' ^^^^ ^^ Brown Sts ttUef a «.m. 8 p.ffl. ed foods at the Hedges, Hillsboro, Currier Bros. General Delivery. W. M.—Norman F. Murdough. N. H. ^ Hillsboro, N. H. Satuiday 8 aju. 10 pja. to show cause if any you have,' 52 Woolea Mill 47-50* S. W.—Walter C. Sterling. FOR SALE — 1940 and 1941 Chevwhy the same should not be allowJ. W.—Warren R. Day. 28 Cor. Church and Myttle Sta, rolet Radiators $29.50 each.. ed. WANTEU Tre.is.—OUo P. York, REBUILT ENGINE BLOCKS I BLUE STAR TAXI Said administratrix is ordered to Jl Cor. Wyman and Maple Sts. oec'y—Philip J. Woodbury. Guaranteed 90 days or 4000 miles WANTED — One or two men to serve this citetion by causing the [ 47 Railway Station 24 HOUR SERVICE CHEVROLET 1937 to 1938 as low cut cordwood. Neil F. Woodrow. same to be published once each I sfi Cr,.. R«-J J »•.. « Tel. Hillsboro Upper Village, 9Textile Worker's Union of as $107.50 with your old motor. week for three successive weeks I ^ * ° " a g e and Mill StSr R. E. Smith 23. 49-30* America—^Local 4 0 1 MERCURY 1939 to 1941 as low as in the Antrim Reporter a newspa 62 West Main Street Tel. I l l Henniker, N .H. $135.50 with your old motor. Meetings: Third Sunday of thi per printed at Antrim in said 73 WOR WANTED — Plumbing and Park St., near Whittemorc Sears, Roebuck and Co. 19 So. furnace repair work. Hillsboro month in Municipal Eall. at 2 :S0 ]». a County, the last publication to be Pres.. Victor Bonda Main St, Concord N. H. at least seven days before said 75 Fire Station 47-49 I Plumbing Co. TeL 18-15. Hillsboro, Vice-pres., Han-y Whitney Court: i Z Z I - N . H., 4,5tf 76 Rec.-Sec., Howard Baldwin Given at Nashua in said County,' i,,, Cor. Jackson and Henniker Fin.-Sec., E. Erskine Broadley WORK WANTED — Ceilings whitthis 8th day of December A.D. 1947 ''• " Central Square (35 YEARS ItE^ISliERED) Sgt. of Arms., Ted Wescott ened, painting and paperhanging By order of the Court 82 Bridge St., near Derring line LATEST RECORDS, ALBUMS, work done. Also light trucking. Trustees, Charles Weber, Harr^ Wilfred J. Boisclair , _ . Cote, Warren Cole PLAYERS, RADIOS, TUBES Fred C. Greene, Antrim. N. H.. 50-52 RWC Register.: Directions for Giving an Alam* Tol. 35-]3. 6tf and SERVICE Hennikier tASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTn l C A R f jTN T E R Special Sale on Radios OPTICIAN .'On th.) Sqnare** nn»i>tker TELEPHONE 26 N. H . Electronics Co. I HKN.VIKER, >-. H. ^ WANTED — 3 or 4 h.p. single TEL. 95-2 I j phase 220 volt electric motor. Messenger Office. Hillsboro, N. H. 39tf | Business Guide HENNIKER Town Directory iVW'lWi. II JfTT-r **********0*****00000**0*0.^^ Henniker', Pharmacy REAL ESTATE Tht Rexall Slorr 12-4 HiMMlAEK, N. H TtL. 95-2 Listings Wanted of Desirable Pr»oerty in Antrim, Hilllbom and HerttikcS ************ "(pgy ^0***00* ANTRIM, N . H . TEL. S. A. ROWE ' AUCTIONEER RF,AL F..ST^TE it Von Desire to Bny or SeQ t Call — Write or PbPW,^ ^eatdanee: Heaaiker, TA'CT 1 CoBcerd Oflke:"' .' TJTM. MahiSt . Td. 8«2» W9fS^:^.' WANTEI>lsiaughte'r" hora«~ for Mink Farm. Tel. 225-2 Inquire MAINE'S SHOE REPAIR 27'tf I _^_ EDSON H. T ^ t t L E -.