Amb July 2012_Layout 1 - Ohio State Association of Free Will Baptists


Amb July 2012_Layout 1 - Ohio State Association of Free Will Baptists
Volume 52 Number 4
July-August 2012
“The Voice of Ohio Free Will Baptists Proclaiming The
Words of Christ to a Lost World”
State Meeting Recap
Credible Christianity Explored at
Ohio State Meeting
he 74th Ohio State Association was a truly
blessed meeting. “ The Lord’s presence was
felt throughout the two day meeting June
22-23rd at the Heritage FWB Church. We enjoyed
timely preaching, inspiring singing, warm fellowship and very cooperative business conducted. The
theme from this year’s meeting was, “Credible
Those leading the music for the meeting were Dr.
Tim Stout, Greg Harrell with Tobianne Stout and
Beth Bass playing the piano.
Friday Morning
Porter Pastor Rev. Mark Price gaveled the session
to order on Friday morning June 22nd. His
Moderator’s Message was taken from Matthew
23:24-40 with the title, “Authentic Love.”
After seating the delegates, the General Board
Report presented several items of business with
some Constitutional changes included. The first
change dealt with the procedure for changing the
Constitution itself. The change would mandate that
all changes would have to be presented and laid on
the table in one session and removed from the table
and voted on in the next business session. This
Constitutional Change passed.
The second was a proposal to allow the moderator
to decide what voting sign the delegates could use
during the session. The third item was to allow the
Moderator to select each year the Nominating
Committee rather that have them elected. The last
item was a proposal to have the Ohio Executive
Secretary serve as the National General Board
Member from Ohio. All these items were laid on the
table and were then passed in the Saturday session.
The Moderator selected committees for this session. Resolution: Tim Byers, Bill Pitts and Roland
Luthy. Obituary: Mitch Salyers, Roy Hutchinson
and Davey Castle. Appreciation: Jerry Sargent,
Tim Crank and Paul Etterling.
The Moderator welcomed the visiting representatives of various National Departments and ministries.
The delegates heard reports from Ohio Missions by
Chairman Roland Luthy, the Ohio Youth
Conference by Chairman Jason Luthy and the
Ohio Women Active for Christ by President Sarah
Sargent that morning. All the departments showed
good progress in their ministries. A report from
Ohio State Executive Committee: In front, Assistant Moderator Tom Dooley,
Clerk Bryon Justice, In Back, Russell Street, Moderatory Mark Price and Matt
Pond (Not Pictured, Assistant Clerk Manuel Lopes, Dan King and Freddy Dutton)
Missionary Daryl Grimes was given by George
In the worship service led by Assistant Moderator
Tom Dooley, the Ohio Minister Trio sang and
blessed the congregation. Cross Pointe FWB Pastor
Bill Pitts brought the message entitled, “Authentic
Worship.” In the message he challenged the association in our worship to make sure that we were more
concerned with truth than excitement. It was a
thought provoking message.
ty if needed.
Delegates were selected to represent Ohio at the
National Convention July 15-18th in Memphis, TN.
Manuel Lopes, Geri Beal, A.J. Dooley, Mark
McCarty and Tobianne Stout were selected.
National department reports were given along with
several miscellaneous reports before the delegates
adjourned from business for the day.
Friday Evening
The convention then broke for lunch that was provided by the Ohio Women Active for Christ. They
had a delicious meal prepared for delegates.
Friday Afternoon
After lunch Eastmont Pastor Mike Daniel gave a
devotion about “Authentic Creation” that showed us
the importance of believing the whole Bible including creation and the OT prophecies to make our
Christianity credible.
The Ohio Board of Directors Report was given by
Chairman Bill Hayes. After this the State Office
report was given by Executive Secretary Edwin
Hayes. The ministries reported positive results for
2011. The Budget was adjusted to remove the
Brotherhood Dividend from our income. Two notes
were added to the budget that would allow flexibili-
At 6:45 PM Rejoice from FWB Bible College sang
before the service. Assistant Moderator Tom Dooley
welcomed the congregation. We received the State
Ministry Offering which totaled $6,340.66 for the
entire meeting.
The Hunter Family from the Liberty FWB
Church provided the special music which was very
inspiring. International Mission Director Clint
Morgan preached a very thorough message on the
subject, “Authentic Witness.” In this message he
challenged us to take the Great Commission seriously. There were several who went to the altar after
the message.
on Page 3
Secretary’s Schedule
In my last article, we introduced the subject of how we can be faithful to the
Lord. Faithfulness should be our most important virtue, not talent, education or
ability. Faithfulness is what the Lord is looking for in our lives.
We saw that one way to be faithful to the Lord is to be faithful to His Person.
Jesus is a real person who desires a genuine close and loyal relationship with His
people. He wants us to spend time with Him, follow Him and submitting our will
to Him.
In this article we will see two other ways that we can be faithful to the Lord.
Faithfulness To His Word
We need to believe this Book and base our lives on it. The
Psalmist showed us the value of applying the Bible to our
daily lives.
“Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin
against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my
path.” (Psalm 119:105)
“For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm
Paul told Timothy in perilous time, stay with the word, live by it, proclaim it
and preach it! In the day we are living, the Bible is being ignored and our society is paying a heavy price for it! We can see it in our individual lives, our marriages, child rearing, our government and even in our churches! I believe this is
one of the most serious battles that we are facing today-that our society, our families and our churches are simply are not taking the Bible seriously. Skeptics
attack it—cults distort it—many times Christians neglect it, but in these days, if
we are going to remain faithful to the Lord we must take the Word of God seriously as well!
Faithfulness To His Church
Sometimes when you hear people talk they do not have a
high regard for the church. But there is one person who
values it. Jesus has a high regard for the church!
He said that “Upon this rock I will build my church”
(Matthew 16:18) The church is referred to in the Scripture
as His body—His building—His bride. He purchased it
with His own blood (Acts 20:28). You do not have to wonder how much Jesus values the church!
In order to be faithful to the Lord, we should display a high regard for the
church as well. Have you ever heard some of the following modern day attitudes
about the church: “I really don’t need the church.”; “I don’t need to be in subjection to a church”; or “Let someone else do the work.” Would Jesus ever say
these things?
We should never feel this way, especially knowing how Jesus feels. We should
attend, serve and support our church. We should love the church just as Jesus
How faithful are we today? What will be said about our
lives?—About the things that really mattered?
Edwin Hayes
Executive Secretary
July 15
Westerville AM Service, Paul Etterling, Pastor
July 16-19
National Association of Free Will Baptists, Memphis, TN
July 22
DeGraff FWB AM Service
July 29
Emmanuel SS & AM Service, Rick Pelphry Pastor
August 1-5
Bethesda Chapel Revival, Dan King, Pastor
August 12
Faith-Logan SS & AM, Tony Vanover, Pastor
August 19
DeGraff FWB AM Service
August 26
Friendly FWB AM Service, Alan Wright, Pastor
August 27
Coalton Men’s Meeting, Tim Simpson, Pastor
September 9
Westerville FWB AM Service, Paul Etterling, Pastor
September 9-12
Franklin Conf Revival meeting at Westerville FWB
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Are you receiving current Ohio Free Will Baptist
Email Updates? If you would like to begin receiving
all the latest prayer requests, announcements and
news, just send your email address to
[email protected]
and say that you would like to be added to the
Ohio Free Will Baptists Update List.
Rev. Edwin Hayes
7554 Slate Ridge Blvd
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068
(614) 751-1190
[email protected]
Rev. Mark Price*
PO Box 4008
Sciotoville, Ohio 45662
(740) 935-0328
[email protected]
Tom Dooley*
4697 Crabwood Drive
Austintown, Ohio 44518
(330) 792-5700
[email protected]
Bryon Justice*
4857 State Road
Medina, Ohio 44256
(330) 618-9609
[email protected]
Manuel Lopes*
[email protected]
Charles Crider
Tim Crank
Ed Barney
Ken Frisbee
Del Wallace
Robert Prichard
Russell Street*
Jeremy Luthy
Randy Rose
Freddy Dutton*
Matt Pond*
Densil Wright
Bert Alsept
Dan King*
Aaron Reed
Bill Pitts
Blaine Etterling
James Webb
Robert Fulton
(Little Miami) 2013
(Lawrence) 2013
(Jackson) 2013
(Great Lakes) 2013
(Franklin) 2013
(Cuyahoga-Lorain) 2013
(Central Ohio) 2013
(Tri State) 2013
(Northeastern) 2013
(Capital City) 2013
(Northern Ohio) 2014
(Trinity) 2014
(South Central) 2014
(Porter) 2014
(Pine Creek) 2014
(State Line) 2014
(Cornerstone) 2014
(North & Western) 2014
(Southern Ohio) 2014
*Executive Committee
Peter Dunn
Mitch Salyers
Eugene Crouch
Bill Hayes
John Wallace
Jim McComas
Chris Oiler
Jason Luthy
Adam McCarty
Deanna Price
Mike Sammons
Kevin Bass
Joshua Young
Mark McCarty
Paul Etterling
Paul Keener
Bill Chadwick
Edwin Hayes
Jerry Sargent
Roland Luthy
Bruce Copley
Tim Stout
Roger Daniel
Paul Etterling
Roy Hutchinson
The AMBASSADOR is the official publication of the:
7554 Slate Ridge Blvd.
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068
The Ambassador is committed to promoting the
cause of Jesus Christ and the Ohio State Association
of Free Will Baptists by presenting articles,
announcements and pertinent news to inform our
member churches and constituents.
We reserve the right to edit or reject materials
submitted for publication in the Ambassador. The
views expressed are not necessarily the view of
the Ohio State Association of Free Will Baptists.
The publication deadline is NOON as follows:
January 1st, March 1st, May 1st, July 1st,
September 1st and November 1st. All gifts
given to the Ambassador should be sent to the
above address.
from Page 1
Saturday Morning
The Saturday morning session was begun
by Rev. Bobby Courtney who gave a
devotion about love being our motivation
for service for the Lord.
Two additional National Departments
gave reports.
Dunn was re-elected to the Board of
Directors, Rev. Jerry Sargent was reelected to the State Mission Board and Rev.
Jason Luthy was re-elected to the Ohio
Youth Board. Bro. Kevin Bass was elected
to the unexpired term of Bro. Mark Bailey
to the Ohio Youth Board. The Executive
Committee elected was Revs. Freddy
Dutton, Matt Pond Dan King and
Russell Street.
Registration Numbers
Moderator Price appointed the 2013
Nominating Committee: Paul Keener, Bill
Chadwick and Paul Etterling were selected.
61 Ministers
15 Deacons
23 Delegates
75 Visitors
69 Youth
The committee reports were given. The
association passed a resolution that
opposed gay marriage and refered another
resolution to the Executive Committee
concerning inter-racial marriage.
Friday Morning 145
Friday Evening 237
Saturday Morning 125
The names and pictures of those who have
passed away from the Obituary Committee
since our last meeting was presented and a
prayer followed.
The Moderator appointed Bro. Mike
Mounts as next year’s Prayer Chairman
and Sister Sue Moore as the Registration
In our annual election, these general officers were re-elected (Mark PriceModerator,
Moderator. Bryon Justice was newly
elected Clerk. (Longtime Clerk Mike
Stokes had resigned for health reasons.)
Bro. Justice asked that the congregation
pray that he would be as effective as Bro.
Mike Stokes. Manual Lopes was elected
as Assistant Clerk. Rev. Bill Pitts was
newly elected to the General Board along
with Rutland Pastor Ed Barney. Rev. Pete
Ohio Golf
Tourney Results
Directly after the State Meeting, we
hosted our annual Ohio Golf Tourney
for golfers from all over the State of
Ohio. We had 60 golfers participate.
The Harrison FWB Team of Spencer
Swaine, Jason Donahoe, Paul
Denning and Mike Mounts won
first place with a score of 11 under
A Flight Champions, Paul Denning,
Jason Donahoe, Spencer Swaine and
Mike Mounts
For the second flight, the Mansfield FWB Team of Mark Bailey, Marcus Bailey,
Don Hollbrook and James Hall won first place in the “B” Flight with a score of
five under par.
In the long drive contest, Jason
Donahoe from the Harrison
Church and Josh Swick from
Forest Valley won.
The association adjourned for worship.
Bro. Chad Cordell from the Woodstock
Church provided the special music and did
a wonderful job. Westerville Pastor Paul
Etterling brought a very comprehensive
message on the “Authentic Walk” which
encouraged us to make sure that our walk
matched our profession.
The Ohio Association adjourned until the
2013 meeting at Heritage FWB Church
in Columbus on June 21-22nd.
B Flight Champions, Mark Bailey, Marcus
Bailey, Don Holbrook and James Hall
With all things considered, we
were all winners by having a
great time of fellowship and
Senior Co-Ed Camp Ages 13-20, July
16th thru July 20th
Camp leaders: Steve Nickels/Josh
Jr Boys Camp Ages 8-13, July 22-27th
Camp leader: Pastor Tim Hamilton
Jr Girls Camp Ages 8-13, July 29- Aug 3rd
Camp leader: Donna Glenn
Cost: $75.00 for one child. $70.00 each when you have two children enrolled. $65.00 each
when you have three or more children enrolled.
Our offering totaled $6,340.66 from at least 55 churches,
ministries or conferences.
The offering was divided among our three Ohio State Departments:
50% to our State Mission Program
40% to our State Office
10% to our Ohio Youth Conference
Thanks go to the following churches and conferences who gave
to the State Ministry Offering: Ambassador, Beatty, Bethesda Chapel, Bloom,
Carey, Christian Fellowship, Cleveland, Columbus First, Community-West
Jefferson, Cornerstone-Mansfield, Cross Pointe, DeForest Road, Eastside,
Eifort, First Austintown, First Chillicothe, First Clyde, Frederick, Freedom,
Gahanna, Galion-Unity, Garden City, Good Hope, Harrison, Heritage, High
Street, Hillview, Lighthouse-Elsmere, Lima, Lockbourne, Madison, McArthur,
Newark, New Hope-Chillicothe, New Hope-Lucasville, Neville, North, Pine
Creek, Porter, Ohio Youth Conference, Reynoldsburg, Rittman Community,
Sciotodale, Shelby, South Charleston, Springfield, Troy,Turkey Creek, Unity,
Wakefield, Wellington, Westerville, Westside and Woodstock.
Each child will receive a camp T-Shirt, three meals per day & snacks, five nights lodging and
plenty of recreation. Devotions, Bible Study and church services each day. Adult supervision
in each cabin. (Financial aid available)
***** New for the 2012 Camping season *****
Newly built, fully furnished kitchen and dinning area, as well as the huge pond is now available for swimming and pedal boats! A pastor from a camp this June was so impressed with our
improvements in these areas that he said he wished other FWB churches were aware of our
new (Kitchen/dining hall) and improved (the Pond) facilities.
For leasing and information on the above camps call Larry Glenn (937) 4783815, Donna Glenn (937) 475-2710, Rev. Steve Nickels (937) 478-1182,
Pastor Tim Hamilton (937) 559-1966 or E-mail us at
[email protected].
A ministry of
Northridge FWB Church
4800 Payne Ave
Dayton, Ohio 45414
Community Nursing Home, helped out at
Redeemer FWB Mission Church, went door
knocking passing out fliers, handed out bottled
water on S. High Street and ended the week
cleaning and painting around our church.
