PuMe II Forestry Education Software


PuMe II Forestry Education Software
Forestry Education Software
User manual
Table of Contents
PUME II – FORESTRY EDUCATION SOFTWARE................................................................................. 3
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS..................................................... 4
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 4
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................................. 4
UPDATING INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................................................... 4
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE................................................................................................................... 5
CONTENT AND TARGET GROUPS .......................................................................................................... 3
PUME II PROJECT ............................................................................................................................... 3
PROGRAM STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................... 5
INPUT OF DATA BEFORE GROWING THE STAND ...................................................................................... 6
FOREST GROWTH RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 6
SIMULATING FOREST GROWTH WITH PUME..................................................................................... 6
SELECTING INITIAL STAND DATA ........................................................................................................... 7
CHOOSING SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS .............................................................................................. 7
TO WHAT AGE SHOULD THE STAND GROW?........................................................................................... 8
GROWING THE STAND ......................................................................................................................... 8
RESULTS FROM GROWING THE STAND .................................................................................................. 8
Traditional stand characteristics ............................................................................................................... 8
Biomasses............................................................................................................................................... 10
Wood quality ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Carbon balance....................................................................................................................................... 12
GROWING A NEW STAND.................................................................................................................... 13
PUME INFORMATION PACKAGES...................................................................................................... 14
PIPEQUAL GROWTH MODEL .............................................................................................................. 14
Editor: PuMe II -project 2004–2006
PuMe II User Manual • Forestry Education Software
2 • PuMe II User Manual
PuMe II User Manual • Forestry Education Software
1 PuMe II – Forestry Education Software
Content and target groups
The PuMe II forestry education software consists of the following parts:
Forest growth simulator
• Simulator for growing pine and spruce forests in southern Finland (based on the PipeQual growth model
developed by Professor Annikki Mäkelä at the Department of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki, see
chapter 6)
Information packages on Finnish commercial and natural forests
• Information packages (text, pictures, videos) on subjects related to Finnish forests, including
explanations of concepts
The PuMe II software is especially aimed at forestry students in universities, polytechnics and second tier
educational institutions, but it is also suitable as educational material for others interested in learning about
forest management and commercial forestry in Finland.
PuMe II project
The new PuMe II software has been developed in the PuMe II project (2004–2006) and is based on the pine
forest simulator developed in the preceding Puusta metsäksi (From Tree to Forest) project (2001–2003).
Software development
Content: Petteri Vanninen, Sanna Härkönen, Annikki Mäkelä
Design and user interface: Sanna Härkönen
Growth model: Annikki Mäkelä
Project participants
Savonlinna Vocational College (SAMI)
University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Ecology
University of Joensuu (Faculty of Forestry and Savonlinna Department of Teacher Education)
Mikkeli Polytechnic, Nikkarila
Lusto, the Finnish Forest Museum
Metla, the Finnish Forest Research Institute, Punkaharju
Forestry Centre of South Savo
Metsähallitus, the Finnish Forest and Park Service, Services for Eastern Finland
ESF (European Social Fund)
State Provincial Office of Eastern Finland
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
OKKA Foundation
Jumppanen Foundation
East Savo Consortium for Vocational Education
Lusto, the Finnish Forest Museum
Mikkeli Polytechnic
Additional information
PuMe II project website: http://sokl.joensuu.fi/saima/pume2.htm
PuMe II User Manual • 3
PuMe II User Manual • System Requirements and Installation Instructions
2 System Requirements and Installation Instructions
System requirements
Operating system: Windows 98 or later
Processor: minimum 500 MHz
Display: minimum resolution 1024*768, colour setting High colour (16 bit) or more
Hard disk: at least 220 MB of available space
Viewing video clips: Flash player is needed for viewing video clips. If the player is not yet installed on your
computer, you can download it for free from the following web page:
Installation instructions
Download from the PuMe website: go to http://sokl.joensuu.fi/saima/pume_downloads1.htm and continue
according to the instructions on the web page.
PuMe Installation CD: insert the PuMe installation CD into the CD drive and start the installation program.
Continue according to the instructions given by the program.
When using PuMe-program, the user has to have complete rights to edit the folder where Pume is installed
to. When the installation is complete, you can launch the PuMe program by clicking the PuMe icon on the
desktop or in the start menu.
Updating instructions
Download update from the PuMe website: go to http://sokl.joensuu.fi/saima/pume_downloads1.htm and
continue according to the instructions on the web page.
