Operating Conditions - Main Roads Western Australia
Operating Conditions - Main Roads Western Australia
Class 1 Restricted Access Vehicles Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Version: April 2015 Contents DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Application and Access ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 The following are RAV’s to which these Operating Conditions Apply:..........................................................................4 1.2 Permitted Roads ...........................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Travel Speed.................................................................................................................................................................4 1.4 Other agency approvals ................................................................................................................................................5 1.5 Western Australian Heavy Vehicle Accreditation ..........................................................................................................5 1.6 Permit Suspension ........................................................................................................................................................5 1.7 Permit Amendments .....................................................................................................................................................5 1.8 Permit to be Carried in the Vehicle and Produced on Request ....................................................................................5 2. Route Suitability ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Damage ........................................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 Route Assessment ........................................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Height Restrictions ........................................................................................................................................................6 2.4 Other Travel Restrictions ..............................................................................................................................................6 2.5 Narrow Bridges .............................................................................................................................................................7 2.6 Rail Crossings ...............................................................................................................................................................7 3. Warning Devices ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Warning Lights ..............................................................................................................................................................7 3.2 Warning Signs and Flags ..............................................................................................................................................7 3.3 Delineators ....................................................................................................................................................................8 3.4 Additional Warning Devices at Night-time ....................................................................................................................8 4. Pilot Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.4 Transportable Buildings ................................................................................................................................................9 4.5 Swimming Pools ...........................................................................................................................................................9 5. Loading ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 5.1 Carrying of Other Goods ...............................................................................................................................................9 5.2 Carrying of Multiple Large Indivisible Items ................................................................................................................10 5.3 Loading of a Rigid Vehicle and Pig Trailer ..................................................................................................................10 5.4 Carrying of Large Indivisible Items in Multi-Modal Containers ....................................................................................10 5.5 Minimising Dimensions ...............................................................................................................................................10 5.6 Empty Travel to and from............................................................................................................................................10 5.7 Overhang and Projection ............................................................................................................................................10 6. Curfews ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1 Times of Travel ...........................................................................................................................................................11 6.2 Night Time Travel........................................................................................................................................................11 6.3 Metropolitan Curfew Area ...........................................................................................................................................11 6.4 Public Holiday Curfews ...............................................................................................................................................12 7. Safe Travel ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 7.1 Delays .........................................................................................................................................................................13 7.2 Poor Visibility ..............................................................................................................................................................13 7.3 Minimum Following Distance ......................................................................................................................................13 7.4 Convoy Travel .............................................................................................................................................................13 7.5 Operational Control .....................................................................................................................................................14 7.6 Parking (stopping on a carriageway - heavy and long vehicles).................................................................................14 7.7 Road Train Assembly Area Safety ..............................................................................................................................14 APPENDIX 1 - Structures Not Suitable For 5.5m Loaded Height ................................................................................................... 15 APPENDIX 2 - Contact Details For Other Agency Approvals ......................................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX 3 – Narrow Bridges.......................................................................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX 4 – Pilot Requirements.................................................................................................................................................... 19 APPENDIX 5 - Central Zones ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX 6 - Metro Area Curfew Map ............................................................................................................................................. 21 APPENDIX 7 - Size and Projection of Loads .................................................................................................................................... 21 APPENDIX 8 - Size and Projection Of Loads ................................................................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX 9 - Mandurah Public Holiday Curfew Map ..................................................................................................................... 26 APPENDIX 10 – Oversize Warning Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 27 Amendment Table............................................................................................................................................................................... 