•./-.Ui-' CASH BUYERS WAITING — Take advantage of our national advertising program; we can produce cash bu.vers for your farm, home, suburban, gas station, store, or other business; LIST your property TODAY! WEST'S FARM AGENCY. H. B. Eaton RJ'.D. 3. Tel. 10-11. Hillsboro Upper Village. 46-52 .USED CARS — bought and sold. Coniprpte J^e»cr!pjioti Depurtment ISonny" Whitney's Garage, HenSuae ROOM SuMti?j —' Sosojiifs der Road, Hillsboro, N. H. COMtfiTICS — FOUNTAIlit %TV!tCa.'. 38-40»tf NrwsPAPCTs — PKilioiJ«o«*<-'; EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Th- .subscviber givos notice Ihat she has been dulv apnoi-itod Evecutrix of the Will of Lillian R Harris, late of Hi/]sborou?h in the SC SON OOMPZ^ErS FUNSRAL SBSriOa County of HillsbofBugh. deceased All persons indebted to said Es• ^ > . •• • "HEJiNIKF-R. N^ji;-/-''-- H e n m a i '— PBONS'M-2 .7ic:U, aiW«'^. I f t ^ H ^ M i M ^ preseiTtvthem for adjustment.^ % |-Uated^No^e^^r'^:^^Y^.. ::7T^Z'7':;::rT'r::kMy^^ VALLEY LODGE, NO. 73, roR I. O. O. F. s.^LE - R..d,-cu. u.i...i " " ^ """^ •"" '«^•• Meetings first and third Monday assorted colors. 100 for 25c. Me„ Unlock box door, PULL HOOK at 7:45 p. m. senger Office. Hillsboro, N. H. 7tf ) N. G.—Paul S. Scruton ! Always remain by box untU the v.. G.—John Van Hazinga i 'arrival of Firemen, so they may THESE S.—Bert L. Crane I jbe directed to the fire without Treas.—James Ellsworth ADVERTISEJTENTS I loss of time. REACH NORTH STAR ENCAMPNever touch hook while alann 7500 PEOPLE IS striking. WENT, NO. 11 I. O. O. F. EVERY WEEK After an alarm has been struck Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays once, the whistle of the Woolea 7:45 p. m. Mill WlU repeat the same C P.—Jnmes L. Ellsworth EXTRA SIGNALS 1 P.—Louis J. Andrews I-l-l AU out or under controL ^ W.—Harold Harvey I 5-5-5 Emergency CaU. •». W.-Harry R. Cross ALUMINUM COMBQUTKM ' 3 - 3 - 3 Brush Fire or out of Scribe—Bert L. Craine STORM WMDOWS Precmct. (Engineers CaU ) Treas.—Weldon E. Sterling 10-10 Water shut off. ^ILLSBORO FISH AND 1-1 DaUy at noon except Saturday. GAME CLUB, INC. I ^**4.^^'/ ALSLO CUT VOIiil FOEl E l l i s HILLSBORO RIFLE CLUB **!', winitt !« •?•# el hight. IMI , „ , . | ^Icetings. 3rd Sunday 7 p.m. *res.—Roger Connor Vice Pres.—OUo York Treas.—R Wayne Crosby .Sec.—.Eraory R Phelps For Ml bferritiei r:t . .ADVERTISING IS N E W S - ^ n m NEWSPAPERS .[ tsiiMATE Testing the AUrm wUl be by ringing in one round only of » dififerent box each Saturday between 12 and 12:15 o'clock. One stroke at any time mean, testing alarm or alarm out of order A C M E ROOFJNG C O . NO SCHOOL SIGNALS Hillaboro, N . H . elli-eVtt.i:'' "'"•' "° '^•*"' •• *-4-4 at 8 a.m., no session at the Snunmar schooL Thunday, December .11 4^47 Menenger FvaBikaXbaer-Tbe severe eoM. Mr. and Mrs. Colton (nee Mary IJnton) of S p r i n g s ^ Mass., and Mrs. Warren Wfleeter Miss Margaret Linton, spent the Correspondent' wedc-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Iiintpn. " . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Linton were Dewey EUiott got an eight point guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald deer the first day of open season. (nee Jean Linton) and family, Thanksgiving Day.. . T h e neighboHy spirit expressed at the Lower ViUage with housewarmings and pound parties, reminds us of the same things happening in East Antrim years ago. They were happy days. Carrol White and wife and her mother, Mrs. Sawyer of • Peterboro, were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D . White. Dr. and Mrs. Worth Hale left the first of this week for Virginia, where they plan to spend the winter. Miss Mei-lene A b o m was confined to her home last week with a ' NoriUi Branch AdvertiaiDg Media of the Cootoocook Valley Towas-^Antrtoa, HeonflMr, News Items From Bennington 'furbished by the Pastois of the Different Chnrches Mrs. Mattrice C. Netrton ComsponocBt were . HILLSBORP METHODIST WiUiam Foster, Minister, twelve Grangers who visited the Antrim Grange this past week. AU reported a very fine time. George Sargent of Somers, Conn., and three friends were at -the home of his mother, Mrs. M. E. Sargent, for the Hunting and a l though they did not get a deer they had an exceUent.time, PAJGBS il BSadboea.. m mm Mrs. George. Sargent came itiVSi her husband and spent the nl^its WAth Mrs. Fred Sargent. Mis. M. Fk Sargent's bouse was full with her son and friends. The Christmas tree and party fbr . the Congregational Sunday School wiU take place the Monday before Christmas. M n . B B c t a t - t a u f l B l g r Is-stfll very Ul wtth het.axia. She hae 1»een ^ suffering w i ^ • bunttis for .matiy wedbi. Mrs. Andrew UcDoxtaid ia atSB. lU at her hoiaie. Baiw««W, e h e ie fanproving now. BIrs. Delia Parker S E N D I N Y O U B ZOBWS ^ ^ Sears of Concord will lie open C ^ ^ 9 : 0 0 P.M., Thursday and Friday Dec. Iw^ 18 and 19. Sears is open eVery Sat"U urday until 9:00 P. M. BRING THE CHILDREN TO OUR BIG TOY DEPARTMENT! 10:00 A. M.—Church School. 11:00 A; M.—Worship Service. 7:00 P. M. — Youth FeUowship meeting in the Metiiodist Church. Dec. 21, at 10:30 A. M. Christmas program for everyone. Please note the different hour of 10:30. SMITH • MEMORL^L CHURCH .Rev. Whitney S. K. Yeaple. D D . 9:30 A. M.—Church School. 10:30 A.M.—Worship Service. Sermon "Christ and The Book." St. Mary's Church Rev. Lancelot Quinn, Pastor Sunday Mass, 7:80 and 9 a. m. Vespers, 6 p. n . Holy days Mass, 5:80 and 7 a. m. DEERING COMMUNITY CHURCH Charles E. Reidt, Pastor Pictures for Sunday. 'Meat and Romance,' 'Whistling Wings,' 'Crippled Children.' ADVENnST SERVICES Seventh Day Adventist „ Church meeting wiU be held at Harold Famsworth's home, Center Washington. Sabbath School Saturday at t w o o'clock. Preaching at three. SPIRITUALIST SERVICES The annual Spiritualist Fair of aprons, fancy articles, holders, food, candy, mysteries and white elephant table wiU be held in Spiritualist HaU on Saturday aftemoon, December 6. Lighten Mother's Work With A 'm^mi^^i^%..'ms^^mm^^M^'^'i^m^.^ - J A Gift for the Man or Boy with o Hobby SMOOTH CUTTING 18.INCH CRAFTSMAN JIG SAW Professional Quality $ 32-50 Shop the town . . . t h e n you'll know the Craftsman is the power tool for him. Precisely balanced, modified Scotch yoke action, runs in a bath of oil. Built-in air pump keeps sawdust from work. Cuts to center of 36-in. circle. 