4 • PuMe II User Manual
PuMe II User Manual • Quick Reference Guide
3 Quick Reference Guide
Program structure
Language selection
Finnish or English
Input of simulation data
1. Initial stand data
Forest site type
Stand establishment method
Initial number of stems
2. Silvicultural treatments
Tending of seedling stands
Information packages on Finnish forests
Tree species
Forest site types
Commercial forests
Development stages and typical
forest management measures
Consideration of natural values
Natural forests
Growth and succession stages
Nature conservation
3. Other growth factors
Needle damage
4. Stand age at the end of
growth and development
Simulation results
Traditional stand
Height and crown
Basal area
Stocking density
Logging outturn and
natural removal
Harvesting revenue
Stand in total
Wood quality
Branch zones
Annual rings
Proportion of
summer wood
Wood density
Fibre length
Fibre thickness
Carbon balance
and water use
Carbon production
Water usage of
Grow a new stand
Save previous simulations
PuMe II User Manual • 5
PuMe II User Manual • Quick Reference Guide
Input of data before growing the stand
Enter initial data for the stand on the main page of the PuMe simulator (Figure 1). When you select the data,
a contextually related information package will be displayed on the right side of the window. The data
needed for growing the stand is presented in detail in Sections 4.1–4.4.
Information packages
While you enter stand data, information packages related to the
specific subjects are shown on
the right side of the screen.
Input of initial data
Enter stand data according to the numbered instructions. Finish by pressing the
Simulate the growth button.
Video clips
The information packages also
contain video clips. Press Play to
watch the clip.
Figure 1. Simulator main page.
Forest growth results
Once the simulation is complete, you can examine conventional stand indicators as well as data on
biomass, tree quality and carbon balance (Figure 2). The results produced by the simulator are explained in
detail in Section 4.5.
Subject areas
Select the desired subject
area (traditional stand characteristics, biomasses, wood
quality or carbon balance)
on the left side of the screen.
Select the stand indicator you want to examine from the bar displayed in the top part of the window. The indicator will be displayed showing the development of the indicator during the
chosen period (indicator on top). For some indicators, the annual increment of the indicator value is shown below.
A short description of the selected indicator is displayed
on the right side of the
Figure 2. Sample results: data on basal area
6 • PuMe II User Manual
PuMe II User Manual • Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
4 Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
Selecting initial stand data
Tree species
You can select Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) or Norway spruce (Picea abies).
Site type
The following forest site types can be selected: Oxalis-Myrtillus (OMT, the most fertile type),
Myrtillus (MT), Vaccinium (VT) or Calluna (CT, least fertile).
Establishment method
You can select natural regeneration or planting as the method of establishment.
Initial density
The initial number of seedlings can be in the range 100–15,000. Normally there are about
4,000–5,000 seedlings/hectare.
Information packages
While selecting the initial data for the seedling stand, information about Finnish tree species,
forest site types and stand establishment methods will be displayed on the right side of the
Choosing silvicultural treatments
Tending seedling stands
If you want to include tending of the seedling stand, check Pre-commercial thinning and
select the number of seedlings which will be left to grow (1,800–3,000 stems/ha). The
tending of the seedling stand is carried out when the stand reaches 15 years of age.
If you want to carry out pruning, check the Pruning box and enter the time of pruning and
pruning height.
You can select one of three thinning methods:
1. No thinning: The simulation is done without any thinnings.
2. Tapio’s instructions: The stand will be grown according to Tapio’s Recommendations for
Good Forest Management (2006). There are three management scenarios available for both
pine and spruce stands. The alternatives for pine include the following: 1) standard scenario,
2) emphasizing the wood quality, 3) intensive management. For spruce you can select the
management according to 1) standard scenario, 2) a scenario maximizing stout saw timber
and 3) a scenario aiming to shorter rotation.
After selecting the thinning scenario the thinning information can be adjusted. You can
regulate the intensity of the thinning (the lowest intensity corresponds to the upper limit in
Tapio’s model and the highest intensity to Tapio’s lower limit). Tapio’s thinning models are
applicable to Scots pine on Myrtillus, Vaccinium, and Calluna type forests and to Norway
spruce on Oxalis-Myrtillus and Myrtillus type forests.
3. Your own input data: You can enter your own thinning intervals and levels of intensity.
You can also select the applied method for each thinning (above/below).