34 DEFINITIONS The following are definitions for terms used in these Operating Conditions. Refer to the definitions in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 and any subsidiary legislation to this Act for the meanings of any terms not defined in this section. If a definition in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 or the subsidiary legislation conflicts with a definition in this section, the definition in this section prevails for the purpose of these Operating Conditions. “Central Zones”: means the area within and including the boundaries of the Perth and Fremantle Central Zones as depicted in APPENDIX 5. “Curfew”: means a period when the movement of a RAV is not permitted. “Day-time Hours”: means those hours between sunrise and sunset. Sunrise and sunset times can be obtained from the Perth Observatory website at www.wa.gov.au/perthobs, by contacting the Perth Observatory on 08 9293 8255, or from the Geoscience Australia website at www.ga.gov.au/geodesy/astro/sunrise.jsp . “Delineator”: means a retro-reflective rigid panel or sheeting that is: (a) at least 300 mm long and at least 300 mm wide; (b) yellow in colour; (c) compliant with Class 1 or 2 of Australian Standard AS/NZS 1906.1:2007 Retro-reflective Materials and Devices for Road Traffic Control Purposes (as amended); (d) if at the front of the projection, attached so that its reflective surface is facing forward of the vehicle; and (e) if at the rear of the projection, attached so that its reflective surface is facing rearward of the vehicle. “Front Projection”: means the distance from the headlights (measured from the front of the lens) to the front of the vehicle or load (. “Licensing Authority”: means a Government Authority responsible for the administration of the vehicle licensing provision of the law of the relevant State, Territory or the Commonwealth. “Main Roads Road”: means a road that is under the responsibility of Main Roads WA and identified with a number that begins with the letter H or M. “Metropolitan Area”: as depicted in APPENDIX 6, means the area within: (a) the northern boundaries of the Local Government districts of Wanneroo, Swan and Mundaring; (b) the eastern boundaries of the Local Government districts of Wanneroo, Swan, Mundaring, Kalamunda, Armadale and Serpentine-Jarrahdale; (c) the southern boundaries of the Local Government districts of Serpentine-Jarrahdale and Rockingham; and (d) the Indian Ocean coastline. “Night-time Hours”: means those hours after sunset and before sunrise. Sunset and sunrise times can be obtained from the Perth Observatory website at www.wa.gov.au/perthobs, by contacting the Perth Observatory on 08 9293 8255, or from the Geoscience Australia website at www.ga.gov.au/geodesy/astro/sunrise.jsp . “Peak Traffic Periods”: means the hours of 7:30am to 9:00am and 4:30pm to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday (public holidays excluded). D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 1 of 34 “Permit”: means a permit issued under Part 4 of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012, which these Operating Conditions form part of. “Posted Speed Limit”: means the speed limit indicated by the numerals on the speed limit sign or 50 kilometres per hour in the absence of a speed limit sign in a built-up area. “RAV”: means a Restricted Access Vehicle to which these Operating Conditions apply. “RAV Network 2”: means the Restricted Access Vehicle Network 2 of Permitted Roads, published electronically on Main Roads website www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/usingroads/heavyvehicles “RAV Network 5”: means the Restricted Access Vehicle Network 5 of Permitted Roads, published electronically on Main Roads website www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/usingroads/heavyvehicles “RAV Network 9”: means the Restricted Access Vehicle Network 9 of Permitted Roads, published electronically on Main Roads website www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/usingroads/heavyvehicles Note; the conditions set out in the RAV network Road Tables, other than speed restrictions and low volume road conditions, do not apply to RAVs operating on the Oversize RAV Standard Operating Conditions. Main Roads Website www.mainroads.wa.gov.au Navigating the Main Roads website is simple. From the home page, enter the “Heavy Vehicles” section under “Using Roads”. There is a lot of useful information within this section; however in relation to these Operating Conditions, enter the “Permits” section and then locate the type of vehicle that relates to you. Within this area, you can find all of the up to date information relating to these Operating Conditions. Where information relating to these Operating Conditions is located in a different area of the website, you will find a note next to the relevant hyperlink that will assist in navigating to the correct area. If you require any assistance, contact Main Roads WA on 138 HVO (138 486). D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 2 of 34 INTRODUCTION A large indivisible item is an item that cannot be divided without extreme effort, expense or risk of damage to it and cannot be carried on any vehicle without exceeding a Mass or Dimension Limit in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulation 2014. For the purpose of these Operating Conditions, indivisible items include, but are not limited to: (a) a bulldozer (blade off but carried); (b) an excavator with spare attachments; (c) large earthmover tyres; and (d) swimming pools packaged and consigned for export (maximum loaded height must not exceed 5.3 m). For the purpose of these Operating Conditions, loads that are not regarded as large indivisible items include, but are not limited to: (a) modular loads that can be reduced in width without the need for specialised tools or lifting equipment; (b) inter modal containers (except in specific cases); and (c) livestock carrying vehicles. In these Operating Conditions, a RAV means a Class 1 vehicle carrying a large indivisible item that exceeds one or more of the following dimension limits or is designed to carry a large indivisible item: (a) 2.5 m wide; (b) 4.3 m high; and (c) 19 m combination length. These Operating Conditions also apply to a vehicle that has been built to exceed a dimension limit for the purpose of conducting driver training, including Accredited Pilot training. NOTE: For the purposes of these Operating Conditions, a RAV is also known as an “Oversize Vehicle”. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 3 of 34 1. APPLICATION AND ACCESS 1.1 The following are RAV’s to which these Operating Conditions Apply: Maximum Length (m) 12.5 Maximum Width (m) 5.5 Maximum Height (m) 5.5 Rigid Vehicle plus Pig Trailer * 22.01 5.5 5.5 Rigid Vehicle plus Dog Trailer - Category A * (Overall unladen combination length does not exceed 19 m) 19.0 5.5 5.5 Rigid Vehicle plus Dog Trailer - Category B * (Overall unladen combination length exceeds 19 m) 25.0 3.5 4.6 Articulated Vehicle (Prime Mover & Single Semi Trailer) * 30.0 5.5 5.5 Low Loader Combination (with or without dolly) * 30.0 5.5 5.5 Type Rigid Vehicle * The trailer in these combinations must not be a “platform trailer”. 1.2 Permitted Roads 1.2.1 A RAV described at clause 1.1, except for a rigid vehicle towing a trailer that is over 20 m long in combination, may be driven on any public road within the State of Western Australia, except a road as specified below: (a) Kwinana Freeway; (b) Mitchell Freeway; and (c) Graham Farmer Freeway. 1.2.2 A RAV that is a rigid vehicle towing a trailer that is over 20 m long in combination may only be driven on a road specified in RAV Network 2, except a road as specified below: (a) Kwinana Freeway; (b) Mitchell Freeway; and (c) Graham Farmer Freeway. 1.2.3 Despite sub-clause 1.2.2, a RAV that is a rigid vehicle towing a trailer that is over 20 m long in combination may leave a road specified in RAV Network 2, to gain access to any road to facilitate pick-up or delivery, by the most practical and direct route to and from a road specified in the Network 2. 1.2.4 Notwithstanding the access outlined at sub-clause 1.2.3, the Freeway restriction outlined at subclause 1.2.2 applies. 1.3 Travel Speed Maximum speed for oversize vehicle/combination: Width Speed (km/h) Up to and including 3.5 m wide 100 Over 3.5 m wide 80 or the posted legal speed limit, whichever is the lesser. 1 Overall length of vehicle and load may be up to 22.0 m long. Overall length of vehicle when unladen must not exceed 20.0 m. Refer clause 5.3. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 4 of 34 1.4 Other agency approvals 1.4.1 The driver of a RAV must carry in the driving compartment a copy of all other agency approvals obtained under sub-clauses 2.3.3. 