We are excited to have our youth competing at
the National Youth Conference in Memphis this
Heritage Golden Seniors are going to
Zanesville in August. They will have lunch
aboard the Lorena Sternwheeler. They always
have a great time of fellowship on their outings.
Greetings from Main Street FWB Church.
God has been blessing our church here at Coal
Grove. In the last five months we have had 23
conversions and five baptisms. Also, our
Sunday School has grown
This May we had a cookout sponsored by
Mike and Tracy Dray. We had wonderful fellowship. Bro. Mike has also been blessing us
with his preaching. God is good.
We would like to thank God for Sis. Nancy
Bartrum’s return. She was ill for over a week.
In her absence we found out not only was Pastor
Paul Bartrum a great preacher, but a choir
leader as well. God has been so good to us.
Please remember our church in prayer as we
will yours. God bless.
Paul Bartrum, Pastor
Judy Layman, Reporter
We are still searching for a pastor to take over
our church. In the meantime Bro. Patrick
Blevins preached in June. He brought his
singing friend Bro. Raymond Brown to play
music and sing also in June.
Bro. Talo Teo came and preached a wonderful
message. Our former pastor Bro. Paul Collins
has filled in for preaching and on Wednesday
evenings he teaches us Bible studies. We so
appreciate him.
Pray for our church that soon we will have a
Patricia Dorsey, Reporter
We celebrated 60 years on ministry this spring!
God is still good to us!
We were excited to have FWB Bible College
with us on May 20th. The Evangels ministered
to us during Sunday School and Mike Edwards
preached. It was also great to have Gateway
Christian College with us on June 24th. They
ministered to us and Chip Henley preached.
We are looking forward to Southeastern FWB
College being with us July 22nd at 6:00pm.
Needless to say, we have several recent graduates planning to attend a Christian college.
Heritage Youth will have youth camp in
Perrysville, OH, July 9–13th. Please pray that
God will speak and minister to hearts that week.
Our Teen Impact just finished their mission
This year’s theme was "Mission
Columbus." Upon returning from last year’s
mission trip they realized what a great need we
have right here in Columbus! Throughout the
week the group volunteered at Scioto
Our church was blessed to give a Church Bus
to Mission Pastor Dana Booth (NY) this summer.
Tim W. Stout, Pastor
Stephanie Wolfe, Reporter
Hello. We hope everyone is doing well since
my last report.Our attendance is down, but the
Lord is still blessing.
In April Ethan Long preached for us. Wow!
It’s good to know the Lord is still calling young
people to His ministry and that they are answering.
May 20th the Shively Family came and sang
in our morning service.
We had two souls saved, Jeff Collins and
Nathan Dodds.
We lost a good friend May 29th. Skip
Vanerhide went to be with the Lord. We will
surely miss him. Our prayers are with his family.
We had two baptisms, Jeff Collins and Kylie
Forrest. We pray for them that they will get in a
good Bible preaching church and do the Lord’s
will for their lives. The Lord has a job for us all.
We just have to listen and then obey. It’s not so
easy to fellow His footsteps, but the rewards are
out of this world!
We want to wish all you fathers out there a
happy Father’s Day. So for now bye.
John S. Wallace, Pastor
Marsha Downs, Reporter
“Let everything that hath breath, praise ye the
May began with the Mother/Daughter banquet. This year’ theme was “Daughters of
Royalty.” We also had our annual fish fry and
cook-out. The food was great and so was the
We spend a week on Promise Island in VBS
and sent 16 young people to camp. The number
of young people who were saved and rededicated during camp was about 20.
Without Pastor
Without Pastor
Jim Jewell Resigned
Without Pastor
Without Pastor
First Clyde
Roger Rollins
Without Pastor
Long Run
Without Pastor
Mt. Hope
Without Pastor
South Columbus
Rick Baker resigned
Without Pastor
Ed Kennedy Jr. Resigned
We still have many in our flock who are battling illness; but we have much to be thankful
We here at Coalton are looking forward to
summer and “Standing on the Promises.” “In
hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie,
promised before the world began.” Titus 1:2
Tim Simpson, Pastor
Sharon Jarvis, Reporter
Hello from Frederick Church, the little white
church on the hill. We have had some good
services during last two months, and had a yard
sale to help projects we are working on.
On June 23rd the church had an old fashion
bean dinner with about 26 people showing up
for the dinner and games. We are having a
Sunday school campaign hoping to have more
kids and folks to joint us in teaching of the Holy
Well on May 6th the good Lord took home a
good Christian woman and member of our
church for a lot of years Garnet Hollback. She
will be missed, but she is in a better home now
with God. And the Lord took another wonderful
lady home my mother-in-law Virginia (Jenny)
McClintic on May 23rd. She also was a member
of Frederick Church and we will miss her very
much. When she was sick all she wanted to talk
about was church when she couldn’t be there,
Now she is with the Lord in heaven and now
with her husband and family up there. It’s good
to know that when the Lord comes to take you
home to be ready and prepared to go in a blink
of an eye.
We welcome all that don’t have a church to
attend. May God bless you all and keep us in
your prayers.
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Rusty Larter, Pastor
Randy Howard, Reporter
We have had a very busy summer. On June
2nd our youth sponsored a Relay for Life Car
Wash and had pie auction on June 3rd. Rejoice
from the FWB Bible College was with us on
June 20th. We had our VBS June 25-29th directed by Mark and Jessica Musetti that went very
On Wednesday evenings, Pastor Paul has been
teaching on Spiritual Disciplines.
We have several of our youth who will be representing Ohio at the National.
We are planning our summer youth camp that
will be held July 25-29th.
Paul Etterling, Pastor
Edwin Hayes, Reporter
Greetings from all the brothers and sisters of
the Bucyrus FWB Church. The Lord has truly
been blessing our church. People have prayed
and prayers have been answered. We are all so
thankful for our special guest (the sweet Holy
We would like to thank all our special guests,
especially our visiting ministers: Corey
Carroll, Brian Amburgy and Larry Hill. They
have all been a great blessing to our church.
Bro. Dave Heavner preached our revival June
13-16th. Our special singers were Paul and
Pam Parsons. Kathy Thompson sang on the
13th. Randy Nichols and his family sang on
the 14th, the Highfill Family sang on the 15th,
different groups from the church sang on the
16th. One person was saved and several prayed
for strength. We’d also like to thank all the people from different churches that came and supported our revival and help make it a success.
Our VBS will be July 23-27th. Please pray for
all our youth. July 29th will be our Family and
Friends Day. The Parsons Family from Indiana
is scheduled to sing. We will have good ole
fashioned cooking in the fellowship hall following the morning service. Everyone is welcome.
We lost two of our beloved members; Wallace
Johnson died on February 28th. He was 91
years old. Ruby Nolen, passed away May 12th
and she was 83. They are truly missed.
We praise God for His blessings on our
church. Please keep us in your prayers. Until
next time, may God richly bless each and
everyone of you.
Lyle Arnett, Pastor
Phyllis Morgan, Reporter
Recently a distinguished soldier departed this
life and was ushered into heaven to claim his
reward, having served his Master faithfully for
many years. Rev. Forrest (Tary) Chamberlin
made the crossing June 8, 2012, and although
this event didn't make the evening news, it was
extremely important to those who knew and
loved him. Bro. Tary had served the congregation at Porter for over 55 years: four decades as
pastor, then associate pastor, and finally as pastor emeritus. Failing health had curtailed his
activities in recent years, but it did not diminish
his desire to serve.
It would be impossible to even estimate the
number of lives impacted by Bro. Tary's obedience to God's call. Rev. Edwin Hayes rightfully called him a "prince of a man", and earlier
Rev. Mark Price had used Hebrews 11:4 to
describe his lasting influence in that "...he being
dead, yet speaketh". Bro. Tary and Sister
Evelyn reared seven children, all of whom are
serving the Lord, as are their many grandchildren.
Few eyes were dry at the conclusion of the
memorial service, but the tears were not from
sorrow. Each of us could reflect on how our
own lives have been enriched by having known
Bro. Tary.
Included in the service was a special video
made by his grandson, Wes Chamberlin. We
were able to hear Bro. Tary pray, talk, and
laugh. It was refreshing and comforting, and a
reminder that Porter Church didn't really lose
Bro. Tary. His work and his influence will go
on. When his five sons sang "Casting Our
Crowns at His Feet", it was easy to picture Bro.
Tary doing that very thing. Truly, he fought a
good fight and he kept the faith. Well done,
good and faithful servant, enter in to receive the
joys you were promised. You're home now!
Mark Price, Pastor
Janet Williams, Reporter
Thompson, age 75 of
Marengo, went to her
heavenly home on May
2nd at St. Ann’s Hospital
in Westerville.
She was born on March
28, 1937 in Delbarton,
WV. She was a homemaker living in the Marengo area since 1970 and
was a member of the North Woodbury FWB
Gertrude was happiest being with her family,
her children were her life, she was relaxed being
in their company and loved her time spent with
them. Gertrude was a great cook and made
homemade biscuits and gravy, fried chicken,
pork chops for her family. She enjoyed time
spent camping and socializing with her extended family. James and Honey spent 58 wonderful
years together raising their children and enjoying the grandchildren and great grandchildren.
She is survived by her husband: James H.
Thompson and they were married December 5,
1953 in Dingess, WV; sons: James G. (Beverly)
of Marengo, Wendell (Sharon) of Cardington,
Paul (Jane) of Sunbury, Brad (Trisha) of
Marengo; daughters: Anita (Rodney) Pruett of
Marengo, Kathy (Bryan) Miller of Marengo; 12
grandchildren; 15 great grandchildren; brothers:
Ezra Stepp of Groveport, Jerry Stepp of
Columbus; sisters: Edna Miller of Cardington,
Brenda Muncy of Columbus.
Her service were held May 5th with Pastors
Rob Ratcliff and Jimmy Thompson officiating.
Bro. Dearl Porter,
age 85, of Wellston,
passed away May 31st,
at the Four Winds
Nursing Facility. He
was born February 9,
1927 in Londonderry,
Ohio. Dearl retired
from the Columbus and
Company. He was a member of the Glenroy
Community Church. Dearl is survived by his
children, Sandy Porter Hargis (George) of Pace,
Fla., Bob Porter (Kathy) of Ashville, N.C., Bill
Porter (Cindy) of New Marshfield, Mike Porter
(Connie) of WV and Christine Norris
(Raymond) of Jackson; daughters-in-law, Rita
Porter Spencer of Athens and Sharon Porter
McClelland of Athens; step-children, Lola
Jones Lagedrost (Don) of Wellston, Carol Jones
Williams (Kenneth) of Belpre, Kenny Jones
(Coleen) of Wellston, Randy Jones (Karen
Halvorsen) of Wellston, Connie Jones Coy of
Wellston and Cindy Jones (Eric Case) of
Wellston; 19 grandchildren, 16 step-grandchildren and several great-grandchildren and stepgreat-grandchildren.; his first wife, Virginia
Sands Porter; his second wife, Alta Mae Jones
Porter; son, Phillip Porter; 2 grandsons, Patrick
and Jason Norris; sisters, Pauline Elliott and
Beatrice Rightinger. Funeral services were held
June 4th in Wellston with Pastor Don Kincaid
and Pastor Tim Jones officiating. Burial will be
in the Riggs Cemetery.
Rev. Forrest L.
(Tary) Chamberlin,
90, of Wheelersburg,
went to be with the
Lord June 8th, at
SOMC. He was born
February 23, 1922, in
Scioto County,.
He was a retired
barber and minister,
ordained in 1947, and pastored Porter, Harrison,
Long Run and Germany Hollow FWB
Churches. He was a World War II Army veteran. He served as a radio operator with the 13th
Armored Division in Germany and Austria.
He is survived by five sons; David and wife
Sharon of Wheelersburg, Dwight and wife
Linda of Wheelersburg, Doug and wife Patty of
Hartsville, SC, Denny and wife Cheryl of Irwin,
PA, Dale and wife Cathy of Wheelersburg, and
two daughters; Doris Chamberlin of
Wheelersburg, and Deena Armstrong and husband Mike of Wheelersburg; one brother,
Robert, of Wheelersburg; 14 grandchildren and
13 great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Evelyn
White Chamberlin, May 14, 2011.
Funeral services were held, June 11th at the
Porter FWB Church, with Rev. Edwin Hayes
and Rev. Mark Price officiating.
Rev. Clyde Thompson,
Jr., 73, of Mansfield,
passed away May 2nd at
MedCentral Mansfield
Hospital following an
extended illness. Clyde
was born March 28,
Kentucky. He proudly
served his country in the U. S. Army and retired
from Wickes Lumber after driving truck for
over 30 years. He was a member of Dean Road
FWB Church. Since February 18, 1978, he
served as a minister. During this time, he pastored White Oaks FWB in Marion, Ohio,
Huntington FWB in Huntington, Indiana, and
Paradise Chapel in Mansfield. Clyde enjoyed
hunting, fishing, and watching NASCAR.
Along with his loving wife of 51 years,
Christine Knipp Thompson, Clyde is survived
by two sons, Larry (Sharon) Thompson of
Caledonia and Gary (Diane) Thompson of
Mansfield; four grandchildren, two great
grandchildren, eight siblings; and numerous
nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held
May 7th in Mansfield with Pastor Earl Tackett
and Pastor Herman Copley officiating. A graveside service was held May 8th in Piketon, Ohio
with Pastor Bruce Copley officiating.
Sister Virginia Lee
Jenny), 86, went to her
heavenly home on May
23rd. She died at home
surrounded by all of her
family and friends.
Virginia was born Sept.
7, 1925, She was a lifelong homemaker who
loved sitting on her porch
watching her friends and neighbors go by.
Virginia was a member of Fredrick FWB
Church, The South Webster Red Hats Group,
and the 55+ Club of South Webster. She is survived by four sons; John (Judy) McClintic and
Clyde H. (Rita) McClintic, Jr., all of
Wheelersburg, Jim (Barb) McClintic and David
(Rhonda) McClintic all of South Webster; three
daughters, Debbie K. McClintic and Sheila
(Randy) Howard all of South Webster, and
Dolores (Ray) Miller of Otway. Virginia was
blessed with 14 grandchildren and 18 greatgrandchildren. She is also survived by three sister-in-laws, Mildred (Sonny) Corriel and Ann
McClintic all of Wheelersburg, and Erma
McClintic of Portsmouth; a sister at heart, Joyce
Smith of South Webster, and daughter-in-law
Connie McClintic. Virginia was also preceded
in death by her husband of 45 years, Clyde H.
McClintic Sr., her oldest son, Gary L.
McClintic; twin infant sons, Gerald and Derald
McClintic; infant son Ray Neff; and grandson,
Sean Miller. Services were May 27th in South
Webster with Rev. Rusty Larter and William
“Sonny” Corriel officiating.
Sister Garnet Hollback,
95, of Wheelersburg, died,
May 6th, at Concord
Health Care Center. She
was born Nov. 6, 1916, in
South Shore, Ky. Garnet
was a lifelong member of
Church. She is survived
by four sons, Carl (Patricia) Hollback of
Wheelersburg, Lonnie (Peggy) Hollback of
Wheelersburg, Lowell Hollback of South
Webster, Gary (Janey) Hollback of South
Webster; two daughters, Katherine (Ray)
Meenach of Wheelersburg, Bonnie (Roger)
Shuff of Wheelersburg; 14 grandchildren; 22
great-grandchildren; and several great-great
grandchildren and great-great-great grandchildren. Garnet was also preceded in death by her
husband, Arthur Hollback who died in March
1983; a son, Clinton Hollback; two infant
daughters, Barbara Ann and Mary Lou
Hollback. Graveside services were held May
10th at South Webster Cemetery with Pastor
Rick Arthur officiating.