12 x 12Inch table tilts to 45 degrees. Bench Hamper Pressure Cooker '5.98 *10.95 Ejctra large size. Wicker body with handsome peatl top. 12x22x20-)n. Choice ot colors. A Gift for the Home RADIO-PHONOGRAPH WITH MODERN STYLING Only $ 3 . 2 5 Down, $5.00 Monthly, Usual Carrying Charge Easy l e m u Cooks more nourishing foods ia minutes. H e a v y aluminum. Kenmore » Vacuum Cleaner $ 89-50 Only $9.00 Down, $8.00 Monthly, Usual Carrying Charge Ultra modern eabinet in walnut 6-Inch dynamic speaker, tone' control Built-in antehno Phonograph includes sapphire needle 26-inches wide, 33-lnches high "^ Sealed Beam Fog Lamps Gay Pyrex Bowl Set '8.50 " For Mother '2.95 Good q u a l i t y lamps at a low price. Amber bulbs, thett-resistant m o u n t i n g brackets. F o u r heatprx.f Pyrex bowls, e&ch in a diSerent (jay color. - '49.95 WITH YOUE OLD CLEANER Only $5.00 Dowa, $5.00 Monthly, Usual Carrying Charge Upright style. Moves mors dirt taster, because of Its triple, k>ower action cleaning . . . vt t^veeps, beats and deaos. Streamlined for beauty . . . concealed dome Ught . . . form fitting handle. Automatically adjusts itself to . rug thickness, linoleum or bare floon Rubber Door Mat '2.89 K e w revolution, a r y construction. Has a u t o m a t i c toot wiping action. Kon-skid back. 0********0*************0********0 HENNIKER COi^GREGATIONAL NOTES CHURCH Rev. Robert H. Lewis, Pastor 10:30 A. M.—Service of worship and sermon on "Not Wasted." 10:30 A.M.,—Sunday School with young people's story on "Loyalty." Anthems: "The Birthday of a King," 'To Us is B o m Immanuel." METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Rev. Earle Y. FeUows, Pastor 10:45 A. M.—Service of worship and sermon. 12 M.—Sunday School. Thn Silvertone Midget Kent Coffee M a k e r Mow Jnnlor ean listen to his proftuns in his own room. Eitht Cap Slie 16.98 '6.49 '3.49 Flavorful coffee quickly .and easily with Kent Coffee Set FlavorMeter times and filters brew. Chrome-plated stove. ITL approved. Durable pressed fiberboard in attractive wood veneer effect. Sturdy construction. Will support 300 lbs. Checkerboard top. Folds compactly. Silvertone Auto Radio Weather King Heoter Only $1.10 Down, $5.00 MoatUy, Usval Carryinf Charge Beautiful ivory plastic ease. Only I inehes high and 8 inches wide. Bas built-in antenna, 4-inch dyumic speaker. Folding Card Table Seyring Cabinet Perfect Olft for Mother '9.98 Charming Colonial design in maple or walnut flnished hardwood. Large storage compartment with center opening lid. 12y4Xl7^-in. Oval Braided Rugs 24 X SO "l '3.98 Varigated colors with bright borders. Firmly braided and stitched. Heavy made, lies flat, won't curl. Washable with care. Othert to $16.98 -i Annottttcing The Opening of GINNY'S DANCING STUDIO IN HILLSBORO CLASSES BEOIN JANCABZ 8 Call Vtrgfinia Banks Hillsboro 18-23 Por tbe Ootdoors Man Hickory Skis Card Party W e d n e s d a y Nifi^t ST. MARY'S CHURCH 8:00 P. M. '13.98 EASX TEBMS Lengths 6 to IU Ft other Skta $18.9$ to WM Kandamar Bladings $SJ$ Metal ViAaa HM OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY UNTIL 5.30 P.M. '49.50 iBsUlIaUoB $5.00 Only $5.00 OewB, $5.00 MeatUy, VaaaX Carrytag Charge SUvertone auto radio—«asUy installed in any automobile. 