1.4.2 The driver of a RAV must produce a copy of all other agency approvals required under subclauses 2.3.3 for inspection at the request of a Police Officer, Traffic Escort Warden, authorised Main Roads Personnel and Accredited Pilot. 1.5 Western Australian Heavy Vehicle Accreditation The operator or permit holder must be accredited under the WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (WAHVAS). 1.6 Permit Suspension Approval to operate an Oversize vehicle under a permit to which these Operating Conditions apply may be suspended when road and/or traffic conditions are considered unsuitable. Main Roads WA personnel, Police Officers or Traffic Escort Wardens, may make verbal notification of such suspension. 1.7 Permit Amendments 1.7.1 The “Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions” are subject to occasional amendment. If amendments are made, they will be published on the first working day of the month as an "HVO Update" on the Main Roads website at www.mainroads.wa.gov.au . Operators and drivers are required to ensure that they are operating vehicles on the public road network in accordance with the current Period Permit Operating Conditions. 1.7.2 The RAV Networks are subject to periodic amendments, published on the Main Roads web site as Addendums, which include additional roads being included in the lists, roads being removed from the lists, or amendments being made to a condition relating to a particular road in the lists. The RAV Networks are updated on Wednesday of every week and are maintained on www.mainroads.wa.gov.au . Operators and drivers are required to ensure they are operating vehicles on the public road network in accordance with the current and up to date RAV Networks and Addendums. 1.7.3 HVO Updates are published when particular roads or conditions are not suitable for oversize vehicles. Operators and drivers are required to check the HVO Updates on www.mainroads.wa.gov.au prior to operating the vehicle on the public road network to ensure that there are no updates relating to their vehicle and operation. 1.8 Permit to be Carried in the Vehicle and Produced on Request 1.8.1 It is a requirement under the Regulations that the driver of a restricted access vehicle must carry in the driving compartment a valid copy of the RAV Permit under which the vehicle is being driven and must produce the permit for inspection at the request of a police officer or a Main Roads’ WA Transport Warden. The Permit and Operating Conditions may be carried in an electronic format provided the driver is able to produce the documents in a readable format upon request. The Table of Permitted Roads, which form part of this permit, are not required to be carried and produced. 1.8.2 The driver of the RAV must produce the Permit and Operating Conditions for inspection at the request of a Police Officer, Traffic Escort Warden, authorised Main Roads Personnel or Accredited Pilot. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 5 of 34 2. ROUTE SUITABILITY 2.1 Damage 2.1.1 A RAV must not be driven along a route if to do so would be likely to cause: (a) disruption to telecommunication, electricity, rail, gas, water or sewage services; or (b) damage to a road (including a bridge), structure, rail crossing or tree. 2.1.2 The driver of the RAV must report any damage to a road, structure, rail crossing or service infrastructure to the relevant property owner or service provider as soon as possible. 2.2 Route Assessment 2.2.1 Prior to departure the driver/operator of the RAV must investigate the route of travel to ensure that it is suitable for use and that it can be driven along without contravening clauses 2.1, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6. 2.2.2 The driver of the RAV must ensure compliance with the permitted dimension limits, relevant conditions and subsequent route restrictions by measuring the RAV with a suitable measuring device prior to departure. 2.2.3 The driver/operator of a RAV must give thorough consideration as to route suitability where the RAV will travel over rail crossings, particularly where: (a) the RAV will be turning from or into a side road next to a rail crossing; and (b) ground clearance may be a concern, such as when the RAV is a low-loader. 2.3 Height Restrictions 2.3.1 There are a number of overhead structures that restrict the allowable transport height on the State’s Road Network. In the tables shown at APPENDIX 1 is a list of these structures with a vertical clearance of less than 5.5 m. The RAV must not travel under these structures if the overall height exceeds the height specified for the relevant structure in APPENDIX 1. NOTE: Main Roads WA may provide relevant information on its website relating to changes in the listed structures with height restrictions. 2.3.2 A RAV exceeding 4.3 metres in height must not be driven on a road without current written approvals from all the relevant overhead Cable Operators shown in APPENDIX 2. 2.3.3 Despite subclause 2.3.3, a RAV up to 4.6 metres in height may travel on any road listed in RAV Network 2 without approval from the relevant Cable Operators, unless otherwise specified as a road condition in the RAV Network 2 road tables. 2.4 Other Travel Restrictions 2.4.1 A RAV travelling over the Mandurah Estuary Bridge must: (a) Keep as far left as practical when travelling southbound; and (b) If in excess of 3.0 metres, use two pilot vehicles to cross the bridge with the exclusion of all other traffic from the bridge, when travelling northbound. 2.4.2 Despite sub-clause 2.4.1, where a RAV is travelling over the Mandurah Estuary Bridge under an additional Permit that specifies other conditions controlling the movement of the vehicle with respect to its travel path relative to the bridge lanes and required actions of pilots, then those other conditions shall take precedence over the requirements set out above. 2.4.3 (a) RAVs travelling through Southern Cross from the west requiring access to locations to the north of Southern Cross must use Three Boys Rd (between Great Eastern Hwy and Southern Cross Bullfinch Rd). (b) RAVs travelling through Southern Cross from the east requiring access to locations to the north of Southern Cross must use Polaris St, Koolyanobbing Rd and Cameron Rd (between Great Eastern Hwy and Southern Cross Bullfinch Rd). D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 6 of 34 2.4.4 Victoria Highway, Kununurra: the Ord River Diversion Dam seasonal width restrictions apply from April to December, when one lane may be closed between 6:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. If a RAV width is in excess of 3.3 m, Water Corporation approval is required (contact details shown in APPENDIX 2). Drivers must initially contact the Water Corporation Dam’s Controller at least 1 hour prior to crossing 2.5 Narrow Bridges 2.5.1 There are a number of single lane (narrow) bridges on the road network. Listed in APPENDIX 3 is some of the narrow bridges, however this is not an extensive list. If the load on a RAV exceeds the “width between kerbs” (WBK) shown for the relevant bridge, then the RAV must be loaded to ensure that it has a minimum 1.2 m ground clearance. This will allow the load to clear the bridge handrails. 2.5.2 The requirements at clauses 2.1 and 2.2 must be complied with to ensure that the journey is undertaken safely. 2.6 Rail Crossings A driver approaching a railway crossing must slow down to a speed that will enable them to stop prior to the crossing if necessary. A RAV must not be driven through a railway crossing at a speed in excess of 80 km 3. WARNING DEVICES 3.1 Warning Lights 3.1.1 A RAV must operate with headlights switched on at all times. 3.1.2 A RAV in excess of 3.0 metres in width or 25 metres in length must display at least one amber flashing warning light, which must be visible at a distance of 500 metres in all directions, or must be supplemented by additional warning lights so at least one warning light is visible in all directions. 3.1.3 A warning light must comply with the requirements set out in APPENDIX 10 – Oversize Vehicle Warning Requirements. 3.1.4 A RAV must not display an amber flashing warning light if not required under this clause. 3.1.5 When accompanying a RAV exceeding 4.5 metres in width, the lead pilot vehicle must have two “alternating flashing white lights”, know as Wig Wag Lights, on the front of the pilot vehicle in accordance with the requirements outlined in APPENDIX 10 – Oversize Vehicle Warning Requirements. 