Sister Mabel L. Fields Woods, 85, of Clyde,
died May 18th in Stein Hospice Care Center,
Sandusky, following a lengthy illness.She was
born April 14, 1927, in Georgia's Creek, Ky.
She was a member of SandHill FWB Church
and loved to sew and spend time with her family. She is survived by two daughters, Peggy
Larkins, of Clyde, and Dottie (Hansford)
Hensley, of Bellevue; three sons, Leonard
(Ruby) Fields, of Kentucky, Thomas Fields, of
Clyde, and Wendell (Kimberly) Fields, of
Bellevue; stepdaughter Bessie Ring, of Crystal
Rock; two stepsons, David (Glenna) Woods, of
Bellefontaine, Ohio, and Phillip Masters Sr., of
Indiana; 15 grandchildren, and many nieces and
nephews. Mabel was preceded in death by her
second husband Harrison Woods and first husband Leonard Fields. Funeral services were
held May 22nd, at Sandhill FWB Church with
Rev. Paul Statan officiating.
Bro. Carl E. Raftery, age 47, of Columbus,
passed away June 24th. Carl was a member of
Westerville FWB Church. He was an awesome
mechanic and a drag racing enthusiast. His heart
and soul will live on in the memories of his
family and friends. He is survived by his loving
wife, Susanna (Aldridge) Raftery; sons,
Anthony Raftery and Sean Raftery (Tiffaney
Ammon); grandchildren, Alexa and Shianne;
mother, Gayle (William) Rapp; father, Carl
(Wanda) Raftery; sister, Lynn (Brian) Manville;
grandmother, Amanda Keener; mother-in-law,
Charlotte Aldridge; daughter-in-law, Molly
Raftery and her son, Lyndsay; honorary sons,
John, Adam and Dustin; numerous aunts,
uncles, cousins other extended family and good
friends. He was preceded in death by his mater-
nal grandparents Walsh and Lula Keener, paternal grandmother Lucille Raftery and father-inlaw Edgar Aldridge. Services were July 3rd
with Rev. Paul Keener, officiating.
Brother Skip Vanerhide a member of Beatty
FWB went to be with the Lord on May 29th.
Sister Dorothy Combs and Sister Faye
Thompson, members of the Maryville Church
passed way and will be missed..
Sister Jerlene Powell passed away June 26th.
She was a member of Troy FWB for over 30
years with her husband, Maynard, who was a
former deacon. She loved to sing in church and
to visit with people. She will be greatly missed.
We have had a busy couple of months. We
have had our first ever mother/daughter banquet
at the church, it was a great time and everyone
did a wonderful job with the food and everything.
The men of our church also had their first ever
father/son cookout here they had all kinds of
fun also.
On June 10th we celebrated our 20th year of
having pastor Dave as the pastor. We had such a
wonderful time, and it went really good. We had
New Vision sing, we had dinner on the grounds
afterwards. On June 16th we took our youth
group to the zoo, we had a great time and can’t
wait until next time. We also just finished up
VBS the last week of June and we averaged
around 50 people a night. Thank you Tami
Porter for all the hard work you do to make
VBS such a success. On June 30th we had our
pancake breakfast fundraiser, the kids did such
a great job working.
Until next time, May God bless.
Dave Bates, Pastor
April Hamilton, Reporter
Greetings from Union! Praise be to God for
the blessings He continues to bestow upon us.
Celebrate Recovery celebrated one year of
changed lives on June 5th with over one hundred attending a special celebration. Several
people shared testimonies of how God has
delivered their lives from the bondage of past
hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It was an evening
of true miracles. Many people have accepted
Christ as their personal Savior and we have had
the privilege of seeing lives changed from the
inside out through Celebrate Recovery at
Union. Thank you to Chad Monroe and his CR
staff for their dedication to this program.
Spring has been busy with activities which
have proved to be blessings to all. We were
privileged to honor Pastor Chris’ mother, Anita
Oiler, as our “Mother of the Year” at the annual
Mother-Daughter Banquet. Anita is a special
lady to all who know and love her, and we are
honored to have her at Union.
On Graduation Sunday we celebrated five special young people for their accomplishments:
Austin Hall, Aaron Martin, Kaleigh Porter, Ian
Snyder, and Noah Thiel. We wish them well
and pray for God’s continual guidance.
We had a wonderful year at VBS, with 78 children in attendance. Thanks to director Kelly
Gleim for the tremendous work she does each
helping spread the Gospel to these young lives.
Please pray for our upcoming Golf Tournament
on July 14th for Wycliff and Staci Keter and
the AGC Baby Center in Kenya. Please continue to pray for the Keters and their ministries.
Chris Oiler, Pastor
Lisa Martin, Reporter
The following singers and singing
groups are available to come and
sing in your church for revivals
or special services.
Baldwin Family Bluegrass Singers,
Rosedale, Call Chuck Baldwin
(937) 834-2071
[email protected]
Bobby Siders, Columbus, (Southern Gospel) (614) 778-9250
Born Again Gospel Singers, Harry or Irene Litton (740) 927-5319 or
(724) 813-2360 Cell
Cross Pointe Trio, Lancaster, Bill Pitts (740)438-7750
[email protected]
David Giddens, Marysville, (937) 642-2121 [email protected]
Day 3, Scott & Sheri Noel (740) 574-6635 [email protected]
Enabling Grace, Woodstock, (Country and Bluegrass Gospel) Call
Jim Howard at (937) 325-2787
Faith Gospel & Contemporary Christian Music, Sidney,
Call Pam Moorman (937) 492-1059 [email protected]
Faith in Action, Marion, Call Majorie Abrams at (740) 383-5405
or Pleasant Hill FWB, (740) 363-5295 Attention: Marjorie Abrams
or Bob Chaffin or email [email protected]
God's Ambassadors, Gahanna, Call Judy Spires (614) 475-4689
Gospel Ambassadors, Rittman, Call Greg Marcum (330) 927-9057
Just Forgiven Singing Ministries, Dayton, (Southern Gospel)
(937) 280-3840 or (614) 309-2512
Headed Home-Singing For The Lord, Oak Hill,
Call Jim Evans (740) 682-6109 or Robert Gamble (740) 682-0042
Mike Blanton & Evidence, Grove City, (614) 871-2795
Mike Kisling, Hillsboro, (937) 393-2084
Nina Nash, Leesburg, (Southern Gospel Sound Tracks)
(937) 780-6865
[email protected]
Ounce of Hope, Delaware, (Southern Gospel) (740) 363-4576
Rob Goodman, Newark, (740) 345-3233
Rowena and George Walker, Dayton, (937) 258-8317
Searching Lights, Galloway, (614) 878-6784
Stacy Edwards, Hilliard, (614) 604-4126 (614) 319-4399
[email protected] Website:
Steve Russell, Marengo, (740) 972-6729 [email protected]
Sword Family, Middleburg Heights, (440) 747-7436.
Terry Collins & Victory, Hillsboro, (937) 840-9808
The Hambys, Dublin, (Southern Gospel) (614) 873-1215
The Heritage Quartet, Clinton, Contact Steve Walker (330) 4858137 [email protected] or Richard Perrigo (330) 571-1673
The Spiritual Echoes, Circleville, Call Rick Moore (614) 595-9776
or Delores Moore (614) 491-9502
Violet Maynard, Columbus, (614) 759-7486
[email protected]
Undivided, Grove City, Call Mike or Sheri France (614) 352-3368 or
Cari Phillips (614) 875-6456 [email protected]
Wayne Mays, Hilliard, (614) 607-0634
If you would like your group to be included, please send me your group name, what local
FWB Church you are a member of, your address, and phone number. I will add you the list
in the next issue of the Ambassador.
DeGraff Independent Free Will Baptist Church is seeking a called man of God
to pastor our church. Please visit our website for further information. Please
contact one of the deacons listed below if you are interested.
Mike Idle 937-585-5667,
[email protected]
Kyle Knief 937-538-5351,
[email protected]
Ryan Shultz 937-565-4131,
[email protected]
Church website:
We send greetings trusting the Lord is blessing
all of the churches in the state.
Just Forgiven provided special singing for us
during our Mother’s Day celebration Sunday
morning May 13th. We began the month of
June 3rd with our Awana graduation. It was
such a joy to watch all the children receive the
awards they earned during this year’s program.
During our business meeting June 6th we
were blessed with seven new members being
added to our membership.
The Cross Carriers did a wonderful job
singing for us during our Sunday morning
service June 10th and we honored our the men
and fathers during our Father’s Day service
June 16th We closed the month of activities
with our VBS June 25-29th.
July began with our 4th of July celebration
Wednesday evening, July 4th with a worship
service followed by a church cookout. Freddy
Dutton will be preaching for us Sunday,
July15th and Dan & Sue King will be singing
and preaching Sunday morning July 22nd. We
close the month with Camp Glory July 23-26th)
at Pleasantview Baptist Church.
August will begin with our homecoming service Sunday morning on the 5th and we are sure
many other blessings are in store for us as we
“Continue on the move for Christ.”
God bless.
John Meade, Pastor
Brea Turner, Reporter
Hello from McDermott FWB.
I know it’s been a while since you have heard
from us and I’m sorry about that.
I hope all the mothers and fathers out there
had a blessed day and that everyone had a
happy and blessed 4th of July.
Our annual homecoming is Sunday, Aug.
12th. We are praying for a blessed turnout.
Everyone is welcome.
Our bike ride for the food pantry is Saturday,
Sept. 8th at Trinity Community Hall on St. Rt.
73. Everyone is welcome. This is our 5th year.
The food pantry is doing very well. God is
blessing it abundantly.
I would like to everyone to pray for the sick in
our church. Talk to everyone next time.
Keith Monroe, Pastor
Annie Marlowe, Reporter
Greetings from the Good Hope Church. We
pray everyone is enjoying this hot weather.
Our church is alive and well. We had Family
Day May 20th with special preaching and
We still have several of our people sick and it
is hard for some of them to get to come to
church. Pray for them. We had to change the
date for Revitalize your Sunday School until
Sept. We will have more about that later in the
The ladies of the church meet the second
Tuesday of each month at Bob Evans for lunch.
It is great to be able to fellowship together.
We had our Sunday School picnic outside at
the church on June the 24th. A good time was
enjoyed by all with lots of good food and fellowship.
We will be hosting the Cuyahoga-Lorain
Conference July 13-14th. We hope to see you
May God bless until the next time we meet.
Jason Keith, Pastor
Mary Diamond-Edison, Reporter
Greetings to all of our brothers and sisters in
Christ. We have enjoyed these past months and
the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us.
We have been blessed to have some inspiring
messages from not only our pastor, but also
Brothers Robert Trimble, Mike Boggs, Josh
Young and Taylor Cantrell. Also, ministering
to us with their music, were New Dawning,
The Homegate Quartet, and Dave Noe.
On May 20th we held our annual homecoming
service. Bro. Robert Trimble delivered a very
inspiring message, "Keeper of the Carriage"
from 1 Samuel 17 in our morning service and
the message of "Role Models" from 2 Timothy,
in the afternoon service. He also ministered to
us in song. We had 94 in attendance in the
morning service and 81 in the afternoon service.
Praise the Lord! As always the ladies of the
church did an awesome job of providing us with
a delicious meal between services.
We are pleased to announce that we have
added five new members to our church family.
Roger and Judy Stillings, Ken and Darla
Evilsizor, and Juanita Russell. They are a very
welcome addition.
The youth of our church recently enjoyed a
fun-filled day at the Marmon Valley Farm and
they are anxiously awaiting our VBS, which we
hope to have in July. Please pray for us as we
reach out to our community for the cause of
Christ in the hopes that we will see souls saved
and our church will continue to grow. All praise
to our Almighty God. His love is great toward
His people.
God is working many marvelous things in our
Grant Cordell, Pastor
Barbi Johnson, Reporter
Since our last report our dear brother Dearl
Porter has went to be with the Lord. Only six
weeks after his dear wife Mae past on Bro.
Dearl joined her. They are both in the arms of
the Lord and we are going to miss them greatly.
We just finished a week of Bible School at our
church with a wonderful group of young people.
Everyone had a great time and learned about the
love and protection that the Lord gives us daily.
We want to thank our workers for all their help
and Sister Tina Kincaid, Jamie Euton and her
mother Doris Harper for all they did to put the
program together. The kids really enjoyed and I
must say the adults did also.
Continue to remember our church in your
prayers as we strive to win souls for the Lord.
God bless.
Don Kincaid, Pastor
Carol Salyers, Reporter
Greetings from Fellowship Tabernacle.
We have been enjoying good spiritual services
with God blessing our church in His special
way. We are seeing new visitors coming to services and good attendance on Sunday mornings.
We are thankful for the ladies group for all they
do for church and for everyone who works and
has a part in the church.
We are praying that all churches will become
soul winning stations for our Lord. We are also
praying for our sick.
May 3-4th we had a garage sale to support our
building fund.
May 14-18th we had our spring revival with
Bro Randy Nickels who preached powerful
messages each night. We had special singing
nightly and good attendance.
May 20th we had communion and feetwashing
which was a very special service and God added
His blessing.
June 2nd we hosted Little Miami River
Conference. Bro Andy Maynard preached a
powerful message that we enjoyed very much.
We supported the special International
Mission Offering. We want to thank everyone
for the gifts and support
Until next report, may God richly bless you
and your familes.
Jim Stepp, Pastor
Dean Lewis, Reporter
As summer heats up, so does the schedule here
at Forest Valley. We have many events planned
and cannot wait to share them with our fellow
church families. An invitation has been sent to
reveal the progress of our new church building.
Our Soldiers for Christ group organized an
open house barbecue we had July 4th, where we
welcomed all to come and see the developments
that have been made on our building.
Our youth and their leaders have been tirelessly working on the projects for the national
convention. They have also raised funds for
their travels through a chicken and dumplings
dinner and dessert auction, and will be hosting a
movie night at our new building.
Our church family has also been striving to be
an outreach to our community by donating
spare change to the Pregnancy Resource Center
through the Blessings in a Bottle drive, which
was organized by Juliana Skiles. Along with
being a witness to our immediate community, it
was very close to Macy Wallace’s heart to raise
money for world missions as well. She successfully coordinated a friendly competition
between Ohio State fans and the University of
Kentucky fans to raise just under $2,000. We
have been blessed beyond measure and have
only One to thank. “And whatsoever ye do in
word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord
Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by
him.” Colossians 3:17.
Del Wallace, Pastor
Kristen Fitzsimmons, Reporter
Sickness seems to overshadow our small
church but through prayer and faith we believe
we will see our members healed and able once
again to get out and hear the word of God
preached. We do covet your prayers for them as
We do thank God for another member added to
our congregation. We give Him praise and glory
for adding to the church as He sees fit.
Plans are underway for an All American Picnic
to be held at our Church on Saturday, July 21st
with fun, food, games, and fellowship. We hope
to make this an annual event that will draw the
Boggs sang on the last night. We heard good
preaching and singing. We could feel Holy
Spirit at work, blessing and uplifting God’s people.
The fathers were honored on Father’s Day.
The Wednesday night Bible study is in the
book of James.
We need all your prayers as we still have some
sick and in nursing homes.