7-tub« performance gives sweet reception. 4 push buttons. Real valuel Warm Performer '28.50 Oaly $2.85 Dowa, $5.00 Monthly, Usual Carrying Charge Reliable hot water heater priced to save! Blankets your car witb 0027 warmth. Complete with defroster attachments. 60-Pc. Socket Set Mognetie Jig SttW For The Meobaaie He Meter Naeeeax '43.50 Only $4.15 Dowa. $5.00 Meathly, Csnal Carrying Charge Something new in the socket wrench line. Chrome-plated, rugged steel tools, accurate sockets, %, %, V4-tn. drives. In stresoialined box. Eaty Terms en Purcheset-Totoling $10.00 er Mere *tSkakt/Fte^ileFtflMm$mSfg0t^^^F^m* ^ft^FU^ A » ^ * SEARS '13.^0 KASX VfilUlIt A ru«ge<l, well made power tooU So aata •ayoae.een nm H. Cute to center of TA" d i d * . Blade, S%' M^laetractioiMi. UO-UO V, tO 19 SOUTH MAIN STRUT T I L 3130 CONCORD, N. H. .~i'^*'i!aS,*j«'•<..•.••.'";•.-!>. '•••^iiT.Ji'J.-av; ''"•^..'^• ' '.si: PubHettiong. The AdvertWng Media of -Oe Con tooeook VaUejr Towm iftntriai, Bamiflwr, BDUbetei. CSM and MBf. RlchiMii S. T i ^ with the high school pupils. LISABEL GAY^ COLDMN (Continued from Pkge 1) All pre-school kiddies oome to Ifae ate teeeivinf eongrcedlfttiona tq>^ gifts which were given to SMUB Granunar Sehool and you wUl be the bir& of a son, bom D e c 9, at Green Coves ^riug^^Horida. people who had never won a prize The Juvenile and Junior Beach taken care of by some member of before. NBW YEAR'S IN NEW YORK Clubs will be guests of tfae Hills- the Moose. Evidently there are many good boro Music Club at a Christmas neighbors for three vrare chosen, Party to be held December 14, Mrs. James Ellsworth, Mrs. Harris, 1947, at 2:30 P. M., at the Muand Miss Nora Ashford. nicipal Hall instead of at Smith Many of the prizes were givm by Memorial Church as previously andrawing of names from a bowL ^nie nounced. Short business meetings of Breneman orchid was won by Mrs. the three clubs will precede the enAda Bean Proctor of Peterboro, tertainment Each member is asked but once a busy worker in IDlls- to bring a gift and mark it Juvenile, boro. Dr. H. C. Baldwin gave a Junior or Senior Club. wishing ring won by France^ York. Record of District Nurse for the The enormous cigar, sent by Breneman, was won by Mrs. William nionth of November: 238 Otterson, who had been a mother- Nursing visits Friendly calls " 21 in-law for the longest time. 12 Both Mrs. Clifford Murdough and, Advisory visits 6 Mrs. George Edwards are mothers Prenatal calls 46 of ten children, but as Mrs. Mtir- Children welfare visits 56 dough does much sewing, she was Number of patients 44 given the piece of nice clotii made Medical 3 in our Woolen Mill.'The knee-legs Surgical PENDANTS 5 beauty contest among four modest, Obstetrical Ladies' and Gents* 4 timid men, was won by Leroy Infants WATCHES RINGS Eaton. There were so many