3.2 Warning Signs and Flags 3.2.1 A RAV exceeding 2.5 metres in width or 25 metres in length must clearly display: (a) “Oversize” warning sign on the front of the vehicle; (b) “Oversize” warning sign on the rear of the vehicle; (c) or if carrying a rear projecting load, the“Oversize” warning sign is to be mounted as close to the rear of the load as practical; and (d) Four (4) brightly coloured red, yellow, or red and yellow flags, at least 450mm long and 450mm wide. One flag must be positioned at each side of both the front and rear of the vehicle, or if there is any projecting load, at each side of both the front and rear of the projecting load. 3.2.2 A RAV whose width is 2.5 metres or less, and whose length exceeds 22 metres but not 25 metres, must display an “Oversize” warning sign on the rear of the vehicle only, or if carrying a rear projecting load, at the rear of the load. 3.2.3 An “Oversize” warning sign must comply with the requirements set out in APPENDIX 10 – Oversize Vehicle Warning Requirements. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 7 of 34 3.2.4 A RAV must not display an “Oversize” warning sign if not required under these clauses. 3.3 Delineators If any part of a side projection on an oversize vehicle projects more than 150 mm and is less than 500 mm thick from top to bottom, the vehicle must display: (a) A warning light attached to the vehicle in accordance with Section 2; and (b) A delineator attached to both the front and the rear of the projection, or both the front and rear of the load in line with the projection. 3.4 Additional Warning Devices at Night-time 3.4.1 Despite paragraph 3.1.2 a RAV travelling at night in excess of 2.5 metres in width or 25 metres in length must display at least one amber flashing warning light, which must be visible at a distance of 500 metres in all directions, or must be supplemented, by additional warning lights so at least one warning light is visible in all directions. 3.4.2 A RAV travelling during night time hours must also display: (a) Lights showing yellow to the front and red to the rear (known as “side markers”), no more than 2 metres apart along both sides of the vehicle or load; (b) If in excess of 2.5 metres in width, yellow or white lights (known as “front clearance lights”) on the front of the trailer deck, one on each side of the trailer, as near as practical to the front outer edge and clearly visible to oncoming traffic; (c) If carrying a load that is not contained within the confines of the vehicle, flood lights attached to the load or the trailer, directed upward at the extremities of the load in a manner so as not to dazzle any driver. 4. PILOT REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Number of Pilot Vehicles 4.1.1 A RAV must be accompanied by the minimum number of pilot vehicles specified in “APPENDIX 4 – Minimum Pilot Requirements”; except where paragraphs 4.1.2 to 4.1.6 apply to the RAV. 4.1.2 A RAV exceeding 25 metres but not exceeding 30 metres in length may travel on a road specified in the RAV Network 9 Table of Permitted Roads without a pilot vehicle, provided the RAV is not in excess of 2.7 metres in width. 4.1.3 A RAV consisting of a prime mover, a gooseneck low loader dolly and a gooseneck low loader trailer does not require a pilot vehicle unless the overall combination length exceeds 26 metres and / or the width exceeds 3.5 metres. 4.1.4 Subject to paragraph 2.4.1, a RAV must be accompanied by a minimum of two (2) pilot vehicles when travelling northbound over the Mandurah Estuary Bridge. 4.1.5 A RAV exiting Campersic Road onto Toodyay Road requires an additional pilot to traffic manage south bound traffic on Toodyay Road 4.2 Standard Pilot Requirements Pilot vehicles must be operated in accordance with the requirements set out in APPENDIX 10 – Oversize Vehicle Warning Requirements. 4.3 Convoy Travel with Pilot Vehicles 4.3.1 A maximum of two (2) RAVs may travel in convoy with one another when accompanied by a pilot vehicle. 4.3.2 Each RAV in the convoy must obtain a separate permit. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 8 of 34 4.3.3 When two RAVs are travelling in convoy, the Pilot requirements and any other conditions that are applicable to the larger of the two RAVs apply to both RAVs and the pilot vehicles must accompany both RAVs as though they were one single RAV. 4.3.4 A RAV must not travel in convoy when required to be accompanied by a pilot vehicle when travelling inside a Central Zone. Note: Where a Class 1 vehicle is required under a Class 1 permit to be accompanied by a pilot vehicle, the driver of the pilot vehicle must ensure that the pilot vehicle complies with the Permit. 4.4 Transportable Buildings 4.4.1 For a prefabricated transportable building, the following concession to the standard minimum pilot requirements that are shown at APPENDIX 4 applies, being an additional width allowance for the external façade or eaves: One accredited pilot – maximum dimensions: (a) width at base: 4.5 m plus 100 mm tolerance for external façade, and (b) width at eaves: 5 m. 4.4.2 If the width at the base of a prefabricated transportable building exceeds 4.5 m (plus tolerance) or the width at the eaves exceeds 5 m, then the minimum normal pilot conditions as shown at APPENDIX 4 apply i.e. two pilots are required. 4.4.3 This pilot concession is only applicable to prefabricated transportable buildings and does not apply to existing houses. 4.4.4 This pilot concession does not apply for the transport of a prefabricated transportable building into or out of the Central Zones. 4.5 Swimming Pools 4.5.1 For a single swimming pool, the following concession to the standard minimum pilot requirements that are shown at APPENDIX 4 applies, being an additional width allowance for the flange of the pool: One accredited pilot – maximum dimensions: (a) width at widest point of base: 4.5 m; and (b) width at flange: 4.9 m. The flange of the pool must be the top of the load for the concession to apply. 4.5.2 If the width at the base of a swimming pool exceeds 4.5 m or the width at the flange exceeds 4.9 m then the normal pilot conditions as shown at APPENDIX 4 apply i.e. two pilots are required. 4.5.3 This pilot concession does not apply to packaged export swimming pools. 4.5.4 This pilot concession does not apply to the transport of a swimming pool into or out of the Central Zones. 5. LOADING 5.1 Carrying of Other Goods 5.1.1 A RAV carrying one or more large indivisible items must not carry any other goods unless: (a) the other goods are contained within the confines of the vehicle, and (b) the additional item/s do not cause a further increase to the vehicle combination’s overall dimensions. 5.1.2 Despite sub-clause 5.1.1, a RAV carrying a special purpose vehicle or agricultural vehicle may also carry any equipment, tools, substances or detached parts to be used in conjunction with the vehicle or machine being carried. 5.1.3 A RAV that is not carrying one or more large indivisible items must not carry any other goods other than as provided for under clause 5.6 or the vehicle’s Licensing Conditions. 5.1.4 Despite sub-clause 5.1.1 a multi-modal container may be carried within the dimension limits specified in clause 5.4. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 9 of 34 5.2 Carrying of Multiple Large Indivisible Items 5.2.1 A RAV carrying a large indivisible item may carry additional large indivisible items provided the additional items do not result in a further increase to the vehicle combination’s overall dimensions. 5.2.2 Despite sub-clause 5.2.1, swimming pools packaged and consigned for export only, may be loaded on top of one another (layered) to a maximum loaded height not exceeding 5.3 m. 5.3 Loading of a Rigid Vehicle and Pig Trailer A RAV that is a rigid vehicle towing a pig trailer must have an overall unladen vehicle combination length that does not exceed 20 m. 5.4 Carrying of Large Indivisible Items in Multi-Modal Containers A RAV may carry one or more large indivisible items in a multi-modal container provided: (a) the width of the multi-modal container does not exceed 2.5 m; (b) the height measured to the top of the multi-modal container does not exceed 4.6 m; (c) the height measured to the top of any large indivisible items in a multi-modal container does not exceed the relevant overall height limit for the respective type of RAV as specified at clause 1.1; (d) the length of any carried multi-modal container does not exceed 12.2 m; and (e) the multi-modal container does not contain any goods that are not large indivisible items. 5.5 Minimising Dimensions 5.5.1 If a load can be safely loaded in more than one way, it must be loaded in a way that minimises the width of the vehicle and its load. 5.5.2 Loading must be done in such a way as to minimise the dimensions, without otherwise compromising the security of the load or the safety of other road users. 