Aren’t you glad to be serving God? He is so
good to us!
Lee Aldridge, Pastor
Carrie Powell, Reporter
community of Clyde to our church.
August 4th will be the annual tent singing.
Each year as the singers begin to sing we are
encouraged by the crowd the gospel songs draw
to the grounds for a time of praise and worship.
Hamburgers and hot dogs are lovingly prepared
on the grill by our deacon, Dennis Moore, while
folks mingle around enjoying the evening.
Make plans to be with us if you can. Both
events will begin at 4:30 p.m.
The annual homecoming will be Sunday
August 12th and as always we will be lifted up
with songs of praise, spiritually fed by God’s
Word, followed by plenty of home cooked food
prepared by the ladies and some men of our
church. We thank God for how that He is working and using people to accomplish all the work
that needs to be done to accomplish His plan.
God is truly good and deserves all praise.
In His service,
Roger Rollins, Pastor
Ruth Rollins, Reporter
“O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his
name: make known his deeds among the people.” Psalm 105:1
We are thankful to the Lord for the blessings
he has provided us with. God has added to our
church with new church members. He has also
moved so that more souls were saved to be
added to His Kingdom. We are grateful to be
part of the body of Jesus Christ.
In May we enjoyed a benefit singing for
Adam’s Hope as well as revival services with
Billy Fields preaching nightly.
In June the Lord answered prayer and blessed
our Youth Rummage Sale. Our VBS was an
exciting week with children, youth and adult
classes. We were blessed to have Rev. Freddy
Dutton leading our adult class.
Summer is here we are looking to see how the
Lord will use us as we plan to glorify God, and
win souls to His kingdom as we pray and prepare for our camp.
The Holy Ground FWB Youth for Christ Camp
is for children/youth to be removed from worldly things, to gain fellowship with the Lord, and
others their age. Each age group has an
assigned week, with camp leaders. This year
the camp leaders are; for the Senior Co-Ed
camp Steve Nickels/Josh Branscomb, for the Jr
Boys camp Pastor Tim Hamilton, and for the Jr
Girls camp Donna Glenn. Please see the Camp
add for more information.
We are also anticipating blessings in the Lord’s
work as our Prison ministry team prays and prepares to visit the Nobel Men’s Prison and the
Women’s Dayton Correctional facility August.
Please listen to our weekly radio ministry, on
Sunday at 2:30 PM, Station WGNZ 1110 AM
for upcoming events.
In His service,
Tim Hamilton, Pastor
Teresa Poynter, Reporter
We at Puritan are thanking God for His many
blessings and His care for us.
The church celebrated with the mothers
attending on Mother’s Day. A hanging basket of
flowers for the oldest, youngest and the mother
with the most children attending was given and
each mother received a plant.
Pastor Lee Aldridge had knee surgery and his
recovery has been slow. We thank the LORD he
is feeling better.
We gave out Bibles to graduates Alex Eberts
and Wayne Rutter. Congratulations boys!
We honored the veterans in our church.
Thanks for serving to protect us!
We had a revival with Freddy Dutton. The
church singers and Bro. Jerry & Sister Joyce
What a time our church is having in the Lord.
For those who have visited us in the past, please
come back and see our new sanctuary. God has
blessed us. We have taken out the old pews and
replaced them with new chairs. We are enjoying
the comfort of the new seats while listening to
the word of God.
We were so blessed to hold the conference
meeting at our church. What a great sermon
about being a good tool a good and faithful servant to our God! We came together and put on
quite the after meeting meal. We were so
blessed to be a part of a great conference, and
proud of the members of the church who faithfully showed their service to God by their hard
work at the afternoon lunch.
We were blessed with the opportunity to go
‘ole school’ on a Sunday. After our morning
service, and after a service at our local nursing
home, we took an evening service to the house
of a sick member. He can’t get out and about
and can’t make it to the church house. So we all
gathered to have service in his home and turned
his home into the church house. His family
came to support him and his faith in God. We
were all so blessed to be able to let him know he
is not forgotten, that we still love him.
Our church had a fundraiser for new doors.
Our deacon put together a golf scramble. I can
tell the money was not the focal point of the
day! Yes, we were there to raise money for
doors, but what a time we had with brothers in
Christ. Some who participated do not go to
church. What a privilege it was to talk about
God to people who needed to hear it.
To close, we look forward to the summer.
Having revival, getting out into the community,
serving others and continuing to beautify God’s
house. We are blessed. Praise God!
Randall Keffer, Pastor
Mike Ryan, Reporter
On May 5th the
Lawrence Conference
honored Rev. Mick
Wildes for his longtime
faithful service to the
Lord and His work. Bro.
Wildes was saved in
1950 and called to
preach in 1953. He was
received into the conference in 1954.
The committee that
examined him was Jess
Sizemore, Jake Fox and
Pete Barnhart.
Woodland Chapel Pastor gives plaque to
Rev. Mick Wildes
He pastorted the Lagrange FWB Church for 40 years. He also pastored the Mt. Calvary and
Bald Knot Churches. On January 23rd, Bro. Wildes turned 93 years old
Things have really been exciting at North.
Since February we have had eight precious
souls commit their hearts to the Lord and four
rededications. Our pastor, Bro Bill, was especially blessed on June 3rd. When he saw his son
Josh rededicate his heart to the Lord.
Bro. Bill Pitts preached at the State
Association Meeting, June 22nd. He spoke
about the Authenticity of Worship. We have
been experiencing the authenticity of worship
through the presence of the Holy Spirit. We are
expecting more great and marvelous meetings.
Bro. David Snyder was among those rededications. He installed a computer system for the
Power Point, and as a result he has been coming
ever since.
Bro Jay McConahay attended
church over a year, even attending the young
converts classes, but, "Something was wrong,"
as he put it. He was trying to do it on his own,
but, he found out, you can't do it on your own.
You must have Jesus in your heart. His mother
was saved on the same day.
We hosted the Franklin Conf. June 9. We had
a great time and a great dinner for our guests.
Bro Kyle Chadwick & his wife Jenn, went to
El-Salvadore June 9-16th. That was Kyle’s first
time to go. They fed about 120 families and
taught Bible School.
We had Pastor Appreciation Day June 24. Bro.
Edwin Hayes preached and The Generation of
Faith provided our special singing. We had the
largest in attendance we have had in a long
It was hard to do, but, we had a surprise birthday party July 1st for our pastor Bro. Bill
Chadwick in celebration of his 80th birthday
June 30th. I think he was surprised a little.
Bro. Bill, Sis. Sarah and Sis. Joan Morris are
now anticipating going to the National.
Mark your calendars and join us August 24 for
our annual Sunday School Picnic at Blendon
Woods Sycamore Shelter, so bring a dish and
join us for a day of fun and fellowship.
Wm. A. Chadwick, Pastor
Joan Morris, Reporter
Greetings from Dailyville.
The Master’s Men concluded a very successful
retreat at Shawnee State Park in Scioto County
May 3-5th.
A graduate of Waverly High School and a
member of our church, Austin New won a
scholarship for the Air Force ROTC and will
report to college in August.
A graduate recognition service (both high
school and college) was held June 3rd.
For Memorial Day Service, all persons who
had served in the military were honored. Also,
on Father’s Day, the men exchanged ties and
sang as a group.
The annual Sunday School picnic will be held
August 12th.
The Dailyville Heritage Day was held July 7th
at the church ball field which was sponsored by
our church. It was a great time of fellowship,
music and fireworks.
Pete Dunn, Pastor
Jim Henry, Reporter
Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye
into all the world, and preach the gospel to
every creature.”
Bro. Jim McComas preached to us four nights
in April and God dealt with many of our hearts
in the areas of confession, repentance, trust and
May 5th and June 23rd found our youth hard at
work washing cars to raise funds for church
camp. It gets underway on July 9th and the
emphasis will be on courage.
The Southeastern FWB College Quartet
visited us on May 27th. Bro. Heath Ferguson
preached on how the condition of our country,
our homes and our churches is a direct result of
how we as Christians have gotten away from
the Word of God. Gateway Global Christian
College Ensemble visited us the week of June
17th and it was a privilege to include them in
our youth activity. Bro. Henley preached on
King David’s offer of grace to Mephibosheth
and its parallel of God’s grace toward us.
VBS was the week of June 4th with an average
of 93 children attending each night. Five were
saved and we praise the Lord for their souls.
We ended June with our annual church picnic.
We were blessed with pleasant weather as we so
often have been and it was a splendid time of
John Johnson, Pastor
Janie Matney, Reporter
1 Corinthians 1:3 “Grace be unto you, and
peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
Jesus Christ.”
Hello from Pleasant Valley FWB in Pedro.
Since May. The Lord is blessing His church (of
which all Christians are part). We have had
blessed services which include altar service,
regular services, open church service plus five
joyful evenings of Bible School. Our church
workers contributed their all organizing, teaching and child care, from crafts, snacks to clean
We would like to thank the following ministers
for preaching God’s word, since our May
report: Brothers Donnie Massie, George Cade,
Mark Adkins, Shane Hanshaw, Billy
Mcfann, Jeff Blakeman, Paul Baltram, Ryan
Rogers, Charles Green, Scott Markel and
David Heavner.
Our future services, include open church service July 21st with Bro. Jeff Cremeans preaching. Everyone is welcome. Revival services
will be held July 22-28th with, Bro. Brandon
Depriest preaching nightly.
The brothers and sisters of the church have
been soo….busy with church duties and responsibilities. A big thanks to Bro. Kenny Webb
who provided preaching/teaching and church
assistance. Thanks to New Buckley FWB for
sending their bus and Brothers Kenny Ball and
Charles Sparks for driving/teaching during
Bible School. Your prayers are coveted.
Jim Dillon, Reporter & Interim Pastor
Hope you all are having a good summer. We
have been blessed with anointed , wonderful
singing by the Anointed Hearts. We were also
blessed with a really great VBS June 11-14.
There was an average of 60 children, with
everyone involved receiving a matching shirt.
The following ministers are available to fill
the pulpit for pastors who have to be away
from their church. Many are
interested in conducting revivals as well.
Bill Alford, 20864 Rudy Dr, Strongsville, Oh 44149
Anthony “Tony” W. Blackburn Mechanicsburg, Oh
Mike Blanton, 6826 Ridpath Road, Grove City, Oh
Larry Brown, 6530 Gregg Mill Road. London, Oh 43140
Patrick Blevins, 12837 Basil Rd, Baltimore, Oh 43105
Mike Boggs, 4411 McDowell Rd, Grove City, Oh 43123
Ron Brown, 5478 Riber Rd. Hillsboro, Oh 45133
Phil Chapman, 7329 Greenleaf Ave, Parma, Oh 44130
Taylor Cantrell, 374 W. Harding Rd. Springfield, Oh 45504
Andrew Cordell, 418 West 7th St, Marysville, Oh 43040
Roger Crusie, 335 ½ N. 4th St., Greenfield, Oh 45123
Luther Dingess, 1680 Paddle Ck. Rd. Fort Gay, WV 25514
Freddy Dutton, 1700 Hale Ct, Columbus, Oh 43228
Clyde Eldridge, 415 Patterson St., Fairborn, Oh 45324
James England, 5138 N. High St, # 119, Cols. Oh 43214
Larry French, 76 Skyline Dr., Ashville, Oh 43103
Ben Gibson, 1126 Cheyenne Springfield, Oh 45503
Packy Gibson, 7029 Fields Ln., Hillsboro, Oh 45133
Randy Hall, 12024 Lake Front Dr, Hillsboro, Oh 45133
Edwin Hayes, 7554 Slate Ridge, Reynoldsburg, Oh 43068
Carl Jenkins, 2809 Searsdale Ave. Cleveland, Oh 44109
Jason Jones, 620 Watkins Glen Blvd Marysville, Oh 43040
William Jones, 9767 E US 36, Woodstock, Oh 43084
Paul Keener, 703 Andrew Ave., Westerville, Oh 43081
Alton Loveless, 527 Virginia St. Ashville, Oh 43103
Travis McKenzie, 1339 Lewis Rd. Mansfield, Oh 44903
Wayne Mays, 777 N. Drexel Ave. Hilliard, Oh 43019
Tom Murphy, 229 Victorian Dr, Commercial Pt, Oh 43116
Adam Peck, 172 S. Central Avenue, Newark, Ohio 43055
Tom Spradlin, Portsmouth, Oh (FWB Family Ministries-Rep)
Alex Stevens, 2002 East Main Street, Greenup, KY 41144
Talo Teo, 828 Federal Ave., Zanesville, Oh 43701
Bill Turner, 150 Willard Ave., Carlisle, Oh 45005
Tim Updike, 22661 SR 93, Wellston, Oh 45692
Ken Walker, 926 Fairview, Wheelersburg, Oh 45694
Josh Young, 7227 E. Main St. South Solon, Oh 43153
On the last night pizza was enjoyed by all.
Paul Keener preached for us on July 8th in the
morning service.
Our homecoming will be August 5th with
Billy Fields singing and preaching in the morning and after feasting. So if you are in our neck
of the woods, stop by for some blessings and
good food to go with it.
"But we will give ourselves continually to
prayer and to the ministry of the word." Acts
Wiley Perkins, Pastor
Judy Kegley, Reporter
(440) 572-1614
(614) 623-0031
(614) 871-2795
(740) 852-0586
(740) 862-8174
(614) 871-5666
(937) 402-4452
(216) 526-2283
(937) 342-0491
(937) 215-4037
(937) 981-3529
(304) 648-5901
(614) 276-0200
(937) 873-8231
(614) 846-6654
(740) 983-0316
(937) 399-2738
(937) 393-2730
(937) 365-1657
(614) 751-1190
(216) 351-2475
(937) 594-2046
(937) 834-1430
(614) 891-4382
(573) 330-7728
(419) 528-0012
(614) 876-7008
(614) 218-5435
(740) 616-9066
(740) 776-6677
(606) 473-5417
(740) 453-6037
(513) 746-5866
(740) 384-3277
(740) 574-9014
(937) 829-1723
Our hearts are ever lifted just knowing that
God is the leader and we can follow knowing
our pathway is secure.
God has answered so many prayers that it
would be fruitless to try and list all of them, so
we will just praise Him for the souls we have
been privileged to see at the altar seeking God's
forgiveness and starting a new life in Christ.
In the hospital reports, you see Carl Wyatt's
name. He is the oldest member at our church
and also when his health was good, he was the
superintendent for several years. Please pray
that God will continue to help him heal. He is at
home and recovering slowly.
A luncheon was held June 3rd to honor mothers and fathers. Gifts were given and everyone
enjoyed the delicious covered dish meal.
Please mark your calendar for our homecoming August 12th. It is usually held the third
Sunday of August, but was changed so that minister that was asked could come. Rev. Rich
Bishop will be the special speaker and Janice
Angel and Family will be the featured singers.
We hope that all is well with each and everyone and that you count your blessings.
Remember the hope and promise of heaven.
Love ones wait on the other side with Jesus.
James Angel, Pastor
Jacqueline Wyatt, Reporter
Daryl Grimes
Missionaries to Erie, PA
On Memorial Day weekend we drove to
Columbus, OH to help Tony & Marie load up
the moving truck so they can relocate to Erie,
Pa. Many of you remember their story but let
me refresh you a little bit on their journey. I met
them at a church while traveling to raise funds
for the work here in Erie. I learned that Tony
was from this area and his pastor told me that he
had recently answered the call to preach. He
also told me that he wouldn’t be surprised if
Tony and Marie moved to Erie to help us.
