worship services


worship services
9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
EARLY CHILDHOOD Care/Classes: 9:00 and
CHILDREN’S CHURCH: (K-5th Grade): 10:30,
10:30, 1st FL, SW
(K-5th Grade): 9:00, 2nd FL, NW
We have come together
to encourage and experience
Changing Lives in Christ
as we
Glorify God’s Name in Worship
Relate to God’s Family in Fellowship
Apply God’s Word in Discipleship
Contribute to God’s Work in Service
Express God’s Message in Evangelism
If you are a guest, or if you have made a
decision about your spiritual life, or if you
have a special need or prayer request,
please fill in a Connection Card found in
the chair pocket, and drop it in one of the
boxes on the sanctuary south wall.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
2nd FL, NW
December 11, 2011
Changing Lives In Christ Forever
A Great Way to Connect and Grow
9:00 a.m.
 BIBLE SURVEY: led by Bob Mitchell
in Room 1&2
10:30 a.m.
Benston in Room 1&2
Each of these classes are designed for
September through May. There may be other
short term classes offered throughout the year.
Let us know if you have
requests and suggestions!
Joel Giles: Senior Pastor
Eric Tober: Associate Pastor
Kyle Isabelli: Youth Pastor
Tim Johnson: Children’s Ministries Director
Becky Miller: Worship Service Coordinator
Anne Schultz: Administrative Assistant
Tim Farrell: Operations Manager
Want to get more out of
life in 2012? Join or start a
LIFE Group! 8 to 12
friends meet about once a
week for spiritual growth,
encouragement, and
prayer. Sign up via
Connection Center or
Card, or see Pastor Tober
for ideas and info.
Last Week (12/04/11)
Year to Date (since 9/01/11)
General Goal
$ 14,931
$ 209,034
$ 22,544
$ 185,916
Your financial support is a vital part of us pursuing the mission to which the Lord has called us as a
church family. As we come to the end of this calendar year, your ongoing participation will help us to
catch up and finish strong. Thank you for your faithful giving! Offerings are received in the boxes
near the doors. Envelopes are also available on the side of the offering boxes for your convenience.
Today’s Counters: Brad Smith and Gary Wells
Calvary Bible Church
2587 E. Armour Rd. Bourbonnais, IL 60914
Phone: 815-932-8733
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.calvarybibleefree.com
Family Film Night
on December 28th, at 6:30pm
Marriage 101 DVD
is available
for your home study.
See Pastor Tober or call
the office to borrow
this highly acclaimed
If you would like a weekly update, please send your e-mail address to
Pastor Kyle. @ [email protected]
“180” Jr. High Meets on
Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m.
“Thirst” Sr High meets
on Sundays from 6-8 pm.
Sunday, December 18th
Adult Concert & Morning Services
“The Secret of the Gifts” at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Saturday, December 24th
Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 25th at 10:30 a.m.
(no SS, CC or ABF: Early Childhood will be provided as usual)
Sunday, January 1st at 10:30 a.m.
(no SS, CC or ABF: Early Childhood will be provided as usual)
Winter Retreat to Phantom Ranch Bible Camp
180: January 20th-22nd
Thirst: January 27th-29th
Cost: $120.00
PARENTS: There are NEW booklets containing the specific
details for winter retreat. If you haven’t received one, stop
by the Connection Center and pick one up today!
For anyone who would like to cut the cost for students of winter retreat
through donations, either make a note on your offering envelope
stating “Winter Retreat Fund” or see Pastor Kyle.
Thanks for your generosity!
Men’s Pick-Up Basketball
December 14:
'Christmas Hat' day
SuperStore is open
Open Gym @ Kankakee Trinity Academy’s Building:
1580 Butterfield Trail, Kankakee
Every Saturday in January and February from 7-9pm
Questions??? Contact Pastor Eric or Pastor Kyle 815.932.8733
Wednesdays from 6-7:30 pm
Last club of 2011
January 11:
AWANA resumes with
'bring a friend' night
Save the Date!
is a vital part of church life as we welcome regular attenders each week and especially as we
help newcomers to feel at home. Pastors Joel
and Eric will be planning a brief orientation time
in the near future. If you might be interested in
serving as a Greeter or Usher, please let us
know via a Connection Card.
Please help us spruce up
God’s house!
(great LIFE group or family project)
All Church Work Day
Saturday, December 17th
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Friday, January 20, 2012, Date
Night 2012 with Kevin Leman.
Sponsored by Marriage, Inc.
this enjoyable evening is a
“must” for your new year.
Nationally known author and
speaker Dr. Leman will help
couples put some fun in their relationship as they learn to love their differences.
You will laugh and learn together as he offers fresh approaches to understanding
your spouse. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Connection Center.