5.6 Empty Travel to and from 5.6.1 To facilitate empty travel to the place of loading and empty travel after the load has been delivered, the RAV must be reduced to the smallest practical dimensions, i.e. close up an extendable trailer or low loader. (a) In the case of a vehicle consisting of a low loader (with or without a dolly), the width must be reduced so that it is not wider than i) 2.5 m for low loaders with 4 tyres per axle ii) 2.7m for low loaders with 8 tyres per axle, provided this is the low loader’s minimum practical dimension. (b) The conditions of the “empty travel” are governed by the overall length and the relevant conditions shown herein must be complied with. 5.6.2 The following items may be carried on the “empty travel” journeys; a dolly, a pilot vehicle and loading equipment. These items can only be carried if the RAV complies with the mass limits in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and the items are contained within the limits of the vehicle in its most compact form. 5.7 Overhang and Projection 5.7.1 For a rigid vehicle and combinations up to maximum length of 12.5 m or 19 m respectively, the overhang and projection limits prescribed in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 apply (refer to APPENDIX 7). 5.7.2 For a prime mover and semi trailer or low loader, together with any load with an overall length exceeding 19 m, the applicable overhang and projection limits as shown in APPENDIX 8 apply. 5.7.3 For all other combinations longer than the maximum length of 19 m, the overhang and projection limits prescribed in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 apply (refer to APPENDIX 7). D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 10 of 34 6. CURFEWS 6.1 Times of Travel A RAV in excess of 2.7 metres in width and 19 metres in length is only permitted to travel during day-time hours. 6.2 Night Time Travel 6.2.1 Despite clause 6.1 and subject to Clause 3.4, a RAV of a type described in the table below is permitted to travel on any road specified in the following table during night-time hours. RAV Type Overall Length Width Roads for Night Travel A RAV that is not a rigid vehicle towing a dog trailer Not exceeding 23 m Not exceeding 2.7m Roads listed in the Table of Permitted Roads for RAV Network 2, except a road as specified below: (a) Kwinana Freeway; (b) Mitchell Freeway; and (c) Graham Farmer Freeway. A RAV that is a rigid vehicle towing a dog trailer Not exceeding 25 m Not exceeding 2.7m Roads listed in the Table of Permitted Roads for RAV Network 2, except a road as specified below: (a) Kwinana Freeway; (b) Mitchell Freeway; and (c) Graham Farmer Freeway. All types of RAVs Not exceeding 25 m (or 26 m as per paragraph 4.1.3) Not exceeding 2.7m. Roads listed in the Table of Permitted Roads for RAV Network 5 All types of RAVs Not exceeding 30 m Not exceeding 2.7m Roads listed in the Table of Permitted Roads for RAV Network 9 6.2.2 Despite clause 1.3, a RAV travelling at night time under the provisions of sub-clause 6.2.1 on a road that is controlled by a Local Government must not be driven at a speed exceeding the lower of: (a) 90 km/h; or (b) the posted speed limit. 6.3 Metropolitan Curfew Area 6.3.1 A RAV that exceeds 2.7 metres in width or 22 metres in length must not be driven on any road within the Metropolitan Area during the Peak Traffic Periods, other than a road listed below and depicted in APPENDIX 6: (a) Albany Hwy, south of Bedfordale Road Train Assembly Area (RTAA); (b) Great Northern Hwy, north of Apple St Road Train Assembly Area (RTAA); (c) Perth-Lancelin Rd (Wanneroo Rd), north of Flynn Dr, Wanneroo; (d) South Western Hwy, south of Thomas Rd, Byford; (e) Brookton Hwy, east of Canning Rd, Karragullen; (f) Great Eastern Hwy, east of Bilgoman Rd, Glenn Forrest; (g) Midland-Goomalling Rd (Toodyay Rd), east of Roland Rd, Gidgegannup; (h) Thomas Rd, between Rockingham Rd and South Western Hwy; and (i) Perth Bunbury Hwy, south of Thomas Rd, Kwinana. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 11 of 34 6.3.2 Despite sub-clause 6.3.1, a RAV of a type described in the table below is exempt from the Metropolitan peak hour traffic period curfews provided it is travelling on a road specified in the following table: RAV Type Overall Length Width Roads Exempt from Metropolitan Curfew All types of RAV that is not a rigid vehicle towing a dog trailer Not exceeding 23 m Not exceeding 2.7 m. Roads listed in the Table of Permitted Roads for RAV Network 2, except a road as specified below: (a) Kwinana Freeway; (b) Mitchell Freeway; and (c) Graham Farmer Freeway. A RAV that is a rigid vehicle towing a dog trailer Not exceeding 25 m Not exceeding 2.7 m. Roads listed in the Table of Permitted Roads for RAV Network 2, except a road as specified below: (a) Kwinana Freeway; (b) Mitchell Freeway; and (c) Graham Farmer Freeway. All types of RAVs Not exceeding 25 m (or 26 m as per paragraph 4.1.3) Not exceeding 2.7 m. Roads listed in the Table of Permitted Roads for RAV Network 5 6.3.3 A RAV travelling during the Peak Traffic Periods must not exceed the statutory rear overhang limit, as prescribed in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014. 6.4 Public Holiday Curfews 6.4.1 Long Weekend Public Holidays Labour Day Foundation Day Queens Birthday Australia Day Anzac Day March June September/October 26 January 25 April In this clause: (a) A Monday Long Weekend means a weekend extended to three days by including the following Monday, where that Monday is the granted Public Holiday for one of the above listed days. (b) A Friday Long Weekend means a weekend extended to three days by including the preceding Friday, where that Friday is the granted Public Holiday for one of the above listed days. Any RAV in excess of 2.7 m in width must not use the Forrest Highway or Old Coast Road (includes Mandurah and Dawesville Bypasses), between the intersections of Pinjarra Road and Peppermint Grove Road, as shown in APPENDIX 9, during the following times: (a) sunset on the Thursday prior to a Monday Long Weekend until sunrise on the Tuesday after a Monday Long Weekend. (b) sunset on the Wednesday prior to a Friday Long Weekend until sunrise on the Monday after a Friday Long Weekend. NOTE: If the above days or the respective granted public holidays fall on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday no curfew applies. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 12 of 34 6.4.2 6.4.3 Easter (a) Any RAV in excess of 2.7 m in width must not use the Forrest Highway or Old Coast Road (includes Mandurah and Dawesville Bypasses), between the intersections of Pinjarra Road and Peppermint Grove Road, as shown in APPENDIX 9, from sunset on the Wednesday before Good Friday until sunrise on the Tuesday after Easter Monday. (b) Any RAV in excess of 4.5 m in width or 30 m in overall length must not use any other roads in Western Australia from sunset on the Wednesday before Good Friday until sunrise on the Tuesday after Easter Monday. Christmas/New Year (a) Any RAV in excess of 2.7 m in width must not use the Forrest Highway or Old Coast Road (includes Mandurah and Dawesville Bypasses), between the intersections of Pinjarra Road and Peppermint Grove Road, as shown in APPENDIX 9, from sunset on 18 December until sunrise on 4 January (over the Christmas/New Year period) of the following year. (b) Any RAV in excess of 4.5 m in width or 30 m in overall length must not use any of the following highways on 24, 25, 26 and 31 December as well as 1, 2, and 3 January of the following year: Albany Hwy (Bedfordale Road Train Assembly Area to Albany); Brand Hwy; Eyre Hwy; Great Eastern Hwy; South Western Hwy (Armadale to Bunbury); and Great Northern Hwy (Roe Hwy to Mt Magnet). 7. SAFE TRAVEL 7.1 Delays To avoid unnecessary traffic build up the driver of a RAV must pull over on a regular basis where and when it is safe to do so to allow traffic to clear. 7.2 Poor Visibility 7.2.1 The driver of a RAV must not begin to travel if, due to circumstances such as fog, heavy rain, smoke, dust or insect plague, visibility is less than 250 m during the daytime. 7.2.2 Where a RAV is already travelling when visibility is reduced to the level described above, the driver must drive into the nearest safe parking area, and wait until visibility improves beyond that level before continuing to travel. 7.3 Minimum Following Distance A person driving a RAV must maintain a distance of at least 200 m from a RAV travelling in front of it, unless: (a) it is overtaking the vehicle in front or the vehicle in front is stopping; (b) there is a separate lane available for the use of overtaking traffic; (c) it is in an urban area and it is not reasonably practicable to maintain a distance of 200 m; or (d) the RAVs are travelling in a convoy. 