After several months of praying for God to send
us some laborers to this harvest field Tony and
Marie came to visit us. On one of their visits
they shared with us how God was directing
them to move here to help us plant the church.
As you can imagine we were elated!
After working with them since November (they
have traveled up here several times) we are
more convinced than ever that this family is a
GOD-SEND! God has provided for them as He
said.Their house has sold and God has also provided a job. Please pray as they move and adjust
to Erie, Pa!
*First time visitors in almost every service.
*Our team members,Tony & Marie Drakulic
have already moved to Erie and have begun
being a HUGE asset!
*My wife Michelle continues to do great in
Nursing School.
*I spoke to a gentleman named Scott who has
begun attending our church and he wants to
dedicate his children to the Lord. Please pray
for him and his wife Megan.
*Our building is working out GREAT!
*We have begun a YOUNG at HEART Ministry
for senior adults.
*We had our first cook-out.
*Our YOUTH MINISTRY is going great. We
have been averaging 11in our weekly meetings
*My family is a huge help
Prayer Requests
*Jason & Kristin have been attending and have
a new baby. Please pray for their spiritual needs.
*Mike & Barb, our neighbors--salvation need
*Freeman Family-many have visited our services
*Krysten & Alaina-college girls have visited
*Jessica-Catholic, attended recent services
*Pray for the seeds planted at the RIB FEST
Pray for another family who lives a few doors
down from the church. Pray for their spiritual
If you would like to help with our Team
Members moving expenses and/or
ongoing support please send to:
Flagship FWB Church
PO BOX 3828
Erie, PA 16508
Attn: Drakulic Support
UPDATE: On April 20th we had 25 in attendance. We also had a gentleman come who I had
the privilege of leading to the Lord a few weeks
ago. Please pray as we seek to disciple him.
How to Become a Financial Partner
*Call (740) 352-3510 and I can guide you
through the process
*Visit and click on
“Automatic Withdrawal” and follow the on
screen prompts
*E-mail me at [email protected]
*Please contact Home Missions if you need a
new envelope.
On May 21st, Sister Margaret Dove, wife of
Deacon Clyde Dove, went home to be with the
LORD. Sister Margaret was the secretary for
our church school, Spring Valley Christian
School, when it was founded. She was loved by
all, and will be sorely missed. Also, on June
16th, Brother Charlie Counts, who was our
adult Sunday school teacher for 4 decades, was
called home to be with the LORD. Please keep
these families in your prayers.
The past couple of months have been busy
here in Cleveland. First of all, we want to send
a special thanks to Pastor Lester McMahan for
coming to preach for us May 6-11th during our
revival each night. God truly spoke through
Bro. Lester, and blessed many hearts. There
were two souls saved, and one rededicated. On
May 27th, Bro. Mark Gedeon joined us for our
Sunday morning worship service, and brought
us the Word of God. June 16th, Bro. Kevin
Spencer came out and we had a wonderful
Saturday evening filled with great Gospel
music, and fellowship. There may have been
few in the pews, but the blessings were huge.
On June 20th Bro. Darin Alvis and his family,
came to share their missionary work in New
York with us during our Wednesday night service. Please keep this family in your prayers as
they continue to do God’s work.
On June 10th we held out annual awards ceremony for our church school, Spring Valley
Christian School. We had one graduate from the
Learning to Read program, Aidyn Simmons.
Pray that God will to bless our school ministry.
Upcoming events: Brian Free and Assurance
will be with us on Saturday, October 27th at
7pm. Come out and join us for a great time of
music, fellowship, and worshipping the
Robert L. Prichard, Pastor
Kimberly R. Young, Reporter
Hello everyone from Divine Cleveland.
We’ve had a lot of sickness going on in the past
few months. Brother Reed is in the hospital. I
need everyone to pray for him.
God has watched over us. I personally want to
thank Him for every day He gives us all. Thank
you Lord for your grace.
Our Bible study is doing well. We had Brother
Larry Welch preach for us on Thursday, and
the Trinity’s came to sing for us on Sunday.
God bless all and live for the Lord. Read
God’s Word and pray.
Dale Channell, Pastor
Letha Adams, Reporter
Psalm 134:2 “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.”
We had a great revival in June. We had wonderful messages from God’s word each night
with Mike Blanton and Lucian Baker preaching. Evidence was a blessing ministering in
songs. God blessed us with spiritual services,
and a large crowd each night. There were five
souls saved and others rededicated.
We enjoyed having other churches to fellowship, and worship with us in the youth rally.
Aaron Dillion preached in that service. Our
youth are involved in a youth service once a
month at our church.The youth had a busy; but
good weekend. They went to the State Meeting
in Columbus and tubing Saturday at Mad River
Mt. T.J. Burkhart preached in our youth service July 8th.
We have started a ladies Bible study every
Tuesday at 9:30 am. The study is on “The
Power of a Praying Woman” and will last 10
Corey Carroll will be preaching Sunday
July 22nd at 6pm. Also, we are having the
Genesis Singers Aug. 5th at 11 am.
Since our last report two of our members have
gone to be with the Lord, Sister Dorothy Combs
and Sister Faye Thompson. They will be greatly missed.
We are having a 30 year church celebration in
our homecoming service Sept. 23rd. More
details in our next report.
Paul Bogenrife, Pastor
Helen Murray, Reporter
Spring has brought many new and exciting
things at the Westside FWB Church. The
church has recently developed an amazing website for the church members and public to have
access to all of the wonderful events and opportunities available at Westside. A facebook page
has also been added and proves to be a wonderful tool to reach people, especially our youth!
The junior church and youth have seen enormous growth and we are looking forward to our
annual VBS to be held in August. Our teen
youth group will soon be taking their retreat to
Hocking Hills. They have been very busy with
fundraisers including a sub sale and carwash, in
which the church supported generously.
Other areas of growth among the church outreach programs have included ladies fellowship, choir, and Sunday school. A young converts class began recently with Pastor Tim
Boyd teaching. It has been attended by
Christians who have recently been saved.
We took the opportunity to honor our mothers
and fathers on their special day. The mothers
were treated to a breakfast prepared by the men
of the church. The dads were shown appreciation with a catered dinner from the Der
This has been an amazing beginning to the
year, and we are excited to see what the Lord
has in store for the remainder of the year. We
would ask for your continued prayers for all the
efforts of our local ministry. Also, for the members of the church who have faced illness, surgery and recent loss of loved ones. We are all
working toward the common goal of seeing
souls saved and to spread the word of God
throughout the community. Our prayers remain
with all those working and laboring to serve!
Tim Boyd, Pastor
Jessica Boyd, Reporter
Our church is holding on to God for our
strength. We are about the same in number as
last report. We have some that are sick and some
have had operations, but we are praying and
trusting in God for our answers.
Not much happening in our little church, but
we are surely getting fed by the word. Our pastor Jessie Walters has been giving us some
good sound Bible instructions through preaching and Bro. John Daniels also. Rev. Jay
Williams preaches for us every fourth Sunday
and gives us more of the word to live by.
We still have some good spiritual testifying
and singing every service. No reason for any
one here at our church to go away hungry spiritually.
Please pray with us for the lost and those sick
around the world and our families. God says
“Ask and you shall receive.” Not maybe, but
shall. We pray God will bless all of your churches.
Jesse Walters, Pastor
Cathy Marcum, Reporter
Franklin Conference Revival
September 9-12th
“Holding Forth
The Word of Life”
Sunday Worship Service at 6:00 pm
Monday - Wednesday Services at 7:00 pm
1700 Hale Court
Columbus, Ohio 43228
614/276-0200 or 614/738-0683
email: [email protected]
Edwin Hayes
For more information contact
(614) 491-7697
Rev. Jerry Sargent, Executive
Secretary of Franklin Conference
Westerville FWB Church
390 E College Avenue
Westerville, Ohio 43081
Ohio Women Active for Christ
The Lord has blessed since our last report and we have been in 14 churches and have
seen over 50 altar decisions with many needs being met. We thank the Lord for thousands of safe miles driven in the last several weeks.
June 18-21st we were with the Northridge FWB Church in Dayton, Ohio for their
Vacation Bible School and ministered in their Adult VBS Program. This was an awesome week as we studied Creation vs. Evolution, and other topics including the Soul
Winning Seminar. We can all say this was a powerful week that will be remembered
by all in attendance.
We have upcoming meetings with the Centerburg Enterprise Baptist Church, The
Living Word Church, Heritage FWB Church, Degraff FWB Church and the annual
memorial service in Clintwood, VA. Please pray for these upcoming meetings that The
Holy Spirit will be present at each service. Pray for individuals to accept Christ as
Greetings from the Ohio Women Active for
Christ state board.
News and Upcoming Events
OWAC state meeting We held our annual state meeting on June 21, 2012 at
Heritage FWBC. Our theme for the state meeting this year was “Giving to the Lord”
our key verses were: 1 Samuel 1:27-28. We had 52 in attendance. We enjoyed special singing by Regina Williams from the Reynoldsburg FWBC and had a wonderful
message from Sue Keener (Westerville FWBC) and Shirley Frye (Cleveland
FWBC). These precious ladies shared with us their experience about giving their
children in service to the Lord it was such a blessing!
Thank you so much for sharing the burden of evangelism and for being a part of "The
Great Commission". We appreciate your prayers, support, and all you do for us! We
look forward to being with you for services.
For Revivals, Conferences, Homecoming and other
special services, please contact me at the above address.
COWAC Family Cook-Out The COWAC is sponsoring a family cook-out day at
the Reynoldsburg FWBC on August 18th at 4pm. There will be a Wii bowling
tournament for the ladies, cornhole, softball and fun for all! Please bring a side dish
to share. All women of the state and their families are welcome to attend.
OWAC Bake Sale Sunday The OWAC is encouraging all ladies groups of the state
to host a bake sale on August 19, 2012. The proceeds from this bake sale is to pay
the retreat costs of our missionaries attending our OWAC retreat. The bake sale
doesn’t have to happen on August 19th. You can use any date you want, but we ask
all proceeds be received by our OWAC treasurer Jeannie Sargent by September 1,
2012. (Jeannie Sargent, 512 Stockbridge Rd, Columbus, OH 43207.)
OWAC Women’s Retreat save the date October 12 & 13, 2012 at Heartland
Retreat Center in Marengo, OH. Registration begins at 3:30pm. Our theme this
year is “Faithfully Present” Our key verses are: Psalm 139:7-8 and Psalm 16:11.
Potentially we will have three different speakers this year (two have confirmed:
Cheri Hayes and Amanda York; the last is a surprise!)
We are also changing the format of a few things in a way that will really bless our
women. The OWAC board is working to hard to host a much enriching retreat we all
can enjoy.
Our special singing will be done by Undivided again this year. If you missed it last
year you do not want to miss these ladies!! Please be in prayer for the OWAC retreat
and expect communication from your OWAC officers soon.
Revitalize Your Sunday School Workshops
SS Teachers and
Workers Invited!
Visit our OWAC Facebook Page… we encourage as many as possible to friend us!
Northern Ohio
Your sister in Christ,
Jessica Musetti,
OWAC Secretary
Central Ohio
Saturday, September 8 Saturday, September 22
Good Hope FWB Church
Hillivew FWB Church
The Ohio State Office and Ambassador Bookstore will be
CLOSED July 13-22nd
We plan to
Monday, July 23rd
Our Free Will Baptist
Free Will Baptist History
from a Buckeye Perspective
We just might have what
you’re looking for
“A Printed Voice for Ohio Free Will
Baptists – The Ambassador Magazine ”
Our study of Ohio Free Will Baptist History has now
brought us into the modern age of our State and
Rev. Jim McComas
National Association. As we saw in our last article, a
heavy migration of Free Will Baptists from the South seeking work in Ohio in the
1940’s and 50’s sparked new Free Will Baptist Churches and Conferences to begin all
over the State.
During these growth years the convention had numerous leaders that were instrumental in its enlargement. Several that were extremely important in that growth was the
group of men who served as State Evangelists. These men served actively during the
span of 1943 to the mid-sixties. They were:
Rev. William J. Sheppard (1943-45)
Rev. Jesse Sizemore (1946)
Rev. Homer Nelson (1947-52)
Rev. Andrew Workman (1953-56, 58-62)
Rev. Robert Mead (1957-58)
Rev. Merlin Teets (1962-64)
Another great tool for the promotion of the work of Free Will Baptists in the state of
Ohio was introduced in 1958 – The State Newspaper, “The Ambassador”. In the
early days it was printed on mimeograph (younger folks who are reading this may
have to ask dad and mom what that is!) and was mailed to 300.
Editors for The Ambassador since its beginning in 1958 are:
Rev. Richard Howard (1958-61)
Rev. C.A. Newman (1961-62)
Rev. Merlin Teets (1962)
Rev. Homer Nelson (1962-72)
Mrs. Ruth Nelson (1972)
Rev. Paul Thompson (1972-74)
Dr. Alton Loveless (1974-1993)
Rev. Edwin Hayes (1993-Present)
Today, The Ambassador is a 20 page full color tabloid publication and distributes
over 5,000 copies. It is still a vital part of the ministry of the Ohio State Association,
and is widely to considered to be the “gold standard” for State Papers in our denomination across the country.
(Information for this article was taken from the book “Great is Thy Faithfulness –
Over 200 years of Ohio Free Will Baptist History” Written by Dr. Alton Loveless,
Rev. James McComas, and Rev. Edwin Hayes – Published by the Ohio State
Association of Free Will Baptists in 2009).
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions
for these articles, please contact
Jim McComas P.O. Box 202 Creston, Ohio 44217 (330) 435-4442
[email protected]
Greetings from our little white church in
Clinton! It has been a very eventful few months
here. Faithfully, God has answered our prayers
and we have seen yet another soul saved. On
July 1st we witnessed the baptism three newly
saved souls. We thank you for praying along
side us for God to move.
VBS was a smashing success this year! We
held record numbers again with the help of our
fantastic congregation and prayer. The exceptional help we received from men and women
of our church was beyond any we have seen in
the past. Sonrise National Park was a blessing
to the adults and children alike. A huge thank
you to everyone who participated by giving
your talent, time and prayers.
On June 24th we held a picnic day and had the
pleasure of applauding our youth. They each
listed their accomplishments from the past year
including, grades, ribbons, awards, trophies and
diplomas. Two members of our youth graduated
this year and we could not be more proud!
Congratulations to Chelsea Pomeroy and Sarah
Sparks Class of 2012! We are excited to see
what God has in store for you in the future.
Don't forget to join us on July 29th for our
homecoming. Until next time, Let your light
shine for Jesus!
Bruce Sparks, Pastor
Crystal Allen, Reporter
Greetings from the Hillsboro FWB Church. In
our last newsletter, we were having a competition between the males and females in our
church to see who could raise the most money
for our World Missions offering. As it turned
out, the ladies came through with flying colors.
As a result, the men in the church had to provide
the ladies with a dinner with all the fixings. I am
happy to report that the men completely surprised the ladies with a tremendous spread of
food and drink, and a good time was had by all.
We thank the Lord for the almost $2,800.00 dollars we were able to give to that important ministry, and for all the blessings He showers on
our church.
We just completed our yearly VBS program in
June, and thank the Lord for all of those children we were able to minister to. We pray that
the parents of those children will come and
attend our services as well. We also had our
annual Sunday school picnic this past weekend.
