PISTON RING - Snowmobilers of Manitoba
PISTON RING - Snowmobilers of Manitoba
Watch for hazards on the trail. Guy wires attached to hydro Stay alert. poles usually have bright covers, 40 The Fun STarTS h ere but they can be hard to see when buried by snow. When snowmobiling, beware of thin ice near hydro dams. For your SAFETY Brothers.com Visit us at Enns 2 41 OffÊ Road? AÊ betterÊ wayÊ toÊ insureÊ yourÊÊ snowmobiles,Ê ATVsÊ &Ê dirtÊ bikes! www.nickelcitymotors.comÊ 84Ê SevernÊ CrescentÊ Thompson,Ê MBÊ TollÊ FreeÊ 1-800-442-0456Ê Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba) Inc. is dedicated to providing strong leadership and support to its member clubs to develop and maintain safe and environmentally responsible snowmobile trails to further the enjoyment of organized snowmobiling throughout Manitoba. “Healthy Living through Recreation” oneinsurancegroup.ca ¨ ,Ê TMÊ andÊ theÊ BRPÊ logoÊ areÊ trademarksÊ ofÊ BombardierÊ RecreationalÊ ProvidedÊ byÊ BeaconÊ Underwriting.Ê ForÊ moreÊ informationÊ contactÊ HUBÊ at:Ê [email protected] • www.HUBHorizon.ca HUB Horizon Beacon 3 and one half inch wide ad Snoman Prg - Final.indd 1 35 37 Swan River 37 Dauphin 45 Hecla OPERATORS AND PASSENGERS (WAIVER) 41 Thompson Manitoba Eastern Region 700 19 703 701 2 45 11 17 242 241 703 222 50 221 213 751 66 62 38 50N 46 201 755 50 30 8 46 50 769 761 782 204 781 14 66 760 771 6 772 768 764 764 N 66 768 13 271 BY USING THIS TRAIL SYSTEM YOU CONFIRM YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. S 31 770 THIS WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY SHALL BE BINDING UPON YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS AND COLLECTIVELY YOUR HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. E W 773 66 765 1 you agree that if any other persons are permitted to operate or ride on the snowmobile or snow machine and any other equipment on these trails that you will advise such persons that they are also subject to the w aiver of liability set out above, and that by operating or riding on such snowmobile or snow machine and any other equipment they agree to such w aiver of liability. y ou further agree to save harmless and indemnify each of the Indemnified Parties from and against every claim which may be advanced by any operators or riders of such snowmobiles or snow machines and any other equipment or any third party, including but not limited to, claims either directly or indirectly relating to death, injury to persons, loss or damage to property, economic loss or incidental or consequential damages or infringement of rights (including, without limitation, privacy rights), notwithstanding that the same may have been caused by, or contributed to, the negligence or gross negligence of the Indemnified Parties. 216 760 271 783 you also agree to waive every claim which you might have, now or in the future, as against: (i) any landowners (including the province of manitoba) on which Snoman’s trail system operates; (ii) MPI or its directors, officers, employees, agents or delegates; and (iii) Snoman and its affiliated associations, volunteers, members, directors, officers, employees, agents or delegates (collectively, the “Indemnified parties”), including but not limited to, claims either directly or indirectly relating to death, injury to persons, loss or damage to property, economic loss or incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of the Snoman trail system notwithstanding that the same may have been caused by, or contributed to, the negligence or gross negligence of any of the Indemnified Parties. 216 768 62 763 202 203 233 20 756 754 754 231 211 752 753 233 212 211 214 750 282 215 210 you acknowledge that you will at all time S be u Sing the Snoman trail SyS tem at your own ri Sk. in being allowed to u Se the trail SyS tem y ou agree to operate your Snowmobile or Snow machine and any other equipment in a manner which i S Safe for all u SerS , abide by the federal, provincial, club and trail rule S and take per Sonal reS ponS ibility for your action S. 234 232 211 223 750 50 280 9 17 62 704 231 17 66 50S operation of a snowmobile and or snow machine and any other equipment on this trail is an inherently risky off-road activity that occurs in frequently changing and unpredictable environments. by using this trail system created and maintained by Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba) Inc. and its affiliated associations (collectively called “Snoman”) and in consideration of Snoman allowing you to use such trail system, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. prior to using any SNOMAN affiliated trail, you will check trail conditions through SNOMAN’s website at www.snoman.mb.ca or by calling (204) 940-7533 and use only open trails. 