7.4 Convoy Travel 7.4.1 Convoys must consist of a maximum of two RAVs and must travel as close together as is safe to do so. 7.4.2 The Operating Conditions applicable to the larger RAV apply to the convoy travel. 7.4.3 RAVs must not travel in convoy inside the Central Zones. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 13 of 34 7.5 Operational Control The driver of the RAV must comply with any lawful direction or signal given by an Accredited Pilot, in relation to the movement of the RAV. 7.6 Parking (stopping on a carriageway - heavy and long vehicles) A person must not park a vehicle or any combination of vehicles that, together with any projection on, or load carried by, the vehicle or combination of vehicles, is more than 7.5 m in length or exceeds a GVM of 4.5 t: (a) on a carriageway in a built up area, for any period exceeding one hour, unless engaged in the picking up or setting down of goods; or (b) on a carriageway outside a built up area, except on the shoulder of the carriageway, or in a truck bay or other area set aside for the parking of goods vehicles. 7.7 Road Train Assembly Area Safety The driver of a RAV must at all times observe the safety standards and conditions of use at Road Train Assembly Areas owned by Main Roads. The safety standards (which include the wearing of safety vests) and conditions of use are sign posted at the Road Train Assembly Areas. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 14 of 34 APPENDIX 1 - Structures Not Suitable For 5.5m Loaded Height COUNTRY AREA Road Structure Harper Rd, TOODYAY TOWNSITE Nanga Brook Rd, WAROONA EAST Service Rd, CLACKLINE South Western Hwy, MUNDIJONG Toodyay Rd, CLACKLINE Williamstown Rd, KALGOORLIE Rail Bridge Road Tunnel Gt Eastern Hwy Bridge Rail Bridge Gt Eastern Hwy Bridge Rail Bridge Height m 5.3 4.8 4.9 5.3 5.2 5.4 PERTH CENTRAL ZONE Road Structure Aberdeen St, WEST PERTH Adelaide Tce, EAST PERTH Hay St, PERTH James St, PERTH CITY Market St, WEST PERTH Mounts Bay Rd, PERTH BUS STATION (west) Murray St, City Arcade & David Jones, PERTH CITY Murray St, WEST PERTH Riverside Dr, PERTH CITY Roe St to Art Gallery, PERTH CITY Roe St, WEST PERTH Stirling Hwy, PERTH SWAN BREWERY Sutherland St, WEST PERTH SUBWAY Wellington St, Forrest Place, PERTH CITY Wellington St, Raine Square, PERTH CITY Wellington St, ROYAL PERTH HOSPITAL Wellington St, WEST PERTH Freeway Bridge Footbridge QV 1 Footbridge Hamilton Interchange Bridges Freeway Bridges Footbridge Footbridges Freeway Bridge Freeway Bridge Footbridge Freeway Bridge Footbridge Rail Bridge Footbridge East Footbridge Footbridge Freeway Bridge D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Height m 5.1 5.5 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.1 4.1 4.8 4.8 4.6 5.1 5.4 3.8 4.8 5.2 5.4 5.3 Page 15 of 34 APPENDIX 1 (Cont) METROPOLITAN AREA (OUTSIDE PERTH CENTRAL ZONE) Road Structure Albany Hwy, BENTLEY Albany Hwy, CANNINGTON Brearley Ave, REDCLIFFE Canning Hwy, APPLECROSS Causeway, VICTORIA PARK Centenary Ave, WILSON Coode St, BAYSWATER SUBWAY Dianella Dr, DIANELLA Graylands Rd, CLAREMONT SUBWAY Gt Eastern Hwy, RIVERVALE Gt Eastern Hwy, RIVERVALE Gt Eastern Hwy Bypass, HAZELMERE Guildford Rd, MT LAWLEY SUBWAY Guildford Rd, MAYLANDS Guildford Rd, ASHFIELD Hamilton Rd, SPEARWOOD Leach Hwy, MELVILLE Leach Hwy, WILSON Leach Hwy, ROSSMOYNE Maddington Rd, ORANGE GROVE Mill Point Rd, SOUTH PERTH Nicholson Rd, SUBIACO SUBWAY Powis St, GLENDALOUGH Railway Pde, MAYLANDS Railway Pde, BENTLEY Roe Hwy, FORRESTFIELD St. Peters Rd, EAST FREMANTLE Scarborough Beach Rd, MT HAWTHORN Scarborough Beach Rd, OSBORNE PARK Scarborough Beach Rd, OSBORNE PARK Sevenoaks St, BENTLEY Shepperton Rd, EAST VICTORIA PARK Stirling Hwy, CLAREMONT Stirling Hwy, COTTESLOE Stirling Rd, CLAREMONT SUBWAY Stock Road, HAMILTON HILL Wanneroo Rd, TUART HILL Whatley Cres, MAYLANDS Yelverton Dr, EAST MIDLAND Leach Hwy Bridge Carousel Footbridge Gantry Sign Ogilvie Rd Footbridge Canning Hwy Bridge Leach Hwy Bridge Rail Bridge Footbridge Rail Bridge Footbridge Rail Bridge Rail Bridge Rail Bridge Sixth Ave Footbridge Footbridge Rail Bridge Footbridge Wilson Primary School Footbridge Webb Street Footbridge Tonkin Hwy Bridge Narrows Bridge Rail Bridge Footbridge Seventh Ave Bridge Leach Hwy Bridge Berkshire Rd Footbridge Stirling Hwy Bridge Footbridge Rail Bridge Freeway Bridge Leach Hwy bridge Footbridge Footbridge Footbridge Rail Bridge Footbridge Footbridge Seventh Ave Bridge Footbridge Height m 5.3 5.3 4.8 5.3 5.2 4.8 3.8 5.1 4.0 5.4 5.3 5.4 4.2 5.1 5.4 4.7 5.2 2 5.4 2 5.4 4.1 4.8 3.6 5.2 3.6 5.3 3 5.3 4.6 5.4 5.2 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.4 3.9 4 5.4 5.4 3.3 4.4 2 For all loads over 5.3 m in height up to but not exceeding 5.5 m, travel must be in the centre or right hand lanes of Leach Hwy under this bridge 3 For all loads over 5.3 m in height up to but not exceeding 5.5 m, travel must be in the right hand lane of Roe Hwy under this bridge 4 For all loads over 5.4 m in height up to but not exceeding 5.5 m, travel must be in the right hand lane of Stock Rd under this bridge D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 16 of 34 APPENDIX 2 - Contact Details For Other Agency Approvals An up to date contact list is maintained on www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/usingroads/heavyvehicles (Note: If an overhead cable is not controlled by Western Power Corporation, it remains the RAV operator/driver’s responsibility to obtain approval from the relevant controller to travel under a cable where the height of the RAV exceeds 4.3 m.) D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 17 of 34 APPENDIX 3 – Narrow Bridges NARROW BRIDGES ON HIGHWAYS AND MAIN ROADS BRIDGE NUMBER 814 816 817 879 1260 1261 1262 1263 1267 1268 1269 1305 1310 1311 1231 1101 1102 1103 1125 812 3483 5 ROAD NAME GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GREAT NORTHERN HWY GIBB RIVER RD NANUTARRA – MUNJINA RD NANUTARRA – MUNJINA RD NANUTARRA – MUNJINA RD NANUTARRA – MUNJINA RD MARBLE BAR RD BOYANUP – CAPEL RD SLK (km) 2291.57 2992.45 3009.59 2284.94 2946.65 2973.54 2974.37 2960.82 2931.41 2527.80 2532.94 3111.42 2523.73 2524.76 119.39 175.41 62.29 98.86 59.28 92.14 4.90 WBK5 CROSSING NAME FITZROY RIVER-WILLARE CROSSING MISTAKE CREEK BOW RIVER MINNIE RIVER FROG HOLLOW CREEK ROCKY CREEK MABEL SPRING CREEK BIG MABEL DOWNS TICKALARA CREEK TWO MILE CREEK BLUE BUSH CREEK ARTHUR CREEK BROOKING CHANNEL FITZROY RIVER LENNARD RIVER BEASLEY RIVER DUCK CREEK METAWANDY CREEK HOUSE CREEK FORTESCUE RIVER - ROY HILL WAWA DRAIN C 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 3.6 5.5 Width between kerbs (metres) D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 18 of 34 APPENDIX 4 – Pilot Requirements MINIMUM PILOT REQUIREMENTS (excluding Central Zones) OVERALL WIDTH OF VEHICLE OR COMBINATION (METRES) 5.5 5 Permit plus 2 Pilots Duration of Move 4.5 4 Permit plus 1 Pilot 3.5 3 Permit No Pilot 2.5 2 Legal Vehicle/Load 1 0 5 10 15 19 20 25 30 OVERALL LENGTH OF VEHICLES OR COMBINATION (METRES) MINIMUM PILOT REQUIREMENTS WITHIN CENTRAL ZONES OVERALL WIDTH OF VEHICLE OR COMBINATION (METRES) 5.5 5 Permit plus 3 Pilots 4.5 4 Permit plus 2 Pilots 3.5 3 Permit plus 1 Pilot 2.5 2 Legal Vehicle/Load 1 0 5 10 15 19 20 25 30 OVERALL LENGTH OF VEHICLES OR COMBINATION (METRES) D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 19 of 34 APPENDIX 5 - Central Zones Perth Map Fremantle Map D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 20 of 34 APPENDIX 6 - Metro Area Curfew Map D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 21 of 34 APPENDIX 7 - Size and Projection of Loads Light Motor Vehicle (GVM up to 4.5 tonnes) Illustration of: (a) (b) (c) front projection limit; rear projection limit; and rear overhang limit. LLO OA AD D See Note See Note Rear overhang limit Wheelbase lesser of 3.7m or 60% of wheelbase 12.5m Note: A maximum rear projection of 1.2 m is allowed provided the rear overhang and overall length limits are not exceeded. A maximum front projection of 1.2 m is allowed provided the overall length limit is not exceeded. If your vehicle is built to the maximum allowable dimensions, you cannot carry any projecting load. Where any portion of the load or equipment on a vehicle projects in such a manner that it would not be readily visible to any person following immediately behind the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle must: (a) mark the end of the load or equipment, by means of a brightly coloured flag or piece of material, with each side at least 300 mm long, so that it is clearly visible to persons in its vicinity; or (b) at night time, fit to the extreme end of the load or equipment a light showing a clear red light to the rear, visible at a distance of 200 m. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 22 of 34 APPENDIX 7 (Cont) Heavy Motor Vehicle (GVM over 4.5 tonnes) Illustration of: (a) (b) (c) front projection limit; rear overhang limit; and overall length limit. See Note See Note Note: A rear projection is allowed provided the rear overhang and the overall length limits are not exceeded. A maximum front projection of 1.2 m is allowed provided the overall length limit is not exceeded. If your vehicle is built to the maximum allowable dimensions, you cannot carry any projecting load. Rear projections The rear of a load on a vehicle must carry a warning signal if the load: (a) projects more than 1.2 m behind the vehicle; (b) projects to the rear of the vehicle so that the end of the load cannot be seen easily from behind; or (c) is on a pole type trailer. In daytime, the warning signal must be a brightly coloured flag or piece of material, with each side at least 300 mm long. At night time, the warning signal must be a light showing a clear red light visible at a distance of 200 m. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 23 of 34 APPENDIX 7 (Cont) A Load S B A = overall length; the distance from the forward most part of the vehicle to the rearmost part of vehicle or load. B = rear overhang; the distance from the rear overhang line (centre of the rear axle group) to the rearmost part of the vehicle or load. Note: Rear projection is that part of the load that projects from the rear of the vehicle / trailer and is a part of the rear overhang. S = “S” dimension; the measurement from the kingpin to the rear overhang line. (The kingpin is the coupling pin that locks into the turntable on the prime mover). In this case of “A” being up to 19 m the maximum value of “B” must not exceed the lesser of 3.7 m or 60% of “S”. EXAMPLES: If “S” = 7 m; Then 60% of 7.0 m = 4.2 m, therefore the 3.7 m maximum controls. If “S” = 5.5 m; Then 60% of 5.5 m = 3.3 m, therefore as this is less than 3.7 m it becomes the controlling value for “B”. Note: A rear projection is allowed provided the rear overhang and overall length limits are not exceeded. Rear projections The rear of a load on a vehicle must carry a warning signal if the load: (a) projects more than 1.2 m behind the vehicle; (b) projects to the rear of the vehicle so that the end of the load cannot be seen easily from behind; or (c) is on a pole type trailer. In daytime, the warning signal must be a brightly coloured flag or piece of material, with each side at least 300 mm long. At night time, the warning signal must be a light showing a clear red light visible at a distance of 200 m. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 24 of 34 APPENDIX 8 - Size and Projection Of Loads For a prime mover and semi trailer or low loader that has an overall combination length greater than 19 m, the following limits apply. Typical Applicable Limits Length up to (A) Allowable overhang (B) 19m (see Appendix 7) 20m 5.0 m 22m 5.5 m 24m 6.0 m 26m 6.5 m 28m 7.0 m 30m 7.5 m A Load B When the overall length, “A”, exceeds 19 m then the allowable rear overhang, “B”, can be up to 25% of “A”. EXAMPLES: If “A” = 26 m; Then 25% of 26 m = 6.5 m, therefore with an overall length of 26 m the allowable rear overhang can be up to 6.5 m. If “A” = 19.6 m; Then 25% of 19.6 m = 4.9 m, therefore with an overall length of 19.6 m the allowable rear overhang can be up to 4.9 m. Rear projections The rear of a load on a vehicle must carry a warning signal if the load: (a) projects more than 1.2 m behind the vehicle; (b) projects to the rear of the vehicle so that the end of the load cannot be seen easily from behind; or (c) is on a pole type trailer. In daytime, the warning signal must be a brightly coloured flag or piece of material, with each side at least 300 mm long. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 25 of 34 APPENDIX 9 - Mandurah Public Holiday Curfew Map D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 26 of 34 APPENDIX 10 – Oversize Warning Requirements Table of Contents Section 1 – Pilot and Escort Vehicles 28 1.1 Application 28 1.2 Requirement for a Pilot Vehicle 28 1.3 Requirements for an Escort Vehicle 28 1.4 Headlights on a Pilot or Escort Vehicle 28 1.5 Towing Vehicles and Carrying Loads 28 1.6 Positioning of a Pilot Vehicle 28 1.7 Communication between Drivers 29 1.8 Driver Responsibilities 29 Section 2 – Warning Lights 30 2.1 Application 30 2.2 Warning Light Characteristics 30 2.3 Visibility of Warning Lights 30 2.4 Warning Light Operation 30 Section 3 – General Warning Sign Requirements 31 3.1 Application 31 3.2 Face of a Warning Sign 31 3.3 Material for a Warning Sign 31 3.4 Warning Sign not to be displayed if not required 31 Section 4 – Warning Signs, Flags and Delineators for Oversize Vehicles 32 4.1 Application 32 4.2 Size of a Warning Sign 32 4.3 Face of a Warning Sign 32 4.4 Displaying Warning Signs and Flags 32 Section 5 – Warning Signs for Pilot vehicles 33 5.1 Application 33 5.2 Size of a Warning Sign 33 5.3 Face of a Warning Sign 33 5.4 Displaying a Warning Sign 33 D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 27 of 34 SECTION 1 – PILOT AND ESCORT VEHICLES 1.1 Application This section applies to the operation of a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle that is accompanying an oversize vehicle that is subject to a Permit or Order that requires the oversize vehicle to be accompanied by a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle. 1.2 Requirement for a Pilot Vehicle 1.2.1 A pilot vehicle must have 4 or more wheels and a GVM of: (a) 6.5 t or less in the case of a rear pilot vehicle if 2 pilot vehicles are required; or (b) 4.5 t or less in any other case. 1.2.2 A pilot vehicle must have a warning sign on its roof that meets the requirements outlined in Section 3. 1.2.3 A pilot vehicle must only have an amber flashing warning light meeting the requirements outlined in Section 2 attached: (a) above or below the sign; or (b) at each side of the sign. 1.3 Requirements for an Escort Vehicle An escort vehicle must be a Main Roads Traffic Escort Vehicle or a WA Police Vehicle 1.4 Headlights on a Pilot or Escort Vehicle The headlights on a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle must be switched on when it is accompanying an oversize vehicle during. 1.5 Towing Vehicles and Carrying Loads A pilot vehicle must not tow a trailer or carry a load, but it may carry tools, equipment or substances for use in connection with the oversize vehicle that it is accompanying or for restraining the load on that oversize vehicle. 1.6 Positioning of a Pilot Vehicle 1.6.1 When one pilot vehicle accompanies an oversize vehicle, the pilot vehicle must travel: (a) behind the oversize vehicle if they are on a road with multiple lanes in the direction of travel; or (b) in front of the oversize vehicle if they are on a road that is only a single lane in the direction of travel. 1.6.2 When 2 pilot vehicles accompany an oversize vehicle, one pilot vehicle must travel in front of the oversize vehicle, and the other behind it. 1.6.3 A pilot vehicle must travel far enough away from the oversize vehicle it is accompanying to give adequate warning to other road users of the presence of the oversize vehicle, taking into account the type of vehicles that use the road, traffic speed, weather, visibility and other driving conditions. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 28 of 34 1.7 Communication between Drivers An oversize vehicle and any accompanying pilot vehicle or escort vehicle must have an electronic device that allows the drivers to communicate effectively with each other. 1.8 Driver Responsibilities 1.8.1 A pilot vehicle that accompanies an oversize vehicle must only be driven by an “Accredited Pilot” who is an “Authorised Person”. 1.8.2 An escort vehicle that accompanies an oversize vehicle must only be driven by a Traffic Escort Warden or, if the vehicle is a Police Vehicle, a Police Officer. 1.8.3 The driver of a pilot vehicle and the driver of an escort vehicle must inform themselves of the dimensions, warning devices requirements, driver requirements and relevant vehicle operational requirements including conditions of permit, prior to the accompanying the oversize vehicle. 1.8.4 The driver of an oversize vehicle must comply with any lawful direction or signal given by the driver of the lead pilot vehicle or, if accompanied by an escort vehicle, the Traffic Escort Warden. 1.8.5 The driver of an oversize vehicle must produce the permit to the driver of the lead pilot and Traffic Escort Warden upon request. 