A great time was had by all! We had a cornhole
tournament, baseball, water balloons, and of
course some great food. I want to thank Brother
Tony Moore and all of those who helped for a
very fun time.
Continue to keep our church in your prayers
and we will continue to pray for all of you as we
strive to serve Him. God bless you all
Richard Burns, Pastor
Douglas Nunn, Reporter
We have been very busy here, just as I’m sure
you all have been. We had a great homecoming
in May with Edwin Hayes preaching. This was
our 40th anniversary. We had a brunch for the
ladies in May, and we had a cookout for the men
in June. Everyone seemed to have a good time.
Our daughter, Sarah went on her 3rd mission
trip, her 2nd time to El Salvador in June. She
enjoyed the time with the children and feeding
the families in the villages. There was a total of
13 that went along on this trip. As always, they
all had a good time with many memories to
We participated in the Reynoldsburg Relay for
Life for ACS at the end of June. We were able
to raise over $2200.00. We thank all who
Phone 1-614-491-6280
FAX 1-614-491-4554
[email protected]
helped in one way or another.
Our VBS will run from July 9-13th. We have
the National coming up, we will have our
church picnic and then we end the month with
church camp.
When August gets here, we are expecting two
new arrivals. Jess and David Kitsmiller, along
with Emma and Harry, are waiting on their new
little sister to get here. One of our deacons,
Mark & Angela Pelfrey and their girls, Kortnee,
Natalee & Kaylee are expecting the arrival of
Jeremiah to join the family. Please pray for both
of these young families and the new babies.
Each month we continue to feed the families at
the Ronald McDonald House on the 4th Friday
night. We have a great support of our church to
help with this.
We have many who are in the need of prayer.
One brother in our church, Bing Browning, is
waiting on a bone marrow transplant to take
place at Cleveland Clinic. Every few weeks he
goes to Cleveland for testing. Please pray for
him and his family as he waits on this.
Jerry L Sargent, Pastor
Our church asks urgent prayer for Rev. Eddie
Kennedy Jr. and his family as he has stepped
down as pastor. We owe Bro. Eddie and his
family much thanks for their service to God,
especially while we as members we all benefited. Further prayers are needed for SS Supt.
Henry Cochran and deacon John Holbrook for
With gratitude I report we have been blessed
by the message from the LORD brought by visiting preachers: Revs. James Cosby, Rev. Rice,
Rev. Hopkins and Rev. Eddie Kennedy Sr. We
have been blessed by the singing of The New
Prophets, Robert Blankenship and Rev.
Roger Rice.
We are happy to report the church gave a gift
of God’s word to 2012 high school graduate
Courtney Brubaker, granddaughter of Bro. Jerry
Sikora and daughter of Terry Brubaker. Mother
and fathers were all honored as well on their
respective holidays with recognition, song and
small gifts.
To quote deacon Bro. Reggie Sutphin, “The
Wellington FWB Church is maintaining while
the search for a pastor continues.” He also said
anointing is available to those seeking prayer
and healing.
Wednesday evening Bible study continues at 7
PM. The deacons have been taking turns presenting a study on “The Fundamentals of the
Christian Faith.” The in-depth look at the
Gospel of St.. Luke is concluded.
A beautiful truth about the Wellington FWB
Church is that the presence of the Spirit of the
LORD can be felt within the walls of our church
New Executive Director Selected
On May 22nd 2012, the Board of Trustees for Free Will Baptist Family
Ministries met to review resumes and conduct interviews of our top candidates for the position of Executive Director. We were blessed to have two
candidates that would have represented the ministry very well. In a completely unified decision, the board of FWBFM is pleased to announce the
appointment of Rev. Frank Woods, as its incoming Executive Director,
effective July 1, 2012. He will be assuming the position of Dr. James
Kilgore, who will be stepping aside June 30, 2012, after almost 15 years
of service.
Rev. Frank
Rev. Wood’s association with Family Ministries spans over 30 years. He served on the Board of
Trustees for 12 years—with five of those years as Chairman. In 2005, he accepted the position
of Vice President of Financial Development, the post he currently holds. In late 2009, he also
served as Interim Executive Director for a period of one year during a season of illness that Dr.
Kilgore endured.
In a statement from Rev. Woods, “It is a great honor to be chosen for the position of Executive
Director. I am surrounded by a tremendous staff and I am looking forward to building on the
strong foundation that Dr. Kilgore and others have laid for the continued success of Family
Ministries. We appreciate your continued prayers and faithful support during this transition.”
when we come together in worship, study and
prayer. Pray for us won’t you.
Margaret DeWitt, Reporter
Greetings from Lockbourne FWB. Summer is
finally here and we’re taking full advantage of
the nice weather. On Father’s Day we had our
morning service outside under the shelter house
followed by a wonderful day of fun, food and
fellowship. This was our annual SS picnic and
the theme was “Down on the Farm”. Two of
our members actually drove their tractors to
church for the festivities. We had a petting zoo
for the kids to enjoy and games and prizes.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the picnic
a success.
We have a good report about our youth. For
several months they have been working hard to
raise money to go to church camp at Pike Lake.
The week they returned from camp they sang
and glorified the Lord in our Sunday morning
service. It was evident that they were all
inspired by their time at church camp. When
asked to describe their experience at camp in
one word the following responses were given:
Emily Blanton – “Amazing”, Brandon Leibee –
“Epic” and Nathan Fields – “Exciting”. Upon
further investigation as to what was their
favorite thing at camp, we report the following:
Emily – “fireside devotions”, Brandon –
“nature walk and scavenger hunt” and Nathan
“swimming in Pike Lake”. Thanks to all who
participated and, kids, don’t lose your zeal for
the Lord.
We are excited about a four-part teaching
series our pastor will be conducting on
Wednesday evenings beginning July 18th entitled “Setting Things in Order; My Heart, My
House, My Attitude and My Priorities”. We
pray for the Lord’s anointing on his messages
that we will be inspired and encouraged. Please
pray for us as we labor together in the Lord.
Leon Stevens, Pastor
Janelle Sagraves, Reporter
God is so good! Our VBS, “Adventures On
Promise Island”, was a great success. We saw
21 kids give a profession of faith during the
week of June 18th. We averaged 50-60 kids
nightly and the program held June 24th. Dir.
Kerry Bocook wishes to thank the teachers and
helpers and most of all, the parents for bringing
their kids for this week of learning about Jesus.
Bro. Rick Strunk’s nephew and niece also gave
a profession of faith during a hospital visit on
June 24th. We also had the privilege of seeing
Lane Smith baptized on May 27th.
We want to thank our guest preachers: Bro.
Gary Arthurs on May 27th and Bro. Charlie
Green on June 3rd. Our choir, led by Bro.
David Pemberton, will be singing at Pleasant
Valley (Fox Hollow) FWB Church on July 26th.
Bibles were presented to our graduates:
Makenna Patterson, Andrew Schwab, Kyle
Morris and James Barker. We extend big congratulations and wish them the best in their new
endeavors. Our youth took a fun filled trip to
Kings Island on June 28th. Again this year, we
participated in the “Baby Bottle Blessings”
money drive for Two Hearts Pregnancy Care
Center. The kids in VBS also collected money
for this good cause.
Please pray for all our sick including Pastor
Dave, Bro. Wayne Addis and Sisters Donna
Arthurs, Becky Brooks, Corrine Gillium and
Jayne Miller.
Until next time, you are always loved and
wanted at Woodland Chapel FWB church.
David Schug, Pastor
Pat Adkins, Reporter
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on him that
sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24
Hello everyone.
"Praise the Lord! Summer is here and already
we have had two picnics. We had so much fun
and the kids of all ages always enjoy the picnics
Our Mother’s Day and our annual secret sisters luncheon went really well. We had about 40
ladies join us, and as usual we had good food
and great fellowship.The last Sunday in May we
had our annual youth auction which always
brings in a lot of money for our youth group. It
also gives our members a day of kids helping
out with chores or catching up on things they
just haven't gotten a chance to get done. It is
always a lot of fun. This year our auctioneers
were Eric Mowell and Adam McCarty. They
really made the auction special
The family that we adopted at Christmas time
is doing so good they are now in a place of their
own . "Mom" took her GED and passed it with
flying colors. We are so proud of her and thank
the members our church who have been working closely with her. God has blessed us when
it comes to helping her and her family.
It is Camp Caleb time again and we had some
members go down and help out on our week to
take care of the cooking and cleaning.We want
to thank them a lot. We have wonderful people
who volunteer for our church.
We are also looking forward to the wedding of
Rachelle McVickers and Adam McCarty in
July. You know if you are just starting out like
they are or have been married for a while (60
yrs.) like Wilma and Bud Lee you need God to
make it whole.
Hannah McCarty-Lewis is back with us for a
few months and we are all excited she has gotten married and moved to Texas. She is like
everyone’s daughter in our church. We are also
looking forward to more picnics and our VBS
which always brings us blessings. Until the next
time may God bless every one.
Mark Rucker, Pastor
Linda O'Neal, Reporter
Praise the Lord and Hallelujah!! We are so
excited here in Troy! We baptized four people
last weekend in the Little Miami River! What a
wonderful way to start the summer! God is so
good! Kerenna, Ryan, Heather and Brandy followed Christ in baptism and we are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for their
lives. Please pray for these young people as
they start their Christian journey.
We had a Yard Sale/Bake Sale/Hot Dog
Sale/Car Wash on the 23rd of June. Each sale
had a designated ministry to go to. We raised
$925.50 altogether. We had a wonderful day of
fellowship on top of that!
On a more somber note, one of our has members passed away. Sister Jerlene Powell passed
away June 26th. She was a member of Troy for
over 30 years with her husband, Maynard, who
was a former deacon. She loved to sing in
church and to visit with people. She will be
greatly missed.
Our homecoming is planned for September
16th. Please be much in prayer for this service.
The Master's Sounds will be singing for us.
Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Dwight Stump, Pastor
Lisa Stump, Reporter
Greetings to all in the name of Jesus. We have
had a few of our members in the hospital and
rehab. With the Lord's help all are doing well.
We have been blessed to have Brother Paul
Daniels with us every second Sunday each
month as a guest preacher.
It is time the Church stand strong on the Word
of God! With all the changes in America and in
the world in general, we believers can see that
the signs of Jesus' return are quickly occurring
with each passing day. Our earnest prayer is that
we can be a witness to all who we know, that all
may come to repentance and accept Jesus as
their Savior, for the time is short. Let us encourage one another to be strong in the Lord and the
power of His might, and put on the whole
armour of God that we read about in Ephesians
chapter 6. May God bless you and keep you.
Earl Coleman, Pastor
Audrey Carey, Reporter
Pray for VBS July 23-27th. A special thank
you to Mrs. Becky Catalfina for the excellent
job she does as the director. Also for the many
crew leaders, craft people, cooks and decorators
who make the Bible School a great success in
presenting the Gospel to the children in our area
are to be commended for their faithfulness.
We are thankful that we took in 22 new members in May. We want to welcome them to our
family. The Lord continues to bless us with
new faces each week.
Team Jamaica just returned this week from a
weeks mission trip to help the children of
Jamaca and share the gospel with them. Our
pastors wife, Caryn heads up this team. T h e
Women Active for Christ had a retreat at the
Berlin Grande Hotel in April with 47 in attendance. We were blessed with two great speakers, Jan Clay from Indiana and Tracy Payne
from Oklahoma. They are sisters who shared
their hearts with us in presenting our theme
"Flying High With Prayer". We also did a
Community Yard Sale in May and was able to
donate $3000 to the Building Fund. Thanks to
all those who donated their "treasures" and time
to this worthy cause. We also sent $100 to the
Andy Moore Building Fund in Brazil. We are
planning a Sunday Dinner July 15th. Proceeds
will benefit the Building Fund as well.
We are pleased that our new three classrooms
have been completed and plans are underway to
remodel the nursery and other areas at the
church. The trustees are to be commended for a
job well done and their willingness to work!!!
Campmeeting is September 30-October 3rd.
Mark your's only 90 days away!!!
Pastor Shawn has been doing a series on
Wednesday evenings from the book of
Ephesians. He is teaching verse by verse and
exploring in depth, specific words from each
text. It has proven to be challenging and beneficial for all of us.
Shawn Beauchamp, Pastor
Barbara Chaffin, Reporter
We started out May with our homecoming and
we had a wonderful time. Preaching by Bro.
Why Have a WAC in Your Local Church?
God created women as relational beings. We are wired for
connection with others. This connection begins in our homes,
spreads out into our churches, communities and the world.
We love interaction with other women who understand us
and our particular season of life.
WNAC offers guidance and lends eternal purpose in these
connections as women join together in prayer, Bible study,
service and evangelism. WNAC helps women fulfill their
God-designed role in the home, church, community and world. We build our programs
and helps around topics relevant to this purpose, seeking to strengthen women in their
walk with God. Meeting together in intergenerational groups, we mentor and encourage younger women while we learn from them at the same time.
Through the years, WNAC has kept missions and ministry causes forefront in our
local churches. Women stay in contact with both international and home missionaries
and staff in various ministries. These connections keep women aware of current prayer
requests as they seek to raise needed funds and build relationships to span years of
WNAC members are generally known as worker-bees in local churches, often serving
behind the scenes. Pastors can depend on them when specific needs arise in the
Why have a WAC group? We are just women seeking to be all God would have us be.
Come join.
Mike Blanton and singing by Mike Blanton &
Evidence and also the Lore Family. What a
blessing they were, always a good service when
they are a part of it.
In June we had our Sunday School Graduation
Service; each teacher gave a report on how each
class is doing and what they had been learning
throughout the year. Such a special service, the
teen class gave us a report about their teacher,
Bro. John Bliss, and what he has meant to
them; very touching and sometimes funny
accounts of what they had been studying and
learning throughout the year. We have Sunday
School teachers who have been doing this for
many years, Bro. John has been teaching for
over 50 years, what an inspiration to us all.
Some of the kids are away at Camp Caleb this
week. Always look forward to their return and
hearing their stories of what they were involved
in during the week. A huge thank you to Sister
Kim Baldwin and her son Joseph, they drove
the kids to and from camp, not a small endeavor and camp would not have been possible if it
were not for volunteers like she and her son.
Our VBS director, Bro Chuck Baldwin and all
the volunteers are gearing up for VBS which
starts on July 9th – 13th. The kids, volunteers
and parents are very excited as always. We are
hoping for a great turnout, some kids only get to
church once a year and Rosedale goes all out to
make sure we instill the importance of God in
their lives and hope they carry this with them
the rest of their lives.
At this time we are without a pastor, please
keep our church in your prayers, we pray that
God sends us exactly who we need. God knows
all things and we know that he hears our prayers
before we even pray.
Bev Fraley, Reporter
“But God commendeth His love toward us, in
that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for
Aren’t you happy that Jesus died for our sins,
and took them all on His body that we could be
saved and go to heaven, to be with Him.
Tosa and Nathan Broome will be taking their
Sunday School class to Kings Island in July.
We have been having special singing during
our church services. They have really blessed
our hearts. Our pastor, Ferrell Rood, has been
uplifting our spirits with his messages. Please
remember Ferrell and his wife Nancy in your
prayers. They have a lot of burdens for the lost
in all our families as well as their own.
Please remember our senior citizens because
of their health and all this heat. They are very
special to us, and they are the prayer warriors of
the church.