PuMe II User Manual • 7
PuMe II User Manual • Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
Information packages
While choosing silvicultural treatments, you can get information about typical forest
management measures in Finnish commercial forests and the succession stages of natural
forests. You can also read information packages about consideration of natural values in
commercial forestry and the present state of nature conservation in Finland.
To what age should the stand grow?
Target age of the stand
You can select a target age in the interval 20–150 years.
Number of retention trees at the time of harvest
If you want to leave retention trees, type in the number of such trees (stems/ha). Otherwise
uncheck this option.
Growing the stand
After completing the input of the required data, you can begin to grow the forest. Start the simulation by
pressing the Simulate the growth button.
Results from growing the stand
When the forest has been grown and the simulation is complete, the Traditional stand characteristics
window will be displayed on the screen by default. In addition to traditional stand characteristics, you can
examine the development of biomass, wood quality and carbon balance.
Traditional stand characteristics
In the Traditional stand characteristics window (Figure 3), you can examine the development of common
stand indicators in commercial forestry. The average increment of an indicator is displayed in the top part
of the window, whereas a description of the indicator’s annual increment is displayed below, if such
information is available. Concepts related to the specific subject are explained on the right side of the
Included indicators
• mean height and mean crown base (m, weighted by basal area)
• mean diameter (cm, weighted by basal area)
• basal area (m2)
• stocking density (stems/ha)
• stand volume (m3/ha)
• tree volume (m3)
• logging outturn and natural removal (m3/ha)
• harvesting revenue (€/ha)
Other functions
• You can examine the development of dominant, intermediate and suppressed trees by
checking the selection boxes in the section Show tree classes on the upper side of the window.
8 • PuMe II User Manual
PuMe II User Manual • Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
In the Removals window, you can check the logging outturn (Figure 4) and the value of
harvested trees (Figure 5). Furthermore, by selecting Edit prices, you can test the effects of
changing the price of saw timber, pulp wood or energy wood, different levels of stand establishment
and treatment costs as well as varying interest rates applied to the value of the harvested trees.
You can export the harvesting revenue list to Excel by selecting Open in Excel.
You can save the values of an indicator by clicking on the indicator with the right mouse button and
selecting Save values to file from the context menu.
You can copy an indicator’s values to the clipboard by clicking on the indicator with the right mouse
button and selecting Copy from the context menu.
Figure 3. Traditional stand characteristics: tree height. The indicator on top shows the development of mean height and
crown base, whereas the change of mean height per year is shown below.
Figure 4. Traditional stand characteristics: logging outturn of pulp wood and saw timber.
PuMe II User Manual • 9
PuMe II User Manual • Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
Figure 5. Traditional stand characteristics: harvesting revenue in list format. You can change the cost of tending the
seedling stand, log prices and calculate interest rates by clicking on the text Edit prices. The data in the table can be
exported to Excel by selecting Open in Excel.
The Biomasses window (Figure 6) shows data on total stand biomass measured in dry weight and on the
biomass of different compartments on stand and tree level. The change of total biomass over time is shown
in the top part of the window, whereas annual net increment is shown below. Related concepts are
explained on the right side of the window.
Included indicators
• stand biomass in total (kg/ha)
• biomass of needles, branches, stem, fine roots and feeder roots (stand (kg/ha) and tree (kg))
Other functions
• You can look at the development of dominant, intermediate and suppressed trees by checking the
selection boxes in the upper side of the window.
• You can save an indicator’s values in a text file by clicking on the indicator with the right mouse
button and selecting Save values to file from the context menu.
• You can copy the values to the clipboard by clicking on the indicator with the right mouse button
and selecting Copy from the context menu.
Figure 6. Stand biomass in total. The indicator on top shows the development of stand biomass per compartment, the
middle one the share of each tree compartment and the bottom indicator shows the annual net increment of biomass.
10 • PuMe II User Manual
PuMe II User Manual • Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
Wood quality
In the Wood quality window (Figure 7), you can look at the structure of dominant, intermediate and
suppressed trees at the time of thinnings and at the end of stand development. Concepts related to tree
structure are explained on the left side of the window.
Wood quality
• stem form
• proportion of heartwood and sapwood
• branchless, dead branch and living branch zones
Figure 7. Stem form, heartwood boundary and branch zones.
Wood properties in detail
By selecting Wood properties in the Wood quality window you can examine the wood properties more
closely (Figure 8). The indicator on the left side shows the fluctuation of a specific property inside the stem,
whereas the indicator on the right shows the distribution, i.e. each category’s share (%) of the stem volume.