gifts Patients taken to hospital 3 Children's Expansion and all wer^ worthwhile receiving. Dental clinic No. of pupUs 104 Julie and John are very easy en- Visits to schools BRACELETS 20 HEART BRACELETS tertainers and eveirybody had a Deaths 1 HEART LOCKETS HEART LOCKETS jolly time. The conunittee in charge Warren Day entered the Mar' &PINS Gold or Sterlmg of the whole _afiEair was c o n ^ s e d j garet Pillsbury Hospital, Monday* of Margaret Eaton, Edith Phelps, COLLAR &*TIBSETS ~ ~"** ' for observation and treatment EARRINGS Marion Hilliard Clara Richardson, Despite the advent of snow last CIGARETTE CASES SPRAY PINS Sjtella Martin, Abbie Smith, Lora Friday, not many deer were taken WALLETS BROACHES. Blake, Ruth Sanbom and Marion in town over the we^-end. It was Harris. reported that Frank Smith and Jim WEDDING RiINGS FOUNTAIN PENS Gove joined the list of successful Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burtt of himters as did Harold Rowell of Laconia visited his sister, Mrs. Weare, co-proprietor of the HillsTheodore Wescott and family, 1 ^ boro Cleaners. Tel. 90 West Main St. week. Mr. B i u ^ shot a deer while Mrs. Edna Mercier is visiting in town. her brother in Vermont Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crosby visSylvia Howe of Arlington, Mass;, ited the Kenneth Colbums in Bald- is visiting her cousin, Cynthia Van winsviUe, Mass., on Sunday. Hazinga. She will be here for a Frank Gay attended the State few weeks. Grange meeting in Concord as a The Loyal Ord^r of Moose will delegate from Hillsboro Grange, give an Xmas Party for each Grade from Monday to Thursday. y. in the Grammar School along with Among the goodly number of the regular classroom party,'Dec. Hillsboro people who attended the 19. •' New Hampshire Symphony Concert The 7th and 8th gfede party will on Sunday were Gerald Crosby, be held at the H i ^ School Gym With a Gift From Kay Carew, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. ANTRIM REPORTER Porter and Mrs. Weber. L PubZisTied Thursdays L JOIN THE Entered al the Post Office, BOOST HILLSBORO A. M. HATCH TEL. 197 ; Hillsboro, N. H. as second class COMMITTEE niatter. B-E-A-N-0 Hfl^sbdro ^iBi^ S; i (ADMISSION FREE) I J M i i r / g HaU — Saturday December 13th, S:00 P. M. j « ^ A N K B T S — LAMPS — PERCULATORS — C A S H JIS^Gimwt Jack Pot. Pot Starts at ^5.00 '^Bnt Gttne'Free —- Prize — Blanket or ^5.00 M s e f w Last Qame will be Amount in Kitty $10 ot more. 3 FREE D O O R PRIZES — ^5.00 — ^3.00 — ^2.00 (Drown at 10:30. You mtwt be in the hall to get it). Se A CABD 5c A CABJD 5c A CARD — - 5c A CABD Baker's Pliarmacy REXALL Christmas Suggestions at Reduced Prices CONTEST E N D S X M A S EVE — PRIZES G I V E N X M A S D A Y BONUS VOTES GIVEN . For Men's and Women's Christmas Gift Sets LEADING BOYS — 1. Robert Abbott, Jr., 2. Pat KeUy, 3. Jude Bernard, 4. Bobby Thomas, 5. Harrison Baldwin, 6. Richard Wliitney, 7. Barry Harlow, 8. Richard Martin, 9. George Davidson, 10. George Cote, Jr., IL David Buttrick, 12. Robert Lawson, 13. John Olson, 14. Roger Phelps, 15. Bruce Bonnette. LEADING GIRLS — 1. Roberta