Our sympathy, love and prayers go out to the
families of Dearl Porter, Ginny Snider and Faye
Mark Rood has been uplifting our hearts during Monday and Wednesday night Bible
Studies. We are planning our Sunday School
picnic during the month of July.
Please plan to attend our homecoming on
August 12th. Special singing will be by the
Roadmasters. Everyone is welcome to come
out and enjoy an uplifting day of singing and
preaching, and lots to eat, but mostly to fill our
hearts with God’s blessings.
Remember our youth, as Satan is out to
destroy them. Remember our nursing home
ministries, as they are a blessing to us.
Remember the military and their families.
Tell someone that you love them and really
mean it.
Ferrell Rood, Pastor
Linda McKibben, Reporter
The 2012 ambassadors agreed to set a goal to gain the WMO participation of 650 churches,
rather than setting a financial goal. More than 720 churches expressed their intent to take a World
Missions Offering. To date, with fewer than 500 churches having sent in their gifts, $842,000 has
been received in the office.
IM Rejoices in God’s Goodness and
Denominational Generosity
The entire Free Will Baptist International Missions family is rejoicing. By the end of May, we
received well over $500,000 in gifts toward the World Missions Offering. Mark McPeak, director of advancement, put this figure into historical perspective: The largest total WMO on record
was $582,000 in 2008. At the end of June 2008, we had received just under $300,000 of that in
the office. A couple of the checks we received thus far this year represent some large gifts; however, we are extremely encouraged by this total since it represents about one-third of the churches
who said they would participate.
Sam McVay returned to the States to spearhead the 2012 WMO effort. We believe God has
blessed our emphasis on participation, Sam said. This year we focused on contacting and enlisting as many churches as possible. The ambassador team set a goal to gain the commitment of 650
churches. Before the offering date we had over 700 churches agree to participate in some way.
Joe Wilson, who helped lead the WMO team, enthused, “We still haven’t heard from hundreds of
the churches that signed up. We are so excited, we can’t wait to open the mail each morning!
With the longstanding financial challenges International Missions has faced, the entire Mission
family has looked to the 2012 WMO with great hope. In October of 2011, General Director Clint
Morgan called on the IM family and the denomination to join in 40 days of prayer and fasting.
We knew the challenges we were facing were too big for us, but not for God, Morgan says. Every
day people around the world are praying for IM and for our efforts to reach lost people with the
hope of the gospel. God is using His people to answer those prayers.
One of the key components of this year’s WMO was the emphasis on prayer and dependence on
the Lord. “I don’t see that changing,” McPeak affirmed. “We need His guidance. We need Him to
move in hearts so people will respond in obedience to His mandate to take the gospel to the ends
of the earth.”
Price said. “While we will focus heavily on the annual World Missions Offering, don’t be surprised to hear us reminding churches and individuals of the importance of consistent, monthly
giving. The WMO gives a financial boost to the second quarter of the year, but monthly giving
keeps missionaries on the field performing the tasks to which they have been called.”
WMO Total Surpasses Record
“Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,” exclaimed General Director Clint Morgan. As of
June, 2012, gifts received in the office for the 2012 World Missions Offering have exceeded
$842,000. This is by far the largest WMO the Mission has experienced, confirmed Director of
Advancement Mark McPeak.
One of the goals of the World Missions Offering team this year was to involve 650 churches in
participating in World Missions Sunday. More than 700 churches pledged to take an offering. The
monies received thus far represent a little over 400 churches.
“In some ways we are astounded by what we are seeing with this year’s WMO,” Clint said. “ at
the same time we know this is a direct answer to prayer and we shouldn’t be surprised at all,
because God answers prayer.”
McPeak followed up, “God has truly done great things thus far this year. In large part, it is
because people within our denomination listened to God speaking to them, and responded in faith
and obedience. We cannot say thank you enough.”
WMO donations have ranged in size from $16.41 to $100,000. We appreciate and are extremely
grateful for each and every gift. Many donations, regardless of size, represent sacrificial obedience to God’s leading, McPeak emphasized some of the most exciting stories come from churches who set what they considered unrealistic goals whether $50 or $5,000 and saw God move
among them, the offering surpassing their goals. I truly believe God will continue to bless these
churches in unique ways.
On Friday, June 1, the youth group from Knights Chapel FWB Church in Cookeville,Tennessee,
traveled to Antioch to visit the National Offices and present their WMO gift. The church began
participating in the WMO six years ago with a youth-led donation of around $600. This year their
young people led the church to donate over $1,600. It is exciting, and humbling, to see young
people enthusiastic about reaching the lost around the world with the gospel, said General
Director Morgan. I hope some of these youth will one day serve cross-culturally.
Mark Price, IM board and WMO team member says, “Here in Ohio, an 11-year-old pastor’s
daughter led her church’s WMO effort, setting a goal of $1,000. When everything was counted,
they raised $1,909.33!” I wish we could go to every church that participated in the offering to
express our deep gratitude. While we can’t do that, we can say it here we thank the Lord for you!
To every person who filled a coin bank, wrote a check, or gave a gift of any size, thank you!
Price to Head Volunteer Effort
Director of Advancement Mark McPeak announced that Ohio
pastor Mark Price has agreed to provide leadership for the 2013
World Missions Offering (WMO). Price, a volunteer himself, will
chair a team of volunteer representatives. If we are to invite every
Free Will Baptist church to be involved in sharing the gospel overseas, McPeak explained, “We must have more people engaged in
spreading the word. By constructing an infrastructure of volunteers,
passionate about reaching the world for Christ, we allow local pastors and laymen to fulfill one of their roles in the Great
Mark Price has served with the Mission’s ambassador program
since the 2008 WMO promotion. In 2011, Mark was elected to the
IM board, yet continued to represent the Mission as an ambassador as well. “Mark Price has
demonstrated an ongoing enthusiastic desire to grow the ambassador program. He has been innovative in promoting the WMO in Ohio and, this year, served on a WMO team led by Sam
McVay that planned and implemented the 2012 campaign.” said McPeak.
The ambassador program began in 2007 with a handful of men, primarily former missionaries
who saw representing the Mission in this manner as a way to extend their commitment to the
Great Commission well into their retirement years. “We just concluded our sixth year of the program,” McPeak stated. “Many of these men are road weary and battling personal or spousal
health concerns. It is our desire to honor their tremendous efforts by continuing the program in a
modified form and recruiting younger men to carry their mantle.”
for Best
Bro. Jesse Henderson, a member of the
McArthur Church and grandson of McArthur
Pastor Jim Henderson was in the Children's
Hospital in Columbus. He is now home recovering from surgery.
Sister Nicole Luthy, a member of the
Ambassador Church and daughter in-law of
Pastor Roland Luthy was admitted to the hospital May 17th and delivered her baby, Josilyn
prematurely. Josilyn was taken to Children’s
Hospital in Cincinnati where she had blood
transfusion. She is improving. It was determined that she has a hole in her heart that will
have to be repaired when she is two years old.
Evangelist Jack Lassiter was the hospital in
North Carolina with serious difficulties and that
he was in need of an emergency tracheotomy to
survive. He is now recovering.
Bro. Ed Baldwin, a member of Forest Valley
FWB Church and Sister Sandy Mounts and
Mike Baldwin’s father, was in the SOMC with
heart problems. He had developed a blood clot
that has complicated his treatment. He is now
Dr. Alton Loveless broke his wrist and is now
home recovering. Do remember Bro. Loveless
in prayer.
Sister Rhonda Luthy, a member of the
Ambassador Church and daughter in-law to
Pastor Roland Luthy has had two biopsys in
May and surgery in June. She is now home.
Rev. Bill Jones a member of the Woodstock
Church went to Doctors West in the heart unit.
His heart was out of rhythm and has a very low
heart rate. They gave him a pacemaker on May
Sister Linda Hayes, a member of the
Westerville Church and wife of Ohio
Promotional Director Edwin Hayes, had surgery
at the Dublin Methodist Hospital on June 1st.
and another surgery on June 21st at Riverside
Hospital. She is now home recovering.
Sister Alice Grant, wife of former New
Lexington Pastor James Grant is undergoing
chemotherapy treatments. Sister Grant is also
the Clerk of the Cornerstone Conference. Do
remember her and her family in prayer.
Rev. James Cosby, former pastor of the First
Clyde FWB Church underwent major surgery
on June 14th and is now home recovering. Do
remember him in prayer.
Bro. Carl Wyatt, the oldest member of the
Petrea Church has been in the hospital. He is
now home recovering.
Deacon John Holbrook, from the Wellington
Church has been in the hospital and is now
home recovering.
Bro. Henry Cochran, a member of the
Wellington Church has been released from the
For more information, visit our
OWAC Facebook Page…we encourage as many
as possible to friend us!
FWBBC Graduates 57 in
Commencement Exercises
Free Will Baptist Bible College
Free Will Baptist Bible College conferred degrees on 57 students from 16 states and two foreign countries in commencement exercises at Memorial Auditorium on Friday, May 4,
according to President Matt Pinson. This was the largest graduating class since 2008. Students completed degrees in multiple
programs ranging from two-year associate’s degrees to fouryear bachelor’s degrees. Thirty-seven percent of the class graduated with honors.
The 66 students (36 women, 30 men) spent two nights in campus dorms. Thirteen visiting students came from Tennessee, 12 from Indiana, eight from Alabama, seven from Oklahoma, six
from South Carolina, five each from Virginia and Michigan, four from Florida, two each from
Illinois and Mississippi, and one each from Georgia and North Carolina.
An exit survey indicated that visiting students ranked hospitality from FWBBC students and
faculty/staff high during Welcome Days. Almost 100% of the visiting students said their time on
campus had a positive impact on them and elevated their interest in attending FWBBC.
Several high school students commented about Welcome Days:
“Thanks for all the hospitality shown to me. I would definitely feel like family here, and I will
strongly consider it after high school.”
“It was awesome. I hope I get to come here.”
This was great! Thanks.”
The prospective students indicated plans to study in a variety of areas: Education, Psychology,
Missions, Music, Engineering, Youth Ministry, Physical Education, Biology, Business,
Commercial Music.
The next round of FWBBC events for prospective students is scheduled during the fall 2012
semester: Senior Days (October 4-5); Welcome Days (November 8-10). For more information,
contact the Enrollment Management Office at [email protected].
Mike Blanton
2012 Free Will Bible College Graduates
Reverend Terry Forrest, FWBBC’s pastoral ministry program coordinator, delivered the commencement address, speaking 14 minutes from the second chapter of Judges on the importance of
FWBBC. He challenged graduates to “Remember” three things. “Remember what you have seen
here,” he said. “Remember what you have heard. Remember what you have felt.” He brought the
happy crowd to their feet for a standing ovation honoring President Pinson and his family for
their sacrifices on behalf of the college. Forrest, a 1971 FWBBC graduate, pastored Free Will
Baptist churches 29 years in Tennessee and Arkansas before joining the faculty in 1991. His
youngest daughter Lauren is a member of the 2012 graduating class.
Georgia pastor Billy D. Hanna presented Thursday evening’s baccalaureate message from
Matthew 9:35-38, reminding graduates they were “blessed because they had been introduced to
the wisdom of the ages in Jesus Christ.” He advocated learning four principles to diffuse the
knowledge they received at FWBBC: see as Jesus saw, feel as Jesus felt, pray as Jesus prayed, do
as Jesus did. Hanna, a member of the FWBBC Board of Trustees and 1973 FWBBC graduate, has
pastored First Free Will Baptist Church (Albany) since 1985. He also served 12 years on the
Randall House Board and as a chaplain’s assistant with the U.S. Army.
Ron Callaway, a member of the Theological Studies faculty and Missions program coordinator,
was named Academic Advisor of the Year. President Pinson presented plaques to retiring vice
president and senior financial counsel Tom Sass for 40 years of faithful service, and to Jack
Williams who is shifting to a volunteer/mentor role as director of communications.
The college commends to you and to the work of the Lord the members of the 2012 graduating
Ohio students who received degrees are as follows:
Associate of Science Degree,
Michael William Martin, Mantua, OH
Bachelor of Science Degrees,
Daniel Craig Armstrong, Wheelersburg, OH
Laura Jean Dooley, Austintown, OH
Jaclyn Monique Martin, Minford, OH
Bachelor of Arts Degree,
Jennifer Ashley McGhee, Dayton, OH
Bachelor of Music Education Degree, Lacey Jane Price, Wheelersburg, OH
66 Students Attend FWBBC Spring Welcome Days
Cars and vans from 12 states rolled onto the Free Will Baptist Bible College campus April 1921, bringing 66 prospective students for the three-day, spring 2012 activity festival known as
Welcome Days, according to Rusty Campbell, director of enrollment services. Accompanying
pastors, youth leaders, sponsors, and parents pushed campus guest numbers past 100.
“Wow! What an energetic and fun-filled Welcome Days,” Mr. Campbell said. “The visiting high
school students weren’t the only ones who enjoyed the week—so did our staff and FWBBC family. For almost 90% of the visitors, this was their first time on the FWBBC campus. They buzzed
around touring old campus mansions, poured into classrooms, and embraced the non-stop schedule. They asked questions and topped off the week with an unforgettable Friday evening with the
Wizard of Oz musical.”
Available for services, revivals and
(614) 871-2795
Blanton and Evidence
available to sing at your church!
Jeff and Donna Crabtree
National Home Missionaries to Canada
Recently during one of our weekly Growth Group meetings
someone asked the question, “Have you every had a burden for
someone who is lost that was so heavy, you prayed for God to
take it away because you could not handle it? I sat there stunned
at the question. I did not know what to say. Then someone else spoke up and said, “Yes.” I could
not imagine ever praying that prayer. I usually pray for God to give me a burden for the lost. As
I sat there listening ot the discussion I began to think about all the people I know personally who
do not know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There are many. I began to get overwhelmed at
the number of lost people I was thinking of, and then I began to understand a person praying for
God to remove the burden? Possibly, I would not.
As we finished the discussion we went directly into our prayer time. We each had many requests
and after they were spoken, we all prayed together. I bowed my head and thought about the
question that had been asked: “Would I ever ask God to take a burden away because I just could
not handle it anymore?” I prayed “God help me. Give me a burden for the lost, not only the ones
I know, but those I don’t know as well. But God, when you give me that burden, give me the
strength to handle it and help me to be faithful as I pray for those whom you have placed on my
heart and those in this city where you have placed us. Help me Lord never to give up on them.”
I went away from that Growth Group meeting a stronger person in God. I left there with a heavy
burden to carry, but with renewed strength knowing God was going to be with me every time I
prayed for these lost souls. Yes, it would be easy to give up on some of the people I pray for
because I think it would be a miracle to see them just come to church; but get saved as well-no
way! I then was reminded that with God all things are possible. He died for those lost souls just
like He died for me. May I never stop believing that will come to Christ, and I pray I will never
lose the burden until that happens!
Our pastor, Bro. Bobby and his wife, Susan are
on vacation in NC for two weeks. We wish him
a safe and enjoyable time. We want him to come
back rested and ready to lead his flock forward.
Bro. Cook filled our pulpit June 24th. Bro
Luthy was with us July 1st. Thank you Keith
Hensley for filling in on Sunday nights. He did
a great job in our pastor's absence.
We celebrated Mothers' day with a single red
rose being given to each mother and beautiful
hanging baskets for our special moms, the oldest and youngest. Our oldest mom is Juanita
Bowers and our youngest being the mother of
Scarlet and Levi, our miracle babies we told you
about in the last news letter.