1.8.6 The driver of a pilot or escort vehicle must not operate any other vehicle or machinery, such as steer a platform or jinker trailer, whilst accompanying an oversize vehicle. 1.8.7 To avoid unnecessary traffic build up, an oversize vehicle accompanied by a pilot vehicle must pull over on a regular basis to allow traffic to pass. This includes stopping in all parking bays that are suitable and stopping wherever it is safe to do so, with pilots or Traffic Escort Wardens providing traffic management if necessary. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 29 of 34 SECTION 2 – WARNING LIGHTS 2.1 Application This section applies to a warning light fitted to an oversize vehicle, an oversize agricultural vehicle or a pilot vehicle. 2.2 Warning Light Characteristics 2.2.1 When switched on, a warning light on an oversize vehicle or pilot vehicle: (a) Must emit a rotating, flashing, amber coloured light; (b) Must flash between 120 and 200 times a minute; (c) Must have a power of at least 55 watts, or the equivalent of 24 watts in the case of an LED light; and (d) Must not be a strobe light. 2.2.2 Wig Wag Lights: (a) Must not be headlights; (b) May be spotlights with a maximum output of 55 watts, provided they are angle down 45 degrees toward the road surface; (c) May be LED day running lights (as per ADR 76), provided the light emitted from each lamp does not exceed 400cd; (d) Must have an illuminating surface area not less than 40cm²; (e) Must be no less than 500mm above ground level and no more than 1000mm above ground leve. 2.3 Visibility of Warning Lights 2.3.1 A warning light on an oversize vehicle, a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle (other than a police vehicle) must be: (a) clearly visible at a distance of 500 metres in all directions; or (b) supplemented by one or more additional warning lights so that the light emanating from at least one of them is clearly visible at a distance of 500 metres in any direction. 2.3.2 Despite subclause 2.2.1, in the case of a pilot vehicle travelling in front of an oversize vehicle, a filter may be placed behind the warning light on the pilot vehicle to reduce the intensity of the light directed to the driver of the oversize vehicle. 2.4 Warning Light Operation 2.4.1 Any warning light which a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle is required to have must be switched on when the vehicle is accompanying an oversize vehicle. 2.4.2 If a vehicle is not required under the operating conditions to have a warning light, it must not have one that is switched on. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 30 of 34 SECTION 3 – GENERAL WARNING SIGN REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Application This section applies to a warning sign fitted to an oversize vehicle, an oversize agricultural vehicle or a pilot vehicle. 3.2 Face of a Warning Sign 3.2.1 The face of a warning sign must have a yellow surface which complies with Class 1 or 2 of Australian Standard AS 1906 — 1990 Retro reflective Materials and Devices for Road Traffic Control Purposes. 3.2.2 The face of the warning sign must have a black border at least 20 mm wide. The border may be split if the sign is divided into two parts. 3.2.3 The outermost edge of the border must be set at least 10 mm in from the edge of the sign unless the sign has been made with a box edge. 3.2.4 The warning sign must display the manufacturer’s name or logo, and the brand and class of retro reflective material used in block letters at least 3 mm, but not more than 10 mm, high. 3.2.5 The marking may appear in any visible location on the sign, except in a bottom corner of a sign used on a pilot vehicle. 3.2.6 The face of the warning sign must be appropriately maintained to ensure it is clearly visible and legible to other road users. 3.3 Material for a Warning Sign 3.3.1 A warning sign must be made of either: (a) stiff, flat, weatherproof material, or (b) flexible material, provided the sign is held taut, and is clearly visible and unlikely to become dislocated, furl or otherwise become difficult to read by other road users. 3.3.2 A flexible warning sign that is in such condition or state that its message cannot be easily read by other road users is deemed not to be a warning sign for the purposes of this Section. 3.4 Warning Sign not to be displayed if not required A warning sign must not be displayed on a vehicle that is not an oversize vehicle or a pilot vehicle. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 31 of 34 SECTION 4 – WARNING SIGNS, FLAGS AND DELINEATORS FOR OVERSIZE VEHICLES 4.1 Application This section applies to a warning sign or flag fitted to an oversize vehicle, including an oversize agricultural vehicle. 4.2 Size of a Warning Sign 4.2.1 A warning sign on an oversize vehicle must be at least 1020 mm long and at least 250 mm high. 4.2.2 The sign may be split into 2 parts, in which case the combined length of its parts must be at least 1020 mm. 4.3 Face of a Warning Sign 4.3.1 A warning sign on an oversize vehicle must show the word “OVERSIZE”, in black upper case lettering, conforming with Australian Standard AS 1744 — 2015 Forms of Letters and Numerals for Road Signs, in typeface Series C(N). 4.3.2 The lettering must be at least 180 mm high. 4.3.3 If the sign is split into 2 parts, the part mounted on the left must show the letters “OVER” and the part mounted on the right must show the letters “SIZE”. 4.4 Displaying Warning Signs and Flags 4.4.1 A warning sign on an oversize vehicle must be mounted vertically. 4.4.2 The lower edge of the sign must be: (a) above the bottom of the bumper bar; or (b) if there is no bumper bar, at least 500 mm from the ground level. 4.4.3 If the sign is split into 2 parts, each part must be fitted at the same height as the other. 4.4.4 A warning sign must be displayed on an oversize vehicle exceeding 2.5 metres in width or 25 metres in length: (a) On the front and rear of the vehicle; or (b) If carrying a rear projecting load, the warning sign must be mounted as close to the rear of the load as practical, ensuring the sign is clearly visible to other road users. 4.4.5 A warning sign must only be displayed on the rear of the vehicle, or projecting load, if the width is 2.5 metres or less and the length exceeds 22 metres but not 25 metres. 4.4.6 An oversize vehicle must display four (4) brightly coloured red, yellow, or red and yellow flags, at least 450mm long and 450mm wide. One flag must be positioned at each side of both the front and rear of the vehicle, or if there is any projecting load, at each side of both the front and rear of the projecting load. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 32 of 34 SECTION 5 – WARNING SIGNS FOR PILOT VEHICLES 5.1 Application This section applies to a warning sign fitted to a pilot vehicle. 5.2 Size of a Warning Sign 5.2.1 A warning sign on a pilot vehicle must be at least 1200 mm long and at least 600 mm high. 5.2.2 The sign may have bottom corner cut outs not more than 150 mm wide and not more than 100 mm high, if they are needed for mounting the warning lights 5.3 Face of a Warning Sign 5.3.1 Both faces of a warning sign on a pilot vehicle must show: (a) the word “OVERSIZE”, in black upper case lettering at least 200 mm high, conforming with Australian Standard AS 1744 — 2015 Forms of Letters and Numerals for Road Signs, in typeface Series C(N); and (b) the words “LOAD AHEAD”, in black upper case lettering at least 100 mm high, conforming with Australian Standard AS 1744 — 2015 Forms of Letters and Numerals for Road Signs, in typeface Series D(N). 5.3.2 The bottom of the lettering of the word “OVERSIZE” must be at least 300 mm from the bottom of the sign. 5.3.3 The bottom of the lettering of the words “LOAD AHEAD” must be at least 100 mm from the bottom of the sign. 5.4 Displaying a Warning Sign 5.4.1 A warning sign on a pilot vehicle must not lean back so that there is more than 200 mm measured horizontally from the top of the sign to a vertical line running through the bottom of the sign. D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Page 33 of 34 AMENDMENT TABLE Amendment Date Amended Section 7th August 2013 Definitions 7th August 2013 Sub-clause 2.6 7th August 2013 Clause 3 7th August 2013 Sub-clause 6.2 & 6.3 th 7 August 2013 28 th August 2013 27th April 2015 Appendix 1 & 3 Added 3.2.1c All D10#106146 - Class 1 Oversize Period Permit Operating Conditions Amendment Description Central Zones boundaries clarified. Speed restriction introduced for railway crossings. Specified requirements for LED wig wag lights. Provided for 26 metre long vehicle combinations. Updated bridge lists. Oversize signs in relation to loads with overhang Amended document to reference new legislation. Page 34 of 34