Poluchov, 2. Judy Sharby, 3. Pat Johnson, 4. Violet Andrews, 5. Bonita Baldwin, 6. Sharon Connor, 7. Gayle Bennett, 8. Donna Gibson, 9. Rdbecca Sniith, 10. Shawm Poluchov, 11. Norma Heath, 12. Sandra Bonnette, 13. Brenda Campbell, 14. Geraldine Ellsworth, 15. Shirley Grimes. £• KURTZNER "FROSTY FOODNOTES" Frozen vegetables provide you with your favorites the year round, and on these busy holidays, they save you the time of preparation. Don't forget, frozen foods need only be cooked a fraction of the time you cook fresh foods. A special treat noa> is BROCCOLI i!!Sima£SSimS^i^i&i^ SAY . . 10 oz. 30c Serve with your pet Hollandaise sauce, and everyone will compliment you on a delicious dish. The Service Shop Hillsboro Food Bank, Inc. Telephone 3 0 DRESSES Skirts — Blouses — Sweaters — Hosiery — Millinery Scarfs — Costume Jewelry •— Hand Bags — Umbrellas Handkerchiefs — Infants Wear —- Y a m s Table Linens — Towel Sets Derby's Has the Largest Gift Stock North of Boston Bring your children to see Santa Claus. He'll be here all day Saturday, December 13. Every aftemoon next week and all.day Saturday, December 20di. |-.' CHRISTMAS N O V E L T I E S CAPITOL Complete line of toys, plus gifts for the whole family. HILLSBORD Store open every aftemoon until Xmas. Evenings starting December 18th. Watch it Puff Smoke—Hear it "Choo-Choo" No Matinees Tuesday & Thursday FRIDAY & SATURDAY Mat: l : l S - £ v e : 6:15-8:80 SUNDAY continuous from 3 P. M FRIDAY — SATURDAY TWO GRAND FEATURES PLUS SERIAL A Story of A Horse! H A Story of A Dog! "WHITE STALLION" fETT oan: Ken M A Y N A R D Eddie D E A N WQUEUNC W H T I . WINTER KED inuoxoiunR Chapter 7 "JACK ARMSTRONG" AU American Boy SUNDAY — MONDAY (TWO DAYS ONLY) A Hate that unleashed a Love more Enduring than the Hills! Color by TECHNICOLOR "THUNDER IN THE VALLEY t t LON AMERICAN FLYER Scale Model Freight Developed at the famous Gilbert Hall of Science, this 3-car freight train looks—sounds —and puffs smoke like a real mainliner. Both smoke and *'choo-choo" sound effects vary in intensity as the train picks up speed or slows down. Locomotive is die-cast and has Lucite headlight. Superpower w o r m drive givea smooth, steady pull at all speeds from a crawl to 120 scale miles per hour. Train is 40Vi" long. 21 pieces. McCALLISTER ir Real smoke synchronized with train speed -k *'Choo-Choo" sound effects synchronized ofith frain speed PEGGY ANN w » REGINALD OWEN ^ GARNER inmni/iu* ....... \ ic Realistic 2-rail track—no old-fashioned third rail cturiei iniia * vtraoaa by LOUIS KING • r,ai^ by ROBERT BASSLER T^r Entire train and track built to uniform 3-16* scale ir Electric remote control ir Superpoteer teorm dries ir Automatie couplers if Beetric uncoupling TUESDAY^WEW!ESDA?^^HURSDAY"" KATHARtNE A Love Story so Beautiful it was SetPAUL to Music! W NO. 4607 Affler!«taFlrerPesa«rlTaaUPrei|h<^oompIct*withI4seet!oo« oftrMk,iiu]unt 140'oral C O A 0K See ear eompiete line of Amerkaa • ^ tf 2 ^ Flyer Traiai ud aqnipmeat O T H E R M O D E L S ^ M . 7 5 — ^75.00 '-1 \ M-G-M prtunti "l^lil I Mil 'T HEPBURN-HENREID KCIRTWALKER N. J , , J