220 18 240 280 thiS iS a waiver of liability and you are bound by itS term S and condition S by operating or being a pa SSenger on a Snowmobile, Snow machine or any other equipment on the Snoman trail SyS tem. it contain S provi SionS which Significantly affect your legal right S and it impo SeS re SponS ibilitie S upon you. 220 17 281 PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS TRAIL 230 702 243 Snowmobile or Snow machine and any other equipment (uSing thi S trail) Snowmobile Trail Guide www.snoman.mb.ca 2015-2016 50 774 50 62 MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMITS 66 710 250 711 66 17 251 21 5 32 777 PROPERTY OF SNOMAN 7 255 21 28 Many trails on this map traverse private lands. Riding on these trails with 4 wheeled vehicles could result in future closure of trails for snowmobiling. Please respect the private landowners who have permitted snowmobiling on their property. 776 778 www.ofsc.on.ca Kenora, ON 21 252 This is noT an oRV Map 779 For information on Ontario snowmobile trails, please go to 21 12 4 Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs 712 YOUR SMART CHOICE :corners/curves :caution areas :reduced Visibility :deteriorating conditions :regulated speed limits 50 711 22 40 or SLOWER FOR 775 24 21 40 Portage, MB ZERO ALCOHOL 30 km/h 21 270 36 40 42 43 44 TM STRAIGHTAWAY 21 50 10 23 26 29 33 3 60 km/h 773 21 272 9/15/2015 1:23:28 PM 253 Snowmobiling yEs 40 ORV no Thank you for your cooperation. 66 Snoman RegiSteRed Snowmobile ClubS Eastern Region La région de l’Est Trails in these areas / Les pistes dans ces zones: Mars Sand Hills, Gull Lake, North of Beausejour, Tyndall, Stead Northeast of Lac du Bonnet, Bird River, Lee River Great Falls, Powerview, Pine Falls, North & South of the Winnipeg River (Shelters, Signage) Nopiming Provincial Park, Bird Lake Grand Beach, Belair Forest, Stead Ste. Anne, Richer, Landmark, St Rita, Deacons Corner, Steinbach, La Broquerie SOCIAL CLUB…NO GROOMING South Steinbach, South Junction, Woodridge, Can-Am, Tin Pan, Moose Lake, La Broquerie, Sandilands Provincial Forest Oakbank, Garson, Tyndall, Anola, St Rita, Vivian, Elma Birds Hill, Libau, Selkirk, Hwy 59 Victoria Beach, Belair Forest, Lake Winnipeg, Hecla Island St. Malo, Ille de Chenes, St. Agathe Whiteshell Provincial Park (Shelters) Milner Ridge, South of Pine Falls Pinawa, Seddon’s Corner, North of Lac du Bonnet, Whitemouth, Elma 15 710 42 252 16 25 58 27 40 714 29 29 713 267 29 29 42 29 266 Trail Signs 29 CAUTION ONE WAY 710 TWO WAY 263 58 58 710 gradual curves. Sometimes referred to as a reassurance marker to assure yourself that you are still on a trail. May be accompanied by other signs. Thank You To be used for approximate 90º right turns. Informs riders that the trail is intended to be travelled in one direction. traffic floW Informs riders that the trail is intended to be travelled in both directions. Located where coming to a full stop is well-advised. Typically found where trails intersect with roads and rail lines. Generally accompanied by a Stop Ahead sign. Informs riders of the direction and distance to important destinations such as lakes and townsites. Swamp Lake sharp tUrn left To be used for approximate 90º left turns. Informs riders that they are approaching a section of trail where potential hazards may exist. traffic floW Destination / information signs stop STOP stop aheaD Informs rider that they are approaching a stop sign. Riverton Arborg KM KM shelter aheaD SHELTER AHEAD 2 KM Informs riders that a shelter is located 2 km ahead. aDvisory STAY ON TRAIL Informs riders that it may present hazards if you ride off the trail. May also be found along trails on private property or in sensitive areas such as wildlife management zones. rail crossing Indicates a trail comes to a railway crossing. May be accompanied with a Caution. TRAIL CLOSED WinDing trail Indicates areas where there are more than two consecutive curves on the designated trail. KEEP RIGHT trail closeD To be used before official openings and after trail is closed. Keep right Reminds riders to stay on the right side of the trail. 