We couldn't forget our fathers on their special
day. The oldest, Nathan Hatton was given special recognition and all the fathers were given a
pan of goodies provided by the ladies of the
church. Remember that old saying, the way to a
man's heart-----!
We had four teens graduate high school this
year. We honored them with lunch being served.
It was decorated in each of their school colors
and special cakes were made and decorated for
each. Congratulations Jerry, Jacob, Mikel, and
Presley. May God bless your future.
We are at work on a pictorial directory for our
church through Lifetouch Studios. We are looking forward to the finished product. It will be a
handy tool to connect faces with names and
especially for new people coming to the church
as well as a keepsake of memories in the future.
We are planning our annual church picnic.
We'll have it at the home of the Parkers this
year. There will be plenty of room for games
and the pool is open. prepare your favorite dish
and come to have lots of food and fun. The date
is not yet set but will be late Aug.-early Sept.
Bobby Courtney, Pastor
Mona Parker, Reporter
Ecclesiastes 11:1 tells us “Cast thy bread upon
the waters,” and the church in Shelby has been
trying to take that to heart this summer. In May,
the Masters Men group held a special service to
collect boys and men’s’clothing for the Shelby
Help Line – items that are desperately needed in
the community. Bro. Paul Staton preached for
them, and they collected a large donation of
clothing while getting the chance to enjoy fellowship with each other. There were several
people from other churches as well that came
and donated. In June, the church helped out the
Richland Pregnancy Center by filling 35 baby
bottles with money. The goal was to raise
money for the Center to help convince pregnant
women to have their babies instead of aborting
them. Church members ended up donating over
$650 to help in this important cause.
The church also hosted another blood drive,
collecting 14 pints for the Red Cross. Later this
summer, we will be joining again with area
churches to provide free lunches to the children
of Shelby.
Also in June, the annual church picnic was
held the last Sunday of the month. This was followed by a week of Youth Camp in Oak Harbor.
25 youth from the Shelby Church attended, and
several youth gave their lives to Christ!
Looking forward to the rest of the year and the
blessings God has in store. Happy Summer!
Herman Copley, Pastor
Heather Brown, Reporter
“This is the day which The Lord hath made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms
We are pleased to say that Pastor Curtis Booth
Don & Dottie Hix
Ohio Home Missionaries to
London, Ohio
Hello again from Redeemer Mission. We’ve just
finished the State meeting and getting ready for the
National Convention, what an exciting time. I
always enjoy seeing those that we can’t get to see
any other time.
We’ve had an exciting and challenging time at Redeemer in the last two months.
Brother Kevin Bass the youth pastor from Heritage Free Will Baptist Church in
Columbus have been a blessing. They came and helped us place door hangers in 1,000
homes in London. While some of them were doing that, some worked at the church
with Jerry and Carolyn Massie. What a great day it was to enjoy such a wonderful
group of young people.
We were also blessed on a Sunday evening with Ashley Hall, a young lady from the
Woodstock FWB Church coming and singing for us. Our church enjoyed her and her
family being with us. We pray that God will use her in His service for many years.
I am thankful for the way God has been blessing our services. It doesn’t matter what
we may do, if He doesn’t put His approval on it, it is empty.
We ask that you pray with us as we still need just a few more people to become selfsupporting. It is our desire that we become a church that can give back to the work of
the Lord. God has blessed us with people who have been faithful to support us and we
long to be able to send money to help others.
There is much I would like to say, but I need to leave room for others to tell of God’s
blessings. So I will just say “Thank you” again for all of your prayers and support
since Dottie and I have been at Redeemer. Please keep praying for us and we will pray
for all of our churches.
Don and Dottie Hix
is doing much better since our last report. The
church celebrated his 75th birthday June 24th
with a potluck lunch following the morning
We are praising the Lord for Greg Waller and
Danny Ferguson for obeying the Lord and stepping out on faith and receiving the gift of God.
Keep them in your prayers.
Congratulations to our graduates Jessica
Hawkins, Taelor Mays and Mark Price. The
ladies auxiliary honored them with refreshments after the evening service on June 10th.
We are looking forward to VBS, July 16-20th.
We are expecting a joyful time in the Lord!
Remember the families of Clifford Waller,
James and Rhonda Mounts, Dencil and Karen
Cochran, Gladys Moore and Ray McLaughlin
who have lost family members recently.
Continue to pray for the lost that they will be
saved before it’s too late.
Curtis Booth, Pastor
Bonnie Justice, Reporter
Greetings from Sciotodale!
We have so much to praise Him for! This
quarter we celebrated the completion of our E100 series. Church members taking the challenge completed 100 scripture readings in 100
days. A small ceremony after church was held
reaffirming what reading and growing from
God’s Word meant to us.
Graduates were honored May 20th. Jamie
Crowder, Miranda Smith, Chris Allen, Nicholas
Wise, Nate Caudill and Steve Harrison were
recognized. We are proud of our graduates and
their achievements! In the p.m. service May
20th we were pleased to hear Brother Chris
Allen preach.
May 27th we commissioned our church mis-
sionary group to Erie, Pennsylvania to Flagship
FWB to help spread God’s Word and open the
church. Our missionaries helped during a community celebration by working the church’s
booth, passing out church literature and doing
outreach in Erie.
June 10th Rev. Edwin Hayes, Executive
Secretary of the Ohio State Association of Free
Will Baptists, was with us to preach. We appreciate Bro. Hayes’ efforts throughout the state
and his ministry!
June 19th the singing group Rejoice from the
FWB Bible College was present singing and
sharing God’s message through song. Praise
God for these students and their commitment to
doing the Lord’s work!
June 30th WAC had their annual ice cream
social at Frank and Mona Jo Nichols’ residence.
A day of fun and fellowship was shared by all
We will kick off next quarter with VBS with
the theme “Adventure Island.” Until next time,
God bless!
Aaron Reed, Pastor
Dave Swingle, Reporter
Greetings from Germany Hollow. We hope
you are staying cool during this excessive heat
wave we are having here in Ohio.
Since we last have written to you, we have had
some pretty good services. Mother's Day service, we honored our mothers and each received
a little token of our love and gratitude towards
them. The ladies had a Mother Daughter
Banquet at South Webster High School cafeteria. The dinner was catered and they had a special speaker, and it was a lovely afternoon for
Father's Day Sunday we honored our fathers
with a small token of our appreciation and love.
We are so proud and honored to have so many
good hard working men and fathers in our
church. They are the rock and firm foundation
of a good family home. Bible school was held
this year for the first time in several years. The
kids had a great time and learned a lot about
God. They enjoyed the visits from the "snappy
the alligator". Teachers were Tomeka Crall,
Towanna Farrell, Sarah Jones, Kiya Crall.
Helpers Tim and Bonnie Jones and Charity
Smith. Pray for all the ones vacationing this
summer to keep them all safe to and from their
Till next time, keep your prayer wheels turning
and your faith fires burning!
Steve Luster, Pastor
Debi Wagner, Reporter
A " Spring Sing" was held in May, this event
was enjoyed very much by everyone who
attended. We thank all who participated in
bringing the Word through song.
The Women Active for Christ hosted a Father
and Son Banquet to honor the men of the church
and their families. Also in June was our homecoming; this year a homecoming revival was
held beginning Friday night and ending Sunday
afternoon. We were uplifted by the preaching of
Jody Mutter, Cory Carroll and Don Hix and
the singing of The Woodstock Trio, Enabling
Grace and Sisters of the Light. Aso a Deacon
Ordination was held for Bro. Leonard Cordell.
It is a blessing to us all that Bro. Leonard
accepted the call for this ministry. Acts 6:3 “Therefore brethren seek out from among you
(seven) men of good reputation, full of the Holy
Spirit and wisdom who we may appoint over
this business.”
Russell Street, Pastor
Esther Orahood, Report
Hello and God Bless from Faith FWB Church.
On Saturday May 5th, our church had its annual Mother, Daughter, and Friend Banquet. What
a blessing it is to get all our mothers, daughters
and friends together for a time of Christian fellowship.
On May 6th, Bro. Leslie McMahan preached
in our evening services. May 6- 11th. Our pastor, Rev. Lester McMahan, preached revival
services at Cleveland FWB Church. May 27June 1st, Rev. Freddie Lovell preached revival
services here at Faith FWB Church. Souls were
saved and Christians came desiring a closer
walk with the Lord. The Lord blessed in a
mighty way during our revival.
Our church is averaging a weekly attendance
of 69 people or more each week. Praise the
Lord…our church is growing!
June 6th, Rev. Dale Channels preached to us
the inspired word of God. June 8th and 9th, our
church had rummage sale. Sunday, June 10th,
Bro. Leslie McMahan preached our morning
and evening services.
On June 17th Father’s Day, after our evening
services, our church had a Big Spoon Sunday
Ice Cream Social in honor of our fathers. On
Saturday evening June 23rd, our church sponsored a Youth Benefit Singing featuring The
Sword Family and our own youth singing. The
funds raised from this benefit will pay for summer activities for our youth here at Faith.
As always, please keep our church, our pastor,
Rev. Lester McMahan and clergy Rev. Bill
Alford in your prayers that we may always be
found doing God’s will. May God bless and
keep you until we meet again.
Lester McMahan, Pastor
Debra LaCourse, Reporter
July 15-18
September 26-28
National Association of Free Will Baptists meeting in Memphis, TN
Randall House Publications D6 Conference meeting in Frisco, TX
South Central
Youth Camp
June 9-14, 2013
Coming Events
For Ohio Free Will Baptists
Central Ohio
August 11
September 9-12
Trinity Conference
Franklin Conference Revival meeting at Westerville, Paul Etterling, Pastor
Northern Ohio
July 14
August 4
August 18
Cuyahoga-Lorian Conference meeting at Good Hope, 10 AM, Jason Keith, Pastor
North & Western Conference meeting at McGuffey, 9:30 AM, David Trusty, Pastor
Northern Ohio Conference meeting at Carey, 10 AM, Brent Lane, Pastor
Southern Ohio
July 14
July 28
August 1-5
August 4
August 11
August 11
August 18
August 27
Southern Ohio Conference meeting at Eifort, 9:30 AM
Jackson Conference, 9:30 AM
Bethesda Chapel, Revival with Edwin Hayes, Dan King, Pastor
Lawrence Conference meeting at Pleasant Valley, 10 AM
South-Central Conference meeting at Faith-Logan, 9:30 AM, Tony Vanover, Pastor
Pine Creek Conference meeting at Bloom, 10 AM, Kenny Klaiber, Pastor
Porter Conference meeting at Wakefield, Lowell King, Pastor 10 AM
Coalton, Regional Men’s Meeting, 7 PM, Tim Simpson, Pastor
For ages 13 to 19
The fees are
$65.00 per person
If two members of the same
family come, the second
person pays $55.00.
If anyone has a question, they
can contact
Mitch Salyers at
740 772 5768.
Western Ohio
July 14
Our Ministries!
Tri-State Conference meeting at Friendship FWB, 10 AM, Kevin Bice, Pastor
Cathy Crawford Newsletter
Your help is very much needed. I am looking for 6 people who will come to France for 10 days to pray. When I think of the town where I live, I am reminded of
Jericho that was surrounded by walls. A french version of the Bible actually says that the people of Jericho were barricaded behind the doors of the walls because of
their fear of the Israelites. They were paralyzed by fear. The people where I live are also paralyzed by fear: fear of change, fear of the unknown and fear imposed by
the Catholic church.
The spiritual walls of darkness surrounding this town are very high and very thick. How can such a fortress be penetrated? Only by prayer and God's word. The
word is going out on a regular basis, and people are praying. But somehow, we need a major breakthrough. Would you like to be a part of that breakthrough? Would
you be willing to come here for 10 days? For 6 days we will literally walk around the whole town and pray as we're walking. On the 7th day we will shout out God's victory by putting tracts in
over 1400 mailboxes.
Do you believe the Holy Spirit can crack the walls and cause them to fall? I do. Will you come over and help us? Maybe you have thought at different times of going to visit a mission field.
Now is your chance.
Who can come? Here are the prerequisites:
Couples and singles
Good relationship with the Lord
Believe that prayer changes things
Learner attitude
Servant's heart
Relatively good health and be able to walk for 2 hours a day without sitting down
Able to leave the States between the 5th and the 8th of September (These dates are flexible.)
Able to stay 10 days
Have a passport or can procure one
Not have to follow a restricted diet
Be able to pay your own way
Advantages in coming:
See the fields "white already to harvest"
Experience another culture
Meet french people and encourage them
See the work you have supported
Encourage missionaries
Make a difference
Visit Paris
If you have an interest in coming (even if you don't know if it could be possible) please contact me as soon as you can at: [email protected]
Thanks so much for your prayers.
May-June 2012
Greetings everyone.
The mothers enjoyed a special day on May
13th. Hanging baskets of flowers were passed
out to the youngest mother, the oldest mother
and the mother with the most family present.
Each of the other mothers received a potted
June 24th we had a Father’s Day dinner and
our Sunday School picnic. Bro. Mark Adkins
preached in the morning service from Isaiah 55.
Special singing was by Mike and Gladys
Wyatt. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal
out in the fellowship building. In the afternoon
service we had special singing by: Bro. Allen
Simpson, Bro. and Sis. Wyatt and Sis. Shelby
We want to thank Bro. Steven Blagg and Bro.
Allen Simpson for filling in while our pastor
was on vacation. Other visiting preachers were
Bro. Bill Zinn, Bro. Howard Hubbard and
Bro. Tim Updike. We’re thankful for everyone
that came to fellowship. We love each one.
Until next time, may God bless you all.
Danny Boggs, Pastor
Sandy Clark, Reporter
May and June are always very busy months at
Canaan. There is always a flurry of activity
related to Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, honoring
graduates and wrapping up the Wednesday
night AWANA Program for the school year. In
addition, we were privileged to enjoy a Sunday
morning message by Pastor Sonny Thomas
from North Carolina.
Our Youth Group, "The Crew", went on a
short term Mission Trip to Joplin, Missouri.
These wonderful young people and their leaders
wanted to be part of the effort to help restore
Joplin after the devastating tornadoes ravaged
the city in May 2011. Their time in Joplin
began with Sunday morning services at the
Generations FWB Church. These dear folks are
meeting in a "store front" currently because
their building was destroyed by the tornado.
During the week, "The Crew" was split into two
teams and was privileged to work on the homes
of two different Christian families impacted by
the storm.
Three of dear church members graduated to
Glory since our last letter. We mourn with these
three dear families but also rejoice that we have
the promise that we will see them again. Pastor
McComas shared " of these men actually
died 44 years ago! That's right, in 1968 he was
in a horrible car accident and was pronounced
"dead on a arrival" at the hospital by his own
doctor. Miraculously , he revived a short time
later, completely recovered, got right with God,
and is in heaven today! Ernest got a "second
chance" - one that you and I are not guaranteed
to get."
James R. McComas, Pastor
Lisa R. Justice, Reporter
Note the deadlines for
future issues of the
Ambassador is Noon on
the first day of the
The deadline for the
Sept./Oct. issue is
Noon, September 1st.
National Association of
Free Will Baptists
July 15-18
Memphis Cook
Convention Center
Services will begin
Sunday morning, July 15,
with Sunday School at
10:00 a.m. CDT,
followed by Morning
Worship at 11:00.
Memphis, Tennessee
Evening services begin at
7:00 p.m.
Sunday through
Wednesday night.