The following wood properties are included:
growth rings
proportion of summer wood (%)
density of woody matter (kg/m3)
fibre length (mm)
fibre thickness (mm)
Other functions
• You can adjust the colours of the categories by clicking on Colour options in the top part of the
• You can adjust the indicator settings for wood properties by clicking on an indicator with the right
mouse button and selecting Set charts from the context menu.
• You can focus on a part of the stem (both horizontally and vertically), which gives you an
opportunity to look at the distribution of the properties in that part of the tree. The different areas
can be defined by making appropriate selections in the bottom part of the window.
• You can save an indicator’s values in a text file by selecting Save values to file.
• You can copy the values to the clipboard by clicking on the indicator with the right mouse button
and selecting Copy from the context menu.
PuMe II User Manual • 11
PuMe II User Manual • Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
Figure 8. Wood properties: wood density.
Carbon balance
In the Carbon balance window (Figure 9), you can look at the development of stand carbon balance and the
water usage of trees. The carbon production of the stand is divided into growth and respiration. Growth is
further divided into net increment and litter production. Concepts related to carbon balance are explained on
the right side of the window.
Included indicators
• overall carbon production (kg carbon/ha/year)
• carbon production per needle unit (kg carbon/kg dry weight/year)
• total increment, net increment and litter production (kg carbon/ha/year)
• total respiration, growth respiration and maintenance respiration (kg carbon/ha/year)
• water usage of trees (litres/ha/year)
Other functions
• You can save an indicator’s values to a text file by clicking on the indicator with the right mouse
button and selecting Save values to file from the context menu.
• You can copy the indicator values to the clipboard by clicking on the indicator with the right mouse
button and selecting Copy from the context menu.
Figure 9. Development of stand carbon balance. The carbon production of the stand as a whole is shown in the graph on
top, whereas the production per needle unit is shown below.
12 • PuMe II User Manual
PuMe II User Manual • Simulating Forest Growth with PuMe
Growing a new stand
If you want to grow a new stand, select File – Start simulation. A window will be displayed on the screen
and asked if you want to save the data on the stand that has been grown.
You can save the data on the last or last two stands that have been grown and compare the
results with data from the growing of a new stand. Thus, a maximum of three different stands
can be compared simultaneously. The most recent stand is marked with a red colour, the
one grown before that with a blue colour and the first one with a green colour. The average
values and the total amounts are included in the data that is saved from the previous growing
of stands. However, data on different tree species and tree compartments is not saved.
PuMe II User Manual • 13
PuMe II User Manual • PuMe Information Packages
5 PuMe Information Packages
PuMe includes information packages (text, pictures, videos) on the following subjects related to Finnish
Tree species
Forest site types
Typical forest management measures in commercial forests
Consideration of natural values in commercial forestry
Growth and succession stages in natural forests
Nature conservation in Finland
While selecting initial data for the simulation, contextually related information packages are automatically
displayed on the right side of the screen (Figure 10). You can also browse the information packages directly
through links that are shown on the screen.
Figure 10. Example: if you select thinning according to Tapio’s instructions, an information package on typical forest
management measures in Finnish commercial forests will be displayed on the right side of the window.
Source material
Hyvän metsänhoidon suositukset [Recommendations for Good Forest Management]. 2001.
Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus Tapio [Forestry Development Centre Tapio], Helsinki.
Kellomäki, S. 1991. Metsäekologia [Forest Ecology]. Silva Carelica 7. University of Joensuu. Faculty of
Kuusipalo, J. 1996. Suomen metsätyypit [Forest Types in Finland]. Kirjayhtymä, Helsinki.
Kärkkäinen, M. 2003. Puutieteen perusteet. [Basics of Dendrology]. Metsälehti kustannus, Helsinki.
Lehto, J. 1978. Käytännön metsätyypit [Forest Types in Practice]. Kirjayhtymä, Helsinki.
Website of Metsähallitus, the Finnish Forest and Park Service (http://www.metsa.fi)
Mielikäinen, K. & Riikilä, M. (eds).1997. Kannattava puuntuotanto [Profitable Wood Production]. Metsälehti
kustannus, Helsinki.
Mäkelä, A., Mäkinen, H., Vanninen, P., Hynynen, J., Kantola, A. & Mielikäinen, K. 2000. Männiköiden
tuotoksen ja laadun ennustaminen. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 794.