34 261 262 Derksen Printers 204-326-3421 Springfield Pathfinders Snowmobile Club Springhill Trailblazers Victoria Beach Snow Drifters Voyager Trail Grooming Association Whiteshell Snowmobile Club Mooswa Lake Snowriders Inc. Eastman SnoPals Snowmobile Hand Signals 58 715 Snow Stompers Snowmobile Club Inc South East Sno-Riders Inc. Directional Indicates the general direction of the trial on both straightaways and sharp tUrn right Informs riders that they are approaching a section of trail where potential hazards may exist, should be placed at the location of the potential hazard. caUtion aheaD CAUTION AHEAD Nopiming Sno-Mads North Star Hill Climbers Inc. Snow Raiders Snowmobile Club Inc. Snowmobile trail signs are bought, put up and maintained by club volunteers. The following are a sample of the types of signs you may see along the trail system. When riding, please use caution as signage can vary slightly from area to area and, at times, signage can fall down or go missing. Please do not tamper with or remove trail signs. caUtion 716 Are Maintained by / Sont entretenues par: Brokenhead Trail Blazers Power Toboggan Club Inc. Lee River Snow Riders Maskwa Snowmobile Club For trail conditions visit LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Left arm extended out from shoulder and pointing in the direction of the turn. Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical with palm of hand flat. ONCOMING SLEDS Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical, wrist bent, move arm from left to right over head, pointing to right side of trail. SLOWING Left arm extended out and down from the side of the body with a downward flapping motion of hand to signal warning or caution. SLEDS FOLLOWING LAST SLED IN LINE Arm raised, elbow bent with thumb pointing backward, in “hitch-hiking” motion, move arm forward to backward over your shoulder. Raise forearm from handlebar and show clenched fist at shoulder height. CAUTION Trails may change following the printing of this map. Please consult Snoman Inc website www.snoman.mb.ca Safe IceKnow Thickness before you go! www.snoman.mb.ca or call 204-940-7533 42 STOP Left or right arm raised from the shoulder and extended straight up over the head with palm of hand flat. .org gosnowmobiling PISTON RING 43 44 • Arctic Cat Clothing • Polaris Clothing • Cat Parts & Accessories • Arctic Cat Clothing • Polaris Clothing Polaris Parts • Arctic Cat Clothing Cat Parts & Accessories • Full Repair Facility • Polaris Parts Polaris Accessories • Haulmark Enclosed Trailers • Cat Parts & Accessories Full Repair Facility • Polaris Accessories • Certified Cat-Master Technicians • Full Repair Facility Haulmark Enclosed Trailers • Haulmark Enclosed Trailers Certified Cat-Master Technicians • Manitoba and Saskatchewan • Certified Cat-Master Technicians D&D racing Distributor 204-237-7272 • 1-800-668-4660 204-237-7272 • 1-800-668-4660 [email protected] [email protected] • 1-800-668-4660 www.transconatrailers.com [email protected] www.transconatrailers.com 1330 Dugald Rd., Wpg., MB www.transconatrailers.com 1330 Dugald Rd., Wpg., MB 1330 Dugald Rd., Wpg., MB Serving your Snowmobile needs at over 40 locations throughout Manitoba & NW Ontario 45 • Polaris Clothing Polaris Parts • Kimpex, HJC, Choko Polaris Accessories • Triton Trailers Kimpex, HJC, Choko • Triton Trailers Factory Trained Technicians • Factory Trained Technicians Complete Repair Facility • Complete Repair Facility • Kimpex, HJC, Ch • Triton Trailers • Factory Trained • Complete Repai 204-237204-237-5800 204-237-58001-888-968 1-888-968-3330 sales@rondsma 1-888-968-3330 [email protected] www.rondsma [email protected] www.rondsmarine.com 1350 Dugald Rd. www.rondsmarine.com 1350 Dugald Rd., Wpg., MB 1350 Dugald Rd., Wpg., MB 40 2 Take a Snow Day! At either of our Gimli or Hecla Resorts, Snowmobiler’s rates start at $89 per night PLUS a 10% discount at Seagulls Restaurant & Lounge. OAKBLUFF OAKBLUFF 5505 McGillivray @ Perimeter 5505 McGillivray @ Perimeter 204-895-0212 204-895-0212 STEINBACH Gimli: Hecla: Toll-Free: 204.642.8565 204.279.2041 1.877.355.3500 STEINBACH 340 Highway 12 North 340 Highway 12 North WINNIPEG (EAST) WINNIPEG (EAST) 925 Lagimodiere Blvd. 925 Lagimodiere Blvd. 204-233-3667 204-233-3667 Hwy. 8 & PR 231 Gimli, MB PORTAGE PORTAGE 65154 Road 41 West 65154 Road 41 West 204-857-3451 204-326-1305 204-857-3451 204-326-1305 KENORA, ONTARIO ONTARIO 1095 KENORA, Railway St (Wharf Power Sports) 1095 Railway St (Wharf Power Sports) 807-468-4077 807-468-4077 EnnsBrothers.com EnnsBrothers.com Valid Sno Pass required. Not valid with any other offer. Other conditions apply, see website for details. Offer ends March 31, 2016. ® TM Trademark of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or it’s affiliates. 1.888.642.8555 1.888.642.8555 OPen MOn - Sat 9aM tO 6PM OPen MOn - Sat 9aM tO 6PM www.chuddspowersports.com www.chuddspowersports.com Hwy. 8 & PR 231 Gimli, MB Hwy. 8 & PR 231 Gimli, MB CHuddS CORneR CHUDDS CORNER ESSO eSSO 24HR CONVENIENCE COnvenienCe CHuddS CORneR eSSO 24HR COnvenienCe Chudd’sCorner Corneresso Esso esso Chudd’s 24Hr HrConvenience Convenience 24