Nikinmaa, E., Kaipiainen, L., Mäkinen, M., Ross, J. & Sasonova, T. 1996. Geographical variation in the
regularities of woody structure and water transport. Acta Forestalia Fennica 254.
Tapion taskukirja [Tapio Handbook]. 1997. Metsälehti kustannus, Helsinki.
14 • PuMe II User Manual
PuMe II User Manual • PipeQual Growth Model
6 PipeQual Growth Model
The forest growth model used by the PuMe simulator is the PipeQual model (Figure 11), which was
developed at the Department of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki. PipeQual is a growth model based
on the life processes of tree’s in which stand growth is measured by allowing each tree in a specific size
category to represent the average tree of that category.
The top level of the growth model is constructed by employing a model for the tree as a whole in which its
state is described in terms of biomass, length, diameter and other tree level indicators. Growth is measured
on the tree level. The tree level model uses structural constants, which are calculated for each whorl of
Tree level growth provides the input for the whorl level, on which growth is distributed between the whorls
based on tree size and structure. The whorl level model updates the data for every whorl each year, for
example number of branches, needle biomass and stem diameter below the whorl. Thus, on the whorl level,
the model is based on the life processes of the trees.
On the lowest level of the hierarchy, the total growth of all the branches that belong to a whorl is distributed
between individual branches. Various properties of the branches are also estimated, such as branch angle
and branch alignment. The calculations on the branch level are based on statistical models.
Structural parameters
Crown base
Growth distribution (whorl)
Number of branches
Branch size
Figure 11. Structure of the PipeQual model
In the PipeQual model, tree and stand growth is derived from the amount of carbon produced in
photosynthesis. The amount of carbon that remains after what has been consumed in growth and
maintenance respiration is allocated to annual growth. Thus, growth is measured in carbon units and the
state of trees is consequently expressed by showing the amount of carbon stored in the different
compartments. Because the carbon content of dry matter remains at a fairly constant level, about 48%, the
carbon storage will also indicate the amount of tree biomass. Hence, the following year’s biomass can be
estimated by obtaining the value for annual increment and then subtracting the annual production of tree
To predict growth it is necessary to know the annual total production as well as its distribution in the
different parts of the tree. The distribution pattern will shape the structure of a tree and have a subsequent
effect on growth. Therefore, it is necessary to know how future growth is distributed between productive
(needles and fine roots) and supporting or consuming (stem, branches and coarse roots) structures. How
the structure develops will also have an effect on the trees position in relation to other trees.
Growth distribution in the model is based on the assumption that trees have evolved to utilise available
resources as efficiently as possible. Thus, there are no wasted efforts in the growth process and no
unnecessary growth in the different compartments of the tree structure. Hence, the ratio between the amount
of needles and fine roots will remain stable on a specific growth site. Such structural regularity due to
metabolic efficiency is known as structural balance. This is utilised in the model to calculate the growth
distribution for the different tree structures.
Calculating the carbon balance
In the PipeQual model, the carbon balance is calculated annually. Estimates of the annual rate of the
processes are based on research data collected by measuring shoots and other parts of trees during the
PuMe II User Manual • 15
PuMe II User Manual • PipeQual Growth Model
growing season. The model treats all years as similar average years. The effect of environmental factors is
included in the parameters describing the metabolic rate, for example, the photosynthetic rate per needle
unit fully exposed to light or the respiration rate of sapwood per unit of mass.
The calculation of the photosynthetic rate is based on the tree’s needle biomass, light competition status and
crown length. Shading from other trees as well as self-shading is taken into consideration in the calculations.
Respiration is divided into growth and maintenance respiration. Growth respiration is directly related to total
growth, whereas maintenance respiration is proportional to the mass of respiring, living matter. Respiring
cells are found in needles, fine roots and in the sapwood of branches, roots and stems.
Additional information on the PipeQual model:
Mäkelä, A. 1997. A carbon balance model of growth and self-pruning in trees based on structural
relationships. For. Sci. 43: 7-24.
Mäkelä, A. 2002. Derivation of stem taper from the pipe theory in a carbon balance framework. Tree physiology 22, 891-905.
Mäkelä, A., Mäkinen, H., Vanninen, P., Hynynen, J., Kantola, A. & Mielikäinen, K. 2000. Männiköiden
tuotoksen ja laadun ennustaminen. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 794.
16 • PuMe II User Manual